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Msg# 9366

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, August 10, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by annmarwalk August 10, 2008 - 20:22:33 Topic ID# 9366
Title: A Dainty Dish · Author: Linda Hoyland · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 722
Reviewer: balrog · 2008-08-04 21:34:18
I LOVE MUSHROOMS! I use them everytime I can. This was delicous.

Title: Another Country · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 438
Reviewer: balrog · 2008-08-04 21:40:26
Blood is thicker than water. Nice that Boromir forgave his father.
Nicely done.

Title: Taking Roots · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Romance: Drabbles ·
ID: 367
Reviewer: balrog · 2008-08-04 21:42:41
If you want a kingdon then you have to built it yourself. Great work.

Title: Things as they were in all the days of my life · Author:
Tanaqui · Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 393
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-08-04 21:54:26
I greatly enjoyed the first six of these, each is a great example of a
drabble, showing a quick but lasting vision of a finite moment.
However, I was sorry when Hurin left the scene. I think his
perspective on Denethor's changes would have been really interesting
and potentially poignant.

Title: One Summer Day · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Gondor ·
ID: 535
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-08-05 00:03:23
This suite of fics was lovely. Each one is a pefect little vignette,
but then they flow so easily and yet unexpectedly from one another,
and then come full circle neatly and seemingly without effort. And,
being a Marylander, I have a soft spot for steamed crabs!

Title: Sun · Author: Claudia · Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and
Faramir · ID: 223
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-08-05 00:08:33
It's amazing to me how so much hope can be packed into such a small
space. There are a wealth of emotions gathered together in this story,
and they all feel true and earned. First we find Frodo, perched
precariously on stone, which is so appropriate given the crossroads he
will face over the next few years as a Ring-bearer who doesn't really
belong in Middle-earth anymore. Then there's Faramir, who has eyes
only for the desolation and whose wounds are still near enough that
remembrance is painful. All of this is portrayed in vivid, vibrant
detail with only a few well-chosen words. But the real clencher is
Frodo's response, acknowledging that even though Minas Tirith might
never be the same again, at least [it will be]. Fantastic line that
wraps up all the hope and all the change and all the sorrow that
pervades the whole of Tolkien's work. The closing lines where Faramir
and Frodo can both laugh and smile in the sunlight strikes the perfect
tone on which to the end such a hopeful little story. Brilliant vignette!

Title: Put Aside Your Doubt · Author: sophinisba solis · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir · ID: 187
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-08-05 00:09:10
I'm a big fan of Faramir so it's always a treat to see him with Frodo
in these stories (who serves as a great foil), but my favorite
character in this particular instance was actually Boromir. I salute
any author who can portray both sides of the man in the same story and
in such a small stretch of time. We saw Boromir as he truly was in the
beginning: a brave captain of Gondor who wasn't too proud to make
friends of legends and myths. And through Frodo's dream, we saw how
the Ring had taken this good, honorable man and twisted him
practically beyond recognition. It made for a wonderfully complex
character, and although I very much enjoyed the rest of the story,
Boromir's appearance was what impacted me the most. Excellent
characterization work!

Title: Concerning Walls · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 112
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-08-05 00:10:01
This story feels very quiet to me. It's kind of like the hushed calm
after a storm, which is very appropriate given its timing. I love the
things that Frodo and Faramir found to talk about. The conversation
ranges all over, covering the construction of hobbit holes to the
confrontation between the Nazgul and Faramir and Boromir at Osgiliath.
The dialog never stays on one topic for very long but rather moves
quickly and fluidly, giving this piece a lighter feel that is
perfectly balanced by the end memories of the Black Riders, which is
the one thing that both Faramir and Frodo can remember together.
That's a sobering thought, actually, and though the piece is
heartwarming, realizations like that are what give it a touch of the
sadness and longing that pervades most of Tolkien's writings. Finally,
I have to compliment Larner on the style of this piece, which is very
reminiscent of Tolkien himself from both the Faramir's standpoint and
Frodo's. All in all, excellent story!

Title: Of First Impressions and Old Friends · Author: Dreamflower ·
Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir · ID: 146
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-08-05 00:10:36
I love this convergence of shared memories! It's great to see the same
situation from different angles as Faramir remembers and as Frodo
remembers Boromir remembering. It's a nice bit of light-heartedness in
the midst of the Ithilien tension, but the best part was seeing
Gandalf again, especially since both Faramir and Frodo thought him
dead at the time.

Title: Many Branches · Author: Baranduin · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 420
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-08-05 00:11:16
This is just what I might expect from a conversation between Faramir
and Frodo, especially after Pippin and Merry have had a chance to
educate the Steward regarding family history! Very light-hearted,
though it does touch on darker matters, and I can feel the summer of
Minas Tirith as Frodo and Faramir both stretch out against the wall.
Great descriptions!

Title: The World Is Changing · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Late Third
Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 719
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-05 04:08:28
Oh, indeed, the world has changed, and nothing is as it was. Love this
look at the twin sons of Elrond and Celebrian looking out at the
entrance to the vale of Rivendell and knowing their brother will not
come home there any more. Sad and poignant, and a sign their mission
has been accomplished--for the moment at least.

Title: Generations · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
· ID: 508
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2008-08-05 04:16:06
This story popped up as "why not review now?" and it sounded quite
interesting, so I clicked. So glad I did! The story glitters with
Bodkin's easy way with dialogue, capturing the characters through
speech and gesture. Eldarion and Aragorn, like fathers and sons
everywhere, are having some trouble understanding each other.

I particularly liked the image of the King of Gondor sprawled in his
chair, smoking a pipe, and looking much more at home than he did on
his throne. Very Aragorn-like!

Title: Tower of the Moon · Author: Nath · Times: Multi-Age · ID: 577
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-05 04:17:05
In four emotion-laden vignettes we see the construction, beauty,
corruption, and destruction of Isildur's own city, and the thoughts of
the two kings who ruled its beginning and ending. Descriptions are
necessarily brief yet still powerful; the images enduring. And indeed
what will come of the legacy left by this last King of the Eldar days?

Lovely, evocative tale.

Title: Before You Go · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Men: Minas Tirith
· ID: 506
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-05 04:31:22
An emotional encounter between Denethor and Boromir, told from the
father's point of view, ere Boromir begins the quest for Imladris,
seeking the truth behind the dream he's shared with his younger
brother. This is not movie-Denethor, but one who foresees he will lose
this son he so loves to what may prove a vain search. A tale as
shadowed as the board that hosts it, yet still with a ray of hope
lighting it.

Title: Kementari · Author: Marta · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 99
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-08-05 04:42:38
This ficlet is heartbreaking. Yavanna is probably my favorite Vala.
Marta beautifully illustrates her grief after the destruction of the
Two Trees and her conundrum? Should she obey her persistent urge to
create more beauty now that her greatest creations are gone. Or should
she stay by the waters in grief, knowing that the only "speaking
people" bidden to her are the slow tree-herders, whom she knows will
someday die of ennui? So sad.

Title: Dark Dreams · Author: Avon · Races: Men: Steward's Family · ID: 282
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-08-05 04:43:30
"Dark Dreams" centers upon youthful Faramir's very first drowning of
Numenor nightmare. This well known dream sequence serves author Avon
as a jumping off place to explore the affect of dreams to Imrahil and
his Southern Dunedain/Elven family. The result is an atmospheric
exploration of childhood and myth, from the viewpoint of the Prince of
Dol Amroth, one of my personal favorite Tolkien characters.

Title: Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI · Author: Elen Kortirion ·
Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 516
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-08-05 05:45:41
Elen Kortirion writes four drabbles on the theme of hearts, real and
in cards, used by the House of Elrond. Excellent writing here; I found
that the second, Celebrian's desperation and despair, tore at my own
heart the most, but they are all a must-read for drabblers and
connoisseurs of good Elf-fanfiction alike.

Title: A Sea Visit · Author: Elen Kortirion · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 96
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-08-05 05:54:01
A lovely drabble, whimsical and slightly sexy (Aragorn wading in the
ocean, apparently not wearing much); I loved the surprise at the end.
I don't think I've ever seen an Aragorn piece quite like this, and
it's a great little read. Nice to see that some Elves have a sense of
humor, along with their mysterious friend.

Title: The Consuming Darkness · Author: Isil Elensar · Genres: Drama ·
ID: 467
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-08-05 06:03:31
Sad and poignant account of the last hours of the last Queen of
Numenor - Isil Elensar knows how to wring the heartstrings of the reader.

Title: Painting a Golden Light · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 364
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-05 06:08:53
First off--I don't like slash particularly and usually just skip such
works. I didn't bother looking at the intro to this one, so just read
it, and found myself intrigued in spite of the relationship between
Mr. Fin and Captain Erestor. The idea that Sauron was behind the shell
shock Erestor was suffering and that Glorfindel's Light could best it
was wonderful, and loved the identity of Dorothy Nerwen--and the
choice of name.

Interesting juxtaposition of ME and our history. And love how Tolkien
was inspired, and the last letter begun. That was so delightfully funny.

Title: Choosing · Author: docmon · Genres: Drama · ID: 473
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-08-05 06:14:48
Three thoughtful vignettes; from the viewpoints of the lords of the
Lonely Mountain, Mirkwood, and Gondor, on who to send to the Council
of Elrond to represent their various lands. Well-written and poignant;
especially since we know that two of these lords and one of their
envoys will not survive the War of the Ring.

Title: Denial · Author: Oshun · Races: Elves: House of Finwe · ID: 80
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-05 06:15:20
Interesting to see this family so early in their history, before the
madness took their father.

Title: For Our Friends · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Drama · ID: 654
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-08-05 06:21:49
A fine and realistic interpretation of Merry's thoughts in the
movieverse moments before the Rohirrim's great charge across the
Pelennor. Excellent progression of Merry's state of mind here, from
physical weariness to fear to rip-roaring death-seeking martial
fervor. We can see how the hobbit untrained to arms is transformed,
while keeping the love he has for his friends.

Title: The Ring That Sauron Forged · Author: Larner · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 645
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-08-05 08:43:32
A delightful verse replay of the history of the One Ring. Larner rolls
it along briskly, never losing the rhythym, gathering steam, and
words, even as she takes the Ring through the years. I love the
ingenious rhymes of cave/brave/grave!

Title: The Nightingale · Author: Maeve Riannon · Times: First Age and
Prior · ID: 404
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-08-05 08:49:26
Maeve tells an interesting story of how difficult it can be to be
different, and how wast the gulfs can be between our expectations and
the reality of things.

I love this image of Melian even if it makes me very sad for her. The
love she feels for Thingol must be strong indeed for her to have given
such a sacrifice as she has.

Beautiful story with a very interesting theory on Maian nature.