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Msg# 9506

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, October 21, 2008 Posted by annmarwalk October 21, 2008 - 20:16:59 Topic ID# 9506
Title: Denial · Author: Oshun · Races: Elves: House of Finwe · ID: 80
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-10-21 07:25:45
Engaging style, with vivid descriptions and dialogues. I like this
take on the relationship between Maedhros and Maglor in their youth -
bantering and annoying each other one moment, affectionate and being
concerned about one another in the next.

Title: Comfort · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves: House of Elrond · ID: 161
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-10-21 07:26:13
I like the round-about way the narrative takes to come to the "meat"
of the story. I was kept engaged in trying to figure it out
beforehand, collecting hints as they came and slowly completing the

Excellent dialogue; and excellent *balance* between this
dialogue-heavy story and enough description to anchor the scene in
time and place. Every line, every motion, every description of a
detail, is designed to not tell, but *show* the emotions of the twins.

It was nice to have the humorous touch at the end - for Elrohir as
well as for the readers, I'm sure.

Title: WOUNDS: Invisible Scars · Author: Fiondil · Races: Elves: House
of Finwe · ID: 57
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-10-21 07:27:47
This story explores a very thought-provoking premise (and which I,
frankly, had never thought about before). Many authors theorise a
certain amount of time for Reborn Elves in a process of adjustment to
their death, rebirth, and release from the Halls of Mandos. How
difficult must it be to adjust to a new body? A flawless, unmarked
body? How much time and conscious will does it take, and how great is
the shift of perception to identify with this body, which shows none
of the marks time and history have left upon them? As Finrod rightly
says, ["It's almost as if nothing happened"].

I'm glad Fiondil raises the question, offers some pertinent thoughts
of comfort or explanation, but eschews an easy answer or a neatly-tied
solution. And I very much appreciate that the story closes with the
idea that there are also invisible wounds that never go away, not even
by being reborn.

Title: Taking Roots · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Romance: Drabbles ·
ID: 367
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-10-21 12:36:28
This is a lovely drabble about Eowyn actually, but shedding some light
on both the Third Age and the First Age Finduilas. I agree with
Finduilas of Gondor and Dol Amroth, that I would have been less than
wildly enthusiastic about constantly being presented with versions of
the girm and tragic story of Finduilas of Nargothrond. I got a chuckle
because you hit a nerve for me. I have been forced, in the past year
in my own research projects more times than I would have liked, to
look at the fates of those entertwined with the doom of Hurin's children.

Title: A Race, To Be Like Me · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves:
Drabbles · ID: 375
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-10-21 12:44:37
I like this drabble very much, although I wonder if I read too much of
my own perspective into it. I appreciated the comparsion of Feanor to
Prometheus and also the foreshadowing of tragedy of the outcome of
Feanor's fervent belief that he was following in his father's
footsteps and providing much needed leadership for both his sons and
his entire people.

Title: The Healers from the Sea · Author: Mews1945 · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 202
Reviewer: aliensouldream · 2008-10-21 13:25:57
I loved the idea behind this story and it was filled with very
beautiful imagery. It shows a great sympathy with the process of
healing and Frodo's emotional state. Frodo is shown at such a low
point at the beginning, still suffering from the Morgul sickness and
from the grief of leaving his beloved friends behind. Even surrounded
by the love, respect and care of those with him, he is very desolate.
I liked the idea that he is gradually stirred to life by the beauty
and wonder of the physical world around him. His encounter with the
dolphins is very special and magical and I like the idea that he has
some mystical connection with them. He shows once again the bravery
and faith that has brought him thus far in his journey and a
re-emergence of the excitement and curiosity that his younger self
displayed towards the Elves. This story was so well imagined and
described, and fits the characterisation of Frodo so well that it
feels as if it could be canon. It was a delight to read and lingers in
the memory.

Title: Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree · Author:
shirebound · Races: Other Beings · ID: 121
Reviewer: Pearl Took · 2008-10-21 15:31:24
This is a collection of three beautiful vignettes written from very
unusual perspectives. The stones are not the ones that are normally
meant in the quote that is the title of the collection but are the
stones of long abandoned towns in the realm of Hollin. The stars are
the el-anor flowers of Lorien. Only the White Tree fits the quote,
although even it is not the one the quote refers to.

These various things comment on the passing of the Fellowship of the
Ring through their lands, or of the call upon them to waken to greet
the new age.

The stories are short but mesmerizing. They touch the deep wonder of
Middle-earth. As usual, shirebound doesn't dissapoint her readers.

Title: Farewell · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Drama: Final Partings
· ID: 127
Reviewer: Pearl Took · 2008-10-21 16:03:30
A deeply moving look at the relationship of Boromir and Faramir.
Tolkien makes it clear that there was deep love between the brothers,
it is also clear that the vision about seeking the sword that was
broken was Faramir's, yet Boromir is given the task of seeking
Imladris and the answers. This story deals with the feelings both
brother's have over this turn of events and how Boromir sees them and
their father in the coming time of peril.

Both brothers fear that they will never see each other again and that
too is part of the burden being shared here, how do you say good bye
when it might very well be for the last time.

Agape has shown her usual deep and loving relationship with these two
men of Gondor.

Title: Symbols of Love · Author: Larner · Genres: Adventure · ID: 130
Reviewer: Pearl Took · 2008-10-21 17:33:01
A wondrous tale woven by Larner, a master story teller.

The item that inspires the title does not enter into the story until
near the end, although, one could say that the entire story is told
from the point of view of *symbols of love* - for are not our children
such symbols? Aragorn's son, Eldarion, and Faramir's son, Elboron are
the ones through whom we follow this tale. The early parts of it let
us see that the two young men are on their first trip to the hidden
Henneth Annun, a trip granted to them because they have each attained
a certain level of ability as Rangers.

But as they finally bed down for the night in the hideaway, we are
introduced to the item that gives the story its title; an unexpected
item of King Aragorn Elessar's. His telling of its meaning to him
brings tears to the eyes.

A beautiful and touching story!

Title: Heart of the Wood · Author: Kenaz · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 60
Reviewer: elfscribe · 2008-10-21 17:40:10
In its themes of fate, friendship, and the contrast between the
youthful, hot blood of men and the ancient, wise, and yet deeply-felt
yearning of the elves, and in its formally elegant and musical
language, this story feels like an authentic extension of the

The characterizations of both Turin and Beleg are excellent: Turin as
an impetuous, emotional, somewhat immature human, and Beleg as the
wise elf, denying his own feelings because he knows what it will mean
if he doesn't. The contrast in their personalities made for a good
conflict. From the first moment we see Turin entering with the [air
blustering behind him like a reproach,] totally bent because they had
a fight without him and Beleg's calm reaction to him. Elements that I
liked: Beleg's elvishness expressed in such actions as the song he
sings to sharpen the sword, talking to the trees, and hearing sorrow
in the stream;Turin's jealousy when he witnesses the scene betwen
Beleg and Dagnir. Turin is nothing if not passionate; and how often
much is said when actually little is said:

Kenaz's writing is, as always elegant and somewhat formal, eminently
suitable for the subject. The paragraph that most stood out for me was
["I have seen the wind in fleshly form, Túrin thought with awe.
Beleg's horse was but an extension of his body, a living manifestation
of beauty and prowess. His expression, fleetingly as Túrin had seen
it, was focused and determined, yet untroubled by tension. Túrin had
seen him thus in battle, composed even as the foe swarmed thick around
him: a perfection of form and purpose annealed by mastery of skill. In
the face of such a vision, Túrin hardly had the heart to spur his
horse further. He watched Beleg fly out of sight beyond the curve of
the road, breathless with the potency of his vision."]
Definitely a potent vision that shows us an elf through a man's eyes.
The ending is so deeply tragic. Poor faithful Beleg. I went back and
read the opening poem after I read the story and it actually brought a
tear to my eye as a perfect accompaniment to the story. All in all, a
beautifully crafted piece.

Title: The Secret of the Wooden Wall · Author: Lily · Genres: Mystery
· ID: 630
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-10-21 17:49:41
An interesting story. I especially love that Paladin is aware of
Frodo's light and that dear lad's excitement over the Sight. He must
have some of the 'fairy blood' in him too for he did dream of
Gandalf's escape, of the Sea, and foretold much of Sam's future. A
very special lad that one.

Title: The Least of Rings · Author: Marta · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Drabbles · ID: 621
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-10-21 17:55:22
A powerfully written drabble and that fight could have happened,
though it's frightening to read that fought was too weak a word. I can
imagine it to be quite violent and who would win?

Title: Secrets · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 229
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-10-21 18:03:00
Oh, I love that ending - Rosie revealing her little secret! That would
indeed give Frodo some strength to hold on to. I'm glad she was there
for him, even if he didn't want his Sam to be bothered. Bless her.

Title: The Apprentice · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 52
Reviewer: Moreth · 2008-10-21 18:46:10
This story is undoubtedly one of the most innovative fanfics I have
read. Pandemonium takes the (rather sparse) canon concerning the
making of the Rings and turns it into a complex and detailed account
of the last days of Ost-in-Edhel.

The story is told through the eyes of Sámaril, the apprentice of the
title, and follows his experiences from the glory days of the Jewel
Smiths to the inevitable fall and destruction of their city. Sámaril
is offered the chance to study with the greatest masters of his craft,
and therefore caught up intimately in the catastophic events that
overtake them.

The characters are brilliantly drawn and very humanly complex in their
motives. The interaction between them, especially between Sámaril and
his master, are thoroughly believable and draw the reader deeply into
the story and the events of the Second Age. The final destruction of
all Celebrimbor and the Jewel Smiths have worked so hard to build is

Pandemonium has also brought a strong element of science into the
writing, which seems completely appropriate for a piece concerning
Elven Smiths. How can one not be delighted by a story in which one of
Sámaril's examination questions is: ['Determine the eutectic point of
an iron-mithril alloy']?

A superbly crafted story!

Title: Lost · Author: Claudia · Genres: Adventure · ID: 226
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-10-21 20:13:09
A very creepy bit of speculation--what if the Ring had been lost in
the early days of the Quest? Yet it's not AU. Frodo's panic and the
reactions of the others are very believable...

Yet why did it happen in the first place? That the author does not
answer that question leaves the reader with a bit of unease--in a good

Title: The Queen's Gift · Author: Queen Galadriel · Races: Elves:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 697
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-10-21 20:13:33
Queen Galadriel gives Arwen a very lovely voice here. We see her deep
compassion and gratitude to Frodo as she contemplates his future.

Title: The Shadow · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 25
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-10-21 20:13:58
This is a very haunting drabble, as Frodo finds himself tormented by
the memory of the one who took the Ring into the Fire--the way in
which he identifies with Gollum is all too plausible and sad.

Title: Hope Remains · Author: Baggins Babe · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 118
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-10-21 20:15:17
["Hope Remains"] is the perfect title for this little story of a
King's love for a very special group of subjects, a love which even
time and death cannot completely sever. It's a very touching notion. I
could easily see Elessar's request, and the way in which it was
granted, especially in Baggins Babe's universe.

And I love the idea of Strider keeping watch.

Title: Riding the Waves · Author: Claudia · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 211
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-10-21 20:15:57
I love this glimpse of a joyful and exhilirated Frodo enjoying the sea
in the West. Claudia has truly expressed the feeling of meeting and
conquering each wave as it comes! One of my own joys in my childhood
was doing this during summers at the beach, and it pleases me to think
that Frodo could have had that experience as well.

Title: Concerning Walls · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 112
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-10-21 20:16:31
One of my favorite passages is the one where Frodo and Faramir part in
Ithilien with the hope that one day they might sit in the sun together
on a wall and talk. Larner uses it here to great effect.

What a lovely conversation, taking on so many different variations on
the theme of "walls", from the literal wall of the parapet where they
stood, to talking of the walls of the buildings in both Minas Tirith
and the Shire, as well as metaphorical walls, such as the ones Frodo
is building within himself.

I think that this is probably one of Larner's best short pieces.