Title: Moved to Pity · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Drama: General
Drabbles · ID: 366
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-11-09 21:52:07
This is a moment in The Silmarillion that is hard to put into words,
and I give Imhiriel kudos for doing such a wonderful job of it! I
furthermore enjoy how Vaire perceives that even the death of Luthien
will bring much good into the world, despite its tragedy.
Title: Sharing Good News · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 216
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-09 23:55:37
Unexpectedly joyful; this drabble gave me as big a grin as Aragorn's.
A delightful study in contrasts - the miserable weather with Aragorn's
happiness, Aragorn's urge to disclose his news with Bilbo's concern
for secrecy. If it didn't really happen this way in the real
Middle-earth, it should have...
Title: Return of the King · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 355
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-09 23:59:04
A wonderful snapshot of an outcast king's making a very difficult
decision - Tolkien set out so many outlines of great stories in his
Appendices; it's great to see Eldacar's life explored in this way.
Title: Old Friends · Author: Marta · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 651
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-10 00:30:45
A well-framed snapshot of how the arrival of Gimli and Legolas in
Valinor stirs up things in the utmost West - I love the way
Gandalf-a.k.a.-Olorin is excited to see his old friends.
Title: Letters From Faramir · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Boromir or Faramir · ID: 425
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-10 00:47:17
A tender ode to the brotherly love of Faramir and Boromir, through the
letters that Faramir writes his brother, both before and after he
learns of Boromir's death. Interesting commentary by Pippin as well.
An exercise in catharsis that Boromir fans should appreciate.