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Msg# 9379

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Posted by annmarwalk August 13, 2008 - 20:59:58 Topic ID# 9379
Title: Rivendell International Airport · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 345
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:13:53
Parodies in which the Fellowship are in modern day settings don't
often appeal to me--but this one is hilarious!

Title: A Friend's Hug · Author: Golden · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 142
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:15:16
This is very sweet. I can imagine Arwen offering Pippin comfort by
giving him something to do. The two of them have a lovely interaction
here--she's so gracious.

Title: The Legend of the Grey Riders · Author: Jay of Lasgalen ·
Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 176
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:15:55
This was a fun story. I love the underlying premise: in Middle-earth,
saying something is legend does not mean it is not true. Of course,
the reader realized very quickly who the mysterious Grey Riders
were--but I am glad that it was left more or less a mystery to most.
(Of course, Faramir is very discerning.)

Title: The King's Colors · Author: Dwimordene · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 482
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:16:48
Such a bittersweet AU, this meeting of two who should have known one
another--who did--in canon. We are left to guess what led to this
particular situation, as well as how it would turn out--yet the
important thing is what we see in the characters' interaction: they
are both very much portrayed in line with their noble canon selves.

One can easily believe that this is how such a conversation would have

Title: Meddling · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador ·
ID: 695
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:17:44
How *would* Aragorn's kin among the Dunedain have taken his departure
to Rohan? And who would they blame?

I really like this little encounter in Bree which could easily have
taken place, and not only for the conversation which was the aim of
the story, but all the little things that led up to it beforehand. I
don't think I've ever read a fic in which Gandalf takes a bath before.

Title: A Great Evil Unmade · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 267
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:19:15
This is a marvelous AU, and I truly applaud Linaewen for coming up
with such an elegant and plausible solution to the changes to canon. I
sincerely hope that one day she will grace us with a longer version of
this AU, as I would like to know what happens along the way.

Title: The Prisoner of Time · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 313
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:19:47
This AU is very much in line with the Denethor I've always
imagined--stiff-necked, prideful and unable to admit he could be
wrong. Had he unbent only that little bit, to Gandalf's urging, but
then no more--this would be exactly what would have happened. A very
thoughtful and insightful piece.

Title: Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 286
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:20:39
A very chilling little drabble--I've often wondered about that "last
prince" and how the barrow-wights came to his resting place.

Title: Stewards · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 450
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-10 02:20:56
Gandalf declared himself to be a steward of a far greater portion of
the world than Denethor in his interview with that Man; now he stares
at maps, knowing that the last plays of the game follow, and probably
hoping each piece is in its proper place and willing to follow the set
moves. For the game is nearly over, for good or ill.

Love this look at him reviewing how and where he's collected the
counters and considering how all might well go from this point.

Title: The Blessing · Author: Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors · Genres:
Longer Works · ID: 511
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:22:52
This collaboration by Pearl and Golden is not your usual Pippin
hurt/comfort. In this AU, Pippin is far more seriously damaged by his
encounter with the troll than in canon. Golden's real life occupation
as a physical therapist lends a very intense realism to the
descriptions of Pippin's injuries and disabilties, while Pearl lends
her skill in handling more esoteric matters to the mix.

Unlike the average h/c, there is no easy resolution here. Pippin's
difficulties are painful for him to accept, and even more painful for
his loved ones to witness. There are some very powerful scenes, and
the solutions that are found are realistic. Pearl also created some
excellent OCs who make appearances in this story.

A story that will really make you think!

Title: The Westering Fire · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits · ID: 200
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:23:19
I love this! Rosie is so very well characterized here: strong,
determined, and very much a hobbit. I love the practicality in the
midst of trouble: the felled trees will provide firewood; the message
to the ruffians spared Marigold. And of course, there was her instant
recognition of her Sam, in spite of his unexpected appearance.

And I've always loved that greeting she gave him in canon!

Title: The Ribbon · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Races: Hobbits:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 336
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:23:44
This was a warm and gentle tribute to SurgicalSteel's OC, Serinde.
Gentlehobbit shows Frodo expressing his gratitude for her care. It's
done in a very natural and unforced way, and the moment is a tender one.

Title: Homeward Bound · Author: Werecat · Genres: Alternate Universe ·
ID: 430
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:24:41
I really liked this. In spite of a certain melancholy tone, there was
also a warmth and sweetness to this. And I always enjoy seeing
Radagast in a story.

Title: Healing the Long Cleeve · Author: TopazTook · Genres: Longer
Works · ID: 133
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:27:37
I remember reading this long ago as a WIP. Topaz Took has a unique
take on hobbits and hobbit society, and I found myself engrossed in
the dilemma in which Pippin and Diamond found themselves, and in the
way in which their problems were resolved. It is definitely not your
run of the mill Pippin/Diamond romance. Just when I thought there
would be no solution, Topaz came up with one. And I loved the
gallantry and bravery of her Pippin.

Also, I loved the clever play on words in her chapter titles, as well
as her clever use of character names from the historical lay ["The
Song of Roland"] which will give an alert reader clues as to what will
happen. Since JRRT used Frankish royal names for hobbits, it is also
very appropriate as well.

Title: Too Many Rangers · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits · ID: 116
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:28:40
This is a hilarious concept: Trotter, the wooden-shoe wearing hobbit
Ranger of JRRT's early drafts meets Strider the Ranger, who made the
final cut. As one who has long been fascinated with this early idea,
it was fun to see someone playing with his character.

And it makes one wonder: what do our discarded characters do with
themselves, once we've put them aside?

Very funny, and a good use of HoMe.

Title: An Autumn Fair in Halabor · Author: Soledad · Times: Mid Third
Age · ID: 165
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:29:01
I really enjoy Soledad's stories that are set in her original setting
of Halabor. She has peopled the place with some wonderful OCs, and
given it a solid and plausible history within the context of M-e. This
story is set during an autumn trade fair during a rare visit from some
Elves. Like her previous Halabor stories, this one consists of several
intertwined vignettes about different characters, yet at the end they
all tie together. And it is also filled with solid historical
research. It's a fascinating read!

Title: The Last Summer · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits · ID: 143
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:29:53
We seldom see mention of the other side of Pippin's family--we only
know the last name of Banks. So it's always delightful to see stories
in which that side of the family appear as OCs. In this sweet and
touching story by Golden, we see young Pippin interacting with his
Banks grandfather, who remembers times of long ago. The story is
gentle, slightly sad, but in a way that also makes you smile at the
same time it brings tears.

Title: A Hobbity Wizard · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Childhood ·
ID: 596
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:30:20
The idea of Gandalf entering into little Pippin's imagination, and
going along with his spirit of play is just adorable.

Title: The Misty Month · Author: Le Rouret · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Post-Ring War · ID: 454
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:31:11
I just love Le Rouret's Green Knight universe. Most of such stories
are lengthy and adventurous. This one is a bit different, as Legolas
comes to the aid of a pregnant Eowyn in the wilderness, and acts as a

What I love is the calm assumption that of course any being who has
lived as long as he has would just naturally have had occasion to
attend a birth or two...or three...or more...

It's also clear that the author did a good deal of research into
birthing methods. I really got a kick out of Eowyn in this as well.

And the Green Knight, is as always, very much in character.

Title: The Ring That Sauron Forged · Author: Larner · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 645
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:31:56
Using the structure of the well-known nursery rhyme "This is the House
that Jack Built", Larner builds a marvelous picture of the history of
the One Ring. Using that theme, the rather ordinary child's rhyme is
lifted up into a new and more grave purpose. Very skillfully done! I
especially like the choices she makes to describe Bilbo, Frodo and
Sam; and the ending is poignant.

Title: The King's Surgeon · Author: SurgicalSteel · Genres: Longer
Works · ID: 90
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:32:53
SurgicalSteel's story of Serinde, a surgeon practicing her craft in
Middle-earth during the ending decades of the Third Age and into the
early years of the Fourth Age is an amazing tale. She has created AUs
of this story, but the original, finally finished, is very

I have really enjoyed Serinde and her circle of family and friends,
and hope that I can read much more about her in the AU Timeline.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:34:18
Modern-day AUs are not my usual cup of tea, but this one was exciting
and engaging, holding my attention enough that I read the whole thing
in one sitting. I enjoyed the author's speculations on how it would
have been for those remnants of M-e who had lingered in our world to
the modern day, and I must say that the conclusion was quite
surprising to me.

Title: A Dainty Dish · Author: Linda Hoyland · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 722
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-08-10 02:34:46
A fun little story about cultural assumptions and the differences
between societies. I loved the end result of the discussion in the
first part of the story. The only thing missing was the recipes! I
would have loved to have those!

Title: Engineering · Author: SurgicalSteel · Races: Men: Minas Tirith
· ID: 696
Reviewer: NeumeIndil · 2008-08-10 03:11:28
Oh, the poor darling! And yet, even at 9 or 10, that's *SO* her-
curious and sarcastic and gutsy as all hell. I find myself wondering
if we've just seen the moment when she learned her infamous rhyming
epithet. :D

Title: A Place for Gandalf · Author: Dreamflower · Times: Mid Third
Age: Eriador · ID: 391
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-08-10 06:38:23
What does one do when one finds one cannot stand one's proper heirs?
Well, finding a new, congenial heir might be the start! Plus, when one
is expecting a visit from the Grey Wizard there are special
considerations to be made, and Bilbo is working on those when the
decision to take a new heir was made. But how will Esmeralda and
Saradoc take it--or, worse yet, their son Merry?

A joyful story in which we see another idea as to how Frodo came to
live in Bag End, and in which we rejoice alongside Gandalf for the
friendship of Hobbits!