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Msg# 9531

ADMIN – Banners Posted by Tanaqui November 07, 2008 - 3:16:50 Topic ID# 9531
Hey guys,

Here is your weekly admin post. This week, I'm going to talk about the
different banners you can use as a participant in the MEFAs and where to
get them.

First of all, I'd like to thank all the volunteers who helped bring you
the wonderful selection of MEFA banners and buttons we have available
this year. Banners were created by Baranduin, Cactuskim, Elea24, Elena
Tiriel, Marta, Nau_tika and Viv. Their work was coordinated by Fiondil,
who also uploaded banners to the MEFA banners site, assisted by
Beruthiel's Cat. A big thank you to all of them for allowing us to have
such a wonderful selection of banners to choose from.

Now, on to the banners! There are three kinds:

---Nominee Banners can be used by any nominated author and can be
displayed on any story nominated in this year's awards. You're welcome
to use as many different banners as you have stories nominated  we hope
that you can find a banner that matches your story from the selection
we've provided: the widest ever this year.

---Reviewer Banners can be downloaded and can be displayed by any
reviewer who set a Review Target (aka "MEFA Junkie" target) and reached
it. Again, we have a wide range of Review Banners, so we hope you can
find one you like. The list of reviewers who have achieved "MEFA Junkie"
status by reaching their target number of reviews can be seen at

---Story Winner Banners can be used by authors whose stories win an
award (first, second or third place or honorable mention) in this year's
MEFA awards and can be displayed on the winning story. Once the results
of this year's awards have been announced on 3 December, winning authors
will be able to get the Story Winner Banner of their choice customized
with the name of the award they have won. (We'll provide more details
about this after 3 December.)

(Oh, there's also a fourth kind of banner: for MEFA Volunteers. If
you're one of this year's Volunteers and you haven't yet got a Volunteer
banner and would like one, please email me at tanaqui at blueyonder dot
co dot uk and I'll help you sort out getting one.)

All of this year's banners can be seen at the MEFA banner site at .

To download a Nominee or Reviewer banner:

1. Go to and login.

If you don't still have a copy of the login details for he banner site
that were emailed to all MEFA nominees earlier this year, please email
me at tanaqui at blueyonder dot co dot uk and I'll email you the
password privately.

2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees or 2008 Reviewers.
3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
4. Click the download button.

This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
any other image.

I think that covers just about everything that needs to be said about
banners for now. Remember that there's just over three weeks of
reviewing time left in this year's awards, so why not reward a good
story with a vote and a review today?

Happy Reviewing!

(MEFA Tech Support)

PS: Elena Tiriel has reminded me that she created a number of banners
after this year's deadline which haven't been loaded onto the MEFA
banner site but which can be seen at She invites any nominees and
"MEFA Junkies" to download and use these, and she will be happy to
customise them for winners once the results of the Awards are announced.