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Msg# 9560

MEFA Reviews for Friday, November 21, 2008 Posted by annmarwalk November 21, 2008 - 21:30:16 Topic ID# 9560
Title: Handy With A Sword · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 437
Reviewer: Linda Hoyland · 2008-11-21 01:57:21
An enjoyable sequence of drabbles concerning Eowyn's liking for the
sword and duals with her husband.Faramir is a brave man to take on
this lady!

Title: Heart of the Wood · Author: Kenaz · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 60
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-11-21 02:56:35
What a beautiful story--I scarcely know where to begin! Turin's
character ... the first thing that impressed me about this story was
how I think it might be the best representation of Turin's character
that I've read outside of Tolkien's own words. And--unlike Tolkien,
whose Turin is often difficult to like--Kenaz depicts a Man who is
resolute, proud, and largely cheerless (in other words, completely in
canon for Turin!), and yet she manages to evoke empathy for him at the
same time. I have frequently contemplated writing Turin and found
myself overwhelmed with the task of portraying such a difficult
character sympathetically. Kenaz, I commend you for doing a truly
excellent job of this.

The language of this story is simply gorgeous. The imagery is
evocative of the lands of Doriath: dark and lush and mysterious. The
style lends itself perfectly to Tolkien without being overwrought; the
dialogue is eloquent without being obscured and weighed down by some
of the common conventions used to make stories and characters "sound
like Tolkien." The Sindarin culture is wonderfully portrayed to
contrast with Turin's differences as one of the Edain. I have often
heard said that a great story is one that transports the reader to the
world of the author's imagining. This story transported me.

I highly recommend this story. In fact, it reminds me of why I get
involved with the MEFAs each year because, posted as it this story is
on LiveJournal, I probably never would have found it without a
recommendation, and that would have been a shame.

Thank you, Kenaz, for a half-hour escape through your beautiful writing!

Title: Nightfall · Author: Jael · Times: Second and Early Third Age ·
ID: 87
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-11-21 03:14:15
This story is a stunning interpretation of cultural and political
differences among the elven forces within the Last Alliance, which, as
would be expected in any story written by Jael, gives special
attention to the new king of Greenwood the Great, Thranduil. No one
comes off as entirely perfect in this telling, but Thranduil is
handled with enormous sensitivity and his point of view is
sympathetically championed. Galion also shines in this sequel to the
earlier ["Rose in a Fisted Glove"] where I first personally
encountered Jael's interpretations of these characters. I have always
claimed that story was my absolute favorite of Jael's entire story
cycle based upon the life and times of Thranduil. Reading
["Nightfall"] I was drawn to reconsider my preference. Not sure which
I can say which is the more perfect story; they each have their
moments, certainly they rank number one and number two for me. If
anyone has not yet begun to read Jael's saga of Thranduil, I would
recommend they first read ["Rose in a Fisted Glove"] and the
immediately read ["Nightfall."]

When I initial began reading Tolkien fanfiction, one of the events
that I was first drawn to and wanted to write about was the Last
Alliance. I was appalled when I read of the tremendous losses of the
Silvan elves and wanted to hear their side of the story. Their losses
were usually presented as being largely the fault of Oropher for not
wanting to take the direction of Gil-galad, without any detailed
explanation except pure bull-headedness. I never did get around to
anything about it, but Jael has done such a marvelous job and I doubt
now that I ever will. I could not presume to be able to add anything
that she has not more carefully thought about. Jael forces the reader
to think about the hard questions. Also, she is most effective in
transmitting emotions and defining friendship. This is a great
addition to her exploration of the character and history of Thranduil.
I cannot recommend it strongly enough.

Title: Spaces in the Heart · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves: House of
Elrond · ID: 251
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-21 04:16:28
It's a shame that Tolkien didn't have an extra thirty years of life in
which to write more about Gondolin and its people, not to mention so
many neat bits in the Silmarillion that beg for further exploration.
Here, Keiliss takes a turn at a first meeting Tolkien never chronicled
but had to have happened - that of Glorfindel with the young Elrond,
grandson of Idril, who Glorfindel would have known in the hidden city.
It's a lovely, understated vignette; with Glorfindel so full of
memories and melancholy and Elrond lacking parents and seeking to
learn more about his family. Keiliss does a nice job in writing
Elrond, who we have seen in THE HOBBIT and LOTR as a mature Elf-lord
famed for his wisdom, as a youngster beginning his quest for knowledge.

Title: Vodka · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 714
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-21 04:28:01
An ironic and rather bitter piece, like the vodka that Maglor has
taken from neighboring humans. Though I disagree with the notion, a
fairly popular one in Silm fanfic, that Fingon rescued Maedhros
because of a homosexual love either unrequited or returned, this story
works quite effectively as a quasi AU story. The last line is perfect
for the story, leaving the reader and perhaps Maglor or Maedhros with
a sardonic grin.

Title: Risk Assessment · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Elves · ID: 665
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-21 04:56:49
I love the way this writer brings the intellectually stimulating
atmosphere of Ost-en-Edhil to life, she creates a city teeming with
interesting, intelligent people, who sadly do not realize that one of
the most revered of their teachers will eventually destroy their hopes
and their city, not to mention many of the people themselves. This is
a vignette from the viewpoint of a fairly young female Sinda, Midhel,
who, rather than a princess or great lady, is a baker, or rather, an
apprentice about to be initiated in the mysteries of Yavanna's
lembas-making art. Pandemonium writes a great conversation here, where
older and more intellectual women (Noldor, naturally) converse with
Midhel in a bathhouse and bring up an argument that is old in RL, that
of science versus faith, in the discussion of the physical nature of
lembas. The Noldor women reveal their wisdom not so much in their
knowledge but in the way they refuse to become vicious in their
argument, and their good-natured attempts to find common ground with
the somewhat intimidated Midhel.

Pandemonium has a wonderful capacity to surprise the reader. The
reader can tell, from the thoughts and words of Midhel, that she is
not some simple peasant, but she appears to be unequal, at least in
experience, to Melamirre, the Noldo master-smith. But in the course of
the story, we learn that Midhel is inventing cinnamon rolls, surely a
noteworthy achievement that still delights the palates of Arda today.
I just found that a very Neat Bit.

Title: A Midsummer Day's Dream · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 422
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-11-21 05:26:51
A lovely, dreamlike ficlet in which Faramir goes gentle into that good
night, and who can blame him? Would that we all could have such happy
departures from this world...and yet the pain is there too, of those
left behind. The final quote ties everything together beautifully.

Title: A Sleep Over · Author: Phyncke · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 160
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-11-21 11:02:25
I really adore this little piece written by Phyncke. The situation she
sketches feels so timeless: two girls - close friends at that - in a
bedroom. Then there is this terrific teenage action between the two
girls, you can see their character traits shining through, but yet
they are such utterly elflings, including their own dreams and
expectations. Aredhel's dreams of a future filled with luxury (a scene
I surely have experienced) and Galadriel's budding power regarding the
gift of foresight. What I so like about the scene portrayed is how
Phyncke balances her narrative with the details a reader needs:
nothing more, nothing less. For example Aredhel's room, the author
plays with this detail alone in a great way. When the girls retreat to
the bedroom, the room is light and white, the mood is cheerful and
pure. Then the curtains get shut and you bring in the black element:
the room is darkened, the fate Aredhel gets to hear simply completes
it. It reminds me of the future ahead of her where she will leave
Gondolin to live in an almost alike environment with a bossy Eöl. Her
reaction to Galadriel's works leaves me chuckling and Fingolfin's
reaction to that leaves me with a sad feeling, that knowing once dad
will be gone; none can protect Aredhel to what will come to pass.
Phyncke plays with words so skilfully, and builds up the tension so
smoothly, leaving it to the reader to either read the two girl's
together layer, or to enjoy those beneath it. I know that Phyncke has
more stories in the so called cousins-series planned and I am looking
forward to more!

Title: Dark Dreams · Author: Avon · Races: Men: Steward's Family · ID: 282
Reviewer: Elena Tiriel · 2008-11-21 11:03:35
Avon's story, "Dark Dreams", is one that I enjoy so much I re-read it
every few months. Young Faramir and Boromir are staying in Dol Amroth
with their uncle; Faramir has a troubling dream, and Imrahil responds.

The characterizations are spot-on. For example, it is easy to estimate
Faramir's and Boromir's ages, just from the way each behaves. It is
clear that the brothers love each other, and that Boromir is fiercely
protective of his younger brother. Furthermore, Imrahil's avuncular
instincts are very strong, honed by his experience as a parent.

Denethor is very effectively but indirectly characterized, without
even being present. The contrast between the warmth and nurturing that
Imrahil provides versus the stark coldness and indifference of
Denethor is striking... and also heartbreaking. I can't help but feel
empathy for the two boys (and Imrahil) as the story unfolds.

The intensity of the dream and the vivid detail that Avon includes
about the subject of the dream are fascinating. I also like the fact
that Faramir's gift of dreaming, which make him feel so vulnerable and
fearful about angering his father, are shared by Imrahil, as we see at
the end.

This is a well-crafted story that warms my heart.

Title: Sour Milk · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 521
Reviewer: rosethorn59 · 2008-11-21 11:03:37
This is a very cute, funny little tail um tale. So, Aragorn has the
ability to turn milk sour with just one glance. He scares me. Have you
read Laire's tale about the toys? Aragorn's glance alone can shush his
children up very quickly, as well as his soft voice, probably full of
menace-or else! So, the city was in turmoil because all the milk was
sour. That is funny. No milk? Oh, no! It's a catastrophe! Especially
for the cats. Poor kitties. Oh dear! The battle with the cats! Aragorn
deserved what he got. Even the spoiling of his fine clothes. I can
just see him livid throwing water on the cats and drawing his sword.
Down kitties!! Oh, dear, Aragorn was overpowered by a bunch of cats.
Oh, no, what is Middle Earth coming to? The King finally learned the
errors of his ways and became a good leader. He was ashamed of himself
as he should have been. And he wanted the leader tomcat to remain with
him and teach him humility. Which was very wise of him. Oh, this was
really a cute little fairy tale, Linda! I really liked it!

Title: Fulfilling Oaths · Author: Nieriel Raina · Times: Multi-Age ·
ID: 332
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-11-21 12:21:03
I really enjoy stories that show the many ways that The Silmarillion
connects to The Lord of the Rings. Nieriel does a lovely job of
accomplishing this task by showing the Ring of Felagund (yes, I know
... it's really the Ring of Barahir, but I have to give a nod to my
namesake!) as it moves through history and how this single artifact
touched many lives through the inspiration it provided. In particular,
I like the parallelism between the first and second sections that
makes that continuity all the more palpable, as Aragorn ponders
passing the ring onto his son, much as Beren did millennia before.

Title: The Houseless · Author: Jael · Genres: Horror · ID: 178
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-11-21 12:38:30
This story combines many wonderful elements: It is bittersweet,
heartwarming, and spooky, all at the same time. It shows Legolas's
kindness and Muiniel's longing to return to her parents and the life
that she knew. And I'll admit that I'm a sucker for stories with
houseless spirits! I am not convinced that they are inclined to evil,
as stated in L&C. I like that Jael has shown a convincing alternate
interpretation: That, sometimes, they linger for love of the lands and
people they have left behind.

Also, I really enjoyed the merging of Elven traditions with the
traditions celebrated as part of Samhain and Halloween. This was a
nice touch!

Title: Hearts Like the Sea · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 36
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-11-21 13:03:31
This is a story full of both tenderness and the joy of discovery:
discovery of both love and of the ships for which the Teleri will soon
be renowned. I enjoy stories that give a realistic portrayal of life
at Cuivienen, and I think Ignoble Bard does an admirable job of this!

Regarding the romantic pairing, in my personal verse, I like to think
that before the Elves became more aware of laws via the Valar that
they were freer to love whom they chose. So, in that regard, the
ending--the arrival of Orome--is particularly bittersweet. And this
line--["He will take you. I can feel it!"]--uttered by Nowe as Elwe
prepares to approach Orome, gave me shivers. What great foreshadowing!

A lovely story--I'm glad I got a chance to read this!

Title: Star of Hope · Author: Linda Hoyland · Times: Mid Third Age:
Eriador · ID: 34
Reviewer: rosethorn59 · 2008-11-21 13:50:25
Linda, as I have said before, I really like Gilraen. And this is in
first person with Gilraen at the helm. That makes it even more
special. This is wonderful. It seems to me she is so seldom written
about in fandom. She really should be, she had such a huge part in
Aragorn's upbringing. She raised, with lots of Elrond's help I'm sure,
such a good child, and wonderful individual. Yet, she was still his
mother, so she probably had the greatest influence on him while he was
very, very young. But also with the Elven influence as well, how could
he possibly have helped being the person he turned out to be. I think
this is an interesting way of approaching Gilraen and Arathorn's
relationship. She did not love him, only respected him. How sad. But,
then the night that she begat Aragorn, she felt love for Arathorn for
the first time. That must have been special for her. She knew both his
begetting day and his birthday. That's really special. Perhaps there
was something in Elrond's wine? An aphrodesiac, maybe? No, probably
not. The scene you have of Arathorn and Gilraen walking along the
lakeshore felt so real. I could feel a light cool breeze and see and
hear the sounds of the water lapping gently up on the the shore. And
also the bright moon and lots of stars in the sky. The shooting stars
were perfect as was her wish. The star that she wished on, sort of
became that child she had so hoped for. A being that would one day
become the Star of Hope for all men. This story is absolutely lovely,
Linda. I really loved it.

Title: The Vase that was Broken · Author: Linda Hoyland · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 417
Reviewer: rosethorn59 · 2008-11-21 14:43:21
This is a very good story, Linda. It's funny! The things Aragorn can
get himself into! It's so sweet that Aragorn so loves to play with his
son with stories, demonstrations, etc. He got a bit carried away here
though, acting as if he were a child himself. But I am sure Eldarion
brings that out in him. Children are so much fun. My nephews always
bring it out in me. I play with them a lot and so they are used to it
and expect it from me. Oh, the things we all get ourselves into. Both
Aragorn and Eldarion were responsible for what happened, actually.
Eldarion got lucky and got out of it, though. Help, Faramir, help!! I
love Aragorn's fear and guilt he feels every time he knows that Arwen
will be angry at him about something. She can make him feel like a
naughty child. Poor Aragorn. He just wants her to be happy and just
hates seeing her hurt over anything. Aragorn and Faramir hunted and
hunted desperately for a new, expensive vase. They found a beautiful
one. Then when Arwen got home, she loved the new vase, and gave him a
sweet reward. It made all his efforts more than worthwhile. His Arwen
was happy. And the guilt and fear melted away. Aragorn was saved! This
is darling, Linda

Title: Burdens · Author: Meril · Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 219
Reviewer: Angelica · 2008-11-21 17:37:28
The author manages to show the horror of the Kinslaying, of the
betrayal of Feanor and of the crossing of Helcaraxe through the
consequences on minor, unknown participants of these tragedies. That
she can do it in very short, very economical pieces adds to their
power and poignancy. Her original characters are [the footsoldiers of
history] (Arturo Perez Reverte's words - approximately- not mine) who
suffer the consequences of the decisions of their leaders, endure the
pain and in the long run are forgotten. The author has brought them to
the foreground in an unforgetable way.

Title: No Man's Land · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Drabbles · ID: 726
Reviewer: Angelica · 2008-11-21 17:38:45
After reading this drabble, the reader can't help wondering why not?
this was a very likely scenario considering the terrible waste of the
trenches. A very powerful reflection on the meaninglessness of war

Title: Five things that never happened to Nerdanel · Author: Meril ·
Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 389
Reviewer: Angelica · 2008-11-21 17:40:42
Great alternatives to key moments in Nerdanel's life: what if she had
never married Feanor? what if she had died bearing the twins? The most
original (and chilling): what if she had taken the Oath, joined her
husband in Beleriand and become a monster? And the last one, ruling
over the dwarfs in Valinor. Very original take that shows how much
writing from original points of view can add to well-known characters
and events.

Title: Feelings of Superiority · Author: Gwynnyd · Times: Multi-Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 362
Reviewer: Angelica · 2008-11-21 17:41:25
Tolkien seems to have given all races and cultures across his
Secondary Universe the same inclination towards prejudice and bigotry
that we can easily recognize in our world. The author reflects on
these traits and how they are transmitted from fathers to sons in
short, powerful pieces that span all Ages and peoples. My favourite
one is the last one where the Avari who are so seldom given a voice in
fanfiction, look with horror at the returning Eldar.

Title: Hammer · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 468
Reviewer: dkpalaska · 2008-11-21 18:12:12
Oh, my! Bad pick-up lines abound even in Middle-earth! Aranel Took's
drabble is a very funny and delightful tete-a-tete setup. The
characterizations are wonderful, all "show, not tell"; the would-be
girlfriend's response to the narrator's invitation is priceless.

Title: Home · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 533
Reviewer: dkpalaska · 2008-11-21 18:12:36
I really enjoyed reading the contrasts between Gimli's past and
present homes. The bits of practical details and information about
expansion, etc., ground the drabble as true reflections of this
particular Dwarf, as well as feed my intense interest in how things
went for my beloved LotR characters in the Fourth Age.

Terrific thoughts on friendships, especially that last line: yes, home
is where the heart is!

Title: Surprise · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age and Prior ·
ID: 131
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-11-21 21:27:36
This story is such a fabulous piece concerning a father who has
postponed his career for an unplanned child. Well that would be a way
to describe the main plotline, there is however so much more to this.
We get an insight in Mahtan's thought who after siring and raising two
daughters, suddenly becomes a father again. There is so much regret in
Mahtan's voice, expectations & ambition being put on hold. It nearly
feels the theme of every parent who finds him or herself with the
immense responsibility of raising a child, but also knowing it has an
effect on your own ambitions. What can one do, holding a grudge or
enfolding this child with all the love you have to offer? This story
just shows that he loves her, but his struggle with what he wants is
so tangible: brutally honest, his love for Nerdanel is just so
precious as well. Dawn does not hold back on both accounts, but even
portrays a bond between father and daughter, bringing the story to a
wonderfully metaphysical level. Now this master move is so immensely
well done that at the end you just wonder at the end what has been
thoughts of feelings of foresight and what not. Then the author weaves
in a mother's foresight simply gives me the chill: ["She will," said
Istarnië. "For a spell."] Just as the rain and thunder appears like a
spell, the ending is so darkly, yet not, the vision and foreshadowing,
his bond with her, I so can imagine that he will protect her as much
as he can, and when she sheds tears as an adult, I can't help to think
Mahtan will hear them in his heart as well. Those two have a deep
connection and it I somehow feel Mahtan will always feel he never gave
her enough compared to the others. What an immensely well written
story to cover so much from the title with the surprising twists and
layers, leaving you as a reader with many riches and thoughts to
explore. Thank you Dawn!

Title: The Consuming Darkness · Author: Isil Elensar · Genres: Drama ·
ID: 467
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-11-21 22:38:13
I have known Isil for some years now, written stories for her and
beta'ed her stories, and she has always insisted that she needs a
happy ending. Isil, where did this story come from? There aren't many
episodes more depressing than Tar-Miriel's death in the drowning of
Numenor! ;) Despite her love of stories with happy endings, this is a
fine story, full of suspense and heartbreak. Isil does not shy from
the emotions in this piece, and they are, at points, raw. I had tears
in my eyes as Tar-Miriel bade her children farewell, and the scene
where the wave overcomes the island is terrifying.

I don't generally like stories that driven by intense action because
few writers can maintain the plot at a decent pace while keeping the
imagery and characterization that brings writing to life for me. "The
Consuming Darkness" does a really admirable job of this and was a
riveting read.

Title: A Great Evil Unmade · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 267
Reviewer: agape4gondor · 2008-11-22 02:35:17
There are so many lines in this tale that just grab the reader and
makes one ponder the path the Steward's son is now taking in this
delightful AU.

One such line shows that Boromir, even in his youth, was cognizant of
Gondor's needs, and had the gumption to start to prepare himself by
exploring parts of his land that were dangerous.

After a terrible mishap, Frodo is not able to take the Ring any
further. I love the reasoning behind it being Boromir who must take it
- I think Frodo was right. The author makes the reason seem most
sensible. I loved it. I loved Boromir's vow, as a youth, and his using
this opportunity now to fulfill it - his mother's death must still
have weighed heavy upon his mind and the Enemy's part in her death -
the slow sadness of Mt. Doom....

Though it seems highly unlikely that Boromir, of all the Fellowship,
would be the one to take the Ring, the author defends the reason
easily and makes it seem quite logical. That this honorable man would
fail would really be unbearable... so now he has the chance to make up
for that failure....

['Come. Let us be done with it. My people, my friends are waiting..."]
I love the commitment that Linaewen makes when she writes a tale.
Every word counts, every nuance is put through a tough 'vetting'
process. And her endings are always perfect. This ending, as always,
was perfect! Pure Boromir!

Title: The Best Sword Ever · Author: Linaewen · Times: Mid Third Age ·
ID: 290
Reviewer: agape4gondor · 2008-11-22 02:53:51
Oh my goodness, bring out your handkerchief when you read this one -
it had me in tears. Especially the last lines of Aragorn's.

We see a Council meeting and ponder which one - and suddenly we are
transported to Minas Tirith and a meeting between Boromir and Aragorn
that is just precious. Many words in this part allude to future
events, so much so that one hopes the time together will be
remembered. What shines through though is the innocence of young
Boromir and the kindness of a young Aragorn. I love the 'cameo' by

Next we see a Council meeting and another meeting between Boromir and
Aragorn. Sadly, the first meeting is forgotten by Boromir, but not by
Aragorn. The words each spoke at the first meeting come back to both
of them - vivid for Aragorn - lost for Boromir.

I like that both men's views are shown... it seems, at first, that it
will be all Aragorn concentric, but we have some time with Boromir and
the funny tricks that a mind will spin... we see Boromir trying to
'catch' a memory, but it is lost.

It is a bitter-sweet tale of forgetfulness. Having a grandchild now -
I look at her and remember all the wonderful times with her mother
when she was growing up.... and I pray that her mother, my daughter,
remembers them too.

A beautiful telling. A poignant tale.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-11-22 02:58:28
With the opening sentence of this delectably dark confection -- [The
song was magnetic, with intricate shadings of meaning, and the singer
imbued each word with the power of his malevolent heart] -- and the
touch of alchemy [brazier of selenium and tin], I could no more resist
devouring this story than [those corrupted sleepless souls] could
resist Sauron's summoning. Using an elegant archaic cadence (but never
forced or self-conscious), Ignoble Bard crafts a stygian "just-so"
fable of how Sauron created the werewolves.

I especially liked IgnobleBard's vision that the werewolves' genesis
was not achieved by clichéd lycanthropic transformation but was
instead derived by grafting human sentience (corrupt
spirits/souls/fëar) onto the lupine form.

This is a toothsome fic, IgnobleBard. Very toothsome.

Title: Fait Accompli · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Mystery · ID: 381
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-11-22 03:22:44
Ignoble Bard is an author of extraordinary breadth. His storytelling
leaves me hooting with laughter one minute (I still chortle when I
think of Melkor calling Fëanor an @sshat when those two icons are
stuck in the Void with one another in [The Unbearable Smugness of
Being Fëanor]) and then spellbound the nest. [Fait Accompli] is one
that ensorcelled me. The author builds and builds this dark-as-ink
mystery, compelling the reader to seek the answers to the burning
questions: Who has taken Legolas captive? Who is his tormenter? The
ending is a sizzling jolt that tears at the reader, a discovery that
creates deep unease yet is satisfying and even fitting. Ignoble Bard's
talents as wordsmith and storyteller shine in this wonderfully
sinister tale.