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Msg# 9459

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, September 28, 2008 (Part One) Posted by annmarwalk September 28, 2008 - 19:09:37 Topic ID# 9459
Title: The Weight of Power · Author: Nefhiriel · Times: Mid Third Age
· ID: 325
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 02:08:34
This adventure with Thorongil was plot-driven, with plenty to keep the
reader interested. There were some really engaging OCs, and I really
loved the author's version of child-Theoden. The only quibble I had
was that the dialogue was a bit too anachronistic at times.

Title: Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer · Author:
Katzilla · Genres: Alternate Universe · ID: 206
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 02:09:52
I read and reviewed this as a WIP, and later finished reading it.
While I feel like there were questions not answered, I was amazed at
how well the author was able to segue back into canon after everything
else had happened--good ending.

Title: Promise and Sorrow · Author: Virtuella · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 607
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 02:11:18
Oh, my word! There is not enough to say about this series of vignettes
that would do them justice. Each one is carefully crafted, each one
has its own particular voice and tone--though all of the narrators are
anonymous, each one has his or her own vivid and distinct personality.
I was particularly affected by one set in Minas Tirith--melancholy as
the others, and turned into sharp anguish by a twist at the end. And I
also loved the circular nature of the story cycle as a whole, as we
see the first story echoed by the last one.

A great achievement, it says so much about those people of
Middle-earth whose deeds went unsung, and yet were no less brave than
the characters who we are familiar with from canon.

Title: The Price of Pity · Author: celticbard · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 373
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 02:13:21
This AU had an interesting premise: Faramir was widowed, and that he
had a small son when he married Eowyn. It's a bit of a stretch, yet
the author manages to make it work for this story as Eowyn tries to
get her little stepson to relate to her and to find out about her
predecessor. I don't find it a likely scenario for JRRT's world, but
as an AU it's intriguing.

Title: Fait Accompli · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Mystery · ID: 381
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-09-28 02:13:23
Oh. My. God.

Is there anything else to be said about this fic? From the first
desperate moment to the final, wrenching revelation, this is a fic
that will tear the reader's heart out, stomp on it, and toss it in the

I am in awe.

Title: O Merry Mine · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort ·
ID: 636
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 02:22:52
One of my favorite relationships among the hobbits is that of Frodo
and Merry. This beautiful series of vignettes, tracing Frodo's and
Merry's love for one another from Merry's earliest childhood all the
way to the end is held together by one simple device that anyone who
has had the pleasure of holding a sleeping child will recognize. The
end is absolutely perfect.

Title: As Was Dwarven Tradition · Author: Nieriel Raina · Races:
Dwarves · ID: 553
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-09-28 02:28:36
Nieriel Raina is one of my favorite authors, and she certainly
delivers delight and enjoyment in this little fic. One can feel with
Gimli as he celebrates - and feel the emotion as the fic draws to its
close. This could easily be dwarven tradition, so clearly drawn was
the scene and clearly described the reactions as the event progresses.

Worth reading over again. Brava!

Title: The Ghost in the Garden · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves
· ID: 272
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-09-28 02:43:55
This is an exquisite little tale that explores what must be some of
the most fundamental differences between two of the most elusive canon
characters Tolkien created. For perhaps the first time, we see clearly
the differences in thinking between those who were born beneath the
light of the Two Trees and those who had always known Arda Marred -
and how such perspectives could both confuse and confound.

This is an intruiguing exploration of Elven spirituality and beliefs,
neatly packaged into an exploration of the character of Galadriel. A
satisfying read, I would recommend this highly.

Title: The Prisoner of Dol Guldur · Author: Soledad · Genres: Drama:
Final Partings · ID: 102
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-09-28 02:47:36
Soledad has created a minor masterpiece here.

The emotions of all the characters ring clearly and truly throughout
this work. One cannot help but sympathize with Thranduil when he makes
this most horrifying discovery - and wonder how many other Elven
parents went through something very similar at this time.

Well worth reading. Thank you, Soledad.

Title: They Also Serve · Author: Marta · Times: Late Third Age · ID: 365
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-28 03:10:08
Indeed, the task Aragorn has chosen is difficult, but those who wait
at home also serve in their own way, and have no reason to feel ashamed.


Title: A Matter of Ill Reputation · Author: Lily · Races: Hobbits:
Childhood · ID: 210
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:16:24
I had the pleasure of beta-ing this little misadventure of Frodo's.
Lily set up a very amusing predicament for young Frodo Baggins, and I
really enjoyed the way it was handled by the adults in his life.
Lily's Merimac is a delightful character, and his assistance to Frodo
is more than a little sneaky. It's easy to see how Frodo earned his
reputation as the terror of Buckland! He certainly had at least one
good example!

Title: The Last Dance · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Family ·
ID: 397
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:16:42
There really ought to be more stories like this about Pippin and
Diamond as a wedded couple. This is a sweet bit of romance set in
their first Yule as Thain and Mistress of the Great Smials. A very
warm and touching account of the day, and of their struggle to find
time together as a couple when there are so many new duties vying for
their attention.

Title: With Hope and Without Hope · Author: docmon · Genres:
Adventure: Incomplete · ID: 466
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:17:04
An interesting premise: what if Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli were
captured by the Orcs who took Merry and Pippin? A small change to
canon causes this AU. It's very angsty, with h/c for each one of the
five. But I like how each of them shows his mettle in different ways,
and I appreciated the cleverness of the author in getting all of them
back on the quest by the end.

Title: I Give You a Rainbow · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 571
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:17:17
Golden has a knack for writing about characters with physical
disabilities, and finding unique ways to work them into her stories.
In this one little Pippin makes a new friend, and his way of relating
to her shows both his imagination and his generosity of heart. A very
simple story, but also very touching.

Title: The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery · Author: shirebound · Genres:
Mystery · ID: 522
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:17:30
Such a fun bit of fluff, as young Frodo and Sam try to solve a
puzzling mystery. The answer is not nearly as exciting as their
imaginations! I love the way the two of them make wilder and wilder
guesses and never come anywhere near the mark.

Title: The Dancing Lesson · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 664
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:17:45
Chalk up another for the MEFAs. I could not imagine that there was a
story by Lindelea that I had not read, but somehow I seem to have
missed this one! I love Bilbo in this, and the easy relationship he
and Frodo have. Not that Frodo doesn't put up a bit of a tween-aged
fuss at the idea of going to a dance, but Bilbo cajoles him with
humor, but also firmness. Very funny and warm.

Title: In Good Company · Author: foxrafer (csevans8) · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 20
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-09-28 03:18:05
Delightful to simply see good friends spending time together. It's a
nice assortment of characters--Faramir, Beregond, Legolas and Pippin,
and a nice day to enjoy the outdoors. A warm and fuzzy vignette.

Title: Healing · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves · ID: 419
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-09-28 03:59:44
Very believable and poignant portrayal of what it must have been like
to watch the Age of Men overtake and eventually drown out the Age of
the Elves. Told from Celeborn's perspective, this fic brings us into
the mind of a very private character that Tolkien never really defined
well and watches him watch the world change around him in ways that he
cannot prevent or slow.

Beautifully drawn and emotionally charged, this is brilliant writing.
Well done!

Title: Hope Remains · Author: Baggins Babe · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 118
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-09-28 04:06:55
I love a good ghost story, and this is as good as they get.

The thing is, I can see King Elessar making the request he did, and
the hobbits doing as he asked - and the consequences of those two
being as is told here. Ghost stories usually contain seeds of truth
mixed liberally with wishful thinking, and this one certainly does both.

Nicely written. I'd recommend this highly.

Title: Orc Dreams · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains: Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 448
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-09-28 04:42:38
A wonderful and original (for fanfic) drabbled look inside the mind of
an Orc marching through Mordor. Tanaqui really gets well inside the
fellow's head and conveys Orcish thoughts and speech patterns very
well. I loved the Orcish star-lore; especially the idea of
Earendil/Gil-Estel as a thieving pirate steering a deadly ship....Well

Title: Stewards · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 450
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-09-28 04:54:44
This is an excellent comparison of Denethor and Gandalf. Both are
powerful men who want to fight a terrible enemy; but their methods,
and their focus, is very different. Tanaqui brings out their different
world-views skillfully in a mere hundred words; in a way that is very
Tolkienesque. Gandalf sees the imperilled West spread out like a map
in his mind, the better to mine its assets like hidden treasure to
save Middle-earth; Denethor sees Gondor as a lone defender against the
Enemy, discounting other peoples and potential allies. Wisely, Tanaqui
does not make value judgments; and this neutrality only enhances the

Title: The Night's Eye · Author: Vana Tuivana · Races: Men · ID: 343
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-09-28 05:12:24
An excellent and Tolkienish ghost story. Vana Tuivana captures the
loneliness of the Northern Dunedain, particularly the wives and
children that the Rangers leave behind.

Title: Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... · Author: Marta · Genres:
Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 475
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-28 07:34:23
Ah--another fascinatingly detailed dip into Tolkien's other works to
explore the nature and errand of an Elf who appears in LOTR only in
The Council of Elrond and serves mostly to draw details from others.
Marta's background in philosophy and scholarship has given her the
skills to tease out logical meaning from the smallest hints within
LOTR and the Silmarillion; and her ability to use reference materials
has allowed her to find references to Galdor of Gondolin, who may well
have been the same Galdor as Tolkien has admitted is possible.

Indeed, fascinating to watch her logic lead her from point to point,
in the end fleshing out Galdor of the Havens fairly well. Nicely done
and reasoned!

Title: Legolas in Mandos · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Aragorn · ID: 317
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-09-28 07:43:37
A most fascinating--and anxious--game of chess is played between the
Lord of Mandos and the King of Gondor and Arnor Reunited, while the
prize stands unwitting, waiting for the outcome of the contest.

The imagery is superbly evoked, as well as Aragorn's awareness of the
stakes to the game, although perhaps Namo just MIGHT have been holding
back a bit....

Title: And so our friendship began... · Author: Amarok · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 281
Reviewer: Michelle · 2008-09-28 12:07:29
I have a soft spot for stories where Aragorn and Legolas meet for the
first time and that`s exactly why I like Amarok`s stories so much. She
has written a whole bunch of them, and each time she surprises the
reader with a new approach. „And so our friendship began" is probably
my favourite in that regard, because here Aragorn and Legolas really
start out on the wrong foot with each other. Legolas is held captive
by a group of humans and Aragorn is among them. Of course, Legolas
sees no reason to trust that human, even when Aragorn manages to get
rid of the evil humans and tries to get a wounded Legolas to safety.

Interestingly, the story is told in first person. That means we only
get Legolas` view of things. It makes Aragorn look suspicious and not
at all trustworthy and we`ll see his character unravelled through
Legolas` eyes, who needs a lot of time until he can finally trust this
ranger. It also adds a note of mysteriousness to Aragorn's character -
it's simply fun to see him through Legolas' eyes.

All in all, an excellent tale that deserves to be read. And re-read!