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Msg# 9635

MEFA Reviews for Monday, December 1, 2008 (Evening Set, Part Three) Posted by annmarwalk December 01, 2008 - 17:50:28 Topic ID# 9635
Title: Unwilling · Author: Elena Tiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 64
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-11-30 23:36:14 Score: 3
I'm impressed with those who have mastery of the short form, and Elen
Tiriel is among the best. This is a succinct, searing indictment from
an Avor to Man's lack of stewardship of the earth, tying the ancient
world of those who remained in Middle-earth to our contemporary times
with a sad subtle coda.

Title: Blood and Iron · Author: Ribby · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 122
Reviewer: Elleth · 2008-11-30 23:37:57 Score: 3
Striking, in every sense of the words. The language is poetical and
beautiful, and the author established a rhythm in this that reads more
like poetry than a drabble: I can hear the hammerfalls as Elrond
reforges the blade, throughout the story, and I can almost see the
blood on the sword. And the hope, of course. Very evocative writing,
and beautifully done.

Title: Pippin's Secret · Author: shirebound · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 599
Reviewer: Linaewen · 2008-11-30 23:38:55 Score: 3
This was such a sweet story about Pippin! I can well imagine him
having such a secret, and being so faithful at keeping it as well.
He's a very special hobbit, and I'm glad to see that Gandalf realizes
that, as well.

Title: An Elf-lord Revealed · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Multi-Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 406
Reviewer: Linda Hoyland · 2008-11-30 23:39:13 Score: 4
I'm not a big fan of Elves,but these drablles brought Glorfindel alive
to me as never before.I especially liked his bewilderment on finding
himself reborn and his encounter with Faramir.I often wonder what it
would be like to meet people out of legend.Faramir knows the answer to
that! it was also fascinating to read about Glorfindel and Gandalf
comparing Balrogs!

Title: Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams · Author: Lindelea ·
Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 688
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-11-30 23:39:30 Score: 2
I love this charming and poignant post-Quest vignette in which Frodo,
for once, is the comforter, telling his cousin a lovely hobbity fairy
tale. Very nice, Lin!

Title: Frodos Dremes · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 235
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-11-30 23:41:12 Score: 3
A very interesting set of dreams - or in some cases, nightmares, and
in some cases, only things that could happen in dreams. Frodo
certainly did have some interesting ones and this is a good
exploration of them.

Title: Possessing the greatest powers · Author: Tanaqui · Times:
Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 387
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-11-30 23:41:13 Score: 4
As a writer who takes a keen interest in Rings and Ringmakers, I loved
this series of ficlets from Tanaqui which describes in beautiful prose
the aspects of each of the Three Elven Rings, weaving in their
characteristics according to Air, Fire and Water, and the reactions of
their bearers when the One was destroyed. The final words in the
ficlet about Narya, the Ring of Fire, look forward to a new hope. Very
nice, Tanaqui!

Title: To See A World · Author: Nightwing · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 330
Reviewer: agape4gondor · 2008-11-30 23:41:46 Score: 6
I'm hoping that, once the author sees the response of the readers,
this story will finally be completed. I have been a loyal follower for
a long time and sit and wait, impatiently, for the completion.

A powerful tale of a wounded Elf in the midst of a terrible struggle -
within himself - and within the world about him. And his friend and
companion, Aragorn, suffers both in body and in spirit during the
trials these two must face.

Is there hope for healing for Legolas? Can the perpetrator of his
mother's murder be brought to justice? Will the people these two meet
be saved along with their village?

A trying time for all - characters and readers alike - this is a
nail-biting, stomach-wrenching tale that clearly needs some

Hint Hint Hint

Great writing - great characters - great landscapes - Glad I found
this before voting ends!!!!

Title: Unwilling · Author: Elena Tiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 64
Reviewer: Elleth · 2008-11-30 23:42:28 Score: 4
One of the Avari mourns the loss of his Middle-earth to Men, and the
abominations committed on nature. A very contemporary and alarming
drabble for all its fantasy background: It could easily have happened
this way. The vanishing Avari and the falling dewdrop gain such
significance here, seeing how the Eldar are bound to waters of all
kinds and both go unnoticed. I liked this very much, and will
certainly make sure to watch a little better in the future - who knows
what we might otherwise miss.

Title: Home · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 533
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-11-30 23:44:54 Score: 4
Aranel has such a great sense of humor and it surely shows in the
punchline of this neat little fic from Gimli's viewpoint as he
considers his new home in the Glittering Caves. For such a short
piece, Aranel's word choices are so evocative. I formed a picture
right away of the new community.

Aranel has set her talents to the DC 'verse, which is immensely
entertaining, but I hope she continues to visit Middle-earth, too.

Title: Gone Amiss · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 44
Reviewer: Linaewen · 2008-11-30 23:45:06 Score: 4
This is beautiful! Aragorn's final moments with Boromir surely must
have been exactly like this; I can well imagine Aragorn responding in
this way, with sorrow at the loss, with regret over what could have
been, and with dismay as to how he was going to break the news. We
know that he rises to the task when the time comes, but at this
moment, he truly is at a loss, and dismayed at how things have gone
amiss, in spite of his best efforts.

Title: Confidence · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Men: Minas Tirith · ID: 38
Reviewer: Elen Kortirion · 2008-11-30 23:47:20 Score: 7
The author has a rich and wonderful talent for creating very real,
well-rounded and believable original characters. She looks for the
seemingly small tasks that might often be considered to be perhaps
mundane in Middle-earth's world of grand quests and heroes, but out of
these rough, earthy nuggets she creates polished jewels of prose about
living, breathing people of the most familiar three-dimensional kind,
people we feel we could get to know.

The reader can relate to them because we can easily imagine what a
cook, or a barber or a young man nervous about their first important
job for the big boss might feel. The fact that her original characters
fit perfectly seamlessly into Tolkien's world of is a triumph of his
art in making the world so rich, and her talent in that she knows the
world well enough to play there, and to convincingly take the reader
with her.

Well done, I am so very, very fond of these 'extra' folk of Minas Tirith.

Title: Second Best · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles ·
ID: 384
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-30 23:47:36 Score: 3
Here's a trompe-l'oeil of a drabble; leading the reader down one path
to finish on a parallel track, but the connection is inevitable.
Tanaqui's perceptions are wonderful and credible and bittersweet.

Title: A Smile · Author: Aria · Races: Elves: House of Finwe · ID: 321
Reviewer: Elleth · 2008-11-30 23:48:04 Score: 5
A very deep, fascinating story about Curufin's smile, coming to a
conclusion that I would never have considered, but that makes perfect
sense. Beautiful writing, a strong grasp on the source material, and a
very believable Curufin who is not simply painted as one of the great
villains of the Eldar in Beleriand, but (also) a father. The balance
is delicate, but all the more effective for the risk of slipping.
Stirring, thought-provoking and multi-layered: I will definitely come
back to re-read this and perhaps understand this story a little
better. Thank you for sharing this, Aria, and good luck. You deserve
to win something with this story.

Title: The Dancing Lesson · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 664
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-11-30 23:48:43 Score: 3
That was fun! I am much more inclined to agree with Frodo - I'd much
rather stay at home and read and write! But in Frodo's case, that
would leave the lasses terribly disappointed so Bilbo's fun way of
teaching his heart's son how to dance. Worked also! Love also Frodo
pointing out why the duster was dusty.

Title: Feelings of Superiority · Author: Gwynnyd · Times: Multi-Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 362
Reviewer: agape4gondor · 2008-11-30 23:49:53 Score: 3
These are definitely chilling moments! I'm glad I found this, but also
disheartened. It would seem we have not learned, though ages have
passed since these happened.

*shivers* well written pieces of - hmmm - filth - one wonders. For is
not such condescension filth???

Again - well written and off-putting.

Title: Parth Galen · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 705
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-30 23:49:57 Score: 4
This time, Boromir's internal struggle with the Ring at Parth Galen
has a different ending. Boromir's finding the strength to resist it,
through a love that he did not (according to all indications in canon)
have in LOTR, works here.

I particularly enjoyed the characterisations of Frodo and Sam; Isabeau
writes them very well. And the ending is brilliant; Boromir may still
die here, but he will die with his soul clean and no taint of
treachery to his name.

Title: A Meeting in the Tower Hills · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 374
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-11-30 23:50:09 Score: 4
The Men who remained in Eriador after the "chosen" Edain left for
Númenor have long interested me, so I enjoyed Imhiriel's drabble of
the meeting of the Sea-lords with their brethren and the tentative
cultural exchange. In a succinct drabble, I was reminded of Tolkien's
story, Tar-Elmar, in the Peoples of Middle-earth. The favorite
amusement of the evening was pretty amusing, too. Nice writing!

Title: Brotherhood · Author: Violin Ghost · Races: Men: Steward's
Family · ID: 261
Reviewer: Linaewen · 2008-11-30 23:51:09 Score: 4
This is an excellent story! I love how the song that Faramir keeps
recalling ties in to his memories of Boromir and how it also brings
him unexpectedly into a new relationship with another brother. The
memories of Boromir are sweet and give new insight into his character;
Faramir's character, too, is seen more clearly through how he deals
with his memories.

I just wish I could hear Boromir and Faramir singing this song!

Title: The Captain's Mare · Author: The Lauderdale · Races: Villains ·
ID: 575
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-11-30 23:51:20 Score: 9
The Lauderdale's orcs are something special. It's a little strange to
write that, but it's the case. Somebody once said that what was so
wonderful about Freud was that you could read his case studies, and
despite the disturbing stories and lives of his patients, they came
off as real people - not simply crazy, but people, even admirable people.

Similarly, The Lauderdale takes us through an orc's mind without
apology, twitch, or attempt to soften or guard his speech. One gets a
good sense of him, and his little joys, his pettiness, his
brutalities, and the confused and sad little love that he had in him.
It doesn't end in any redeeming fashion; there's nothing sublime about
this, but there's a sadness to it that mixes in with the disgust and
the horror. I love the story of the orcs and wargs and their ruined
partnership. I love even more the way that The Lauderdale takes this
particular orc's terribly sincere attempt to be something more than an
uruk to his lady, and then uses it and the disappointment of love to
strangle the little bit of gentleness he had in him. It reads very

Great job, The Lauderdale!

Title: Circle of Silver · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves: House of
Finwe · ID: 717
Reviewer: red lasbelin · 2008-11-30 23:52:26 Score: 5
Very well done, an interesting and heartwarming look at a young elf,
Gil-galad, who has had to grow up very quickly to fill a position of
authority that would be daunting for even a seasoned elf. After
reading this story, you get the sense that fill them he will, in a way
no one else had before, and, as the story proves, no one else ever will.

The way he looked after Erestor, making sure he was taken care of
before going on was a glimpse into exactly what kind of person he is.
Good, strong, noble, kind and someone who genuinely cares about
everyone, even down to a young boy.

Title: Burdens · Author: Meril · Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 219
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-11-30 23:53:12 Score: 3
A lovely set of ficlets about the crossing the Helcaraxe.

Each ficlet is a snapshot of an Elf we may never see again, each
ficlet an ephemeral portrait in courage. We know a little more about
the Elves after reading the series, enough to see them as individuals,
enough to see their fragility as well as their strength.

A fine piece of writing by Meril.

Title: Old Friends · Author: Marta · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 651
Reviewer: Elleth · 2008-11-30 23:53:21 Score: 3
Lovely and very in-character for Gandalf. After him having experienced
Middle-earth, I can easily believe in this boredom and rejoycing
happening. The descriptions are superb.

Title: The Ritual Disturbed · Author: Larner · Genres: Horror · ID: 68
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-11-30 23:53:26 Score: 3
An unexpected and fascinating character study of two beings from Aman:
one fallen, the other a powerful, if rogue, Maia. I especially
appreciated seeing Bombadil treated with the respect he deserves but
so seldom receives in fan fiction. The ["mixture of joy and nonsense
that was in truth sense beyond understanding"] is a wonderful way to
describe him. Well done!

Title: Gifts · Author: Gloria Mundi · Races: Villains: Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 594
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-11-30 23:54:58 Score: 1
One part creepy, another part pathetic and sad - just as
Smeagol/Gollum is!