Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 97

Let the Art Begin! Posted by ainaechoiriel April 28, 2004 - 15:56:25 Topic ID# 97
calling all Artists, and all Wanna-be artists! All those who can do
wonders with computer graphics. Or those who can work in PowerPoint.
Calling anyone with even a smidgen of artistic talent!

I hereby challenge you to create Awards banners! I am hoping to have
at least 2 submissions per award title. Toward that end, I have put
my meager talent with PowerPoint to work. I have created six banners.

You my view them in the Photos | Awards Banners section of the
YahooGroups site. They are subdivided into the categories. So far,
I've just done the three Rohans and one each for Romance and Men.
Surely you can do better than me!

All submissions should be banner-shapped (rectangular, though a fair-
sized square could work, too). But there is not hard and fast rule
on the size. Just keep them smallish to be banners, not page-sized
bohemoths or anything. We want these to be something winners will
want to post on their sites along with their stories. They should be
in a .jpg or .gif format.

Banners should have the following Words in them: (the award
title), "2004", and "MEFA". They should be geared to the individual
award. For example, a Witch King banner for The Witch-King of Angmar
Award, not a collection of Orcs.

Some may have to drawn as Peter Jackson hasn't made a Silmarillion
movie or The Hobbit--yet. But anything LOTR can be drawn or created
by using a graphics program (or PowerPoint) to edit/splice/overlay
existing .jpg or .gif files.

We have quite a while to work on these. We'll have a contest for the
banners immediatly after (or during--perhaps a poll) the Voting


Msg# 98

Re: Let the Art Begin! Posted by ainaechoiriel April 28, 2004 - 16:03:21 Topic ID# 97
--- In, "ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

PS. When uploading banners, see what is already there. For example,
if you are going to upload an Eomer banner, check the Rohan folder to
see if there are already Eomers (at present, there is one Eomer
banner). Number yours accordingly (so yours would be Eomer #2).
Then once it's uploaded, open it up, click Edit Name and, in the
description, type "by (your name)."

