Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 7065

Error in database Posted by shippingindustry June 01, 2006 - 14:51:46 Topic ID# 7065
While browsing thru the list of stories - working on nominations, and
very glad the season was extended - I noticed a mistake on one of my

"Shire Songbook" appears in the list of Complete stories nominated in
previous years. However, that story was at the time, and remains to
this day, a work in progress. Could it be moved to the Incomplete list,


Msg# 7066

Re: Error in database Posted by Marta Layton June 01, 2006 - 15:07:22 Topic ID# 7065
Hi Lindelea,

I've done this. Thanks for letting me know about the problem.


On 6/1/06, shippingindustry <> wrote:
> While browsing thru the list of stories - working on nominations, and
> very glad the season was extended - I noticed a mistake on one of my
> stories.
> "Shire Songbook" appears in the list of Complete stories nominated in
> previous years. However, that story was at the time, and remains to
> this day, a work in progress. Could it be moved to the Incomplete list,
> please?
> Thanks,
> Lindelea
> Writing and publishing a book<> Business
> writing book<> Writing
> book<> Writing
> child book<> Creative
> writing book<> Writing
> a book report<>
> ------------------------------
> - Visit your group "MEFAwards<>"
> on the web.
> - To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> - Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service <>.
> ------------------------------

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. [...] As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same."

(Nelson Mandela)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7067

getting good user information Posted by aure\_enteluva June 03, 2006 - 10:45:39 Topic ID# 7067
Hey guys,

Have you noticed that the name shown on the MEFA2006 website (http:// ) is different from the one you commonly use? Would you
like to change how your name is displayed on the MEFA website? You can do this by
logging in, clicking on "Name/Password", and changing your nickname to how you would
like it displayed on the website. You can also change your password, your username (what
you use to log in), or the address you receive email at from the same screen.

Also, the admins have noticed a few people have more than one name they can log in at.
All that we have caught so far seem to be good-faith mistakes by the author. Maybe you
were nominated as an author in 2005 but then joined the Yahoo list with a Yahoo ID or
email address that isn't similar to your 2005 author name. Or maybe you just forgot your
password and requested a new account, not realizing this would cause problems.

If you think you may have more than one username, PLEASE email . We can correct this situation before it becomes a problem if we
know about it.

In general - if you are unsure about how to do something, PLEASE ask first. You can post
to the MEFAwards Yahoo group, the mefas LJ community, or send a private email to . I don't mind answering questions, at all. It lets me know what's
confusing people, and it's almost always easier to prevent a problem than fix one.


Msg# 7068

New file uploaded to MEFAwards Posted by June 05, 2006 - 22:00:08 Topic ID# 1

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the MEFAwards

File : /2006 Calendar
Uploaded by : aure_enteluva <>
Description : Seasons for the 2006 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


aure_enteluva <>

Msg# 7069

End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by aure\_enteluva June 05, 2006 - 22:27:18 Topic ID# 7069
The end of nomination season is only a little over a week away, so
perhaps some reminders are in order. :-)

First, it is coming. Nomination Season ends on June 15, one second
after 23:59:59 GMT. Make sure you get any stories you want to
nominate, nominated by then.

GMT probably isn't the same as your local time. It's currently
04:12:57 AM on 6/6/06. For the current time around the world please
see . For the convenience of Americans,
New York is GMT-5 hours (it's currently 11:12:57 PM on 6/5/06).

Second, don't forget poetry. If you have nominations left and would
like to nominate your favourite poem, please go ahead and do that.
Poetry is definitely eligible. Essays and WIPs, too.

Third, if you are an author who has had a story nominated, make sure
that you email your author to let them know you've finished the
nomination form when you have done that. You can see whether your
nomination is complete by logging in to, clicking on "Browse Nominated
Stories", and finding your story. If it says anything besides
"Nomination Complete" and you think you've done everything you need to
do, please email Nominators can also check this
page to see if stories they nominated have been finalized. If you see
one that hasn't and would like to offer help getting in touch with the
author, please feel free to email the above email.

Authors have until June 22 (one week after nominations close) to get
their nominations finished. Otherwise they can't compete.

And I think that's about it! Happy nominating.


Msg# 7070

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by raksha022002 June 06, 2006 - 17:18:22 Topic ID# 7069
--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...>
> The end of nomination season is only a little over a week away, so
> perhaps some reminders are in order. :-)
> First, it is coming. Nomination Season ends on June 15, one second
> after 23:59:59 GMT. Make sure you get any stories you want to
> nominate, nominated by then.
> GMT probably isn't the same as your local time. It's currently
> 04:12:57 AM on 6/6/06. For the current time around the world please
> see . For the convenience of
> New York is GMT-5 hours (it's currently 11:12:57 PM on 6/5/06).
> Second, don't forget poetry. If you have nominations left and would
> like to nominate your favourite poem, please go ahead and do that.
> Poetry is definitely eligible. Essays and WIPs, too.
> Third, if you are an author who has had a story nominated, make sure
> that you email your author to let them know you've finished the
> nomination form when you have done that. You can see whether your
> nomination is complete by logging in to
>, clicking on "Browse Nominated
> Stories", and finding your story. If it says anything besides
> "Nomination Complete" and you think you've done everything you need
> do, please email mefasupport@... Nominators can also check this
> page to see if stories they nominated have been finalized. If you
> one that hasn't and would like to offer help getting in touch with
> author, please feel free to email the above email.
> Authors have until June 22 (one week after nominations close) to get
> their nominations finished. Otherwise they can't compete.
> And I think that's about it! Happy nominating.
> Marta

Thanx for the advance notice, Marta!

I hope that everyone who reads this list is making an effort to find
and nominate worthy stories - While I thought there were a few too
many stories last year, I wonder if this year's entries are too few.
I had hoped to see 600 finished nominations; now it looks like the
count won't even reach 500.

There may not be as many people writing Tolkien fanfic as in prior
years; but there are still quite a few, and new writers do appear.

So if anyone hasn't nominated any stories, or only one or two, I
urge you to find some that are worthy of nomination. They're out

RAKSHA THE DEMON, who has used up 19 nominations and is waiting on
the finishing of one more that she promised to nominate (and if that
writer doesn't finish, or doesn't want the piece nominated as
Incomplete, there are plenty more works that could fill that slot
before the 15th)

Msg# 7071

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by Chris Grzonka June 06, 2006 - 18:09:11 Topic ID# 7069
Unfortunately, RL attacked and when I got back to nominating I discovered
that all of the stories I hadn't nominated so far were already nominated by
other folks<g>.

I have 1 or 2 other stories in mind but I can't find an email for the
authors. The sites the stories are published have only a 'contact the author
form' but no email. So, it seems I have to contact the author first to get
their email before I can nominate them. Oh, well.


> I hope that everyone who reads this list is making an effort to find
> and nominate worthy stories - While I thought there were a few too
> many stories last year, I wonder if this year's entries are too few.
> I had hoped to see 600 finished nominations; now it looks like the
> count won't even reach 500.
> There may not be as many people writing Tolkien fanfic as in prior
> years; but there are still quite a few, and new writers do appear.
> So if anyone hasn't nominated any stories, or only one or two, I
> urge you to find some that are worthy of nomination. They're out
> there.
> RAKSHA THE DEMON, who has used up 19 nominations and is waiting on
> the finishing of one more that she promised to nominate (and if that
> writer doesn't finish, or doesn't want the piece nominated as
> Incomplete, there are plenty more works that could fill that slot
> before the 15th)

Msg# 7072

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by Marta Layton June 06, 2006 - 19:33:52 Topic ID# 7069
Hi Raksha,


> Thanx for the advance notice, Marta!

You're welcome. I hope it helps!

> I hope that everyone who reads this list is making an effort to find
> and nominate worthy stories - While I thought there were a few too
> many stories last year, I wonder if this year's entries are too few.
> I had hoped to see 600 finished nominations; now it looks like the
> count won't even reach 500.

I agree. Perhaps I'm a bit obsessive, but I *like* having lots of
stories to choose from during nomination season. Last year was probably
too many, but I don't want us to go to the other extreme this year.

> There may not be as many people writing Tolkien fanfic as in prior
> years; but there are still quite a few, and new writers do appear.
> So if anyone hasn't nominated any stories, or only one or two, I
> urge you to find some that are worthy of nomination. They're out
> there.

Agreed. It may be time to ask: is anyone involved in forums and such
where MEFA announcements AREN'T being made? If so, I'd love to have
someone start. I send out an email and you post it there - and if anyone
asks a question you don't know the answer to, you send it to me and I
prepare an answer for you. It's not too late to get more people involved.


Msg# 7073

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by kitastrophe June 07, 2006 - 6:45:27 Topic ID# 7069
Hello, Marta!

I have sort of an odd request. My yahooID has 2 "identities" attached to
it-- kitastrophe- cabaret, and kitzilla2001. kitastrophe-cabaret is the
username listed in the MEFA database. As I've begun to use yahoogroups more,
I've tried to restrict my fandom stuff purely to the "kitzilla2001" identity
and all of my music/performance/cabaret stuff to "kitastrophe-cabaret."

Would it be too much of a problem to change my username in the MEFA database
from kitastrophe-cabaret to kitzilla2001? I recently changed all my
yahoogroups subscription info to reflect this change, so I'm currently
listed on the MEFAwards yahoogroup as "kitzilla2001" and changing it in the
MEFA database will keep it consistent.

I hope this isn't a stupid thing to ask!

My thanks,

On 6/5/06, aure_enteluva <> wrote:
> The end of nomination season is only a little over a week away, so
> perhaps some reminders are in order. :-)
> First, it is coming. Nomination Season ends on June 15, one second
> after 23:59:59 GMT. Make sure you get any stories you want to
> nominate, nominated by then.
> GMT probably isn't the same as your local time. It's currently
> 04:12:57 AM on 6/6/06. For the current time around the world please
> see . For the convenience of Americans,
> New York is GMT-5 hours (it's currently 11:12:57 PM on 6/5/06).
> Second, don't forget poetry. If you have nominations left and would
> like to nominate your favourite poem, please go ahead and do that.
> Poetry is definitely eligible. Essays and WIPs, too.
> Third, if you are an author who has had a story nominated, make sure
> that you email your author to let them know you've finished the
> nomination form when you have done that. You can see whether your
> nomination is complete by logging in to
>, clicking on "Browse Nominated
> Stories", and finding your story. If it says anything besides
> "Nomination Complete" and you think you've done everything you need to
> do, please email <>.
> Nominators can also check this
> page to see if stories they nominated have been finalized. If you see
> one that hasn't and would like to offer help getting in touch with the
> author, please feel free to email the above email.
> Authors have until June 22 (one week after nominations close) to get
> their nominations finished. Otherwise they can't compete.
> And I think that's about it! Happy nominating.
> Marta

Puttin' the Kit in Kitastrophe!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7074

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by elliska67 June 07, 2006 - 6:52:14 Topic ID# 7069
> Would it be too much of a problem to change my username in the MEFA
database from kitastrophe-cabaret to kitzilla2001?

No trouble at all. I've done this for you. If you have any trouble or
need a reminder of your password, just reply to this post and one of
us will send it to you. :-)

Msg# 7075

Thanks from an author Posted by mitasova June 07, 2006 - 17:02:05 Topic ID# 7075

I never post in this group but today I received a notification that my story has been nominated for an award. I always thought that to get noticed one has to be a part of some cool inner circle, which I am not. It is such a joy to know that somehow someone has read my work, liked it and deemed it worthy of nomination. Thank you, whoever you are.

- Tanya

Msg# 7076

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by Marta Layton June 07, 2006 - 19:32:08 Topic ID# 7069
elliska67 wrote:
> > Would it be too much of a problem to change my username in the MEFA
> database from kitastrophe-cabaret to kitzilla2001?
> No trouble at all. I've done this for you. If you have any trouble or
> need a reminder of your password, just reply to this post and one of
> us will send it to you. :-)

I replied to this post before I saw elliska's response. :^) It looks
like your problem is solved, kitzilla. But in the future if anyone wants
to change their information themself, what I described above would be
how you do it.


Msg# 7077

Re: Thanks from an author Posted by Fingolfin June 07, 2006 - 21:04:05 Topic ID# 7075
Congratulations on your nomination! I got nominated for the first
time this year and was so excited. Go you!


--- In, "mitasova" <mitasova@...> wrote:
> Hello!
> I never post in this group but today I received a notification
that my story has been nominated for an award. I always thought that
to get noticed one has to be a part of some cool inner circle, which
I am not. It is such a joy to know that somehow someone has read my
work, liked it and deemed it worthy of nomination. Thank you,
whoever you are.
> - Tanya

Msg# 7078

I made a mess... Posted by Elentari June 08, 2006 - 19:23:45 Topic ID# 7078
Greetings all,

I was nominating a story and mistakingly credited it to the wrong
author - I can only think the mouse slipped or something. The story
is 'The rose in the fisted glove' and it should be credited to 'Jael',
not jastaelf. I apologise for the confusion.
Also, I've been trying to nominate another fic and the site won't
accept it, claiming there are blank mandatory fields. Only they're all
full - up to and including the contact info that's optional at the
bottom. if someone could look at this also, i'd be very thankful.

Sorry again, yours
Elentari2 (I really should have taken a good look at fandom before
picking that penname...)

Msg# 7079

Re: I made a mess... Posted by Marta Layton June 08, 2006 - 20:00:57 Topic ID# 7078
Hi Elentari,

> I was nominating a story and mistakingly credited it to the wrong
> author - I can only think the mouse slipped or something. The story
> is 'The rose in the fisted glove' and it should be credited to 'Jael',
> not jastaelf. I apologise for the confusion.

No problem. Check me to make sure, but I've fixed it. The author should
now be jael.

> Also, I've been trying to nominate another fic and the site won't
> accept it, claiming there are blank mandatory fields. Only they're all
> full - up to and including the contact info that's optional at the
> bottom. if someone could look at this also, i'd be very thankful.

I'm not sure what's wrong, or how to fix it. Maybe Anthony, who designed
our web page, can help you. Can you post your operating system and the
web browser you use?


Msg# 7080

Re: I made a mess... Posted by Sheyla Elentari June 08, 2006 - 20:23:01 Topic ID# 7078
Oh, thank you!
I managed to complete the nomination a while after that. I have no idea what happened either - I use Windows XP home edition and Internet Explorer. Sometimes the site just wants me to keep at it for two or three times until it lets me play :]
Anyway, thanks for the quick response!

Fale com seus amigos de graηa com o novo Yahoo! Messenger

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7081

Thanks from an another author Posted by Aralas AL June 09, 2006 - 8:18:14 Topic ID# 7075
I echo Tanya's thanks to whoever nominated my story as well. Whatever
happens, I feel honored and grateful that someone liked the story enough to
think it worth nominating.

God Bless.

>From: "mitasova" <>

>I never post in this group but today I received a notification that my
>story has been nominated for an award. I always thought that to get noticed
>one has to be a part of some cool inner circle, which I am not. It is such
>a joy to know that somehow someone has read my work, liked it and deemed it
>worthy of nomination. Thank you, whoever you are.
>- Tanya

Find love online with MSN Personals.

Msg# 7082

Help! Posted by June 09, 2006 - 8:23:55 Topic ID# 7082
I accidentally nominated two stories yesterday that were already nominated
and I couldn't find them--"Strange Meeting," by Nesta and "Water and Stone" by
Erynhith. Now I can't figure out how to delete the duplicate nomination.

Can anyone help?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7083

Re: Help! Posted by sulriel June 09, 2006 - 8:32:36 Topic ID# 7082
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:
> I accidentally nominated two stories yesterday that were already
> and I couldn't find them--"Strange Meeting," by Nesta and "Water and
Stone" by
> Erynhith. Now I can't figure out how to delete the duplicate
> Can anyone help?
> Oshun


Msg# 7084

Re: Thanks from an another author Posted by sulriel June 09, 2006 - 8:36:14 Topic ID# 7075
Yep! no secret decoder rings required! ;) ... just good stories!


--- In, "Aralas AL" <aralas2002@...> wrote:
>>> I echo Tanya's thanks to whoever nominated my story as well.
Whatever > happens, I feel honored and grateful that someone liked
the story enough to > think it worth nominating.
> God Bless.> Legolass
> >From: "mitasova" <mitasova@...>> > >Hello!
> >> >I never post in this group but today I received a notification
that my > >story has been nominated for an award. I always thought
that to get noticed > >one has to be a part of some cool inner
circle, which I am not. It is such > >a joy to know that somehow
someone has read my work, liked it and deemed it > >worthy of
nomination. Thank you, whoever you are.
> >> >- Tanya

Msg# 7085

I made a mess Posted by June 09, 2006 - 9:35:09 Topic ID# 7085
I know exactly what you mean. For every story I finalized, the site told me
the form was missing mandatory fields... and when I looked, everything was
there so far as I could tell. I finally got to where I just submitted two or three
times in a row and it took, eventually.

But with all the database does, and the incredible job Anthony has done, I'm
not kicking about a little inconvenience!


In a message dated 6/9/2006 12:29:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Oh, thank you!
I managed to complete the nomination a while after that. I have no idea
what happened either - I use Windows XP home edition and Internet Explorer.
Sometimes the site just wants me to keep at it for two or three times until it lets
me play :]
Anyway, thanks for the quick response!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7086

EEep! Posted by arielphf June 09, 2006 - 12:11:07 Topic ID# 7086
Here's what I get for waiting till the last minute!

Could someone change my membership so that I can nominate? Thanks!

Msg# 7087

Re: EEep! Posted by Marta Layton June 09, 2006 - 12:41:07 Topic ID# 7086
Hi Ariel,

I've just fixed this. Let me know if you still can't nominate.


On 6/9/06, arielphf <> wrote:
> Here's what I get for waiting till the last minute!
> Could someone change my membership so that I can nominate? Thanks!

Msg# 7088

Re: EEep! Posted by Ariel June 09, 2006 - 14:07:36 Topic ID# 7086
Workin' fine now! Thanks! :*

Marta Layton <> wrote: Hi Ariel,

I've just fixed this. Let me know if you still can't nominate.


On 6/9/06, arielphf <> wrote:
> Here's what I get for waiting till the last minute!
> Could someone change my membership so that I can nominate? Thanks!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7089

Re: EEep! Posted by Marta Layton June 09, 2006 - 15:14:18 Topic ID# 7086
> Workin' fine now! Thanks! :*

Most excellent! Happy nominating... ;^P


Msg# 7090

Re: Thanks from an author Posted by Marta Layton June 09, 2006 - 15:21:57 Topic ID# 7075
mitasova wrote:
> Hello!
> I never post in this group but today I received a notification that my
> story has been nominated for an award. I always thought that to get
> noticed one has to be a part of some cool inner circle, which I am not.
> It is such a joy to know that somehow someone has read my work, liked it
> and deemed it worthy of nomination. Thank you, whoever you are.
> - Tanya

Hi Tanya,

Congratulations on your nomination! It's good to know that some
lesser-known authors are getting noticed. As for being a part of some
"cool inner circle", I like to think that we work hard to avoid that
type of thing. If you find there's a certain group or corner of the
fandom that's not that well represented in the MEFAs, the best remedy is
to get people who enjoy those stories involved as nominators and voters.
So by all means feel free to encourage anyone who wants to get involved
- it's a good way to give some authors a "kudos!" who might not get it

But then, I'm probably more than a bit biased. Glad to know you're happy
to be nominated in any event.

If you're interested to know who nominated your story, you can find it by:

1. Log in to
2. Click on "Browse Nominated Stories".
3. Click on "Show filter" if you don't see the drop-down lists.
4. Select your name from the "Authors" filter and click "Display
selected nominations".
5. Click "Story Details" beside your story.

There should be a line starting "Nominated by:" that shows who nominated
your story.


Msg# 7091

Re: End of Nomination Season Approaching Posted by Marta Layton June 09, 2006 - 15:22:25 Topic ID# 7069
Hi Kit!

> I have sort of an odd request. My yahooID has 2 "identities" attached to
> it-- kitastrophe- cabaret, and kitzilla2001. kitastrophe-cabaret is the
> username listed in the MEFA database. As I've begun to use yahoogroups more,
> I've tried to restrict my fandom stuff purely to the "kitzilla2001" identity
> and all of my music/performance/cabaret stuff to "kitastrophe-cabaret."
> Would it be too much of a problem to change my username in the MEFA database
> from kitastrophe-cabaret to kitzilla2001? I recently changed all my
> yahoogroups subscription info to reflect this change, so I'm currently
> listed on the MEFAwards yahoogroup as "kitzilla2001" and changing it in the
> MEFA database will keep it consistent.
> I hope this isn't a stupid thing to ask!

It's not stupid at all. Unfortunately I am not that well-versed in all
matters Yahoo, so I can't help you with what name is displayed at Yahoo.
I think you'd have to unsubscribe as kitastrophe-cabaret, and
resubscribe as kitzilla. If you did this, I'd ask that you make it clear
in the little note when you resubscribe that you were previously a
member under kitastrophe-cabaret (or whatever the old Yahoo ID is). This
will keep us from setting up a second account for you at our voting and
nominating website, .

If you just want to change how your name is displayed at our voting and
nominating website, that I *can* help you with. Just log in to and click on "Name/Password". Change
"nickname" to whatever you want the website to display, and click "save".

This won't change your username, the name you use to log in. Our website
has two names for each account: username is what you type in to log in,
nickname is what displays whenever you have a story nominated or cast a
vote or anything like that. If you want to change what you type in to
log in you'll need to change username too.


Msg# 7096

HELP!!!!! Posted by June 12, 2006 - 16:11:57 Topic ID# 7096
Am trying to submit a story for Boz4PM and the database WON'T LET ME!

(keeps telling me the form is incomplete. Perhaps it is because Boz is the
first name on the author's list?)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7097

Re: HELP!!!!! Posted by rabidsamfan June 12, 2006 - 17:06:00 Topic ID# 7096
Whenever I add an author I find I have to start from scratch or it doesn't
work. Don't know why.

On 6/12/06, <> wrote:
> Am trying to submit a story for Boz4PM and the database WON'T LET ME!
> (keeps telling me the form is incomplete. Perhaps it is because Boz is the
> first name on the author's list?)
> Frustrated,
> Lin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7098

another MEFA cry for help Posted by jodancingtree June 12, 2006 - 21:57:12 Topic ID# 7098
Speaking of HELP!, how does a poor absent-minded author give thankful
permission for being nominated? I was notified several days ago that I
need to reply (somehow RL got in the way of my hearing about the
nomination earlier) - and I've been trying to respond ever since - but
sadly, my poor story still says "Author has not responded".

Please, somebody, tell me how to fix this? I'd really be sad if my
poor story got bumped because I never figured out how to do this!

bewildered and befuddled,


Msg# 7099

Nomination Season Reminder Posted by aure\_enteluva June 12, 2006 - 23:05:16 Topic ID# 7099
Hey guys,

Don't forget that nominations close soon. June 15 is the last day of
nomination season.

If you haven't tried to nominate yet and plan to, please try sooner
rather than later. If there's anything that needs fixing we want to
have time to do it. :-)

After nominations are over authors will have one week to finalize all
of their stories. Then we begin the categorizing.


Msg# 7100

Re: HELP!!!!! Posted by Anthony Holder June 12, 2006 - 23:11:23 Topic ID# 7096

I'm not sure what's up. Is Boz4PM a new author? What's supposed to
happen is this:

Click on the New Story link.
Click on the 'Add a new Author' link.
Enter the author's info, and click 'Add'
It takes you back to the New Story link, with your new author selected
from the list (maybe it's first in the list, I don't remember).
Finish entering data, and submit the new story.

Some of the link names above won't be right, because I didn't actually
look, but that's the basic workflow, I think.

Can you try again, to see if it works? If it doesn't, please send me
all the story info, and I'll log in as you and try myself, so I can see
exactly what's happening.


On Jun 12, 2006, at 11:52 AM, wrote:

> Am trying to submit a story for Boz4PM and the database WON'T LET ME!
> (keeps telling me the form is incomplete. Perhaps it is because Boz is
> the
> first name on the author's list?)
> Frustrated,
> Lin

Msg# 7104

Re: another MEFA cry for help Posted by Marta Layton June 13, 2006 - 0:05:37 Topic ID# 7098
jodancingtree wrote:
> Speaking of HELP!, how does a poor absent-minded author give thankful
> permission for being nominated? I was notified several days ago that I
> need to reply (somehow RL got in the way of my hearing about the
> nomination earlier) - and I've been trying to respond ever since - but
> sadly, my poor story still says "Author has not responded".
> Please, somebody, tell me how to fix this? I'd really be sad if my
> poor story got bumped because I never figured out how to do this!
> bewildered and befuddled,
> jo

Hi Jo,

Sorry this is so confusing! Normally the volunteer assigned to you
should have contacted with you, and I'm sure she's tried. Lots of people
have had trouble with emails getting caught by spam filters.

In the interest of time I'll take care of your story for you. Look for
an email from me shortly. It'll be coming from melayton(at)gmail(dot)com.

If you *haven't* heard in the next day or so shoot me a line.


Msg# 7105

Re: HELP!!!!! Posted by rabidsamfan June 13, 2006 - 0:15:53 Topic ID# 7096
Anthony, when I've added authors it has only worked when I got out of the
nomination form entirely and then started again, selecting the new name from
the list. I don't know why, I just know that I've had to do it every time.

On 6/12/06, Anthony Holder <> wrote:
> Lin,
> I'm not sure what's up. Is Boz4PM a new author? What's supposed to
> happen is this:
> Click on the New Story link.
> Click on the 'Add a new Author' link.
> Enter the author's info, and click 'Add'
> It takes you back to the New Story link, with your new author selected
> from the list (maybe it's first in the list, I don't remember).
> Finish entering data, and submit the new story.
> Some of the link names above won't be right, because I didn't actually
> look, but that's the basic workflow, I think.
> Can you try again, to see if it works? If it doesn't, please send me
> all the story info, and I'll log in as you and try myself, so I can see
> exactly what's happening.
> Thanks,
> Anthony
> On Jun 12, 2006, at 11:52 AM, <> wrote:
> > Am trying to submit a story for Boz4PM and the database WON'T LET ME!
> >
> > (keeps telling me the form is incomplete. Perhaps it is because Boz is
> > the
> > first name on the author's list?)
> >
> > Frustrated,
> > Lin

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7106

Re: HELP!!!!! (attn: Anthony) Posted by Marta Layton June 13, 2006 - 0:37:07 Topic ID# 7096 wrote:
> Am trying to submit a story for Boz4PM and the database WON'T LET ME!
> (keeps telling me the form is incomplete. Perhaps it is because Boz is the
> first name on the author's list?)
> Frustrated,
> Lin

Hi Lin,

I'm sorry you're frustrated. I haven't had this problem because I
haven't had to add any authors. So I'm not sure how much help I am.

I think RabidSamFan suggested closing the form and trying to nominate
the story again. Basically, after you add the author, click "overview",
then the link to nominate a story and fill out the form again. If that
doesn't work I hope Anthony will be able to tell us how to fix this.


Msg# 7109

ADMIN - VIRUS - New Graphics Site Posted by Naresha June 13, 2006 - 4:53:43 Topic ID# 7109
Okay ppl. You've probably seen this in other
groups, but given that several members have
passed it on to this group, I thought it best to
post here.

(Btw, I'm taking this from Jastaelf's group -
thanks Jasta!!!)

If you receive a message entitled "New Graphic
Site" or anything like that, do NOT open it--it
contains a virus, and was not wittingly sent
by the person whose name is on it. They were the
victim of a propagating "walking virus", the kind
that mines people's address books for addresses.

Do NOT report the message to your service
provider as spam, or your friend will be punished
as a spammer and probably blocked from you. Just
delete the message unread, then empty your trash
file. If you really want to be careful, re-boot
your computer after deleting the trash, and run
your virus checker. But simply deleting should be

And finally, a tip from Resha! What I've done -
at the instigation of a more computer literate
friend - is go through my ENTIRE address book and
put an * in front of every email address. It
makes the email address faulty and viruses like
this cannot go past your computer because you
have no useful addresses for it to access.
Yes... It does take time to do it and it does
mean that you cannot use the quick names, but in
my experience, it does help reduce these sort of


~To forgive calls upon our love, to forget calls upon our strength~

AIM: Naresha21 MSN: Yahoo: fruitcake5m1
Personal LJ:
Writing LJ:

My Website! Slash Me Happy

Send instant messages to your online friends

Msg# 7110

Re: another MEFA cry for help Posted by Jo Dancingtree June 13, 2006 - 8:49:43 Topic ID# 7098
Thank you, Marta! Thank you, thank you... it was such a much-needed shot in the arm right now, to hear that my story was nominated, and would've been such a bummer if it had been pitched because of my own stupid confusion.

Hugs and tons of thanks,


Marta Layton <> wrote: jodancingtree wrote:
> Speaking of HELP!, how does a poor absent-minded author give thankful
> permission for being nominated? I was notified several days ago that I
> need to reply (somehow RL got in the way of my hearing about the
> nomination earlier) - and I've been trying to respond ever since - but
> sadly, my poor story still says "Author has not responded".
> Please, somebody, tell me how to fix this? I'd really be sad if my
> poor story got bumped because I never figured out how to do this!
> bewildered and befuddled,
> jo

Hi Jo,

Sorry this is so confusing! Normally the volunteer assigned to you
should have contacted with you, and I'm sure she's tried. Lots of people
have had trouble with emails getting caught by spam filters.

In the interest of time I'll take care of your story for you. Look for
an email from me shortly. It'll be coming from melayton(at)gmail(dot)com.

If you *haven't* heard in the next day or so shoot me a line.


He who limps is still walking.
-Stanislaw Lec

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7111

heads-up: new virus Posted by Marta Layton June 13, 2006 - 9:23:41 Topic ID# 7111
Hey guys,

I normally don't post about things unrelated to the MEFAs, especially
viruses, but there's one going around. It's called. J.Yamanner; see

for more information. I'm posting this one because this particular
virus has been hammering many Yahoo groups, including I know the staff
one and I think this one as well.

Basically: do not open up the emails with the subject line "New
Graphics Site". If you have already done this and you have an email
address book, you should contact everyone in it to warn them. The
virus spreads by sending an email to everyone in your address book and
it seems to target email addresses with "" or
"" as the domain name.

And in the immortal words of _The Hitchhiker's Guide_, "Don't panic".
This is obviously something that you want to avoid, but if you've been
infected the most important thing to do is to take it step by step.
First step: contact anyone in your address book. I think the link
above lists how to remove the virus, and also some good safety
measures to keep you from getting infected by other viruses.


Msg# 7112

Fwd: Another question, with the deadline looming Posted by June 13, 2006 - 11:58:04 Topic ID# 7112
Shoot. I keep forgetting I can't hit "reply" any more.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7113

Question for group nomination--Anthony? Posted by June 13, 2006 - 12:03:26 Topic ID# 7113
Pipkinsweetgrass is trying to nominate a group story. I had told her to use
my e-mail address for the group, since I coordinated the effort, but it seems
that won't work.

It was suggested that a group member who hadn't participated in the MEFAs in
the past serve as email contact, but I'm not sure we have anyone who fits that.

What do we do?

Can it somehow be rigged to use my email address, or does that throw
everything off?

I promise not to vote under the group name, if that helps... heh. It's going
to be a challenge just to find the time to vote under *my* membership name.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7114

Re: New Graphic Site -- VIRUS warning! Posted by June 13, 2006 - 13:14:19 Topic ID# 7114

Just got word from one of my other yahoo lists that the message with the
subject header "New Graphics Site" has a virus in the attachment.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7115

Re: Question for group nomination--Anthony? Posted by Marta Layton June 13, 2006 - 20:45:19 Topic ID# 7113 wrote:
> Pipkinsweetgrass is trying to nominate a group story. I had told her to use
> my e-mail address for the group, since I coordinated the effort, but it
> seems
> that won't work.
> It was suggested that a group member who hadn't participated in the
> MEFAs in
> the past serve as email contact, but I'm not sure we have anyone who
> fits that.
> What do we do?
> Can it somehow be rigged to use my email address, or does that throw
> everything off?
> I promise not to vote under the group name, if that helps... heh. It's
> going
> to be a challenge just to find the time to vote under *my* membership name.
> Thanks,
> Lin

Hi Lin,

We have pretty strict rules that each person can only have one account.
That's why the website only lets each email address be given to one member.

I forget, how many people are in the group? It sounds like we may need
to create an author group. An author group is where you see "CoAuthors"
in the authors' name; you can create one between two authors I know by
clicking the link on the nomination form under the link to create an
author. But I'm not sure if there's any limit to how many members can be
joined in one author account like that. That would really be the best
way to handle it if it's a possibility.

What are the authors' names and their emails? If you can get me that
information (and assuming Anthony says we can join that many authors in
an account), I'll set up the group and then Pipkin can nominate it.

Let me know,

Msg# 7116

Re: Question for group nomination--Anthony? Posted by Anthony Holder June 13, 2006 - 22:42:03 Topic ID# 7113
On Jun 13, 2006, at 8:44 PM, Marta Layton wrote:
> wrote:
>> Pipkinsweetgrass is trying to nominate a group story. I had told her
>> to use
>> my e-mail address for the group, since I coordinated the effort, but
>> it
>> seems
>> that won't work.
> Hi Lin,
> We have pretty strict rules that each person can only have one account.
> That's why the website only lets each email address be given to one
> member.


Marta's right here.

The way CoAuthor Groups work is that you add the new authors
individually, with their email addresses, then when they're all in the
system, you link them together as a CoAuthor Group.

There are links to the 'New Author' and 'New Group' forms on the Story
Nomination form, just under the author selection list.

The reason it's done that way is so that the system can know who the
actual authors are, and list the stories for them, as well as to know
that those authors are not allowed to vote for the story that they're
an author of.

The actual 'person' that is a CoAuthor group doesn't even have an email
address associated with it, because it just uses the info from the
individual authors.

I've been told that for some reason, after you create a new author or
group, you need to reload the New Story form and select your author.
Using the form that it sends you to seems to cause errors. I won't try
to fix this now, as it might cause problems, and this close to the end
of nominating season, it's not worth the risk.


Msg# 7117

Author Round-up Posted by aure\_enteluva June 13, 2006 - 23:20:26 Topic ID# 7117
Hey guys,

Well, nominations are winding down, and we've had a very good turn-out
of stories that have been nominated. Many of these stories are ready
to compete. But some still need some work.

The following stories have been nominated, but as of a few hours ago
they have not contacted their liaison. Many of them may be recent
nominations, and if so you may already be working on these
nominations. However, if you were not aware that your stories were
nominated, please email mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.

AELFGIFUEMMA: "Redemption of Meriadoc"
AGAPE4GONDOR: "Summoned"
BEETHOVEN'S 7TH: "A Darkened Heart"
BILL THE PONY: "Under the Ympe Tree", "Clover and Kisses", "Fos' Almir"
BOZ4PM: "Don't Panic", "Okay, NOW Panic"
BRANWYN: "Book Learning"
CLAUDIA: "Hold Moonlight"; "The Little Hobbit"
DAWN FELAGUND: "The Choice of Spirits"
DOT: "'Till We Meet Again"
DREAMFLOWER: "Cousin Calla"
EDORASLASS: "Shadow of Himself"
ELLETHILL: "To Ride, to Will, to Fear"
FRAYACH NI CUILL: "Endurance Beyond Hope"
FRODO LAD: "First Yule"
INGLOR: "Just a Little Shove"
IVANNETH: "The Follower"
JAY OF LASGALEN: "Old Man Willow", "Starlight on Leaves"
LARNER: "The Acceptable Sacrifice"
LLINOS: "Frodo's Exciting Day Out"
LOSSELEN: "Songbird"
MARISU: "Evenstar"
NERDANEL: "Olore Malle"
NEUMEINDIL: "How Grima Lost His Eyebrows"
NOLDO: "Gliding Into Oblivion"; "Noldo"
PERELLETH: "Last Goodbye Series", "New Beginnings"
PRIMSONG: "Seabird's Cry"
RUBY NYE: "On the Road Home", "Cakes and Apples"
SHIREBOUND: "Whispers of the Dragon"
SPACE WEAVIL: "Grey Havens", "Call to Arms", "Little Stars"
SURGICALSTEEL: "The King's Surgeon"
TIRIEL: "A Garden for My Love"
TUXEDO_ELF: "The Lost Hunter"
WHITE GULL: "Unspeakable"
XYLO: "Detour"
_CHIBIMELODY_: "The Painting"

These authors have responded to their emails but have not begun the
story form.

EDORASLASS: "Come When You are Ready"
GREY WONDERER: "Concerning Hobbit's Feet"
JODANCINGTREE: "The Grey at the End of the World"
STORYFISH: "Come and catch me", "The Decoy Hobbit"

These authors have begun their form but have not finished it. If you
think you have finished the form you should email your liaison; if you
do not know who that is or if you do not hear back from them within a
day or two, please email mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.

If you are still working on the form, that's fine. You have until June
22 to finish your nomination forms. Just don't forget to email your
liaison when you're done.

ANORIATH: "An Empty Saddle to Fill"
INKLING: "Better Than Frodo Baggins", "Birnam Wood"
JAY OF LASGALEN: "In the Pits of Utumno"
LINDELEA: "When Winter Fell", "A Healer's Tale", "The Tenth Walker",
"Just Desserts"
RAKSHA THE DEMON: "Stewardship"

These authors have finished their form but the nomination is still not
finalized. In many of these cases the author just needs to email the
liaison. Your story is not finalized until you have heard from your
liaison that everything's rewady to go.

BILL THE PONY: "A Letter Unwritten"
DANA: "Until After", "At Crickhollow"
DREAMFLOWER: "Tom Bombadil and the Four Travellers", "For Arda", "The
Smallest Hands", "Sums, Showers, Scones", "Home At Last", "A Merry Old
ELLISKA: "Dawn of a New Age: First Age", "Until Light Returns"
GARNET TOOK: "The Short Cut"
LAIQUENDI: "Sacrafice", "Remember This Day Little Brother", "Hard to
Forgive, Hard to Forget", "Lothlorien"
MARIOLE: "An Army of Tooks"
PIPKINSWEETGRASS: "Thief of Hearts: How Pippen Stole Merry's Heart"
NESTA: "Hours of Waiting"
RABIDSAMFAN: "Lembas Shmembas", "More Lembas Thoughts", "Along the Morgai"
TANAQUI: "Sucj Loveliness", "Unfolded", "A Thing Unheard Of", "Rejection"
WENONT: "A Golden Light in the Time of Darkness"

If you see your name on this list and think your story is finished or
didn't know your story was nominated, please email
mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com. It's not too late to finish up these
nominations, but we do need to hurry.


Msg# 7118

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Rhonda Deniston June 14, 2006 - 0:28:15 Topic ID# 7117

I've been out of town and I was just able to work on some of my authors today. Some of mine are already taken care of. Perelleth, Dana, Mariole, and Anoriath are totally finished. I have also sent the first contacts to Boz, Branwyn, Primsong, Tuxedo elf, and RubyNye. I still do not know what to do with Claudia. Rhapsody contacted her on her livejournal and she was going to contact me and she still hasn't. I'll try and do something about that one again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know what was going on with mine! :)


aure_enteluva <> wrote:
Hey guys,

Well, nominations are winding down, and we've had a very good turn-out
of stories that have been nominated. Many of these stories are ready
to compete. But some still need some work.

The following stories have been nominated, but as of a few hours ago
they have not contacted their liaison. Many of them may be recent
nominations, and if so you may already be working on these
nominations. However, if you were not aware that your stories were
nominated, please email mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.

AELFGIFUEMMA: "Redemption of Meriadoc"
AGAPE4GONDOR: "Summoned"
BEETHOVEN'S 7TH: "A Darkened Heart"
BILL THE PONY: "Under the Ympe Tree", "Clover and Kisses", "Fos' Almir"
BOZ4PM: "Don't Panic", "Okay, NOW Panic"
BRANWYN: "Book Learning"
CLAUDIA: "Hold Moonlight"; "The Little Hobbit"
DAWN FELAGUND: "The Choice of Spirits"
DOT: "'Till We Meet Again"
DREAMFLOWER: "Cousin Calla"
EDORASLASS: "Shadow of Himself"
ELLETHILL: "To Ride, to Will, to Fear"
FRAYACH NI CUILL: "Endurance Beyond Hope"
FRODO LAD: "First Yule"
INGLOR: "Just a Little Shove"
IVANNETH: "The Follower"
JAY OF LASGALEN: "Old Man Willow", "Starlight on Leaves"
LARNER: "The Acceptable Sacrifice"
LLINOS: "Frodo's Exciting Day Out"
LOSSELEN: "Songbird"
MARISU: "Evenstar"
NERDANEL: "Olore Malle"
NEUMEINDIL: "How Grima Lost His Eyebrows"
NOLDO: "Gliding Into Oblivion"; "Noldo"
PERELLETH: "Last Goodbye Series", "New Beginnings"
PRIMSONG: "Seabird's Cry"
RUBY NYE: "On the Road Home", "Cakes and Apples"
SHIREBOUND: "Whispers of the Dragon"
SPACE WEAVIL: "Grey Havens", "Call to Arms", "Little Stars"
SURGICALSTEEL: "The King's Surgeon"
TIRIEL: "A Garden for My Love"
TUXEDO_ELF: "The Lost Hunter"
WHITE GULL: "Unspeakable"
XYLO: "Detour"
_CHIBIMELODY_: "The Painting"

These authors have responded to their emails but have not begun the
story form.

EDORASLASS: "Come When You are Ready"
GREY WONDERER: "Concerning Hobbit's Feet"
JODANCINGTREE: "The Grey at the End of the World"
STORYFISH: "Come and catch me", "The Decoy Hobbit"

These authors have begun their form but have not finished it. If you
think you have finished the form you should email your liaison; if you
do not know who that is or if you do not hear back from them within a
day or two, please email mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.

If you are still working on the form, that's fine. You have until June
22 to finish your nomination forms. Just don't forget to email your
liaison when you're done.

ANORIATH: "An Empty Saddle to Fill"
INKLING: "Better Than Frodo Baggins", "Birnam Wood"
JAY OF LASGALEN: "In the Pits of Utumno"
LINDELEA: "When Winter Fell", "A Healer's Tale", "The Tenth Walker",
"Just Desserts"
RAKSHA THE DEMON: "Stewardship"

These authors have finished their form but the nomination is still not
finalized. In many of these cases the author just needs to email the
liaison. Your story is not finalized until you have heard from your
liaison that everything's rewady to go.

BILL THE PONY: "A Letter Unwritten"
DANA: "Until After", "At Crickhollow"
DREAMFLOWER: "Tom Bombadil and the Four Travellers", "For Arda", "The
Smallest Hands", "Sums, Showers, Scones", "Home At Last", "A Merry Old
ELLISKA: "Dawn of a New Age: First Age", "Until Light Returns"
GARNET TOOK: "The Short Cut"
LAIQUENDI: "Sacrafice", "Remember This Day Little Brother", "Hard to
Forgive, Hard to Forget", "Lothlorien"
MARIOLE: "An Army of Tooks"
PIPKINSWEETGRASS: "Thief of Hearts: How Pippen Stole Merry's Heart"
NESTA: "Hours of Waiting"
RABIDSAMFAN: "Lembas Shmembas", "More Lembas Thoughts", "Along the Morgai"
TANAQUI: "Sucj Loveliness", "Unfolded", "A Thing Unheard Of", "Rejection"
WENONT: "A Golden Light in the Time of Darkness"

If you see your name on this list and think your story is finished or
didn't know your story was nominated, please email
mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com. It's not too late to finish up these
nominations, but we do need to hurry.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7119

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Rhapsody June 14, 2006 - 1:03:57 Topic ID# 7117
Rhonda Deniston wrote:
> Marta,
> I've been out of town and I was just able to work on some of my authors today. Some of mine are already taken care of. Perelleth, Dana, Mariole, and Anoriath are totally finished. I have also sent the first contacts to Boz, Branwyn, Primsong, Tuxedo elf, and RubyNye. I still do not know what to do with Claudia. Rhapsody contacted her on her livejournal and she was going to contact me and she still hasn't. I'll try and do something about that one again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know what was going on with mine! :)

I will try again today, Radbooks, it might be that her e-mails to you
get caught in a spamfilter... will ask her that.

For me, Dot, Llinos, Dawn Fegalund can be removed from the list. Dot's
nomination got completed hours before the e-mail was send out, I am
discussing Llinos nom with her, so I know 100% sure she will complete it
and Dawn's nom might be withdrawn because of the rating of the story (as
is stated in the notes).

Besides that Dreamflower had pc issues so she couldn't work on her
nominations, I'll drop her a note. BEETHOVEN'S 7TH: "A Darkened Heart",
the last thing I heard she didn't receive any e-mails from her liaison,
so she is awaiting for that. Eagerly :)


Msg# 7120

Re: Author Round-up Posted by rabidsamfan June 14, 2006 - 1:57:07 Topic ID# 7117
Hi. Saw my name near the bottom of the list for some things, and I haven't
heard anything from anyone about those entries, which is why I haven't
confirmed anything. They're all good, as far as I know, and I've
doublechecked the links.

On 6/14/06, aure_enteluva <> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Well, nominations are winding down, and we've had a very good turn-out
> of stories that have been nominated. Many of these stories are ready
> to compete. But some still need some work.
> The following stories have been nominated, but as of a few hours ago
> they have not contacted their liaison. Many of them may be recent
> nominations, and if so you may already be working on these
> nominations. However, if you were not aware that your stories were
> nominated, please email mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.
> AELFGIFUEMMA: "Redemption of Meriadoc"
> AGAPE4GONDOR: "Summoned"
> BEETHOVEN'S 7TH: "A Darkened Heart"
> BILL THE PONY: "Under the Ympe Tree", "Clover and Kisses", "Fos' Almir"
> BOZ4PM: "Don't Panic", "Okay, NOW Panic"
> BRANWYN: "Book Learning"
> CLAUDIA: "Hold Moonlight"; "The Little Hobbit"
> DAWN FELAGUND: "The Choice of Spirits"
> DOT: "'Till We Meet Again"
> DREAMFLOWER: "Cousin Calla"
> EDORASLASS: "Shadow of Himself"
> ELLETHILL: "To Ride, to Will, to Fear"
> FRAYACH NI CUILL: "Endurance Beyond Hope"
> FRODO LAD: "First Yule"
> INGLOR: "Just a Little Shove"
> IVANNETH: "The Follower"
> JAY OF LASGALEN: "Old Man Willow", "Starlight on Leaves"
> LARNER: "The Acceptable Sacrifice"
> LLINOS: "Frodo's Exciting Day Out"
> LOSSELEN: "Songbird"
> MARISU: "Evenstar"
> NERDANEL: "Olore Malle"
> NEUMEINDIL: "How Grima Lost His Eyebrows"
> NOLDO: "Gliding Into Oblivion"; "Noldo"
> PERELLETH: "Last Goodbye Series", "New Beginnings"
> PRIMSONG: "Seabird's Cry"
> RUBY NYE: "On the Road Home", "Cakes and Apples"
> SHIREBOUND: "Whispers of the Dragon"
> SIMBELMYNE: "Escape"; "TBD"
> SPACE WEAVIL: "Grey Havens", "Call to Arms", "Little Stars"
> SURGICALSTEEL: "The King's Surgeon"
> TIRIEL: "A Garden for My Love"
> TUXEDO_ELF: "The Lost Hunter"
> WHITE GULL: "Unspeakable"
> XYLO: "Detour"
> _CHIBIMELODY_: "The Painting"
> These authors have responded to their emails but have not begun the
> story form.
> EDORASLASS: "Come When You are Ready"
> GREY WONDERER: "Concerning Hobbit's Feet"
> JODANCINGTREE: "The Grey at the End of the World"
> STORYFISH: "Come and catch me", "The Decoy Hobbit"
> These authors have begun their form but have not finished it. If you
> think you have finished the form you should email your liaison; if you
> do not know who that is or if you do not hear back from them within a
> day or two, please email mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.
> If you are still working on the form, that's fine. You have until June
> 22 to finish your nomination forms. Just don't forget to email your
> liaison when you're done.
> ANORIATH: "An Empty Saddle to Fill"
> INKLING: "Better Than Frodo Baggins", "Birnam Wood"
> JAY OF LASGALEN: "In the Pits of Utumno"
> LINDELEA: "When Winter Fell", "A Healer's Tale", "The Tenth Walker",
> "Just Desserts"
> RAKSHA THE DEMON: "Stewardship"
> These authors have finished their form but the nomination is still not
> finalized. In many of these cases the author just needs to email the
> liaison. Your story is not finalized until you have heard from your
> liaison that everything's rewady to go.
> BILL THE PONY: "A Letter Unwritten"
> DANA: "Until After", "At Crickhollow"
> DREAMFLOWER: "Tom Bombadil and the Four Travellers", "For Arda", "The
> Smallest Hands", "Sums, Showers, Scones", "Home At Last", "A Merry Old
> Inn"
> ELLISKA: "Dawn of a New Age: First Age", "Until Light Returns"
> GARNET TOOK: "The Short Cut"
> LAIQUENDI: "Sacrafice", "Remember This Day Little Brother", "Hard to
> Forgive, Hard to Forget", "Lothlorien"
> MARIOLE: "An Army of Tooks"
> PIPKINSWEETGRASS: "Thief of Hearts: How Pippen Stole Merry's Heart"
> NESTA: "Hours of Waiting"
> RABIDSAMFAN: "Lembas Shmembas", "More Lembas Thoughts", "Along the Morgai"
> TANAQUI: "Sucj Loveliness", "Unfolded", "A Thing Unheard Of", "Rejection"
> WENONT: "A Golden Light in the Time of Darkness"
> If you see your name on this list and think your story is finished or
> didn't know your story was nominated, please email
> mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com. It's not too late to finish up these
> nominations, but we do need to hurry.
> Marta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7121

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Marta Layton June 14, 2006 - 17:55:31 Topic ID# 7117
Hi Radbooks,

> I've been out of town and I was just able to work on some of my authors
> today. Some of mine are already taken care of. Perelleth, Dana, Mariole,
> and Anoriath are totally finished. I have also sent the first contacts
> to Boz, Branwyn, Primsong, Tuxedo elf, and RubyNye.

Excellent on all those counts. I thought this list would probably
include some people who were already being taken care of, but I didn't
want to miss anyone who might not have heard they were nominated.

> I still do not know
> what to do with Claudia. Rhapsody contacted her on her livejournal and
> she was going to contact me and she still hasn't. I'll try and do
> something about that one again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know
> what was going on with mine! :)

I'm afraid I don't know how to contact Claudia at all. If someone
reading this knows her, please tell her to email Radbooks.


Msg# 7122

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Marta Layton June 14, 2006 - 18:05:11 Topic ID# 7117
Hi Rhapsody,

> BEETHOVEN'S 7TH: "A Darkened Heart",
> the last thing I heard she didn't receive any e-mails from her liaison,
> so she is awaiting for that. Eagerly :)

This one might be spam issues. I know Cathleen emailed all of her
authors last night, and Cathleen is Beethoven's author.

Why don't you pass on Cathleen's email address? Also, you can tell her
that if she hasn't heard back from Cathleen in a few days it looks loike
the email issues are two-sided and she can email me at
mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll either help Cathleen and B7 get in
touch, or help B7 myself.


Msg# 7123

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Rhapsody June 14, 2006 - 18:13:09 Topic ID# 7117
Marta Layton wrote:
<snip snip>
>>I still do not know
>>what to do with Claudia. Rhapsody contacted her on her livejournal and
>>she was going to contact me and she still hasn't. I'll try and do
>>something about that one again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know
>>what was going on with mine! :)
> I'm afraid I don't know how to contact Claudia at all. If someone
> reading this knows her, please tell her to email Radbooks.

Okay, this is getting weirder every minute. Marta, she told me that she
send an e-mail to mefa support a couple of hours ago (7 to 10 maybe). I
send you an e-mail about it. Since it is gmail... maybe she got caught
in the spam filter of it, so I don't know if you log in on the internet/
web interface or not... I occasionally do that because sometimes e-mails
are caught there.

She's doing her best to get in touch with Radbooks, she sends e-mails
but they never arrive in Radbooks inbox. Now I have a solution that also
serves Claudia's interest... maybe you can assign her to me (besides
Storyfish & Nerdanel I am staring at very very green stuff) and I'll
take it from there (since she also asked for a password and everything
and I don't have access to it on that level).

(who just figured out that during summer time (day savings time), her
country is two hours ahead of gmt instead of one...)

Msg# 7124

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Rhapsody June 14, 2006 - 18:23:03 Topic ID# 7117
Marta Layton wrote:
> Hi Rhapsody,
>>BEETHOVEN'S 7TH: "A Darkened Heart",
>>the last thing I heard she didn't receive any e-mails from her liaison,
>>so she is awaiting for that. Eagerly :)
> This one might be spam issues. I know Cathleen emailed all of her
> authors last night, and Cathleen is Beethoven's author.
> Why don't you pass on Cathleen's email address? Also, you can tell her
> that if she hasn't heard back from Cathleen in a few days it looks loike
> the email issues are two-sided and she can email me at
> mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll either help Cathleen and B7 get in
> touch, or help B7 myself.

I just heard that B7 has received the e-mail, but didn't had the time to
look at the form. I pass on the info anyway :)


Msg# 7125

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Elanor Gardner June 14, 2006 - 18:39:21 Topic ID# 7117
Claudia603 on Livejournal? I can reach her. What is the email address?

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Marta Layton
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Author Round-up

Hi Radbooks,

> I've been out of town and I was just able to work on some of my authors
> today. Some of mine are already taken care of. Perelleth, Dana, Mariole,
> and Anoriath are totally finished. I have also sent the first contacts
> to Boz, Branwyn, Primsong, Tuxedo elf, and RubyNye.

Excellent on all those counts. I thought this list would probably
include some people who were already being taken care of, but I didn't
want to miss anyone who might not have heard they were nominated.

> I still do not know
> what to do with Claudia. Rhapsody contacted her on her livejournal and
> she was going to contact me and she still hasn't. I'll try and do
> something about that one again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know
> what was going on with mine! :)

I'm afraid I don't know how to contact Claudia at all. If someone
reading this knows her, please tell her to email Radbooks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7126

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Marta Layton June 14, 2006 - 18:55:31 Topic ID# 7117
rabidsamfan wrote:
> Hi. Saw my name near the bottom of the list for some things, and I haven't
> heard anything from anyone about those entries, which is why I haven't
> confirmed anything. They're all good, as far as I know, and I've
> doublechecked the links.

Hi Rabidsamfan,

I've looked over those nominations, and we have all the information we
need. Those stories are ready to compete.

And I'm sorry I didn't contact you earlier. It was actually elliska who
came up with this list, and I hadn't contacted authors in the time
between when you were nominated and she made her list.


Msg# 7127

Re: Author Round-up Posted by rabidsamfan June 14, 2006 - 19:36:45 Topic ID# 7117
That's okay. I figured that's why there's an extra week for settling
nominations built into the process. Glad these are set to go!

On 6/14/06, Marta Layton <> wrote:
> rabidsamfan wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi. Saw my name near the bottom of the list for some things, and I
> haven't
> > heard anything from anyone about those entries, which is why I haven't
> > confirmed anything. They're all good, as far as I know, and I've
> > doublechecked the links.
> >
> Hi Rabidsamfan,
> I've looked over those nominations, and we have all the information we
> need. Those stories are ready to compete.
> And I'm sorry I didn't contact you earlier. It was actually elliska who
> came up with this list, and I hadn't contacted authors in the time
> between when you were nominated and she made her list.
> Marta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7128

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Marta Layton June 14, 2006 - 22:48:12 Topic ID# 7117
Elanor Gardner wrote:
> Claudia603 on Livejournal? I can reach her. What is the email address?

Hi Elanor,

Thanks for the offer. But it's unnecessary! SlightlyTookish already
emailed her and she emailed me privately.

Thanks for offering, though.


Msg# 7129

Re: Author Round-up Posted by Marta Layton June 14, 2006 - 22:56:18 Topic ID# 7117
Rhapsody wrote:
> Marta Layton wrote:
> <snip snip>
> >>I still do not know
> >>what to do with Claudia. Rhapsody contacted her on her livejournal and
> >>she was going to contact me and she still hasn't. I'll try and do
> >>something about that one again tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know
> >>what was going on with mine! :)
> >
> > I'm afraid I don't know how to contact Claudia at all. If someone
> > reading this knows her, please tell her to email Radbooks.
> Okay, this is getting weirder every minute. Marta, she told me that she
> send an e-mail to mefa support a couple of hours ago (7 to 10 maybe). I
> send you an e-mail about it. Since it is gmail... maybe she got caught
> in the spam filter of it, so I don't know if you log in on the internet/
> web interface or not... I occasionally do that because sometimes e-mails
> are caught there.
> She's doing her best to get in touch with Radbooks, she sends e-mails
> but they never arrive in Radbooks inbox. Now I have a solution that also
> serves Claudia's interest... maybe you can assign her to me (besides
> Storyfish & Nerdanel I am staring at very very green stuff) and I'll
> take it from there (since she also asked for a password and everything
> and I don't have access to it on that level).

Just clearing this up:

when I sent the above email I hadn't seen Claudia's email. It was a few
screens down my inbox, one of about ninety emails, and for some reason I
didn't see it when I scanned to see what was there this evening.

But I have heard from Claudia. I've emailed her her password and
instructions for how to approve her nomination. I copied Radbooks on
that email as well. I told her to email me and Radbooks when she's done
and when she does I'll take care of approving the stories if Radbooks
doesn't receive the email for some reason.


Msg# 7130

Nom Help! Posted by Barbara Slough June 15, 2006 - 11:04:10 Topic ID# 7117
I just found out a story *wasn't* in the running,
and I'm trying to fix that!
She mentioned being nominated for something,
I thought it was this one.
(It was Precious, or something)

I can't get it to accept. I filled-in all blocks w/*
(even the notes...which doesn't have *)
It keeps saying it's not completed.
I selected author (rynogeny) whom I just added.
I put everything in.
Wah! I thought there was still time!

-Barb (Merbrat)

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Msg# 7131

Re: Nom Help! Posted by Marta Layton June 15, 2006 - 11:37:35 Topic ID# 7117
> Help!
> I just found out a story *wasn't* in the running,
> and I'm trying to fix that!
> She mentioned being nominated for something,
> I thought it was this one.
> (It was Precious, or something)
> I can't get it to accept. I filled-in all blocks w/*
> (even the notes...which doesn't have *)
> It keeps saying it's not completed.
> I selected author (rynogeny) whom I just added.
> I put everything in.
> Wah! I thought there was still time!
> -Barb (Merbrat)

Hi Barb,

Some people have had problems with the form when they add a story. The
easiest solution is to just start with the new form. After you've
added the author click the "overview" at the top of the page, then
click "Nominate a Story".

If it still doesn't work please let us know.


Msg# 7132

Re: Nom Help! Posted by Barbara Slough June 15, 2006 - 12:34:09 Topic ID# 7117
--- Marta Layton <> wrote:

> > Help!
> > <snip-snip>
> >
> > -Barb (Merbrat)
> >
> Hi Barb,
> < snippage occureth >
> After you've added the author click the "overview"
> at the top of the page, then
> click "Nominate a Story".
> If it still doesn't work please let us know.
> Marta
Thanks, that worked <whew!>

um, do I supply the summary, etc?
Or do the MEFA staff do that, so they are consistant?
(cut/paste from the story link, etc)
(I mean ratings, etc differ from some archives)
I didn't see where that info was on the form.
Hers is rated "T" for Teen at ff.n

The FAQ said it helps to submit an email from the
author showing she approves of the nom. How do I do
that, since it was after the form was submitted, that
I read the FAQ about *that* one? (drat!) I also need
to warn her about her 'homework' when the liaison

I'm sorry to bother you with this last minute stuff,
but it is probably helping someone else who might read
this! (Right?..That's my story...)

-Barb (Merbrat)

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Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Msg# 7133

Re: Nom Help! Posted by Rhapsody June 15, 2006 - 13:02:43 Topic ID# 7117
Barbara Slough wrote:
Hi Barb,

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Thanks, that worked <whew!>
> um, do I supply the summary, etc?
> Or do the MEFA staff do that, so they are consistant?
> (cut/paste from the story link, etc)
> (I mean ratings, etc differ from some archives)
> I didn't see where that info was on the form.
> Hers is rated "T" for Teen at ff.n

Here is how it works: you supply correct title, url and make sure it is
coming from a public archive/site, that the rating does not go gigher
than R αnd that it didn't compete before.

The liaison sees that a story is nominated and contacts the author. The
author fills in the details like story summary ect ect.

All you have to do is leave a review for the story.

> The FAQ said it helps to submit an email from the
> author showing she approves of the nom. How do I do
> that, since it was after the form was submitted, that
> I read the FAQ about *that* one? (drat!) I also need
> to warn her about her 'homework' when the liaison
> emails.

The liaision takes care of that. When all is filled out by the author,
the liaison checks on the details once more and most often asks the
author the approval. Once that is given, the nomination will be
completed by the liaison.

> I'm sorry to bother you with this last minute stuff,
> but it is probably helping someone else who might read
> this! (Right?..That's my story...)

There is always someone around :c)

Is this helpful?


Msg# 7134

Re: Nom Help! Posted by Marta Layton June 15, 2006 - 13:04:17 Topic ID# 7117
Hi Barb,

> > < snippage occureth >
> > After you've added the author click the "overview"
> > at the top of the page, then
> > click "Nominate a Story".
> >
> > If it still doesn't work please let us know.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Thanks, that worked <whew!>

> um, do I supply the summary, etc?
> Or do the MEFA staff do that, so they are consistant?
> (cut/paste from the story link, etc)
> (I mean ratings, etc differ from some archives)
> I didn't see where that info was on the form.
> Hers is rated "T" for Teen at ff.n

Nominators provide the author's name, the story's title, and the link
where the story can be found. If the author is not already in our
system you will also need to supply an email where they can be

The rest of the information like summary, rating, etc. is supplied by
the author.

> The FAQ said it helps to submit an email from the
> author showing she approves of the nom. How do I do
> that, since it was after the form was submitted, that
> I read the FAQ about *that* one? (drat!) I also need
> to warn her about her 'homework' when the liaison
> emails.

That's actually an out-of-date FAQ that needs to be fixed. Where did you see it?

Last year nominators could get permission from the author and forward
emails containing that permission to the volunteer in charge of that
author. This year, the author actually has to complete a form at our
website and then email permission directly to their liaison. Or
failing that, the "official" MEFA email address:

What you *can* do is email the author to let her know she's been
nominated and should expect an email soon. Sometimes these emails get
snagged by spam filters. Your author only has until a week from today
(midnight between June 22 and June 23, GMT) to finish her form and let
her liaison know she approves the nomination, so we don't want to
waste time if we can help it.

Oh, and in case it helps, Elliska will be this author's liaison.

> I'm sorry to bother you with this last minute stuff,
> but it is probably helping someone else who might read
> this! (Right?..That's my story...)

Don't worry about tht. Questions is one of the reasons why we have this list.


Msg# 7135

Error on data edit page Posted by elliska67 June 16, 2006 - 5:49:51 Topic ID# 7135
Hello all. If you click on the "Edit Data" link on your nominated
stories, you will get an error message. That has been reported to
Anthony, the programmer, and as soon as it is day time in his part of
the world, he will fix it. Sorry for the temporary problem and we will
post again when it is fixed. In the meantime, everyone enjoy reading
stories and finding new favorites!

Msg# 7136

Really dopey nomination question Posted by June 16, 2006 - 5:49:51 Topic ID# 7136
I can't find the nomination form. I went to

and logged in successfully. I found all kinds of overviews and faqs and questions. In my computer-challenged way, I overlooked where it says "complete this form for nominations." Or maybe it is too late and the formhas been removed.

Can you help? Please excuse my density. Regards - Chathol-linn

Msg# 7137

Re: Nom Help! Posted by Barbara Slough June 16, 2006 - 5:51:13 Topic ID# 7117
Thanks, Marta (and Rhapsody!)!

It was under (...hang on...)

"Nomination" FAQ---> "I know the author..."

I emailed rynogeny, and apologized for causing her
last-minute homework, after a hectic trip! I hope
Elliska will be gentle! ;o)

Barb (Merbrat)

--- Marta Layton <> wrote:

> > The FAQ said it helps to submit an email from the
> > author showing she approves of the nom. How do I
> > do that, since it was after the form was
> > submitted, that I read the FAQ about *that* one?
> > (drat!) I also need to warn her about her
> > 'homework' when the liaison emails.
> >
> < snips here, and there >

> That's actually an out-of-date FAQ that needs to be
> fixed. Where did you see it?
> Oh, and in case it helps, Elliska will be this
> author's liaison.

> Marta

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
protection around

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Msg# 7138

Re: Really dopey nomination question Posted by elliska67 June 16, 2006 - 6:02:31 Topic ID# 7136
--- In, chathollinn@... wrote:
> I can't find the nomination form.

Yes, sorry, but that would be accurate--nomination season ended
yesterday at GMT midnight. Sorry. But have fun voting! :-)

Msg# 7139

Kudos to Anthony! Posted by June 16, 2006 - 8:46:01 Topic ID# 7139
Bows low to our esteemed programmer, after filling in various forms and
seeing the results appear like magic on a website. Nomination season is over, and
what an amazing and flexible website we had to work with--forms that accepted
additional information without blinking (in a manner of speaking), a clear,
step-by-step process, and the ability to go back and correct, and re-correct, and
re-re-correct tired author mistakes.

Many, many thanks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7140

What's Next: Categorizing Posted by aure\_enteluva June 16, 2006 - 12:39:55 Topic ID# 7140
Hey guys,

As many of you probably already noticed, nominations closed yesterday
night, at midnight GMT. So what's next?

Authors have until the midnight between Thursday June 22 and Friday
June 23 (GMT) to finish up the information forms for any stories that
have been nominated. There's been a fair bit of confusion about this:
the June 22 deadline does not refer to the stories themselves but to
the form at where you give us
characters, settings, and other information about your story. Your
stories aren't ready to compete until you hear from the volunteer
working with you that we have all the information we need.

After that date all the stories whose nominations we *weren't* able to
complete will be withdrawn. They'll be eligible again next year. That
means you can be confident that every story that is in the database
will end up competing. You could vote for stories throughout
nominations, but we couldn't guarantee those stories would compete
until you saw "Nomination Complete" beside the story. Now you know: if
you see it, it's in the competition.

Next weekend we'll also begin categorizing stories. Every category and
mandatory subcategory needs to have at least five stories by two
authors, and no subcategory or category without any subcategories can
have more than fifteen stories. So we'll be dividing the stories into
categories and sub-categories that will compete against each other. We
may have to move some stories into their second- or third-choice
category, to make everything work.

Last year we really had too many people categorizing stories. This
year I want to limit the gorup to no more than three or four
volunteers. This will help us discuss the stories we have to move, as
waiting for everyone to comment was one of the most time-consuming
things about last year.

Rhapsody and I have already volunteered to help. If you're interested
in helping with this process please speak up; one or maybe two people
with a fair amount of time in the month of June, and we're ready to
go. :-D Previous experience with the awards is helpful but not
necessary, as we can get you up to speed on what you need to know
about the awards. More important is an open mind and pretty consistent
internet time for the next month or so.

As soon as we settle things into categories and sub-categories I will
post "ballots" to this Yahoo group: lists of the stories that will be
competing in each category. For a sample of what this might look like,
last year's ballots can be found starting at .

And then things will probably get pretty quiet around here. Once
things are sorted into categories and subcategories you will be able
to vote for not just stories but authors as well. This isn't
technically possible until the categories are set up. No reviews will
be visible until August 31; starting September 1 all "final" reviews
will be visible at our website, released in weekly batches. You'll
have until the middle of November to vote on your favourite stories
and authors.

The other thing you can do is design award banners. Rhapsody has
agreed to oversee the fanart portions of these awards, so if you have
any questions or want to get involved she can probably help you better
than me. There have been a few banners already created (thanks,
Thevina!) but there's room for many, many more. ;-)

That's what you can expect from the MEFAs over the next few months. If
you have any questions do feel free to ask.


Msg# 7141

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Kathy June 16, 2006 - 14:22:36 Topic ID# 7139
Yes, all hail Webmaster Anthony...the site is amazing!

Kathy (Inkling)

--- In, BLJean@... wrote:
> Bows low to our esteemed programmer, after filling in various forms
> seeing the results appear like magic on a website. Nomination
season is over, and
> what an amazing and flexible website we had to work with--forms
that accepted
> additional information without blinking (in a manner of speaking),
a clear,
> step-by-step process, and the ability to go back and correct, and
re-correct, and
> re-re-correct tired author mistakes.
> Many, many thanks.
> Lin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7142

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Mechtild June 16, 2006 - 16:15:35 Topic ID# 7139

*standing ovation*

~ Mechtild

On 6/16/06, Kathy <> wrote:
> Yes, all hail Webmaster Anthony...the site is amazing!
> Kathy (Inkling)
> --- In, BLJean@... wrote:
> >
> > Bows low to our esteemed programmer, after filling in various forms
> and
> > seeing the results appear like magic on a website. Nomination
> season is over, and
> > what an amazing and flexible website we had to work with--forms
> that accepted
> > additional information without blinking (in a manner of speaking),
> a clear,
> > step-by-step process, and the ability to go back and correct, and
> re-correct, and
> > re-re-correct tired author mistakes.
> >
> > Many, many thanks.
> >
> > Lin
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7143

Re: Really dopey nomination question Posted by June 16, 2006 - 17:31:14 Topic ID# 7136
Okay, thanks. I will. - Chathol-linn
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "elliska67" <>
> --- In, chathollinn@... wrote:
> >
> > I can't find the nomination form.
> Yes, sorry, but that would be accurate--nomination season ended
> yesterday at GMT midnight. Sorry. But have fun voting! :-)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7144

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Anthony Holder June 16, 2006 - 21:07:14 Topic ID# 7139
It seems really strange getting kudos right after a big goof up! I do
appreciate them.

I'm glad we got through nomination season without too many big mistakes.

Last night, Marta mentioned that authors couldn't edit their stories,
because nomination season was over. That's the way I had written it,
but it didn't take too much work to change it. I got it all done, but
then noticed that I had allowed authors to edit withdrawn stories,
which isn't very useful. In adding 'withdrawn', I introduced an error,
but was a bit overconfident, and didn't test, as I had just confirmed
that it worked, and it was a very small change. Shortly after, I went
to bed, and I rarely get a chance to check on things (and can't work on
it at all) during the workday.

It was an easy fix (added the word 'get' where it needed to be!), so
once I started reading my emails, I fixed it right away.


On Jun 16, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Mechtild wrote:
> *standing ovation*
> ~ Mechtild
> On 6/16/06, Kathy <> wrote:
>> Yes, all hail Webmaster Anthony...the site is amazing!
>> Kathy (Inkling)
>> --- In, BLJean@... wrote:
>>> Bows low to our esteemed programmer, after filling in various forms
>>> and seeing the results appear like magic on a website. Nomination
>>> season is over, and what an amazing and flexible website we had to
>>> work with--forms that accepted additional information without
>>> blinking (in a manner of speaking), a clear, step-by-step process,
>>> and the ability to go back and correct, and re-correct, and
>>> re-re-correct tired author mistakes.
>>> Many, many thanks.
>>> Lin

Msg# 7145

Re: Error on data edit page Posted by elliska67 June 16, 2006 - 21:11:45 Topic ID# 7135
The problem is fixed! :-)

--- In, "elliska67" <elliska67@...> wrote:
> Hello all. If you click on the "Edit Data" link on your nominated
> stories, you will get an error message. That has been reported to
> Anthony, the programmer, and as soon as it is day time in his part
> the world, he will fix it. Sorry for the temporary problem and we
> post again when it is fixed. In the meantime, everyone enjoy reading
> stories and finding new favorites!

Msg# 7146

Re: Error on data edit page Posted by Mechtild June 16, 2006 - 23:33:24 Topic ID# 7135
Ah. Ignore my first response.

*slinks off*

~ Mechtild

On 6/16/06, elliska67 <> wrote:
> The problem is fixed! :-)
> --- In, "elliska67" <elliska67@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all. If you click on the "Edit Data" link on your nominated
> > stories, you will get an error message. That has been reported to
> > Anthony, the programmer, and as soon as it is day time in his part
> of
> > the world, he will fix it. Sorry for the temporary problem and we
> will
> > post again when it is fixed. In the meantime, everyone enjoy reading
> > stories and finding new favorites!
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7147

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Mechtild June 16, 2006 - 23:40:36 Topic ID# 7139
Can't edit stories? Does that mean we can't add new chapters, either? I
have a public to think of!!!! (*winky face* - it's not much of a public)

~ Mechtild

On 6/16/06, Anthony Holder <> wrote:
> It seems really strange getting kudos right after a big goof up! I do
> appreciate them.
> I'm glad we got through nomination season without too many big mistakes.
> Last night, Marta mentioned that authors couldn't edit their stories,
> because nomination season was over. That's the way I had written it,
> but it didn't take too much work to change it. I got it all done, but
> then noticed that I had allowed authors to edit withdrawn stories,
> which isn't very useful. In adding 'withdrawn', I introduced an error,
> but was a bit overconfident, and didn't test, as I had just confirmed
> that it worked, and it was a very small change. Shortly after, I went
> to bed, and I rarely get a chance to check on things (and can't work on
> it at all) during the workday.
> It was an easy fix (added the word 'get' where it needed to be!), so
> once I started reading my emails, I fixed it right away.
> Later,
> Anthony
> On Jun 16, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Mechtild wrote:
> > *standing ovation*
> > ~ Mechtild
> > On 6/16/06, Kathy <> wrote:
> >> Yes, all hail Webmaster Anthony...the site is amazing!
> >> Kathy (Inkling)
> >> --- In, BLJean@... wrote:
> >>> Bows low to our esteemed programmer, after filling in various forms
> >>> and seeing the results appear like magic on a website. Nomination
> >>> season is over, and what an amazing and flexible website we had to
> >>> work with--forms that accepted additional information without
> >>> blinking (in a manner of speaking), a clear, step-by-step process,
> >>> and the ability to go back and correct, and re-correct, and
> >>> re-re-correct tired author mistakes.
> >>>
> >>> Many, many thanks.
> >>> Lin
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7148

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by raksha022002 June 17, 2006 - 3:24:10 Topic ID# 7139
I wanted to thank both Anthony and Marta for the work they've done in
shepherding us through Nomination Season - which, given unforeseen
glitches, confused participants, and the last-minute frenzy to nominate
what looked like 100 new works, seems particularly admirable!

Since we can't give them Narya and Nenya, kudos will have to do.

And thanks also to the Author Liaisons - I'd be lost without mine!

RAKSHA THE Indecisive DEMON, almost finished finalizing her story forms

Msg# 7149

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Marta Layton June 17, 2006 - 13:34:38 Topic ID# 7139
raksha022002 wrote:
> I wanted to thank both Anthony and Marta for the work they've done in
> shepherding us through Nomination Season - which, given unforeseen
> glitches, confused participants, and the last-minute frenzy to nominate
> what looked like 100 new works, seems particularly admirable!
> Since we can't give them Narya and Nenya, kudos will have to do.
> And thanks also to the Author Liaisons - I'd be lost without mine!

Hi Raksha,

Thank you so much for the "thanks". It's been a wild ride - a little
stressful at times, but by no means did that outweigh the pleasure I got
out of these things. I'm happy to help get people settled into the
awards, and look forward to seeing all those nice reviews pour in.


Msg# 7150

Character counts Posted by June 17, 2006 - 16:07:48 Topic ID# 7150
I'm confused by something.

Trying to get a jump on voting season, I began with some hidden reviews of stories I nominated. When I hit preview the review, it said for all of them I've done so far: score: x character count: xyz and non-counted characters: abc (Substitute numbers for the letters.)

Now it's my understanding that the only characters which don't count are enclosed in quotes. I have not *used* quotes in any of these reviews, so they shouldn't *have* non-counted characters, should they? Or is there some other reason characters would not count, that I'm missing.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7151

Re: Character counts Posted by Marta Layton June 17, 2006 - 16:35:25 Topic ID# 7150
Hi Dreamflower,

> I'm confused by something.
> Trying to get a jump on voting season, I began with some hidden reviews
> of stories I nominated. When I hit preview the review, it said for all
> of them I've done so far: score: x character count: xyz and non-counted
> characters: abc (Substitute numbers for the letters.)
> Now it's my understanding that the only characters which don't count are
> enclosed in quotes. I have not *used* quotes in any of these reviews, so
> they shouldn't *have* non-counted characters, should they? Or is there
> some other reason characters would not count, that I'm missing.

I just looked at the form and the instructions say:

<< Please enter your review. Only the characters
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;"!?-() count toward the review's
score. Any quotes of the story must be enclosed in matching pairs of
square brackets. The preview will check to see that quotes are properly
enclosed. Dialog quotation marks like " may be used within the square
brackets to enclose dialog, as usual.>>

So every time you use a space or any character besides one of the ones
listed, those would be a non-counted character.

I also noticed that you need to enclose quotes in square brackets. Just
using quotes marks won't quite work.

For example, as a test I made the following vote:

<< I just love your story "Arwen and the Balrog". I think my favourite
part is where you have her say, ["You shall not eat Asfaloth for a
mid-morning snack! Be gone, you nasty bully!"]. That was really well

You'll notice that the title, "Arwen and the Balrog" is not in square
brackets. That's a title, not a quote, and so the site counts it towards
my vote total. The site gives the following as my totals for the above
review when I previewed it:

Score: 2 Counted Characters: 105 Non-Counted Characters: 106

So everything between [ and ] was not counted, and neither were any
spaces. If I'd used a character besides
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;"!?-() , those wouldn't have
counted either.

Make sense?


Msg# 7152

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Marta Layton June 17, 2006 - 16:41:13 Topic ID# 7139
Mechtild wrote:
> Can't edit stories? Does that mean we can't add new chapters, either? I
> have a public to think of!!!! (*winky face* - it's not much of a public)
> ~ Mechtild

This is a common misunderstanding that a lot of people seem to have.
When Anthony or other MEFA admins have referred to not being able to
edit stories we mean the forms that authors complete *about* their
stories at our website, . Wherever
your story is hosted (SOA, a LJ, HASA, etc.) you can still edit the
actual story. Because of a technical problem with our site authors
couldn't edit their story *form* at our site.

This is probably a good time to make another point clear. Several other
people have come to me asking if their WIPs need to be finished by June
22 to compete in these awards. The June 22 deadline refers to when
authors need to give us permission for their stories to compete and fill
out the form at our site giving us the information we need to categorize
it. We don't look at whether you edit your story on another site after

The terminology can be confusing. When I refer to a nomination being
complete I'm saying that the story is already to be sifted into
categories -- that it's ready to go as far as our competition is
concerned. The story itself can still be a WIP in that the author wants
to add chapters, or the author might find a typo in August and decide to
fix it. We don't monitor when a story is last edited, with one
exception: WIPs have to have been edited within the twelve-month period
before they are nominated. Authors can edit stories at any point they
want to in the awards. Stories that you choose a "story type" for
besides "Incomplete" (like Poetry, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Non-Fiction or
Other Fiction) should be basically finished, and you shouldn't still be
adding new chapters - but fixing the occasional comma wouldn't be a
problem even for those stories.


Msg# 7153

Re: Character counts Posted by June 17, 2006 - 22:17:26 Topic ID# 7150
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marta Layton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Character counts

> Hi Dreamflower,
> I just looked at the form and the instructions say:
> << Please enter your review. Only the characters
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;"!?-() count toward the review's
> score. Any quotes of the story must be enclosed in matching pairs of
> square brackets. The preview will check to see that quotes are properly
> enclosed. Dialog quotation marks like " may be used within the square
> brackets to enclose dialog, as usual.>>
> So every time you use a space or any character besides one of the ones
> listed, those would be a non-counted character.

Ahh! The light dawns! I am not used to thinking of spaces as "characters",

> I also noticed that you need to enclose quotes in square brackets. Just
> using quotes marks won't quite work.
> For example, as a test I made the following vote:
> << I just love your story "Arwen and the Balrog". I think my favourite
> part is where you have her say, ["You shall not eat Asfaloth for a
> mid-morning snack! Be gone, you nasty bully!"]. That was really well
> stated.>>
> You'll notice that the title, "Arwen and the Balrog" is not in square
> brackets. That's a title, not a quote, and so the site counts it towards
> my vote total. The site gives the following as my totals for the above
> review when I previewed it:
> Score: 2 Counted Characters: 105 Non-Counted Characters: 106
> So everything between [ and ] was not counted, and neither were any
> spaces. If I'd used a character besides
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;"!?-() , those wouldn't have
> counted either.
> Make sense?

It does *now*, thanks! And don't I feel like an idiot. *facepalm*.


> Marta
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 7154

Re: Character counts Posted by Marta Layton June 17, 2006 - 23:02:23 Topic ID# 7150
>> Make sense?
> It does *now*, thanks! And don't I feel like an idiot. *facepalm*.
> Dreamflower

Don't worry about it. It's a good question to ask, because other people
might not understand it either. Thinking of spaces as a character is
really very much a programming distinction that I had trouble with, too,
when I was learning C++ back in school; I didnt' think of spaces that
way either.


Msg# 7155

Re: Kudos to Anthony! Posted by Kathy June 18, 2006 - 23:30:37 Topic ID# 7139
--- In, Anthony Holder <aaholder@...> wrote:
> It seems really strange getting kudos right after a big goof up! I
> do appreciate them.
> I'm glad we got through nomination season without too many big
> mistakes.

But maybe that's exactly when you *should* get them...point being
that, goof ups or not, you've still done an amazing job!

Kathy (Inkling)

> On Jun 16, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Mechtild wrote:
> > *standing ovation*
> > ~ Mechtild
> > On 6/16/06, Kathy <inkling-tcbs@...> wrote:
> >> Yes, all hail Webmaster Anthony...the site is amazing!
> >> Kathy (Inkling)
> >> --- In, BLJean@ wrote:
> >>> Bows low to our esteemed programmer, after filling in various
> >>> and seeing the results appear like magic on a website.
> >>> season is over, and what an amazing and flexible website we had
> >>> work with--forms that accepted additional information without
> >>> blinking (in a manner of speaking), a clear, step-by-step
> >>> and the ability to go back and correct, and re-correct, and
> >>> re-re-correct tired author mistakes.
> >>>
> >>> Many, many thanks.
> >>> Lin

Msg# 7156

Re: What's Next: Categorizing Posted by thevina\_finduilas June 19, 2006 - 14:03:51 Topic ID# 7140
> The other thing you can do is design award banners. Rhapsody has
> agreed to oversee the fanart portions of these awards, so if you have
> any questions or want to get involved she can probably help you better
> than me. There have been a few banners already created (thanks,
> Thevina!) but there's room for many, many more. ;-)

You're welcome! :D Unfortunately I was showing them to a friend who
pointed out a typo in one of them, and I long ago trashed the
photoshop file. *cries* I'll try and recreate it and get the spelling
right. I've had a lot of fun with photoshop and making some award
banners and nomination buttons was a pleasure. I'll probably end up
making a few more.


Thevina's Fanfiction

Msg# 7157

Re: What's Next: Categorizing Posted by rhapsody\_the\_bard June 19, 2006 - 16:51:10 Topic ID# 7140
--- In, "thevina_finduilas" <thevina33@...>
> > The other thing you can do is design award banners. Rhapsody has
> > agreed to oversee the fanart portions of these awards, so if you
> > have any questions or want to get involved she can probably help
> > you better than me. There have been a few banners already created
> > (thanks, Thevina!) but there's room for many, many more. ;-)
> You're welcome! :D Unfortunately I was showing them to a friend who
> pointed out a typo in one of them, and I long ago trashed the
> photoshop file. *cries* I'll try and recreate it and get the
> spelling right.

Oh! I must have missed it as well!

> I've had a lot of fun with photoshop and making some award
> banners and nomination buttons was a pleasure. I'll probably end up
> making a few more.

That would be great, it's quite addictive isn't it?

For those who want to join the fun of making award banners, the FAQ on
it should answer most of your questions:

If not, just ask! :c)


Msg# 7158

Author Round-up 2 Posted by Marta Layton June 19, 2006 - 23:26:51 Topic ID# 7158
Hey guys,

We're approaching that June 22 deadline, and while a lot of authors have
finished giving us permission for their stories to compete, we are still
waiting to hear from a few of you. You need to have the form about your
nominations completed by the midnight between June 22 and 23. (GMT, as
always) You also need to email your liaison by that same date.

If you are concerned that your emails may not be reaching your liaison -
especially if this is the first time you have spoken with your liaison -
please address the emails to both your liaison and to

I'm marking those authors who have not completed any nominations with a
# before their name. All others have completed at least one nomination.

Just to be 100% clear: If I say a nomination is "unfinished" in this
email, I am referring to the nomination itself, not the story nominated.
I mean that the author's liaison is still waiting on some information
from the author.

So without further adieu:

+++ Liaison: ACACEA, windswept1(at)gmail(dot)com +++

#DINOSSIEL has not responded to Acacea's emails. Nominations pending:
--- "Return Journey to the Mountain"

+++ Liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcat(at)yahoo(dot)com +++

#GLASSADAR has not responded to Cathleen's emails. Nominations pending:
--- "Two Snippets"
--- "The First Sip"

+++ Liaison: Elliska, elliska67(at)yahoo(dot)com +++

#RYOGENE has one unfinished nomination. This author has not responded to
Elliska's emails. Pending nominations:
--- "Heart of the Horselord"

#SIMBELMYNE has two unfinished nominations. This author has not
responded to Elliska's emails about her stories. Pending nominations:
--- "Escape"
--- "TBD"

+++ Liaison: MARTA, melayton(at)gmail(dot)com +++

#PIPLOVER has one unfinished nomination. This author has not replied to
Marta's emails. Pending nominations:
--- "In a Heartbeat"

+++ Liaison: NANCY BROOK, nb(at)nancybrooke(dot)com +++

#FRAYACH NI CUILL has one unfinished nomination. This author has not
replied to Nancy Brooke's emails. Pending nominations:
--- "Endurance Beyond Hope"

#_CHIBIMELODY_ has one unfinished nomination. This author has not
replied to Nancy Brooke's emails. Pending nominations:
--- "The Painting"

+++ Liaison: Radbooks, denistonr(at)yahoo(dot)com +++

#QUIZZANELLA has one unfinished nomination. This author has not
responded to Radbooks' emails. Pending nomination:
--- "A Bargain At Any Price"

#RUBY NYE has two unfinished nominations. For both of these, This author
has responded to the emails but has not begun the nomination form.
Pending nominations:
--- "Cakes and Apples"
--- "On the Road Home"

#WILLOW-WODE has one unfinished nomination. This author has replied to
Radbooks' emails but not begun the nomination form. Pending nominations:
--- "Anniversary"

+++ Liaison: Sulriel, sulriel(at)htcomp(dot)net +++

#SILIVREN TINU has one unfinished nomination. This author has responded
to Sulriel's emails but has not begun the nomination form. Pending
--- "The Arrow"

+++ Liaison: Werecat, tashenubaste(at)yahoo(dot)com +++

MYSTERIOUS WAYS has one unfinished nomination. This author has not
responded to Werecat's emails about this story. Pending nominations:
--- "Midsummer's Day"

#TIRIEL has one unfinished nomination. This author has not replied to
Werecat's emails. Pending nomination:
--- "A Garden For My Love"


Msg# 7159

Re Author Round-Up Posted by Cathleen June 20, 2006 - 9:47:36 Topic ID# 7159
Glassadar - I have re-emailed your letters, please let me know if you
got it!

Anso the Hobbit - I have re-emailed you re: Fields of Gold
nomination. Please let me know what's up and if you got it!


Msg# 7160

Help with completing nomination Posted by Jen June 20, 2006 - 15:16:00 Topic ID# 7160

I've joined this group but still haven't heard anything about how to
complete my nomination... I've emailed my liason but haven't heard
back yet... Help! I understand the deadline is approaching quickly.


Msg# 7161

Re: Help with completing nomination Posted by Kathy June 20, 2006 - 16:25:23 Topic ID# 7160
Hi Jeanette,

--- In, "Jen" <lurea_aure@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've joined this group but still haven't heard anything about how to
> complete my nomination... I've emailed my liason but haven't heard
> back yet... Help! I understand the deadline is approaching quickly.
> Jeanetta/Lurea
I'll pass this on to Werecat at the staff group. If you still don't
hear from her by tomorrow, let me know.

Kathy (Inkling)

Msg# 7162

OT: recipe request Posted by Marta Layton June 21, 2006 - 19:51:28 Topic ID# 7162
Hey guys,

This is completely off-topic, but a nominated author, Pipkin Sweetgrass,
has come to me with a project of hers. She is working on a cookbook to
raise funds for national disaster victims through Billy Boyd's Loons
Charities ( ). For more about
her project, see

She mentioned to me that she'd love to have some submissions from people
involved with the MEFAs, either as nominated writers or participating
members. That way she could give a little plug for our group like she's
doing with Marigold's Tale Challenge group.

If you have a favourite recipe and would like to have it included in the
book, please email me privately. . I'll pass it along
to Pipkin; don't post it here as I don't want to overwhelm the list for
something this OT.

And please don't feel pressure to participate if this isn't your thing.
It's completely voluntary.

Now back to your regular fannish discussions... ;-)


Msg# 7163

FLF Nominations Pt 2 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 13:47:01 Topic ID# 7163
Story ID: 225 · "Homecomings" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Of the Fellowship, one did not survive the War of the
Ring and another had no parents in Middle-earth. But what about the
remaining seven? This drabble series focuses on the thoughts of the
fathers (or foster-fathers) of Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Sam,
Merry, and Pippin, on seeing them for the first time after the Quest.
Story ID: 282 · "With Bow and Blade" by Lady Aranel · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  Depiction of battle
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The final battles of the Ring War have begun. Two
warriors are closer than they realize.
Story ID: 285 · "A Shirt for Legolas" by Lady Aranel · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas is bound for Rivendell. How then should a Prince
be attired for the Council?
Story ID: 120 · "For a cause, a friend, a loved one" by Werecat ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Somewhere in Rohan, barn animals discuss the upcoming war.
Story ID: 122 · "And all in evil ended be" by Werecat · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Not all of Morgoth's minions perished - some survived
even the Ring War.
Story ID: 124 · "Of Stone and Fire" by Werecat · (Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A drabble - thrice did Feanor ask Galadriel for a strand
of her hair and she refused. Yet she gave three to Gimli. No wonder
Feanor would be annoyed, to say the least, once he found out.
Story ID: 303 · "A Woodland Prince" by Bodkin · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A life in drabbles. The subject? A Woodland Prince. The
observers? My, but there are lots of them! Including, Thranduil, Elrond,
Glorfindel, Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Boromir, Gimli
(2), Aragorn (2), Galadriel, Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen, Eomer, Faramir,
Eowyn, Eldarion plus a few OCs and others.
Story ID: 316 · "First Anarchist" by Robinka · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Valar/Ainur
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One voice brings disharmony into the music of the Ainur.
An insight into the thoughts of Melkor, done modern.
Story ID: 119 · "In the Woods" by Werecat · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Once upon a time, there was a lonely hut in the woods&
A story about the Fae Folk and a fairy tale for the children of the
Fourth Age.
Story ID: 44 · "The Groomsman" by Elen Kortirion · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gimli takes charge of some necessary arrangements.
Story ID: 319 · "Thirsty" by Elfhild · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  Vampire behavior, mild sexual intensity
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: All nights of bliss must come to an end - the vampire
Thuringwethil and a lover.
Story ID: 358 · "My Eyes! My Eyes!" by Alassante · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  male nudity
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A young Arwen spies on an ellon.
Story ID: 201 · "Lobelia's List" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The highly-organized Lobelia Sackville-Baggins prepares
for the auction at Bag End.
Story ID: 404 · "Beware the Sea" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  adult themes
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sea-longing takes many different forms. A series of
drabbles featuring an elf from Alqualonde, Maglor, Aldarion, Elrond,
Legolas, and Sam.
Story ID: 179 · "Wizardry" by Dwimordene · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Double drabble. Everyone has one of those days. Gandalf
and Aragorn end a long day on the hunt for Gollum.
Story ID: 521 · "Return to Rivendell" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Elrond returns to Rivendell
Story ID: 522 · "The Steward and the Wizard" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Denethor, Gandalf and a meeting
Story ID: 523 · "Childhood Dreams" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Boromir and Faramir speak of childhood dreams
Story ID: 524 · "Inheritance" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir and Gandalf in the houses of healing
Story ID: 42 · "The Oathbreakers" by Branwyn · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn recognizes a face in the ranks of the faithless dead.
Story ID: 50 · "The Household Accounts" by Branwyn · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What is the stuff of memory? During the inventory of a
storeroom, Eowyn finds echoes of the past that have been lovingly
preserved by an elderly servant.
Story ID: 77 · "The Tide" by Branwyn · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Imrahil's thoughts as he returns Faramir, wounded in the
battle, to his father.
Story ID: 95 · "Servant of the Tower" by Branwyn · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One of the household servants defends his obedience to
Denethor's final orders.
Story ID: 96 · "Last Defence of the City" by Branwyn · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An alternate universe view of the Siege of Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 373 · "Teatime in Rivendell" by Gandalfs apprentice ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Bilbo has grudges over his treatment by the Mirkwood Elves.

Msg# 7164

FLF Nominations Pt 6 (last of the FLFs) Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 13:53:10 Topic ID# 7164
Story ID: 931 · "An Exchange of Views" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir faces a tricky diplomatic situation with his
counterpart from Arnor.
Story ID: 834 · "The Usurper" by Elena Tiriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  implied violence
First Choice Category  Times: Early Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Castamir the Usurper begins his cruel reign of Gondor by
passing sentence on the captured son of his deposed predecessor...
Story ID: 814 · "Last Goodbyes Series" by Perelleth · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In Aman and in Middle Earth, during the First and Second
Ages, many goodbyes were said, intended, due or forsaken. Loss is a
difficult feeling to cope with when you are an elf with long life span
and endless memory. But even the saddest moments can hold some spark of
hope for those left behind. Series of drabbles hinting at some
well-known partings
Story ID: 849 · "Along the Morgai" by Rabidsamfan · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While Sam sleeps in Mordor, Frodo has a moment to think.
Story ID: 840 · "Summoned" by Agape4Gondor · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Upon the Cormallen - Faramir ponders his past and his future.
Story ID: 932 · "Web of Friendship" by Gwynnyd · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Elanor is lonely at the court of Gondor. Written for the
Yule Mathom's Challenge - "11 silly spiders" prompt
Story ID: 944 · "A Hallowed Place of Both Peoples" by Imhiriel ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Early Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Eorl comes back to the Halifirien.
Story ID: 945 · "Hidden on the Mountain" by Imhiriel · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On Mount Mindolluin, in the high hallow, "where only the
kings had been wont to go".
Story ID: 946 · "On the Fair Hill" by Imhiriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Midsummer in the Golden Wood.
Story ID: 947 · "But the Scent Still Lingers" by Imhiriel ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An old woman remembers her first meeting of the new king.
Story ID: 948 · "The Parting Gift" by Imhiriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The farewell between Maglor and his foster-sons.
Story ID: 989 · "The Price of Power" by Rabidsamfan · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Valar/Ainur
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Saruman considers the cost of the choices he has made.
Story ID: 990 · "Gandalf returned" by Rabidsamfan · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Valar/Ainur
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gandalf returns from death after the battle with the Balrog.
Story ID: 920 · "Stewardship" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A steward ponders the changing future of the realm he has
protected, and those who will inherit it.
Story ID: 980 · "Midsummer's Day" by MysteriousWays · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A peaceful moment savored.
Story ID: 857 · "Call To Arms" by Space Weavil · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Mild language
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Witch King rallies his troops.

Msg# 7165

FLF Nominations Pt 1 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 13:54:30 Topic ID# 7165
Story ID: 105 · "Stigmas" by Robinka · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: R  Angst; characters' death; adult themes.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A stabber in the dark, treacherous to foes, faithless to
friends, and a curse unto his kin. Tϊrin Turambar: master of doom; by
doom mastered. A series of drabbles written for the Seven Deadly Sins
Challenge. Tϊrin's POV.
Story ID: 91 · "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit" by Altariel · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A drabble written for the LotR drabbling at HASA, on 'Of
Herbs and Stewed Rabbit".
Story ID: 149 · "Blood Brothers" by Elana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  Violence
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A mumak rider and his beast are bound by ties of blood
and fate.
Story ID: 150 · "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship" by Elana ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gandalf encounters Hobbits for the first time.
Story ID: 151 · "Heirs of the Oath" by Elana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Oath of Cirion and Eorl, and those who are bound by it.
Story ID: 152 · "Pity" by Elana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Ring's final temptation of Frodo.
Story ID: 196 · "Spirit of Fire" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG-13  erotic content
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Nerdanel muses on different types of fire.
Story ID: 222 · "In This Silence I Am Sinking" by Ghettoelleth ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Valar/Ainur
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Astaldo the Valiant confronts Namo regarding Manwe's
decision to free Melkor.
Story ID: 54 · "Following Orders" by EdorasLass · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  Possibly disturbing imagery
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir thinks on the guards' role in his
near-immolation. A rarely-seen side of Faramir.
Story ID: 204 · "Was It For This?" by aervir · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Violent character death.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Musings on the death of a marshal and a captain-general.
Story ID: 68 · "Aglarond" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The dwarves also are poets, in their own way.
Story ID: 70 · "Elfwine" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The exuberant young king of Rohan celebrates the birth of
his son.
Story ID: 71 · "It's the Thought" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After their parents' deaths, Prince Theodred seeks to
comfort his young cousins with items from his own childhood.
Story ID: 195 · "You Watch To Dissociate" by Ghettoelleth ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: R  Sexual content
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Beren strikes at the heart of Daeron.
Story ID: 203 · "Drift" by Ribby · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A different perspective on Boromir's funeral boat.
Story ID: 219 · "The Fading of a Star" by Minuialeth · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Erestor's words to Arwen before her departure to Minas
Story ID: 193 · "Son of Finwλ" by Minuialeth · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: My take on Fingolfin's thoughts before meeting Morgoth.
Please consider that Fingolfin is a warrior and as such his thoughts
before meeting a foe like Morgoth should not be expected to be perfectly
coherent under normal circumstances.
Story ID: 207 · "Gondor Needs No King" by Ribby · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Dark themes, but no explicit violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What *would* have happened if Boromir had succeded in
taking the Ring?
Story ID: 252 · "Elfstone" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Celebrimbor creates the Elfstone.
Story ID: 253 · "Tharbad Crossing" by Gandalfs apprentice ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In "The Fellowship of the Ring," not enough was made of
the story of Boromir's journey North to find the answer to the riddle of
the dream, Tolkien says. This drabble shows Boromir at his most heroic.
Story ID: 76 · "Distant Lands" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir seeks tales of other lands
Story ID: 75 · "A Little Thing" by Acacea · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It lies on the bed of the Great River, a little thing
Story ID: 299 · "Legacy" by Nancy Brooke · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a great occasion, Merry and Pippin take a moment to
reflect on all that brought them there.
Story ID: 301 · "Forlorn Hope" by Nancy Brooke · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The thoughts of Faramir riding to the last defense of
Story ID: 265 · "That Immortal Sea" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  violent imagery
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir dreams of Nϊmenor.

Msg# 7166

WIP Nominations Pt 2 (Last of the WIPs) Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 13:54:45 Topic ID# 7166
Story ID: 670 · "The Golden Mask" by kwannom · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: R  War like violence, sexual situations and strong language.
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sauron has the One Ring and Middle Earth is suffering in
the hands of the Orcs' armies. Elves and Men decide to make an alliance
against the Dark Lord, and they are searching for great warriors from
both races to lead their armies. These warriors are the Chosen Ones and
one of them is Haldir, the Captain of the Golden Wood. Haldir is then
sent to watch a human warrior called Golden Mask and prove that the man
can be one of them. In the meanwhile, Haldir has to prepare for the
battle of his life and deal with the discovery of something that is
going to change the future.
Story ID: 330 · "The Return of the Shadow" by juno_magic · (Incomplete:
Rating: R  Mature themes: explicit sex and violence in some chapters.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "The Return of the Shadow" is the sequel of both "The
Tides of Time and the Bones of the Earth" and "Only a Game". It also
ties in with "Lothνriel - The Tenth Walker Novel". It is based in part
on book, in part on movie canon, but most of all on the canon of the
"Juniverse". It is the story of a misplaced elf, living homeless in the
streets of Berlin and a Tolkien scholar in her late thirties. Meeting
Elentar, a homeless street musician, Mina does not realize that he is
more than a vagabond. She is merely intrigued by him because he sings in
Sindarin. In time, the story reveals who Elentar is, how he came to be
here on earth, and maybe it will even accompany him back to
Middle-earth... "The Return of the Shadow" is only the first book of a
series called "The Fourth Theme of the Ainulindalλ". I expect the book
to be completed at about 30 chapters, around a quarter of the whole series.
Story ID: 706 · "Eternal" by Trekqueen · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  The rating of PG-13 is appropriate for this story
because there are more adult themes concerning violent situations in
war/battles (not that different from what was included in the LOTR
movies), death, and romantic liaisons but no sexual details, only goes
as far as implied.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "Eternal" begins in the early years of the First Age
while Glorfindel is visiting family and friends in Tirion. While there,
he meets a young elleth named Elrilya who is a friend of his cousin's
daughter Idril. They become quick friends when suddenly their world in
Valinor is plunged into darkness and uncertainty. Both wonder about
their destinies and purpose in this changed world as they are faced with
decisions that will forever dictate the way they live their lives.
Story ID: 51 · "The River" by Indigo Bunting · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Rated for perilous situations. Some violence.
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Fellowship must cross a river before it can enter the
land of Hollin, a river that turns out to be the stuff of Samwise
Gamgees nightmares.
Story ID: 490 · "On Frozen shores" by ann_arien · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This AU story is based on a challenge to take a canon
fact and change it. So, what if the Host of the Noldor did not go into
exile divided? What if Feanor and his close followers did not leave the
others behind?... This short story raises many questions and answers
only a few.
Story ID: 682 · "Man of Gondor" by LittleHobbitGal · (Incomplete: Short
Rating: PG  Some violence
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While Faramir lies in the Houses of Healing, Boromir
awakes in the Halls of Mandos and finds himself experiencing his
brothers memories, dreams, and nightmares.
Story ID: 640 · "Shadows of a Nameless Fear" by Budgielover ·
(Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Deals with dark subjects and contains violence.
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Ring-bearer's return to health after the destruction
of the Ring is reflected all about him in the rebuilding of Minas
Tirith. But evil and danger remain in the White City, and the shadows
within Frodo's soul are just as much a danger to him as the shadows that
seek his life.
Story ID: 786 · "Bad Step" by Mariole · (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: PG  Some emotionally disturbing scenes when Sam is injured.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam fears that Frodo might run into trouble on his walk,
but runs into a predicament himself when he becomes trapped and injured.
Story ID: 802 · "Reconciliation" by Willow_41z · (Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  "Reconciliation" contains or touches on domestic abuse,
arranged marriages, wedding nights, and brief violence.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lady Lothiriel of Dol Amroth arrives in Rohan and weds
Eomer to become Queen of the Riddermark. She must adjust to a marriage
with a man she does not know or love, her first pregnancy and subsequent
childbirth, and the attitudes of the Rohirrim towards her, as well as
forge a new life for herself in Rohan, while contending with extreme
Story ID: 58 · "Fire and Flowering" by Raksha the Demon · (Incomplete:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: R  three of the chapters are either erotic or sexually explicit
in nature.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of self-contained fixed-length ficlets, from 100
to 900 words, focussing on Faramir and Eowyn's love life. Romantic and
erotic themes; along with a smidgeon of angst, horticulture, and marital
Story ID: 624 · "In The Stillness Between Moments" by Elariel Erestorion
· (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Character death, violence
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This story is up until this point a first person
perspective 'girl falls into Middle Earth' story. It begins in the year
2004 C.E. with a rather studious socially conscious university student
named Anne-Marie. She through as yet unexplained circumstances finds
herself in Beleriand at the fall of the Noldorin city of Gondolin. The
story recounts her time so far in Middle-Earth. This is a work in
progress. Summary from I am Eruanna Mernaselde of the house of
the Tree, once I was called Anne Marie Buchanan and I will be known by
that name again. This is my story, a true story, although it all
occurred, in the stillness between two moments. LaiqualasseOC not Mary Sue
Story ID: 235 · "Tales of Life" by Ainu Laire · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG  In one of them, there is battle and death, though not at
all graphic. In another, there are slight wounds. And in one more, there
is arguing and angst. So it is a very, very light PG rating... anyone
above the age of 8 should be fine for all of the ficlets, I think.
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A *series* of ficlets for a series of prompts which
include small excerpts of life experiences, everyday occurances, and
other such drabblings. Most, if not all ficlets shall have Aragorn as a
character. Most fit the 'general' category, but as that was not an
option, there are more drama ficlets than the others. There is a
combination of action/adventure and humor as well. And while there are
other races than 'men' in these drabbles, there are definitely more men
than other races.
Story ID: 836 · "Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Eomer" by
Katzilla · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Battle-scenes, angst, violence, adult themes
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Banishment of Ιomer as a very dark AU tale, taking a
different course of events than either tin he movies or the books...
Story ID: 907 · "Okay, NOW Panic!" by Boz4PM · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  It's more to cover myself for battle scenes and extreme
angst at times, though the vast majority of the fic is G-rated.
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is the sequel to Dont Panic! In that fic Penelope
Baker (a twenty-four year old Tolkien fan who works in marketing) wakes
up in her pyjamas a few miles west of Bree and is then faced with all
the horrors of what it was REALLY like to live six thousand years ago in
Middle- earth (latrines of doom being possibly amongst the worst of
them). She is rescued by Halbarad, dour Ranger of the North, and taken
by him to Imladris to see Elrond due to the clear knowledge she has of
things she should not know, as well as her bizarre and extreme behaviour
as she battles with her own sanity while she slowly comes to the
realisation of just where she actually is. Once in Rivendell, arriving
only a day or two before the Council of Elrond, she is questioned and,
with much difficulty and Gandalfs help, manages to explain who she is,
where she has come from and how she knows of them all and their futures.
She then has to acquire a new language and new skills, and learn to fit
in, all th ...
Story ID: 111 · "When Winter Fell" by Lindelea · (Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Battles with wolves. Famine. Canon character death.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An echo from the past: During the "Fell Winter" young
Bilbo finds aid and insight in his great-grandfather's memories of the
Long Winter. <i>Warning: Character Death (canon)</i>
Story ID: 198 · "The Tenth Walker" by Lindelea · (Incomplete: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Probably been done before, and perhaps better, but Bill
the Pony gave my elbow a nudge this morning, causing me to spill my tea,
and he licked up all the sugar from the bowl, and is likely to make a
complete nuisance of himself if I don't write down his story. So here goes.
Story ID: 910 · "Book Learning" by Branwyn · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: R  Rated R for sexual situations.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "In the libraries of Minas Tirith, Faramir had learned
the abstract lore of numbers, the patterns of the stars, and the healing
secrets of herbs; yet his studies had not included this, the most arcane
of subjects." Rated R for acts of matrimony. Written in honor of Raksha
the Demon, loyal friend and beta-reader.
Story ID: 845 · "The King's Surgeon" by SurgicalSteel · (Incomplete:
Rating: R  Medically graphic material, references to violence, sexual
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Chronicles the life of an OFC surgeon from south to north
and back to south again - intrigue, politics, medically graphic
material, romance...
Story ID: 952 · "A Bargain at any Price" by quizzabella · (Incomplete:
Rating: PG-13  So far a kiss and some mild violence. It won't be much
more graphic than that as the story progresses.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The youngest son of Dol Amroth finds fate can be a fickle
mistress... Amrothos/OC romance action adventure story.
Story ID: 829 · "Frodo's Exciting Day Out" by Llinos · (Incomplete:
Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Quest was a massive labour, of that there is no
doubt. However, in this little AU version, we see that it pays to have
friends in high places.
Story ID: 771 · "The Painting" by _chibimelody_ · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Horror
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Shameless self insertion, a heavy mix of SouthEast
culture with Tolkien's merry elves. Pictures are worth a thousand words,
it is said, but not in the way it usually entails...

Msg# 7167

FLF Nominations Pt 3 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 13:54:49 Topic ID# 7167
Story ID: 374 · "Chivalry" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Valar/Ainur
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Can even a wizard "tame" the lord of horses?
Story ID: 244 · "17 Cunning Corsairs" by stefaniab · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Corsairs brandishing fearsome cutlasses (and screaming,
"Arghhh," of course) land on the beaches of Dol Amroth?? It couldn't
possibly happen. Or could it?
Story ID: 407 · "Fear and Loathing in Middle Earth" by vladazhael ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  Drug use
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas take a stab at gonzo journalism. Originally
written for OSA Drabble Challenge #40 - Modern Style (an event from
Tolkien's world written in the style of a modern author).
Story ID: 237 · "Such an Hour" by SlightlyTookish · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A sword is unearthed from a barrow and falls into a
hobbit's hands. A two-part ficlet, told from the POV of Pippin's sword.
Story ID: 238 · "At Last" by SlightlyTookish · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Rohan rides to aid Gondor, and two small hobbits from the
Shire strive to do the best that they can. A set of four
double-drabbles, two each for Merry and Pippin, leading up to the moment
that the Rohirrim arrive at Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 321 · "Hair" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As the only Elf in the Fellowship, Legolas must have
found his companions rather uncouth--especially that Dwarf.
Story ID: 116 · "Wishing On The Stars" by Marigold · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While Pippin is away on the Quest, two special stars
bring comfort and disquiet to Eglantine Took.A series of three 300 word
vignettes set in Slightly Tookish's Star Universe, an excellent story
from which can be found here: .
Story ID: 114 · "Merry Yules" by Marigold · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  Rated PG for a bit of angst, and a bit of nudity. No slash.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Glimpses of fourteen random Yule nights shared by Merry
and Pippin, between the years of S.R. 1391 to S.R. 1419...written for
and originally posted at Marigold's Challenge 24. Each Yule story is a
double drabble of 200 words exactly.
Story ID: 650 · "We Shall Return" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Early Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The thoughts of one of the followers of Castamir's sons,
after the Kinstrife.
Story ID: 647 · "The Steward's Dream" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir and Boromir discuss their hopes for the future.
Story ID: 420 · "Hidden Wonders" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  mild erotic content
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ιowyn explores Faramir's personal library at Emyn Arnen.
Story ID: 581 · "Holding the Line" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG  adult themes
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Just what was Legolas thinking when he attacked that
mumβk at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields? 200 words; movieverse.
Story ID: 668 · "Object Lessons" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A teenage Faramir helps his brother to the Houses of
Healing. (Double drabble)
Story ID: 494 · "Immortality" by LydiaB · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: For elves, sometimes even death may bring immortality.
Story ID: 309 · "Soldier's Luck" by Branwyn · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A drabble about Faramir and the nature of luck.
Story ID: 678 · "Sixteen Singing Eagles" by Isabeau of Greenlea ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Everyone can't be a song-bird....
Story ID: 684 · "Man of the North" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thengel decides whether to accept Thorongil's service.
Story ID: 685 · "A New Age" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Celeborn and Thranduil meet after the War of the Ring.
Story ID: 688 · "Stronger Songs" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The first meeting of Tom Bombadil and Treebeard, late in
the First Age.
Story ID: 689 · "Truly Exposed" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG-13  erotic content
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Galadriel muses on rings, governance, and silver-haired
Story ID: 683 · "A Lesser and Alien Race" by Marta · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The people of Gondor await the arrival of a new
noblewoman from the North.
Story ID: 60 · "The Tracks of Time" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas grapples with mortality as he sees his friends,
and the world, change. A 300 word (as counted by MS Works) vignette.
Story ID: 64 · "Great Heart" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A look at the early life of Beren and Luthien's best
friend: a battle is fought and a destiny foreseen.
Story ID: 469 · "Earth, Water, Fire and Air" by Fileg · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of four drabbles expressing in terms of one of
the four basic elements moments of life changing awareness.
Story ID: 723 · "Hunting Orcs" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG-13  implicit mentions of torture and violence, character death
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A different perspective on the errantry of Elladan and
Elrohir, "forgetting never their mother's torment in the dens of the orcs."

Msg# 7168

Other Nominations Pt 4 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:00:25 Topic ID# 7168
Story ID: 286 · "Discretion" by Bodkin · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Why do the sons of Elrond express their frustration in
the secret tongue of the dwarves? Do they know what they are saying? Was
Celebrian in the know? Then Elrond was a lore-master. . . whereas
Celeborn was not called 'the Wise' for nothing. Why did Gimli feel the
need to educate Legolas? And what did Aragorn think? Who knew who else
knew? What might the twins then choose to do about it all? Galadriel was
less than pleased with Legolas . . . And the twins are scheming.
Story ID: 224 · "Peace Comes Dropping Slow" by Songspinner · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Issues of aging and death (not, however, in the story itself)
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In caring for Diamond near the end of her life, Pippin
finds he needs guidance making a decision he's put off for some time.
Story ID: 223 · "A Whisper From Across the Sea" by Gryffinjack · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On the anniversary of Merrys stabbing of the Witch King,
Frodo has to find a way to help Sam, Merry, and Pippin, especially his
cousins, whom he would never see again.
Story ID: 202 · "For Love of the Lord of the White Tree" by Legolass ·
(Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  There are some fighting scenes in a couple of chapters
where blood is drawn.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The greatest of kings can be overwhlemed by the weight
of responsibility. The greatest of friendships can be threatened by an
unexpected challenge emerging from the shadows of the past. And Aragorn
and Leoglas face both.
Story ID: 315 · "Oaths Foresworn" by Rhapsody · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  character death
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On the docks of the Mouth of Sirion, Maglor finds his
brother Amrod injured. What transpired between them before Amrod passed
Story ID: 230 · "That Which Cannot Be Put Into Words" by Pearl Took ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin and a female Elf in Lorien learn how to
communicate even though neither speaks the other's language.
Story ID: 188 · "What Goes Around" by GamgeeFest · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While waiting for company to arrive and watching their
children play, Pippin tells Merry about another family gathering that
went horribly wrong.
Story ID: 160 · "The Gift" by Dot · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Rated for some angst and mild references to suffering.
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thranduil gives Legolas a gift of a little wood-elf magic.
Story ID: 94 · "The White Tree" by Linda Hoyland · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A few weeks after his coronation, Aragorn fears that the
wedded bliss he longs for will never be his. But the sign that heralds
the fulfillment of his desire could also destroy Aragorn's still fragile
bond with his Steward.
Story ID: 132 · "In Stitches" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: How Pippin came to acquire a certain hobby he has.
Story ID: 226 · "If I Had It All Again To Do" by Pearl Took · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A hobbit thinks about his life's choices.
Story ID: 228 · "The Remains of Power" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Saruman takes stock of what he has left after the Ents
destroy Isengard.
Story ID: 292 · "The Stories of Our People" by Pearl Took · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: How Tolkien may have come to write about the Hobbits of
the Shire and their adventures.
Story ID: 192 · "Mathom" by Perelleth · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Erestor has a difficult day trying to keep a Wizard, a
Hobbit and thirteen dwarves away from certain residents during Midsummer
celebrations in Imladris, with Elladan and Elrohirs enthusiastic
support. Meanwhile, Glorfindel only wants a well-earned repose and
Elrond fears for his wine.
Story ID: 39 · "Years After and a Sea Between" by Dana · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Rated PG for slash content.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It isn't that he's longing for the sea... (Later on in
his life, Pippin wonders about the sea.)
Story ID: 165 · "Beech Leaves" by Redheredh · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A Silvan elf is reborn from the Halls of Mandos in Aman.
Story ID: 280 · "Kissing is Different" by Lady Bluejay · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Sexual thoughts
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the last year of the Third Age, Ιomer, King of Rohan,
Lord of the Mark wed Lothνriel of Dol Amroth, Princess of the Realm of
Gondor. That is all Tolkien tells us, although the friendship between
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth, Ιomer and Aragorn is well documented.
Much has been written about their possible romance. Was it love? Was it
a purely political alliance? This is the first in a short series that
looks at different scenarios. In this story Eomer finds someone
surprising in the stables.
Story ID: 281 · "Counting the Days" by Lady Bluejay · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Sexual Discussion
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the last year of the Third Age, Ιomer, King of Rohan,
Lord of the Mark wed Lothνriel of Dol Amroth, Princess of the Realm of
Gondor. That is all Tolkien tells us. Much has been written about their
possible romance. Was it love? Was it a purely political alliance? This
is the fourth in a short series that looks at different scenarios. In
this story Eomer and Lthiriel are betrothed but they have never met.
Eomer is on his way to meet her for the first time - very reluctantly
Story ID: 278 · "A Rohan Ghost Story" by Katzilla · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Strong violence, adult themes, gore, dark imagery, major
battle scenes; Implied Rape
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the first winter of his reign, King Ιomer encounters
an enemy who has carefully planned his revenge on the young ruler and
the Riddermark...
Story ID: 293 · "Those Also Serve Who Stand and Wait" by Haleth · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mature emotional themes.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fingolfin's younger sister, an Exile on Tol Eressλa,
muses on the joys and sorrows of her time in Middle-earth.
Story ID: 314 · "Beneath the Hollow Hill" by Haleth · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Mature themes.
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Maglor spends an evening with a hauntingly familiar people.
Story ID: 199 · "Today" by annmarwalk · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  m/m sexual activity, non-graphic
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Prince Theodred of Rohan prepares for the arrival of an
eagerly-awaited guest.
Story ID: 200 · "For the Moon to Lead, and All the Stars to Follow" by
annmarwalk · (Other Fiction: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "He smiles and leads her, tender as a lover, to the
dance. " A dowager lady of Minas Tirith considers love and loss.
Story ID: 311 · "Too Few Words" by annmarwalk · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: When Gimli returns to the Lonely Mountain to recruit
artisans for Minas Tirith and Aglarond, one dwarf-maid must make a
difficult choice.
Story ID: 401 · "The Age of Men" by Marta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Treebeard's rather rambling thoughts just before his last
parting with Merry and Pippin.

Msg# 7169

Other Nominations Pt 5 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:01:40 Topic ID# 7169
Story ID: 279 · "A Battle Of A Different Kind" by Katzilla · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Adult themes, but no swearing or violence.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ιomer and Ιowyn clash about an issue both feel very
strongly about. Vignette, pre-Ring War.
Story ID: 312 · "Sleeping Arrangements" by Lady Galadriel · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo loses a battle, and Sam, reflecting on an event of
his childhood, finds himself fearing that Frodo is beginning to lose
that bothered, blessed Baggins stubbornness.
Story ID: 177 · "The Cloak" by Elen Kortirion · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Language, reported violence and sex, not graphic.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lord Boromir's old amah, Melleth of Arthedain, tells of
her last gift to him - and the circumstances of how she came to make the
garment. An extract from her private journals, annotated by the late
King Elessar and his Steward, Lord Faramir - transcribed by Ohtar,
King's Scholar, by order of King Aldarion - for his private library that
the doings of his father should not be lost.
Story ID: 180 · "Both Beholden" by Dwimordene · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The first step in any journey is letting go of what
you're holding onto. Boromir, contemplating kings, discovers he's not
the only one who needs to make that step.
Story ID: 216 · "Trust" by Dwimordene · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Adult sexuality and situation.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Trust: because without it, love is meaningless. Story in
the "Best-loved Sons" series. See story for chronological placement.
Story ID: 264 · "Dear Diary" by Lily · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Primula kept a diary during the time of her pregnancy and
the first months with her newborn child.
Story ID: 263 · "Changes and Constancy" by Lily · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While in Minas Tirith Frodo discovers the first signs of
age. His cousin doesn't miss the opportunity to tease him about it.
Story ID: 511 · "A Night in the Woods" by Acacea · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Boromir and Faramir and a quiet night near the wood spent
talking about lots of things
Story ID: 513 · "Strength of a River" by Acacea · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lessons in life - Interludes in Ithilien and Minas Tirith
- Faramir, the Rangers, Boromir and Finduilas
Story ID: 43 · "Nothing of Note" by Primsong · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Bilbo Baggins faces his 98th year with a wandering Shire
adventure that leads to his eventual selection and adoption of an heir.
Gentle, with original Bilbo-styled poetry occasionally included.
Story ID: 310 · "Inheritance" by Primsong · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A musing on what might have happened if important papers
had fallen in the wrong hands the night of the Birthday Party, along
with a legal snafu challenging Frodo's adoption.
Story ID: 518 · "Relief" by Acacea · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Business as usual in Osgiliath and Minas Tirith, or
perhaps not - Boromir and his men find themselves outnumbered in the
thick of battle at Osgiliath
Story ID: 41 · "The Fords of Isen" by Branwyn · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Non-graphic violence.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Do the bonds of friendship endure beyond the grave? A
Rohirric ghost story, written for annmarwalks birthday.
Story ID: 49 · "Pink Oliphaunts" by Branwyn · (Other Fiction: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In a time of peace, young Elboron imagines the Battle of
the Pelennor Fields. Written for Acacea's birthday.
Story ID: 83 · "By The Light of Earendil's Star" by Branwyn · (Other
Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  For non-graphic violence and a few instances of graphic
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After an ambush in Ithilien, young Faramir has little
hope of rescue from his captors or from his own despair. Unless help
unlooked-for should arrive ...
Story ID: 104 · "The Road Not Taken" by Branwyn · (Other Fiction: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the woods of Rohan, Boromir turns to the North and
begins his journey into unknown lands. Written in response to the HASA
"Your Favorite Poem" challenge.
Story ID: 145 · "When The Days Are Warm" by Branwyn · (Other Fiction:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Faramir brings his mother a bouquet of crocuses,
flowers yanked up by the roots from her garden. Boromir feels strangely
upset by this destruction.
Story ID: 169 · "Reaping" by Dreamflower · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Graphic violence and minor character death
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In which Ted Sandyman learns that one reaps what one sows.
Story ID: 187 · "Chance Encounter" by Dreamflower · (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In which Pippin encounters an old friend in Minas Tirith
after the Quest. (Sequel to "Life of a Bard".)
Story ID: 351 · "The Hobbit and the Man: "All That Is Gold Does Not
Glitter"" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Just how did Bilbo come to write that poem about Aragorn?
Story ID: 355 · "Bedtime Story" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Eldarion's bedtime games surprise the King, and Aragorn
finds out that Legolas is not to be trusted.
Story ID: 365 · "Horse Thief" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Estel tries to run away from Rivendell; Glorfindel is
annoyed because someone has stolen his horse; and it's all Elladan's fault.
Story ID: 366 · "Fugitive" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Princess Gilraen runs away.
Story ID: 492 · "Paper" by Dawn Felagund · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Mild sexuality and sibling-rivalry violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Curufin, fifth son of Feanor, finds himself as an outcast
in his father's burgeoning family and turns to the pleasures of fantasy
to alleviate his fears and his loneliness.
Story ID: 540 · "Until the King Returns" by Marta · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  adult themes
First Choice Category  Times: Early Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "Then Mardil could no longer restrain [Eδrnur], and he
rode with a small escort of knights to the gate of Minas Morgul." But
why would any competent steward let a childless king confront such a
dangerous enemy, and with such a small guard?

Msg# 7170

FLF Nominations Pt 4 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:02:04 Topic ID# 7170
Story ID: 108 · "Cierre, Min Heorte (Turn, My Heart)" by SilverMoonLady
· (Fixed-Length Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: We begin in 1060 T.A.; a shadow hangs over Greenwood the
Great, and some are beginning to call it Mirkwood. The events that
follow span 1060 TA  12 FA (1434 SR), and chronicle in drabble and
verse the migration of the Tooks (and other hobbits) from their
ancestral lands near the Anduin to settlement in the Shire and to
Pippins inheritance of that history.
Story ID: 630 · "Dust On My Saddle" by Rous · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Challenge #40: Tolkien Done Modern. This is probably more
correctly termed a crossover. The challenge was to show a scene written
with a modern take. Title comes from a song by Seals and Crofts- "Dust
On My Saddle".
Story ID: 631 · "300 Horses" by Rous · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A bit of whimsy, that demanded to be written.
Story ID: 611 · "Roots and Branches" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Four hobbits and one Steward: an encounter between a
shadowed past and a sunny future, between the White Tower and the White
Story ID: 63 · "Seeker of Shadow" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG  mild sexual innuendo, not necessarily suitable for young
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One restless Elf approaches another in the shadows of Nan
Story ID: 563 · "Gaiety in Gondor" by Raksha the Demon · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG  Slight sexual innuendo
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: My answer to the "20 Gay Gondorians" prompt from the 2005
Yule Mathoms Challenge at HASA - Faramir's attempt to dutifully carry
out his new king's wishes results has unanticipated consequences. Not to
be taken seriously!
Story ID: 737 · "History Becomes Legend" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir is surprised and touched to discover that his
brother has been remembered in song as a hero of the Rohirrim.
Story ID: 732 · "Thus Are Legends Born" by annmarwalk · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Seven-year-old Faramir's imagination helps his brother
see the world in a new way.
Story ID: 788 · "Alas, for the dying of the trees" by Gandalfs
apprentice · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gimli has a complaint about Legolas.
Story ID: 789 · "Work Detail" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  You have to be a certain age to understand the point of
the story. Nothing in the least graphic.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Queen of Gondor has a job for her husband.
Story ID: 790 · "Jewels" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  You need to be a certain age to appreciate the point.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While inspecting the troops, the King and the Steward see
their wives having fun.
Story ID: 791 · "Suspicion" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam does not like that Strider.
Story ID: 756 · "All The Moon Could See" by Dana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In four drabbles, a progression from start to the end.
Story ID: 757 · "Always a First" by Dana · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The first time I saw you. (A set of drabbles.)
Story ID: 770 · "The Will" by LydiaB · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In a place far far away from Middle Earth...
Story ID: 796 · "The question of being fair" by Rhapsody · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Celegorm overhears a group of maidens on a square in
Tirion. Written for the OSA drabble challenge: Confusion
Story ID: 797 · "Swan Dance" by Rhapsody · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  experience of a sword fight, first person point of view.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The thoughts of one of Feδnor's sons during the 1st
kinslaying in Alqualondλ. Written for the OSA drabble challenge: Sin
Story ID: 865 · "The Burdens of Office" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A drabble series in which Faramir faces a dilemma and
Aragorn helps him resolve it.
Story ID: 866 · "Too Many Names" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG-13  Mild sexuality
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A dozen demi-drabbles exploring some of Aragorn's many names.
Story ID: 692 · "A Change In The Weather" by Marigold · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What was once comforting and familiar is suddenly deadly...
Story ID: 693 · "Elemental Spirits" by Marigold · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The four Travellers described...
Story ID: 867 · "Ship and Shore" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG-13  Some violent imagery
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Four drabbles showing cross-cultural interactions, with a
linking theme of ships and the sea.
Story ID: 868 · "Midwinter Rites" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A double drabble in which Aragorn remembers how he
celebrated midwinter festivals throughout his life.
Story ID: 863 · "Home Again" by Sϊlriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: PG  sexual play strongly implied
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One of Queen Beruthiel's cats, who always finds her way home.
Story ID: 858 · "Those Who Challenge the Dead" by Nancy Brooke ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: PG  Impending character death
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The convergent tales of Eδrnur of Gondor, and Baldor of
Rohan. Response to OSA Drabble Challenge #5: Tragic/Stupid/Crazy Guy.

Msg# 7171

FLF Nominations Pt 5 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:03:11 Topic ID# 7171
Story ID: 835 · "Claws" by Elena Tiriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A dark creature covets a gem from Smaug's hoard...
Story ID: 832 · "Moon Friend: Tales of Isildur" by Elena Tiriel ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of drabbles about Isildur, highlighting events
from his life, death... and beyond!
Story ID: 833 · "Dark Appetites" by Elena Tiriel · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A blinded survivor of the Ring War looks forward to
wreaking revenge in the future....
Story ID: 860 · "Making the Legends of Our Times" by Gwynnyd ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Granddaughter meets grandmother, and finds something
Story ID: 869 · "A new tradition" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As the dwarf-children of Aglarond settle into their new
home, Gimli is unexpectedly forced to create some new traditions. A
triple drabble.
Story ID: 870 · "For the love of the Lord of the White Tree" by Tanaqui
· (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas reflects on the effects of his sea-longing....
Story ID: 871 · "Keeping an eye on the enemy" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Boromir and Faramir play at "Rangers".
Story ID: 872 · "Midwinter in Mordor" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG-13  Disturbing themes
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An orc enjoys the midwinter festivities in Mordor.
Story ID: 873 · "Rising Hope" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In Nϊmenor, Elendil's father Amandil reflects on names:
his own, his son's, his grandson's.
Story ID: 874 · "Tokens of Sorrow" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  mention of character deaths
First Choice Category  Times: Early Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: During a lull in the battle against the Wainriders,
Gondorian general Minohtar prepares to send news back to Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 875 · "Show his quality" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir offers a kind word to a new recruit to the Rangers.
Story ID: 876 · "Shadow and flame" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: PG  dark themes
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The balrog cast down by Gandalf faces its true Maker.
Story ID: 886 · "The Unbidden Stranger" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length
Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A new arrival in Rohan comes under scrutiny.
Story ID: 888 · "Dance Lessons" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Over the years, Aragorn finds there's more to dancing
than just knowing the steps.
Story ID: 894 · "For the Dwarves" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Glσin and Gimli celebrate Durin's Day during their stay
in Rivendell.
Story ID: 899 · "Maturity" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  romantic situations
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A pair of linked drabbles showing how the sons of the
Steward of Gondor cope with the trials of growing up... and the horror
of girls.
Story ID: 900 · "Fair Trade" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir finds a way to reward his Rangers - and receives
his own rewards in return.
Story ID: 901 · "A bit of garden" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam can't resist temptation....
Story ID: 926 · "Unchanged" by Marta · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Rory Brandybuck contemplates his friend Bilbo Baggins.
Story ID: 902 · "Not Fair" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ιomer provides some fatherly advice to his son.
Story ID: 903 · "Rejection" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn finds even kings-in-waiting can struggle to get a
real job.
Story ID: 904 · "Such loveliness in living thing" by Tanaqui ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Bilbo's first meeting with Arwen.
Story ID: 905 · "A thing unheard of" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet:
True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gimli learns the truth of his exchange with Elrond just
before the Fellowship left Rivendell.
Story ID: 906 · "Unfolded" by Tanaqui · (Fixed-Length Ficlet: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Bergil observes Faramir.
Story ID: 758 · "Drabbles for Lord of the Rings" by Llinos ·
(Fixed-Length Ficlet: Poem Cycle)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Each of these is a drabble (a piece of exactly 100
words), but written in poetry form, and each one attempts to sum up a
particular section or chapter from Lord of the Rings. There is one for
each section of the Prologue and three using a chapter from each of the
Lord of the Rings books. The Chapters are, "A Conspiracy Unmasked", "The
Uruk-hai" and "The Scouring of the Shire".

Msg# 7172

Other Nominations Pt 7 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:06:17 Topic ID# 7172
Story ID: 211 · "Merry's Magnificent Yule" by Marigold · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Rated PG-13 for brief nudity and drunken silliness,
including a few misplaced kisses. No slash.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It's Yule and poor Merry is missing his true love. He has
a bit too much to drink and Pippin is left to cope with a very drunken
cousin! This is the full and frighteningly unabridged story of what went
on earlier in the night of First Yule, S.R. 1413 in my story Merry Yules
which can be found at Merry is 31 and
Pippin is 23. The wonderful song that appears at the end was of course
written by the enormously talented Llinos and I thank her very much!
Story ID: 220 · "Treasures And Momentos" by Marigold · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Rated PG for mention of character deaths
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After Merry and Pippin's last Yule, it is up to King
Elessar to sort through their belongings. Warning - Reference to
character deaths. A sequel to Merry Yules, this story also appeared in
Marigold's Challenge 24.
Story ID: 571 · "Stones" by Marigold · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While in Eregion with Merry on an Adventure following in
Bilbo's footsteps, Pippin retrieves a special treasure he was forced to
leave behind while on the Quest. This story was written for the
wonderful Llinos on the occasion of her birthday, sparked by happy
memories of our hike across Scotland.
Story ID: 651 · "Inheritances" by Marta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn was serving in Gondor under Denethor's father
Ecthelion when Boromir was born. What would the Heir of Isildur have
thought of the child who might grow up to become Steward?
Story ID: 637 · "House and Home" by SlightlyTookish · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After revealing his plans to sell Bag End, Frodo asked
Merry to help him find a new home in Buckland. What made Frodo choose
the house at Crickhollow? Perhaps an eventful day house-hunting with
Merry and Pippin helped him come to that decision.
Story ID: 635 · "The Unexpected Guest" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Adult humour...naked hobbit. Nothing graphic, no sex.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A familiar hobbit unexpectedly appears at a very special
tea party.
Story ID: 191 · "Evensong" by aranda_nz · (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: PG-13  Discussion of mortality, OC character death, violence.
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The last part written of the very long saga of Aragorn,
Legolas and Gimli and their lives in the fourth age late in Aragorn's
reign. First parts of equal length are Adagio and Cadenza. In Evensong
our heros chase a dream to defeat a looming threat to the magic of
Middle-earth. They meet ghosts from the past and portents of the future.
Story ID: 148 · "Until the Stars Are All Alight" by Kenaz · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Adult themes, some violence and one scene with sexual content.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "He has turned from his path. Our people have fostered
him, but it falls to the Dϊnedain to help him find his way now. Will you
guide him, Halbarad? Will you make of the boy a man so the man might be
Story ID: 652 · "The Beauty of Memory" by pipkinsweetgrass · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As Faramir mourns Boromir's passing, he discusses his
fallen brother with his friends, Aragorn and Pippin, discovering that
life goes on within & without you... and sometimes even in the least
expected of people.
Story ID: 677 · "Lossarnach Yule" by Isabeau of Greenlea · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Mild language.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A holiday tale of Gondor, wherein a dead Ranger's family
is visited by three strangers who bring a change of fortune in their wake.
Story ID: 110 · "Scattered Leaves" by Aratlithiel · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Dark themes
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: October 6th, 1420 S.R.
Story ID: 648 · "Assume, Confuse, Consume, Amuse" by pipkinsweetgrass ·
(Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  For a kick in a certain portion of the anatomy and some
reference to pictures of girls on the internet.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The author and her husband are visited by imaginary
Boromir, Merry and Pippin to help the writer decide which stories to
tell for a story challenge. The multiple stories-within-a-story vary
from the irreverently humorous to the speculative to the poignant, with
a touch of farce, well seasoned with self-deprecation.
Story ID: 65 · " The Silent Street" by Sophinisba Solis · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: R  slash, thoughts about death
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Merry and Pippin
explore the other paths of the dead, within the city of Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 617 · "Counterpoint, Interfolio - Scherzo" by Daffodil Bolger
· (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Allusions to adult relationships
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Life and death are such simple things to a child.
Story ID: 138 · "In the Service of the King" by grey_wonderer · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While Gondor's newly crowned King is aquainting himself
with his people and over-seeing repairs to the City, one of the
Fellowship seems to be distracted with less important issues.
Story ID: 162 · "If I had a Hammer" by grey_wonderer · (Other Fiction:
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It is summer in the Shire and Frodo has guests but not
everything is going smoothly. Pippin has difficulty with his lessons,
Merry has difficulty with Pippin, Sam puts his own safety on the line,
and the Gaffer enjoys it all. With luck Frodo will get through the
summer somehow.
Story ID: 182 · "Sisters" by grey_wonderer · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin's thoughts on having three older sisters.
Story ID: 234 · "Strike While the Iron is Hot" by grey_wonderer · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A summer of pranks at Brandy Hall leads to a series of
events that may just land everyone in hot water before the finish.
Pippin, Berilac, Fredegar, and Merry are all involved in some way but
the question is, 'Who is fooling who?'
Story ID: 305 · "Of Squirrels and Stolen Pies" by grey_wonderer · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Merry finds himself running for cover when his older
cousins get him involved in a bit of pie-stealing. Meanwhile, Pippin is
just standing around minding his own business when all of the sudden...
Story ID: 636 · "Inside Out" by grey_wonderer · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin makes a wager with Merry but it may not be as
simple as it seems.
Story ID: 472 · "In a Tent Somewhere Near Whitwell or The Truth About
Merry" by grey_wonderer · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Suggestive, mentions of sex and slash sex mention but no
acutal sex in the story.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A walking trip through the Shire reveals a bit too much
and someone gets the wrong idea about it all.
Story ID: 570 · "A Tisket, A Tasket" by grey_wonderer · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin has high hopes for his stuffed rabbit, Errol's
future. The trouble is, Pippin might just be expecting more than Errol
can deliver.
Story ID: 691 · "All Save One" by LadyDeb1970 · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo and the rest of the Fellowship have the opportunity
to say 'good-bye' to a lost friend.
Story ID: 639 · "Merrys Present" by Mariole · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Some discussion about death.
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Book canon. Young Merry discovers surprising facts about
his Cousin Frodos life, particularly regarding his parents.
Story ID: 638 · "The Path" by AngieT · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: When Merry is caught abroad in bad weather he finds
unexpected shelter with some unfamiliar hobbits. But all is not as it

Msg# 7173

Other Nominations Pt 6 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:06:19 Topic ID# 7173
Story ID: 87 · "The Still Point" by stultiloquentia · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Non-graphic sex scene.
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Midsummer Night. Arwen. Aragorn. Well, somebody had to do it!
Story ID: 251 · "Thus We Part" by Tinni · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  It contains some adult themes
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thoughts of Celebrimbor as he and Curufin part way in
Story ID: 88 · "Was It For This?" by Alawa · (Other Fiction: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn at his father's grave. A short story written for
a 'War and Remembrance' Challenge.
Story ID: 296 · "A stranger Among us, or, Here and Back Again." by
Ottis413 · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Characters: Elrond, Sir Peter Tennant, and a near cameo
by J. R. R. Tolkien. Adapted from a story by Clark Ashton Smith. A
stranger shows up at Oxford, England in 1933, capturing the attention of
a teacher at Queens Collage, Peter Tennant, (a real person, Sir Peter
Tennant was a contemporary of J R R Tolkien in the 1930s, and a hero of
WWII). As he investigates this stranger, a Mr. Elton Smith, they becomes
friends, and he finds that as well as being friends with Prof. Tolkien,
this stranger is much more then meets the eye...
Story ID: 250 · "A Precious Gift" by Isil Elensar · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A brief glimpse of a happy moment in the House of Finwe.
Story ID: 331 · "Fond Memory" by Isil Elensar · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It's been ten long years since the passing of their
mother Finduilas, but instead of grieving, Faramir and Boromir share a
fond memory of her.
Story ID: 323 · "The Dancing Master" by Flick · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: How Faramir and Eowyn learned to dance
Story ID: 614 · "We Were Young Once ~ I" by CorielConquistadora · (Other
Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Rated for mature themes that would not be fully
appreciated by a younger readership. Also contains some violent images.
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is the story of the second Elvenking of Greenwood,
Thranduil Oropherion, his rise from refugee to prince and beyond, from
the First Age through to the Fourth. (Basically, it is to Tolkien canon
what Virgil's Aeneid is to Homer's Iliad.) As the first completed
installment of a trilogy, these chapters cover mostly the early Second Age.
Story ID: 133 · "A Bath-time Song" by SlightlyTookish · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Bilbo and Pippin discuss their love of bathing while
Bilbo passes along one of his own bath traditions to the youngster.
Story ID: 135 · "Elves Do Skate" by Caporal · (Other Fiction: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: PG  Rated PG for mild romantic content.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It's winter at Lake Helevorn, and Caranthir son of
Fλanor's houseguests have nothing better to do than gossip. (PG, implied
Story ID: 569 · "defining a circle shape through points" by Dana ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Rated PG-13 for slash content.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: From a beginning all the way around to an end. Five
things that could have been.
Story ID: 572 · "All for the Best" by Dana · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Rated for mild slash content.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The one where Pippin joins Merry at Crickhollow, mostly
because he's needed.
Story ID: 167 · "History Lessons: The Third Age" by Nilmandra · (Other
Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Battle scenes
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The events of the War of the Ring as seen from Elrond's
perspective, with remembrances into the earlier years of the Third Age.
Characters include: Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen, Aragorn, Celebrian,
Glorfindel, Mithrandir, Erestor, and Frodo, with appearances by Bilbo,
the members of the Company and various other characters from the books.
Story ID: 270 · "Curious Mind, Noble Heart" by Nilmandra · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Estel learns that curiosity can harm more than the
cat. Written to explain how Gandlaf knew about a 'pop-gun', as mentioned
in The Hobbit.
Story ID: 400 · "First Night" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin returns to his and Gandalf's room on his first
night in Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 615 · "A Gift of Tears" by vladazhael · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG  Death, angst
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Haldir brings sad news home to Lorien.
Story ID: 399 · "Seeing Stars" by Budgielover · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Unable to believe that attractive hobbit-lasses find
11-year old Pippin more adorable than himself, Merry drags his cousins
back to the Green Dragon for an evening of hopeful flirting.
Story ID: 89 · "A Message and a Bottle" by Larner · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The bottle of wine which has been Tobobard Took's
personal birthday mathom for almost forty years comes to Pippin, and he
finds he wishes to let the news old Toby is now dead reach elsewhere.
Story ID: 121 · "Iridescence" by Larner · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A gift of beauty to the Ringbearer in Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 184 · "Lesser Ring" by Larner · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Deaths of characters, discussion of religious and
political fanaticism, violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A tale of two visits to Harad.
Story ID: 419 · "Love Me Now, Forever" by iorhael · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: From Bag Ends POV, as Frodo returned home and went to
the Undying Lands
Story ID: 272 · "Frodo: The Next Generation" by Gentle Hobbit · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  There are a couple of moments that might be disturbing for
children: a detailed description of an insertion of a needle, and one
also of mental distress.
First Choice Category  Genres: Crossover
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An odd mission leaves Beverly Crusher with a true mystery
on her hands when she must take care of a most unusual patient. (Note:
Even though the story takes place within the Star Trek: The Next
Generation universe, it deals primarily with elements from LotR.)
Story ID: 623 · "Desires Of The Hroa" by The Last Temptation of Homer ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Some angst and themes not suitable for very young children
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A married elf ponders his forbidden love for another.
Story ID: 619 · "On the Anduin" by Gentle Hobbit · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  There are descriptions of or references to painful
surgery carried out on the main character. Some may find this disturbing.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is an AU fic in which Frodo does not have Bilbo's
mithril vest with him during the Quest. When an orc arrow finds its
target, both Frodo and Pippin must explore the meaning of courage, and
what role fear plays therein.
Story ID: 159 · "Demand and You Shall Receive" by grey_wonderer · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A visit to Buckland gives Frodo a chance to learn a thing
or two about dealing with small children.

Msg# 7174

Non-Fiction Nominations Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:07:27 Topic ID# 7174
Story ID: 274 · "Dana's Annotated Tale of Years" by Dana · (Non-Fiction)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A transcription of the Tale of Years, with additions.
Story ID: 147 · "Tolkien's Use of Expletives" by Dreamflower · (Non-Fiction)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: No Race Chosen
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In which JRR Tolkien's use of various exclamations and
expletives in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is examined, and a
list compiled of those phrases.
Story ID: 893 · "A Meara for Me!" by Sϊlriel · (Non-Fiction)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Meet the Mearas: Using the photos and information
provided ~ from physical size and strengths, colors and markings to age,
training and skill levels to emotional and mental suitability ~ pick one
of these real-life 'Fantasy Horses' as your character's or combine
traits of these to make your own.
Story ID: 850 · "Lembas, Shmembas" by Rabidsamfan · (Non-Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A consideration of Lembas: what is it, how does it work,
and does it have the same effect on hobbits as it does on Elves?
Story ID: 851 · "More Lembas Thoughts" by Rabidsamfan · (Non-Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: No Genre Chosen
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A continuation of "Lembas Shmembas" where the effect of
lembas on hobbits is compared to what we know about the effect on the
Three Hunters.

Msg# 7175

Other Nominations Pt 1 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:07:29 Topic ID# 7175
Story ID: 131 · "The Gift" by Dawn Felagund · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  mild romantic content
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As the Noldor leave Valinor, Celebrimbor helps his uncle
Celegorm make some important discoveries about love, joy, and the
special meaning of gifts.
Story ID: 136 · "Another Man's Cage" by Dawn Felagund · (Other Fiction:
Rating: R  sexuality, violence, disturbing thematic content
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the days of peace before Melkor's release and the
Noldorin exile, Feanor's young family lives an ordinary year of their
lives, during which the conflicts and motivations that will shape their
later history begin to be revealed.
Story ID: 125 · "Merry's Graduation" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Third installment of the Irrepressible Pippin series.
Story takes place during Merry's last days as a student in Pippin's
study group. One of them lags behind and needs a bit of help.
Story ID: 126 · "Fair-weather Friends" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  No sex, slash, or profanity; I initially gave it no rating,
but just for the topic of discussion and the setting, I give it PG.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While on their honeymoon, Merry and Estella have their
first view of their future together as a couple with Merry's night
terrors. Will they survive it?
Story ID: 170 · "Earth's Daughter" by Aramel · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fνriel had rejected the passage into the west, and in
Middle-earth all things age... A story of Fν­riel, set seventy years
after the tale told in Tolkien's poem "The Last Ship".
Story ID: 45 · "On Being the Youngest" by Bodkin · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Whilst in Rivendell, a certain blond elf and a young Took
have a conversation.
Story ID: 139 · "Arwen's Heart" by Bodkin · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What was Arwen doing as Estel grew up in Imladris? Did
she - or her family - have any suspicions about what would happen? How
did she deal with her fate?
Story ID: 97 · "Of Falcons and Mϋmakil" by Lialathuveril · (Other
Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  This is a romance, as such there is some sexual tension,
kissing and embracing and a wedding night in the second to last chapter,
but nothing really explicit.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ιomer King of Rohan and Lothiriel Princess of Dol Amroth:
They first met on a moonlit night in Minas Tirith but their romance was
not off to a smooth start, on the contrary. The obstacles to surmount
included Ιowyn's well-intended meddling, Lothiriel's annoying older
brother, an ill-fated band of Southrons and no less than 6 other suitors
(summarily dismissed).
Story ID: 158 · "The Prince and the Pea" by Karri · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ten year old Estel is led astray by Elf-lords.
Story ID: 53 · "The Stone's Lament" by Thevina Finduilas · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As the Fellowship approaches his ancestors' ancient home,
Gimli discovers he's not the only one with an affinity to stone.
Story ID: 171 · "Unmeant Bitterness" by Aramel · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Misinterpreted words have drastic consequences. Featuring
Faramir and non-abusive Denethor.
Story ID: 172 · "Fire" by Aramel · (Other Fiction: Fixed-Length Ficlet
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The actions of the Feanorians and the motives behind
them, told from a slightly different POV (aka not the negative view of
the Silmarillion). Mild AU, with implied non-canonical pairings.
Story ID: 176 · "Letters in the sand" by Rhapsody · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Maglor is trapped within a circle regarding his fate and
Story ID: 82 · "Red River" by Altariel · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mild violent themes
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir and Aragorn in a short fable of globalization.
Story ID: 117 · "Healed" by Shirebound · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Mortals are permitted to sail West -- on one condition.
An unusual -- but very happy -- reunion in the West for Frodo, Bilbo,
Sam, Merry, and Pippin. Characters include Celebrνan, Gandalf, Elrond,
and Galadriel. Very AU, very joyous.
Story ID: 80 · "Last Rites" by Isabeau of Greenlea · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Implied M/M relationship. Discussion of character death.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On the night before the Battle of the Morannon, questions
are asked and answered about Boromir's death.
Story ID: 146 · "Gandalf's No Good, Rotten, Really Bad Day" by Gandalfs
apprentice · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A few things go wrong at the Prancing Pony, and Gandalf
tries to explain to Manwe how it all happened. Alternate Universe humor.
Story ID: 113 · "The Three Towers" by Shirebound · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Rated for Frodo's memories of events at the Tower of
Cirith Ungol.
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A visit to the Tower of Ecthelion in Minas Tirith compels
Frodo to return to the Tower of Cirith Ungol, accompanied by the King
and the remaining members of the Fellowship. While Frodo struggles to
recover lost or unclear memories, many of his companions find themselves
making discoveries they did not expect. This story is based in
book-verse, with bits of movie-verse interwoven at the authors
discretion. Angst/drama, but there's enough hobbity lightness to balance
things out.
Story ID: 155 · "Antiphon to Light" by Thevina Finduilas · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gimli meets Galadriel, and is forever changed.
Story ID: 153 · "The Consequences of Curiosity" by A L Milton · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Non-graphical references to sexuality.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: *one-shot* Comedy. Aragorn has a delicate question for
his Steward; the answer isn't quite what he was expecting. Gen, but with
references to Ιowyn/Faramir.
Story ID: 181 · "The Lost" by Altariel · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A sequel to Isabeau's story "Noble Jewel": Faramir comes
face to face with Brand.
Story ID: 48 · "Make It One For Paladin" by Marta · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  mature themes, OC character death
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Robin Smallburrow tries to come to terms with what he saw
and did during the occupation of the Shire.
Story ID: 178 · "An Exaltation of Larks" by Ibilover · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn and Boromir play a word game on the road to Moria.
Story ID: 174 · "Raven Hair and Silver Eyes" by Ellie · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Rated for the aftermath of violence and for some mild
sexual description.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fingolfin's wife Anairλ reflects on her life with
Fingolfin from the first time she saw him until she finally left him.
Story ID: 67 · "Benison" by annmarwalk · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "Across the years, it seemed as though Eowyn felt the
brush of Finduilass lips on her forehead: a caress, a blessing."

Msg# 7176

Other Nominations Pt 3 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:09:46 Topic ID# 7176
Story ID: 183 · "Imrahil's Daughter" by Madeleine · (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: PG-13  A few sensual moments, but nothing truly explicit.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sequel to "The Healer and the Warrior"; When Eomer
returns to Minas Tirith to escort the body of his uncle home to Rohan,
he is in for a surprise. Prince Imrahil introduces him to the fourth of
his offspring
Story ID: 254 · "The Summons" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: These three vignettes from the journey of the Fellowship
explore the choices that Aragorn must make as the Heir of Isildur,
focusing on his relationship with the Steward's son and heir. Some
questions about the past and the future are raised: What did Boromir
think about the legendary Captain Thorongil? Did he find out the
Captain's true identity? What kind of (non)welcome was Aragorn expecting
from Denethor? And what did he think about Denethor, anyway?
Story ID: 129 · "Seam of Stone" by hossgal · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Adult themes, sexual content
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "There was no accounting for the cravings of a heart sick
with mourning."
Story ID: 78 · "Before Thangorodrim: The Last Fall of Himring Hill" by
AWing · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Set near the end of the War of Wrath. Finarfin, Finrod
and the Host of the Noldor of Aman are beseiging Easterling-held
Himring. Maedhros and Maglor arrive and offer to help Finarfin take the
Story ID: 73 · "Remembrance" by Acacea · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Denethor finds a forgotten relic from the past
Story ID: 86 · "Quo Vadis?" by Tehta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Some mentions of violence
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As Gondolin burns, Salgantever an artistchooses his fate.
Story ID: 55 · "Music Lessons" by Acacea · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir learns a new skill
Story ID: 74 · "Dragons and Sailboats" by Acacea · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A quiet moment by the river. Aragorn and Faramir talk,
mostly of Boromir and Thorongil.
Story ID: 266 · "Return to Me" by Dawn Felagund · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  horror, blood and gore, disturbing themes, death themes,
mild sexuality
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Finrod is the first of the exiled Noldor to be
re-embodied in Valinor, and when Finarfin is called to Mandos to help
ease his newly reborn son into life, he learns truths about the nature
of Finrod's death--and his own beliefs in the process.
Story ID: 209 · "All Those Who Wander" by daw the minstrel · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Legolass family struggles to readjust in the wake
of the loss of his mother.
Story ID: 268 · "The Spy" by daw the minstrel · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Before he was Legolas's bodyguard, Beliond was a spy for
King Thranduil. This is the story of one his adventures near the Sea of
Story ID: 287 · "Thranduil's begetting day" by daw the minstrel · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Men and Elves gather to celebrate Thranduil's Begetting
Day. A cast of thousands, mostly OC. And, I fear, a descent into farce.
My apologies.
Story ID: 231 · "The Hardest Lesson" by mistycracraft · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Estel has to face the hardest lesson that all healers
must face.
Story ID: 232 · "Regret" by mistycracraft · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Some battle scenes.
First Choice Category  Genres: Mystery
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas works to uncover a mystery in Aragorn's past.
Story ID: 233 · "Shoot the Moon" by mistycracraft · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Elrond gives five year old Estel an astronomy lesson.
Story ID: 290 · "Ada Knows Best" by mistycracraft · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Some violence and battle scenes.
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sixteen year old Estel is forbidden to join his brothers
on patrol and takes matters into his own hands.
Story ID: 256 · "Castle" by Timmy2222 · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Violence
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Two years after the Ring War a wealthy lady from Gondor
wants to change the fate of Gondor.
Story ID: 300 · "Boats To Build" by Nancy Brooke · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG  some discussion of death and illness
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What might Boromir learn from his grandfather Adrahil, on
the eve of Adrahil's abdication?
Story ID: 302 · "Ships Passing" by Marta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  adult themes
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the days between the Battle of the Pelennor and the
Battle of the Black Gate, Faramir spends some time at Halbarad's bier in
the Citadel. A vignette.
Story ID: 297 · "Revenge is a dish best served cold" by Lialathuveril ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Very slight sexual allusions
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ιomer had faced many tests in his life. When he visited
his friend Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth he did not realize that the
hardest one might yet be to come. Humorous oneshot featuring Ιomer,
Amrothos and Lothiriel
Story ID: 284 · "Preparing The Way" by Lady Aranel · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas must confront some confusing emotions about life
and mortality as one of The Fellowship goes where an elf may not follow.
Story ID: 130 · "Pippin's Hands" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A request from hobbits in the post Quest Shire causes
Pippin to pause to think about where he's been.
Story ID: 267 · "The Gift of Gold" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Marigold Cotton reflects upon a very special Yule.
Story ID: 291 · "Just Us Lads" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin and his father share a special moment together.
Story ID: 275 · "The Courtship of Peregrin Took" by pippinfan88 · (Other
Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG  no sex, slash, or profanity. However, there are a few
adultish situations dealing with jealousy, terrors, and infatuation.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is my version of the courtship(s) Pippin goes
through before he decides on that one speciall lass. There is Saphhira
North-Took, Posey Headstrong (mostly in retrospect), then finally, Miss
Diamond North-Took.

Msg# 7177

Other Nominations Pt 8 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:10:56 Topic ID# 7177
Story ID: 633 · "The Tea Party" by AngieT · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In which Eglantine serves tea and averts a crisis...
Story ID: 85 · "Flotsam" by Salsify · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  disturbing images
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Some of the debris from the fall of Isengard proves hard
for Merry to forget.
Story ID: 79 · "Gundabad" by Salsify · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  violence
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Dwarves often speak of reclaiming lost strongholds like
the Lonely Mountain and Moria. But even though Mount Gundabad was once
the gathering place for all the clans, and the place where Durin first
awoke, the Dwarves never talk of reclaiming it from the orcs. Why not?
Story ID: 271 · "Safe?" by Ainu Laire · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn told Frodo not to lay aside the mithril coat
even in sleep, unless fortune brings you where you are safe for a
while. After dwelling in Lothlorien for some days, Frodo begins to
wonder whether here, at last, is a land safe enough for him to take off
the mithril mail. A ficlet for one of shirebound's little shirebunnies.
Story ID: 649 · "On the Way Home" by Citrine · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Camping on the Downs on the way home from the Havens,
Merry and Sam talk about Frodo and come to an understanding.
Story ID: 213 · "How the Eorlings Ride" by NeumeIndil · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  General naughtiness in a tavern/brothel. Characters
engage in drinking and implied sexual situations.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Poor Merry! Pippin just HAD to look in the Palantir. Now
separated from his cousin for the first time since leaving the Shire,
Merry finds himself feeling rather lonely during his stay in Edoras. He
has no need to fear, though. Company is on the way. The first part of
the series "Nights In Rohan".
Story ID: 294 · "The Last Thing He Said" by NeumeIndil · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mentions of character death. Possible tear-jerker.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A new point of view on the War of the Ring from the minds
of the four-legged spirits who lived it too.
Story ID: 295 · "Lonely Night" by NeumeIndil · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Adult subject matter.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a cold night in February, Morwen awakes to sounds of
sorrow. The conversation that follows is a bitter reminder of her own
past. Part of the short story series "Nights In Rohan".
Story ID: 618 · "The Walk" by Kelllie · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo faces a painful task through dreams and memories
laced with the wisdom of friends past and present.
Story ID: 667 · "Elements" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Other
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thoughts of Gandalf's, as he passes through a life
changing experience, that relate to the four elements of Earth, Air,
Fire and Water.
Story ID: 698 · "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" by juno_magic · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Somewhat mature theme: discusses questions of faith.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thoughts of a mountain man as he makes his way up to the
beacon hill of Halifirien. An introspective short story that explores
the question of faith and religion in Middle-earth.
Story ID: 699 · "About Legends or Whisperings of a Ghost" by juno_magic
· (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Rated "R" for sadism & horror.
First Choice Category  Genres: Horror
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A story about truth and legend and the question "Who was
Queen Berϊthiel?". An attempt to find the true story of Queen Berϊthiel
behind myth, legends and proverbs. Here, Berϊthiel is not nefarious, but
a victim... *** A very dark short story. Sadism, horror, terror. AU. Not
suitable for minors. *** I would like to thank Elanor of Aquitania who
was my beta on the revision of this story.
Story ID: 634 · "Caws Llyffant" by Llinos · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Which shows how misunderstanding an idiom can wreak havoc
with one's party plans...although it's an ill wind that blows nobody any
good! Author's Note The language in this piece of nonsense, whilst
claiming to be Sindarin, is actually Welsh, as is the idiom. Llinos
Story ID: 665 · "Once Upon a Memory" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In Minas Tirith, Pippin recalls a warm childhood memory.
This story introduces Emerald "Hattie" Blackthorn.
Story ID: 620 · "Relics" by Nickey · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Dark themes
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In September, Sam is never quite comfortable...
Story ID: 696 · "Night Phantoms" by Marta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  erotic content
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir helps Ιowyn cope with a nightmare.
Story ID: 697 · "The Worst of All Evils" by Marta · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  adult themes
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On the night after the battle of the Pelennor Fields,
Ιomer has words with the man who let his sister ride to Gondor.
Story ID: 101 · "Breath of Winter" by Cuthalion · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  Dramatic, dangerous situations and angst
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the attack on Weathertop the memory of a dramatic
childhood incident gives Merry an idea how to keep his wounded cousin warm
Story ID: 103 · "Tinϊviel, Tinϊviel" by Cuthalion · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Romance and angst
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is the exploration of an added scene in Peter
Jackson's movie-version of "The Two Towers". When the Rohirrim are
attacked by wargs, Aragorn gets lost in the river - and is rescued by a
Story ID: 262 · "A Tale of Feanor: A Light in the Darkness" by digdigil
· (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  There is some reference to sexual desire of a
non-graphic nature, and some adult-oriented discussion. However, no
actual sexual encounters take place in this story.
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fλanor has lost the three most important women in his
life. This story attempts to explain that the reasons for his later
actions may have been rooted in his feelings of betrayal.
Story ID: 317 · "A song on the air" by digdigil · (Other Fiction: Medium
Rating: R  There is some non-graphic description of a sexual nature in
Chapter Two, and a fairly graphic description of childbirth in Chapter
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This AU story surmises that after Thingol is killed and
before Melian flees back to Valinor, she meets a stranger who helps her
and in her grief she succumbs to having relations with him. This results
in her giving birth to a child she does not want, and who is given into
the care of Melian's friend Galadriel. The story will follow the life of
this child and Melian's resultant struggle with its acceptance.
Story ID: 645 · "Up From The Ashes" by Elanor Gardner · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Remembered violence
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin takes Frodo on a revealing stroll through Minas
Story ID: 84 · "Planning Ahead" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gilraen has foresight, but how young was she when she
first met Arathorn?
Story ID: 173 · "Necessity and Desire" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The scenes leading up to the Council of Elrond have a lot
of unanswered questions. Why didn't Elrond know where Aragorn was during
Frodo's feast, or that his sons had returned? Who arranged that very odd
head table seating and why? Where was Boromir that he could show up "in
the grey morning" just in time? And why did Aragorn bring Narsil to the
Council meeting anyway?
Story ID: 644 · "The Heads of One Thousand Goblins: A Love Story" by
SickleYield · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Violence toward trolls and goblins, including
decapitation. Injuries to one or more characters.
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gimli son of Gloin never forgot the Lady Galadriel, and
the Glittering Caves at last were not enough for him. When a group of
young dwarves decides to recolonize the mines of Moria, Gimli goes along
- but what he finds there is not what he expects.

Msg# 7178

Poetry Nominations Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:11:24 Topic ID# 7178
Story ID: 249 · "Nan Elmoth" by Robinka · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: R  Adult situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A glimpse at the awakening of Thingol and Melian.
Story ID: 356 · "Here You Cannot Leave Me" by Alassante · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: PG  Character Death
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A poem about Arwen and Elessar's farewells.
Story ID: 403 · "To The Abyss" by Minuialeth · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: PG  violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gandalf's thoughts/feelings when he faced the Balrog in
Story ID: 643 · "Promise" by Vana Tuivana · (Poetry: True Drabble)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fλanor and Nerdanel: how he asked and she accepted.
Story ID: 641 · "I'm Writing This With My Left Hand" by Vana Tuivana ·
(Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A short poem found almost illegibly scrawled on the side
of Thangorodrim.
Story ID: 629 · "Lay of Lord and Lady" by Vana Tuivana · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The tale of Eol and Aredhel in verse.
Story ID: 627 · "Weaver" by Vana Tuivana · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A nursery-rhyme inspired poem for Arwen as she waits and
weaves in Rivendell.
Story ID: 212 · "Naneth - Farewell" by Aearwen · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: PG  character death and grieve
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Maeglin speaks about the feelings that he has, now that
he is in alone in Gondolin and his mother has died.
Story ID: 642 · "Conversational, of Cousins" by Vana Tuivana · (Poetry:
Rating: PG-13  Morbid topics
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A conversation, in loose verse, between Fingon and Maedhros.
Story ID: 632 · "The Eyes of Boromir" by pipkinsweetgrass · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: PG  for suicidal theme
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As Boromir journeys from Minas Tirith, he meets a poor
tavern girl whose fate is forever changed.
Story ID: 669 · "He walks among the greenθd bowers" by Dwimordene ·
(Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the war, the burden of memory demands a meaning. A
non-traditional ballad.
Story ID: 666 · "Young Master Merry" by Pearl Took · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A nursery rhyme of a meeting between a young Meriadoc
Brandybuck and a spider.
Story ID: 694 · "The Shield-maid's Dance of Death" by Marta · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: PG  violent imagery, fatalistic outlook
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Just what was Eowyn thinking, in the moments before her
battle with the Witch-king? A poem based on Michael Longcor's "Swordsman".
Story ID: 719 · "Farewell Lullaby" by Armariel · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo bids farewell to Baby Elanor as he plans to leave
Middle-earth, bestowing a last wish and blessing.
Story ID: 739 · "I Yessλ En Mentλ" by Rous · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: PG  Descriptions of battle.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Description of the Battle of Helm's Deep.
Story ID: 740 · "Only By The Stars" by Rous · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A story of love at the creation of the sun.
Story ID: 741 · "Board Games (Cinquain)" by Rous · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Short piece describing Rohan
Story ID: 803 · "Heart Calls to Heart" by Lindelea · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A sort-of sonnetlike poem--quest--thing thought up after
reading an explanation of poetic forms, and in response to a challenge
to form a fic with each paragraph (or line, in the case of poetry) from
the letters "Welcome Home":
Story ID: 759 · "Lord of the Rings Limericks, Chapters One and Two" by
Llinos · (Poetry: Poem Cycle)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of limericks, each dedicated to a character from
Lord of the Rings.
Story ID: 879 · "Ddraigspelt  An Orc Love Poem" by Llinos · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: R  References to sex and violence, although non-explicit.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is a love poem written by an Uruk named Nagash about
his one true love, who he wooed and lost.
Story ID: 882 · "Bilbo's Nursery Rhyme for Merry and Pippin" by Llinos ·
(Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is a nursery rhyme which Bilbo wrote especially for
Merry and Pippin when they were little. The highlighted words are the
ones that Pippin learned to join in with and would shout out when he was
a baby.
Story ID: 898 · "Seabird's Cry" by Primsong · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A shaped poem for Legolas and his longing of the sea. The
poem folds back upon itself so the reader may follow the waves as long
as they desire.
Story ID: 937 · "The Pippin" by GamgeeFest · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In the style of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven". What does
the cook of Whitwell fear the most?
Story ID: 992 · "Sleep Easy" by shirelinghpc · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lament for Gondor's fallen son.
Story ID: 892 · "Olσrλ Mallλ" by Nerdanel · (Poetry: Poem)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Mystery
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "This was a time of joy to the children, for it was
mostly at this hour that a new comrade would come down the lane called
the Olσrλ Mallλ or the Path of Dreams. It has been said to me that that
lane ran by devious routes to the homes of Men& Now in this place of
gardens a high gate of lattice-work that shone golden in the dusk opened
upon the lane of dreams, and from there led winding paths of high box to
the fairest of all gardens. The Book of Lost Tales, The Cottage of Lost
Play by J.R.R. Tolkien An Elvish lullabye sung by Lϊthien Tinϊviel to
her son Dior.

Msg# 7179

Other Nominations Pt 12 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:11:39 Topic ID# 7179
Story ID: 815 · "New beginnings" by Perelleth · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Settling down -and departing- becomes an entangled -and
somewhat hilarious- family matter in Lindon, during the first years of
the Second Age. Featuring almost everybody: Cirdan, Gil-galad, the
Peredhil, Finarfin, Celeborn, Galadriel, Celebrimbor, Erestor, Oropher,
a host of Teleri, Sindar, exiled Noldor, Noldor from Aman, a dwarf lord,
an irate Telerin prince, a smitten seabird and a nonplussed Vanyarin heir.
Story ID: 908 · "Don't Panic!" by Boz4PM · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Strong language in earlier chapters, especially in
chapter four when Penny is extremely upset and angry. However, after
that point most chapters are a G-rating.
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Penny is panicking. Where is she? How did she get here?
How is she going to get home and whose backside will she kick first when
she does? A woman lost in Middle Earth wearing only her pyjamas. This
can't be good... This story was a response to a fic-challenge on OSA:
"Stuck (Really) in Middle-earth - We've read them before: 21st c. gal is
zatted back to Middle-earth. But what would it really be like for a
modern person to find herself (or himself) in Middle-earth? Fic should
tackle such issues as getting lost, not having appropriate survival
skills, craving twinkies and other processed-food treats, having no air
conditioning, being surprised by the plumbing (or lack of it) situation,
experiencing uncomfortable allergies to dragon scales, etc. The intrepid
time-traveller could also answer, once and for all, those niggling
questions (do elves wear underwear?) and set the record straight. It
contains angst, but also a lot of humour, indeed it tries to span both
the drama/ ...
Story ID: 795 · "Come When You Are Ready" by EdorasLass · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Disturbing imagery & description
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Denethor walks the halls of the Citadel, and wonders
where everyone else has gone.
Story ID: 853 · "Shadow of Himself" by EdorasLass · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Complex themes
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: 20 years after the Ring War, Legolas and Gimli uncover a
secret in Pelargir Port.
Story ID: 752 · "An Empty Saddle to Fill" by Anoriath · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Adult themes
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Of Theodred and Eowyn
Story ID: 856 · "Evenstar" by Mar'isu · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Arwen contemplates her position at the feast for Frodo.
Fellowship of the Ring.
Story ID: 919 · "Whispers in the Dark" by Marigold/SlightlyTookish
CoAuthors · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Rated PG-13 for slash content
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In Fangorn Forest, Merry and Pippin have a necessary
conversation, and make an important decision.
Story ID: 827 · "The Short Cut" by Garnet Took · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: There's a reason Pippin believes that "Short cuts make
long delays".
Story ID: 778 · "The Circle" by Karenator · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mild violence and paranormal events
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Halbarad takes his youngest son, Hurin, on his first
ranger patrol. What was supposed to be routine takes a turn into the odd.
Story ID: 918 · "Thief of Hearts: How Pippin Stole Merrys Heart" by
pipkinsweetgrass · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Merry remembres meeting Pippin for the first time.
Story ID: 916 · "Whispers of the Dragon" by Shirebound · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Mild violence
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: AU imagining of the Fellowship's journey down the Anduin
between Lσrien and Amon Hen. The story occurs during the same ten days
as in FOTR, but with a few side-adventures and revelations along the
way. A bit of FrodoHealing, a bit of PippinHealing, some tricksy
Saruman, Fellowship bonding, riddles, teasing, danger, and a deeper look
into how the Ring slowly went to work on the Steward's noble son.
Story ID: 896 · "At Crickhollow" by Dana · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Rated PG-13 for slash content.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin wonders what it will really mean to follow Frodo.
Story ID: 897 · "Until After" by Dana · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  Rated for slash content.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: And, really, it wasn't that he wanted home, but something
familiar would be a welcome relief.
Story ID: 831 · "An Army of Tooks" by Mariole · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Discussion of warfare, emotional issues
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin rides to Tuckborough to bring reinforcements for
the Battle of Bywater.
Story ID: 721 · "The Lost Hunter" by tuxedo_elf · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: R  Semi-graphic slash.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Oromλ reflects on what he and Celegorm once had, before
the oath and the kinslayings tore them apart.
Story ID: 680 · "The Little Hobbit" by Claudia · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  Some sexual thoughts, desires
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A "take off" on The Little Mermaid. Frodo wishes to
become a Big Person so that he can live the life of a Ranger. Old Widow
Brandybuck can help. But of course it has a price.
Story ID: 681 · "Holding Moonlight" by Claudia · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: R  Sexual situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo meets a Ranger in the woods of the Shire.
Story ID: 955 · "The Letter" by Gryffinjack · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the destruction of the Ring, Pippin ponders how to
tell his parents he is safe, but can't seem to find the right words...
Story ID: 929 · "Cacophony" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Eru creates time. Will he regret it? Written for the Yule
Mathoms Challenge on the prompt "14 fickle Valar".
Story ID: 930 · "Hope Eternal" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn must decide what to do with a band of captured
orcs. Written for the Yule Mathom's Challenge - "21 ornery orcs" prompt
Story ID: 775 · "The Acceptable Sacrifice" by Larner · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Discrete discussions of sexual feelings; discussions of
suicidal thoughts; character deaths
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: He had thought he'd made the ultimate sacrifice, but
found he'd survived. How to make the sacrifice acceptable?
Story ID: 979 · "The Singer" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  violence, suspenseful situation
First Choice Category  Genres: Horror
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Years after the War of the Ring, Sir Peregrin Took once
more serves his King against a nameless fear while in Minas Tirith with
his son, Faramir.
Story ID: 956 · "A Creature Of Fire" by daw the minstrel · (Other
Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG  Violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Set in the year 2770 TA, this story follows Legolas
through adventures both personal and canonical. Those who recognize the
date from "The Tale of Years" will know that a creature of fire is about
to descend on Dale.
Story ID: 934 · "Gimli's Tale" by Pearl Took · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Dwarves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the War of the Ring, Pippin catches a cold and
needs to stay in bed. The members of the Fellowship tell him stories to
keep him entertained. This is Gimli's tale - a story passed down through
generations of Dwarves to help them see themselves the way their Maker
(Aule) sees them.
Story ID: 809 · "Better Than Frodo Baggins" by Inkling · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  emotional abuse; angst
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: How do you compete with the best hobbit in the Shire?

Msg# 7180

Other Nominations Pt 2 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:13:05 Topic ID# 7180
Story ID: 141 · "In Aragorn's Safekeeping" by Radbooks · (Other Fiction:
Rating: PG-13  Rated for violence and some mild swearing.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Rebecca and Thomas, two teenagers from the 1950s, before
the Lord of the Rings is published, end up in Middle-earth and become
wards of Aragorn. Follows the book and stays as close to canon as is
possible with the addition of two original characters.
Story ID: 92 · "Black Hour" by Nesta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Looks at Faramir between his healing by Aragorn and the
latter's coronation. Bookverse, but not entirely canonical.
Story ID: 118 · "The Roots of the Ivy" by Aranel Took · (Other Fiction:
Rating: R  Sexual situations. Adult Themes.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Merry and Ιowyn took comfort from each other before the
Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Now, their daughter Ivy must find her
place, caught between two worlds. This story draws from both the books
and Peter Jackson's films.
Story ID: 93 · "Strange meeting" by Nesta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A pendant to a previous story, 'Black Hour', in which
things get sorted.
Story ID: 190 · "Ring Thoughts" by Nesta · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An account of certain events in LoTR, from the Ring's
point of view. Strictly bookverse.
Story ID: 217 · "Shelter" by Shirebound · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo, Sam, and Pippin recovered at Cormallen from late
March to early April; surely the springtime weather in Ithilien wasn't
blissfully perfect every day. Perhaps there was a day or two of rain,
wind, colder-than-usual air... what was done to ensure that the hobbit
heroes were kept warm, dry, and comfortable?
Story ID: 66 · "Mine" by EdorasLass · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Boromir is extremely displeased that his infant brother
is playing with his dearest toy.
Story ID: 40 · "Do Not Think Me A Dream" by EdorasLass · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Possibly disturbing thoughts
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Late at night, Finduilas wanders the Tower, watching her
sleeping children and musing on many things.
Story ID: 47 · "Consolation" by EdorasLass · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Shortly after the death of Finduilas, Boromir breaks some
bad news to his little brother, and gives him strength to face the
Story ID: 205 · "Quality Time" by EdorasLass · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Denethor muses on his young sons, their Nanny and her
relationship with them.
Story ID: 69 · "A Length of Haradric Silk" by annmarwalk · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A visit to the markets of Minas Tirith results in an
impulse purchase by Sam.
Story ID: 72 · "Heirlooms" by annmarwalk · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While awaiting the birth of her grandchild, Morwen
Steelsheen crafted two gifts. A tale of how these simple gifts became
precious heirlooms in both Rohan and Gondor. The character of Winfrith
is used with the gracious permission of her author, Alawa.
Story ID: 46 · "Stolen" by Meril · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  Disturbing imagery. Violence. Character death.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: AU. The Quest has failed, and Galadriel is captured by
Story ID: 112 · "Voices on the Wind" by Phyncke · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  Mature subject, violence, graphic images and depiction
of battle scenes.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This is the tragic and brave end of Fingolfin from his
last ride, to his battle with Morgoth and beyond. It tells of his final
moments and his passing from Arda.
Story ID: 197 · "King's Man" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Riding of the Grey Company was the last partnership
of Aragorn and Halbarad after a long friendship. On the road to the
Paths of the Dead, they remember some of those old times, and look to
the future. A vignette exploring the relationship of king's man to king.
Story ID: 258 · "Butterflies and Caterpillars" by Radbooks · (Other
Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A very young Estel talks with Glorfindel about butterflies.
Story ID: 259 · "Oasis" by Radbooks · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thorongil is having a difficult time in Harad.
Story ID: 260 · "Lost" by Radbooks · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn finds someone unexpected in the woods.
Story ID: 248 · "...and I will follow you, my Captain" by Robinka ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Violence; characters' death; angst
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An Elven warrior, deadly injured during the battle of
Helms Deep, has to face the passing of his leader. Movieverse, OMC's POV
Story ID: 206 · "Such a Little Thing" by Ribby · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: R  Very dark imagery, main character death, and general ickiness.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The backstory to "Gondor Needs No King"--how *did*
Boromir end up with the Ring?
Story ID: 227 · "The Falcon's Watch" by pippinfan88 · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir struggles to understand why his father left the
Shire in order to spend his last days in Gondor. Faramir Took and
Kalimas Brandybuck, Merry's son, with their eldest sons travel to Minas
Tirith to give their last respects to Sir Peregrin and Sir Meriadoc.
Story ID: 134 · "The Blind Cannot See What the Mute Cannot Say" by
Firniswin · (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: PG-13  Mild violence and blood. Intense scenes.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: (AU) What if Aragorn and Legolas had meet under different
circumstances? What would have happened if Legolas had meet Estel
(Aragorn) with a disibility that can not be seen by the man but can be
heard? Will both elf prince and human learn to trust?
Story ID: 166 · "The Last Yule in Halabor" by Soledad · (Other Fiction:
Rating: PG-13  Rated for some war-induced violence (no actual
descriptions, but disturbing images).
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of loosely connected vignettes, featuring
various peoples of the imaginary Gondorian town Halabor. A side product
to The Shoemakers Daughter.
Story ID: 140 · "The Healer and the Warrior" by Madeleine · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Just to be on the safe side; nothing sensual, but a
naked man in a bathtub.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A meeting at the Houses of Healing in the aftermath of
the great battles between a Horselord and a young woman. Those two are
not quite sure what to make of each other.
Story ID: 157 · "To Become A Queen" by Madeleine · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  A few sensual moments, but nothing truly explicit.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lothiriel of Dol Amroth arrives in Rohan to
become΄Eomer's wife and Queen of the Riddermark.

Msg# 7181

Other Nominations Pt 14 (last part) Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:13:39 Topic ID# 7181
... and this is it! Happy voting. When the stories are categorized we'll
post ballots here.

Story ID: 852 · "The One" by Linda Hoyland/Raksha the Demon CoAuthors ·
(Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the Battle of the Pelennor, Aragorn is haunted by
the memory of a recurring dream that has puzzled him for most of his
life - the answers he seeks may be closer than he thinks.
Story ID: 987 · "House with the Cedar Shingles: Ramson Spring" by
Cuthalion · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Rated PG-13 for mention of mild angst and very mild
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As an offspin of the AU-tale "Winter Fire", this tale
offers the first encounter of Samwise Gamgee with Noerwen, the Healer of
Ithilien. And after having survived the meeting with her dog, they spend
a strange and enlightening afternoon...
Story ID: 824 · "Divinity" by illyria-pffyffin · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: There are many hands helping Frodo in his quest.
Story ID: 964 · "Sam's Voice" by illyria-pffyffin · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo draws immeasurable strenth from the voice of his
Story ID: 974 · "Breeze" by illyria-pffyffin · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A fragment of Frodo's journey in Mordor, seen from the
POV of a breeze.
Story ID: 991 · "Perspectives" by illyria-pffyffin · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Three vignettes of Frodo and Bilbo and their friends in
the Undying Land.
Story ID: 936 · "Pride Goeth..." by Marigold · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Two days out from Rivendell, and something is troubling
the hobbits. Boromir assumes that they are overwhelmed and takes it upon
himself to speak to them, but is very surprised when he finds out what
the real problem is...
Story ID: 993 · "Banished" by shirelinghpc · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Merry and Pippin lead Gondor's finest into strife!
Story ID: 889 · "On The Road Home" by Ruby Nye · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: R  Moderately explicit sexuality
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam, Merry, and Pippin, on the road home from the Grey
Story ID: 891 · "Cakes and Apples" by Ruby Nye · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Merry makes a special meal for Pippin, with Legolas' help.
Story ID: 107 · "Little Stars" by Space Weavil · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An elleth servant of Sirion flees Maedhros and Maglor's
attack, carrying with her a precious commodity.
Story ID: 708 · "Grey Havens" by Space Weavil · (Other Fiction: Medium
Rating: R  Sexual content
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Cνrdan reflects on the one romantic encounter of his many
years, and the reason that relationship never flourished.
Story ID: 958 · "The Arrow" by Silivren Tinu · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Some violence, death
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A terrible incident during an attack threatens to change
Legolas and Aragorns lives forever, and to destroy more than Legolas is
able to bear. Will Aragorn be able to help his friend in a situation
that seems to be hopeless?
Story ID: 971 · "Notes and Observations by Frodo of the Shire" by Lurea
· (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: R  Violence, treatment of wounds described
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In Minas Tirith, Frodo grapples with the horrific events
of the War of the Ring. The Companions try to help, but can there be
healing for him in Middle-earth?
Story ID: 984 · "Return Journey to the Mountain" by Dνnossiel · (Other
Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A small adventure, the prelude to a larger adventure, as
seen through the eyes of a young author. (What is it about hobbits and
Story ID: 961 · "The Importance of Being a Hobbit" by Lamiel · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A Fellowship Story.
Story ID: 236 · "Come and Catch Me" by storyfish · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG  For dark dreams.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As Pippin marched on the Black Gate, sword in hand, Merry
dreamed something horrible in the dead of the night. And when he woke,
his nightmare was truth.
Story ID: 257 · "The Decoy Hobbit" by storyfish · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  for blood and despair and other nasty stuff
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sometimes its a hard thing, a dark thing, knowing Im
just a decoy hobbit. Because what good can I do them, Frodo and Merry
and Sam, here at the end of all things?
Story ID: 928 · "In a Heartbeat" by Piplover · (Other Fiction: Medium
Rating: PG-13  For some graphic scenes and bodily functions.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: During an ordinary day of guard duty, Pippin finds that
sometimes your entire world can change in a heartbeat.

Msg# 7182

Other Nominations Pt 10 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:14:28 Topic ID# 7182
Story ID: 142 · "Luck from the Ashes" by Raksha the Demon · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn and Faramir make an unusual discovery in the
ruins of the House of the Stewards, confronting legends and traditions
in the process, and perhaps a ghost or two.
Story ID: 744 · "The Last Age of Elves: A Precious Find" by fael_bain ·
(Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Mild angst
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Haunted and twisted by the loss of his mother, Elrohir
stumbles across an Elfling who teaches him to relearn what it means to
love and grief.
Story ID: 745 · "The White City: Guardians of Gondor" by fael_bain ·
(Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: R  Slash, sexual situations, some violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Caught up in the intrigues of Gondor's politics, Elrohir
finds himself unable to cope. Double-crossings, dastardly deeds and
general politicking ensue while Legolas watches his mate unfold.
Story ID: 621 · "Never Let Go" by ann_arien · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Angst and physical closeness between two males.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: When Maedhros wakes from a nightmare, Fingon is there to
soothe away his fears and guilt. (post Thangorodrim, slash)
Story ID: 742 · "Pride Before The Fall" by AmandaK · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Boromir's desire was simple: to protect his people and
safeguard his country.
Story ID: 743 · "The Long Road Home" by AmandaK · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Violence, sex
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Against all odds, Boromir survives Amon Hen. Ashamed and
filled with remorse, he goes on a quest for redemption. Bound by his
promise to a sick man, Faramir keeps the secret of his brother's
survival. But as secrets are wont to do, the truth comes out eventually
and Aragorn journeys north to bring Gondor's prodigal son home.
Story ID: 753 · "Psychodiagnostic Evaluation - Subject: The Lady of
Rohan" by Anoriath · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Adult themes
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Consultation Request: Patient Name: Eowyn, Lady. DOB:
??/??/2995. Date of Admission: 3/15/3019. Reason for Admission: complex
radial/ulnar fracture. Room: the one with the window that fails to open
upon the east. Date of Consult Request: 3/23/3019. Requesting physician:
Healing, Warden of the Houses of. Reason for Consultation: questionable
mood disorder, please advise.
Story ID: 189 · "Diplomatic Relations" by annmarwalk/EdorasLass
CoAuthors · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  non-graphic slash
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "Diplomatic Relations" chronicles the first meeting of
Boromir of Gondor and Theodred of Rohan, and the beginning of a deep and
satisfying relationship that will last all their lives."
Story ID: 255 · "Lord of Werewolves" by Raksha the Demon · (Other
Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It just doesn't pay to be nice to any other living
creature, even if you're a Dark Lord second only to Morgoth. ESPECIALLY
if you're a Dark Lord second only to Morgoth! A very short story about a
very bad day in Angband.
Story ID: 109 · "The End of All Things" by Ariel · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: PG  Character death
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: We all have to go sometime.
Story ID: 657 · "Passing Regrets" by Ariel · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The very first meeting of Frodo and Bilbo. Even a
confirmed old bachelor can see there is something incredibly special
about this unique boy.
Story ID: 622 · "Inspirare" by Ariel · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Some gifts can break your heart.
Story ID: 369 · "Shin to Toe to Thigh to Mind" by Talasi · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Adult theme, sexual situations.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Devotion and desire. An elleth longs for her love while
he is away, clinging to her vividly detailed memories of the most
magnificant elf in all of Arda...the only elf that matters. Even over
long distances he is always with her, bringing comfort to the long
nights of their separation. Pure fluff.
Story ID: 686 · "Little Brothers" by DinaLori · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: While watching Merry and Pippin, Boromir reflects on a
moment from his childhood with Faramir.
Story ID: 755 · "Beleg and Tϊrin" by Raihon · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Sexual situations, violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The story of Beleg and Tϊrin retold as a bittersweet
romance. An elaboration on the version found in Unfinished Tales. Some
familiarity with the story is assumed. Warnings for homoerotic content,
but the sex is not explicit. Violent but not at all graphic death.
Story ID: 749 · "That Which Remains Us" by Dwimordene · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Allusion to very off-screen sex. General melancholy.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The war is over, but the work of mourning remains.
Faramir, a trunk, and an encounter with a side of Denethor that he never
knew. Includes the epilogue fic, "The Silence of Things."
Story ID: 772 · "Summer Call" by mitasova · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Death
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The Prince of Ithilien hears his brother's horn one more
Story ID: 794 · "Prison" by Radbooks · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ιomer finds a glimmer of hope as he looks for a way to
escape the cell Grima has put him in.
Story ID: 734 · "Dance on the Way Down" by Aliana · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Nearly twenty years after the end of the Ring War, a
woman in Minas Tirith listens and remembers.
Story ID: 769 · "Tending" by Elemmire · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  'Tending' is a sad, yet poignant short story about the
realities of life (and in some part, death). It is about taking care of
what has been left behind and focuses on a truthful part of life that
most do not want to face ... but must be faced by all eventually.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Because some things should not be forgotten ...
Story ID: 784 · "Theme and Variations" by Gandalfs apprentice · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Tolkien meets Jane Austen: Marriage is on everyone's
minds in Minas Tirith after the war. While contending with a difficult,
gossipy aunt and a stuffy servant, Faramir finds out he is to organize
the King's wedding when he joins three Northern Rangers, two Half-Elves
and two Hobbits talking about past, present and future over pipes, ale
and meat pies. Meanwhile, rumors circulate about a legendary Captain
from Gondor's past.
Story ID: 306 · "To See Justice Done" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Talk of capital punishment.
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "Of old, death was the penalty." Such is the knowledge of
every guardsman of Gondor, Beregond included. And now that the day of
his hearing is at hand, and the King's only choices by tradition death
or exile, what shall be his doom? Can anything or anyone save him? (This
is actually a "Samfic", written by request.)
Story ID: 646 · "To Climb a Tree" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The challenge: Write a story that includes Merry climbing
something or being on a height and freezing up, and Pippin being the one
to rescue him.
Story ID: 783 · "SpiderWebs" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Pippin and his Brandybuck cousins are up to their
usual tricks. However, sometimes there is justice in this world...
Story ID: 782 · "Sword Play" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir Took teaches Goldi a lesson--or is it the other
way around?

Msg# 7183

Other Nominations Pt 9 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:15:08 Topic ID# 7183
Story ID: 705 · "The Stars Will Light Your Way" by SlightlyTookish ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The final battle leaves Pippin unconscious and his mind
wandering. With the help of Gandalf, Merry, and two very special stars
he finds his way back.
Story ID: 229 · "A Bad Day Gone Good" by MysteriousWays · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It can be difficult being the youngest in the family.
Nibs Cotton, Rosies youngest brother is not having a terribly good day,
or so it starts. This was written for Marigold's 23rd challenge.
Thankyou Marigold.:)
Story ID: 61 · "From the Journal of Frodo Baggins" by MysteriousWays ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mild suugestion and innuendo
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo takes some time to ponder his life and his future.
Story ID: 701 · "You Never Know" by MysteriousWays · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  For suggestion and innuendo
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: This was written for Marigold's Challenge 28 in which one
of the assigned objectives was to write a story involving "nekkid"
hobbits. Frodo wakes up one day and finds that the world is not exactly
as he left it the night before.
Story ID: 710 · "She Cries Your Name" by MysteriousWays · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  Strong Innuendo and suggestion.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Another story I have written for Marigold's Challenge.
This time I was given assigned line to use in the story. This is a story
of a passionate and loving detour taken by Frodo and my AU OC Linwe, who
in this story is Frodo's wife. Linwe is the product of a challenge I put
upon myself after running across other stories in which Frodo marries
after the quest. I did not think they were believeable and wondered if
after all Frodo had been through could he truly be able to fall in love
and marry. There is a novel length fic dealing with that and the answer
I came up with was "It's tricky but yes". Anyway this story takes place
after Frodo and Linwe are married and find themselves pleasently diverted.
Story ID: 722 · "A Humble Gift" by GamgeeFest · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mentions of war, mild angst
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir denied his father a mighty gift, but to one
special hobbit, he freely gives a humble gift of gratitude.
Story ID: 717 · "Kindly Winter's Gift" by Thevina Finduilas · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  m/m slash; non-explicit
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On the longest night of the year, a 16-year-old Thιodred
learns about precious gifts.
Story ID: 716 · "The Standard-Bearer" by Thevina Finduilas · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: When Aragorn struggled with his thoughts in the Hornburg
after the battle at Helm's Deep, he asked another Ranger to accompany
him. A vignette of Halbarad's musings on his life and future during a
long, uncertain night.
Story ID: 715 · "In the Shadow of Hope" by Thevina Finduilas · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An Ιowyn-centric vignette set during the Houses of
Healing. Injured, thwarted, frustrated and a somewhat resentful guest of
Gondor& a few thoughts that may have passed through Ιowyn's mind while
she contemplated the irony of her fate, and those interwoven within it.
Story ID: 695 · "Boromir's Song" by Rhiannon Merdon · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the ship carrying Frodo, Bilbo, and the remaining
elves departs from the Grey Havens, a mysterious boat appears which
could give a final sense of closure to the tale, or only bring back
painful memories. Regardless, the journey becomes one as mysterious as
the tiny ship as the Ringbearers are brought once and for all to the
Undying Lands.
Story ID: 711 · "A Lasting Peace" by SueB · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Descriptions of torture, battle scenes
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A Chieftain of Harad is the first of his people to seek
peace with Gondor after the defeat of Sauron, but his desires are
hindered by his son, a renegade warlord determined to see that such an
agreement never takes place.
Story ID: 712 · "A Mud Summer Night's Dream" by SueB · (Other Fiction:
Rating: PG  Battle violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn, Faramir and Eomer track a band of marauding Orcs
into a land known for dousing rain, waterfalls, and huge slippery mud
flats. Shirtlessness, battles, bathing and some surprises ensue.
Story ID: 661 · "Serious Business (or, Talk About Dreams)" by Dana ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  Some talk of minor violence.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It's 1420 in the Shire-reckoning, and Frodo and Pippin
have a much needed talk.
Story ID: 98 · "... and hear the song of salt and sea" by Cuthalion ·
(Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: R  There are no erotic scenes involved, but a character death.
This might be disturbing for younger readers.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Finduilas of Dol Amroth was only married to Denethor for
twelve years before she died, and people said that she "withered in the
guarded city, as a flower of the seaward vales, set upon a barren rock".
This is a tale about her longing, her sorrow and her loss.
Story ID: 673 · "Water and Stone" by Erynhith · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: R  Some chapters contain graphic male/female and male/male sex,
and some contain violence.
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Their defences strengthened after the return of the
Shadow to Dol Guldur, the Galadhrim meet Aragorn for the first time when
he goes out into the Wild, newly aware of his true lineage and of his
love for Arwen. The meeting brings friendship between Celinn, one of
Haldirs captains, and Aragorn, both at the beginning of their journey
of leadership. Aragorn learns something about love and pleasure from the
open-hearted elves, but his desire to prove himself worthy to be
Isildurs Heir leads him and the Galadhrim into danger. Celinn and the
rest of his company are deeply changed by the experience. Can Galadriel
and Haldir help to heal their own? What can Aragorn do to repair the
damage he has done, and how will his future and Elrond's be changed in
their turn?
Story ID: 175 · "What Better Companion?" by Space Weavil · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Glorfindel and Olorin meet in Valinor, as Glorfindel
tries to fathom his re-embodiment.
Story ID: 245 · "Master of Shadows" by Space Weavil · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: R  Sexual / adult situations, violence, mild language
First Choice Category  Races: Villains
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of ficlets, each with themed on one of the seven
deadly sins, depicting the life of the Witch King of Angmar.
Story ID: 730 · "Hearth and Home" by Molly Littlefoot · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A Hobbit wife thinks on events in the world that have
begun to affect her and her family.
Story ID: 731 · "Call yourself Thorongil" by Nilmandra · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: From Appendix B <i>2956 Aragorn meets Gandalf and their
friendship begins.</i> A look at that first meeting and how it sent
Aragorn on the road south to Rohan and Gondor.
Story ID: 62 · "In Frodo's Hands" by Mews1945 · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin becomes acquainted with his cousin Frodo on
afternoon at Bag End.
Story ID: 703 · "A Sight to Remember" by Dreamflower · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Brief nudity in a non-sexual and humorous context
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Pippin and his friend Rusty pull a prank that has
unexpected results.
Story ID: 738 · "The Recall" by Isabeau of Greenlea · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Discussion of mature themes-not sexual.
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: You don't need to teach an old Prince new tricks, he has
plenty of them already... A sequel to Altariel's "Red River"
Story ID: 128 · "Heralded By Storms" by SilverMoonLady · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: R  Adult situations; future sexual content
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Summary: Trapped in a rainstorm, Saradoc Brandybuck
recollects the circumstances of his and Esmeraldas courtship & life
Story ID: 747 · "In a Pig's Eye" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: At Rivendell, on the morning after the sliver is removed
from Frodo's shoulder and the long, anxious watch ends, Pippin makes an
astonishing discovery.
Story ID: 59 · "Birthday Kisses" by Raksha the Demon · (Other Fiction:
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir's sixth birthday is observed. Will he be given
what he wants the most?

Msg# 7184

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 2 (Last of the WIPs) Posted by June 24, 2006 - 14:16:19 Topic ID# 7166
WIP Nominations Pt 2 (Last of the WIPs) - was there are Pt. 1 (WIP) --I
didn't get a copy?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7185

Other Nominations Pt 11 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:22:18 Topic ID# 7185
Story ID: 804 · "Pearl of Great Price" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG  PG for violence involving fire, wild swine; malice and
manipulation; mental illness
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: which the author attempts to put to rest all those
<i>rumours</i> about Pearl Took, and her part in the sudden demise of
Lalia the Fat... er, the Great.
Story ID: 57 · "The Falcon and the Star" by Raksha the Demon · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It is March 15, 3019. Aragorn craves rest after the
longest week in his life; but is called by Gandalf into Minas Tirith on
an errand of mercy. One weary warrior meets another in the Houses of
Healing and other, farther places; and their lives will never be the
same. Most of the story (but not all) from Aragorn's POV. Some dialogue
unavoidably quoted and paraphrased from Return of the King.
Story ID: 690 · "Boromir's Journey Home Amon Hen to Minas Tirith" by
majorbee · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Battle sequences.
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Boromir survives his wounding at Amon Hen, and
accompanied by Gimli, travels by to Osgiliath. Here he meets Sam, then
is reunited with Faramir and returns with he and Gimli to Minas Tirith.
Sauron's agents however, want Boromir dead, not least to drive Denethor
to despair. Much intrigue, action and suspense ensues, and a plot is
uncovered in which Sauron is using the souls of dead and wounded
soldiers of Rohan and Gondor to fuel his own bid to return in physical
form. Boromir also becomes trapped in the other world of Sauron's
creation. His friends may be able to rescue him, but he will not abandon
the other men trapped with him.
Story ID: 811 · "Of Flustering and Blustering" by Rhapsody · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Some years after the quest of Erebor, Bilbo meets a new
friend and catches up with some old, but not all goes as planned.
Story ID: 776 · "Where The Shadows Are" by Kenaz · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: R  Adult themes (battle, death) and some non-explicit
descriptions of male-male sexuality.
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "I am the scion of kings..that bodes ill for me." One
eyebrow arches in a remarkable impression of Elronds own. "We Noldor
Kings do not, as a rule, end well.
Story ID: 799 · "Lightly Sings the Wind" by Ellie · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Character death, intimate moments between husband and wife
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Upon Finarfins return to Valinor after the War of Wrath
at the end of the First Age, Eδrwen must try to come to terms with her loss.
Story ID: 812 · "The Gift of Time" by Rhapsody · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  angsty themes, mentioning of death
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Arathorn has to deliver bad news to the family of a
fallen Dϊnedain ranger, a conversation between him and the eldest son.
Story ID: 777 · "A Bride for a King" by Madeleine · (Other Fiction: Novella)
Rating: PG-13  Some sensual moments but nothing graphic
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Fourth Instalment of the Series: Lothνriel finds herself
betrothed to a man who confuses her profoundly. Her family tries to be
supportive and that doesn't help at all.
Story ID: 807 · "The gift" by Jael · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  It speaks about death and some implied sexuality.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas is summoned to Rivendell for the end to an
unusual romance.
Story ID: 700 · "Rest and Recreation" by Raksha the Demon · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Imladris is a place of refuge; of quiet contemplation for
weary travelers. But alas, it doesn't suit the Captain-General of Gondor
very well. What's a bored Boromir to do in the tranquil Elvish haven?
Story ID: 837 · "Awake" by Rabidsamfan · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Sam awakens after Mount Doom in the movieverse.
Story ID: 826 · "If Only" by Holdur · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin deals with one of his shadows from the quest.
Story ID: 818 · "Good Neighbors" by daw the minstrel · (Other Fiction:
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas and Thranduil deal with their Mannish neighbors
from Esgaroth and visitors from elsewhere in Middle-earth.
Story ID: 819 · "The Secret of Dog Lake" by Karenator · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  Mild paranormal
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a lovely, warm night in Lorien, the twins persuade the
marchwarden to tell them a scary story.
Story ID: 781 · "After the End" by Ottis413 · (Other Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: R  Adult situations, rape, death.
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The life of a young boy in Bree after the failure of the
quest to destroy the One Ring.
Story ID: 663 · "Making Merry" by Marigold · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: On a visit to the Greenwood with Pippin, Merry is caught
up in the wild and joyous revelry of the Wood Elves. For this night, he
is Magick.
Story ID: 746 · "A Spring Day At Cormallen" by Marigold · (Other
Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn watches the hobbits at Cormallen and marvels at
the survival of the youngest...
Story ID: 847 · "The Way of a King" by Katzilla · (Other Fiction:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  PG - One of the stories "Know thy Name" features a few
battle-scenes which might be frightening for smaller children, but
nothing overly violent.
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A loose series of events from Ιomer's youth, showing how
the 18th King of Rohan came to be the mighty warrior we know in "Lord of
the Rings"...
Story ID: 877 · "In the Houses of Healing" by Elen Kortirion · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Occasional strong language. Non-explicit references to
adult themes
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The badly injured Faramir has been brought to the Houses
of Healing and his wounds tended by an old retainer and a beloved
companion. Conversations by his sick-bed reveal part of a shared past,
of destiny bringing together those fated to act upon each other's lives.
Note: A somewhat AU vision of Tolkien's Middle-earth and use of
non-canon events and OCs... there is no Eowyn here.
Story ID: 675 · "Not In Vain" by Pipwise Brandygin · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gandalf offers Pippin some words of comfort on the road
to Minas Tirith.
Story ID: 838 · "To Labour and to Wait" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: " ... it seemed to the eyes of Legolas that a white
flame flickered on the brows of Aragorn like a shining crown." The Two
Towers Aragorn had hidden in the shadows and used other names all his
life, and yet he claimed his heritage openly before Ιomer that morning
on the plains of Rohan. Had something happened during the long watches
of the night before?
Story ID: 842 · "Spring Rites" by Gwynnyd · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Lothiriel attends a Rohirric celebration.
Story ID: 821 · "Starlight at Eventide" by Ariel · (Other Fiction:
Medium Length)
Rating: R  Consentual sex
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: In his fight to save Estella's life, Merry Brandybuck
sacrificed more of his marriage than he realized.
Story ID: 846 · "At the Rising of the Moon" by Linda Hoyland · (Other
Fiction: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  non-explicit nudity, mild innuendo
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Aragorn and Faramir have been through many adventures and
trials in their storied lives. But when Eowyn sends them on a quest to
find the missing ingredient for a Yule celebration, they face a new
challenge which tests their resourcefulness and their dignity. A holiday
Story ID: 880 · "Fellowship of the Conkers" by Llinos · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Whilst in Hollin, Pippin finds some conkers! A game
between the Fellowship turns into a contest and the honour of The Shire
is at stake! Although Boromir feels his manhood might be in serious
danger too!

Msg# 7186

Other Nominations Pt 13 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:22:51 Topic ID# 7186
Story ID: 917 · "Birnam Wood" by Inkling · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG  scary trees, mild violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Crossover
Story's URL:
Story Summary: "Macbeth" as Tolkien wished it.
Story ID: 969 · "All Is Well" by Gryffinjack · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: It is Bilbo's and tweenaged Frodo's Birthday, and the
closest relatives have gathered at Bag End for the party. Gandalf has
brought a new book for Bilbo and Frodo reads from it to the lads. Little
Pippin falls asleep as Frodo reads, and has a most disturbing dream.
Story ID: 959 · "A New Kind of Courage" by Auntiemeesh · (Other Fiction:
Rating: PG-13  Graphic descriptions, possible strong language
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What happens to Merry from the time Pippin leaves Minas
Tirith with the host going to Mordor, through their reunion with Frodo
and Sam on the field of Cormallen.
Story ID: 828 · "Concerning Hobbit's Feet" by grey_wonderer · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  A bit suggestive but no sex.
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin is concerned about his future with the lasses of
the Shire thanks to a remark made by another lad. Now someone has to
come up with some answers.
Story ID: 288 · "The Grey at the End of the World" by jodancingtree ·
(Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Violence, disturbing scenes, rape (not graphic).
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Long after the restored Kingdom of Gondor has fallen at
last, the Shire is still kept in safety by the Queen's Orc and his sons.
But tides of change are sweeping over all the lands, and even
Canohando's grim courage cannot hold them back.
Story ID: 941 · "In Sequent Toil" by IgnobleBard · (Other Fiction: Short
Rating: PG-13  Violence
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Legolas is unexpectedly caught up in intrigue while
passing through Bree.
Story ID: 957 · "The Winter Fell and Silent" by Jael · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: PG  PG -- talks about death, etc. A very innocent story, truly.
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A short character piece. Legolas comes of age, chooses a
name and experiences his first intimations of mortality.
Story ID: 861 · "A Healer's Tale" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Epic)
Rating: PG  Extreme angst, medical details.
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin's story, from the viewpoint of one who knew him
perhaps better than he would have wished.
Story ID: 939 · "A Taste of Diplomacy" by Thevina Finduilas · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Interspecies Interaction
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Denethor at age 13. What life might have been like for
the far-seeing son of the Steward Ecthelion over an impressionable week
in summer.
Story ID: 161 · "Just Desserts" by Lindelea · (Other Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Descriptions of hanging, flogging.
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An elusive figure: Jack, son of Robin, or Robin, son of
Jack... he wandered the Shire before the King's Edict, and after (and it
is the <i>after</i> that has made him a fugitive for ever more). Now, it
seems, he has been discovered. What will be his fate?
Story ID: 954 · "In Darkness Burried Deep" by GamgeeFest · (Other
Fiction: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Rating for angst and thematic elements. Some mention of
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A thoughtless taunt causes Frodo to face his
insecurities, and in the face of painful memories, he attempts to prove
his strength by braving the Old Forest alone. In the aftermath of his
disappearance, a secret long buried is revealed.
Story ID: 830 · "Frodo Lad: First Yule" by Mews1945 · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo celebrates his first Yule as Bilbo's heir with
Pippin and Merry, at Great Smials, Bag End, and Brandy Hall.
Story ID: 943 · "Father and Daughter" by Imhiriel · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: PG  Mention of violence, not graphic
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: At the end of the War of Wrath, a father and a daugher
must face a parting that will last for two Ages, past the sinking of
lands, and the changing of the world. A vignette.
Story ID: 935 · "Healing the Healer" by SlightlyTookish · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Somewhere on the Quest, Aragorn develops a tiny cold. The
hobbits, grateful for the attentive care hes shown all of them, nearly
smother him in Shire remedies and advice -- to the amusement of the rest
of the Fellowship.
Story ID: 940 · "Half a Sticky Mile" by SlightlyTookish · (Other
Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Action/Adventure
Story's URL:
Story Summary: After the Ents take control of Isengard, Merry and Pippin
discover more perils than they expected.
Story ID: 988 · "Birthdays" by Rabidsamfan · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Elanor learns a little more about her father and the
Quest with each birthday she celebrates.
Story ID: 960 · "By Any Other Name" by GamgeeFest · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Growing up, Frodo has never heard his father say his
name. He's about to find out why. Mildly angsty but with plenty of fluff
and comfort.
Story ID: 977 · "To Learn His Letters" by GamgeeFest · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Bell had wanted her children to learn their letters. Now
Halfred must fight with a stubborn Gaffer to make sure that Sam gets his
Story ID: 981 · "A Yule Visit" by SlightlyTookish · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Frodo celebrates Yule with Merry and Pippin for the last
time when he visits Crickhollow the winter before he sails.
Story ID: 965 · "Instinct" by SlightlyTookish · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Young Merry and Pippin have a frightening adventure in
the woods when a fox attacks them.
Story ID: 938 · "THE DAWNING" by digdigil · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: PG-13  There is some description of nudity, but no sexual
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Maedhros awakens after being rescued from Thangorodrim to
find that a nurse is attending to his wounds. She attempts to initiate
his healing, both physically and emotionally.
Story ID: 982 · "A Rabbits Tale" by grey_wonderer · (Other Fiction:
Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Merry's away, Pippin's nervous and a dear friend of
Pippin's wants nothing more than to help. This is post quest and to say
more might spoil things.
Story ID: 942 · "Somewhere to Belong" by Lily · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin's visit causes Frodo to think about his childhood
and the place he belongs to.
Story ID: 963 · "The Bond Between Us" by Lily · (Other Fiction: Short Story)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: At various places on his journey with Frodo Pippin
reflects about his relation to his cousin learning what it means to care
for someone.
Story ID: 933 · "Legend" by Raksha the Demon · (Other Fiction: Ficlet)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: An older Eowyn confronts her own legend and the
differences between memory and myth.

Msg# 7187

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 2 (Last of the WIPs) Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 14:47:07 Topic ID# 7166 wrote:
> WIP Nominations Pt 2 (Last of the WIPs) - was there are Pt. 1 (WIP) --I
> didn't get a copy?

Ain't Yahoo grand? ;-) It's there in my "sent" folder, but I'll resend
it to be on the safe side. If it shows up twice, my apology.


Msg# 7188

WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 18:02:56 Topic ID# 7188
Apparently the first time I sent this it didn't show up. My apologies if
it comes through twice.


Story ID: 106 · "Paradox of the Fourth Age" by Alassante · (Incomplete:
Rating: R  character death, sexual content
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When
one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe
that only the Valar can repair it. But will they? Glorfindel must once
again sacrifice to save the lives of others. Her life is in Elrohir's
hands and only she remembers their love for each other. The fate of
Middle Earth depends on everyone walking their intended path.Torn
between the past and the future, she is forbidden to warn them of any
Story ID: 100 · "House of Finwλ" by Ghettoelleth · (Incomplete:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG-13  A bit violent for little ones.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of drabbles centering around the final moments,
with the exception of Maglor, of selected members of the house of Finwe.
Story ID: 214 · "Fλanorian Fates Drabble Series" by Alassante ·
(Incomplete: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  Character death
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of double and tripple drabbles based on the fate
of the Fλanorians.
Story ID: 215 · "The First Age of the Sun: Triumph" by Inglor ·
(Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: R  Warfare, character death, adult situations
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One was the Fairest of All. The other was the Fairest of
his House. This is my theory of how things might have happend had Finrod
not been bound to Amarie
Story ID: 208 · "A Matter of Honor" by meckinock · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  violence, disturbing images, mild marital situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Mystery
Story's URL:
Story Summary: With Halbarad as an uninvited chaperone, Aragorn embarks
on a quest to solve an 80-year-old mystery.
Story ID: 81 · "Strange Fortunes" by Tehta · (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: R  Sexual themes: discussions of sex, making out, sounds of sex
happening off-screen.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The city of Gondolin is at peace, and yet several of its
citizens harbour resentments, ambitions, and unnatural desires: Maeglin
longs to assume his rightful position as Turgon's heir and Idril's
spouse; Salgant hopes to avenge himself for past humiliations; and
Ecthelion and Glorfindel indulge in deception even as they devote their
lives to duty. Many secrets will be revealed, but only slowly and with
much confusion, in this comedy of misunderstandings.
Story ID: 298 · "The Lesson" by Lady Aranel · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Romantic Situations
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gil Lasgalen is a visiting alumni at Professor Peter
Davis' American University. On his first day, Peter leaves him in the
care of his capable assistant only to find the teacher has become the
Story ID: 127 · "Incubus" by Werecat · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Violence, although nothing graphic.
First Choice Category  Genres: Crossover
Story's URL:
Story Summary: During the first years of the Fourth Age, something stirs
beneath the Ash Mountains. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Radagast Old friends
meet once more along with new and unexpected allies. Crossover:
LotRxAlien. AU, of course.
Story ID: 283 · "The Salt-Rose" by Lady Aranel · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Romantic situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: There is peace at last in middle-earth. Yet, a chance
meeting can rekindle turmoil. Will conflict rule out over love?
Story ID: 168 · "The Golden Bell of Greenleaf" by lwarren · (Incomplete:
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ten years have passed since the One Ring went into the
fire, and Legolas now faces the loss of Arod to old age, as well as the
increasingly powerful call of the sea on his life. Bound by love to stay
in Middle-earth until the end of Elessar's reign, the elf follows a
long, difficult road in which he finds not only a new friend to carry
him, but also gains instruction from an unexpected source in coping with
the call to sail. And throughout his journey, he discovers friends, new
and old, more than willing to help him along, as well as a new
understanding of his place in the Great Song of creation.
Story ID: 242 · "Mirrors of Numenor" by Dostoevsky's Mouse ·
(Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Violence.
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Eleven years after Sauron's return, a young Denethor
meets Aragorn for the first time, and finds in him an equal, an ideal, a
comrade -- and, ultimately, a rival.
Story ID: 308 · "Untrodden Path" by Timmy2222 · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Violence
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: When the quest for Gollum fails due to a mishap, a sick
Ranger finds shelter in a small village. But this is only the beginning
of a new part of Aragorn's search.
Story ID: 144 · "In the Mind's Eye" by Garnet Took · (Incomplete: Medium
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin learns to live with and accept a special talent.
Story ID: 56 · "A Secret Gate" by Elanor · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG  While in execution this story would appear to be a G, the
subject is, in the long run, Death. Further, it is unfinished, and I
don't yet know what ground may be turned as I continue, so it may not be
fair to the reader to blithely assure them of clear sailing in this
regard. Tolkien does not include a lot of PG criteria himself, but in
theme and execution I think LOTR itself is PG.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A letter from Rohan in the spring of 1484 (S.R.)
foreshadows Merry and Pippins last journey in Middle Earth. How the
elderly Thain and Master of the Hall said goodbye to the Shire forever,
and who remained after their deaths to tell how the tale ended, far away
in Gondor.
Story ID: 451 · "Brothers at Heart" by Radbooks · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Battle type violence.
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As Aragorn arrives among the Dϊnedain to take up the
reins of leadership, he meets his cousin, Halbarad, who helps Aragorn
find his place amongst his people and they begin a friendship that will
last a lifetime.
Story ID: 402 · "Written in the Starlight" by Rhapsody/Robinka CoAuthors
· (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: R  Warlike violence, battle scenes, adult situations.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends, greatest
in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the Elder
Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved. Or did he not? What would
have happened if, by a slight change of fate, Beleg Strongbow survived?
Story ID: 425 · "The Princess and the Horse Lord" by Oshun ·
(Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: R  Sexual situations.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A canon-mindful AU story of love set in a time of war and
its aftermath.
Story ID: 562 · "Rivendell 9 to 5" by Claudio · (Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Minor language and implied sexuality
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Elladan, Prime Minister of Rivendell, does his best not
to muck things up as he chooses his immortal fate and attempts an
ill-advised holiday in Mirkwood.
Story ID: 318 · "Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad" by Redheredh ·
(Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The everyday intrigues around a little princess in a big
Story ID: 626 · "Invasion of the 'Sues" by The Last Temptation of Homer
· (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: R  One moderately explicit sex scene
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What would you do if two perfect chliches landed in your
proverbial back garden. Murder or suicide? Thta's the question plaguing
young ranger Nerdanel
Story ID: 662 · "Welcome to Rivendell Mr. Anderson" by Snodgrass and
Winkle · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Violence and battle scenes
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Two sisters go to Middle Earth after the Fellowship is
sent into modern day by Sauron. But Emily and Barbara are determined not
to be Mary Sues. Middle Earth may prove to be too much for these self
assured girls making them confront humorious and sorrowful aspects of a
life they had only read about. Full of wicked humor and lots of Mary Sue
Story ID: 625 · "Exiled" by Jaffee Leeds · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG  Emotions and some violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Dr. Hadhafang is intrigued by a new patient to enter his
wards- and even more intrigued by the story she tells. After all, it's
hard to believe someone who claims to have known- and loved- Findekano,
son of Fingolfin. Non-slash, Fingon romance.
Story ID: 672 · "Metamorphosis" by wenont · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: R  Explict battle scenes, torture, and adult situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Late in the 25th century, in the year 2495 A.D., a human
cyborg comes to terms with her differences and must face the fact that
she is not like her own kind. Bred as a hybridized killing machine, cold
and emotionless, she has known nothing else but to take orders, seek out
and destroy; seeing all through the eyes of logical determinations and
calculated efficiency. For decades she has killed and obliterated with
no thought or emotion and, up until recently, had no conscience, or
knowledge of what it meant to possess one. After centuries of warfare
and, having survived a violent existence for which she was purposefully
created, she now finds herself entering an alien and emotion-filled
world, something she is not equipped to deal with. Unbeknownst to her,
the battle to embrace her humanity has begun...but, by whose hand shall
she face down her demons? Eternal enemies, Good and Evil ply mercilessly
for her cyborg soul.
Story ID: 687 · "Champions: Out of the Past" by LadyDeb1970 ·
(Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  This story contains mainly references to violence and
some language.
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Deeply moved by his courage and determination, a
mysterious entity transports Boromir to modern-day North Carolina after
his fall at Amon Hen. After he heals, he finds new purpose in this
strange new world providing aid, support, and protection to two young
cops and a pre-med student. Meanwhile, Legolas and Gandalf learn of the
magick which transported their fellow to the modern world, leading
Legolas and Haldir to track down the long-missed Gondorian.
Story ID: 674 · "Avoidance" by stefaniab · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Some of the chapters have "Middle Earth cussing," which
gets a little creative. The story does discuss sexual matters, such as
lust, losing one's virginity, prostitution, and the presence of
homosexuals in the military. There are no explicit sex scenes and no
explicit discussions about sex. As expected of a resident of Stories of
Arda, "Avoidance" contains no slash.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir and Eowyn re-examine how they fell in love but
somehow avoided telling each other the details. Life in Minas Tirith is
precarious at best, as Gondor's future hangs in the balance. "Avoidance"
is Movieverse, with respect for book canon and occasional humor in the

Msg# 7189

Nominations Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 18:02:56 Topic ID# 191
Hey guys,

As you probably realize nominations are now closed and all the authors
that will be competing this year have given us the information we need
about their story. With only a handul of exceptions we contacted every
author. Thanks so much to the liaison team: Acacea, Cathleen, elliska,
Inkling, Nancy Brooke, Radbooks, Rhapsody, Sulriel, and Werecat. They
all worked *extremely* hard and did a first rate job.

I'm going to begin posting the nominations in a minute, organized by
story type. These are:

1. Fixed-length Ficlets (FLFs): pieces of exactly 100, 150, 200, 300, or
400 words, or series of the same.

2. Poetry

3. Non-Fiction

4. Incompletes: Stories to which the author still expects to add
chapters, and

5. Other Fiction: Everything else

I'll post twenty-five nominations to the page; stories are displayed in
the order in which the author finalized the nomination. You can begin
voting on any of these if you haven't already.

To vote, log in to . Click on "Browse
Nominated Stories" and find the story you want to vote on. If you know
its ID number you can search for "[ID Number]#" and that will take you
to that listing, or you can tell the page to display a certain author
name or one of the other options. When you have found the story you want
to read, please click the link to "Enter New Review", and fill out the
form from there.

For more information on voting please see the appropriate section of the

and the voting FAQ:

If you have any questions or do not know your password please do not
hesitate to email me at mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com.

So, now to the nominations!

Msg# 7190

WIP Nominations Pt 1 Posted by Marta Layton June 24, 2006 - 18:03:01 Topic ID# 7190
Story ID: 106 · "Paradox of the Fourth Age" by Alassante · (Incomplete:
Rating: R  character death, sexual content
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When
one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe
that only the Valar can repair it. But will they? Glorfindel must once
again sacrifice to save the lives of others. Her life is in Elrohir's
hands and only she remembers their love for each other. The fate of
Middle Earth depends on everyone walking their intended path.Torn
between the past and the future, she is forbidden to warn them of any
Story ID: 100 · "House of Finwλ" by Ghettoelleth · (Incomplete:
Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG-13  A bit violent for little ones.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of drabbles centering around the final moments,
with the exception of Maglor, of selected members of the house of Finwe.
Story ID: 214 · "Fλanorian Fates Drabble Series" by Alassante ·
(Incomplete: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
Rating: PG  Character death
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A series of double and tripple drabbles based on the fate
of the Fλanorians.
Story ID: 215 · "The First Age of the Sun: Triumph" by Inglor ·
(Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: R  Warfare, character death, adult situations
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: One was the Fairest of All. The other was the Fairest of
his House. This is my theory of how things might have happend had Finrod
not been bound to Amarie
Story ID: 208 · "A Matter of Honor" by meckinock · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  violence, disturbing images, mild marital situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Mystery
Story's URL:
Story Summary: With Halbarad as an uninvited chaperone, Aragorn embarks
on a quest to solve an 80-year-old mystery.
Story ID: 81 · "Strange Fortunes" by Tehta · (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: R  Sexual themes: discussions of sex, making out, sounds of sex
happening off-screen.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The city of Gondolin is at peace, and yet several of its
citizens harbour resentments, ambitions, and unnatural desires: Maeglin
longs to assume his rightful position as Turgon's heir and Idril's
spouse; Salgant hopes to avenge himself for past humiliations; and
Ecthelion and Glorfindel indulge in deception even as they devote their
lives to duty. Many secrets will be revealed, but only slowly and with
much confusion, in this comedy of misunderstandings.
Story ID: 298 · "The Lesson" by Lady Aranel · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Romantic Situations
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Gil Lasgalen is a visiting alumni at Professor Peter
Davis' American University. On his first day, Peter leaves him in the
care of his capable assistant only to find the teacher has become the
Story ID: 127 · "Incubus" by Werecat · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Violence, although nothing graphic.
First Choice Category  Genres: Crossover
Story's URL:
Story Summary: During the first years of the Fourth Age, something stirs
beneath the Ash Mountains. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Radagast Old friends
meet once more along with new and unexpected allies. Crossover:
LotRxAlien. AU, of course.
Story ID: 283 · "The Salt-Rose" by Lady Aranel · (Incomplete: Short Story)
Rating: PG-13  Romantic situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: There is peace at last in middle-earth. Yet, a chance
meeting can rekindle turmoil. Will conflict rule out over love?
Story ID: 168 · "The Golden Bell of Greenleaf" by lwarren · (Incomplete:
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Ten years have passed since the One Ring went into the
fire, and Legolas now faces the loss of Arod to old age, as well as the
increasingly powerful call of the sea on his life. Bound by love to stay
in Middle-earth until the end of Elessar's reign, the elf follows a
long, difficult road in which he finds not only a new friend to carry
him, but also gains instruction from an unexpected source in coping with
the call to sail. And throughout his journey, he discovers friends, new
and old, more than willing to help him along, as well as a new
understanding of his place in the Great Song of creation.
Story ID: 242 · "Mirrors of Numenor" by Dostoevsky's Mouse ·
(Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG-13  Violence.
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Eleven years after Sauron's return, a young Denethor
meets Aragorn for the first time, and finds in him an equal, an ideal, a
comrade -- and, ultimately, a rival.
Story ID: 308 · "Untrodden Path" by Timmy2222 · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Violence
First Choice Category  Races: Men
Story's URL:
Story Summary: When the quest for Gollum fails due to a mishap, a sick
Ranger finds shelter in a small village. But this is only the beginning
of a new part of Aragorn's search.
Story ID: 144 · "In the Mind's Eye" by Garnet Took · (Incomplete: Medium
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Races: Hobbits
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Pippin learns to live with and accept a special talent.
Story ID: 56 · "A Secret Gate" by Elanor · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG  While in execution this story would appear to be a G, the
subject is, in the long run, Death. Further, it is unfinished, and I
don't yet know what ground may be turned as I continue, so it may not be
fair to the reader to blithely assure them of clear sailing in this
regard. Tolkien does not include a lot of PG criteria himself, but in
theme and execution I think LOTR itself is PG.
First Choice Category  Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A letter from Rohan in the spring of 1484 (S.R.)
foreshadows Merry and Pippins last journey in Middle Earth. How the
elderly Thain and Master of the Hall said goodbye to the Shire forever,
and who remained after their deaths to tell how the tale ended, far away
in Gondor.
Story ID: 451 · "Brothers at Heart" by Radbooks · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Battle type violence.
First Choice Category  Times: Late Third Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: As Aragorn arrives among the Dϊnedain to take up the
reins of leadership, he meets his cousin, Halbarad, who helps Aragorn
find his place amongst his people and they begin a friendship that will
last a lifetime.
Story ID: 402 · "Written in the Starlight" by Rhapsody/Robinka CoAuthors
· (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: R  Warlike violence, battle scenes, adult situations.
First Choice Category  Times: First Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends, greatest
in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the Elder
Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved. Or did he not? What would
have happened if, by a slight change of fate, Beleg Strongbow survived?
Story ID: 425 · "The Princess and the Horse Lord" by Oshun ·
(Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: R  Sexual situations.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: A canon-mindful AU story of love set in a time of war and
its aftermath.
Story ID: 562 · "Rivendell 9 to 5" by Claudio · (Incomplete: Medium Length)
Rating: PG  Minor language and implied sexuality
First Choice Category  Genres: Humor
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Elladan, Prime Minister of Rivendell, does his best not
to muck things up as he chooses his immortal fate and attempts an
ill-advised holiday in Mirkwood.
Story ID: 318 · "Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad" by Redheredh ·
(Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: G
First Choice Category  Times: Second Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: The everyday intrigues around a little princess in a big
Story ID: 626 · "Invasion of the 'Sues" by The Last Temptation of Homer
· (Incomplete: Novella)
Rating: R  One moderately explicit sex scene
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: What would you do if two perfect chliches landed in your
proverbial back garden. Murder or suicide? Thta's the question plaguing
young ranger Nerdanel
Story ID: 662 · "Welcome to Rivendell Mr. Anderson" by Snodgrass and
Winkle · (Incomplete: Epic)
Rating: PG-13  Violence and battle scenes
First Choice Category  Times: The Great Years
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Two sisters go to Middle Earth after the Fellowship is
sent into modern day by Sauron. But Emily and Barbara are determined not
to be Mary Sues. Middle Earth may prove to be too much for these self
assured girls making them confront humorious and sorrowful aspects of a
life they had only read about. Full of wicked humor and lots of Mary Sue
Story ID: 625 · "Exiled" by Jaffee Leeds · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG  Emotions and some violence
First Choice Category  Races: Elves
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Dr. Hadhafang is intrigued by a new patient to enter his
wards- and even more intrigued by the story she tells. After all, it's
hard to believe someone who claims to have known- and loved- Findekano,
son of Fingolfin. Non-slash, Fingon romance.
Story ID: 672 · "Metamorphosis" by wenont · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: R  Explict battle scenes, torture, and adult situations
First Choice Category  Genres: Alternate Universe
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Late in the 25th century, in the year 2495 A.D., a human
cyborg comes to terms with her differences and must face the fact that
she is not like her own kind. Bred as a hybridized killing machine, cold
and emotionless, she has known nothing else but to take orders, seek out
and destroy; seeing all through the eyes of logical determinations and
calculated efficiency. For decades she has killed and obliterated with
no thought or emotion and, up until recently, had no conscience, or
knowledge of what it meant to possess one. After centuries of warfare
and, having survived a violent existence for which she was purposefully
created, she now finds herself entering an alien and emotion-filled
world, something she is not equipped to deal with. Unbeknownst to her,
the battle to embrace her humanity has begun...but, by whose hand shall
she face down her demons? Eternal enemies, Good and Evil ply mercilessly
for her cyborg soul.
Story ID: 687 · "Champions: Out of the Past" by LadyDeb1970 ·
(Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  This story contains mainly references to violence and
some language.
First Choice Category  Times: Multi-Age
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Deeply moved by his courage and determination, a
mysterious entity transports Boromir to modern-day North Carolina after
his fall at Amon Hen. After he heals, he finds new purpose in this
strange new world providing aid, support, and protection to two young
cops and a pre-med student. Meanwhile, Legolas and Gandalf learn of the
magick which transported their fellow to the modern world, leading
Legolas and Haldir to track down the long-missed Gondorian.
Story ID: 674 · "Avoidance" by stefaniab · (Incomplete: Novel)
Rating: PG-13  Some of the chapters have "Middle Earth cussing," which
gets a little creative. The story does discuss sexual matters, such as
lust, losing one's virginity, prostitution, and the presence of
homosexuals in the military. There are no explicit sex scenes and no
explicit discussions about sex. As expected of a resident of Stories of
Arda, "Avoidance" contains no slash.
First Choice Category  Genres: Romance
Story's URL:
Story Summary: Faramir and Eowyn re-examine how they fell in love but
somehow avoided telling each other the details. Life in Minas Tirith is
precarious at best, as Gondor's future hangs in the balance. "Avoidance"
is Movieverse, with respect for book canon and occasional humor in the

Msg# 7191

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by alassante7 June 25, 2006 - 15:52:40 Topic ID# 7188
Perhaps this is a dumb question but how can you tell what stories are
in the same category? Will there be a list posted that has the
stories shown in their categories?

--- In, Marta Layton <melayton@...> wrote:
> Apparently the first time I sent this it didn't show up. My
apologies if
> it comes through twice.
> Marta
> Story ID: 106 · "Paradox of the Fourth Age" by Alassante ·
> Epic)
> Rating: R – character death, sexual content
> First Choice Category – Genres: Alternate Universe
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: One wrong decision can make a world of difference.
> one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so
> that only the Valar can repair it. But will they? Glorfindel must
> again sacrifice to save the lives of others. Her life is in
> hands and only she remembers their love for each other. The fate of
> Middle Earth depends on everyone walking their intended path.Torn
> between the past and the future, she is forbidden to warn them of
> missteps.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 100 · "House of Finwλ" by Ghettoelleth · (Incomplete:
> Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
> Rating: PG-13 – A bit violent for little ones.
> First Choice Category – Times: First Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: A series of drabbles centering around the final
> with the exception of Maglor, of selected members of the house of
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 214 · "Fλanorian Fates Drabble Series" by Alassante ·
> (Incomplete: Fixed-Length Ficlet Series)
> Rating: PG – Character death
> First Choice Category – Times: First Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: A series of double and tripple drabbles based on the
> of the Fλanorians.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 215 · "The First Age of the Sun: Triumph" by Inglor ·
> (Incomplete: Medium Length)
> Rating: R – Warfare, character death, adult situations
> First Choice Category – Times: First Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: One was the Fairest of All. The other was the
Fairest of
> his House. This is my theory of how things might have happend had
> not been bound to Amarie
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 208 · "A Matter of Honor" by meckinock · (Incomplete:
> Rating: PG-13 – violence, disturbing images, mild marital situations
> First Choice Category – Genres: Mystery
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: With Halbarad as an uninvited chaperone, Aragorn
> on a quest to solve an 80-year-old mystery.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 81 · "Strange Fortunes" by Tehta · (Incomplete: Novella)
> Rating: R – Sexual themes: discussions of sex, making out, sounds
of sex
> happening off-screen.
> First Choice Category – Times: First Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: The city of Gondolin is at peace, and yet several of
> citizens harbour resentments, ambitions, and unnatural desires:
> longs to assume his rightful position as Turgon's heir and Idril's
> spouse; Salgant hopes to avenge himself for past humiliations; and
> Ecthelion and Glorfindel indulge in deception even as they devote
> lives to duty. Many secrets will be revealed, but only slowly and
> much confusion, in this comedy of misunderstandings.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 298 · "The Lesson" by Lady Aranel · (Incomplete: Short
> Rating: PG-13 – Romantic Situations
> First Choice Category – Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Gil Lasgalen is a visiting alumni at Professor Peter
> Davis' American University. On his first day, Peter leaves him in
> care of his capable assistant only to find the teacher has become
> student.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 127 · "Incubus" by Werecat · (Incomplete: Short Story)
> Rating: PG-13 – Violence, although nothing graphic.
> First Choice Category – Genres: Crossover
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: During the first years of the Fourth Age, something
> beneath the Ash Mountains. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Radagast Old
> meet once more along with new and unexpected allies. Crossover:
> LotRxAlien. AU, of course.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 283 · "The Salt-Rose" by Lady Aranel · (Incomplete: Short
> Rating: PG-13 – Romantic situations
> First Choice Category – Genres: Romance
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: There is peace at last in middle-earth. Yet, a
> meeting can rekindle turmoil. Will conflict rule out over love?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 168 · "The Golden Bell of Greenleaf" by lwarren ·
> Novella)
> Rating: G
> First Choice Category – Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Ten years have passed since the One Ring went into
> fire, and Legolas now faces the loss of Arod to old age, as well as
> increasingly powerful call of the sea on his life. Bound by love to
> in Middle-earth until the end of Elessar's reign, the elf follows a
> long, difficult road in which he finds not only a new friend to
> him, but also gains instruction from an unexpected source in coping
> the call to sail. And throughout his journey, he discovers friends,
> and old, more than willing to help him along, as well as a new
> understanding of his place in the Great Song of creation.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 242 · "Mirrors of Numenor" by Dostoevsky's Mouse ·
> (Incomplete: Medium Length)
> Rating: PG-13 – Violence.
> First Choice Category – Times: Late Third Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Eleven years after Sauron's return, a young Denethor
> meets Aragorn for the first time, and finds in him an equal, an
ideal, a
> comrade -- and, ultimately, a rival.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 308 · "Untrodden Path" by Timmy2222 · (Incomplete: Epic)
> Rating: PG-13 – Violence
> First Choice Category – Races: Men
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: When the quest for Gollum fails due to a mishap, a
> Ranger finds shelter in a small village. But this is only the
> of a new part of Aragorn's search.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 144 · "In the Mind's Eye" by Garnet Took · (Incomplete:
> Length)
> Rating: G
> First Choice Category – Races: Hobbits
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Pippin learns to live with and accept a special
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 56 · "A Secret Gate" by Elanor · (Incomplete: Epic)
> Rating: PG – While in execution this story would appear to be a G,
> subject is, in the long run, Death. Further, it is unfinished, and
> don't yet know what ground may be turned as I continue, so it may
not be
> fair to the reader to blithely assure them of clear sailing in this
> regard. Tolkien does not include a lot of PG criteria himself, but
> theme and execution I think LOTR itself is PG.
> First Choice Category – Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: A letter from Rohan in the spring of 1484 (S.R.)
> foreshadows Merry and Pippin's last journey in Middle Earth. How
> elderly Thain and Master of the Hall said goodbye to the Shire
> and who remained after their deaths to tell how the tale ended, far
> in Gondor.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 451 · "Brothers at Heart" by Radbooks · (Incomplete: Epic)
> Rating: PG-13 – Battle type violence.
> First Choice Category – Times: Late Third Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: As Aragorn arrives among the Dϊnedain to take up the
> reins of leadership, he meets his cousin, Halbarad, who helps
> find his place amongst his people and they begin a friendship that
> last a lifetime.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 402 · "Written in the Starlight" by Rhapsody/Robinka
> · (Incomplete: Novella)
> Rating: R – Warlike violence, battle scenes, adult situations.
> First Choice Category – Times: First Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends,
> in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the
> Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved. Or did he not? What
> have happened if, by a slight change of fate, Beleg Strongbow
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 425 · "The Princess and the Horse Lord" by Oshun ·
> (Incomplete: Novel)
> Rating: R – Sexual situations.
> First Choice Category – Genres: Romance
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: A canon-mindful AU story of love set in a time of
war and
> its aftermath.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 562 · "Rivendell 9 to 5" by Claudio · (Incomplete: Medium
> Rating: PG – Minor language and implied sexuality
> First Choice Category – Genres: Humor
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Elladan, Prime Minister of Rivendell, does his best
> to muck things up as he chooses his immortal fate and attempts an
> ill-advised holiday in Mirkwood.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 318 · "Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad" by Redheredh ·
> (Incomplete: Novella)
> Rating: G
> First Choice Category – Times: Second Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: The everyday intrigues around a little princess in a
> city.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 626 · "Invasion of the 'Sues" by The Last Temptation of
> · (Incomplete: Novella)
> Rating: R – One moderately explicit sex scene
> First Choice Category – Genres: Romance
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: What would you do if two perfect chliches landed in
> proverbial back garden. Murder or suicide? Thta's the question
> young ranger Nerdanel
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 662 · "Welcome to Rivendell Mr. Anderson" by Snodgrass
> Winkle · (Incomplete: Epic)
> Rating: PG-13 – Violence and battle scenes
> First Choice Category – Times: The Great Years
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Two sisters go to Middle Earth after the Fellowship
> sent into modern day by Sauron. But Emily and Barbara are
determined not
> to be Mary Sues. Middle Earth may prove to be too much for these
> assured girls making them confront humorious and sorrowful aspects
of a
> life they had only read about. Full of wicked humor and lots of
Mary Sue
> bashing.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 625 · "Exiled" by Jaffee Leeds · (Incomplete: Novel)
> Rating: PG – Emotions and some violence
> First Choice Category – Races: Elves
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Dr. Hadhafang is intrigued by a new patient to enter
> wards- and even more intrigued by the story she tells. After all,
> hard to believe someone who claims to have known- and loved-
> son of Fingolfin. Non-slash, Fingon romance.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 672 · "Metamorphosis" by wenont · (Incomplete: Novel)
> Rating: R – Explict battle scenes, torture, and adult situations
> First Choice Category – Genres: Alternate Universe
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Late in the 25th century, in the year 2495 A.D., a
> cyborg comes to terms with her differences and must face the fact
> she is not like her own kind. Bred as a hybridized killing machine,
> and emotionless, she has known nothing else but to take orders,
seek out
> and destroy; seeing all through the eyes of logical determinations
> calculated efficiency. For decades she has killed and obliterated
> no thought or emotion and, up until recently, had no conscience, or
> knowledge of what it meant to possess one. After centuries of
> and, having survived a violent existence for which she was
> created, she now finds herself entering an alien and emotion-filled
> world, something she is not equipped to deal with. Unbeknownst to
> the battle to embrace her humanity has begun...but, by whose hand
> she face down her demons? Eternal enemies, Good and Evil ply
> for her cyborg soul.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 687 · "Champions: Out of the Past" by LadyDeb1970 ·
> (Incomplete: Novel)
> Rating: PG-13 – This story contains mainly references to violence
> some language.
> First Choice Category – Times: Multi-Age
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Deeply moved by his courage and determination, a
> mysterious entity transports Boromir to modern-day North Carolina
> his fall at Amon Hen. After he heals, he finds new purpose in this
> strange new world providing aid, support, and protection to two
> cops and a pre-med student. Meanwhile, Legolas and Gandalf learn of
> magick which transported their fellow to the modern world, leading
> Legolas and Haldir to track down the long-missed Gondorian.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story ID: 674 · "Avoidance" by stefaniab · (Incomplete: Novel)
> Rating: PG-13 – Some of the chapters have "Middle Earth cussing,"
> gets a little creative. The story does discuss sexual matters, such
> lust, losing one's virginity, prostitution, and the presence of
> homosexuals in the military. There are no explicit sex scenes and
> explicit discussions about sex. As expected of a resident of
Stories of
> Arda, "Avoidance" contains no slash.
> First Choice Category – Genres: Romance
> Story's URL:
> Story Summary: Faramir and Eowyn re-examine how they fell in love
> somehow avoided telling each other the details. Life in Minas
Tirith is
> precarious at best, as Gondor's future hangs in the
balance. "Avoidance"
> is Movieverse, with respect for book canon and occasional humor in
> telling.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

Msg# 7192

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by elliska67 June 25, 2006 - 16:10:34 Topic ID# 7188
We are in the process of categorizing right now (breakinh down those
big lists that Marta posted into the actual subcategories) and once
the categorizers confirm the categories, you will be able to see them
in the database. :-)

Msg# 7193

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by Alassante7 June 25, 2006 - 16:28:28 Topic ID# 7188
Thanks! I was getting confused. :)

elliska67 <> wrote: We are in the process of categorizing right now (breakinh down those
big lists that Marta posted into the actual subcategories) and once
the categorizers confirm the categories, you will be able to see them
in the database. :-)

Feanor is pissed. Hates his half brothers, hates his step mom, is pissed at his daddy. He learns to make gems, impossibly perfect gems, and he's just too bitchen at it. But its kinda creepy and narrow minded too. ~ Silbonics by Ghetto & Al (Al did all the LOL)~

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1’/min.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7194

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by Marta Layton June 25, 2006 - 18:34:44 Topic ID# 7188
alassante7 wrote:
> Perhaps this is a dumb question but how can you tell what stories are
> in the same category? Will there be a list posted that has the
> stories shown in their categories?

Hi Alassante,

Five intrepid volunteers (myself included) have just begun sorting the
nominations into categories and subcategories. Assuming all goes
according to plan, we'll be posting the check ballots on the second week
of July. Those are listings a lot like this, but sorted into categories.

If you like, I can send you a text file with these listings sorted by
their first choice categories. But some of that might change as we move
stories around where some of the categories didn't have enough nominated.


Msg# 7195

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by Marta Layton June 25, 2006 - 18:35:18 Topic ID# 7188
elliska67 wrote:
> We are in the process of categorizing right now (breakinh down those
> big lists that Marta posted into the actual subcategories) and once
> the categorizers confirm the categories, you will be able to see them
> in the database. :-)

Silly me! Should have checked that someone hadn't already answered this
question. ;-)


Msg# 7196

Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Gypsie Rose June 25, 2006 - 19:06:37 Topic ID# 7174
I was communicating with the support address about some login
difficulties on the site, but I haven't heard from them since Sunday.
Is it working all right? Sadly, a number of things came up this week
and drove the MEFAs out of my head, so between that and the login
problem, I'm afraid I missed the deadline. Is there anything that can
be done about it at this point? I do want to vote, and I did want to
have my story participate, but if I've missed my chance, then oh well,
I guess I've missed it.

"Rose" of Gypsie Rose

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Msg# 7197

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by elliska67 June 25, 2006 - 21:06:21 Topic ID# 7174
--- In, Gypsie Rose <gypsierose3000@...>
> I was communicating with the support address about some login
> difficulties on the site, but I haven't heard from them since
> Is it working all right?

I checked your username and it is working and does have voting
privileges. I have just resent you your username and password
privately in case there was confusion about that.

>Sadly, a number of things came up this week
> and drove the MEFAs out of my head, so between that and the login
> problem, I'm afraid I missed the deadline. Is there anything that
>can be done about it at this point? I do want to vote, and I did
>want to have my story participate, but if I've missed my chance,
>then oh well, I guess I've missed it.

You do have voting privileges, so that is taken care of. I do not
see you as a nominated author so it does look like that deadline is
missed. Since we are almost done with categorizing, I would guess
nothing can be done about that, but I am sure Marta can tell you for
certain. If nothing else, if your story doesn't run this year, it
can always run next year because we don't have the same
deadlines/dates for eligibility anymore. I hope this helps. :-)

Msg# 7198

Re: WIP Nominations Pt 1 (re-send) Posted by Alassante7 June 25, 2006 - 22:00:54 Topic ID# 7188
Thats okay Marta. Thanks for the offer though. :) I can wait til July - I just saw all those emails yesterday and didn't know if I needed to figure things out from that or if it would be clearer in time. Seems like you guys have a future plan that will make more sense to me. I need a MEFA for Dummies guide. ;)

Marta Layton <> wrote: alassante7 wrote:
> Perhaps this is a dumb question but how can you tell what stories are
> in the same category? Will there be a list posted that has the
> stories shown in their categories?

Hi Alassante,

Five intrepid volunteers (myself included) have just begun sorting the
nominations into categories and subcategories. Assuming all goes
according to plan, we'll be posting the check ballots on the second week
of July. Those are listings a lot like this, but sorted into categories.

If you like, I can send you a text file with these listings sorted by
their first choice categories. But some of that might change as we move
stories around where some of the categories didn't have enough nominated.


Feanor is pissed. Hates his half brothers, hates his step mom, is pissed at his daddy. He learns to make gems, impossibly perfect gems, and he's just too bitchen at it. But its kinda creepy and narrow minded too. ~ Silbonics by Ghetto & Al (Al did all the LOL)~

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 7199

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Gypsie Rose June 26, 2006 - 10:01:10 Topic ID# 7174
> I checked your username and it is working and does have voting
> privileges. I have just resent you your username and password
> privately in case there was confusion about that.

I received it this time, but it was in my bulk message folder for some
reason. I'll bet the first response went there too. *sigh* That'll
teach me to just empty it when I haven't been online in several days
and it's full of spam....

> I do not
> see you as a nominated author so it does look like that deadline is
> missed. Since we are almost done with categorizing, I would guess
> nothing can be done about that, but I am sure Marta can tell you for
> certain.

I did receive notification of a nomination in April, and I did accept
the nomination (immediately) by email. I just wasn't able to log on
and do the categorizing in the week between June 15 and June 22, due to
a number of factors including the fact that I didn't have a login ID.
(There were other things going on as well, but every time I try to list
them, it looks whiny to me, so I won't!)

I'm really disappointed at not being able to participate. I was very
excited at being nominated. :( If nothing can be done about it,
please consider this as a bit of participant feedback: I wish this
stage could have either been simplified, or extended over a longer
period. For example, if I could have categorized my story by email,
I'd have done it right away. I also would have appreciated having
instructions on how to get a new login ID somewhere on the login page.
Perhaps they were listed in an earlier email, and obviously most people
seem to have been able to negotiate it; but I didn't have the
information at my fingertips when trying to navigate the site, and I
got very confused.


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Msg# 7200

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Gypsie Rose June 26, 2006 - 13:53:34 Topic ID# 7174

Oops!! Never mind, I'm a complete and total idiot. I just
double-checked my email, and the April nomination was for a completely
different set of awards. So actually, I guess I *haven't* lost a
chance to have a story participate in the MEFAs. I'm very relieved!
I'm glad to have an ID and login, though, so that I can vote.


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Msg# 7201

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by elliska67 June 26, 2006 - 15:51:44 Topic ID# 7174
> Oops!! Never mind...

Oh, I am very relieved to hear that. I looked into it and I couldn't
imagine what had happened (even if you had not responded in time, I
should have still been able to see a nomination for you and I just
could not). I was in the process of trying to figure it out when I saw
this. I'm glad the mystery is solved. And, if that story hasn't run
here before, you can keep it in mind for next year. But I'm glad you
didn't miss a chance because of lost emails. And I hope you have a lot
of fun reading and voting this year. :-)

Msg# 7202

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Marta Layton June 26, 2006 - 20:24:44 Topic ID# 7174
Gypsie Rose wrote:
> I was communicating with the support address about some login
> difficulties on the site, but I haven't heard from them since Sunday.
> Is it working all right? Sadly, a number of things came up this week
> and drove the MEFAs out of my head, so between that and the login
> problem, I'm afraid I missed the deadline. Is there anything that can
> be done about it at this point? I do want to vote, and I did want to
> have my story participate, but if I've missed my chance, then oh well,
> I guess I've missed it.
> "Rose" of Gypsie Rose

Hi Rose,

I'm very sorry you're having such a hard time with all of this! And I'm
glad to see from your other email that you had us confused with another
awards. :-)

Can you log in now? Are there any other questions I can answer for you?


Msg# 7203

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Marta Layton June 26, 2006 - 21:37:28 Topic ID# 7174
Hi guys,

> --- In <>,
> Gypsie Rose <gypsierose3000@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > I was communicating with the support address about some login
> > difficulties on the site, but I haven't heard from them since
> Sunday.
> > Is it working all right?

Are you referring to the login, or the mefasupport(at)gmail(dot)com? If
you mean your log-in info, I just tried it and it worked fine.

If you mean the email, the answer would be "as well as email ever
works". There's always the chance that email from someone new might end
up in your bulk folder. If you're expecting a response from us,
especially if it's the first time you've emailed the support address,
it's probably not a bad idea to double-check your bulk/spam folder
before you delete it. I also try to answer emails within a day, two if
the admins are busy like we are now. If you haven't heard back from me
in three days send me another email, or post here. I save my sent emails
so can always resend it or share the information publicly if you're
having a problem receiving email.

I am glad this all worked out for you. :-)


Msg# 7204

New Story Searching Functionality Posted by Anthony Holder June 27, 2006 - 0:21:41 Topic ID# 7204
Hey all,

I've wanted to do this for a while, but have been too busy or lazy or
whatever to get around to it.

When you look at the filters on the story list, you'll see a lot of new
options, starting today.

First, I shortened the author name length, so it doesn't stretch across
the entire page due to the story with 10 coauthors. That one now says
'Anso the Hobbit and 9 CoAuthors'.

Second, I added a filter for the Genre, Race, and Time choices. This
filter shows all stories with your selection as either the first,
second, or third choice.

Third, I added filters for the various lists of characters, times,
settings, canonical events, etc.

These filters are all put together with 'and' statements, so if you
choose Time = 'The Great Years' and MinorCharacter = Gandalf, you'll
only get the stories with both (which might be none).

The lists of characters, places, etc. should only show the ones that
are used in the stories that are competing. If you notice something
missing, let me know.

For now, the author list includes authors with stories that were
withdrawn. After CheckBallots is over, we'll trim that list down to
stories that are actually running.

Let me know if there's something else from the story data form that
ought to be on the filter list. I'll try to add any that are


Msg# 7205

Re: New Story Searching Functionality Posted by Nancy Brooke June 27, 2006 - 7:45:20 Topic ID# 7204
--- In, Anthony Holder <aaholder@...> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've wanted to do this for a while, but have been too busy or lazy
> whatever to get around to it.
> When you look at the filters on the story list, you'll see a lot of
> options, starting today.
> First, I shortened the author name length, so it doesn't stretch
> the entire page due to the story with 10 coauthors. That one now
> 'Anso the Hobbit and 9 CoAuthors'.
> Second, I added a filter for the Genre, Race, and Time choices.
> filter shows all stories with your selection as either the first,
> second, or third choice.
> Third, I added filters for the various lists of characters, times,
> settings, canonical events, etc.
> These filters are all put together with 'and' statements, so if you
> choose Time = 'The Great Years' and MinorCharacter = Gandalf,
> only get the stories with both (which might be none).
> The lists of characters, places, etc. should only show the ones
> are used in the stories that are competing. If you notice something
> missing, let me know.
> For now, the author list includes authors with stories that were
> withdrawn. After CheckBallots is over, we'll trim that list down to
> stories that are actually running.
> Let me know if there's something else from the story data form that
> ought to be on the filter list. I'll try to add any that are
> reasonable.
> Later,
> Anthony

Fabulous, Anthony!

Msg# 7206

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Gypsie Rose June 27, 2006 - 9:36:19 Topic ID# 7174
--- Marta Layton <> wrote:

> I'm very sorry you're having such a hard time with all of this! And
> I'm glad to see from your other email that you had us confused with
> another awards. :-)
> Can you log in now? Are there any other questions I can answer for
> you?

Thanks for your note! Yes, I'm able to log in and navigate the site
now. *relieved* Sorry to be such a pain, and thanks again for all
your help. I'm looking forward to participating in the MEFAs!


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Msg# 7207

Re: Nomination deadline & support email Posted by Gypsie Rose June 27, 2006 - 10:27:57 Topic ID# 7174
Thanks for all your help! I'm really sorry to have been so
troublesome. I've tried my login and password, and I can get around
the site just fine now. I'm looking forward to reading and voting!


--- elliska67 <> wrote:

> > Oops!! Never mind...
> Oh, I am very relieved to hear that. I looked into it and I couldn't
> imagine what had happened (even if you had not responded in time, I
> should have still been able to see a nomination for you and I just
> could not). I was in the process of trying to figure it out when I
> saw
> this. I'm glad the mystery is solved. And, if that story hasn't run
> here before, you can keep it in mind for next year. But I'm glad you
> didn't miss a chance because of lost emails. And I hope you have a
> lot
> of fun reading and voting this year. :-)

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Msg# 7208

Re: Nomination deadline & support emai Posted by Marta Layton June 27, 2006 - 12:31:58 Topic ID# 7174
> --- Marta Layton <> wrote:
> > I'm very sorry you're having such a hard time with all of this! And
> > I'm glad to see from your other email that you had us confused with
> > another awards. :-)
> >
> > Can you log in now? Are there any other questions I can answer for
> > you?
> Thanks for your note! Yes, I'm able to log in and navigate the site
> now. *relieved* Sorry to be such a pain, and thanks again for all
> your help. I'm looking forward to participating in the MEFAs!
> "Rose"

Oh, no problem! That's why I'm here. Glad to know you're able to get
in, and have fun voting.


Msg# 7209

Re: New Story Searching Functionality Posted by Kathy June 27, 2006 - 14:40:48 Topic ID# 7204
All immensely useful (as I discovered today while
categorizing!)...thanks so much Anthony! And bless you for
shortening that co-author group name! :)

Kathy (Inkling)

--- In, Anthony Holder <aaholder@...> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've wanted to do this for a while, but have been too busy or lazy
> whatever to get around to it.
> When you look at the filters on the story list, you'll see a lot of
> options, starting today.
> First, I shortened the author name length, so it doesn't stretch
> the entire page due to the story with 10 coauthors. That one now
> 'Anso the Hobbit and 9 CoAuthors'.
> Second, I added a filter for the Genre, Race, and Time choices.
> filter shows all stories with your selection as either the first,
> second, or third choice.
> Third, I added filters for the various lists of characters, times,
> settings, canonical events, etc.
> These filters are all put together with 'and' statements, so if you
> choose Time = 'The Great Years' and MinorCharacter = Gandalf,
> only get the stories with both (which might be none).
> The lists of characters, places, etc. should only show the ones
> are used in the stories that are competing. If you notice something
> missing, let me know.
> For now, the author list includes authors with stories that were
> withdrawn. After CheckBallots is over, we'll trim that list down to
> stories that are actually running.
> Let me know if there's something else from the story data form that
> ought to be on the filter list. I'll try to add any that are
> reasonable.
> Later,
> Anthony

Msg# 7210

Re-using Reviews Posted by Imhiriel June 27, 2006 - 16:29:37 Topic ID# 7210
I don't know if this has already been discussed - in any event I didn't
find it in my quick browsing through the archive. Can I repeat in my
MEFA review what I said in other venues? More exactly, a) in other
public reviews like at TFF or SoA and b) semi-public in comments/forums
on HASA or c) during a review process on HASA?


Msg# 7211

Re: Re-using Reviews Posted by Marta Layton June 27, 2006 - 17:58:04 Topic ID# 7210
Imhiriel wrote:
> I don't know if this has already been discussed - in any event I didn't
> find it in my quick browsing through the archive. Can I repeat in my
> MEFA review what I said in other venues? More exactly, a) in other
> public reviews like at TFF or SoA and b) semi-public in comments/forums
> on HASA or c) during a review process on HASA?
> Imhiriel

Hi Imhiriel,

We prefer original reviews, but there's nothing to say you can't reuse
reviews. Usually when people do this they adapt it because longer
reviews give more points.

If you do use semi-public or private/anonymous reviews, do make sure
they're fit for public consumption. They'll be visible to everyone on
our webpage beginning in September, and I'll be posting them to this
list as well. So you'll want to make sure what you're saying is
appropriate to that.


Msg# 7214

Re: Re-using Reviews Posted by Imhiriel June 28, 2006 - 18:17:48 Topic ID# 7210
--- In, Marta Layton <melayton@...> wrote:

> We prefer original reviews, but there's nothing to say you can't
> reviews. Usually when people do this they adapt it because longer
> reviews give more points.

For me, it's more because I already agonize over my reviews. I don't
like to leave one-sentence reviews, but something more substantial and
meaninful for the author. And as a foreign-language speaker, it's even
more of a problem coming up with something new, if I already said
something on a story.

No problem with the reviews being public - I would hope that my
comments are polite and clear enough for everybody to read (that is,
should one be interested in them *g*).

Thanks for answering so favourably, it's a great relief to me!
