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Msg# 9418

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, September 4, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by annmarwalk September 04, 2008 - 21:28:32 Topic ID# 9418
Title: Dispelling the Fog · Author: fantasyfan · Races: Other Beings ·
ID: 642
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-05 00:59:40
if i hadn't promised myself that my picks as best in each offering was
going to get a ten review i'd be tempted to quit with a good job.

of all the mean things to do. i started this story hoping for so musch
and i got even then that. you lead us through a very pretty garden and
you show us many wonders of his home and his domain. there are miles
and miles of gorgeous scenery. there are small little details and
snippets of ideas.

this may be one of those cases where a lingust is better employed than
a lawyer. you let the character answer the question. but i have a
feeling that he would be a front running politician if he lived in
this world, except that his anti-establishment attitude would prevent
him from accepting the nomination. and i'm not sure any vetting
commity would give him the nod. he is much too much the maverick that
none can second guess because none are on his brainlink. if we were to
allow the three remaining at tolkiens ending to go back and spend time
i bet you pippin could crack the code of silence with talking that
this character seems to prefect. even better than hiding in plain
sight talk unendingly with no information being exchange,

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW HOW THEY FEEL? just for that your last line
was killer. keep up the hard work and i look foreward to reading you
for years.

Title: The War of Wrath · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Elves: Drabbles ·
ID: 120
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:13:38
Now, this has to be one of the most fantastic drabbles I've ever read,
particularly as it is also a fantastic poem! All hail Ingwion, who led
the forces of the Eldar who came from Aman with the Valar and their
Maiar to array themselves against Morgoth!

The story is superbly told, the images bright and shining as Ingwion's
shield, the rhyming perfect, the scanning properly done.

I think this has just gone to the top of my list of favorite Tanaqui
drabbles! Wonderful!

Title: The Game of Kings · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Humor · ID: 28
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:21:32
Ah, but there is a lot that Barliman Butterbur doesn't know about
certain recurring guests. He doesn't understand the games of Kings
played by two of the Rangers who often come in together? Others seem
interested enough. But to refer to it as [the Game of Kings]--well!

The irony is well worked into the tale, and the manner in which other
guests express their own interest or apply their own names and moves
is well done as well. A nice, different look at how time might well
have been spent by Strider and his companions when in Bree.

Title: Dark Light · Author: Makamu · Races: Villains · ID: 585
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-05 01:21:43
this was a category that i almost gave a pass, unlike poetry i can not
say i was pleasantly surprised by enjoying the works i read. but your
writing style and talent deserve applause also. your subject matter in
my opinion needs sanitizing not because of the slash give me a good
groping session between glorfindel and erestor for example. evil is
bad and in order for good to triumph then evil needs to end, you keep
it alive in a non-remorseful sauron and i hate that idea. i would
never have imagined that i had so much more of frodo in me than sam.
smeagel needs to prevail over gollum and i want sauron to have at
least some hope of finding glorious moments away from that lover of
his. but as i have had to tell 'friends' you called me to give you
shelter when he hurt you, i testified in court that he hurt you, you
go back to him now wipe me out of your address book i don't want an
invite to your funereal. only the abuse-ee can leave the abuser and no
matter how he sugar coats the past melkor had no redeeming values by
the time he got to sauron. maybe namo knows a good shrink and i'm not
talking freud and jung. maybe during the reliving of the experience he
will acknowledge the wrongness and repent,can i keep that little hope?
ps your prose is very pretty please write more on other subjects.

Title: Kementari · Author: Marta · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 99
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:30:22
She has other names besides Yavanna, and is as capable of grief as is
any other who knows life within Arda.

This glimpse of her grief after the destruction of the two Trees is
superbly done, with a delicacy that we must appreciate as we stand
beside the Lady of Fecundity and share in her mourning.

A sad tale, but in the end gently hopeful. We can rejoice, knowing
that already the gifts of Sun and Moon are being readied....

Title: Regarding Ents · Author: PipMer · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War
· ID: 525
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:37:42
How can Merry and Pippin truly explain what happened to them and the
nature of Ents to their cousins, there on the Field of Cormallen?
There is so much to try to understand, now that Pippin is definitely
healing and Frodo and Sam are finally awake once more!

This attempt is well described, and we can empathize with our beloved
Sam as he tries--vainly, so far--to take it all in. A nice response to
Shirebound's challenge.

Title: A Hobbity Wizard · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Childhood ·
ID: 596
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:49:25
Gandalf probably should not have agreed to watch Pippin that day, and
he definitely ought not to have told him that particular story. Now on
a quest to save an enchanted princess, he follows a young Took
throughout the Marish and Buckland, and finds himself looked at
askance by Hobbits, suspected of having flung plums, sharing is stolen
goodies, and seeking the mystical Golden Chalice in order to break the

No, he shouldn't have done several things, but I doubt he's sorry he
did, once the adventure is over.

A wonderful, delightful tale of our Pippin as a child at his Pippinish

Title: Stabat Mater · Author: iorhael · Genres: Drama: General
Drabbles · ID: 666
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:54:54
If indeed those we've loved who've left this life are able to watch
our accomplishments, how must they feel when we are at our lowest?

Here we find ourselves weeping with Primula Brandybuck Baggins. How
much is accomplished, but at what a cost!

Grievous to read; well written.

Title: The Quest for the Hairless Cat · Author: GamgeeFest · Races:
Hobbits: Childhood · ID: 524
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 01:58:05
Young Pippin was terribly gullible, and it was difficult to refrain
from filling his head with a great deal of nonsense. So, when he was
advised of the story of the hairless cats, he set off with the full
intent of finding one----

----only to truly find one, many years distant, many miles distant,
turning the table neatly on Merry.

Humorous and delightful!

Title: Frogdom · Author: Neilia · Genres: Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 192
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 02:07:31
Now, just how many times must Gandalf threaten to transform certain
people into something else before he is goaded into doing so? Pippin
finds out, to everyone's horror and his chagrin. Poor little
Hobbit--but perhaps he deserves it for some of what he's said and
done! And as much as they love him, all agree he won't be the worse
for wear if he has to suffer with it for a day....

Well, all except for Pippin, of course.

Humorous AU--quite a read for the chuckles.

Title: The Waker · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 287
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-05 02:07:42
villians was not a category i looked forward to and i must admit my
first read of your work almost ended your shot for my ten points.
dyslexic reaction the title was WALker, kept waiting for the walking
to occur. was of course not please that the story was so confusing, so
put it on the back burner and went on to other things. came back open
the file and lo and behold it made much more sense that it woke up.
now i can tell you that you are truly an amazing plotter. who else has
thought of making this a sentinent being. it woke up and it heard
voices, have you contacted freud. there must be sinister meanings and
twisted plots in the offing. i think that one of the reasons i want to
give you my ten points is that i am sold on the idea that we need to
know more about the creature, do you think you can find ten or tweve
little snippets, we can get a nice graphic artist interested and maybe
put out a 2010 calender. "and after the WAR OF THE RING....."

oh wait you don't own it i don't own it , artist won't own it. one
more way i won't make my fortune. it could have been worth billions in
residual earnings, action figures, paper plates for kiddy parties.
greeting cards. oh the losses. find i haven't babbled quite enough so
let me wish you well on our writing career and say that i will double
check my titles more frequently. looking forward to reading you in the
future. luck.

Title: Fatherhood · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Drabbles · ID: 547
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-05 02:14:12
Ah, it appears it is never to early to prepare for the future, and in
Lothiriel's case there is possibly excellent reason to present her
with a pony and teach her to ride now, even as the six-year-old is
sweetening her morning bread.

A foretaste of the future, but intent and eventual reality differed
far more than one might have thought at the time.

And once again Ann displays her mastery at saying so very much with
such economy of words.