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Msg# 9441
MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, September 16, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by annmarwalk September 16, 2008 - 19:49:12 Topic ID# 9441Title: Charge! · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles ·
ID: 444
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-14 23:42:36
and yet it could be any battlefield in any war where calvary was used.
my english teachers would be so impressed with your mastery of
universal writing.
Title: Old Man Willow · Author: Nath · Races: Other Beings · ID: 314
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-09-15 00:21:01
What a sinister take on the "what if someone else took the Ring" AU
gap filling theme. The "someone else" in Nath's story is, indeed, "Old
Man Willow," and what a terrifying scenario she weaves. Sauron,
Galadriel, Bombadil--they are ultimately helpless against the Willow's
ring-induced meglomania. Read this chilling story and you'll never hug
a tree again. So original and highly recommended.
Title: A Great Cause for Concern · Author: Alassante · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 682
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 00:29:33
A very touching story; I don't think I'd thought of Legolas facing the
*Valar's* ire, but the reasons (both for why they were angry and why
they allowed him to stay) were very fitting.
Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 00:33:17
Morwen and Thengel are perhaps one of my favorite couples, I think
because their romance would have become almost a legacy for so many of
their descendants. Ann captures everything about Thengel that I love
so much, in a drabble as strong and smooth as Thengel himself. I also
like that in a lovely inversion of the Faramir/Eowyn romance, it is
the woman who goes after the man - that makes for an interesting
romance. I do wish the author would write more about them (*wink
wink*), but that doesn't diminish how much I enjoy treasure-troves
like this.
Title: Another Country · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 438
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:36:09
i thought i had reviewed this one. nice pairing they need each other
so much and you let us exercise our compassion with this story.
Title: Expert Treasure Hunter · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 447
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:45:52
such prowess you display.
Title: The Lowest Circle · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Elves: Drabbles ·
ID: 449
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:47:11
frighten-ing is what this talent is.
Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:51:28
finally a cross-over i like. i understand the references!!!!
Title: A Perfect Impression · Author: weepingnaiad · Times: Second and
Early Third Age · ID: 494
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:55:06
nice touch, softly loving and very parental.
Title: Legacy · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 500
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:59:20
the paradox, they fight to keep their children safe but by being safe
do the children lose the value of the lessons? thank you for answering no.
Title: The Search · Author: rhyselle · Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
· ID: 501
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:01:25
you bring to light a layer most miss, thank you.
Title: Mournful Fords · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 368
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 01:02:07
Definitely a new perspective on Theoden's remorse. It felt very "in
the moment" since Theoden didn't know the Rohirrim would overcome. A
nice father-son moment for these two.
Title: Home is where the heart is · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres:
Romance: Drabbles · ID: 505
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:04:33
inhale deeply, sniff firmly, not gonna cry, not gonna... give me a
minute i need a new hankie! please give me more more more. ps happy b-day.
Title: A Little Misunderstanding · Author: Radbooks · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 275
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 01:07:08
Of all the stories I've read about Arathorn (admittedly not all of
them!), the vast majority seem to focus around three events: his
courtship of Gilraen, the birth of Aragorn, or the affect of his death
on the Twins.
This is perhaps not surprising given the dearth of Arathorn canon, but
this concentration on those events made this story feel like even more
of a breath of fresh air than it would have for a character who gets
better fanfic "coverage." Radbooks tells us about Elladan's and
Elrohir's first trip to visit Aragorn's kin after Aragorn goes to
Rivendell. The Twins are still struggling over their grief and guilt
at not having prevented that, and if that was all that Radbooks had
given us, her handling of those scenes would have been a fine addition
to the "Arathorn deathfic" subgenre.
However, this story also features a young Halbarad who is scared that
the elves have come to take *him* to Rivendell as well. This is a
twist I don't think I've seen anywhere, even in general (the affect of
Aragorn's leaving on Halbarad), and through the interweaving of these
two plot elements Radbooks does a very nice job of showing how the
events surrounding Arathorn's death have affected everyone. It was a
nice read, both creative and compelling.
Title: Sour Milk · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 521
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:08:45
such a cheesy pitcure for an opener. (please ask the photographer to
reposition just a little bit) love the tabby, great boss image. so so
story but what an uplook. happy b-day.
Title: Drawing the Eye · Author: Linda Hoyland · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 569
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:13:11
so macho, so pedictably aragorn. and yet so humbling in recognizing
that by drawing sauron even at the cost of his own life, victory must
have every chance. wonderfully told. happy b-day
Title: The Queen's Gift · Author: Queen Galadriel · Races: Elves:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 697
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:18:37
arwen is a wise and protective woman, you write her well.
Title: Meddling · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador ·
ID: 695
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:25:25
always fun to find someone with a bit of brass between his front pockets.
Title: A Summer Night's Peace · Author: Larner · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 694
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:48:00
forgive me larner, my nit-pick has kicked in, you have frodo hurt
'neath amon sul not upon, and you have strider referring to the blade
that he carries SINCE last winter as fractured (not before) i like
your analogy about children-minders-and-fathers, very spot on. truly
an enjoyable read. hope to get a few more out tonight.
Title: Oathbreakers · Author: Thundera Tiger · Times: Late Third Age ·
ID: 470
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-15 01:49:40
One of the things I love about Thunder Tiger's work is the way she
uses fic to examine the deeper themes and elements of canon. This
story is a particularly moving and yet also particularly philosophical
The conversatiosn that the sons of Elrond have concerning their
foster-brother and Eowyn is only too realistic and plausible; the
nature of the threat that looms makes it all to easy to consider what
they would never consider otherwise.
I really like the way this fic makes me think, without failing to make
me *feel* as well.
Title: Dorwinion Wine · Author: Lindelea · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 663
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 01:49:58
Somehow, I think asking such a vaulted minstrel to sing the
"[tra-la-la-lally]" song would be a bit like asking a mariachi band
for (yet another rendering of) "Tequilla". I loved the way you
captured the elf's annoyance and weariness - it felt very real, and
contrasted nicely with Bilbo's chipperness.
Title: Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices · Author: Lady Bluejay ·
Genres: Drama: Incomplete · ID: 159
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-15 01:51:22
This is the kind of gapfiller I love to find! It's very long, firmly
rooted in book-canon, solid and realistic characterizations of minor
canon characters, as well as of the major ones.
I love how carefully the suathor dovetailed events which she invented
into the events of the books--the timing is impeccable.
Furthermore, she manages multiple POV shifts very well. I'm a fan of
multiple POV. Here she alternates the POV of Eomer and Lothiriel, with
occasional rare glimpses of those of their family members.
The story has come to a place in the timeline that is just perfect for
a break, but i find myself looking forward to seeing more of this WIP.
If I could ask for anything more, it would be more hobbits, but I
confess that so far there's not really been much call for them--I saw
only a couple of places where I'd have liked to see just a little more
mention of them. But, of course, that's just the hobbit-fancier in me!
A very exciting and readable Eomer/Lothiriel!
Title: Rude Awakening · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 692
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:51:36
once a troll fighter, always a troll fighter; you know that ugly
fellow down the lane, mole on his nose always rude to his wife---he's
next, hopefully.
Title: The Heart of a Knight · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 335
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-15 01:53:01
I am thoroughly enjoying this. Among the Men in LotR, Beregond and his
son Bergil are favorites of mine. This is a very plausible look at
what his life must have been like in the days following the very wise
judgement of King Elessar.
As of this review, there are only three chapters. The second one so
far is my very favorite. Such a beautiful and solidly Tookish
characterization of Pippin is unusual among authors who do not
normally concentrate on hobbits. I really am looking forward to seeing
Beregond and his son eventually interact with the other three hobbits.
I look forward to reading more of this story after the MEFAs!
Title: Rivendell International Airport · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 345
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-09-15 05:05:00
I admit that I am a fool for humorous stories, and Primsong has
written an especially hilarious comedy for "Rivendell International
Airport." This tale fits into the "the fellowship in a modern setting"
genre. After putting the unsuspecting nine walkers in the terminus of
the title, Primsong commences to skewer Frodo and his companions by
forcing them to endure the modern aggravation of going through airport
One hilarious incedent follows another. Bill the Pony is shipped as
baggage. The heavily armed warriors keep setting off the alarms at the
security gate, despite their best efforts to divest themselves of
every bit of metal. The hobbits are stripped of food and pipeweed. Sam
gives up his box of salt because it is, after all, a powdery
substance. Frodo is forced to make an ingenious move to keep a certain
piece of jewelry from winding up in the bin of confiscated metals.
I highly recommend this wonderful satire, especially to anyone who is
a frequent flyer!
ID: 444
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-14 23:42:36
and yet it could be any battlefield in any war where calvary was used.
my english teachers would be so impressed with your mastery of
universal writing.
Title: Old Man Willow · Author: Nath · Races: Other Beings · ID: 314
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-09-15 00:21:01
What a sinister take on the "what if someone else took the Ring" AU
gap filling theme. The "someone else" in Nath's story is, indeed, "Old
Man Willow," and what a terrifying scenario she weaves. Sauron,
Galadriel, Bombadil--they are ultimately helpless against the Willow's
ring-induced meglomania. Read this chilling story and you'll never hug
a tree again. So original and highly recommended.
Title: A Great Cause for Concern · Author: Alassante · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 682
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 00:29:33
A very touching story; I don't think I'd thought of Legolas facing the
*Valar's* ire, but the reasons (both for why they were angry and why
they allowed him to stay) were very fitting.
Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 00:33:17
Morwen and Thengel are perhaps one of my favorite couples, I think
because their romance would have become almost a legacy for so many of
their descendants. Ann captures everything about Thengel that I love
so much, in a drabble as strong and smooth as Thengel himself. I also
like that in a lovely inversion of the Faramir/Eowyn romance, it is
the woman who goes after the man - that makes for an interesting
romance. I do wish the author would write more about them (*wink
wink*), but that doesn't diminish how much I enjoy treasure-troves
like this.
Title: Another Country · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 438
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:36:09
i thought i had reviewed this one. nice pairing they need each other
so much and you let us exercise our compassion with this story.
Title: Expert Treasure Hunter · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 447
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:45:52
such prowess you display.
Title: The Lowest Circle · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Elves: Drabbles ·
ID: 449
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:47:11
frighten-ing is what this talent is.
Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:51:28
finally a cross-over i like. i understand the references!!!!
Title: A Perfect Impression · Author: weepingnaiad · Times: Second and
Early Third Age · ID: 494
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:55:06
nice touch, softly loving and very parental.
Title: Legacy · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 500
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 00:59:20
the paradox, they fight to keep their children safe but by being safe
do the children lose the value of the lessons? thank you for answering no.
Title: The Search · Author: rhyselle · Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
· ID: 501
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:01:25
you bring to light a layer most miss, thank you.
Title: Mournful Fords · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 368
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 01:02:07
Definitely a new perspective on Theoden's remorse. It felt very "in
the moment" since Theoden didn't know the Rohirrim would overcome. A
nice father-son moment for these two.
Title: Home is where the heart is · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres:
Romance: Drabbles · ID: 505
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:04:33
inhale deeply, sniff firmly, not gonna cry, not gonna... give me a
minute i need a new hankie! please give me more more more. ps happy b-day.
Title: A Little Misunderstanding · Author: Radbooks · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 275
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 01:07:08
Of all the stories I've read about Arathorn (admittedly not all of
them!), the vast majority seem to focus around three events: his
courtship of Gilraen, the birth of Aragorn, or the affect of his death
on the Twins.
This is perhaps not surprising given the dearth of Arathorn canon, but
this concentration on those events made this story feel like even more
of a breath of fresh air than it would have for a character who gets
better fanfic "coverage." Radbooks tells us about Elladan's and
Elrohir's first trip to visit Aragorn's kin after Aragorn goes to
Rivendell. The Twins are still struggling over their grief and guilt
at not having prevented that, and if that was all that Radbooks had
given us, her handling of those scenes would have been a fine addition
to the "Arathorn deathfic" subgenre.
However, this story also features a young Halbarad who is scared that
the elves have come to take *him* to Rivendell as well. This is a
twist I don't think I've seen anywhere, even in general (the affect of
Aragorn's leaving on Halbarad), and through the interweaving of these
two plot elements Radbooks does a very nice job of showing how the
events surrounding Arathorn's death have affected everyone. It was a
nice read, both creative and compelling.
Title: Sour Milk · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 521
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:08:45
such a cheesy pitcure for an opener. (please ask the photographer to
reposition just a little bit) love the tabby, great boss image. so so
story but what an uplook. happy b-day.
Title: Drawing the Eye · Author: Linda Hoyland · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 569
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:13:11
so macho, so pedictably aragorn. and yet so humbling in recognizing
that by drawing sauron even at the cost of his own life, victory must
have every chance. wonderfully told. happy b-day
Title: The Queen's Gift · Author: Queen Galadriel · Races: Elves:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 697
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:18:37
arwen is a wise and protective woman, you write her well.
Title: Meddling · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador ·
ID: 695
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:25:25
always fun to find someone with a bit of brass between his front pockets.
Title: A Summer Night's Peace · Author: Larner · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 694
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:48:00
forgive me larner, my nit-pick has kicked in, you have frodo hurt
'neath amon sul not upon, and you have strider referring to the blade
that he carries SINCE last winter as fractured (not before) i like
your analogy about children-minders-and-fathers, very spot on. truly
an enjoyable read. hope to get a few more out tonight.
Title: Oathbreakers · Author: Thundera Tiger · Times: Late Third Age ·
ID: 470
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-15 01:49:40
One of the things I love about Thunder Tiger's work is the way she
uses fic to examine the deeper themes and elements of canon. This
story is a particularly moving and yet also particularly philosophical
The conversatiosn that the sons of Elrond have concerning their
foster-brother and Eowyn is only too realistic and plausible; the
nature of the threat that looms makes it all to easy to consider what
they would never consider otherwise.
I really like the way this fic makes me think, without failing to make
me *feel* as well.
Title: Dorwinion Wine · Author: Lindelea · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 663
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-09-15 01:49:58
Somehow, I think asking such a vaulted minstrel to sing the
"[tra-la-la-lally]" song would be a bit like asking a mariachi band
for (yet another rendering of) "Tequilla". I loved the way you
captured the elf's annoyance and weariness - it felt very real, and
contrasted nicely with Bilbo's chipperness.
Title: Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices · Author: Lady Bluejay ·
Genres: Drama: Incomplete · ID: 159
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-15 01:51:22
This is the kind of gapfiller I love to find! It's very long, firmly
rooted in book-canon, solid and realistic characterizations of minor
canon characters, as well as of the major ones.
I love how carefully the suathor dovetailed events which she invented
into the events of the books--the timing is impeccable.
Furthermore, she manages multiple POV shifts very well. I'm a fan of
multiple POV. Here she alternates the POV of Eomer and Lothiriel, with
occasional rare glimpses of those of their family members.
The story has come to a place in the timeline that is just perfect for
a break, but i find myself looking forward to seeing more of this WIP.
If I could ask for anything more, it would be more hobbits, but I
confess that so far there's not really been much call for them--I saw
only a couple of places where I'd have liked to see just a little more
mention of them. But, of course, that's just the hobbit-fancier in me!
A very exciting and readable Eomer/Lothiriel!
Title: Rude Awakening · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 692
Reviewer: nancylea · 2008-09-15 01:51:36
once a troll fighter, always a troll fighter; you know that ugly
fellow down the lane, mole on his nose always rude to his wife---he's
next, hopefully.
Title: The Heart of a Knight · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 335
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-15 01:53:01
I am thoroughly enjoying this. Among the Men in LotR, Beregond and his
son Bergil are favorites of mine. This is a very plausible look at
what his life must have been like in the days following the very wise
judgement of King Elessar.
As of this review, there are only three chapters. The second one so
far is my very favorite. Such a beautiful and solidly Tookish
characterization of Pippin is unusual among authors who do not
normally concentrate on hobbits. I really am looking forward to seeing
Beregond and his son eventually interact with the other three hobbits.
I look forward to reading more of this story after the MEFAs!
Title: Rivendell International Airport · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 345
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-09-15 05:05:00
I admit that I am a fool for humorous stories, and Primsong has
written an especially hilarious comedy for "Rivendell International
Airport." This tale fits into the "the fellowship in a modern setting"
genre. After putting the unsuspecting nine walkers in the terminus of
the title, Primsong commences to skewer Frodo and his companions by
forcing them to endure the modern aggravation of going through airport
One hilarious incedent follows another. Bill the Pony is shipped as
baggage. The heavily armed warriors keep setting off the alarms at the
security gate, despite their best efforts to divest themselves of
every bit of metal. The hobbits are stripped of food and pipeweed. Sam
gives up his box of salt because it is, after all, a powdery
substance. Frodo is forced to make an ingenious move to keep a certain
piece of jewelry from winding up in the bin of confiscated metals.
I highly recommend this wonderful satire, especially to anyone who is
a frequent flyer!
If you have any questions about the archive, or would like to report a technical problem, please contact Aranel (former MEFA Tech Support and current Keeper of the Archive) at or at the MEFA Archive group..