Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 9326

Admin - Stories with "Rare" Races and Time Periods Posted by Marta July 29, 2008 - 0:13:19 Topic ID# 9326
Hey guys,

Last week has been a bit crazy, so the weekly "admin" post from last
week never got made. Never fear, I will have another educational post
later this week. Thanks for everyone's patience!

This week I'd like to focus on stories that are about "rare" races and
time periods. In fandom, some source material  races and time periods 
attract a lot of attention, both from writers and from readers. There
will be posts devoted to some of those later on in the year. But there
are also those corners of canon that seem to be a bit off the
well-beaten past. And I know some of you enjoy reading such stories, so
I'd like to draw your attention to them.

For the list of pieces in this announcement I've used an author's main
category selection. Each author selects three category choices, only one
of which it can be placed in; but the author has still described it as
being suitable for three category choices, even if it isn't placed
there. So if an author selected one of the "race" categories Dwarves,
Other Beings, or Villains it will be on this list. And ditto if the
author selected one of the "times" categories Second Age, Early Third
Age, Modern Times, or Multi-Age.

Finding stories that selected a certain main category is pretty
straightforward. To do this:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Stories" link at the top of the page.
3. Click the "Show Filter" link.
4. Click the "Clear All Filters" button if you've used the filter before
this session.
5. Select the genre, race, or time period you would like from the
"Genre, Race, Time" filter (sixth from the bottom).
6. Click the "Display selected nominations" button.

This will pull up all of the nominated pieces that selected your main
category as a first-, second-, or third-choice category, even if they
didn't end up categorized in that main category.


Here are the stories competing in this year's competition whose author
selected one of the above categories to describe their piece.

+++ Stories involving "rare" races +++
(Races: Dwarves, Races: Other Beings, Races: Villains)

--- Adaneth: (63) Loudwater; (339) Trading Pledges
--- annmarwalk: (40) The Wedding Gift
--- Aranel Took: (468) Hammer; (533) Home
--- Dawn Felagund: (140) Journeys of Vasa
--- draylon: (626) Captain of Mordor
--- EdorasLass: (9) As the Tide by the Moon; (70) Of Old It Was Not Darksome
--- eiranae: (312) The Dwarves Treasure
--- Elena Tiriel: (208) Renewal
--- Eyborg: (504) Tonight We Are Alive
--- fantasyfan: (642) Dispelling the Fog
--- Fiondil: (3) Wars of the Valar); (56) DISGUISE: Emissaries; (415)
BRIDGE: Pa Valaraucar ar Namier
--- Gandalfs Apprentice: (242) Incarnation; (243) Bears With Honey
--- Gloria Mundi: (594) Gifts
--- Ignoble Bard: (42) The Making of Werewolves; (342) Sunset Gates
--- Imhiriel: (114) Flame of Life; (286) Cold Be Hand and Heart and
Bone; (354) O Kheled-zaram fair and wonderful!; (366) Moved to Pity
--- Larner: (59) The Lost Restored; (62) I Stand No Longer Alone; (394)
Jewels of Light
--- Maeve Riannon: (403) A Fair Trial
--- Makamu: (585) Dark Light
--- Mariole: (240) Wormtongue
--- Marta: (99) Kementari; (651) Old Friends
--- mrkinch: (603) Black Memory
--- Nancy Brooke: (287) The Waker
--- Nath: (314) Old Man Willow; (577) Tower of the Moon
--- Nieriel Raina: (553) As Was Dwarven Tradition
--- Oshun: (530) Aule the Smith
--- pandemonium_213: (52) The Apprentice; (54) Broken Star; (58) Cat's Paws
--- Pearl Took: (137) Meant to Be; (304) Faeries; (388) Seven Sisters
--- Perelleth: (168) Sing My Worth Immortal
--- Phyncke: (564) Yrch Song
--- Primsong: (677) Bombur's Diet
--- Princess Artemis: (416) Temptation
--- Raksha the Demon: (294) Reflections in the Smoke
--- rhyselle: (501) The Search
--- shirebound: (121) Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree
--- Soledad: (103) The Vault of the Dead
--- Tanaqui: (439) Saruman of Many Colors; (442) Dreamscape; (443) No
Mercy; (444) Charge!; (447) Expert Treasure Hunter; (448) Orc Dreams;
(449) The Lowest Circle
--- The Lauderdale: (575) The Captain's Mare
--- viv: (180) Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast?

+++ Stories involving "rare" time periods +++
(Times: Second Age, Times: Early Third Age, Times: Multi-Age, Times:
Modern Times)

--- Alassiel: (502) Tales of the Eldandili
--- Altariel: (108) Wizards' Pupils
--- annmarwalk: (40) The Wedding Gift; (94) Call of the Wild
--- Aranel Took: (469) Shire
--- Aratlithiel: (457) On Hobbits
--- Aruthir: (338) Portrait of a Queen
--- Baranduin: (201 National Treasure
--- Bodkin: (170) Dragons in the Trollshaws; (190) A Darkness Lies
Behind Us; (310) Long Memories
--- Branwyn (Lady Branwyn): (33) Wave-Singer; (726) No Man's Land; (723)
Terra Incognita
--- brindlemom2: (184) Choices; (233) Coming Home
--- chaotic_binky: (363) Summer Heat; (364) Painting a Golden Light
--- Dawn Felagund: (125) For What I Wait
--- Dreamflower: (532) The Myth of the One Ring's Power
--- Dwimordene: (105) Faithful; (274) The Edge of the Knife
--- EdorasLass: (71) Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim
--- Elen Kortirion: (515) Diamonds For Forever I, II & III; (516)
Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI
--- Elena Tiriel: (64) Unwilling
--- Elitihien: (486) U elye, Ar-Pharazon
--- Ellie: (484) The Dark of Night
--- Erviniae: (538) The Wrong Path
--- Fiondil: (8) The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor; (11) PROPHECY:
Changing the Future; (55) WAR: A Promise Before Dying; (56) DISGUISE:
Emissaries; (57) WOUNDS: Invisible Scars; (451) MAGIC: The Password;
(545) FAULT: The Doctor Is In
--- Gandalfs Apprentice: (85) Another Prometheus
--- Garnet Took: (410) The Road Trip
--- Gloria Mundi: (593) Into the Woods
--- Gwynnyd: (362) Feelings of Superiority
--- Ignoble Bard: (342) Sunset Gates
--- Imhiriel: (114) Flame of Life; (285) Deliverance; (286) Cold Be Hand
and Heart and Bone; (354) O Kheled-zaram fair and wonderful!; (355)
Return of the King; (367) Taking Roots; (374) A Meeting in the Tower Hills
--- Isil Elensar: (467) The Consuming Darkness
--- Jael: (86) King Stag; (87) Nightfall; (178) The Houseless; (205) Out
of the Blue; (348) Elflings
--- Jay of Lasgalen: (700) The Librarian
--- Jules14: (346) The Search for Middle-earth
--- Keiliss: (251) Spaces in the Heart
--- LA Knight: (513) Wife of the Thain
--- Lady Bluejay: (159) Tides of Destiny  Part One: Choices
--- Larner: (1) The Craft of the Elven Smith; (645) The Ring That Sauron
--- Lord Branwyn: (724) Two Prisoners
--- Marta: (475) Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name&; (624) Pride and
Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son
--- Meril: (390) Flickers
--- Nath: (577) Tower of the Moon
--- NeumeIndil: (382) The Rescue of Celebrian
--- Nieriel Raina: (332) Fulfilling Oaths; (560) The Stranger; (707) The
Water's Song; (708) Whatever Harm Encroached
--- Oshun: (371) My Shining Stars; (530) Aule the Smith
--- pandemonium_213: (50) Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus;
(51) Trinity; (52) The Apprentice; (54) Broken Star; (58) Cat's Paws;
(213) Moon of the Sea; (665) Risk Assessment
--- Pearl Took: (230) A Day in Time
--- PipMer: (526) Birthday Double Drabble
--- Princess Artemis: (413) Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action
--- Radbooks: (275) A Little Misunderstanding
--- Raksha the Demon: (46) Undivided; (61) The Blessing of the Waters
--- Rhapsody: (81) Duty, Honour, Country
--- Robinka: (398) Maglor's Song
--- Roh Wyn: (277) Arvedui v. Pelendur
--- Savageseraph: (584) The Strength of Men
--- Sivan Shemesh: (510) Eldarion
--- stefaniab: (431) Writer's Bloke
--- Tanaqui: (271) Lost Love; (279) Celevon a Mallen; (328) Wild Swan;
(372) Baker's Dozen; (387) Possessing the greatest powers; (406) An
Elf-lord Revealed; (442) Dreamscape; (447) Expert Treasure
--- Tena: (537) Wherever You Go
--- viv: (182) Dawn Twilight; (276) Some Confusion in Accounts
--- weepingnaiad: (494) A Perfect Impression

To find more information about any of these pieces, just do the following:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Stories" link at the top of the web page.
3. Type the Story ID followed by the "#" sign into the search bar, and
click the "Search" button.

For instance, searching for "538#" will bring up story #538, The Wrong
Path by Erviniae.

Pieces featuring dwarves, other beings, and villains, or set in Second
Age, Early Third Age, Modern Age, or more than one age are competing in
the following subcategories.

Genres: Adventure --- General
Genres: Alternate Universe --- General, Angst/Tragedy, Drabbles,
Incomplete, Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
Genres: Drama --- General, Ft. the Noldor, General Drabbles, General
Fixed-Length Ficlets, Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets, Incomplete, Ring War
Genres: Horror --- General
Genres: Humor --- General, Drabbles, Elven Lands, Gondor, Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets, Valar & Maiar
Genres: Longer Works --- General
Genres: Mystery --- General
Genres: Non-Fiction --- General, Character Studies
Genres: Poetry --- General, Drama, Hobbits, Late Third Age
Genres: Romance --- Drabbles, Elven Lands, Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

Races: Cross-Cultural --- General, Elves and Men, Fixed-Length Ficlets,
Races: Dwarves --- General, Drabbles
Races: Elves --- General, Drabbles, Family, House of Elrond, House of
Finwe, Incomplete, Other Fixed-Length Ficlets, With Mirkwood Elves
Races: Men --- General, Drabbles, Gondor Drabbles, Minas Tirith
Races: Other Beings --- General
Races: Villains --- General, Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: First Age and Prior --- General
Times: Fourth Age and Beyond --- General, Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: Late Third Age --- General, General Fixed-Length Ficlets, Gondor
Times: Modern Times --- General
Times: Multi-Age --- General, Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: Second and Early Third Age --- General

Remember: The list of stories and sub-categories listed above are based
on the main categories chosen by the author. If you selected one of the
above categories

Happy reading!

(MEFA Admin.)

P.S. - If you noticed a mistake in this post, please email about it so I
can check whether a mistake has been made and, if necessary, correct my
announcement. You can reach me privately at
mefasupport(.at.)mefawards(.dot.)net. Thanks!

Msg# 9327

Re: Admin - Stories with "Rare" Races and Time Periods Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 29, 2008 - 15:01:37 Topic ID# 9326
Thanks for the gathering of stories that fit these criteria. They certainly
make for interesting reading.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9329

Re: Admin - Stories with "Rare" Races and Time Periods Posted by Marta July 29, 2008 - 19:55:25 Topic ID# 9326
Hi Bonnie,

Glad I could help! I hope you find some new stories to enjoy.


P.S. - Tanaqui is very helpful in coming up with these lists of stories.
She writes a database query that gives me a spreadsheet with the pieces,
that makes it much easier to write up these posts than it would be

Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> Thanks for the gathering of stories that fit these criteria. They certainly
> make for interesting reading.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.