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Msg# 9849

Another question Posted by Alassante7 May 22, 2009 - 8:13:01 Topic ID# 9849
Sorry - another question. If one of your stories was nominated twice, will the 2nd nominator be notified so that they can nominate something else or still lose 1 for nominating that story  (since we can only nominate so many stories) .

I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge. 
JRR Tolkien

 ..·*´¨¨))   -:¦:-
        ¸.·´  .·´¨¨))  -:|:- 
°º.. Alassante .. º°
    -:¦:-    ((¸¸.·´*  -:|:-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9850

Re: Another question Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 22, 2009 - 8:20:29 Topic ID# 9849
That happened to me last year and I think that in that case because the two
nominations happened very soon one right after the other that the second
nominator didn't lose the nomination but was asked to nominate something
else. Naturally, someone who attempts to nominate the same story without
checking to see if hasn't already been nominated will lose the nomination,
but in the case last year I think the two nominations came in very nearly at
the same time and there was nothing posted.


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Alassante7 <> wrote:

> Sorry - another question. If one of your stories was nominated twice, will
> the 2nd nominator be notified so that they can nominate something else or
> still lose 1 for nominating that story (since we can only nominate so many
> stories) .
> ~~**~~
> I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge.
> JRR Tolkien
> ..ı*ııı)) -:ı:-
> ı.ıı .ıııı)) -:|:-
> ıı.. Alassante .. ıı
> -:ı:- ((ıı.ıı* -:|:-
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nımo to an
Unidentified Elven Fıa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lımı! Utılie'n aurı! ı Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
Nirnaeth Arnediad

Aurı entuluva! ı Battle Cry of Hırin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utılie'n Estel ı Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9851

Re: Another question Posted by Marta May 22, 2009 - 8:21:51 Topic ID# 9849
Hiya Alassante,

The way it works is this:

In any case of a repeat, the second nomination will be withdrawn. This
will be done by the liaison assigned to that author. Whether the
nominator gets to replace the nomination depends on the time stamps.

If the second nomination was within twenty-four hours of the first
nomination, we assume that the second nominator didn't know that the
piece had already been nominated. So in this case, the second nomination
is pulled out, and it's like it was never made - the nominator still
gets to nominate however many they want, as if they hadn't nominated
that story.

If the second nomination comes in more than twenty-four hours after the
first nomination, or if it was made in an earlier year, then we assume
that the nominator could have known if they'd checked. So in this case
the nomination is still pulled out, but that nomination still counts
against the nominator's total.

And keep it up with the questions! I don't mind, though I won't always
be this quick to answer. :-)


Msg# 9852

Re: Another question Posted by Alassante7 May 22, 2009 - 9:43:30 Topic ID# 9849
thanks to you and Marta for your replies. I just didn't want my friend to lose a nomination because my story had already been nominated.

I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge. 
JRR Tolkien

 ..·*´¨¨))   -:¦:-
        ¸.·´  .·´¨¨))  -:|:- 
°º.. Alassante .. º°
    -:¦:-    ((¸¸.·´*  -:|:-

--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Arthur Boccaccio <> wrote:

From: Arthur Boccaccio <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Another question
Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 9:20 AM

That happened to me last year and I think that in that case because the two
nominations happened very soon one right after the other that the second
nominator didn't lose the nomination but was asked to nominate something
else. Naturally, someone who attempts to nominate the same story without
checking to see if hasn't already been nominated will lose the nomination,
but in the case last year I think the two nominations came in very nearly at
the same time and there was nothing posted.


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Alassante7 <> wrote:

> Sorry - another question. If one of your stories was nominated twice, will
> the 2nd nominator be notified so that they can nominate something else or
> still lose 1 for nominating that story  (since we can only nominate so many
> stories) .
> ~~**~~
> I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge.
> JRR Tolkien
>  ..·*´¨¨))   -:¦:-
>         ¸.·´  .·´¨¨))  -:|:-
> °º.. Alassante .. º°
>     -:¦:-    ((¸¸.·´*  -:|:-
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Námo to an
Unidentified Elven Fëa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lómë! Utúlie'n aurë!   Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
Nirnaeth Arnediad

Aurë entuluva!  Battle Cry of Húrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utúlie'n Estel  Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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