Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 9062

A Cat in King Elessar's Court is now COMPLETE Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 03, 2008 - 8:59:55 Topic ID# 9062
Just a quick note to say that the tale I wrote and that has been nominated
for this year's awards is now complete.



Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9063

Re: A Cat in King Elessar's Court is now COMPLETE Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 03, 2008 - 9:06:44 Topic ID# 9062
Yay! Congratulations! *runs to SoA to take a look*


On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Agape 4Rivendell <>

> Just a quick note to say that the tale I wrote and that has been
> nominated
> for this year's awards is now complete.
> Blessings,
> Agape
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9064

Re: A Cat in King Elessar's Court is now COMPLETE Posted by July 03, 2008 - 11:51:24 Topic ID# 9062
Hi Agape,

Thanks for letting us know. I'll see that it's categorized with the
completed stories.

And congrats!


Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> Just a quick note to say that the tale I wrote and that has been nominated
> for this year's awards is now complete.
> Blessings,
> Agape

Msg# 9065

Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 04, 2008 - 11:02:46 Topic ID# 9065
Hey guys,

We're going to start what's known as check ballots in a few days. I want
to use this week's educational post to discuss how that works. That way
you can ask any questions you might have about check ballots or
categorization before we get started.

Also, Yahoo group members may want to consider changing their email
delivery options. As I'll describe below, check ballots involve more
group emails than is usual for this group. I encourage everyone to keep
up to date, but if you would prefer to read check ballots at the group
website, you might consider switching to digest or "special notice only"



Nominations for this year's MEFAs closed on June 15. Authors had until
June 22 to finalize their nomination by completing a form on the
nominated piece and notifying their liaison. You may be wondering what's
been happening since then. Elliska, Inkling, Radbooks and myself have
been sorting pieces into a main category, and then dividing each main
category into appropriate subcategories of 5-13 pieces.

To begin with, each story is placed in its first-choice category. We
divide each main category four ways, based on the story type:

--- fixed-length ficlets
--- incompletes (work-in-progress)
--- poetry
--- finished stories (story type: story)

So for each main category there will be four groupings of stories. For

--- Genres: Drama: Fixed-Length Ficlets
--- Genres: Drama: Incomplete
--- Genres: Drama: Poetry
--- Genres: Drama: General

Some of those groupings will have five nominations or more, no problem;
others won't, in which case we look at moving stories into their second-
or third-choice categories. For instance, let's say there are only two
fixed-length ficlets in Genres: Mystery. That's not enough to make a
fixed-length ficlet subcategory in mystery, and it's not even close - so
we would try to move those two pieces into the fixed-length ficlet
grouping in their second-choice main category.

If, on the other hand, one of those groupings is close to having the
five stories, we would look for other stories that could be moved into
that same category, to maybe make the grouping into a viable
subcategory. Say there are four stories with Dwarves chosen as the
first-choice category. We would look for stories with Dwarves as a
second-choice category. If there are some such stories, they would be
moved out of their first-choice category into the Races: Dwarves:
General grouping.

Now every story is in a group in one of its three category choices, with
other pieces of its same type. Each of these groups has at least five
pieces by at least three authors - but often quite a lot more. If there
are thirteen or less pieces in the group, it can become a subcategory -
but if there are more, then we need to further divide each group into
more than one subcategory. To do this we look at the other questions on
the form filled out by the author, mostly the setting, characters for
categorization, and subgenres. Basically we want to find a way to divide
the nominations in each grouping down to a size that would work as a

When a grouping is divided into more than one subcategory, there will
always be one "miscellaneous" subcategory and one (or more than one)
more specialized one. I'll take an actual example from last year to show
you how this works: the Adventure category. This category was divided into

--- Genres: Adventure: General
--- Genres: Adventure: Fixed-Length Ficlet
--- Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
--- Genres: Adventure: Minas Tirith
--- Genres: Adventure: Pre-Ring War

Of these, General, Incomplete, and Pre-Ring War were subcategories for
nominations with the type "Story" - as I described things above, they
would have been placed in Genres: Adventure: General to begin with, and
the categorizer would have broken General into three subcategories based
on the stories' content. The point I'm trying to make is that, even
though "general" has been divided into three subcategories, one of those
is still called "general." It's a sort of miscellaneous subcategory for
the Adventure stories that don't fit in either Minas Tirith or Pre-Ring War.

Bottom line: eventually every nomination will be sorted into a
sub-category within one of its main category choices. And that's what
will be on the checkballot.



In a few days, I will post the first check-ballot. I will send one email
per main category to the MEFAwards Yahoo group. (People reading at LJ:
you will see one post with a link to all the MEFAwards messages.) Each
email will have a subject like "Adventure Check Ballot." It will begin
with a heading like

"Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Adventure

SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General"

Under the SubCategory header, you'll see the pieces that have been
placed in that subcategory. Each listing will give you some basic
information about the nomination. These listings will be of the form:

[title] ([story id #]): [author's name]
URL: [nomination's url]
[rating], Reason for Rating: [warnings]
Romance Partners: [romance partners]

The stuff within [square brackets] will obviously vary from story to
story. It gives you a good overview of the kind of stories in each
subcategory, so if you're trying to decide what you'll read, it's great
to pay attention to these. But most importantly, it tells authors where
their story will be competing. Authors are highly encouraged to check
out the ballots to make sure their stories are placed in an appropriate

In most cases we sort categories based on the information you give us -
both your category choices and the questions about your story setting,
characters involved, and so on. Of course, it's possible that we made a
technical mistake entering information into the website. A stray
keystroke and your story may end up in a wildly inappropriate category.
:-) Obviously, we want to fix that.

Occasionally we have had to categorize stories based on their summary
rather than their selection of setting, character, etc. This usually
happens when an author does not provide answers to every question on the
form. (This isn't necessarily a criticism - the form is complicated, and
sometimes there's not an appropriate option - but more a statement of
the situation categorizers sometimes face.) Remember, subcategories can
have at most thirteen stories - so if enough authors weren't able to
answer those questions, then there would be too many stories in the
General subcategory. In situations like this, the categorizers have to
look at the summary, maybe even skim the story if it's short enough, and
make the best decision they can.

Check ballots is the time authors get to say they'd like their pieces
moved to a new category or subcategory. That's their main point - to
give everyone a chance to make sure the subcategory selected is correct.
However, we can't honor every request made. A lot of times these
subcategories are very carefully constructed so that they have a good
size and a good mix of authors, and if too many stories are moved in or
out of the same subcategory, it can create problems.

This doesn't mean you can't ask to have your story moved. This is
especially the case if your story was assigned to a subcategory you
didn't select. If you just see a subcategory that you think would be a
better match than the one you're currently placed in, we may not be able
to move it. But if your subcategory is inappropriate, please do mention
it when the check ballots are posted.

If you do see a story that you think has been placed incorrectly, you
should reply to the ballot with the story you aren't sure about. (LJ
members: you can comment at the LJ entry; please mention what category
you're replying to.) The other categorizers and I will discuss it and
get back to you within a day or two.

Before I end this post, I want to mention two "special cases" that
affect check ballots.



Above, I've talked about fixed-length ficlets as being categorized
together. It's true that FLFs are only categorized with other FLFs. But
more specifically, we usually place drabbles with drabbles and other
types of FLFs (drabble series, double drabbles, etc.) together.
Subcategories containing just drabbles will have the word "drabble" in it.

Subcategories containing the other types of fixed-length ficlets will
have the phrase "Fixed-Length Ficlet," but something else as well -
either "Other Fixed Length-Ficlet" or "General Fixed-Length Ficlet," or
if we have more than one such subcategory in the same main category it
may be something like "Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlet" or "Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlet."

In a few cases we have had to combine drabbles with longer FLFs. In this
case the subcategory is just called "Fixed-Length Ficlets," with no
other words.



This year we had a few works-in-progress that we had a hard time placing
because we couldn't offer Incomplete subcategories in any of their
category choices. I contacted these authors and discussed the situation,
offering them the choice to select a new category where a WIP
subcategory *could* be offered or to let their story compete against
finished stories in one of their category choices. Four authors chose to
compete with the finished stories. Namely:

The Dwarves Treasure by eiranae
Moon of the Sea by pandemonium_213
Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action by Princess Artemis
Wars of the Valar by Fiondil

If you see any other WIPs placed with completed stories, let us know.
These four stories, though, are *supposed* to be competing against
completed stories. Their authors chose this rather than to have them
compete with WIPs in a category that didn't fit them as well.


I think that's enough on categorization and how the check ballots will
work. We'll start posting actual ballots in a few days. In the mean
time, if you have any questions or want to discuss any of this, now is a
good time.

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 9066

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by nau\_tika July 04, 2008 - 18:11:58 Topic ID# 9065
I just checked this week to see how many stories were in the same
category as my fic, but thought I was doing something wrong when I
couldnt figure it out. I guess it was just rushing things!

Thanks for the info!

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> We're going to start what's known as check ballots in a few days. I
> to use this week's educational post to discuss how that works. That
> you can ask any questions you might have about check ballots or
> categorization before we get started.

Msg# 9067

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by Imhiriel July 04, 2008 - 18:21:09 Topic ID# 9065
--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:

Martha, thank you for laying it out so detailed; I was especially
grateful to be reminded that you use the option to "fill out" just
barely too small subcategories.

> --- Genres: Adventure: General
> --- Genres: Adventure: Fixed-Length Ficlet
> --- Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
> --- Genres: Adventure: Minas Tirith
> --- Genres: Adventure: Pre-Ring War
> Of these, General, Incomplete, and Pre-Ring War were subcategories for
> nominations with the type "Story" - as I described things above, they
> would have been placed in Genres: Adventure: General to begin with, and
> the categorizer would have broken General into three subcategories
> on the stories' content. The point I'm trying to make is that, even
> though "general" has been divided into three subcategories, one of
> is still called "general." It's a sort of miscellaneous subcategory for
> the Adventure stories that don't fit in either Minas Tirith or
Pre-Ring War.

I think you meant to say that General, Minas Tirith and Ring-War were
subcategories for "Story", as "Incompletes" are in their own category,
as you described above.

I don't know if you can talk about this, but if so, I'd be very
curious to know if the sorting is difficult. Part of my curiosity is
surely that you had difficulties sorting two of my drabbles in either
of the three categories I named - does this happen often? But I'd also
be interested generally - how much hair-tearing is involved in trying
to reach the best possible solutions and compromises?

> In situations like this, the categorizers have to
> look at the summary, maybe even skim the story if it's short enough,
> make the best decision they can.

A time-consuming endeavour, I can imagine, especially for the longer
stories... OTOH, it gives you a sneak-peek at some of the stories you
might want to be reviewing in your "private" capacity, later ;-).

> However, we can't honor every request made. A lot of times these
> subcategories are very carefully constructed so that they have a good
> size and a good mix of authors, and if too many stories are moved in or
> out of the same subcategory, it can create problems.

Especially as it took so much time and consideration to come up with
the best choices in the first place.

And again, my nosy question: Does it often happen, either the
question, or the actual moving?

...A happy Independence Day Weekend to the MEFA members in the US!...

Msg# 9068

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 04, 2008 - 18:21:29 Topic ID# 9065
In a message dated 7/4/2008 11:03:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

But most importantly, it tells authors where
their story will be competing. Authors are highly encouraged to check
out the ballots to make sure their stories are placed in an appropriate

I didn't look at these last year. Thought they were posted for some arcane
purpose of the MEFA administrative staff. And they seemed to go on
forever--felt like months.

I am now wondering for next year if WIPs are a viable category. If a story
runs against finished stories as a WIP then they are still eligible as a
Finished story in the future?

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9069

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 04, 2008 - 21:28:25 Topic ID# 9065 wrote:
> In a message dated 7/4/2008 11:03:25 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> But most importantly, it tells authors where
> their story will be competing. Authors are highly encouraged to check
> out the ballots to make sure their stories are placed in an appropriate
> sub-category.
> I didn't look at these last year. Thought they were posted for some
> purpose of the MEFA administrative staff. And they seemed to go on
> forever--felt like months.

Hi Oshun,

We did post them last year, but I think just for a week or two. The
point is to give authors a chance to request changes, before the
subcategories are set in stone.

We did also post the reviews people wrote, because some people prefer to
see the reviews that are being written without needing to check the
website. I personally find it more convenient to check reviews at the
website, but infinite diversity in infinite combinations. :-) I have
heard from various members that they find it helpful, especially to be
reminded that reviews are being written. That may be what you're
thinking of? (Or I may very well be wrong.)

> I am now wondering for next year if WIPs are a viable category. If a story
> runs against finished stories as a WIP then they are still eligible as a
> Finished story in the future?

Yeah, those four WIPs will still be eligible in the future. And the
website will still list "Incomplete" as their story type. They'll be
treated just like if they had run in an Incomplete subcategory, as far
as future eligibility is concerned. The only difference is the
subcategory they'll be competing in.


Msg# 9070

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 04, 2008 - 21:33:34 Topic ID# 9065
Hi Nau_tika,

Yep - the categories aren't available on the website yet. They'll be
posted here next week, and should show up on the website a few weeks after.


nau_tika wrote:
> I just checked this week to see how many stories were in the same
> category as my fic, but thought I was doing something wrong when I
> couldnt figure it out. I guess it was just rushing things!
> Thanks for the info!
> nautika

Msg# 9071

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 04, 2008 - 22:00:17 Topic ID# 9065
Hi Imhiriel,

> Martha, thank you for laying it out so detailed; I was especially
> grateful to be reminded that you use the option to "fill out" just
> barely too small subcategories.
> > --- Genres: Adventure: General
> > --- Genres: Adventure: Fixed-Length Ficlet
> > --- Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
> > --- Genres: Adventure: Minas Tirith
> > --- Genres: Adventure: Pre-Ring War
> >
> > Of these, General, Incomplete, and Pre-Ring War were subcategories for
> > nominations with the type "Story" - as I described things above, they
> > would have been placed in Genres: Adventure: General to begin with, and
> > the categorizer would have broken General into three subcategories
> based
> > on the stories' content. The point I'm trying to make is that, even
> > though "general" has been divided into three subcategories, one of
> those
> > is still called "general." It's a sort of miscellaneous subcategory for
> > the Adventure stories that don't fit in either Minas Tirith or
> Pre-Ring War.
> I think you meant to say that General, Minas Tirith and Ring-War were
> subcategories for "Story", as "Incompletes" are in their own category,
> as you described above.

*blush* Yes, exactly! Thank you for catching that.

> I don't know if you can talk about this, but if so, I'd be very
> curious to know if the sorting is difficult. Part of my curiosity is
> surely that you had difficulties sorting two of my drabbles in either
> of the three categories I named - does this happen often? But I'd also
> be interested generally - how much hair-tearing is involved in trying
> to reach the best possible solutions and compromises?

It really depends on a lot of factors. The number of pieces nominated
(and the variety of said pieces) makes a huge difference. I can only
speak for myself, and this year I was assigned the fixed-length ficlets
in all the categories, plus a few medium-sized main categories. (Each of
the categorizing volunteers is assigned several story groupings and they
come up with a "first draft" of the categorization, which is then
discussed by the group.) FLF took me two days of pretty solid work to
get something I like, and subsequently required some modification as
well; my other groups were much easier and divided up quite naturally.

There were three factors that really helped this year. First, this is
the second year that Elliska, Inkling, Radbooks and I have worked
together which means we work pretty well as a team. Speaking for myself,
I think we're open with each other and also willing to take suggestions
from each other. And I think we work well together to shift stories so
they make the best categorization possible. I've been really pleased
with the flexibility I've seen this year, and that does make things easier.

Also, we've emailed authors a lot more than we have in the past, if we
were having trouble placing their stories. This eliminated some of the
most stressful aspects of categorizing: finding homes for those really
hard-to-place nominations, because we shifted the decision to the
authors in those cases. That decreased the stress a lot, not only
because it meant we made less hard decisions but also because we could
be sure that those stories had a good subcategory. (Or the best that was
available, in any event!) So the fact that authors replied quickly to
these emails helped a lot. A *whole* lot, actually.

And finally, the liaisons did a really good job getting good information
about the stories in the nomination season. That meant that we
categorizers had the information we needed to make the choices that need
to be made.

Even with all of that, there's been moments when I've had to throw my
little stress ball against the wall to let out frustration over a
category refusing to sort. It's better than it ever was, but this
process is always a bit difficult.

> > In situations like this, the categorizers have to
> > look at the summary, maybe even skim the story if it's short enough,
> and
> > make the best decision they can.
> A time-consuming endeavour, I can imagine, especially for the longer
> stories... OTOH, it gives you a sneak-peek at some of the stories you
> might want to be reviewing in your "private" capacity, later ;-).

*nods* My wish list has certainly grown longer!

> And again, my nosy question: Does it often happen, either the
> question, or the actual moving?

Thankfully we haven't had that many in the past - I'd say less than a
dozen requests last year. I'm hoping that we'll have even less, because
of all the emailing we've done with authors during the actual
categorizing. But with most things related to the MEFAs, it can be very
unpredictable from year to year. So we shall see!


Msg# 9072

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 04, 2008 - 23:57:08 Topic ID# 9065
That may be what you're
thinking of? (Or I may very well be wrong.)

Yes. It must have been the reviews I was thinking of... I read reviews a
lot, but at the site. They are so much prettier and easier to read there.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9073

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by Kathy July 05, 2008 - 14:06:59 Topic ID# 9065
--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> And finally, the liaisons did a really good job getting good
> information about the stories in the nomination season. That meant
> that we categorizers had the information we needed to make the
> choices that need to be made.

Something I found really helpful this year was all the changes and
additions in the subcategory particular, the streamlining
of characters for categorization and the new subgenre choices. The new
subgenres (including angst, tragedy, friendship, family, etc.) seemed
to be very popular with authors, judging by how many were selected, and
I found this made categorizing much easier, and allowed the creation of
many interesting subcats.


Msg# 9074

Re: Admin - How Check Ballots Work Posted by July 05, 2008 - 19:12:33 Topic ID# 9065
Hi Kathy,

I absolutely agree - the improvements to the websites definitely made
categorizing much easier. Thanks for pointing that out!


Kathy wrote:
> --- In <>,
> "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> >
> > And finally, the liaisons did a really good job getting good
> > information about the stories in the nomination season. That meant
> > that we categorizers had the information we needed to make the
> > choices that need to be made.
> Something I found really helpful this year was all the changes and
> additions in the subcategory particular, the streamlining
> of characters for categorization and the new subgenre choices. The new
> subgenres (including angst, tragedy, friendship, family, etc.) seemed
> to be very popular with authors, judging by how many were selected, and
> I found this made categorizing much easier, and allowed the creation of
> many interesting subcats.
> Kathy/Inkling

Msg# 9075

Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 17:55:56 Topic ID# 9075
Hey guys,

The other volunteers and I have successfully sorted all of this year's
nominations into categories and subcategories. Thank you to Elliska,
Inkling, and Rhonda for your help on this. And also, thank you to
Tanaqui and Aranel Took for all of the technical advancements that
made that easier this year.

I will begin posting the first round of check ballots shortly. If you
have not read it already, I encourage you to check out last week's
educational post, which can be found at

for important information about the checkballots. I also want to make
a brief comment about poetry.

This year, there were only twenty-two poems nominated. There were a
few poems that we could not place in either of the three category
choices selected by the author. The other categorizers and I discussed
categorizing poems with non-poem nominations (like we did with the few
WIPs in a similar situation), but decided that it was more important
that poems compete against other poems than that they compete against
other entries of a similar genre, race, or time period.

For this reason, all of the poems are competing in the "Genres:
Poetry" main category. So far as it was possible, we divided this
category into subcategories based on the poems' category selections.
For instance, we have a Genres: Poetry: Hobbits subcategory, where all
the entries selected Poetry as their story type and Hobbits as one of
their category choices. Genres: Poetry also has a Drama and Late Third
Age subcategory, as well as a General subcategory for poems that
didn't fit in either Hobbits, Drama, or Late Third Age.


One other thing before we get going. Some authors are unsure of what
main categories their stories are using. Your story should be in one
of the three main categories you selected (unless we've discussed the
situation by email in the last two weeks); you can find your category
choices by logging in to and clicking the
"View your nominated stories" link. This will bring up a list of your
nominated stories, complete with the three category choices you
selected, listed in your order of preference.

If you prefer to not look through all of the ballots or cannot find
your nomination, just ask and I will let you know where your stories
are competing.

Now on with the ballots!

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 9076

Check Ballot # 1 - Adventure Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 17:56:59 Topic ID# 9076
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Adventure

SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General

Balm (459): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo remembers his escape from the Tower of Cirith Ungol with Sam.

Dragons In The Trollshaws (170): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: Harmless. Apart from a bit of dragon-slaying.
Romance Partners: N/A
A peril awakes that demands all Elladan and Elrohir's attention - and
requires more than skill to defeat.

Dangerous Folk (546): Budgielover
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some descriptions of battle and hand-to-hand
combat, and the results of such combat (death by violence).
Romance Partners: N/A
The Ring-bearer is kidnapped by an unknown enemy as the Fellowship
stops to replenish its water supply. Pursuing the kidnappers, the
Fellowship discovers that the effects of Saruman's evil has spread
more widely with more devastating impact on the world than they could
have dreamed possible.

The Mariner's Son (329): cairistiona
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for mention of violence
Romance Partners: N/A
The One Ring is not the only ring that brings peril to the Heir of

Lost (226): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The fellowship faces a great challenge.

Pip-napped! (669): Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild violence; vague references to marital
Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond, Merry/Estella, Aragorn/Arwen
On a honeymoon visit to Gondor, Pippin is kidnapped. (This story was
due to a request from Dana for a "pip-napping". Lindelea wrote the
opening paragraphs, and then put the story up for grabs to be finished.)

Dol Amroth Yule (295): Isabeau of Greenlea
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence, battle scenes, implied sex in
one chapter.
Romance Partners: F/Elrohir
Hethlin's first Yule in Dol Amroth presents challenges, including the
dislike of both her fellow esquires and the Armsmaster of Dol Amroth,
and pirates!

Symbols of Love (130): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
While on their first patrol with their fathers and the Rangers of
Ithilien, Eldarion and Elboron learn much about the King Elessar.

Fennas Haradren (280): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Gondor has two hidden outposts -- Henneth Annűn in the North and
Fennas Haradren in the South. But the Rangers in the South have sent
no word for some time, and it is Boromir and his men who must go in
search of answers to the mystery of their silence.

--and it was done (527): Neoinean
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence. Adult themes.
Romance Partners: N/A
Detailing a simple rescue mission that, for once, goes off without a
Note: This story was originally written for the February 2008 Teitho
Contest under the pen name Beth.

SubCategory: Genres: Adventure: Incomplete

With Hope and Without Hope (466): docmon
Mature, Reason for Rating: Level of violence in 2 chapters, where
torture is depicted clearly, if not somewhat graphically.
Romance Partners: N/A
One decision made differently - the Three Hunters run through that
second night of their chase after the Orcs rather than rest - and
everything changes. Well, not everything. They're merely captured by
the Orcs like Merry and Pippin.
But one decision changed doesn't change one's destiny. How each of
them is to reach their destiny is a bit peskier, though...
There's action and adventure, suspense, and not too much angst as the
Three Hunters struggle to return to their task.

The Wanderer (627): Lackwit
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some minor violence (sword fighting,
resulting death); references to a man's attraction to a married woman
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
After ten years fighting in faraway lands, Faramir finds his return to
Ithilien is not so easy and must take back what was his. Loosely based
on Homer's Odyssey.

Eagle of the Star (327): Neoinean
Teen, Reason for Rating: Battlefield violence. Adult themes.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn's time as Thorongil, soldier of Rohan and Gondor, from the
events that cause his departure south to the events surrounding his
return to his family. This story belongs as much to his family as they
wait as it does to Aragorn. Slight AU

To See A World (330): Nightwing
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence and extreme angst, medical
situations, mild sexual reference.
Romance Partners: N/A
Injured and alone, Legolas and Aragorn are forced to take refuge in a
wintry foreign land. But when darkness encroaches from within and
without, they learn that refuge can become a deadly trap.

The Web of Darkness (101): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: It contains some frightening images,
especially battle-related violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
An experiment of the Witch-king backfires, and the Elves of Mirkwood
find an unexpected ally. Crossover with Forgotten Realms.

Tarnished Ivory (464): Yavie Feels Pretty
Teen, Reason for Rating: Upcoming dark themes and violence, but the
two posted chapters may be considered "general".
Romance Partners: N/A
AU. In which Frodo makes a very different decision and Boromir finds
himself slipping even further into temptation.

Msg# 9077

Check Ballot # 2 - Alternate Univers Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 17:57:55 Topic ID# 9077
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Alternate Universe

SubCategory Genres: Alternate Universe: General

Eucatastrophe: The Return (617): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Gandalf saw Bilbo settled in at Tol Eressea. Now they are
back, and Frodo's feeling much more himself than he has in a very long
time. (Set in my "Eucatastrophe AU", in which the Three were freed by
the One's destruction, and travel to the West is now two-way. Each
chapter had to include special elements for Marigold's Challenges.)

As the Tide by the Moon (9): EdorasLass
Mature, Reason for Rating: Disturbing themes, non-graphic sexuality [het]
Romance Partners: Theodred/OC, Grima/OC [sorta]
Sequel to "Eclipsed by the Moon", in which a kitchen maid in Edoras is
infatuated with Grima. This story follows her efforts to gain Grima's
attention, Grima's plots to use her for his own ends, and Theodred's
involvment in the whole tangled web. This story is told mostly from
three POVs - Grima, Theodred, and Lathwyn. Explict het, possibly
disturbing themes. Elements of both Book & Movie Verse; AU

Above All Shadows (492): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: Slash content, mildly graphic.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Aragorn
Aragorn sees Legolas stumble as they run towards Rohan, but doesn't
know that it is one of the first signs of the Elf's dark secret.

Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer (206): Katzilla
Teen, Reason for Rating: There are a lot of battle scenes, some quite
graphic, and the overall atmosphere of the story is very dark.
Romance Partners: N/A
A very AU take of what Éomer's banishment could have been like... dark
and angsty, as you would expect of me.

Two Prisoners (724): Lord Branwyn
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How a certain author really learned the story of a distant time.

Homeward Bound (430): Werecat
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In another time and another place, the Brown Wizard meets a fallen
Queen. Another tale of beggars, queens and cats. Fourth Age, AU.

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy

Shadow King (227): Claudia
Teen, Reason for Rating: Hurt/no comfort, severe angst
Romance Partners: N/A
A shadow version of the King's coronation...if Aragorn had the Ring.

Bitter May (265): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mentioning of abuse, plus some frightening,
medical details
Romance Partners: OFC/ Frodo Baggins
This was written as a "What if"-story. In the epic AU-saga "Before I
go to sleep", OFC Lily Proudfoot has a very unpleasant encounter with
Lotho Sackville-Baggins. In the original story, no physical
consequences are mentioned (aside from the traumatic aftermath), but
what if there were?

In The Darkness Of My Dreaming (284): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: Moments of intense angst, character death
Romance Partners: Frodo Baggins/ OFC
The aged Lily Proudfoot has come to doubt the decision she made nearly
sixty years ago. Was it wrong to let the Ringbearer leave? And would
her life have been happier if she had made him stay? A sudden illness
answers her questions in strange, haunting dreams, and the old midwife
comes to understand the full meaning of the saying: "Be careful what
you wish for..."

For What I Wait (125): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: discussion of suicide and death
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for an AU challenge "in which Fëanor outlives all of his
children." Fëanor and Maglor, together at the end.

Clear Conscience (The Clear Shot Remix) (680): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Boromir and Faramir had met Frodo before the Quest? How would
that have affected the outcome of the story? (Based on The Clear Shot,
by Claudia)

Five things that never happened to Nerdanel (389): Meril
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Fëanor/Nerdanel
Five short AUs for Nerdanel.

Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth (222):
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied rape, violence, and character death.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
Inspired by some of my readers, who asked what might have happened
'if.' Five ways in which Serinde's (OFC from 'The King's Surgeon) life
might have been very, very different.

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Drabbles

No Man's Land (726): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Set during WW1, a drabble about what might have been.

Wave-Singer (33): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A New England fisherman tells the tale of a ghost who sings along the
water's edge.

Last Stroke (465): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
"'The Corsairs of Umbar!' men shouted.... 'The Corsairs are upon us!
It is the last stroke of doom!'"

(RoTK, "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields")

What might have come to pass....

Least Expected (512): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphical description of violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Halbarad's first appearance had taken a different turn?

The Least of Rings (621): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: mature themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Boromir takes the ring. AU.

(This is the first of two drabbles on the same page.)

Alter/native (478): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M romance
Romance Partners: Aragorn/OMC
How might history have been different if Elrond and Celebrían had
decided to have another son rather than a daughter.

Spoiled (119): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Would Aragorn have grown up the same if he hadn't been 'Estel'? An AU
drabble which takes a look at what Aragorn might have been like if he
had grown up knowing his true lineage and destiny as Heir of Isildur.

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete

Arranged Marriage (725): Claudia
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash fiction, interspecies slash, a
chapter in which there is graphic male/male sex
Romance Partners: Frodo/Aragorn
Whatever could have led to the marriage of Frodo and Aragorn?

Land of the Moon (308): Claudia
Teen, Reason for Rating: Slash implications. Absolutely nothing
explicit in this chapter, though.
Romance Partners: Frodo/Aragorn
Post-quest, Frodo returns to Minas Tirith because of a deep affection
he has for King Elessar, who is grieving over both the sailing of
Arwen and Eowyn's death.

Murder The Dawn (383): crowdaughter
Mature, Reason for Rating: This story contains slash, elements of
horror and mature themes such as slavery, non-con, implied torture and
rape, and violence. It is a very grim alternative universe with very
disturbing themes; a spin-off to my Mael-Gul story universe, which is
rated strictly adult. This story, however, would count as hard R.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas; Boromir/Legolas (implied)
Completely AU. Legolas slavefic. Mirkwood is a subjected realm and
must give hostages to the other Elven realms as slaves. Legolas is the
slave of Aragorn, who is a sadist. But what if Legolas indeed took the
Ring? Warnings: slash, character death! This story is a very grim
spin-off to my Mael-Gul story universe, which is rated strictly adult.
This story, however, would count as hard R.

The Search For Middle-earth (346): Jules14
Teen, Reason for Rating: There are some images of violence, including
a pit full of bones. Later on there will be descriptions of violent
illness. The story also contains some themes that may be too difficult
to understand for children.
Romance Partners: N/A
AU. In the near future, as the Age of Men begins to crumble, the truth
is revealed about a long-vanished world that no one, except perhaps a
few, even knows existed.

Lothíriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2 (567): juno_magic
Mature, Reason for Rating: There are some sex scenes in there.
Romance Partners: Lothíriel/Éomer
Lothíriel has survived the great adventure of her life, the War of the
Rings. But will she be up to the challenge of love and life in


As Lothíriel's story continues, the focus of the tale changes from
adventure to love story and an exploration of different aspects of
culture and society in Middle-earth.

Pippin-Frog For A Day (115): Neilia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin finds himself on the wrong end of an irate wizard's staff. Poor
Pip is changed into a tiny green tree frog for 24 hours in exchange
for his bodacious cheekiness. Humor and tears ensue.

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

A Path of Wisdom (641): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A drabble set, between SR 1418 and SR 1421, somewhat detailing the
reasoning for an AU.

The Edge of the Knife (274): Dwimordene
Teen, Reason for Rating: Death, warfare, and torment involved in some
Romance Partners: n/a
"Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all." What was
said to the Fellowship holds equally for the man to whom the Quest
owed its existence. Eight drabbles about Isildur and what might have

Return (399): Elleth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Umbarto had not perished in the Burning of the Swanships? A
double-drabble AU from two points of view.

Homecoming (706): Isabeau of Greenlea
Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M relationship, non-explicit
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC
A tribble AU for the Best-Loved Sons arc, and some very wishful
thinking on my part. What if Boromir had made it home?

The Pirate (674): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A little Estel story been told by Queen Arwen to her son, while the
king is away.

Wounds of a Friend (710): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn is worried.

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family

Bitter Sweet (536): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: m/m romance implied, not explicit
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied), Theodred/Lothiriel
Brief AU in which both Boromir and Theodred survive the Ring War,
living long and (mostly) happy lives well into the first century of
the Fourth Age.

The Price of Pity (373): celticbard
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story includes several scenes of
battle-related violence along with a scene of implied sexual relations
between a married couple. The story also deals with the themes of
heavy friction between a husband and wife and the death of a parent.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn, Faramir/f
A.U. In the early days of their marriage, Eowyn helps Faramir accept
the loss of his brother, father…and first wife.

The King's Colors (482): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The King's Colors fly once more on Pelennor. Denethor's best-loved son
meets the man who would be king. An AU vignette for Obsidianj's birthday.

Parth Galen (705): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC
What might have happened had Boromir been a little less desperate, a
little less despairing? An AU to the Best-Loved Sons arc.

A Great Evil Unmade (267): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A most unlikely Ringbearer contemplates how he came to Mount Doom and
whether or not he will succeed in putting the Ring in the Fire. An AU
short story, written for a challenge to answer the question of "what
would happen if someone other than Frodo took the Ring?"

The Prisoner of Time (313): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It has been wished many times that Denethor could have survived his
terrible end. Here, a different path is followed, one where Denethor
left the Pyre, fires unlit. What then was the fate of the son of

Msg# 9078

Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 17:58:38 Topic ID# 9078
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Drama

SubCategory Genres: Drama: General

Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of prostitution and attendant diseases.
Romance Partners: N/A
Outspoken young female surgeon Serindë has been falsely accused and
exiled from Gondor by the Steward Denethor - on pain of death if she
is found. (OFC written by surgicalsteel on Live Journal.) Good deeds
repay in unexpected ways.

The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
Mature, Reason for Rating: Dark elements and themes: angst, violence,
minor character death, other dark implications, and the acts of Ruffians
Romance Partners: N/A
A village occupied by ruffians, a year after the Scouring of the Shire
and the Battle of Bywater, and how they are freed.

Answering the Call (340): docmon
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story relates tales of when each
character succumbs to the call of the Ring. The scenes sometimes
result in potential violence between characters that is nevertheless
disturbing despite not being realized. There is one scene (ch. 3)
where there is some brief violence that is described clearly, though
not graphically, so I have chosen Teen to err on the side of caution.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of (unrelated) vignettes in which each member of the
Fellowship hears the call of the Ring - and answers it. My take on the
big What-If, pursuing the potential in each character to take the
Ring. Varying degrees of angst, drama, action, and perhaps a little
more angst.

Choosing (473): docmon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Three choices, three destinies. Three leaders choose the messengers to
send to Imladris, who then become members of the Fellowship.

The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It is written that Tar-Miriel was too late to reach the supposed
safety of the Meneltarma when Numenor sank into the sea. But why was
she late? What was so important that she would risk her life, knowing
she would not survive?

Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In Moria, Legolas takes his watch and something watches him.

The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
`Both Duilin of Morthond and his brother were trampled to death when
they assailed the műmakil, leading their bowmen close to shoot at the
eyes of the monsters.' Duinhir had to return to his wife without his sons.

The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Following "The Last Debate" in The Return of the King, Chapter 10
says, "…the army of the West was all assembled on the Pelennor. … All
was now ready for the last throw."
This is the story of the march to the Black Gate (movie and book
verse) from the view of a family man who made the journey.

The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
Mature, Reason for Rating: Talk of murder, torture, and invasions;
moderately graphic M/F sex; a fist fight, coarse language and some
more death thrown in. Much of it takes place in a whore house.
Romance Partners: Gamling/Morwen of Gondor (OFC)
Spring has come to Edoras, and with it, a reminder of Morwen's past
that she did not expect. Taken with the arrival of still more refugees
from the west of Rohan, and the seeming possession of Theoden King,
times are dark at the top of the hill. Beset from without and
undermined from within, the people of Rohan may only watch and wait
while the doom of their nation looms large on the eastern horizon.

Part 14 of my series "Nights in Rohan" follows Morwen of Gondor, the
prostitute in love with Gamling, as Edoras prepares for what will be
the War of the Ring. Featuring: Boromir II, Eomer son of Eomund, and
Theodred son of Theoden.

For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Movie based. A Golden plot bunny: what might Merry have been
feeling/thinking as the Rohirrim approach the besieged city of Minas

The Visitor (174): Rowan
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Elanor receives an unusual visit.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn

Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual Situations
Romance Partners: Denethor/Thorongil
A young Thorongil struggles to reconcile his growing love for Gondor
to the part that Denethor plays in his life there.

Home (647): alex_quine
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Why has Theoden left Theodred to welcome his cousins to Meduseld?

Generations (508): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
It is natural for parents to want their children to lead safer,
happier lives than they did – just as it is natural for them to
complain about the inadequacies of the next generation. While trying
to live up to a father who is an epic hero brings difficulties of its
own ...

Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic description of battle and
character death; implied sex between a married couple.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn, Námo/Vairë
Aragorn is on a mission to save more than Legolas' life... he has to
also save his own and when the Lord of Mandos plays for souls he takes
no prisoners. A two-part story describing Legolas' 'death' and its
aftermath. Originally inspired by the Naked Yule Challenge at

The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Húrin of the Keys/OC wife; Faramir/Éowyn
The Battle of the Pelennor is over, and the folk of Minas Tirith must
deal with the aftermath. Now the Keeper of the Keys watches the
changes happen, finding himself preparing for the Return of the King
to Gondor.

Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: dark themes
Romance Partners: n/a
"Estel I was called, but I am Aragorn, Arathorn's son, Isildur's Heir,
Lord of the Dúnedain." Aragorn takes up his place among the Dúnedain
after learning his true heritage.

Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: This is a character piece, in which
Aragorn meets Faramir for the first time since the Houses of Healing.
It's somewhat of highly charged job interview.
Romance Partners: N/A
Tolkien doesn't tell us about the first time Aragorn meets Faramir
after his healing. Jackson didn't film it. Yet, this incident is the
subject of more than a few gap fillers. Here is my version, a
character piece set in the merge of film and book canon that I use for
all my stories.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir

Farewell (127): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Angered by Boromir's taking of the Quest, Faramir prepares to return
to Henneth-Annun.

Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Grief knows no boundaries, nor age, nor time. Letters from Faramir to
Boromir - in hopes that he is still alive and will return. Angst.

My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
Teen, Reason for Rating: Difficult times for young ones. Capture by
Orcs. Death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Gondor and its Steward are rocked by the death of Denethor and others.
A journey is started from two ends of Middle-earth to try to help
Faramir. Takes place in the year TA 2989. AU.

Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic Situations
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eomer
When Faramir tries to persuade Eomer to do what Elessar wants, he
finds himself face-to-face with a fragile world, a secret revealed and
the promptings of his unquiet flesh.

Enticements (266): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M sexual activity (implied)
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied)
" `…almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and offering
what she pretended to have the power to give. It need not be said that
I refused to listen. The men of Minas Tirith are true to their word.'
But what he thought that the Lady had offered him Boromir did not tell."

The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence, character death
Romance Partners: N/A
They say your life flashes before your eyes at the moment of death.
What were Boromir's thoughts and feelings as he fought the greatest
-and final - battle of his life? Movie-verse.

Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As Minas Tirith celebrates the first anniversary of King's reign a
face from the past haunts Faramir and threatens his newly found happiness.

First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It is the first time without Finduilas around. How is the Steward's
family dealing with the pain? And what about the nearing holiday?

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam

Burden (734): Ancalime8301
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rating for implied non-con, hermaphrodite
Frodo, underaged pregnancy.
Romance Partners: N/A
Pre-Quest, a young hobbit finds himself lost and in trouble far from home.

On Amon Sűl (299): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the stabbing on Weathertop, from Frodo's POV...

Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
General, Reason for Rating: Although the reader COULD read a slash
relationship into this story, it is not overtly slash and it can be
read either way.
Romance Partners: N/A
A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the
lives of Frodo and Sam. After the quest, Frodo is confronted with
appalling choices, but a promise is remembered. (This story is best
read AFTER reading Sam's Crosswise Verse.)

Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the
lives of Frodo and Sam. On the quest, Sam and his master are crosswise
and an old promise must be kept.

Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
Teen, Reason for Rating: In Frodo's dream/vision Sam is thrown across
the ground and seems to transform a bit into the Eye of Sauron. It's
only a dream and Frodo does wake up.
Romance Partners: N/A
Is Frodo dreaming again? Or is it real?
Sam can't really be leaving him! Sam wouldn't do that!
In complete delirium, Frodo tries to keep his grasp of reality as he
sees what the Quest will do and even is doing to his best friend; Sam.

Cold (239): febobe
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to non-graphic violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo's encounter with one of the Nine in Osgiliath proves ill for
him, and Sam and Faramir find themselves working together in spite of

Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
Mature, Reason for Rating: This story is a series of vignettes united
by a common theme. Chapters 1-3 have some unsettling ideas that may
deserve a teen rating (e.g. themes of phobia or abandonment). Chapters
4 and 5 (a two-part vignette) contains elements of horror and no happy
resolution. I would even suggest that this may deserve a mature
rating. The site on which the story is located has a note to this
effect for Chapters 4 and 5.
Romance Partners: N/A
Those who are familiar with "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" will
recognize the title of this series of vignettes. In this series,
Frodo's gift (or curse) for strange and prescient dreams will be explored.

Why does he have these dreams? What do they tell him? Can he
understand this gift? Come and explore these strange tales, and
perhaps we will find out some of the answers together.

The Blessing (228): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A wounded soldier of Gondor tells of an enounter with The Ringbearers
when Frodo and Sam come to visit the wounded, and learns that strength
and courage come in unexpected forms.

The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo returns home from a long trip and finds a warm welcome home from
his new heir.

Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry goes through a tough time with Frodo leaving from Buckland, and
even though Frodo writes to Merry often, Merry gets sad and lonely. He
gradually falls very ill, but Frodo comes to nurse him better and
makes a promises that he can keep.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor

All That Remained (155): Allee
Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes, character suicide attempt
Romance Partners: N/A
After Arathorn's death, Gilraen is left to pick up the pieces of her
shattered life, but the young widow learns that grief is no stranger
to the House of Elrond. Will pain destroy the inhabitants of the Last
Homely House, or will it bind them together?

Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non graphic description of injures after a
war time shell blast. Haunting by the ghosts of dead soldiers.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Erestor
Story set during and just after the First World War. Glorfindel is an
explorer who has come back to Britain and lives with the shell shocked
war artist Erestor, in the small village of St. Michael's Leap. The
villagers are curious about their relationship. Glorfindel looks
forward to sailing and Erestor's sole aim is to paint, 'the perfect
golden light'.

The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Maedhros has recently been appointed as a King's scribe, and
young Fingon is just coming of age. As each chooses his road in life,
Maedhros is forced to consider his role as his father's heir and how
his decisions might worsen the disintegrating relationship between
Fëanor and Fingolfin.

The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Inspired by Fiondil's Valar Universe. A young boy meets a stranger on
a beach in the early 20th century.

Written for the Tolkien Tango Prompt Challenge #10: Prophecies

Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
General, Reason for Rating: I gave my story a rating of General
because it fit the guidelines provided in MEFAs description of
ratings, and also because I did not find any content in my fic that
could disturb a child. This story mainly deals with a father-son
relationship, and although death is alluded to, it is not described in
a way that could have a negative effect on a person's mind.
Romance Partners: N/A
Celebrimbor, in Sirion, looks forward to a visit from Galadriel.
However, her impromptu arrival brings with it the news of his father's
death in Doriath.

The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: I am rating this story as teens given the
mature themes being discussed.
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Nerdanel finally meets her nemesis: the one who caused the rift in her
marriage to Fëanor. What did she had to say to them? A one-shot set in
the bard Rising Universe.

Wherever You Go (537): Tena
Mature, Reason for Rating: The chapters are rated from G-NC-17. There
are descriptions of sexual acts between mature adults. Slash and Het
Romance Partners: Elrond/Gil galad, Elrond/Celebrian, Erestor/Glorfindel
Elrond takes a look back at his life.

Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad
Teen, Reason for Rating: occurs during war, canon-character death, slash
Romance Partners: Círdan/Gil-galad, Elrond/Gil-Galad
The raising of a falling star...

Gil-galad's life from Dor-Lómin to the Isle of Balar and then on to
Lindon and beyond.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings

Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Upon the pebbled shores of the sea stand two brothers. But as the tide
begins to turn the sound of the gulls will choose their futures.

(This story is on HASA under my Author name of Peregrin Ionad. but I
am the same person....I just used Peregrin Ionad first, and have never
thought to change it, as I don't usually post fics as
Aranegoldenflower and when I do I always make sure people realise it
is the same person!)

Moon Over Water (518): Avon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On a cold moonlit night Faramir watches the river. He watches for a
memory, for a vision, for a dream... he watches for a vigil once kept
with his brother.

Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Elanor/Fastred
Elanor's last meeting with Sam before he leaves Middle-earth.

In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mentioning of character death and grief
Romance Partners: N/A
In June 1482, Samwise Gamgee has to bear the fact that his wife has
passed away, leaving him behind. Between deep grief and bittersweet
memories, he understands that the life he was used to is ultimately
over, and that a new way lies ahead of him.

The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A gap-filler set at the very end of ROTK, as Frodo, Sam and the Elves
travel toward the Havens. They pass through the Tower Hills, and pause
at the Tower of Elostirion.

Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir and Eomer find comfort in an unexpected way as they visit the
burial mound of Theodred.

The King's Time (333): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses concerns related to dying, and
looks toward Aragorn's death.
Romance Partners: n/a
It is now the thirtieth of Rethe by the Shire's calendar, and the Lord
King has determined that his birthday tomorrow shall be observed in a
most solemn manner. This evening he thinks on the passing of time....

The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for some frightening mental images.
Romance Partners: N/A
After the destruction of Dol Guldur, King Thranduil of Mirkwood makes
a terrible discovery.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles

Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Námo/Vairë
Námo returns shaken from his encounter with Lúthien. His wife Vairë
tries to comfort him.

Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Primula watches. Inspired by the poem <i>Stabat Mater Dolorosa</i>. A

My Legacy (407): spookystoy
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Celebrimbor believes his father left no worthwhile legacy to Arda.
Curufin, determined to reconcile with his son and rebuild the family
legacy, argues otherwise. (It helps to know that Celebrimbor looks
like Weta's Daniel Falconer in this AU Fourth Age.)

Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The making of Eä and the making of the Silmarils.

No Mercy (443): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Morgoth's forces fall on the besieging armies of Elves and Men at the
start of the Dagor Bragollach.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets

Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo has a gift for Pippin.

Burdens (219): Meril
General, Reason for Rating: "Burdens" is about a traumatic event, but
I believe the writing is vague enough for it to be rated "general."
Romance Partners: N/A
The Exiles carry many things with them on their way to Arda...

Alqualondë (220): Moreth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic violence
Romance Partners: N/A
Inexperience and war - two drabbles from opposing view-points.

Utúlie'n Aurë (163): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Sauron is defeated, and even far from Mordor, the victory can be felt.
Two elves rejoice in the true passing of night.

Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A fierce wind sweeps across Middle-earth one day in the late Third
Age, heralding, after hundreds of years, the instrument of a
prophecy's completion, in three different lands.

Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to adult themes, including death,
slavery and grave robbing.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of 13 drabbles about some of the jobs people do in
Middle-earth and the people who do them. Many of the drabbles were
inspired by considering the Middle-earth equivalents of modern
careers, and are tongue-in-cheek, but some address serious issues.
Includes many original characters, but some interactions with canon

Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
A collection of drabbles about Saruman and his meddlings in the West
throughout the long years of the Third Age.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets

The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
General, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: N/A
The life of Ioreth, a minor character from "Return of the King" and an
(extra-)ordinary Gondorian woman, as told in ten drabbles.

Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for the challenge prompt "Like a Fearful Faramir." In the
fourth Age, even when things are going well for Faramir, he can't help
but worry about the things that can go wrong.

Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
From The Tale of Years: 2957-80: Aragorn undertakes his great journeys
and errantries. As Thorongil he serves in disguise both Thengel of
Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor - but was he completely isolated from
his family? On his 40th birthday, mysterious messengers arrive from
the West.

Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Two friends suffer the loss of their friendship due to their own
foolishness, and each must find the courage to make it right. Written
for the Middleearth Express Prompt 93: Apart

A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Are we such stuff as dreams are made of? The bounds between dream and
waking, and life and death, are blurred on a sunny afternoon in Fourth
Age Emyn Arnen.

Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Under a bright moon, Faramir considers the gains, and the price, of peace.

Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mentions of battle and death
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
For her first mettarë in Gondor, Éowyn revives an old tradition - and
sparks memories in her husband.

Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes, death and mild sexual innuendo
Romance Partners: N/A
Moments from the life of Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort

Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
Teen, Reason for Rating: Teen rating for hobbit injury and wound
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo suffers the consequences of not having his mithril shirt on. Mix
of book canon and movie verse. First line provided by claudia603.

Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story deals with Frodo's struggle to
deal with the horrific damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which
was for all intents and purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is
no sexual content since there was no physical violation, but a rape is
not just an assualt on the body, but on the heart and soul as well and
it is those that Frodo struggles to come to terms with and feeling
filthy and worthless.
Romance Partners: N/A
This story deals with Frodo's struggle to deal with the horrific
damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which was for all intents and
purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is no sexual content since
there was no physical violation, but a rape is not just an assualt on
the body, but on the heart and soul as well and it is those that Frodo
struggles to come to terms with and feeling filthy and worthless.

Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for dark/frightening thematic
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam and Frodo are presented to Eowyn for the first time. What are
their reactions to the first woman they've met of the race of Men?

A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses some mature subjects--tastefully, I
Romance Partners: N/A
One night, not long before the Hobbits left Minas Tirith, Frodo and
Aragorn met beneath the White Tree.

A first-person narrative.

At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the days of waiting and worrying in Minas Tirith, Merry finally
arrives at Cormallen where he is able to help care for his cousins and
Sam and so begins to find healing for himself as well.

The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On the voyage to Tol Eressea, when dolphins appear around the ship,
Frodo expresses a desire to see them at closer range and his request
is honored by Elrond, allowing Frodo a chance to experience personal
contact with these healers from the sea.

Fidelis (612): Pentangle
Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death; extreme angst in at least
one chapter violence alluded to but not described detailed medical
Romance Partners: N/A
A tale from "The Ranger Years". Two strangers test the meaning and
depth of the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas. OC death.

Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story contains a recounting of violence
against the main character but no graphic details.
Romance Partners: N/A
Following the first winter of the new King's reign, events unfold that
will have devastating consequences for Gondor and the King's closest

Loss (196): SurgicalSteel
Mature, Reason for Rating: Graphic descriptions of complicated childbirth.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
Serinde (OFC healer from 'The King's Surgeon') gives birth to her
third child and almost dies in the process. Her husband, Halbarad, is
forced to desperate action to save her life.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete

Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
In the Seventh Age, the Children of Iluvatar unite to defend Arda.
Many thanks to Fiondil for beta-reading.

Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
Teen, Reason for Rating: Angst, mentions of violence, and battle scenes.
Romance Partners: N/A
Apostates come in every form, and their ruses are often hard to
perceive. What happens when one sets his eyes upon Imladris? Much
trouble for Estel, who is left baffled by Elrond's strange behavior.
Slightly AU in that there is no Gilraen present.

The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On quest, a friendship develops between Frodo and Aragorn.

The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
Mature, Reason for Rating: The story has an R rating due to some
sexual scenes that are important to the plot and are not very
graphic.It's more about showing their feelings and emotions when in
such a situation.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Ecthelion
Erestor and Ecthelion live in an age in Gondolin where upon same sex
pairings are not tolerated and are forbidden by law. This follows
their journey of forbidden love: Their path may be wrong , but to them
it is the right one.

The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses the Ring War and the events
concerning Denethor's pyre in their physical/psychological/emotional
consequences in non-graphic details.
Romance Partners: N/A
From being called a recreant to being appointed as Captain of the
White Company – This story takes a look at Beregond, his family and
his friends after this change in fortune, and how they experienced the
Return of the King and the dawning of the New Age.

Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
Mature, Reason for Rating: Drug use in one chapter, implied
multipartner M/M/F in one chapter, M/M sex in one chapter.
Romance Partners: Imrahil/OMC
Keeping nineteen-year-old Imrahil of Dol Amroth out of trouble is a
full-time job and turns out to be beyond the ability of Andrahar of
Umbar. What happens one night in a brothel has ramifications that
affect the young men well into the following year, and changes their
relationship forever.

Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains a death scene.
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
An epic tale of tragedy, bravery and love. From the shores of
Belfalas, up the valleys of the Ered Nimrais to the plains of the
Riddermark, we follow the lives of Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, her
brothers and Éomer of Rohan from their early years to old age.

The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
Mature, Reason for Rating: There are elements of rape, both
heterosexual and homosexual, and torture in this story.
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas, Lord of Dol Galenehtar, has enough in Ithilien to worry him:
His beloved Bandobras Took earning his spurs; the investiture of his
new esquire; and Fastred son of Faramir's little romance going sour.
But when news reaches him of the new Master of Lake Town seeking to
stir up dissention between the Elvenking and Thorin Stonehelm of
Erebor, Legolas and Gimli go north to their fathers' aid ... and end
up uncovering a mystery deeper and darker than they had feared.

The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil
Mature, Reason for Rating: There has already been graphic violence and
may be some language and sexual content that could prevent teens and
young children from reading.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian, Elrohir or Elladan/OFC?, if
"Elrond, who had remained unwed through all his long years, now took
to wife Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn of Lorien. His
children were the twin brethren, Elladan and Elrohir, and Arwen
Undomiel, the fairest of all the maidens of the Third Age,"…

"…Celebrian, wife of Elrond, journeys to Lorien to visit Galadriel,
her mother; but she is taken by Orcs in the passes of the mountains.
She is rescued by Elrond and his sons, but after fear and torment she
is no longer willing to remain in Middle-earth, and she departs to the
Grey Havens and sails over Sea."

(Histories of Middle Earth, vol. 12, The Peoples of Middle-earth: Part
VIII- "The Tale of Years of the Third Age".)

In the mean time…

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles

Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
The Gaffer is surprised by Sam's behavior following the Scouring of
the Shire.

Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On his way to Isengard, Théoden comes to the place of his son's last

The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Did Sméagol truly perish? Sometimes Frodo wonders; for he has more
cause to know how shadows can linger....

...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Estella Bolger watch over a sleeping Fredegar.

Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: mention of death
Romance Partners: N/A
The moments after Boromir's last smile; as seen through Aragorn's eyes.

Charge! (444): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes.
Romance Partners: N/A
A rider and his mount fight at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

Msg# 9079

Check Ballot #1 - Horror Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 17:59:11 Topic ID# 9079
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Horror

SubCategory Genres: Horror: General

The Other (27): Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: Horror, blood, monster
Romance Partners: N/A
Collaboration between Dana and Lindelea. An ancient curse arises to
seize Meriadoc Brandybuck, and his cousin Pippin is his only hope to
be saved from a fate worse than death... if only Pippin can survive...
(Alternate universe)

The Dark of Night (484): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: injuries described, battle scenes, general
Romance Partners: N/A
An ancient menace stalks the elves of Middle-earth, but what, if
anything can be done to defeat it?

Maglor's Harp (660): Ford of Bruinen
Mature, Reason for Rating: Horror, violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Sometimes after the end of the War of Wrath Maglor decides that he
needs a new and perfect harp...

Silenced (31): Illwynd
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for light horror content.
Romance Partners: N/A
AU. In the back of Boromir's mind, something is happening...

The Houseless (178): Jael
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
On a day in late autumn, Legolas has a strange encounter with a girl
in the woods. A tale for Halloween, written for the birthday of my
stalwart friend and beta reader, Ignoble Bard.

The Ritual Disturbed (68): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence
Romance Partners: n/a
The wight wished to call Angmar, trading Ring for release; but instead
Ringbearer and Iarwain saw to its end.

I Can Feel It! (673): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Four arrows hit the Mirkwood elf before he fell. "Legolas!" Words had
been said, but no one can turn back time. "I should have listened to
you before," Aragorn said, as he tried to save his best friend's life …

Msg# 9080

Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 17:59:45 Topic ID# 9080
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Humor

SubCategory Genres: Humor: General

In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
An alternate-universe version of the journey of the Armies of the West
to the Black Gate, in which Legolas whines and Aragorn asks "Are we
there yet?"

The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
When the wind from the north rattled the shutters, the two rangers
would sit by the fire for hours, hunched over a chessboard marked in
black and white squares.

The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A one shot Humor fic featuring Legolas and Aragorn. Starts Post-RotK,
It then jumps back in time to when Aragorn was still a young Ranger
returning from Harad. What happened on the long trip home? What is the
Weaving Cow?

Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Paladin tells Pippin the story of his own childhood friend, a stuffed
sheep named "Sammy-Lambie".

Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
The story of how Tulip lost her button nose!

Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Extremely important suggestions on ways a Rider of Rohan - or any
citizen of Rohan, really - might take care of his or her hair.

PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Lord of Mandos is said to have uttered a Second Prophecy
concerning the End of Days, but its interpretation has been hotly
debated down through the Ages. On the eve of the departure of the
Edain for Númenor, two Men decide to do some `creative' prophesying of
their own, but it may be Námo who has the final say. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How Beren's 'Song of Parting' made it into the public domain... from
The Himring Codex version of 'The Tale of Beren and Lúthien'.

Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A story of relationships within a complicated extended family,
focusing upon an insecure, nerdy young Turgon and his idolization/envy
of his cool older brother Fingon. I've listed it here as a humor
piece, but it contains also serious inferences about the effect of
environment and family strife upon children. Written in response to a
request to write about the differences between Turgon and Fingon that
are reflected in my personal canon of stories about the House of Finwë.

The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to sexual activity between newlyweds
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Eomer King has a bad case of big-brother blues at his sister's wedding
feast. (600 words, as counted by MS Word)

With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Behind every great writer is a host of inspiring, helpful people who
are worthy of thanks. But as Samwise Gamgee discovers via the Red Book
of Westmarch, not all who offer their advice are deserving of fond

Features Sam, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas with a cameo appearance from

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles

There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A mirth-filled moment between Boromir and Haldir.

Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Prince Imrahil pauses for a moment to consider his daughter's future.

Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Fellowship gathers after Aragorn's coronation.

Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the birthday of Aliana, who asked for drabbles about

A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn visits the Sea-elves of Belfalas

Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
Teen, Reason for Rating: A passing mention of sex.
Romance Partners: N/A
A Maia copes with the downside of bodily existence.

Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo receives an unusual late-night visitor.

There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A young Ranger makes a lasting impression on some inhabitants of Esgaroth.

Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
One of Tolkien's characters drops into Modern Earth to give a fan
fiction writer some feedback.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands

Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Bill the Pony turns a
wary eye on one of his new travelling companions.

The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some referred to violence, rescue
of an orphaned baby animal and a relevant sex scene that concentrates
on emotional rather than explicit physical.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Haldir.
The newly-wed Erestor and Haldir rescue a baby otter and take it back
to Imladris. As their relationship progresses, so does the growing of
Celon, the baby otter. One day Celon hears the call of one who would
take him back into the wild.

Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story presents lots of sexual innuendo,
one scene of violence, and mentions same-sex romances.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Gandalf, (implied) Elladan/Glorfindel
A light-hearted case of misinterpretation on Sam's part causes serious
consequences for young Legolas. During the time preceding the Council
of Elrond.

MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Thranduil has trouble remembering.Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Here's To The King! (204): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Naughty words in Elvish describing vulgar acts
Romance Partners: N/A
A sweet, modest tale, in which Legolas deals with a difficult prisoner
in his father's dungeons and Thranduil gets a puppy. Warning for
vulgar language and themes, mostly in the Author's Notes

Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas learns a new word and his older brother learns to be more prudent.

Frogdom (192): Neilia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin's actual transformation into a tree frog occurs in this tale.
Then I went ahead and started writing another stand alone story about
the day of Pippin-frog.

The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In Rivendell Boromir learns a lesson about warrior hobbits.

Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A humorous consideration of what might have happened if the Fellowship
had decided to take a plane instead of walking all that ways - would
Anduril make it through security?

Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas thinks that Gloin and Thranduil should meet. He is the only
one who cannot see what a bad idea this is.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor

Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
Teen, Reason for Rating: Possibly overrated, but set to Teen for
mention of nudity.
Romance Partners: N/A
Something is not right in the city of Osgiliath.

Courage (41): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Amid the festivity of post-war Minas Tirith, Gimli faces a surprising
challenge to his own courage, and his trust in his companions.

One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Inspired by "The Simpsons" episode "Twenty-five Short Stories About
Springfield", here are four ficlets-by-request flowing together into
one summery tale. Prompts included "Boromir gardening", "Boromir and
Faramir relaxing", "Prince Imrahil cooking" and "Mag up to something".

Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied m/m or m/m/f relations.
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir interrupts a bit of a brawl.

Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Nanny overhears a conversation concerning dragons between young
Faramir and Mithrandir

The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
A boisterous game that Aragorn and Eldarion play has dramatic

Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Not all things spoken in the heat of the moment are truly what we
mean. Aragorn and Arwen seek each others forgiveness. Written for the
Tolkien Tango Prompt #9: Reconciliation.

Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Eldarion is missing, and Elessar faces his greater fear, while the
Queen is away.

Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sex (depicted but not graphic)
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
An 'alternative' courtship of Eowyn.

Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: It's family-friendly fluff, with a bit of
satire thrown in.
Romance Partners: N/A
A trip to the museum with Eldarion and Elboron to expose them to fine
art causes Arwen to experience a peculiar flashback.

This story was part of the 2007 Yule Challenge at the Henneth-Annun
Yahoo Group, in which writers were asked to write stories surrounding
pieces of Tolkien Calendar art of varying quality.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Eight weeks, eight hundred words, and a lengthy contest of wills pits
Boromir against the combined forces of his father and brother. A
humorous drabble cycle.

Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Some women just have special husbands...a little vignette about a
fanfic writer and Mrs. Beorn.

Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
When the new King's expression turns the milk sour,the cats of Minas
Tirith decide that something must be done.

Giving Gifts (426): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Imrahil and Denethor, on creative gift-giving.

The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Captain Faramir learns how hard it is to refuse a gift, however
inappropriate, from a well-meaning relative. Definitely AU, and 500
words as counted by MS Word.

Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Witch King of Angmar; Eowyn
Tell me if you've heard this one: A witch king, a furry hobbit, and a
girl-impersonating-a-soldier all walked onto a field....

The witch-king's take on the hard, cold world of dating.

Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mature themes
Romance Partners: Galadriel, Celeborn
Modern-day reporter Susan continues her interviews of elves in
Valinor, this time questioning Galadriel herself. Apparently, there
was some confusion in Tolkien's various descriptions of elf behavior,
and Susan wants to get it right.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire

Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Vague sexual innuendo
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Sam picks the *worst* times to heal the Shire

Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Merry introduce the Fellowship to a harvest-time tradition
observed by the Shirefolk. Written for the "Six Days of Spooky Challenge."

Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin worries that Tulip will shrink after his mother's warning not
to put her in the bathtub with him.

Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While visiting Bag End, Pippin and Tulip want to hear a story but
Pippin does all of the talking!

Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What has happened to Paladin Took and his family that has caused his
only son, Pippin, to start doing odd jobs for hobbits who live around
Whitwell? He is doing a good job, but talk in the taverns and inns is
that the family is going broke.

Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Hobbits love to eat, but they can be distrustful of things they've
never had. As the new Mayor of the Shire, Sam isn't going to have any
choice about eating the Took Broth - no matter how it's made!

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar

DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As Darkness rises once again in Middle-earth, the Valar discuss a
mission for some of their People to undertake. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Námo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous
charges. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and
Stone Yahoo Group

I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, character death
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Namo
Glorfindel can't seem to stay away from Mandos.

A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement
of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his
decision? Maia humour.

Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Highly speculative account of how the Elessar gem might have been
fabricated. Contains Fëanor as a precocious apprentice and Aulë as his
wise and patient mentor/master.

Switch (562): Tena
Mature, Reason for Rating: Consensual sex described between mature
adult males
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas
The Valar switch Legolas and Estel's bodies.

Msg# 9081

Check Ballot #1 - Longer Works Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:00:20 Topic ID# 9081
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Longer Works

SubCategory Genres: Longer Works: General

The Work of Small Hands (352): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: violence, sexuality, character death,
mature and possibly frightening themes
Romance Partners: Eärwen/Finarfin
Valinor has been plunged into darkness, most of the Noldor have gone
into exile, and the Teleri grieve for those lost in the kinslaying.
The Valar have turned their backs on the remaining Noldor--left
without a king--and chaos rules the streets of Tirion. Can Eärwen, the
quiet wife of a third-born prince, find the courage and strength to
save her husband's people?

Wars of the Valar (3): Fiondil
Mature, Reason for Rating: Nongraphic depiction of torture, implied
rape (non-physical as these are non-corporeal beings) and general
violence associated with warfare
Romance Partners: Námo/Vairë; Manwë/Varda and the other Valar pairings
found in the Silmarillion
Before the Coming of the Children, before Arda was even created, the
Valar labored in wastes unmeasured and unexplored, and in ages
uncounted and forgotten while Melkor sought to dominate all to his own
desires and purposes. This is their story. Rated PG-13 at Stories of Arda.

The Blessing (511): Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: Medical descriptions, some sexuality implied
Romance Partners: N/A
Book based. Tolkien has Pippin suffering no permanent damage from the
troll falling on him - but what if he had? How would Pippin, Merry,
Frodo and Sam handle it? It is reasonable to think he might have
sustained such damage and this story will explore that possibility.
The idea for this story was Golden's, who is an Occupational
Therapist, and was written by Pearl Took, who sits at home and writes *L*.

A New Day (35): Oshun
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some adult material relating to a
romantic relationship between two men. Also, references violence,
not-explicitly described.
Romance Partners: Fingon/Maedhros
After Thangorodrim, Fingon and Maedhros resolve to heal the divisions
among the Noldor.

The King's Surgeon (90): SurgicalSteel
Mature, Reason for Rating: Medically graphic materal, occasional
violence, and occasional graphic sex.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
The life of a surgeon in Middle Earth, from her early days training in
Gondor, to a prolonged exile in Bree, to her return to Gondor and
service as King Elessar's surgeon. A bit of intrigue, a bit of
politics, some romance, and some medically graphic material as well.

Healing the Long Cleeve (133): TopazTook
Mature, Reason for Rating: Rating is for some sexual content in the
context of marriage, and some memories of wartime violence.
Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond
Peregrin and Diamond Took learn to make a marriage and to lead a people.

Msg# 9082

Check Ballot #1 - Mystery Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:00:52 Topic ID# 9082
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Mystery

SubCategory Genres: Mystery: General

Amara (236): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir relates a haunting tale from his youth to Frodo.

The Citadel (732): Claudia
Mature, Reason for Rating: Some violence, some severe angst, some
male/male sexual encounters
Romance Partners: Frodo/Faramir
An AU...and yet not. Frodo finds himself in a strange village without
knowing how he came to be there.

Fait Accompli (381): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: Scenes of psychological torture, bondage,
and non consentual sex. Mildly graphic descriptions.
Romance Partners: Legolas/?
Legolas finds himself the plaything of a mysterious and powerful being.

The Secret of the Wooden Wall (630): Lily
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
A corridor in Brandy Hall conceals some secret. Moved by impulse and
with the help of his son and cousins, Paladin works to discover what
lies hidden.

The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery (522): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A puppy's unusual plaything sets Frodo and Sam's imaginations working
overtime. Written for the "Whodunnit?" Challenge on Livejournal: Each
author chooses from a list of story titles, and every story should
center around a mystery of some kind.

The Vault of the Dead (103): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for frightening mental images (mostly
of ghosts).
Romance Partners: Elladan/Boromir
Aragorn finally gets the sign he had waited for so long. But there are
other powers in Middle-earth who want justice to be done to someone
else first.

Dead Steward's Gift (572): stefaniab
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story does not have sex, violence, gore,
monsters, or truly horrifying events. However, it does have scenes
that are meant to scare--it's a mystery, after all.
Romance Partners: OMC/OFC, Faramir/Eowyn
When a stranger appears with a message from his deceased father,
Faramir, newly Steward to King Elessar, is plunged into a whirlwind of
mystery, hauntings, naughty kitties, deceit, and ghosts.

This mystery/comedy fills a Movieverse gap: did Denethor have his very
own palantir and if so, what happened to it? The tale also illustrates
some of Tolkien's themes in his essay "The Palantir" in "Unfinished

"Dead Steward's Gift" was begun for the 2007 Halloween challenge at
the LOTR GEN fic Yahoo Group.

Msg# 9083

Check Ballot #1 - Non-Fiction Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:01:26 Topic ID# 9083
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Non-Fiction

SubCategory Genres: Non-Fiction: General

Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves
(322): Angelica
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Although the essay"Quendi and Eldar" (HoME XI) seems to deal mostly
with linguistic matters, it offers a wealth of information about the
way that the different Elvish groups saw each other and how they
related (yes, Elves could be pig-headed and prejudiced).

On Hobbits (457): Aratlithiel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Essay on Hobbits

The Myth of the One Ring's Power (532): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Was the One Ring really as powerful as we've been led to believe? A
close observation of the events shows that perhaps it was not...

On Canon and Fanfic (123): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
What exactly qualifies as "A.U.?" Is it a negative term? Is any fanfic
really canon-consistent, or is it all alternate universe? In this
brief essay I attempt to define what precisely I mean when I use this
term, and along the way explore the relationship between canon and
fanfic in general. (Beta: annmarwalk)

Arvedui v. Pelendur (277): Roh Wyn
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This essay is a brief exploration of possible inheritance laws in
Gondor and how these laws may have influenced Steward Pelendur's
decision to reject Arvedui's claim to the throne of Gondor.

Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth (91): Steuard Jensen
General, Reason for Rating: It's an essay, not a story. (And not a
sexy essay!)
Romance Partners: N/A
With so many drafts and versions of Tolkien's tales now in print, does
it even make sense to ask what is "true" about Middle-earth? This
essay explores one approach to this issue, inspired by Tolkien's
stated belief that any good story must have "the inner consistency of

SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies

One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This is an essay which contrasts the macho, musclebound strength of
most action heroes with the gentle, inner strength of Frodo Baggins.

A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Nerdanel is mentioned a bare four times in The Silmarillion, yet she
remains a favorite in Silmarillion-based fiction. "A Woman in Few
Words" surveys the entirety of Tolkien's published canon to reveal all
that readers know about Nerdanel and to justify how she has come to be
the most popular female character in Silmarillion fan fiction.

The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
An essay about the importance of Bilbo Baggins to the development of
The Lord of the Rings, and how The Hobbit influenced the latter story,
both externally and internally; as well as an argument for more
Bilbo-centric fic!

Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
...or, A Short Speculative History of a Certain Elven Emissary. An
attempt to construct a history for the emissary sent by Cirdan to the
Council of Havens from the hints sprinkled through canon, that also
functions as a case history in how to characterize minor characters.

Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: deals with themes of despair, suicide, and
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
Denethor is one of the most-criticized characters in Tolkien fandom.
Movie-inspired fanons have certainly not done him any favors, but he
is disliked and even hated by fans who had read the books long before
the movies came out. In this essay I attempt to address some of the
most common criticisms against him, and develop a biography of what
his life might have been like.

Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
I write these monthly for the SWG, but I particularly enjoyed this
one. I usually include a disclaimer, where I insist that I really
didn't make this all up, but it is not intended to be a definitive
textual analysis. Because of the nature of this piece (a simple
summary for easy reference by users of the site, readers and writers
alike) exact citations are given for direct quotations only.

Msg# 9084

Check Ballot #1 - Poetry Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:01:59 Topic ID# 9084
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Poetry

SubCategory Genres: Poetry: General

Elrond's Farewell (269): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Elrond bids farewell to his daughter Arwen as he prepares to leave

I Married for Love (661): Ford of Bruinen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Indis/Finwe
Indis reflects on her marriage after the death of Finwe

Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus (50): pandemonium_213
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Tolkien wrote "Mythopoeia" in response to C.S. Lewis' assertion that
myths were "lies...breathed through silver." "Philosophia to
Philomythus and Misomythus " offers this response: art and
myth-as-culture need not oppose knowledge and progress.

Yrch Song (564): Phyncke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The orcs march to battle at Pelennor Field in the Third Age War of the
Ring. This is what they might sing. A rhyming chanting song.

Temptation (416): Princess Artemis
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
The thoughts of the One Ring as it passes from and through the hands
of many.

SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Drama

Answers (458): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
From the Blessed Realm, Frodo assures Sam of his love and happiness in
his new home.

The Bridge (429): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam speaks of a dream/vision in which he visited Frodo in the Undying

25 Rethe, S.R. 1422: The Three Travellers Remember (679): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
An inverted dribble set, as Frodo's friends remember him on the
anniversary of the Ring's destruction...

Merry on the Pelennor Fields (720): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry's experience at Pelennor, as those he has come to love all seem
swept away, and one who was like a father to him lies dying before him.

Call of the Dream (402): Queen Galadriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Inspired by Tolkien's "The Sea Bell." What other dreams haunted
Frodo's sleep?

Maglor's Song (398): Robinka
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A sonnet that reflects the fate of Maglor.

Galadriel Remembers (583): Savageseraph
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Long after the Elves return to the Undying Lands, Galadriel remembers
the "loves and wars and rings" she left behind to return to the
Undying Lands.

SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Hobbits

Shire (469): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The simplicity of the Shire.

The Gardener Speaks (428): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam speaks his thoughts to a sleeping Frodo on their journey.

Bearer of the Ring (396): ConnieMarie
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
This poem is a lament for Frodo's suffering and sacrifice, and a
fervent wish for his healing in the West. It is written directly to Frodo.

By Ship or Grave (618): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Frodo contemplates the choice he faces.

The Ring That Sauron Forged (645): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A Tolkienesque nursery rhyme.

SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age

Rebirth (471): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Renewal after the war.

Three Songs (301): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: implied violence, but no worse than the
wolf eating Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother.
Romance Partners: N/A
Three songs, each sung in the depths of a dark night. Written for one
of Marigold's Challenges, based on the starter: Lotho was probably
still alive when the Travellers reached the Gate at the Bridge. What
did he think about their return? Was his body ever found?

Weathertop (597): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A set of six poems examining the events in the dell under Weathertop
and the immediate consequences of them. Beginning with a scene-setting
then following primarily from Frodo's POV, and hence slightly dark

The Search (501): rhyselle
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This was written for the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group's The Tolkien
Tango Prompt #12: WANDERING. When I first saw the prompt, the first
thing that popped into my head was the map of Middle-earth as seen in
the film... and then I seemed to see, in my imagination, little
footprints wandering about between Mordor and the misty mountains,
crossing the Dead Marshes, heading north and west... And this is what
Gollum had to say.

Boromir at the Bat (632): White Gull
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Classic Americana with a Middle-Earth twist.

Msg# 9085

Check Ballot #1 - Romance Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:02:33 Topic ID# 9085
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Romance

SubCategory Genres: Romance: General

Coming Home to Crickhollow (445): calanthe11
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, semi-explicit descriptions of gay
sex, mature themes (violence in war, psychological impact of war)
Romance Partners: Pippin Took/Merry Brandybock
A "coming home"-story of Pippin and Merry which explores how their
friendship is changed by their experiences of war and service for
Rohan and Gondor.

"Well here we are, just the four of us that started out together,"
said Merry. "We have left all the rest behind, one after another. It
seems almost like a dream that has slowly faded." There are memories
which cannot be left behind, dreams which will not fade.

Cinnamon and Chocolate (264): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: Explicit, erotic content
Romance Partners: OFC/ Frodo Baggins
This is the tale about the blessings of spice, pastry baking and love,
set in the timeline of the epic "Before I go to sleep"-universe. When
Lily Proudfoot passes Bag End after a long forenoon without breakfast,
a heavenly scent lures her over the doorstep, followed by a delicious
meal, some shameless fluff and the generous misuse of icing...

As Close As (88): Dana
Teen, Reason for Rating: Married hobbits, het
Romance Partners: Merry Brandybuck/Estella Bolger Brandybuck
After their arranged marriage, Merry and Estella get to know one
another all over again.

Midnight (18): EdorasLass
Teen, Reason for Rating: Two men asleep, no sexual activity
Romance Partners: Theodred/Boromir
Theodred watches Boromir sleeping

And Whisper You to This Earth (151): Lady Elina
Mature, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic sexual content.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Halbarad
Halbarad accompanies Erestor on an expedition to the lost city of
Fornost, and along the way an unexpected connection develops between
the Man and the Elf.

Miquan Melave (319): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: explicit (but not graphic) m/m erotic
content; discussion of prostitution; language; (canonical) character
death; angst
Romance Partners: Boromir/Théodred
Boromir and Théodred discuss the nature of love - specifically, the
possibility of love between two men. Slash.

Rose, Rose, Rose (619): White Gull
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual situations
Romance Partners: Frodo/Rosie, sort of
A not-so-typical day in the life of Rose Gamgee.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabbles

Call of the Wild (94): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Morwen of Lossarnach and Thengel
It's love at first sight for a headstrong maiden of Gondor and a
valiant prince of Rohan.

Loving a Book Lover (721): Avon
Teen, Reason for Rating: It could imply something of a sexual nature -
so to be safe I chose T
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Faramir discovers that there can be things more absorbing than books.

Men of the Twilight (209): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Faramir first glimpses Éowyn in the gardens of the Houses of Healing.

Bibliophile (370): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic kissing between a married couple.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Éowyn is reading about a tragedy of the First Age, until her husband
provides a more pleasurable pastime.

Taking Roots (367): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
Galadriel plants the first Mallorn tree.

Home is where the heart is (505): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Arwen learns that the heart makes its own rules about the comforts of home

My Precious (14): SheBit
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Grima/Eowyn
A glimpse inside the head of a hated man.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Elven Lands

Coming Home (233): brindlemom2
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian
Separations can make or break a relationship. You have to want it a
lot and work hard to be successful in the face of great upheavals.

The Dance (128): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Nerdanel and Fëanor attend their first dance and discover their love
for each other.

Not Yet (712): erobey
Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains suggestions of romance between
same-sex partners.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Legolas
Tolkien tells us there were two elves named Legolas and both lived as
contemporaries of Glorfindel of Gondolin, along with one Galdor, Lord
of the House of the Tree. Eventually, the trio ended up in Imladris at
the Council of Elrond. Legolas of Gondolin was famed for his
exceptional night vision and his part in helping the escape of Tuor,
Idril, Eärendil and the refugees of Gondolin as Melkor's forces burned
the city and slaughtered her people. Not much said other than that.
Legolas of Mirkwood was called the eyes and ears of the fellowship.
This little fic plays with these ideas. It is fanfiction, so please
forgive the liberties taken.

Arwen in the Afternoon (244): Gandalfs apprentice
Mature, Reason for Rating: Group sex, slash--not explicit
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen, Aragorn/Halbarad
Halbarad is torn between his duty and his desire. Even worse, he has
to pay a visit to Rivendell, where some interesting things happen.
Attention: Slash. AU/non-canon on sex among Elves. Group sex--you are
warned. Both humorous and serious.

A Perfect World (248): mistycracraft
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn imagines his perfect world with the one he loves.

A Harmony In Autumn (49): Oshun
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains mature subject matter related to
romantic relationship between two men.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Ecthelion
A tale of belatedly requited love, containing humor, political
differences among the Noldor, and family relationships, set in the
period immediately preceding the foundation of the city of Gondolin.

Early Winter at Himring Hill (79): Oshun
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implication of a relationship between two men.
Romance Partners: N/A
Fingon visits Maedhros at Himring Hill, after the Dagor Aglareb during
the watchful peace of the Siege of Angband. (If you are looking for
tragedy or angst you will not find it here.)

In Dreams (609): Phyncke
Teen, Reason for Rating: Slash implied and romantic inference.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Fingolfin Elrond/Erestor
Sometimes the Valar know what is best and two old friends find love.
Set in Valinor after the War of the Ring, Glorfindel and Fingolfin
meet in a most unusual way. Elrond and Erestor's relationship changes
in the serenity of the Undying Lands and a mischevious Vala may be
responsible for this all.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor

One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts (334): Gwynnyd
Mature, Reason for Rating: Adult relationships - sex scene within marriage
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn wrestles with some of the problems that come with age, and
some that don't.

A Dream Come True (162): Lady Bluejay
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to prostitution.
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
Tapping a barrel of strong drink in Cormallen can have serious
consequences. An Éomer /Éothain/Lothíriel one-shot.

Waterloo (158): Lady Bluejay
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
No one who had endured the Siege of Minas Tirith or lived through the
Battle of the Pelennor Fields emerged unscathed. Either in mind or
body, all were affected in some way. Lothíriel only played a small
part but her experiences changed her life for ever.

A two part story – tightly woven around the canon. Angst, with a
sprinkling of romance and a smidgeon of humour.

A Maid Waiting (691): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen; Faramir/Eowyn; Ivormil/Systerien (OCs)
Some who came to Minas Tirith did so in hopes of pursuing a larger
ambition. For Systerien of Celebstrand in Dor-en-Ernil and Ivormil of
Bidwell in Lossarnach, to find themselves in the presence of the King
Returned served to put those ambitions into perspective.

A sequel to "Vocabulary Lessons" in "Moments in Time."

Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (405): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: implication of m/m relationship; explicit
m/f erotic content
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Denethor, Denethor/Finduilas
Five moments in the lives of Denethor and Aragorn, inspired by the
five elements of classical Greek philosophy.

Arwen (359): Neoinean
Mature, Reason for Rating: Thinly veiled references to adult situations.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
It always amazed her that he could say so much, simply by saying her name.

(Note: This story was originally written for the July 2007 Teitho
Contest under the pen name Beth.)

Summer's Lease (650): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: slight implication of sexual history between
husband and wife.
Romance Partners: N/A
A bit of summer fun in 600 words, just the thing to break up one's
gardening labors. Set up a glass of cold lemonade or iced tea, and
enjoy the scenery in the gardens of the Prince of Ithilien...

(originally written for the "Summer in Ithilien" FaramirFics LJ
Community Challenge)

Wonderful Tonight (320): Violin Ghost
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
It's just an ordinary night of festivity for Faramir and Éowyn-- and
yet Faramir finds himself reflecting on his beautiful wife, with whom
he is falling in love all over again. Romance, complete in four chapters.

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

Rich and Fair (548): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: male/male sexual intimacy, not graphic
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
No matter what has passed before, what they share now is new and fresh
and rare.

The Wedding Gift (40): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Gloín/OFC
Gloín crafts a gift in secret for his bride.

Diamonds For Forever I, II & III (515): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
The Bride's Jewels, an ancient suite of mithril and diamonds,
traditionally gifted from each Steward to his wife, are finally given
to Arwen.

The Turning Wheel (517): Elen Kortirion
Teen, Reason for Rating: non-explicit slash
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred, Aragorn/Boromir
It is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, and in the
house of Lord Elrond two men cannot sleep.

Wife of the Thain (513): LA Knight
Teen, Reason for Rating: I would actually leave it as G-rated, except
there are glossed references to suicide and self-harm.
Romance Partners: Isumbras Took/Fairy Wife
"It was often said in other families that long ago one of the Took
ancestors must have taken a fairy wife. That was, of course, absurd,
BUT...." - The Hobbit, Chapter One, Page 2

... but what if it were true? A series of drabbles exploring how that
sort of thing would have occurred.

Leather (297): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: mild erotic content; angst
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred
Sometimes, a sensation as simple as touch can have a powerful effect.
Four drabbles about Boromir and Theodred. (Beta: annmarwalk)

The Blessing of the Waters (61): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of family sorrows and separation.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian
Elrond has known much sorrow in his long life. Can the contentment he
has found as a husband and father truly last? Elrond and Celebrían
enjoy an evening interlude by the Bruinen.

Celevon a Mallen (279): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied sexual content
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of moments across the ages between Celeborn and Galadriel.

Handy With A Sword (437): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual innuendo and mock violence
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Éowyn issues a challenge to Faramir....

Gently Held (6): viv
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Arwen, Aragorn
Question: Why do you love him? And Arwen answers.

Msg# 9086

Check Ballot #1 - Cross-Cultural Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:03:06 Topic ID# 9086
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Cross-Cultural

SubCategory Races: Cross-Cultural: General

The Haradric Whore and Her Son (124): annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains implied historical rape and murder
told from third party's present-day POV, male and female prostitution,
two fairly explicit instances of male sexual intimacy (the same scene
from two points of view), portrayal of younger man kept in comfort by
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC
A Haradric woman and her son struggle for survival in the White City.
When the young man catches Boromir's eye, life becomes both simpler
and more complicated for all involved.

A Moment in the Morning in Bree (731): Budgielover
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A gentle story set before the forming of the Fellowship; the 'getting
to know you' period during which strangers become friends. A Moment in
the Morning in Bree, in which the hobbits observe a very strange habit
of Men.

On Far Fields (106): Dwimordene
Teen, Reason for Rating: Story contains themes and references to adult
sexuality that parents may not wish children to read, regardless of
childrens' level of comprehension.
Romance Partners: m/m
They fought for Sauron, died for folly, but above all, they stood for
honor. The enemy dead of Pelennor field get their elegy, and Andrahar
of Dol Amroth faces an array of private demons. Story in the
"Best-loved Sons" cycle. Reads best with knowledge of "Discovery," by
Isabeau of Greenlea.

Silver Blossoms Blown (646): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: No objectionable content.
Romance Partners: N/A
Varda meets the Elves for the first time.

Feet That Wander (576): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Tom Bombadil sets a lost and wandering stranger upon the right path to
his destination. This tale was originally entered as a submission in
HASA's "Tales Unheard" challenge.

Dorwinion Wine (663): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: implied hangover
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the hobbit_ficathon "Rivendell" challenge. A minstrel of
Rivendell acquaints a visitor from Lothlorien with a very special

Yule Tails (303): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Horses and ponies are important in Middle-earth - especially to a
certain two youngsters. Little looks into a few Yule tides in the
lives of Pippin Took and Faramir of Gondor. This was written for Holly
as part of a Yule exchange at the LOTR_Community_GFIC group.

Sing My Worth Immortal (168): Perelleth
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Cultural exchange about the secret history of beer making, between
certain elven lady and a puzzled dwarf . Imladris, third age.

Worlds Within Worlds (237): Rubynye
Teen, Reason for Rating: Sex is clearly implied, even though the only
contact within the story is one character sleeping with his head on
another's lap and later a kiss.
Romance Partners: Halbarad, Frodo Baggins
On a misty morning, Halbarad reflects upon the Shire and its people.

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men

And so our friendship began... (281): Amarok
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence, but nothing graphic
Romance Partners: N/A
An elf is held captive by a group of humans, Strider among them...

The Legend of the Grey Riders (176): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Edoras,10th August 3019: After the funeral of Théoden, Elladan and
Elrohir learn of an ancient legend to which they hold the key. But
perhaps some mysteries best left unsolved?

To Give Hope (456): peredhil lover
Teen, Reason for Rating: Themes involving death.
Romance Partners: N/A
To give hope to her people, a young widow must face many changes and
learn to relinquish her greatest treasure. Gilraen, Elrond, the twins,
young Aragorn, Glorfindel.

A Little Misunderstanding (275): Radbooks
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Two years after Aragorn and Gilraen are taken to Imladris, Elladan and
Elrohir return to the village of Dolomar where they have an encounter
with a young Halbarad, who is both frightened and suspicious of the
two elves.

At the Last Minute (544): rhyselle
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written as a challenge fic for a friend who spent the 2007 holidays in
hospital, write a Yule story featuring Legolas, Aragorn and
Glorfindel. Must contain a naked elf. In Aragorn's 49th year, grieving
at the death of his mother, he returns to Imladris at Yule, expecting
to find the Last Homely House celebrating the holiday as it had been
when he was young. But, when not in the company of mortals, Elves
don't celebrate Yule... or do they?

Not One of Us (542): StarLight9
Teen, Reason for Rating: some descriptions of injuries
Romance Partners: N/A
King Elessar tells his eight-year-old son a story of his childhood.
Little Estel enters a skills competition for elven children, faces
contempt and disdain, and fights to prove his worth. At the end
Eldarion learns a valuable lesson.

First Name Terms (311): The Lady of Light
Teen, Reason for Rating: For orc violence and the tending of injuries
inflicted by an arrow.
Romance Partners: N/A
Injured in a fog ridden ravine near Lothlórien, Aragorn struggles to
win the confidence of a Galadhrim patrol—particularly that of their
mocking commander whose little fondness for humans rears when they
offer him reluctant succor.

Seas of Fate (487): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A bit of advice on life, fate, and the sea from one old soldier to
another. Features Legolas and Imrahil.

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets

There and Back (89): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On the way to the Black Gate, and after.

Light of the Westering Sun (126): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: mild sexuality
Romance Partners: Haleth/Caranthir
The non-canon pairing of Haleth and Caranthir remains a favorite for
the exploration of interracial romance upon Arda. This series of
double drabbles is about the life of Haleth and how it touched,
briefly and in love, upon that of Caranthir.

Another Prometheus (85): Gandalfs apprentice
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
There's more than one way to see Feanor's rebellion. A scholar of the
Fourth Age interprets his story.

A Meeting in the Tower Hills (374): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The first encounter between the Númenóreans and the Men of Middle-earth.

A Large Bold Hand (10): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
`[Ori] could write well and speedily, and often used the Elvish
characters' – Gimli, in `The Bridge Of Khazad-Dűm'.

An explanation of how Ori came to know Elvish writing.

Epiphany (293): Larner
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Little brothers do grow up; and when they are of a different race need
to be recognized at last for their maturity.

A true drabble.

Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie (689): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Comfort is needed for a desperately wounded Frodo.

Lost Love (271): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Imrazór the Númenórean/Mithrellas
What did Imrazór the Númenórean and the Elven-lady Mithrellas feel
about their brief marriage and parting? A drabble from each side.

Star-songs of the Eorlingas (291): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mentions of battle and death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Éowyn shares the star myths of her own people with her husband.

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship

A Cat in King Elessar's Court (66): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A royal descendant of Beruthiel's cats spends time with us,
reminiscing about life in Minas Tirith once a certain Hobbit arrives.
The scribe should not be held accountable for anything the Cat says!

A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes (73): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the quest, Frodo observes snow on the top of the mountain. He
remembers Caradhras and wants to experience it under better circumstances.

And all was made ready (427): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In which we see Aragorn's coronation, from a hobbit's eye view...

Good King Elessar (2): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Frodo Gamgee is serving as a page to King Elessar, while the
King is holding court in his northern capital. A visit to the King's
nearby hunting lodge turns into quite an adventure. Resemblance to a
certain well-known holiday song is entirely intentional.

In Good Company (20): foxrafer (csevans8)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A summer day filled with nice surprises, a pleasant walk in the
country, and reconnecting with old friends.

A Friend's Hug (142): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Arwen become friends, but the start is not easy.

Heart of the Wood (60): Kenaz
Mature, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic and implied slash.
Romance Partners: Beleg, Túrin
"...And Beleg and Túrin were companions in every peril, and walked far
and wide in the wild woods together." Six vignettes of Beleg and
Túrin, on the marches of Doriath and beyond.

Jewels of Light (394): Larner
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Dwarf and Elf come to further appreciate one another as they observe
the rest of the Fellowship within Lothlorien.

A Dainty Dish (722): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Merry and Pippin are disappointed to find their favourite food is not
on the menu when they visit Aragorn in Gondor.

Shelter From the Storm (315): SlightlyTookish
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
On Caradhras, Boromir finds a way to protect the hobbits from the
storm, and manages to ease their fears in the process.

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir

Labour of Love (733): Aprilkat
Teen, Reason for Rating: MPreg, slash, menacing ruffians, graphic
ob/gyn, Renaissance hobbit-cursing
Romance Partners: Frodo/Faramir
Frodo is going to have Faramir's baby. Aragorn is in charge of his
ob/gyn exams; Frodo falls into the hands of ruffians, and Faramir
finds how feisty a hobbit can be in labour.

Many Branches (420): Baranduin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Just as Faramir promised, one afternoon he and Frodo sit on the wall
of Minas Tirith and get to know each other a little better.

Sun (223): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Faramir discuss the rubble that was Minas Tirith after the

Of First Impressions and Old Friends (146): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Faramir consider absent friends after they meet in Ithilien.

Concerning Walls (112): Larner
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir meets the Ringbearer upon the walls of the city; they consider
the nature of walls, and Faramir hopefully sees one final one breached.

Put Aside Your Doubt (187): sophinisba solis
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some dark themes, creepy imagery.
Romance Partners: N/A
At Henneth Annűn, Frodo wonders whether he should trust a man who
reminds him so much of Boromir.

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War

A Great Cause for Concern (682): Alassante
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Legolas arrives in the Undying Lands with an unexpected companion and
has some explaining to do.

The Onion Riddle (13): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for sexual innuendo (in the context of
a riddle) and oblique reference to homosexuality.
Romance Partners: N/A
After the end of the War, a party of dwarves travels from Aglarond to
search for iron ore in Ithilien. Captain Beregond is honored to lead
their escort, but he finds that he still has much to learn about this
secretive people.

Parting Gifts (452): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Two friends say good-bye, but not before imparting gifts to one
another. Character death.

The Misty Month (454): Le Rouret
Teen, Reason for Rating: "The Misty Month" describes labor and
childbirth rather graphically, and at one point in the story, Legolas
and Eowyn have a discussion about virginity.
Romance Partners: Faramir, Eowyn
Legolas earned the nickname "The Midwife of Gondor" during his reign
as the Green Knight, Lord Legolas of Dol Galenehtar. After a deadly
attack in the woods of Anorien, a pregnant Eowyn discovers why.

Dance of the Deer and Műmak (559): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
"By all that is stone, how did he talk me into this, a dwarf at an
elvish merry making?" Gimli visits Eryn Lasgalen after the War of the
Ring. Written for the ME Express Prompt 82: Music.

Frodo's Pointed Ears (729): sophinisba solis
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied sexual and romantic relationships
(same-sex and het)
Romance Partners: Frodo/Faramir, Frodo/Aragorn, Aragorn/Arwen
In post-quest Minas Tirith, Aragorn treats Frodo for an ear infection.

Msg# 9087

Check Ballot #1 - Dwarves Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:03:38 Topic ID# 9087
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Dwarves

SubCategory Races: Dwarves: General

Trading Pledges (339): Adaneth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic kissing and some beard-rending
(whether that's violence or passion is for the reader to decide ; ) ).
Romance Partners: m/f original character Dwarves
Courtship negotiations are always tricky, but in a time of war? A
dwarf-woman makes her choice.

Of Old It Was Not Darksome (70): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Gimli and other dwarves return to Moria to honour their dead.
Bookverse with a sprinkling of movie.

The Dwarves Treasure (312): eiranae
Teen, Reason for Rating: My story discusses war and death. I thought
it would be too violent for a general audience.
Romance Partners: m/f
The animosity between the Dwarves and the elves is well known. What
happens then when a tiny orphan Elf is found outside of the Lonely
Mountain? Will the two groups be reconciled, or will the Dwarves'
treasure be stolen once again?

Tonight We Are Alive (504): Eyborg
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some adult stuff; implying future character death
Romance Partners: Kíli/OFC
Kíli the dwarf and his wife Embla spend a last night together before
Kíli goes on the journey to the Lonely Mountain with Thorin and his
other companions, from where Thorin, Fíli and Kíli himself do not
return alive.

As Was Dwarven Tradition (553): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Gimli celebrates his two hundredth birthday, one of the most important
days of a dwarf's life. But someone is missing.

Written for the TTT prompt #11: Birthday.

Bombur's Diet (677): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bombur is getting just a bit too wide for comfort, perhaps Bifur and
Bofur can help, with a little guidance from their visiting Hobbit.
This is a companion piece to my 'Stone of Erebor' and as such is also
set at the Lonely Mountain during Bilbo's post-Birthday Party visit
before he settled in Rivendell, just a bit of fun with Dwarves. Enjoy.

SubCategory: Races: Dwarves: Drabbles

Hammer (468): Aranel Took
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual innuendo.
Romance Partners: Glóin/OFC
Dwarven pick-up lines!

Home (533): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Gimli contemplates home and family.

Sunset Gates (342): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: NA
Romance Partners: NA
Gimli makes his last journey. Written for a request for LOTR
characters in modern times.

O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! (354): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Durin VI/f
In the heydays of Khazad-dűm, the Mirrormere must have been a deeply
romantic spot for lovers...

Dreamscape (442): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the Battle of the Five Armies, Gimli joins his father in Erebor
and helps explore the halls of the Lonely Mountain.

Msg# 9088

Check Ballot #1 - Elves Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:04:17 Topic ID# 9088
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Elves

SubCategory Races: Elves: General

Healing (419): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
During the early days of Celeborn's eventual arrival in the Blessed
Realm, he and Galadriel talk of his final years in Middle Earth.

The Ghost in the Garden (272): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexuality, adult themes dealing with death
and afterlife
Romance Partners: Galadriel/Celeborn
A frightening experience one night in Doriath leads Galadriel to
consider the irreconcilable differences between Sindar and Noldor.

Out of the Blue (205): Jael
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A sequel to Not Fade Away. A clueless CPS worker investigates the
complaint of a child being raised by 'crazy cultists.'
Misapprehensions abound as we get a peek into the home life of the
mysterious, reclusive 'Aaron Rivers' and his son.

Wayward Sons (408): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild language. A few adult references.
Romance Partners: N/A
" Have you ever had a moment when all seemed lost to despair . . .?"
In the Fourth Age, Thranduil Oropherion, his family dead and his son
sailed, faces the impending darkness. Drama/Angst. Thranduil, Galion,
Other Canon Characters and OCs. Rated PG.

Footsteps in Time (76): Keiliss
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied sex between a married couple,
reference to violence and canon character deaths. Nothing graphic.
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
After meeting and finally marrying in Doriath, Celeborn and Galadriel
journey south under orders from Elu Thingol to create a new settlement
in Taur-im-Duinath.

To Be A King (252): Keiliss
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Six months after being crowned High King, Gil-galad searches for a
personal style of kingship and ways to unite the various elven
factions against the Enemy.

Risk Assessment (665): pandemonium_213
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Noldorin journeymen and masters of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain discuss the
secrets of lembas with a Sindarin apprentice of the devotees to Yavanna.

Written in response to the Silmarillion Writers' Guild Lembas challenge.

Blue (563): red lasbelin
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Glorfindel's reflections and thoughts the day he became Lord of the
Golden Flower.

Even Legends Fade (555): Star In Ruin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Arwen/Aragorn
POV: Guard of the Citidal. Aragorn's burial, and the attendance of two
very familiar Elves.

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Drabbles

Unwilling (64): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
An Avari contemplates the vast changes wrought in Middle-earth during
the Dominion of Men.

A Race, To Be Like Me (375): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Fëanor contemplates the reactions to his Oath.

Forsaken (369): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Finrod remembers.

Blood and Iron (122): Ribby
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
With blood and with fire the sword was remade, in hopes that the world
would not be so.

House of Ransom (657): Robinka
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Beleg on his way to resque his friend Túrin. A drabble written in
response to the OSA drabble challenge: Good guy.

The Sky Is Over (83): Robinka
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A glimpse at Finrod Felagund as he ponders his future after his talk
with Galadriel.

A drabble submitted for the challenge issued at the Silmarillion
Writers' Guild archive: "Within the Pages of Lore". The challenge was
to write a story based on a randomly picked quote from "The Silmarillion".

The Lowest Circle (449): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied violence and torture.
Romance Partners: N/A
What was it like for the Elves, who were captured by Morgoth and
slowly corrupted over the years into Orcs?

The War of Wrath (120): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A true drabble - and poem! - about Ingwion, son of Ingwë, the leader
of the Vanyar who fought in the War of Wrath against Morgoth at the
end of the First Age.

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Family

Shadows (698): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas pays a visit a special place on his return to the devastated
Greenwood, a place where ghosts of his childhood lingered still.

Essecarmë (247): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Curufin, the fifth son of Fëanor, is said to have been his father's
favorite. Why did Maedhros get passed over for this honor? This story
looks at Eldarin naming traditions and the family dramas they create.

Elflings (348): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for adult concepts and sexual
Romance Partners: N/A
Boys will be boys, even when they're elves. A childish prank costs
Oropher more than Thranduil will ever guess. Thranduil; Galion;
Oropher; Original Characters. Humor, rated PG-13 for adult innuendo.

The Librarian (700): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Sometimes Thranduil finds it hard to bring up a lively, imaginative
child on his own. Sometimes he needs just a little help - or does he?

And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors (540): Klose
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story contains some sexual
humour/innuendo and possibly offensive language (but no real 'swear'
words) - nothing too explicit or risque though, I should think.
Romance Partners: N/A
A little ficlet in which Maedhros muses on the frivolous affair that
is the Begetting Day Celebration. Features pile-ups, embarassing
relatives, and of course - cake.

The Water's Song (707): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
A elven family spends a day in the wood, but something happens that is
unexpected and never forgotten.

SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Elrond

Comfort (161): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Elladan attempts to cheer his brother up after his return from a
difficult patrol.

Silver Rain (589): Empy
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied relationship between two consenting
adult males.
Romance Partners: Elladan/Haldir
In the grief that comes with the waning of the Golden Wood after the
War of the Ring, some joy may yet be found.

Spaces in the Heart (251): Keiliss
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Glorfindel's arrival in Mithlond shortly before the war in Eregion,
and his first meeting with Idril's grandson.

Star's End (283): Keiliss
Mature, Reason for Rating: Character death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Maglor meets Arwen on the road to Lorien after Aragorn's death.

My Shining Stars (371): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Elrond stands on the deck of the ship carrying him to Aman writing
notes in a journal.

The Littlest Warrior (552): RavensWing14337
Teen, Reason for Rating: The villian in my story can inflict
disfiguring injuries with the touch of his hand. Prolonged contact
with villian results in death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Saruman has created an evil power that feeds on the life force of its
victims leaving behind a withered lifeless shell. His purpose is to
find Isildur's heir and rid Sauron of his biggest threat. The entity's
true form can be "sensed" by those who possess true innocence,
animals, the very young and the truly ancient. Can this threat to
Estel be stopped? Or will the hope of mankind be lost to the darkness?

SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Finwe

A Smile (321): Aria
Teen, Reason for Rating: Given teen rating due to the fact that it
talks of family members disinheriting each other from a first person
point of view.
Romance Partners: N/A
"Yet neither bread nor rest would [Orodreth] grant to Celegorm and
Curufin within his realm, and he swore that there would be little love
between Nargothrond and the Sons of Fëanor thereafter.
`Let it be so!' Said Celegorm, and there was a light of menace in his
eyes; but Curufin smiled [...] In that time Celebrimbor the son of
Curufin repudiated the deeds of his father, and remained in Nargothrond."

A study of a father and son, with a momentous decision. An attempt to
understand why Curufin smiled.

Noldolantë (253): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Feanor/Nerdanel, Maglor/OFC
How Maglor devised the Noldolantë.

Five Fires (736): Elleth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Angst, slight allusions to character death,
though far less graphic than anything in the Silmarillion.
Romance Partners: N/A
Ambarussa is afraid of fire to this day. There were four instances in
life that made him fear.

My Oaths I Will Keep (298): Encaitariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
"Yet my own oath holds; and thus are we all ensnared." (Silmarillion,
p. 205) Oaths conflict and doom approaches when Beren, son of Barahir,
seeks the aid of the King of Nargothrond. Follows the continuity of
"In This Far Land".

WOUNDS: Invisible Scars (57): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discussion of battle wounds and character death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Some wounds run deeper than others, as Arafinwë discovers when
speaking to his son, Findaráto. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Circle of Silver (717): Keiliss
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Strangers arrive on Balar, sent by Idril to tell Gil-galad that
Gondolin has been destroyed and he is now High King.

Denial (80): Oshun
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to a possible future sexual
relationship between two men.
Romance Partners: N/A
This ficlet features Maglor and Maedhros as young adults and Fingon as
the Elven equivalent of teenager. Sometimes a sibling may know one
better than one knows oneself. (I make the presumption that Fëanor and
his family had a second home in Formenos where they spent their
summers, before they fortified it and withdrew there when Fëanor was
exiled. I would argue neither supported nor completely ruled out by

In absentia (84): Robinka
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild violence; disturbing imagery and thoughts.
Romance Partners: N/A
Rescued from Thangorodrim, Maedhros slowly succumbed to pain. A short
take on what might have transpired between him and Fingon when
suffering finally brought Maedhros on the verge of breaking.

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Incomplete

A Darkness Lies behind Us (190): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Finrod/Amarie
Finrod Felagund, it is said, walks with Finarfin his father beneath
the trees of Eldamar. But Finarfin is not the only one Finrod left
behind him when he chose to take the road east - for Amarie of the
Vanyar went not with him into exile. The story of Finrod's return from
the Halls of Mandos and his readjustment to life in Aman. (This story
is still progressing. Just very slowly. But the next chapter should
arrive soon.)

Journeys of Vása (140): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: canon rape (non-graphic); mature themes
Romance Partners: Tilion/Arien
A series of vignettes about the first rising of the Sun, from the
perspectives of different characters. This story will eventually
contain six vignettes. Completed are vignettes from the point-of-view
of Tilion, Mahtan, and Fingolfin.

In This Far Land (191): Encaitariel
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story is rated primarily for emotional
content which I do not think is general kid-viewing, and that
primarily in the second chapter. I rather err on the side of caution.
Romance Partners: N/A
This was written to illuminate the implicit. Gildor Inglorion claims
to be "of the House of Finrod". How can this be? There are many
possibilities. Elvish First Age politics? The Kin-Strife was just
that, and nobody fights like siblings. Elves are wise; yet wisdom is
won by experience, not birth. This is the story of a young boy, and
the events which surround him and mold him. This is the beginning of
my "what if", and in the end, as always, it comes down to family.

Prior Claim: The Sons of Elrond Series (648): Eresse
Mature, Reason for Rating: There are a fair number of sexually
explicit scenes once the main protagonists come of age.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Elrohir, Elladan/m
"Prior Claim" follows the friendship of an adolescent Elrohir and a
much older Legolas and its evolution into a romance when Elrohir comes
of age. Unlike with previous stories, every chapter in this piece is
inspired by a word prompt from the fanfic100 challenge on live journal.

Crumbling Walls (662): Ford of Bruinen
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some romaance. Kissing.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Ecthelion
The story follows Glorfindel and Ecthelion's relationship from the
move from Nevrast until the fall of Gondolin in a series of four short
stories. The crumbling relationship between Glorfindel and Ecthelion
is used to illustrate the growing divisions in the hidden city until
its fall.

Don't Explain (289): gwidhiel
General, Reason for Rating: No violence or mature content
Romance Partners: N/A
Galadriel's return to Aman prompts Indis to reflect on the state of
her fragmented family and defunct marriage.

Nerdanel's Sons (659): Istarnie
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some angst, and emotional upsets within a
family situation. Some implied violence. Some implied sex scenes.
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Nerdanel looks back in memory at the lives of her sons, and at the
time of her parting from each of them.

Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) (318): Kenaz
Mature, Reason for Rating: Includes a romantic relationship between
two men, and deals with the implication of homosexuality within two
different Elven cultures.
Romance Partners: Haldir, Elladan, Legolas
Beneath the sheltering boughs of Lorien, a bond of great friendship is
forged between a son of Elrond and a son of the Golden Wood. Yet
powerful forces conspire to sunder them: ancient traditions, perilous
times, and a handsome Greenwood prince…

Lessons from the Mountain (221): MithLuin
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discussion of mature themes (such as death),
and reflection on past violent events.
Romance Partners: N/A
What happened to the spirit of Maedhros when he died?

Adar & Ion (582): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of stories, mostly drabbles, about father and son, guests are

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves

In Search of Stillness (704): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
As the song of the sea becomes more demanding, Legolas and Gimli
journey to the Greenwood in search of peace.

A Problem Shared (169): Dot
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
During an odd encounter Thranduil discovers from an unlikely source
that sometimes all you need is for someone to understand.

King Stag (86): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: For implied drug use and implied sexual content.
Romance Partners: Thranduil/OFC
"We have all the time in the world for such joys. Now go to your wife.
Take her to her parents and make it right with them, as a man should .
. ." To placate his new in-laws, Thranduil undergoes a strange
Dark-elven ceremony. Thranduil; Original characters. Rated PG-13 for
adult themes.

Twentynine White Horses (557): Jael
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
What happens if an elf loses a tooth. Do they go gap-toothed to the
end of time? I hope, not, and here's my take on it.

Free To Live (701): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Thranduil watches Dol Guldur be destroyed and comes to terms with the
end of the evil in Mirkwood. Slightly AU.

Seaworthy (349): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
An evening discussion by the bay, featuring Legolas, Imrahil, and the Sea.

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets

Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! (260): Alassante
General, Reason for Rating: None.
Romance Partners: NA
Like Lady MacBeth, Celebrimbor discovers how much blood is in a body,
so much so that water cannot wash it easily away.

All these hands (534): Elitihien
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The many hands that have touched Idril's life. A drabble series.

Ghost (218): Elleth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild description of kissing, allusions to
death, supernatural occurences (meeting a ghost) - all of it rather
mild, though, and probably nothing that would upset children. Rated
'Teens' to be on the safe side.
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
After Fëanor's death, his wife Nerdanel is granted a chance for a
farewell - or is she?

Refuge (423): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence and death as witnessed by small
children, children endangered and frightened.
Romance Partners: N/A
The need for refuge is crucial throughout the Ages in war-torn
Middle-earth. Young Elrond and Elros find unexpected kindness in the
wake of unexpected terror.

Midwinter Thoughts (570): Rhapsody
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Maedhros muses on his purpose in life.

Vengeance's Folly (718): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated teens because of mature themes.
Romance Partners: n/a
Celegorm observes his brother's when all lick their wounds after the
Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

Love at First Sight (432): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for the challenge prompt, "Feanor's Love." With such a strong
personality, love comes early and strong.

Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day (558): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A snowy day in Imladris towards the end of the year 2933 Third Age.
Written for the Middleearth Express Prompt Challenge 92:Snow

The Queen's Gift (697): Queen Galadriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Arwen's thoughts as she gives Frodo her gift before the fellowship
leaves Minas Tirith.

Undivided (46): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: mention of suffering/loss of a family member
Romance Partners: N/A
The terrible consequences of Celebrían's ordeal force her sons to make
agonizing decisions.

Duty, Honour, Country (81): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated teens for mature themes.
Romance Partners: n/a
Maglor's life and, in the end, fate seems to be influenced a great
deal by the Oath. But what defined him at the very core? A tripple
drabble or actually a drabble series with three true drabbles.

Msg# 9089

Check Ballot #1 - Hobbits Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:04:49 Topic ID# 9089
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Hobbits

SubCategory Races: Hobbits: General

The Westering Fire (200): Aprilkat
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of violence in the Shire although no
Romance Partners: Rosie/Sam
Rosie wishes for Sam to come back to the Shire during the Year of
Troubles - and he does.

The Language of Waves (193): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Gildor have an adventure in the sea in the Undying Lands

Ed'ledhron (392): Elanor Silmarien
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A story about Frodo in the west learning to trust Iluvatar.

Harmony (195): Elwen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A speculation on how Frodo Baggins was healed when he travelled into
the West. What was healed and who healed him?

Tolo Dan Na Ngalad (735): Elwen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Tolkien left a gap in his tale just begging to be filled. How did
Elrond remove the shard of the morgul blade from Frodo's shoulder?

The Last Summer (143): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: It is General, however a death gets mentioned.
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Pippin and his grandfather Willibald Banks share a nice moment

Too Many Rangers (116): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It's a most--interesting night at the Prancing Pony as two Rangers vie
for the honor of leading Bilbo's heir to Rivendell. However, one of
them ought not to be here, for this Ringbearer isn't quite Bingo

Lock Out (307): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While on their honeymoon at Crickhollow, Pippin and Diamond run into a
little trouble with the door. (More a "romantic-comedy" than romance)

Feeling Safe (633): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On the long journey to Rivendell, Frodo shows his trust in Strider in
an unusual way.

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Childhood

Trouble at Bag End (728): Angiet
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo is finding baby sitting more difficult than he anticipated. A
visit from an old friend leads to help being offered.

Lily Took (147): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin and Tulip, his knitted piglet, find a surprise in the barn.

The Five Rules of Cooking (523): GamgeeFest
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Merry and Wee Pippin enter a cooking contest at the Free Fair.

The Quest for the Hairless Cat (524): GamgeeFest
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A day of cloud-gazing turns into an adventure that Merry and Pippin
won't soon forget.

A Hobbity Wizard (596): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin has a great imagination....and Gandalf needs a lot stamina,
cause the wizard and the still tiny Hobbit lad have a day full of

A Promise (149): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: Its a general fic, however the topic
contains death/ afterlife.
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin has to say Good Bye to a special friend and gets another.

A Matter of Ill Reputation (210): Lily
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Merimac/OFC implied
Frodo tries to get rid of his ill reputation but his plan backfires
and throws him into a delicate situation. However, he is unwilling to
give up.

The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift (145): obelia medusa
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
A look at what Frodo's life might have been like at Brandy Hall after
his parents' deaths, and the events leading up to his adoption by
Bilbo. Frodo is a quiet child whose good intentions sometimes get him
into trouble. Saradoc and Esmeralda love him like their own, but
something is missing from young Frodo's life. Can a spirited old
bachelor turn things around?

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Family

Elanor of Westmarch: The Return (78): Baranduin
Teen, Reason for Rating: While there is no vulgar language or sexual
content in this story, its main theme is death. In this case a joyful
Romance Partners: N/A
Elanor is very old. One very early morning she goes to the Towers to
see what she can see.

Yule at Great Smials (566): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
When the cat's away...Lalia and Ferumbras are away from the Great
Smials this year at Yule, and Tooks and their relations descend en
masse--including Bilbo, Frodo, and their guest, Gandalf!

A Treasured Piece of Cloth (600): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Little Pippin has a "cuddlecloth" that he loves very much. However he
gets too old for it and so Bilbo, Frodo, Merry, Sam and Marigold think
of a plan, how to make Pippin give it up.

Not Quite Any Other Day (631): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Esmeralda Took/Saradoc Brandybuck
A wee story about when Esmeralda Took fell in love with Saradoc
Brandybuck. It is amazing sometimes what a lad will do to show his
love for a lass.

Grandmum's Button Box (135): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Eglantine's treasure trove of buttons piques the interest of Pippin's

The Last Dance (397): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It's Pippin and Diamond's first Yule officially as The Took and Thain
of the Shire and the Mistress of Great Smials. Their schedules keep
them busy all day, stressed, and separated. In the end, only one thing
matters to both.

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Friendship

I Can't (24): Antane
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A tribute and a meditation if you will on the power of perseverance
shown by Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad, Endurance Beyond
Hope and Hope Unquenchable and on the power of tales. Originally
inspired by Elanor Silmarien's birthday gift to me and more the
hobbits themselves as they wrote down their part of the Story.
"Stories we tell will cast their spell, now and for always."

Between Childhood and Coming of Age (141): Dreamflower
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story deals with adolescence, and its
accompanying turmoil. Includes a brief kiss and the implication of
sexual awareness.
Romance Partners: Pippin/OFC
Pippin has finally begun to notice the lasses, and he is seeking
advice from every quarter.

I Give You a Rainbow (571): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin meets a new friend, a young lass named Evergreen, who is
"different" than his other friends.

The Dancing Lesson (664): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for Shirebound's and Belegcuthalion's birthday present (they
didn't mind sharing, whew!) Bilbo teaches young Frodo how to dance, in
his own inimitable way.

The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored (189): obelia medusa
Teen, Reason for Rating: A couple of minor fistfights.
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo couldn't have succeeded on the Quest without the help of some
very loyal friends. Samwise left home and family to go with him. Merry
and Pippin joined the Fellowship without a moment's hesitation. Bilbo
loved him like a son. How did these powerful relationships develop?
This is a story of Frodo's life with Bilbo, from the adoption through
the Long Expected Party.

A Taste of Home (138): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This was written for the shire_kitchen challenge "In a pinch". What's
a hobbit to do when he is far from home and wants a favorite food?
Pippin finds out when Merry wants his favorite Yule treat after they
have gone to live in Minas Tirith.

Pippin's Secret (599): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Gandalf have a conversation at Frodo's bedside in
Rivendell, in which Gandalf reveals that he knows something Pippin
never told anyone.

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort

Secrets (229): Aprilkat
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Rosie/Sam
Frodo tries in vain to keep his anniversary illness a secret, and
Rosie attempts to ease him.

Small Strengths (238): Elwen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo has a close encounter of the arachnid kind, post quest. Much

The Ribbon (336): Gentle Hobbit
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In this ficlet, the simple action of tying a ribbon helps Frodo talk
about his missing finger and the healer who helped him regain the use
of his hand.

O Merry Mine (636): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses death and dying, among other subjects.
Romance Partners: n/a
A series of vignettes in which Frodo calls Merry awake throughout
their time together.

Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams (688): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo comforts Pippin with an old tradition from simpler times.
(Written to cheer Marigold.)

Rude Awakening (692): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry wakens to a crash and a gurgle... and where is Pippin?

Dark Dreams (550): SlightlyTookish
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin comforts Merry on the anniversary of the defeat of the Witch King.

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Incomplete

That Fate Them Bore (476): Cara Loup
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
"That Fate Them Bore" is a story cycle that begins with Frodo's
decision to leave the Shire and will eventually end in Rivendell. So
far, only the first stage of the journey - from Hobbiton to
Crickhollow - has been completed: these chapters focus on the choices
and discoveries that surround Frodo's departure and explore the
hobbits' private responses to an enormous change.

Turning Points (357): Cathleen
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story contains mild sexual overtones in
the chapters already completed. Subsequent chapters may contain more
graphic depictions and at that time the rating will be changed to
either PG13 or R.
Romance Partners: Pippin/Marigold
Pippin begins to experience strange, vivid dreams and visions as he
enters adolescence and is confronted with the notion he has inherited
the Tookish gift of the "Sight". At the same time, his body is
changing and he faces both the confusion and delight of his awakening

In This These Days of Glory (640): Dana
Teen, Reason for Rating: There will be some violence and more mature
themes, though nothing is intended to be graphic.
Romance Partners: N/A
The Tookland during the time the Travellers were away.

The Autumn of His Discontent (157): jodancingtree
Teen, Reason for Rating: Conversational references to characters'
romantic involvements, non-married sexual activity implied but not
Romance Partners: m/f
Frodo's birthday has come again, for the fifth time since Bilbo went
away. Frodo is happy as Master of Bag End, enjoying his inheritance.
Or he should be happy. He has every reason to be happy. But he's
restless, discontented - and an autumn camping trip with his cousins
seems like the perfect cure. But not with Sam! Sam has been a little
too helpful - Frodo is feeling smothered, as well as restless, and the
young gardener is left at home, much to his dismay.

When Trouble Came (109): Lily
Teen, Reason for Rating: Prologue is quite dark; mention of animal
Romance Partners: Saradoc/Esmeralda, Paladin/Eglantine, Merimac/OFC
Shortly after Frodo and his friends left the Shire Black Riders
attacked Crickhollow, but that was only the beginning of the Saradoc's
worries. Before long the Master and all of Buckland face troubles far

Dreamflower's Bunny (644): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: mostly little-hobbit-adventuring, but it
has a few intense moments in an encounter with a fox
Romance Partners: N/A
Written at Dreamflower's suggestion: "Merry and Ferdi remembering some
childhood adventure from before Pippin was born."

The Farmer's Son (509): Lindelea
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence, character death
Romance Partners: N/A
How did the Tooks keep the Tookland free during the Troubles, until
the return of the Travellers, when the rest of the Shire fell to the
ruffians' occupation?

A Time to Hope (302): PipMer
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some description of violence and mention of
serious injuries.
Romance Partners: N/A
AU in that it is a mixture of movie and book verse. After the Battle
at the Black Gate, Merry watches over his friends as they struggle to

Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe (643): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: Rated mild-PG for partial nudity due to
illness of character.
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn falls ill at Cormallen, which Éomer feels must be kept a
secret. But there is more to this illness than meets the eye, as Frodo
discovers. My usual h/cccc, very hobbity, mostly book verse.
Characters include Elladan and Elrohir.

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War

Five Turnings of the Year (685): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A (Merry/Pippin is implied in one part
of the story, but that is *only* implication.)
Romance Partners: N/A
Five different Yules, before the Quest and after.

Candles (460): Gentle Hobbit
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam looks for beauty in all living things. This Yule, he weaves a
tapestry of light with an unusual centre.

The Flute (150): Golden
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin misses Frodo and with Gandalf´s help Frodo can let his little
cousin know that he is happy again.

Regarding Ents (525): PipMer
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry and Pippin try to describe to Frodo and Sam what Ents are like.
Sam just can't grasp the concept.

Summer's End (380): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This tale comes from "Year of Depature"; a collection of stories
portraying Frodo and those he loved throughout the year before he
departed to the Undying Lands. In "Summer's End", Frodo attends a
party held by his cousins and takes part in the tradition of telling a
scary story to celebrate Summer's End (aka Samhain, or Hallow's Eve).

A Warm Sun Shining (727): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Kittens have been brought to Frodo's bed in Minas Tirith to cheer him.

Some Seasons (199): sophinisba solis
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Rosie, Sam, and Frodo take turns with the cooking.

Msg# 9090

Check Ballot #1 - Men Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:05:19 Topic ID# 9090
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Men

SubCategory Races: Men: General

In Passing (104): Altariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
"Then let us cross the River and in happier days let us dwell in fair
Ithilien and there make a garden..."

Portrait of a Queen (338): Aruthir
Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Tar-Telperien was the second Ruling Queen of Númenor, and never met
her great-grandmother Tar-Ancalimë, the first such Queen...

...In life, at least.

Destiny (592): Cinzia
Teen, Reason for Rating: male/male kissing and UST; voyeurism
Romance Partners: Boromir/Théodred; Aragorn/Boromir
"One day, he would have to cease his watching." In the Year 2998 of
the Third Age, Strider the Ranger finds himself fascinated with the
heir of the Steward and his kingly companion.

Reparation (296): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In the aftermath of the events of Hethlin's first Yule at Dol Amroth,
Andrahar encounters an unforeseen difficulty. An Andrahar and Brand
story and a sidebar to Dol Amroth Yule.

Seeking the Sun (488): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While most of Minas Tirith celebrates the end of the Ring War, one
war-wrecked soul is filled with anger toward the new King.

Only Water in Your Veins (154): Michelle
Teen, Reason for Rating: There is a skirmish complete with dead
soldiers and horses. Also, I made Aragorn's life quite uncomfortable
once again. Still, I don't think the descriptions are graphic enough
to warrant an adult rating.
Romance Partners: N/A
A foray into the enemy's land goes awry and Aragorn finds himself in
the desert of Harad - alone and without provisions.

Tower of the Moon (577): Nath
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Scenes from the birth and death of a city.

The Stolen Child (197): SurgicalSteel
Mature, Reason for Rating: Character death, angst, and graphic
heterosexual sex.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
A sequel to 'Loss,' explores the journey Halbarad and Serinde take as
she recovers physically and both recover emotionally from the loss of
their child.

The Night's Eye (343): Vana Tuivana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How do the Ranger women deal with the absence of their husbands,
knowing that they might go to their death? Halbarad's son hears the
legend of the night's eye and receives a strange visit.

SubCategory: Races: Men: General Drabbles

Nothing Less (606): Archet
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
Aragorn had asked, and now he must wait, and he dared not push or
attempt to persuade. Boromir was worth much more than that.

A Moment Away (474): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir wandered in dark dreams, but where did Eowyn go before Aragorn
called her back?

This crown of stars (586): Fawsley
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Set before the formation of the Fellowship. Awake and alone and
watching the stars above, Strider contemplates the road he has chosen
to take in life.

Battle upon the Quays (376): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The last thoughts of the Captain of the Havens of Umbar.

Return of the King (355): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The exiled Eldacar contemplates his duties as a king.

Relief (446): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual suggestiveness
Romance Partners: N/A
A tag scene to to AmandaK's "Surprise Inspection": a hot and bothered
Boromir cools down in the humid summer heat of Osgiliath.

SubCategory: Races: Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets

Of Dreams... (7): Avon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
He never dreamed of power...

Hearts of Stone (12): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen, Aragorn/Boromir
Aragorn collects stones from the different parts of Middle-earth he
visits, some to have fashioned into hearts for Arwen's bracelet - but
one stone he keeps for himself.

Pulling the Wool (95): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Boromir is not about to have the wool pulled over his eyes... not at
first... or ever.

Trajectory (153): Galadriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Allusions to death/drowning.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
Aragorn, plagued by disturbing dreams, is unable to find rest.

Legacy (500): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A son of the Fourth Age looks back upon a famous kinsman who fell in
the Ring War.

Another Country (438): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Set in the afterlife.
Romance Partners: N/A
Pacing unfamiliar halls, Boromir waits....

Songs of Innocence and Experience (440): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Faramir/OFC, Faramir/Éowyn
Faramir learns some lessons about the power wielded by women.

SubCategory: Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles

Deliverance (285): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A mariner has reached the end of his long quest.

Pirates Ye Be Warned (353): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Shows the aftermath of battle and alludes to
the penalty for piracy.
Romance Partners: N/A
Prince Imrahil metes out the harsh justice of the Seas.

Autumn (489): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
When he assumed the kingship, Aragorn left behind a Ranger's freedom
for a more staid existence. Has it been a fair trade? A drabble for
cooler days and nights.

Summer Nights (344): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
In the days before Mordor's assault on Osgiliath (June 3018), Gondor

Tangled Webs (100): Ribby
General, Reason for Rating: Oblique reference to Boromir's death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Many lives entwine with his; even a broken thread can give strength.

Second Best (384): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Difficult parent-child relationship
Romance Partners: N/A
Sons can't always please their fathers, no matter how hard they try.

SubCategory: Races: Men: Minas Tirith

Wizards' Pupils (108): Altariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On teaching, tutors, and the importance of honest debate. Faramir, on
a meeting with diverse wizards.

Confidence (38): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Denethor's new manservant, Mormegil, faces an intimidating task in the
service of his master. Inspired by the endless, and highly enjoyable,
debate on the subject "Numenoreans: Bearded, Or Not?"

Celebrity (635): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
As Gondor's king walks through the streets of the White City, a
stranger claims acquaintance.

Restoration (19): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
With others still in need of healing, Aragorn can stop for only a
moment to see how the young steward fares.

I Stand No Longer Alone (62): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It is no longer but an empty chair...the time has come for it to
fulfill its function once more.

Music hath Charms (361): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen, Faramir/Éowyn
Arwen and Éowyn are less than pleased when their husbands forget a
promise.How can the King and Steward earn forgiveness?

Playing with Fire (21): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Young Eldarion's fascination with fire causes problems for Aragorn
and Arwen.

Before You Go (506): Nancy Brooke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Because we cannot protect them from their own independence.

Engineering (696): SurgicalSteel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Medically graphic material
Romance Partners: N/A
The girl who eventually becomes chief surgeon to King Elessar in my
novel 'The King's Surgeon' comes to the Houses of Healing for the
first time.

SubCategory: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets

The Portrait (288): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
What can two sons possibly give their Steward-father at Yule?

The Chieftain of the Dunedain (623): Avon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn returns to the Dúnedain and Halbarad remembers.

A Fitting Occupation (601): Radbooks
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
King Bard makes a decision about his youngest son's future, a decision
that is initially treated with suspicion by his son. A drabble series
set in Dale some fifteen years after the death of Smaug.

The Fire of Hope (625): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: brief, non-graphic, reference to sexual desire
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
It has been said that "The old that is strong does not wither", but
the hope that burns brightly in a young man's heart can strengthen it,
particularly when there is no other warmth available.

Your Father Loves You (424): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Not long after Faramir's birth, Denethor evaluates his second son.

Things as they were in all the days of my life (393): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied adult themes including death, grief
and insanity.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of drabbles about Denethor over the course of his life, as
seen by his long-standing friend, Húrin of the Keys.

SubCategory: Races: Men: Steward's Family

Leaving Home (39): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Six-year-old Elboron is his mother's joy and the apple of his father's
eye. When a group of distinguished visitors arrive, competing for his
parents' attention, much foot-stamping and tantrum-throwing ensues,
until wise Eowyn and friends make it all better.

Dark Dreams (282): Avon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention in a retelling of a dream of someone
killing a baby, people being crushed and people drowning.
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir is not the only one to dream of the foundering of Numenor and
inescapable darkness.

The Nag (347): celticbard
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
When Faramir and Boromir spend a snowy afternoon hunting for a horse
for their father, they learn more about the intricacies of fortune and
how it may so easily turn against any man.

Daybreak (591): Cinzia
Teen, Reason for Rating: chaste kissing between brothers
Romance Partners: Faramir/Boromir
An early morning in Ithilien, in the year 2999 of the Third Age. Two
brothers at the end of a forest, of night, and of childhood.

Child of Hope (97): Galadriel
General, Reason for Rating: Oblique references to historical wartime
events, but no outright depictions of violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Duty, responsibility and the admonishments of his mother are all that
stand between a youthful Boromir and a day better spent running
through his city.

Consolation (341): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, Boromir finds a way to make
Faramir feel better. Written for the Faramir Creation Day Challenge on
the HA list.

Shall We Dance? (93): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Fluff alert! Fluff alert! Lothiriel has just one wish for her
coming-out in Minas Tirith, and the only person who can help her is
her...Uncle Denethor? Denethor is rarely surprised, but the situation
he finds himself in is as startling to him as I was startled to find
myself writing a story from his POV!

Chance Encounter (5): przed
Teen, Reason for Rating: Includes a battle scene with violence
included, but not graphically described.
Romance Partners: N/A
A young and headstrong Boromir runs into more trouble than he can
handle. Fortunately, a certain Ranger is there to lend assistance, and
a fledgling friendship is formed.

Scholarship (43): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to information and lore concerning
sex, slight implications of/about sexual activity
Romance Partners: N/A

As Elboron leaves childhood behind, new possibilities open up that
beguile and bewilder all at once. Faramir and his son share a time of
transition in the early Fourth Age, when young men can look forward to
more than war.

Brotherhood (261): Violin Ghost
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir sits by a river in Rohan and reflects on his lost brother.

Msg# 9091

Check Ballot #1 - Other Beings Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:06:02 Topic ID# 9091
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Other Beings

SubCategory Races: Other Beings: General

Dispelling the Fog (642): fantasyfan
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Professor left a few paragraphs out of the conversation on the

BRIDGE: Pá Valaraucar ar Námier (415): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Námo and Olórin discuss a certain event involving the Maia. A
companion piece to 'DISGUISE: Emissaries'. Movieverse. Written for
'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Old Man Willow (314): Nath
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for mild horror aspect of trees.
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Old Man Willow's motives in trying to trap four hobbits were
more sinister? An AU look at what might happen when the One Ring falls
into unexpected umm... hands.

Meant to Be (137): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A special stuffed piglet is made and Pippin and his mother know Tulip
was meant to be his. Told from Tulip's point of view.

Seven Sisters (388): Pearl Took
Teen, Reason for Rating: a French kiss, drunkenness, death
Romance Partners: N/A
It is hard to be The Took's son and it doesn't help when your youngest
sister and her friends love to tease you. Pippin has his fill of it
and runs off into the Green Hills, with a bottle of whisky, to get
away from it all. But strange things can happen in the hills on a
foggy autumn night.

Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree (121): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The approaching Fourth Age is sensed through three very different
points of view. Three mini-chapters; book-verse.

Msg# 9092

Check Ballot #1 - Villains Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:06:30 Topic ID# 9092
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Villains

SubCategory Races: Villains: General

The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: talk of wolves eating people mentioned in
passing; also, torture of animals (nothing too graphic)
Romance Partners: N/A
Sauron creates werewolves on the Isle of Tol Sirion.

Dark Light (585): Makamu
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some references to homosexual activity that
are not explicit, however.
Romance Partners: Melkor/Sauron
After being banished by the destruction of the Ring, Sauron muses on
his former life as Melkor's servant and lover.

Wormtongue (240): Mariole
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence, slash, interspecies, noncon,
horror, oral sex
Romance Partners: Gríma/Lotho, Lotho/Pervinca
Astoundingly dark fic. Lotho and Gríma reflect upon life under
Sharkey's rule.

This story is consistent with the "Devoted" universe. It features as a
background character a strong Paladin Took during the occupation of
the Shire.

Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for mild horror
Romance Partners: N/A
Celebrimbor and Aulendil discuss brotherhood and the secrets of the
deep arts on an early summer evening in Ost-in-Edhil.

The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mature rating for a man's disturbed
thoughts and aberrant sexual predilections (pederasty but not
graphically described). Also rated Mature for violent imagery.
Romance Partners: N/A
An ambitious young Noldorin man of Ost-in-Edhil lands a coveted
appointment as an apprentice to the most skilled master smith of the
Gwaith-i-Mirdain: Istyar Aulendil. The apprentice's mentor, a prodigy
of the Aulënossë, has been sent to Middle-earth by the Valar and has
knowledge of exotic and wondrous technology. Istyar Aulendil also has
notoriously high standards. The apprentice must meet his mentor's
expectations if he is to become a journeyman and work on an important
new initiative.

The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale
Mature, Reason for Rating: Orc-talk; four-letter words; bestiality
(non-graphic); and general creepiness
Romance Partners: n/a
This is one Orc's story of his time working the Mordor convoys. Not
all of them saw battle, after all.

Warnings for Orc-talk and four-letter words. Content is adult and
disturbing but non-graphic.

SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets

Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Frodo/Smeagol if you squint
Smeagol watching Sam

Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Story is intended to be scary.
Romance Partners: N/A
Something disturbs the eternal rest of the last prince of Cardolan.

Black Memory (603): mrkinch
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Lúthien remembers Morgoth

The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What can something without language think? What sounds does it make?
And what wakes it in the deep?

Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for non-graphic violence and
implied torture.
Romance Partners: N/A
Sauron's last request of Celebrimbor.

Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Smaug amasses his bed of treasure.

Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violent imagery.
Romance Partners: N/A
Sting's light "smote the eyes of the orc like the glitter of cruel
stars in the terrible elf-countries, the dream of which was a cold
fear to all his kind" What do orcs dream of?

Msg# 9093

Check Ballot #1 - First Age and Prior Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:08:17 Topic ID# 9093
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: First Age and Prior

SubCategory Times: First Age and Prior: General

Choices (184): brindlemom2
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Choices can be either painful or satisfying. No matter the final one,
it will ripple out to affect others.

Stars of the Lesser (74): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: nudity (non-sexual)
Romance Partners: n/a
One day, Pengolodh would pen the book we know as The Silmarillion, and
Celebrimbor would forge the Rings of Power. But at the start of the
First Age, still in their youths, Pengolodh meets his first Fëanorian
as Celebrimbor attempts to replicate Fëanor's greatest accomplishment:
harnessing light.

Surprise (131): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: discussion of sexuality between a married couple
Romance Partners: Mahtan/Istarnië; Nerdanel/Fëanor
Mahtan on the birth of his daughter Nerdanel: on lives changed and
dark destinies fulfilled.

Wind and Fire (539): elfscribe
Mature, Reason for Rating: m/m sexual encounters, some violence
Romance Partners: Manwe/Feanor
Manwe discovers both the delights and the dangers of assuming
corporeal form as he is drawn into a relationship with the brilliant,
prideful Feanor. In trying to dissuade Feanor from leaving the Undying
Lands, Manwe learns more than he would like about why Feanor created
the Silmarils and why they hold him enthralled.
An elemental clash of titans.

GOBLINS: The Herald's Summons (53): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discussion of killing in a war context
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
On the heels of the first battle in the War of Wrath, Eönwë brings a
message of hope to three unsuspecting Elves. Written for 'The Tolkien
Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

NIGHT and FOREST: A Glimpse of Beauty (554): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Lost in darkness and beset by unimaginable horrors, one of the Edain
finds beauty in the most unexpected place. Written for 'The Tolkien
Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Hearts Like the Sea (36): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: Rating is R, for mature audiences, due to
scenes of sexual activity between two males, not graphic.
Romance Partners: Thingol/Cirdan
An adventurous Elwë and lonely Nowę form a friendship before the First

The Nightingale (404): Maeve Riannon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Because of a gory flashback just at the end
of the fic. Maybe I´m squeamish, but it´s better to be safe.
Romance Partners: N/A
Melian the Fire Dragon? Thingol the Nightingale? Dior´s teenage wisdom
cannot make sense of it at all. Not humour no, really! Story focusing
on Melian the Maia. (Note: I have taken the liberty to make up Dior´s
trips to Doriath. For that reason you may understand this as AU.)

Kementari (99): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: vaguely disturbing themes - mild
Romance Partners: n/a
Some time after the destruction of the Two Trees, Yavanna reflects.

The Last Stand (82): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated teens for non-graphic battle violence.
Romance Partners: n/a
During the final moments of the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, a captain and his
men rescue two elves during their last and desperate stand.

SubCategory: Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe

An Ordinary Woman (32): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: mild/implied sexuality and considerable
wine-induced inebriation
Romance Partners: N/A
The Lúthien of legend is the portrait of perfection. But what of the
real woman behind the tales? Finrod Felagund learns something of the
true nature of the Princess of Doriath and gets himself into trouble
as he sets off an event that will literally change the world.

Discretion (254): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexuality, both homosexual and heterosexual
Romance Partners: Maedhros/Finrod
During the Years of the Trees, the Noldor stand on the brink of a
divide between the houses of Fëanor and Fingolfin. Newly appointed to
the court, Maedhros and Finrod are attempting to heal the coming
fracture when Caranthir discovers something most unexpected about his
brother and cousin. Will he reveal what he knows and bring on the
downfall of the Noldor?

One Last Wish (323): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexuality
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Shortly before the Darkening of Valinor, Fëanor returns briefly to
Nerdanel to beg one last wish of her.

If I Had One Wish (658): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: some possibly mildly suggestive discussion.
Romance Partners: Indis/Finwe
Indis reveals her greatest wish.

Like Roses over a Fence (110): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: discussion of situations that are a little
more mature, references to kinslaying and despair
Romance Partners: N/A
After the departure of their husbands and families, three wives of the
House of Finwë (Indis, Anairë, and Nerdanel) contemplate what brought
them to this fate.

Vodka (714): Ford of Bruinen
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rudeness and discussions about sex
Romance Partners: N/A
Maedhros and Maglor's first conversation after Fingon has saved
Maedhros from Thangorodrim.

The Pillar Perished Is (356): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains references to battle and death.
Romance Partners: N/A
On the passage to Middle-earth, Fëanor's thoughts are no less
turbulent than the Sea. Vignette.

A Sleep Over (160): Phyncke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Galadriel comes for a sleep over to Aredhel's house to disastrous

Courage (69): rhyselle
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group's 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge prompt 'Courage'.

In the caverns of Nargothrond, Finrod Felagund receives a visitor who
will change the course of his life. An oath sworn generations before
requires a choice that will shape the future of Middle-earth for ages
to come.

Msg# 9094

Check Ballot #1 - Fourth Age and Beyond Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:09:24 Topic ID# 9094
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond

SubCategory Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General

Hope Remains (118): Baggins Babe
Teen, Reason for Rating: Children may be disturbed by the very brief
description of certain burial customs and the element of the supernatural.
Romance Partners: N/A
Following the passing of King Elessar the hobbits come to realise that
loved ones who pass into the next world may still linger to guard and

When the King Came Back (514): Cathleen
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mild descriptions of remembered violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
The reconciliation between Pippin and Paladin after the War is
sometimes rocky, but father and son gain peace at last.

Where Shadows Lay No More (358): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
During the coronation, Boromir returns to say farewell.

Riding the Waves (211): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo spends an anniversary in the waves.

Rekindling (255): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: character death, violence, mature themes
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Fëanor and Nerdanel meet again at the end of the world. A tale of loss
and redemption.

Look Not With Longing (479): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The Fourth Age was hard-won for those who fought the Dark Lord. But
that does not mean there are no regrets to confront. Faramir reflects
on what has been won and lost in the War of the Ring.

Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (578): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death and mild language.
Romance Partners: n/a
At long last, Arwen comes to Mandos. Her reception, however, is not
quite what she expected. Part of my "Mortals in Mandos" series.

Aftermaths and Consequences (268): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Much was damaged in the War, and many things changed afterwards.

Faeries (304): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Faramir Took is visiting at Brandy Hall and has been teased by
some of the Brandybuck lads. Is what they are saying about Tooks and
Faeries true?

Seeing Stars (360): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
As Faramir celebrates the birth of his heir, old ties come to mind,
new ties are strengthened and, Faramir being Faramir even when
somewhat inebriated, history is considered.

Tales from Tol Eressëa (214): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Short, gentle ficlets about the hobbits' possible experiences in the
West. Some chapters will be linked together, and some will be
stand-alone scenes. Characters include Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, Gandalf,
Elrond, Celebrían, and possibly others.

SubCategory: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets

Journey's End (234): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: Drabble, nothing objectionable or graphic.
Romance Partners: Aragorn, Arwen
Drabble - Aragorn returns to Arwen at journey's end.

Fit for a King (217): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Three friends and a horse.

The Birthday Blessing (687): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
The Master tells us that the White Tree tended to bloom first on a
certain day. Here we see four celebrating that event.

A series of three related true drabbles.

No Regrets (490): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn asks Faramir an important question.

Old Friends (651): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Gandalf finds that the peace of Valinor doesn't quite agree with him.

Birthday Outing (386): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn celebrates his 200th birthday by getting back to his Ranger
roots with some close friends.

Supporting Acts (436): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In the early fourth age, Faramir deals with the armourers in Minas Tirith.

Msg# 9095

Check Ballot #1 - Late Third Age (3018-3022 TA/1418-1422 SR) Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:10:21 Topic ID# 9095
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Late Third Age

SubCategory Times: Late Third Age: General

My Brother. My Captain. My King. (602): Amarok
Teen, Reason for Rating: less violent than movie, but some events just
happened... (including character death)
Romance Partners: N/A
A few insights into Boromir's thoughts, fears, and hopes during the
journey of the Fellowship – movie-verse, with some added `missing scenes'.

Captain of Mordor (626): draylon
Mature, Reason for Rating: The story contains stong language, moderate
levels of (non-explicit) violence and (non gratuitious; consensual)
sex scenes, which, though integral to the theme of the story
(interspecies homosexual romance) and plot may be offensive to some,
given that the one of the two main protagonists is human, while the
other is an orc. As the human involved is also married at the time the
story is set, an adulterous outcome is implied.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Shagrat
Post War-of-the-Ring, Captain Shagrat (an Orc) finds himself exhibited
as a fairground attraction, and (retrospectively) slashed with Faramir
of Gondor. A lengthy romance, following the familiar template of: `boy
meets / loses / finds / runs away again from / Uruk' slowly unfolds.
The story includes the usual elements of kidnapping, sex, violence,
and excessive swearing you'd expect from any story featuring Orcs.

Drawing the Eye (569): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Halbarad must watch his friend and lord battle a terrible enemy alone.

They Also Serve (365): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Arwen spends some time in the kitchens of Rivendell.

Hold To Hope (709): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Dispairing news often brings fear...but it is how we respond that
counts. Thranduil gets the news of Legolas going on the Quest.

Written for the Middle Earth Express Prompt 36: Fear

Before the Black Gate (45): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Before Pippin begins the greatest battle of his young life, he learns
that there is more than one kind of sustenance for a homesick and
worried hobbit.

Chance Encounter (203): Telcontar Rulz
Teen, Reason for Rating: Moderate level violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
The Fellowship find a stranger not of their world. Would he be of help
to them or would he hinder their quest? A Kingdom of Heaven/Lord of
the Rings crossover.

Oathbreakers (470): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Feeling the taint of a dark Dunharrow night, Elladan and Elrohir
discuss Aragorn, Eowyn, Rohan, and those that haunt the Paths of the
Dead. Gapfiller for The Return of the King.

The Dooming of Small Hands (639): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
While Frodo recovers in Rivendell from his wounding at the hands of a
Morgul blade, Gandalf and Elrond debate the next step in the Ring's
journey. Sometimes the right decision feels a lot like betrayal.
Gapfiller for The Fellowship of the Ring.

Promise and Sorrow (607): Virtuella
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Six ordinary people from different parts of Middle Earth reflect on
how the War of the Ring has affected their fate - for better or for
worse. Canon characters and events have touched their lives, but the
speakers remain unnamed individuals. The monologues are linked by
shared themes and and motifs, and each monologue is mirrored by a partner.

SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets

Loudwater (63): Adaneth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The POV of something that normally has no voice: the Bruinen and its
ford, on the way to the Sea.

The Kindly Airs (480): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
"'You left the East Wind to me,' said Gimli, 'but I will say naught of

"'That is as it should be,' said Aragorn. 'In Minas Tirith they endure
the East Wind, but they do not ask it for tidings." - "The Departure
of Boromir," TTT.

But the East Wind has also a voice that would be heard...

Renewal (208): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A proud and ancient weapon is restored to its former might.

The Journey (604): foxrafer (csevans8)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin views the world outside of the Shire with a little trepidation
and a lot of determination.

Reflections in the Smoke (294): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A weary wizard wonders at fate, folly, and his own future.

Stewards (450): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Gandalf told Denethor that he also was a steward - of a different kind.

The World Is Changing (719): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Sons of Elrond return to Rivendell after Sauron's downfall to find
life has changed forever.

SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (496): Ariel/Auntie
Took/Rosie Took/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: angst and some violence, an OC character
death and mention of drug abuse
Romance Partners: N/A
A plot against the newly crowned King leads to possibly deadly
consequences for his smallest Guardsman; and disturbing questions
arise for the new Steward to answer, as the entire Fellowship rallies
around. Written as a group story by the PippinHealers mailing list.

In the Hands of the King (231): fantasyfan
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Happiness is a warm blanket. Aragorn cares for Frodo at Cormallen.

Wedding Nerves (48): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn is on the brink of his wedding to Arwen, and plagued by
courtiers, advisors and assistants - until Elladan and Elrohir take
control of things.

For the Want of ... (681): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The Captains of the Army of the West have made the determination to
take the war before the Black Gate itself, and Guardsman Peregrin son
of Paladin explains to Lord Faramir why he feels compelled to be part
of the army.

The Lost Restored (59): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: References self-doubt, violence, and what
might be disturbing medical procedures.
Romance Partners: n/a
Following the destruction of the Ring several were thought lost, then
found and retrieved with the labor of many.

And in at least three cases there was surprise to find that the
wakening they experienced wasn't necessarily what they'd anticipated....

Comes the moment to decide (418): Linda hoyland
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence,battle scene,injuries,angst,
nightmare visions
Romance Partners: n/a
During March 3019, many choices were made,some with tragic
consequences.What led Faramir,Denethor and Aragorn to act as they did?

Sing All Ye People! (249): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A

Stand with Faramir on the walls of Minas Tirith on the day of Sauron's
Fall, and learn what meaning he found in the message of the Eagles' song.

(originally written for a Henneth-Annun e-list Yule challenge; 600
words as counted by MS Word)

The Warmth of Morning (148): Spindle Berry
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story has a slash pairing, and though it
does not contain explicit sexual material, there is a clearly implied
sexual relationship between the two main characters.
Romance Partners: Merry/Pippin
Pippin wakes up on the field of Cormallen, and Merry must look after him.

SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles

Forfeit (401): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Awaiting judgment for desertion and murder, Beregond faces another
difficult choice.

Steward's Trumpets (400): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Unsure of what he is seeking, Faramir returns to the scene of his
father's death.

What Goes Up (683): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A simple exercise of up and down.

Recognition (481): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Beneath the shield, there is a maiden - and it takes a woman to know
the truth of her. Ioreth and Éowyn, for the 2006 Advent Calendar
prompt: "Éowyn."

Tying Notes (378): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir at a reception of the Ambassador of Harad.

Tree of Knowledge (172): Nancy Brooke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What Denethor cannot bring himself to tell Boromir about the quest to
Rivendell. Critically bookverse.

Msg# 9096

Check Ballot #1 - Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA/1251-1417 SR) Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:11:12 Topic ID# 9096
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Mid Third Age

SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General

Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
While searching the library for ancient scrolls, Gandalf is assisted
by the smallest scholar in Minas Tirith.

Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied incestuous relationship between two
consenting adults.
Romance Partners: Éomer/Éowyn (implied)
What chance does he, Gríma Wormtongue, have when his rival suitor has
the benefit of kinship? The golden siblings of the Golden Hall only
have eyes for each other, it seems.

The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for a challenge prompt on "Juggling the Jewels of Feanor." It
is not only the most obvious skills that you need to draw on. often
the most obscure things are what you need the most to survive.

The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Two men are tied together over the years by memories of the "best
sword ever," and the desire they have to see it made whole once more.

The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence (battle/torture/death of
non-canon characters).
Romance Partners: Thengel/Morwen
Years have passed since Aragorn came to Rohan, serving under the name
of Thorongil. Now, an unknown adversary threatens Rohan--and Aragorn,
as usual, is caught up in the middle of it.

An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for implied rape and violence. Only
Romance Partners: Various m/f pairings between original characters.
The Wandering Elves, led by Gildor Inglorion, visit the Autumn Fair in
Halabor. Takes place after Ch. 7 of "The Shoemaker's Daughter".

SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador

If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin embarks on an adventure with his new friend, a knitted piglet
named Tulip, but wanders too far and becomes lost in the woodlands
near his family's farm. A frantic search ensues, and along the way
Pippin and Paladin learn the story of their faerie ancestor, and
discover there is an extraordinary reason for their journey.

Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Never leave a knitted piglet unattended!

A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo prepares for a guest, and for some changes in his life, as Frodo
comes to live with him and Gandalf comes to visit.

Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
For a Ranger, it's hard not to take a few wrong turns when even the
right road leads to such unexpected consequences.

Meddling (695): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It may not be wise to meddle in the affairs of wizards, but sometimes
it is necessary. Gandalf finds himself in question after Aragorn's
departure for Rohan.

Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual content between a married couple
Romance Partners: Arathorn/Gilraen
Gilraen recalls a special night when she wished upon a star.

Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin is a muddy mess and his Ma gets quite the explanation of how he
got that way.

Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Another from Golden's seemingly endless supply of plot bunnies:

Pippin and Merry are staying at Bag End with Frodo. Pippin can't
sleep; his feet are too cold, then too hot, then he is hungry after
which he is too full with too much energy. Write about his and his
cousin's frustrations over losing a night's sleep.

Msg# 9097

Check Ballot #1 - Modern Times Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:11:50 Topic ID# 9097
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Modern Times

SubCategory Times: Modern Times: General

National Treasure (201): Baranduin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: M/F
Two archaeologists, husband and wife, are searching for Templar
locations in modern-day Scotland. What they find is something else.

Summer Heat (363): chaotic_binky
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence, gore, reference to torture, death
of a character (an elfling), murder, madness and sex.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Erestor
Set in modern time. Glorfindel is a private detective who takes a
commission from a client he knew many years before. The client is
Erestor, who is in the middle of a murder mystery and the main
suspect. Told as a noir pulp fiction, from Glorfindel's point of view;
he uses flash backs from the past in Gondolin and Imladris to come to
terms with meeting his psychopathic long lost lover once again.

The Road Trip (410): Garnet Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In our time, the hobbits decide to pay a cross-country visit to their
favorite fanfic writers. Strangeness ensues.

Into the Woods (593): Gloria Mundi
Teen, Reason for Rating: swearing; m/m kiss
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Sharpe
A river runs through a wood: on one side is Middle-Earth, on the other
a European battlefield ..

Trinity (51): pandemonium_213
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for coarse language.
Romance Partners: N/A
On July 19, 1945, a physicist finds himself in the Jornada del Muerto
Valley where he encounters two mysterious scientists who discuss the
responsibility and moral complexity entwined with powerful inventions.

Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action (413): Princess Artemis
Mature, Reason for Rating: Depiction of torture, moderate profanity
and offensive language, violence, vague sexual themes, occasional
crude humor.
Romance Partners: N/A
A parody crossover between LotR and Metal Gear Solid. Frodo, Sam,
Pippin, and Merry are trapped in Alaska and must take the place of
stealth veteran Solid Snake. They contend with killer soldiers and a
terrorist organization threatening to launch a nuclear missile on the
US. As well as bullet breathing metal dragons, invisible ninjas, fetch
quests, bottomless pockets, very big weapons, frustrated humans, one
pipe, and only ketchup and rations for second breakfast.

Dawn Twilight (182): viv
Teen, Reason for Rating: Lots of curse words, but probably nothing
your average teen hasn't heard (and used) before.
Romance Partners: N/A
Moira Eldolen, intrepid university upperclassman, learns that not all
elves went West. Some stayed right here. Such as, for instance, her
way-to-hawt linguistics professor, one Dr. Birdsong.

Msg# 9098

Check Ballot #1 - Multi-Age Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:12:47 Topic ID# 9098
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Multi-Age

SubCategory Times: Multi-Age: General

WAR: A Promise Before Dying (55): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Some promises take longer to fulfill than others. Gil-galad must wait
an entire Age to learn the outcome of one such promise. Written for
'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

The Craft of the Elven Smith (1): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Fëanor/Nerdanel; Celeborn/Galadriel; Drogo/Primula;
Fëanor's obsession with the Silmarils he'd created and his destructive
vow have served to rend at Aman itself, as well as leaving his family
in tatters. To help restore the balance, the Valar would see the
remaining Noldor smith within the Undying Lands at work, for much will
be needed as those now dwelling within Middle Earth fight evil as they
find it.

Fulfilling Oaths (332): Nieriel Raina
Teen, Reason for Rating: some violence
Romance Partners: N/A
Finrod doubts his strength after falling before Sauron's throne at
Tol-in-Gaurhoth. After Finrod's death, Beren considers the Ring of
Felagund given to his father and over the years it is passed down
until a mysterious messenger arrives in Aman.

A Day in Time (230): Pearl Took
Teen, Reason for Rating: One character is in labor with a child and
implied sexuality.
Romance Partners: Merry/Estella, Gormadoc/Malva, Gorbadoc/Belladonna
Merry has a series of odd dreams, but were they merely dreams or an
interesting opportunity to learn about his ancestors and the meaning
of love? Written as part of a Marigold's Challenges Yule Story
exchange - written for Pippinfan1988.

SubCategory: Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets

Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI (516): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Moments of joy and sorrow in the life of Lord Elrond and his family -
prompted by playing cards and the suit 'Hearts'

Feelings of Superiority (362): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Answer to a challenge on 'tolerance and discrimination.' I could not
decide which culture to showcase, so here are six drabbles - three for
men and three for elves - on the topic of equality and acceptance or
lack thereof.

Flame of Life (114): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
If the Imperishable Flame could speak...

Flickers (390): Meril
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Fëanor/Nerdanel
A collection of drabbles about Nerdanel and Fëanor.

Birthday Double Drabble (526): PipMer
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry wishes Pippin a happy birthday at two different points in his
life. Written for Llinos' birthday.

An Elf-lord Revealed (406): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to battle and death.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of drabbles about Glorfindel. Gandalf described him as "one
of the mighty of the Firstborn... an Elf-lord of a house of princes."
He fell during the flight from Gondolin, but Middle-earth had not done
with him. Through the long years, his fate was woven with both the
mortal and immortal branches of Turgon's line.

Possessing the greatest powers (387): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Four drabbles about the Three Elven Rings: their forging, and what
each of the bearers felt when the One Ring was destroyed and the power
of the Rings was unmade.

Msg# 9099

Check Ballot #1 - Second and Early Third Age (pre-2850 TA/pre-1250 S Posted by aure\_enteluva July 06, 2008 - 18:13:44 Topic ID# 9099
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Second and Early Third Age

SubCategory Times: Second and Early Third Age: General

Long Memories (310): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Why does Taryatur appear to dislike Legolas so much? Some apparently
incomprehensible feelings have their roots in memories so far distant
that only those who were there could begin to understand. As the
Valar's Host endure the last of their time east of the sea, a Noldo
makes the acquaintance of a future king of Lasgalen.

Faithful (105): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
With war looming, the Prince of Dol Amroth has a decision to make.

U elyë, Ar-Pharazôn (486): Elitihien
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Tar-Miriel's thoughts towards her husband Ar-Pharazon before the
sinking of Numenor.

The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor (8): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some non-graphic depiction of violence,
implied torture but nothing specific.
Romance Partners: m/f
Twenty-four years before the Downfall, Isildur lies near death after
stealing a seed of the White Tree, Nimloth, and the Valar have sent a
lone elf to the island on one final mission, a mission that may very
well cost him his life. This story features my OC Laurendil from my
story "Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux".

Nightfall (87): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for battles scenes
Romance Partners: N/A
In the aftermath of Oropher's death at the Dagorlad, Thranduil takes a
desperate gamble to prevent further loss of Great Greenwood's troops.
A sequel to The Rose in the Fisted Glove. Thranduil, Galion, Original
characters. Drama/Angst. Rated PG-13 for battle scenes.

Whatever Harm Encroached (708): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
A hunter searches for his prey in the frozen forest of Mirkwood during
the Long Winter of 2759.

Written for the Middleearth Express Prompt: Cold.

Moon of the Sea (213): pandemonium_213
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mature for sexual content.
Romance Partners: Elendil/Elendil's wife
There are any number of unnamed women in Tolkien's canon who surely
played important roles behind the scenes. One of these women is
Elendil's wife, the queen of Arnor and the mother of Isildur and
Anárion. This series of ficlets explores my interpretation of this
unsung queen.

The Strength of Men (584): Savageseraph
Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Isildur
What happened between Elrond and Isildur after Isildur refused to cast
the Ring into the fire?

A Perfect Impression (494): weepingnaiad
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A first impression changes everything...

Msg# 9100

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Hobbits Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 06, 2008 - 18:52:01 Topic ID# 9089
I'm not fully happy with "Too Many Rangers" being placed under
"Hobbits," particularly as it involves Aragorn and is much from his
POV. As it is definitely AU according to the published LOTR (we have
Strider and Trotter arguing as to who should lead the Ringbearer to
Rivendell), it should, I think, either be placed under either "AU" or
"Humor," although I'm not certain where it should be placed within
either of those categories as yet.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9101

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Poetry Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 06, 2008 - 18:52:03 Topic ID# 9084
What are the subcategories for poetry? Again, I'm not certain that
"The Ring that Sauron Forged," which follows the Ring throughout Its
existence, should be subcategorized under Hobbits.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9102

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA/1251-1417 SR) Posted by Cathleen July 06, 2008 - 19:09:14 Topic ID# 9096
I would much rather see "If You Could See What I Hear" placed under Hobbits and not General. This doesn't seem to fit with any of the sub-categories I chose.

aure_enteluva <> wrote:
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Mid Third Age

SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General

Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
While searching the library for ancient scrolls, Gandalf is assisted
by the smallest scholar in Minas Tirith.

Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied incestuous relationship between two
consenting adults.
Romance Partners: Éomer/Éowyn (implied)
What chance does he, Gríma Wormtongue, have when his rival suitor has
the benefit of kinship? The golden siblings of the Golden Hall only
have eyes for each other, it seems.

The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for a challenge prompt on "Juggling the Jewels of Feanor." It
is not only the most obvious skills that you need to draw on. often
the most obscure things are what you need the most to survive.

The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Two men are tied together over the years by memories of the "best
sword ever," and the desire they have to see it made whole once more.

The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence (battle/torture/death of
non-canon characters).
Romance Partners: Thengel/Morwen
Years have passed since Aragorn came to Rohan, serving under the name
of Thorongil. Now, an unknown adversary threatens Rohan--and Aragorn,
as usual, is caught up in the middle of it.

An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for implied rape and violence. Only
Romance Partners: Various m/f pairings between original characters.
The Wandering Elves, led by Gildor Inglorion, visit the Autumn Fair in
Halabor. Takes place after Ch. 7 of "The Shoemaker's Daughter".

SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador

If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin embarks on an adventure with his new friend, a knitted piglet
named Tulip, but wanders too far and becomes lost in the woodlands
near his family's farm. A frantic search ensues, and along the way
Pippin and Paladin learn the story of their faerie ancestor, and
discover there is an extraordinary reason for their journey.

Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Never leave a knitted piglet unattended!

A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo prepares for a guest, and for some changes in his life, as Frodo
comes to live with him and Gandalf comes to visit.

Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
For a Ranger, it's hard not to take a few wrong turns when even the
right road leads to such unexpected consequences.

Meddling (695): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It may not be wise to meddle in the affairs of wizards, but sometimes
it is necessary. Gandalf finds himself in question after Aragorn's
departure for Rohan.

Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual content between a married couple
Romance Partners: Arathorn/Gilraen
Gilraen recalls a special night when she wished upon a star.

Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin is a muddy mess and his Ma gets quite the explanation of how he
got that way.

Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Another from Golden's seemingly endless supply of plot bunnies:

Pippin and Merry are staying at Bag End with Frodo. Pippin can't
sleep; his feet are too cold, then too hot, then he is hungry after
which he is too full with too much energy. Write about his and his
cousin's frustrations over losing a night's sleep.

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9103

Re: Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by Aranel Took July 06, 2008 - 19:25:06 Topic ID# 9078
RE: "Birthday Present" in Drama: General: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Drama was my Third Choice category, and I only picked it because I had to
have three and it was better than anything else available. And now that I've
read the summaries of the other "Drama - General - Fixed-Length Ficlet", I'm
pretty sure it's not a good fit at all because all of the other ficlets have
angst/violence/war/serious situations while "Birthday Present" is a schmoopy
"OMG Baby!Pippin!!!!" story, so it's kind of like a Care Bear competing with
a bunch of GI Joes in a Tough Man contest. :-\

It's 250 words, so it might even be better off competing with short stories
in Hobbits or Mid Third Age rather than competing against "dramatic" FLFs.

If it can't be moved, it's not a big deal. Just thought I'd try.


On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 5:58 PM, aure_enteluva <> wrote:

> Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Drama
> SubCategory Genres: Drama: General
> Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of prostitution and attendant diseases.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Outspoken young female surgeon Serindý has been falsely accused and
> exiled from Gondor by the Steward Denethor - on pain of death if she
> is found. (OFC written by surgicalsteel on Live Journal.) Good deeds
> repay in unexpected ways.
> The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Dark elements and themes: angst, violence,
> minor character death, other dark implications, and the acts of Ruffians
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A village occupied by ruffians, a year after the Scouring of the Shire
> and the Battle of Bywater, and how they are freed.
> Answering the Call (340): docmon
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: This story relates tales of when each
> character succumbs to the call of the Ring. The scenes sometimes
> result in potential violence between characters that is nevertheless
> disturbing despite not being realized. There is one scene (ch. 3)
> where there is some brief violence that is described clearly, though
> not graphically, so I have chosen Teen to err on the side of caution.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A series of (unrelated) vignettes in which each member of the
> Fellowship hears the call of the Ring - and answers it. My take on the
> big What-If, pursuing the potential in each character to take the
> Ring. Varying degrees of angst, drama, action, and perhaps a little
> more angst.
> Choosing (473): docmon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Three choices, three destinies. Three leaders choose the messengers to
> send to Imladris, who then become members of the Fellowship.
> The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> It is written that Tar-Miriel was too late to reach the supposed
> safety of the Meneltarma when Numenor sank into the sea. But why was
> she late? What was so important that she would risk her life, knowing
> she would not survive?
> Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In Moria, Legolas takes his watch and something watches him.
> The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> `Both Duilin of Morthond and his brother were trampled to death when
> they assailed the mýmakil, leading their bowmen close to shoot at the
> eyes of the monsters.' Duinhir had to return to his wife without his sons.
> The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Following "The Last Debate" in The Return of the King, Chapter 10
> says, "ýthe army of the West was all assembled on the Pelennor. ý All
> was now ready for the last throw."
> This is the story of the march to the Black Gate (movie and book
> verse) from the view of a family man who made the journey.
> The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Talk of murder, torture, and invasions;
> moderately graphic M/F sex; a fist fight, coarse language and some
> more death thrown in. Much of it takes place in a whore house.
> Romance Partners: Gamling/Morwen of Gondor (OFC)
> Spring has come to Edoras, and with it, a reminder of Morwen's past
> that she did not expect. Taken with the arrival of still more refugees
> from the west of Rohan, and the seeming possession of Theoden King,
> times are dark at the top of the hill. Beset from without and
> undermined from within, the people of Rohan may only watch and wait
> while the doom of their nation looms large on the eastern horizon.
> Part 14 of my series "Nights in Rohan" follows Morwen of Gondor, the
> prostitute in love with Gamling, as Edoras prepares for what will be
> the War of the Ring. Featuring: Boromir II, Eomer son of Eomund, and
> Theodred son of Theoden.
> For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Movie based. A Golden plot bunny: what might Merry have been
> feeling/thinking as the Rohirrim approach the besieged city of Minas
> Tirith?
> The Visitor (174): Rowan
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Elanor receives an unusual visit.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
> Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual Situations
> Romance Partners: Denethor/Thorongil
> A young Thorongil struggles to reconcile his growing love for Gondor
> to the part that Denethor plays in his life there.
> Home (647): alex_quine
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Why has Theoden left Theodred to welcome his cousins to Meduseld?
> Generations (508): Bodkin
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> It is natural for parents to want their children to lead safer,
> happier lives than they did ý just as it is natural for them to
> complain about the inadequacies of the next generation. While trying
> to live up to a father who is an epic hero brings difficulties of its
> own ...
> Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic description of battle and
> character death; implied sex between a married couple.
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn, Nýmo/Vairý
> Aragorn is on a mission to save more than Legolas' life... he has to
> also save his own and when the Lord of Mandos plays for souls he takes
> no prisoners. A two-part story describing Legolas' 'death' and its
> aftermath. Originally inspired by the Naked Yule Challenge at
> LOTRfanfiction.
> The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: Hýrin of the Keys/OC wife; Faramir/ýowyn
> The Battle of the Pelennor is over, and the folk of Minas Tirith must
> deal with the aftermath. Now the Keeper of the Keys watches the
> changes happen, finding himself preparing for the Return of the King
> to Gondor.
> Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: dark themes
> Romance Partners: n/a
> "Estel I was called, but I am Aragorn, Arathorn's son, Isildur's Heir,
> Lord of the Dýnedain." Aragorn takes up his place among the Dýnedain
> after learning his true heritage.
> Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: This is a character piece, in which
> Aragorn meets Faramir for the first time since the Houses of Healing.
> It's somewhat of highly charged job interview.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Tolkien doesn't tell us about the first time Aragorn meets Faramir
> after his healing. Jackson didn't film it. Yet, this incident is the
> subject of more than a few gap fillers. Here is my version, a
> character piece set in the merge of film and book canon that I use for
> all my stories.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
> Farewell (127): agape4gondor
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Angered by Boromir's taking of the Quest, Faramir prepares to return
> to Henneth-Annun.
> Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Grief knows no boundaries, nor age, nor time. Letters from Faramir to
> Boromir - in hopes that he is still alive and will return. Angst.
> My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Difficult times for young ones. Capture by
> Orcs. Death.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Gondor and its Steward are rocked by the death of Denethor and others.
> A journey is started from two ends of Middle-earth to try to help
> Faramir. Takes place in the year TA 2989. AU.
> Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic Situations
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eomer
> When Faramir tries to persuade Eomer to do what Elessar wants, he
> finds himself face-to-face with a fragile world, a secret revealed and
> the promptings of his unquiet flesh.
> Enticements (266): annmarwalk
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M sexual activity (implied)
> Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied)
> " `ýalmost I should have said that she was tempting us, and offering
> what she pretended to have the power to give. It need not be said that
> I refused to listen. The men of Minas Tirith are true to their word.'
> But what he thought that the Lady had offered him Boromir did not tell."
> The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence, character death
> Romance Partners: N/A
> They say your life flashes before your eyes at the moment of death.
> What were Boromir's thoughts and feelings as he fought the greatest
> -and final - battle of his life? Movie-verse.
> Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> As Minas Tirith celebrates the first anniversary of King's reign a
> face from the past haunts Faramir and threatens his newly found happiness.
> First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> It is the first time without Finduilas around. How is the Steward's
> family dealing with the pain? And what about the nearing holiday?
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam
> Burden (734): Ancalime8301
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Rating for implied non-con, hermaphrodite
> Frodo, underaged pregnancy.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Pre-Quest, a young hobbit finds himself lost and in trouble far from home.
> On Amon Sýl (299): Dreamflower
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After the stabbing on Weathertop, from Frodo's POV...
> Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: Although the reader COULD read a slash
> relationship into this story, it is not overtly slash and it can be
> read either way.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the
> lives of Frodo and Sam. After the quest, Frodo is confronted with
> appalling choices, but a promise is remembered. (This story is best
> read AFTER reading Sam's Crosswise Verse.)
> Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the
> lives of Frodo and Sam. On the quest, Sam and his master are crosswise
> and an old promise must be kept.
> Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: In Frodo's dream/vision Sam is thrown across
> the ground and seems to transform a bit into the Eye of Sauron. It's
> only a dream and Frodo does wake up.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Is Frodo dreaming again? Or is it real?
> Sam can't really be leaving him! Sam wouldn't do that!
> In complete delirium, Frodo tries to keep his grasp of reality as he
> sees what the Quest will do and even is doing to his best friend; Sam.
> Cold (239): febobe
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: References to non-graphic violence.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Frodo's encounter with one of the Nine in Osgiliath proves ill for
> him, and Sam and Faramir find themselves working together in spite of
> themselves.
> Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: This story is a series of vignettes united
> by a common theme. Chapters 1-3 have some unsettling ideas that may
> deserve a teen rating (e.g. themes of phobia or abandonment). Chapters
> 4 and 5 (a two-part vignette) contains elements of horror and no happy
> resolution. I would even suggest that this may deserve a mature
> rating. The site on which the story is located has a note to this
> effect for Chapters 4 and 5.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Those who are familiar with "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" will
> recognize the title of this series of vignettes. In this series,
> Frodo's gift (or curse) for strange and prescient dreams will be explored.
> Why does he have these dreams? What do they tell him? Can he
> understand this gift? Come and explore these strange tales, and
> perhaps we will find out some of the answers together.
> The Blessing (228): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A wounded soldier of Gondor tells of an enounter with The Ringbearers
> when Frodo and Sam come to visit the wounded, and learns that strength
> and courage come in unexpected forms.
> The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Bilbo returns home from a long trip and finds a warm welcome home from
> his new heir.
> Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Merry goes through a tough time with Frodo leaving from Buckland, and
> even though Frodo writes to Merry often, Merry gets sad and lonely. He
> gradually falls very ill, but Frodo comes to nurse him better and
> makes a promises that he can keep.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor
> All That Remained (155): Allee
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes, character suicide attempt
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After Arathorn's death, Gilraen is left to pick up the pieces of her
> shattered life, but the young widow learns that grief is no stranger
> to the House of Elrond. Will pain destroy the inhabitants of the Last
> Homely House, or will it bind them together?
> Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Non graphic description of injures after a
> war time shell blast. Haunting by the ghosts of dead soldiers.
> Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Erestor
> Story set during and just after the First World War. Glorfindel is an
> explorer who has come back to Britain and lives with the shell shocked
> war artist Erestor, in the small village of St. Michael's Leap. The
> villagers are curious about their relationship. Glorfindel looks
> forward to sailing and Erestor's sole aim is to paint, 'the perfect
> golden light'.
> The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Young Maedhros has recently been appointed as a King's scribe, and
> young Fingon is just coming of age. As each chooses his road in life,
> Maedhros is forced to consider his role as his father's heir and how
> his decisions might worsen the disintegrating relationship between
> Fýanor and Fingolfin.
> The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Inspired by Fiondil's Valar Universe. A young boy meets a stranger on
> a beach in the early 20th century.
> Written for the Tolkien Tango Prompt Challenge #10: Prophecies
> Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: I gave my story a rating of General
> because it fit the guidelines provided in MEFAs description of
> ratings, and also because I did not find any content in my fic that
> could disturb a child. This story mainly deals with a father-son
> relationship, and although death is alluded to, it is not described in
> a way that could have a negative effect on a person's mind.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Celebrimbor, in Sirion, looks forward to a visit from Galadriel.
> However, her impromptu arrival brings with it the news of his father's
> death in Doriath.
> The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: I am rating this story as teens given the
> mature themes being discussed.
> Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fýanor
> Nerdanel finally meets her nemesis: the one who caused the rift in her
> marriage to Fýanor. What did she had to say to them? A one-shot set in
> the bard Rising Universe.
> Wherever You Go (537): Tena
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: The chapters are rated from G-NC-17. There
> are descriptions of sexual acts between mature adults. Slash and Het
> Romance Partners: Elrond/Gil galad, Elrond/Celebrian, Erestor/Glorfindel
> Elrond takes a look back at his life.
> Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: occurs during war, canon-character death, slash
> Romance Partners: Cýrdan/Gil-galad, Elrond/Gil-Galad
> The raising of a falling star...
> Gil-galad's life from Dor-Lýmin to the Isle of Balar and then on to
> Lindon and beyond.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings
> Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Upon the pebbled shores of the sea stand two brothers. But as the tide
> begins to turn the sound of the gulls will choose their futures.
> (This story is on HASA under my Author name of Peregrin Ionad. but I
> am the same person....I just used Peregrin Ionad first, and have never
> thought to change it, as I don't usually post fics as
> Aranegoldenflower and when I do I always make sure people realise it
> is the same person!)
> Moon Over Water (518): Avon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On a cold moonlit night Faramir watches the river. He watches for a
> memory, for a vision, for a dream... he watches for a vigil once kept
> with his brother.
> Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Elanor/Fastred
> Elanor's last meeting with Sam before he leaves Middle-earth.
> In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Mentioning of character death and grief
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In June 1482, Samwise Gamgee has to bear the fact that his wife has
> passed away, leaving him behind. Between deep grief and bittersweet
> memories, he understands that the life he was used to is ultimately
> over, and that a new way lies ahead of him.
> The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A gap-filler set at the very end of ROTK, as Frodo, Sam and the Elves
> travel toward the Havens. They pass through the Tower Hills, and pause
> at the Tower of Elostirion.
> Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Faramir and Eomer find comfort in an unexpected way as they visit the
> burial mound of Theodred.
> The King's Time (333): Larner
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses concerns related to dying, and
> looks toward Aragorn's death.
> Romance Partners: n/a
> It is now the thirtieth of Rethe by the Shire's calendar, and the Lord
> King has determined that his birthday tomorrow shall be observed in a
> most solemn manner. This evening he thinks on the passing of time....
> The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for some frightening mental images.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After the destruction of Dol Guldur, King Thranduil of Mirkwood makes
> a terrible discovery.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles
> Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Nýmo/Vairý
> Nýmo returns shaken from his encounter with Lýthien. His wife Vairý
> tries to comfort him.
> Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Primula watches. Inspired by the poem <i>Stabat Mater Dolorosa</i>. A
> drabble.
> My Legacy (407): spookystoy
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Celebrimbor believes his father left no worthwhile legacy to Arda.
> Curufin, determined to reconcile with his son and rebuild the family
> legacy, argues otherwise. (It helps to know that Celebrimbor looks
> like Weta's Daniel Falconer in this AU Fourth Age.)
> Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The making of Eý and the making of the Silmarils.
> No Mercy (443): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Morgoth's forces fall on the besieging armies of Elves and Men at the
> start of the Dagor Bragollach.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Bilbo has a gift for Pippin.
> Burdens (219): Meril
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: "Burdens" is about a traumatic event, but
> I believe the writing is vague enough for it to be rated "general."
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Exiles carry many things with them on their way to Arda...
> Alqualondý (220): Moreth
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic violence
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Inexperience and war - two drabbles from opposing view-points.
> Utýlie'n Aurý (163): Nieriel Raina
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Sauron is defeated, and even far from Mordor, the victory can be felt.
> Two elves rejoice in the true passing of night.
> Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A fierce wind sweeps across Middle-earth one day in the late Third
> Age, heralding, after hundreds of years, the instrument of a
> prophecy's completion, in three different lands.
> Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: References to adult themes, including death,
> slavery and grave robbing.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A series of 13 drabbles about some of the jobs people do in
> Middle-earth and the people who do them. Many of the drabbles were
> inspired by considering the Middle-earth equivalents of modern
> careers, and are tongue-in-cheek, but some address serious issues.
> Includes many original characters, but some interactions with canon
> characters.
> Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A collection of drabbles about Saruman and his meddlings in the West
> throughout the long years of the Third Age.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets
> The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: adult themes
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The life of Ioreth, a minor character from "Return of the King" and an
> (extra-)ordinary Gondorian woman, as told in ten drabbles.
> Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Written for the challenge prompt "Like a Fearful Faramir." In the
> fourth Age, even when things are going well for Faramir, he can't help
> but worry about the things that can go wrong.
> Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> From The Tale of Years: 2957-80: Aragorn undertakes his great journeys
> and errantries. As Thorongil he serves in disguise both Thengel of
> Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor - but was he completely isolated from
> his family? On his 40th birthday, mysterious messengers arrive from
> the West.
> Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Two friends suffer the loss of their friendship due to their own
> foolishness, and each must find the courage to make it right. Written
> for the Middleearth Express Prompt 93: Apart
> A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Are we such stuff as dreams are made of? The bounds between dream and
> waking, and life and death, are blurred on a sunny afternoon in Fourth
> Age Emyn Arnen.
> Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
> Under a bright moon, Faramir considers the gains, and the price, of peace.
> Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mentions of battle and death
> Romance Partners: Faramir/ýowyn
> For her first mettarý in Gondor, ýowyn revives an old tradition - and
> sparks memories in her husband.
> Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes, death and mild sexual innuendo
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Moments from the life of Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort
> Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Teen rating for hobbit injury and wound
> treatment.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Frodo suffers the consequences of not having his mithril shirt on. Mix
> of book canon and movie verse. First line provided by claudia603.
> Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: This story deals with Frodo's struggle to
> deal with the horrific damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which
> was for all intents and purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is
> no sexual content since there was no physical violation, but a rape is
> not just an assualt on the body, but on the heart and soul as well and
> it is those that Frodo struggles to come to terms with and feeling
> filthy and worthless.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> This story deals with Frodo's struggle to deal with the horrific
> damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which was for all intents and
> purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is no sexual content since
> there was no physical violation, but a rape is not just an assualt on
> the body, but on the heart and soul as well and it is those that Frodo
> struggles to come to terms with and feeling filthy and worthless.
> Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for dark/frightening thematic
> references.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Sam and Frodo are presented to Eowyn for the first time. What are
> their reactions to the first woman they've met of the race of Men?
> A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses some mature subjects--tastefully, I
> hope
> Romance Partners: N/A
> One night, not long before the Hobbits left Minas Tirith, Frodo and
> Aragorn met beneath the White Tree.
> A first-person narrative.
> At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After the days of waiting and worrying in Minas Tirith, Merry finally
> arrives at Cormallen where he is able to help care for his cousins and
> Sam and so begins to find healing for himself as well.
> The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On the voyage to Tol Eressea, when dolphins appear around the ship,
> Frodo expresses a desire to see them at closer range and his request
> is honored by Elrond, allowing Frodo a chance to experience personal
> contact with these healers from the sea.
> Fidelis (612): Pentangle
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death; extreme angst in at least
> one chapter violence alluded to but not described detailed medical
> treatment
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A tale from "The Ranger Years". Two strangers test the meaning and
> depth of the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas. OC death.
> Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: The story contains a recounting of violence
> against the main character but no graphic details.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Following the first winter of the new King's reign, events unfold that
> will have devastating consequences for Gondor and the King's closest
> companions.
> Loss (196): SurgicalSteel
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Graphic descriptions of complicated childbirth.
> Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
> Serinde (OFC healer from 'The King's Surgeon') gives birth to her
> third child and almost dies in the process. Her husband, Halbarad, is
> forced to desperate action to save her life.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete
> Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In the Seventh Age, the Children of Iluvatar unite to defend Arda.
> Many thanks to Fiondil for beta-reading.
> Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Angst, mentions of violence, and battle scenes.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Apostates come in every form, and their ruses are often hard to
> perceive. What happens when one sets his eyes upon Imladris? Much
> trouble for Estel, who is left baffled by Elrond's strange behavior.
> Slightly AU in that there is no Gilraen present.
> The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On quest, a friendship develops between Frodo and Aragorn.
> The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: The story has an R rating due to some
> sexual scenes that are important to the plot and are not very
> graphic.It's more about showing their feelings and emotions when in
> such a situation.
> Romance Partners: Erestor/Ecthelion
> Erestor and Ecthelion live in an age in Gondolin where upon same sex
> pairings are not tolerated and are forbidden by law. This follows
> their journey of forbidden love: Their path may be wrong , but to them
> it is the right one.
> The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses the Ring War and the events
> concerning Denethor's pyre in their physical/psychological/emotional
> consequences in non-graphic details.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> From being called a recreant to being appointed as Captain of the
> White Company ý This story takes a look at Beregond, his family and
> his friends after this change in fortune, and how they experienced the
> Return of the King and the dawning of the New Age.
> Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Drug use in one chapter, implied
> multipartner M/M/F in one chapter, M/M sex in one chapter.
> Romance Partners: Imrahil/OMC
> Keeping nineteen-year-old Imrahil of Dol Amroth out of trouble is a
> full-time job and turns out to be beyond the ability of Andrahar of
> Umbar. What happens one night in a brothel has ramifications that
> affect the young men well into the following year, and changes their
> relationship forever.
> Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains a death scene.
> Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
> An epic tale of tragedy, bravery and love. From the shores of
> Belfalas, up the valleys of the Ered Nimrais to the plains of the
> Riddermark, we follow the lives of Lothýriel of Dol Amroth, her
> brothers and ýomer of Rohan from their early years to old age.
> The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: There are elements of rape, both
> heterosexual and homosexual, and torture in this story.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Legolas, Lord of Dol Galenehtar, has enough in Ithilien to worry him:
> His beloved Bandobras Took earning his spurs; the investiture of his
> new esquire; and Fastred son of Faramir's little romance going sour.
> But when news reaches him of the new Master of Lake Town seeking to
> stir up dissention between the Elvenking and Thorin Stonehelm of
> Erebor, Legolas and Gimli go north to their fathers' aid ... and end
> up uncovering a mystery deeper and darker than they had feared.
> The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: There has already been graphic violence and
> may be some language and sexual content that could prevent teens and
> young children from reading.
> Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian, Elrohir or Elladan/OFC?, if
> applicable.
> "Elrond, who had remained unwed through all his long years, now took
> to wife Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn of Lorien. His
> children were the twin brethren, Elladan and Elrohir, and Arwen
> Undomiel, the fairest of all the maidens of the Third Age,"ý
> "ýCelebrian, wife of Elrond, journeys to Lorien to visit Galadriel,
> her mother; but she is taken by Orcs in the passes of the mountains.
> She is rescued by Elrond and his sons, but after fear and torment she
> is no longer willing to remain in Middle-earth, and she departs to the
> Grey Havens and sails over Sea."
> (Histories of Middle Earth, vol. 12, The Peoples of Middle-earth: Part
> VIII- "The Tale of Years of the Third Age".)
> In the mean timeý
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles
> Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Gaffer is surprised by Sam's behavior following the Scouring of
> the Shire.
> Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On his way to Isengard, Thýoden comes to the place of his son's last
> stand.
> The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Did Smýagol truly perish? Sometimes Frodo wonders; for he has more
> cause to know how shadows can linger....
> ...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Frodo and Estella Bolger watch over a sleeping Fredegar.
> Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: mention of death
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The moments after Boromir's last smile; as seen through Aragorn's eyes.
> Charge! (444): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A rider and his mount fight at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9104

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 06, 2008 - 20:02:12 Topic ID# 9080
*Humor: Valar & Maiar*
FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Nýmo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous charges.
Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group

I understand why this was put in the category it was but I don't think it
really belongs there, but putting it in *Humor:General* would make that
category too large. Not really happy about it but I guess I can live with


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9105

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 06, 2008 - 20:04:52 Topic ID# 9075
Hi Marta,

I was wondering... would it be too much trouble to either bold the category
names or at least put them in ALL CAPS when you do future Check
Ballots? They blend right into the list and it's hard to find specific
categories. Just a Thought.

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9106

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by July 06, 2008 - 20:16:42 Topic ID# 9075
In a message dated 7/6/2008 8:05:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi Marta,

I was wondering... would it be too much trouble to either bold the category
names or at least put them in ALL CAPS when you do future Check
Ballots? They blend right into the list and it's hard to find specific
categories. Just a Thought.


I agree. I had to cut and paste them into a word document and bold them
myself to find where the categories began and ended they just ran right together
in the mail. Finally I got tired of doing it and stopped looking at them.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9107

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by Jane O. Abbott July 06, 2008 - 20:16:56 Topic ID# 9080

Would it be possible to move “Terra Incognita” to Modern, instead of Humor?
The modern setting is a more salient characteristic than the humor (which is
very understated). I did choose humor for a second category, but only
because there wasn’t any other choice for this piece since it includes no
canon characters.




From: [] On Behalf
Of aure_enteluva
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 7:00 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Check Ballot #1 - Humor

Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Humor

SubCategory Genres: Humor: General

In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
URL: http://lady- <>
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
An alternate-universe version of the journey of the Armies of the West
to the Black Gate, in which Legolas whines and Aragorn asks "Are we
there yet?"

The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
When the wind from the north rattled the shutters, the two rangers
would sit by the fire for hours, hunched over a chessboard marked in
black and white squares.

The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
URL: http://www.fanficti
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A one shot Humor fic featuring Legolas and Aragorn. Starts Post-RotK,
It then jumps back in time to when Aragorn was still a young Ranger
returning from Harad. What happened on the long trip home? What is the
Weaving Cow?

Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Paladin tells Pippin the story of his own childhood friend, a stuffed
sheep named "Sammy-Lambie".

Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
The story of how Tulip lost her button nose!

Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
URL: http://edoraslass. <>
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Extremely important suggestions on ways a Rider of Rohan - or any
citizen of Rohan, really - might take care of his or her hair.

PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Lord of Mandos is said to have uttered a Second Prophecy
concerning the End of Days, but its interpretation has been hotly
debated down through the Ages. On the eve of the departure of the
Edain for Númenor, two Men decide to do some `creative' prophesying of
their own, but it may be Námo who has the final say. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How Beren's 'Song of Parting' made it into the public domain... from
The Himring Codex version of 'The Tale of Beren and Lúthien'.

Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A story of relationships within a complicated extended family,
focusing upon an insecure, nerdy young Turgon and his idolization/envy
of his cool older brother Fingon. I've listed it here as a humor
piece, but it contains also serious inferences about the effect of
environment and family strife upon children. Written in response to a
request to write about the differences between Turgon and Fingon that
are reflected in my personal canon of stories about the House of Finwë.

The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
URL: http://www.tolkienf
Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to sexual activity between newlyweds
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Eomer King has a bad case of big-brother blues at his sister's wedding
feast. (600 words, as counted by MS Word)

With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Behind every great writer is a host of inspiring, helpful people who
are worthy of thanks. But as Samwise Gamgee discovers via the Red Book
of Westmarch, not all who offer their advice are deserving of fond

Features Sam, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas with a cameo appearance from

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles

There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A mirth-filled moment between Boromir and Haldir.

Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
URL: http://community.
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Prince Imrahil pauses for a moment to consider his daughter's future.

Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
URL: http://aranel-
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Fellowship gathers after Aragorn's coronation.

Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the birthday of Aliana, who asked for drabbles about

A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
URL: http://community.
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn visits the Sea-elves of Belfalas

Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
Teen, Reason for Rating: A passing mention of sex.
Romance Partners: N/A
A Maia copes with the downside of bodily existence.

Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
URL: http://www.tolkienf
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo receives an unusual late-night visitor.

There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
URL: http://www.tolkienf
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A young Ranger makes a lasting impression on some inhabitants of Esgaroth.

Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
URL: http://www.tolkienf
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
One of Tolkien's characters drops into Modern Earth to give a fan
fiction writer some feedback.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands

Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Bill the Pony turns a
wary eye on one of his new travelling companions.

The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
URL: http://community.
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some referred to violence, rescue
of an orphaned baby animal and a relevant sex scene that concentrates
on emotional rather than explicit physical.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Haldir.
The newly-wed Erestor and Haldir rescue a baby otter and take it back
to Imladris. As their relationship progresses, so does the growing of
Celon, the baby otter. One day Celon hears the call of one who would
take him back into the wild.

Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
URL: http://www.tawarwai <>
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story presents lots of sexual innuendo,
one scene of violence, and mentions same-sex romances.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Gandalf, (implied) Elladan/Glorfindel
A light-hearted case of misinterpretation on Sam's part causes serious
consequences for young Legolas. During the time preceding the Council
of Elrond.

MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Thranduil has trouble remembering.Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Here's To The King! (204): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Naughty words in Elvish describing vulgar acts
Romance Partners: N/A
A sweet, modest tale, in which Legolas deals with a difficult prisoner
in his father's dungeons and Thranduil gets a puppy. Warning for
vulgar language and themes, mostly in the Author's Notes

Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas learns a new word and his older brother learns to be more prudent.

Frogdom (192): Neilia
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin's actual transformation into a tree frog occurs in this tale.
Then I went ahead and started writing another stand alone story about
the day of Pippin-frog.

The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
URL: http://stories.
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In Rivendell Boromir learns a lesson about warrior hobbits.

Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
URL: http://lotrscrapboo
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A humorous consideration of what might have happened if the Fellowship
had decided to take a plane instead of walking all that ways - would
Anduril make it through security?

Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
URL: http://www.fanficti <>
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas thinks that Gloin and Thranduil should meet. He is the only
one who cannot see what a bad idea this is.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor

Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
URL: http://lordoftherin
Teen, Reason for Rating: Possibly overrated, but set to Teen for
mention of nudity.
Romance Partners: N/A
Something is not right in the city of Osgiliath.

Courage (41): annmarwalk
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Amid the festivity of post-war Minas Tirith, Gimli faces a surprising
challenge to his own courage, and his trust in his companions.

One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
URL: http://just- <>
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Inspired by "The Simpsons" episode "Twenty-five Short Stories About
Springfield", here are four ficlets-by-request flowing together into
one summery tale. Prompts included "Boromir gardening", "Boromir and
Faramir relaxing", "Prince Imrahil cooking" and "Mag up to something".

Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
URL: http://brigantine1. <>
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied m/m or m/m/f relations.
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir interrupts a bit of a brawl.

Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Nanny overhears a conversation concerning dragons between young
Faramir and Mithrandir

The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
URL: http://www.henneth-
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
A boisterous game that Aragorn and Eldarion play has dramatic

Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Not all things spoken in the heat of the moment are truly what we
mean. Aragorn and Arwen seek each others forgiveness. Written for the
Tolkien Tango Prompt #9: Reconciliation.

Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Eldarion is missing, and Elessar faces his greater fear, while the
Queen is away.

Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
URL: http://henneth-
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sex (depicted but not graphic)
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
An 'alternative' courtship of Eowyn.

Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: It's family-friendly fluff, with a bit of
satire thrown in.
Romance Partners: N/A
A trip to the museum with Eldarion and Elboron to expose them to fine
art causes Arwen to experience a peculiar flashback.

This story was part of the 2007 Yule Challenge at the Henneth-Annun
Yahoo Group, in which writers were asked to write stories surrounding
pieces of Tolkien Calendar art of varying quality.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
URL: http://lotrfanficti <>
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Eight weeks, eight hundred words, and a lengthy contest of wills pits
Boromir against the combined forces of his father and brother. A
humorous drabble cycle.

Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Some women just have special husbands...a little vignette about a
fanfic writer and Mrs. Beorn.

Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
When the new King's expression turns the milk sour,the cats of Minas
Tirith decide that something must be done.

Giving Gifts (426): Marta
URL: http://telperion- <>
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Imrahil and Denethor, on creative gift-giving.

The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
URL: http://www.freewebs
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Captain Faramir learns how hard it is to refuse a gift, however
inappropriate, from a well-meaning relative. Definitely AU, and 500
words as counted by MS Word.

Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
URL: http://www.openscro
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Witch King of Angmar; Eowyn
Tell me if you've heard this one: A witch king, a furry hobbit, and a
girl-impersonating-a-soldier all walked onto a field....

The witch-king's take on the hard, cold world of dating.

Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
URL: http://www.openscro
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mature themes
Romance Partners: Galadriel, Celeborn
Modern-day reporter Susan continues her interviews of elves in
Valinor, this time questioning Galadriel herself. Apparently, there
was some confusion in Tolkien's various descriptions of elf behavior,
and Susan wants to get it right.

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire

Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
URL: http://www.lightind <>
Teen, Reason for Rating: Vague sexual innuendo
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Sam picks the *worst* times to heal the Shire

Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Merry introduce the Fellowship to a harvest-time tradition
observed by the Shirefolk. Written for the "Six Days of Spooky Challenge."

Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin worries that Tulip will shrink after his mother's warning not
to put her in the bathtub with him.

Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While visiting Bag End, Pippin and Tulip want to hear a story but
Pippin does all of the talking!

Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What has happened to Paladin Took and his family that has caused his
only son, Pippin, to start doing odd jobs for hobbits who live around
Whitwell? He is doing a good job, but talk in the taverns and inns is
that the family is going broke.

Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Hobbits love to eat, but they can be distrustful of things they've
never had. As the new Mayor of the Shire, Sam isn't going to have any
choice about eating the Took Broth - no matter how it's made!

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar

DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As Darkness rises once again in Middle-earth, the Valar discuss a
mission for some of their People to undertake. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
URL: http://www.storieso
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Námo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous
charges. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and
Stone Yahoo Group

I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, character death
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Namo
Glorfindel can't seem to stay away from Mandos.

A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement
of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his
decision? Maia humour.

Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Highly speculative account of how the Elessar gem might have been
fabricated. Contains Fëanor as a precocious apprentice and Aulë as his
wise and patient mentor/master.

Switch (562): Tena
URL: http://www.ofelvesa
Mature, Reason for Rating: Consensual sex described between mature
adult males
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas
The Valar switch Legolas and Estel's bodies.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9108

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by July 06, 2008 - 20:52:04 Topic ID# 9075
Hi Arthur and Oshun,

What I do is copy the check ballots directly from a page in the website,
so for *me* to change the text would be quite a bit of work; however, I
will speak to Tanaqui and Aranel about whether it is possible for the
website I copy from to be changed. Thanks for letting me know this was a

In the meantime, would it be helpful if I posted a list just of the
titles and authors in each subcategory, none of the other information?

Marta wrote:
> In a message dated 7/6/2008 8:05:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> Hi Marta,
> I was wondering... would it be too much trouble to either bold the category
> names or at least put them in ALL CAPS when you do future Check
> Ballots? They blend right into the list and it's hard to find specific
> categories. Just a Thought.
> Arthur
> I agree. I had to cut and paste them into a word document and bold them
> myself to find where the categories began and ended they just ran right
> together
> in the mail. Finally I got tired of doing it and stopped looking at them.

Msg# 9109

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 06, 2008 - 21:00:20 Topic ID# 9075
Listing just title and author could well help us figure out where each
story is currently categorized, Marta. I agree--I had to look several
times to figure out where each story fit.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9110

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 06, 2008 - 21:03:10 Topic ID# 9075
Hi Marta,

If the category titles can't be altered at this point (let's remember this
for NEXT YEAR) I think the story title, author and URL is all that is
necessary. If people need to they can always refer to the MEFA site for
additional information. I think most objections are going to be from authors
rather than other people and authors already know what their stories are

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9111

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by July 06, 2008 - 21:06:33 Topic ID# 9075
In a message dated 7/6/2008 8:52:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

In the meantime, would it be helpful if I posted a list just of the
titles and authors in each subcategory, none of the other information?

That would be easier to read. But, then, people wouldn't know if their
stories were similar or not (actually, might save the MEFA admin a lot of
trouble--people like me would have to work a lot harder if they wanted to see if they
felt they had been miscategorized! LOL!)

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9112

Re: Check Ballots Posted by linaewen0 July 06, 2008 - 21:16:14 Topic ID# 9075
I just wanted to say thanks for all this work! I am very pleased with
my categories; all were as I originally chose, except for one, and
that turned out to be a much better subcategory under the main
category than I had originally chosen! I never thought of it as a
possibility, actually, so hats off to the category committee.

A possible hint for those who are having trouble finding where their
tales are placed -- I get the emails from the group in Digest form, so
all I had to do was run a search on the page for all ocurrances of
"Linaewen." I was able to find each of my categories easily. That
may not help, though, if you don't have your group notifications set
up that way!


--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> The other volunteers and I have successfully sorted all of this year's
> nominations into categories and subcategories. Thank you to Elliska,
> Inkling, and Rhonda for your help on this. And also, thank you to
> Tanaqui and Aranel Took for all of the technical advancements that
> made that easier this year.
> I will begin posting the first round of check ballots shortly. If you
> have not read it already, I encourage you to check out last week's
> educational post, which can be found at
> for important information about the checkballots. I also want to make
> a brief comment about poetry.
> This year, there were only twenty-two poems nominated. There were a
> few poems that we could not place in either of the three category
> choices selected by the author. The other categorizers and I discussed
> categorizing poems with non-poem nominations (like we did with the few
> WIPs in a similar situation), but decided that it was more important
> that poems compete against other poems than that they compete against
> other entries of a similar genre, race, or time period.
> For this reason, all of the poems are competing in the "Genres:
> Poetry" main category. So far as it was possible, we divided this
> category into subcategories based on the poems' category selections.
> For instance, we have a Genres: Poetry: Hobbits subcategory, where all
> the entries selected Poetry as their story type and Hobbits as one of
> their category choices. Genres: Poetry also has a Drama and Late Third
> Age subcategory, as well as a General subcategory for poems that
> didn't fit in either Hobbits, Drama, or Late Third Age.
> ********************
> One other thing before we get going. Some authors are unsure of what
> main categories their stories are using. Your story should be in one
> of the three main categories you selected (unless we've discussed the
> situation by email in the last two weeks); you can find your category
> choices by logging in to and clicking the
> "View your nominated stories" link. This will bring up a list of your
> nominated stories, complete with the three category choices you
> selected, listed in your order of preference.
> If you prefer to not look through all of the ballots or cannot find
> your nomination, just ask and I will let you know where your stories
> are competing.
> Now on with the ballots!
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 9113

Re: Check Ballots Posted by Dawn Felagund July 06, 2008 - 21:28:45 Topic ID# 9075
On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 10:16 PM, linaewen0 <>
> A possible hint for those who are having trouble finding where their
> tales are placed -- I get the emails from the group in Digest form, so
> all I had to do was run a search on the page for all ocurrances of
> "Linaewen."

Another way to make searching for your nominations easier, if you're not
reading on digest ...

Log into Yahoo! and go to the group's page:

About midway down is a search box. Choose Advanced:

For *Subject,* select "contains" and type "check ballot"

For *Message Body,* select "contains" and type your penname (e.g., "dawn

This should return a nice and neat list of all the check ballots where you
are mentioned, which makes it much easier to find yourself. I just tested it
for myself and Oshun, and it worked great.

And I have to add my accolades to the categorization volunteers! I get weak
in the knees just thinking of the effort it must take to put all of those
stories into tidy categories. Speaking for myself, I am pleased with how
each and every one of my nominations was categorized. Wonderful work! :)


Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9114

Re: Check Ballots Posted by denistonr July 06, 2008 - 21:30:46 Topic ID# 9075
Thank you! I actually sort of enjoy it, it's like putting a puzzle
together. :)


> And I have to add my accolades to the categorization volunteers! I
get weak
> in the knees just thinking of the effort it must take to put all of
> stories into tidy categories. Speaking for myself, I am pleased with how
> each and every one of my nominations was categorized. Wonderful work! :)
> Dawn
> --
> ~oOo~
> Dawn Felagund
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9115

Re: Check Ballots Posted by denistonr July 06, 2008 - 21:31:34 Topic ID# 9075
Thanks, Linaewn!


> I just wanted to say thanks for all this work! I am very pleased with
> my categories; all were as I originally chose, except for one, and
> that turned out to be a much better subcategory under the main
> category than I had originally chosen! I never thought of it as a
> possibility, actually, so hats off to the category committee.

Msg# 9116

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA/1251-1417 SR) Posted by denistonr July 06, 2008 - 21:48:02 Topic ID# 9096
Hi Cathleen!

I went and looked again at your story, "If You Could See What I Hear"
to see why we had placed it where we did and if it could be moved,
etc. Mid-Third Age was your first choice for sub-category which is
why it was placed here. Hobbits was your second choice, and Drama was
third. (see copied information below) I don't think we'll be able to
move it as there are very few stories in this sub-category.

However, I don't think it's placed too poorly as it's not in the
General category but the Times:Mid Third Age: Eriador sub-category.
You have another hobbit story here, Pearl Took has two hobbit stories
, Dreamflower has a hobbit story, and then there are 3 stories with
men that are also set in Eriador.

I will speak with the other categorizers, but it will be difficult, if
not impossible to move it.


Cathleen Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 - 3017 TA | Races: Hobbits |
Genres: Drama
Story Setting: Tookland - Whitwell
Characters for Categorization: Pippin Took
Events and Time Periods: (3) 2968-3018: Births and childhoods of
Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin
Sub-Genres and Poetic Form: angst, childhood, family

> I would much rather see "If You Could See What I Hear" placed under
Hobbits and not General. This doesn't seem to fit with any of the
sub-categories I chose.
> Cathleen
> aure_enteluva <melayton@...> wrote:
> Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Mid Third Age

Msg# 9117

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by Viv July 06, 2008 - 22:49:31 Topic ID# 9075
Just wanted to thank y'all for posting these check ballots. I now have a nifty list of numbers for stories I want to read. :)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9118

Check Ballot - Simplified Version Posted by July 06, 2008 - 23:46:30 Topic ID# 9118
Hey guys,

Some people have requested a check ballot with only the titles, authors'
names, and the subcategory they are competing in - no links, no ratings,
no summaries. Here it is.



SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General
Balm (459): Armariel
Dragons In The Trollshaws (170): Bodkin
Dangerous Folk (546): Budgielover
The Mariner's Son (329): cairistiona
Lost (226): Claudia
Pip-napped! (669): Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors
Dol Amroth Yule (295): Isabeau of Greenlea
Symbols of Love (130): Larner
Fennas Haradren (280): Linaewen
--and it was done (527): Neoinean

SubCategory: Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
With Hope and Without Hope (466): docmon
The Wanderer (627): Lackwit
Eagle of the Star (327): Neoinean
To See A World (330): Nightwing
The Web of Darkness (101): Soledad
Tarnished Ivory (464): Yavie Feels Pretty


SubCategory Genres: Alternate Universe: General
Eucatastrophe: The Return (617): Dreamflower
As the Tide by the Moon (9): EdorasLass
Above All Shadows (492): Ignoble Bard
Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer (206): Katzilla
Two Prisoners (724): Lord Branwyn
Homeward Bound (430): Werecat

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy
Shadow King (227): Claudia
Bitter May (265): Cuthalion
In The Darkness Of My Dreaming (284): Cuthalion
For What I Wait (125): Dawn Felagund
Clear Conscience (The Clear Shot Remix) (680): Dreamflower
Five things that never happened to Nerdanel (389): Meril
Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth (222):

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Drabbles
No Man's Land (726): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Wave-Singer (33): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Last Stroke (465): Elena Tiriel
Least Expected (512): Imhiriel
The Least of Rings (621): Marta
Alter/native (478): Tanaqui
Spoiled (119): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
Arranged Marriage (725): Claudia
Land of the Moon (308): Claudia
Murder The Dawn (383): crowdaughter
The Search For Middle-earth (346): Jules14
Lothíriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2 (567): juno_magic
Pippin-Frog For A Day (115): Neilia

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
A Path of Wisdom (641): Dana
The Edge of the Knife (274): Dwimordene
Return (399): Elleth
Homecoming (706): Isabeau of Greenlea
The Pirate (674): Sivan Shemesh
Wounds of a Friend (710): Sivan Shemesh

SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family
Bitter Sweet (536): annmarwalk
The Price of Pity (373): celticbard
The King's Colors (482): Dwimordene
Parth Galen (705): Isabeau of Greenlea
A Great Evil Unmade (267): Linaewen
The Prisoner of Time (313): Raksha the Demon


SubCategory Genres: Drama: General
Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
Answering the Call (340): docmon
Choosing (473): docmon
The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
The Visitor (174): Rowan

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
Home (647): alex_quine
Generations (508): Bodkin
Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
Farewell (127): agape4gondor
Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
Enticements (266): annmarwalk
The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam
Burden (734): Ancalime8301
On Amon Sűl (299): Dreamflower
Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
Cold (239): febobe
Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
The Blessing (228): Mews1945
The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor
All That Remained (155): Allee
Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
Wherever You Go (537): Tena
Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings
Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
Moon Over Water (518): Avon
Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
The King's Time (333): Larner
The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles
Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
My Legacy (407): spookystoy
Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
No Mercy (443): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
Burdens (219): Meril
Alqualondë (220): Moreth
Utúlie'n Aurë (163): Nieriel Raina
Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets
The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort
Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
Fidelis (612): Pentangle
Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
Loss (196): SurgicalSteel

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete
Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles
Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
Charge! (444): Tanaqui


SubCategory Genres: Horror: General
The Other (27): Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors
The Dark of Night (484): Ellie
Maglor's Harp (660): Ford of Bruinen
Silenced (31): Illwynd
The Houseless (178): Jael
The Ritual Disturbed (68): Larner
I Can Feel It! (673): Sivan Shemesh


SubCategory Genres: Humor: General
In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles
There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands
Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
Here's To The King! (204): Jael
Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
Frogdom (192): Neilia
The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
Bad Idea (610): StarLight9

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor
Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
Courage (41): annmarwalk
One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
Giving Gifts (426): Marta
The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire
Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
Took Broth (543): Pearl Took

SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar
DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
Switch (562): Tena


SubCategory Genres: Longer Works: General
The Work of Small Hands (352): Dawn Felagund
Wars of the Valar (3): Fiondil
The Blessing (511): Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
A New Day (35): Oshun
The King's Surgeon (90): SurgicalSteel
Healing the Long Cleeve (133): TopazTook


SubCategory Genres: Mystery: General
Amara (236): Claudia
The Citadel (732): Claudia
Fait Accompli (381): Ignoble Bard
The Secret of the Wooden Wall (630): Lily
The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery (522): shirebound
The Vault of the Dead (103): Soledad
Dead Steward's Gift (572): stefaniab


SubCategory Genres: Non-Fiction: General
Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves (322):
On Hobbits (457): Aratlithiel
The Myth of the One Ring's Power (532): Dreamflower
On Canon and Fanfic (123): Marta
Arvedui v. Pelendur (277): Roh Wyn
Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth (91): Steuard Jensen

SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies
One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun


SubCategory Genres: Poetry: General
Elrond's Farewell (269): Armariel
I Married for Love (661): Ford of Bruinen
Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus (50): pandemonium_213
Yrch Song (564): Phyncke
Temptation (416): Princess Artemis

SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Drama
Answers (458): Armariel
The Bridge (429): Armariel
25 Rethe, S.R. 1422: The Three Travellers Remember (679): Dreamflower
Merry on the Pelennor Fields (720): Primsong
Call of the Dream (402): Queen Galadriel
Maglor's Song (398): Robinka
Galadriel Remembers (583): Savageseraph

SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Hobbits
Shire (469): Aranel Took
The Gardener Speaks (428): Armariel
Bearer of the Ring (396): ConnieMarie
By Ship or Grave (618): Larner
The Ring That Sauron Forged (645): Larner

SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
Rebirth (471): Aranel Took
Three Songs (301): Lindelea
Weathertop (597): Primsong
The Search (501): rhyselle
Boromir at the Bat (632): White Gull


SubCategory Genres: Romance: General
Coming Home to Crickhollow (445): calanthe11
Cinnamon and Chocolate (264): Cuthalion
As Close As (88): Dana
Midnight (18): EdorasLass
And Whisper You to This Earth (151): Lady Elina
Miquan Melave (319): Marta
Rose, Rose, Rose (619): White Gull

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabbles
Call of the Wild (94): annmarwalk
Loving a Book Lover (721): Avon
Men of the Twilight (209): Elena Tiriel
Bibliophile (370): Imhiriel
Taking Roots (367): Imhiriel
Home is where the heart is (505): Linda hoyland
My Precious (14): SheBit

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Elven Lands
Coming Home (233): brindlemom2
The Dance (128): Dawn Felagund
Not Yet (712): erobey
Arwen in the Afternoon (244): Gandalfs apprentice
A Perfect World (248): mistycracraft
A Harmony In Autumn (49): Oshun
Early Winter at Himring Hill (79): Oshun
In Dreams (609): Phyncke

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor
One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts (334): Gwynnyd
A Dream Come True (162): Lady Bluejay
Waterloo (158): Lady Bluejay
A Maid Waiting (691): Larner
Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (405): Marta
Arwen (359): Neoinean
Summer's Lease (650): Raksha the Demon
Wonderful Tonight (320): Violin Ghost

SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
Rich and Fair (548): annmarwalk
The Wedding Gift (40): annmarwalk
Diamonds For Forever I, II & III (515): Elen Kortirion
The Turning Wheel (517): Elen Kortirion
Wife of the Thain (513): LA Knight
Leather (297): Marta
The Blessing of the Waters (61): Raksha the Demon
Celevon a Mallen (279): Tanaqui
Handy With A Sword (437): Tanaqui
Gently Held (6): viv


SubCategory Races: Cross-Cultural: General
The Haradric Whore and Her Son (124): annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
A Moment in the Morning in Bree (731): Budgielover
On Far Fields (106): Dwimordene
Silver Blossoms Blown (646): Ignoble Bard
Feet That Wander (576): Linaewen
Dorwinion Wine (663): Lindelea
Yule Tails (303): Pearl Took
Sing My Worth Immortal (168): Perelleth
Worlds Within Worlds (237): Rubynye

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men
And so our friendship began... (281): Amarok
The Legend of the Grey Riders (176): Jay of Lasgalen
To Give Hope (456): peredhil lover
A Little Misunderstanding (275): Radbooks
At the Last Minute (544): rhyselle
Not One of Us (542): StarLight9
First Name Terms (311): The Lady of Light
Seas of Fate (487): Thundera Tiger

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets
There and Back (89): Dana
Light of the Westering Sun (126): Dawn Felagund
Another Prometheus (85): Gandalfs apprentice
A Meeting in the Tower Hills (374): Imhiriel
A Large Bold Hand (10): Jay of Lasgalen
Epiphany (293): Larner
Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie (689): Lindelea
Lost Love (271): Tanaqui
Star-songs of the Eorlingas (291): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship
A Cat in King Elessar's Court (66): agape4gondor
A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes (73): Claudia
And all was made ready (427): Dreamflower
Good King Elessar (2): Dreamflower
In Good Company (20): foxrafer (csevans8)
A Friend's Hug (142): Golden
Heart of the Wood (60): Kenaz
Jewels of Light (394): Larner
A Dainty Dish (722): Linda hoyland
Shelter From the Storm (315): SlightlyTookish

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir
Labour of Love (733): Aprilkat
Many Branches (420): Baranduin
Sun (223): Claudia
Of First Impressions and Old Friends (146): Dreamflower
Concerning Walls (112): Larner
Put Aside Your Doubt (187): sophinisba solis

SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War
A Great Cause for Concern (682): Alassante
The Onion Riddle (13): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Parting Gifts (452): Fiondil
The Misty Month (454): Le Rouret
Dance of the Deer and Műmak (559): Nieriel Raina
Frodo's Pointed Ears (729): sophinisba solis


SubCategory Races: Dwarves: General
Trading Pledges (339): Adaneth
Of Old It Was Not Darksome (70): EdorasLass
The Dwarves Treasure (312): eiranae
Tonight We Are Alive (504): Eyborg
As Was Dwarven Tradition (553): Nieriel Raina
Bombur's Diet (677): Primsong

SubCategory: Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
Hammer (468): Aranel Took
Home (533): Aranel Took
Sunset Gates (342): Ignoble Bard
O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! (354): Imhiriel
Dreamscape (442): Tanaqui


SubCategory Races: Elves: General
Healing (419): Bodkin
The Ghost in the Garden (272): Dawn Felagund
Out of the Blue (205): Jael
Wayward Sons (408): Jael
Footsteps in Time (76): Keiliss
To Be A King (252): Keiliss
Risk Assessment (665): pandemonium_213
Blue (563): red lasbelin
Even Legends Fade (555): Star In Ruin

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Drabbles
Unwilling (64): Elena Tiriel
A Race, To Be Like Me (375): Imhiriel
Forsaken (369): Imhiriel
Blood and Iron (122): Ribby
House of Ransom (657): Robinka
The Sky Is Over (83): Robinka
The Lowest Circle (449): Tanaqui
The War of Wrath (120): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Family
Shadows (698): Bodkin
Essecarmë (247): Dawn Felagund
Elflings (348): Jael
The Librarian (700): Jay of Lasgalen
And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors (540): Klose
The Water's Song (707): Nieriel Raina

SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Elrond
Comfort (161): Bodkin
Silver Rain (589): Empy
Spaces in the Heart (251): Keiliss
Star's End (283): Keiliss
My Shining Stars (371): Oshun
The Littlest Warrior (552): RavensWing14337

SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Finwe
A Smile (321): Aria
Noldolantë (253): Dawn Felagund
Five Fires (736): Elleth
My Oaths I Will Keep (298): Encaitariel
WOUNDS: Invisible Scars (57): Fiondil
Circle of Silver (717): Keiliss
Denial (80): Oshun
In absentia (84): Robinka

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Incomplete
A Darkness Lies behind Us (190): Bodkin
Journeys of Vása (140): Dawn Felagund
In This Far Land (191): Encaitariel
Prior Claim: The Sons of Elrond Series (648): Eresse
Crumbling Walls (662): Ford of Bruinen
Don't Explain (289): gwidhiel
Nerdanels Sons (659): Istarnie
Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) (318): Kenaz
Lessons from the Mountain (221): MithLuin
Adar & Ion (582): Sivan Shemesh

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves
In Search of Stillness (704): Bodkin
A Problem Shared (169): Dot
King Stag (86): Jael
Twentynine White Horses (557): Jael
Free To Live (701): Nieriel Raina
Seaworthy (349): Thundera Tiger

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets
Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! (260): Alassante
All these hands (534): Elitihien
Ghost (218): Elleth
Refuge (423): Raksha the Demon
Midwinter Thoughts (570): Rhapsody
Vengeance's Folly (718): Rhapsody

SubCategory: Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
Love at First Sight (432): Gwynnyd
Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day (558): Nieriel Raina
The Queen's Gift (697): Queen Galadriel
Undivided (46): Raksha the Demon
Duty, Honour, Country (81): Rhapsody


SubCategory Races: Hobbits: General
The Westering Fire (200): Aprilkat
The Language of Waves (193): Claudia
Edledhron (392): Elanor Silmarien
Harmony (195): Elwen
Tolo Dan Na Ngalad (735): Elwen
The Last Summer (143): Golden
Too Many Rangers (116): Larner
Lock Out (307): pippinfan88
Feeling Safe (633): shirebound

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Childhood
Trouble at Bag End (728): Angiet
Lily Took (147): Cathleen
The Five Rules of Cooking (523): GamgeeFest
The Quest for the Hairless Cat (524): GamgeeFest
A Hobbity Wizard (596): Golden
A Promise (149): Golden
A Matter of Ill Reputation (210): Lily
The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift (145): obelia medusa

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Family
Elanor of Westmarch: The Return (78): Baranduin
Yule at Great Smials (566): Dreamflower
A Treasured Piece of Cloth (600): Golden
Not Quite Any Other Day (631): Pearl Took
Grandmum's Button Box (135): pippinfan88
The Last Dance (397): pippinfan88

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Friendship
I Can't (24): Antane
Between Childhood and Coming of Age (141): Dreamflower
I Give You a Rainbow (571): Golden
The Dancing Lesson (664): Lindelea
The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored (189): obelia medusa
A Taste of Home (138): Pearl Took
Pippin's Secret (599): shirebound

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort
Secrets (229): Aprilkat
Small Strengths (238): Elwen
The Ribbon (336): Gentle Hobbit
O Merry Mine (636): Larner
Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams (688): Lindelea
Rude Awakening (692): Lindelea
Dark Dreams (550): SlightlyTookish

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Incomplete
That Fate Them Bore (476): Cara Loup
Turning Points (357): Cathleen
In This These Days of Glory (640): Dana
The Autumn of His Discontent (157): jodancingtree
When Trouble Came (109): Lily
Dreamflower's Bunny (644): Lindelea
The Farmer's Son (509): Lindelea
A Time to Hope (302): PipMer
Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe (643): shirebound

SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War
Five Turnings of the Year (685): Dana
Candles (460): Gentle Hobbit
The Flute (150): Golden
Regarding Ents (525): PipMer
Summer's End (380): pippinfan88
A Warm Sun Shining (727): shirebound
Some Seasons (199): sophinisba solis


SubCategory Races: Men: General
In Passing (104): Altariel
Portrait of a Queen (338): Aruthir
Destiny (592): Cinzia
Reparation (296): Isabeau of Greenlea
Seeking the Sun (488): Linda hoyland
Only Water in Your Veins (154): Michelle
Tower of the Moon (577): Nath
The Stolen Child (197): SurgicalSteel
The Night's Eye (343): Vana Tuivana

SubCategory: Races: Men: General Drabbles
Nothing Less (606): Archet
A Moment Away (474): Elen Kortirion
This crown of stars (586): Fawsley
Battle upon the Quays (376): Imhiriel
Return of the King (355): Imhiriel
Relief (446): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Races: Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
Of Dreams... (7): Avon
Hearts of Stone (12): Elen Kortirion
Pulling the Wool (95): Elen Kortirion
Trajectory (153): Galadriel
Legacy (500): Raksha the Demon
Another Country (438): Tanaqui
Songs of Innocence and Experience (440): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles
Deliverance (285): Imhiriel
Pirates Ye Be Warned (353): Imhiriel
Autumn (489): Linda hoyland
Summer Nights (344): Marta
Tangled Webs (100): Ribby
Second Best (384): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Races: Men: Minas Tirith
Wizards' Pupils (108): Altariel
Confidence (38): annmarwalk
Celebrity (635): Bodkin
Restoration (19): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
I Stand No Longer Alone (62): Larner
Music hath Charms (361): Linda hoyland
Playing with Fire (21): Linda hoyland
Before You Go (506): Nancy Brooke
Engineering (696): SurgicalSteel

SubCategory: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets
The Portrait (288): agape4gondor
The Chieftain of the Dunedain (623): Avon
A Fitting Occupation (601): Radbooks
The Fire of Hope (625): Raksha the Demon
Your Father Loves You (424): Raksha the Demon
Things as they were in all the days of my life (393): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Races: Men: Steward's Family
Leaving Home (39): annmarwalk
Dark Dreams (282): Avon
The Nag (347): celticbard
Daybreak (591): Cinzia
Child of Hope (97): Galadriel
Consolation (341): Isabeau of Greenlea
Shall We Dance? (93): Isabeau of Greenlea
Chance Encounter (5): przed
Scholarship (43): Raksha the Demon
Brotherhood (261): Violin Ghost


SubCategory Races: Other Beings: General
Dispelling the Fog (642): fantasyfan
BRIDGE: Pá Valaraucar ar Námier (415): Fiondil
Old Man Willow (314): Nath
Meant to Be (137): Pearl Took
Seven Sisters (388): Pearl Took
Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree (121): shirebound


SubCategory Races: Villains: General
The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
Dark Light (585): Makamu
Wormtongue (240): Mariole
Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale

SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets
Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
Black Memory (603): mrkinch
The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui


SubCategory Times: First Age and Prior: General
Choices (184): brindlemom2
Stars of the Lesser (74): Dawn Felagund
Surprise (131): Dawn Felagund
Wind and Fire (539): elfscribe
GOBLINS: The Heralds Summons (53): Fiondil
NIGHT and FOREST: A Glimpse of Beauty (554): Fiondil
Hearts Like the Sea (36): Ignoble Bard
The Nightingale (404): Maeve Riannon
Kementari (99): Marta
The Last Stand (82): Rhapsody

SubCategory: Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe
An Ordinary Woman (32): Dawn Felagund
Discretion (254): Dawn Felagund
One Last Wish (323): Dawn Felagund
If I Had One Wish (658): Ellie
Like Roses over a Fence (110): Ellie
Vodka (714): Ford of Bruinen
The Pillar Perished Is (356): Imhiriel
A Sleep Over (160): Phyncke
Courage (69): rhyselle


SubCategory Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General
Hope Remains (118): Baggins Babe
When the King Came Back (514): Cathleen
Where Shadows Lay No More (358): Cathleen
Riding the Waves (211): Claudia
Rekindling (255): Dawn Felagund
Look Not With Longing (479): Dwimordene
Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (578): Fiondil
Aftermaths and Consequences (268): Gwynnyd
Faeries (304): Pearl Took
Seeing Stars (360): Raksha the Demon
Tales from Tol Eressëa (214): shirebound

SubCategory: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets
Journey's End (234): Ignoble Bard
Fit for a King (217): Imhiriel
The Birthday Blessing (687): Larner
No Regrets (490): Linda hoyland
Old Friends (651): Marta
Birthday Outing (386): Tanaqui
Supporting Acts (436): Tanaqui


SubCategory Times: Late Third Age: General
My Brother. My Captain. My King. (602): Amarok
Captain of Mordor (626): draylon
Drawing the Eye (569): Linda hoyland
They Also Serve (365): Marta
Hold To Hope (709): Nieriel Raina
Before the Black Gate (45): Raksha the Demon
Chance Encounter (203): Telcontar Rulz
Oathbreakers (470): Thundera Tiger
The Dooming of Small Hands (639): Thundera Tiger
Promise and Sorrow (607): Virtuella

SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
Loudwater (63): Adaneth
The Kindly Airs (480): Dwimordene
Renewal (208): Elena Tiriel
The Journey (604): foxrafer (csevans8)
Reflections in the Smoke (294): Raksha the Demon
Stewards (450): Tanaqui
The World Is Changing (719): Tanaqui

SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (496): Ariel/Auntie
Took/Rosie Took/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
In the Hands of the King (231): fantasyfan
Wedding Nerves (48): Jay of Lasgalen
For the Want of ... (681): Larner
The Lost Restored (59): Larner
Comes the moment to decide (418): Linda hoyland
Sing All Ye People! (249): Raksha the Demon
The Warmth of Morning (148): Spindle Berry

SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles
Forfeit (401): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Steward's Trumpets (400): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
What Goes Up (683): Dana
Recognition (481): Dwimordene
Tying Notes (378): Imhiriel
Tree of Knowledge (172): Nancy Brooke


SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General
Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad

SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador
If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
Meddling (695): Dwimordene
Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took


SubCategory Times: Modern Times: General
National Treasure (201): Baranduin
Summer Heat (363): chaotic_binky
The Road Trip (410): Garnet Took
Into the Woods (593): Gloria Mundi
Trinity (51): pandemonium_213
Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action (413): Princess Artemis
Dawn Twilight (182): viv


SubCategory Times: Multi-Age: General
WAR: A Promise Before Dying (55): Fiondil
The Craft of the Elven Smith (1): Larner
Fulfilling Oaths (332): Nieriel Raina
A Day in Time (230): Pearl Took

SubCategory: Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets
Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI (516): Elen Kortirion
Feelings of Superiority (362): Gwynnyd
Flame of Life (114): Imhiriel
Flickers (390): Meril
Birthday Double Drabble (526): PipMer
An Elf-lord Revealed (406): Tanaqui
Possessing the greatest powers (387): Tanaqui


SubCategory Times: Second and Early Third Age: General
Long Memories (310): Bodkin
Faithful (105): Dwimordene
U elyë, Ar-Pharazôn (486): Elitihien
The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor (8): Fiondil
Nightfall (87): Jael
Whatever Harm Encroached (708): Nieriel Raina
Moon of the Sea (213): pandemonium_213
The Strength of Men (584): Savageseraph
A Perfect Impression (494): weepingnaiad

Msg# 9119

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Poetry Posted by July 06, 2008 - 23:51:25 Topic ID# 9084
Hi Larner,

The subcategories in poetry are

Genres: Poetry: General
Genres: Poetry: Drama
Genres: Poetry: Hobbits
Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age

We placed it in Genres: Poetry: Hobbits because you selected Hobbits as
one of your category choices (your third-choice category), and because
you selected three hobbits as "characters for categorization" (meaning
that they could be used as the basis for setting up subcategories).
Since there are only five poems in Genres: Poetry: Hobbits, if I move
this poem it will make that category nonviable. Therefore I'd rather not
move it if that can be avoided.



Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> What are the subcategories for poetry? Again, I'm not certain that
> "The Ring that Sauron Forged," which follows the Ring throughout Its
> existence, should be subcategorized under Hobbits.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9120

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by July 06, 2008 - 23:55:40 Topic ID# 9075
Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> Listing just title and author could well help us figure out where each
> story is currently categorized, Marta. I agree--I had to look several
> times to figure out where each story fit.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large

Hi Bonnie,

That is a good point re: making it easier to find your stories in the
finished lists. I did post a list of just titles and authors. You can
think of it like an index for the full check ballots.

Btw, I posted it as message #9118, with the subject "Check Ballot -
Simplified Version".


Msg# 9121

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA/1251-1417 SR) Posted by July 07, 2008 - 0:02:54 Topic ID# 9096
Hi Cathleen,

I see that Radbooks already replied to this, but I will just explain a
little further. We placed your story in the Times: Mid Third Age main
category because that is what you selected as your first choice. We then
divided up the stories in that main category into two subcategories -
General and Eriador. Eriador actually included quite a few Shire stories
as well as three stories about the Men of the North. While you did not
select Eriador on your form, you *did* select Shire - Eriador is just
the general region that the Shire is in.

In future years, if you feel a story should compete only against Hobbits
stories, please select Hobbits as your first-choice category. That way
we can try to honor that request.



Cathleen wrote:
> I would much rather see "If You Could See What I Hear" placed under
> Hobbits and not General. This doesn't seem to fit with any of the
> sub-categories I chose.
> Cathleen

> SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador
> If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen


Msg# 9122

Re: Check Ballots About to Begin Posted by July 07, 2008 - 0:22:59 Topic ID# 9075
You are most welcome, Viv!


Viv wrote:
> Just wanted to thank y'all for posting these check ballots. I now have a
> nifty list of numbers for stories I want to read. :)
> viv

Msg# 9123

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Hobbits Posted by July 07, 2008 - 0:26:52 Topic ID# 9089
Hi Larner,

Thank you for being upfront about your concerns, because it gives me the
opportunity to explain why we did things the way we did. Hopefully that
will help you understand things this year, and make the best choices for
your stories for future years as well.

I just looked at the information for "Too Many Rangers," and you chose
Hobbits as your first-choice category selections. From a volunteer's
perspective, your story was actually very well placed - we put it
precisely where you told us to. In the future, you (and everyone!)
should select as their first-choice category the place you would most
like your piece to be categorized.

Since it was placed in your first-choice category, I'm not quite
comfortable moving it to a new category. The more stories we move
around, the harder it is to make future moves; and also, it is hard to
allow some moves where an author was placed in its first category, and
not allow others. That's why I prefer not to move stories unless we have to.

So for those reasons, I think I prefer leaving it in Hobbits. Thanks for
your cooperation.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> I'm not fully happy with "Too Many Rangers" being placed under
> "Hobbits," particularly as it involves Aragorn and is much from his
> POV. As it is definitely AU according to the published LOTR (we have
> Strider and Trotter arguing as to who should lead the Ringbearer to
> Rivendell), it should, I think, either be placed under either "AU" or
> "Humor," although I'm not certain where it should be placed within
> either of those categories as yet.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large

Msg# 9124

Re: Check Ballot - Simplified Version Posted by Elena Tiriel July 07, 2008 - 0:46:36 Topic ID# 9118
Oh, thank you for this, Marta!

This simplified version of the check ballots is sooooo much easier to use to
find the (very appropriate) categories that my own drabbles were placed in.

And please pass along my thanks to whoever came up with this brilliant idea!

- Barbara ;-)

On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 9:43 PM, <>

> Hey guys,
> Some people have requested a check ballot with only the titles, authors'
> names, and the subcategory they are competing in - no links, no ratings,
> no summaries. Here it is.
> Marta
> +++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General
> **************************************
> Balm (459): Armariel
> Dragons In The Trollshaws (170): Bodkin
> Dangerous Folk (546): Budgielover
> The Mariner's Son (329): cairistiona
> Lost (226): Claudia
> Pip-napped! (669): Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors
> Dol Amroth Yule (295): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Symbols of Love (130): Larner
> Fennas Haradren (280): Linaewen
> --and it was done (527): Neoinean
> SubCategory: Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
> ******************************************
> With Hope and Without Hope (466): docmon
> The Wanderer (627): Lackwit
> Eagle of the Star (327): Neoinean
> To See A World (330): Nightwing
> The Web of Darkness (101): Soledad
> Tarnished Ivory (464): Yavie Feels Pretty
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Alternate Universe: General
> ***********************************************
> Eucatastrophe: The Return (617): Dreamflower
> As the Tide by the Moon (9): EdorasLass
> Above All Shadows (492): Ignoble Bard
> Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer (206): Katzilla
> Two Prisoners (724): Lord Branwyn
> Homeward Bound (430): Werecat
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy
> ******************************************************
> Shadow King (227): Claudia
> Bitter May (265): Cuthalion
> In The Darkness Of My Dreaming (284): Cuthalion
> For What I Wait (125): Dawn Felagund
> Clear Conscience (The Clear Shot Remix) (680): Dreamflower
> Five things that never happened to Nerdanel (389): Meril
> Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth (222):
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Drabbles
> *************************************************
> No Man's Land (726): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Wave-Singer (33): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Last Stroke (465): Elena Tiriel
> Least Expected (512): Imhiriel
> The Least of Rings (621): Marta
> Alter/native (478): Tanaqui
> Spoiled (119): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
> ***************************************************
> Arranged Marriage (725): Claudia
> Land of the Moon (308): Claudia
> Murder The Dawn (383): crowdaughter
> The Search For Middle-earth (346): Jules14
> Lothíriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2 (567): juno_magic
> Pippin-Frog For A Day (115): Neilia
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *******************************************************************
> A Path of Wisdom (641): Dana
> The Edge of the Knife (274): Dwimordene
> Return (399): Elleth
> Homecoming (706): Isabeau of Greenlea
> The Pirate (674): Sivan Shemesh
> Wounds of a Friend (710): Sivan Shemesh
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family
> *********************************************************
> Bitter Sweet (536): annmarwalk
> The Price of Pity (373): celticbard
> The King's Colors (482): Dwimordene
> Parth Galen (705): Isabeau of Greenlea
> A Great Evil Unmade (267): Linaewen
> The Prisoner of Time (313): Raksha the Demon
> +++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Drama: General
> **********************************
> Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
> The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
> Answering the Call (340): docmon
> Choosing (473): docmon
> The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
> Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
> The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
> The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
> The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
> For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
> The Visitor (174): Rowan
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
> *********************************************
> Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
> Home (647): alex_quine
> Generations (508): Bodkin
> Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
> The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
> Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
> Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
> ********************************************************
> Farewell (127): agape4gondor
> Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
> My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
> Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
> Enticements (266): annmarwalk
> The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
> Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
> First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam
> **************************************************
> Burden (734): Ancalime8301
> On Amon Sűl (299): Dreamflower
> Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
> Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
> Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
> Cold (239): febobe
> Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
> The Blessing (228): Mews1945
> The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
> Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor
> ************************************************
> All That Remained (155): Allee
> Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
> The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
> The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
> Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
> The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
> Wherever You Go (537): Tena
> Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings
> ******************************************
> Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
> Moon Over Water (518): Avon
> Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
> In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
> The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
> Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
> The King's Time (333): Larner
> The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles
> ********************************************
> Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
> Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
> My Legacy (407): spookystoy
> Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
> No Mercy (443): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ********************************************************
> Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
> Burdens (219): Meril
> Alqualondë (220): Moreth
> Utúlie'n Aurë (163): Nieriel Raina
> Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
> Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
> Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *******************************************************
> The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
> Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
> Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
> Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
> A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
> Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
> Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
> Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort
> ****************************************
> Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
> Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
> Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
> A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
> At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
> The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
> Fidelis (612): Pentangle
> Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
> Loss (196): SurgicalSteel
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete
> **************************************
> Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
> Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
> The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
> The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
> The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
> Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
> The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
> The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles
> *********************************************
> Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
> Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
> The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
> ...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
> Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
> Charge! (444): Tanaqui
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Horror: General
> ***********************************
> The Other (27): Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors
> The Dark of Night (484): Ellie
> Maglor's Harp (660): Ford of Bruinen
> Silenced (31): Illwynd
> The Houseless (178): Jael
> The Ritual Disturbed (68): Larner
> I Can Feel It! (673): Sivan Shemesh
> *************
> *************
> SubCategory Genres: Humor: General
> **********************************
> In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
> Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
> Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
> Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
> PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
> The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
> Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
> The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
> With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles
> ************************************
> There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
> Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
> Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
> Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
> Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
> Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
> There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
> Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands
> ***************************************
> Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
> Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
> MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
> Here's To The King! (204): Jael
> Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
> Frogdom (192): Neilia
> The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
> Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
> Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor
> **********************************
> Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
> Courage (41): annmarwalk
> One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
> Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
> Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
> The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
> Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
> Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
> Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
> Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ******************************************************
> Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
> Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
> Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
> Giving Gifts (426): Marta
> The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
> Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
> Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire
> *********************************
> Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
> Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
> Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
> Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
> Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar
> *****************************************
> DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
> FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
> I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
> A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
> Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
> Switch (562): Tena
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Longer Works: General
> *****************************************
> The Work of Small Hands (352): Dawn Felagund
> Wars of the Valar (3): Fiondil
> The Blessing (511): Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
> A New Day (35): Oshun
> The King's Surgeon (90): SurgicalSteel
> Healing the Long Cleeve (133): TopazTook
> +++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Mystery: General
> ************************************
> Amara (236): Claudia
> The Citadel (732): Claudia
> Fait Accompli (381): Ignoble Bard
> The Secret of the Wooden Wall (630): Lily
> The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery (522): shirebound
> The Vault of the Dead (103): Soledad
> Dead Steward's Gift (572): stefaniab
> +++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Non-Fiction: General
> ****************************************
> Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves (322):
> Angelica
> On Hobbits (457): Aratlithiel
> The Myth of the One Ring's Power (532): Dreamflower
> On Canon and Fanfic (123): Marta
> Arvedui v. Pelendur (277): Roh Wyn
> Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth (91): Steuard Jensen
> SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies
> ***************************************************
> One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
> A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
> Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
> The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
> Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
> Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
> Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Poetry: General
> ***********************************
> Elrond's Farewell (269): Armariel
> I Married for Love (661): Ford of Bruinen
> Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus (50): pandemonium_213
> Yrch Song (564): Phyncke
> Temptation (416): Princess Artemis
> SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Drama
> **********************************
> Answers (458): Armariel
> The Bridge (429): Armariel
> 25 Rethe, S.R. 1422: The Three Travellers Remember (679): Dreamflower
> Merry on the Pelennor Fields (720): Primsong
> Call of the Dream (402): Queen Galadriel
> Maglor's Song (398): Robinka
> Galadriel Remembers (583): Savageseraph
> SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Hobbits
> ************************************
> Shire (469): Aranel Took
> The Gardener Speaks (428): Armariel
> Bearer of the Ring (396): ConnieMarie
> By Ship or Grave (618): Larner
> The Ring That Sauron Forged (645): Larner
> SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
> *******************************************
> Rebirth (471): Aranel Took
> Three Songs (301): Lindelea
> Weathertop (597): Primsong
> The Search (501): rhyselle
> Boromir at the Bat (632): White Gull
> +++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Romance: General
> ************************************
> Coming Home to Crickhollow (445): calanthe11
> Cinnamon and Chocolate (264): Cuthalion
> As Close As (88): Dana
> Midnight (18): EdorasLass
> And Whisper You to This Earth (151): Lady Elina
> Miquan Melave (319): Marta
> Rose, Rose, Rose (619): White Gull
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabbles
> **************************************
> Call of the Wild (94): annmarwalk
> Loving a Book Lover (721): Avon
> Men of the Twilight (209): Elena Tiriel
> Bibliophile (370): Imhiriel
> Taking Roots (367): Imhiriel
> Home is where the heart is (505): Linda hoyland
> My Precious (14): SheBit
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Elven Lands
> *****************************************
> Coming Home (233): brindlemom2
> The Dance (128): Dawn Felagund
> Not Yet (712): erobey
> Arwen in the Afternoon (244): Gandalfs apprentice
> A Perfect World (248): mistycracraft
> A Harmony In Autumn (49): Oshun
> Early Winter at Himring Hill (79): Oshun
> In Dreams (609): Phyncke
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor
> ************************************
> One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts (334): Gwynnyd
> A Dream Come True (162): Lady Bluejay
> Waterloo (158): Lady Bluejay
> A Maid Waiting (691): Larner
> Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (405): Marta
> Arwen (359): Neoinean
> Summer's Lease (650): Raksha the Demon
> Wonderful Tonight (320): Violin Ghost
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ********************************************************
> Rich and Fair (548): annmarwalk
> The Wedding Gift (40): annmarwalk
> Diamonds For Forever I, II & III (515): Elen Kortirion
> The Turning Wheel (517): Elen Kortirion
> Wife of the Thain (513): LA Knight
> Leather (297): Marta
> The Blessing of the Waters (61): Raksha the Demon
> Celevon a Mallen (279): Tanaqui
> Handy With A Sword (437): Tanaqui
> Gently Held (6): viv
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Cross-Cultural: General
> ******************************************
> The Haradric Whore and Her Son (124): annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
> A Moment in the Morning in Bree (731): Budgielover
> On Far Fields (106): Dwimordene
> Silver Blossoms Blown (646): Ignoble Bard
> Feet That Wander (576): Linaewen
> Dorwinion Wine (663): Lindelea
> Yule Tails (303): Pearl Took
> Sing My Worth Immortal (168): Perelleth
> Worlds Within Worlds (237): Rubynye
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men
> *************************************************
> And so our friendship began... (281): Amarok
> The Legend of the Grey Riders (176): Jay of Lasgalen
> To Give Hope (456): peredhil lover
> A Little Misunderstanding (275): Radbooks
> At the Last Minute (544): rhyselle
> Not One of Us (542): StarLight9
> First Name Terms (311): The Lady of Light
> Seas of Fate (487): Thundera Tiger
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ********************************************************
> There and Back (89): Dana
> Light of the Westering Sun (126): Dawn Felagund
> Another Prometheus (85): Gandalfs apprentice
> A Meeting in the Tower Hills (374): Imhiriel
> A Large Bold Hand (10): Jay of Lasgalen
> Epiphany (293): Larner
> Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie (689): Lindelea
> Lost Love (271): Tanaqui
> Star-songs of the Eorlingas (291): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship
> **********************************************
> A Cat in King Elessar's Court (66): agape4gondor
> A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes (73): Claudia
> And all was made ready (427): Dreamflower
> Good King Elessar (2): Dreamflower
> In Good Company (20): foxrafer (csevans8)
> A Friend's Hug (142): Golden
> Heart of the Wood (60): Kenaz
> Jewels of Light (394): Larner
> A Dainty Dish (722): Linda hoyland
> Shelter From the Storm (315): SlightlyTookish
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir
> *****************************************************
> Labour of Love (733): Aprilkat
> Many Branches (420): Baranduin
> Sun (223): Claudia
> Of First Impressions and Old Friends (146): Dreamflower
> Concerning Walls (112): Larner
> Put Aside Your Doubt (187): sophinisba solis
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War
> *************************************************
> A Great Cause for Concern (682): Alassante
> The Onion Riddle (13): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Parting Gifts (452): Fiondil
> The Misty Month (454): Le Rouret
> Dance of the Deer and Műmak (559): Nieriel Raina
> Frodo's Pointed Ears (729): sophinisba solis
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Dwarves: General
> ***********************************
> Trading Pledges (339): Adaneth
> Of Old It Was Not Darksome (70): EdorasLass
> The Dwarves Treasure (312): eiranae
> Tonight We Are Alive (504): Eyborg
> As Was Dwarven Tradition (553): Nieriel Raina
> Bombur's Diet (677): Primsong
> SubCategory: Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
> *************************************
> Hammer (468): Aranel Took
> Home (533): Aranel Took
> Sunset Gates (342): Ignoble Bard
> O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! (354): Imhiriel
> Dreamscape (442): Tanaqui
> ++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Elves: General
> *********************************
> Healing (419): Bodkin
> The Ghost in the Garden (272): Dawn Felagund
> Out of the Blue (205): Jael
> Wayward Sons (408): Jael
> Footsteps in Time (76): Keiliss
> To Be A King (252): Keiliss
> Risk Assessment (665): pandemonium_213
> Blue (563): red lasbelin
> Even Legends Fade (555): Star In Ruin
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Drabbles
> ***********************************
> Unwilling (64): Elena Tiriel
> A Race, To Be Like Me (375): Imhiriel
> Forsaken (369): Imhiriel
> Blood and Iron (122): Ribby
> House of Ransom (657): Robinka
> The Sky Is Over (83): Robinka
> The Lowest Circle (449): Tanaqui
> The War of Wrath (120): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Family
> *********************************
> Shadows (698): Bodkin
> Essecarmë (247): Dawn Felagund
> Elflings (348): Jael
> The Librarian (700): Jay of Lasgalen
> And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors (540): Klose
> The Water's Song (707): Nieriel Raina
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Elrond
> ******************************************
> Comfort (161): Bodkin
> Silver Rain (589): Empy
> Spaces in the Heart (251): Keiliss
> Star's End (283): Keiliss
> My Shining Stars (371): Oshun
> The Littlest Warrior (552): RavensWing14337
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Finwe
> *****************************************
> A Smile (321): Aria
> Noldolantë (253): Dawn Felagund
> Five Fires (736): Elleth
> My Oaths I Will Keep (298): Encaitariel
> WOUNDS: Invisible Scars (57): Fiondil
> Circle of Silver (717): Keiliss
> Denial (80): Oshun
> In absentia (84): Robinka
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Incomplete
> *************************************
> A Darkness Lies behind Us (190): Bodkin
> Journeys of Vása (140): Dawn Felagund
> In This Far Land (191): Encaitariel
> Prior Claim: The Sons of Elrond Series (648): Eresse
> Crumbling Walls (662): Ford of Bruinen
> Don't Explain (289): gwidhiel
> Nerdanel's Sons (659): Istarnie
> Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) (318): Kenaz
> Lessons from the Mountain (221): MithLuin
> Adar & Ion (582): Sivan Shemesh
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves
> *****************************************
> In Search of Stillness (704): Bodkin
> A Problem Shared (169): Dot
> King Stag (86): Jael
> Twentynine White Horses (557): Jael
> Free To Live (701): Nieriel Raina
> Seaworthy (349): Thundera Tiger
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ******************************************************
> Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! (260): Alassante
> All these hands (534): Elitihien
> Ghost (218): Elleth
> Refuge (423): Raksha the Demon
> Midwinter Thoughts (570): Rhapsody
> Vengeance's Folly (718): Rhapsody
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *****************************************************
> Love at First Sight (432): Gwynnyd
> Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day (558): Nieriel Raina
> The Queen's Gift (697): Queen Galadriel
> Undivided (46): Raksha the Demon
> Duty, Honour, Country (81): Rhapsody
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Hobbits: General
> ***********************************
> The Westering Fire (200): Aprilkat
> The Language of Waves (193): Claudia
> Ed'ledhron (392): Elanor Silmarien
> Harmony (195): Elwen
> Tolo Dan Na Ngalad (735): Elwen
> The Last Summer (143): Golden
> Too Many Rangers (116): Larner
> Lock Out (307): pippinfan88
> Feeling Safe (633): shirebound
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Childhood
> **************************************
> Trouble at Bag End (728): Angiet
> Lily Took (147): Cathleen
> The Five Rules of Cooking (523): GamgeeFest
> The Quest for the Hairless Cat (524): GamgeeFest
> A Hobbity Wizard (596): Golden
> A Promise (149): Golden
> A Matter of Ill Reputation (210): Lily
> The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift (145): obelia medusa
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Family
> ***********************************
> Elanor of Westmarch: The Return (78): Baranduin
> Yule at Great Smials (566): Dreamflower
> A Treasured Piece of Cloth (600): Golden
> Not Quite Any Other Day (631): Pearl Took
> Grandmum's Button Box (135): pippinfan88
> The Last Dance (397): pippinfan88
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Friendship
> ***************************************
> I Can't (24): Antane
> Between Childhood and Coming of Age (141): Dreamflower
> I Give You a Rainbow (571): Golden
> The Dancing Lesson (664): Lindelea
> The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored (189): obelia medusa
> A Taste of Home (138): Pearl Took
> Pippin's Secret (599): shirebound
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort
> *****************************************
> Secrets (229): Aprilkat
> Small Strengths (238): Elwen
> The Ribbon (336): Gentle Hobbit
> O Merry Mine (636): Larner
> Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams (688): Lindelea
> Rude Awakening (692): Lindelea
> Dark Dreams (550): SlightlyTookish
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Incomplete
> ***************************************
> That Fate Them Bore (476): Cara Loup
> Turning Points (357): Cathleen
> In This These Days of Glory (640): Dana
> The Autumn of His Discontent (157): jodancingtree
> When Trouble Came (109): Lily
> Dreamflower's Bunny (644): Lindelea
> The Farmer's Son (509): Lindelea
> A Time to Hope (302): PipMer
> Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe (643): shirebound
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War
> ******************************************
> Five Turnings of the Year (685): Dana
> Candles (460): Gentle Hobbit
> The Flute (150): Golden
> Regarding Ents (525): PipMer
> Summer's End (380): pippinfan88
> A Warm Sun Shining (727): shirebound
> Some Seasons (199): sophinisba solis
> ++++++++++
> ++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Men: General
> *******************************
> In Passing (104): Altariel
> Portrait of a Queen (338): Aruthir
> Destiny (592): Cinzia
> Reparation (296): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Seeking the Sun (488): Linda hoyland
> Only Water in Your Veins (154): Michelle
> Tower of the Moon (577): Nath
> The Stolen Child (197): SurgicalSteel
> The Night's Eye (343): Vana Tuivana
> SubCategory: Races: Men: General Drabbles
> *****************************************
> Nothing Less (606): Archet
> A Moment Away (474): Elen Kortirion
> This crown of stars (586): Fawsley
> Battle upon the Quays (376): Imhiriel
> Return of the King (355): Imhiriel
> Relief (446): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *****************************************************
> Of Dreams... (7): Avon
> Hearts of Stone (12): Elen Kortirion
> Pulling the Wool (95): Elen Kortirion
> Trajectory (153): Galadriel
> Legacy (500): Raksha the Demon
> Another Country (438): Tanaqui
> Songs of Innocence and Experience (440): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles
> ****************************************
> Deliverance (285): Imhiriel
> Pirates Ye Be Warned (353): Imhiriel
> Autumn (489): Linda hoyland
> Summer Nights (344): Marta
> Tangled Webs (100): Ribby
> Second Best (384): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Minas Tirith
> *************************************
> Wizards' Pupils (108): Altariel
> Confidence (38): annmarwalk
> Celebrity (635): Bodkin
> Restoration (19): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> I Stand No Longer Alone (62): Larner
> Music hath Charms (361): Linda hoyland
> Playing with Fire (21): Linda hoyland
> Before You Go (506): Nancy Brooke
> Engineering (696): SurgicalSteel
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets
> **********************************************************
> The Portrait (288): agape4gondor
> The Chieftain of the Dunedain (623): Avon
> A Fitting Occupation (601): Radbooks
> The Fire of Hope (625): Raksha the Demon
> Your Father Loves You (424): Raksha the Demon
> Things as they were in all the days of my life (393): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Steward's Family
> *****************************************
> Leaving Home (39): annmarwalk
> Dark Dreams (282): Avon
> The Nag (347): celticbard
> Daybreak (591): Cinzia
> Child of Hope (97): Galadriel
> Consolation (341): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Shall We Dance? (93): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Chance Encounter (5): przed
> Scholarship (43): Raksha the Demon
> Brotherhood (261): Violin Ghost
> +++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Other Beings: General
> ****************************************
> Dispelling the Fog (642): fantasyfan
> BRIDGE: Pá Valaraucar ar Námier (415): Fiondil
> Old Man Willow (314): Nath
> Meant to Be (137): Pearl Took
> Seven Sisters (388): Pearl Took
> Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree (121): shirebound
> +++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Villains: General
> ************************************
> The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
> Dark Light (585): Makamu
> Wormtongue (240): Mariole
> Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
> The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
> The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale
> SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> **************************************************
> Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
> Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
> Black Memory (603): mrkinch
> The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
> Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
> Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
> Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: First Age and Prior: General
> ***********************************************
> Choices (184): brindlemom2
> Stars of the Lesser (74): Dawn Felagund
> Surprise (131): Dawn Felagund
> Wind and Fire (539): elfscribe
> GOBLINS: The Herald's Summons (53): Fiondil
> NIGHT and FOREST: A Glimpse of Beauty (554): Fiondil
> Hearts Like the Sea (36): Ignoble Bard
> The Nightingale (404): Maeve Riannon
> Kementari (99): Marta
> The Last Stand (82): Rhapsody
> SubCategory: Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe
> *******************************************************
> An Ordinary Woman (32): Dawn Felagund
> Discretion (254): Dawn Felagund
> One Last Wish (323): Dawn Felagund
> If I Had One Wish (658): Ellie
> Like Roses over a Fence (110): Ellie
> Vodka (714): Ford of Bruinen
> The Pillar Perished Is (356): Imhiriel
> A Sleep Over (160): Phyncke
> Courage (69): rhyselle
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General
> *************************************************
> Hope Remains (118): Baggins Babe
> When the King Came Back (514): Cathleen
> Where Shadows Lay No More (358): Cathleen
> Riding the Waves (211): Claudia
> Rekindling (255): Dawn Felagund
> Look Not With Longing (479): Dwimordene
> Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (578): Fiondil
> Aftermaths and Consequences (268): Gwynnyd
> Faeries (304): Pearl Took
> Seeing Stars (360): Raksha the Demon
> Tales from Tol Eressëa (214): shirebound
> SubCategory: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ***************************************************************
> Journey's End (234): Ignoble Bard
> Fit for a King (217): Imhiriel
> The Birthday Blessing (687): Larner
> No Regrets (490): Linda hoyland
> Old Friends (651): Marta
> Birthday Outing (386): Tanaqui
> Supporting Acts (436): Tanaqui
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Late Third Age: General
> ******************************************
> My Brother. My Captain. My King. (602): Amarok
> Captain of Mordor (626): draylon
> Drawing the Eye (569): Linda hoyland
> They Also Serve (365): Marta
> Hold To Hope (709): Nieriel Raina
> Before the Black Gate (45): Raksha the Demon
> Chance Encounter (203): Telcontar Rulz
> Oathbreakers (470): Thundera Tiger
> The Dooming of Small Hands (639): Thundera Tiger
> Promise and Sorrow (607): Virtuella
> SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ****************************************************************
> Loudwater (63): Adaneth
> The Kindly Airs (480): Dwimordene
> Renewal (208): Elena Tiriel
> The Journey (604): foxrafer (csevans8)
> Reflections in the Smoke (294): Raksha the Demon
> Stewards (450): Tanaqui
> The World Is Changing (719): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor
> ******************************************
> To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (496): Ariel/Auntie
> Meesh/Budgielover/Cathleen/Dreamflower/Gryffinjack/kellyfrankenfield/Lindelea/Pearl
> Took/Rosie Took/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
> In the Hands of the King (231): fantasyfan
> Wedding Nerves (48): Jay of Lasgalen
> For the Want of ... (681): Larner
> The Lost Restored (59): Larner
> Comes the moment to decide (418): Linda hoyland
> Sing All Ye People! (249): Raksha the Demon
> The Warmth of Morning (148): Spindle Berry
> SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles
> ***************************************************
> Forfeit (401): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Steward's Trumpets (400): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> What Goes Up (683): Dana
> Recognition (481): Dwimordene
> Tying Notes (378): Imhiriel
> Tree of Knowledge (172): Nancy Brooke
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General
> *****************************************
> Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
> The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
> The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
> The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
> An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad
> SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador
> ******************************************
> If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
> Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
> A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
> Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
> Meddling (695): Dwimordene
> Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
> Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
> Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took
> +++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Modern Times: General
> ****************************************
> National Treasure (201): Baranduin
> Summer Heat (363): chaotic_binky
> The Road Trip (410): Garnet Took
> Into the Woods (593): Gloria Mundi
> Trinity (51): pandemonium_213
> Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action (413): Princess Artemis
> Dawn Twilight (182): viv
> ++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Multi-Age: General
> *************************************
> WAR: A Promise Before Dying (55): Fiondil
> The Craft of the Elven Smith (1): Larner
> Fulfilling Oaths (332): Nieriel Raina
> A Day in Time (230): Pearl Took
> SubCategory: Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ***************************************************
> Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI (516): Elen Kortirion
> Feelings of Superiority (362): Gwynnyd
> Flame of Life (114): Imhiriel
> Flickers (390): Meril
> Birthday Double Drabble (526): PipMer
> An Elf-lord Revealed (406): Tanaqui
> Possessing the greatest powers (387): Tanaqui
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Second and Early Third Age: General
> ******************************************************
> Long Memories (310): Bodkin
> Faithful (105): Dwimordene
> U elyë, Ar-Pharazôn (486): Elitihien
> The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor (8): Fiondil
> Nightfall (87): Jael
> Whatever Harm Encroached (708): Nieriel Raina
> Moon of the Sea (213): pandemonium_213
> The Strength of Men (584): Savageseraph
> A Perfect Impression (494): weepingnaiad
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9125

Re: Check Ballot - Simplified Version Posted by July 07, 2008 - 0:48:08 Topic ID# 9118
In a message dated 7/7/2008 12:47:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Oh, thank you for this, Marta!

I'll second that. It is so much easier to go through.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9126

Re: Check Ballot - Simplified Version Posted by July 07, 2008 - 1:24:39 Topic ID# 9118
Hi Barbara,

LOL, I think this brilliant idea was actually mine - I just trimmed away
some of the text from the check ballots I normally post and put it all
together. Glad it helped!



Elena Tiriel wrote:
> Oh, thank you for this, Marta!
> This simplified version of the check ballots is sooooo much easier to use to
> find the (very appropriate) categories that my own drabbles were placed in.
> And please pass along my thanks to whoever came up with this brilliant idea!
> - Barbara ;-)

Msg# 9127

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by July 07, 2008 - 1:27:55 Topic ID# 9080
Hi Branwyn,

I checked, and "Terra Incognita" is a drabble. That means that (per MEFA
policy) it needs to be categorized with drabbles. Unfortunately, we
didn't have enough Modern Times drabbles to have a drabble subcategory
there. There's only one subcategory in Modern Times, and that's all
full-length stories.

If you like, I could add a line to your summary saying that the drabble
is set in our modern times.


Jane O. Abbott wrote:
> Hello,
> Would it be possible to move Terra Incognita to Modern, instead of Humor?
> The modern setting is a more salient characteristic than the humor (which is
> very understated). I did choose humor for a second category, but only
> because there wasnt any other choice for this piece since it includes no
> canon characters.
> Thanks!
> Branwyn
> _____
> From: <>
> [ <>]
> On Behalf
> Of aure_enteluva
> Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 7:00 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Check Ballot #1 - Humor
> Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Humor
> SubCategory Genres: Humor: General
> In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://lady- <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> An alternate-universe version of the journey of the Armies of the West
> to the Black Gate, in which Legolas whines and Aragorn asks "Are we
> there yet?"
> The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> When the wind from the north rattled the shutters, the two rangers
> would sit by the fire for hours, hunched over a chessboard marked in
> black and white squares.
> The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
> URL: http://www.fanficti
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A one shot Humor fic featuring Legolas and Aragorn. Starts Post-RotK,
> It then jumps back in time to when Aragorn was still a young Ranger
> returning from Harad. What happened on the long trip home? What is the
> Weaving Cow?
> Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Paladin tells Pippin the story of his own childhood friend, a stuffed
> sheep named "Sammy-Lambie".
> Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The story of how Tulip lost her button nose!
> Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
> URL: http://edoraslass. <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Extremely important suggestions on ways a Rider of Rohan - or any
> citizen of Rohan, really - might take care of his or her hair.
> PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Lord of Mandos is said to have uttered a Second Prophecy
> concerning the End of Days, but its interpretation has been hotly
> debated down through the Ages. On the eve of the departure of the
> Edain for Númenor, two Men decide to do some `creative' prophesying of
> their own, but it may be Námo who has the final say. Written for 'The
> Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.
> The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> How Beren's 'Song of Parting' made it into the public domain... from
> The Himring Codex version of 'The Tale of Beren and Lúthien'.
> Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> <
> <>
> chapter=1>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A story of relationships within a complicated extended family,
> focusing upon an insecure, nerdy young Turgon and his idolization/envy
> of his cool older brother Fingon. I've listed it here as a humor
> piece, but it contains also serious inferences about the effect of
> environment and family strife upon children. Written in response to a
> request to write about the differences between Turgon and Fingon that
> are reflected in my personal canon of stories about the House of Finwë.
> The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to sexual activity between newlyweds
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
> Eomer King has a bad case of big-brother blues at his sister's wedding
> feast. (600 words, as counted by MS Word)
> With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>
> >
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Behind every great writer is a host of inspiring, helpful people who
> are worthy of thanks. But as Samwise Gamgee discovers via the Red Book
> of Westmarch, not all who offer their advice are deserving of fond
> acknowledgments...
> Features Sam, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas with a cameo appearance from
> Faramir.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles
> There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A mirth-filled moment between Boromir and Haldir.
> Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
> URL: http://community.
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Prince Imrahil pauses for a moment to consider his daughter's future.
> Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
> URL: http://aranel-
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Fellowship gathers after Aragorn's coronation.
> Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Written for the birthday of Aliana, who asked for drabbles about
> discovery.
> A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
> URL: http://community.
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Aragorn visits the Sea-elves of Belfalas
> Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>
> >
> Teen, Reason for Rating: A passing mention of sex.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A Maia copes with the downside of bodily existence.
> Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Bilbo receives an unusual late-night visitor.
> There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A young Ranger makes a lasting impression on some inhabitants of Esgaroth.
> Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> One of Tolkien's characters drops into Modern Earth to give a fan
> fiction writer some feedback.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands
> Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Bill the Pony turns a
> wary eye on one of his new travelling companions.
> The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
> URL: http://community.
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some referred to violence, rescue
> of an orphaned baby animal and a relevant sex scene that concentrates
> on emotional rather than explicit physical.
> Romance Partners: Erestor/Haldir.
> The newly-wed Erestor and Haldir rescue a baby otter and take it back
> to Imladris. As their relationship progresses, so does the growing of
> Celon, the baby otter. One day Celon hears the call of one who would
> take him back into the wild.
> Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
> URL: http://www.tawarwai <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: The story presents lots of sexual innuendo,
> one scene of violence, and mentions same-sex romances.
> Romance Partners: Legolas/Gandalf, (implied) Elladan/Glorfindel
> A light-hearted case of misinterpretation on Sam's part causes serious
> consequences for young Legolas. During the time preceding the Council
> of Elrond.
> MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Thranduil has trouble remembering.Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
> challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.
> Here's To The King! (204): Jael
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>
> >
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Naughty words in Elvish describing vulgar acts
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A sweet, modest tale, in which Legolas deals with a difficult prisoner
> in his father's dungeons and Thranduil gets a puppy. Warning for
> vulgar language and themes, mostly in the Author's Notes
> Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Legolas learns a new word and his older brother learns to be more prudent.
> Frogdom (192): Neilia
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Pippin's actual transformation into a tree frog occurs in this tale.
> Then I went ahead and started writing another stand alone story about
> the day of Pippin-frog.
> The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
> URL: http://stories.
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In Rivendell Boromir learns a lesson about warrior hobbits.
> Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
> URL: http://lotrscrapboo
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A humorous consideration of what might have happened if the Fellowship
> had decided to take a plane instead of walking all that ways - would
> Anduril make it through security?
> Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
> URL: http://www.fanficti <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Legolas thinks that Gloin and Thranduil should meet. He is the only
> one who cannot see what a bad idea this is.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor
> Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
> URL: http://lordoftherin
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Possibly overrated, but set to Teen for
> mention of nudity.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Something is not right in the city of Osgiliath.
> Courage (41): annmarwalk
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Amid the festivity of post-war Minas Tirith, Gimli faces a surprising
> challenge to his own courage, and his trust in his companions.
> One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
> URL: http://just- <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Inspired by "The Simpsons" episode "Twenty-five Short Stories About
> Springfield", here are four ficlets-by-request flowing together into
> one summery tale. Prompts included "Boromir gardening", "Boromir and
> Faramir relaxing", "Prince Imrahil cooking" and "Mag up to something".
> Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
> URL: http://brigantine1. <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied m/m or m/m/f relations.
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Faramir interrupts a bit of a brawl.
> Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Nanny overhears a conversation concerning dragons between young
> Faramir and Mithrandir
> The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
> URL: http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
> A boisterous game that Aragorn and Eldarion play has dramatic
> consequences.
> Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
> Not all things spoken in the heat of the moment are truly what we
> mean. Aragorn and Arwen seek each others forgiveness. Written for the
> Tolkien Tango Prompt #9: Reconciliation.
> Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>
> >
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Eldarion is missing, and Elessar faces his greater fear, while the
> Queen is away.
> Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
> URL: http://henneth-
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Sex (depicted but not graphic)
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
> An 'alternative' courtship of Eowyn.
> Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
> URL:
> http://www.thelasts
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: It's family-friendly fluff, with a bit of
> satire thrown in.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A trip to the museum with Eldarion and Elboron to expose them to fine
> art causes Arwen to experience a peculiar flashback.
> This story was part of the 2007 Yule Challenge at the Henneth-Annun
> Yahoo Group, in which writers were asked to write stories surrounding
> pieces of Tolkien Calendar art of varying quality.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
> URL: http://lotrfanficti
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Eight weeks, eight hundred words, and a lengthy contest of wills pits
> Boromir against the combined forces of his father and brother. A
> humorous drabble cycle.
> Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>
> >
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Some women just have special husbands...a little vignette about a
> fanfic writer and Mrs. Beorn.
> Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
> URL:
> http://www.thelasts
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> When the new King's expression turns the milk sour,the cats of Minas
> Tirith decide that something must be done.
> Giving Gifts (426): Marta
> URL: http://telperion- <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Imrahil and Denethor, on creative gift-giving.
> The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
> URL: http://www.freewebs
> <
> <>>
> .com/rakshathedemon99/newclothes.htm
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Captain Faramir learns how hard it is to refuse a gift, however
> inappropriate, from a well-meaning relative. Definitely AU, and 500
> words as counted by MS Word.
> Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
> URL: http://www.openscro
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Witch King of Angmar; Eowyn
> Tell me if you've heard this one: A witch king, a furry hobbit, and a
> girl-impersonating-a-soldier all walked onto a field....
> The witch-king's take on the hard, cold world of dating.
> Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
> URL: http://www.openscro
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Mature themes
> Romance Partners: Galadriel, Celeborn
> Modern-day reporter Susan continues her interviews of elves in
> Valinor, this time questioning Galadriel herself. Apparently, there
> was some confusion in Tolkien's various descriptions of elf behavior,
> and Susan wants to get it right.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire
> Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
> URL: http://www.lightind
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Vague sexual innuendo
> Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
> Sam picks the *worst* times to heal the Shire
> Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Pippin and Merry introduce the Fellowship to a harvest-time tradition
> observed by the Shirefolk. Written for the "Six Days of Spooky Challenge."
> Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Pippin worries that Tulip will shrink after his mother's warning not
> to put her in the bathtub with him.
> Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> While visiting Bag End, Pippin and Tulip want to hear a story but
> Pippin does all of the talking!
> Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> What has happened to Paladin Took and his family that has caused his
> only son, Pippin, to start doing odd jobs for hobbits who live around
> Whitwell? He is doing a good job, but talk in the taverns and inns is
> that the family is going broke.
> Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Hobbits love to eat, but they can be distrustful of things they've
> never had. As the new Mayor of the Shire, Sam isn't going to have any
> choice about eating the Took Broth - no matter how it's made!
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar
> DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> As Darkness rises once again in Middle-earth, the Valar discuss a
> mission for some of their People to undertake. Written for 'The
> Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.
> FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Námo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous
> charges. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and
> Stone Yahoo Group
> I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, character death
> Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Namo
> Glorfindel can't seem to stay away from Mandos.
> A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement
> of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his
> decision? Maia humour.
> Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Highly speculative account of how the Elessar gem might have been
> fabricated. Contains Fëanor as a precocious apprentice and Aulë as his
> wise and patient mentor/master.
> Switch (562): Tena
> URL: http://www.ofelvesa
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Consensual sex described between mature
> adult males
> Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas
> The Valar switch Legolas and Estel's bodies.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9128

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA/1251-1417 SR) Posted by Cathleen July 07, 2008 - 6:45:16 Topic ID# 9096
Well thanks for letting me know the reasoning. I guess it's my fault for not better understanding the implications of the way I needed to categorise it. I admit, I still find it very confusing at times. That said, I do understand, but I am still really very unhappy about it. Again, my own fault, but of all my stories competing I have to say this is the only one I'm really disenchanted about having ended up where it did.

denistonr <> wrote:
Hi Cathleen!

I went and looked again at your story, "If You Could See What I Hear"
to see why we had placed it where we did and if it could be moved,
etc. Mid-Third Age was your first choice for sub-category which is
why it was placed here. Hobbits was your second choice, and Drama was
third. (see copied information below) I don't think we'll be able to
move it as there are very few stories in this sub-category.

However, I don't think it's placed too poorly as it's not in the
General category but the Times:Mid Third Age: Eriador sub-category.
You have another hobbit story here, Pearl Took has two hobbit stories
, Dreamflower has a hobbit story, and then there are 3 stories with
men that are also set in Eriador.

I will speak with the other categorizers, but it will be difficult, if
not impossible to move it.


Cathleen Times: Mid Third Age: 2851 - 3017 TA | Races: Hobbits |
Genres: Drama
Story Setting: Tookland - Whitwell
Characters for Categorization: Pippin Took
Events and Time Periods: (3) 2968-3018: Births and childhoods of
Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin
Sub-Genres and Poetic Form: angst, childhood, family

> I would much rather see "If You Could See What I Hear" placed under
Hobbits and not General. This doesn't seem to fit with any of the
sub-categories I chose.
> Cathleen
> aure_enteluva <melayton@...> wrote:
> Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Mid Third Age

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9129

Check Ballot #1 Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 07, 2008 - 9:38:50 Topic ID# 9129
Really quite a lot of work and I've been praying for the committee... Thank
you for all your hard work.

I wonder if there might be a possibility that a couple of my stories be
moved? I have three in the same category (see below). I know that other
authors have two in a category, but I really think three is excessive.

SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
*Farewell (127): agape4gondor PERHAPS MOVE TO:
Final Partings
Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor PERHAPS MOVE TO: AU -
*Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
Enticements (266): annmarwalk
*The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien
Quicksilver I nominated this one... only reason why it's bolded
*Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh

Many thanks and blessings,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9130

Re: Check Ballot - Simplified Version Posted by nau\_tika July 07, 2008 - 10:57:10 Topic ID# 9118
This is awesome, Marta! I hope it doesnt make too much extra work for


--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Some people have requested a check ballot with only the titles,
> names, and the subcategory they are competing in - no links, no
> no summaries. Here it is.
> Marta
> +++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General
> **************************************
> Balm (459): Armariel
> Dragons In The Trollshaws (170): Bodkin
> Dangerous Folk (546): Budgielover
> The Mariner's Son (329): cairistiona
> Lost (226): Claudia
> Pip-napped! (669): Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors
> Dol Amroth Yule (295): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Symbols of Love (130): Larner
> Fennas Haradren (280): Linaewen
> --and it was done (527): Neoinean
> SubCategory: Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
> ******************************************
> With Hope and Without Hope (466): docmon
> The Wanderer (627): Lackwit
> Eagle of the Star (327): Neoinean
> To See A World (330): Nightwing
> The Web of Darkness (101): Soledad
> Tarnished Ivory (464): Yavie Feels Pretty
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Alternate Universe: General
> ***********************************************
> Eucatastrophe: The Return (617): Dreamflower
> As the Tide by the Moon (9): EdorasLass
> Above All Shadows (492): Ignoble Bard
> Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of ÉŻmer (206): Katzilla
> Two Prisoners (724): Lord Branwyn
> Homeward Bound (430): Werecat
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy
> ******************************************************
> Shadow King (227): Claudia
> Bitter May (265): Cuthalion
> In The Darkness Of My Dreaming (284): Cuthalion
> For What I Wait (125): Dawn Felagund
> Clear Conscience (The Clear Shot Remix) (680): Dreamflower
> Five things that never happened to Nerdanel (389): Meril
> Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth (222):
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Drabbles
> *************************************************
> No Man's Land (726): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Wave-Singer (33): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Last Stroke (465): Elena Tiriel
> Least Expected (512): Imhiriel
> The Least of Rings (621): Marta
> Alter/native (478): Tanaqui
> Spoiled (119): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
> ***************************************************
> Arranged Marriage (725): Claudia
> Land of the Moon (308): Claudia
> Murder The Dawn (383): crowdaughter
> The Search For Middle-earth (346): Jules14
> Lothí˛©el - The Tenth Walker, Book 2 (567): juno_magic
> Pippin-Frog For A Day (115): Neilia
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *******************************************************************
> A Path of Wisdom (641): Dana
> The Edge of the Knife (274): Dwimordene
> Return (399): Elleth
> Homecoming (706): Isabeau of Greenlea
> The Pirate (674): Sivan Shemesh
> Wounds of a Friend (710): Sivan Shemesh
> SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family
> *********************************************************
> Bitter Sweet (536): annmarwalk
> The Price of Pity (373): celticbard
> The King's Colors (482): Dwimordene
> Parth Galen (705): Isabeau of Greenlea
> A Great Evil Unmade (267): Linaewen
> The Prisoner of Time (313): Raksha the Demon
> +++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Drama: General
> **********************************
> Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
> The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
> Answering the Call (340): docmon
> Choosing (473): docmon
> The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
> Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
> The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
> The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
> The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
> For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
> The Visitor (174): Rowan
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
> *********************************************
> Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
> Home (647): alex_quine
> Generations (508): Bodkin
> Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
> The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
> Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
> Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
> ********************************************************
> Farewell (127): agape4gondor
> Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
> My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
> Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
> Enticements (266): annmarwalk
> The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
> Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
> First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam
> **************************************************
> Burden (734): Ancalime8301
> On Amon S?99): Dreamflower
> Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
> Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
> Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
> Cold (239): febobe
> Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
> The Blessing (228): Mews1945
> The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
> Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor
> ************************************************
> All That Remained (155): Allee
> Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
> The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
> The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
> Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
> The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
> Wherever You Go (537): Tena
> Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings
> ******************************************
> Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
> Moon Over Water (518): Avon
> Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
> In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
> The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
> Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
> The King's Time (333): Larner
> The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles
> ********************************************
> Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
> Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
> My Legacy (407): spookystoy
> Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
> No Mercy (443): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ********************************************************
> Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
> Burdens (219): Meril
> Alqualondë ¨220): Moreth
> Ut?n Aurë ¨163): Nieriel Raina
> Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
> Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
> Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *******************************************************
> The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
> Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
> Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
> Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
> A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
> Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
> Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
> Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort
> ****************************************
> Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
> Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
> Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
> A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
> At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
> The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
> Fidelis (612): Pentangle
> Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
> Loss (196): SurgicalSteel
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete
> **************************************
> Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
> Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
> The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
> The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
> The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
> Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
> The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
> The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles
> *********************************************
> Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
> Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
> The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
> ...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
> Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
> Charge! (444): Tanaqui
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Horror: General
> ***********************************
> The Other (27): Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors
> The Dark of Night (484): Ellie
> Maglor's Harp (660): Ford of Bruinen
> Silenced (31): Illwynd
> The Houseless (178): Jael
> The Ritual Disturbed (68): Larner
> I Can Feel It! (673): Sivan Shemesh
> *************
> *************
> SubCategory Genres: Humor: General
> **********************************
> In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
> Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
> Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
> Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
> PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
> The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
> Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
> The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
> With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles
> ************************************
> There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
> Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
> Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
> Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
> Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
> Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
> There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
> Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands
> ***************************************
> Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
> Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
> MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
> Here's To The King! (204): Jael
> Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
> Frogdom (192): Neilia
> The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
> Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
> Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor
> **********************************
> Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
> Courage (41): annmarwalk
> One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
> Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
> Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
> The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
> Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
> Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
> Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
> Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ******************************************************
> Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
> Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
> Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
> Giving Gifts (426): Marta
> The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
> Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
> Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire
> *********************************
> Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
> Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
> Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
> Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
> Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar
> *****************************************
> DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
> FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
> I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
> A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
> Young F롮Ჯ Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
> Switch (562): Tena
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Longer Works: General
> *****************************************
> The Work of Small Hands (352): Dawn Felagund
> Wars of the Valar (3): Fiondil
> The Blessing (511): Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
> A New Day (35): Oshun
> The King's Surgeon (90): SurgicalSteel
> Healing the Long Cleeve (133): TopazTook
> +++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Mystery: General
> ************************************
> Amara (236): Claudia
> The Citadel (732): Claudia
> Fait Accompli (381): Ignoble Bard
> The Secret of the Wooden Wall (630): Lily
> The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery (522): shirebound
> The Vault of the Dead (103): Soledad
> Dead Steward's Gift (572): stefaniab
> +++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Non-Fiction: General
> ****************************************
> Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves
> Angelica
> On Hobbits (457): Aratlithiel
> The Myth of the One Ring's Power (532): Dreamflower
> On Canon and Fanfic (123): Marta
> Arvedui v. Pelendur (277): Roh Wyn
> Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth (91): Steuard Jensen
> SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies
> ***************************************************
> One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
> A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment
> Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
> The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
> Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
> Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
> Aulë ´he Smith (530): Oshun
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Poetry: General
> ***********************************
> Elrond's Farewell (269): Armariel
> I Married for Love (661): Ford of Bruinen
> Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus (50): pandemonium_213
> Yrch Song (564): Phyncke
> Temptation (416): Princess Artemis
> SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Drama
> **********************************
> Answers (458): Armariel
> The Bridge (429): Armariel
> 25 Rethe, S.R. 1422: The Three Travellers Remember (679):
> Merry on the Pelennor Fields (720): Primsong
> Call of the Dream (402): Queen Galadriel
> Maglor's Song (398): Robinka
> Galadriel Remembers (583): Savageseraph
> SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Hobbits
> ************************************
> Shire (469): Aranel Took
> The Gardener Speaks (428): Armariel
> Bearer of the Ring (396): ConnieMarie
> By Ship or Grave (618): Larner
> The Ring That Sauron Forged (645): Larner
> SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
> *******************************************
> Rebirth (471): Aranel Took
> Three Songs (301): Lindelea
> Weathertop (597): Primsong
> The Search (501): rhyselle
> Boromir at the Bat (632): White Gull
> +++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Genres: Romance: General
> ************************************
> Coming Home to Crickhollow (445): calanthe11
> Cinnamon and Chocolate (264): Cuthalion
> As Close As (88): Dana
> Midnight (18): EdorasLass
> And Whisper You to This Earth (151): Lady Elina
> Miquan Melave (319): Marta
> Rose, Rose, Rose (619): White Gull
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabbles
> **************************************
> Call of the Wild (94): annmarwalk
> Loving a Book Lover (721): Avon
> Men of the Twilight (209): Elena Tiriel
> Bibliophile (370): Imhiriel
> Taking Roots (367): Imhiriel
> Home is where the heart is (505): Linda hoyland
> My Precious (14): SheBit
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Elven Lands
> *****************************************
> Coming Home (233): brindlemom2
> The Dance (128): Dawn Felagund
> Not Yet (712): erobey
> Arwen in the Afternoon (244): Gandalfs apprentice
> A Perfect World (248): mistycracraft
> A Harmony In Autumn (49): Oshun
> Early Winter at Himring Hill (79): Oshun
> In Dreams (609): Phyncke
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor
> ************************************
> One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts (334): Gwynnyd
> A Dream Come True (162): Lady Bluejay
> Waterloo (158): Lady Bluejay
> A Maid Waiting (691): Larner
> Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (405): Marta
> Arwen (359): Neoinean
> Summer's Lease (650): Raksha the Demon
> Wonderful Tonight (320): Violin Ghost
> SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ********************************************************
> Rich and Fair (548): annmarwalk
> The Wedding Gift (40): annmarwalk
> Diamonds For Forever I, II & III (515): Elen Kortirion
> The Turning Wheel (517): Elen Kortirion
> Wife of the Thain (513): LA Knight
> Leather (297): Marta
> The Blessing of the Waters (61): Raksha the Demon
> Celevon a Mallen (279): Tanaqui
> Handy With A Sword (437): Tanaqui
> Gently Held (6): viv
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Cross-Cultural: General
> ******************************************
> The Haradric Whore and Her Son (124): annmarwalk/EdorasLass
> A Moment in the Morning in Bree (731): Budgielover
> On Far Fields (106): Dwimordene
> Silver Blossoms Blown (646): Ignoble Bard
> Feet That Wander (576): Linaewen
> Dorwinion Wine (663): Lindelea
> Yule Tails (303): Pearl Took
> Sing My Worth Immortal (168): Perelleth
> Worlds Within Worlds (237): Rubynye
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men
> *************************************************
> And so our friendship began... (281): Amarok
> The Legend of the Grey Riders (176): Jay of Lasgalen
> To Give Hope (456): peredhil lover
> A Little Misunderstanding (275): Radbooks
> At the Last Minute (544): rhyselle
> Not One of Us (542): StarLight9
> First Name Terms (311): The Lady of Light
> Seas of Fate (487): Thundera Tiger
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ********************************************************
> There and Back (89): Dana
> Light of the Westering Sun (126): Dawn Felagund
> Another Prometheus (85): Gandalfs apprentice
> A Meeting in the Tower Hills (374): Imhiriel
> A Large Bold Hand (10): Jay of Lasgalen
> Epiphany (293): Larner
> Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie (689):
> Lost Love (271): Tanaqui
> Star-songs of the Eorlingas (291): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship
> **********************************************
> A Cat in King Elessar's Court (66): agape4gondor
> A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes (73): Claudia
> And all was made ready (427): Dreamflower
> Good King Elessar (2): Dreamflower
> In Good Company (20): foxrafer (csevans8)
> A Friend's Hug (142): Golden
> Heart of the Wood (60): Kenaz
> Jewels of Light (394): Larner
> A Dainty Dish (722): Linda hoyland
> Shelter From the Storm (315): SlightlyTookish
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir
> *****************************************************
> Labour of Love (733): Aprilkat
> Many Branches (420): Baranduin
> Sun (223): Claudia
> Of First Impressions and Old Friends (146): Dreamflower
> Concerning Walls (112): Larner
> Put Aside Your Doubt (187): sophinisba solis
> SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War
> *************************************************
> A Great Cause for Concern (682): Alassante
> The Onion Riddle (13): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Parting Gifts (452): Fiondil
> The Misty Month (454): Le Rouret
> Dance of the Deer and M?(559): Nieriel Raina
> Frodo's Pointed Ears (729): sophinisba solis
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Dwarves: General
> ***********************************
> Trading Pledges (339): Adaneth
> Of Old It Was Not Darksome (70): EdorasLass
> The Dwarves Treasure (312): eiranae
> Tonight We Are Alive (504): Eyborg
> As Was Dwarven Tradition (553): Nieriel Raina
> Bombur's Diet (677): Primsong
> SubCategory: Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
> *************************************
> Hammer (468): Aranel Took
> Home (533): Aranel Took
> Sunset Gates (342): Ignoble Bard
> O Kheled-zⲡm fair and wonderful! (354): Imhiriel
> Dreamscape (442): Tanaqui
> ++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Elves: General
> *********************************
> Healing (419): Bodkin
> The Ghost in the Garden (272): Dawn Felagund
> Out of the Blue (205): Jael
> Wayward Sons (408): Jael
> Footsteps in Time (76): Keiliss
> To Be A King (252): Keiliss
> Risk Assessment (665): pandemonium_213
> Blue (563): red lasbelin
> Even Legends Fade (555): Star In Ruin
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Drabbles
> ***********************************
> Unwilling (64): Elena Tiriel
> A Race, To Be Like Me (375): Imhiriel
> Forsaken (369): Imhiriel
> Blood and Iron (122): Ribby
> House of Ransom (657): Robinka
> The Sky Is Over (83): Robinka
> The Lowest Circle (449): Tanaqui
> The War of Wrath (120): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Family
> *********************************
> Shadows (698): Bodkin
> Essecarmë ¨247): Dawn Felagund
> Elflings (348): Jael
> The Librarian (700): Jay of Lasgalen
> And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors (540): Klose
> The Water's Song (707): Nieriel Raina
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Elrond
> ******************************************
> Comfort (161): Bodkin
> Silver Rain (589): Empy
> Spaces in the Heart (251): Keiliss
> Star's End (283): Keiliss
> My Shining Stars (371): Oshun
> The Littlest Warrior (552): RavensWing14337
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Finwe
> *****************************************
> A Smile (321): Aria
> Noldolantë ¨253): Dawn Felagund
> Five Fires (736): Elleth
> My Oaths I Will Keep (298): Encaitariel
> WOUNDS: Invisible Scars (57): Fiondil
> Circle of Silver (717): Keiliss
> Denial (80): Oshun
> In absentia (84): Robinka
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Incomplete
> *************************************
> A Darkness Lies behind Us (190): Bodkin
> Journeys of V᳡ (140): Dawn Felagund
> In This Far Land (191): Encaitariel
> Prior Claim: The Sons of Elrond Series (648): Eresse
> Crumbling Walls (662): Ford of Bruinen
> Don't Explain (289): gwidhiel
> Nerdanel?s Sons (659): Istarnie
> Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) (318): Kenaz
> Lessons from the Mountain (221): MithLuin
> Adar & Ion (582): Sivan Shemesh
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves
> *****************************************
> In Search of Stillness (704): Bodkin
> A Problem Shared (169): Dot
> King Stag (86): Jael
> Twentynine White Horses (557): Jael
> Free To Live (701): Nieriel Raina
> Seaworthy (349): Thundera Tiger
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ******************************************************
> Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! (260): Alassante
> All these hands (534): Elitihien
> Ghost (218): Elleth
> Refuge (423): Raksha the Demon
> Midwinter Thoughts (570): Rhapsody
> Vengeance's Folly (718): Rhapsody
> SubCategory: Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *****************************************************
> Love at First Sight (432): Gwynnyd
> Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day (558): Nieriel Raina
> The Queen's Gift (697): Queen Galadriel
> Undivided (46): Raksha the Demon
> Duty, Honour, Country (81): Rhapsody
> ++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Hobbits: General
> ***********************************
> The Westering Fire (200): Aprilkat
> The Language of Waves (193): Claudia
> Ed?ledhron (392): Elanor Silmarien
> Harmony (195): Elwen
> Tolo Dan Na Ngalad (735): Elwen
> The Last Summer (143): Golden
> Too Many Rangers (116): Larner
> Lock Out (307): pippinfan88
> Feeling Safe (633): shirebound
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Childhood
> **************************************
> Trouble at Bag End (728): Angiet
> Lily Took (147): Cathleen
> The Five Rules of Cooking (523): GamgeeFest
> The Quest for the Hairless Cat (524): GamgeeFest
> A Hobbity Wizard (596): Golden
> A Promise (149): Golden
> A Matter of Ill Reputation (210): Lily
> The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift (145): obelia medusa
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Family
> ***********************************
> Elanor of Westmarch: The Return (78): Baranduin
> Yule at Great Smials (566): Dreamflower
> A Treasured Piece of Cloth (600): Golden
> Not Quite Any Other Day (631): Pearl Took
> Grandmum's Button Box (135): pippinfan88
> The Last Dance (397): pippinfan88
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Friendship
> ***************************************
> I Can't (24): Antane
> Between Childhood and Coming of Age (141): Dreamflower
> I Give You a Rainbow (571): Golden
> The Dancing Lesson (664): Lindelea
> The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored (189): obelia medusa
> A Taste of Home (138): Pearl Took
> Pippin's Secret (599): shirebound
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort
> *****************************************
> Secrets (229): Aprilkat
> Small Strengths (238): Elwen
> The Ribbon (336): Gentle Hobbit
> O Merry Mine (636): Larner
> Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams (688): Lindelea
> Rude Awakening (692): Lindelea
> Dark Dreams (550): SlightlyTookish
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Incomplete
> ***************************************
> That Fate Them Bore (476): Cara Loup
> Turning Points (357): Cathleen
> In This These Days of Glory (640): Dana
> The Autumn of His Discontent (157): jodancingtree
> When Trouble Came (109): Lily
> Dreamflower's Bunny (644): Lindelea
> The Farmer's Son (509): Lindelea
> A Time to Hope (302): PipMer
> Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe (643): shirebound
> SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War
> ******************************************
> Five Turnings of the Year (685): Dana
> Candles (460): Gentle Hobbit
> The Flute (150): Golden
> Regarding Ents (525): PipMer
> Summer's End (380): pippinfan88
> A Warm Sun Shining (727): shirebound
> Some Seasons (199): sophinisba solis
> ++++++++++
> ++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Men: General
> *******************************
> In Passing (104): Altariel
> Portrait of a Queen (338): Aruthir
> Destiny (592): Cinzia
> Reparation (296): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Seeking the Sun (488): Linda hoyland
> Only Water in Your Veins (154): Michelle
> Tower of the Moon (577): Nath
> The Stolen Child (197): SurgicalSteel
> The Night's Eye (343): Vana Tuivana
> SubCategory: Races: Men: General Drabbles
> *****************************************
> Nothing Less (606): Archet
> A Moment Away (474): Elen Kortirion
> This crown of stars (586): Fawsley
> Battle upon the Quays (376): Imhiriel
> Return of the King (355): Imhiriel
> Relief (446): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> *****************************************************
> Of Dreams... (7): Avon
> Hearts of Stone (12): Elen Kortirion
> Pulling the Wool (95): Elen Kortirion
> Trajectory (153): Galadriel
> Legacy (500): Raksha the Demon
> Another Country (438): Tanaqui
> Songs of Innocence and Experience (440): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles
> ****************************************
> Deliverance (285): Imhiriel
> Pirates Ye Be Warned (353): Imhiriel
> Autumn (489): Linda hoyland
> Summer Nights (344): Marta
> Tangled Webs (100): Ribby
> Second Best (384): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Minas Tirith
> *************************************
> Wizards' Pupils (108): Altariel
> Confidence (38): annmarwalk
> Celebrity (635): Bodkin
> Restoration (19): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> I Stand No Longer Alone (62): Larner
> Music hath Charms (361): Linda hoyland
> Playing with Fire (21): Linda hoyland
> Before You Go (506): Nancy Brooke
> Engineering (696): SurgicalSteel
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets
> **********************************************************
> The Portrait (288): agape4gondor
> The Chieftain of the Dunedain (623): Avon
> A Fitting Occupation (601): Radbooks
> The Fire of Hope (625): Raksha the Demon
> Your Father Loves You (424): Raksha the Demon
> Things as they were in all the days of my life (393): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Races: Men: Steward's Family
> *****************************************
> Leaving Home (39): annmarwalk
> Dark Dreams (282): Avon
> The Nag (347): celticbard
> Daybreak (591): Cinzia
> Child of Hope (97): Galadriel
> Consolation (341): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Shall We Dance? (93): Isabeau of Greenlea
> Chance Encounter (5): przed
> Scholarship (43): Raksha the Demon
> Brotherhood (261): Violin Ghost
> +++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Other Beings: General
> ****************************************
> Dispelling the Fog (642): fantasyfan
> BRIDGE: Pá –alaraucar ar Ná­©er (415): Fiondil
> Old Man Willow (314): Nath
> Meant to Be (137): Pearl Took
> Seven Sisters (388): Pearl Took
> Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree (121): shirebound
> +++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Races: Villains: General
> ************************************
> The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
> Dark Light (585): Makamu
> Wormtongue (240): Mariole
> Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
> The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
> The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale
> SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> **************************************************
> Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
> Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
> Black Memory (603): mrkinch
> The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
> Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
> Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
> Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: First Age and Prior: General
> ***********************************************
> Choices (184): brindlemom2
> Stars of the Lesser (74): Dawn Felagund
> Surprise (131): Dawn Felagund
> Wind and Fire (539): elfscribe
> GOBLINS: The Herald?s Summons (53): Fiondil
> NIGHT and FOREST: A Glimpse of Beauty (554): Fiondil
> Hearts Like the Sea (36): Ignoble Bard
> The Nightingale (404): Maeve Riannon
> Kementari (99): Marta
> The Last Stand (82): Rhapsody
> SubCategory: Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe
> *******************************************************
> An Ordinary Woman (32): Dawn Felagund
> Discretion (254): Dawn Felagund
> One Last Wish (323): Dawn Felagund
> If I Had One Wish (658): Ellie
> Like Roses over a Fence (110): Ellie
> Vodka (714): Ford of Bruinen
> The Pillar Perished Is (356): Imhiriel
> A Sleep Over (160): Phyncke
> Courage (69): rhyselle
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General
> *************************************************
> Hope Remains (118): Baggins Babe
> When the King Came Back (514): Cathleen
> Where Shadows Lay No More (358): Cathleen
> Riding the Waves (211): Claudia
> Rekindling (255): Dawn Felagund
> Look Not With Longing (479): Dwimordene
> Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (578): Fiondil
> Aftermaths and Consequences (268): Gwynnyd
> Faeries (304): Pearl Took
> Seeing Stars (360): Raksha the Demon
> Tales from Tol Eress론(214): shirebound
> SubCategory: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ***************************************************************
> Journey's End (234): Ignoble Bard
> Fit for a King (217): Imhiriel
> The Birthday Blessing (687): Larner
> No Regrets (490): Linda hoyland
> Old Friends (651): Marta
> Birthday Outing (386): Tanaqui
> Supporting Acts (436): Tanaqui
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Late Third Age: General
> ******************************************
> My Brother. My Captain. My King. (602): Amarok
> Captain of Mordor (626): draylon
> Drawing the Eye (569): Linda hoyland
> They Also Serve (365): Marta
> Hold To Hope (709): Nieriel Raina
> Before the Black Gate (45): Raksha the Demon
> Chance Encounter (203): Telcontar Rulz
> Oathbreakers (470): Thundera Tiger
> The Dooming of Small Hands (639): Thundera Tiger
> Promise and Sorrow (607): Virtuella
> SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ****************************************************************
> Loudwater (63): Adaneth
> The Kindly Airs (480): Dwimordene
> Renewal (208): Elena Tiriel
> The Journey (604): foxrafer (csevans8)
> Reflections in the Smoke (294): Raksha the Demon
> Stewards (450): Tanaqui
> The World Is Changing (719): Tanaqui
> SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor
> ******************************************
> To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (496): Ariel/Auntie
> Took/Rosie Took/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
> In the Hands of the King (231): fantasyfan
> Wedding Nerves (48): Jay of Lasgalen
> For the Want of ... (681): Larner
> The Lost Restored (59): Larner
> Comes the moment to decide (418): Linda hoyland
> Sing All Ye People! (249): Raksha the Demon
> The Warmth of Morning (148): Spindle Berry
> SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles
> ***************************************************
> Forfeit (401): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Steward's Trumpets (400): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> What Goes Up (683): Dana
> Recognition (481): Dwimordene
> Tying Notes (378): Imhiriel
> Tree of Knowledge (172): Nancy Brooke
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General
> *****************************************
> Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
> The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
> The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
> The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
> An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad
> SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador
> ******************************************
> If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
> Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
> A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
> Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
> Meddling (695): Dwimordene
> Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
> Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
> Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took
> +++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Modern Times: General
> ****************************************
> National Treasure (201): Baranduin
> Summer Heat (363): chaotic_binky
> The Road Trip (410): Garnet Took
> Into the Woods (593): Gloria Mundi
> Trinity (51): pandemonium_213
> Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action (413): Princess Artemis
> Dawn Twilight (182): viv
> ++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Multi-Age: General
> *************************************
> WAR: A Promise Before Dying (55): Fiondil
> The Craft of the Elven Smith (1): Larner
> Fulfilling Oaths (332): Nieriel Raina
> A Day in Time (230): Pearl Took
> SubCategory: Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets
> ***************************************************
> Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI (516): Elen Kortirion
> Feelings of Superiority (362): Gwynnyd
> Flame of Life (114): Imhiriel
> Flickers (390): Meril
> Birthday Double Drabble (526): PipMer
> An Elf-lord Revealed (406): Tanaqui
> Possessing the greatest powers (387): Tanaqui
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> SubCategory Times: Second and Early Third Age: General
> ******************************************************
> Long Memories (310): Bodkin
> Faithful (105): Dwimordene
> U ely묠Ar-Pharaz?486): Elitihien
> The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor (8): Fiondil
> Nightfall (87): Jael
> Whatever Harm Encroached (708): Nieriel Raina
> Moon of the Sea (213): pandemonium_213
> The Strength of Men (584): Savageseraph
> A Perfect Impression (494): weepingnaiad

Msg# 9131

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by July 07, 2008 - 14:15:17 Topic ID# 9129
Hi Agape,

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention - we do try to put only
two stories by the same author in the same subcategory, though sometimes
that is necessary. However, in this case, it looks like we can avoid it.

I have moved #127 "Farewell" to Genres: Drama: Final Partings. It should
show up that way on the next check ballot.

I didn't move #316 "My Sword Weeps" to Genres: Alternate Universe:
General, because you did not select this as a category when completing
your story form. Categorizers rely on the categories selected by the
authors, and so I'm trying not to move nominations into whole new
categories, especially when it was placed in your first-choice category.

In any event, moving "Farewell" means you'll only have two stories in
Genres: Drama: Ft. Boromir or Faramir.


Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> Really quite a lot of work and I've been praying for the committee... Thank
> you for all your hard work.
> I wonder if there might be a possibility that a couple of my stories be
> moved? I have three in the same category (see below). I know that other
> authors have two in a category, but I really think three is excessive.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
> ********************************************************
> *Farewell (127): agape4gondor PERHAPS MOVE TO:
> Final Partings
> Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
> My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor PERHAPS MOVE TO: AU -
> General
> *Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
> Enticements (266): annmarwalk
> *The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien
> Quicksilver I nominated this one... only reason why it's bolded
> *Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
> First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
> Many thanks and blessings,
> Agape

Msg# 9132

Re: Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by Monica July 07, 2008 - 14:21:15 Topic ID# 9078
Thanks, Marta and all the volunteers, for all your work on this.

I hate to be a nudge [:O] (how do you spell that?), but I wanted to
ask about the practice of putting multiple stories of an author in a
single category. I didn't notice this last year because I only had one
story nominated. But this year, I have 3 stories, and 2 have been
placed in the same category. I've noticed that this is fairly common, so
I'm not asking for a change, since it's obviously a policy. But if I
could ask for an explanation, it would be greatly appreciated. As I see
it, my two stories are now competing against each other, and I
essentially have only 2 opportunities to win in any placing. Don't get
me wrong. I'm proud simply to be nominated for the MEFAs, and having 3
stories nominated was a shock, not to mention an honor. Nevertheless, I
thought this was curious.
I know you work hard at this. I'm sure you have a logical reasoning, and
it's probably part of your complicated system that allows all of this to
work just the way it does. I don't want to seem unappreciative of all of
that! I just want to understand the thinking of the MEFA staff.


--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Drama
> SubCategory Genres: Drama: General
> Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of prostitution and attendant
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Outspoken young female surgeon Serindë has been falsely accused and
> exiled from Gondor by the Steward Denethor - on pain of death if she
> is found. (OFC written by surgicalsteel on Live Journal.) Good deeds
> repay in unexpected ways.
> The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Dark elements and themes: angst, violence,
> minor character death, other dark implications, and the acts of
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A village occupied by ruffians, a year after the Scouring of the Shire
> and the Battle of Bywater, and how they are freed.
> Answering the Call (340): docmon
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: This story relates tales of when each
> character succumbs to the call of the Ring. The scenes sometimes
> result in potential violence between characters that is nevertheless
> disturbing despite not being realized. There is one scene (ch. 3)
> where there is some brief violence that is described clearly, though
> not graphically, so I have chosen Teen to err on the side of caution.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A series of (unrelated) vignettes in which each member of the
> Fellowship hears the call of the Ring - and answers it. My take on the
> big What-If, pursuing the potential in each character to take the
> Ring. Varying degrees of angst, drama, action, and perhaps a little
> more angst.
> Choosing (473): docmon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Three choices, three destinies. Three leaders choose the messengers to
> send to Imladris, who then become members of the Fellowship.
> The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> It is written that Tar-Miriel was too late to reach the supposed
> safety of the Meneltarma when Numenor sank into the sea. But why was
> she late? What was so important that she would risk her life, knowing
> she would not survive?
> Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In Moria, Legolas takes his watch and something watches him.
> The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> `Both Duilin of Morthond and his brother were trampled to death when
> they assailed the műmakil, leading their bowmen close to shoot at
> eyes of the monsters.' Duinhir had to return to his wife without his
> The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Following "The Last Debate" in The Return of the King, Chapter 10
> says, "…the army of the West was all assembled on the Pelennor.
… All
> was now ready for the last throw."
> This is the story of the march to the Black Gate (movie and book
> verse) from the view of a family man who made the journey.
> The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Talk of murder, torture, and invasions;
> moderately graphic M/F sex; a fist fight, coarse language and some
> more death thrown in. Much of it takes place in a whore house.
> Romance Partners: Gamling/Morwen of Gondor (OFC)
> Spring has come to Edoras, and with it, a reminder of Morwen's past
> that she did not expect. Taken with the arrival of still more refugees
> from the west of Rohan, and the seeming possession of Theoden King,
> times are dark at the top of the hill. Beset from without and
> undermined from within, the people of Rohan may only watch and wait
> while the doom of their nation looms large on the eastern horizon.
> Part 14 of my series "Nights in Rohan" follows Morwen of Gondor, the
> prostitute in love with Gamling, as Edoras prepares for what will be
> the War of the Ring. Featuring: Boromir II, Eomer son of Eomund, and
> Theodred son of Theoden.
> For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Movie based. A Golden plot bunny: what might Merry have been
> feeling/thinking as the Rohirrim approach the besieged city of Minas
> Tirith?
> The Visitor (174): Rowan
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Elanor receives an unusual visit.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
> Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual Situations
> Romance Partners: Denethor/Thorongil
> A young Thorongil struggles to reconcile his growing love for Gondor
> to the part that Denethor plays in his life there.
> Home (647): alex_quine
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Why has Theoden left Theodred to welcome his cousins to Meduseld?
> Generations (508): Bodkin
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> It is natural for parents to want their children to lead safer,
> happier lives than they did – just as it is natural for them to
> complain about the inadequacies of the next generation. While trying
> to live up to a father who is an epic hero brings difficulties of its
> own ...
> Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic description of battle and
> character death; implied sex between a married couple.
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn, Námo/Vairë
> Aragorn is on a mission to save more than Legolas' life... he has to
> also save his own and when the Lord of Mandos plays for souls he takes
> no prisoners. A two-part story describing Legolas' 'death' and its
> aftermath. Originally inspired by the Naked Yule Challenge at
> LOTRfanfiction.
> The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: Húrin of the Keys/OC wife; Faramir/Éowyn
> The Battle of the Pelennor is over, and the folk of Minas Tirith must
> deal with the aftermath. Now the Keeper of the Keys watches the
> changes happen, finding himself preparing for the Return of the King
> to Gondor.
> Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: dark themes
> Romance Partners: n/a
> "Estel I was called, but I am Aragorn, Arathorn's son, Isildur's Heir,
> Lord of the Dúnedain." Aragorn takes up his place among the
> after learning his true heritage.
> Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: This is a character piece, in which
> Aragorn meets Faramir for the first time since the Houses of Healing.
> It's somewhat of highly charged job interview.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Tolkien doesn't tell us about the first time Aragorn meets Faramir
> after his healing. Jackson didn't film it. Yet, this incident is the
> subject of more than a few gap fillers. Here is my version, a
> character piece set in the merge of film and book canon that I use for
> all my stories.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir
> Farewell (127): agape4gondor
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Angered by Boromir's taking of the Quest, Faramir prepares to return
> to Henneth-Annun.
> Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Grief knows no boundaries, nor age, nor time. Letters from Faramir to
> Boromir - in hopes that he is still alive and will return. Angst.
> My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Difficult times for young ones. Capture by
> Orcs. Death.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Gondor and its Steward are rocked by the death of Denethor and others.
> A journey is started from two ends of Middle-earth to try to help
> Faramir. Takes place in the year TA 2989. AU.
> Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic Situations
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eomer
> When Faramir tries to persuade Eomer to do what Elessar wants, he
> finds himself face-to-face with a fragile world, a secret revealed and
> the promptings of his unquiet flesh.
> Enticements (266): annmarwalk
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M sexual activity (implied)
> Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied)
> " `…almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and
> what she pretended to have the power to give. It need not be said that
> I refused to listen. The men of Minas Tirith are true to their word.'
> But what he thought that the Lady had offered him Boromir did not
> The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence, character death
> Romance Partners: N/A
> They say your life flashes before your eyes at the moment of death.
> What were Boromir's thoughts and feelings as he fought the greatest
> -and final - battle of his life? Movie-verse.
> Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> As Minas Tirith celebrates the first anniversary of King's reign a
> face from the past haunts Faramir and threatens his newly found
> First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> It is the first time without Finduilas around. How is the Steward's
> family dealing with the pain? And what about the nearing holiday?
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam
> Burden (734): Ancalime8301
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Rating for implied non-con, hermaphrodite
> Frodo, underaged pregnancy.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Pre-Quest, a young hobbit finds himself lost and in trouble far from
> On Amon Sűl (299): Dreamflower
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After the stabbing on Weathertop, from Frodo's POV...
> Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: Although the reader COULD read a slash
> relationship into this story, it is not overtly slash and it can be
> read either way.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the
> lives of Frodo and Sam. After the quest, Frodo is confronted with
> appalling choices, but a promise is remembered. (This story is best
> read AFTER reading Sam's Crosswise Verse.)
> Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the
> lives of Frodo and Sam. On the quest, Sam and his master are crosswise
> and an old promise must be kept.
> Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: In Frodo's dream/vision Sam is thrown across
> the ground and seems to transform a bit into the Eye of Sauron. It's
> only a dream and Frodo does wake up.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Is Frodo dreaming again? Or is it real?
> Sam can't really be leaving him! Sam wouldn't do that!
> In complete delirium, Frodo tries to keep his grasp of reality as he
> sees what the Quest will do and even is doing to his best friend; Sam.
> Cold (239): febobe
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: References to non-graphic violence.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Frodo's encounter with one of the Nine in Osgiliath proves ill for
> him, and Sam and Faramir find themselves working together in spite of
> themselves.
> Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: This story is a series of vignettes united
> by a common theme. Chapters 1-3 have some unsettling ideas that may
> deserve a teen rating (e.g. themes of phobia or abandonment). Chapters
> 4 and 5 (a two-part vignette) contains elements of horror and no happy
> resolution. I would even suggest that this may deserve a mature
> rating. The site on which the story is located has a note to this
> effect for Chapters 4 and 5.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Those who are familiar with "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" will
> recognize the title of this series of vignettes. In this series,
> Frodo's gift (or curse) for strange and prescient dreams will be
> Why does he have these dreams? What do they tell him? Can he
> understand this gift? Come and explore these strange tales, and
> perhaps we will find out some of the answers together.
> The Blessing (228): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A wounded soldier of Gondor tells of an enounter with The Ringbearers
> when Frodo and Sam come to visit the wounded, and learns that strength
> and courage come in unexpected forms.
> The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Bilbo returns home from a long trip and finds a warm welcome home from
> his new heir.
> Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Merry goes through a tough time with Frodo leaving from Buckland, and
> even though Frodo writes to Merry often, Merry gets sad and lonely. He
> gradually falls very ill, but Frodo comes to nurse him better and
> makes a promises that he can keep.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor
> All That Remained (155): Allee
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes, character suicide attempt
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After Arathorn's death, Gilraen is left to pick up the pieces of her
> shattered life, but the young widow learns that grief is no stranger
> to the House of Elrond. Will pain destroy the inhabitants of the Last
> Homely House, or will it bind them together?
> Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Non graphic description of injures after a
> war time shell blast. Haunting by the ghosts of dead soldiers.
> Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Erestor
> Story set during and just after the First World War. Glorfindel is an
> explorer who has come back to Britain and lives with the shell shocked
> war artist Erestor, in the small village of St. Michael's Leap. The
> villagers are curious about their relationship. Glorfindel looks
> forward to sailing and Erestor's sole aim is to paint, 'the perfect
> golden light'.
> The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Young Maedhros has recently been appointed as a King's scribe, and
> young Fingon is just coming of age. As each chooses his road in life,
> Maedhros is forced to consider his role as his father's heir and how
> his decisions might worsen the disintegrating relationship between
> Fëanor and Fingolfin.
> The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Inspired by Fiondil's Valar Universe. A young boy meets a stranger on
> a beach in the early 20th century.
> Written for the Tolkien Tango Prompt Challenge #10: Prophecies
> Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: I gave my story a rating of General
> because it fit the guidelines provided in MEFAs description of
> ratings, and also because I did not find any content in my fic that
> could disturb a child. This story mainly deals with a father-son
> relationship, and although death is alluded to, it is not described in
> a way that could have a negative effect on a person's mind.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Celebrimbor, in Sirion, looks forward to a visit from Galadriel.
> However, her impromptu arrival brings with it the news of his father's
> death in Doriath.
> The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: I am rating this story as teens given the
> mature themes being discussed.
> Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
> Nerdanel finally meets her nemesis: the one who caused the rift in her
> marriage to Fëanor. What did she had to say to them? A one-shot set
> the bard Rising Universe.
> Wherever You Go (537): Tena
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: The chapters are rated from G-NC-17. There
> are descriptions of sexual acts between mature adults. Slash and Het
> Romance Partners: Elrond/Gil galad, Elrond/Celebrian,
> Elrond takes a look back at his life.
> Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: occurs during war, canon-character death,
> Romance Partners: Círdan/Gil-galad, Elrond/Gil-Galad
> The raising of a falling star...
> Gil-galad's life from Dor-Lómin to the Isle of Balar and then on to
> Lindon and beyond.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings
> Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Upon the pebbled shores of the sea stand two brothers. But as the tide
> begins to turn the sound of the gulls will choose their futures.
> (This story is on HASA under my Author name of Peregrin Ionad. but I
> am the same person....I just used Peregrin Ionad first, and have never
> thought to change it, as I don't usually post fics as
> Aranegoldenflower and when I do I always make sure people realise it
> is the same person!)
> Moon Over Water (518): Avon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On a cold moonlit night Faramir watches the river. He watches for a
> memory, for a vision, for a dream... he watches for a vigil once kept
> with his brother.
> Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Elanor/Fastred
> Elanor's last meeting with Sam before he leaves Middle-earth.
> In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Mentioning of character death and grief
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In June 1482, Samwise Gamgee has to bear the fact that his wife has
> passed away, leaving him behind. Between deep grief and bittersweet
> memories, he understands that the life he was used to is ultimately
> over, and that a new way lies ahead of him.
> The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A gap-filler set at the very end of ROTK, as Frodo, Sam and the Elves
> travel toward the Havens. They pass through the Tower Hills, and pause
> at the Tower of Elostirion.
> Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Faramir and Eomer find comfort in an unexpected way as they visit the
> burial mound of Theodred.
> The King's Time (333): Larner
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses concerns related to dying, and
> looks toward Aragorn's death.
> Romance Partners: n/a
> It is now the thirtieth of Rethe by the Shire's calendar, and the Lord
> King has determined that his birthday tomorrow shall be observed in a
> most solemn manner. This evening he thinks on the passing of time....
> The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for some frightening mental images.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After the destruction of Dol Guldur, King Thranduil of Mirkwood makes
> a terrible discovery.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles
> Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Námo/Vairë
> Námo returns shaken from his encounter with Lúthien. His wife
> tries to comfort him.
> Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Primula watches. Inspired by the poem <i>Stabat Mater Dolorosa</i>. A
> drabble.
> My Legacy (407): spookystoy
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Celebrimbor believes his father left no worthwhile legacy to Arda.
> Curufin, determined to reconcile with his son and rebuild the family
> legacy, argues otherwise. (It helps to know that Celebrimbor looks
> like Weta's Daniel Falconer in this AU Fourth Age.)
> Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The making of Eä and the making of the Silmarils.
> No Mercy (443): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Morgoth's forces fall on the besieging armies of Elves and Men at the
> start of the Dagor Bragollach.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Bilbo has a gift for Pippin.
> Burdens (219): Meril
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: "Burdens" is about a traumatic event, but
> I believe the writing is vague enough for it to be rated "general."
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Exiles carry many things with them on their way to Arda...
> Alqualondë (220): Moreth
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic violence
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Inexperience and war - two drabbles from opposing view-points.
> Utúlie'n Aurë (163): Nieriel Raina
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Sauron is defeated, and even far from Mordor, the victory can be felt.
> Two elves rejoice in the true passing of night.
> Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A fierce wind sweeps across Middle-earth one day in the late Third
> Age, heralding, after hundreds of years, the instrument of a
> prophecy's completion, in three different lands.
> Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: References to adult themes, including death,
> slavery and grave robbing.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A series of 13 drabbles about some of the jobs people do in
> Middle-earth and the people who do them. Many of the drabbles were
> inspired by considering the Middle-earth equivalents of modern
> careers, and are tongue-in-cheek, but some address serious issues.
> Includes many original characters, but some interactions with canon
> characters.
> Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A collection of drabbles about Saruman and his meddlings in the West
> throughout the long years of the Third Age.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets
> The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: adult themes
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The life of Ioreth, a minor character from "Return of the King" and an
> (extra-)ordinary Gondorian woman, as told in ten drabbles.
> Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Written for the challenge prompt "Like a Fearful Faramir." In the
> fourth Age, even when things are going well for Faramir, he can't help
> but worry about the things that can go wrong.
> Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> From The Tale of Years: 2957-80: Aragorn undertakes his great journeys
> and errantries. As Thorongil he serves in disguise both Thengel of
> Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor - but was he completely isolated from
> his family? On his 40th birthday, mysterious messengers arrive from
> the West.
> Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Two friends suffer the loss of their friendship due to their own
> foolishness, and each must find the courage to make it right. Written
> for the Middleearth Express Prompt 93: Apart
> A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Are we such stuff as dreams are made of? The bounds between dream and
> waking, and life and death, are blurred on a sunny afternoon in Fourth
> Age Emyn Arnen.
> Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
> Under a bright moon, Faramir considers the gains, and the price, of
> Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mentions of battle and death
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
> For her first mettarë in Gondor, Éowyn revives an old tradition
- and
> sparks memories in her husband.
> Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes, death and mild sexual innuendo
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Moments from the life of Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort
> Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Teen rating for hobbit injury and wound
> treatment.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Frodo suffers the consequences of not having his mithril shirt on. Mix
> of book canon and movie verse. First line provided by claudia603.
> Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: This story deals with Frodo's struggle to
> deal with the horrific damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which
> was for all intents and purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is
> no sexual content since there was no physical violation, but a rape is
> not just an assualt on the body, but on the heart and soul as well and
> it is those that Frodo struggles to come to terms with and feeling
> filthy and worthless.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> This story deals with Frodo's struggle to deal with the horrific
> damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which was for all intents and
> purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is no sexual content since
> there was no physical violation, but a rape is not just an assualt on
> the body, but on the heart and soul as well and it is those that Frodo
> struggles to come to terms with and feeling filthy and worthless.
> Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for dark/frightening thematic
> references.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Sam and Frodo are presented to Eowyn for the first time. What are
> their reactions to the first woman they've met of the race of Men?
> A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses some mature subjects--tastefully, I
> hope
> Romance Partners: N/A
> One night, not long before the Hobbits left Minas Tirith, Frodo and
> Aragorn met beneath the White Tree.
> A first-person narrative.
> At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> After the days of waiting and worrying in Minas Tirith, Merry finally
> arrives at Cormallen where he is able to help care for his cousins and
> Sam and so begins to find healing for himself as well.
> The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On the voyage to Tol Eressea, when dolphins appear around the ship,
> Frodo expresses a desire to see them at closer range and his request
> is honored by Elrond, allowing Frodo a chance to experience personal
> contact with these healers from the sea.
> Fidelis (612): Pentangle
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death; extreme angst in at least
> one chapter violence alluded to but not described detailed medical
> treatment
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A tale from "The Ranger Years". Two strangers test the meaning and
> depth of the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas. OC death.
> Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: The story contains a recounting of violence
> against the main character but no graphic details.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Following the first winter of the new King's reign, events unfold that
> will have devastating consequences for Gondor and the King's closest
> companions.
> Loss (196): SurgicalSteel
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Graphic descriptions of complicated
> Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
> Serinde (OFC healer from 'The King's Surgeon') gives birth to her
> third child and almost dies in the process. Her husband, Halbarad, is
> forced to desperate action to save her life.
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete
> Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In the Seventh Age, the Children of Iluvatar unite to defend Arda.
> Many thanks to Fiondil for beta-reading.
> Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Angst, mentions of violence, and battle
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Apostates come in every form, and their ruses are often hard to
> perceive. What happens when one sets his eyes upon Imladris? Much
> trouble for Estel, who is left baffled by Elrond's strange behavior.
> Slightly AU in that there is no Gilraen present.
> The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On quest, a friendship develops between Frodo and Aragorn.
> The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: The story has an R rating due to some
> sexual scenes that are important to the plot and are not very
> graphic.It's more about showing their feelings and emotions when in
> such a situation.
> Romance Partners: Erestor/Ecthelion
> Erestor and Ecthelion live in an age in Gondolin where upon same sex
> pairings are not tolerated and are forbidden by law. This follows
> their journey of forbidden love: Their path may be wrong , but to them
> it is the right one.
> The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses the Ring War and the events
> concerning Denethor's pyre in their physical/psychological/emotional
> consequences in non-graphic details.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> From being called a recreant to being appointed as Captain of the
> White Company – This story takes a look at Beregond, his family
> his friends after this change in fortune, and how they experienced the
> Return of the King and the dawning of the New Age.
> Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Drug use in one chapter, implied
> multipartner M/M/F in one chapter, M/M sex in one chapter.
> Romance Partners: Imrahil/OMC
> Keeping nineteen-year-old Imrahil of Dol Amroth out of trouble is a
> full-time job and turns out to be beyond the ability of Andrahar of
> Umbar. What happens one night in a brothel has ramifications that
> affect the young men well into the following year, and changes their
> relationship forever.
> Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains a death scene.
> Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
> An epic tale of tragedy, bravery and love. From the shores of
> Belfalas, up the valleys of the Ered Nimrais to the plains of the
> Riddermark, we follow the lives of Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, her
> brothers and Éomer of Rohan from their early years to old age.
> The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: There are elements of rape, both
> heterosexual and homosexual, and torture in this story.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Legolas, Lord of Dol Galenehtar, has enough in Ithilien to worry him:
> His beloved Bandobras Took earning his spurs; the investiture of his
> new esquire; and Fastred son of Faramir's little romance going sour.
> But when news reaches him of the new Master of Lake Town seeking to
> stir up dissention between the Elvenking and Thorin Stonehelm of
> Erebor, Legolas and Gimli go north to their fathers' aid ... and end
> up uncovering a mystery deeper and darker than they had feared.
> The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil
> URL:
> Mature, Reason for Rating: There has already been graphic violence and
> may be some language and sexual content that could prevent teens and
> young children from reading.
> Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian, Elrohir or Elladan/OFC?, if
> applicable.
> "Elrond, who had remained unwed through all his long years, now took
> to wife Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn of Lorien. His
> children were the twin brethren, Elladan and Elrohir, and Arwen
> Undomiel, the fairest of all the maidens of the Third Age,"…
> "…Celebrian, wife of Elrond, journeys to Lorien to visit
> her mother; but she is taken by Orcs in the passes of the mountains.
> She is rescued by Elrond and his sons, but after fear and torment she
> is no longer willing to remain in Middle-earth, and she departs to the
> Grey Havens and sails over Sea."
> (Histories of Middle Earth, vol. 12, The Peoples of Middle-earth: Part
> VIII- "The Tale of Years of the Third Age".)
> In the mean time…
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles
> Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Gaffer is surprised by Sam's behavior following the Scouring of
> the Shire.
> Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> On his way to Isengard, Théoden comes to the place of his son's
> stand.
> The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Did Sméagol truly perish? Sometimes Frodo wonders; for he has more
> cause to know how shadows can linger....
> ...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Frodo and Estella Bolger watch over a sleeping Fredegar.
> Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: mention of death
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The moments after Boromir's last smile; as seen through Aragorn's
> Charge! (444): Tanaqui
> URL:
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A rider and his mount fight at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9133

Re: Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by July 07, 2008 - 14:26:38 Topic ID# 9078
In a message dated 7/7/2008 2:21:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm not asking for a change, since it's obviously a policy. But if I
could ask for an explanation, it would be greatly appreciated. As I see
it, my two stories are now competing against each other, and I
essentially have only 2 opportunities to win in any placing. Don't get
me wrong. I'm proud simply to be nominated for the MEFAs, and having 3
stories nominated was a shock, not to mention an honor. Nevertheless, I
thought this was curious.

I am very sensitve about this also, because I also have a very small number
of stories. This year six, my largest number ever. (I tend to write long
stories.) On the other hand, a lot of people have dozens of stories (drabbles and
ficlets). I would think in that case, it would be almost impossible to avoid
doubling them up, since people do tend to write in a chosen area of canon for
the most part.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9134

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by aure\_enteluva July 07, 2008 - 15:26:13 Topic ID# 9080
--- In, "Arthur Boccaccio" <namondil@...> wrote:
> *Humor: Valar & Maiar*
> FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
> URL:
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> N�mo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous
> Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone
Yahoo Group
> I understand why this was put in the category it was but I don't
think it
> really belongs there, but putting it in *Humor:General* would make that
> category too large. Not really happy about it but I guess I can live
> it.

Hi Fiondil,

You're right - moving it would make General too large, and would also
make the "Valar & Ainur" subcat even smaller than it is, so I'd prefer
to leave it where it is right now. Thank you for understanding.


Msg# 9135

Re: Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by Monica July 07, 2008 - 15:37:04 Topic ID# 9078
You have a good point. It is very likely many of us write in one area of
canon, or write one type of story, b/c that is what we prefer.
And it's also true that, if my two stories were adventure stories, well,
then that's where they belong. It's likely a question of competing
against yourself vs. being placed in the best category. Being placed in
the best category I think would win out in most cases.


--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:
> In a message dated 7/7/2008 2:21:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> doctormon67@... writes:
> I'm not asking for a change, since it's obviously a policy. But if I
> could ask for an explanation, it would be greatly appreciated. As I
> it, my two stories are now competing against each other, and I
> essentially have only 2 opportunities to win in any placing. Don't
> me wrong. I'm proud simply to be nominated for the MEFAs, and having
> stories nominated was a shock, not to mention an honor. Nevertheless,
> thought this was curious.
> I am very sensitve about this also, because I also have a very small
> of stories. This year six, my largest number ever. (I tend to write
> stories.) On the other hand, a lot of people have dozens of stories
(drabbles and
> ficlets). I would think in that case, it would be almost impossible to
> doubling them up, since people do tend to write in a chosen area of
canon for
> the most part.
> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
> fuel-efficient used cars.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9136

Re: Check Ballots Posted by Angelica July 07, 2008 - 15:54:51 Topic ID# 4545
This is my first time at the MEFAs and I'm really impressed at the hard work and dedication you people put in here. My most heart-felt congratulations to everybody involved (my mind refuses to imagine the amount of work that went into sorting out the different categories)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9137

Re: Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by July 07, 2008 - 15:57:47 Topic ID# 9078
In a message dated 7/7/2008 3:37:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

You have a good point. It is very likely many of us write in one area of
canon, or write one type of story, b/c that is what we prefer.
And it's also true that, if my two stories were adventure stories, well,
then that's where they belong. It's likely a question of competing
against yourself vs. being placed in the best category. Being placed in
the best category I think would win out in most cases.

Every year, and this is my third, this is what kills me about these awards.
I realize how difficult it is to categorize the stories, since there are so
many and the intent is to try to keep the categories of somewhat even size. I
am beyond grateful and awed by the amount of work that people do to try to
meet the specifications.

But. I always get upset when the categories are announced. There is one
category this year where, I think, there are perhaps seven stories, and it
includes six stories which I either wrote and had hopes for, or nominated, or
wanted to nominate, or wanted to have win a first, think deserves special
recognition, or is among my all time favorite fanfic story (and worse still, those
six stories are not really very similar, clearly they have some point in common
or wouldn't be lumped together, but I liked them for totally different
aspects). That for me is a lose-lose situation and it happens to me every year. I
guess nothing is perfect.

I think for me the perfect world would be simply to place stories with like
stories, where they absolutely fit best, and ignore the number or stiffness
of the competition. I know this has already been considered and rejected. So, I
just have to wait until the disappointment passes. Did I say that I am a

Thank you very much to all the people who knocked themselves out trying to
make everything fit. It is just kind of an overwhelming situation. I am just
going to vote the way I would if they were not running against one another
which may mean 5 tens in one subcategory.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9138

Re: Multiple stories by same author in same subcategory; was: Re: Ch Posted by July 07, 2008 - 16:08:42 Topic ID# 9078
Hi docmon,

Thanks for bringing this up, as I always like to clear up questions. :-)

We don't really have an official policy on how many stories an author is
allowed to have in a certain subcategory, except that each subcategory
has to have at least three authors. In practice, we try to make sure
each author has at most two stories in a subcategory; on rare occasions
we have to put three stories together, but try hard not to do that.

It is necessary to have stories competing against each other because
some authors are quite prodigious, and tend to write about the same
characters. To give you one example, there were thirty-six stories that
selected Elves as their first-choice category - with seven by the same
author. You can see how in cases like this, it would be next to
impossible to put each story in a subcategory so it didn't compete
against any other pieces by that same author. And this happened with
more than just this one author, in lots of categories.

Unfortunately, this means that authors who *don't* have so many stories
nominated may also have more than one story categorized together. If you
(or anyone) would like to make sure that your stories don't compete
against each other, my suggestion is that you try to select different
categories as their first-choice category. This isn't a guarantee that
they won't end up competing together, as sometimes we do have to move
stories into their second- or third-choice categories (especially with
"special" types of stories - poetry, fixed-length ficlets, and WIPs).
However, it is more likely that your stories won't be categorized
together if you choose different categories for your first-choice selection.

Oh, and take heart: even though your stories are competing together, we
do award three awards for each subcategory (first, second, and third
place). And on top of that, we award honorable mentions to all the
stories that get above a certain number of points, whatever subcategory
they're in. Basically we figure out the average number of points per
story award-wide, and if your story gets more than that average and
doesn't get another award, it will get an honorable mention. So even
though your stories are competing together, there's still a chance that
they'll both get awards at the end of the awards.


Monica wrote:
> Thanks, Marta and all the volunteers, for all your work on this.
> I hate to be a nudge [:O] (how do you spell that?), but I wanted to
> ask about the practice of putting multiple stories of an author in a
> single category. I didn't notice this last year because I only had one
> story nominated. But this year, I have 3 stories, and 2 have been
> placed in the same category. I've noticed that this is fairly common, so
> I'm not asking for a change, since it's obviously a policy. But if I
> could ask for an explanation, it would be greatly appreciated. As I see
> it, my two stories are now competing against each other, and I
> essentially have only 2 opportunities to win in any placing. Don't get
> me wrong. I'm proud simply to be nominated for the MEFAs, and having 3
> stories nominated was a shock, not to mention an honor. Nevertheless, I
> thought this was curious.
> I know you work hard at this. I'm sure you have a logical reasoning, and
> it's probably part of your complicated system that allows all of this to
> work just the way it does. I don't want to seem unappreciative of all of
> that! I just want to understand the thinking of the MEFA staff.
> thanks,
> docmon

Msg# 9139

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by Dawn Felagund July 07, 2008 - 17:10:11 Topic ID# 9129
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:12 PM, <>
> Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention - we do try to put only
> two stories by the same author in the same subcategory, though sometimes
> that is necessary. However, in this case, it looks like we can avoid it.

Now I feel like a real goon for having said just last night that I am happy
as pie with my categorizations. This was before I realized that it's not
typical to have three stories in the same sub-category ... which I do. :(

However, I recognize that I am one of Those Authors who writes a tremendous
amount about the same characters. I do not mind three of my stories
competing in the same category but, at the same time, thought I should say
something since this is not the usual way of things, and of course I would
prefer that they be broken up a bit.

The category is Times: First Age and Prior : House of Finwe:

An Ordinary Woman (32)
Times: First Age and Prior | Genres: Humor | Races: Elves

Discretion (254)
Times: First Age and Prior | Genres: Drama | Races: Elves

One Last Wish (323)
Times: First Age and Prior | Races: Elves | Genres: Drama

So now I have mentioned it but, again, I know that my stories must be hard
as heck to categorize (*I* had trouble picking a range of categories for
them too!), and it's really not super important to me that they be moved, so
if it's the least bit difficult, please don't worry about it.

Dawn the goon

Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9140

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by Jane O. Abbott July 07, 2008 - 18:26:00 Topic ID# 9080
That would be fine. Let me send you the revised summary offlist.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Check Ballot #1 - Humor

Hi Branwyn,

I checked, and "Terra Incognita" is a drabble. That means that (per MEFA
policy) it needs to be categorized with drabbles. Unfortunately, we
didn't have enough Modern Times drabbles to have a drabble subcategory
there. There's only one subcategory in Modern Times, and that's all
full-length stories.

If you like, I could add a line to your summary saying that the drabble
is set in our modern times.


Jane O. Abbott wrote:
> Hello,
> Would it be possible to move “Terra Incognita” to Modern, instead of
> The modern setting is a more salient characteristic than the humor (which
> very understated). I did choose humor for a second category, but only
> because there wasn’t any other choice for this piece since it includes no
> canon characters.
> Thanks!
> Branwyn
> _____
> From: <>
> [ <>]
> On Behalf
> Of aure_enteluva
> Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 7:00 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Check Ballot #1 - Humor
> Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Humor
> SubCategory Genres: Humor: General
> In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://lady- <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> An alternate-universe version of the journey of the Armies of the West
> to the Black Gate, in which Legolas whines and Aragorn asks "Are we
> there yet?"
> The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> When the wind from the north rattled the shutters, the two rangers
> would sit by the fire for hours, hunched over a chessboard marked in
> black and white squares.
> The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
> URL: http://www.fanficti
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A one shot Humor fic featuring Legolas and Aragorn. Starts Post-RotK,
> It then jumps back in time to when Aragorn was still a young Ranger
> returning from Harad. What happened on the long trip home? What is the
> Weaving Cow?
> Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Paladin tells Pippin the story of his own childhood friend, a stuffed
> sheep named "Sammy-Lambie".
> Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The story of how Tulip lost her button nose!
> Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
> URL: http://edoraslass. <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Extremely important suggestions on ways a Rider of Rohan - or any
> citizen of Rohan, really - might take care of his or her hair.
> PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Lord of Mandos is said to have uttered a Second Prophecy
> concerning the End of Days, but its interpretation has been hotly
> debated down through the Ages. On the eve of the departure of the
> Edain for Númenor, two Men decide to do some `creative' prophesying of
> their own, but it may be Námo who has the final say. Written for 'The
> Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.
> The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> How Beren's 'Song of Parting' made it into the public domain... from
> The Himring Codex version of 'The Tale of Beren and Lúthien'.
> Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril

> chapter=1>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A story of relationships within a complicated extended family,
> focusing upon an insecure, nerdy young Turgon and his idolization/envy
> of his cool older brother Fingon. I've listed it here as a humor
> piece, but it contains also serious inferences about the effect of
> environment and family strife upon children. Written in response to a
> request to write about the differences between Turgon and Fingon that
> are reflected in my personal canon of stories about the House of Finwë.
> The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to sexual activity between newlyweds
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
> Eomer King has a bad case of big-brother blues at his sister's wedding
> feast. (600 words, as counted by MS Word)
> With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-

> >
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Behind every great writer is a host of inspiring, helpful people who
> are worthy of thanks. But as Samwise Gamgee discovers via the Red Book
> of Westmarch, not all who offer their advice are deserving of fond
> acknowledgments...
> Features Sam, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas with a cameo appearance from
> Faramir.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles
> There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A mirth-filled moment between Boromir and Haldir.
> Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
> URL: http://community.
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Prince Imrahil pauses for a moment to consider his daughter's future.
> Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
> URL: http://aranel-
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> The Fellowship gathers after Aragorn's coronation.
> Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Written for the birthday of Aliana, who asked for drabbles about
> discovery.
> A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
> URL: http://community.
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Aragorn visits the Sea-elves of Belfalas
> Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-

> >
> Teen, Reason for Rating: A passing mention of sex.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A Maia copes with the downside of bodily existence.
> Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Bilbo receives an unusual late-night visitor.
> There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A young Ranger makes a lasting impression on some inhabitants of Esgaroth.
> Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
> URL: http://www.tolkienf
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> One of Tolkien's characters drops into Modern Earth to give a fan
> fiction writer some feedback.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands
> Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Bill the Pony turns a
> wary eye on one of his new travelling companions.
> The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
> URL: http://community.
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some referred to violence, rescue
> of an orphaned baby animal and a relevant sex scene that concentrates
> on emotional rather than explicit physical.
> Romance Partners: Erestor/Haldir.
> The newly-wed Erestor and Haldir rescue a baby otter and take it back
> to Imladris. As their relationship progresses, so does the growing of
> Celon, the baby otter. One day Celon hears the call of one who would
> take him back into the wild.
> Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
> URL: http://www.tawarwai <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: The story presents lots of sexual innuendo,
> one scene of violence, and mentions same-sex romances.
> Romance Partners: Legolas/Gandalf, (implied) Elladan/Glorfindel
> A light-hearted case of misinterpretation on Sam's part causes serious
> consequences for young Legolas. During the time preceding the Council
> of Elrond.
> MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Thranduil has trouble remembering.Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
> challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.
> Here's To The King! (204): Jael
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-

> >
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Naughty words in Elvish describing vulgar acts
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A sweet, modest tale, in which Legolas deals with a difficult prisoner
> in his father's dungeons and Thranduil gets a puppy. Warning for
> vulgar language and themes, mostly in the Author's Notes
> Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Legolas learns a new word and his older brother learns to be more prudent.
> Frogdom (192): Neilia
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Pippin's actual transformation into a tree frog occurs in this tale.
> Then I went ahead and started writing another stand alone story about
> the day of Pippin-frog.
> The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
> URL: http://stories.
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> In Rivendell Boromir learns a lesson about warrior hobbits.
> Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
> URL: http://lotrscrapboo
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A humorous consideration of what might have happened if the Fellowship
> had decided to take a plane instead of walking all that ways - would
> Anduril make it through security?
> Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
> URL: http://www.fanficti <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Legolas thinks that Gloin and Thranduil should meet. He is the only
> one who cannot see what a bad idea this is.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor
> Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
> URL: http://lordoftherin
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Possibly overrated, but set to Teen for
> mention of nudity.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Something is not right in the city of Osgiliath.
> Courage (41): annmarwalk
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Amid the festivity of post-war Minas Tirith, Gimli faces a surprising
> challenge to his own courage, and his trust in his companions.
> One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
> URL: http://just- <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Inspired by "The Simpsons" episode "Twenty-five Short Stories About
> Springfield", here are four ficlets-by-request flowing together into
> one summery tale. Prompts included "Boromir gardening", "Boromir and
> Faramir relaxing", "Prince Imrahil cooking" and "Mag up to something".
> Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
> URL: http://brigantine1. <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied m/m or m/m/f relations.
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Faramir interrupts a bit of a brawl.
> Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Nanny overhears a conversation concerning dragons between young
> Faramir and Mithrandir
> The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
> URL: http://www.henneth-
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
> A boisterous game that Aragorn and Eldarion play has dramatic
> consequences.
> Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
> Not all things spoken in the heat of the moment are truly what we
> mean. Aragorn and Arwen seek each others forgiveness. Written for the
> Tolkien Tango Prompt #9: Reconciliation.
> Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-

> >
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Eldarion is missing, and Elessar faces his greater fear, while the
> Queen is away.
> Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
> URL: http://henneth-
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Sex (depicted but not graphic)
> Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
> An 'alternative' courtship of Eowyn.
> Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
> URL:
> http://www.thelasts
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: It's family-friendly fluff, with a bit of
> satire thrown in.
> Romance Partners: N/A
> A trip to the museum with Eldarion and Elboron to expose them to fine
> art causes Arwen to experience a peculiar flashback.
> This story was part of the 2007 Yule Challenge at the Henneth-Annun
> Yahoo Group, in which writers were asked to write stories surrounding
> pieces of Tolkien Calendar art of varying quality.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
> Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
> URL: http://lotrfanficti
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Eight weeks, eight hundred words, and a lengthy contest of wills pits
> Boromir against the combined forces of his father and brother. A
> humorous drabble cycle.
> Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
> URL:
> http://www.henneth-

> >
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Some women just have special husbands...a little vignette about a
> fanfic writer and Mrs. Beorn.
> Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
> URL:
> http://www.thelasts
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> When the new King's expression turns the milk sour,the cats of Minas
> Tirith decide that something must be done.
> Giving Gifts (426): Marta
> URL: http://telperion- <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Imrahil and Denethor, on creative gift-giving.
> The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
> URL: http://www.freewebs
> <
> <>>
> .com/rakshathedemon99/newclothes.htm
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Captain Faramir learns how hard it is to refuse a gift, however
> inappropriate, from a well-meaning relative. Definitely AU, and 500
> words as counted by MS Word.
> Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
> URL: http://www.openscro
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: Witch King of Angmar; Eowyn
> Tell me if you've heard this one: A witch king, a furry hobbit, and a
> girl-impersonating-a-soldier all walked onto a field....
> The witch-king's take on the hard, cold world of dating.
> Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
> URL: http://www.openscro
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Mature themes
> Romance Partners: Galadriel, Celeborn
> Modern-day reporter Susan continues her interviews of elves in
> Valinor, this time questioning Galadriel herself. Apparently, there
> was some confusion in Tolkien's various descriptions of elf behavior,
> and Susan wants to get it right.
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire
> Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
> URL: http://www.lightind
> <
> <>>
> Teen, Reason for Rating: Vague sexual innuendo
> Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
> Sam picks the *worst* times to heal the Shire
> Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Pippin and Merry introduce the Fellowship to a harvest-time tradition
> observed by the Shirefolk. Written for the "Six Days of Spooky Challenge."
> Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Pippin worries that Tulip will shrink after his mother's warning not
> to put her in the bathtub with him.
> Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: n/a
> Romance Partners: N/A
> While visiting Bag End, Pippin and Tulip want to hear a story but
> Pippin does all of the talking!
> Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> What has happened to Paladin Took and his family that has caused his
> only son, Pippin, to start doing odd jobs for hobbits who live around
> Whitwell? He is doing a good job, but talk in the taverns and inns is
> that the family is going broke.
> Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Hobbits love to eat, but they can be distrustful of things they've
> never had. As the new Mayor of the Shire, Sam isn't going to have any
> choice about eating the Took Broth - no matter how it's made!
> SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar
> DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> As Darkness rises once again in Middle-earth, the Valar discuss a
> mission for some of their People to undertake. Written for 'The
> Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.
> FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
> URL: http://www.storieso
> <
> <>>
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Námo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous
> charges. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and
> Stone Yahoo Group
> I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, character death
> Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Namo
> Glorfindel can't seem to stay away from Mandos.
> A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> <

> General, Reason for Rating: N/A
> Romance Partners: N/A
> At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement
> of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his
> decision? Maia humour.
> Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
> URL:
> http://www.silmaril
> General, Reason for Rating:
> Romance Partners: N/A
> Highly speculative account of how the Elessar gem might have been
> fabricated. Contains Fëanor as a precocious apprentice and Aulë as his
> wise and patient mentor/master.
> Switch (562): Tena
> URL: http://www.ofelvesa
> <
> <>>
> Mature, Reason for Rating: Consensual sex described between mature
> adult males
> Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas
> The Valar switch Legolas and Estel's bodies.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Visit our website:! Groups Links

Msg# 9141

Re: Check Ballot # 1 - Drama Posted by Imhiriel July 07, 2008 - 18:39:34 Topic ID# 9078
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:

> But. I always get upset when the categories are announced. There is
> category this year where, I think, there are perhaps seven stories,
and it
> includes six stories which I either wrote and had hopes for, or
nominated, or
> wanted to nominate, or wanted to have win a first, think deserves
> recognition, or is among my all time favorite fanfic story (and
worse still, those
> six stories are not really very similar, clearly they have some
point in common
> or wouldn't be lumped together, but I liked them for totally different
> aspects). That for me is a lose-lose situation and it happens to me
every year. I
> guess nothing is perfect.

That happened to me last year in one category that I remember (even if
not in those extremes - I can feel with you!), and yes, I went with
the tactic you describe below, just giving the points I felt they
deserved regardless of the overall end result. I reminded myself that
was all I could do in any case to influence the votes, regardless of
_any_ competition in _any_ of the subcategories...

This is not to argue with you; as I said, I can fully sympathise, and
you said yourself that you understood (and to boot, I'm no MEFA staff
*g*), but I just wanted to add my 2 eurocents:

> I think for me the perfect world would be simply to place stories
with like
> stories, where they absolutely fit best, and ignore the number or
> of the competition. I know this has already been considered and
rejected. So, I
> just have to wait until the disappointment passes. Did I say that I
am a
> whiner?

But that is already what is being done - it's just that others (the
authors, first and foremost) may have different opinions which aspect
of the story is the aspect they most want the focus to be on, which
then ends up being the aspect that other authors also chose, and thus
ends up being the uniting factor of the stories in the subcategory: a
story about Galadriel could be about Races: Elves or Times: First Age
or Genre: Drama, depending on what the _author_ selected. What the
categorisers do is simply fine-tune it according to the selection of
the authors, which might or might not be a perfect fit in every case.

As to numbers: IMO, a number of 5-13 gives a _very_ broad leeway to
adjust category sizes. In fact, I sometimes wish it were less and the
subcategories were more even, but as someone who often likes to write
in less-explored corners of the fandom, I can really appreciate the
possibility of smaller sizes, which alone may make some of those less
popular categories viable in the first place (especially this year, as
I had to find new categories when the three I had chosen didn't become


Msg# 9142

author name change Posted by July 07, 2008 - 20:02:48 Topic ID# 9142
Hey guys,


I have been informed that one of the authors in this year's competition
has changed her pen name. Therefore, I have changed the way her name is
displayed at our website. The author formerly listed as "The Lady of
Light" will now be displayed as "Marchwriter (The Lady of Light)".

Searching for either "Marchwriter" or "The Lady of Light" should bring
up her stories.



Msg# 9143

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by July 07, 2008 - 21:25:43 Topic ID# 9129
Hi Dawn,

Thanks for bringing these stories to my attention. I looked at this
category, and First Age only has two subcategories for stories (as in,
finished full-length fiction.) There's Times: First Age and Prior:
General, in which you have two stories, and Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe, in which you have three.

I could move one of the three you list below, but the only other place I
would have to put it in would be the General subcategory - so you'd end
up with three stories there! :-)

I'd prefer not to move main categories unless at all possible, as this
was your first-choice category. Since you seem okay with this
categorization, I think it will be best to just leave things like they are.


Dawn Felagund wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:12 PM,
> <> <
> <>>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention - we do try to put only
> > two stories by the same author in the same subcategory, though sometimes
> > that is necessary. However, in this case, it looks like we can avoid it.
> Now I feel like a real goon for having said just last night that I am happy
> as pie with my categorizations. This was before I realized that it's not
> typical to have three stories in the same sub-category ... which I do. :(
> However, I recognize that I am one of Those Authors who writes a tremendous
> amount about the same characters. I do not mind three of my stories
> competing in the same category but, at the same time, thought I should say
> something since this is not the usual way of things, and of course I would
> prefer that they be broken up a bit.
> The category is Times: First Age and Prior : House of Finwe:
> An Ordinary Woman (32)
> Times: First Age and Prior | Genres: Humor | Races: Elves
> Discretion (254)
> Times: First Age and Prior | Genres: Drama | Races: Elves
> One Last Wish (323)
> Times: First Age and Prior | Races: Elves | Genres: Drama
> So now I have mentioned it but, again, I know that my stories must be hard
> as heck to categorize (*I* had trouble picking a range of categories for
> them too!), and it's really not super important to me that they be moved, so
> if it's the least bit difficult, please don't worry about it.
> Dawn the goon
> --
> ~oOo~
> Dawn Felagund
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9144

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by July 07, 2008 - 21:39:38 Topic ID# 9080
Hi Branwyn,

Thanks, I've received your summary off-list and will change it at the
website shortly.


Jane O. Abbott wrote:
> Hello,
> That would be fine. Let me send you the revised summary offlist.
> Thanks,
> Branwyn

Msg# 9145

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by July 07, 2008 - 21:46:01 Topic ID# 9129
I looked at this category, and First Age only has two subcategories for
stories (as in,
finished full-length fiction.) There's Times: First Age and Prior: General,
in which you have two stories, and Times: First Age and Prior: House of
Finwe, in which you have three.

This is the crux of my problem with how my own stories and my favorites of
others fall: there are just not a large enough pool of Silmarillion fics to
hope for an excellent reflection of the range of the subtle differences between
stories if that is what one principally reads and writes. There is no
solution for the problem under those circumstances, except to get more people to
write and enter Silm fics (believe me I have tried and succeeded to a degree--I
have really campaigned to get people to participate in the MEFAs and
nominated a lot of stories).

For all my whining about my Silm fics, I have never had a single complaint
about the sorting of any of my LOTR fics. I think perhaps I've whined so much,
because I initially started writing and reading mainly LOTR fics and have
gradually shifted over to almost entirely Silm fics and I noticed the
difference. (Look at the time gradations and geographic spreads in the Third Age alone
for LOTR fics. Whereas, for Silm fics one has First Age and Prior for all
the things that happened during that eventful period of more than one Age and
still it is possible to get sorted with LOTR fics.)

I promise: this is my absolute last and final whine on the subject.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9146

Re: Check Ballot #1 - Humor Posted by Jane O. Abbott July 08, 2008 - 5:54:34 Topic ID# 9080
Thanks! That should help prevent readers being completely mystified by the

(And thanks to you and the other admins for all the work that you put into
the MEFAs.)



From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Check Ballot #1 - Humor

Hi Branwyn,

Thanks, I've received your summary off-list and will change it at the
website shortly.


Jane O. Abbott wrote:
> Hello,
> That would be fine. Let me send you the revised summary offlist.
> Thanks,
> Branwyn

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9147

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by rhapsody\_the\_bard July 08, 2008 - 6:59:10 Topic ID# 9129
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:

>> I looked at this category, and First Age only has two subcategories
>> for stories (as in, finished full-length fiction.) There's Times:
>> First Age and Prior: General, in which you have two stories, and
>> Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe, in which you have
>> three.
> This is the crux of my problem with how my own stories and my
> favorites of others fall: there are just not a large enough pool of
> Silmarillion fics to hope for an excellent reflection of the range
> of the subtle differences between stories if that is what one
> principally reads and writes. There is no solution for the problem
> under those circumstances, except to get more people to write and
> enter Silm fics (believe me I have tried and succeeded to a
> degree--I have really campaigned to get people to participate in the
> MEFAs and nominated a lot of stories).

Compared to last year, the pool of Silmfic stories is larger, so in
that sense... awesome! I am very excited about that, 77 stories in
First age, 24 in second age weee! Then there are some in modern times,
multi-age, even third age I think! I mean that's over hundred
stories! Did I mention awesome? Actually when you search by source
(which I just did), 165 stories this year are based on the
Silmarillion (compared to the 463 stories who have LOTR as source). :c)

However, those four I have up, I carefully balanced what is the main
ingredient of a story. In some cases (at least two of them) the angst
and tragedy is a big element and it weighed more importantly to me
than having them up in a First age cate. That was my decision as an
author and I did think very carefully about it (and perhaps too long).
To have them as a must sorted in a First age cate doesn't add up to
me, especially if a First age location or division serves as mere
background detail. I know you write fab romance, but if the key
element is romance, I think you did select as a main 1st cate romance
right? Perhaps we need more romance stories? Having a First age story
does noet equal having it in the first age cate, it depends on what
the author thinks it should be placed best, then later on the
categoriser tries to honour that as much as possible.

Does this make any sense? I think Imhiriel is right that author's know
how to well select their cates the best and the categorisers do try to
get everything placed in their first cates as much as possible. But
sometimes their hands are just tied as they try to make cates barely
viable. Secondly, what is also neat is that when you select First age
in the filters, you get all the Silm fic stories (except those in
other ages like multi age and modern times (I have one with that
selection), no matter if it was a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place option. :c)

For me there was one other story which had several elements of genre's
(be it romance or drama), that I chose elves as a first cate option. I
am just a bit puzzled as to why one story did end up in its 3rd cate
option where the 1st cate option was rather large, but oh well, I do
think the categorisers worked very hard on this for two weeks and
besides sheer curiousity I asked (off list) why it ended up there,
we'll just see how things go!

> For all my whining about my Silm fics, I have never had a single
> complaint about the sorting of any of my LOTR fics. I think perhaps
> I've whined so much, because I initially started writing and
> reading mainly LOTR fics and have gradually shifted over to almost
> entirely Silm fics and I noticed the difference. (Look at the time
> gradations and geographic spreads in the Third Age alone for LOTR
> fics. Whereas, for Silm fics one has First Age and Prior for all
> the things that happened during that eventful period of more than
> one Age and still it is possible to get sorted with LOTR fics.)

Well Silm stories is not only First age. The Silmarillion also has a
narrative about the events of LOTR, the aftermath, the downfall of
Numenor, the Rings of power & Celebrimbor for example. When I want to
find Silm fics, I always look in every times cate because well, who
knows where those Noldo elves pop up now! They can be so inventive.

> I promise: this is my absolute last and final whine on the subject.


Rhapsody :c)
(165 stories based on the Silm! Whohoo!)

Msg# 9148

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by July 08, 2008 - 7:22:44 Topic ID# 9129
> I promise: this is my absolute last and final whine on the subject.


I don't think I deserve cookies. I know there are more Silmarillion fics
this year. I love using the using mechanisim let one search by source. I search
every which way myself. I'm big on searching in general.

Sometimes a romance is the main element in a story, doesn't matter which
Age. In other cases, like one of my short stories this year, in particular, it
is absolutely incomprehensible without being read by someone who knows the not
only the canon, but the canon debates as well. But I am just going to chill
out about it.

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
fuel-efficient used cars. (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9149

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by Dawn Felagund July 08, 2008 - 8:21:00 Topic ID# 9129
Thanks, Marta, for looking into it! I suspected it was something along those
lines. :) I created a spreadsheet this year to help myself categorize my
stories rather than choosing categories willy-nilly as I have in years past,
and I ended up with nine stories that were a combination of First Age,
Elves, and Drama, so I know that my stories must be a nightmare to
categorize. Given this, I continue to say that you guys do a fantastic job!


Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9150

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by Dawn Felagund July 08, 2008 - 9:10:14 Topic ID# 9129
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 10:45 PM, <> wrote:
> This is the crux of my problem with how my own stories and my favorites of

> others fall: there are just not a large enough pool of Silmarillion fics
> hope for an excellent reflection of the range of the subtle differences
> stories if that is what one principally reads and writes. There is no
> solution for the problem under those circumstances, except to get more
people to
> write and enter Silm fics (believe me I have tried and succeeded to a
> have really campaigned to get people to participate in the MEFAs and
> nominated a lot of stories).

And I agree with everyone thus far (including you!) who has said that all of
us Silmfolk have certainly succeeded in that regard. My wish list this year
has 115 stories on it. Generally, if it takes place in the First Age or
earlier, it goes on my wish list. Out of 660 stories, that's pretty amazing,
and I didn't add much Second Age simply for practicality's sake: If I finish
the 115 on my wish list right now, I'll go back and add those.

Last year's sub-categories (other than the general ones like Elves and First
Age) that were appropriate for many Silm stories were:

Genres: Drama: Second Age or Earlier
Genres: Romance: Second Age or Earlier
Times: First Age and Prior: House of Fingolfin
Times: Second Age: Drabble

This year, we have:

Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor
Genres: Humor: Elven Lands
Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar
Genres: Romance: Elven Lands
Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men
Races: Elves: Family
Races: Elves: House of Finwe
Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe

All of which *could* or do have a lot of Silm stories.

I wonder if it's a matter of perception. I mean, you are very active in the
Silm community, as am I. You probably personally know most of the nominated
authors and have read much of their work, so it seems like the categories
most relevant to Silmfic are stacked with fantastic stories by great
authors, and it will be impossible to choose. Because I don't know many
Hobbit authors, I don't perceive those categories as being as loaded with
awesome stories as the categories where almost every story is one that I
have already read and loved. That doesn't mean that the Hobbit categories *
aren't*--Hobbit authors are probably also wondering how they will choose
between so many wonderful stories ;)--but I don't perceive them that way
because I'm unfamiliar with most or all of the works there.

I got the same feeling as you, Oshun, when making my wish list and when
reviewing the ballots, knowing that there are stories in categories that I
think are some of the best of the year but that quite likely won't get any
recognition in the end. I try my hardest (not always successfully ;)
*not*to feel regret at this but to take it as an indicator that the
*do* recognize some of the best writing in the Tolkien fandom and aren't
simply a popularity contest. In the end, I think that makes a MEFA
nomination or win something really special and to be cherished, meaning that
your work really has touched someone and s/he is not simply generating a
list of friends when s/he makes nominations.

I always say and truly mean that a person has already won with a nomination.
A nomination, to me, means that a reader had the chance to pick twenty
stories that she or he couldn't get out of his or her mind, sometimes a year
or more after reading, and thought of mine. That really is something special
to me.

As far as voting, there are categories where I may well give out 10s to most
of the stories. But, when reviewing, I usually don't know what category the
story is in; I try to review it based on how it moves me on its own,
independent of others competing beside it. For one, I want to reward a great
story with a really nice review. For another, even if the story doesn't
place first, second, or third, my vote could determine whether it gets an
honorable mention. I don't want to skimp on a review just to arrange stories
in a clear order of preference in a category only to have it go completely
unrecognized because of it.

Wow, that was a long post. I'm home sick from work today and so will
probably be more annoyingly long-winded than usual, so I'm apologizing in
advance. :)


Dawn Felagund

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Msg# 9151

Re: Check Ballot #1 Posted by July 08, 2008 - 10:03:57 Topic ID# 9129
Hi Dawn,

Thanks for being flexible! It is difficult when we write so many stories
that fit into similar categories, isn't it? (You're far from the only
author in this situation.) Anyway, I am glad to know you're okay with
things the way they are.


Dawn Felagund wrote:
> Thanks, Marta, for looking into it! I suspected it was something along those
> lines. :) I created a spreadsheet this year to help myself categorize my
> stories rather than choosing categories willy-nilly as I have in years past,
> and I ended up with nine stories that were a combination of First Age,
> Elves, and Drama, so I know that my stories must be a nightmare to
> categorize. Given this, I continue to say that you guys do a fantastic job!
> Dawn

Msg# 9152

Multiple stories by same author in same subcategory; was: Re: Check Posted by Monica July 09, 2008 - 10:03:33 Topic ID# 9078
Thank you for your wonderful reply and your patience, Marta! As this
discussion has continued I have realized what a problem this is,
especially with some prolific writers. And the trend for writers to
write in a certain area is an important point to remember, for I am one
with that tendency.

I never doubted how hard you work to make these awards work. This clears
a lot up, and if anything shows you work harder than we thought! [:D]
But it is a great idea to take this into consideration when picking my
categories. I will be lucky to have a chance to do that next year.

And I will keep in mind the honorable mention option. I will appreciate
that honor just as much! [:D]

thank you!

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi docmon,
> Thanks for bringing this up, as I always like to clear up questions.
> We don't really have an official policy on how many stories an author
> allowed to have in a certain subcategory, except that each subcategory
> has to have at least three authors. In practice, we try to make sure
> each author has at most two stories in a subcategory; on rare
> we have to put three stories together, but try hard not to do that.
> It is necessary to have stories competing against each other because
> some authors are quite prodigious, and tend to write about the same
> characters. To give you one example, there were thirty-six stories
> selected Elves as their first-choice category - with seven by the same
> author. You can see how in cases like this, it would be next to
> impossible to put each story in a subcategory so it didn't compete
> against any other pieces by that same author. And this happened with
> more than just this one author, in lots of categories.
> Unfortunately, this means that authors who *don't* have so many
> nominated may also have more than one story categorized together. If
> (or anyone) would like to make sure that your stories don't compete
> against each other, my suggestion is that you try to select different
> categories as their first-choice category. This isn't a guarantee that
> they won't end up competing together, as sometimes we do have to move
> stories into their second- or third-choice categories (especially with
> "special" types of stories - poetry, fixed-length ficlets, and WIPs).
> However, it is more likely that your stories won't be categorized
> together if you choose different categories for your first-choice
> Oh, and take heart: even though your stories are competing together,
> do award three awards for each subcategory (first, second, and third
> place). And on top of that, we award honorable mentions to all the
> stories that get above a certain number of points, whatever
> they're in. Basically we figure out the average number of points per
> story award-wide, and if your story gets more than that average and
> doesn't get another award, it will get an honorable mention. So even
> though your stories are competing together, there's still a chance
> they'll both get awards at the end of the awards.
> Marta
> Monica wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thanks, Marta and all the volunteers, for all your work on this.
> >
> > I hate to be a nudge [:O] (how do you spell that?), but I wanted to
> > ask about the practice of putting multiple stories of an author in a
> > single category. I didn't notice this last year because I only had
> > story nominated. But this year, I have 3 stories, and 2 have been
> > placed in the same category. I've noticed that this is fairly
common, so
> > I'm not asking for a change, since it's obviously a policy. But if I
> > could ask for an explanation, it would be greatly appreciated. As I
> > it, my two stories are now competing against each other, and I
> > essentially have only 2 opportunities to win in any placing. Don't
> > me wrong. I'm proud simply to be nominated for the MEFAs, and having
> > stories nominated was a shock, not to mention an honor.
Nevertheless, I
> > thought this was curious.
> > I know you work hard at this. I'm sure you have a logical reasoning,
> > it's probably part of your complicated system that allows all of
this to
> > work just the way it does. I don't want to seem unappreciative of
all of
> > that! I just want to understand the thinking of the MEFA staff.
> >
> > thanks,
> > docmon
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9153

Check Ballot #2 - Summary Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:18:06 Topic ID# 9153
***SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General***

Balm (459): Armariel
Dragons In The Trollshaws (170): Bodkin
Dangerous Folk (546): Budgielover
The Mariner's Son (329): cairistiona
Lost (226): Claudia
Pip-napped! (669): Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors
Dol Amroth Yule (295): Isabeau of Greenlea
Symbols of Love (130): Larner
Fennas Haradren (280): Linaewen
--and it was done (527): Neoinean

***SubCategory: Genres: Adventure: Incomplete***

With Hope and Without Hope (466): docmon
The Wanderer (627): Lackwit
Eagle of the Star (327): Neoinean
To See A World (330): Nightwing
The Web of Darkness (101): Soledad
Tarnished Ivory (464): Yavie Feels Pretty

***SubCategory Genres: Alternate Universe: General***

Eucatastrophe: The Return (617): Dreamflower
As the Tide by the Moon (9): EdorasLass
Above All Shadows (492): Ignoble Bard
Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer (206): Katzilla
Two Prisoners (724): Lord Branwyn
Homeward Bound (430): Werecat

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy***

Shadow King (227): Claudia
Bitter May (265): Cuthalion
In The Darkness Of My Dreaming (284): Cuthalion
For What I Wait (125): Dawn Felagund
Clear Conscience (The Clear Shot Remix) (680): Dreamflower
Five things that never happened to Nerdanel (389): Meril
Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth (222):

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Drabbles***

No Man's Land (726): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Wave-Singer (33): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Last Stroke (465): Elena Tiriel
Least Expected (512): Imhiriel
The Least of Rings (621): Marta
Alter/native (478): Tanaqui
Spoiled (119): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete***

Arranged Marriage (725): Claudia
Land of the Moon (308): Claudia
Murder The Dawn (383): crowdaughter
The Search For Middle-earth (346): Jules14
Lothíriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2 (567): juno_magic
Pippin-Frog For A Day (115): Neilia

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Other Fixed-Length

A Path of Wisdom (641): Dana
The Edge of the Knife (274): Dwimordene
Return (399): Elleth
Homecoming (706): Isabeau of Greenlea
The Pirate (674): Sivan Shemesh
Wounds of a Friend (710): Sivan Shemesh

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family***

Bitter Sweet (536): annmarwalk
The Price of Pity (373): celticbard
The King's Colors (482): Dwimordene
Parth Galen (705): Isabeau of Greenlea
A Great Evil Unmade (267): Linaewen
The Prisoner of Time (313): Raksha the Demon

***SubCategory Genres: Drama: General***

Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
Answering the Call (340): docmon
Choosing (473): docmon
The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
The Visitor (174): Rowan

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn***

Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
Home (647): alex_quine
Generations (508): Bodkin
Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir***

Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
Enticements (266): annmarwalk
The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam***

Burden (734): Ancalime8301
On Amon Sűl (299): Dreamflower
Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
Cold (239): febobe
Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
The Blessing (228): Mews1945
The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor ***

All That Remained (155): Allee
Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
Wherever You Go (537): Tena
Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings ***

Farewell (127): agape4gondor
Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
Moon Over Water (518): Avon
Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
The King's Time (333): Larner
The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles***

Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
My Legacy (407): spookystoy
Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
No Mercy (443): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
Burdens (219): Meril
Alqualondë (220): Moreth
Utúlie'n Aurë (163): Nieriel Raina
Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets***

The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort ***

Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
Fidelis (612): Pentangle
Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
Loss (196): SurgicalSteel

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete***

Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles***

Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
Charge! (444): Tanaqui

***SubCategory Genres: Horror: General***

The Other (27): Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors
The Dark of Night (484): Ellie
Maglor's Harp (660): Ford of Bruinen
Silenced (31): Illwynd
The Houseless (178): Jael
The Ritual Disturbed (68): Larner
I Can Feel It! (673): Sivan Shemesh

***SubCategory Genres: Humor: General***

In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles***

There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands***

Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
Here's To The King! (204): Jael
Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
Frogdom (192): Neilia
The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
Bad Idea (610): StarLight9

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor***

Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
Courage (41): annmarwalk
One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
Giving Gifts (426): Marta
The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire***

Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
Took Broth (543): Pearl Took

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar***

DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
Switch (562): Tena

***SubCategory Genres: Longer Works: General***

The Work of Small Hands (352): Dawn Felagund
Wars of the Valar (3): Fiondil
The Blessing (511): Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
A New Day (35): Oshun
The King's Surgeon (90): SurgicalSteel
Healing the Long Cleeve (133): TopazTook

***SubCategory Genres: Mystery: General***

Amara (236): Claudia
The Citadel (732): Claudia
Fait Accompli (381): Ignoble Bard
The Secret of the Wooden Wall (630): Lily
The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery (522): shirebound
The Vault of the Dead (103): Soledad
Dead Steward's Gift (572): stefaniab

***SubCategory Genres: Non-Fiction: General***

Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves (322):
On Hobbits (457): Aratlithiel
The Myth of the One Ring's Power (532): Dreamflower
On Canon and Fanfic (123): Marta
Arvedui v. Pelendur (277): Roh Wyn
Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth (91): Steuard Jensen

***SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies***

One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun

***SubCategory Genres: Poetry: General***

Elrond's Farewell (269): Armariel
I Married for Love (661): Ford of Bruinen
Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus (50): pandemonium_213
Yrch Song (564): Phyncke
Temptation (416): Princess Artemis

***SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Drama***

Answers (458): Armariel
The Bridge (429): Armariel
25 Rethe, S.R. 1422: The Three Travellers Remember (679): Dreamflower
Merry on the Pelennor Fields (720): Primsong
Call of the Dream (402): Queen Galadriel
Maglor's Song (398): Robinka
Galadriel Remembers (583): Savageseraph

***SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Hobbits***

Shire (469): Aranel Took
The Gardener Speaks (428): Armariel
Bearer of the Ring (396): ConnieMarie
By Ship or Grave (618): Larner
The Ring That Sauron Forged (645): Larner

***SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age***

Rebirth (471): Aranel Took
Three Songs (301): Lindelea
Weathertop (597): Primsong
The Search (501): rhyselle
Boromir at the Bat (632): White Gull

***SubCategory Genres: Romance: General***

Coming Home to Crickhollow (445): calanthe11
Cinnamon and Chocolate (264): Cuthalion
As Close As (88): Dana
Midnight (18): EdorasLass
And Whisper You to This Earth (151): Lady Elina
Miquan Melave (319): Marta
Rose, Rose, Rose (619): White Gull

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabbles***

Call of the Wild (94): annmarwalk
Loving a Book Lover (721): Avon
Men of the Twilight (209): Elena Tiriel
Bibliophile (370): Imhiriel
Taking Roots (367): Imhiriel
Home is where the heart is (505): Linda hoyland
My Precious (14): SheBit

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Elven Lands***

Coming Home (233): brindlemom2
The Dance (128): Dawn Felagund
Not Yet (712): erobey
Arwen in the Afternoon (244): Gandalfs apprentice
A Perfect World (248): mistycracraft
A Harmony In Autumn (49): Oshun
Early Winter at Himring Hill (79): Oshun
In Dreams (609): Phyncke

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor***

One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts (334): Gwynnyd
A Dream Come True (162): Lady Bluejay
Waterloo (158): Lady Bluejay
A Maid Waiting (691): Larner
Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (405): Marta
Arwen (359): Neoinean
Summer's Lease (650): Raksha the Demon
Wonderful Tonight (320): Violin Ghost

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Rich and Fair (548): annmarwalk
The Wedding Gift (40): annmarwalk
Diamonds For Forever I, II & III (515): Elen Kortirion
The Turning Wheel (517): Elen Kortirion
Wife of the Thain (513): LA Knight
Leather (297): Marta
The Blessing of the Waters (61): Raksha the Demon
Celevon a Mallen (279): Tanaqui
Handy With A Sword (437): Tanaqui
Gently Held (6): viv

***SubCategory Races: Cross-Cultural: General***

The Haradric Whore and Her Son (124): annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
A Moment in the Morning in Bree (731): Budgielover
On Far Fields (106): Dwimordene
Silver Blossoms Blown (646): Ignoble Bard
Feet That Wander (576): Linaewen
Dorwinion Wine (663): Lindelea
Yule Tails (303): Pearl Took
Sing My Worth Immortal (168): Perelleth
Worlds Within Worlds (237): Rubynye

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men***

And so our friendship began... (281): Amarok
The Legend of the Grey Riders (176): Jay of Lasgalen
First Name Terms (311): Marchwriter (The Lady of Light)
To Give Hope (456): peredhil lover
A Little Misunderstanding (275): Radbooks
At the Last Minute (544): rhyselle
Not One of Us (542): StarLight9
Seas of Fate (487): Thundera Tiger

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

There and Back (89): Dana
Light of the Westering Sun (126): Dawn Felagund
Another Prometheus (85): Gandalfs apprentice
A Meeting in the Tower Hills (374): Imhiriel
A Large Bold Hand (10): Jay of Lasgalen
Epiphany (293): Larner
Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie (689): Lindelea
Lost Love (271): Tanaqui
Star-songs of the Eorlingas (291): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship***

A Cat in King Elessar's Court (66): agape4gondor
A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes (73): Claudia
And all was made ready (427): Dreamflower
Good King Elessar (2): Dreamflower
In Good Company (20): foxrafer (csevans8)
A Friend's Hug (142): Golden
Heart of the Wood (60): Kenaz
Jewels of Light (394): Larner
A Dainty Dish (722): Linda hoyland
Shelter From the Storm (315): SlightlyTookish

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir***

Labour of Love (733): Aprilkat
Many Branches (420): Baranduin
Sun (223): Claudia
Of First Impressions and Old Friends (146): Dreamflower
Concerning Walls (112): Larner
Put Aside Your Doubt (187): sophinisba solis

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War***

A Great Cause for Concern (682): Alassante
The Onion Riddle (13): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Parting Gifts (452): Fiondil
The Misty Month (454): Le Rouret
Dance of the Deer and Műmak (559): Nieriel Raina
Frodo's Pointed Ears (729): sophinisba solis

***SubCategory Races: Dwarves: General***

Trading Pledges (339): Adaneth
Of Old It Was Not Darksome (70): EdorasLass
The Dwarves Treasure (312): eiranae
Tonight We Are Alive (504): Eyborg
As Was Dwarven Tradition (553): Nieriel Raina
Bombur's Diet (677): Primsong

***SubCategory: Races: Dwarves: Drabbles***

Hammer (468): Aranel Took
Home (533): Aranel Took
Sunset Gates (342): Ignoble Bard
O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! (354): Imhiriel
Dreamscape (442): Tanaqui

***SubCategory Races: Elves: General***

Healing (419): Bodkin
The Ghost in the Garden (272): Dawn Felagund
Out of the Blue (205): Jael
Wayward Sons (408): Jael
Footsteps in Time (76): Keiliss
To Be A King (252): Keiliss
Risk Assessment (665): pandemonium_213
Blue (563): red lasbelin
Even Legends Fade (555): Star In Ruin

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Drabbles***

Unwilling (64): Elena Tiriel
A Race, To Be Like Me (375): Imhiriel
Forsaken (369): Imhiriel
Blood and Iron (122): Ribby
House of Ransom (657): Robinka
The Sky Is Over (83): Robinka
The Lowest Circle (449): Tanaqui
The War of Wrath (120): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Family***

Shadows (698): Bodkin
Essecarmë (247): Dawn Felagund
Elflings (348): Jael
The Librarian (700): Jay of Lasgalen
And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors (540): Klose
The Water's Song (707): Nieriel Raina

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Elrond ***

Comfort (161): Bodkin
Silver Rain (589): Empy
Spaces in the Heart (251): Keiliss
Star's End (283): Keiliss
My Shining Stars (371): Oshun
The Littlest Warrior (552): RavensWing14337

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Finwe ***

A Smile (321): Aria
Noldolantë (253): Dawn Felagund
Five Fires (736): Elleth
My Oaths I Will Keep (298): Encaitariel
WOUNDS: Invisible Scars (57): Fiondil
Circle of Silver (717): Keiliss
Denial (80): Oshun
In absentia (84): Robinka

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Incomplete***

A Darkness Lies behind Us (190): Bodkin
Journeys of Vása (140): Dawn Felagund
In This Far Land (191): Encaitariel
Prior Claim: The Sons of Elrond Series (648): Eresse
Crumbling Walls (662): Ford of Bruinen
Don't Explain (289): gwidhiel
Nerdanel's Sons (659): Istarnie
Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) (318): Kenaz
Lessons from the Mountain (221): MithLuin
Adar & Ion (582): Sivan Shemesh

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves ***

In Search of Stillness (704): Bodkin
A Problem Shared (169): Dot
King Stag (86): Jael
Twentynine White Horses (557): Jael
Free To Live (701): Nieriel Raina
Seaworthy (349): Thundera Tiger

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! (260): Alassante
All these hands (534): Elitihien
Ghost (218): Elleth
Refuge (423): Raksha the Demon
Midwinter Thoughts (570): Rhapsody
Vengeance's Folly (718): Rhapsody

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Love at First Sight (432): Gwynnyd
Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day (558): Nieriel Raina
The Queen's Gift (697): Queen Galadriel
Undivided (46): Raksha the Demon
Duty, Honour, Country (81): Rhapsody

***SubCategory Races: Hobbits: General***

The Westering Fire (200): Aprilkat
The Language of Waves (193): Claudia
Ed'ledhron (392): Elanor Silmarien
Harmony (195): Elwen
Tolo Dan Na Ngalad (735): Elwen
The Last Summer (143): Golden
Too Many Rangers (116): Larner
Lock Out (307): pippinfan88
Feeling Safe (633): shirebound

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Childhood***

Trouble at Bag End (728): Angiet
Lily Took (147): Cathleen
The Five Rules of Cooking (523): GamgeeFest
The Quest for the Hairless Cat (524): GamgeeFest
A Hobbity Wizard (596): Golden
A Promise (149): Golden
A Matter of Ill Reputation (210): Lily
The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift (145): obelia medusa

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Family ***

Elanor of Westmarch: The Return (78): Baranduin
Yule at Great Smials (566): Dreamflower
A Treasured Piece of Cloth (600): Golden
Not Quite Any Other Day (631): Pearl Took
Grandmum's Button Box (135): pippinfan88
The Last Dance (397): pippinfan88

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Friendship***

I Can't (24): Antane
Between Childhood and Coming of Age (141): Dreamflower
I Give You a Rainbow (571): Golden
The Dancing Lesson (664): Lindelea
The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored (189): obelia medusa
A Taste of Home (138): Pearl Took
Pippin's Secret (599): shirebound

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort***

Secrets (229): Aprilkat
Small Strengths (238): Elwen
The Ribbon (336): Gentle Hobbit
O Merry Mine (636): Larner
Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams (688): Lindelea
Rude Awakening (692): Lindelea
Dark Dreams (550): SlightlyTookish

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Incomplete***

That Fate Them Bore (476): Cara Loup
Turning Points (357): Cathleen
In This These Days of Glory (640): Dana
The Autumn of His Discontent (157): jodancingtree
When Trouble Came (109): Lily
Dreamflower's Bunny (644): Lindelea
The Farmer's Son (509): Lindelea
A Time to Hope (302): PipMer
Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe (643): shirebound

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War***

Five Turnings of the Year (685): Dana
Candles (460): Gentle Hobbit
The Flute (150): Golden
Regarding Ents (525): PipMer
Summer's End (380): pippinfan88
A Warm Sun Shining (727): shirebound
Some Seasons (199): sophinisba solis

***SubCategory Races: Men: General***

In Passing (104): Altariel
Portrait of a Queen (338): Aruthir
Destiny (592): Cinzia
Reparation (296): Isabeau of Greenlea
Seeking the Sun (488): Linda hoyland
Only Water in Your Veins (154): Michelle
The Stolen Child (197): SurgicalSteel
The Night's Eye (343): Vana Tuivana

***SubCategory: Races: Men: General Drabbles***

Nothing Less (606): Archet
A Moment Away (474): Elen Kortirion
This crown of stars (586): Fawsley
Battle upon the Quays (376): Imhiriel
Return of the King (355): Imhiriel
Relief (446): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Races: Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Of Dreams... (7): Avon
Hearts of Stone (12): Elen Kortirion
Pulling the Wool (95): Elen Kortirion
Trajectory (153): Galadriel
Legacy (500): Raksha the Demon
Another Country (438): Tanaqui
Songs of Innocence and Experience (440): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles***

Deliverance (285): Imhiriel
Pirates Ye Be Warned (353): Imhiriel
Autumn (489): Linda hoyland
Summer Nights (344): Marta
Tangled Webs (100): Ribby
Second Best (384): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Minas Tirith***

Wizards' Pupils (108): Altariel
Confidence (38): annmarwalk
Celebrity (635): Bodkin
Restoration (19): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
I Stand No Longer Alone (62): Larner
Music hath Charms (361): Linda hoyland
Playing with Fire (21): Linda hoyland
Before You Go (506): Nancy Brooke
Engineering (696): SurgicalSteel

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets***

The Portrait (288): agape4gondor
The Chieftain of the Dunedain (623): Avon
A Fitting Occupation (601): Radbooks
The Fire of Hope (625): Raksha the Demon
Your Father Loves You (424): Raksha the Demon
Things as they were in all the days of my life (393): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Steward's Family***

Leaving Home (39): annmarwalk
Dark Dreams (282): Avon
The Nag (347): celticbard
Daybreak (591): Cinzia
Child of Hope (97): Galadriel
Consolation (341): Isabeau of Greenlea
Shall We Dance? (93): Isabeau of Greenlea
Chance Encounter (5): przed
Scholarship (43): Raksha the Demon
Brotherhood (261): Violin Ghost

***SubCategory Races: Other Beings: General***

Dispelling the Fog (642): fantasyfan
BRIDGE: Pá Valaraucar ar Námier (415): Fiondil
Old Man Willow (314): Nath
Meant to Be (137): Pearl Took
Seven Sisters (388): Pearl Took
Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree (121): shirebound

***SubCategory Races: Villains: General***

The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
Dark Light (585): Makamu
Wormtongue (240): Mariole
Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale

***SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
Black Memory (603): mrkinch
The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui

***SubCategory Times: First Age and Prior: General***

Choices (184): brindlemom2
Stars of the Lesser (74): Dawn Felagund
Surprise (131): Dawn Felagund
Wind and Fire (539): elfscribe
GOBLINS: The Herald's Summons (53): Fiondil
NIGHT and FOREST: A Glimpse of Beauty (554): Fiondil
Hearts Like the Sea (36): Ignoble Bard
The Nightingale (404): Maeve Riannon
Kementari (99): Marta
The Last Stand (82): Rhapsody

***SubCategory: Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe***

An Ordinary Woman (32): Dawn Felagund
Discretion (254): Dawn Felagund
One Last Wish (323): Dawn Felagund
If I Had One Wish (658): Ellie
Like Roses over a Fence (110): Ellie
Vodka (714): Ford of Bruinen
The Pillar Perished Is (356): Imhiriel
A Sleep Over (160): Phyncke
Courage (69): rhyselle

***SubCategory Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General***

Hope Remains (118): Baggins Babe
When the King Came Back (514): Cathleen
Where Shadows Lay No More (358): Cathleen
Riding the Waves (211): Claudia
Rekindling (255): Dawn Felagund
Look Not With Longing (479): Dwimordene
Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (578): Fiondil
Aftermaths and Consequences (268): Gwynnyd
Faeries (304): Pearl Took
Seeing Stars (360): Raksha the Demon
Tales from Tol Eressëa (214): shirebound

***SubCategory: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Journey's End (234): Ignoble Bard
Fit for a King (217): Imhiriel
The Birthday Blessing (687): Larner
No Regrets (490): Linda hoyland
Old Friends (651): Marta
Birthday Outing (386): Tanaqui
Supporting Acts (436): Tanaqui

***SubCategory Times: Late Third Age: General***

My Brother. My Captain. My King. (602): Amarok
Captain of Mordor (626): draylon
Drawing the Eye (569): Linda hoyland
They Also Serve (365): Marta
Hold To Hope (709): Nieriel Raina
Before the Black Gate (45): Raksha the Demon
Chance Encounter (203): Telcontar Rulz
Oathbreakers (470): Thundera Tiger
The Dooming of Small Hands (639): Thundera Tiger
Promise and Sorrow (607): Virtuella

***SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Loudwater (63): Adaneth
The Kindly Airs (480): Dwimordene
Renewal (208): Elena Tiriel
The Journey (604): foxrafer (csevans8)
Reflections in the Smoke (294): Raksha the Demon
Stewards (450): Tanaqui
The World Is Changing (719): Tanaqui

***SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor***

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (496): Ariel/Auntie
delea/Pearl Took/Rosie Took/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
In the Hands of the King (231): fantasyfan
Wedding Nerves (48): Jay of Lasgalen
For the Want of ... (681): Larner
The Lost Restored (59): Larner
Comes the moment to decide (418): Linda hoyland
Sing All Ye People! (249): Raksha the Demon
The Warmth of Morning (148): Spindle Berry

***SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles***

Forfeit (401): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Steward's Trumpets (400): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
What Goes Up (683): Dana
Recognition (481): Dwimordene
Tying Notes (378): Imhiriel
Tree of Knowledge (172): Nancy Brooke

***SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General***

Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad

***SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador***

If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
Meddling (695): Dwimordene
Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took

***SubCategory Times: Modern Times: General***

National Treasure (201): Baranduin
Summer Heat (363): chaotic_binky
The Road Trip (410): Garnet Took
Into the Woods (593): Gloria Mundi
Trinity (51): pandemonium_213
Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action (413): Princess Artemis
Dawn Twilight (182): viv

***SubCategory Times: Multi-Age: General***

WAR: A Promise Before Dying (55): Fiondil
The Craft of the Elven Smith (1): Larner
Tower of the Moon (577): Nath
Fulfilling Oaths (332): Nieriel Raina
A Day in Time (230): Pearl Took

***SubCategory: Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI (516): Elen Kortirion
Feelings of Superiority (362): Gwynnyd
Flame of Life (114): Imhiriel
Flickers (390): Meril
Birthday Double Drabble (526): PipMer
An Elf-lord Revealed (406): Tanaqui
Possessing the greatest powers (387): Tanaqui

***SubCategory Times: Second and Early Third Age: General***

Long Memories (310): Bodkin
Faithful (105): Dwimordene
U elyë, Ar-Pharazôn (486): Elitihien
The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor (8): Fiondil
Nightfall (87): Jael
Whatever Harm Encroached (708): Nieriel Raina
Moon of the Sea (213): pandemonium_213
The Strength of Men (584): Savageseraph
A Perfect Impression (494): weepingnaiad

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9154

Check Ballot #2 - Adventure Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:18:57 Topic ID# 9154
***SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General***

Balm (459): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo remembers his escape from the Tower of Cirith Ungol with Sam.

Dragons In The Trollshaws (170): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: Harmless. Apart from a bit of
Romance Partners: N/A
A peril awakes that demands all Elladan and Elrohir's attention - and
requires more than skill to defeat.

Dangerous Folk (546): Budgielover
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some descriptions of battle and hand-to-hand
combat, and the results of such combat (death by violence).
Romance Partners: N/A
The Ring-bearer is kidnapped by an unknown enemy as the Fellowship stops
to replenish its water supply. Pursuing the kidnappers, the Fellowship
discovers that the effects of Saruman's evil has spread more widely with
more devastating impact on the world than they could have dreamed

The Mariner's Son (329): cairistiona
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for mention of violence
Romance Partners: N/A
The One Ring is not the only ring that brings peril to the Heir of

Lost (226): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The fellowship faces a great challenge.

Pip-napped! (669): Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild violence; vague references to marital
Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond, Merry/Estella, Aragorn/Arwen
On a honeymoon visit to Gondor, Pippin is kidnapped. (This story was due
to a request from Dana for a "pip-napping". Lindelea wrote the opening
paragraphs, and then put the story up for grabs to be finished.)

Dol Amroth Yule (295): Isabeau of Greenlea
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence, battle scenes, implied sex in
one chapter.
Romance Partners: F/Elrohir
Hethlin's first Yule in Dol Amroth presents challenges, including the
dislike of both her fellow esquires and the Armsmaster of Dol Amroth,
and pirates!

Symbols of Love (130): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
While on their first patrol with their fathers and the Rangers of
Ithilien, Eldarion and Elboron learn much about the King Elessar.

Fennas Haradren (280): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Gondor has two hidden outposts -- Henneth Annűn in the North and
Fennas Haradren in the South. But the Rangers in the South have sent no
word for some time, and it is Boromir and his men who must go in search
of answers to the mystery of their silence.

--and it was done (527): Neoinean
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence. Adult themes.
Romance Partners: N/A
Detailing a simple rescue mission that, for once, goes off without a
Note: This story was originally written for the February 2008 Teitho
Contest under the pen name Beth.

***SubCategory: Genres: Adventure: Incomplete***

With Hope and Without Hope (466): docmon
Mature, Reason for Rating: Level of violence in 2 chapters, where
torture is depicted clearly, if not somewhat graphically.
Romance Partners: N/A
One decision made differently - the Three Hunters run through that
second night of their chase after the Orcs rather than rest - and
everything changes. Well, not everything. They're merely captured by the
Orcs like Merry and Pippin.
But one decision changed doesn't change one's destiny. How each of them
is to reach their destiny is a bit peskier, though...
There's action and adventure, suspense, and not too much angst as
the Three Hunters struggle to return to their task.

The Wanderer (627): Lackwit
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some minor violence (sword fighting, resulting
death); references to a man's attraction to a married woman
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
After ten years fighting in faraway lands, Faramir finds his return to
Ithilien is not so easy and must take back what was his. Loosely based
on Homer's Odyssey.

Eagle of the Star (327): Neoinean
Teen, Reason for Rating: Battlefield violence. Adult themes.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn's time as Thorongil, soldier of Rohan and Gondor, from the
events that cause his departure south to the events surrounding his
return to his family. This story belongs as much to his family as they
wait as it does to Aragorn. Slight AU

To See A World (330): Nightwing
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence and extreme angst, medical
situations, mild sexual reference.
Romance Partners: N/A
Injured and alone, Legolas and Aragorn are forced to take refuge in a
wintry foreign land. But when darkness encroaches from within and
without, they learn that refuge can become a deadly trap.

The Web of Darkness (101): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: It contains some frightening images, especially
battle-related violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
An experiment of the Witch-king backfires, and the Elves of Mirkwood
find an unexpected ally. Crossover with Forgotten Realms.

Tarnished Ivory (464): Yavie Feels Pretty
Teen, Reason for Rating: Upcoming dark themes and violence, but the two
posted chapters may be considered "general".
Romance Partners: N/A
AU. In which Frodo makes a very different decision and Boromir finds
himself slipping even further into temptation.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9155

Check Ballot #2 - Alternate Universe Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:20:09 Topic ID# 9155
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Alternate Universe

***SubCategory Genres: Alternate Universe: General***

Eucatastrophe: The Return (617): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Gandalf saw Bilbo settled in at Tol Eressea. Now they are
back, and Frodo's feeling much more himself than he has in a very long
time. (Set in my "Eucatastrophe AU", in which the Three were freed by
the One's destruction, and travel to the West is now two-way. Each
chapter had to include special elements for Marigold's Challenges.)

As the Tide by the Moon (9): EdorasLass
Mature, Reason for Rating: Disturbing themes, non-graphic sexuality
Romance Partners: Theodred/OC, Grima/OC [sorta]
Sequel to "Eclipsed by the Moon", in which a kitchen maid in Edoras is
infatuated with Grima. This story follows her efforts to gain Grima's
attention, Grima's plots to use her for his own ends, and Theodred's
involvment in the whole tangled web. This story is told mostly from
three POVs - Grima, Theodred, and Lathwyn. Explict het, possibly
disturbing themes. Elements of both Book & Movie Verse; AU

Above All Shadows (492): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: Slash content, mildly graphic.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Aragorn
Aragorn sees Legolas stumble as they run towards Rohan, but doesn't know
that it is one of the first signs of the Elf's dark secret.

Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer (206): Katzilla
Teen, Reason for Rating: There are a lot of battle scenes, some quite
graphic, and the overall atmosphere of the story is very dark.
Romance Partners: N/A
A very AU take of what Éomer's banishment could have been like...
dark and angsty, as you would expect of me.

Two Prisoners (724): Lord Branwyn
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How a certain author really learned the story of a distant time.

Homeward Bound (430): Werecat
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In another time and another place, the Brown Wizard meets a fallen
Queen. Another tale of beggars, queens and cats. Fourth Age, AU.

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy***

Shadow King (227): Claudia
Teen, Reason for Rating: Hurt/no comfort, severe angst
Romance Partners: N/A
A shadow version of the King's coronation...if Aragorn had the Ring.

Bitter May (265): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mentioning of abuse, plus some frightening,
medical details
Romance Partners: OFC/ Frodo Baggins
This was written as a "What if"-story. In the epic AU-saga "Before I go
to sleep", OFC Lily Proudfoot has a very unpleasant encounter with Lotho
Sackville-Baggins. In the original story, no physical consequences are
mentioned (aside from the traumatic aftermath), but what if there were?

In The Darkness Of My Dreaming (284): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: Moments of intense angst, character death
Romance Partners: Frodo Baggins/ OFC
The aged Lily Proudfoot has come to doubt the decision she made nearly
sixty years ago. Was it wrong to let the Ringbearer leave? And would her
life have been happier if she had made him stay? A sudden illness
answers her questions in strange, haunting dreams, and the old midwife
comes to understand the full meaning of the saying: "Be careful what you
wish for..."

For What I Wait (125): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: discussion of suicide and death
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for an AU challenge "in which Fëanor outlives all of his
children." Fëanor and Maglor, together at the end.

Clear Conscience (The Clear Shot Remix) (680): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Boromir and Faramir had met Frodo before the Quest? How would
that have affected the outcome of the story? (Based on The Clear Shot,
by Claudia)

Five things that never happened to Nerdanel (389): Meril
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Fëanor/Nerdanel
Five short AUs for Nerdanel.

Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth (222):
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied rape, violence, and character death.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
Inspired by some of my readers, who asked what might have happened 'if.'
Five ways in which Serinde's (OFC from 'The King's Surgeon) life might
have been very, very different.

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Drabbles***

No Man's Land (726): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Set during WW1, a drabble about what might have been.

Wave-Singer (33): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A New England fisherman tells the tale of a ghost who sings along the
water's edge.

Last Stroke (465): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
"'The Corsairs of Umbar!' men shouted.... 'The Corsairs are upon us! It
is the last stroke of doom!'"

(RoTK, "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields")

What might have come to pass....

Least Expected (512): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphical description of violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Halbarad's first appearance had taken a different turn?

The Least of Rings (621): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: mature themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Boromir takes the ring. AU.

(This is the first of two drabbles on the same page.)

Alter/native (478): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M romance
Romance Partners: Aragorn/OMC
How might history have been different if Elrond and Celebrían had
decided to have another son rather than a daughter.

Spoiled (119): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Would Aragorn have grown up the same if he hadn't been 'Estel'? An AU
drabble which takes a look at what Aragorn might have been like if he
had grown up knowing his true lineage and destiny as Heir of Isildur.

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete***

Arranged Marriage (725): Claudia
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash fiction, interspecies slash, a chapter
in which there is graphic male/male sex
Romance Partners: Frodo/Aragorn
Whatever could have led to the marriage of Frodo and Aragorn?

Land of the Moon (308): Claudia
Teen, Reason for Rating: Slash implications. Absolutely nothing explicit
in this chapter, though.
Romance Partners: Frodo/Aragorn
Post-quest, Frodo returns to Minas Tirith because of a deep affection he
has for King Elessar, who is grieving over both the sailing of Arwen and
Eowyn's death.

Murder The Dawn (383): crowdaughter
Mature, Reason for Rating: This story contains slash, elements of horror
and mature themes such as slavery, non-con, implied torture and rape,
and violence. It is a very grim alternative universe with very
disturbing themes; a spin-off to my Mael-Gul story universe, which is
rated strictly adult. This story, however, would count as hard R.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas; Boromir/Legolas (implied)
Completely AU. Legolas slavefic. Mirkwood is a subjected realm and must
give hostages to the other Elven realms as slaves. Legolas is the slave
of Aragorn, who is a sadist. But what if Legolas indeed took the Ring?
Warnings: slash, character death! This story is a very grim spin-off to
my Mael-Gul story universe, which is rated strictly adult. This story,
however, would count as hard R.

The Search For Middle-earth (346): Jules14
Teen, Reason for Rating: There are some images of violence, including a
pit full of bones. Later on there will be descriptions of violent
illness. The story also contains some themes that may be too difficult
to understand for children.
Romance Partners: N/A
AU. In the near future, as the Age of Men begins to crumble, the truth
is revealed about a long-vanished world that no one, except perhaps a
few, even knows existed.

Lothíriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2 (567): juno_magic
Mature, Reason for Rating: There are some sex scenes in there.
Romance Partners: Lothíriel/Éomer
Lothíriel has survived the great adventure of her life, the War of
the Rings. But will she be up to the challenge of love and life in


As Lothíriel's story continues, the focus of the tale changes from
adventure to love story and an exploration of different aspects of
culture and society in Middle-earth.

Pippin-Frog For A Day (115): Neilia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin finds himself on the wrong end of an irate wizard's staff. Poor
Pip is changed into a tiny green tree frog for 24 hours in exchange for
his bodacious cheekiness. Humor and tears ensue.

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Other Fixed-Length

A Path of Wisdom (641): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A drabble set, between SR 1418 and SR 1421, somewhat detailing the
reasoning for an AU.

The Edge of the Knife (274): Dwimordene
Teen, Reason for Rating: Death, warfare, and torment involved in some
Romance Partners: n/a
"Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all." What was said
to the Fellowship holds equally for the man to whom the Quest owed its
existence. Eight drabbles about Isildur and what might have been...

Return (399): Elleth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Umbarto had not perished in the Burning of the Swanships? A
double-drabble AU from two points of view.

Homecoming (706): Isabeau of Greenlea
Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M relationship, non-explicit
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC
A tribble AU for the Best-Loved Sons arc, and some very wishful thinking
on my part. What if Boromir had made it home?

The Pirate (674): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A little Estel story been told by Queen Arwen to her son, while the king
is away.

Wounds of a Friend (710): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn is worried.

***SubCategory: Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family***

Bitter Sweet (536): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: m/m romance implied, not explicit
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied), Theodred/Lothiriel
Brief AU in which both Boromir and Theodred survive the Ring War, living
long and (mostly) happy lives well into the first century of the Fourth

The Price of Pity (373): celticbard
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story includes several scenes of
battle-related violence along with a scene of implied sexual relations
between a married couple. The story also deals with the themes of heavy
friction between a husband and wife and the death of a parent.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn, Faramir/f
A.U. In the early days of their marriage, Eowyn helps Faramir accept the
loss of his brother, father…and first wife.

The King's Colors (482): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The King's Colors fly once more on Pelennor. Denethor's best-loved son
meets the man who would be king. An AU vignette for Obsidianj's

Parth Galen (705): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC
What might have happened had Boromir been a little less desperate, a
little less despairing? An AU to the Best-Loved Sons arc.

A Great Evil Unmade (267): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A most unlikely Ringbearer contemplates how he came to Mount Doom and
whether or not he will succeed in putting the Ring in the Fire. An AU
short story, written for a challenge to answer the question of "what
would happen if someone other than Frodo took the Ring?"

The Prisoner of Time (313): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It has been wished many times that Denethor could have survived his
terrible end. Here, a different path is followed, one where Denethor
left the Pyre, fires unlit. What then was the fate of the son of

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9156

Check Ballot #2 - Drama Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:21:04 Topic ID# 9156
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Drama

***SubCategory Genres: Drama: General***

Acquittance (337): Aprilkat
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of prostitution and attendant diseases.
Romance Partners: N/A
Outspoken young female surgeon Serindë has been falsely accused and
exiled from Gondor by the Steward Denethor - on pain of death if she is
found. (OFC written by surgicalsteel on Live Journal.) Good deeds repay
in unexpected ways.

The North Delving Incident (26): Dana
Mature, Reason for Rating: Dark elements and themes: angst, violence,
minor character death, other dark implications, and the acts of Ruffians
Romance Partners: N/A
A village occupied by ruffians, a year after the Scouring of the Shire
and the Battle of Bywater, and how they are freed.

Answering the Call (340): docmon
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story relates tales of when each character
succumbs to the call of the Ring. The scenes sometimes result in
potential violence between characters that is nevertheless disturbing
despite not being realized. There is one scene (ch. 3) where there is
some brief violence that is described clearly, though not graphically,
so I have chosen Teen to err on the side of caution.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of (unrelated) vignettes in which each member of the Fellowship
hears the call of the Ring - and answers it. My take on the big What-If,
pursuing the potential in each character to take the Ring. Varying
degrees of angst, drama, action, and perhaps a little more angst.

Choosing (473): docmon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Three choices, three destinies. Three leaders choose the messengers to
send to Imladris, who then become members of the Fellowship.

The Consuming Darkness (467): Isil Elensar
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It is written that Tar-Miriel was too late to reach the supposed safety
of the Meneltarma when Numenor sank into the sea. But why was she late?
What was so important that she would risk her life, knowing she would
not survive?

Hidden Watcher (702): kitt_otter
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In Moria, Legolas takes his watch and something watches him.

The Return (167): Lady Bluejay
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
`Both Duilin of Morthond and his brother were trampled to death when
they assailed the műmakil, leading their bowmen close to shoot at the
eyes of the monsters.' Duinhir had to return to his wife without his

The Last Throw (556): nau_tika
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Following "The Last Debate" in The Return of the King, Chapter 10 says,
"…the army of the West was all assembled on the Pelennor. … All
was now ready for the last throw."
This is the story of the march to the Black Gate (movie and book verse)
from the view of a family man who made the journey.

The Dark One (411): NeumeIndil
Mature, Reason for Rating: Talk of murder, torture, and invasions;
moderately graphic M/F sex; a fist fight, coarse language and some more
death thrown in. Much of it takes place in a whore house.
Romance Partners: Gamling/Morwen of Gondor (OFC)
Spring has come to Edoras, and with it, a reminder of Morwen's past that
she did not expect. Taken with the arrival of still more refugees from
the west of Rohan, and the seeming possession of Theoden King, times are
dark at the top of the hill. Beset from without and undermined from
within, the people of Rohan may only watch and wait while the doom of
their nation looms large on the eastern horizon.

Part 14 of my series "Nights in Rohan" follows Morwen of Gondor, the
prostitute in love with Gamling, as Edoras prepares for what will be the
War of the Ring. Featuring: Boromir II, Eomer son of Eomund, and
Theodred son of Theoden.

For Our Friends (654): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Movie based. A Golden plot bunny: what might Merry have been
feeling/thinking as the Rohirrim approach the besieged city of Minas

The Visitor (174): Rowan
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Elanor receives an unusual visit.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn***

Eagle of the Star (152): alex_quine
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual Situations
Romance Partners: Denethor/Thorongil
A young Thorongil struggles to reconcile his growing love for Gondor to
the part that Denethor plays in his life there.

Home (647): alex_quine
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Why has Theoden left Theodred to welcome his cousins to Meduseld?

Generations (508): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
It is natural for parents to want their children to lead safer, happier
lives than they did – just as it is natural for them to complain
about the inadequacies of the next generation. While trying to live up
to a father who is an epic hero brings difficulties of its own ...

Legolas in Mandos (317): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic description of battle and character
death; implied sex between a married couple.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn, Námo/Vairë
Aragorn is on a mission to save more than Legolas' life... he has to
also save his own and when the Lord of Mandos plays for souls he takes
no prisoners. A two-part story describing Legolas' 'death' and its
aftermath. Originally inspired by the Naked Yule Challenge at

The Keys of the Realm (477): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Húrin of the Keys/OC wife; Faramir/Éowyn
The Battle of the Pelennor is over, and the folk of Minas Tirith must
deal with the aftermath. Now the Keeper of the Keys watches the changes
happen, finding himself preparing for the Return of the King to Gondor.

Estel I Was Called (351): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: dark themes
Romance Partners: n/a
"Estel I was called, but I am Aragorn, Arathorn's son, Isildur's Heir,
Lord of the Dúnedain." Aragorn takes up his place among the
Dúnedain after learning his true heritage.

Hope comes for Estel (622): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: This is a character piece, in which Aragorn
meets Faramir for the first time since the Houses of Healing. It's
somewhat of highly charged job interview.
Romance Partners: N/A
Tolkien doesn't tell us about the first time Aragorn meets Faramir after
his healing. Jackson didn't film it. Yet, this incident is the subject
of more than a few gap fillers. Here is my version, a character piece
set in the merge of film and book canon that I use for all my stories.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir***

Letters From Faramir (425): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Grief knows no boundaries, nor age, nor time. Letters from Faramir to
Boromir - in hopes that he is still alive and will return. Angst.

My Sword Weeps (316): agape4gondor
Teen, Reason for Rating: Difficult times for young ones. Capture by
Orcs. Death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Gondor and its Steward are rocked by the death of Denethor and others. A
journey is started from two ends of Middle-earth to try to help Faramir.
Takes place in the year TA 2989. AU.

Invisible Ink (4): alex_quine
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic Situations
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eomer
When Faramir tries to persuade Eomer to do what Elessar wants, he finds
himself face-to-face with a fragile world, a secret revealed and the
promptings of his unquiet flesh.

Enticements (266): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: M/M sexual activity (implied)
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred (implied)
" `…almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and
offering what she pretended to have the power to give. It need not be
said that I refused to listen. The men of Minas Tirith are true to their
word.' But what he thought that the Lady had offered him Boromir did
not tell."

The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets (278): Lithilien Quicksilver
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence, character death
Romance Partners: N/A
They say your life flashes before your eyes at the moment of death. What
were Boromir's thoughts and feelings as he fought the greatest -and
final - battle of his life? Movie-verse.

Lingering Shadow (412): Shireling
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As Minas Tirith celebrates the first anniversary of King's reign a face
from the past haunts Faramir and threatens his newly found happiness.

First Time (672): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It is the first time without Finduilas around. How is the Steward's
family dealing with the pain? And what about the nearing holiday?

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam***

Burden (734): Ancalime8301
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rating for implied non-con, hermaphrodite
Frodo, underaged pregnancy.
Romance Partners: N/A
Pre-Quest, a young hobbit finds himself lost and in trouble far from

On Amon Sűl (299): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the stabbing on Weathertop, from Frodo's POV...

Frodo's Crosswise Verse (520): Elanor Gardner
General, Reason for Rating: Although the reader COULD read a slash
relationship into this story, it is not overtly slash and it can be read
either way.
Romance Partners: N/A
A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the lives
of Frodo and Sam. After the quest, Frodo is confronted with appalling
choices, but a promise is remembered. (This story is best read AFTER
reading Sam's Crosswise Verse.)

Sam's Crosswise Verse (519): Elanor Gardner
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A childhood promise and the rhyme it creates have an impact on the lives
of Frodo and Sam. On the quest, Sam and his master are crosswise and an
old promise must be kept.

Dreams or Reality (716): Eleon Gamgee
Teen, Reason for Rating: In Frodo's dream/vision Sam is thrown across
the ground and seems to transform a bit into the Eye of Sauron. It's
only a dream and Frodo does wake up.
Romance Partners: N/A
Is Frodo dreaming again? Or is it real?
Sam can't really be leaving him! Sam wouldn't do that!
In complete delirium, Frodo tries to keep his grasp of reality as he
sees what the Quest will do and even is doing to his best friend; Sam.

Cold (239): febobe
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to non-graphic violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo's encounter with one of the Nine in Osgiliath proves ill for him,
and Sam and Faramir find themselves working together in spite of

Frodos Dremes (235): Gentle Hobbit
Mature, Reason for Rating: This story is a series of vignettes united by
a common theme. Chapters 1-3 have some unsettling ideas that may deserve
a teen rating (e.g. themes of phobia or abandonment). Chapters 4 and 5
(a two-part vignette) contains elements of horror and no happy
resolution. I would even suggest that this may deserve a mature rating.
The site on which the story is located has a note to this effect for
Chapters 4 and 5.
Romance Partners: N/A
Those who are familiar with "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" will
recognize the title of this series of vignettes. In this series, Frodo's
gift (or curse) for strange and prescient dreams will be explored.

Why does he have these dreams? What do they tell him? Can he understand
this gift? Come and explore these strange tales, and perhaps we will
find out some of the answers together.

The Blessing (228): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A wounded soldier of Gondor tells of an enounter with The Ringbearers
when Frodo and Sam come to visit the wounded, and learns that strength
and courage come in unexpected forms.

The Heart of a Home (257): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo returns home from a long trip and finds a warm welcome home from
his new heir.

Promises Broken and Kept (144): periantari
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry goes through a tough time with Frodo leaving from Buckland, and
even though Frodo writes to Merry often, Merry gets sad and lonely. He
gradually falls very ill, but Frodo comes to nurse him better and makes
a promises that he can keep.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor ***

All That Remained (155): Allee
Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes, character suicide attempt
Romance Partners: N/A
After Arathorn's death, Gilraen is left to pick up the pieces of her
shattered life, but the young widow learns that grief is no stranger to
the House of Elrond. Will pain destroy the inhabitants of the Last
Homely House, or will it bind them together?

Painting a Golden Light (364): chaotic_binky
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non graphic description of injures after a war
time shell blast. Haunting by the ghosts of dead soldiers.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Erestor
Story set during and just after the First World War. Glorfindel is an
explorer who has come back to Britain and lives with the shell shocked
war artist Erestor, in the small village of St. Michael's Leap. The
villagers are curious about their relationship. Glorfindel looks forward
to sailing and Erestor's sole aim is to paint, 'the perfect golden

The Scribe and the Heir (256): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Maedhros has recently been appointed as a King's scribe, and young
Fingon is just coming of age. As each chooses his road in life, Maedhros
is forced to consider his role as his father's heir and how his
decisions might worsen the disintegrating relationship between Fëanor
and Fingolfin.

The Stranger (560): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Inspired by Fiondil's Valar Universe. A young boy meets a stranger on a
beach in the early 20th century.

Written for the Tolkien Tango Prompt Challenge #10: Prophecies

Thicker Than Water (541): Noliel
General, Reason for Rating: I gave my story a rating of General because
it fit the guidelines provided in MEFAs description of ratings, and also
because I did not find any content in my fic that could disturb a child.
This story mainly deals with a father-son relationship, and although
death is alluded to, it is not described in a way that could have a
negative effect on a person's mind.
Romance Partners: N/A
Celebrimbor, in Sirion, looks forward to a visit from Galadriel.
However, her impromptu arrival brings with it the news of his father's
death in Doriath.

The Last Words (409): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: I am rating this story as teens given the
mature themes being discussed.
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Nerdanel finally meets her nemesis: the one who caused the rift in her
marriage to Fëanor. What did she had to say to them? A one-shot set
in the bard Rising Universe.

Wherever You Go (537): Tena
Mature, Reason for Rating: The chapters are rated from G-NC-17. There
are descriptions of sexual acts between mature adults. Slash and Het
Romance Partners: Elrond/Gil galad, Elrond/Celebrian, Erestor/Glorfindel
Elrond takes a look back at his life.

Starcrossed (493): weepingnaiad
Teen, Reason for Rating: occurs during war, canon-character death, slash
Romance Partners: Círdan/Gil-galad, Elrond/Gil-Galad
The raising of a falling star...

Gil-galad's life from Dor-Lómin to the Isle of Balar and then on to
Lindon and beyond.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Final Partings ***

Farewell (127): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Angered by Boromir's taking of the Quest, Faramir prepares to return to

Upon the Pebbled Shore (171): aranelgoldenflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Upon the pebbled shores of the sea stand two brothers. But as the tide
begins to turn the sound of the gulls will choose their futures.

(This story is on HASA under my Author name of Peregrin Ionad. but I am
the same person....I just used Peregrin Ionad first, and have never
thought to change it, as I don't usually post fics as Aranegoldenflower
and when I do I always make sure people realise it is the same person!)

Moon Over Water (518): Avon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On a cold moonlit night Faramir watches the river. He watches for a
memory, for a vision, for a dream... he watches for a vigil once kept
with his brother.

Elanor of Westmarch: Still There (183): Baranduin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Elanor/Fastred
Elanor's last meeting with Sam before he leaves Middle-earth.

In The Midst Of Summer (270): Cuthalion
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mentioning of character death and grief
Romance Partners: N/A
In June 1482, Samwise Gamgee has to bear the fact that his wife has
passed away, leaving him behind. Between deep grief and bittersweet
memories, he understands that the life he was used to is ultimately
over, and that a new way lies ahead of him.

The Tower Hills (608): DrummerWench
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A gap-filler set at the very end of ROTK, as Frodo, Sam and the Elves
travel toward the Havens. They pass through the Tower Hills, and pause
at the Tower of Elostirion.

Boromir and Teddy (113): Ithil-valon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir and Eomer find comfort in an unexpected way as they visit the
burial mound of Theodred.

The King's Time (333): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses concerns related to dying, and looks
toward Aragorn's death.
Romance Partners: n/a
It is now the thirtieth of Rethe by the Shire's calendar, and the Lord
King has determined that his birthday tomorrow shall be observed in a
most solemn manner. This evening he thinks on the passing of time....

The Prisoner of Dol Guldur (102): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for some frightening mental images.
Romance Partners: N/A
After the destruction of Dol Guldur, King Thranduil of Mirkwood makes a
terrible discovery.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Drabbles***

Moved to Pity (366): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Námo/Vairë
Námo returns shaken from his encounter with Lúthien. His wife
Vairë tries to comfort him.

Stabat Mater (666): iorhael
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Primula watches. Inspired by the poem <i>Stabat Mater Dolorosa</i>. A

My Legacy (407): spookystoy
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Celebrimbor believes his father left no worthwhile legacy to Arda.
Curufin, determined to reconcile with his son and rebuild the family
legacy, argues otherwise. (It helps to know that Celebrimbor looks like
Weta's Daniel Falconer in this AU Fourth Age.)

Creation Myths (300): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The making of Eä and the making of the Silmarils.

No Mercy (443): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Morgoth's forces fall on the besieging armies of Elves and Men at the
start of the Dagor Bragollach.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Birthday Present (441): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo has a gift for Pippin. A fluffy ficlet from Pippin's childhood.

Burdens (219): Meril
General, Reason for Rating: "Burdens" is about a traumatic event, but I
believe the writing is vague enough for it to be rated "general."
Romance Partners: N/A
The Exiles carry many things with them on their way to Arda...

Alqualondë (220): Moreth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic violence
Romance Partners: N/A
Inexperience and war - two drabbles from opposing view-points.

Utúlie'n Aurë (163): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Sauron is defeated, and even far from Mordor, the victory can be felt.
Two elves rejoice in the true passing of night.

Wind of Change (47): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A fierce wind sweeps across Middle-earth one day in the late Third Age,
heralding, after hundreds of years, the instrument of a prophecy's
completion, in three different lands.

Baker's Dozen (372): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to adult themes, including death,
slavery and grave robbing.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of 13 drabbles about some of the jobs people do in Middle-earth
and the people who do them. Many of the drabbles were inspired by
considering the Middle-earth equivalents of modern careers, and are
tongue-in-cheek, but some address serious issues. Includes many original
characters, but some interactions with canon characters.

Saruman of Many Colours (439): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
A collection of drabbles about Saruman and his meddlings in the West
throughout the long years of the Third Age.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets***

The Roses of Imloth Melui (435): Aervir
General, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: N/A
The life of Ioreth, a minor character from "Return of the King" and an
(extra-)ordinary Gondorian woman, as told in ten drabbles.

Night Terrors (433): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for the challenge prompt "Like a Fearful Faramir." In the fourth
Age, even when things are going well for Faramir, he can't help but
worry about the things that can go wrong.

Messengers from the West (98): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
From The Tale of Years: 2957-80: Aragorn undertakes his great journeys
and errantries. As Thorongil he serves in disguise both Thengel of Rohan
and Ecthelion II of Gondor - but was he completely isolated from his
family? On his 40th birthday, mysterious messengers arrive from the

Apart (551): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Two friends suffer the loss of their friendship due to their own
foolishness, and each must find the courage to make it right. Written
for the Middleearth Express Prompt 93: Apart

A Midsummer Day's Dream (422): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Are we such stuff as dreams are made of? The bounds between dream and
waking, and life and death, are blurred on a sunny afternoon in Fourth
Age Emyn Arnen.

Moonset over Gondor (652): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Under a bright moon, Faramir considers the gains, and the price, of

Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (292): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mentions of battle and death
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
For her first mettarë in Gondor, Éowyn revives an old tradition -
and sparks memories in her husband.

Wild Swan (328): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes, death and mild sexual innuendo
Romance Partners: N/A
Moments from the life of Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort ***

Slings and Arrows (185): Ancalime8301
Teen, Reason for Rating: Teen rating for hobbit injury and wound
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo suffers the consequences of not having his mithril shirt on. Mix
of book canon and movie verse. First line provided by claudia603.

Letters To A Dear Friend (670): Antane/Frodo of the Shire CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story deals with Frodo's struggle to deal
with the horrific damage done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which was for
all intents and purposes a brutal and repeated rape. There is no sexual
content since there was no physical violation, but a rape is not just an
assualt on the body, but on the heart and soul as well and it is those
that Frodo struggles to come to terms with and feeling filthy and
Romance Partners: N/A
This story deals with Frodo's struggle to deal with the horrific damage
done to him by Sauron/the Ring, which was for all intents and purposes a
brutal and repeated rape. There is no sexual content since there was no
physical violation, but a rape is not just an assualt on the body, but
on the heart and soul as well and it is those that Frodo struggles to
come to terms with and feeling filthy and worthless.

Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) (628): febobe
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for dark/frightening thematic
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam and Frodo are presented to Eowyn for the first time. What are their
reactions to the first woman they've met of the race of Men?

A Summer Night's Peace (694): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses some mature subjects--tastefully, I
Romance Partners: N/A
One night, not long before the Hobbits left Minas Tirith, Frodo and
Aragorn met beneath the White Tree.

A first-person narrative.

At Cormallen (730): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the days of waiting and worrying in Minas Tirith, Merry finally
arrives at Cormallen where he is able to help care for his cousins and
Sam and so begins to find healing for himself as well.

The Healers from the Sea (202): Mews1945
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On the voyage to Tol Eressea, when dolphins appear around the ship,
Frodo expresses a desire to see them at closer range and his request is
honored by Elrond, allowing Frodo a chance to experience personal
contact with these healers from the sea.

Fidelis (612): Pentangle
Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death; extreme angst in at least one
chapter violence alluded to but not described detailed medical treatment
Romance Partners: N/A
A tale from "The Ranger Years". Two strangers test the meaning and depth
of the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas. OC death.

Out of Memory and Time (136): Shireling
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story contains a recounting of violence
against the main character but no graphic details.
Romance Partners: N/A
Following the first winter of the new King's reign, events unfold that
will have devastating consequences for Gondor and the King's closest

Loss (196): SurgicalSteel
Mature, Reason for Rating: Graphic descriptions of complicated
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
Serinde (OFC healer from 'The King's Surgeon') gives birth to her third
child and almost dies in the process. Her husband, Halbarad, is forced
to desperate action to save her life.

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Incomplete***

Tales of the Eldandili (502): Alassiel
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
In the Seventh Age, the Children of Iluvatar unite to defend Arda. Many
thanks to Fiondil for beta-reading.

Apostate's Ruse (676): Calenlass Greenleaf
Teen, Reason for Rating: Angst, mentions of violence, and battle scenes.
Romance Partners: N/A
Apostates come in every form, and their ruses are often hard to
perceive. What happens when one sets his eyes upon Imladris? Much
trouble for Estel, who is left baffled by Elrond's strange behavior.
Slightly AU in that there is no Gilraen present.

The Elanor Bloom (194): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On quest, a friendship develops between Frodo and Aragorn.

The Wrong Path (538): Erviniae
Mature, Reason for Rating: The story has an R rating due to some sexual
scenes that are important to the plot and are not very graphic.It's more
about showing their feelings and emotions when in such a situation.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Ecthelion
Erestor and Ecthelion live in an age in Gondolin where upon same sex
pairings are not tolerated and are forbidden by law. This follows their
journey of forbidden love: Their path may be wrong , but to them it is
the right one.

The Heart of a Knight (335): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses the Ring War and the events
concerning Denethor's pyre in their physical/psychological/emotional
consequences in non-graphic details.
Romance Partners: N/A
From being called a recreant to being appointed as Captain of the White
Company – This story takes a look at Beregond, his family and his
friends after this change in fortune, and how they experienced the
Return of the King and the dawning of the New Age.

Kin-Strife (92): Isabeau of Greenlea
Mature, Reason for Rating: Drug use in one chapter, implied multipartner
M/M/F in one chapter, M/M sex in one chapter.
Romance Partners: Imrahil/OMC
Keeping nineteen-year-old Imrahil of Dol Amroth out of trouble is a
full-time job and turns out to be beyond the ability of Andrahar of
Umbar. What happens one night in a brothel has ramifications that affect
the young men well into the following year, and changes their
relationship forever.

Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices (159): Lady Bluejay
Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains a death scene.
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
An epic tale of tragedy, bravery and love. From the shores of Belfalas,
up the valleys of the Ered Nimrais to the plains of the Riddermark, we
follow the lives of Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, her brothers and
Éomer of Rohan from their early years to old age.

The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth (455): Le Rouret
Mature, Reason for Rating: There are elements of rape, both heterosexual
and homosexual, and torture in this story.
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas, Lord of Dol Galenehtar, has enough in Ithilien to worry him:
His beloved Bandobras Took earning his spurs; the investiture of his new
esquire; and Fastred son of Faramir's little romance going sour. But
when news reaches him of the new Master of Lake Town seeking to stir up
dissention between the Elvenking and Thorin Stonehelm of Erebor, Legolas
and Gimli go north to their fathers' aid ... and end up uncovering a
mystery deeper and darker than they had feared.

The Rescue of Celebrian (382): NeumeIndil
Mature, Reason for Rating: There has already been graphic violence and
may be some language and sexual content that could prevent teens and
young children from reading.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian, Elrohir or Elladan/OFC?, if
"Elrond, who had remained unwed through all his long years, now took to
wife Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn of Lorien. His
children were the twin brethren, Elladan and Elrohir, and Arwen
Undomiel, the fairest of all the maidens of the Third Age,"…

"…Celebrian, wife of Elrond, journeys to Lorien to visit Galadriel,
her mother; but she is taken by Orcs in the passes of the mountains. She
is rescued by Elrond and his sons, but after fear and torment she is no
longer willing to remain in Middle-earth, and she departs to the Grey
Havens and sails over Sea."

(Histories of Middle Earth, vol. 12, The Peoples of Middle-earth: Part
VIII- "The Tale of Years of the Third Age".)

In the mean time…

***SubCategory: Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles***

Now the Green Blade Riseth (37): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
The Gaffer is surprised by Sam's behavior following the Scouring of the

Mournful Fords (368): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On his way to Isengard, Théoden comes to the place of his son's last

The Shadow (25): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Did Sméagol truly perish? Sometimes Frodo wonders; for he has more
cause to know how shadows can linger....

...and the sound of a battered heart, beating (690): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Estella Bolger watch over a sleeping Fredegar.

Gone Amiss (44): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: mention of death
Romance Partners: N/A
The moments after Boromir's last smile; as seen through Aragorn's eyes.

Charge! (444): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Battle scenes.
Romance Partners: N/A
A rider and his mount fight at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9157

Check Ballot #2 - Horror Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:21:44 Topic ID# 9157
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Horror

***SubCategory Genres: Horror: General***

The Other (27): Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: Horror, blood, monster
Romance Partners: N/A
Collaboration between Dana and Lindelea. An ancient curse arises to
seize Meriadoc Brandybuck, and his cousin Pippin is his only hope to be
saved from a fate worse than death... if only Pippin can survive...
(Alternate universe)

The Dark of Night (484): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: injuries described, battle scenes, general
Romance Partners: N/A
An ancient menace stalks the elves of Middle-earth, but what, if
anything can be done to defeat it?

Maglor's Harp (660): Ford of Bruinen
Mature, Reason for Rating: Horror, violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Sometimes after the end of the War of Wrath Maglor decides that he needs
a new and perfect harp...

Silenced (31): Illwynd
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for light horror content.
Romance Partners: N/A
AU. In the back of Boromir's mind, something is happening...

The Houseless (178): Jael
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
On a day in late autumn, Legolas has a strange encounter with a girl in
the woods. A tale for Halloween, written for the birthday of my stalwart
friend and beta reader, Ignoble Bard.

The Ritual Disturbed (68): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence
Romance Partners: n/a
The wight wished to call Angmar, trading Ring for release; but instead
Ringbearer and Iarwain saw to its end.

I Can Feel It! (673): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Four arrows hit the Mirkwood elf before he fell. "Legolas!"
Words had been said, but no one can turn back time. "I should have
listened to you before," Aragorn said, as he tried to save his best
friend's life …

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9158

Check Ballot #2 - Humor Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:22:57 Topic ID# 9158
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Humor

***SubCategory Genres: Humor: General***

In the Van (72): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
An alternate-universe version of the journey of the Armies of the West
to the Black Gate, in which Legolas whines and Aragorn asks "Are we
there yet?"

The Game of Kings (28): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
When the wind from the north rattled the shutters, the two rangers would
sit by the fire for hours, hunched over a chessboard marked in black and
white squares.

The Weaving Cow (675): cactuskim
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A one shot Humor fic featuring Legolas and Aragorn. Starts Post-RotK, It
then jumps back in time to when Aragorn was still a young Ranger
returning from Harad. What happened on the long trip home? What is the
Weaving Cow?

Pippin (Paladin) Had a Little Lamb (629): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Paladin tells Pippin the story of his own childhood friend, a stuffed
sheep named "Sammy-Lambie".

Tulip Takes a Tumble (616): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
The story of how Tulip lost her button nose!

Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim (71): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Extremely important suggestions on ways a Rider of Rohan - or any
citizen of Rohan, really - might take care of his or her hair.

PROPHECY: Changing the Future (11): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Lord of Mandos is said to have uttered a Second Prophecy concerning
the End of Days, but its interpretation has been hotly debated down
through the Ages. On the eve of the departure of the Edain for
Númenor, two Men decide to do some `creative' prophesying of
their own, but it may be Námo who has the final say. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

The Revenge of Curufin's Horse (139): Moreth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How Beren's 'Song of Parting' made it into the public domain... from The
Himring Codex version of 'The Tale of Beren and Lúthien'.

Full Brothers in Blood (212): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A story of relationships within a complicated extended family, focusing
upon an insecure, nerdy young Turgon and his idolization/envy of his
cool older brother Fingon. I've listed it here as a humor piece, but
it contains also serious inferences about the effect of environment and
family strife upon children. Written in response to a request to write
about the differences between Turgon and Fingon that are reflected in my
personal canon of stories about the House of Finwë.

The Conscience of the King (649): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to sexual activity between newlyweds
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Eomer King has a bad case of big-brother blues at his sister's wedding
feast. (600 words, as counted by MS Word)

With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments (472): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Behind every great writer is a host of inspiring, helpful people who are
worthy of thanks. But as Samwise Gamgee discovers via the Red Book of
Westmarch, not all who offer their advice are deserving of fond

Features Sam, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas with a cameo appearance from

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Drabbles***

There Was A Hobbit (111): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A mirth-filled moment between Boromir and Haldir.

Fatherhood (547): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Prince Imrahil pauses for a moment to consider his daughter's future.

Nine Companions (259): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Fellowship gathers after Aragorn's coronation.

Terra Incognita (723): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the birthday of Aliana, who asked for drabbles about
discovery. In the trenches of the Western Front, a lifelong journey is

A Sea Visit (96): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn visits the Sea-elves of Belfalas

Incarnation (242): Gandalfs apprentice
Teen, Reason for Rating: A passing mention of sex.
Romance Partners: N/A
A Maia copes with the downside of bodily existence.

Sharing Good News (216): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo receives an unusual late-night visitor.

There shall be Mirth at our Meeting (377): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A young Ranger makes a lasting impression on some inhabitants of

Writer's Bloke (431): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
One of Tolkien's characters drops into Modern Earth to give a fan
fiction writer some feedback.

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Elven Lands***

Horse Sense (22): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Bill the Pony turns a
wary eye on one of his new travelling companions.

The Otters of Imladris (491): chaotic_binky
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some referred to violence, rescue of
an orphaned baby animal and a relevant sex scene that concentrates on
emotional rather than explicit physical.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Haldir.
The newly-wed Erestor and Haldir rescue a baby otter and take it back to
Imladris. As their relationship progresses, so does the growing of
Celon, the baby otter. One day Celon hears the call of one who would
take him back into the wild.

Legolas' Seat (671): erobey
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story presents lots of sexual innuendo, one
scene of violence, and mentions same-sex romances.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Gandalf, (implied) Elladan/Glorfindel
A light-hearted case of misinterpretation on Sam's part causes serious
consequences for young Legolas. During the time preceding the Council of

MAGIC: The Password (451): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Thranduil has trouble remembering.Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Here's To The King! (204): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Naughty words in Elvish describing vulgar acts
Romance Partners: N/A
A sweet, modest tale, in which Legolas deals with a difficult prisoner
in his father's dungeons and Thranduil gets a puppy. Warning for vulgar
language and themes, mostly in the Author's Notes

Orc Talk! (703): kitt_otter
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas learns a new word and his older brother learns to be more

Frogdom (192): Neilia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin's actual transformation into a tree frog occurs in this tale.
Then I went ahead and started writing another stand alone story about
the day of Pippin-frog.

The Right to Bear Arms (653): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In Rivendell Boromir learns a lesson about warrior hobbits.

Rivendell International Airport (345): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A humorous consideration of what might have happened if the Fellowship
had decided to take a plane instead of walking all that ways - would
Anduril make it through security?

Bad Idea (610): StarLight9
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas thinks that Gloin and Thranduil should meet. He is the only
one who cannot see what a bad idea this is.

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Gondor***

Surprise Inspection (207): AmandaK
Teen, Reason for Rating: Possibly overrated, but set to Teen for mention
of nudity.
Romance Partners: N/A
Something is not right in the city of Osgiliath.

Courage (41): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Amid the festivity of post-war Minas Tirith, Gimli faces a surprising
challenge to his own courage, and his trust in his companions.

One Summer Day (535): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Inspired by "The Simpsons" episode "Twenty-five Short Stories About
Springfield", here are four ficlets-by-request flowing together into one
summery tale. Prompts included "Boromir gardening", "Boromir and Faramir
relaxing", "Prince Imrahil cooking" and "Mag up to something".

Best Three Falls, No Gouging (587): Brigantine
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied m/m or m/m/f relations.
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir interrupts a bit of a brawl.

Thoughtful Company (16): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Nanny overhears a conversation concerning dragons between young Faramir
and Mithrandir

The Vase that was Broken (417): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
A boisterous game that Aragorn and Eldarion play has dramatic

Hide the Knives (485): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Not all things spoken in the heat of the moment are truly what we mean.
Aragorn and Arwen seek each others forgiveness. Written for the Tolkien
Tango Prompt #9: Reconciliation.

Eldarion (510): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Eldarion is missing, and Elessar faces his greater fear, while the Queen
is away.

Thawing Lily (30): Soubrettina
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sex (depicted but not graphic)
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
An 'alternative' courtship of Eowyn.

Fine Art for Future Generations (561): stefaniab
General, Reason for Rating: It's family-friendly fluff, with a bit of
satire thrown in.
Romance Partners: N/A
A trip to the museum with Eldarion and Elboron to expose them to fine
art causes Arwen to experience a peculiar flashback.

This story was part of the 2007 Yule Challenge at the Henneth-Annun
Yahoo Group, in which writers were asked to write stories surrounding
pieces of Tolkien Calendar art of varying quality.

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Eight Weeks (273): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Eight weeks, eight hundred words, and a lengthy contest of wills pits
Boromir against the combined forces of his father and brother. A
humorous drabble cycle.

Bears With Honey (243): Gandalfs apprentice
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Some women just have special husbands...a little vignette about a fanfic
writer and Mrs. Beorn.

Sour Milk (521): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
When the new King's expression turns the milk sour,the cats of Minas
Tirith decide that something must be done.

Giving Gifts (426): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Imrahil and Denethor, on creative gift-giving.

The Captain's New Clothes (421): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Captain Faramir learns how hard it is to refuse a gift, however
inappropriate, from a well-meaning relative. Definitely AU, and 500
words as counted by MS Word.

Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? (180): viv
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Witch King of Angmar; Eowyn
Tell me if you've heard this one: A witch king, a furry hobbit, and a
girl-impersonating-a-soldier all walked onto a field....

The witch-king's take on the hard, cold world of dating.

Some Confusion in Accounts (276): viv
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mature themes
Romance Partners: Galadriel, Celeborn
Modern-day reporter Susan continues her interviews of elves in Valinor,
this time questioning Galadriel herself. Apparently, there was some
confusion in Tolkien's various descriptions of elf behavior, and Susan
wants to get it right.

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Shire***

Labour Pains (483): Aratlithiel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Vague sexual innuendo
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Sam picks the *worst* times to heal the Shire

Beggar's Night (15): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Merry introduce the Fellowship to a harvest-time tradition
observed by the Shirefolk. Written for the "Six Days of Spooky

Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet (241): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin worries that Tulip will shrink after his mother's warning not to
put her in the bathtub with him.

Tulip's Tale (615): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While visiting Bag End, Pippin and Tulip want to hear a story but Pippin
does all of the talking!

Dirty Jobs (232): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What has happened to Paladin Took and his family that has caused his
only son, Pippin, to start doing odd jobs for hobbits who live around
Whitwell? He is doing a good job, but talk in the taverns and inns is
that the family is going broke.

Took Broth (543): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Hobbits love to eat, but they can be distrustful of things they've never
had. As the new Mayor of the Shire, Sam isn't going to have any choice
about eating the Took Broth - no matter how it's made!

***SubCategory: Genres: Humor: Valar & Maiar***

DISGUISE: Emissaries (56): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
As Darkness rises once again in Middle-earth, the Valar discuss a
mission for some of their People to undertake. Written for 'The Tolkien
Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

FAULT: The Doctor Is In (545): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Námo gets a little help in handling some of his more obstreperous
charges. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone
Yahoo Group

I Ain't Got Nobody (568): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, character death
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Namo
Glorfindel can't seem to stay away from Mandos.

A Fair Trial (403): Maeve Riannon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement
of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his
decision? Maia humour.

Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone (77): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Highly speculative account of how the Elessar gem might have been
fabricated. Contains Fëanor as a precocious apprentice and Aulë as
his wise and patient mentor/master.

Switch (562): Tena
Mature, Reason for Rating: Consensual sex described between mature adult
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Legolas
The Valar switch Legolas and Estel's bodies.

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Msg# 9159

Check Ballot #2 - Longer Works Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:24:23 Topic ID# 9159
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Longer Works

***SubCategory Genres: Longer Works: General***

The Work of Small Hands (352): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: violence, sexuality, character death, mature
and possibly frightening themes
Romance Partners: Eärwen/Finarfin
Valinor has been plunged into darkness, most of the Noldor have gone
into exile, and the Teleri grieve for those lost in the kinslaying. The
Valar have turned their backs on the remaining Noldor--left without a
king--and chaos rules the streets of Tirion. Can Eärwen, the quiet
wife of a third-born prince, find the courage and strength to save her
husband's people?

Wars of the Valar (3): Fiondil
Mature, Reason for Rating: Nongraphic depiction of torture, implied rape
(non-physical as these are non-corporeal beings) and general violence
associated with warfare
Romance Partners: Námo/Vairë; Manwë/Varda and the other Valar
pairings found in the Silmarillion
Before the Coming of the Children, before Arda was even created, the
Valar labored in wastes unmeasured and unexplored, and in ages uncounted
and forgotten while Melkor sought to dominate all to his own desires and
purposes. This is their story. Rated PG-13 at Stories of Arda.

The Blessing (511): Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: Medical descriptions, some sexuality implied
Romance Partners: N/A
Book based. Tolkien has Pippin suffering no permanent damage from the
troll falling on him - but what if he had? How would Pippin, Merry,
Frodo and Sam handle it? It is reasonable to think he might have
sustained such damage and this story will explore that possibility. The
idea for this story was Golden's, who is an Occupational Therapist,
and was written by Pearl Took, who sits at home and writes *L*.

A New Day (35): Oshun
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains some adult material relating to a
romantic relationship between two men. Also, references violence,
not-explicitly described.
Romance Partners: Fingon/Maedhros
After Thangorodrim, Fingon and Maedhros resolve to heal the divisions
among the Noldor.

The King's Surgeon (90): SurgicalSteel
Mature, Reason for Rating: Medically graphic materal, occasional
violence, and occasional graphic sex.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
The life of a surgeon in Middle Earth, from her early days training in
Gondor, to a prolonged exile in Bree, to her return to Gondor and
service as King Elessar's surgeon. A bit of intrigue, a bit of politics,
some romance, and some medically graphic material as well.

Healing the Long Cleeve (133): TopazTook
Mature, Reason for Rating: Rating is for some sexual content in the
context of marriage, and some memories of wartime violence.
Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond
Peregrin and Diamond Took learn to make a marriage and to lead a people.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9160

Check Ballot #2 - Mystery Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:25:02 Topic ID# 9160
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Mystery

***SubCategory Genres: Mystery: General***

Amara (236): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir relates a haunting tale from his youth to Frodo.

The Citadel (732): Claudia
Mature, Reason for Rating: Some violence, some severe angst, some
male/male sexual encounters
Romance Partners: Frodo/Faramir
An AU...and yet not. Frodo finds himself in a strange village without
knowing how he came to be there.

Fait Accompli (381): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: Scenes of psychological torture, bondage, and
non consentual sex. Mildly graphic descriptions.
Romance Partners: Legolas/?
Legolas finds himself the plaything of a mysterious and powerful being.

The Secret of the Wooden Wall (630): Lily
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
A corridor in Brandy Hall conceals some secret. Moved by impulse and
with the help of his son and cousins, Paladin works to discover what
lies hidden.

The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery (522): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A puppy's unusual plaything sets Frodo and Sam's imaginations working
overtime. Written for the "Whodunnit?" Challenge on Livejournal:
Each author chooses from a list of story titles, and every story should
center around a mystery of some kind.

The Vault of the Dead (103): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for frightening mental images (mostly of
Romance Partners: Elladan/Boromir
Aragorn finally gets the sign he had waited for so long. But there are
other powers in Middle-earth who want justice to be done to someone else

Dead Steward's Gift (572): stefaniab
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story does not have sex, violence, gore,
monsters, or truly horrifying events. However, it does have scenes that
are meant to scare--it's a mystery, after all.
Romance Partners: OMC/OFC, Faramir/Eowyn
When a stranger appears with a message from his deceased father,
Faramir, newly Steward to King Elessar, is plunged into a whirlwind of
mystery, hauntings, naughty kitties, deceit, and ghosts.

This mystery/comedy fills a Movieverse gap: did Denethor have his very
own palantir and if so, what happened to it? The tale also illustrates
some of Tolkien's themes in his essay "The Palantir" in "Unfinished

"Dead Steward's Gift" was begun for the 2007 Halloween challenge at the
LOTR GEN fic Yahoo Group.

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Msg# 9161

Check Ballot #2 - Non-Fiction Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:25:52 Topic ID# 9161
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Non-Fiction

***SubCategory Genres: Non-Fiction: General***

Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves (322):
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Although the essay"Quendi and Eldar" (HoME XI) seems to deal mostly with
linguistic matters, it offers a wealth of information about the way that
the different Elvish groups saw each other and how they related (yes,
Elves could be pig-headed and prejudiced).

On Hobbits (457): Aratlithiel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Essay on Hobbits

The Myth of the One Ring's Power (532): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Was the One Ring really as powerful as we've been led to believe? A
close observation of the events shows that perhaps it was not...

On Canon and Fanfic (123): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
What exactly qualifies as "A.U.?" Is it a negative term? Is any fanfic
really canon-consistent, or is it all alternate universe? In this brief
essay I attempt to define what precisely I mean when I use this term,
and along the way explore the relationship between canon and fanfic in
general. (Beta: annmarwalk)

Arvedui v. Pelendur (277): Roh Wyn
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This essay is a brief exploration of possible inheritance laws in Gondor
and how these laws may have influenced Steward Pelendur's decision to
reject Arvedui's claim to the throne of Gondor.

Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth (91): Steuard Jensen
General, Reason for Rating: It's an essay, not a story. (And not a sexy
Romance Partners: N/A
With so many drafts and versions of Tolkien's tales now in print, does
it even make sense to ask what is "true" about Middle-earth? This essay
explores one approach to this issue, inspired by Tolkien's stated belief
that any good story must have "the inner consistency of reality".

***SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies***

One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This is an essay which contrasts the macho, musclebound strength of most
action heroes with the gentle, inner strength of Frodo Baggins.

A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Nerdanel is mentioned a bare four times in The Silmarillion, yet she
remains a favorite in Silmarillion-based fiction. "A Woman in Few Words"
surveys the entirety of Tolkien's published canon to reveal all that
readers know about Nerdanel and to justify how she has come to be the
most popular female character in Silmarillion fan fiction.

The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
An essay about the importance of Bilbo Baggins to the development of The
Lord of the Rings, and how The Hobbit influenced the latter story, both
externally and internally; as well as an argument for more Bilbo-centric

Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
...or, A Short Speculative History of a Certain Elven Emissary. An
attempt to construct a history for the emissary sent by Cirdan to the
Council of Havens from the hints sprinkled through canon, that also
functions as a case history in how to characterize minor characters.

Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: deals with themes of despair, suicide, and
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
Denethor is one of the most-criticized characters in Tolkien fandom.
Movie-inspired fanons have certainly not done him any favors, but he is
disliked and even hated by fans who had read the books long before the
movies came out. In this essay I attempt to address some of the most
common criticisms against him, and develop a biography of what his life
might have been like.

Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
I write these monthly for the SWG, but I particularly enjoyed this one.
I usually include a disclaimer, where I insist that I really didn't
make this all up, but it is not intended to be a definitive textual
analysis. Because of the nature of this piece (a simple summary for easy
reference by users of the site, readers and writers alike) exact
citations are given for direct quotations only.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9162

Check Ballot #2 - Poetry Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:26:56 Topic ID# 9162
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Poetry

***SubCategory Genres: Poetry: General***

Elrond's Farewell (269): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Elrond bids farewell to his daughter Arwen as he prepares to leave

I Married for Love (661): Ford of Bruinen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Indis/Finwe
Indis reflects on her marriage after the death of Finwe

Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus (50): pandemonium_213
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Tolkien wrote "Mythopoeia" in response to C.S. Lewis' assertion that
myths were "lies...breathed through silver." "Philosophia to Philomythus
and Misomythus " offers this response: art and myth-as-culture need not
oppose knowledge and progress.

Yrch Song (564): Phyncke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The orcs march to battle at Pelennor Field in the Third Age War of the
Ring. This is what they might sing. A rhyming chanting song.

Temptation (416): Princess Artemis
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
The thoughts of the One Ring as it passes from and through the hands of

***SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Drama***

Answers (458): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
From the Blessed Realm, Frodo assures Sam of his love and happiness in
his new home.

The Bridge (429): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam speaks of a dream/vision in which he visited Frodo in the Undying

25 Rethe, S.R. 1422: The Three Travellers Remember (679): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
An inverted dribble set, as Frodo's friends remember him on the
anniversary of the Ring's destruction...

Merry on the Pelennor Fields (720): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry's experience at Pelennor, as those he has come to love all seem
swept away, and one who was like a father to him lies dying before him.

Call of the Dream (402): Queen Galadriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Inspired by Tolkien's "The Sea Bell." What other dreams haunted Frodo's

Maglor's Song (398): Robinka
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A sonnet that reflects the fate of Maglor.

Galadriel Remembers (583): Savageseraph
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Long after the Elves return to the Undying Lands, Galadriel remembers
the "loves and wars and rings" she left behind to return to the Undying

***SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Hobbits***

Shire (469): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The simplicity of the Shire.

The Gardener Speaks (428): Armariel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam speaks his thoughts to a sleeping Frodo on their journey.

Bearer of the Ring (396): ConnieMarie
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
This poem is a lament for Frodo's suffering and sacrifice, and a fervent
wish for his healing in the West. It is written directly to Frodo.

By Ship or Grave (618): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Frodo contemplates the choice he faces.

The Ring That Sauron Forged (645): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A Tolkienesque nursery rhyme.

***SubCategory: Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age***

Rebirth (471): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Renewal after the war.

Three Songs (301): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: implied violence, but no worse than the wolf
eating Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother.
Romance Partners: N/A
Three songs, each sung in the depths of a dark night. Written for one of
Marigold's Challenges, based on the starter: Lotho was probably still
alive when the Travellers reached the Gate at the Bridge. What did he
think about their return? Was his body ever found?

Weathertop (597): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A set of six poems examining the events in the dell under Weathertop and
the immediate consequences of them. Beginning with a scene-setting then
following primarily from Frodo's POV, and hence slightly dark emotively.

The Search (501): rhyselle
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This was written for the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group's The Tolkien Tango
Prompt #12: WANDERING. When I first saw the prompt, the first thing that
popped into my head was the map of Middle-earth as seen in the film...
and then I seemed to see, in my imagination, little footprints wandering
about between Mordor and the misty mountains, crossing the Dead Marshes,
heading north and west... And this is what Gollum had to say.

Boromir at the Bat (632): White Gull
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Classic Americana with a Middle-Earth twist.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9163

Check Ballot #2 - Romance Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:27:43 Topic ID# 9163
Check Ballots for Main Category: Genres: Romance

***SubCategory Genres: Romance: General***

Coming Home to Crickhollow (445): calanthe11
Mature, Reason for Rating: slash, semi-explicit descriptions of gay sex,
mature themes (violence in war, psychological impact of war)
Romance Partners: Pippin Took/Merry Brandybock
A "coming home"-story of Pippin and Merry which explores how their
friendship is changed by their experiences of war and service for Rohan
and Gondor.

"Well here we are, just the four of us that started out together," said
Merry. "We have left all the rest behind, one after another. It seems
almost like a dream that has slowly faded." There are memories which
cannot be left behind, dreams which will not fade.

Cinnamon and Chocolate (264): Cuthalion
Mature, Reason for Rating: Explicit, erotic content
Romance Partners: OFC/ Frodo Baggins
This is the tale about the blessings of spice, pastry baking and love,
set in the timeline of the epic "Before I go to sleep"-universe. When
Lily Proudfoot passes Bag End after a long forenoon without breakfast, a
heavenly scent lures her over the doorstep, followed by a delicious
meal, some shameless fluff and the generous misuse of icing...

As Close As (88): Dana
Teen, Reason for Rating: Married hobbits, het
Romance Partners: Merry Brandybuck/Estella Bolger Brandybuck
After their arranged marriage, Merry and Estella get to know one another
all over again.

Midnight (18): EdorasLass
Teen, Reason for Rating: Two men asleep, no sexual activity
Romance Partners: Theodred/Boromir
Theodred watches Boromir sleeping

And Whisper You to This Earth (151): Lady Elina
Mature, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic sexual content.
Romance Partners: Erestor/Halbarad
Halbarad accompanies Erestor on an expedition to the lost city of
Fornost, and along the way an unexpected connection develops between the
Man and the Elf.

Miquan Melave (319): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: explicit (but not graphic) m/m erotic
content; discussion of prostitution; language; (canonical) character
death; angst
Romance Partners: Boromir/Théodred
Boromir and Théodred discuss the nature of love - specifically, the
possibility of love between two men. Slash.

Rose, Rose, Rose (619): White Gull
Mature, Reason for Rating: Sexual situations
Romance Partners: Frodo/Rosie, sort of
A not-so-typical day in the life of Rose Gamgee.

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Drabbles***

Call of the Wild (94): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Morwen of Lossarnach and Thengel
It's love at first sight for a headstrong maiden of Gondor and a valiant
prince of Rohan.

Loving a Book Lover (721): Avon
Teen, Reason for Rating: It could imply something of a sexual nature -
so to be safe I chose T
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Faramir discovers that there can be things more absorbing than books.

Men of the Twilight (209): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Faramir first glimpses Éowyn in the gardens of the Houses of Healing.

Bibliophile (370): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic kissing between a married couple.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Éowyn is reading about a tragedy of the First Age, until her husband
provides a more pleasurable pastime.

Taking Roots (367): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
Galadriel plants the first Mallorn tree.

Home is where the heart is (505): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Arwen learns that the heart makes its own rules about the comforts of

My Precious (14): SheBit
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Grima/Eowyn
A glimpse inside the head of a hated man.

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Elven Lands***

Coming Home (233): brindlemom2
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian
Separations can make or break a relationship. You have to want it a lot
and work hard to be successful in the face of great upheavals.

The Dance (128): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Nerdanel and Fëanor attend their first dance and discover their love
for each other.

Not Yet (712): erobey
Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains suggestions of romance between
same-sex partners.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Legolas
Tolkien tells us there were two elves named Legolas and both lived as
contemporaries of Glorfindel of Gondolin, along with one Galdor, Lord of
the House of the Tree. Eventually, the trio ended up in Imladris at the
Council of Elrond. Legolas of Gondolin was famed for his exceptional
night vision and his part in helping the escape of Tuor, Idril,
Eärendil and the refugees of Gondolin as Melkor's forces burned the
city and slaughtered her people. Not much said other than that. Legolas
of Mirkwood was called the eyes and ears of the fellowship. This little
fic plays with these ideas. It is fanfiction, so please forgive the
liberties taken.

Arwen in the Afternoon (244): Gandalfs apprentice
Mature, Reason for Rating: Group sex, slash--not explicit
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen, Aragorn/Halbarad
Halbarad is torn between his duty and his desire. Even worse, he has to
pay a visit to Rivendell, where some interesting things happen.
Attention: Slash. AU/non-canon on sex among Elves. Group sex--you are
warned. Both humorous and serious.

A Perfect World (248): mistycracraft
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn imagines his perfect world with the one he loves.

A Harmony In Autumn (49): Oshun
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains mature subject matter related to
romantic relationship between two men.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Ecthelion
A tale of belatedly requited love, containing humor, political
differences among the Noldor, and family relationships, set in the
period immediately preceding the foundation of the city of Gondolin.

Early Winter at Himring Hill (79): Oshun
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implication of a relationship between two men.
Romance Partners: N/A
Fingon visits Maedhros at Himring Hill, after the Dagor Aglareb during
the watchful peace of the Siege of Angband. (If you are looking for
tragedy or angst you will not find it here.)

In Dreams (609): Phyncke
Teen, Reason for Rating: Slash implied and romantic inference.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Fingolfin Elrond/Erestor
Sometimes the Valar know what is best and two old friends find love. Set
in Valinor after the War of the Ring, Glorfindel and Fingolfin meet in a
most unusual way. Elrond and Erestor's relationship changes in the
serenity of the Undying Lands and a mischevious Vala may be responsible
for this all.

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Gondor***

One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts (334): Gwynnyd
Mature, Reason for Rating: Adult relationships - sex scene within
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Aragorn wrestles with some of the problems that come with age, and some
that don't.

A Dream Come True (162): Lady Bluejay
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to prostitution.
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
Tapping a barrel of strong drink in Cormallen can have serious
consequences. An Éomer /Éothain/Lothíriel one-shot.

Waterloo (158): Lady Bluejay
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
No one who had endured the Siege of Minas Tirith or lived through the
Battle of the Pelennor Fields emerged unscathed. Either in mind or body,
all were affected in some way. Lothíriel only played a small part but
her experiences changed her life for ever.

A two part story – tightly woven around the canon. Angst, with a
sprinkling of romance and a smidgeon of humour.

A Maid Waiting (691): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen; Faramir/Eowyn; Ivormil/Systerien (OCs)
Some who came to Minas Tirith did so in hopes of pursuing a larger
ambition. For Systerien of Celebstrand in Dor-en-Ernil and Ivormil of
Bidwell in Lossarnach, to find themselves in the presence of the King
Returned served to put those ambitions into perspective.

A sequel to "Vocabulary Lessons" in "Moments in Time."

Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (405): Marta
Mature, Reason for Rating: implication of m/m relationship; explicit m/f
erotic content
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Denethor, Denethor/Finduilas
Five moments in the lives of Denethor and Aragorn, inspired by the five
elements of classical Greek philosophy.

Arwen (359): Neoinean
Mature, Reason for Rating: Thinly veiled references to adult situations.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
It always amazed her that he could say so much, simply by saying her

(Note: This story was originally written for the July 2007 Teitho
Contest under the pen name Beth.)

Summer's Lease (650): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: slight implication of sexual history between
husband and wife.
Romance Partners: N/A
A bit of summer fun in 600 words, just the thing to break up one's
gardening labors. Set up a glass of cold lemonade or iced tea, and enjoy
the scenery in the gardens of the Prince of Ithilien...

(originally written for the "Summer in Ithilien" FaramirFics LJ
Community Challenge)

Wonderful Tonight (320): Violin Ghost
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
It's just an ordinary night of festivity for Faramir and Éowyn-- and
yet Faramir finds himself reflecting on his beautiful wife, with whom he
is falling in love all over again. Romance, complete in four chapters.

***SubCategory: Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Rich and Fair (548): annmarwalk
Teen, Reason for Rating: male/male sexual intimacy, not graphic
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
No matter what has passed before, what they share now is new and fresh
and rare.

The Wedding Gift (40): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Gloín/OFC
Gloín crafts a gift in secret for his bride.

Diamonds For Forever I, II & III (515): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
The Bride's Jewels, an ancient suite of mithril and diamonds,
traditionally gifted from each Steward to his wife, are finally given to

The Turning Wheel (517): Elen Kortirion
Teen, Reason for Rating: non-explicit slash
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred, Aragorn/Boromir
It is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, and in the
house of Lord Elrond two men cannot sleep.

Wife of the Thain (513): LA Knight
Teen, Reason for Rating: I would actually leave it as G-rated, except
there are glossed references to suicide and self-harm.
Romance Partners: Isumbras Took/Fairy Wife
"It was often said in other families that long ago one of the Took
ancestors must have taken a fairy wife. That was, of course, absurd,
BUT...." - The Hobbit, Chapter One, Page 2

... but what if it were true? A series of drabbles exploring how that
sort of thing would have occurred.

Leather (297): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: mild erotic content; angst
Romance Partners: Boromir/Theodred
Sometimes, a sensation as simple as touch can have a powerful effect.
Four drabbles about Boromir and Theodred. (Beta: annmarwalk)

The Blessing of the Waters (61): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of family sorrows and separation.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian
Elrond has known much sorrow in his long life. Can the contentment he
has found as a husband and father truly last? Elrond and Celebrían
enjoy an evening interlude by the Bruinen.

Celevon a Mallen (279): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied sexual content
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of moments across the ages between Celeborn and Galadriel.

Handy With A Sword (437): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual innuendo and mock violence
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Éowyn issues a challenge to Faramir....

Gently Held (6): viv
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Arwen, Aragorn
Question: Why do you love him? And Arwen answers.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9164

Check Ballot #2 - Cross-Cultural Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:28:22 Topic ID# 9164
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Cross-Cultural

***SubCategory Races: Cross-Cultural: General***

The Haradric Whore and Her Son (124): annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors
Mature, Reason for Rating: Contains implied historical rape and murder
told from third party's present-day POV, male and female prostitution,
two fairly explicit instances of male sexual intimacy (the same scene
from two points of view), portrayal of younger man kept in comfort by
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC
A Haradric woman and her son struggle for survival in the White City.
When the young man catches Boromir's eye, life becomes both simpler and
more complicated for all involved.

A Moment in the Morning in Bree (731): Budgielover
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A gentle story set before the forming of the Fellowship; the 'getting to
know you' period during which strangers become friends. A Moment in the
Morning in Bree, in which the hobbits observe a very strange habit of

On Far Fields (106): Dwimordene
Teen, Reason for Rating: Story contains themes and references to adult
sexuality that parents may not wish children to read, regardless of
childrens' level of comprehension.
Romance Partners: m/m
They fought for Sauron, died for folly, but above all, they stood for
honor. The enemy dead of Pelennor field get their elegy, and Andrahar of
Dol Amroth faces an array of private demons. Story in the "Best-loved
Sons" cycle. Reads best with knowledge of "Discovery," by Isabeau of

Silver Blossoms Blown (646): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: No objectionable content.
Romance Partners: N/A
Varda meets the Elves for the first time.

Feet That Wander (576): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Tom Bombadil sets a lost and wandering stranger upon the right path to
his destination. This tale was originally entered as a submission in
HASA's "Tales Unheard" challenge.

Dorwinion Wine (663): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: implied hangover
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the hobbit_ficathon "Rivendell" challenge. A minstrel of
Rivendell acquaints a visitor from Lothlorien with a very special

Yule Tails (303): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Horses and ponies are important in Middle-earth - especially to a
certain two youngsters. Little looks into a few Yule tides in the lives
of Pippin Took and Faramir of Gondor. This was written for Holly as part
of a Yule exchange at the LOTR_Community_GFIC group.

Sing My Worth Immortal (168): Perelleth
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Cultural exchange about the secret history of beer making, between
certain elven lady and a puzzled dwarf . Imladris, third age.

Worlds Within Worlds (237): Rubynye
Teen, Reason for Rating: Sex is clearly implied, even though the only
contact within the story is one character sleeping with his head on
another's lap and later a kiss.
Romance Partners: Halbarad, Frodo Baggins
On a misty morning, Halbarad reflects upon the Shire and its people.

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men***

And so our friendship began... (281): Amarok
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence, but nothing graphic
Romance Partners: N/A
An elf is held captive by a group of humans, Strider among them...

The Legend of the Grey Riders (176): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Edoras,10th August 3019: After the funeral of Théoden, Elladan and
Elrohir learn of an ancient legend to which they hold the key. But
perhaps some mysteries best left unsolved?

First Name Terms (311): Marchwriter (The Lady of Light)
Teen, Reason for Rating: For orc violence and the tending of injuries
inflicted by an arrow.
Romance Partners: N/A
Injured in a fog ridden ravine near Lothlórien, Aragorn struggles to
win the confidence of a Galadhrim patrol—particularly that of their
mocking commander whose little fondness for humans rears when they offer
him reluctant succor.

To Give Hope (456): peredhil lover
Teen, Reason for Rating: Themes involving death.
Romance Partners: N/A
To give hope to her people, a young widow must face many changes and
learn to relinquish her greatest treasure. Gilraen, Elrond, the twins,
young Aragorn, Glorfindel.

A Little Misunderstanding (275): Radbooks
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Two years after Aragorn and Gilraen are taken to Imladris, Elladan and
Elrohir return to the village of Dolomar where they have an encounter
with a young Halbarad, who is both frightened and suspicious of the two

At the Last Minute (544): rhyselle
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written as a challenge fic for a friend who spent the 2007 holidays in
hospital, write a Yule story featuring Legolas, Aragorn and Glorfindel.
Must contain a naked elf. In Aragorn's 49th year, grieving at the death
of his mother, he returns to Imladris at Yule, expecting to find the
Last Homely House celebrating the holiday as it had been when he was
young. But, when not in the company of mortals, Elves don't celebrate
Yule... or do they?

Not One of Us (542): StarLight9
Teen, Reason for Rating: some descriptions of injuries
Romance Partners: N/A
King Elessar tells his eight-year-old son a story of his childhood.
Little Estel enters a skills competition for elven children, faces
contempt and disdain, and fights to prove his worth. At the end Eldarion
learns a valuable lesson.

Seas of Fate (487): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A bit of advice on life, fate, and the sea from one old soldier to
another. Features Legolas and Imrahil.

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

There and Back (89): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On the way to the Black Gate, and after.

Light of the Westering Sun (126): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: mild sexuality
Romance Partners: Haleth/Caranthir
The non-canon pairing of Haleth and Caranthir remains a favorite for the
exploration of interracial romance upon Arda. This series of double
drabbles is about the life of Haleth and how it touched, briefly and in
love, upon that of Caranthir.

Another Prometheus (85): Gandalfs apprentice
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
There's more than one way to see Feanor's rebellion. A scholar of the
Fourth Age interprets his story.

A Meeting in the Tower Hills (374): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The first encounter between the Númenóreans and the Men of

A Large Bold Hand (10): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
`[Ori] could write well and speedily, and often used the Elvish
characters' – Gimli, in `The Bridge Of Khazad-Dűm'.

An explanation of how Ori came to know Elvish writing.

Epiphany (293): Larner
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Little brothers do grow up; and when they are of a different race need
to be recognized at last for their maturity.

A true drabble.

Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie (689): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Comfort is needed for a desperately wounded Frodo.

Lost Love (271): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Imrazór the Númenórean/Mithrellas
What did Imrazór the Númenórean and the Elven-lady Mithrellas
feel about their brief marriage and parting? A drabble from each side.

Star-songs of the Eorlingas (291): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mentions of battle and death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Éowyn shares the star myths of her own people with her husband.

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship***

A Cat in King Elessar's Court (66): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A royal descendant of Beruthiel's cats spends time with us, reminiscing
about life in Minas Tirith once a certain Hobbit arrives. The scribe
should not be held accountable for anything the Cat says!

A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes (73): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the quest, Frodo observes snow on the top of the mountain. He
remembers Caradhras and wants to experience it under better

And all was made ready (427): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In which we see Aragorn's coronation, from a hobbit's eye view...

Good King Elessar (2): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Frodo Gamgee is serving as a page to King Elessar, while the King
is holding court in his northern capital. A visit to the King's nearby
hunting lodge turns into quite an adventure. Resemblance to a certain
well-known holiday song is entirely intentional.

In Good Company (20): foxrafer (csevans8)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A summer day filled with nice surprises, a pleasant walk in the country,
and reconnecting with old friends.

A Friend's Hug (142): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Arwen become friends, but the start is not easy.

Heart of the Wood (60): Kenaz
Mature, Reason for Rating: Non-graphic and implied slash.
Romance Partners: Beleg, Túrin
"...And Beleg and Túrin were companions in every peril, and walked
far and wide in the wild woods together." Six vignettes of Beleg and
Túrin, on the marches of Doriath and beyond.

Jewels of Light (394): Larner
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Dwarf and Elf come to further appreciate one another as they observe the
rest of the Fellowship within Lothlorien.

A Dainty Dish (722): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Merry and Pippin are disappointed to find their favourite food is not on
the menu when they visit Aragorn in Gondor.

Shelter From the Storm (315): SlightlyTookish
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
On Caradhras, Boromir finds a way to protect the hobbits from the storm,
and manages to ease their fears in the process.

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir***

Labour of Love (733): Aprilkat
Teen, Reason for Rating: MPreg, slash, menacing ruffians, graphic
ob/gyn, Renaissance hobbit-cursing
Romance Partners: Frodo/Faramir
Frodo is going to have Faramir's baby. Aragorn is in charge of his
ob/gyn exams; Frodo falls into the hands of ruffians, and Faramir finds
how feisty a hobbit can be in labour.

Many Branches (420): Baranduin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Just as Faramir promised, one afternoon he and Frodo sit on the wall of
Minas Tirith and get to know each other a little better.

Sun (223): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Faramir discuss the rubble that was Minas Tirith after the

Of First Impressions and Old Friends (146): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Faramir consider absent friends after they meet in Ithilien.

Concerning Walls (112): Larner
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir meets the Ringbearer upon the walls of the city; they consider
the nature of walls, and Faramir hopefully sees one final one breached.

Put Aside Your Doubt (187): sophinisba solis
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some dark themes, creepy imagery.
Romance Partners: N/A
At Henneth Annűn, Frodo wonders whether he should trust a man who
reminds him so much of Boromir.

***SubCategory: Races: Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War***

A Great Cause for Concern (682): Alassante
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Legolas arrives in the Undying Lands with an unexpected companion and
has some explaining to do.

The Onion Riddle (13): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for sexual innuendo (in the context of a
riddle) and oblique reference to homosexuality.
Romance Partners: N/A
After the end of the War, a party of dwarves travels from Aglarond to
search for iron ore in Ithilien. Captain Beregond is honored to lead
their escort, but he finds that he still has much to learn about this
secretive people.

Parting Gifts (452): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Two friends say good-bye, but not before imparting gifts to one another.
Character death.

The Misty Month (454): Le Rouret
Teen, Reason for Rating: "The Misty Month" describes labor and
childbirth rather graphically, and at one point in the story, Legolas
and Eowyn have a discussion about virginity.
Romance Partners: Faramir, Eowyn
Legolas earned the nickname "The Midwife of Gondor" during his reign as
the Green Knight, Lord Legolas of Dol Galenehtar. After a deadly attack
in the woods of Anorien, a pregnant Eowyn discovers why.

Dance of the Deer and Műmak (559): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
"By all that is stone, how did he talk me into this, a dwarf at an
elvish merry making?" Gimli visits Eryn Lasgalen after the War of the
Ring. Written for the ME Express Prompt 82: Music.

Frodo's Pointed Ears (729): sophinisba solis
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied sexual and romantic relationships
(same-sex and het)
Romance Partners: Frodo/Faramir, Frodo/Aragorn, Aragorn/Arwen
In post-quest Minas Tirith, Aragorn treats Frodo for an ear infection.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9165

Check Ballot #2 - Dwarves Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:29:04 Topic ID# 9165
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Dwarves

***SubCategory Races: Dwarves: General***

Trading Pledges (339): Adaneth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Romantic kissing and some beard-rending
(whether that's violence or passion is for the reader to decide ; ) ).
Romance Partners: m/f original character Dwarves
Courtship negotiations are always tricky, but in a time of war? A
dwarf-woman makes her choice.

Of Old It Was Not Darksome (70): EdorasLass
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Gimli and other dwarves return to Moria to honour their dead. Bookverse
with a sprinkling of movie.

The Dwarves Treasure (312): eiranae
Teen, Reason for Rating: My story discusses war and death. I thought it
would be too violent for a general audience.
Romance Partners: m/f
The animosity between the Dwarves and the elves is well known. What
happens then when a tiny orphan Elf is found outside of the Lonely
Mountain? Will the two groups be reconciled, or will the Dwarves'
treasure be stolen once again?

Tonight We Are Alive (504): Eyborg
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some adult stuff; implying future character
Romance Partners: Kíli/OFC
Kíli the dwarf and his wife Embla spend a last night together before
Kíli goes on the journey to the Lonely Mountain with Thorin and his
other companions, from where Thorin, Fíli and Kíli himself do not
return alive.

As Was Dwarven Tradition (553): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Gimli celebrates his two hundredth birthday, one of the most important
days of a dwarf's life. But someone is missing.

Written for the TTT prompt #11: Birthday.

Bombur's Diet (677): Primsong
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bombur is getting just a bit too wide for comfort, perhaps Bifur and
Bofur can help, with a little guidance from their visiting Hobbit. This
is a companion piece to my 'Stone of Erebor' and as such is also set at
the Lonely Mountain during Bilbo's post-Birthday Party visit before he
settled in Rivendell, just a bit of fun with Dwarves. Enjoy.

***SubCategory: Races: Dwarves: Drabbles***

Hammer (468): Aranel Took
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual innuendo.
Romance Partners: Glóin/OFC
Dwarven pick-up lines!

Home (533): Aranel Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Gimli contemplates home and family.

Sunset Gates (342): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: NA
Romance Partners: NA
Gimli makes his last journey. Written for a request for LOTR characters
in modern times.

O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! (354): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Durin VI/f
In the heydays of Khazad-dűm, the Mirrormere must have been a deeply
romantic spot for lovers...

Dreamscape (442): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
After the Battle of the Five Armies, Gimli joins his father in Erebor
and helps explore the halls of the Lonely Mountain.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9166

Check Ballot #2 - Elves Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:29:55 Topic ID# 9166
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Elves

***SubCategory Races: Elves: General***

Healing (419): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
During the early days of Celeborn's eventual arrival in the Blessed
Realm, he and Galadriel talk of his final years in Middle Earth.

The Ghost in the Garden (272): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexuality, adult themes dealing with death
and afterlife
Romance Partners: Galadriel/Celeborn
A frightening experience one night in Doriath leads Galadriel to
consider the irreconcilable differences between Sindar and Noldor.

Out of the Blue (205): Jael
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A sequel to Not Fade Away. A clueless CPS worker investigates the
complaint of a child being raised by 'crazy cultists.' Misapprehensions
abound as we get a peek into the home life of the mysterious, reclusive
'Aaron Rivers' and his son.

Wayward Sons (408): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild language. A few adult references.
Romance Partners: N/A
" Have you ever had a moment when all seemed lost to despair . . .?" In
the Fourth Age, Thranduil Oropherion, his family dead and his son
sailed, faces the impending darkness. Drama/Angst. Thranduil, Galion,
Other Canon Characters and OCs. Rated PG.

Footsteps in Time (76): Keiliss
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied sex between a married couple, reference
to violence and canon character deaths. Nothing graphic.
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
After meeting and finally marrying in Doriath, Celeborn and Galadriel
journey south under orders from Elu Thingol to create a new settlement
in Taur-im-Duinath.

To Be A King (252): Keiliss
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Six months after being crowned High King, Gil-galad searches for a
personal style of kingship and ways to unite the various elven factions
against the Enemy.

Risk Assessment (665): pandemonium_213
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Noldorin journeymen and masters of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain discuss the
secrets of lembas with a Sindarin apprentice of the devotees to Yavanna.

Written in response to the Silmarillion Writers' Guild Lembas challenge.

Blue (563): red lasbelin
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Glorfindel's reflections and thoughts the day he became Lord of the
Golden Flower.

Even Legends Fade (555): Star In Ruin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Arwen/Aragorn
POV: Guard of the Citidal. Aragorn's burial, and the attendance of two
very familiar Elves.

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Drabbles***

Unwilling (64): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
An Avari contemplates the vast changes wrought in Middle-earth during
the Dominion of Men.

A Race, To Be Like Me (375): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Fëanor contemplates the reactions to his Oath.

Forsaken (369): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Finrod remembers.

Blood and Iron (122): Ribby
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
With blood and with fire the sword was remade, in hopes that the world
would not be so.

House of Ransom (657): Robinka
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Beleg on his way to resque his friend Túrin. A drabble written in
response to the OSA drabble challenge: Good guy.

The Sky Is Over (83): Robinka
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A glimpse at Finrod Felagund as he ponders his future after his talk
with Galadriel.

A drabble submitted for the challenge issued at the Silmarillion
Writers' Guild archive: "Within the Pages of Lore". The challenge was to
write a story based on a randomly picked quote from "The Silmarillion".

The Lowest Circle (449): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied violence and torture.
Romance Partners: N/A
What was it like for the Elves, who were captured by Morgoth and slowly
corrupted over the years into Orcs?

The War of Wrath (120): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A true drabble - and poem! - about Ingwion, son of Ingwë, the leader
of the Vanyar who fought in the War of Wrath against Morgoth at the end
of the First Age.

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Family***

Shadows (698): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Legolas pays a visit a special place on his return to the devastated
Greenwood, a place where ghosts of his childhood lingered still.

Essecarmë (247): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Curufin, the fifth son of Fëanor, is said to have been his father's
favorite. Why did Maedhros get passed over for this honor? This story
looks at Eldarin naming traditions and the family dramas they create.

Elflings (348): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for adult concepts and sexual
Romance Partners: N/A
Boys will be boys, even when they're elves. A childish prank costs
Oropher more than Thranduil will ever guess. Thranduil; Galion; Oropher;
Original Characters. Humor, rated PG-13 for adult innuendo.

The Librarian (700): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Sometimes Thranduil finds it hard to bring up a lively, imaginative
child on his own. Sometimes he needs just a little help - or does he?

And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors (540): Klose
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story contains some sexual humour/innuendo
and possibly offensive language (but no real 'swear' words) - nothing
too explicit or risque though, I should think.
Romance Partners: N/A
A little ficlet in which Maedhros muses on the frivolous affair that is
the Begetting Day Celebration. Features pile-ups, embarassing relatives,
and of course - cake.

The Water's Song (707): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
A elven family spends a day in the wood, but something happens that is
unexpected and never forgotten.

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Elrond ***

Comfort (161): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Elladan attempts to cheer his brother up after his return from a
difficult patrol.

Silver Rain (589): Empy
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied relationship between two consenting
adult males.
Romance Partners: Elladan/Haldir
In the grief that comes with the waning of the Golden Wood after the War
of the Ring, some joy may yet be found.

Spaces in the Heart (251): Keiliss
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Glorfindel's arrival in Mithlond shortly before the war in Eregion, and
his first meeting with Idril's grandson.

Star's End (283): Keiliss
Mature, Reason for Rating: Character death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Maglor meets Arwen on the road to Lorien after Aragorn's death.

My Shining Stars (371): Oshun
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Elrond stands on the deck of the ship carrying him to Aman writing notes
in a journal.

The Littlest Warrior (552): RavensWing14337
Teen, Reason for Rating: The villian in my story can inflict disfiguring
injuries with the touch of his hand. Prolonged contact with villian
results in death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Saruman has created an evil power that feeds on the life force of its
victims leaving behind a withered lifeless shell. His purpose is to find
Isildur's heir and rid Sauron of his biggest threat. The
entity's true form can be "sensed" by those who possess true
innocence, animals, the very young and the truly ancient. Can this
threat to Estel be stopped? Or will the hope of mankind be lost to the

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: House of Finwe ***

A Smile (321): Aria
Teen, Reason for Rating: Given teen rating due to the fact that it talks
of family members disinheriting each other from a first person point of
Romance Partners: N/A
"Yet neither bread nor rest would [Orodreth] grant to Celegorm and
Curufin within his realm, and he swore that there would be little love
between Nargothrond and the Sons of Fëanor thereafter.
`Let it be so!' Said Celegorm, and there was a light of menace in
his eyes; but Curufin smiled [...] In that time Celebrimbor the son of
Curufin repudiated the deeds of his father, and remained in

A study of a father and son, with a momentous decision. An attempt to
understand why Curufin smiled.

Noldolantë (253): Dawn Felagund
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Feanor/Nerdanel, Maglor/OFC
How Maglor devised the Noldolantë.

Five Fires (736): Elleth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Angst, slight allusions to character death,
though far less graphic than anything in the Silmarillion.
Romance Partners: N/A
Ambarussa is afraid of fire to this day. There were four instances in
life that made him fear.

My Oaths I Will Keep (298): Encaitariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
"Yet my own oath holds; and thus are we all ensnared." (Silmarillion, p.
205) Oaths conflict and doom approaches when Beren, son of Barahir,
seeks the aid of the King of Nargothrond. Follows the continuity of "In
This Far Land".

WOUNDS: Invisible Scars (57): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discussion of battle wounds and character
Romance Partners: N/A
Some wounds run deeper than others, as Arafinwë discovers when
speaking to his son, Findaráto. Written for 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Circle of Silver (717): Keiliss
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Strangers arrive on Balar, sent by Idril to tell Gil-galad that Gondolin
has been destroyed and he is now High King.

Denial (80): Oshun
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to a possible future sexual
relationship between two men.
Romance Partners: N/A
This ficlet features Maglor and Maedhros as young adults and Fingon as
the Elven equivalent of teenager. Sometimes a sibling may know one
better than one knows oneself. (I make the presumption that Fëanor
and his family had a second home in Formenos where they spent their
summers, before they fortified it and withdrew there when Fëanor was
exiled. I would argue neither supported nor completely ruled out by

In absentia (84): Robinka
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild violence; disturbing imagery and thoughts.
Romance Partners: N/A
Rescued from Thangorodrim, Maedhros slowly succumbed to pain. A short
take on what might have transpired between him and Fingon when suffering
finally brought Maedhros on the verge of breaking.

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Incomplete***

A Darkness Lies behind Us (190): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Finrod/Amarie
Finrod Felagund, it is said, walks with Finarfin his father beneath the
trees of Eldamar. But Finarfin is not the only one Finrod left behind
him when he chose to take the road east - for Amarie of the Vanyar went
not with him into exile. The story of Finrod's return from the Halls of
Mandos and his readjustment to life in Aman. (This story is still
progressing. Just very slowly. But the next chapter should arrive soon.)

Journeys of Vása (140): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: canon rape (non-graphic); mature themes
Romance Partners: Tilion/Arien
A series of vignettes about the first rising of the Sun, from the
perspectives of different characters. This story will eventually contain
six vignettes. Completed are vignettes from the point-of-view of Tilion,
Mahtan, and Fingolfin.

In This Far Land (191): Encaitariel
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story is rated primarily for emotional
content which I do not think is general kid-viewing, and that primarily
in the second chapter. I rather err on the side of caution.
Romance Partners: N/A
This was written to illuminate the implicit. Gildor Inglorion claims to
be "of the House of Finrod". How can this be? There are many
possibilities. Elvish First Age politics? The Kin-Strife was just that,
and nobody fights like siblings. Elves are wise; yet wisdom is won by
experience, not birth. This is the story of a young boy, and the events
which surround him and mold him. This is the beginning of my "what
if", and in the end, as always, it comes down to family.

Prior Claim: The Sons of Elrond Series (648): Eresse
Mature, Reason for Rating: There are a fair number of sexually explicit
scenes once the main protagonists come of age.
Romance Partners: Legolas/Elrohir, Elladan/m
"Prior Claim" follows the friendship of an adolescent Elrohir and a much
older Legolas and its evolution into a romance when Elrohir comes of
age. Unlike with previous stories, every chapter in this piece is
inspired by a word prompt from the fanfic100 challenge on live journal.

Crumbling Walls (662): Ford of Bruinen
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some romaance. Kissing.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Ecthelion
The story follows Glorfindel and Ecthelion's relationship from the
move from Nevrast until the fall of Gondolin in a series of four short
stories. The crumbling relationship between Glorfindel and Ecthelion is
used to illustrate the growing divisions in the hidden city until its

Don't Explain (289): gwidhiel
General, Reason for Rating: No violence or mature content
Romance Partners: N/A
Galadriel's return to Aman prompts Indis to reflect on the state of her
fragmented family and defunct marriage.

Nerdanel's Sons (659): Istarnie
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some angst, and emotional upsets within a
family situation. Some implied violence. Some implied sex scenes.
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Nerdanel looks back in memory at the lives of her sons, and at the time
of her parting from each of them.

Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) (318): Kenaz
Mature, Reason for Rating: Includes a romantic relationship between two
men, and deals with the implication of homosexuality within two
different Elven cultures.
Romance Partners: Haldir, Elladan, Legolas
Beneath the sheltering boughs of Lorien, a bond of great friendship is
forged between a son of Elrond and a son of the Golden Wood. Yet
powerful forces conspire to sunder them: ancient traditions, perilous
times, and a handsome Greenwood prince…

Lessons from the Mountain (221): MithLuin
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discussion of mature themes (such as death),
and reflection on past violent events.
Romance Partners: N/A
What happened to the spirit of Maedhros when he died?

Adar & Ion (582): Sivan Shemesh
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of stories, mostly drabbles, about father and son, guests are

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves ***

In Search of Stillness (704): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
As the song of the sea becomes more demanding, Legolas and Gimli journey
to the Greenwood in search of peace.

A Problem Shared (169): Dot
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
During an odd encounter Thranduil discovers from an unlikely source that
sometimes all you need is for someone to understand.

King Stag (86): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: For implied drug use and implied sexual
Romance Partners: Thranduil/OFC
"We have all the time in the world for such joys. Now go to your wife.
Take her to her parents and make it right with them, as a man should . .
." To placate his new in-laws, Thranduil undergoes a strange Dark-elven
ceremony. Thranduil; Original characters. Rated PG-13 for adult themes.

Twentynine White Horses (557): Jael
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
What happens if an elf loses a tooth. Do they go gap-toothed to the end
of time? I hope, not, and here's my take on it.

Free To Live (701): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Thranduil watches Dol Guldur be destroyed and comes to terms with the
end of the evil in Mirkwood. Slightly AU.

Seaworthy (349): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
An evening discussion by the bay, featuring Legolas, Imrahil, and the

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! (260): Alassante
General, Reason for Rating: None.
Romance Partners: NA
Like Lady MacBeth, Celebrimbor discovers how much blood is in a body, so
much so that water cannot wash it easily away.

All these hands (534): Elitihien
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The many hands that have touched Idril's life. A drabble series.

Ghost (218): Elleth
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild description of kissing, allusions to
death, supernatural occurences (meeting a ghost) - all of it rather
mild, though, and probably nothing that would upset children. Rated
'Teens' to be on the safe side.
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
After Fëanor's death, his wife Nerdanel is granted a chance for a
farewell - or is she?

Refuge (423): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence and death as witnessed by small
children, children endangered and frightened.
Romance Partners: N/A
The need for refuge is crucial throughout the Ages in war-torn
Middle-earth. Young Elrond and Elros find unexpected kindness in the
wake of unexpected terror.

Midwinter Thoughts (570): Rhapsody
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Maedhros muses on his purpose in life.

Vengeance's Folly (718): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated teens because of mature themes.
Romance Partners: n/a
Celegorm observes his brother's when all lick their wounds after the
Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

***SubCategory: Races: Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Love at First Sight (432): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for the challenge prompt, "Feanor's Love." With such a strong
personality, love comes early and strong.

Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day (558): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A snowy day in Imladris towards the end of the year 2933 Third Age.
Written for the Middleearth Express Prompt Challenge 92:Snow

The Queen's Gift (697): Queen Galadriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Arwen's thoughts as she gives Frodo her gift before the fellowship
leaves Minas Tirith.

Undivided (46): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: mention of suffering/loss of a family member
Romance Partners: N/A
The terrible consequences of Celebrían's ordeal force her sons to
make agonizing decisions.

Duty, Honour, Country (81): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated teens for mature themes.
Romance Partners: n/a
Maglor's life and, in the end, fate seems to be influenced a great deal
by the Oath. But what defined him at the very core? A tripple drabble or
actually a drabble series with three true drabbles.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9167

Check Ballot #2 - Hobbits Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:31:02 Topic ID# 9167
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Hobbits

***SubCategory Races: Hobbits: General***

The Westering Fire (200): Aprilkat
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention of violence in the Shire although no
Romance Partners: Rosie/Sam
Rosie wishes for Sam to come back to the Shire during the Year of
Troubles - and he does.

The Language of Waves (193): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo and Gildor have an adventure in the sea in the Undying Lands

Ed'ledhron (392): Elanor Silmarien
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A story about Frodo in the west learning to trust Iluvatar.

Harmony (195): Elwen
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A speculation on how Frodo Baggins was healed when he travelled into the
West. What was healed and who healed him?

Tolo Dan Na Ngalad (735): Elwen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Tolkien left a gap in his tale just begging to be filled. How did Elrond
remove the shard of the morgul blade from Frodo's shoulder?

The Last Summer (143): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: It is General, however a death gets
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Pippin and his grandfather Willibald Banks share a nice moment

Too Many Rangers (116): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It's a most--interesting night at the Prancing Pony as two Rangers vie
for the honor of leading Bilbo's heir to Rivendell. However, one of them
ought not to be here, for this Ringbearer isn't quite Bingo

Lock Out (307): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While on their honeymoon at Crickhollow, Pippin and Diamond run into a
little trouble with the door. (More a "romantic-comedy" than romance)

Feeling Safe (633): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On the long journey to Rivendell, Frodo shows his trust in Strider in an
unusual way.

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Childhood***

Trouble at Bag End (728): Angiet
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo is finding baby sitting more difficult than he anticipated. A
visit from an old friend leads to help being offered.

Lily Took (147): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin and Tulip, his knitted piglet, find a surprise in the barn.

The Five Rules of Cooking (523): GamgeeFest
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Merry and Wee Pippin enter a cooking contest at the Free Fair.

The Quest for the Hairless Cat (524): GamgeeFest
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A day of cloud-gazing turns into an adventure that Merry and Pippin
won't soon forget.

A Hobbity Wizard (596): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin has a great imagination....and Gandalf needs a lot stamina, cause
the wizard and the still tiny Hobbit lad have a day full of adventure.

A Promise (149): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: Its a general fic, however the topic
contains death/ afterlife.
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin has to say Good Bye to a special friend and gets another.

A Matter of Ill Reputation (210): Lily
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Merimac/OFC implied
Frodo tries to get rid of his ill reputation but his plan backfires and
throws him into a delicate situation. However, he is unwilling to give

The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift (145): obelia medusa
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
A look at what Frodo's life might have been like at Brandy Hall
after his parents' deaths, and the events leading up to his adoption by
Bilbo. Frodo is a quiet child whose good intentions sometimes get him
into trouble. Saradoc and Esmeralda love him like their own, but
something is missing from young Frodo's life. Can a spirited old
bachelor turn things around?

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Family ***

Elanor of Westmarch: The Return (78): Baranduin
Teen, Reason for Rating: While there is no vulgar language or sexual
content in this story, its main theme is death. In this case a joyful
Romance Partners: N/A
Elanor is very old. One very early morning she goes to the Towers to see
what she can see.

Yule at Great Smials (566): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
When the cat's away...Lalia and Ferumbras are away from the Great Smials
this year at Yule, and Tooks and their relations descend en
masse--including Bilbo, Frodo, and their guest, Gandalf!

A Treasured Piece of Cloth (600): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Little Pippin has a "cuddlecloth" that he loves very much. However he
gets too old for it and so Bilbo, Frodo, Merry, Sam and Marigold think
of a plan, how to make Pippin give it up.

Not Quite Any Other Day (631): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Esmeralda Took/Saradoc Brandybuck
A wee story about when Esmeralda Took fell in love with Saradoc
Brandybuck. It is amazing sometimes what a lad will do to show his love
for a lass.

Grandmum's Button Box (135): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Eglantine's treasure trove of buttons piques the interest of Pippin's

The Last Dance (397): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
It's Pippin and Diamond's first Yule officially as The Took and Thain of
the Shire and the Mistress of Great Smials. Their schedules keep them
busy all day, stressed, and separated. In the end, only one thing
matters to both.

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Friendship***

I Can't (24): Antane
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A tribute and a meditation if you will on the power of perseverance
shown by Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad, Endurance Beyond
Hope and Hope Unquenchable and on the power of tales. Originally
inspired by Elanor Silmarien's birthday gift to me and more the hobbits
themselves as they wrote down their part of the Story. "Stories we tell
will cast their spell, now and for always."

Between Childhood and Coming of Age (141): Dreamflower
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story deals with adolescence, and its
accompanying turmoil. Includes a brief kiss and the implication of
sexual awareness.
Romance Partners: Pippin/OFC
Pippin has finally begun to notice the lasses, and he is seeking advice
from every quarter.

I Give You a Rainbow (571): Golden
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin meets a new friend, a young lass named Evergreen, who is
"different" than his other friends.

The Dancing Lesson (664): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for Shirebound's and Belegcuthalion's birthday present (they
didn't mind sharing, whew!) Bilbo teaches young Frodo how to dance, in
his own inimitable way.

The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored (189): obelia medusa
Teen, Reason for Rating: A couple of minor fistfights.
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo couldn't have succeeded on the Quest without the help of some very
loyal friends. Samwise left home and family to go with him. Merry and
Pippin joined the Fellowship without a moment's hesitation. Bilbo loved
him like a son. How did these powerful relationships develop? This is a
story of Frodo's life with Bilbo, from the adoption through the Long
Expected Party.

A Taste of Home (138): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This was written for the shire_kitchen challenge "In a pinch". What's a
hobbit to do when he is far from home and wants a favorite food? Pippin
finds out when Merry wants his favorite Yule treat after they have gone
to live in Minas Tirith.

Pippin's Secret (599): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin and Gandalf have a conversation at Frodo's bedside in Rivendell,
in which Gandalf reveals that he knows something Pippin never told

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort***

Secrets (229): Aprilkat
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Rosie/Sam
Frodo tries in vain to keep his anniversary illness a secret, and Rosie
attempts to ease him.

Small Strengths (238): Elwen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo has a close encounter of the arachnid kind, post quest. Much

The Ribbon (336): Gentle Hobbit
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In this ficlet, the simple action of tying a ribbon helps Frodo talk
about his missing finger and the healer who helped him regain the use of
his hand.

O Merry Mine (636): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discusses death and dying, among other
Romance Partners: n/a
A series of vignettes in which Frodo calls Merry awake throughout their
time together.

Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams (688): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo comforts Pippin with an old tradition from simpler times. (Written
to cheer Marigold.)

Rude Awakening (692): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry wakens to a crash and a gurgle... and where is Pippin?

Dark Dreams (550): SlightlyTookish
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Pippin comforts Merry on the anniversary of the defeat of the Witch

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Incomplete***

That Fate Them Bore (476): Cara Loup
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
"That Fate Them Bore" is a story cycle that begins with Frodo's decision
to leave the Shire and will eventually end in Rivendell. So far, only
the first stage of the journey - from Hobbiton to Crickhollow - has been
completed: these chapters focus on the choices and discoveries that
surround Frodo's departure and explore the hobbits' private responses to
an enormous change.

Turning Points (357): Cathleen
Teen, Reason for Rating: This story contains mild sexual overtones in
the chapters already completed. Subsequent chapters may contain more
graphic depictions and at that time the rating will be changed to either
PG13 or R.
Romance Partners: Pippin/Marigold
Pippin begins to experience strange, vivid dreams and visions as he
enters adolescence and is confronted with the notion he has inherited
the Tookish gift of the "Sight". At the same time, his body is changing
and he faces both the confusion and delight of his awakening sexuality.

In This These Days of Glory (640): Dana
Teen, Reason for Rating: There will be some violence and more mature
themes, though nothing is intended to be graphic.
Romance Partners: N/A
The Tookland during the time the Travellers were away.

The Autumn of His Discontent (157): jodancingtree
Teen, Reason for Rating: Conversational references to characters'
romantic involvements, non-married sexual activity implied but not
Romance Partners: m/f
Frodo's birthday has come again, for the fifth time since Bilbo went
away. Frodo is happy as Master of Bag End, enjoying his inheritance. Or
he should be happy. He has every reason to be happy. But he's restless,
discontented - and an autumn camping trip with his cousins seems like
the perfect cure. But not with Sam! Sam has been a little too helpful -
Frodo is feeling smothered, as well as restless, and the young gardener
is left at home, much to his dismay.

When Trouble Came (109): Lily
Teen, Reason for Rating: Prologue is quite dark; mention of animal
Romance Partners: Saradoc/Esmeralda, Paladin/Eglantine, Merimac/OFC
Shortly after Frodo and his friends left the Shire Black Riders attacked
Crickhollow, but that was only the beginning of the Saradoc's
worries. Before long the Master and all of Buckland face troubles far

Dreamflower's Bunny (644): Lindelea
General, Reason for Rating: mostly little-hobbit-adventuring, but it has
a few intense moments in an encounter with a fox
Romance Partners: N/A
Written at Dreamflower's suggestion: "Merry and Ferdi remembering some
childhood adventure from before Pippin was born."

The Farmer's Son (509): Lindelea
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence, character death
Romance Partners: N/A
How did the Tooks keep the Tookland free during the Troubles, until the
return of the Travellers, when the rest of the Shire fell to the
ruffians' occupation?

A Time to Hope (302): PipMer
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some description of violence and mention of
serious injuries.
Romance Partners: N/A
AU in that it is a mixture of movie and book verse. After the Battle at
the Black Gate, Merry watches over his friends as they struggle to

Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe (643): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: Rated mild-PG for partial nudity due to
illness of character.
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn falls ill at Cormallen, which Éomer feels must be kept a
secret. But there is more to this illness than meets the eye, as Frodo
discovers. My usual h/cccc, very hobbity, mostly book verse. Characters
include Elladan and Elrohir.

***SubCategory: Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War***

Five Turnings of the Year (685): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A (Merry/Pippin is implied in one part of
the story, but that is *only* implication.)
Romance Partners: N/A
Five different Yules, before the Quest and after.

Candles (460): Gentle Hobbit
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Sam looks for beauty in all living things. This Yule, he weaves a
tapestry of light with an unusual centre.

The Flute (150): Golden
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin misses Frodo and with Gandalf´s help Frodo can let his little
cousin know that he is happy again.

Regarding Ents (525): PipMer
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry and Pippin try to describe to Frodo and Sam what Ents are like.
Sam just can't grasp the concept.

Summer's End (380): pippinfan88
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
This tale comes from "Year of Depature"; a collection of stories
portraying Frodo and those he loved throughout the year before he
departed to the Undying Lands. In "Summer's End", Frodo attends a party
held by his cousins and takes part in the tradition of telling a scary
story to celebrate Summer's End (aka Samhain, or Hallow's Eve).

A Warm Sun Shining (727): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Kittens have been brought to Frodo's bed in Minas Tirith to cheer
him. Movie-verse.

Some Seasons (199): sophinisba solis
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie
Rosie, Sam, and Frodo take turns with the cooking.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9168

Check Ballot #2 - Men Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:32:03 Topic ID# 9168
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Men

***SubCategory Races: Men: General***

In Passing (104): Altariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
"Then let us cross the River and in happier days let us dwell in fair
Ithilien and there make a garden..."

Portrait of a Queen (338): Aruthir
Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Tar-Telperien was the second Ruling Queen of Númenor, and never met
her great-grandmother Tar-Ancalimë, the first such Queen...

...In life, at least.

Destiny (592): Cinzia
Teen, Reason for Rating: male/male kissing and UST; voyeurism
Romance Partners: Boromir/Théodred; Aragorn/Boromir
"One day, he would have to cease his watching." In the Year 2998 of the
Third Age, Strider the Ranger finds himself fascinated with the heir of
the Steward and his kingly companion.

Reparation (296): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In the aftermath of the events of Hethlin's first Yule at Dol Amroth,
Andrahar encounters an unforeseen difficulty. An Andrahar and Brand
story and a sidebar to Dol Amroth Yule.

Seeking the Sun (488): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
While most of Minas Tirith celebrates the end of the Ring War, one
war-wrecked soul is filled with anger toward the new King.

Only Water in Your Veins (154): Michelle
Teen, Reason for Rating: There is a skirmish complete with dead soldiers
and horses. Also, I made Aragorn's life quite uncomfortable once again.
Still, I don't think the descriptions are graphic enough to warrant an
adult rating.
Romance Partners: N/A
A foray into the enemy's land goes awry and Aragorn finds himself in the
desert of Harad - alone and without provisions.

The Stolen Child (197): SurgicalSteel
Mature, Reason for Rating: Character death, angst, and graphic
heterosexual sex.
Romance Partners: Halbarad/OFC
A sequel to 'Loss,' explores the journey Halbarad and Serinde take as
she recovers physically and both recover emotionally from the loss of
their child.

The Night's Eye (343): Vana Tuivana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
How do the Ranger women deal with the absence of their husbands, knowing
that they might go to their death? Halbarad's son hears the legend of
the night's eye and receives a strange visit.

***SubCategory: Races: Men: General Drabbles***

Nothing Less (606): Archet
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
Aragorn had asked, and now he must wait, and he dared not push or
attempt to persuade. Boromir was worth much more than that.

A Moment Away (474): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir wandered in dark dreams, but where did Eowyn go before Aragorn
called her back?

This crown of stars (586): Fawsley
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Set before the formation of the Fellowship. Awake and alone and watching
the stars above, Strider contemplates the road he has chosen to take in

Battle upon the Quays (376): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The last thoughts of the Captain of the Havens of Umbar.

Return of the King (355): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The exiled Eldacar contemplates his duties as a king.

Relief (446): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual suggestiveness
Romance Partners: N/A
A tag scene to to AmandaK's "Surprise Inspection": a hot and bothered
Boromir cools down in the humid summer heat of Osgiliath.

***SubCategory: Races: Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Of Dreams... (7): Avon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
He never dreamed of power...

Hearts of Stone (12): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen, Aragorn/Boromir
Aragorn collects stones from the different parts of Middle-earth he
visits, some to have fashioned into hearts for Arwen's bracelet - but
one stone he keeps for himself.

Pulling the Wool (95): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Boromir is not about to have the wool pulled over his eyes... not at
first... or ever.

Trajectory (153): Galadriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Allusions to death/drowning.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
Aragorn, plagued by disturbing dreams, is unable to find rest.

Legacy (500): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A son of the Fourth Age looks back upon a famous kinsman who fell in the
Ring War.

Another Country (438): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Set in the afterlife.
Romance Partners: N/A
Pacing unfamiliar halls, Boromir waits....

Songs of Innocence and Experience (440): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Faramir/OFC, Faramir/Éowyn
Faramir learns some lessons about the power wielded by women.

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles***

Deliverance (285): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A mariner has reached the end of his long quest.

Pirates Ye Be Warned (353): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Shows the aftermath of battle and alludes to
the penalty for piracy.
Romance Partners: N/A
Prince Imrahil metes out the harsh justice of the Seas.

Autumn (489): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
When he assumed the kingship, Aragorn left behind a Ranger's freedom for
a more staid existence. Has it been a fair trade? A drabble for cooler
days and nights.

Summer Nights (344): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
In the days before Mordor's assault on Osgiliath (June 3018), Gondor

Tangled Webs (100): Ribby
General, Reason for Rating: Oblique reference to Boromir's death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Many lives entwine with his; even a broken thread can give strength.

Second Best (384): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Difficult parent-child relationship
Romance Partners: N/A
Sons can't always please their fathers, no matter how hard they try.

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Minas Tirith***

Wizards' Pupils (108): Altariel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
On teaching, tutors, and the importance of honest debate. Faramir, on a
meeting with diverse wizards.

Confidence (38): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Denethor's new manservant, Mormegil, faces an intimidating task in the
service of his master. Inspired by the endless, and highly enjoyable,
debate on the subject "Numenoreans: Bearded, Or Not?"

Celebrity (635): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
As Gondor's king walks through the streets of the White City, a stranger
claims acquaintance.

Restoration (19): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
With others still in need of healing, Aragorn can stop for only a moment
to see how the young steward fares.

I Stand No Longer Alone (62): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It is no longer but an empty chair...the time has come for it to fulfill
its function once more.

Music hath Charms (361): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen, Faramir/Éowyn
Arwen and Éowyn are less than pleased when their husbands forget a
promise.How can the King and Steward earn forgiveness?

Playing with Fire (21): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Young Eldarion's fascination with fire causes problems for Aragorn
and Arwen.

Before You Go (506): Nancy Brooke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Because we cannot protect them from their own independence.

Engineering (696): SurgicalSteel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Medically graphic material
Romance Partners: N/A
The girl who eventually becomes chief surgeon to King Elessar in my
novel 'The King's Surgeon' comes to the Houses of Healing for the first

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets***

The Portrait (288): agape4gondor
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
What can two sons possibly give their Steward-father at Yule?

The Chieftain of the Dunedain (623): Avon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn returns to the Dúnedain and Halbarad remembers.

A Fitting Occupation (601): Radbooks
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
King Bard makes a decision about his youngest son's future, a decision
that is initially treated with suspicion by his son. A drabble series
set in Dale some fifteen years after the death of Smaug.

The Fire of Hope (625): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: brief, non-graphic, reference to sexual desire
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
It has been said that "The old that is strong does not wither", but the
hope that burns brightly in a young man's heart can strengthen it,
particularly when there is no other warmth available.

Your Father Loves You (424): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Not long after Faramir's birth, Denethor evaluates his second son.

Things as they were in all the days of my life (393): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: Implied adult themes including death, grief and
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of drabbles about Denethor over the course of his life, as seen
by his long-standing friend, Húrin of the Keys.

***SubCategory: Races: Men: Steward's Family***

Leaving Home (39): annmarwalk
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Six-year-old Elboron is his mother's joy and the apple of his father's
eye. When a group of distinguished visitors arrive, competing for his
parents' attention, much foot-stamping and tantrum-throwing ensues,
until wise Eowyn and friends make it all better.

Dark Dreams (282): Avon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mention in a retelling of a dream of someone
killing a baby, people being crushed and people drowning.
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir is not the only one to dream of the foundering of Numenor and
inescapable darkness.

The Nag (347): celticbard
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
When Faramir and Boromir spend a snowy afternoon hunting for a horse for
their father, they learn more about the intricacies of fortune and how
it may so easily turn against any man.

Daybreak (591): Cinzia
Teen, Reason for Rating: chaste kissing between brothers
Romance Partners: Faramir/Boromir
An early morning in Ithilien, in the year 2999 of the Third Age. Two
brothers at the end of a forest, of night, and of childhood.

Child of Hope (97): Galadriel
General, Reason for Rating: Oblique references to historical wartime
events, but no outright depictions of violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
Duty, responsibility and the admonishments of his mother are all that
stand between a youthful Boromir and a day better spent running through
his city.

Consolation (341): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, Boromir finds a way to make
Faramir feel better. Written for the Faramir Creation Day Challenge on
the HA list.

Shall We Dance? (93): Isabeau of Greenlea
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Fluff alert! Fluff alert! Lothiriel has just one wish for her coming-out
in Minas Tirith, and the only person who can help her is her...Uncle
Denethor? Denethor is rarely surprised, but the situation he finds
himself in is as startling to him as I was startled to find myself
writing a story from his POV!

Chance Encounter (5): przed
Teen, Reason for Rating: Includes a battle scene with violence included,
but not graphically described.
Romance Partners: N/A
A young and headstrong Boromir runs into more trouble than he can
handle. Fortunately, a certain Ranger is there to lend assistance, and a
fledgling friendship is formed.

Scholarship (43): Raksha the Demon
Teen, Reason for Rating: reference to information and lore concerning
sex, slight implications of/about sexual activity
Romance Partners: N/A

As Elboron leaves childhood behind, new possibilities open up that
beguile and bewilder all at once. Faramir and his son share a time of
transition in the early Fourth Age, when young men can look forward to
more than war.

Brotherhood (261): Violin Ghost
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir sits by a river in Rohan and reflects on his lost brother.

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Msg# 9169

Check Ballot #2 - Other Beings Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:32:48 Topic ID# 9169
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Other Beings

***SubCategory Races: Other Beings: General***

Dispelling the Fog (642): fantasyfan
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Professor left a few paragraphs out of the conversation on the

BRIDGE: Pá Valaraucar ar Námier (415): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Námo and Olórin discuss a certain event involving the Maia. A
companion piece to 'DISGUISE: Emissaries'. Movieverse. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Old Man Willow (314): Nath
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for mild horror aspect of trees.
Romance Partners: N/A
What if Old Man Willow's motives in trying to trap four hobbits were
more sinister? An AU look at what might happen when the One Ring falls
into unexpected umm... hands.

Meant to Be (137): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A special stuffed piglet is made and Pippin and his mother know Tulip
was meant to be his. Told from Tulip's point of view.

Seven Sisters (388): Pearl Took
Teen, Reason for Rating: a French kiss, drunkenness, death
Romance Partners: N/A
It is hard to be The Took's son and it doesn't help when your youngest
sister and her friends love to tease you. Pippin has his fill of it and
runs off into the Green Hills, with a bottle of whisky, to get away from
it all. But strange things can happen in the hills on a foggy autumn

Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree (121): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The approaching Fourth Age is sensed through three very different points
of view. Three mini-chapters; book-verse.

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Msg# 9170

Check Ballot #2 - Villains Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:33:44 Topic ID# 9170
Check Ballots for Main Category: Races: Villains

***SubCategory Races: Villains: General***

The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: talk of wolves eating people mentioned in
passing; also, torture of animals (nothing too graphic)
Romance Partners: N/A
Sauron creates werewolves on the Isle of Tol Sirion.

Dark Light (585): Makamu
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some references to homosexual activity that are
not explicit, however.
Romance Partners: Melkor/Sauron
After being banished by the destruction of the Ring, Sauron muses on his
former life as Melkor's servant and lover.

Wormtongue (240): Mariole
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence, slash, interspecies, noncon,
horror, oral sex
Romance Partners: Gríma/Lotho, Lotho/Pervinca
Astoundingly dark fic. Lotho and Gríma reflect upon life under
Sharkey's rule.

This story is consistent with the "Devoted" universe. It features as a
background character a strong Paladin Took during the occupation of the

Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for mild horror
Romance Partners: N/A
Celebrimbor and Aulendil discuss brotherhood and the secrets of the deep
arts on an early summer evening in Ost-in-Edhil.

The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mature rating for a man's disturbed thoughts
and aberrant sexual predilections (pederasty but not graphically
described). Also rated Mature for violent imagery.
Romance Partners: N/A
An ambitious young Noldorin man of Ost-in-Edhil lands a coveted
appointment as an apprentice to the most skilled master smith of the
Gwaith-i-Mirdain: Istyar Aulendil. The apprentice's mentor, a prodigy of
the Aulënossë, has been sent to Middle-earth by the Valar and has
knowledge of exotic and wondrous technology. Istyar Aulendil also has
notoriously high standards. The apprentice must meet his mentor's
expectations if he is to become a journeyman and work on an important
new initiative.

The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale
Mature, Reason for Rating: Orc-talk; four-letter words; bestiality
(non-graphic); and general creepiness
Romance Partners: n/a
This is one Orc's story of his time working the Mordor convoys. Not all
of them saw battle, after all.

Warnings for Orc-talk and four-letter words. Content is adult and
disturbing but non-graphic.

***SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Frodo/Smeagol if you squint
Smeagol watching Sam

Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Story is intended to be scary.
Romance Partners: N/A
Something disturbs the eternal rest of the last prince of Cardolan.

Black Memory (603): mrkinch
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Lúthien remembers Morgoth

The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What can something without language think? What sounds does it make? And
what wakes it in the deep?

Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for non-graphic violence and implied
Romance Partners: N/A
Sauron's last request of Celebrimbor.

Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Smaug amasses his bed of treasure.

Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violent imagery.
Romance Partners: N/A
Sting's light "smote the eyes of the orc like the glitter of cruel stars
in the terrible elf-countries, the dream of which was a cold fear to all
his kind" What do orcs dream of?

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Msg# 9171

Check Ballot #2 - First Age and Prior Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:34:39 Topic ID# 9171
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: First Age and Prior

***SubCategory Times: First Age and Prior: General***

Choices (184): brindlemom2
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Choices can be either painful or satisfying. No matter the final one, it
will ripple out to affect others.

Stars of the Lesser (74): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: nudity (non-sexual)
Romance Partners: n/a
One day, Pengolodh would pen the book we know as The Silmarillion, and
Celebrimbor would forge the Rings of Power. But at the start of the
First Age, still in their youths, Pengolodh meets his first Fëanorian
as Celebrimbor attempts to replicate Fëanor's greatest
accomplishment: harnessing light.

Surprise (131): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: discussion of sexuality between a married
Romance Partners: Mahtan/Istarnië; Nerdanel/Fëanor
Mahtan on the birth of his daughter Nerdanel: on lives changed and dark
destinies fulfilled.

Wind and Fire (539): elfscribe
Mature, Reason for Rating: m/m sexual encounters, some violence
Romance Partners: Manwe/Feanor
Manwe discovers both the delights and the dangers of assuming corporeal
form as he is drawn into a relationship with the brilliant, prideful
Feanor. In trying to dissuade Feanor from leaving the Undying Lands,
Manwe learns more than he would like about why Feanor created the
Silmarils and why they hold him enthralled.
An elemental clash of titans.

GOBLINS: The Herald's Summons (53): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Discussion of killing in a war context
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
On the heels of the first battle in the War of Wrath, Eönwë brings
a message of hope to three unsuspecting Elves. Written for 'The Tolkien
Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

NIGHT and FOREST: A Glimpse of Beauty (554): Fiondil
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Lost in darkness and beset by unimaginable horrors, one of the Edain
finds beauty in the most unexpected place. Written for 'The Tolkien
Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

Hearts Like the Sea (36): Ignoble Bard
Mature, Reason for Rating: Rating is R, for mature audiences, due to
scenes of sexual activity between two males, not graphic.
Romance Partners: Thingol/Cirdan
An adventurous Elwë and lonely Nowę form a friendship before the
First Age.

The Nightingale (404): Maeve Riannon
Teen, Reason for Rating: Because of a gory flashback just at the end of
the fic. Maybe I´m squeamish, but it´s better to be safe.
Romance Partners: N/A
Melian the Fire Dragon? Thingol the Nightingale? Dior´s teenage
wisdom cannot make sense of it at all. Not humour no, really! Story
focusing on Melian the Maia. (Note: I have taken the liberty to make up
Dior´s trips to Doriath. For that reason you may understand this as

Kementari (99): Marta
Teen, Reason for Rating: vaguely disturbing themes - mild
Romance Partners: n/a
Some time after the destruction of the Two Trees, Yavanna reflects.

The Last Stand (82): Rhapsody
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated teens for non-graphic battle violence.
Romance Partners: n/a
During the final moments of the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, a captain and his
men rescue two elves during their last and desperate stand.

***SubCategory: Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe***

An Ordinary Woman (32): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: mild/implied sexuality and considerable
wine-induced inebriation
Romance Partners: N/A
The Lúthien of legend is the portrait of perfection. But what of the
real woman behind the tales? Finrod Felagund learns something of the
true nature of the Princess of Doriath and gets himself into trouble as
he sets off an event that will literally change the world.

Discretion (254): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexuality, both homosexual and heterosexual
Romance Partners: Maedhros/Finrod
During the Years of the Trees, the Noldor stand on the brink of a divide
between the houses of Fëanor and Fingolfin. Newly appointed to the
court, Maedhros and Finrod are attempting to heal the coming fracture
when Caranthir discovers something most unexpected about his brother and
cousin. Will he reveal what he knows and bring on the downfall of the

One Last Wish (323): Dawn Felagund
Mature, Reason for Rating: sexuality
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Shortly before the Darkening of Valinor, Fëanor returns briefly to
Nerdanel to beg one last wish of her.

If I Had One Wish (658): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: some possibly mildly suggestive discussion.
Romance Partners: Indis/Finwe
Indis reveals her greatest wish.

Like Roses over a Fence (110): Ellie
Teen, Reason for Rating: discussion of situations that are a little more
mature, references to kinslaying and despair
Romance Partners: N/A
After the departure of their husbands and families, three wives of the
House of Finwë (Indis, Anairë, and Nerdanel) contemplate what
brought them to this fate.

Vodka (714): Ford of Bruinen
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rudeness and discussions about sex
Romance Partners: N/A
Maedhros and Maglor's first conversation after Fingon has saved Maedhros
from Thangorodrim.

The Pillar Perished Is (356): Imhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Contains references to battle and death.
Romance Partners: N/A
On the passage to Middle-earth, Fëanor's thoughts are no less
turbulent than the Sea. Vignette.

A Sleep Over (160): Phyncke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Galadriel comes for a sleep over to Aredhel's house to disastrous

Courage (69): rhyselle
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Written for the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group's 'The Tolkien Tango'
challenge prompt 'Courage'.

In the caverns of Nargothrond, Finrod Felagund receives a visitor who
will change the course of his life. An oath sworn generations before
requires a choice that will shape the future of Middle-earth for ages to

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Msg# 9172

Check Ballot #2 - Second and Early Third Age (through 2850 TA) (thro Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:35:46 Topic ID# 9172
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Second and Early Third Age

***SubCategory Times: Second and Early Third Age: General***

Long Memories (310): Bodkin
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Why does Taryatur appear to dislike Legolas so much? Some apparently
incomprehensible feelings have their roots in memories so far distant
that only those who were there could begin to understand. As the Valar's
Host endure the last of their time east of the sea, a Noldo makes the
acquaintance of a future king of Lasgalen.

Faithful (105): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
With war looming, the Prince of Dol Amroth has a decision to make.

U elyë, Ar-Pharazôn (486): Elitihien
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Tar-Miriel's thoughts towards her husband Ar-Pharazon before the sinking
of Numenor.

The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor (8): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some non-graphic depiction of violence, implied
torture but nothing specific.
Romance Partners: m/f
Twenty-four years before the Downfall, Isildur lies near death after
stealing a seed of the White Tree, Nimloth, and the Valar have sent a
lone elf to the island on one final mission, a mission that may very
well cost him his life. This story features my OC Laurendil from my
story "Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux".

Nightfall (87): Jael
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for battles scenes
Romance Partners: N/A
In the aftermath of Oropher's death at the Dagorlad, Thranduil takes a
desperate gamble to prevent further loss of Great Greenwood's troops. A
sequel to The Rose in the Fisted Glove. Thranduil, Galion, Original
characters. Drama/Angst. Rated PG-13 for battle scenes.

Whatever Harm Encroached (708): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
A hunter searches for his prey in the frozen forest of Mirkwood during
the Long Winter of 2759.

Written for the Middleearth Express Prompt: Cold.

Moon of the Sea (213): pandemonium_213
Mature, Reason for Rating: Mature for sexual content.
Romance Partners: Elendil/Elendil's wife
There are any number of unnamed women in Tolkien's canon who surely
played important roles behind the scenes. One of these women is
Elendil's wife, the queen of Arnor and the mother of Isildur and
Anárion. This series of ficlets explores my interpretation of this
unsung queen.

The Strength of Men (584): Savageseraph
Teen, Reason for Rating: Dark themes.
Romance Partners: Elrond/Isildur
What happened between Elrond and Isildur after Isildur refused to cast
the Ring into the fire?

A Perfect Impression (494): weepingnaiad
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A first impression changes everything...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9173

Check Ballot #2 - Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA) (1251-1417 SR) Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:36:34 Topic ID# 9173
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Mid Third Age

***SubCategory Times: Mid Third Age: General***

Lost and Found (23): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
While searching the library for ancient scrolls, Gandalf is assisted by
the smallest scholar in Minas Tirith.

Dirt and Gold (590): Empy
Mature, Reason for Rating: Implied incestuous relationship between two
consenting adults.
Romance Partners: Éomer/Éowyn (implied)
What chance does he, Gríma Wormtongue, have when his rival suitor has
the benefit of kinship? The golden siblings of the Golden Hall only have
eyes for each other, it seems.

The Skills That Keep You Alive (434): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: n/a
Written for a challenge prompt on "Juggling the Jewels of Feanor." It is
not only the most obvious skills that you need to draw on. often the
most obscure things are what you need the most to survive.

The Best Sword Ever (290): Linaewen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Two men are tied together over the years by memories of the "best sword
ever," and the desire they have to see it made whole once more.

The Weight of Power (325): Nefhiriel
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some violence (battle/torture/death of
non-canon characters).
Romance Partners: Thengel/Morwen
Years have passed since Aragorn came to Rohan, serving under the name of
Thorongil. Now, an unknown adversary threatens Rohan--and Aragorn, as
usual, is caught up in the middle of it.

An Autumn Fair in Halabor (165): Soledad
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated for implied rape and violence. Only
Romance Partners: Various m/f pairings between original characters.
The Wandering Elves, led by Gildor Inglorion, visit the Autumn Fair in
Halabor. Takes place after Ch. 7 of "The Shoemaker's Daughter".

***SubCategory: Times: Mid Third Age: Eriador***

If You Could See What I Hear (614): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin embarks on an adventure with his new friend, a knitted piglet
named Tulip, but wanders too far and becomes lost in the woodlands near
his family's farm. A frantic search ensues, and along the way Pippin and
Paladin learn the story of their faerie ancestor, and discover there is
an extraordinary reason for their journey.

Pippin and Tulip's Excellent Adventure (595): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Never leave a knitted piglet unattended!

A Place for Gandalf (391): Dreamflower
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bilbo prepares for a guest, and for some changes in his life, as Frodo
comes to live with him and Gandalf comes to visit.

Cuts Gone Wrong (156): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
For a Ranger, it's hard not to take a few wrong turns when even the
right road leads to such unexpected consequences.

Meddling (695): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
It may not be wise to meddle in the affairs of wizards, but sometimes it
is necessary. Gandalf finds himself in question after Aragorn's
departure for Rohan.

Star of Hope (34): Linda hoyland
Teen, Reason for Rating: Mild sexual content between a married couple
Romance Partners: Arathorn/Gilraen
Gilraen recalls a special night when she wished upon a star.

Chasing Blackie (655): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin is a muddy mess and his Ma gets quite the explanation of how he
got that way.

Comfort and Joy (656): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Another from Golden's seemingly endless supply of plot bunnies:

Pippin and Merry are staying at Bag End with Frodo. Pippin can't
sleep; his feet are too cold, then too hot, then he is hungry after
which he is too full with too much energy. Write about his and his
cousin's frustrations over losing a night's sleep.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9174

Check Ballot #2 - Late Third Age (3018-3022 TA) (1418-1422 TA) Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:37:46 Topic ID# 9174
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Late Third Age

***SubCategory Times: Late Third Age: General***

My Brother. My Captain. My King. (602): Amarok
Teen, Reason for Rating: less violent than movie, but some events just
happened... (including character death)
Romance Partners: N/A
A few insights into Boromir's thoughts, fears, and hopes during the
journey of the Fellowship – movie-verse, with some added
`missing scenes'.

Captain of Mordor (626): draylon
Mature, Reason for Rating: The story contains stong language, moderate
levels of (non-explicit) violence and (non gratuitious; consensual) sex
scenes, which, though integral to the theme of the story (interspecies
homosexual romance) and plot may be offensive to some, given that the
one of the two main protagonists is human, while the other is an orc. As
the human involved is also married at the time the story is set, an
adulterous outcome is implied.
Romance Partners: Faramir/Shagrat
Post War-of-the-Ring, Captain Shagrat (an Orc) finds himself exhibited
as a fairground attraction, and (retrospectively) slashed with Faramir
of Gondor. A lengthy romance, following the familiar template of:
`boy meets / loses / finds / runs away again from / Uruk' slowly
unfolds. The story includes the usual elements of kidnapping, sex,
violence, and excessive swearing you'd expect from any story
featuring Orcs.

Drawing the Eye (569): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Halbarad must watch his friend and lord battle a terrible enemy alone.

They Also Serve (365): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Arwen spends some time in the kitchens of Rivendell.

Hold To Hope (709): Nieriel Raina
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Dispairing news often brings fear...but it is how we respond that
counts. Thranduil gets the news of Legolas going on the Quest.

Written for the Middle Earth Express Prompt 36: Fear

Before the Black Gate (45): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Before Pippin begins the greatest battle of his young life, he learns
that there is more than one kind of sustenance for a homesick and
worried hobbit.

Chance Encounter (203): Telcontar Rulz
Teen, Reason for Rating: Moderate level violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
The Fellowship find a stranger not of their world. Would he be of help
to them or would he hinder their quest? A Kingdom of Heaven/Lord of the
Rings crossover.

Oathbreakers (470): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Feeling the taint of a dark Dunharrow night, Elladan and Elrohir discuss
Aragorn, Eowyn, Rohan, and those that haunt the Paths of the Dead.
Gapfiller for The Return of the King.

The Dooming of Small Hands (639): Thundera Tiger
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
While Frodo recovers in Rivendell from his wounding at the hands of a
Morgul blade, Gandalf and Elrond debate the next step in the Ring's
journey. Sometimes the right decision feels a lot like betrayal.
Gapfiller for The Fellowship of the Ring.

Promise and Sorrow (607): Virtuella
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Six ordinary people from different parts of Middle Earth reflect on how
the War of the Ring has affected their fate - for better or for worse.
Canon characters and events have touched their lives, but the speakers
remain unnamed individuals. The monologues are linked by shared themes
and and motifs, and each monologue is mirrored by a partner.

***SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Loudwater (63): Adaneth
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The POV of something that normally has no voice: the Bruinen and its
ford, on the way to the Sea.

The Kindly Airs (480): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
"'You left the East Wind to me,' said Gimli, 'but I will say naught of

"'That is as it should be,' said Aragorn. 'In Minas Tirith they endure
the East Wind, but they do not ask it for tidings." - "The Departure of
Boromir," TTT.

But the East Wind has also a voice that would be heard...

Renewal (208): Elena Tiriel
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
A proud and ancient weapon is restored to its former might.

The Journey (604): foxrafer (csevans8)
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Pippin views the world outside of the Shire with a little trepidation
and a lot of determination.

Reflections in the Smoke (294): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A weary wizard wonders at fate, folly, and his own future.

Stewards (450): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Gandalf told Denethor that he also was a steward - of a different kind.

The World Is Changing (719): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
The Sons of Elrond return to Rivendell after Sauron's downfall to find
life has changed forever.

***SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor***

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (496): Ariel/Auntie
delea/Pearl Took/Rosie Took/SlightlyTookish CoAuthors
Teen, Reason for Rating: angst and some violence, an OC character death
and mention of drug abuse
Romance Partners: N/A
A plot against the newly crowned King leads to possibly deadly
consequences for his smallest Guardsman; and disturbing questions arise
for the new Steward to answer, as the entire Fellowship rallies around.
Written as a group story by the PippinHealers mailing list.

In the Hands of the King (231): fantasyfan
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Happiness is a warm blanket. Aragorn cares for Frodo at Cormallen.

Wedding Nerves (48): Jay of Lasgalen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn is on the brink of his wedding to Arwen, and plagued by
courtiers, advisors and assistants - until Elladan and Elrohir take
control of things.

For the Want of ... (681): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The Captains of the Army of the West have made the determination to take
the war before the Black Gate itself, and Guardsman Peregrin son of
Paladin explains to Lord Faramir why he feels compelled to be part of
the army.

The Lost Restored (59): Larner
Teen, Reason for Rating: References self-doubt, violence, and what might
be disturbing medical procedures.
Romance Partners: n/a
Following the destruction of the Ring several were thought lost, then
found and retrieved with the labor of many.

And in at least three cases there was surprise to find that the wakening
they experienced wasn't necessarily what they'd anticipated....

Comes the moment to decide (418): Linda hoyland
Teen, Reason for Rating: Violence,battle scene,injuries,angst, nightmare
Romance Partners: n/a
During March 3019, many choices were made,some with tragic
consequences.What led Faramir,Denethor and Aragorn to act as they did?

Sing All Ye People! (249): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A

Stand with Faramir on the walls of Minas Tirith on the day of Sauron's
Fall, and learn what meaning he found in the message of the Eagles'

(originally written for a Henneth-Annun e-list Yule challenge; 600 words
as counted by MS Word)

The Warmth of Morning (148): Spindle Berry
Teen, Reason for Rating: The story has a slash pairing, and though it
does not contain explicit sexual material, there is a clearly implied
sexual relationship between the two main characters.
Romance Partners: Merry/Pippin
Pippin wakes up on the field of Cormallen, and Merry must look after

***SubCategory: Times: Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles***

Forfeit (401): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Awaiting judgment for desertion and murder, Beregond faces another
difficult choice.

Steward's Trumpets (400): Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Unsure of what he is seeking, Faramir returns to the scene of his
father's death.

What Goes Up (683): Dana
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A simple exercise of up and down.

Recognition (481): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Beneath the shield, there is a maiden - and it takes a woman to know the
truth of her. Ioreth and Éowyn, for the 2006 Advent Calendar prompt:

Tying Notes (378): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir at a reception of the Ambassador of Harad.

Tree of Knowledge (172): Nancy Brooke
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
What Denethor cannot bring himself to tell Boromir about the quest to
Rivendell. Critically bookverse.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9175

Check Ballot #2 - Fourth Age and Beyond (post-1422 SR) Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:39:04 Topic ID# 9175
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond

***SubCategory Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General***

Hope Remains (118): Baggins Babe
Teen, Reason for Rating: Children may be disturbed by the very brief
description of certain burial customs and the element of the
Romance Partners: N/A
Following the passing of King Elessar the hobbits come to realise that
loved ones who pass into the next world may still linger to guard and

When the King Came Back (514): Cathleen
Teen, Reason for Rating: Some mild descriptions of remembered violence.
Romance Partners: N/A
The reconciliation between Pippin and Paladin after the War is sometimes
rocky, but father and son gain peace at last.

Where Shadows Lay No More (358): Cathleen
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
During the coronation, Boromir returns to say farewell.

Riding the Waves (211): Claudia
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Frodo spends an anniversary in the waves.

Rekindling (255): Dawn Felagund
Teen, Reason for Rating: character death, violence, mature themes
Romance Partners: Nerdanel/Fëanor
Fëanor and Nerdanel meet again at the end of the world. A tale of
loss and redemption.

Look Not With Longing (479): Dwimordene
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The Fourth Age was hard-won for those who fought the Dark Lord. But that
does not mean there are no regrets to confront. Faramir reflects on what
has been won and lost in the War of the Ring.

Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (578): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death and mild language.
Romance Partners: n/a
At long last, Arwen comes to Mandos. Her reception, however, is not
quite what she expected. Part of my "Mortals in Mandos" series.

Aftermaths and Consequences (268): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Much was damaged in the War, and many things changed afterwards.

Faeries (304): Pearl Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Young Faramir Took is visiting at Brandy Hall and has been teased by
some of the Brandybuck lads. Is what they are saying about Tooks and
Faeries true?

Seeing Stars (360): Raksha the Demon
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
As Faramir celebrates the birth of his heir, old ties come to mind, new
ties are strengthened and, Faramir being Faramir even when somewhat
inebriated, history is considered.

Tales from Tol Eressëa (214): shirebound
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Short, gentle ficlets about the hobbits' possible experiences in the
West. Some chapters will be linked together, and some will be
stand-alone scenes. Characters include Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, Gandalf,
Elrond, Celebrían, and possibly others.

***SubCategory: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Journey's End (234): Ignoble Bard
General, Reason for Rating: Drabble, nothing objectionable or graphic.
Romance Partners: Aragorn, Arwen
Drabble - Aragorn returns to Arwen at journey's end.

Fit for a King (217): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Three friends and a horse.

The Birthday Blessing (687): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
The Master tells us that the White Tree tended to bloom first on a
certain day. Here we see four celebrating that event.

A series of three related true drabbles.

No Regrets (490): Linda hoyland
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn asks Faramir an important question.

Old Friends (651): Marta
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Gandalf finds that the peace of Valinor doesn't quite agree with him.

Birthday Outing (386): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Aragorn celebrates his 200th birthday by getting back to his Ranger
roots with some close friends.

Supporting Acts (436): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In the early fourth age, Faramir deals with the armourers in Minas

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9176

Check Ballot #2 - Modern Times Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:41:10 Topic ID# 9176
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Modern Times

***SubCategory Times: Modern Times: General***

National Treasure (201): Baranduin
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: M/F
Two archaeologists, husband and wife, are searching for Templar
locations in modern-day Scotland. What they find is something else.

Summer Heat (363): chaotic_binky
Mature, Reason for Rating: Violence, gore, reference to torture, death
of a character (an elfling), murder, madness and sex.
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/Erestor
Set in modern time. Glorfindel is a private detective who takes a
commission from a client he knew many years before. The client is
Erestor, who is in the middle of a murder mystery and the main suspect.
Told as a noir pulp fiction, from Glorfindel's point of view; he uses
flash backs from the past in Gondolin and Imladris to come to terms with
meeting his psychopathic long lost lover once again.

The Road Trip (410): Garnet Took
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
In our time, the hobbits decide to pay a cross-country visit to their
favorite fanfic writers. Strangeness ensues.

Into the Woods (593): Gloria Mundi
Teen, Reason for Rating: swearing; m/m kiss
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Sharpe
A river runs through a wood: on one side is Middle-Earth, on the other a
European battlefield ..

Trinity (51): pandemonium_213
Teen, Reason for Rating: Rated Teen for coarse language.
Romance Partners: N/A
On July 19, 1945, a physicist finds himself in the Jornada del Muerto
Valley where he encounters two mysterious scientists who discuss the
responsibility and moral complexity entwined with powerful inventions.

Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action (413): Princess Artemis
Mature, Reason for Rating: Depiction of torture, moderate profanity and
offensive language, violence, vague sexual themes, occasional crude
Romance Partners: N/A
A parody crossover between LotR and Metal Gear Solid. Frodo, Sam,
Pippin, and Merry are trapped in Alaska and must take the place of
stealth veteran Solid Snake. They contend with killer soldiers and a
terrorist organization threatening to launch a nuclear missile on the
US. As well as bullet breathing metal dragons, invisible ninjas, fetch
quests, bottomless pockets, very big weapons, frustrated humans, one
pipe, and only ketchup and rations for second breakfast.

Dawn Twilight (182): viv
Teen, Reason for Rating: Lots of curse words, but probably nothing your
average teen hasn't heard (and used) before.
Romance Partners: N/A
Moira Eldolen, intrepid university upperclassman, learns that not all
elves went West. Some stayed right here. Such as, for instance, her
way-to-hawt linguistics professor, one Dr. Birdsong.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9177

Check Ballot #2 - Multi-Age Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 13:43:17 Topic ID# 9177
Check Ballots for Main Category: Times: Multi-Age

***SubCategory Times: Multi-Age: General***

WAR: A Promise Before Dying (55): Fiondil
Teen, Reason for Rating: Character death.
Romance Partners: N/A
Some promises take longer to fulfill than others. Gil-galad must wait an
entire Age to learn the outcome of one such promise. Written for 'The
Tolkien Tango' challenge at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group.

The Craft of the Elven Smith (1): Larner
General, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Fëanor/Nerdanel; Celeborn/Galadriel; Drogo/Primula;
Fëanor's obsession with the Silmarils he'd created and his
destructive vow have served to rend at Aman itself, as well as leaving
his family in tatters. To help restore the balance, the Valar would see
the remaining Noldor smith within the Undying Lands at work, for much
will be needed as those now dwelling within Middle Earth fight evil as
they find it.

Tower of the Moon (577): Nath
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Scenes from the birth and death of a city.

Fulfilling Oaths (332): Nieriel Raina
Teen, Reason for Rating: some violence
Romance Partners: N/A
Finrod doubts his strength after falling before Sauron's throne at
Tol-in-Gaurhoth. After Finrod's death, Beren considers the Ring of
Felagund given to his father and over the years it is passed down until
a mysterious messenger arrives in Aman.

A Day in Time (230): Pearl Took
Teen, Reason for Rating: One character is in labor with a child and
implied sexuality.
Romance Partners: Merry/Estella, Gormadoc/Malva, Gorbadoc/Belladonna
Merry has a series of odd dreams, but were they merely dreams or an
interesting opportunity to learn about his ancestors and the meaning of
love? Written as part of a Marigold's Challenges Yule Story exchange -
written for Pippinfan1988.

***SubCategory: Times: Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI (516): Elen Kortirion
General, Reason for Rating:
Romance Partners: N/A
Moments of joy and sorrow in the life of Lord Elrond and his family -
prompted by playing cards and the suit 'Hearts'

Feelings of Superiority (362): Gwynnyd
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Answer to a challenge on 'tolerance and discrimination.' I could not
decide which culture to showcase, so here are six drabbles - three for
men and three for elves - on the topic of equality and acceptance or
lack thereof.

Flame of Life (114): Imhiriel
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
If the Imperishable Flame could speak...

Flickers (390): Meril
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Fëanor/Nerdanel
A collection of drabbles about Nerdanel and Fëanor.

Birthday Double Drabble (526): PipMer
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Merry wishes Pippin a happy birthday at two different points in his
life. Written for Llinos' birthday.

An Elf-lord Revealed (406): Tanaqui
Teen, Reason for Rating: References to battle and death.
Romance Partners: N/A
A series of drabbles about Glorfindel. Gandalf described him as "one of
the mighty of the Firstborn... an Elf-lord of a house of princes." He
fell during the flight from Gondolin, but Middle-earth had not done with
him. Through the long years, his fate was woven with both the mortal and
immortal branches of Turgon's line.

Possessing the greatest powers (387): Tanaqui
General, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Four drabbles about the Three Elven Rings: their forging, and what each
of the bearers felt when the One Ring was destroyed and the power of the
Rings was unmade.

[this is the last of this round of checkballots -Marta]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9178

second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by aure\_enteluva July 09, 2008 - 14:11:26 Topic ID# 9178
Hey guys,

I have just posted the second round of check ballots. This consists of
a summary post listing the author and title of each nomination in
every subcategory, as well as a longer check ballot listing link,
summary, and other information about the stories. The summary ballot
covers all of the main categories in a single post, whereas the longer
check ballot shows one main category per post.

Also, there have been some formatting changes to the ballots to
hopefully improve readability. Each subcategory will begin with a line
of text like

***SubCategory Genres: Adventure: General***

The name of the actual subcategory will of course change, but each
subcategory name will be preceded and followed by three asterisks. So
hopefully that will help, along with the summary post.

For some members, it may also be bolded; I tried posting the check
ballots using Yahoo's Rich-Text Editor (which allows formatted
text)and it looked bolded when I posted it, but it is really hard to
predict how this will show up at the group website or in any
individual member's email.

*crosses fingers*

Now *clears throat* if I could have your attention for a moment....

I also wanted to talk a little bit about what kind of changes we are
willing to make, and what kind of changes we aren't. As I discussed in
last week's education post (#9065, I believe) the categorizations
represent quite a bit of work on the part of the categorizers, and it
can be difficult sometimes to move stories into a new subcategory.
Therefore, if you just see a category that is a better fit for your
story, we probably will not be able to move your story. We need to
save those moves for stories that are actually incorrectly categorized.

Stories *will* be recategorized if they were accidentally placed in
the wrong main category due to volunteer error (for instance, if you
selected Humor and we placed it in Horror by mistake).

Also, if your story was placed in a subcategory built around a factor
you did not select, we will *try* to move it. To give an example:
subcategories are often built around a common setting, like Gondor.
Most of these stories selected the appropriate place as their setting,
but a few stories were placed there because the summary suggested the
story was set in Gondor. If your story was placed in a subcategory
built around a setting and you did not select the setting when filling
out your story form, we can try to move it if you would prefer it not
be placed there. However, in this case we may not be able to if it
would make its current subcategory too small or its new subcategory
too large. If you are in this situation and would like your story
moved, you may ask to have it moved and the volunteers will consider
the situation.

Finally, if you have three or more stories in the same subcategory,
you may request one of them be moved. Again, we may decline to do this
for the same reasons described above.

In either of these two cases, you should request your story be moved
to a different subcategory in the same main category.

Oh, and one last thing: if you have changes to request, I would
appreciate if you could make them publicly, at the MEFAwards list if
that's at all possible. (If you're not a member here, you may request
the change at the mefas LJ.) That way the other categorizers can see
what you say, and also other members know where to find your story
when it's time to review it.

Thanks for reading this! If you have any questions, please don't
hesitate to ask.


Msg# 9179

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by pandemonium\_213 July 09, 2008 - 14:58:40 Topic ID# 9178
--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> Finally, if you have three or more stories in the same subcategory,
> you may request one of them be moved. Again, we may decline to do this
> for the same reasons described above.

Hi, Marta,

That's the case for me, and due to my own haphazard categorization
when making the initial selections, or the fact that I appear to have
a "villainous" nature. ;^) Anyway, might I request that my "Broken
Star," which is a double drabble, be moved


Check Box #2 Villains


SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets

If it's problematic, I can live with it. I'm still something of a
neophyte with this given that I had only one easily defined
(non-fiction!) piece in the running for MEFA07. This year has been a
more prolific one. ;^)

Msg# 9180

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by pandemonium\_213 July 09, 2008 - 15:01:58 Topic ID# 9178
--- In, "pandemonium_213" <docbushwell@...>
> --- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Finally, if you have three or more stories in the same subcategory,
> > you may request one of them be moved. Again, we may decline to do this
> > for the same reasons described above.
> >
> Hi, Marta,
> That's the case for me, and due to my own haphazard categorization
> when making the initial selections, or the fact that I appear to have
> a "villainous" nature. ;^) Anyway, might I request that my "Broken
> Star," which is a double drabble, be moved
> Check Box #2 Villains
> TO:
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> If it's problematic, I can live with it. I'm still something of a
> neophyte with this given that I had only one easily defined
> (non-fiction!) piece in the running for MEFA07. This year has been a
> more prolific one. ;^)

And I am remiss in not thanking you all for your hard work! My
apologies for omitting that in the original post!

Msg# 9181

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by pearltook1 July 09, 2008 - 15:35:08 Topic ID# 9178
Hi Marta,

Is there anywhere that this is all posted together, or is it only
posted on the group in sections?

I find group message boards very difficult to work with and confusing,
so I was just wondering.

Thank you,

Msg# 9182

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by Barbara Rich July 09, 2008 - 15:56:10 Topic ID# 9178
It's also posted at the mefas LJ community!

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 3:35 PM, pearltook1 <> wrote:

> Hi Marta,
> Is there anywhere that this is all posted together, or is it only
> posted on the group in sections?
> I find group message boards very difficult to work with and confusing,
> so I was just wondering.
> Thank you,
> Pearl

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9183

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by July 09, 2008 - 16:29:22 Topic ID# 9178
Hi Pearl,

There is what is known as a summary ballot. It lists every nomination in
every subcategory, but only gives very basic information about each
nomination - the story title, author name, and the ID # which can be
used to look up more detailed information at our website. To give you
one example, here is what the summary ballot for Genres: Non-Fiction:
Character Studies looks like.

***SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies***

One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun

This lists all of the subcategories in a single post, but obviously
doesn't give you the summary or any other information about the stories.
I think most people use it to find where their pieces have been placed,
so they know which of the longer check ballots they could examine.
Anyway, you can find this summary at

I could easily put the full check ballot into a text document and either
email it out to you privately, or put it in the files section of this
group. When I post it t the group I break it into main categories, but
the website is capable of displaying one huge check ballot for all of
the categories. It would just be too long to send as an email/group
post. You could open up the file using any word processor program. If
you'd find this helpful, it would take me less than two minutes to do;
just let me know.


pearltook1 wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Is there anywhere that this is all posted together, or is it only
> posted on the group in sections?
> I find group message boards very difficult to work with and confusing,
> so I was just wondering.
> Thank you,
> Pearl

Msg# 9184

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by July 09, 2008 - 16:38:37 Topic ID# 9178
Hi Pandemonium,

I wanted to let you know that I saw your request. I'll discuss it with
the other categorizers, and as soon as we get a chance to make a
decision, I will post here again.

Thanks for the thanks, too! That means a lot to me, and I'm sure the
other volunteers feel similarly.


pandemonium_213 wrote:
> --- In <>,
> "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Finally, if you have three or more stories in the same subcategory,
> > you may request one of them be moved. Again, we may decline to do this
> > for the same reasons described above.
> >
> Hi, Marta,
> That's the case for me, and due to my own haphazard categorization
> when making the initial selections, or the fact that I appear to have
> a "villainous" nature. ;^) Anyway, might I request that my "Broken
> Star," which is a double drabble, be moved
> Check Box #2 Villains
> TO:
> SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> If it's problematic, I can live with it. I'm still something of a
> neophyte with this given that I had only one easily defined
> (non-fiction!) piece in the running for MEFA07. This year has been a
> more prolific one. ;^)

Msg# 9185

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by pearltook1 July 09, 2008 - 22:26:19 Topic ID# 9178
Hi Marta,

I think it would help to have that in the group Files, thank you :-)
What I always have trouble with on the message board is "losing" stuff
as it gets pushed back by new posts and then not remembering how it
was headed so I then can't look it up in the search.

Thank you for all your care and work :-)


--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Pearl,
> There is what is known as a summary ballot. It lists every
nomination in
> every subcategory, but only gives very basic information about each
> nomination - the story title, author name, and the ID # which can be
> used to look up more detailed information at our website. To give you
> one example, here is what the summary ballot for Genres: Non-Fiction:
> Character Studies looks like.
> ***SubCategory: Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies***
> One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins (395): ConnieMarie
> A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in
> Canon and Fandom (107): Dawn Felagund
> The Importance of Being Bilbo (686): Dreamflower
> Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... (475): Marta
> Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son (624): Marta
> Aulë the Smith (530): Oshun
> This lists all of the subcategories in a single post, but obviously
> doesn't give you the summary or any other information about the
> I think most people use it to find where their pieces have been placed,
> so they know which of the longer check ballots they could examine.
> Anyway, you can find this summary at
> I could easily put the full check ballot into a text document and
> email it out to you privately, or put it in the files section of this
> group. When I post it t the group I break it into main categories, but
> the website is capable of displaying one huge check ballot for all of
> the categories. It would just be too long to send as an email/group
> post. You could open up the file using any word processor program. If
> you'd find this helpful, it would take me less than two minutes to do;
> just let me know.
> Marta
> pearltook1 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > Is there anywhere that this is all posted together, or is it only
> > posted on the group in sections?
> >
> > I find group message boards very difficult to work with and confusing,
> > so I was just wondering.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Pearl
> >

Msg# 9186

Re: second check ballot posted Posted by July 10, 2008 - 11:13:29 Topic ID# 9178
Hi Pandemonium,

I looked into your request, and I think there's a little bit of
confusion. You have three stories in the Villains main category, but
they're split up between the General and Fixed-Length Ficlets
subcategories. I'll put the summary check ballots at the bottom of this
email for those two subcategories, so you can see what I'm talking about.

The fact that your three stories are in the same *main* category doesn't
matter. Stories are judged at the subcategory level; the purpose of main
categories is to allow us to divide up the entries into subcategories of
roughly the same size, where the stories have something in common.

For more on this issue, you might want to read the FAQ "What are main
categories?" at

The bottom line is, we will hand out a first, second, and third place
award for Races: Villains: General, and *another* first, second, and
third place award for Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets. And then,
we'll look at all the stories in both subcategories that didn't get
awards, and if any have an above-average number of points they'll get an
honorable mention.

So: Cat's Paws and The Apprentice are competing against each other, but
neither is competing against Broken Star. Since you don't have three
stories in the same subcategory, we decided not to move the one you

I hope that makes sense, and if you have questions, please feel free to
ask. For your convenience, I've put the list of stories in both of those
subcategories below.



***SubCategory Races: Villains: General***

The Making of Werewolves (42): Ignoble Bard
Dark Light (585): Makamu
Wormtongue (240): Mariole
Cat's Paws (58): pandemonium_213
The Apprentice (52): pandemonium_213
The Captain's Mare (575): The Lauderdale

***SubCategory: Races: Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets***

Gifts (594): Gloria Mundi
Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone (286): Imhiriel
Black Memory (603): mrkinch
The Waker (287): Nancy Brooke
Broken Star (54): pandemonium_213
Expert Treasure Hunter (447): Tanaqui
Orc Dreams (448): Tanaqui

> --- In <>,
> "pandemonium_213" <docbushwell@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In
> <>, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Finally, if you have three or more stories in the same subcategory,
> > > you may request one of them be moved. Again, we may decline to do this
> > > for the same reasons described above.
> > >
> >
> > Hi, Marta,
> >
> > That's the case for me, and due to my own haphazard categorization
> > when making the initial selections, or the fact that I appear to have
> > a "villainous" nature. ;^) Anyway, might I request that my "Broken
> > Star," which is a double drabble, be moved
> >
> > FROM:
> >
> > Check Box #2 Villains
> >
> > TO:
> >
> > SubCategory: Genres: Drama: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
> >
> > If it's problematic, I can live with it. I'm still something of a
> > neophyte with this given that I had only one easily defined
> > (non-fiction!) piece in the running for MEFA07. This year has been a
> > more prolific one. ;^)
> >

Msg# 9187

New file uploaded to MEFAwards Posted by July 10, 2008 - 11:17:06 Topic ID# 1

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the MEFAwards

File : /2008 Check-Ballot #2
Uploaded by : aure_enteluva <>
Description : The check-ballot posted on 09 July, for all categories, all in a single file.

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


aure_enteluva <>

Msg# 9188

Re: second check ballot posted - PLEASE READ Posted by July 10, 2008 - 11:17:46 Topic ID# 9178
pearltook1 wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> I think it would help to have that in the group Files, thank you :-)
> What I always have trouble with on the message board is "losing" stuff
> as it gets pushed back by new posts and then not remembering how it
> was headed so I then can't look it up in the search.
> Thank you for all your care and work :-)
> Pearl

Hi Pearl,

No problem - I have added it to the group files as "2008 Check Ballot #2."



Msg# 9189

Re: second check ballot posted Posted by pandemonium\_213 July 10, 2008 - 15:06:04 Topic ID# 9178
--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Pandemonium,
> I looked into your request, and I think there's a little bit of
> confusion.

Heh. Yes, I have been known to experience confusion on occasion.
There's some granularity to the classification scheme that I missed so
thanks much for the clarification!

Msg# 9190

New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 11, 2008 - 20:59:08 Topic ID# 9190

Just letting everyone know that new Nominee banners have been uploaded.
These are Silmarillion banners made by Elena. (Thanks Elena, they're
lovely!). She also has done some Reviewer banners which will be uploaded
soon. Baranduin has also made new Winners banners and these will be uploaded
later next week. Sorry for the delay but end-of-term grading has taken up
much of my time. However, that's done with and so...

When Baranduin's winners banners are uploaded we will have nearly 400
banners! Compare this with the 65 we had last year. I think we have enough
banners for all three categories so I will be asking our artists not to send
anymore unless they've been working on some in the interim. These we'll
upload but as for now... no more banners.

If people cannot find what they're looking for they're not trying hard
enough and they are free to make their own banners to suit themselves. We
have done the best we can to provide as many different types of banners as
well as subject matter, covering both Silmariliion and LOTR stories, as
possible to suit all tastes and preferences. I want to take this time again
to thank Baranduin, Cactuskim, Elea, Elena, Marta, Nautika and Viv for a
bang-up job on the banners. You all went above and beyond the call of duty.
I also want to thank Beruthiel's Cat for also helping me out when I needed
it. WIthout her assistance none of these banners would be up.

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9191

Re: New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by SĂşlriel of Menegroth July 11, 2008 - 21:17:55 Topic ID# 9190
Awesome! Great job, guys! :)


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Arthur Boccaccio <>

> Hello,
> Just letting everyone know that new Nominee banners have been uploaded.
> These are Silmarillion banners made by Elena. (Thanks Elena, they're
> lovely!). She also has done some Reviewer banners which will be uploaded
> soon. Baranduin has also made new Winners banners and these will be
> uploaded
> later next week. Sorry for the delay but end-of-term grading has taken up
> much of my time. However, that's done with and so...
> When Baranduin's winners banners are uploaded we will have nearly 400
> banners!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9192

Re: New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by July 11, 2008 - 21:21:57 Topic ID# 9190
Thanks so much to everyone for all the gorgeous work on the banners (I know
I am the one always whining for the Silm banners, please forgive me!).


**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9193

Re: New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by Elena Tiriel July 11, 2008 - 23:39:20 Topic ID# 9190
Hi Arthur and everyone,

I was just about to send some more... I will have made about 2 dozen Silm
banners in all, so no Silm author should feel slighted... LOLOL!

And all of the banners I'm making have Nominee, Commended Reviewer, and
Review Junkie versions, so you can select whatever you need.

Thanks for being the banner organizer, Arthur!

- Barbara

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Arthur Boccaccio <>

> Hello,
> Just letting everyone know that new Nominee banners have been uploaded.
> These are Silmarillion banners made by Elena. (Thanks Elena, they're
> lovely!). She also has done some Reviewer banners which will be uploaded
> soon. Baranduin has also made new Winners banners and these will be
> uploaded
> later next week. Sorry for the delay but end-of-term grading has taken up
> much of my time. However, that's done with and so...
> When Baranduin's winners banners are uploaded we will have nearly 400
> banners! Compare this with the 65 we had last year. I think we have enough
> banners for all three categories so I will be asking our artists not to
> send
> anymore unless they've been working on some in the interim. These we'll
> upload but as for now... no more banners.
> If people cannot find what they're looking for they're not trying hard
> enough and they are free to make their own banners to suit themselves. We
> have done the best we can to provide as many different types of banners as
> well as subject matter, covering both Silmariliion and LOTR stories, as
> possible to suit all tastes and preferences. I want to take this time again
> to thank Baranduin, Cactuskim, Elea, Elena, Marta, Nautika and Viv for a
> bang-up job on the banners. You all went above and beyond the call of duty.
> I also want to thank Beruthiel's Cat for also helping me out when I needed
> it. WIthout her assistance none of these banners would be up.
> Fiondil
> --
> "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
> Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> ****
> Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
> Nirnaeth
> Arnediad
> Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9194

Re: New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 12, 2008 - 0:51:26 Topic ID# 9190
Well, Iike I said, if you've been making banners and are ready to send them,
go ahead. My intention is to have all the banners done and uploaded before I
leave China on the 28th of July. So whatever anyone has been working on they
should send to me ASAP. I just meant that we really don't need to keep
making banners forever. So let's say that I will not accept any new banners
to be uploaded after 18 July. That will give me a week to organize them and
send them to Beruthiel's Cat before I leave.

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9195

Re: New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by Imhiriel July 12, 2008 - 1:26:50 Topic ID# 9190
--- In, "Arthur Boccaccio" <namondil@...> wrote:

> When Baranduin's winners banners are uploaded we will have nearly 400
> banners! Compare this with the 65 we had last year.

*jaw drops* Wow, that's amazing! Thanks so much to all the artist and


Msg# 9196

Re: New Nominee Banners uploaded Posted by Eleanor (Elea) July 12, 2008 - 1:55:22 Topic ID# 9190
>I will have made about 2 dozen Silm
> banners in all, so no Silm author should feel slighted...

Wow! Add those to the 40 or so Silm ones I did, and the ones that
Cactuskim did, and we should have well over 50 Silmarillion banners!

I feel a little sad now that I've sent in my last batch. But, I am
very proud to have been counted among such wonderful artists.

Bring on next year! ;)

Msg# 9197

Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by July 12, 2008 - 13:57:32 Topic ID# 9197
Hey guys,

Thank you, everyone, for all of your help with the check ballots. I'd
like to shift gears a bit, for my weekly educational post.

This week I'd like to focus on the various novels that have been
written. Don't let the voting deadline catch you unawares; if you like
to read novels, it's probably a good idea to start reading now, so you
have plenty of time to read and review it along with whatever else
strikes your fancy.

In MEFA terminology, a novel is 40,000 words, so it's a substantial
amount of story. Exactly how substantial varies from piece to piece, and
you'll want to check the archive to see how many chapters it has and how
long those chapters are. There is no upper limit to how long novels can
be at the MEFAs.

Finding novel-length stories is fairly straightforward. To do this:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Browse all nominated stories" link.
3. Click the "Story Length" link (listed by "Quick links to lists of
stories by:")
4. Click on the "Novel" length.

This will pull up all of the nominated stories that have that length.
You can see all the information you saw on the main story listing here,
and also enter votes or place stories on your skip/wish list from here.

If you would like to find the novels featuring a certain character, then
you can use the story filters. To do this:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Browse all nominated stories" link.
3. Click the "Show Filter" link (if the filter is not already shown.)
4. Click "Novel" from the "Length" menu.
5. Select any other filters you like (e.g., select "Faramir" from the
"Character" menu).
6. Click the "Display selected nominations" button.

Remember, this will only display stories that meet all of the filters.
If you had selected something previously, please click the "Clear All
Filters" button before doing step #4.


Here are the stories competing in this year's competition whose author
selected "novel" as the story length.

--- 316. My Sword Weeps
--- 502. Tales of the Eldandili
--- 734. Burden
--- 190. A Darkness Lies Behind Us
Cara Loup
--- 476. That Fate Them Bore
--- 373. The Price of Pity
--- 466. With Hope and Without Hope
--- 617. Eucatastrophe: The Return
--- 9. As the Tide By the Moon
--- 3. Wars of the Valar
--- 8. The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor
Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
--- 511. The Blessing
Isabeau of Greenlea
--- 92. Kin-Strife
--- 659. Nerdanel's Sons
--- 346. The Search for Middle-earth
--- 567. Lothiriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2
--- 206. Untold Tales of Mark: The Banishment of Eomer
--- 318. Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons of Hope )
Lady Bluejay
--- 159. Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices
Le Rouret
--- 455. The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth
--- 509. The Farmer's Son
--- 221. Lessons From the Mountain
--- 325. The Weight of Power
--- 327. Eagle of the Star
--- 330. To See a World
obelia medusa
--- 189. The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored
--- 35. A New Day
--- 612. Fidelis
Princess Artemis
--- 413. Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action
--- 552. The Littlest Warrior
--- 101. The Web of Darkness
--- 165. An Autumn Fair in Halabor
--- 90. The King's Surgeon
Telcontar Rulz
--- 203. Chance Encounter
Topaz Took
--- 133. Healing the Long Cleeve
--- 182. Dawn Twilight

To find more information about any of these novels, just do the following:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Stories" link at the top of the web page.
3. Type the Story ID followed by the "#" sign into the search bar, and
click the "Search" button.

For instance, searching for "659#" will bring up story #659, "Nerdanel's
Sons" by Istarnie.

Novels are competing in the following subcategories. (Categories and
subcategories will be available in the website later this week, once
categorization is finished.)

Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
Genres: Alternate Universe: General
Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family
Genres: Drama: General
Genres: Drama: Incomplete
Genres: Longer Works: General
Races: Elves: General
Races: Elves: Incomplete
Races: Hobbits: General
Races: Hobbits: Incomplete
Times: Late Third Age: General
Times: Mid Third Age: General
Times: Modern Times: General
Times: Second and Early Third Age: General

Happy reading!

(MEFA Admin.)

P.S. - If you noticed a mistake in this post, please email about it so I
can check whether a mistake has been made and, if necessary, correct my
announcement. You can reach me privately at
mefasupport(.at.)mefawards(.dot.)net. Thanks!

Msg# 9198

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Barbara Rich July 12, 2008 - 15:43:04 Topic ID# 9197
I would like to second the excellent advice about not waiting, if you plan
to read and review novels--or WIPs, which usually fall into the novel
category. Space them out, if you will, but don't leave them to the last
couple of weeks of voting season, or you will be disappointed at not being
able to get them in!

I'm speaking from experience here!


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 1:53 PM, <>

> Hey guys,
> Thank you, everyone, for all of your help with the check ballots. I'd
> like to shift gears a bit, for my weekly educational post.
> This week I'd like to focus on the various novels that have been
> written. Don't let the voting deadline catch you unawares; if you like
> to read novels, it's probably a good idea to start reading now, so you
> have plenty of time to read and review it along with whatever else
> strikes your fancy.
> In MEFA terminology, a novel is 40,000 words, so it's a substantial
> amount of story. Exactly how substantial varies from piece to piece, and
> you'll want to check the archive to see how many chapters it has and how
> long those chapters are. There is no upper limit to how long novels can
> be at the MEFAs.
> Finding novel-length stories is fairly straightforward. To do this:
> 1. Log in to
> 2. Click the "Browse all nominated stories" link.
> 3. Click the "Story Length" link (listed by "Quick links to lists of
> stories by:")
> 4. Click on the "Novel" length.
> This will pull up all of the nominated stories that have that length.
> You can see all the information you saw on the main story listing here,
> and also enter votes or place stories on your skip/wish list from here.
> If you would like to find the novels featuring a certain character, then
> you can use the story filters. To do this:
> 1. Log in to
> 2. Click the "Browse all nominated stories" link.
> 3. Click the "Show Filter" link (if the filter is not already shown.)
> 4. Click "Novel" from the "Length" menu.
> 5. Select any other filters you like (e.g., select "Faramir" from the
> "Character" menu).
> 6. Click the "Display selected nominations" button.
> Remember, this will only display stories that meet all of the filters.
> If you had selected something previously, please click the "Clear All
> Filters" button before doing step #4.
> ******************************
> Here are the stories competing in this year's competition whose author
> selected "novel" as the story length.
> agape4gondor
> --- 316. My Sword Weeps
> Alassiel
> --- 502. Tales of the Eldandili
> Ancalime8301
> --- 734. Burden
> Bodkin
> --- 190. A Darkness Lies Behind Us
> Cara Loup
> --- 476. That Fate Them Bore
> celticbard
> --- 373. The Price of Pity
> docmon
> --- 466. With Hope and Without Hope
> Dreamflower
> --- 617. Eucatastrophe: The Return
> EdorasLass
> --- 9. As the Tide By the Moon
> Fiondil
> --- 3. Wars of the Valar
> --- 8. The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor
> Golden/Pearl Took CoAuthors
> --- 511. The Blessing
> Isabeau of Greenlea
> --- 92. Kin-Strife
> Istarnie
> --- 659. Nerdanel's Sons
> Jules14
> --- 346. The Search for Middle-earth
> juno_magic
> --- 567. Lothiriel - The Tenth Walker, Book 2
> Katzilla
> --- 206. Untold Tales of Mark: The Banishment of Eomer
> Kenaz
> --- 318. Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons of Hope )
> Lady Bluejay
> --- 159. Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices
> Le Rouret
> --- 455. The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth
> Lindelea
> --- 509. The Farmer's Son
> MithLuin
> --- 221. Lessons From the Mountain
> Nefhiriel
> --- 325. The Weight of Power
> Neoinean
> --- 327. Eagle of the Star
> Nightwing
> --- 330. To See a World
> obelia medusa
> --- 189. The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored
> Oshun
> --- 35. A New Day
> Pentangle
> --- 612. Fidelis
> Princess Artemis
> --- 413. Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action
> RavensWing14337
> --- 552. The Littlest Warrior
> Soledad
> --- 101. The Web of Darkness
> --- 165. An Autumn Fair in Halabor
> SurgicalSteel
> --- 90. The King's Surgeon
> Telcontar Rulz
> --- 203. Chance Encounter
> Topaz Took
> --- 133. Healing the Long Cleeve
> viv
> --- 182. Dawn Twilight
> To find more information about any of these novels, just do the following:
> 1. Log in to
> 2. Click the "Stories" link at the top of the web page.
> 3. Type the Story ID followed by the "#" sign into the search bar, and
> click the "Search" button.
> For instance, searching for "659#" will bring up story #659, "Nerdanel's
> Sons" by Istarnie.
> Novels are competing in the following subcategories. (Categories and
> subcategories will be available in the website later this week, once
> categorization is finished.)
> Genres: Adventure: Incomplete
> Genres: Alternate Universe: General
> Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
> Genres: Alternate Universe: Steward's Family
> Genres: Drama: General
> Genres: Drama: Incomplete
> Genres: Longer Works: General
> Races: Elves: General
> Races: Elves: Incomplete
> Races: Hobbits: General
> Races: Hobbits: Incomplete
> Times: Late Third Age: General
> Times: Mid Third Age: General
> Times: Modern Times: General
> Times: Second and Early Third Age: General
> Happy reading!
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)
> P.S. - If you noticed a mistake in this post, please email about it so I
> can check whether a mistake has been made and, if necessary, correct my
> announcement. You can reach me privately at
> mefasupport(.at.)mefawards(.dot.)net. Thanks!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9199

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by July 12, 2008 - 15:50:42 Topic ID# 9197
I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look around for
short pieces over novels. I do just the opposite. I like to read fiction in
order to submerge myself into a story, which requires that it be longer. That
would be an interesting non-fiction study to do. Outside of fanfiction, short
stories are really not popular compared to novels. Most people who read
fiction in the wider world, only read novels.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9200

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Barbara Rich July 12, 2008 - 16:04:03 Topic ID# 9197
There is little that I love better than to find a really loooong LOTR fanfic
novel that I've never read before.

Drabbles, short stories, vignettes--they all serve a different purpose, and
can be very enjoyable. But like you, there's nothing like the real
immersion experience to be found in a good novel length fic!


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 3:50 PM, <> wrote:

> I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look around
> for
> short pieces over novels. I do just the opposite. I like to read fiction in
> order to submerge myself into a story, which requires that it be longer.
> That
> would be an interesting non-fiction study to do. Outside of fanfiction,
> short
> stories are really not popular compared to novels. Most people who read
> fiction in the wider world, only read novels.
> **************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live
> music
> scene in your area - Check out!
> (<>
> )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9201

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Cathleen July 12, 2008 - 20:16:20 Topic ID# 9197
Oh, me too! I love finding something I really like that is a long story. But, what you're saying is true and I hadn't really thought about the psychology of it - that *would* make an interesting essay.


Barbara Rich <> wrote:
There is little that I love better than to find a really loooong LOTR fanfic
novel that I've never read before.

Drabbles, short stories, vignettes--they all serve a different purpose, and
can be very enjoyable. But like you, there's nothing like the real
immersion experience to be found in a good novel length fic!


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 3:50 PM, <> wrote:

> I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look around
> for
> short pieces over novels. I do just the opposite. I like to read fiction in
> order to submerge myself into a story, which requires that it be longer.
> That
> would be an interesting non-fiction study to do. Outside of fanfiction,
> short
> stories are really not popular compared to novels. Most people who read
> fiction in the wider world, only read novels.
> **************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live
> music
> scene in your area - Check out!
> (<>
> )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9202

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Dawn Felagund July 12, 2008 - 20:58:14 Topic ID# 9197
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 4:50 PM, <> wrote:
> I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look around
> short pieces over novels.

Maybe it has something to do with the simple matter of printed novels being
more comfortable to read than those in digital form? I know, for me, there
is so much appeal in curling up under a warm blanket with a good book.
There's just not the same appeal when sitting in a hard chair and reading on
a bright, glowing screen.

(There is also the matter of distraction: I can't work on my website or
answer email when curled up with a good book. ;)

Maybe when e-book readers get better, it will become easier to read fanfic

who has no problem reading fanfic novels, for the record, and is nearly
finished one on the list ;)

Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9203

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Cathleen July 12, 2008 - 21:05:16 Topic ID# 9197
I, too, love to curl up with a good book, and that's why I print out so many of the fanfics. It's simply because I love to read in bed - can't beat it!


Dawn Felagund <> wrote:
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 4:50 PM, <> wrote:
> I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look around
> short pieces over novels.

Maybe it has something to do with the simple matter of printed novels being
more comfortable to read than those in digital form? I know, for me, there
is so much appeal in curling up under a warm blanket with a good book.
There's just not the same appeal when sitting in a hard chair and reading on
a bright, glowing screen.

(There is also the matter of distraction: I can't work on my website or
answer email when curled up with a good book. ;)

Maybe when e-book readers get better, it will become easier to read fanfic

who has no problem reading fanfic novels, for the record, and is nearly
finished one on the list ;)

Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9204

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by July 13, 2008 - 1:23:35 Topic ID# 9197
Hi Oshun,

I think when it comes to the MEFAs people are facing a time constraint -
650+ stories and only a few months to read and review as many of those
you like. All things being equal, some people will prefer to read and
review five one-chapter stories rather than one five-chapter story.
This doesn't mean novels are less "worthy" or anything - unfortunately
the format of the MEFAs kind of work against novels, which is why this
year we have a "Longer Works" category so authors can opt to have their
novels compete just against other novels if they prefer.

Personally, I tend to prefer shorter stories myself, even outside of the
MEFAs. Time constraints are at the top of the list of reasons (so many
authors, so little time). Also, I tend to read fanfic because I like a
close examination of some aspect of canon, which shorter stories tend to
have in greater intensity. (Novels are great, but they do [by
necessity!] involve more of the author's invention.) All of my reasons
happen to be personal, and I don't expect they apply to every reader.

I do want to encourage people to read novels. Just because I prefer
shorter stories for personal reasons, that doesn't mean novels are any
less valid or any less welcome at the MEFAs. I really hope people who
*do* prefer to read novels (and this thread shows that they're out
there) will start reading early so they can read all of the novelish
goodness that they want.

Marta wrote:
> I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look around for
> short pieces over novels. I do just the opposite. I like to read fiction in
> order to submerge myself into a story, which requires that it be longer.
> That
> would be an interesting non-fiction study to do. Outside of fanfiction,
> short
> stories are really not popular compared to novels. Most people who read
> fiction in the wider world, only read novels.

Msg# 9205

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by surgeon\_ruth July 13, 2008 - 7:06:42 Topic ID# 9197
I actually have a Sony Reader and have put a fair amount of fanfic
onto it - it takes word files and text files and PDFs. The screen
doesn't glow - it's sort of like reading real paper, so it's easier
on the eyes, and you can definitely curl up with it anywhere you'd
like. It's about the size of a trade paperback, only thinner.
Fabulous gadget.

--- In, "Dawn Felagund" <DawnFelagund@...>
> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 4:50 PM, <heartofoshun@...> wrote:
> > I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look
> for
> > short pieces over novels.
> Maybe it has something to do with the simple matter of printed
novels being
> more comfortable to read than those in digital form? I know, for
me, there
> is so much appeal in curling up under a warm blanket with a good
> There's just not the same appeal when sitting in a hard chair and
reading on
> a bright, glowing screen.
> (There is also the matter of distraction: I can't work on my
website or
> answer email when curled up with a good book. ;)
> Maybe when e-book readers get better, it will become easier to read
> novels?
> Dawn
> who has no problem reading fanfic novels, for the record, and is
> finished one on the list ;)
> --
> ~oOo~
> Dawn Felagund
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9206

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 13, 2008 - 9:13:59 Topic ID# 9197
Linaewen and I were just talking about his last night... she suggested I get
an e-reader.

I print them out and snuggle in my bed and read them all there - even

And I can't wait to sink my teeth into a couple of the longer stories at


On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 8:06 AM, surgeon_ruth <> wrote:

> I actually have a Sony Reader and have put a fair amount of fanfic
> onto it - it takes word files and text files and PDFs. The screen
> doesn't glow - it's sort of like reading real paper, so it's easier
> on the eyes, and you can definitely curl up with it anywhere you'd
> like. It's about the size of a trade paperback, only thinner.
> Fabulous gadget.
> Ruth/SurgicalSteel
> --- In <>, "Dawn
> Felagund" <DawnFelagund@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 4:50 PM, <heartofoshun@...> wrote:
> > > I am always surprised to find that writers who comment here look
> around
> > for
> > > short pieces over novels.
> >
> > Maybe it has something to do with the simple matter of printed
> novels being
> > more comfortable to read than those in digital form? I know, for
> me, there
> > is so much appeal in curling up under a warm blanket with a good
> book.
> > There's just not the same appeal when sitting in a hard chair and
> reading on
> > a bright, glowing screen.
> >
> > (There is also the matter of distraction: I can't work on my
> website or
> > answer email when curled up with a good book. ;)
> >
> > Maybe when e-book readers get better, it will become easier to read
> fanfic
> > novels?
> >
> > Dawn
> > who has no problem reading fanfic novels, for the record, and is
> nearly
> > finished one on the list ;)
> >
> >
> > --
> > ~oOo~
> > Dawn Felagund
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9207

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by July 13, 2008 - 9:53:04 Topic ID# 9197
In a message dated 7/13/2008 1:24:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I think Marta hit on some of the reasons that I overlooking because they are
so completely different from the way I approach reading fanficition.

650+ stories and only a few months to read and review as many of those
you like. All things being equal, some people will prefer to read and
review five one-chapter stories rather than one five-chapter story.
All things being equal, I would do just the opposite. I would never presume
to attempt to read 650 stories without any recommendations or presorting. I
figure every story/genre/character/timeframe has its partisans, so I scan the
reviews for recommendations of new writers and different stories in areas
where I do not usually read. On the other hand, I almost feel personally, morally
compelled to point out the best stories in the areas which are my favorites
by reviewing them in detail. I spend most of the early part of the MEFA
season doing my duty (which is reviewing the stories I know) and the last part
reviewing the one's I've newly discovered (I inadvertently missed). I don't just
randomly start ploughing through 650.

This doesn't mean novels are less "worthy" or anything - unfortunately
the format of the MEFAs kind of work against novels, which is why this
year we have a "Longer Works" category so authors can opt to have their
novels compete just against other novels if they prefer.

I was the biggest and most vocal campaigner for the creation of this
category, because I write and read long stories. But now that I look at the final
version of the new category, I can see that length is a poor reason to compare
the stories (except for a couple of novels, I am not sure the target
audiences are really comparable and I soubt that most people read as widely as I do).

Personally, I tend to prefer shorter stories myself, even outside of the
MEFAs. Time constraints are at the top of the list of reasons (so many authors,
so little time).

I have a serious reading problem (addiction?). I put reading before pretty
much everything else in my life (including writing), so this would never occur
to me. (When I hear people say that, I find myself even wondering if they
really mean it, or if they just don't want to read the particular story I am
recommending, primarly because the concept of being able to control the impluse
to read so foreign to me.)

Also, I tend to read fanfic because I like a close examination of some
aspect of canon, which shorter stories tend to have in greater intensity.
I read canon (obsessively/complusively and my own library of
secondary/scholarly sources on it is large as well) for this, not fanfics.

(Novels are great, but they do [by necessity!] involve more of the author's
I read fanfics specifically for invention, extension, and creativity which
reflect the writer's shared love and in-depth knowledge and understanding of
the canon. But I want to see the invention. The most interesting canon
discussion for me is when someone takes a canon element and develops their personal
interpretation (must be strongly based in canon) into a coherent and much
more detailed fictional defense of it.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9208

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by July 13, 2008 - 15:09:05 Topic ID# 9197
Hi Oshun,

> I think Marta hit on some of the reasons that I overlooking because they
> are
> so completely different from the way I approach reading fanficition.
> [650+ stories and only a few months to read and review as many of those
> you like. All things being equal, some people will prefer to read and
> review five one-chapter stories rather than one five-chapter story.]
> All things being equal, I would do just the opposite. I would never presume
> to attempt to read 650 stories without any recommendations or presorting. I
> figure every story/genre/character/timeframe has its partisans, so I
> scan the
> reviews for recommendations of new writers and different stories in areas
> where I do not usually read. On the other hand, I almost feel
> personally, morally
> compelled to point out the best stories in the areas which are my favorites
> by reviewing them in detail. I spend most of the early part of the MEFA
> season doing my duty (which is reviewing the stories I know) and the
> last part
> reviewing the one's I've newly discovered (I inadvertently missed). I
> don't just
> randomly start ploughing through 650.

I didn't mean to suggest everyone (or even anyone) try to review all the
stories. That would drive you mad, or at least it would push *me* over
the edge.

But I must admit, I am greedy. As a volunteer this year I personally
looked over every story form completed by the author, after the liaisons
had approved it, to give it one final check over. That means I read the
summaries and other information of every story competing in this year's
MEFAs. And as I did so, I had so many "ooh, shiny!" moments - by which I
mean that as I worked with the nominations, there were a lot of stories
that made me sit up and think "Now *this* looks like a story I might
enjoy, I'll have to check it out when I have more time."

It of course doesn't help matters that I really don't have a single
corner of canon I like to read. My "home base" I guess is Gondor so much
as anything is, but I find myself reading other areas increasingly. I am
much more inspired to read by a thought-provoking premise or an author
whom I know I have enjoyed in the past, than by settings/characters that
are my personal favorite. That makes it hard to narrow down the field of
what I hope to read and so, while I don't find myself wanting to read
everything, I do find that time is often a real issue.

I have tried to read longer works more, to push myself to grow as a
reader, and definitely read more medium-length works and even a few
novels than I would have a few years ago; yet I find myself gravitating
to shorter works, for the time reasons and the other things I mentioned.

(And for the record, this isn't just true in fanfic; I find I much
prefer anthologies of short stories than longer novels even in published
fic, so perhaps I am not the most representative reader!)

> [This doesn't mean novels are less "worthy" or anything - unfortunately
> the format of the MEFAs kind of work against novels, which is why this
> year we have a "Longer Works" category so authors can opt to have their
> novels compete just against other novels if they prefer.]
> I was the biggest and most vocal campaigner for the creation of this
> category, because I write and read long stories. But now that I look at
> the final
> version of the new category, I can see that length is a poor reason to
> compare
> the stories (except for a couple of novels, I am not sure the target
> audiences are really comparable and I soubt that most people read as
> widely as I do).

Well, it is a new category, so it's possible that some authors just did
not realize it was available. I'm hoping that we'll get more people
putting their appropriate stories there in future years. Which means
that we could have more subcategories - if there were twenty novels
rather than five in that category we could have (for instance) a
Silm-based subcategory or one for stories set in Gondor.

In any event, it's a bit early to pass judgement on it! I'll be
interested to see how that category turns out working.

> [Personally, I tend to prefer shorter stories myself, even outside of the
> MEFAs. Time constraints are at the top of the list of reasons (so many
> authors,
> so little time).]
> I have a serious reading problem (addiction?). I put reading before pretty
> much everything else in my life (including writing), so this would never
> occur
> to me. (When I hear people say that, I find myself even wondering if they
> really mean it, or if they just don't want to read the particular story
> I am
> recommending, primarly because the concept of being able to control the
> impluse
> to read so foreign to me.)

I wish I could be like that! I really would be happy to read fanfic all
day. But I am a graduate student in philosophy, which means a *lot* of
time spent on reading and writing outside of fandom; on top of that I
have fandom responsibilities like helping out with these awards, and my
own writing. So for me there really is a time issue in what I decide to
read and what I don't.

> [(Novels are great, but they do [by necessity!] involve more of the author's
> invention.)]
> I read fanfics specifically for invention, extension, and creativity which
> reflect the writer's shared love and in-depth knowledge and
> understanding of
> the canon. But I want to see the invention. The most interesting canon
> discussion for me is when someone takes a canon element and develops
> their personal
> interpretation (must be strongly based in canon) into a coherent and much
> more detailed fictional defense of it.

I have enjoyed some stories that had a fair bit of invention and I
really don't mean to come across as critical of that. But what brought
me to Tolkien fanfic was reading some passage and wondering what would
happen if the plot was extended just a moment longer, or what was going
through a particular character's head.

For instance, I remember reading "The Old Forest" and wondering what
Fatty was thinking as his friends went off into adventure, and he stayed
behind: whether he thought he was a coward, or thought they were
foolish, or what exactly? That question could be answered in as little
as a drabble (I actually wrote such a drabble once upon a time) and,
while reading more of the story about Fatty's attack by the Nuzgul and
what happened in Buckland after that might be interesting, it wasn't why
I originally came to fanfic. I think that is why I tend toward shorter
stories. Doesn't mean I never read longer stuff, but my first tendency
is to read the one-shots and ficlets.

Of course, someone with different motives would prefer to read a very
different kind of story! That's what makes fanfic so great: there's
enough stories to enjoy and people to read them, that everyone can read
just what they find most interesting.


Msg# 9209

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by Barbara Rich July 13, 2008 - 18:06:02 Topic ID# 9197
Marta wrote:

I didn't mean to suggest everyone (or even anyone) try to review all the
stories. That would drive you mad, or at least it would push *me* over
the edge.

Trust me, you are right on that score! It's a very bad idea! LOL!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9210

Re: Admin - Novels in the 2008 MEFAs Posted by nath kuijpers July 13, 2008 - 22:32:10 Topic ID# 9197
--- On Sun, 13/7/08, <> wrote:

> For instance, I remember reading "The Old Forest"
> and wondering what Fatty was thinking as his friends went off into adventure, and he stayed behind: whether he thought he was a coward, or thought they were foolish, or what exactly? That question could be answered
> in as little as a drabble (I actually wrote such a drabble once upon a
> time) and, while reading more of the story about Fatty's attack by
> the Nuzgul and what happened in Buckland after that might be interesting,
> it wasn't why I originally came to fanfic. I think that is why I tend
> toward shorter stories. Doesn't mean I never read longer stuff, but my
> first tendency is to read the one-shots and ficlets.

On a side-note to this discussion: Fatty's attack by the *Nuzgul* Well, if that doesn't prove you have a one-track mind... *g*

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Msg# 9211

MEFA Reviews Available at Website Posted by July 14, 2008 - 0:45:08 Topic ID# 9211
Hey guys,

The first of this year's MEFA reviews are eligible at the website. The
reviews that are displayed are the reviews people entered since
nominations opened, that were given the status "final."

Some people enter their reviews as hidden or draft so they can edit them
later on. Those reviews won't show up. And obviously people will be
writing and submitting reviews for several months now, so reviews will
continue to be displayed through the rest of the awards. If you do not
have any reviews yet, don't be discouraged; the reviews that are there
now, are just the first of the reviews that will be submitted for this
year's awards and displayed on our website.

This is exciting news that some of you have been waiting for. It also
means there are a few topics worth discussing.

To find the reviews, do the following:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Read All Reviews" link (below the randomly-selected

This will display all the reviews for any author. You can see all the
reviews for your stories (or any other author's) by selecting your name
from the Author filter and clicking the "Display selected nominations"

If you are part of an author group, you will need to select that name
separately. So for instance, selecting "Golden" will bring up reviews
for the stories written by Golden alone; selecting "Golden/Pearl Took
CoAuthors" will bring up the reviews for the nominations by that author


You can also display all of the reviews that you've written for other

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Read Reviews by Reviewer" link (right under "Read All
3. Select your own name from the Reviewer filter and click "Display
selected nominations (if it isn't already selected).

This will show the reviews that you haven't already marked as having
read - if you've marked any of the reviews you've written you can see
them by clicking the "Show Marked Reviews" link.

And the coolest part: you can edit your hidden and draft reviews by
clicking the "Edit Hidden Review" or "Edit Draft Review" link, without
going to another part of the site.

This section can also be used to find reviews written by the same
reviewer. If you're enjoying reading a particular person's reviews, just
select them as the reviewer, click "Display selected nominations," and
find all of the publicly-visible reviews that that reviewer has written.


There's a new feature this year that you might find helpful. Authors,
when you're logged in, you'll see a link to "Reply to this review" on
reviews of your stories. It's on the review header (listing title,
reviewer, and other information), at the end of the second line. Click
on this link and you will be shown instructions on how to reply to any

The choice of whether to reply to reviews or not is yours. If you do
choose to reply, your reply won't be displayed on our website. Rather,
it will be emailed to the reviewer through private email. Your email
will be given to the reviewer, and they may choose to respond to your
reply, if they choose to do so.

I hope you'll find this new feature helpful. If you have questions, feel
free to ask.


Msg# 9212

Re: MEFA Reviews Available at Website Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 14, 2008 - 10:20:32 Topic ID# 9211
I absolutely love the reply to reviewer tool - many thanks for that one!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9213

MEFA Site Error - CPU Quota Posted by araneltook July 15, 2008 - 12:03:10 Topic ID# 9213
Hey all,

There's been a couple reports of the following error while trying to access the site:

"This Account Has Exceeded Its CPU Quota"

This is caused by the site being accessed by a lot of users at once. You just need to wait a
few minutes and try again.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Msg# 9214

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, July 15, 2008 (Part 1) Posted by Ann July 15, 2008 - 21:10:05 Topic ID# 9214
Title: A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes · Author: Claudia ·
Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 73
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-05-04 14:39:13
Post-Quest: Frodo sees snow on top of Mount Mindolluin. He remembers
the snow on Caradhras and expresses a desire to see snow again under
more controlled and more pleasant circumstances, and so Frodo and
Aragorn and Faramir trek up the mountain together. What follows are
some lovely interactions between Frodo, Aragorn, and Faramir: gentle
friendship and beautifully done, non-graphic hurt/comfort. Minimal
angstiness and maximum warm comfort, a bit of suspense, and overall a
wonderful read start to finish!

Title: Elanor of Westmarch: The Return · Author: Baranduin · Races:
Hobbits: Family · ID: 78
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-05-04 14:53:17
This is a beautiful look at an older Elanor, after her father's
already passed over the sea. A conversation in spirit or in dream
occurs between Elanor and Frodo and Sam. The author captures the voice
of an older lady who's a bit surprised by who and what she sees and by
the nature of that conversation very well. I enjoyed Elanor's pride in
'beating' Bilbo,' whis is a nice hearkening-back to Bilbo's pride at
'beating the Old Took.' This also has a lovely, although sad, twist to
the end of it in the form of gentle character death. Beautifully told.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-05 16:58:58

This is beautiful and exquisitely painful (and only 200 words). I
constantly rant at the glib use of the short form in fanfiction. I
admit to a bad attitude: a sort of a spare me your snippets and
glimpses; I want some meat to chew on here; go back and write me a
story. Celebrimbor always breaks my heart, but, even putting that
completely to the side, this piece achieves transcendence of the too
common misuse of the genre.

Annatar/Sauron is portrayed as being one of the fallen rather than
merely pure evil. That is difficult to do but it had to have been
true. When I first read The Silmarillion I was struck by the Miltonic
grandeur of Tolkien's villains, Morgoth and Sauron, and to a lesser
extent, Feanor. But Tolkien actually surpassed Milton in his portrayal
of his fallen angels by giving us more than simply a fall from grace,
but enabling one to extrapolate that, beyond all bitterness, arrogance
and pride, the absolute certainty of remorse and redemption on the
part of Feanor. Further, you make me question with your writing on
this theme whether or not there might even be the slight possibility
of this with Sauron as well. Morgoth, nah, he's a goner.

You've done Sauron's fair form so well in your continuing series on
these characters that I have no doubt that he once truly cared for
Celebrimbor as a friend and collaborator despite his ever-present
intent to betray. This short piece picks up and clarifies the theme
you pursue in your other work, that assuming the fair form of Annatar
could have given Sauron a measure of humanity that would have been
missed when he was forced to shed it. The level of psychological pain
and self-abhorrence at having enabled the betrayal that Celebrimbor
must have felt when Sauron gave him that kiss on his forehead and used
the expression ["brother-of-my-heart"] was far worse than any physical

Title: Dragons In The Trollshaws · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Adventure
· ID: 170
Reviewer: Jay of Lasgalen · 2008-05-05 18:45:08
*Happy sigh*

Thank you, Bodkin! I saw this first thing this morning, but didn't get
the opportunity to read it properly, or leave a review. I like this
story on so many levels - the simple banter and teasing between the
twins, their realisation of how utterly foolish and reckless they have
been, and the gradual acceptance that their behaviour towards Elrond
and Glorfindel is unacceptable.

The memories of their childhood are good too - the happy recall of
bedtime stories about Smudge: [`I remember,' his brother said
wistfully, `how we would bounce with excitement when Naneth told us
those stories – and then sit up half the night debating how we could
seek out a dragon like Smudge to come and live with us in Imladris and
be our companion.'] The comment about Elladan jumping off the stable
roof was interesting too - there's another untold tale there which I'd
love to hear one day.

Despite their reckless behaviour, they know when they are outmatched,
and I was very glad to see them wait for reinforcements from Imladris
- and Elrond's greeting. It's an important sign that they are able to
see past that recklessness and acknowledge their shortcomings -
finally, they are beginning to heal.

The dragon hunt itself was tense and exciting - if gross in places -
and I think the best part was Glorfindel nearly getting crisped :>) I
don't think the twins (or Elrond) will let him forget that moment of
misjudgement in a hurry!

Thank you for this wonderful story - I love it!


Title: A Friend's Hug · Author: Golden · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 142
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-06 03:12:32
We all needs love and care and hugs like this when we are troubled.
Love Pippin hiding behind the tapestry and Arwen seeking him out. God
bless, Antane

Title: Choices · Author: brindlemom2 · Times: First Age and Prior ·
ID: 184
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-05-06 13:48:05
An interesting vignette with an interesting premise-that Elros might
have left behind an elven maiden who was not willing to follow in
Luthien or Arwen's footsteps. Brief but poignant.

Title: King Stag · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves · ID: 86
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-05-06 13:52:59
I very much enjoyed this story with its depiction of a young, vibrant,
randy Thranduil. His efforts to win the approval of the family of his
wife, who are of the Unwilling, take him places I am sure he never
thought to go! The cultural details are beautifully depicted, the
rites very visceral. The contrast between the vaunting youth in the
body of the story and the solitary, stubborn, enduring Elf at the end
is very marked, but in truth the latter derives directly from the former.

Title: Riding the Waves · Author: Claudia · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 211
Reviewer: shirebound · 2008-05-06 17:17:49
Nothing makes me happier, when reading fanfic, to know that Frodo has
found peace and healing. This short scene is full of such joy, it
makes me smile every time I read it. It's obvious that the author
loves Frodo as much as I do, and also understands the effect the ocean
can have on someone who's never experienced it before.

Title: Between Childhood and Coming of Age · Author: Dreamflower ·
Races: Hobbits: Friendship · ID: 141
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-06 20:13:03
This is a really interesting story, not only looking at both what was
accepted and acceptable and what wasn't in terms of Shire sexual
ethics, but also showing Pippin's coming of age in terms of his own
confidence. I laughed out loud, and cheered toward the end when I saw
that Pippin could disagree with his cousins - that's a sign of real

Title: A Large Bold Hand · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 10
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-06 20:42:12
When I read this drabble, what I was most impressed with was the
description of the Elvish script to flowing water; it reminded me of
the passage from the Silmarillion:

"[in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more
than in any substance else that is in this Earth; and many of the
Children of Ilúvatar hearken still unsated to the voices of the Sea]"

As a dwarf-lover, I *loved* the fact that here we have a dwarf drawn
to the water. It shows that this isn't just your everyday dwarf (which
is a vibe I always got about Ori from canon), and I could see how he
would connect nicely to an elf - especially one who isn't perfect, as
evidenced by Erestor's complaint.

Perhaps I'm reading too much in here, but I really liked this drabble.
Very nice insight into these characters.

Title: A New Day · Author: Oshun · Genres: Longer Works · ID: 35
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-07 15:56:27
When I first found this story last year, my reaction was as if I had
been searching for something for over twenty years and finally found
it. I had mentally paired Maedhros and Fingon when first reading the
Silmarillion at age 16, without considering the implications and
knowing little about male/male relationships.
When reading the Silmarillion, I always had the feeling that if the
hidden pages were unlocked then there would be a veritable lode of
gold brought to light and I wanted to see it mined, wanted it brought
into daylight. Under the beautiful,succinct words and the magnificent
and tragic epic tale there were other stories which had been hidden
away, relationships between characters which spanned the Years of the
Trees and the First Age.

It was purely by chance that I happened upon this work. At the time I
was attempting to write a Maedhros and Fingon story with some-one and
it simply did not work out. This story was the death blow. I was not
happy with the person's portrayal of Maedhros, which seemed effeminate
and I was rapidly losing interest with the lack of fire and chemistry
between the characters. When I read A New Day I immediately reviewed
it - then deleted the review and wrote a longer one since the story
deserved it. I then contacted my co-writer and told her to go and read
it. I wanted her to see how it should be done, I was really saying: "
This is Maedhros and Fingon, if we cannot reach anything like this we
should rethink or call it a day. " I was so enthusiastic about the
story that I felt as if some-one had presented me with a treasure.

The dynamics between the characters are electric and all of them
simply burn from the words. The words in fact blur and dissolve and
the story becomes the reality. I stepped into it and watched it
unfold, I saw the characters as if they were actors in a film save
that I felt closer, an invisible observer. The author has a grasp of
the Eldar that is astonishing, as if they are using her to channel
their lost histories and that is actually how I view her works, as the
true and untold story of Maedhros and Fingon. The personalities each
take on vibrant life but are all completely individual, they are *
real * people, not clones of one another, a Noldo is not just a Noldo.
One can feel their emotions and the dialogue is superb. It says
everything that my biggest pet peeve is seeing Elves talk in
contractions, since I like them to speak as Tolkien wrote, yet I did
not even notice until after and it did not affect my enjoyment of it
in the least and yet when some authors write in that way it will
utterly put me off the whole work from the first " won't. "

I love the main protagonists so much more after reading this. I feel
it is the definitive work on Maedhros and Fingon and their
relationship is so very charismatic, so real and so expertly drawn
that I feel I know now what I felt was only hinted at in the
Silmarillion; I feel them and empathize with them, smile with them,
grieve with them, experience the whole gamut of emotions as their
lives in Middle-earth unfold. I do not feel this story can be praised
enough; it is as if it was waiting to be written and the author was
chosen to be the one to present it to the world.

Title: The Heart of a Home · Author: Mews1945 · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 257
Reviewer: shirebound · 2008-05-07 19:05:39
I return again and again to this gentle tale, a tiny peek into the
life -- and hearts -- of Bilbo and Frodo at Bag End. The author brings
us the love -- as well as the tentative learning -- between two people
beginning to live together and read each other's needs and emotions. A
truly warm and lovely story.

Title: In absentia · Author: Robinka · Races: Elves: House of Finwe ·
ID: 84
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-08 04:34:08
This is very powerful and thought-provoking story. When I first read
it, I was particularly moved because I have been writing the same
story from a totally different perspective—the same impulse but a
polar opposite way to describe Maedhros's torment and adaptation to
it. This is the joy of writing fanfiction, the opportunity to take
such a affecting story, using the elements of canon surrounding it,
and try to find the imaginative impulse to fill in the huge gaps: how
to get from A to B, which is not covered in the text, in a
psychologically convincing and true to canon manner.

Although I chose to approach it completely differently--as though
Maedhros appears to be almost too well to be true and it is only over
the passage of time that Fingon begins to realize the full extent of
the damage that he is hiding., And, yet, when I read yours, I see the
same people. I find the characterization very strongly based in the
bits of canon that we have for their story. ["There Maedhros in time
was healed; for the fire of life was hot within him, and his strength
was of the ancient world, such as those possessed who were nurtured in
Valinor. His body recovered from his torment and became hale, but the
shadow of his pain was in his heart; and he lived to wield his sword
with left hand more deadly than his right had been."] There is
enormous power and poignancy in your description of both characters
here. Fingon is quick to want to help, accepting of responsibility,
and Maedhros verges on utter madness. Yet it is only when Fingon is
provoked to anger and refuses to continue to coddle him, that Maedhros
is able to summon the strength to wake-up and come back to himself.
The end is heartbreaking in its tenderness and manifests their deep
friendship. The only tiny point I might quibble with is that
Maedhros's assertion that Fingon is not a kinslayer. The way I read
the text, I see Fingon also as guilty of kinslaying. He is not more
innocent of that charge because he tried to defend what he believes
are his kinsmen under attack. Since, it was the natives of Alqualonde
who threw the first Noldor into the sea and provoked the first drawing
of a sword, the whole melee could be seen as defensive. According to
the inexorable pull of fate and doom in the grand tragic tradition,
they all become kinslayers, except for the few who held back, behind
Fingon and Fingolfin's companies.

Very interesting and well-executed story. (And, you get extra points
for me raising what some may see as my own canon heresy here relating
the kinslaying.)

Title: The Apprentice · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 52
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-08 07:00:05
This author has done what I considered almost impossible, she has used
her own knowledge of science and brought it into Tolkien. In this
work, Sauron, as Annatar is not the blank, one dimensional and generic
evil dark lord, but a scientists who utilizes technology. Since
Tolkien seemed to range himself against technology, one would think
that this would make this story far too Au and far too removed from
the spirit of Tolkien to be enthralling, especially to me who knows
very little about science.

However, her writing somehow weaves this flawlessly into an intriguing
interpretation of Sauron as Annatar in Ost-in-Edhil and his
interaction with the Noldor. I had often wondered at how the Fëanorion
lamps were made, the three Elven Rings, the One and of course The
Silmarils. To simply attribute such things to magic, when Tolkien
spoke of the Noldor learning from Aulë seemed to simplistic, since all
these artifacts were * made * and solid and real, not nebulous. The
author has handled this beautifully and her Sauron is a supremely
complex and fascinating person - I found his thinking of Gorthaur and
Annatar as different * people, or rather different aspects of himself,
quite apart from one another entthralling.

The apprentice, Sámaril is likewise a wonderfully realized character
and the hierarchical Noldorin politics of Ost-in-Edhil and the Jewel
Smiths are intricately explored and are very much how I imagined. For
some-one to approach this time in the history of Middle-earth and to
delve into the personality of Sauron as a scientist requires an
amazing mind.

In this story Sámaril was in fact the creator of the first of the Nine
Rings of Men and his guilt at it's usage and realization that he had
been betrayed, along with Celebrimbor and all the Gwaith-i-Mírdain is
stunningly written as are his feelings for Annatar, betrayal is so
much worse when it comes from one you have greatly respected.

I would say that all the characters in this story are strikingly drawn
and the interleaving of scientific terminology is done with a light
enough touch so that it does not become hard to follow but rather adds
a new dimension to Sauron, the Jewel Smiths and opens the mind to
ponder on the * magic * of Tolkien's world. In the case of Sauron, of
Fëanor, Celebrimbor, was it in fact science and technology?

This is a superb AU with vivid and rich characterizations and in it
magic becomes science and science becomes mystical

Title: Cinnamon and Chocolate · Author: Cuthalion · Genres: Romance ·
ID: 264
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-05-08 18:44:21
This is a delightfully erotic tale in the author's 'Before I Go to
Sleep' universe, which involves romance between Frodo Baggins and Lily
Proudfoot, the midwife of Hobbiton. Lily drops by Bag End while Frodo
is busy baking cinnamon rolls in the kitchen. The action which follows
is hot, and not only because the oven is working. The author has a
marvellous way of writing sex scenes which make them seem REAL rather
than the pretty images of Hollywood movies. An absoultely wonderful
read - perfect for a cold night.

Title: The King's Surgeon · Author: SurgicalSteel · Genres: Longer
Works · ID: 90
Reviewer: Cuthalion · 2008-05-09 08:52:32
This tale was the author\\\'s very first story (plus the beginning if
a much admired universe), and it is not only an awesome success but
also an awesome tale. She tells the story of Serindë, a woman from Dol
Amroth. As a child of nine, she loses a part of her left foot and is
brought to the Houses of Healing. To escape her boring loneliness, he
starts to pester the healers for knowledge and becomes a healer herself.

The author is a surgeon (which gives the - countless - medical details
much more credibility than usual), and she is a brilliant storyteller.
When Serindë gets cross with Denethor - which is a mild understatement
- she is banned from the town and finds a refuge in the North, in
Bree. She falls in love with the hobbits (and gets to know plenty of
Tooks and Brandybucks), but also with a young ranger crossing her path
- Halbarad, cousin of Aragorn (whom she has known before btw., under
his alias Thorongil).

Her love story with Halbarad is one of the (many) reasons why I love
that beautiful tale so much. We have the - extremely rare - chance to
watch the long, fulfilling marriage of a loving couple over more than
twenty years... with children, with triumphs and losses, with joy and
tears (and with lovely erotic encounters, of course). For those who
are familiar with Halbarad\\\'s fate... ah well, she\\\'s also written
a lovely AU which changes the course of his life. I find both versions
of her tale utterly satisfying. And - which is another plus - the huge
saga is finally finished, leaving the reader with a feeling of utter
contentment and the urgent wish for a huge handkerchief.

Title: Discretion · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age and
Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 254
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-10 03:48:09
This is a great story. It is a thoroughly fascinating study of a
family, a genre that I truly adore especially in connection with the
Finweans. Love the intrigue, politics, drama, and mystery. You write
Carnistir as almost more like a Medici than a Fëanorian to good
purpose. Inquiring minds what to know how much does optimistic
Arafinwë really know? Of course, I got an enormous kick out of the
fact that it raised a number of issues that I have been thinking about
in relationship to all of these characters in recent months, although,
of course, your imagination takes them in directions where I never
would have gone. I love Carnistir lurking in the shadows and watching
all the wheels turn.

It was particularly interesting to me that Carnistir says, ["I sneak,
spy and lie and hate almost everything."] What a guy. He is completely
believable as a vulnerable, rather damaged kid, dealing with a big
unwieldy family, especially one with such issues. As someone who spent
a large part of my childhood hiding under the dining table or in the
stairwell off the front parlor, Carnistir's behavior had the ring of
absolute truth for me.

And the scene with Findaráto and Nelyo--oh, my: what an incredible
scene that was. You really intrigued me and made me want to peel the
layers off of that relationship and know more. Seems a lot is hinted
at that is not covered in this story.

Finally, and not least, ["Don't say anything confidential because your
brother is spying on you in the parlor."] Cracked me up. This is a
classic of a line that should come with a beverage warning. Thankfully
I was not drinking at the time that I read it.

Title: King Stag · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves · ID: 86
Reviewer: aranelgoldenflower · 2008-05-10 21:29:26
Oh I feel so terrible that my review is only going to be short!
Well I feel I must say how much I enjoyed this story, even though the
first time I read it, it was totally different to what I was used to.
But now I'm so glad it's been nominated etc! and I wish you the best
of luck.
Do you know, I think it was probably one of your fics that made me
like Thranduil as a character.
Ummm, I hope people write better reviews than me so you get lots of
points....rather than just filling it with random comments!

Finally I would like to add that I have *no* critisisms at all!

Title: Star's End · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves: House of Elrond ·
ID: 283
Reviewer: elfscribe · 2008-05-11 00:16:58
This is Kei at her elegiac best. I have rarely read a more moving
tribute to Tolkien's world. She has so completely captured the sense
of loss of the elves. Not only in Arwen's tasting the bitterness of
her choice and forsaking her people and immortality, but also in the
way the land has changed and is forgetting the elves. ["I do not hear
the trees anymore,"] Arwen says. So heartbreaking. In that way Maglor
is a perfect voice for this. A character I would never have imagined
coming to comfort Arwen, but it works so well. One of the ancient's
mightiest singers who had been brought low by loyalty to his father's
pride, that he having forsaken his kind and wandering long, humbled,
should sing a final song over her and in a way redeem himself for
earlier sins against the family is beautiful. She has done a
magnificent job characterizing both Maglor and Arwen. Maglor's
reflections about Arwen are like holding a mirror up to himself. [ "I
knew that face, I had seen its like in male form both in the flesh and
in the dreams that still occasionally came to me, dreams of the days
before my world changed and I cut myself off by choice from my kind."]
["My eyes though, like hers, I think are not young."] I loved the
description of her hair and how the author wrapped it in Maglor's
memories of Arwen's father. In fact, in all of this there is a sense
of Maglor revisiting himself and his sense of loss as well. [ "Child
of the child I had spoken softly to after nightmares shook him from
sleep in the early days when we took him and his brother from the
burning city beside the sea…" ] and ["the lost dreams of the Noldor"]
and [ "I had no words; the Valar have no ears for me." ]

Her brothers' choice to say farewell to her and become mortal also
makes sense the way she explains it here. ["Faced with the thing
mortals crave all their lives, immortality, we turned it down in
favour of the racing pulse and heady taste of life lived fast."][ "So
they stayed here. Rather end knowing your life was well used than sit
in paradise watching the stars turn and counting the eons."]

And her language is so appropriate - long, full sentences, sonorous,
rolling off the tongue, heavy with quiet beauty and sorrow. Here is an
example which is so lovely, so very elvish: ["Mostly I played the tree
music, the whisper of their leaves, the quiet creaks and groans, the
sounds of water being drawn deep." ]

Maglor taking Arwen's life is such an act of mercy, a kindness since
what is left for her at this point. His ability to imagine how seeing
Imladris also returning to the earth would fill her with despair works
beautifully. And this last is so gorgeous and so very Tolkien: ["a new
song of my own making, one which I would sing that once and never
again."] So finally, this is also a moving reflection on the pain and
beauty of loss and the tenderness that at the end, one being can show
for another. Beautiful writing, full of emotion without being
affected. This story deserves kudos.

Title: Hearts Like the Sea · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 36
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-11 14:20:30
A beautiful piece which for me, possesses all the starlit newness and
wonder of the Elves who awoke beside Ciuvienen. It was not without its
own perils, as we know from the Silmarillion and from this story
itself and that is a shadow at the edge of eyesight, but the
atmosphere is not the blissful burgeoning of skills and knowledge in
Aman nor the harsher, more complex sword-glitter of the First Age. It
holds the freshness and the wonder of the First Elves under the stars
and it seems more innocent, the characters, although they have
suffered loss and know danger, have not become the ones we envisage
when reading of them in the later Ages.

It is interesting to see this glimpse of Círdan, who ones tends to
always associate with age and his long - and perhaps unique among the
Elves - beard, and Elwë is not the King of Doriath, wife of Melian and
father of Lúthien who dies in Menegroth. Both are relatively young,
and there is a sense of adventurousness about both, one imagines them
as alert for exploration, enthusiastic; this is shown wonderfully in
Círdan's building of a boat, he is like a young designer who is
thrilled by each trial and error and delighted to find in Elwë
some-one who he can expound his thoughts to and who will help him and
support him, one can almost see his initial surprise that some-one
shows an interest in what he is doing; he does not know then that he
will become known as the Shipwright and Lord of the Havens, or built
the ships that take the Elves on the Straight Road.

The relationship between these two is touching in it's easy innocence.
Círdan lost the one he loved, Elwë has not yet been entranced by
Melian in Nan Elmoth; there is no guilt or doubt in their intimacy,
it's naturalness strikes me as exactly how such a thing would be in
those very early times; there are no Laws of the Eldar, there is no
sense that this is wrong, it is as easy and sweet as the waters beside
which they leave, clear and deep and pure.

Having read this I would like to think that Círdan chose to remain in
Middle-earth because the one he came to love did, even though that one
became Elu Thingol who was doomed when he was drawn into the curse
which surrounded the Silmaril's. One never hears much of Círdan in
fanfiction and this aspect of him is refreshing and poignant. As for
Elwë, although one might speculate he was fated in some way to meet
Melian and become the sire of Lúthien, I would like to think he
remembered his lover. In the writings Thingol and Melian's
relationship is not constantly blissful, at times she ' withdrew her
counsel from him ' . I will always think now that even in behind the
Girdle Of Melian, Thingol's thoughts strayed back often to a simpler
life beside Cuiviénen, where there was no kingship, no politics, no

The author's writing of this is beautiful, taking me to those starlit
shores, giving me a glimpse into the minds of these two Elves, I can
feel the coolness of the waters and the breeze over them and see a sky
which is lit by stars with no sun nor moon and there is a silver magic
and beauty to it which is profound and feels authentic and antique. It
is a spellbinding piece of fanfiction which covers something not often
touched upon, the Ages of the Stars. Two Elves who would become
important in the history of Middle-earth are shown here as young,
endearing in their freshness and relative simplicity, without the
weight of responsibility and Ages so fully upon their shoulders. They
still have the starlight in their eyes and hopes in their hearts and
their generosity of spirit and in loving is written with a masterly

Title: Ionnath-Estel ( The Sons Of Hope ) · Author: Kenaz · Races:
Elves: Incomplete · ID: 318
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-11 14:58:33
This is a work of rich and beautiful descriptive prose and superb
exploration of different characters. Although it may seem like a
simple enough story at the outset, from the beginning the author
tackles the subject of male/male love in a certain kindred of the
Elves as being highly undesirable, indeed deserving of the punishment
of exile. This is clear from the first chapter and also the fact that
among other kindreds it is acceptable. The difficulties this would
bring upon an Elf who is forced by almost tribal taboos to be secret
about his relationship is masterfully handled.

The writing is an total immersion into two very different Elven
Realms, Lórien and Imladris and. It is so vivid that one can walk
completely into it and see and feel and breathe it. I have never felt,
despite reading the LOTR for two decades that I truly knew what Lórien
was like and this story looks at it at a time when Amroth was still
King. It is far more real to me than the Lórien of Galadriel and
Celeborn and Imladris has a vitality to it which makes it far more
than the '' Last Homely House. "

The characters relationships, from extreme youth onward are drawn with
a beautiful and effortless skill, their friendship which expands to
becomes something deeper is beautifully explored. The self doubts and
enforced secrecy of the feelings of Haldir for the growing Elladan are
utterly authentic. It is a matter for shame among the Silvan Elves for
male to love male although the reasons are valid enough, devolving
from a time when the Silvan population was much reduced. One pities
both he and another who has experienced it. The laws are strict and
the society appears somewhat pitiless and puritanical in it's
rejection of such things. It is not ever going to be easy.

Imladris in this story is how I would imagine at this time; alive,
vibrant and the canon characters who appear, such as Gildor Inglorion
and Glorfindel are wonderfully conceived - again as I imagine these
Eldar to be. There is a sense of hope as yet, not of diminishing. The
story is as rich and gorgeously colored as a the great Medieval Bibles
illustrated by monks that I have seen under glass, each detail adds to
the lush beauty of the whole. It is a work I have re-read many times
for it's beauty, atmosphere and the superb handling of characters in
situations which are fraught with both potential sorrow and the
bitterness of a shame which one of them should never have to feel.

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-05-11 15:57:36
A hilarious question and answer for our beloved lady Galadriel.
Tolkien does tend to contradict himself at times. Heh!

Title: My Precious · Author: SheBit · Genres: Romance: Drabbles · ID: 14
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-05-11 16:24:15
This is a delicate look inside the mind of one of our favorite
villains as he thinks on what he hopes to gain by his actions. The
title is a marvelous bit of misdirection, and yet so appropriate to
the tale and the character involved. Well done.

Title: To See A World · Author: Nightwing · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 330
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-12 10:33:32
This story was the first fanfiction work I ever stumbled upon and it
has enthralled me since 2005. I think the best way to explain my
enthusiasm and love of it, is to say that reading it I came to like
Aragorn and Legolas more than after 20 years of reading the Lord of
the Rings.

The author draws a wonderful portrait of deep ( non-sexual ) love
between the two characters, their trust of one another. The situation
which unfolds contains some shocks which are also dealt with superbly.
the author researches the subjects she incorporates and all sound
utterly authentic, giving an even deeper level of realism to the stories.

The plot is excellent, weaving in old and tragic history with the
growing threat of Mordor and the action/battle scenes are brilliantly
written, but to me the author truly excels in the exploration of the
personalities of Legolas and Aragorn. Their thoughts and emotions
during the story run the gamut from joy to terror and grief and each
one is superb and snares the reader. She writes as if she personally
has experienced all that they have and of course this intensity is so
realistic that one finds oneself with them as they laugh, weep, or
feel rage and fear. They are placed in situations where even survival
is uncertain and all their skills as a Ranger and Archer are in doubt
and through this one comes to love them more greatly and see their
true honor and nobility.

The story does not need romance, nor slash and it is one of the very
few friendship/adventure stories which I like, since my taste is very
different. There could be seen an element of romantic love between the
two, but this would not be what the author intended, it is simply that
the love is so deep and so rich that it shows through each
interaction, yet is not romantic. It seems to be almost deeper than
romantic or sexual love.

It is a story which leaves one thinking, wondering and sympathizing
after each chapter. I read it in one gulp and was devastated to find
it was a WIP, however it is also among those I read again and again
and never become tired of.

Title: Heart of the Wood · Author: Kenaz · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 60
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-12 11:13:37
There seems to be a dearth of stories revolving around Túrin and his
friendship with Beleg Cúthalion, which in a way is mirrored long after
by that of Aragorn and Legolas.

The tale is so tragic that it almost begs for exploration and in this
short work the author has woven the spell of the Elder days superbly.
The closeness and yet the insurmountable differences between these two
characters, the ancient wisdom of Beleg and the raw, young Mortal
pride of Túrin come vividly to life. There would seem to be little in
common with such a disparate pair and yet as we know from Tolkien they
were friends.

This story * feels * Elder days in the way that the * Great * writers
of Tolkien fanfiction so effortlessly manage; the woods, the rivers,
the shadow of Morgoth, the doom which lies upon both Túrin and Beleg
is there and the deepening love which ends so terribly.

Both characters are painted wonderfully, Beleg's age, his patience,
his skills which are so inherent in him that they are a part of him
contrast sharply with Túrin's youth, his resentment, stubbornness and
recklessness and his sense of having to prove himself. Yet he is loved
and knows it and loves in return. These two come to life here, early
in their relationship. Túrin is still prickly, tending to explosive
outbursts and taking offense, Beleg's calmer demeanor seems to both
draw him and ground him, yet Beleg is not ethereal or unknowable and
in his words an actions one sees the experienced and brilliant warrior
that he is; he can alarm if he wishes, to open the eyes of this proud
and impatient young man.

It is a story I would love to see expanded on since the background is
already there, setting a beautiful stage tinged with doom and sorrow
for a story which - for me - is more tragic, because less hopeful -
than that of Beren and Lúthien.
As with all the author's works, the wordsmithing is on a level of
excellence that few writers, published or no, can reach and
immediately opens a door into a long lost world where she weaves the
threads together with such skill that it leaves the reader always
wanting far more.

Msg# 9215

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, July 15, 2008 (Part 2) Posted by Ann July 15, 2008 - 21:11:58 Topic ID# 9215
Title: The Wedding Gift · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 40
Reviewer: Violin Ghost · 2008-05-12 14:20:11
Your words create a lovely, dwarvish sort of atmosphere, beauty and
love of the craft mingled into a tapestry of words. (Your words are
inspiring me to use beautiful language too.)

What I especially like about this little oneshot, however, is that
though, throughout the piece, you show Gloin's tender love for the
making of beautiful things (shared by all Dwarves, of course!), he
surrenders to the fact that his wife is more beautiful than anything
he could ever make with his two hands.

A lovely oneshot, not overdone, but flowing with language as lovely as
Tolkien's own.

Title: Shadow King · Author: Claudia · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Angst/Tragedy · ID: 227
Reviewer: Violin Ghost · 2008-05-12 14:52:15
That was truly chilling, especially the part about Aragorn coldly
chopping Frodo's fingers off and then "tenderly" bandaging them.

Title: Fulfilling Oaths · Author: Nieriel Raina · Times: Multi-Age ·
ID: 332
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-12 17:11:45
Tolkien created an epic myth and in that he wove back and forth
between ancient history and the time of the War of the Ring in the
Lord of the Rings. Authors who are familiar with his world show this
by the grace in which they can themselves be writing in perhaps a
later time frame, yet allude to earlier events without it sounding
heavy or by too much * telling * rather than showing. It requires a
delicate touch and wonderful writing skills and both are in evidence
in this short piece.

Even people who have only seen the film Lord of the Rings are familiar
with the image of Ring of Barahir upon the finger of Aragorn. fewer
are aware of the history behind it, which went back to a time before
the Sun and Moon. For, to quote the Boromir of the films; " so small a
thing. " it had a heritage far more illustrious than the One Ring and
far more tragic, being fashioned in Valinor by Finrod Felagund. Very
few things on Middle-earth, save the Palantiri have such ancient
origins, yet in the film it was little more than a decorative ring.

The author, who writes some wonderful friendships stories of Legolas
and Gimli has here used her beautifully characterized Legolas to close
the circle of the tale of the Ring of Barahir in a way that makes me
wish it were true. In fact I will probably mentally file it under: "
what should be. " She deals with the sense of failure within the heart
of Finrod and how he is vindicated at the very end.
Ages of time have passed since he died in the black depths of
Tol-in-Gaurhoth and the author brings a closure to his thoughts and to
the story of her Legolas on Middle-earth when he returns the Ring to
Barahir. There is such a sense of rightness to this. Her handling of
both Finrod and Legolas, one great among the Eldar, the other a
Wood-Elf of a latter Age is masterful, the reader can feel both the
discrepancies and the similarities between the two. Both fought
against Sauron, one face to face and was mastered and did not see
victory , the other fought supporting a great friend and did see the
end of darkness and that also gives them a sense of kinship.

As a short stand alone piece it is both poignant and satisfying and at
the end of reading it I had to comment that I wished it were true
because it is one of the stories which should be.

Title: The Ribbon · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Races: Hobbits:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 336
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-05-12 20:53:59
Gentle Hobbit wrote this for me last summer, and it still brings tears
to my eyes. It's slightly AU, in that Frodo's still in Middle Earth
and Elanor is old enough to be running outside and playing, but it's
really beautifully done. In this tale, Rosie notices a ribbon that
Frodo's putting into Elanor's hair is cutting across his finger stump.
Rosie then asks Frodo about the stump of his missing finger, and if it
ever bothers him, and why it looks so neat and tidy considering how he
lost it. Frodo relates events from some of my stories, in which that
stump was revised in Minas Tirith. The gentle gratitude he expresses
for the healer's skill and caring brought tears to my eyes then, and
still does so now.

Title: Acquittance · Author: Aprilkat · Genres: Drama · ID: 337
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-05-12 21:01:21
This piece was my birthday gift from Aprilkat last year, and I love it
very much. She chose to write a small gapfiller for some of my other
tales. This one takes place immediately after my OFC healer, Serinde,
has been exiled from Minas Tirith. Some of her patients - people who
aren't among the rich or well-to-do of society, who'd be considered
part of the underbelly of society - have taken up a collection of
supplies which she may need along the way. It's a story about how even
small kindnesses are rewarded at unexpected moments and in ways we
never anticipate.

Title: The Search For Middle-earth · Author: Jules14 · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Incomplete · ID: 346
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-13 18:51:34
This story is a complete deviation from my usual choices, but since
first reading it, it has thoroughly engrossed me. It is impossible to
explain how and why without spoilers. The premise is one very close to
my heart, that Middle-earth did exist six to nine thousand years ago,
as Tolkien himself said. It is however set in the modern age and
believed to be a book and film.

It involves both characters from this era who grow from teenagers to
young adults during the course of the story and characters from
Tolkien who are recognizably those people. The author very plausibly
draws on in to a story of a few people searching for clues of a lost
time and civilizations, races who have seemingly died out. The modern
people are ones the reader can connect with, of very different
personalities, skeptical, even violently opposed to any such myth,
eager and passionately involved in the search. All of them are real
characters with real strength, weaknesses and faults and their
interaction with figures from something supposed to be fantasy is
entirely believable.

It's also a story which rouses the emotions; anger against the
cynicism and hostility of certain people against this crackpot theory,
sympathy toward those to whom it becomes their raison d'etre and deep
sorrow for certain canon characters who have lingered so very long
through forgotten ages. There were times when I wept and times I
wanted to grab a certain woman and slap her for her treatment of
some-one who was frankly so far above her she could never possibly
comprehend it.

There is a great pace to this book, despite the years which pass and
the melding of modern and myth is something I have rarely seen done so
well. The canon characters do not sound like the modern ones, they are
clearly of a far more antique origin. The blending reminds me of The
Dark Is Rising series of books since it is written so well and is not
at all awkward, one can imagine it happening now, as we read it.
Tolkien's characters are wonderfully handled as are the modern
original ones who are quite normal in most respects and therefore easy
to understand. Nothing happens which feels unbelievable, the research
done into geography and possible mistakes - perhaps deliberate - in
Tolkien's records of maps and distances, the reason for the
disappearance of that world is tackled with great skill and
intelligence. Completely different to the stories which usually grab
me, I think this author is a true story-teller who manages what few
can do, to weave together Middle-earth and the modern world with a
wholly believabel result.

Title: Essecarmë · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 247
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-14 00:18:40
This is one of my absolute favorites of all of your stories that are
based in the universe of your novel [Another Man's Cage]. It is a
magnificent extension of those well-developed and much-loved
characters at a somewhat older age. The complexity of the relationship
between Maedhros and Feanor carefully considered in your personal
canon is to this point in your storytelling wrenchingly emotionally
valid, complex and heartbreaking.

One sees a moment of devastating rejection for Maedhros. It can be
interpreted as an almost petulant punitive reaction on the part of
Feanor, for real or imagined willfulness, self-assertion and/or
presumed lack of sufficient loyalty within the tangled mess of the
relations of Finwe's sons and grandsons. The moment also seems to have
been foreshadowed in AMC, while this story appears to look forward
into canon to a breach that will widen until the point at which
Maedhros steps back from the burning of the ships at Losgar.

As a huge fan of your personal canon of AMC I was so excited to read
this expansion and still am eagerly looking forward to what you will
do with character of Maedhros and the family relationships in future
stories that fit within this universe. (You had better find the time
to write these stories.) The point of view of Maglor is so human and
vivid as well. His reflections paint a picture of virtually every
single family member--well done, a really impressive feat of
storytelling in such a short piece. One can imagine from how Maglor
describes and interprets this incident the ripples of tension and
anxiety throughout their entire immediate family.

Title: Small Strengths · Author: Elwen · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort
· ID: 238
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-14 01:26:22
Love the ending! And of course, Sam's constant love, the embrace after
the spider bite, the stroking of the brow and Frodo's memories of that
love on the Quest.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: The Revenge of Curufin's Horse · Author: Moreth · Genres: Humor
· ID: 139
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-14 03:34:24
Oh, I love this too much. (Shortly before first reading this story I
was forced to spent a good deal of time looking for specific detailed
information in The Lay of Leithian. It really was not very much fun.
This was great revenge reading in response to that. Sorry, I'm a
philistine. I know.) I love the horse in this story and Celegorm and
Curufin are absolutely adorable. I could make a bunch of talking horse
jokes and I can think of some appropriate sons of Feanor quips as
well, but I have to be careful. Don't want to include spoilers on a
piece this brief. Yeah, even I respect spoilers when it is something
so short. I did make an accidental Curufin's horse joke in a chapter
earlier this year myself. It was quite a surprise when it was pointed
out to me. This, however, is a conscious and absolutely brilliant
short piece. I hope Professor Tolkien is laughing somewhere, although
I am afraid he might be spinning in his grave. I really look forward
to reading more of your stories as time goes by. You are a really
brilliant comic. Your sense of phrasing and timing is impeccable.
Congratulations on a truly entertaining and memorable story.

Title: The Work of Small Hands · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Longer Works · ID: 352
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-14 06:25:19
As a general rule as soon as I read of the Noldor leaving Tirion, I am
with them and I only ever vaguely wondered what happened to those left

In this story the author deals with the aftermath of the exile and the
kinslaying at Alqualonde and more importantly with how the death of
the Two Trees impacted upon the lives of those living in Aman. Told
specifically from the viewpoint of Earwen and involving the ladies
such as Nerdanel and Indis it is a no-holds-barred and deeply
sympathetic work which reminds me of the aftermath of disasters or
wars when there are food shortages and rationing and people are also
grieving over many deaths. In this case a great many of the Noldor
Houses had departed and so the women had to cope by themselves.

It is a wonderful exploration of these characters who we read so
little of in Tolkien; the women. Their characters are all different
and the way they deal with this aftermath uncovers their strengths and
ability to cope. It is doubly shocking since they were women who must
certainly have been used to a life of gracious ease, even if
emotionally those such as Nerdanel and Indis had to make decisions to
part for their spouses. While the Noldor are gone, these " small hands
" must deal with a darkened Valinor where food no longer grows, the
light source needed having been destroyed. Although as we know,
Finarfin does return, at the beginning he is so traumatized that he is
of little use; one can also understand this. It was the first time the
Eldar had seen the gory reality of battle and death and how horribly
people can die.

Earwen must deal with a husband who is losing the will to live and the
fact that the Noldor who remain are starving. It is so very realistic,
it has a feel of a city after a battle, desperation and cold and dark
are depicted with gritty realism and through it the emerging
personalities and inner strengths of the women begin to glow like lights.

As some-one who does not find the females of Tolkien's works very
interesting, this story has been a great surprise to me and in fact
has drawn me in with a vengeance. It reminds me of my grandmother
talking to me about the Second World War and the bombings and how she
had to live and cope, the " small hands " which try to keep things
together while the armies are away fighting and I find myself wanting
to discover more about their natures and how they live through this
time and after.

My hat is off to the author for so skilfully drawing these
personalities in a time and place of great grief and uncertainty and
making them so vivid and realistic. She has certainly opened out a
part of Tolkien's world that I have never seen explored and done so
with a sure and elegant touch.

Title: Turning Points · Author: Cathleen · Races: Hobbits: Incomplete
· ID: 357
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-05-14 19:37:09
Turning Points is a story, that gives us readers a look into a
specific time of life, that can be very difficult and confusive sometimes.
Here we see Peregrin Took entering that time and how heself and all
the people around him also ( like his parents and sisters, but also of
course Merry and Frodo), deal with the changes that happen to a
Hobbit, who leaves childhood and slowly enters into the adult status.
The story is a nice written piece, that also has lots of courage in
it, because it also tells about things, that people in the todays
world, better not talk about or things that is hard to talk about,
like very privat feelings and actions, that a t(w)eenager might feel
and try, also sexual ones.
Also the Took Sight is worked into this piece and shows us the
beginnings of Pippins family talent. That, combined with the already
difficult state of growing up, is no easy task for Peregrin.
Our dear Frodo Baggins plays in that a very special role and trys to
help our tookish lad to understand what this gift is. I very much like
when Frodo and Pippin talk about it a bit.
Also Sam and his little sister Marigold appear in the story and Pippin
has sort of a crush on Marigold and that is written very sweet.
A great start of a story and worth a read!

Title: Summer Heat · Author: chaotic_binky · Times: Modern Times · ID: 363
Reviewer: weepingnaiad · 2008-05-15 12:37:18
This story is gripping and intriguing and has a unique view of the
ubiquitous pairing of Glorfindel/Erestor. Taking place in modern times
and wrapped in a murder mystery, this is very reminiscent of a film
noir story.

Definitely entertaining and a great read!

Title: Painting a Golden Light · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 364
Reviewer: weepingnaiad · 2008-05-15 12:41:33
This is a beautifully written story that takes place in England during
WWI. It truly captures the sense of that time period and the dichotomy
of the war in the trenches and the bucolic existence of those living
in small town England.

Title: Moon of the Sea · Author: pandemonium_213 · Times: Second and
Early Third Age · ID: 213
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-15 14:19:10
This story deals with one of the many unnamed women who abound in
Tolkien and brings her to life with staggering richness.

From the first chapter I felt there was something priestess-like about
the main female character, there is one particular passage which put
me in mind both of the birth of Aphrodite and the Ayesha, in the old
film ' She ' . When I read of her I think of a High Priestess dancing
in a temple devoted to the ancient, earthy rites of a Goddess, hidden
away from the eyes of men, with her feet drawing the strength from the
ground under her and her face lifted to the moon whose tides run in
her. She has that sort of mystique and charisma and to read of a woman
like that in Tolkien's world is incredible to me. There seems to me to
be no sensuality of this sort in Tolkien's females, they could of
course be incredibly beautiful, like Luthien, but none possessed what
my grandmother called the * it * quality, where a look promises rich
delights to the man who can win her. I am not certain if the author
intended this, but this is what comes to my mind as I read it.
She has given this unnamed women a character and personality which is
fascinating and by choice this is the kind of woman I would read of
since she is so vivid and she would be strong enough to carry a story
alone; here she is not a noble-woman who becomes a wife and mother but
some-one who is equal in all respects to the man she weds. One could
see her taking charge of defending a castle and running a huge nobles
household and yet also walking through shafts of moonbeams to her
husband's bed and becoming something quite different, a goddess who
men both desire and fear, yet her warmth and laughter would forever
warm him. he could trust her more implicitly than his closest
companion and warrior and draw from the strength in her, yet one feels
that she would ever be a mystery to him, wife and priestess of a
womanly power.

The atmosphere in this story is very different from anything else I
have read, it gives the time and place written of a very unique slant;
I could see it being ancient Greece, or India or that of the
civilization who built Angkor Wat. Usually one receives and impression
of the Medieval in Tolkien ( For the Elves and Men of the West and
Anglo-Saxon for the Rohirric culture ) and this fascinates me since
the time and place and peoples written of did not engage my interest
before this story.

This authors writing of female characters is one of the reasons I have
come back to reading stories which revolve about them; she and another
author I have reviewed have the maturity and depth and the imagination
to paint truly interesting and engrossing women who stand alone and
not simply as an adjunct to a famous male figure. And I believe this
was badly needed in the Tolkien fandom.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Keiliss · 2008-05-15 21:07:46

Ah, I did not see that ending coming at all, what a pleasure. A twist
literally in the final line really makes a piece for me, be the story
long or short. The entire time I was reading this, I was doing exactly
what you intended: I could see Gimli on the shores of Middle-earth,
getting into the Last Ship, sailing to Valinor, the Lady waiting
specially for him at the dock… really kind of her. And where are we?

Really cute tale, a big story put across in very few words!


Title: The Night That Covers Me · Author: Thranduil Oropherion Redux ·
Genres: Alternate Universe · ID: 379
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-16 12:31:07
This story is unusual in that it is an AU of an AU story written with
the permission and approval of the original author., Aislynn
Crowdaughter. The fact that it is an alternate of an alternate is in
itself a tribute to the power of the main story, Mael-Gul which,
however is strictly adult darkfic and is only posted on sites which
allow Adult ratings.

Mael-Gul is a dark Middl-earth where the power of the Three Elven
Rings is such that their bearers can be corrupted toward the dark and
Elrond is a a figure of cruelty. The Elves of Mirkwood are a subject
race and hostages and slaves are taken from their number to Imladris.
One of these is Legolas who is bound by a dark spell, the Mael-Gul by
Elrond and given in time to Aragorn, also a much darker character, in
fact with sadistic tendencies.

I read The Night That Covers Me before Mael-Gul - which I am now
following - and believe it to be a superb piece in it's own right. The
author gives this Legolas a different character, one less apt to
accept his slavery and in fact it is something that one wishes would
happen in Mael-Gul. However, this is not meant as a derogatory remark
against the original work, which is both deep and traumatic and
excellently written, it is simply that many people would love to see
Legolas think the thoughts which are explored in The Night. While it
is necessary to know the history of Mael-Gul and at least a summary,
the powerful, beautifully intense prose of this author gives this
piece a life of it's own. It is dark, for the Mael-Gul universe is
dark. It is a glimpse into the feelings, memories and intentions of
the slave Legolas and what seethes under his years of being so cruelly
bound to an Aragorn one cannot help hating. It does not concentrate on
sexual aspects except as they are indivisible to the plot, but here
they act as device for the Elf to delve into thoughts which he must
never say aloud, not for his own continued existance alone, but that
of all his people. This is done with empathic skill, since the slave
must accept all that is done to him, yet his mind is not cowed, rather
the opposite. And one cannot help smiling and nodding grimly at the
inner strength it takes to submit oneself to years of cruel usage and
yet remain mentally unbroken. A stern, elegant, shadowed piece of
writing which is wonderful to read alone or as a part of Mael-Gul.

Title: Fait Accompli · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Mystery · ID: 381
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-16 16:40:16
This tale of darkness, suspense and erotica had me trying to solve the
mystery until the end. I was unsuccessful in piecing together the
clues and was shocked to the core.

There is no real sense of when or where this is set, save that it is
obvious the main protagonist is of great power. At first I believed
the time-frame to be a great deal earlier than it in fact was. The
atmosphere is that of a tense psychological thriller spiced with dark
eroticism. The reader can feel oneself in the grip of the emotions the
character is experiencing, his helplessness, the lack - for a long
time - of any extraneous stimuli, the gradual demolition of the ego to
the one who toys with him.

The author handles all this with a effortless realism that is
intensely gripping. It is about power, it is about demanding complete
surrender, a mind-game played by some-one it is impossible to win
against. They are pitiless but subtle and sensual; they take delight
in the crumbling of the will and ego, in subjugating their captive,
yet there is not the bludgeoning lack of finesse one associates with,
for instance, Morgoth. This is why I believed the protagonist was not
Morgoth or Sauron although it did have me speculating until the end.

The story would be an excellent chiller would it not be for the
sensual charge, which is interwoven into the submission the
protagonist is determined to achieve; he seems to be playing, but is
deadly serious in desiring complete capitulation, in the captive
realizing he has no hope, that all his thoughts, his focus, everything
he is must be upon the captor, that he is owned, in fact. The captor,
in fact displays a cruel elegance which makes him both terrifying and
fascinating, he becomes the all-in-all and when one reaches the end
and realizes why this is and how and why it has come to pass it is
truly a revelation. It gave me the feeling of falling and protesting
that this could not be how the story ended, but it was so wonderfully
written that I have gone back to it again and again amazed at the
tension, the richly textured, black-velvet atmosphere and the finality
of the finish.

It made me think very deeply about what might have been and although
it seemed a dark and despairing finish to a shadowed, tale it is
enthralling and the sensuality threaded through it prevented it from
being simply depressing and hopeless, even though I could see little
hope. It engrossed me all the way through and shocked me rigid when I
came to the end. It also caused me to view the captor and protagonist
in a very different light and to wonder: " What if? "

Title: Murder The Dawn · Author: crowdaughter · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Incomplete · ID: 383
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-17 09:09:37
This story is a spin off of the authors main work Mael-Gul. That work,
which I am perusing at the moment, is very definitely adult. It is a
dark AU in which the Elves of Mirkwood are a subject people to
Imladris, whose lord, Elrond, is cruel, even tyrannical, due perhaps
in part to the unforeseen power of Vilya and also Sauron. It may seem
it would be impossible to suspend disbelief for one moment to believe
in a wicked Elrond and a sadistic Aragorn, but the author writes so
skilfully, that in fact it is no effort at all.

While that story must be rated adult, this shorter one is an M and is
an AU of events told in Mael-Gul, although if one reads the summary
and background it stands alone.

The Mael-Gul AU is extremely dark and this AU is set within that but
with events taking a different turn to those in the original. It deals
with thought and memories of slavery, torture and non-con, but is
specifically focused on the emotions of the character and his fate,
which is a race against time for him. This, the author deals with
superlatively as she did in Mael-Gul, I cannot even think of a
published book that has written of the psychological affect of slavery
and abuse and twisted love and it's long terms affects in such a
manner as to make it readable, not merely horrific or depressing. It
evokes sorrow, horror and anger in me to the extent that I have fired
off comments to her story saying I wish to see Elrond and Aragorn
impaled and die in agony. It has touched me that deeply. But it does
not only cause me fury, it puts me firmly in the camp of the victim,

When stories like this are written, I think it should be with a great
deal of understanding and empathy, not to shock, or to glorify such
subjects as rape and both physical and psychological abuse. Neither
Murder the Dawn, nor the original, Mael-Gul do this, they both explore
the devastating effects upon a subjugated person who is bound
unwillingly and yet loves the one who maltreats him; it is, I think, a
version of the Stockholm Syndrome and only in this and one other Adult
rated series have I seen it dealt with so sympathetically and deftly.
Both as a stand alone and a companion piece to Mael-Gul this story
possesses all the dark passion, drama and roller coaster readability
that the author weaves into all her writing.

Title: The Pillar Perished Is · Author: Imhiriel · Times: First Age
and Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 356
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-17 16:50:12
This is a really nice read and does an excellent job of crawling into
Feanor's headspace. While I have occasionally written stories that
include him, even from his POV, it has always been out of interest for
the other people in his life, like Nerdanel and Maglor. He's not
someone I have a lot of sympathy for by nature. And yet, as I read
this story, I found myself really connecting with him. I think getting
a reader to empathize and connect with a character that they don't
naturally is one of the skills I most admire in a story.

Another thing that really impressed me about this story was the use of
detail (or perhaps the lack thereof). I've read some stories about
Alqualonde in particular that were wonderfully visceral in the disgust
and horror they caused. But this story takes a more distant view; the
only mention of mass murder is flames in the distance, and that's
compared to the flames of the still living other Noldor who were left
behind in Aman. I am not sure if it is depression/numbness talking
there, or if other people really do seem like ants to him - in either
case, it's very nice piece of categorization.

Speaking of that depression/numbness, I was completely blown away with
this author's use of Feanor's grief. It reminded me of what I've read
about people whose loved ones die unexpectedly - suicide or murder,
especially. Feanor seems to try to be convincing himself that what
happened REALLY ISN'T HIS FAULT, and of course it isn't, but that seed
of doubt is extremely well handled. It makes him much more human than
he seemed in canon (though perhaps that's not quite the right word...
more approachable in any case). But that approachability didn't make
him less imposing; rather, somehow it made Feanor's otherness feel
that much more imminent, and the emotional reality really hit home.

Really, this is a story that packs a lot of punch and does a damned
fine job with a difficult character. Brava, Imhiriel!

Title: Ed'ledhron · Author: Elanor Silmarien · Races: Hobbits · ID: 392
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-17 22:54:49
This is a powerful tale of Frodo's spiritual awakening in the West as
Elrond tells him of Iluvatar, after Frodo tells him of the emptiness
he feels. He is hungering after he doesn't know what. It's not the
Ring anymore. Elrond clears up the mystery for him. I think the Holy
Spirit, the Secret Fire, inspired Elanor to write this. God bless and
I hope to see this expanded one day! *hint hint* :)

Title: Trading Pledges · Author: Adaneth · Races: Dwarves · ID: 339
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-18 23:50:58
This is a fascinating look in a culture not well-explored within
fanfiction, which is particularly interesting in that it gives a fresh
insight into one of the possibilities of what it might mean to be a
dwarf and be female. Written in the characteristic straight forward
style this author always brings to her stories.

Title: Painting a Golden Light · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 364
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-19 00:07:07
This story is a real change of pace for the author. It is a
fascinating look into a specific time and place: post-World War I
England and a close look at English village life (with all that
implies relating to provinciality and a sly look at the behavior of
big ducks (the local village matrons) in a small pond). It contains
pathos, humor, and redemption, all with a backdrop of an examination
of the effect of post-traumatic stress syndrome on a rather surprising
victim. Contains mystery as well and a surprise ending. The author has
included some extremely interesting visual aids: photos and even press
clippings, which help set the mood of the location and the era in
which it takes place. This is one of the most unique
elves-in-the-modern-day stories I have yet encountered.

Title: Noldolantë · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves: House of
Finwe · ID: 253
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-05-19 00:24:57
I am always reading reviews where people say, "I cried when I read
your story." And I'll think, "They cry a lot more easily than I do."
Or sometimes, "What is the matter with me? Do I have a heart of
stone." I have read stories of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and not cried. I
have read about or looked at pictures of Fingon's death (as you know
my very favorite character—for his big heart and reckless courage). So
wrong and so unfair I have thought that someone like that couldn't
have a happy ending, and yet I haven't cried. Fëanor's terrible fate
in light of all his incredible promise and indescribable achievements,
his capacity for such love despite his catastrophic pride, hurt me
deeply but I didn't cry. I think the second time that I read the
passage relating to the burning of ships at Losgar and Maedhros's
words and his turning away from his father and brothers, I closed the
book and put it aside for that day, I could read no further until I
had recovered, but I did not cry. The Noldor, for all their mistakes
and the wrongs they wrought, will never be anything less for me than
the biggest, larger-than-life and yet always believable to me, without
comparison or any close seconds (and whether the author intended them
to be or not), the greatest heroes of Tolkien's works. To watch
victories turn into defeats and their numbers decimated page-by-page
when reading The Silmarillion, never fails to move me deeply, but I
have never actually let it all go and had a great cry.

It's a standing joke between my daughter and that, when we see films
together, she will weep buckets not only at the tragic outcomes of
great love affairs and the deaths of much loved heroes, but at sappy,
clichéd close-ups of a child's face or even the wide trusting eyes of
a dog. Meanwhile, I sit there dry-eyed and rational, squeezing her
hand and patting her on the shoulder. Point is all that rambling is I
am not an easy crier.

Well, you got me with this story about the Noldolantë. I cried when I
read the first 700+ words: a simple scene of childhood, so familiar
and right to me. Yet, within it, you managed to describe Maglor's
intense sensitivity to sound and his capacity for strong emotion, and
give the reader a palpable sense of his incomparable genius. In
segment, when Maedhros holds his little brother and comforts him, you
completely touched upon the nobility and tragedy of Maedhros and
foreshadowed for me the inevitability of his final outcome.

Like Maglor doubtless intended with the Noldolantë, you summed it all
up and brought it together: the honor that the Noldor, particularly
Feanor and his sons, deserved, the dishonor they brought upon
themselves, their tremendous beauty and its destruction, their
heroism, and the injustice of the price they paid for their mistakes.
You unleashed what I had held back for years when reading the grand,
sad and beautiful stories of the Noldor and I cried.

Title: Wayward Sons · Author: Jael · Races: Elves · ID: 408
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-19 17:55:10

I have read very few stories which deal with the * diminishing * of
the Elven body to become a soul alone and this one truly touched me on
many levels. I was initially horrified since the character who sees it
begin to happen to him is one I like very much. He is also a character
who tends to fade out of the histories leaving himself and his people
very much as unknowns. This has always seemed to be a great shame to
me, on the other hand, it gives fanfiction writers something to work
with, although this particular canon character is usually written of
earlier in his history.

The writing is so poignant at the beginning; there seems to be no
hope, no joy only an endless procession of days and years in his life
which comes across so strongly that I was close to tears and the first
chapter ended on such a note that I was certain that the story would
be about this gradual * fading * and it would be heart wrenching. This
author always writes with such empathy of the Elves that I could well
believe it was one writing, it is something only a small percentage of
writers can do, grasp their mentality and that it is different to
Mortals, their age and how time passes for them and that their very
thoughts do not run along the same paths as Mortals, although of
course both find joy in the same things, love, family, their people.
It is this sense of abandonment and that this character is facing his
own bodily dissolution apart from his family that is so very moving.
He has such a long history that to pass from it like this seems
impossibly sad.

To be able to get into the mind of an Elf and then write them with
such elegant ease takes so much talent that it is impossible to praise
it enough when one finds us. There is no sense of striving to write
this character, or any other in the story, they seem utterly realistic
and possessing beautifully realized dimensions and depth - the depth
and understanding always makes this authors writing stand out. It
looks easy, but a huge percentage of writers never quite manage it and
the ones that do are always those whose works enthrall and delight me.

Title: A Place for Gandalf · Author: Dreamflower · Times: Mid Third
Age: Eriador · ID: 391
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-21 20:50:15
This is a fun romp, drawing together some nice events from the time
around Frodo's adoption. I particularly liked that the author gave the
hobbits a dark undertone (like with Frodo's suicidal thoughts, and
Bilbo's self-serving motives naming Frodo as his heir), but didn't
descend completely into angst. It seemed very in keeping with how
Tolkien portrayed this race as resilient and basically cheery. Good work!

Msg# 9216

a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 10:17:57 Topic ID# 9216
Hey guys,

I've been reading reviews this week, and noticed that a few people were
including their name at the bottom of their reviews, like if you were
writing an email.

This is a natural thing to do without thinking about it, and I've caught
myself doing this once or twice, too. However, it's really not necessary
to put your name on your reviews because the website displays your MEFA
nickname (however your name is displayed on our site) automatically.
Plus it adds some characters to your review, making it longer and
potentially worth more points. True, it's often only a few characters in
some cases, but it's still something I'd rather avoid if possible.

Therefore, in the future, I'd appreciate it if everyone would avoid
signing their name at the end of their reviews. Thanks!


Msg# 9217

Re: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 10:25:19 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 10:18:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I've been reading reviews this week, and noticed that a few people were
including their name at the bottom of their reviews, like if you were
writing an email.

I hadn't noticed that one, but I did notice a few shorter quotations
slipping through that have not been enclosed in brackets. (Sorry don't remember
where they are now.) Perhaps it is a good time to remind people of those again as
well. I have a terrible time getting those right myself. I catch the big ones
when I'm writing, but really have to watch myself on the shorter ones.

And a question on that as well: If one mentions the name of story, I presume
that doesn't have to be in brackets? Or does it? I have just been writing
around it. Also wanted to refer to a previous work by an author in a review and
didn't know of that title had to be in brackets?

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scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9218

Re: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 10:35:05 Topic ID# 9216
Hi Oshun,

> [I've been reading reviews this week, and noticed that a few people were
> including their name at the bottom of their reviews, like if you were
> writing an email.]
> I hadn't noticed that one, but I did notice a few shorter quotations
> slipping through that have not been enclosed in brackets. (Sorry don't
> remember
> where they are now.) Perhaps it is a good time to remind people of those
> again as
> well. I have a terrible time getting those right myself. I catch the big
> ones
> when I'm writing, but really have to watch myself on the shorter ones.

Good idea! I had originally intended to write one of my educational
posts on quotes in reviews, but I think it wasn't slated for several
weeks yet. I will make that the topic of my post tomorrow and will write
about what was going to be tomorrow's post in a few weeks. (It can wait
more than quotes can.)

> And a question on that as well: If one mentions the name of story, I
> presume
> that doesn't have to be in brackets? Or does it? I have just been writing
> around it. Also wanted to refer to a previous work by an author in a
> review and
> didn't know of that title had to be in brackets?

It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from doing it,
either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels more
comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise, it feels to
the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length. I personally
don't do it (though I do sometimes use an abbreviated version of the
title), but I want reviewers to be comfortable so am willing to let them
do what they want on this issue.

Also, I suspect some people just find it easier to think "double quotes
means I have to put in square brackets." Which I get - there are enough
rules, and I'm all for anything that reminds people of what they need to
put the brackets around. I'm more concerned about people putting [square
brackets] around too little rather than too much.

If you notice any more quotes that need square bracketing, please let me
know. Just copy the header of the review and say what you think needs to
be bracketed.

Btw, when I say header I mean something like

Title: Before the Black Gate · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age · ID: 45
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-12 02:07:34

(not at all criticizing this review - just showing what I'm talking
about by grabbing the first review on my screen)

Anyway... thanks for bringing this up, it's a good topic to talk about.


Msg# 9219

Re: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Dawn Felagund July 16, 2008 - 11:24:01 Topic ID# 9216
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM, <>
> It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from doing it,
> either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels more
> comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise, it feels to
> the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length.

Thanks for clarifying this, Marta. It's something I've always wondered about
... but I've wondered while reading reviews by authors who bracket titles
and then never remember to ask about it. :) I don't do it and had never seen
a rule about it, but so many people do it that I'd wondered if I was missing


Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9220

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 12:28:01 Topic ID# 9216
Hi Dawn,

Glad to clear that up! It's funny how often there are questions we don't
think about when we have the opportunity to ask them. It reminds me of
the old joke, about the hillbilly who said he couldn't repair his leaky
roof when it was raining because it was raining, but when it stopped
said he didn't have to now, because the roof didn't leak! *giggles*

Anyway, I suspect this is a question a lot of people have. I think if it
makes the reviewers more comfortable to put [square quotes] around their
story titles, that's completely fine; but it's not something anyone
should be obligated to do, and not against the rules.


Dawn Felagund wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM,
> <> <
> <>>
> wrote:
> > It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from doing it,
> > either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels more
> > comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise, it feels to
> > the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length.
> Thanks for clarifying this, Marta. It's something I've always wondered about
> ... but I've wondered while reading reviews by authors who bracket titles
> and then never remember to ask about it. :) I don't do it and had never seen
> a rule about it, but so many people do it that I'd wondered if I was missing
> something.
> Dawn

Msg# 9221

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Viv July 16, 2008 - 14:17:48 Topic ID# 9216
This may be a completely dopey question but ... *is* it against the rules to inflate a review so that it scores more points? I confess to being overly convoluted and chatty in a few reviews for stories that I really wanted to score well. Is that okay?

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM, melayton@gmail. com
> <mailto:melayton%> <melayton@gmail. com
> <mailto:melayton%> >
> wrote:
> > It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from doing it,
> > either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels more
> > comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise, it feels to
> > the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9222

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 14:22:42 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 2:18:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I confess to being overly convoluted and chatty in a few reviews for stories
that I really wanted to score well. Is that okay?

I think that would be impossible to police--your chatty might be my normal

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scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9223

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Barbara Rich July 16, 2008 - 14:23:10 Topic ID# 9216
No, that's the whole point of the system--to give the most points to the
stories you think most deserve them. But the idea behind the brackets is so
that you are doing the work of inflation yourself, rather than just pasting
in a bunch of quotes to bring the points up.

In other words, it is a test of how much you *really* want a story to
do--are you willing to put in the effort.

(And trust me, it can be hard sometimes, especially if you are reviewing a
really short ficlet! LOL!)


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Viv <> wrote:

> This may be a completely dopey question but ... *is* it against the
> rules to inflate a review so that it scores more points? I confess to being
> overly convoluted and chatty in a few reviews for stories that I really
> wanted to score well. Is that okay?
> viv
> --- On Wed, 7/16/08, <> <
> <>> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM, melayton@gmail. com
> > <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>> <melayton@gmail. com
> > <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>> >
> > wrote:
> > > It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from doing it,
> > > either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels more
> > > comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise, it feels to
> > > the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9224

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 16, 2008 - 14:25:33 Topic ID# 9216
While I find my standard review earns three points with gusts up to
five on occasion. It seems difficult for me to get past that.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9225

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Viv July 16, 2008 - 14:33:05 Topic ID# 9216
I know! It's a little odd when, in the case of drabbles especially, the review is longer than the story. :)

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Barbara Rich <> wrote:

From: Barbara Rich <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 2:23 PM

(And trust me, it can be hard sometimes, especially if you are reviewing a
really short ficlet! LOL!)


Msg# 9226

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 14:38:09 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 2:33:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I know! It's a little odd when, in the case of drabbles especially, the
review is longer than the story. :)

I personally have a tendency to score by length, but that is an individual
preference option (I like to reward an author for intense, long periods of
sustained work: drabbles/ficlets 2-5; short stories: 4-7; novellas/novels -
7-10; but, obviously, I do make higher exceptions for really outstanding, amazing
pieces in very competitive categories.

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scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9227

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 14:39:19 Topic ID# 9216
Hello Viv,

I think Dreamflower put it very well: when you're chatty, you're
actually thinking of what to say. That's not a problem.

The reason we put [square brackets] around quotes is that the reviewer
didn't have to think of those words; they just typed or copied them into
the review. Of course it takes effort to find the perfect quotes (I'm
editing my masters thesis, BELIEVE ME I know this fact!) but it's a
different type of effort... so we decide not to have such characters
count toward the length of the review. Some people choose to put titles
into [square brackets] for the same reason, because a really long title
can add up quick. For instance, Dwim's WIP title "Lie Down in Darkness,
Rise Up From the Ash" is thirty-four characters long. If it was in
competition this year, typing that full title three or four times could
bump you up a point. Even once could easily push you over the threshold
between points.

With both quotes and titles, the issue isn't so much making the review
longer, but *artificially* making it longer - adding to the length, not
by thinking of more content, but by putting in something written by
someone else. So as long as you're actually talking about the story in
your review, I think you're okay.

Of course, we're not NaNoWriMo ;-), so if you start adding your grocery
list to your reviews or describing how to format a bibliography, we may
have to talk about that. But so long as the chatting is actually related
to the story (even tangentially), I don't have a problem with it.


Viv wrote:
> This may be a completely dopey question but ... *is* it against the
> rules to inflate a review so that it scores more points? I confess to
> being overly convoluted and chatty in a few reviews for stories that I
> really wanted to score well. Is that okay?
> viv
> <>

Msg# 9228

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Imhiriel July 16, 2008 - 15:25:34 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, Viv <spacellamaprincess@...> wrote:
> I know! It's a little odd when, in the case of drabbles especially,
the review is longer than the story. :)

I know, it takes practice <g>! I often have the feeling that I'm much
more babbling in drabbles than in longer stories where is more to
"hook on" for elaborating on different details in a review.

But if you think a poem or a drabble is outstanding, I think it's fair
to not judge it less *on principle*, only because of its shorter word
count, because, well, the shorter length is *part* of its
genre/structure/form/whatever you might call it, and part of what a
good drabbler/poet can work with/use to its best advantage.


Msg# 9229

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Kathy July 16, 2008 - 15:26:09 Topic ID# 9216
I don't know what others think about this one, but in past years I've
seen a few reviews that consisted entirely, or almost entirely, of
story summaries. I don't mean relating a bit of the plot here or
there in the course of your review, or talking about a part you
especially liked, I mean a straight summary with little or no
commentary (maybe just with "Great story!" at the end). Somehow that
doesn't seem quite cricket to me.


--- In, "Barbara Rich" <aelfwina@...> wrote:
> No, that's the whole point of the system--to give the most points
to the
> stories you think most deserve them. But the idea behind the
brackets is so
> that you are doing the work of inflation yourself, rather than just
> in a bunch of quotes to bring the points up.
> In other words, it is a test of how much you *really* want a story
> do--are you willing to put in the effort.
> (And trust me, it can be hard sometimes, especially if you are
reviewing a
> really short ficlet! LOL!)
> Dreamflower
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Viv <spacellamaprincess@...> wrote:
> > This may be a completely dopey question but ... *is* it against
> > rules to inflate a review so that it scores more points? I
confess to being
> > overly convoluted and chatty in a few reviews for stories that I
> > wanted to score well. Is that okay?
> >
> > viv
> >
> >
> >
> > --- On Wed, 7/16/08, melayton@... <> <
> > melayton@... <>> wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM, melayton@gmail. com
> > > <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>> <melayton@gmail.
> > > <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>> >
> > > wrote:
> > > > It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from
doing it,
> > > > either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels
> > > > comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise,
it feels to
> > > > the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length.
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9230

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Barbara Rich July 16, 2008 - 15:45:01 Topic ID# 9216
Sadly, that seems to be some reviewers' reviewing style. I know that even
outside the MEFAs I have a few reviewers who basically summarize the chapter
or story--it's as though they want you to know they paid attention in class,
if you know what I mean.

Usually they are younger readers, and will gradually develop a little more
finesse with their reviews as time goes by.


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Kathy <> wrote:

> I don't know what others think about this one, but in past years I've
> seen a few reviews that consisted entirely, or almost entirely, of
> story summaries. I don't mean relating a bit of the plot here or
> there in the course of your review, or talking about a part you
> especially liked, I mean a straight summary with little or no
> commentary (maybe just with "Great story!" at the end). Somehow that
> doesn't seem quite cricket to me.
> Kathy
> --- In <>, "Barbara
> Rich" <aelfwina@...> wrote:
> >
> > No, that's the whole point of the system--to give the most points
> to the
> > stories you think most deserve them. But the idea behind the
> brackets is so
> > that you are doing the work of inflation yourself, rather than just
> pasting
> > in a bunch of quotes to bring the points up.
> >
> > In other words, it is a test of how much you *really* want a story
> to
> > do--are you willing to put in the effort.
> >
> > (And trust me, it can be hard sometimes, especially if you are
> reviewing a
> > really short ficlet! LOL!)
> >
> > Dreamflower
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Viv <spacellamaprincess@...> wrote:
> >
> > > This may be a completely dopey question but ... *is* it against
> the
> > > rules to inflate a review so that it scores more points? I
> confess to being
> > > overly convoluted and chatty in a few reviews for stories that I
> really
> > > wanted to score well. Is that okay?
> > >
> > > viv
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- On Wed, 7/16/08, melayton@... <> <
> > > melayton@... <>> wrote:
> > >
> > > > On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM, melayton@gmail. com
> > > > <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25> <melayton%25>>
> <melayton@gmail.
> com
> > > > <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25> <melayton%25>> >
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > It's not necessary, but I'm not going to stop people from
> doing it,
> > > > > either! Sometimes with really long titles, the reviewer feels
> more
> > > > > comfortable if they put it in [square brackets]; otherwise,
> it feels to
> > > > > the reviewer like they are inflating their review's length.
> > > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9231

good reviews and bad reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 15:53:19 Topic ID# 9231
Hey guys,

There's been some very interesting discussion going on here about how to
write reviews. This is a good discussion to have, and I hope newer
reviewers pick up some pointers, and that even old pros see a ways that
might work better for them.

I do want to keep this from devolving into a fight over what's a good
review and what's a bad one. Here's my philosophy on reviewing, in a

a. any review that is written is better than any review that isn't
b. reviewing should be fun, because making it a chore tends to reduce
the reviews that are actually written (see (a))
c. reviews that tell you something about the story, particularly the
reviewer's reaction to the story, are best, provided that doing so
doesn't interfere with the "fun" factor too much.

Basically, I like it when people stretch themselves, both in their
reading tendencies and in the kind of reviews they write. But I'm
definitely not going to sit here and tell people how to review, so long
as we meet the basic standards of fairness (like quotes being
blockquoted) and niceness (like reviews not being flames). There may be
things that I would do differently, or I may have my favorite type of
review as an author or as a fellow reader, but not every reviewer has to
be just like me!

I'm not saying stop the discussion, because I think it's a neat one.
However, please do be careful of other reviewer's toesies. There are a
*lot* of people who read this group but never comment, so when you
discuss certain types of reviews, please do be careful. I tend to think
of this group like making a suggestion at a town hall meeting, with a
crowd of other people listening on - I will express my opinion as
honestly as I can, but I also don't want to be ignorant that there are
other people listening on who may think the exact opposite of me, and so
I want to be careful how I say things. You never know what kind of
review the person on the other end of the intarwebz may like to write as
a review, or receive as an author.

I need to finish up some RL things this afternoon, but will try to catch
up on the posts later!


Msg# 9232

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 15:53:32 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 3:25:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

But if you think a poem or a drabble is outstanding, I think it's fair
to not judge it less *on principle*, only because of its shorter word
count, because, well, the shorter length is *part* of its
genre/structure/genre/structure/<WBR>form/whatever you might call it, a
good drabbler/poet can work with/use to its best advantage.

We've had this discussion before, I know I really should stop raising it. I
do not think is the drabble is equivalent to poetry. Every single year, I do
find a few exceptions where the writer actually uses the genre to their
advantage; the vast majority simply are very short. Many would serve well as a
seed of a story (I often use them for that, to capture a thought and hold it),
but in and of themselves they usually feel incomplete to me--like the author
had an idea and jotted it down quickly. OK perhaps they had to go back and
carefully add or delete some words to make a perfect 100, but that is not the
same as poety. I think in a lot of cases the drabbles actually stop some
talented fanfic writers from developing and really expressing their storytelling
and creative potential. I get the feeling that people are easier on themselves
because the genre exists and it is popular.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9233

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Viv July 16, 2008 - 15:55:05 Topic ID# 9216
You see that kind of review a lot on and more a recap than a reaction. It's helpful, I think, for people who use reviews to decide whether they want to read the longer work.
I tend to be a lot less concise and a lot more squee-y in my reviews. *blush*

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Kathy <> wrote:

From: Kathy <>
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 3:26 PM

I don't know what others think about this one, but in past years I've
seen a few reviews that consisted entirely, or almost entirely, of
story summaries. I don't mean relating a bit of the plot here or
there in the course of your review, or talking about a part you
especially liked, I mean a straight summary with little or no
commentary (maybe just with "Great story!" at the end). Somehow that
doesn't seem quite cricket to me.


Msg# 9234

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 15:55:43 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 3:26:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I don't know what others think about this one, but in past years I've
seen a few reviews that consisted entirely, or almost entirely, of
story summaries. I don't mean relating a bit of the plot here or
there in the course of your review, or talking about a part you
especially liked, I mean a straight summary with little or no
commentary (maybe just with "Great story!" at the end). Somehow that
doesn't seem quite cricket to me.

Hey, if we were all great critics we could be writing for the Sunday New
York Times Book Review and making a lot of money. I think the point of the MEFAs
is it is a reader's choice. That one really like a story, does not
necessarily mean the reader is themself a terrific review writer.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9235

Re: good reviews and bad reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 15:58:54 Topic ID# 9231
I agree with Marta. I would additionally add that some reviews are better
than others, some writers do better with the review format than others, and
most of us can learn to write better reviews. But essentially, any review is a
good review, because it is a reader expressing to the best of their own
ability what they like about your work.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9236

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Viv July 16, 2008 - 16:06:55 Topic ID# 9216
I believe that drabbling serves an important purpose in developing writing skills, at least at the sentence level. A good drabble contains exquisite, worried-over word choices, tight attention to theme/purpose, and even, in some cases, poetic phrasing like alliteration or repetition. Just as a longer story forces me to work on my skills at plotting and characterization, drabbling forces me to hone the writing basics.

So having this philosophy of drabbling, I do just the opposite of beign "easier" on drabbles and drabblers: in fact, as a reader/reviewer (and as a writer), I hold drabbles to a higher standard as far as grammar and style errors go.

It's okay to dislike them, though. I can see how drabbles could be frustrating for readers who long for more meat-n-potatoes. :) To each his own, right? Happily, there are lots of different kinds of stories in MEFA this year.


--- On Wed, 7/16/08, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 3:53 PM

I think in a lot of cases the drabbles actually stop some
talented fanfic writers from developing and really expressing their storytelling
and creative potential. I get the feeling that people are easier on themselves
because the genre exists and it is popular.

************ **Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out TourTracker. com!
(http://www.tourtrac aolmus0005000000 0112)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9237

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 16:15:33 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 4:07:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

It's okay to dislike them, though.
I appreciate your points. I sometimes say I dislike them in a fit of pique,
although that is not entirely true. I do find drabbles that are amazing and to
which I would not add a word. There are others that seem like a tease and a
cheat and you have to read a lot of them to find the awesome ones.

I'll be the first to admit that I am more careful with every single word in
a drabble or even a ficlet than I am in a novel (although it may be seem like
it, I do go over every sentence again and again in a novel--I am a slow
writer), but doesn't make my drabbles poetry.

I can see how drabbles could be frustrating for readers who long for more
meat-n-potatoes. :) To each his own, right? Happily, there are lots of
different kinds of stories in MEFA this year.

I agree. I review a lot of drabbles also. But, for example, if the same
writer gives me a nice drabble and a good novel, which did they spend more time
on? To say tne two are equal is like a kick in shins to a novelist. Why spend a
year writer a novel when I could spend ever as much a two days perfecting
the best drabble I ever wrote and they are both worth 10 points in the view of
the world. Pretty discouraging for me.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9238

Re: good reviews and bad reviews Posted by Barbara Rich July 16, 2008 - 16:20:51 Topic ID# 9231
Marta said:
a. any review that is written is better than any review that isn't
b. reviewing should be fun, because making it a chore tends to reduce
the reviews that are actually written (see (a))
c. reviews that tell you something about the story, particularly the
reviewer's reaction to the story, are best, provided that doing so
doesn't interfere with the "fun" factor too much.

Well said! I like any kind of review I get, so long as it isn't a flame!
And there are a lot of ways to write a review.

The more reviews you read, the more you can learn about how to write your
own reviews, as well! There are as many styles as there are reviewers!


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:50 PM, <>

> Hey guys,
> There's been some very interesting discussion going on here about how to
> write reviews. This is a good discussion to have, and I hope newer
> reviewers pick up some pointers, and that even old pros see a ways that
> might work better for them.
> I do want to keep this from devolving into a fight over what's a good
> review and what's a bad one. Here's my philosophy on reviewing, in a
> nutshell:
> a. any review that is written is better than any review that isn't
> b. reviewing should be fun, because making it a chore tends to reduce
> the reviews that are actually written (see (a))
> c. reviews that tell you something about the story, particularly the
> reviewer's reaction to the story, are best, provided that doing so
> doesn't interfere with the "fun" factor too much.
> Basically, I like it when people stretch themselves, both in their
> reading tendencies and in the kind of reviews they write. But I'm
> definitely not going to sit here and tell people how to review, so long
> as we meet the basic standards of fairness (like quotes being
> blockquoted) and niceness (like reviews not being flames). There may be
> things that I would do differently, or I may have my favorite type of
> review as an author or as a fellow reader, but not every reviewer has to
> be just like me!
> I'm not saying stop the discussion, because I think it's a neat one.
> However, please do be careful of other reviewer's toesies. There are a
> *lot* of people who read this group but never comment, so when you
> discuss certain types of reviews, please do be careful. I tend to think
> of this group like making a suggestion at a town hall meeting, with a
> crowd of other people listening on - I will express my opinion as
> honestly as I can, but I also don't want to be ignorant that there are
> other people listening on who may think the exact opposite of me, and so
> I want to be careful how I say things. You never know what kind of
> review the person on the other end of the intarwebz may like to write as
> a review, or receive as an author.
> I need to finish up some RL things this afternoon, but will try to catch
> up on the posts later!
> Marta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9239

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Imhiriel July 16, 2008 - 16:29:00 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:

> We've had this discussion before, I know I really should stop
raising it.

<g> I can't resist either...

> do not think is the drabble is equivalent to poetry.

Of course a poem isn't equivalent to poetry. I merely mentioned poems
in combination with drabbles because poems, too, tend to be very
short, and therefore some people may feel they don't merit long reviews.

Every single year, I do
> find a few exceptions where the writer actually uses the genre to
> advantage; the vast majority simply are very short.

But, Oshun, don't you think this is exactly where you as a reviewer
can make a judgement call and don't give much or any points in the
review if you think the drabble isn't good on its own *as a drabble*?

I actually agree with you on many of your points, but when I see those
drabbles, I just go to the next until I find one I think actually

Like everywhere, there is good and there is (usually more) bad. And
you don't have to like everything. But I just feel that you can't say
drabbles *per se*, as a genre, deserves less regard, because perhaps
sometimes people use the form for the wrong (for you subjectively, or
objectively visible) reasons.

As an extreme example (because you said earlier that you liked long
stories), you could equally say that some novels are rambling and show
that the author can't get to the point and shows a lack of discipline?
I'd say if that is so, it's equally unfair to judge the whole genre of
the novel because of its *bad* examples, instead of what it can be if
it's done right.


Msg# 9240

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Barbara Rich July 16, 2008 - 16:30:05 Topic ID# 9216
heartofoshun said:

We've had this discussion before, I know I really should stop raising it. I
do not think is the drabble is equivalent to poetry. Every single year, I do

find a few exceptions where the writer actually uses the genre to their
advantage; the vast majority simply are very short. Many would serve well as
seed of a story (I often use them for that, to capture a thought and hold
but in and of themselves they usually feel incomplete to me--like the author

had an idea and jotted it down quickly. OK perhaps they had to go back and
carefully add or delete some words to make a perfect 100, but that is not
same as poety. I think in a lot of cases the drabbles actually stop some
talented fanfic writers from developing and really expressing their
and creative potential. I get the feeling that people are easier on
because the genre exists and it is popular.

A lot of it depends upon the drabblist. I know of some writers who even use
the drabble as a basis for longer work--and no, not just as a springboard
for an idea, but as structure. They write drabble sets or drabble series,
and can be amazing, when you look at a story of, oh, say 1500 words, and
realize that it's constructed of 15 perfect one hundred word "chapters".

And then there are drabbles that say all they need to say in one hundred
words--perhaps we are just getting a look at a scene we already know from
canon from a new POV.

Of course, some do feel imcomplete and leave one wanting more. But that
also goes for regular stories too.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:53 PM, <> wrote:

> In a message dated 7/16/2008 3:25:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> But if you think a poem or a drabble is outstanding, I think it's fair
> to not judge it less *on principle*, only because of its shorter word
> count, because, well, the shorter length is *part* of its
> genre/structure/genre/structure/<WBR>form/whatever you might call it, a
> good drabbler/poet can work with/use to its best advantage.
> We've had this discussion before, I know I really should stop raising it. I
> do not think is the drabble is equivalent to poetry. Every single year, I
> do
> find a few exceptions where the writer actually uses the genre to their
> advantage; the vast majority simply are very short. Many would serve well
> as a
> seed of a story (I often use them for that, to capture a thought and hold
> it),
> but in and of themselves they usually feel incomplete to me--like the
> author
> had an idea and jotted it down quickly. OK perhaps they had to go back and
> carefully add or delete some words to make a perfect 100, but that is not
> the
> same as poety. I think in a lot of cases the drabbles actually stop some
> talented fanfic writers from developing and really expressing their
> storytelling
> and creative potential. I get the feeling that people are easier on
> themselves
> because the genre exists and it is popular.
> **************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live
> music
> scene in your area - Check out!
> (<>
> )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9241

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 16:36:26 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 4:29:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'd say if that is so, it's equally unfair to judge the whole genre of
the novel because of its *bad* examples, instead of what it can be if
it's done right.

It certainly is less grueling to read a mediocre drabble than to read a bad
novel (but like you I just wouldn't finish the bad novel, whereas the drabble
I finish and go "gah!"). But on the other hand, I would argue that the
greatest drabble took far less effort than a readable interesting novel.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9242

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 16:45:19 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 4:30:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

And then there are drabbles that say all they need to say in one hundred
words--perhaps we are just getting a look at a scene we already know from
canon from a new POV.

I am actually writing a drabble right now, that I am not finished with. I am
letting it simmer and going back to it--it's for a challenge, of course. I
felt like a real hypocrite asking for concrit on it in my writers' group where
I routinely complain about drabbles. I have actually just written a glowing
review of a drabble series by someone who is a consistently good writer of
drabbles (but, ducking flying tomatoes, I wish she would have written a nice
juicy long story on the subject matter instead of the drabbles).

Separate point: a lot of drabbles work to the degree that they do, only
because they are fanfic and we all share the same body of canon knowledge.

Also, I am a real poetry freak. I love poetry, but only really great poets.
I cannot just tune in to any poem because it displays a moderate amount of
workmanship and good form and get excited about it either. I used to write a
lot of poetry but I gave it up, because I do not think it can be learned beyond
a certain point of minimal competence--it requires a type of genus, not just
elbow grease and effort.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9243

Re: good reviews and bad reviews Posted by SĂşlriel of Menegroth July 16, 2008 - 16:45:41 Topic ID# 9231
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:50 PM, <> wrote:
> Hey guys,//snipped///

> a. any review that is written is better than any review that isn't

Thank you Marta. I think that's it in a nutshell and says everything
I was winding up to say. so I'll just leave it at that.


Msg# 9244

Re: good reviews and bad reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 16:48:57 Topic ID# 9231
In a message dated 7/16/2008 4:46:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Thank you Marta. I think that's it in a nutshell and says everything
I was winding up to say. so I'll just leave it at that.


Hey, I sooo argee. I'll take any review over none and cherish it (OK,
certain notorious ff net flamers excepted.)

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9245

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Barbara Rich July 16, 2008 - 17:16:33 Topic ID# 9216
heartofoshun wrote:
Separate point: a lot of drabbles work to the degree that they do, only
because they are fanfic and we all share the same body of canon knowledge.

*Actually, this goes for all fanfic. There is a big difference when the
readership shares the author's mind for much of the backstory. In original
fiction, it's easy to assume the reader will know what one's writing about,
and be wrong. In fanfic, however, that shared knowledge can be used to good
effect. For example: almost any fic about Boromir has a certain amount of
foreshadowing to it, because everyone knows his fate (not talking AU here),
so that even something which appears fluffy on the surface has a bittersweet
subtext. A good fanfic writer can use that knowledge for the effect she
wants without ever referring to it directly.*
*It's actually a skill that makes good fanfic very different from good
original fic.*
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 4:45 PM, <> wrote:

> In a message dated 7/16/2008 4:30:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> And then there are drabbles that say all they need to say in one hundred
> words--perhaps we are just getting a look at a scene we already know from
> canon from a new POV.
> I am actually writing a drabble right now, that I am not finished with. I
> am
> letting it simmer and going back to it--it's for a challenge, of course. I
> felt like a real hypocrite asking for concrit on it in my writers' group
> where
> I routinely complain about drabbles. I have actually just written a glowing
> review of a drabble series by someone who is a consistently good writer of
> drabbles (but, ducking flying tomatoes, I wish she would have written a
> nice
> juicy long story on the subject matter instead of the drabbles).
> Separate point: a lot of drabbles work to the degree that they do, only
> because they are fanfic and we all share the same body of canon knowledge.
> Also, I am a real poetry freak. I love poetry, but only really great poets.
> I cannot just tune in to any poem because it displays a moderate amount of
> workmanship and good form and get excited about it either. I used to write
> a
> lot of poetry but I gave it up, because I do not think it can be learned
> beyond
> a certain point of minimal competence--it requires a type of genus, not
> just
> elbow grease and effort.
> **************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live
> music
> scene in your area - Check out!
> (<>
> )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9246

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 16, 2008 - 17:20:31 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/16/2008 5:16:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

A good fanfic writer can use that knowledge for the effect she
wants without ever referring to it directly

That's an excellent point, Dreamflower. And on occasion it's a pure gift to
the writer. I have praised for poignancy of foreshadowing in certain WIPs,
when I had barely begun to think about that aspect of the story yet. LOL Hey,
don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9247

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Posted by Ann July 16, 2008 - 20:47:11 Topic ID# 9247
Title: The Gardener Speaks · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 428
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-22 18:36:25
A loving tribute Sam makes to the brother and master of his heart.
Wonderful and lyrical.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: The Bridge · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry: Drama · ID: 429
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-22 18:39:09
A way is found for Sam and Frodo to reach each other over the Sea.
Another lovely, loving poem.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: On Hobbits · Author: Aratlithiel · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 457
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 03:17:37
Why do we love hobbits - Frodo in particular - let us count the ways.
A wonderful essay on the subject.

Title: Balm · Author: Armariel · Genres: Adventure · ID: 459
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 03:30:57
Frodo reflects on the love he received so unstintedly from his Sam on
the Quest. Was the balm Sam spread on his beloved master's wounds
truly a salve he had brought along from Strider's gear or was it the
love itself that he gave so fully that brought such solace and relief?
Another wonderful celebration of true love.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Candles · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War
· ID: 460
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 03:37:34
Sam tells his Frodo that he's always been his light in dark places. A
tender, loving, moving tribute to a beloved master and friend.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Call of the Dream · Author: Queen Galadriel · Genres: Poetry:
Drama · ID: 402
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-24 04:08:36
You just keep getting better and better! A very powerful,
heartbreaking poem of what Frodo's dreams and fears were like during
his last years in the Shire when he was tormented by memories of the
Quest and feeling lost. Just as well done as "The Sea Bell" which
inspired this wonderful piece! More, more!

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

Title: Chance Encounter · Author: przed · Races: Men: Steward's Family
· ID: 5
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-05-26 00:21:10
There seems to be a dearth (or maybe I just haven't found them) of
action-adventure-drama tales focusing on Boromir's young manhood, so
was I particularly delighted when I came across this one. It's a
simple premise: Aragorn encounters a (somewhat) grown-up Boromir,
saves him from misadventure, and accompanies him almost all the way to
Minas Tirtih. The author, przed, has skillfully instilled the tale
with warmth and affection and just a touch of melancholy.

I liked the depiction of 'Estel' as somewhat wistful, missing the life
he lived in Minas Tirith as Thorongil, (as well as missing the
friendship and affection he found there); wishing he could somehow
reclaim that life and birthright, even as he knows that is not
possible. It's quite sad when he realizes he will not have the
opportunity, nor the right, to watch Boromir grow into the skillful
and charismatic leader he sees in the young man he has encountered in
the woods.

The portrayal of Boromir is particularly endearing. Headstrong, with a
recognizable dose of cocksureness, he's also warm and engaging, honest
and accepting of his mistakes. The sense of security and protection he
found with Estel reminding him of a dimly remembered figure from his
childhood was a nice touch. His hero-worship of Estel is not
overstated, but shines quite clearly in his plans to share Estel's
tales, as well as his own adventures, with Faramir upon his return. A
heartwarming and well-written story.

Title: Hammer · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 468
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:03:16
Very nice. We don't see many dwarf romance fics or even drabbles. The
use of a hammer as an euphemism was humorous. And I liked that she was
feminine even with her beard.

I liked this a lot. Great job!

Title: Hearts Like the Sea · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 36
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:25:48
An interesting tale. The characterization was nicely done and the
pacing was good. I loved the first craft they tested! And sex scenes
were nicely handled.

Great job!

Title: Forsaken · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 369
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:32:10
Short, but powerfully worded. The author captured Finrod's voice well.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:34:18
This is one of my favorite drabbles. So touching, so emotionally
moving, so hilarious. It makes me smile every time I read it.

Title: Out of the Blue · Author: Jael · Races: Elves · ID: 205
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:38:42
A wonderful sequel to Not Fade Away. Once again the author takes us
into the world of the elves who still remain in modern times. The
social worker had my sympathy throughout, since she had no idea what
she was dealing with. So nice to see the familiar faces of Randy,
Linda, Leif, and Hal again, along with so many others. I enjoyed
getting to see the home life of the elves. Legolas as always is
adorable. Galen too cute. But as always it is Randy who steals the
show. My favorite scene will forever be Randy singing to his wife
while she plays the piano. Very moving.

Overall one fantastic tale. I hope to see more.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:40:19
The language is almost poetic in form. I'm not a fan of drabbles but
this one shines. Well done!

Title: Epiphany · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 293
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 07:41:52
Very nice!

Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-26 08:05:56
A very humourous, if embarrassing for Thranduil, look at the gates of
the Elvenking's halls. The author has a great grasp on mixing canon
with humor and bringing the reader to peals of laughter. Legolas'
cameo is cute, and the password revealed made me snort. Classic comedy
here and a wonderful read.

Title: The Otters of Imladris · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 491
Reviewer: weepingnaiad · 2008-05-26 19:18:19
This is a wonderful, heart warming tale and is an enjoyable read!

Title: Above All Shadows · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 492
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-05-26 19:22:41
This story immediately struck me with it's true Tolkienesque flavor.
This is in part because it is very much book-verse and is written in
that grand, mythic way which many stories fail to convey. It is
fascinating because it is a story within a story - I would and have
said sub-plot, save that it is actually more than that. The plot which
runs under the main story which we all know and love is actually as
interesting as that story.

I tend to find that first person point of view is either written very
well in fanfiction or not well at all, but this story is excellent,
taking the reader into the mind of the canon character. And the plot
is enthralling, the mystery is so masterfully handled that there is
just enough to make one engrossed but not too much as to tell exactly
what has happened to the character. Even when it is revealed, one
still is unsure of what effect this will have upon him and at the end,
my heart was in my mouth. Up until then I was reading it as a story
subtly and expertly woven into the Lord of the Rings and believing
that it could have happened but at the critical point I believed it
must surely be utterly AU. However, on finishing it I still found
myself believing that this could have been a sub-plot within the book
which the author had found and written.

The revelation of what happened to the main character is beautifully
and chillingly written. Too often people writing of evil characters
will make them boringly evil, like a wall covered in black paint,
whereas I believe that certainly those like Morgoth and Sauron had
definite and complex personalities and the author has written in this
way. There is cruelty and malice, but it is a scalpel and not a
sledgehammer. I can only be extremely relieved that the ending was a
good one and the story itself incredibly readable, in a grand, elegant
Tolkien style.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-05-27 03:56:16
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. This story has taken the spot
of my favorite modern Tolkien tale. Just beautiful! I didn't want it
to end! Stories like this are VERY few and far between. This author
should be commended for a job well done!

This story holds the readers attention from the get go. From the
quirky beginnings with a HAWT linguistics professor and a bunch of rag
tag college students, to traveling to exotic places, chases worthy of
Hollywood drama, dwarves hiding out in West Virginia as red necks in
the hills, planes being attacked by dragons. And elves... My favorite
race in Tolkien's legendarium is so wonderfully represented with such
care in this fabulous tale.

I am thoroghly awed at the richness of the plot and wonderful storying
telling this author has put into this tale. The characterizations of
the canon characters was amazingly done. The plot is full of twists
and turns and surprises, and the reader finds themself both cheering
and warning the characters, biting their nails and crying at an epic

The main character, Moira, is quite enteraining and realisitic. Her
snarky comments keep the pace fresh and moving. Mr. Birdsong was very
refreshing. I'll miss him very much. And Greg was a pleasant surprise.

How rare it is to find such a gem of a story, so devoted to Tolkien's
works and yet original and full of it's own merit. All I can do is
stand here and applaud. And wish for more.

Title: Eldarion · Author: Sivan Shemesh · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 510
Reviewer: aranelgoldenflower · 2008-05-27 20:44:12
A lovely story...nice lenth, sweet, and well worthy of nomination!

I picked this one to nominate because I really enjoyed it, and it also
had a good balance between humour and *angst*

'The king scanned the guard, eye for eye,' - agh poor guard, having to
face Aragorn when he knows perfectly well what has happened, but has
the threaths of Legolas and Gimli if he tells!

*the longer the review, the higher the score. Therefore, you should
adjust your reviews accordingly, giving longer reviews to the stories
you most want to win.* - agh how unfair...I always write really short
reviews...not becasue I didn't like the story, but I just don't
express things very well!

oh well Good luck!


Title: Elflings · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 348
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-28 06:31:26
This story is a pleasant mix of subgenres. There are the childish
antics of young Thranduil and Galion, and the expected denouement of
that subplot: the strengthening of bonds in a way that would be real
to young boys. But there is also slightly raunchy romance, a
comedy-of-errors between Oropher and Prestawen, the mandatory
slightly-incompetent seneschal, and plain old-fashioned grief. But
what really caught my attention was the way that the different
elements were balanced so wonderfully - that made it feel much more
real (more like a slice of life than a constructed story), but also I
felt like I'd read a meaningful plot with a real resolution. That's no
mean feat, especially in only 6,000 words. Brava!

Title: In Passing · Author: Altariel · Races: Men · ID: 104
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-29 04:00:05
This is a lovely portrait of well-earned peace for Faramir. I love how
his mind is so sharp even at the end, and how one of his last acts is
to connect his future with that boy's past - it seems fitting, and
very in-keeping with Faramir's love of Inas Tirith as a city pregnant
with history. This is a great story, Altariel, very thought-provoking
and touching.

Title: Sam's Crosswise Verse · Author: Elanor Gardner · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 519
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-29 18:00:19
A powerful story of love during the Quest. The sequel is "Frodo's
Crosswise Verse" which is even better!

Title: Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 77
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-05-29 18:59:12
This story does a good job of capturing a young Feanor, full of energy
and promise; and yet there are darker hints of his disregard for rules
just below the surface. Which must have been a tricky balancing act,
because it is at the end still a humor piece, and a good one at that.
I smiled at several points, and could definitely understand Aule's
belly-laugh. A nice gapfiller, both to explain how the stone came to
be and also to show how a young Feanor could be characterized, so that
he contains the germ of the later Feanor but would not alarm those
around him.

Title: Jewels of Light · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 394
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-30 02:22:13
One of the most beautiful descriptions of Frodo I have read from
someone who has such a profound love for him.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Bearer of the Ring · Author: ConnieMarie · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 396
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-30 02:24:07
A loving tribute to our beloved Ring-bearer, [full of grace].

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Msg# 9248

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 16, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 16, 2008 - 20:51:27 Topic ID# 9248
Title: Adar & Ion: A-da? · Author: Sivan Shemesh · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 528
Reviewer: aranelgoldenflower · 2008-05-30 08:09:53
Hey Sivan! I know you love this story, so I reckon it deserves the
nomination.....even if you love babies, and I'd rather avoid them!

'"A-da?" Greenleaf called again with a sweet voice that seemed to melt
his father, leaving him open mouthed' - then is very sweet!

All in all.....I think that this is a cute story, and whilst it hasn't
yet won me over to *baby legolas* ......maybe in the future.......


Title: Thawing Lily · Author: Soubrettina · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 30
Reviewer: Greylin · 2008-05-30 08:57:38
'Thawing Lily' is short, demanding and very satisfying. As I started
reading it I admit to thinking "WTF?" but by the end I was roaring
with delight. The author offers a witty and immensely touching insight
into Eowyn's state of mind as she recovers in the Houses of Healing
and we learn something very unexpected about her relationship with
Faramir - this is by no means a conventional take on their story.
Eowyn's stream of consciousness reveals her despair and vulnerability
but even in the slough of despond she retains a lively wit, sarcasm
and an irritability at her inability to understand herself and the
resulting turmoil. No wonder I was laughing one moment and close to
tears the next. A writing technique that I have never seen before is
used in the final chapter - the closest I can come to describing it
without giving the game away is "interactive". This is a farce with a
heart. Sheer brilliance!

Title: One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins · Author:
ConnieMarie · Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 395
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-30 17:47:27
This is a wonderfully written and moving essay on why so many people
love Frodo and how he has inspired others to continue down the Road
despite their trials. Since he endured his with grace, they find they
can endure theirs. It points out in many convincing ways why he is so
admirable and worthy of love and respect. I have this taped up on my
bedroom wall and just recently re-read it and continue to be moved by
it. That is the power of the love and admiration we all have who love
him for his sacrifices, efforts and just for being him!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: Answers · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry: Drama · ID: 458
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-05-30 18:03:44
Many of the stories I have nominated are ones that I read years ago
and the power of such beauty and love has remained with me. That is a
mark of a truly talented story teller. This is one of the most loving,
moving tributes I have read to a beloved friend and brother as Frodo
"Answers" the "Questions" Sam had in another poem. Wonderful, powerful
testimony to being blessed by true love. And what a blessing to us to

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: The Myth of the One Ring's Power · Author: Dreamflower ·
Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 532
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-05-31 01:02:31
Dreamflower has written an extremely intriguing essay in which she
explores the possible nature of the One Ring's power. She postulates
that perhaps is was not quite as powerful as some individuals might
have believed. Her working hypothesis is that the power of the Ring is
flawed because of the manner of its creation - that because Sauron
allowed some of his power to flow into it, it behaved in the same way
its creator would, and therefore has the same blind spots and flaws as
its creator. The essay is well-researched, as I would expect from
Dreamflower, copiously footnoted with reference to the original text
which back up her point - but more importantly, it's a thought
provoking and interesting read. Extremely well done!

Title: Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 286
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-05-31 17:57:58
Interesting idea, that the barrow might not have been made for the
prince, but was much, much older. Creepy!

Title: Too Many Rangers · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits · ID: 116
Reviewer: Queen Galadriel · 2008-05-31 19:37:43
This is absolutely hilarious! It had me giggling throughout, from
Butterburs--interesting observations about Trotter to Trotter himself,
and the confusion of names, and Striders rather paternal handling of
the whole situation! A writer's delight, possibly my favorite humorous
piece you've ever done! The idea of characters and elements of a story
that have been revised "coming back to haunt" present characters
and/or elements is delightful and intriguing. This makes me wonder
what the journey would have been like if Trotter had won out and put
Strider out of the picture...has me imagining Trotter as a king of
Gondor...:) (Hmmm...he would have needed a different queen, perhaps a
fairy or a smaller race of elf...) It also makes me wonder what goes
on in my own story world when I'm not looking that I never hear about.
*grins* Thanks for a wonderful and much-needed dose of witty humor and
a great laugh! This is a keeper!
God bless,

Title: The Littlest Warrior · Author: RavensWing14337 · Races: Elves:
House of Elrond · ID: 552
Reviewer: Thorongirl · 2008-06-03 16:27:56
In this compelling, alternately dramatic and humorous tale,
RavensWing14337 has written one of the very best Little Estel
portrayals I've ever found in fan fiction. What starts out as a
wonderfully tender and funny 'take' on Estel soon takes a very dark
and frightening turn and the reader truly begins to dread whatever
danger Saruman has unleashed. The author's depiction of familiar
characters like Elrond, Glorfindel, and Haldir is sophisticated,
witty, and awe-inspiring. The original characters are all well fleshed
out and seamlessly interwoven into the story.

There will be times when you laugh out loud at Estel's antics and
other times when your heart is in your mouth. An absolutely 'must
read' story!

Title: First Name Terms · Author: Marchwriter (The Lady of Light) ·
Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 311
Reviewer: Thorongirl · 2008-06-03 16:29:55
I first became intrigued with this story because of the vivid summary
the author had posted.

Fortunately, the summary's clarity was more than matched by the story
itself as the tale quickly turns into an amazingly well written
'Haldir/Aragorn' first meeting.

The author has a clear, exciting writing style and the plot seems
plausible at all times. She also likes to mix in some unusual words
and phraseology that don't require someone unfamiliar with them to
understand their exact meaning. The context makes everything clear and
the writing is enhanced by the author's assumption of her readers'

Haldir's reluctance to become emotionally involved with a wounded
Aragorn is the crux of the story. The prejudice of some other members
of Haldir's patrol comes into play as does Aragorn's elven upbringing.
But we never take for granted that everything will turn out well, and
a brilliantly written re-encounter with the orcs who first injured
Aragorn keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Will the elf and the ranger actually overcome all the obstacles in
their way and become friends? A strong, appropriate conclusion answers
the question and left this reader longing for more stories with this
pairing. A can't miss tale in the Lord of the Rings genre!

Title: The Work of Small Hands · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Longer Works · ID: 352
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-03 18:13:03
This story has a lot to recommend it. It has a cast of strong minor
characters and original characters, and develops them nicely so that
they fit nicely with what I know about the different elves of Valinor,
yet still feel like distinct characters.

The depiction of darkness, too, was done very affectively. I mean by
that both the literal darkness, with all the affects that it would
have on the food chain (and the poisoned water! I never would have
thought of that); as well as the metaphorical darkness that separated
the remaining Noldor both from their more civilized past as well as
the other Elven kindreds. And that descriptions of the food supply
were so, so authentic-feeling. I learned very quickly not to be
snacking when I was reading this story, because the despair and grit
was that real, it made me feel sick.

But I think hands-down the best part was the author's handling of the
Valar, and especially Earwen's realization that they knew the state of
things in Tirion. I could write an essay on that alone, but I'll just
say this: it rocked.

Well done, Dawn!

Title: Forfeit · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Times: Late Third
Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 401
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-03 18:30:39
You know, I have no clue if this is intentional or not, but I sense
shades of Plato in this drabble. Friends encouraging him to flee,
having secured his escape, and he refuses for honor's sake.... It adds
a nice bit of philosophical depth to it, at least for me.

Whatever the case may be on that point, it's outstanding as fanfic,
getting at the heart of honor and doing the right thing, but also
highlighting nicely the emotional content of this period in canon.
That last paragraph always (and will always, I think) makes me get a
little weepy-eyed. It's really nice work, Branwyn.

Title: Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 286
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-03 19:30:28
Ooh, creepily done, Imhiriel. Nice expansion of this scene, I could
see it happening just this way.

Title: Blue · Author: red lasbelin · Races: Elves · ID: 563
Reviewer: Phyncke · 2008-06-05 01:46:28
I feel very strongly about this story as Gondolin is one of my pet
areas and the House system there in particular interests me.
Red_lasbelin in her story, Blue, takes a moment in the life of the
character, Glorfindel and expands it for us into a story that enriches
our view of this character and explains so much about how the Hidden
City might have worked too.

This is short story but it says so much. We see his mother here and we
see his emotion at a very important moment in his life, ascension to a
position of power and prestige. This is so well done and for me this
does what fan fic is supposed to. It compliments what Tolkien himself
did and adds to the Silmarillion tale. I can see this fitting in so well.

I also like that we see his thoughts, or feel rather, yes feel is a
better word. I felt what Glorfindel felt, every minute there. The
details, the hair, the clothing. Small things in such a large moment.
It is a sharp focus view with a wide angle lense for the significance.

This does what fan fic is supposed to do and it is like a gem. I also
love her title. Blue. It has a symmetry and a simplicity to it that
just holds for the story. It all fits so well.

There is one sentence that I just carry with me from the final paragraph:

[Glory walked hand in hand with his mother down the long ornate hall,
it felt as if he was walking towards something entirely new.]

Anyone who has gotten married or graduated...or had a "moment" like
that can empathize with this line. It just resonates and makes this
story universal. We all are drawn in and are walking with him to down
that corridor...

I would like to thank red for this story.

Title: Footsteps in Time · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves · ID: 76
Reviewer: elfscribe · 2008-06-05 02:35:29
Nuanced and sensitively wrought characterizations, especially Melian -
I LOVE how you've made her sort of fey and different from the
elves.["She moved like a shadow across the sun, small, dark-haired,
graceful as flowing water. She seemed to glide up the three steps to
Thingol's throne, where she took her place on the seat that had stood
conspicuously vacant beside his. The newcomers needed no-one to tell
them that this was Melian, Queen of Doriath."] And I liked how she
manipulated Thingol. Also very impressed with Thingol's description.
Beautiful. Enjoyed minor characters such as Mirant and the
characterization of the Aman and Sylvan elves ["whispering in their
soft, bird-like tongue."]

Wonderful also are the characterizations of Celeborn and Galadriel and
their love for one another. The wedding night was lovely - understated
and yet passionate. I also get a sense of them struggling to be good
leaders to their people. ["You and I are still untried, not centre
enough for them."]

["There is a shadow over all the world," she told him, resting her
hand on his - though whether to give or receive comfort was not clear.
"I hear it on the wind, I feel it in the earth. Nature is holding its
breath."] Here Galadriel's prescience comes alive, with all the
attendant tragedy as she actually can sense her kins' deaths. I liked
this echo of that beautiful beginning to the FOTR movie.

The scene where Galadriel senses Findarato's death is so vivid and
terribly sad. ["One night a dream came to Galadriel, vivid, bright
with sound and colour - leaping flames and flowing lava, the
unmistakable clash of fighting, elven voices raised in battle anthem,
the sky-borne roar as the Dragon passed across her vision."
"Findaráto?" she breathed, the voice that had screamed and raged now
little more than a whisper. "Findaráto." Then she subsided against
Celeborn and the tears began.]

I liked the sense of hopefulness in meeting her nephew. And knowing
your stories, this brings things around full-circle. I wish now for
the whole novel with your wonderful characters integrated into a
complete narrative.

When I read your stories, I always get a sense that I have been given
a real glimpse inside Tolkien's world but with a shimmering detail
that brings it alive in new and wonderful ways.

Title: The Captain's New Clothes · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 421
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-05 06:32:27
I just loved this delightfully amusing story and applaud the author
for her vivid imagination and powers of observation.I attempted to
write a story about the same picture and simply wrote a conventional
drabble about Faramir encountering Frodo and Sam and not being tempted
by the One Ring,having failed to notice just how odd Faramir's
clothing is!
I love the explanation here that the strange outfit was provided by
Faramir's loving Aunt to keep him warm on cold Ithilien nights.
I liked the characterisation of the men and their yearning for some
simple home comforts. the list of the goodies that Faramir's Aunt sent
together with the clothing quite makes my mouth water!
It is typical of Faramir's good heartedness that he will wear the
dreadful orange garments so that his aunt will not be offended and
continue sending treats for the men.
I can well believe that the brilliant hue might well scare the enemy.
Perhaps that is what Auntie thought?
The mind boggles as to what Frodo and Sam would have thought if
Faramir had beed dressed like this! Maybe they would have seen him
coming and run away and the whole plot of the book would have been

I would heartily reccomend this to anyone who needs a good laugh and
their spirits raising.

Title: The Prisoner of Time · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 313
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-07 08:11:22
I have often wondered what would have happened if Denethor had lived
and not perished on the funeral pyre.This story gives a very chilling
answer, which given the way Tolkien depicts Denethor,as a man driven
by pride,would be the all too likely outcome.
Bearing in mind,Tolkien's Catholic faith, Denethor falls into mortal
sin by taking his own life while in the grip of pride and despair.In
this chilling story,the Steward heeds Gandalf, who is of course a
messenger of Higher Powers,but still the Steward clings to his pride
and his hatred of and jealousy of Aragorn. The result is Faramir's
death, for without the healing hands of the King,poor Faramir is
doomed.Without Faramir,Eowyn also rides to her doom.
Denethor is left a broken old man who can only sit in a darkened
room.Unlike Faramir, he refuses to yield to Aragorn and instead breaks
his rod at Faramir's tomb.
I often wish that Tolkien had told us more about why Denethor so hated
Thorongil.My personal view is that he saw in Aragorn,what he could
have been,but was not and history repeated itself with Faramir.I think
too that he was jealous of the love Ecthelion had for Thorongil.This
is a highly unsettling and brilliantly written story which answers the
"what if"? that many readers like to ask.

Title: Refuge · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 423
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-07 08:37:15
I had read about Tolkien's last work "The Simarillion" and how
difficult it was to read and understand.So much to my shame I never
tried to read it even though my late Mother bought me a copy about
twenty five years ago at the same time I discovered Lord of the
Rings.The book lay gathering dust on the shelf until I read this
ficlet and that it was based on the daunting Simarillion. I was amazed
to recognise a name I knew- Elrond,Arwen's father and Aragorn's foster
father.So this intruided me greatly. I wanted to know then, who was
Elros, who was Maglor, what had happened to the boys?
Raksha made me ask all these questions in this intruiging glimpse of
the childhood of Elrond and Elros, so I had to fetch "The Simarillion"
down from the bookcase,brush off the dust and read it.I am very glad I
I love the way the writer links Maglor's rescue of the boys with
Elrond's later reputation for hospitality.Were it not for Elrond, the
heirs of the Kings would long ago have died out and we would have not
had Aragorn to lead the struggle against Sauron.
I love the titele "Refuge" as the story links refuges of present and
future. As Maglor,gave refuge to Elrond, Elrond with give refuge to
many when he grows to maturity.

Title: A Large Bold Hand · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 10
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-07 21:01:38
For some reason, this year, I've become enamored of the dwarves and
their stories, and I think this perfectly charming drabble is one of
the reasons why. With the barest minimum of description and
scene-setting, and a single sentence of a reference note, Jay of
Lasgalen has told a story that made me laugh out loud with delight.
The appearance of one of Elrond's sons, rather that Elrond himself,
adds unexpected humor ["Elrohir had never regarded his handwriting as
particularly beautiful – indeed, Erestor had often likened it to a
spider's crawl"] to the tale, while Ori's comment ["The way it flows –
like rippling water"] is wonderfully in character for the Dwarves and
their love and fascination for the interplay of water and rock. In a
mere hundred words, this drabble exemplifies fanfiction at its finest:
the way a writer of skill and imagination can take a single line,
tossed away almost carelessly by the original author, and make of it a
new creation of depth and beauty.

Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-06-08 00:58:27
I've personally pondered character who is basically no more than a
footnote. I usually got stuck on speculations about language and
appearance and certain fairly obvious cultural extrapolations. This,
however, is a much more exciting way to think about her--you bring on
such heat a just a few words. One of the most entertaining things
about writing fanfiction is to take a tiny detail or two from the text
and run hog wild with it building a whole personality, life story and
adventure around it. This is a wonderful example of a writer's ability
to do that. (I'm not really sure you needed the little footnote. I was
thrilled to think I knew who you were writing about and then the
footnote kind of took the wind out of my sails. Telling the reader,
spoiled my fun a little. I guess it depends on who you see as your
audience; I still think the ones who would appreciate this the most
would still be canon geeks.)

Really wonderful use of the drabble format.

Title: Courage · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 41
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-06-08 04:01:13
Ugh. I can't abide oysters! But this is a very nice little tale.
Legolas and Gimli are perfect!

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-09 02:28:44
This was very amusing.I can imagine it would be scary interviewing

Title: Old Man Willow · Author: Nath · Races: Other Beings · ID: 314
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-10 01:20:47
An unusual and highly unsettling story.The write manages to convince
me that this chilling AU might well have happened. I always have seen
trees as benign, but this story made me shiver.I imagine the trees did
once rule before humans came.Could they rule again?

Title: Steward's Trumpets · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Times:
Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 400
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-10 02:35:38
What a lovely heart warming moment which must help ease Faramir's
grief. How fitting that "Steward's Trumpets" should grow in the
ruins,almost as if nature herself is leaving a tribute.Moments like
this are very healing.

Title: A Midsummer Day's Dream · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 422
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-10 06:37:26
Death must come to even our favourite fictional characters, which is
part of what makes them human and identifiable with. I admit,I find
Elves hard to warm to as it is so hard to empathise with beings that
live for ever.
This deeply moving and beautifully written story tells of the death of
Faramir,an event about which Tolkien tells us nothing,save that
Faramir reached the ripe old age of a hundred and twenty years old.

Raksha here gives Faramir the type of death that any fan of the
Steward would hope that he had, sudden,painless and surrounded by his
loved ones.I also loved the thought that Boromir came to lead the
beloved Steward beyond the circles of the World together with eowyn
and a daughter who had died young.Faramir does not know whether he is
waking or dreaming to see these loved ones again.We can share his joy
as he is reunited with them.
It is a beautiful day and Faramir is in a beautiful garden,happy that
his beloved land is prospering and at peace.

I especially liked the detail that Aragorn is the first at Faramir's
side as he collapses.It seems so fitting,given that he gave Faramir
the life that he enjoyed throughout his reign by healing him.

I defy anyone to read this beautiful story without a tear or two in
their eyes.

Title: Promise and Sorrow · Author: Virtuella · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 607
Reviewer: aranelgoldenflower · 2008-06-10 07:41:25
I really enjoyed reading these! They are a superb example of how good
purely OC stories can be!
You use some wonderful ideas to captivate the reader, and the endings
are enhanced by the great twists you use!
I really like the way that half are sad and half are happy, and it
gives a lovely balance!
My overall favourite line was: "Was it a judgement on us that our men
fell under the shadow?"

Best of Luck with all your nominations

Pip :)

Msg# 9249

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 17, 2008 - 5:19:49 Topic ID# 9216
Hullo Everyone!

I haven't have a chance to read all of the posts on this subject so I apologise if this has already been touched upon...

I do understand that all reviewers have a different reviewing style and that is fine - and I understand that some reviewers style consists of recapping the story rather than actually commenting upon it. I *prefer* reviews that are more a reaction to the story but a review is a review - as long as they are careful to put a Spoiler Alert!

To me there is nothing more disappointing than to read a review, to see what others think of a story before I read it, only to have the actual story retold and all the plot points revealed and the ending given away! I think that not only does that give everything away, sometimes it also puts me off reading the actual story. I might have liked it overall had I read it, but?if it's revealed that X happens in the story when I don't generally like plots with X in them,?or if it's revealed that XX happens at the end and?I don't care for the outcome?I might pass over it - there are so many stories to read after all and I don't have time to read them all so I am less likely to read one which contains some little part that I don't generally like reading about, if you see what I mean, or if I already know how it ends. If there is a Spoiler Alert included I'm able to pass over that review and read only those reviews that don't give me the summary of the whole story!



-----Original Message-----
From: Viv <>
Sent: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 9:55 pm
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews

You?see that kind of review a lot on and more a recap than a reaction. It's helpful, I think, for people who use reviews to decide whether they want to read the longer work.
I tend to be a lot less concise and a lot more squee-y in my reviews. *blush*

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Kathy <> wrote:

From: Kathy <>
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 3:26 PM

I don't know what others think about this one, but in past years I've
seen a few reviews that consisted entirely, or almost entirely, of
story summaries. I don't mean relating a bit of the plot here or
there in the course of your review, or talking about a part you
especially liked, I mean a straight summary with little or no
commentary (maybe just with "Great story!" at the end). Somehow that
doesn't seem quite cricket to me.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9250

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Imhiriel July 17, 2008 - 12:41:18 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, MarigoldCotton@... wrote:

> To me there is nothing more disappointing than to read a review, to
see what others think of a story before I read it, only to have the
actual story retold and all the plot points revealed and the ending
given away! I think that not only does that give everything away,
sometimes it also puts me off reading the actual story. I might have
liked it overall had I read it, but?if it's revealed that X happens in
the story when I don't generally like plots with X in them,?or if it's
revealed that XX happens at the end and?I don't care for the outcome?I
might pass over it - there are so many stories to read after all and I
don't have time to read them all so I am less likely to read one which
contains some little part that I don't generally like reading about,
if you see what I mean, or if I already know how it ends.

I'm curious: what happens if you *don't* know these things in advance
and then read the story? Are you annoyed when you discover X or XX
while actually reading the story? Do you think you've wasted your time
reading it when there are those things that you didn't like? (Which
would speak for those sorts of reviews actually being an advantage for
you in sorting out those stories)

Or is it that you can you tolerate it more if you don't know in advance?


Msg# 9251

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 17, 2008 - 12:56:12 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/17/2008 12:42:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Or is it that you can you tolerate it more if you don't know in advance?

I had the same question as Imhriel.

How do people feel about movies of books, if the spoilers that rountinely
popup in most publsihed book reviews bother them so much?

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9252

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by rhapsody\_the\_bard July 17, 2008 - 13:50:22 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:
> In a message dated 7/17/2008 12:42:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> Larys.HMF@... writes:
>> Or is it that you can you tolerate it more if you don't know in
>> advance?
> I had the same question as Imhriel.
> How do people feel about movies of books, if the spoilers that
> rountinely popup in most publsihed book reviews bother them so much?

I think there is a huge difference between reviews in newspapers and
magazine as to the opposite of for example blog reviews written of
leaked pre-air episodes of tv shows, movies ect. Newspapers and
magazine's you simply can avoid if you want to see a movie or an
episode completely anew, without being told all the details. If you
don't want to know how it ends, don't read the reviews, that's what I
think. So that section is always skipped.

On the other hand I do not wish to be taken at unawares, by an e-mail
or a blog post (in between normal posts) revealing all plot details of
a tv show episode I wanted to watch for so long or a book I have been
wanting to read. It takes out all the fun of anticipation and the
rollercoaster ride when watching or reading. It is not so much about
tolerance I think, not to me.

However, I can imagine that when reviews are posted at this group and
e-mails/digests are delivered into your inbox, one has to dutifully
leave them unread, risking the chance to miss out those reviews
without spoilers, but those still might wet the appetite to read it. I
do think what Marigold wants to say here is that the line spoiler
alerts makes it easier for her to quickly skip over it to the review
without spoilers and are therefore muchly appreciated.


Msg# 9253

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 17, 2008 - 14:22:23 Topic ID# 9216
I think I have really weird tolerance for spoilers unless they tell me the
final punch line of a story that is principally written to provide that "gasp!"
or huge surprise at the end. Or, obviously, tell me who the killer is in a
mystery novel.

I do think the "spoiler" warnings are great, if they make people happy. But
I am having a really hard time trying to avoid having to use them if I don't
have too. It is really hard. Without mentioning anything about a story, a
review becomes a string of assertions of excellence and adjectives.

I also presume, from what people have written here over time, that the
"spoiler" tags are meant to be used quite liberally--at the hint of a spoiler by
anybody's most conservative definition, a good citizen of the community will
slap one on. Someone even put a "spoiler" notice on a non-fiction academic
piece. Now that surprised me--not making this up.

I want to help showcase stories with my reviews. To me one of the huge
bonuses of the MEFAs is to expose the best stories of the year to a wider
audience. I am afraid if I write a review that I have label "spoiler," then many
people won't read the review and therefore can't be drawn to considere reading
the story.

On the other hand, If I can't mention any concrete details, then the review
floats out in space somewhere, simply a catalogue of generalizations. If you
know and trust me, you might read the story, otherwise no matter how many
ways I can think of insisting that it is interesting and well-written it's not
concrete. (Instead of a reader reading a review and saying "That sounds
fascinating. I really want to read it." They might read my generalizations and
think "Hmmm. Oshun liked it. But I don't always have the same taste she does." I
don't think one has to include a surpise ending. It's usually enough in that
case to say, the ending really surprised me.

**************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music
scene in your area - Check out!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9254

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Imhiriel July 17, 2008 - 15:21:13 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:
> I think I have really weird tolerance for spoilers unless they tell
me the
> final punch line of a story that is principally written to provide
that "gasp!"
> or huge surprise at the end. Or, obviously, tell me who the killer
is in a
> mystery novel.

It's the same with me. And I'm also struggling with the question of
just when to include a spoiler warning. I lean to using it very
judiciously, limiting it to punch lines, or unusual approaches or
twists when I can't find a way to write "around" it, or fear of
becoming too general, as you say.

> I want to help showcase stories with my reviews. To me one of the huge
> bonuses of the MEFAs is to expose the best stories of the year to a
> audience. I am afraid if I write a review that I have label
"spoiler," then many
> people won't read the review and therefore can't be drawn to
considere reading
> the story.

I'd be curious to know just how many people actually avoid reading
reviews with spoilers... Perhaps we could have a poll?


Msg# 9255

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Barbara Rich July 17, 2008 - 15:21:41 Topic ID# 9216
I have a pretty high spoiler tolerance as well, I guess. If a story has a
twist or a surprise ending, of course I don't want to know exactly what that

And, let's face it, by its very nature any non-AU fanfic is automatically
spoiled. If a pre-Quest story is about a sick Frodo, we know he'll get
well. If it's about Aragorn getting captured, we know he'll get away--after
all, we know they have to survive to go on quest. In fact, I feel one of
the greatest compliments I can pay a story is to say: "Well, even though I
know how it ends in canon, I was so caught up that I nearly forgot!"

So, if I'm reviewing a canon gapfiller that doesn't have any particular
surprise in it, I don't feel revealing a few things that happen call for a
spoiler alert. For example, I might say "This story is about Merry's and
Pippin's captivity by the Orcs." There's no spoiler there--we all know that

However, if it's AU, or taking place outside canon, e.g. Fourth Age, I'll
try to be a bit more cautious. I try not to reveal more than the author has
in her summary if I can, and if I can't, then I will check the spoiler alert

It's a fine line to walk--it can be very difficult to write anything of
substance about a story without giving away any plot points at all!


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:23 PM, <> wrote:

> I think I have really weird tolerance for spoilers unless they tell me
> the
> final punch line of a story that is principally written to provide that
> "gasp!"
> or huge surprise at the end. Or, obviously, tell me who the killer is in a
> mystery novel.
> I do think the "spoiler" warnings are great, if they make people happy. But
> I am having a really hard time trying to avoid having to use them if I
> don't
> have too. It is really hard. Without mentioning anything about a story, a
> review becomes a string of assertions of excellence and adjectives.
> I also presume, from what people have written here over time, that the
> "spoiler" tags are meant to be used quite liberally--at the hint of a
> spoiler by
> anybody's most conservative definition, a good citizen of the community
> will
> slap one on. Someone even put a "spoiler" notice on a non-fiction academic
> piece. Now that surprised me--not making this up.
> I want to help showcase stories with my reviews. To me one of the huge
> bonuses of the MEFAs is to expose the best stories of the year to a wider
> audience. I am afraid if I write a review that I have label "spoiler," then
> many
> people won't read the review and therefore can't be drawn to considere
> reading
> the story.
> On the other hand, If I can't mention any concrete details, then the review
> floats out in space somewhere, simply a catalogue of generalizations. If
> you
> know and trust me, you might read the story, otherwise no matter how many
> ways I can think of insisting that it is interesting and well-written it's
> not
> concrete. (Instead of a reader reading a review and saying "That sounds
> fascinating. I really want to read it." They might read my generalizations
> and
> think "Hmmm. Oshun liked it. But I don't always have the same taste she
> does." I
> don't think one has to include a surpise ending. It's usually enough in
> that
> case to say, the ending really surprised me.
> **************Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live
> music
> scene in your area - Check out!
> (<>
> )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9256

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by rhapsody\_the\_bard July 17, 2008 - 15:22:15 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:
> I think I have really weird tolerance for spoilers unless they tell
> me the final punch line of a story that is principally written to
> provide that "gasp!" or huge surprise at the end. Or, obviously,
> tell me who the killer is in a mystery novel.
> I do think the "spoiler" warnings are great, if they make people
> happy. But I am having a really hard time trying to avoid having to
> use them if I don't have too. It is really hard. Without mentioning
> anything about a story, a review becomes a string of assertions of
> excellence and adjectives.

Well, I always attach it to be sure. Especially since a spoiler can
have a different meaning for somebody else. In the end you just keep
in ticking that box, just to be sure that you won't spoil anyone else.


> I want to help showcase stories with my reviews. To me one of the
> huge bonuses of the MEFAs is to expose the best stories of the year
> to a wider audience. I am afraid if I write a review that I have
> label "spoiler," then many people won't read the review and
> therefore can't be drawn to considere reading the story.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to make this a discussion item during
post mortem, to re-evaluate it. Right now it is at it is and it is
left up to the reviewer's discretion to look at their reviews if it
might contain spoilers. It will most certainly not change the way in
how I review a piece, I just select an extra ticky box to be sure. It
doesn't bother me, but then I don't read the reviews prior to reading
the actual story :)

> On the other hand, If I can't mention any concrete details, then the
> review floats out in space somewhere, simply a catalogue of
> generalizations. If you know and trust me, you might read the
> story, otherwise no matter how many ways I can think of insisting
> that it is interesting and well-written it's not concrete. (Instead
> of a reader reading a review and saying "That sounds fascinating. I
> really want to read it." They might read my generalizations and
> think "Hmmm. Oshun liked it. But I don't always have the same taste
> she does." I don't think one has to include a surpise ending. It's
> usually enough in that case to say, the ending really surprised me.

Well I think as long if you don't say what did surprise you (Fëanor
jumping out of a cake for example), you're not spoiling. It are the
details (a death, the identity of a killer/thief ect) that might give
away the clue of a story. Imho of course.


Msg# 9257

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 17, 2008 - 15:28:31 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/17/2008 3:22:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Well I think as long if you don't say what did surprise you (Fëanor
jumping out of a cake for example), you're not spoiling. It are the
details (a death, the identity of a killer/thief ect) that might give
away the clue of a story. Imho of course.


Actually, the "spoiler" label enabled me to have a lot more fun with a
review of one of your stories than I otherwise would have been able to engage in,
if I had to tiptoe around completely avoiding spoilers. So in that particular
instance it was a real boon for me. I wanted to mention the last few lines
of the story. Because they intrigued me and made me wonder.

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9258

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 17, 2008 - 15:29:24 Topic ID# 9216
In a message dated 7/17/2008 3:21:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'd be curious to know just how many people actually avoid reading
reviews with spoilers... Perhaps we could have a poll?


That would be fascinating to me.

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9259

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in re Posted by aure\_enteluva July 17, 2008 - 17:56:46 Topic ID# 9216
Hey guys,

I'm not sure if you were asking that I or the other volunteers set up
a poll on this. I don't think I want to do that, for two main reasons.
First, I'm very busy with RL and don't have the time, I'm afraid! And
also, I don't really want to do this mid-awards. It's been my
experience that people tend to take review results as saying what they
should or shouldn't be doing. So if the results said most people
avoided reviews with spoilers, some people might interpret this as
saying that either they should be avoiding such reviews, or that they
should write reviews keeping in mind that most people would read them
even with a spoiler alert.

I'm not saying you intended that kind of consequences. However, for
that reason I think an official poll on this might not be the best
idea. It is a fascinating topic, though!

Btw, I changed the subject line of this post. If you guys want to keep
on discussing spoilers (which I'm not saying you can't do), maybe you
should change the subject line so people know what they are reading?



--- In, heartofoshun@... wrote:
> In a message dated 7/17/2008 3:21:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> Larys.HMF@... writes:
> I'd be curious to know just how many people actually avoid reading
> reviews with spoilers... Perhaps we could have a poll?
> Imhiriel
> That would be fascinating to me.

Msg# 9260

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by July 17, 2008 - 18:38:29 Topic ID# 9260
I certainly did not consider that a mandate nor a request! Dear lord! I have
no idea how you and the other MEFA volunteers are keeping up as it is. I
thought it sounded like fun at some point, for someone else to do--certainly not
the MEFA admin!

For example one could conceivably use an LJ poll open to everyone. Not right
now. I think people should just concentrate on reading and reviewing.

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9261

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by July 17, 2008 - 18:50:46 Topic ID# 9260
Hi Oshun,

Coolness! I just wanted to make sure you guys weren't asking for a poll
to be set up.

I think a private poll, like at LJ, might be cool - so long as it's done
later, like you say. :-)

Marta wrote:
> I certainly did not consider that a mandate nor a request! Dear lord! I
> have
> no idea how you and the other MEFA volunteers are keeping up as it is. I
> thought it sounded like fun at some point, for someone else to
> do--certainly not
> the MEFA admin!
> For example one could conceivably use an LJ poll open to everyone. Not
> right
> now. I think people should just concentrate on reading and reviewing.
> **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
> FanHouse Fantasy Football today.
> (
> <>)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9262

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by Arthur Boccaccio July 17, 2008 - 18:54:12 Topic ID# 9260
I've been reading this discussion about spoilers and have decided to put in
my 2-cents-worth. (*grin)

It's a tricky thing. I try not to write reviews that reveal MAJOR plotlines,
though I see nothing wrong with stating that you liked a particular scene or
piece of dialogue and quote it. This is just a normal aspect of reviewing
anything... you have to give examples of what you are talking about.
Recently I wrote two reviews and could not decide if they contained spoilers
so I sent the reviews to the authors in a PM and asked *them* if they
thought my review contained spoilers. One said she didn't see anything that
was a specific spoiler, the other one said go ahead an put the spoiler lable
on. Now, in both cases, I knew the authors personally so I felt comfortable
sending them the review and asking for their opinion. I doubt I would do
that to an author I didn't know.

On the other hand I was writing a review the other night and couldn't decide
if it contained spoilers so I checked the summary offered by the author for
the story and saw that the summary was more revealing than my review! So I
decided putting a spoiler alert on the review was senseless.

There really is a fine line and it's hard to say where it's crossed. I think
the best maxim is "if in doubt, tick" or if you know the author, ask. I tend
not to read reviews of stories I've already selected to read until after
I've read the story and just skp over the reviews of other stories I haven't
read that have the spoiler alert until I've read the story. At least with
the alert I know which reviews to skip until I'm ready to read them.

So that's my take... for what it's worth. I do think sometime perhaps during
the post-mortem period a poll or discussion about this would be efficacious
to seeing if it's worth using next year.


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9263

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 17, 2008 - 19:27:48 Topic ID# 9260
I don't read reviews at all. I look for the things that interest me - mostly
Boromir - and read tthose first... then I read authors I know and like -
then I read anything about the lesser known characters....

With a goal of 100 stories, I get to read a lot... I don't have time to read
reviews... and I really don't want to be 'swayed' by another person's

That's just me.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 7:47 PM, <>

> Hi Oshun,
> Coolness! I just wanted to make sure you guys weren't asking for a poll
> to be set up.
> I think a private poll, like at LJ, might be cool - so long as it's done
> later, like you say. :-)
> Marta
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I certainly did not consider that a mandate nor a request! Dear lord! I
> > have
> > no idea how you and the other MEFA volunteers are keeping up as it is. I
> > thought it sounded like fun at some point, for someone else to
> > do--certainly not
> > the MEFA admin!
> >
> > For example one could conceivably use an LJ poll open to everyone. Not
> > right
> > now. I think people should just concentrate on reading and reviewing.
> >
> >
> >
> > **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for
> > FanHouse Fantasy Football today.
> > (
> > <>)
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9264

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by nau\_tika July 17, 2008 - 19:48:38 Topic ID# 9260
I've already told Fiondil this: I think he should give lessons in how
to write a review! :D I feel I say the same thing over and over
again no matter what I'm reviewing.


--- In, "Arthur Boccaccio" <namondil@...>

> It's a tricky thing. I try not to write reviews that reveal MAJOR
> though I see nothing wrong with stating that you liked a particular
scene or
> piece of dialogue and quote it. This is just a normal aspect of
> anything... you have to give examples of what you are talking about.
> Recently I wrote two reviews and could not decide if they contained
> so I sent the reviews to the authors in a PM and asked *them* if
> thought my review contained spoilers. One said she didn't see
anything that
> was a specific spoiler, the other one said go ahead an put the
spoiler lable
> on. Now, in both cases, I knew the authors personally so I felt
> sending them the review and asking for their opinion. I doubt I
would do
> that to an author I didn't know.
> On the other hand I was writing a review the other night and
couldn't decide
> if it contained spoilers so I checked the summary offered by the
author for
> the story and saw that the summary was more revealing than my
review! So I
> decided putting a spoiler alert on the review was senseless.
> There really is a fine line and it's hard to say where it's
crossed. I think
> the best maxim is "if in doubt, tick" or if you know the author,
ask. I tend
> not to read reviews of stories I've already selected to read until
> I've read the story and just skp over the reviews of other stories
I haven't
> read that have the spoiler alert until I've read the story. At
least with
> the alert I know which reviews to skip until I'm ready to read them.
> So that's my take... for what it's worth. I do think sometime
perhaps during
> the post-mortem period a poll or discussion about this would be
> to seeing if it's worth using next year.
> --
> "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Ná­Ż to an
> Unidentified Elven F론giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> ****
> Auta i l󭫡 Ut?n aur론? Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth
> Arnediad
> Aurë Ąntuluva! ? Battle Cry of H?at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> Ut?n Estel ? Hope hath come
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9265

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signature... Posted by Kathy July 17, 2008 - 20:54:59 Topic ID# 9260
Hi Nautika,

In case you (or anyone else who may be interested) haven't seen it,
there's a great resource in the MEFA FAQ section called "Strategies
for Reviewing from Veteran Reviewers" (link below). It's just what it
says it is: tips on reviewing from some of the experts! And if
Fiondil would like to contribute an entry, he's more than welcome! :)


--- In, "nau_tika" <nau_tika@...> wrote:
> I've already told Fiondil this: I think he should give lessons in
> how to write a review! :D I feel I say the same thing over and
> over again no matter what I'm reviewing.
> nautika
> --- In, "Arthur Boccaccio" <namondil@>
> wrote:
> >
> > It's a tricky thing. I try not to write reviews that reveal MAJOR
> plotlines,
> > though I see nothing wrong with stating that you liked a
> scene or
> > piece of dialogue and quote it. This is just a normal aspect of
> reviewing
> > anything... you have to give examples of what you are talking
> > Recently I wrote two reviews and could not decide if they
> spoilers
> > so I sent the reviews to the authors in a PM and asked *them* if
> they
> > thought my review contained spoilers. One said she didn't see
> anything that
> > was a specific spoiler, the other one said go ahead an put the
> spoiler lable
> > on. Now, in both cases, I knew the authors personally so I felt
> comfortable
> > sending them the review and asking for their opinion. I doubt I
> would do
> > that to an author I didn't know.
> >
> > On the other hand I was writing a review the other night and
> couldn't decide
> > if it contained spoilers so I checked the summary offered by the
> author for
> > the story and saw that the summary was more revealing than my
> review! So I
> > decided putting a spoiler alert on the review was senseless.
> >
> > There really is a fine line and it's hard to say where it's
> crossed. I think
> > the best maxim is "if in doubt, tick" or if you know the author,
> ask. I tend
> > not to read reviews of stories I've already selected to read
> after
> > I've read the story and just skp over the reviews of other
> I haven't
> > read that have the spoiler alert until I've read the story. At
> least with
> > the alert I know which reviews to skip until I'm ready to read
> >
> > So that's my take... for what it's worth. I do think sometime
> perhaps during
> > the post-mortem period a poll or discussion about this would be
> efficacious
> > to seeing if it's worth using next year.
> >
> >
> > --
> > "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Ná­Ż to an
> > Unidentified Elven F론giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> >
> > ****
> > Auta i l󭫡 Ut?n aur론? Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
> > Arnediad
> >
> > Aurë Ąntuluva! ? Battle Cry of H?at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> >
> > Ut?n Estel ? Hope hath come
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

Msg# 9266

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, July 17, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 17, 2008 - 20:59:19 Topic ID# 9266
Title: The Wrong Path · Author: Erviniae · Genres: Drama: Incomplete ·
ID: 538
Reviewer: Tena · 2008-06-10 23:50:05
Tragic story of Erestor and a forbidden love that changes his life

Title: Tulip Takes a Tumble · Author: Cathleen · Genres: Humor · ID: 616
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-06-11 19:33:35
In this story we meet our dearest lad Peregrin Took, who is still
quite young and his beloved friend Tulip the knitted piglet. Tulip and
Pippin had sort of an accident and are a bit hurt. It is very cute
written, because also Tulip has her "wounds".. therefore she needs a
smallish little splint on her tail and such. Its very well written,
and too sweet to imagine how Eglantine not just put the bandages on
her son but also on the knitted piglet. I had to laugh when reading
that. Well Pippin would probbaly have resisted but I find it so cute
that the whole family plays along. That shows their love for their
Then in the story there also is a very nice moment between Pippin and
his father Paladin, who as a young lad also had a special friends,
Sammy lambie. Paladin tells Pippin about this special friend and what
has happend to him, however it seems he changes the story for Pippin a
bit, which is quite cute too. Paladin asks Eglantine to knitt a second
sammy lambie and its too sweet, cause even he wants it for Pippin
actually, he also seems very pleased with the thought that there will
be again a sammy lambie. The small lad is still alive also in the big
lads I guess, thats really cute. A very nice story to read.

Title: Eucatastrophe: The Return · Author: Dreamflower · Genres:
Alternate Universe · ID: 617
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-06-11 19:50:17
Eucatastrophe: The Return is a story about how Frodo comes back from
Elvenhome. That is for me personally the greastest thing ever, because
I always found it sooo very hard to bear, to imagine that Frodo is
gone. I mean Ok, he is gone because he needs healing and he is very
probbaly happy in elvenhome and in the shire life also goes on, but
the relationship between Frodo and Merry and Pippin and Sam is so
deep, hat is always hurt me in a way to think, that the good bye at
the grey havens is one forever, so it really is fantastic to have a
fan fiction story that shows that maybe it was not forever, but only
for a time and that then, when he had been healed, frodo returned to
the shire and they, thats means especially frodo, sam and his cousins,
but also gandalf, that they meet again and that they have a future
that they can enjoy together. For example can Frodo be part of Merrys
wedding in this universe, something that I find very important,
because Frodo just is very near to merry, they are a bit like the
older and the younger brother. A very nice story, a good read and a
story that brings a lot joy to the heart, because it shows another
possibility of an ending after the ring war and the healing is done
for our Hobbits.

Title: Took Broth · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 543
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-06-11 20:00:00
This story is a very sweet tale of an interessting tradtion in the
Tooklands, that is a bit confusing for our dear Samwise Gamgee and his
Rose. It is written wonderfully and humoreous. Sam, as he is a good
cook and all, like we know, gets quite a "shock" when the tookish
tradition is revealed to him by Peregrin Took. The story also contains
some good Sam and Merry moments I find and to imagine all these Tooks
in one place and Sams face... too funny. But ok, the Tooks are a big
family, so it might be truly a shock, if one is not used to them..and
when hey all are a bit like Pip, so chatty and loud and such. I like
how Sams discomfort first is written, especially because as the major
he has to eat the Took Broth, no matter how strange or disgusting he
find the whole business, but then in the end its all good and Sam has
learned something new. The story was written for a Challenge and the
author their got a phrase and I find that the phrase is worked in
wonderfully. A very good read,one should not miss it. One can truly
picture the whole scene and sams feelings and merrys amusement and
Pippins feelings to this grand, so he finds, tradition. A very tookish
story. I have to say I probbaly would feel a bit like Sam in the
beginning, but he seemedin the end really happy about the soup.

Title: If You Could See What I Hear · Author: Cathleen · Times: Mid
Third Age: Eriador · ID: 614
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-06-11 20:02:15
This story is a very magical and fantastic tale about our small lad
Pippin Took, who has together with his knitted piglet friend Tulip an
beautiful, but also mystical so to say, adventure.
Pippin and Tulip meet a young lass, who is a fairy and said fairy
takes Pippin with her into the world of her kin. That is not without
dangers, but thanksfully Pippin meets another fairy creature, names
Alfie. That one tells him true tales, that have to do with his family.
He hears about the fairy blood that is said to run in the veins of the
Tooks, in some stronger than in other, because of an Took ancestor,
who married a fairy wife. Pippin learns that in his veins the fairy
blood is very strong. In the story we also see not only Pippins side,
but also the one of his family, cause Pippin is not just gone for an
hour or so into the fairy world, no he is gone a lot longer and all
his family ( parents, sisters, but also Frodo and Bilbo, Merry and his
parents) as well as other Hobbits worry about him and think the worst.
They searching everywhere, but cannot find him. In the end it is
Paladin, who, also gifted with the fairy blood is the one who is
successful. A very beatuful tale, well written and very magical, with
beautiful word pictures inside.

Title: Tulip's Tale · Author: Cathleen · Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 615
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-06-11 20:04:10
In this nice little story we again meet Pippin and Tulip, his knitted
piglet, who is very reayl for him. We also see Frodo and Merry, who
just had a very tiring day to get ippin to sleep. But does he really
sleep? Well, of course not, cause Tulip woke him up, as she reminded
Pippin, that Frodo promised to tell a story, that he had not done yet.
So Frodo and Merry have no little cousin free evening yet, however
because their cousin is so sweet and amuses them a great deal, thats
alright. In this story there is to see a lot of the very sweet and
deep and caring relationship between the three cousins and of course a
bit teasing is allowed as well. I especially love the little exchange
about Pips future, that he will live happily with all his animals and
family on the farm and that now that he his more grown then the year
before he does not think anymore about marrying marigold. Too funny.
This is a piece of writing where the bortherly athomophere so to say
comes through very well. It is just like one would imagine brothers.
The eldest and the second eldest brother the ones that love the small
one to no end, but also enjoy teasing him, while the eldest brother is
a bit more careful, than the second eldest and then the xoungest who
is quite spoiled but very sweet and dear and who is too young yet, to
notice the amusing looks the elder ones exchange, because of his
"serious" chatter.

Title: By Ship or Grave · Author: Larner · Genres: Poetry: Hobbits ·
ID: 618
Reviewer: Queen Galadriel · 2008-06-11 20:16:44
This is truly a beautiful piece of poetry, Larner. You definitely
captured Frodo's voice very well in the language and the cadence. It
almost sounds as if it should be sung, perhaps in the key of c or be
minor, but not quite. It's very Tolkienesque, especially the verse to
Sam, and the last line of that verse; it definitely produces the same
thrill of some nameless emotion--a sort of sad, glorious solemnity--in
me that many of his poems do.
God bless,

Title: Before the Black Gate · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age · ID: 45
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-12 02:07:34
I loved this story about Pippin at the Black Gate and feel that
Tolkien would have enjoyed it too with the clever and moving uses of
religious symbolism. Pippin's wish that he had even the scraps that
his mother fed their pets calls to mind the story of the prodigal son,
where another young person also far from home is reduced to wishing he
could eat the food meant for the pigs. I suppose one could almost see
Pippin as a sort of prodigal son as he leaves his home to go to a far
country without the blessing of his parents, though unlike the young
man in the Bible, he does not squander his inheritence or live wildly!
I wonder if he even told his family he planned to leave with Frodo?
I'm not an expert on Hobbits,though I have a soft spot for Pippin.
I loved the bond between Beregond and the young Hobbit.The simple meal
they share together recalls another moment from the Biblee,that of the
Last Supper,where bread and wine are consumed.
I love Aragorn's care towards his young friend in sending Miruver to
hearted him before the young Hobbit goes into battle.

Poor Pippin, he tries so hard to be brave and faces up to his expected
death with a courage we could all aspire to and be unlikely to match.

The memory of Pippin's meals back in the Shire is extremely
poignant.It made me feel quite hungry to read too.

Title: Wind of Change · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 47
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-12 02:26:39
This is an unusual and unique idea for a story which is very plausible
that it could have happened. I can just imagine Eowyn being born in a
thunderstorm surrounded by lashing wind and howling tempest!
It seems Eowyn's mother is like her daughter as she tries to stifle
her screams of pain as her baby arrives.Theodwyn obviously passed on
her pride,courage and stocism to her daughter.

I can just imagine Eomund beaming with pride at his daughter, but no
doubt thinking she will be in her brother's shadow however great her
deeds, though he is pleased to have a daughter.I like the idea that
Eomund might be far sighted as he has visions of his baby daughter
doing heroic deeds.Of course, we know she will also be a great lady
and Princess of Ilthilien.I wish Tolkien had told us more about Eomund.
Here he is portrayed as an extremely nice man,who values a daughter as
as much a source of joy as a son.Maybe , though Eowyn was young when
her father died, he inspired an early confidence in his daughter that
served her well in later life.
.It is very fitting that Theoden should be amongst the first to greet
the child as it is to Eowyn he will breathe his last words many years
later and inspire her to her most glorious deed.

It was Glorfindel who prophesied that no man could kill the Witch King
and the great Elf here senses that the evil Lord of Agmar's hour of
doom is approaching.

Title: Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son · Author: Marta
· Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 624
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-12 03:41:54
This is fascinating and thought provoking. I cannot say I like
Denethor, but I think of him rather like a Shakespearean hero.Someone
with the potential to be truly great, but with a tragic flaw.
I think Denethor realises he does care about Faramir when it is too
late. What does strike me the most is that he plans to burn Faramir, a
horrible painful death,rather than a quick mercy killing.

I think Denethor is a man who cannot bear to share anyone.

I agree Faramir and Denethor are very alike, though I wonder if
Denethor sees in Faramir what he wishes he were, or even some
similiarity to Thorongil.

I'm pleased Tolkien gave us such a complex character. I love
discussing Denethor as he is endless fascinating.

I do not agree with everything you say but enjoyed being challenged to
think more about Denethor.

A very well written and interesting essay.

Title: Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) · Author: febobe ·
Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 628
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-12 11:10:09
What an absolutely delightful read this was! The premise is simple:
Post-Quest, in Minas Tirith, Frodo falls ill. The newly crowned King
Elessar is for whatever reason too busy to attend to Frodo, and so
someone else must be found to tend to the Ringbearer in his time of need.

I've read other Febobe stories which feature Eowyn as a skilled
'dry-nurse,' and so her appearance in that role was not terribly
surprising to me. The first section features Sam's reactions to her.
He hears that she's come into the Houses of Healing but doesn't know
why yet. His initial reaction of sympathy, that people are pointing
and staring at her as they point and stare at him and at Frodo, rings
very true to me. Febobe's Sam-voice is also fantastic.

In the second part, she goes into how Eowyn is exactly the right
caretaker for Frodo at this point, simply by 'doing no harm,' by
making certain he's got good food and warm blankets. The two are able
to comfort one another, because they've shared similar experiences
with the Witch-King. I'd call this lovely hurt/comfort, but there's so
very little hurt and so much delightful comfort that Shirebound's new
jokingly applied label of h/cccccccc for her own stories really seems
to apply here as well.

A wonderful read!

Title: Feeling Safe · Author: shirebound · Races: Hobbits · ID: 633
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-06-12 17:51:10
A sweet, loving tale on the way to Rivendell with sleepwalking Frodo
using Aragorn as a pillow. :) May such love and trust live forever!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: O Merry Mine · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort ·
ID: 636
Reviewer: Golden · 2008-06-13 10:23:03
This is a wonderful story. It shows little scenes between our dear
Hobbit- cousins/brothers from early on till the death. It has lots and
lots of brotherly love inside, that leavesin myself a very warm and
cosy feeling when reading it. I just love it so much, when this bond
between Merry and Frodo and Pippin is written about and in this story
that is very very veeeeery well done.
I love especiall that scene, when Merry and Frodo talk about their
mums, when merrys "offers" his mum can also be Frodos mum, as Frodos
mum is gone.And that the scene, when merry says Eglantine is getting
fatter... and in truth it is that she is pregnant, *L* too sweet.
And the scene when Merry and wee Pippin are together in Frodos bed and
Merry asking if all babys stink like Pippin and Frodo assuring him
that he, merry, did, when he was as small as Pippin. Too cute!
And then when merry finally has to experience himself how it feels
when someone put the arm to sleep, how he had done always to Frodo.
Hehehe. And the end when they all are together again...beautiful. Love
it. I can just picture every scene in my head, with colours and voices
and smells and other sounds and the feelings..well the whole
athmosphere, that has so much love inside it.

Title: In This These Days of Glory · Author: Dana · Races: Hobbits:
Incomplete · ID: 640
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-14 02:54:48
This is a very moving story. As a parent, I've always wondered how
Merry and Pippin's family reacted to their disappearing off the face
of the earth. It was difficult enough in the movie - it must have
seemed as though the ground swallowed them up in the very act of
innocent mischief-making - but in the book, we had a much more
terrifying tale in the attack on the house at Crickhollow, the
horrific Black Riders, and Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin's
disappearance. I really love the plausibility of the sequence of
events that you've presented, starting with, "Oh, Pippin's with Merry,
so it can't be so bad" and progressing with growing unease to "That's
odd, that's all of them are gone", and finally, when Pip's letter is
discovered, and news of the attack reaches his loved ones, the
mobilization of friends and family in search of answers.

I particularly like Pervinca's strength, her sense of being her
brother's soulmate and companion. I confess I've not been much of a
hobbit reader, my heart having been firmly ensnared by the men of
Rohan and Gondor, but I love this characterization of the hobbit
lasses as just as strong and high-hearted as the hobbits, and all of
them being just as fierce in their defense of their home as any Men or
Elves. There seems to be just a thin veneer of ladylike manners to
Vinca, something she can toss on and off like an overdress, that's
very appealing. So much more to her than meets the eye!

What I found particularly meaningful in the Prologue (the part that
almost made me cry) was the sense of letting Pippin go; letting him go
out into the world, as full of peril as it is, because that is what
parents and children must both do. That's a hallmark of great writing,
I think, to demonstrate the universality of hope and fear, love and
joy and pain. Sharing Vinca and Paladin's fear has eased mine, just a
bit, knowing that we've all been there together.

Title: Stabat Mater · Author: iorhael · Genres: Drama: General
Drabbles · ID: 666
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-06-14 19:43:32
A short, powerful tale of a mother's sorrow watching her son suffer.
Another mother will watch her Son suffer as well and these two mothers
and these two children have much in common.

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Title: Apostate's Ruse · Author: Calenlass Greenleaf · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 676
Reviewer: Thorongirl · 2008-06-15 00:43:47
As always, my penchant for Aragorn angst makes me appreciate those
special authors who write it so exceedingly well. In this story, a
16-year-old Estel finds himself hurt and confused by Elrond's sudden
change in behavior towards him. If you're like me and you like to read
emotional angst, this story hits all the buttons. What's behind
Elrond's puzzling behavior eventually becomes clear, but not until
much damage has been done. The author writes in a clear, engaging
style that leaves the reader eager for each succeeding chapter. Still
a Work In Progress, but with every indication that it will be completed.

Title: Creation Myths · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: General
Drabbles · ID: 300
Reviewer: Elena Tiriel · 2008-06-15 04:27:05
Tanaqui, this is breathtakingly beautiful!

The first line is so vivid, it makes me think of the stunning Whole
Earth photo from Apollo 17 [], or of the Earthrise
photo from Apollo 8 [], or any of the Blue Marble
images of earth at [] or []... it
was never truly possible to marvel at the stunning beauty of our whole
globe until we left its surface far behind... within my lifetime!
*getting goose bumps*

Okay... back to earth, so to speak... and the beautiful imagery that
you wrought with your words.

I just boggle at the poetry of the language in [mar its splendid
symmetry – but give birth to more beauty than sterile flawlessness
ever could.]! But it is much more than your evocative words that
affects me here; it is the wisdom and depth of Iluvatar's thought....
and his actions, as he gives the world up freely and generously so
that the Ainur can embellish it with their own love and creativity.

Similar to the very best of fan fiction, come to think of it. LOLOL!

And then we come to constipated Feanor: a savant - brilliant in his
skill, but utterly devoid of wisdom. He strives for [sterile
flawlessness], and locks his creations away - hoarding them in a vault
within a fortress, afraid of losing control over them.

Tanaqui, this drabble is so exquisite on so many levels, I'm rendered
(almost) speechless... but not quite (fortunately for you! *wink*)

Thank you for sharing your own jewel-bright creations with us!

Title: Dreams or Reality · Author: Eleon Gamgee · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 716
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-06-15 19:48:44
Wow! Man, you just keep getting better and better! Love it,
horrifying and chilling - poor Frodo! but Sam is there, Sam is
there...loving, supporting, pointing out the star, Hope Unquenchable.
Where would Frodo be without his Sam? It's wonderful that Sam received
that grace and consolation in the book for he would know he wasn't
alone either. Too bad Frodo couldn't see it himself, but now he has!
And he knows he isn't alone either Love his thank you to Iluvatar
after expending his anger on Him. A very cool, riveting story. One can
only imagine what horrors Frodo endured silently within as his soul
was torn apart. But what a grace indeed to have Sam there.

Title: Vodka · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 714
Reviewer: Keiliss · 2008-06-15 20:08:12
I wonder if I can find anything original to say about this piece that
I haven't already mentioned? That your characterisations are
wonderful, is so obvious I'm not sure I'd mention it if the review
wasn't point-based. The setting is very `real' – I don't have a sense
of you forcing descriptions on me, but they are there, woven into the
fabric of the tale you're telling.

The centre point of this all of course is Maglor. Sardonic, a touch
bitter, locked into a destiny nothing now can change, mocking himself,
his brother, life itself. I remember our discussions about him: they
gave me the beginnings of the personality who is starting to grow
larger than life in my head, and they gave you this look into a moment
between brothers.

What do you say to the brother who could justifiably accuse you of
having left him to die? Where to begin? No awkward apologies if you're
Maglor. Loved the sarcastic dismissal of Fingon's efforts as being
based on a romantic impulse, loved even more Maglor's reference to the
honour the rest of them had left behind at Losgar. Most of all, I love
the casual reference at the end to what he was doing, what was on the
parchment. Thus was born a masterpiece; voices of memory speaking
within the alcohol, notes chiming softly in the depths of a glass.

And yes Uli, you're right. He would definitely have drunk vodka.

Title: Maglor's Harp · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Genres: Horror · ID: 660
Reviewer: Keiliss · 2008-06-15 21:24:47
Obviously I love this piece. The `why' is another matter, something
hard to define. Partly I love the simple fact that you dared to write
it, of course. Horror is a notoriously difficult genre to get right.
Anyone can write buckets of blood and blood-curdling shrieks, but this
dark, crawling fascination is something completely apart from that.

Maglor as he is now is – very different to the Maglor who once was,
the mighty singer and fighter, proud and tall, blood of kings. An
ancient, confused creature, lost in a dark world all his own. And then
the music calls him once again, and he tries to answer it. And how he
tries. I ached for him. The hoarse voice, the lack of an audience, the
wrong audience, the lack of a harp… oh yes, the lack of the harp. He
grows stronger, more – rational – almost, as he tries to solve the
puzzle of the perfect harp. Driven. And all through it, I feel for
him, this monster. I felt so sad for him when his nice harp didn't
sound right, when things broke, when he had to go back and start all
over again.

And then he finds her. And – there is such a rightness to it that
somehow the means justify the end. One of those things. Suffering for
art. And the final line, which I won't comment on here because I'm
trying to avoid spoilers, is a thing perfect in itself.

Very nice work, dear.

Title: A Great Evil Unmade · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 267
Reviewer: Keiliss · 2008-06-15 22:27:33
Really liked this. One of the things I love about the MEFAs is the way
we all get the chance to read outside our usual corners of the fandom.
This was the random story displayed when I logged on this evening, and
I'm so glad I clicked on it. I write – and therefore normally read –
elves, so the idea of an alternate ring bearer isn't one I've come
across much, and I found the logic you brought to how this could have
happened and why Frodo made the choice he did pretty much flawless. I
could imagine it all happening exactly like this. Timing is everything
– a couple of tiny changes in a very small time span could well have
brought about this result.

I liked the reasoning for why he was able to overcome the Ring's lure
– made sense when I thought about it. Right from the beginning, he had
such a strong desire to protect his people, I could quite see it being
the driving force once he had it in his hand (or round his neck
rather, lol) Final comment – it was a small touch, but the fact that
his gloves had been shredded, that his hands were cut, made him very
real and said more abut his courage and determination than paragraphs
about his journey to that point would have.


Title: Early Winter at Himring Hill · Author: Oshun · Genres: Romance:
Elven Lands · ID: 79
Reviewer: Keiliss · 2008-06-15 23:08:06
Heh. No. No angst or drama in here at all. I wondered at the business
of snow, no snow, at the beginning, but let it go and read on. I liked
the little touches, like the struggle to get the banners unfurled in
time, the picture of them sweeping down the hill and up to the gate,
knowing they'll be recognised and let in. I can feel your familiarity
with the surroundings, you write the descriptions with such a a sure,
casual touch. Liked the greeting, the pure, happy warmth of it. Loved
their smiles, the fact that Maedhros came out without a cloak.

And my, what a bad miscalculation, Fingon, getting yourself all snowed
in like that, lol. Yes, I'm sure they'll make the best of those dark,
snow-filled months. Lovely, feel-good ficcie.

Title: Where the Sky Kisses the Horizon, There My Dreams Lie · Author:
Lindelea · Races: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 689
Reviewer: Queen Galadriel · 2008-06-16 04:28:32
Oh, Lindelea, I just love everything about this. Your drabbles are
always amazing, but this one is just heart-warming!

First, the title. It is so awesome, it sounds just like something out
of a song or a line of poetry, and though at a glance it doesn't seem
directly related to the story, it makes sense.

Your characterizations are spot-on, even in so few words. Poor Aragorn
so exhausted, and Legolas, with that characteristic Elvishness making
a gentle gift of that sea-kissed cloak for Frodo's comfort...and of
course what made me the most glad was that it worked. *smiles*
Absolutely lovely.
God bless,

Title: Undivided · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Elves: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 46
Reviewer: Jay of Lasgalen · 2008-06-16 21:48:14
The twins' anger and sorrow and grief is so vividly portrayed, but I
love their closeness, and the chaste embrace at the end. Beautiful!

Title: Comfort · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves: House of Elrond · ID: 161
Reviewer: Jay of Lasgalen · 2008-06-16 21:49:52
*Happy sigh*

Bodkin, this is wonderful. The opening paragraph with Elrohir twirling
the knife is full of wonderful imagery, and sets the scene - and his
mood - so well. I can really feel Elrohir's distress and guilt over
the death of the Ranger (is it Arathorn? It doesn't feel like him.)

Elladan is just marvellous in the way he gently cajoles Elrohir out of
his dark mood by teasing, reminding him of the finer things in life,
and head-on confrontation. I don't think the 'sanitised' versions of
death fool anyone, but it's a comforting deceit. Elladan's reminder of
Elrohir's possible fate is chilling, and reinforces the message of
what *could* have happened. Finally, I love the humour of the image of
an orc-maiden running screaming from Elrohir in his current state!

The depth of understanding between them is wonderfully portrayed.
Elladan is probably the only one who could bring Elrohir out of his
dark mood (or at least, do it so quickly) because he knows what it's
like, and knows what Elrohir is suffering. He's probably been there
himself - and I'm sure Elrohir would have offered him the same
comfort. Elladan's also the only one who could get away with some of
the things he says - he can tell the harsh truth, knowing Elrohir
won't take offence. I'm glad Elrohir allowed himself to listen!

Msg# 9267

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, July 17, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 17, 2008 - 21:00:43 Topic ID# 9267
Title: A Little Misunderstanding · Author: Radbooks · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 275
Reviewer: Jay of Lasgalen · 2008-06-16 21:52:15
Poor Halbarad - two mysterious strangers turn up, whisk Aragorn off,
and he's never seen again. No wonder he's scared when they return!

Lovely characterisations of the twins, too. Elladan's guilt seems
typical of the way I view him.

Title: Midnight · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Romance · ID: 18
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:30:08
[He is snoring so quietly that it is more like the purr of a cat.]

An unforgettable opening line to a lushly romantic tale. It's a simple
scene - Theodred watching Boromir as he sleeps - but there's such an
endearing sense of trust, of vulnerability, to both of them here.
While revelling in his lover's presence, his warmth and scent,
Theodred surreptitiously examines scars old and new, trying not to
dwell on ever-present shadow of death that follows each of them. In
the end, Theodred simply surrenders himself to the "now" with Boromir,
treasuring each moment as it comes, setting aside all fears and
worries for the future. The closing lines are both luscious and
heartrending, exquisite in their simplicity and tenderness. A lovely
love story.

Title: Thoughtful Company · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 16
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:30:54
[" 'What must it be like?' I thought. 'To be so old and wise, and yet
to have no child or kin to brighten his life?' "]

I always enjoy reading stories which explore the relationship between
young Faramir and Mithrandir, so it's a great pleasure to see several
of them nominated for the MEFAs this year. This tale, in particular,
always brings a smile to my face, reminding me as it does of my own
very inquisitive children, and the steps we took to nurture that
boundless curiosity while at the same time encouraging the development
of critical thinking skills (trying, like Mithrandir, not to let it
out that we didn't really know the answers to some questions.)

The story-within-the-story, "How did the dragons get their treasure to
their lair?" is explored plausibly; these are certainly questions I
never bothered to ask myself while reading "The Hobbit", so it's very
satisfying to see them explored here. Nanny is proud of Faramir's
maturity and poise, and his obvious rapport with Mithrandir, , but
intermingled with her pride is a bit of melancholy on the wizard's
behalf, that he has no family or kin of his own. The manner in which
she encourages Faramir's boundless generosity is perfectly in
character, for both of them, and perfectly endearing as well.

Title: The Onion Riddle · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 13
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:31:39
There are so many layers here, lovely twists and turns off the main
path of the tale, I can only hope that you'll revisit this and explore
some of these other side paths sometime, too!

As always, your imagery and descriptions are sublime: lines like [The
miner stared at each outcropping of stone, scratched it with a file,
and then sniffed and tasted the filings] carry a whole weight of
history and culture with them. I've never really imagined what a young
dwarf-maid would look like, but [silky beard and slight build and the
clear, almost musical sound of his speech] is enchanting. And how
could I not hoot with laughter at [Well, I doubt even dwarves are born
with whiskers, Beregond told himself then shook his head to dispel the
images of bearded dwarven babes]?

Of course I want to one day hear Beregond's tale of the freeing of
Moria; I'm sure the dwarves were just as astounded to discover that
they were accompanied by a hero who had done their folk such a valiant
service. The onion riddle (hee!) was well integrated into the tale,
and made perfect sense as the result of free-flowing liquor and warm

Poor Beregond at the last! I wish I could have seen his face! I wish I
could see Faramir's face when Beregond tells him the story. Well done,

Title: Invisible Ink · Author: alex_quine · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Boromir or Faramir · ID: 4
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:38:00
A unique view of Rohirric culture, a tale of extraordinary depth and
richness, this is almost like a tapestry, every inch worth exploring
for the unexpected detail, the line or curve that speaks volumes.

First of all, the annual gathering - what a marvelous glimpse into the
life of the Rohirrim, inviting us as guests to their festival. The
imagery here is marvelous: [" Almost as far as the distant lakeshore
campfires flickered, little pinpricks of flame in the dark that came
and went as groups of horses moved slowly, grazing, in and out of the

And the people of Rohan! The author has drawn them in a manner that is
so loving, and so real: ["Elders greeted one-another as doughty
survivors of another year, reminisced and planned matings of their
stock that they might never live to see. Men in their prime brought
their sons, raw youths, to be admitted into the circle of their
father's friends and some brought daughters too, softly-spoken girls
with downcast eyes in search of a handsome suitor, and keen-eyed
maidens, straight-backed and strong, who would take on a holding and
its master and make more of it than any man.']

So many other stunning details: the mourning ceremony for an aged bard
who cannot complete his tale; the counting and cataloging skills,
devised as children's games, to strengthen memory skills so vital in
an oral culture. These are cultural artifacts that Professor Tolkien
would certainly applaud .

And what a marvelous Eomer King the author given us. Well-grown into
his new role, yet still bearing the bittersweet knowledge and anguish
that his blessedness is built upon the loss of those he most loved.
The physical description of him alone is fabulous - the flowing golden
hair (and that bit of vanity, the rinse to keep it golden), the silken
shirt, the gold adornments. But this Eomer Eadig is different from so
many others we've read, in that this author has given him the pride
and courage, the confidence and determination, to keep the heritage of
his people intact, despite the most gentle and seductive and
well-meaning intentions of his king and friend. And the concept of the
King bearing, incised into his own body, the symbols of his heritage
and bloodline and contract with his people, is just stunning, and the
imagery this story elicts is just amazing. I can see it all so very
clearly, smell the peatsmoke and musky sweat (barely underlain with
camomile), taste the ale and hear the soft rustle of Eomer's silk
shirt sliding over his shoulders.

The (very slight) slash element to the story appears almost as a
consecration, a blessing, of the new bonds of trust and understanding
between Faramir and Eomer Eadig, a powerful symbol of the deepened and
renewed alliance between their peoples. Thank you once again,
alex_quine, for writing this story for me! It's a far richer gift than
I ever imagined.

Title: Silenced · Author: Illwynd · Genres: Horror · ID: 31
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:40:09
This is a wonderfully creeperific story. The use of alliteration in
words like [scuttle],[shuffle], and [scurry], as well as the fantastic
imagery they invoke, contributes quite richly to the disturbing,
heart-in-your-mouth mood as we try to figure out exactly what's wrong
with Boromir (and his zombielike aspect is fantastic!)

The description of Boromir's raptured love for his city,
counterbalanced by his ever-so-slight confusion and loneliness as he
realizes it has changed, but can't quite put his finger on how or why,
is painfully vivid. Boromir lovers can enjoy (ok, maybe not exactly
"enjoy") this as a very plausible AU, as well as a superb stand-alone
spooky story. Well done!

Title: As the Tide by the Moon · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Alternate Universe · ID: 9
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:43:28
What a rich story. Once again EdorasLass has displayed her sublime
skills at characterization, mood setting, and subtle dialog full of
underlying meanings.

The novel focuses on Eledher, the original character from "Eclipsed by
the Moon". In that story, she was infatuated with Grima; here, Grima
is taking advantage of Eledher's unspoken feelings to manipulate both
her and Théodred. It's amazing to watch Eledher's gradual transition
from a withdrawn, physically and emotionally traumatized serving wench
to a confident young woman, making a life for herself and her child in
a strange city. Her inherent dignity earns her both the respect of her
companions and a sense of self-respect even she did not realize she
had developed.

Théodred – what a marvel. This is not EL's usual Théodred, that is to
say, Boromir's Théodred, sunny natured, confident and proud. Eledher's
Théodred (though she would be shocked to hear him referred to thus)
has a gut-wrenching vulnerability, a sense of loneliness and anguish
as he watches his father's decline. Théodred does not even recognize
his need for the unconditional love he finds with Eledher, who asks
for nothing but simple warmth and companionship, freely given. The
scene where Théodred accosts Eledher in Minas Tirith, heart in his
mouth, was one of the most moving (and glee-inducing, I won't deny)
scenes I've ever read. ["Am I not his faeder, then?"] AY CARUMBA what
a scene! * stands and cheers *

The supporting characters, Éowyn, Éomer, Grima, are well-drawn as
well. Grima is in turn oppressively menacing as he terrorizes poor
Eledher, and totally in denial of Éowyn's contempt – a much more
disturbing characterization than Professor Tolkien ever imagined.
Éowyn is particularly strong here – intuitive, pragmatic,
self-reliant, yet surprisingly empathetic and supportive toward
Eledher, and a valuable partner to Théodred and Éomer as they seek to
untangle Grima's machinations.

It's very satisfying to note also that EL's het writing is as luscious
as her slash, the same understated eroticism which merely draws the
outlines of Eledher and Théodred's encounters, allowing the reader to
fill in the details using the richness of their own imaginations.

Title: In Good Company · Author: foxrafer (csevans8) · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 20
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:44:00
There are many, many endearing elements to this story. First of all, I
really like the way you've picked up on the friendship between Faramir
and Legolas fostered by their common interest in the reclamation and
stewardship of the land. I probably don't give as much thought and
attention as I should to this aspect of Legolas and his post-war
career, so thank you for giving me a new aspect of LOTR to mull over

[For once conversation didn't evolve into remembrance of Boromir...
this day he was turned away from the past and future, his friends
rooting him firmly in the present.]

This is particularly lovely. There's only so much rehashing that can
be done, after all; how wonderful that his friends were there to help
him seize the moment, the perfect day and perfect company and
opportunity to escape, gleeful as a schoolboy!

The next paragraph really highlights for me the changes in Faramir's
life. The [austere trappings] of the office; Eowyn's lush, well
ordered garden with its low stone walls; the smiling wife who kisses
him goodbye - treasures he would never have imagined in the bleakness
of his Ranger days, when he may have felt himself constantly toiling
with no hope. Order brought to the chaos that was once Ithilien,
well-earned steadying calm, peace and prosperity; a whole new purpose
to his own life.

The closing scene is wonderful - Faramir having the opportunity to
return to his Rangering roots for the pure pleasure of it, in the
company of good friends. It's pastoral and peaceful and heartwarming
all at once. *happy sigh*

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-16 23:46:04
No matter how times I reread this, I still end up spewing whatever
nearby beverage all over the keyboard. What particularly leaves me
gasping and helpless is the totally straight-up tone of the narrator –
you can just visualize her on the Rohirric Self-Help Network, perkily
discoursing on the different types of shampoo and conditioner while
hunky riders model the latest fashions in sparkly clips. LOL!

Title: Stars of the Lesser · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 74
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-17 05:45:41
Ah--the first meeting of Pengelodh and Celebrimbor as the former
steals time from his studies to play on the rocks of the inlet, and
the latter fetches luminous jellyfish in order to study how they
produce light.

A thought-provoking first encounter and look at how it is history is
written and tends to show bias.

Well written with a most believable scenario.

Title: Sharing Good News · Author: Imhiriel · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 216
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-17 05:53:43
When one knows his love is returned, of COURSE one wishes to share
that revelation! Perhaps AU, as this particular caller is not known to
have truly befriended Bilbo at this time in the Hobbit's life; but
it's delightfully told, expressing well the delight and pent-up
emotion of Bilbo's caller!

A lovely example of Imhiriel's work.

Title: The Waker · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 287
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-17 06:00:14
A most fascinating look at the effect of a few stones tossed into the
water near the Gates to Moria. How does one express the feelings of
one who cannot speak? Wonderfully eery!

Title: Where Shadows Lay No More · Author: Cathleen · Times: Fourth
Age and Beyond · ID: 358
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-17 06:11:01
A thoughtful and gentle story of Boromir witnessing the Coronation of
the King Returned. The telling is gentle and poignant; the imagery
delicate; the emotions well displayed. A wonderful tribute to the
power of fellowship and the enduring love we tend to know beyond final

Title: Your Father Loves You · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 424
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-06-17 23:38:01
Many writers have tried to speculate what Denethor might have felt
when Faramir was born. This interesting and well written ficlet by
Raksha speculates on the Steward of Gondor's thoughts when his
youngest son is a week old. Raksha shows Faramir as as the unwitting
cause of his mother's frail hail. I personally think Finduilas was
more likely to have died of some thing like consumptioin, cancer, or
even a disorder linked to depression,or even simply faded away,as she
had Elvish lineage.However,it is quite plausible that Faramir's birth
contributed to her decline.
In this ficlet Denethor lives his baby son, but clear hints are given
of the troubles between them that lie ahead.Denethor notices the
baby's clear wise gaze that seems to look into his very soul. Denethor
also wishes the new baby had been a girl, maybe a strange wish,as it
is assumed the nobility want an heir and a spare, but the Steward
knows that in the world in which he lives,sons will be expected to go
out to fight and maybe die,as indeed does Boromir,in protecting Gondor
from the Dark Lord.

This is a well written and thought provoking piece concerning the
roots of the tragedy of Denethor and his youngest son,with also a hint
of the bitter loss he will suffer.

Title: Portrait of a Queen · Author: Aruthir · Races: Men · ID: 338
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-19 16:20:57
The fate of the poor women of Middle-earth is ironically well-known:
they are largely forgotten, with a few exceptions. One can argue that
the male characters Tolkien focuses on are also exceptional
individuals (obviously, they are), but even exceptional women - ruling
queens - are apt to be bypassed and inserted into a list, their
motivations reduced to a narrow focus on a husband or lover, and
bitterness can only be taken as a failure in them. Turin's bitterness?
Yes, fine, he was moody and doomed; Beruthiel's or Erendis's or
Ancalime's bitterness - bad news, but not of the sort that gets
elevated to having world-historical importance.

Aruthir capitalizes on this pattern of forgetfulness and reduction
with the tale, told in formulaic snips, of Tar-Telperien, as she grows
from a girl to a woman to a queen, and finally to an old woman bent on
seeing her will done if only to spite those who inspired that first,
childhood observation: "Life, thinks the little girl, is very unfair",
and the silence that results is both mandated by the 'proper' and a
harbor for the sting of injustice. The solitude of a girl growing up
in the censored society of Numenor's court, subject to the constraints
of female nobility, who must represent a very particular ideal that
reduces her to passivity, is well-depicted, and suggests a reason for
the longing to know the one figure who speaks to her sense of herself,
or the self she would want to be.

Well done, and in very few words!

Title: Trading Pledges · Author: Adaneth · Races: Dwarves · ID: 339
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-19 17:19:00
Adaneth's Dwarves are always a delight to read. Dwarves are rarely
done justice in any case, and Adaneth chooses a rare setting even
among Dwarves: not the Longbeard clan whose members figure so
centrally in Tolkien's work, but another clan, descended from a
different Dwarven father - the Firebeards.

In all her stories, she works out the culture of her characters, and
her Dwarves especially benefit. Possession, negotiation, freedom,
knowing the value of any act or object and carefully judging their
courses of action in light of these things - these Dwarves give the
lie to the slander of Elves, which Galadriel rebuked when she claimed
that none should ever say in her presence that Dwarves were unskillful
with words. Thekk and Auth in their rushed courtship, nevertheless
open us onto a rich tradition of gift-giving and craft, and suggest
the greater freedom of Dwarf-women, to choose their suitors and to
give gifts in return, rather than always simply receiving them. We get
a sense that Auth has substance, not because she is somebody's
symbolic treasure, nor because she just 'is' such, but because she can
make her own way with her own skill as a craftwoman. The
mother-daughter relationship, too, was very nicely portrayed.

For those who love Dwarves and underwritten corners of Middle-earth,
along with the romantics - give this story a try!

Title: The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift · Author: obelia medusa ·
Races: Hobbits: Childhood · ID: 145
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 03:51:18
Ah, the tale of Frodo's younger years in Brandy Hall. Obelia's Frodo
is a good deal younger than he usually is portrayed at the various
ages, far more child-like at twenty-two than I've seen him in other
stories or in my own; but one does see the development of the fine
mind that we admire so in Frodo the Ring-bearer.

An interesting treatment, and a relatively quick read.

Title: The Bridge · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry: Drama · ID: 429
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 03:56:24
When it comes to your verse, Armariel, you are indeed a master; and I
miss your contributions so. This look at stolen moments of memory on
the part of both Frodo and Sam, and the admonition not to seek to
dwell too much in the past or in wishes to the point one misses out on
the present. is marvelously done.

Indeed poignant and wondrous. Please return soon so that we can
continue to rejoice in your wondrous images.

Title: Legacy · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 500
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 04:20:56
Elboron stands with his father and the King upon the walls of Gondor,
listening as the older men discuss his uncle's life and death and
legacy. It is a matter of pride, and a matter of grief and remembrance.

A well-told story of the feelings of Elboron for the uncle he never
knew yet knows well enough through the memories of others. Imagery is
well thought out, reasoning for his decision to change the pattern of
name for his own son is sound; the feelings are honestly portrayed. A
worthy story of honor for those who have ever fallen far from home in
the defense of what they hold dear.

Title: I Give You a Rainbow · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 571
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 04:25:36
Having lived with and worked with and been friends with individuals
who are blind most of my adult life and beyond, this story of Pippin
trying to explain colors to a child who is congenitally blind is well
and realistically done. The story is well crafted and the emotions
well conveyed, including the unease most of the other children feel
for this particular child. And there is so much to love in this
portrayal of our favorite Took.

Nicely done portrait of Pippin's own younger days.

Title: Alter/native · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Drabbles · ID: 478
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 04:51:00
An interesting, rather slashy alternative to the "canon" version. Heh!

Title: My Legacy · Author: spookystoy · Genres: Drama: General
Drabbles · ID: 407
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 04:55:26
An excellent confrontation described very economically. I do tend to
empathise with Celebrimbor, btw.

Title: The Ribbon · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Races: Hobbits:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 336
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 05:40:10
A sweet look at Frodo remembering the surgeon who aided him, and a
marvelous tribute to Surgical Steel's original character. Very poignant.

Title: Bitter May · Author: Cuthalion · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Angst/Tragedy · ID: 265
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 06:14:59
Cuthalion's Lily Proudfoot is one of the original characters I've come
to love--one who was created specifically to love and comfort Frodo
Baggins. Yet she is at the same time a full character in her own
right, determined, compassionate, and worthy of the love she shares
with Frodo.

This is a tragic tale, and one that leaves one wondering just how much
Frodo was aware in May of what Lily was experiencing within the Shire.
Details are deftly woven, and the pathos is well written. Definitely a
wonderful read.

Title: The Shadow · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 25
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 06:46:15
Some of Linda's best works are in her collections of drabbles, and
that is true here. This look by Frodo at what his relationship with
Smeagol had become is poignant and--unnatural--and yet so very likely.
The question Frodo poses himself strikes at his deepest motivations;
and one does find oneself wondering what there is left within him to
make the journey he contemplates.

Excellent use of mythic types and ideas, and superb imagerly.

Msg# 9268

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by July 18, 2008 - 5:43:23 Topic ID# 9216
I'm curious: what happens if you *don't* know these things in advance
and then read the story? Are you annoyed when you discover X or XX
while actually reading the story? Do you think you've wasted your time
reading it when there are those things that you didn't like? (Which
would speak for those sorts of reviews actually being an advantage for
you in sorting out those stories)

Or is it that you can you tolerate it more if you don't know in advance?


If the story is a good one in most other respects then finding X in it is less of a blow I think. The quality of the story makes up for it. Also, the plot might be such that I don't see X coming?and so it comes as a surprise?and may even enhance the story depending upon the circumstances even though X is something that I wouldn't normally want to read.

?But if I know in advance than X is going to happen I find that I anticipate it, if you see what I mean, and it lessens my enjoyment of the overall story, knowing that it is going to pop up. The same for knowing the plot twists or ending in advance. If XX is a surprise to me, even if I don't like it, the overall quality of the story and the way that the author came to XX might mean that I do enjoy the story on several levels even though I didn't like the ending.

Because there are so many stories competing in the MEFA's means that I have to have some way of selecting what to read and if I don't know X and/or XX I'm far more likely to choose those stories to read.?The stories that I don't know in advance that contain something that I usually don't read are more likely to be read - because of time constraints I am going to try hard to read those and probably have to skip the ones that I know contain something that isn't normally something that I would enjoy.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9269

Re: spoilers; was: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in re Posted by Imhiriel July 18, 2008 - 12:09:30 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:

> I'm not sure if you were asking that I or the other volunteers set up
> a poll on this. I don't think I want to do that, for two main reasons.

No, I think you're right and that *if* we do such a thing, it should
wait until after voting season, when we all have one season of
experience with the spoiler feature under our belts. Post-mortem is a
good idea. I'll try to keep it in mind, and if the wish for a poll is
still there then, I could also set up a poll here or on the
MEFA-discussion site (and hope I can do it right, never having done
this before <g>).


Msg# 9270

Re: quotes; was: a gentle reminder - signatures in reviews Posted by Imhiriel July 18, 2008 - 12:11:33 Topic ID# 9216
--- In, MarigoldCotton@... wrote:

> Because there are so many stories competing in the MEFA's means that
I have to have some way of selecting what to read and if I don't know
X and/or XX I'm far more likely to choose those stories to read.?The
stories that I don't know in advance that contain something that I
usually don't read are more likely to be read - because of time
constraints I am going to try hard to read those and probably have to
skip the ones that I know contain something that isn't normally
something that I would enjoy.

Thank you, Marigold, for explaining your reasoning; I always find it
very interesting to compare with my own strategy and those I know of


Msg# 9271

Admin - Quotes in Reviews Posted by July 18, 2008 - 15:35:37 Topic ID# 9271
Hey guys,

This week I'd like to talk about how to handle quotes in reviews. There
comes a time when most reveiwers want to include the words of someone
else in one of their reviews. It could be a quote from the piece you're
reviewing, or maybe you want to quote some other source, like one of
Tolkien's writing or a famous quote that the piece you're reviewing
reminded you about. This post will tell you why we handle quotes the way
we do, and what you as a reviewer need to do when including quotes.



At the MEFAs, the amount of points a review is worth is determined by
its length. We score the reviews this way because it takes more time to
write a longer review than a shorter one. By writing a long review, a
reviewer is saying that they liked a story enough to really think about
it and then write out their reactions.

This presents a problem for quotes, because (if quotes counted toward a
piece's length) some reviewers may feel that reviews with a lot of
quotes are worth more than they should be. After all, it's probably more
difficult for most people to write a 600-character review than it is to
write a 300-character review and then quote 300 characters from the
story. If quotes counted the same as what the reviewer actually wrote
themselves, this could seem a bit unfair.

However, the MEFA admins are well aware that sometimes it is very
difficult to write a good review without quoting, either from the story
or from Tolkien. And so we came up with a solution: you may quote
however much you want to, from Tolkien or any other source, but whatever
you quote won't be counted when determining how many points your review
earns the story it was written for.

This gives you the best of both worlds: you can quote as much as you'd
like, without it being seen by anyone as inflating your review score.



Because MEFA reviews are scored by our website, you have to tell the
website that what you are typing is a quote, so it knows to skip over it
when calculating how many points to give that review.

To tell the website that a certain phrase is a quote, you just need to
include it in "square brackets" - just put [ at the beginning of what
you are quoting and ] at the end, and the website will not count
anything between [ and ].

For instance, say you wanted to write the following review:

/// This was a very intriguing piece of writing. I particularly liked
the way the author repeated "as sure as news from Bree" throughout the
vignette; it gave the piece a very nice cadence. Brava! ///

In this review, "as sure as news from Bree" is a quote from the story,
and so must not be counted when determining how many points this review
is worth. Therefore, you should put [square brackets] around that part
of the review. It would look like this:

/// This was a very intriguing piece of writing. I particularly liked
the way the author repeated ["as sure as news from Bree"] throughout the
vignette; it gave the piece a very nice cadence. Brava! ///

The first review is 159 characters long, and so is worth three points;
the second is 137 characters long, and so is worth two points. You can
see why it is important to properly put blockquotes around your reviews.



If you see a quote that you think needs to be included in [square
brackets], please email mefasupport(.at.)mefawards(.dot.)net with this
information. You should copy the "header" for the review - the text
displayed above the review giving the story ID and the reviewer's name.

I will edit the review and add the appropriate [square brackets] so the
website will score the review correctly.

I will also reset the review to "hidden" status, so the reviewer can add
to the review to bring it up to its previous score, if they'd like to do
so. If the reviewer does nothing, hidden reviews will be displayed and
counted at the end of the awards.



Square-brackets are used for other various reasons. Most often, it is to
mark text that the reviewer feels is adding to the review's length
unfairly. For instance, some people choose to mark a story's titles in
[square brackets] (though this is not necessary).

Reviews that for some reason include web addresses should put the URL in
[square brackets] so it is not counted.

Also, square brackets may be added by administrators when text should
not be counted - for instance, where the same reviewer repeats the same
text in more than one review.



--- Can I include quotes?
--- Can I use HTML in my review?
--- Can I use the same review more than once?
--- How are reviews scored?



(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 9272

MEFA Reviews for Friday, July 18, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 18, 2008 - 20:50:55 Topic ID# 9272
Title: Dispelling the Fog · Author: fantasyfan · Races: Other Beings ·
ID: 642
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-20 06:55:03
Fantasyfan has managed here to work a vital question into Tolkien's
own narrative: Who and what is Tom Bombadil, and why is he where he
is. Tom answers in part and manages to shrug off a good deal of it;
but there is no question that Frodo is perhaps more enlightened for
having posed that question.

I do question the idea of this being humorous, except for that special
humor that is built into Iarwain's nature. Certainly the specific
details Frodo puts into his question indicate just how naturally a
wise one he is.

A marvelous vehicle for examining Bombadil's nature, and woven
seamlessly into Tolkien's own narrative.

Title: Meant to Be · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Other Beings · ID: 137
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-20 19:09:06
Utterly delightful! What a beautifully written story this is. You
capture wonderfully the gentle and caring nature of this
hobbit-mother. The unique POV adds to the overall charm. Thank you for
this lovely story.

Title: Upon the Pebbled Shore · Author: aranelgoldenflower · Genres:
Drama: Final Partings · ID: 171
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-20 20:19:32
This is a sensitive, atmospheric piece of writing that brings home the
extend of the choices Elrond's children had to face. The framing is a
beautiful touch. I enjoyed reading this story.

Title: Seeking the Sun · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men · ID: 488
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-20 20:24:42
I like this story very much. It has always bugged me that Tolkien
glossed over this whole issue of trauma and bereavement that the war
must have brought to so many. I know he does this little thing about
"X will not return to the green hills of Y", but somehow I think that
is not enough. A good idea to mention that Faramir and Aragorn have
made provisions for the victims of the war. It is also credible that
ordinary people would have very limited understanding of the whole
politics that were involved. You have made Niniel a very compelling

Title: Yule Tails · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 303
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-20 20:26:50
I enjoyed this story very much. It has a well-conceived structure, and
I like the way that in each passage Pippin reaches the age that
Faramir was in the previous passage. The two characters are skillfully
mirrored and contrasted with regard to their motivations, their family
life and their environment. Characterization is sensitive and true to
canon, and I particularly approve of the portrayal of Denethor as a
complex man, rather than a sterotype baddie. I found it very touching
how tactful and polite Isenbard and Paladin were with each other, it
says a lot about hobbits. The last sentence is delightful.

Title: A Dainty Dish · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 722
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-20 20:35:45
This story has several strong points. It is an original story line.
There is a good contrast between Imrahil and the hobbits in the way
they perceive Aragorn and relate to him, which is entirely
appropriate. There is good characterization throughout. The argument
pro mushrooms is sensible and convincing. When it came to asking the
housekeeper to copy out recipes, I thought we had stayed into
Jane-Austen-land... ;-) You've done a lovely job here.

Title: Confidence · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Men: Minas Tirith · ID: 38
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-20 20:50:20
This is a lovely little vignette, or series of vignettes. You include
all sorts of interesting and well-thought out details without ever
making them seem cumbersome or extraneous in any way. The first
epilogue was wonderful, bringing the story about full circe; the
second did feel like an afterthought, though a charming one, perhaps
better suited to a stand-alone drabble?

Title: Miquan Melave · Author: Marta · Genres: Romance · ID: 319
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-20 23:02:30
This is a very moving story. It's quite a different view of the poised
and confident Captain-General from what we're used to (even though he
is much younger here than we see him in "The Fellowship of the Ring".
I think he has answered his own question about the depth of his
relationship with Theodred even before he opens his mouth to speak,
because he could never have been able to even voice these worries and
concerns, the depth of his heart, to anyone but Theodred - certainly
not to Faramir, to whom he would have always felt the necessity of
being older, stronger, wiser! I can easily see where poor Boromir
would be confused by dichotomy of using Theodred for physical release,
comfort and oblivion, yet not wanting to appear shallow or
disrespectful of the depth of their friendship, their almost
soul-spirited relationship. It would certainly be difficult for any
young man to have to ponder these deep thoughts; the fact that it's
our stalwart captain working his way through these feelings makes the
tale all the more poignant.

Added, perhaps not very coherently, after additional pondering: This
is also a very different Theodred from the one I write; subdued rather
than sunny-natured, and a bit hurt, by Boromir's introspection. "My"
Theo has been raised to give and receive love unreservedly, so I can
easily see how he would be stunned by the discovery of this wall
around Boromir's heart (Boromir's heart is a walled city; he freely
allows Theodred through the gate, but the walls remain; Theodred's
heart, on the other hand, is an open, sunlit plain.) I like your Theo;
too; I like the way different authors interpret characters in their
own way.

Title: Answering the Call · Author: docmon · Genres: Drama · ID: 340
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-21 18:18:01
A good alternate universe story is a thing of beauty and a joy forever
- even when it's extremely depressing.

Docmon sets us up nicely with a vignette that fits neatly into the
journey of the Fellowship: not yet AU, it simply gives us the
opportunity to see the way in which the Ring does reach out to the
other members of the Fellowship. No one is immune - everyone avoids
and struggles not to listen in his own way. But from that point
onward, we are left to wonder: what if someone *did* listen? What if
promises were not enough?

And then one by one, we see how each member of the Fellowship might
have come by the Ring. Some of these vignettes begin well before the
Quest ever got off the ground; others show the Ring taking its victims
in the middle of the Quest, leaving us to wonder what would happen to
the rest of the Fellowship. Not every AU leads inevitably to the
Ring's dominion and Sauron's victory - there are some where there's
room left for hope, which I quite appreciate. The variation keeps us
on our toes and engaged, wondering whether Docmon will be able to pull
off a cliff-hanger.

In terms of motivations for seizing the Ring - we don't always have
these directly portrayed. Sometimes, we have to infer, from what we
know from the books, and what is indirectly shown in the vignette,
what might have moved someone to claim the Ring. But where motivation
is shown, I think Docmon nails it every time: characters react in ways
that make sense based on who they are, and what they've struggled with
in their past. And she doesn't forget that key stricture in the book
on Frodo's actions: that he must not reveal the Ring to outsiders or
let them handle it, and only allow members of the Fellowship to handle
it at dire need. I thought Gimli's vignette and Aragorn's took good
advantage of this loophole - especially Gimli's. That was unexpected,
but it recalled Bilbo's actions in setting out after the party -
perhaps only a hobbit could do what he did, and one wonders if only a
dwarf could have a chance. We don't know the ending to that story, but
somehow, I can't help but think Gimli might have been the one right
choice. The Men in the Company, in their AUs, don't fare nearly as
well, regardless of intent or method of becoming the Ringbearer.

This isn't to say that hobbits necessarily fare better - Sam's and
Pippin's vignettes were, I thought, well-constructed. Again, the
motivation seems right for both of them - Pippin's is strangely light
in tone where perspective stays with him, but I found that that fit
him. Sam's motivation also rings true - as if the Ring had had, in
this AU, a little more time to figure out what makes Sam tick, and so
was able to tempt him far more effectively than it did in the book,
when it granted him the standard vision of dominion.

All of which is to say: if you like AUs, if you like getting a look at
our favorite Nine under the temptation of the Ring, read these
vignettes. Well done, Docmon - great set of stories!

Title: Consolation · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Men:
Steward's Family · ID: 341
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-21 18:39:14
Ah, Ranger tales! Isabeau of Greenlea has created a memorable cast of
Ithilien Rangers since she began writing [Captain, My Captain] in
2002, drawing Tolkien's original three in and creating marvelous
personalities for them (especially Mablung) and adding a few of her
own - most famously Hethlin, but Lorend the schemer has his comedic
purposes. Together, they form the core of Faramir's company and the
'band of brothers (and sister)' that constitute a kind of
class-cutting family forged by war.

Faramir's un-war-like nature, which Tolkien highlights in the books by
way of contrast with Boromir, means that he, perhaps more than others,
needs friendships to handle war in ways that others perhaps do not.
Boromir seems to recognize this, which sets up a sort of brotherly
dynamic between Faramir, Boromir, and Boromir and Faramir's Rangers.
Boromir, being the captain of Gondor, has a little more ability to
manipulate that dynamic, as he does in this story, conspiring to get
his brother to rest and heal as best he can after the horrific battle
for Osgiliath, where fully half of Faramir's company was lost to the
onslaught. It's nice to see Boromir displaying a certain social tact
and cunning, and using his position to accomplish his aims - both his
aims, no doubt. While the focus is on his efforts to help his brother,
I can't help but think that the Captain-General in him is thinking
that it will do as much good to a decimated, demoralized company to
bring its members together to be with their captain as it will to the
captain himself, and a determined band of Rangers is something the
army desperately needs.

It's a nice, cathartic vignette, Isabeau! Very enjoyable.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-21 18:46:42
Ignoble Bard knows how to write a mood piece, as evidenced by previous
MEFA stories, and can take excellent advantage of unusual perspectives
and juxtapositions. When Juno Magic asked for our favorite characters
somehow appearing in modern day settings, this was a real challenge
for me, but people like Ignoble Bard rose to it magnificently. That
this is exactly one hundred words just makes it more impressive.

Most of us would want to know how our favorite characters made it into
the modern world, but Ignoble Bard doesn't go that route: he just sets
the scene beautifully, and lets it unfold. No explanations, no magical
'jiggering' of the time continuum, wormholes, or magic - the force of
the depicted scene and emotion, and the clever way in which Ignoble
Bard uses language and imagery that makes us think this has to be
Middle-earth as we know it, is what drags us in and makes us believe
(or at least, suspends our disbelief) in this moment. By the time we
realize the set of substitutions that have been pulled on us, it's too
late - we're committed. The idea of translating the journey to Valinor
into a story of immigration (which it *is*, in a sense) and new hopes
to rejoin friends and 'family' who have gone ahead of us, was
brilliantly done.

Gimli fans should definitely check this one out, but so should all who
like having their expectations slightly but beautifully derailed. A
beautiful drabble, Ignoble Bard!

Title: The Night's Eye · Author: Vana Tuivana · Races: Men · ID: 343
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-21 18:58:15
Despite the pen name, I love the mortal humans who populate Tolkien's
story best, and am particularly fond of Halbarad and the Rangers, and
what they seem to represent: a kind of collective hope and trust, both
trust in the future, but also a keeping of a trust - to protect the
North, no matter how long it takes and how dark it gets. One wonders
how a people continue this sort of task, and Vana Tuivana gives us one
angle on this: the night's eye candle, as a sort of symbol and ritual
that help preserve meaning in what might otherwise all too easily
appear as a fruitless, pointless, meaningless fight.

The reference to the First Age heroes, long gone, attests to the depth
of tradition, even if, perhaps, its full significance has been lost. I
love the way in which the tale of Eirien and Belegund is shown as
almost a kind of folk-lore, with the rest of the tale - who these
people are, what part they played in the events of the First Age -
left silent. Do the Rangers even know the rest of that tale anymore,
or has it been so transformed that the only remainder of the original
reference is the sense of past-ness that gives a lineage and a
genealogy to this act of hope that the absent Ranger will return? That
sense of transformation and loss of learning fits well with Tolkien's
work, I think, and the fading of Middle-earth.

That Halbarad does come home to blow out the night's eye is poignant
and fitting, and it gives a certain closure to the story that rounds
out the canonical story he is given. Interesting to end on the note of
change - it's very ambivalent and ambiguous, since nothing comes after
it. It fits well with the idea that the Fourth Age has come, and
nothing is the same anymore, but it could also be a more private grief
that stains the rest of Haldan's life. Who knows?

Beautiful story, Vana! Ranger fans should enjoy it!

Title: Hearts Like the Sea · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 36
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-06-22 00:16:13
This is another of my "favorite" stories by this author (OK, I have a
hard time picking favorites when I really like someone's body of
work). I particularly admire it because it is a truly wonderful
response to a challenging request in a fic swap.

The author really sets the tone of those early, early days and has
created a fascinating world barely touched on in the texts. (In my own
mind, I think of think is IgnobleBard's pre-historic elves
story--please forgive my silliness--I suppose it would be more
accurate to think of it as a story about the elves before they had a
history.) I loved the use of such expressions as the ["singing time"]
and the ["working time"]--these are just so authentically evocative of
a developing, primitive culture, well before the advent of the sun and
the moon, in fact, starting well before that first trip of any elves
to Aman.

I also love the way he takes two canon elves, who have a
well-developed history much later in the tales, and gave them a youth
and a backstory and developed characters and personality. Cirdan's
research and Thingol's fascination with it is great: so convincingly
handled; it is a beautiful convergence of the truly curious young man
with a somewhat older nascent scientist. The entire piece is
thoughtful and creative, appropriately measured and languid in its
pace. The interpretation of things beyond one's knowledge and events
for which they can only invent a possible explanation, is convincing
and has validity if one compares it to the development of early
humans. The generalized puzzlement and fear of Orome is beautifully
done and the first-contact scene is exemplary.

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-22 19:37:57
A stroke of comic genius. Truly. This story should come with a
warning: put your drink aside before reading. Hilarious read!

Title: The Revenge of Curufin's Horse · Author: Moreth · Genres: Humor
· ID: 139
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-23 10:39:43
Absolutely hilarious ficlet with truly adorably written Celegorm and
Curufin and a nice build-up of tension before the final scene. A great
dose of humor, which -- not to give the surprise away -- always makes
me laugh no matter how much time I read this story. Greatly done!

Title: Home · Author: alex_quine · Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn ·
ID: 647
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-23 16:08:52
This story brings us to an interesting crossroads, where so many lives
of promise - and one which was cut short and did not fulfill its
promise - are also seen for their great and present value by the old
and young. The small details are wonderful and make this a rich
narrative, but never too weighty.

Title: Forfeit · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Times: Late Third
Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 401
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-23 16:12:29
This is an interesting portrait, particularly of Beregond's "friends"
who thought they were helping by subverting his honor. With friends
like those ...

Title: Unwilling · Author: Elena Tiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 64
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:34:59

I love the contrasting, complimentary point of view of this drabble.
It's brilliant and vivid in it's clarity of faithfulness in spite of
unending loss.

Title: A Cat in King Elessar's Court · Author: agape4gondor · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 66
Reviewer: grey_wonderer · 2008-06-23 21:35:16
This is a wonderful story written by a very talented author. The first
thing that attracted me to this story was the very unique perspective
in which it is written. It is very entertaining to see events from
Lord of The Rings through the eyes of someone other than one of the
canon characters and in this story we get a look at Minas Tirith
before the destruction of the one RING through the eyes of a very
unusual source which I will not reveal here lest I spoil the story for
the readers. The author lets us observe along with her original
character, as Denethor, Gandalf, Pippin, Faramir, Merry, and others go
through the frightening events just prior to the final battle at the
Black Gates. At this time the story is still a work in progress and I
find myself looking forward eagerly to each new chapter. This is very
much a work of canon fiction and the author remains true to events but
still manages to put her own special twist on things without taking
anything away from the story that we all know and love. I find the
inclusion of a chapter that explains a few of the author's thoughts on
the story to be very enlightening. I think anyone who enjoys the
character, Denethor will be pleased by the author's writing and anyone
who enjoys Pippin will also be pleased. I know I was on both counts.I
would say more but I don't want to spoil this one for anyone. Read it
and then you'll know what I mean.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:37:46
OH No! This is (wonderfully) done - horrible and painful, visual and
visceral and emotional. You very well portray more than just the
physical pain and that is what rises this drabble above and beyond.

Title: Hammer · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 468
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:39:11
HAHA! Delightful fun and wonderfully in character. Well done!

Title: Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! · Author: Alassante · Races:
Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 260
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:44:04
Alassante, you know I love this one and I'm delighted to have a chance
to review it for the MEFAs. I especially love in-character cross-over
stories of this type because I feel that it takes the fun of the
fandom to the next level in using the ideology of transposing other
stories and legends into Tolkien's world.

Title: The Shadow · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 25
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:47:08
Oh Linda, how painful, yet how true. So many times, Gollum's
contribution is underrated, as is the thought of how strong a bond he
must have had with Frodo, however unwilling either or both might have

Title: The Waker · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 287
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:49:13
Very well done, Nancy. This was a difficult challenge, but you pulled
it off with impressive originality and style.

Title: Now the Green Blade Riseth · Author: annmarwalk · Genres:
Drama: Ring War Drabbles · ID: 37
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:54:02
I find this to be a wonderful glimpse of Hobbity life-as-usual - to
see something as both common and special in the same moment.

Msg# 9273

MEFA Reviews for Friday, July 18, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 18, 2008 - 20:53:48 Topic ID# 9273
Title: Renewal · Author: Elena Tiriel · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 208
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:57:01
As usual, you take my breath away with your deeply emotional imagery.
You have a truly special talent in your ability to get so deeply in
point of view and bring characters to life. You know I love all your
writing in general, but this is one that shines even above and beyond
your usual work.

Title: Hearts of Stone · Author: Elen Kortirion · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 12
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 21:59:47
I love the thought of Aragon collecting and shaping the souvenirs of
his travels, but how heartbreaking to think of the one she'll never hold.

Title: The Wedding Gift · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 40
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 22:06:43
I love the intimacy of the gift, it's almost counter-point to the
typical dwarfish greed, but on deeper reflection, it's exactly the
kind of custom I can see them following.

Title: Of Dreams... · Author: Avon · Races: Men: General Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 7
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:21:40
This is a lovely view of Aragorn. I loved these glimpses of the things
that were important to him.

Title: Men of the Twilight · Author: Elena Tiriel · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 209
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:22:56
Indeed. well done, as usual, beautiful and insightful.

Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:26:20

Yumm! I enjoyed this a lot. It's a wonderful portrayal of the ageless
"lady and the outlaw". There just seems to be something about a wild
ranging horsemen that some women find irresistible.

Title: Nine Companions · Author: Aranel Took · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 259
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:33:05
I love the lighthearted, insightful view of these guys and the
wonderful little twist. How very true - loyal companions, king and
heroes, but still guys.

Title: Gently Held · Author: viv · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 6
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:35:30
This is beautiful viv, very emotional and insightful in a way that
portrays the heart of the woman as well as the heart of the king.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:38:23
I enjoyed this very much. You do have a special way with words and
your description here is perfectly balance with the emotion.

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:41:10
HAHA! This one needs a spew warning. - and we all know, of course, the
answer to that question.

Title: My Precious · Author: SheBit · Genres: Romance: Drabbles · ID: 14
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:43:15
oh dear! That was truly awful in a horribly delightful way. It gave me
the shudders. Well done!

Title: Journey's End · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 234
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:46:20
This is beautiful Bard, I especially appreciate the subtle
implications and layers inherent in the undercurrents.

Title: Hide the Knives · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 485
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-06-23 23:48:39
This is a fun little story, Niri, and I really enjoyed it. I
especially enjoyed the contrast of Arwen's humanity through the
difficulties of childbirth with her Elvish strength and skills. Well done!

Title: Stars of the Lesser · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 74
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 15:14:36
I really enjoyed this story. Dawn Felagund has always been a great
writer but over the last few years has improved even more. As a huge
fan of Celebrimbor I was drawn to this story from the summary and it
did not disappoint. The idea of a young Celebrimbor trying to recreate
light through nature is intriguing and I loved the cockiness he showed
toward defending the fact that Feanor had proven the Valar wrong about
harnessing light. The innocence of Pengolodh is also very sweet. Even
though he was shocked and appalled by what the Feanorians had done,
you could sense a little admiration for Celebrimbor yet he still stood
up to him (despite knowing his family's history). I am certain that
many of the rest of the Noldos wondered about the remaining
Feanorians, both feared and interested in their skills and actions.
And as one of Turgon people and son of loremasters/historians,
Pengolodh would probably have heard more about them than some others.
What Celebrimbor said about light and the contridictions of the Valar
was both arrogant and accurate. This story reminds me a lot of people
being told 'the world is flat' and someone setting out to prove them
wrong. If no one ever tries to disprove what we have learned, we will
never exceed our past and remain stagnant forever.

Title: Elflings · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 348
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 15:18:51
This is such a sweet story Jael without being too cutesy. Jael has
such a talent for story telling. I love her young Thranduil and
Galion. Between Oropher's guard thinking his lord had screamed like a
girl, the elleth getting into bed with the frog (the frog alone made
me crack up), and the whole scene of the kids re-enacting the fighting
of the first age (poor Galion always stuck being a Noldo *gasp* The
horror!!) to Galion predicting Thranduil's future love for cave
dwelling (made me laugh out loud) - you stuck a lot of little nuggets
of priceless gold in this that made it just as humorous as it was
cute. I usually don't go for elfling fictions because they can be too
sugary sweet but this one had a perfect edge. This was very well done
and very engaging. I think I've become a fan!

Title: Gently Held · Author: viv · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 6
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 15:51:38
This delightful look into Arwen's mind about Aragorn makes the inner
romantic in me want to sigh or swoon. I have always been a sucker for
the romance of Arwen and Aragorn - much more so than Beren and Luthien
- and hearing Arwen's view of Aragorn touched me. To her he is not
just a king, a leader, a great warrior, or a great ranger. He is
flawed and not the most beautiful she has ever see - after all she has
lived surrounded by the beautiful First Born elves all of her life.
But something so small as his hands, made it so much more realistic to
me. Most people in love notice something small and perhaps
insignificant to others that stands out to them. Viv has also shown
Arwen's more human side in my opinion. The line about stroking his
son's hair made me teary eyed then the last paragraph gave me chills.

[So when I press my lips to each raw knuckle and to the toughened pad
of each dear finger, he knows not only that I love him. He knows that
he holds my fëa, and a doom now uncertain, in his ever gentle hands.]

Gah! how romantic is that?? It makes me want to melt and it definately
helps add to my love for Aragorn. Wimpers. And a little teary eyed -
her writing always makes me emotional. Not to mention Viv's style of
writing just flows exquisitely and leaves you wanting more. I am
waiting impatiently for her full length story with Arwen and Aragorn
because I think she could write it so it was true to canon,
unbelievable romantic, without being too over the top 'romance novel'.

Title: And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors · Author:
Klose · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 540
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 16:00:25
This is a cute little fiction about Maedhros' Begetting Day
Celebration. Considering the Feanorian family, you can only imagine
how this disfunctional group could have an eventful and hilarious
celebration or event. This is the type of people that you would want
to go and be a part of their celebration however you probably would
not want to be related to them. And I'm sure that alot of people can
relate to that. *ahem* I loved the way Klose had little tidbits that
made you laugh outloud such as saying Maedhros was referred to as 'You
bloody bastard' by the fathers of the local ladies! haha Overall this
is a great story and makes you realize that despite all the kinslaying
and whatnot they weren't always all bad, just similar to a family off
the Jerry Springer show.

Title: Hide the Knives · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 485
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 16:54:57
I really enjoyed this little snippet of married life for Aragorn and
Arwen. And to read about Arwen being less than queenly or Elvish
(perhaps the half elf part makes me act like a human under stress lol)
We all know that during birth we aren't acting our normal selves. And
I could almost see Aragorn's face when Arwen threatened him. I'm
envisioning the expression he had on his face when he stabbed Lurtz
and he didn't die - sort of like 'oh great, now what?' He's lucky her
head didn't spin around like the exorcist. But the end was a very
sweet and tender moment discussing the naming of their son.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-24 18:49:17
A very atmospheric and chilling take on the genesis of werewolves,
utterly creepy and fascinating at the same time. The style of this
short fiction is by all means captivating to someone as much in love
with the Silmarillion as myself -- it perfectly reflects the tone of
the book without being overdone. Amazingly well written!

Title: A Dream Come True · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 162
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 19:12:25
This was the first story I have read of LadyBlueJay but I can assure
you it will not be the last. I loved her writing style as well as this
whole story. What a great and unique way to have the mysterious
meeting of Eomer and Lothiriel explained! I was truly surprised by how
easily I became engrossed in this story. I also enjoyed her Eomer
greatly. Despite the fact there is a 'book' Eomer and a 'movie' Eomer
- it seems that throughout fanfiction he varies so greatly, at times
its hard to appreciate the interpretation of the author. I had no
problem enjoying LadyBlueJay's version of him. He was funny, charming,
sexy, oafish at times, kingly at others, compassionate, fiery, *sigh*
all the things Eomer should be. And although I have never been a great
Lothiriel fan I found myself very intrigued by her in this piece. She
wasn't as flat as I have read her in the past and I like the idea of
her having a mysterious behind the scenes personality that only Eomer
gets to see. I think alot of real life women have those qualities as
well so it seemed very realistic to me that she was not a 'Queen' when
she stepped through the bedroom doors. Plus her having to make the
first move on Eomer amused me. She should have expected him to be a
little gunshy after what she did though. He completely deserved it but
I'm glad she forgave him. Men are dumb that way sometimes!

Title: Summer Nights · Author: Marta · Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles ·
ID: 344
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-24 19:17:51
Boromir's impatiance is palpable here.

Title: Expert Treasure Hunter · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 447
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-24 19:19:34
It's intriguing to think of Smaug as such a sensual creature! And so

Title: On Amon Sűl · Author: Dreamflower · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Frodo or Sam · ID: 299
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 19:22:50
I have never been a hobbity person but I really enjoyed this glimpse
into the mind of Frodo after being stabbed on Amon Sul. The care shown
by his friends and Strider, the concern about whether Strider could be
trusted, and Frodo's internal battle with the ring was very touching.
Dreamflower is a gifted writer and I really enjoyed his fiction. I
think she personifies Frodo and the other hobbits rather well in this

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 19:31:26
I think it is safe to say that Ignoble Bard is carving out his own
path in the Silmarillion humor category. After reading his hysterical
'The Unbeatable Smugness of Being Feanor', I knew he had a somewhat
twisted sense of humor (Which I LOVE btw) and this story did not
disappoint. Its rare to find someone who writes so well and at the
same time is so dang funny! He is the George Carlin of the Simarillion
Fanfiction. Writing about Glorfindel's death, repeated death rather,
was perfect - made the elf lord seem a little less perfect. And not
many of his deaths were something to be proud of either. I keep
thinking of mother's warnings about 'we can't have nice things'.
Apparently wtih Glorfindel he 'can't have a great body'. Even the
title is hysterical - I keep hearing the song in my head!

Title: Love at First Sight · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Elves: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 432
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 20:01:57
This is a beautiful drabble that Gwynnyd has written about both the
love that Finwe felt at first sight for Feanor and the love Feanor
felt for the light. The love between a parent and a newborn is usually
at instantly and unconditional. To create a life so strong and
influential as Feanor was quite an accomplishment for Finwe and
Miriel. It is so sad to read about Miriel's feelings afterwards
knowing her history. It makes me wonder if she knew his future deeds
and could not live with herself so Eru allowed her the grace of fading
away peacefully rather than dealing with the obsessive desire Feanor
had for capturing and harnessing light. It also makes me wonder if
Finwe would have felt the same of his son had he known what would
become of him. Very invocative piece of writing that inspires me to
think about the relationship between what Feanor did and if it would
have been different if Miriel had remained part of his life. I always
enjoy Gywynnd's writing. Her style is engaging, professional, elegant,
and Tolkien'ish flowing over you and subtly pulling you into the
moment so you can peek inside the heads of the characters. I did not
realize she wrote many Silmarillion stories so now that I know I will
have to check out more! Since she has betaed my work I'm sure she's
probably laughing at all of my point of view changes, bad grammar, and
bad spelling in this review.

Msg# 9274

MEFA Reviews for Saturday, July 19, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 19, 2008 - 22:44:52 Topic ID# 9274
Title: The Craft of the Elven Smith · Author: Larner · Times:
Multi-Age · ID: 1
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 20:25:05
I really enjoyed Larner's tale of Nerdanel creating more things that
were passed on to Middle Earth, things that in the future generations
would help to aid and heal rather than destroy as her husband and sons
had done. I have always thought that Nerdanel's tale was so tragic. To
suffer through what all of Valinor did with the knowledge that it was
YOUR husband and children that started the kinslaying. Then to lose
them all, lose everything, in such a sudden and painful way, never to
return. How much hatred she must have felt for the Simarils and all
that Feanor had done. But it was nice to see a tale of her pulling
herself up from the ashes rather than playing a victim. Plus the Valar
are hard characters to write and I think Larner did a great job
showing them as powerful, wise, and compassionate. Very well done!

Title: I Stand No Longer Alone · Author: Larner · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 62
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 20:34:41
Hmm...I would never have thought a story about a throne would be that
interesting. I think back to Gimli's comments about what would Ents
have to talk about. But if that throne was the original throne it had
seen many kings and I imagine it has also seen many things. (if
thrones can see of course) This is another very well written and
original piece of writing by Larner that I enjoyed.

Title: The Return · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Drama · ID: 167
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 20:37:44
How tragic! It reminds me of Saving Private Ryan. For one family
member to return home to let the mother/wife know that all of the
others had died would be so hard, especially if it was HIS family he
was delivering the news about. He has to deal with his own grief yet
be strong enough to tell her of the news. Very touching Lady Bluejay.
A nice look at something people who celebrated the return of the king
and end of the war didn't think too much about.

Title: Messengers from the West · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 98
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 20:44:15
Aww this is very sweet. The fact that the twins wanted to celebrate
Aragorn's birthday with him enough to travel so far, I doubt they were
'in the neighborhood'. I always love stories that shows the affection
between Aragorn and his adopted family. I don't think that Peter
Jackson showed the love Elrond felt for him very well and we know what
he did to the twins. *sob* The books hint at it but do not delve into
it as much as Aragorn's relationship with Arwen. So its only
fanfiction that gives us a little bit more into the love they must
have felt for him. This was a very well written and enjoyable fiction,

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: eiranae · 2008-06-24 21:52:45
I read the first part of this story in one sitting. The ideas, the
action, the suspense all held me glued to the screen. I squealed with
joy when Viv finished it, and I finally found out what happened to the

The lighthearted humor Viv uses throughout the story kept me rolling.
I enjoyed the sarcastic wit of Moria, the main character. Moria
embodies the typical college girl trying to make her way through tough
classes and everyday life on your own. Moria is a character I could
easily identify with. I enjoyed her initial rejection of Greg. I
especially enjoyed the chapter where Moria realizes that Greg isn't as
'geeky' or 'ugly' as she thought. The continuing relationship between
them had me rolling and quivering with anticipation in turns.

Viv does a great job of 'modernizing' the Elves and Dwarves. I can
actually imagine these characters slipping through the cracks and
managing to avoid being recognized for what they are. The compound
under the mountain was brilliantly written. I loved Moria's
camaraderie with the Dwarves.

The ending went in an entirely different direction than I had expected
which for me only added to the beauty of the tale. Moria's unique way
of bringing all the characters to a compromise was heartwarming while
continuing to slide effortlessly into canon.

All in all, the story kept me riveted and entertained. I would
recommend it to any adult who enjoys humor as much as I do.

Title: Whatever Harm Encroached · Author: Nieriel Raina · Times:
Second and Early Third Age · ID: 708
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 22:56:21
As someone who does not appreciate the 'evil', 'abusive' Thranduil who
is mean and horrible to his son Legolas that is so often portrayed in
fanfiction, I always love to see a little glimpse into the bond of
Thranduil and Legolas in a favorable light. This is a nice story,
showing not only the relationship between those two but the
obligations that Thranduil faced, not only as a king but as the
provider and protector of his family and his realm. Once again, he is
often portrayed as a drunkard sex crazed king who chases after young
ladies rather than leading his people but canon shows that he was a
good king. I like the way that Nieriel Raina did not tell who he was
immediately. Unlike some, I do not mind mystery characters =0) and it
made you even more pleased when you found out who it was. The simple
statement by Legolas that he was a good king was touching and sweet.

Title: A Large Bold Hand · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 10
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 23:05:59
What a cute story! I really like the thought of a dwarf coming to an
elf to learn about Elvish writing. And you know how I love anything. lol I could see him teaching a dwarf how to
write. I imgine elves are very patient with teaching since they're
immortal and have no need to hurry. Perhaps it would be less foreign
to the dwarves for one of the twins to do it since they were Peredhil
and traveled with the rangers. Tolkien never really explained how the
dwarves, or perhaps only Gimli, that were at the Council fared in
Rivendell in between the council and the departure of the fellowship.
This may be your most unique pairing but it was a good one!

Title: The Skills That Keep You Alive · Author: Gwynnyd · Times: Mid
Third Age · ID: 434
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 23:08:10
Once again - I am in awe of Gwynnyd's writing. This tale was amusing
as well. Writing about Glorfindel teaching a young Estel to do the
very unmanly task of sewing beads in order to teach him how to fight
was brilliant. And she made Elladan and Glorfindel all sexy in the
their 'I'm a suave' elf and can do anything better than you' way. Plus
Glorfindel instill in Aragorn a respect for the finer details of
battle and the fact that it takes more than just picking up a sword
and swinging to actually fight well. Estel's eagerness to learn as
well as impress Glorfindel made you really feel how this child would
probably have been cherished by those who knew of his fate and wanted
to prepare him to the best of their ability to face the future. He
would be hunted when he left Rivendell and Glorfindel, Elrond, and the
twins would want to make sure that Estel did not go out there blind. I
could not help wondering if encouraging him to be able to cut the
buttons off a foe's jacket, didn't also apply to cutting buttons off a
lady's dress! I can just imagine what these elves, all confirmed
bachelors at this point, had to say about seducing women to a young
Estel who wanted to know more about S-E-X. haha Then, in a typical one
two punch, after she gets me all warm and fuzzy about these manly men
being all nurturing she delivers the last line.

And I almost spewed drink out of my nose.

Title: Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? · Author: viv · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 180
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-24 23:23:52
Hmm, where do I start with this gem of a drabble??? This drabble had
me laughing outloud and spewing drink on my screen which often times
does happen when reading Viv's humor. (or else you need a hanky.
Either way -people stare) Only Viv can pull off this kind of humor
with such a perfect blend of beautiful writing and flat out hysterical
humor. She's my hero and when I grow up, I want to be able to write
like her. And she did it in merely 200 words! Unbelievable. Hearing
the Witch King's internal thoughts and how Eowyn just misinterpreted
his intention - poor guy just wanted a date with her. Oh and calling
Merry teddy!! Made me think of the Ewoks from Star Wars. haha Amazing
also is that she gave someone like the Witch King a new 'voice' to me.
Now i can not look at that scene the same way. lol This piece is proof
that we are writing and reading fanfiction to have fun and it does not
need to be all seriousness and canon strict. We can laugh about it,
cry about it, or be on the edge of our seat and its all about the
enjoyment of writing and reading it. Viv has always been, to me, the
ideal fanfiction writer because she makes me *FEEL* something whether
its sadness, amused, shocked, scandalized, etc etc she always leaves
me impressed and satisfied.

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-25 09:48:52
Sparkling with humor, this ficlet is excellently done, and the last
line got me roaring with laughter. Wonderful little tale!

Title: In absentia · Author: Robinka · Races: Elves: House of Finwe ·
ID: 84
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-06-25 18:54:36
This is such a powerful take on the aftermath of the epic rescue
mission by Fingon. I'm blown away by all the oppositions you use in
this piece and how well they work to highlight the emotions of
Maedhros and Fingon.

The way the fire and the shadow are fighting for dominance in the room
is a wonderful image for how the shadow has overtaking Maedhros who
once was as a burning flame in his glory. Even his heart is now of
stone. I love the little flashbacks to their past where you show how
much their life has changed – how far they have fallen from the what
they could have been. And Fingon's thoughts about Maedhros
convalescence are well-crafted to show us the process and the lack of
success that has brought even Fingon the Valiant to tears.

The despair in this is also underlined by the difference between the
inside and the outside. Smoky, sweaty and sour against fresh and clear
– and also the bat that flies in freedom outside, that Fingon cannot
but envy.

Fingon is at his wits end – he has tried everything he can think of to
rouse Maedhros from his stupor. He must wonder if his valiant deed was
the best outcome for his friend and cousin, did he force him to live a
life he did not want anymore? But he keeps true to his nature, daring
all and even offering his own life to show Maedhros that his soul is
not yet so black that he will kill one he loves. The ending is great
for in reaching out and caring for another, Maedhros shows that he
chooses to live.

A really great story!

Title: King Stag · Author: Jael · Races: Elves: Mirkwood Elves · ID: 86
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-06-25 18:55:03
I read this story yesterday intending to review it then, but I found
that I had to let it roll around in my head for some time before I
could put my thoughts about it together.

Your representation of the dark elves is deeply fascinating,
especially as seen through the eyes of an ignorant Thranduil.
Lalaithiel's parents' calm acceptance of the marriage was still
coupled with a wish to test the mettle of their daughter's husband,
and the ceremony they put Thranduil through felt like something very
real, old and meaningful. Very magical as well with the deer and the
wound on Turon's neck. The physical presence of Thranduil on the page
is great too, he feels real.

I also really enjoyed the humorous moments, like when Thranduil
discovers he is drinking piss, or having his father in law see him
with a morning erection! Besides being funny these moments lend even
more gravity to the sad or serious events.

You hint at Thranduil being quite old – but it is clear that love has
rejuvenated him, and also made him a bit rash. He doesn't listen to
the warnings Turon gives him about living with the promises he makes
on that night, but maybe he is just right that wisdom is not among his
character traits. I like how the last chapter shows him living with
and hurting over how everything came to pass but still live out his
promise as strongly and steadfastly as he is able, and also not
regretting the time he had. A sad ending to a story that began in such
hope and joy.

Title: Chance Encounter · Author: przed · Races: Men: Steward's Family
· ID: 5
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-25 23:53:17
This is a stylish vignette and manages to fit in a meeting of two
people I ordinarily would not expect to see in the same scene for
another thirty years - at least, not in the same scene, and with both
of them able to speak. The choice of present tense through lends a
lovely immediacy to the story, while also contributing to cutting down
the complexity of sentences. What is left is a cleanly told tale.

Boromir's youthful enthusiasm and brashness are well-portrayed, but we
can see here an aspect of his personality that did not survive the
revisions Tolkien made: he has that sparkle of optimism and easy
generosity, despite his natural interest in being known ['for his own
deeds'] and his sense of self-sufficiency. Later events will take that
from him and leave him a much darker, more hard-edged character.

Likewise with Aragorn: he isn't weighed down here nearly as much by
the weight of his task, or so it seems, or perhaps this encounter with
Boromir brings back something of a younger self. I loved the line near
the end showing the tension between himself and Denethor, and
Boromir's method of thanking Aragorn only brings home to the reader
that in a sense, payment was never quite rendered - not personally, to

An enjoyable story, Boromir and Aragorn fans ought to enjoy it.

Title: Lily Took · Author: Cathleen · Races: Hobbits: Childhood · ID: 147
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-25 23:59:09
Short and sweet - I liked the device of having the toy carry part of
the dialogue. It fits Pippin's age and the matter-of-fact delivery,
both Pippin's responses and the toy's 'provocations', helps pull the
reader into the story.

Title: Ghost · Author: Elleth · Races: Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 218
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 00:04:43
Well-written - one gets a glimpse at the longing that still remains
with Nerdanel for Feanor, despite their estrangement. I do wonder: the
summary says she *may* have a chance for farewell, and the obvious
interpretation is to wonder whether she was simply dreaming of Feanor.
But given that someone arrives with a message from Mandos, I'm moved
to wonder: is the chance for farewell doubtful, only because the
messenger could bring a chance for 'hello again' with him?

Title: Seeing Stars · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 360
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 00:16:44
Were it not that the birth of his son is, for Faramir, one of the more
joyous events in his life, and probably incapable of being tarnished
by anything short of war, I would imagine that the Steward of Gondor
might possibly be rather mortified the next morning!

Fathers and sons and bloodlines and contrasts: the harshness of the
Ecthelion-Denethor father-son relationship, brought out in a spare
reference by Aragorn, contrasts notably with Faramir's bubbly
enthusiasm for his own son. Yet the thrust of Faramir's reminiscence
on the line of the Stewards is that they are all bound together to
protect Gondor. He doesn't reject his father, though clearly he will
not be his father in terms of his child-rearing. That seems very
appropriate for Faramir.

Title: Writer's Bloke · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Humor: Drabbles ·
ID: 431
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 00:22:02
Every writer who personifies muses or complains about characters
talking to her will be able to identify with this drabble. One wonders
what Faramir reads in the writer's (female) heart, and what exactly is
in chapter six. Faramir's creation, perhaps, within a particular story?

This short drabble gives a new face to the notion of "pushy muses"!
Thanks for the laugh, Stefaniab!

Title: Hope comes for Estel · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Aragorn · ID: 622
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 00:42:34
I enjoy stories that deal in the interpersonal politics that surely
would have been rife once the Battle of the Black Gate had been won,
and the Army of the West made it bac to Gondor. The status of
Aragorn's claim to kingship and how it is received among the people
(and the nobility, especially) in Gondor is something one doesn't
wonder about much in the books, but fan-authors like Stefaniab manage
to bring out a sense of the uncertainty and the precariousness of
Aragorn's situation.

Stefaniab constructs an interview between future king and present
steward, which goes from formal greeting to slightly wry humor to a
sort of exhausted earnestness, and by restricting the POV to Aragorn,
is able to show that fair words and good deeds nevertheless can be
read differently from their face value. This is not to say the
interview is contentious, but there is a certain tension as both
Aragorn and Faramir feel their way toward an understanding of each
other and of their roles in a peace time neither of them have really
ever experienced before. We also get a good idea of Arnor's situation
and the challenge Aragorn will face in trying to rebuild it while at
the same time governing Gondor. And the author reminds us every now
and again that she's a good humorist, too - ["Mithrandir is certain to
turn me into a toad for coming here today," Faramir joked and broke
into Aragorn's thoughts. "That's what he threatened to do when he
trained me in my teens."

"I've heard that threat before, mostly directed at misbehaving
hobbits," Aragorn eased enough to have a chuckle. "So far no toad has
ever claimed kinship to a Baggins or a Bracegirdle." ] is a favorite

Well done! Fans of Faramir, Aragorn, and Gondor will enjoy this, I think.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-26 12:00:04
This double drabble tells the whole story in only 200 words: a tale of
a tragic hero, the broken star of the House of Finwë who was part of
the kinslaying, but turned back on those who had cause the
catastrophe; a story of redemption when Celebrimbor tried to redeem
himself and in the process he put his trust in someone whom he should
have never trusted. Then, broken in body, betrayed, and yet not broken
in spirit, he refused to reveal where the three rings were, and he was
cruelly punished. And even though he had a small part in Sauron's
downfall, he was robbed of hope and left alone to face his former
mentor, now his tormenter.

This double drabble is a very elegantly written, thrilling and
heart-breaking. And after I read the last line, I though that I didn't
want to know what happened next. Let the curtain fall.

Brava! Amazingly done!

Title: Apart · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Drama: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 551
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 16:17:40
The author makes the symmetrical narration bend parallel regrets into
a reconciliation and reunion. I liked that neither Legolas nor Gimli
are, in the end, willing to concede that there may be issues they
cannot discuss - they just recognize the need to delay the discussion
until they've worked up to it.

Title: The Last Words · Author: Rhapsody · Genres: Drama: Featuring
the Noldor · ID: 409
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 16:28:11
What I liked in this was the intensity of address that Nerdanel gives
- not to another person, but to things. The Silmarils are strange
objects, and given the way in which important things tend to have
something of a limited will or sentience in Tolkien's universe, I
found myself waiting to see whether there would be some response from
them. It made for an interesting tension that seems appropriate given
the context.

Title: A Great Evil Unmade · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 267
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 16:35:25
AUs are great fun, and I don't think I've seen this 'solution' to the
Ring Quest before. The logic of the choice of Ringbearer works, as
does the scenario that brought about the passing of the Ring from
Frodo to another bearer: it is no more implausible than Tolkien's
Parth Galen, and it keeps some of its resonances nicely. Frodo's
wounding reminds us of Boromir's death on Parth Galen - it is almost
as if they have switched burdens: that the price for being able to
surrender the Ring to another on the Quest is to pay in blood almost
as dearly as Boromir did in the original in order to free himself of
the Ring. That gives a certain gravity to the story that I think is

Title: Loss · Author: SurgicalSteel · Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort ·
ID: 196
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 16:48:29
Surgical steel, indeed. I haven't read other Serinde stories, so I
lack that background, but that doesn't prevent comprehension. I'm also
not a medically trained person, but one doesn't need to be to wince in
sympathetic pain. It's a realistic situation - childbirth is dangerous
in pre-industrial societies, and the characters reacted in what seems
a believable way to this dangerous premature birth.

I did feel a bit rushed through the story, and so wasn't able to
connect as much with Halbarad as I'd thought. Still, it's well-written
and made me cringe!

Title: For What I Wait · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 125
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 16:58:17
Trying to pick a beginning for an AU is tricky, because that really
does affect what the author can do to suspend the reader's disbelief.
Usually, AU stories try to offer an explanation of some sort for how
the story diverged, but Dawn takes a riskier path and makes us rely
solely on the strength of emotion present in the writing. We have to
invest in this scene - a sort of desacralized pieta between father and
dying son - and construct a possible answer. Feanor helps us a little,
but since he himself does not know exactly what has happened to
Maglor, we are still left to wonder, and we do not know what diverted
Feanor from his own fate.

The Maedhros intervention was interesting - I can believe Feanor
would've viewed Maedhros's suicide in these terms. It's less certain
to me how that event works in terms of this story, which seems to take
place a long time afterwards.

Nevertheless, intriguing possibility, and a very poignant end for Maglor.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 17:03:53
A disturbing and intense interaction - brief, but necessarily and
effectively so. Both Celebrimbor and Sauron seem to split in this
scene into two lives: Celebrimbor's self-loathing, revealed in his
defiance and his agony, marks this scene as a kind of redemption of an
earlier, unwise self. Sauron's ability to be wounded by the use of the
name that he will forever afterwards bear, suggests a final break with
the better part of himself.

The horrific juxtaposition of tenderness and intimacy that ends this
scene works very well: torture mimes viciously the self-exposure of
love. We know how it goes from here on out...

Msg# 9275

MEFA Reviews for Saturday, July 19, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 19, 2008 - 22:48:46 Topic ID# 9275
Title: A Large Bold Hand · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 10
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 17:11:58
This is an interesting interaction between characters I've never seen
set in the same room before! What a terrific use of that (not quite)
throw-away line that identified the writer of the last entry in the
dwarven chronicle to the Fellowship.

Ori's appreciation of script works well - it suggests an appreciation
for the artistry of writing, and of one particular elf's writing. It
makes a nice gap-filler for "[The Hobbit]", one that has to highlight
the gap in the act of filling it.

Well done, Jay! An enjoyable drabble!

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-06-26 17:25:27
Tolkien's hair-fetishizing tendencies meet their match in this
humorous guide to Rohirric hair-care. Everything from fourth-wall
breaching to invocation of radically out-of-place characters (all
nicely 'Rohirricized' by the use of the "thorn" character, just for
authenticity's sake....), this comedic coiffure's advice column has it
all, including vehemently offered 'argument' on the masculinity of
hair care (so there is no excuse for refusing) as well as suggested
ways of procuring sparkly (but again, very very masculine) clips for
said hair. And since no story about Rohirrim is complete without
reference to a horse, EdorasLass makes sure to cover this base about
three times, managing to get in a dig at Dunedain-Rohirrim cultural
differences in the process. Nothing is sacred, after all, except
horses, whose manes are markedly less messy than those of their manly
and desirable Riders...

I laughed as hard as I reasonably could without being ejected from a
library and plan to reread at need. Thank you, EdorasLass!

Title: Rivendell International Airport · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 345
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-26 19:38:15
This was very funny. You have some great ideas, like Bill being
checked in as a piece of luggage. The security check was a very
obvious one, but still well executed. Merry's name backwards was fun,
but "Stinky Dwarf" was a hoot! I also liked the way Gimli was stripped
to the bone. SIR Rimorob! Hahaha! The rabbits in the hat and the
inappropriate joke! Well done, well done indeed.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-06-26 19:49:09
This is such a thrilling tale, sending shivers down my spine. Worse,
much worse than the physical torture must be the betrayal Celebrimbor
now knows of, and the things and events he helped set in motion in his
eager study of the art of crafting. He is such a tragic figure –
tearing himself free from the taint of the house of Fëanor and still
ending up worse perhaps, as you show in this story, as the
hearth-brother of evil! It's good that we know he created the rings
for the elves that enabled the eventual downfall of Sauron.

I love that there is a small part of Sauron that is saddened at the
loss of their friendship – joined in their common interests and
fascination at what they could learn from one another. He is not
wholly evil, he was trusted and that makes his betrayal of Celebrimbor
even harder to take.

The images in this are so invoking – the sight of Celebrimbor as a
broken star gives rise to all sorts of imaginings about what has
happened before the story begins, which puts the apparent gentleness
of Sauron into even greater relief. Wonderful, sad story

Title: A New Day · Author: Oshun · Genres: Longer Works · ID: 35
Reviewer: elfscribe · 2008-06-27 02:49:28
I love this story. Its subtle and very "human" characterizations, the
romantic and caring love between Maitimo and Findekano, and the sense
of family politics with both the easy joking and familiarity as well
as political maneuvering that goes on in all families - all come
shining through with detailed descriptions that let me feel as if I'm
right there in the scene. In addition to the domestic details of their
lives are scenes that feel "near-mythic" as if they come from right
the Silm and I can see them in all their bloody, metal detail as in
the scene quoted below of clan Feanor taking the oath.
["He would never forget looking through eyes, bloodshot and itchy,
upon Maitimo's handsome, determined face illuminated in the red glow
as he and each of his brothers drew their swords and, holding them
aloft, joined in swearing their father's oath. Beautiful and terrible
they all had been in their fierce majesty. Findekáno had been
enthralled and horrified in equal parts, as though seeing them as
near-mythic in potency, forgetting for a moment that these fearsome
seven had long been closer to him than his own brother."]

It is beautifully written in language that feels very appropriate - a
little formal with no jarring modern vernacular and yet definitely not
so formal, old-fashioned and stilted that it makes for difficult reading.

Family interactions:
This feels so much like a family - all the brothers each with their
own personality come through well and that is hard to do with such a
crowd of people. I also really like the dialogue. It is mature and
intelligent and interesting.

The Feanoreans do do oaths well, don't they? The language of
Macalaure's oath is perfect. Love the playful banter that actually is
covering up tension, the way Maitimo used Macalaure's support to lever
the support of others, the joke about heirs, and especially the jibe
at Curvo's ambitions, a reminder of his being 5th in secession. That
last bit about the mathematics very well done, ["Ah yes, Curvo, nor is
politics yours." ]

I like the politics, the fact that there is more going on in your
story than just the love affair. I liked Maitimo's admission: ["Being
my father's heir, the oldest grandson, meant something to me."]

Maitimo and Findekano's relationship:

This is the best kind of slash, imho, in which the men are still men
and yet have a romantic relationship:

Poor Fingon, I can really feel his pain and pity for his beloved. The
details you give about the care for Maedhro's injury, cutting the hair
and so forth really let me see the scene.

The little sexual interludes are quite lovely. I really like that you
have them speaking to each other throughout with the same voices and
that the love scene becomes just a continuum of their relationship.
The love scenes are the right balance of hot and not too explicit.

Findekano's constant scrutiny of Maitimo, worrying, is very
understandable and convincing. I like that they get mad at each other
as that is very realistic, especially Maitimo not wishing his lover to
see all his scars - both the physical and the psychological ones.
["And a hand"] yes, indeed that has to weigh on him, even though there
was no other choice.

F & M's sweet tumbling affection. This was so like a man: [ Findekáno
did not think of himself as vain in the abstract, but he did admit to
expedience-" ] lol. ["In fact, better yet, get rid of the trousers."]
I do love their conversation as Kano is pushing Maitimo towards the
bed, playful,loving, and yet it feels fresh, NOT the same cliches read
many times in such encounters. Hard to do.

The scene at Angband was so well done. Often it is the small details
such as slipping in some unnamed substance or trying to keep from
lying against a fetid wall with open wounds that are truly horrific.
His friendship with the elves very poignant and all the details of
lying in a corridor and no need for locks in Angband. I could just see
and feel and smell it. It was very realistic that it took Maitimo a
long time to talk about his experience, very like a soldier in war.

The love scene was just perfect. Hot and emotional with such good
dialogue. ["Their minds were both wide open. Findekáno was aware of
pockets of obscurity and shadows within Maitimo. Yet there was nothing
sinister about them. It was like watching a mixture of light and dark
clouds drift across the summer sky in Formenos, as though the contrast
made the blue bluer and the light more precious than they ever could
have been in the unvarying perfection of Tirion. For the first time
since they had come back together, Findekáno felt he wasn't reaching
for or pulling at Maitimo for something he could almost but not quite
attain."] Gorgeous and ["Let go now, Káno. I can't hold on any longer."]

Great story!

Title: On Canon and Fanfic · Author: Marta · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 123
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 02:52:43
I love this examination of what constitutes AU stories. One of the
criticisms I've appreciated least is that a gapfiller I've written is
seen as unacceptable solely because Tolkien never indicated what
actually happened here, so in suggesting a possible scenario somehow
I'm sinning against the man. That you covered so well, Marta! I've
written a few AU stories, and now and then I stretch canon at least a
little even in my most consistent gapfillers or alternate POV stories.
and I don't mind AU stories that are well written and that capture my

Anyway, thank you for writing this--it belongs with Dreamflower's Musings.

Title: The Web of Darkness · Author: Soledad · Genres: Adventure:
Incomplete · ID: 101
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:06:14
Now, this is a fascinating crossover with a series originally based
strongly on LOTR that has managed to become original over the years.
To see how Drizzt do'Urden adjusts to living in Thanduil's court is
fascinating, along with the manner in which he fights back against the
powers that brought him to Middle Earth out of his own world.
Characterizations are excellent; existing cultures are expanded and
enriched; original characters are well drawn. And I absolutely love
Half-tooth the hunting lynx that helps Drizzt find his way originally
through his new environment.

After being originally put off of reading Salvatore's work due to the
highly derivative nature of his original work, I now intend to read
some of his later works in order to see how he has found his own
voice. And it's been an honor to help see this story edited.

Title: Tree of Knowledge · Author: Nancy Brooke · Times: Late Third
Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 172
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:11:58
A marvelous drabble from Denethor's POV. The Tree of Knowledge spoken
of is clearly the lineage of Isildur's heirs; and the cost of seeing
that tree fruit as told by Denethor is rather chilling.

Excellently sets and maintains the mood; wonderfully thought-provoking.

Title: Bears With Honey · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 243
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:17:23
A nice look at Mistress Beorn as she deals with her husband's
capabilities as a skinchanger and her knowledge of his bear side's
habits. A nice harkener back to The Hobbit.

Title: Old Man Willow · Author: Nath · Races: Other Beings · ID: 314
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:28:34
Perhaps the most unique of all the "X takes the Ring" stories I've
read! Certainly it's one of the most ominous as the particular form of
intelligence that takes the Ring does not use thought processes,
reasoning, or means we can easily understand or predict! However, it's
a world I wouldn't wish to inhabit once Old Man Willow begins
enforcing his will!

Eerie; lyrical; fascinating; terrifying. Nath's vision of this
particoular Ringbearer is well worth the read.

Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-27 03:37:09
Why, when bespelling the doors to Thranduil's keep did Radagast choose
such a long and complicated password? Hilarious allusions to Disney
here! Fiondil does some marvelous comedy! A wonderful short read.

Title: Vengeance's Folly · Author: Rhapsody · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 718
Reviewer: hrymfaxe · 2008-06-27 14:00:31
What an interesting glimpse at this pivotal moment in time. I like how
you show the brothers through Celegorm's eyes, how they are all
sitting inwounded inaction and he is driven to do something. This is a
very low point in the House of Fëanor (and his observation of the
Laiquendi who would refuse the fëanorian superiority made me laugh).

Is that dismay he feels as even Maedhros will not act? Celegorm is
ready to take the reins, but it must still be disconcerting to
suddenly have them. And the sad part is knowing where it will lead him…

Title: Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? · Author: viv · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 180
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-27 17:01:29
Let's see: there is the Witch King of Angmar who wants to date a girl.
And there is a girl, well for now in disguise, but still. And she
misinterprets what he told her.

And I roared with laughter once again when I read Viv's drabbles. This
one is utterly hilarious. Great job!

Title: The Rescue of Celebrian · Author: NeumeIndil · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 382
Reviewer: eiranae · 2008-06-27 17:59:45
The suspense in this story leaves me aching for more. As I read, the
description pulled me in to the story until I could smell, see, and
feel everything the characters did.

The depiction of Celebrian's mental anguish nearly left me in tears.
The struggle of her friends and family to bring her back to some shred
of her former self was heart-wrenching. The most touching moment is
when her maid comes to her confirming that everything she had endured
was truly only a dream. Such a profound ache.

Neume joins rich description with vivid character depiction to create
intense moments that enrich not only the experience of reading her
stories but also help you to see life from a different perspective. I
await further updates with bated breath.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-06-28 06:06:12
An amusing, well-paced and occasional thrill ride of a modern
LOTR-connected fanfiction story. Moira Eldolen is an enjoyable
character and narrator, at times sprightly and at times sardonic. And
of course she turns out to have some interesting connections she never
realized, not to mention developing a love interest with a character
we rarely see in Tolkien fanfic.

Entertaining and enjoyable.

Title: Reparation · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Men · ID: 296
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-28 08:23:35
It's always difficult, when writing original characters in fairly
well-populated settings, to not idealize those characters in a very
real way. This is quite natural, because all too often we are trying
to fill some gap we feel Tolkien left unplugged, but I know that in
similar situations I have found it very hard to write these characters
with real weaknesses.

The fact that Andrahar would slug Hethlin seems very believable given
their characters (and I say this only on the merits of "Reparation",
not having read "Dol Amroth Yule" yet); but to have Andrahar not
immediately submit himself for judgment was refreshing. It made him
feel human, and that "weakness" (if it is a weakness) led to some
lovely character moments between both him and Brand, and him and
Peloren. Three cheers all around for a well-rounded look at some of my
favorite OCs.

Title: O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 354
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-06-28 13:01:12
This is lovely and evocative. Your similes are well chosen and rooted
perfectly in a dwarven perspective - the weight of earth, the sparkle
of diamonds.

Title: A Great Cause for Concern · Author: Alassante · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 682
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-28 13:59:12
I adore every single bit of this story: a lightly ironic hint at the
Valar's overgrown egos, humor, Galadriel's attitude, Aule's need to
know more about the dwarves, and finally Legolas and Gimli proving
that their friendship is eternal. Very beautiful, touching little
tale. Greatly done!

Title: A Moment Away · Author: Elen Kortirion · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 474
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-28 16:46:47
This moment seemed strangely fitting for Eowyn - a woman's moment from
the one who was warrior enough to be called "Steelsheen." I think this
was precisely what Eowyn needed at this point in time, and I'm glad
you thought to fill this gap - it was really very touching.

Title: O Kheled-zâram fair and wonderful! · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 354
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-06-28 16:47:29
Nicely done! I loved the earthy tones, they felt very dwarven. And it
was a nice touch that they didn't say many words - just knew each
other's hearts without having to speak. There aren't nearly enough
fics that explore the softer side of Durin's sons (and daughters), so
I was very glad to find this one.

Title: I Stand No Longer Alone · Author: Larner · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 62
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-06-28 17:19:07
This is an original idea, and very elegantly written. I like how the
throne senses the personality of Aragorn.

Title: Burden · Author: Ancalime8301 · Genres: Drama: Featuring Frodo
or Sam · ID: 734
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 20:51:41
I first started following this story with a bit of trepidation as
Ancalime posted it on her LiveJournal. MPreg is not generally my
thing, you see, but she's generally such a good writer that I decided
to give it a shot. The medical detail is accurate without being too
over the top graphic for me. The characters are lovingly written and
with an eye to canon. I ended up enjoying the story very much!

Title: Slings and Arrows · Author: Ancalime8301 · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 185
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 20:55:47
An interesting alternate universe look at what might have happened if
Frodo hadn't been wearing his mithril mail shirt when he encountered
Faramir's company of Rangers in Ithilien. This is pretty much flat-out
hurt/comfort, but well-written and the characters feel true to canon.

Title: Secrets · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 229
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 21:01:00
I liked this very much for a number of reasons. I like the glimpse
that AprilKat gives us into Rosie's mind and the hints of what Rose
must have endured during the occupation of the Shire by Saruman and
the ruffians. I also like the glimpse of a deep friendship between
Rose and Frodo, and her care and concern for him. The bit of
information she give him for comfort at the end felt real and honest
to me. Beautifully done.

Title: In The Darkness Of My Dreaming · Author: Cuthalion · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 284
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 21:20:44
This is a haunting and grim alternate universe for Cuthalion's
wonderful tale 'Before I Go To Sleep.' The original tale tells a love
story between Frodo Baggins and the young midwife of Hobbiton, Lily
Proudfoot - and in the original tale, he leaves her behind and departs
over the sea. This tale contains a series of vignettes which give a
somewhat different ending to the original. What if Frodo had remained
in Middle Earth and married Lily? Would they have had a happily ever
after - or would things have fallen out in a not-so-happy manner?
Angsty and dark dark dark, but gorgeously written, wonderfully told,
and oddly bitter and satisfying simultaneously - like a good dark
chocolate. I enjoyed this, and have re-read it several times.

Msg# 9276

Extra characters in a review Posted by Barbara Rich July 20, 2008 - 10:31:43 Topic ID# 9276

I noticed that in PipMer's review of my story #141, "Between Childhood and
Coming of Age" that there are three slashes (///) that seem to have inserted
themselves next to her apostrophes. I can't imagine that she meant to do
that--it's probably some weird formatting thing, but that gives 6 extra
characters that probably should not be counted in the score.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9277

Re: Extra characters in a review Posted by Tanaqui July 20, 2008 - 10:49:15 Topic ID# 9276
Hi Dreamflower

We've already been alerted to this one (it happened on a review on one
of my pieces) and I'm currently working on trying to track down all the
instances where it's happened and understand why that's happening.

But thanks for letting us know - we always appreciate getting reports of
problems when people come across them!

MEFA Tech Support

Barbara Rich wrote:
> Hi!
> I noticed that in PipMer's review of my story #141, "Between Childhood and
> Coming of Age" that there are three slashes (///) that seem to have inserted
> themselves next to her apostrophes. I can't imagine that she meant to do
> that--it's probably some weird formatting thing, but that gives 6 extra
> characters that probably should not be counted in the score.
> Thanks,
> Dreamflower
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.2/1562 - Release Date: 7/19/2008 2:01 PM

Msg# 9278

Re: Extra characters in a review - UPDATE Posted by Tanaqui July 20, 2008 - 13:42:18 Topic ID# 9276
Hi All

> I noticed that in PipMer's review of my story #141, "Between Childhood and
> Coming of Age" that there are three slashes (///) that seem to have inserted
> themselves next to her apostrophes. I can't imagine that she meant to do
> that--it's probably some weird formatting thing, but that gives 6 extra
> characters that probably should not be counted in the score.

We've been looking into the issue of odd extraneous backslashes turning
up in reviews and we've identified the reviews where this has happened.
We'll be editing these reviews shortly to remove the extraneous characters.

However, we can't see any pattern in why this is happening - it's
happened to several different reviewers (but only twice to one reviewer)
and those particular reviewers seem to have other reviews where it
hasn't happened and which are displaying fine. It's also happened over a
period of several weeks, but with many reviews entered in between the
problem reviews that are displaying correctly.

We're going to carry on watching this issue, but at the moment our best
guess is that there's been some kind of intermittent server glitch going
on that's briefly messed up how our code handles "tricky" characters
such as apostrophes and quotes in some reviews.

Meanwhile, if you spot any reviews which have strange extra characters
in them, please report them to the mefa admins at mefasupport at
mefawards dot net, and we'll deal with them.


MEFA Tech Support

Msg# 9279

Re: Extra characters in a review Posted by Neume Indil July 20, 2008 - 15:21:57 Topic ID# 9276

If you need instances of error, I had the same issue about 6 times late in
the week of 6th July or 28th June. It happened when I clicked to preview the
review before finalizing, though I can't remember which story it happened in
(a hobbit story featuring Pippin, though that only narrows the options
marginally). There were no slashes accompanying punctuation before I clicked
the "preview" button, but when it displayed on the following page, there
they were next to every apostrophe. I deleted them during my proofread, and
the error did not repeat itself after I saved. I don't recall seeing it
since, but I haven't reviewed much in the past 2 weeks.

Hope that helps,
Neume (the other Becky) :)

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Tanaqui <> wrote:

> Hi Dreamflower
> We've already been alerted to this one (it happened on a review on one
> of my pieces) and I'm currently working on trying to track down all the
> instances where it's happened and understand why that's happening.
> But thanks for letting us know - we always appreciate getting reports of
> problems when people come across them!
> Tanaqui
> MEFA Tech Support
> Barbara Rich wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I noticed that in PipMer's review of my story #141, "Between Childhood
> and
> > Coming of Age" that there are three slashes (///) that seem to have
> inserted
> > themselves next to her apostrophes. I can't imagine that she meant to do
> > that--it's probably some weird formatting thing, but that gives 6 extra
> > characters that probably should not be counted in the score.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dreamflower
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG -
> > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.2/1562 - Release Date: 7/19/2008
> 2:01 PM
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9280

MEFA Tech Support -- "Job Opening" Posted by araneltook July 20, 2008 - 17:08:11 Topic ID# 9280
Hey everyone,

I need to give up the Tech Support job at the end of this year's awards, so we are looking
for someone to take my place. You would be working with Tanaqui to maintain, upgrade
and troubleshoot the MEFA web site. If anyone out there (or maybe a spouse, friend or SO)
would like to work in Tech Support, please email and we'll fill
you in on the specifics of the job. We'd like to get you started ASAP, so you're up to speed
for the 2009 site.

The basics of what is required--

Most importantly, you have to be comfortable with computers and have a basic knowledge
of programming (such as how IF-ELSE statements work or using functions) and how
servers/web sites work.

Ideally, you should have at least a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and/or
MySQL, but as long as you have some programming experience, those will all be pretty
easy to learn. If you have experience with Object Oriented Programming, that is a big
bonus. You will need to be comfortable using a command line, since we use CVS to
manage the site.

If you don't have programming experience but would still like to give it a shot, it will take
some effort but can be done. There's a couple books I can recommend for learning HTML,
Javascript, PHP & MySQL that will get you up to speed very quickly, but it's going to require
some time and motivation.

On the technical side--

You will need to have Apache, PHP, MySQL and CVS installed on your own computer. You
will also need a text editor to work on the code itself. Your platform doesn't matter --
Linux, Mac OS X and Windows users can all do this. Mac and Windows have some free
software that makes setting this up very easy.

Any questions, just reply here or you can email


Msg# 9281

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, July 20, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 20, 2008 - 20:33:56 Topic ID# 9281
Title: Bitter May · Author: Cuthalion · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Angst/Tragedy · ID: 265
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 21:50:19
This is another wonderfully awful tale of what if? set in Cuthalion's
'Before I Go To Sleep' universe. Cuthalion's heroine Lily Proudfoot,
the Hobbiton midwife, was kidnapped during the Troubles and taken to
Bag End for the pleasure of Lotho Sackville-Baggins, who's lusted
after her for some time. In the original tale, there are no sequelae
to the assault other than the usual and obvious psychological ones and
a few bruises and scratches. This tale explores what might have
happened if she had become pregnant as a result of that rape. The
author pulls no punches in describing Lily's humiliation, fear,
nightmares, and feelings of shame and desperation. The choices Lily
makes will be controversial and disturbing for some readers - but
they're handled in a way that felt emotionally honest and real for me.
I was priviledged to read this while Cuthalion was still polishing it
up, and I wept when I first read it, and wept again when she posted it
on her LiveJournal. It's extremely dark and angsty and contains
material that will be trigger issues for some people and controversial
decisions. All of that being said, it's wonderfully written and
gut-wrenchingly emotionally honest, and a good and thought-provoking read.

Title: Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son · Author: Marta
· Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 624
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 22:11:07
This was an interesting and thought-provoking essay. Denethor
certainly isn't one of my favorite characters, and I won't say this
essay changed that opinion - and I won't say I agree with every point
the author raises. However, it is a well-written, well-researched,
well-structured essay and it made me *think.* Kudos to the author for
a job well-done.

Title: Lessons from the Mountain · Author: MithLuin · Races: Elves:
Incomplete · ID: 221
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 22:15:24
This is an intriguing look not just at what happened to the spirit of
Maedhros after death, but what happened to the other five sons of
Feanor and Nerdanel as well - and there have been hints in more recent
chapters that there may be material about Feanor in the Halls of
Mandos as well, which I'm really hoping to see!

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 22:25:09
This was downright twisted, but gloriously so, and in exactly the way
that it needed to be. I wouldn't call it a fun read, precisely, but it
was a *good* read.

Title: Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? · Author: viv · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 180
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-06-28 22:31:50
This made me laugh my butt off. I really enjoyed it!

Title: The Journey · Author: foxrafer (csevans8) · Times: Late Third
Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 604
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 00:44:28
This is quite an appealing view of Pippin, and much closer to the
books' characterization than the goofy frat-boy foisted upon us
(however entertainingly), by Peter Jackson. Pip's sense of
introspection, curiosity and fascination tinged with just a bit of
understandable apprehension, is very well drawn here.

Foxrafer's language, as always, is vivid and engaging: phrases like
[stars forming patterns that seemed unrecognizable] and [trudging
along on sturdy feet] marvelously convey Pippin's own recognition of
his coming-of-age journey, one that will change not only his life, but
the history of Middle-Earth as well.

Title: The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth · Author: Le Rouret
· Genres: Drama: Incomplete · ID: 455
Reviewer: Nieriel Raina · 2008-06-29 02:12:30
The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth has a wonderful opening
that sweeps us right into the lives of the characters a couple years
after we last left them. I just love how Le Rouret composes a story,
building from the opening and taking the reader on an exciting, and
sometimes frightening ride! There is lots of subtle humor, as well as
lines that had me laughing out loud.

I am enjoying Tamin very much. He is a delightful character, and I
want to hug him. He is so perfect for following Bandobras as Legolas'
squire. But I fear he faces challenges beyond him that will change him
and have him leaving forever the innocent, sweet elfling behind.

It has been interesting seeing Bandy all grown up. His lines are
classic as always, but in a much more mature manner, as should be

Fastred and Leodwyn have also grown up and with it have come
difficulties that most older adolescents face. They still have much to
learn. Little Theodred is so very much a little brother, he's charming!

Gimli is the voice of reason and is the steady friend and rock that
grounds Legolas. I always love reading Le Rouret's portrayal of him,
but this time he really shines.

While the opening is both fun and has its own drama, it's just the
early part of the ride. Things shift from humorous and exasperating to
serious and chilling. Le Rouret has written a dream sequence that I
hold is some of her best writing, with vivid imagery that leaves the
reader in a cold sweat. Lightened for a time with some humor, we
eventually leave the more innocent part of the story behind and move
on toward the imposing hill of horror.

This story keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, terrified of
what will come next, but too engaged to look away. Extremely creepy,
but skillfully woven, the reader cannot take their eyes away. I'm sure
we're no where near the conclusion of this story and but I'm still
dragged along, anticipating and dreading the final climax.

While very dark, this story is one of Le Rouret's best. She has
incorporated all her talent into one tale: humor, use of letters to
tell part of the tale, angst, drama, and horror. Though still not
complete, it is a chilling, thrilling and brilliant tale.

Title: Early Winter at Himring Hill · Author: Oshun · Genres: Romance:
Elven Lands · ID: 79
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-29 11:56:23
Stories such as this one always brings a huge smile on my face and
makes me happily sigh. Our favorite characters, no matter who exactly
we fancy the most, deserve a moment of peace and happiness in their
otherwise tough and often tragic life. This short ficlet offers a most
enjoyable and adorable glimpse at Fingon and Maedhros and shows their
playfulness, also the love and joy of life. And Oshun portrays them
with a great dose of care and humor, which I love. A delightful read.

Title: Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair · Author: Marta ·
Genres: Romance: Gondor · ID: 405
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:07:43
What a powerful series. I'm quite touched and humbled at having had
anything at all to do with this, and also delighted at the way you
picked up my story and spun it out so elegantly! That's part of the
great joy of fanfic, I think, the communal and collaborative nature;
how we can merrily play in each other's sandboxes, not just the
original author's. It's like adding our own craftwork to a quilt or
tapestry: the theme is there, and the original thread, but our unique,
recognizable contributions add to the loveliness of the result. And
the "result" is never really finished - two or five or fifty years
from now a new reader, writer, crafter, may add a bit of her own.
That's a lovely thought, isn't it?

But (as usual) I digress. This series is so wonderfully complementary
to your essay["Pride and Despair"] that I'm very glad I reread this
after reading the other. Poor Denethor! You've shown his life, really,
as consumed by longing for Aragorn, not just the anguish of his lust
and guilt, but his pride and jealousy overcoming his desire for
friendship, camaraderie, understanding, emotional kinship. The final
interlude - Aragorn reflecting on what he had always sensed, and his
own inability to overcome the unspoken barriers between himself and
Denethor - is heartbreaking. Thank you so much for your contributions,
in both fiction and nonfiction, to our fuller understanding of Denethor.

Title: Of Old It Was Not Darksome · Author: EdorasLass · Races:
Dwarves · ID: 70
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:13:18
The author once described this story as "dwarven angst", but it isn't
really; it's pride, tradition, and devotion to ritual and detail, all
hallmarks of the Dwarven culture. I particularly like the way the
somber scene is set, the hints of logistics and record-keeping so
necessary to provide documentation, and closure, to the families who
have lost [son or husband or father]. The imagery of the [low,
mournful song ] and [whispered words of blessing] is stunning. And yet
amidst all the grieving for his own people, Gimli must suffer one more
blow, a bitter reminder of his own grief and loss of the one who stood
by his side in this very chamber, sharing his pain, honoring his dead.

The final lines, though painful to read, are perfectly in character
for book!Gimli. A very lovely glimpse, and a very fitting tribute, to
a sorely-underappreciated character.

Title: Thawing Lily · Author: Soubrettina · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 30
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:15:31
Oh, Soubie, Soubie, it's been years since I read this story, but all
this time it's been lurking in the back of my brain as one of the most
outrageous, original true-to-reality-if-not-necessarily-true-to-canon
depictions of Eowyn I've ever read. There's so much of
twenty-first-century-womanhood in your Eowyn, while at the same time,
she's embued with power and energy that the Professor, lord love him,
would never have understood to write.

The notion that all women know, instinctively, how to be comforting
and nurturing is quickly blasted to kingdom come here. I can easliy
picture Eowyn with that deer-in-the-headlights look: "Oh no, he's
crying, what on earth am I supposed to do to make him stop?" for,
though she may have gentled foals and tended scraped knees, and more
severe battle-wounds aplenty, teary-eyed men don't seem to be
particularly common in her world. (Though a tear-inducing tale or
ballad, in the Golden Hall, accompanied by copious amounts of ale,
would not be held amiss at all.) But she's young, and under stress,
and hormonal. Though the Steward, being older, might perhaps have been
expected to know better. A lot better.

[it was pity upon him that I gave the skin of my leg to his touch, for
he would treasure it much more than Lord Aragorn ever would; at the
end of all things, what did it matter, if hands became involved so,
tongues, thighs, breasts became involved, as we were caught together,
involved at the groin, hard to get much more involved than that-
Mayhap it was just as all well that the end of all things was nigh.]

*wipes tears from laughing * Oh, Soublie, Soubie, I love your mad
writing and Eowyn's mad monolog. And that's just the first chapter.

[What was it, what was it? did I look changed, now I was no more a
maiden, a maid-not-a-maid? ]

Oh, Soubie. The universal question, really; Can anyone tell? Can
anyone tell when a maid (of the first age, or second or third, or
twenty-first) had taken that step off the precipice, tasted the tree
of knowledge of good and evil, loved not wisely but too well? Éowyn is
certainly not alone in her confusion (or her lack of knowledge);
you've given us a loving glimpse of Everywoman.

Title: A Moment Away · Author: Elen Kortirion · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 474
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:16:18
I love the imagery of the warrior Dernhelm, cooly courting (and
welcoming) a warrior's noble death, suddenly transformed into Eowyn,
shieldmaiden and girlchild, seeking refuge and comfort for a moment in
her beloved grandmother's arms. And that that comfort comes from
another understanding and empathic warrior woman, Morwen of Lossarnach
and Rohan, is a masterful stroke on the author's part! I particularly
liked Morwen's advice, shieldmaiden to shieldmaiden: ["Never be
ashamed of screaming......only be sure `tis worth screaming over."]

Title: Two Prisoners · Author: Lord Branwyn · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 724
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:20:39
A brief, simple scene, just enough to whet our appetites for more. The
dialog is in charcter and realistic for the situation, and the
details, though sparse, are well integrated and pack an unexpected
punch. ["They didn't sink into the mud. Wonder how long you have to be
here to learn that trick."] Zounds, what a great detail!

["you could see it in their eyes. They've seen a lot of battles...']

When you stop to think of it, that's quite wrenching, isn't it? I
mean, they've got the long life, but when they just have to keep
watching the foolishness of Men, century after century, the poor
things. And we just don't ever seem to learn from our mistakes.

["There's a signals office who's an expert in languages, an Oxford
man.."] But of course! A very plausible AU (if that's not a
contradiction in terms, *g*). Well done, Lord B!

Title: My Precious · Author: SheBit · Genres: Romance: Drabbles · ID: 14
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:21:07
This is a very disturbing story, so much so that, for a long time, I
was of two minds over nominating it. I finally came to the conclusion
that the the certain disgusting quality, the utter creepiness, was a
hallmark and demonstration of SheBit's outstanding writing ability.
The author has certainly put a contemporary spin to the story, gone
where Tolkien in his delicacy would never even think to tread, and
brought us face to face with our own greatest fears. Vivid and
frightening and very well done.

Title: Beggar's Night · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Humor: Shire · ID: 15
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:22:15
This story just makes me giggle like a crazy giggling woman every time
I read it. The dialog, first of all, is perfectly in character (once
you can accept that each of these characters would actually be
participating in the activity depicted). The description of the
costumes makes them quite easy to visualize, especially Legolas's
over-the-top number, all silk and silver sequins. The image of Gimli
in green velveteen, setting his own alcohol-soaked breath afire --
too, too funny. And cross-dressing Eowyn and Faramir is just
outrageous! In a good way, of course *g*

The word choices, too, add to the vividness of the scene, making the
story as lively and entertaining as a children's tale. Words like
[muffled, bobble, swig, backside] carry their own cheeky humor and
hilarious imagery, just as Merry and Pippin do in the story; while, as
usual Gandalf steals the show ["I am going as a wizard, and if anyone
else asks about my lack of a costume, I will go as a greatly annoyed
wizard."] Hee!

Title: In the Van · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres: Humor ·
ID: 72
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-06-29 18:33:20
*chortles* A witty and imaginative writer has taken an archaic
expression, given it a twenty-first-century spin, and reimagined
familiar characters and events to match. The updated characterization
- and the imagery it produces - just about makes my head explode with
glee. Thank you so much for writing this! It may be crack!fic, but
sometimes that's just what we need: something zesty and unexpected,
like a handful of wasabi coated peanuts or chocolate expresso beans.
It still makes me laugh out loud, wiping my tears, every single time I
read it.

Title: Wherever You Go · Author: Tena · Genres: Drama: Featuring the
Noldor · ID: 537
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-06-29 18:58:57
I loved how this story spanned Elrond's life and all that he lived
through. It was wonderful , the back and forth from present time and
linking it to an event in his past. It was sweet and sad and brought
about much emotion in me. A lovely read.

Title: Painting a Golden Light · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 364
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-06-29 19:01:07
This was such an original and well researched story. I enjoyed it very
The ending was so wonderfully explained.

Title: Summer Heat · Author: chaotic_binky · Times: Modern Times · ID: 363
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-06-29 19:03:57
Another innovative idea from this author. I enjoyed the suspense of
the modern setting and the mystery that needed to be solved.

Title: Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day · Author: Nieriel Raina · Races:
Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 558
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-06-29 19:12:41
Much said in a short amount of words. Nicely done.

Title: Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth · Author: Steuard
Jensen · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 91
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-06-29 19:33:49
[For most of Tolkien's readers, the choice of canonical texts is not a
conscious one: they assume that the books are equally authoritative
until they first encounter obvious ambiguities. Those assumptions can
persist through The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The
Silmarillion, but are quickly shattered by Unfinished Tales and the
"History of Middle-earth" books.]

These two lines in Steuard Jensen's essay describe well the feeling
many of us had upon discovering for the first time that, the further
one goes in one's exploration of Middle-earth, the neat, clean lines
defining our "canon" are anything but. Jensen's essay tackles this
conundrum--which each of us, as writers and researchers, has
faced--and offers various ways to view canon.

"Tolkien's Parish" gives a nod to many of the outlooks that I have
personally adopted, as have many of my peers, but does not ignore the
value of a simple good story: The fifth criteria on the list of how
canon might be determined from the mishmash of facts that is Tolkien's
life's work is that it ["makes a satisfying and enjoyable story"]. And
is this not the crux of why we explore canon? Because we felt an
initial blush of love for this imaginary world that has taken us
through multiple volumes of writing and years of research to even
begin to consider the question?

"Tolkien's Parish" offers logical suggestions without detracting from
any particular way to view Tolkien's world, a difficult task given the
passion with which Tolkien researchers often defend their
interpretations. A concise, reasonable, and very readable piece, it is
a must-read in any study of canon.

Title: The Ghost in the Garden · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves
· ID: 272
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-06-29 19:50:42
A very *haunting* (no pun intended!) tale of the questions surrounding
the differences between Noldo and Sindar in various ways.
I was enraptured by the style of this prose and of the skepticism of
one who seems such a strong character. Very well done.

Title: Arwen · Author: Neoinean · Genres: Romance: Gondor · ID: 359
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-06-29 20:21:47
Wow, what a crescendo of emotion here and a lovely testament to the
love between Aragorn and Arwen. You have captured the complexity and
yet the simplicity of their love and all that each have given up and
gained to be together.
Well done!

Title: Beggar's Night · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Humor: Shire · ID: 15
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-30 06:07:37
Ah--a means of working a version of Halloween into Middle Earth, and
involving several we know and love. It's fun to think that the Shire
should have its own traditions of costumed begging for sweets, and
that four of five non-Hobbits should fall in with the plan.

Humor is light-hearted and delightful, and LOVE Gandalf's "costume."
[Annoyed wizard] indeed! Heh!

Title: The Six-Fingered Glove Mystery · Author: shirebound · Genres:
Mystery · ID: 522
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-30 06:12:16
Two of our favorite young Hobbits find what appears to be a
six-fingered glove, and spend a time speculating on the creature that
must have lost it. But it proves Scamp appreciates its provenance.

A sweet, delightful addition to the "Quarantine" universe tales.

Msg# 9282

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, July 20, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 20, 2008 - 20:36:47 Topic ID# 9282
Title: Small Strengths · Author: Elwen · Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort
· ID: 238
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-30 06:33:03
A nice h/c story in which Frodo encounters a small spider and has a
reaction to it. The typical aversion he might well have developed is
well described and presented, and the response quite realistic. And
love that his own strength of character is well displayed in reaction
to his experience.

Title: Promises Broken and Kept · Author: periantari · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 144
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-06-30 07:07:29
A childhood promise to a heart-broken Merry in the end helps Merry to
make the commitment to accompany Frodo on the quest. A sweet tale.

Title: There Was A Hobbit · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Humor:
Drabbles · ID: 111
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-06-30 09:33:03
Very amusing little tale. Well done.

Title: Call of the Wild · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 94
Reviewer: Makamu · 2008-06-30 12:40:36
There are few who write the Rohirrim as well as Annarwalk does, and
this is a prime example of exactly how well she does it. Morwen and
Thengel are amongst the interesting couples that are sadly not always
given their proper due.

The most interesting aspect for me was how very much Morwen's thoughts
already resemble the language of the Rohirrim, rather than those of
her own people. And she also embraces them in a way one sees echoed in
her granddaughter Éowyn.

Title: Estel I Was Called · Author: Marta · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Aragorn · ID: 351
Reviewer: gwidhiel · 2008-06-30 13:44:07
This is such a well-imagined scene; I think you do a very good job
depicting the confusion, angst, and conflicting loyalties that Aragorn
must have felt when he had to come to terms with his true identity. I
especially appreciated your focus on the small details of life -- furs
vs. quilts -- that differ between cultures. I can well imagine young
Estel struggling with feelings of inferiority on multiple levels --
personal and cultural -- when he confronts his true identity, when all
he'd known up until that point was life in Imladris.

I also enjoyed Halbarad's exasperation at Estel's seeming petulance
about his name. "Halbeleg" seems like a good way to have his revenge
while still accommodating his cousin's insistence on shedding his
childhood identity before it's time to embrace his true one!

Title: The Last Throw · Author: nau_tika · Genres: Drama · ID: 556
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 15:49:12
Nautika has written a nice little ficlet which was very unique due to
the fact it was written solely in dialogue of one person. I'm sure
others have done so but this is my first time reading a story like
this. I felt very in touch with the character and interested in what
story he had to tell. Although we all know the story of what happened
at the Black Gates, its nice to see it from a 'every day' man or a
common man rather than from Aragorn or Eomer's point of view. I also
like how her main character was telling this story to children and it
read like a bedtime story to me. Very easy to get engaged in what he
had to say. I also really enjoyed the fact that the main character had
such faith in his new king, King Elessar, and his reasons why. One
thing that stood out to me was that he felt that King Elessar gave
back pride to those who turned back rather than making them feel
ashamed. I cannot help seeing Viggo doing that even though it wasn't
in the movie. The character that we've come to know and love in
Aragorn did indeed inspire a lot of faith in his friends and followers.

Title: Like Roses over a Fence · Author: Ellie · Times: First Age and
Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 110
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 15:59:56
This is a touching story by Ellie that shows how tragic the Kinslaying
and Flight of the Noldo and the deeds of the House of Finwe on those
left behind. She showed quite well how the three wives Nerdanel, wife
of Feanor, Anairë, wife of Fingolfin, and Indis, wife of Finwe felt
that it was *their* fault and they had failed their 'men' somehow to
have caused this. I enjoyed how each wife had a different voice in
this piece and they went from hopeless to having a purpose through
confiding in each other their sense of failure. Plus the imagery of
the Roses over a fence compared to what they needed to do to repair
what was broken and make the first steps in these tasks. I've always
liked Ellie's style of writing and how she picks characters that are
often times overlooked in the fandom. This was no exception and I
really appreciated a little peak in what these ladies might be
thinking after the kinslaying. Its a tragic tale. I think it could be
told from everyone's point of view and still add something new or a
new perspective to it. I also really love Ellie's flowing and engaging
story writing. Her fiction never disappoints me.

Title: Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day · Author: Nieriel Raina · Races:
Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 558
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 16:09:47
Nieriel Raina has written a nice little fiction about two elves
sitting around with some home made wine talking about the darkness and
their future. Its nice to see Erestor in a more interesting light.
Usually he fades into the background of fiction. This time I think he
was equal to Glorfindel on sharing the stage. Nieriel Raina has a good
balance in her story writing as well as a fluidness. And she gives you
little glimpses in the life of the characters while still intriguing
and entertaining you. I also like that she has so many fictions that
are all age appropriate. Although I enjoy a good R-NC17 adult fiction,
its nice to see the more children/teen friendly ones as well since the
love for Lord of the Rings is multi-aged.

Title: Arwen in the Afternoon · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres:
Romance: Elven Lands · ID: 244
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 16:18:21
Although I was warned I wasn't expecting that! lol Gandalf's
Apprentice's story has an interesting twist on the thoughts of LaCE
and how men and elves behave. Those naughty elves - who knew? The
style of writing was wonderful and it was a very enjoyable story to
read. I like seeing a fiction with Gilraen and Halbarad in it as well.
Gilraen is so often ignored in the fandom in general. Poor Aragorn
though - all that pressure to get married then his little minx of a
woman er elf exhausts him and his friend. A future King and leader of
the Dunedain's work is never done!

Title: Trading Pledges · Author: Adaneth · Races: Dwarves · ID: 339
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-06-30 17:59:06
This is a very sweet story by Adaneth. I'm not a dwarf expert nor do I
know alot about the early Third Age so it was nice to see a little
snippet of what life might be like for the dwarves getting ready for
the War of Dwarves and Orcs in Third Age 2792. Plus this is my first
romantic story about a female dwarf! I enjoyed Adaneth's story and her
characterizations were wonderful for a short fiction. The story about
making the shirt and the specialness of the shirt plus her choice on
who to make it for was really unique and I enjoyed it alot. The
exploration of dwarf customs is new to me so I am not sure if this is
based on canon or just Adaneth's own universe but I am interested to
read more about it plus Adaneth's writing is so engaging that you
could not help but be intrigued about what happened next for Aud, the
female original character, as well as Trekk, the original male
character. When the story ended I found myself wanting more so
hopefully Adaneth has more on this couple. Plus I got a little bit of
an education about dwarves, a race I have not read much about.

Title: If I Had One Wish · Author: Ellie · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 658
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-07-01 02:00:30
When I first started reading this I clicked backwards to see if it was
in the alternative universe section, then I realized the title might
have something to do with things. Ellie has written a nice piece here
showing a simple wish for Indis to have - had things been different
for her and her husband. Its unimaginable to think that she was the
first widow of Aman, a place where the elves felt so safe. I'm sure
that when Indis married Finwe - she never thought she would lose him,
murdered in the peaceful land where they were supposed to have safety
and happiness. How very sad for her. Ellie really writes angst
beautifully and hauntingly and this one starts out very happy and
tranquil only to turn into a tale of loss. Very touching.

Title: Yrch Song · Author: Phyncke · Genres: Poetry · ID: 564
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 06:55:09
Rather cute in an evil way. I hope never to hear this song for real,
hurled off-tune out of orc throats...

Title: Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone · Author: Imhiriel · Races:
Villains: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 286
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 06:58:14
This is an unusual drabble - a sketch of a nascent horror that will
one day stalk the hobbits on the Barrow-downs. The rich details of the
prince's disposition, the love and reverence with which he was laid
out in the burial mound, make an effective contrast to his eventual fate.

Beautifully researched and written; typical of this skilled author.

Title: Trinity · Author: pandemonium_213 · Times: Modern Times · ID: 51
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 07:00:52
A rather fascinating examination of the implications of the creation
of the atomic bomb, filtered through the mind of its creator and
linked to, as he finds out, two of Tolkien's most powerful intellects.
A surprising and original fanfictional version of an old problem.

Title: Cat's Paws · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 58
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-01 07:07:47
A story that is elegant, sophisticated, and just plain scary. It's all
so plausible, the way the greatest of the Jewel-Smiths was suckered by
Sauron-as-Annatar, and not even touches of the darkness within the
fair-formed teacher could stop Celebrimbor's enthrallment. And yet;
Celebrimbor is not a mindless dupe, here, he is being seduced here,
not physically, but offered things he craves - affection from someone
resembling his lost relatives, and, above all, more knowledge.

Very well done!

Title: Vodka · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 714
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-01 08:09:07
A somewhat sad read, seeing Maglor as he's presented here, enhancing
his feelings of guilt with alcohol. Although I always felt Maglor held
the most honor of all the seven, it appears he does not agree.

A few problems with word usage; but the images are clearly and starkly

Title: The Dancing Lesson · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 664
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-01 08:19:06
Frodo's not too certain he wishes to go to the dance, and isn't doing
well learning to waltz, either. Now, how can Bilbo motivate his young
cousin not to tread on feet? Between feather dusters and images of
horrid creatures?

A lovely look at our irrepressible Bilbo and a reluctant Frodo, both
intent on proving Lobelia wrong!

Wonderful humor, and the characterization of Bilbo in particular is
fantastic--the absent-minded being reminded by the one who never
forgets as to how he led to things not being precisely where they
ought to be! A lovely work by our Lindelea!

Title: Journey's End · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 234
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-01 08:53:26
A very touching and romantic take on the meeting of Aragorn and Arwen.
Beautiful language and a sweet, emotional touch that makes me think of
the first time they met in Lothlorien. Wonderfully done!

Title: A Sea Visit · Author: Elen Kortirion · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 96
Reviewer: Makamu · 2008-07-01 13:27:35
This drabble does something very nice- it shows that there may be a
huge amount of surprise found in small and unfamiliar things, not just
the grand adventures we know from Aragorn. And it also showcases the
learning that turned this foster child of the Elves into the
accomplished king.

Title: Coming Home · Author: brindlemom2 · Genres: Romance: Elven
Lands · ID: 233
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-07-01 23:50:02
Interesting idea of the thoughts between the two, and how she healed
his heart.

Title: The Otters of Imladris · Author: chaotic_binky · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 491
Reviewer: Erviniae · 2008-07-01 23:54:17
I love the story of Haldir and Erestor's love and how an otter helps
them learn about themselves. A very sweet and endearing fic.

Title: Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus · Author:
pandemonium_213 · Genres: Poetry · ID: 50
Reviewer: gwidhiel · 2008-07-02 00:29:29
I have been meaning to review this for more than a week, and at least
twice I started to compose a response that I quickly discarded as

In short: this rocks. And you know why I think it rocks, but I must
elaborate nonetheless: thematically *and* poetically your response is
tellement parfait. This is my response to your response to Tolkien's
response to C.S. Lewis:

I had never read Tolkien's verse to "Misomythus" (but have now, of
course!) and while the words flow beautifully, the binary assumption
that myth conveys a truth that is more intimately human, and is
therefore more relevant to humans than the cold, hard facts provided
by science, is cringe-inducing. Your response neatly reveals Tolkien's
apparent misunderstandings -- not only about the beauty that science
itself can reveal, but the way that humanity is an inextricable part
of the very natural world that science undertakes to understand. To
shut out scientific understandings from expansive spiritual thought is
to rob oneself of a hugely important dimension of life, and one must
wonder how expansive such thought can really be.

It is interesting that humanity has constructed a phantom body of
knowledge which re-constructs the real world from its own particular,
peculiar vantage (via language, which itself can be examined
scientifically). I am interested in understanding how myths and less
formal human narratives inform people's understanding of their
relationship with the real world, with each other, with their
ancestors, etc. But to assume that real beauty of lasting significance
to humans can reside only in the fanciful explanations rendered by
murky myth is to hold an impoverished view of the world at large, and
of humans in particular.

That is what your lovely poem brought to my mind. But you said it much
better than I just did!

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-02 03:32:30
This is an hilarious story in that humorous, irreverent style that
this author does so well. I won't tell you how loud. I laughed at this
one. What makes this so funny? That despite the nature of the story,
the characterization of the two pinciple characters runs through the
entire thing consistently. It has great dialogue as well and
absolutely hilarious visual images.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-02 09:09:53
A very beautifully written drabble with an excellent usage of
language, accurate descriptions and lovely imagery. A wonderful
reference to Elrond. Greatly done.

Title: As the Tide by the Moon · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Alternate Universe · ID: 9
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-03 02:18:43
This is a story that I have eagerly awaited the finishing of, and have
at times been tempted to read some chapters from it as a
work-in-progress - much against my standard practice of sticking to
finished fics. But it was worth breaking my practice, and it's also
worth the wait to see the full thing.

Lathwyn is a very well-rounded OC, and she is remarkably well-rounded
- a strong woman in her own right apart from her romance with
Theodred. I also liked how it showed how she was duped into helping
Wormtongue, largely by being unable to read - it made me more aware
than ever of the plight of lower-class women or anyone without access
to education.

This story joins the ranks of good "everyman" stories, showing how the
events of the Ring War would have affected those not privileged by
high birth and high fate. But "As the Tide by the Moon" fills its own
unique niche by looking, not at the aftermath or the great events, but
the political wrangling even several years before the War of the Ring.
Nice job all around, EL, I highly enjoyed this story.

Msg# 9283

Re: Extra characters in a review Posted by Tanaqui July 21, 2008 - 6:08:19 Topic ID# 9276
Hi Neume

Thanks for letting us know about this. As you were eventually able to
save the reviews correctly, it's definitely looking less like a browser
or code issue and more like something weird at the server end. So it's
maybe not something we can do much about "solving" - but it's always
good to know when something is worth devoting lots of tech support
effort to fix and when it's better to put our time and energy somewhere


Neume Indil wrote:
> Tanaqui,
> If you need instances of error, I had the same issue about 6 times late in
> the week of 6th July or 28th June. It happened when I clicked to preview the
> review before finalizing, though I can't remember which story it happened in
> (a hobbit story featuring Pippin, though that only narrows the options
> marginally). There were no slashes accompanying punctuation before I clicked
> the "preview" button, but when it displayed on the following page, there
> they were next to every apostrophe. I deleted them during my proofread, and
> the error did not repeat itself after I saved. I don't recall seeing it
> since, but I haven't reviewed much in the past 2 weeks.
> Hope that helps,
> Neume (the other Becky) :)

Msg# 9284

Re: Extra characters in a review Posted by Viv July 21, 2008 - 9:25:08 Topic ID# 9276
I've had it happen a few times as well, but I don't remember the specifics of when it happened. Only this: I use Firefox pretty much all the time.


--- On Mon, 7/21/08, Tanaqui <> wrote:
From: Tanaqui <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Extra characters in a review
Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 6:05 AM

Hi Neume

Thanks for letting us know about this. As you were eventually able to

save the reviews correctly, it's definitely looking less like a browser

or code issue and more like something weird at the server end. So it's

maybe not something we can do much about "solving" - but it's always

good to know when something is worth devoting lots of tech support

effort to fix and when it's better to put our time and energy somewhere



Neume Indil wrote:



> Tanaqui,


> If you need instances of error, I had the same issue about 6 times late in

> the week of 6th July or 28th June. It happened when I clicked to preview the

> review before finalizing, though I can't remember which story it happened in

> (a hobbit story featuring Pippin, though that only narrows the options

> marginally). There were no slashes accompanying punctuation before I clicked

> the "preview" button, but when it displayed on the following page, there

> they were next to every apostrophe. I deleted them during my proofread, and

> the error did not repeat itself after I saved. I don't recall seeing it

> since, but I haven't reviewed much in the past 2 weeks.


> Hope that helps,

> Neume (the other Becky) :)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9285

technical problems with HASA Posted by Marta July 21, 2008 - 18:30:53 Topic ID# 9285
Hey guys,

I've been informed that the Henneth Annun Story Archive
( is having technical problems. You may
experience troubles with stories nominated there, because the webpage
where you can read the story will not load.

I am sure the HASA volunteers will have this problem fixed as soon as
possible. In the mean time, I recommend that if you find a HASA-hosted
story that you'd like to read, that you add it to your wish list and
proceed to stories posted at other archives.



Msg# 9286

Last banners are up Posted by elhanan\_austin July 21, 2008 - 19:57:27 Topic ID# 9286

This is to let you know that ALL banners (Nominee, Reviewer, and
Winner) are up. There ain't no more folks. What you see is what you
get. So I hope you all enjoy browsing through them. Many thanks to the
artists who went above and beyond the call of duty, especially those
who provided us with many more Silmarillion banners than we've ever had
before. I'm sure the Silm writers will be greatly appreciative of your

Also a big thank you goes to Beruthiel's Cat who stepped in at the last
minute to give me a hand.


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Námo to an
Unidentified Elven Fëa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Msg# 9287

Re: technical problems with HASA Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 21, 2008 - 20:47:24 Topic ID# 9285
It's also helpful to remember that a good percentage of HASA writers post also
at,,, and so on. And if
it's a Silmarillion-based fic there's good chance it's posted on the
Silmarillion Writers Guild site and so on. If you WANT to read it now, chances
are you can find it if you are willing to check likely alternate archive boards.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9288

MEFA Reviews for Monday, July 21, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 21, 2008 - 21:16:59 Topic ID# 9288
Title: FAULT: The Doctor Is In · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 545
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-03 04:36:40
*giggles* I can certainly see even Namo needing help with this bunch,
and bringing in Freud was laugh-worthy. And then the turn around at
the end, that was positively inspired. A fun little story.

Title: Homecoming · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 706
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-03 05:01:15
This ficlet raised a real cheer in my chest. It was really nice
imagining that what-might-have-been moment. You really captured the
exuberance and immediacy that is Boromir; I can see him needing
physical contact even more than other characters like Faramir or
Imrahil. Well told.

Title: Two Prisoners · Author: Lord Branwyn · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 724
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-03 06:36:40
This was a fun story, Lord B.! I particularly liked the linguistics -
I could see Tolkien himself approving. And that last line made me
laugh out loud. Nice work.

Title: A Cat in King Elessar's Court · Author: agape4gondor · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 66
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-03 08:01:39
Queen Beruthiel was considered evil, almost a witch, paranoid and
rather vicious, using her cats to spy and terrorize. But it appears
that the lineage of her cats has continued, and their progeny still
serve the rulers of Gondor. Only Denethor is going mad, while
apparently a stranger comes from the north to supplant him. What is
Alquallonde to do?

A marvelous addition to the Master's creations and characters, as we
watch the Cat learn to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and
expand the number of those it loves marvelously. Humorous and poignant
by turns, and yet always hopeful.

Title: The Waker · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 287
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-03 08:17:33
This is a fine drabble by an fantastic drabble-author and an excellent
response to the challenge. Its creepy, chilling atmosphere -- combined
with an insight into the "mind" of a character that does not have a
language to use and does not even realize that it actually thinks --
emerges slowly within the scene like a beast that approaches out of

Greatly done!

Title: Messengers from the West · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 98
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-03 15:31:36
Short and sweet! And of course, I am always a sucker for a story that
includes linguistic shenanigans - clever twins!

An enjoyable birthday ficlet for my favorite Ranger!

Title: Possessing the greatest powers · Author: Tanaqui · Times:
Multi-Age: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 387
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-03 15:41:34
These form a lovely drabble series. The Rings of Power are characters
in their own right, though it is hard to put them directly in the
spotlight without robbing them of one of their central 'features':
their elemental elusiveness that pervades as a background force
without taking greater shape, most often, than their object-appearances.

The opening drabble was, for that reason, my favorite: it introduces
us to the Rings, using their maker as a lens to suggest their powers
and the modes of their powers, but also that 'something more' that
Celebrimbor did not control. That 'something more' is undoubtedly what
makes them what they are.

The drabbles that follow, devoted to each bearer, make good use of the
motifs of each Ring's special elemental domain. Galadriel's 'flood'
brought to a stillness by Ulmo was beautifully written and resonates
with the watery power of Nenya; atmospheric pressure for Vilya and the
joy that lifts it at the end at least do some justice to poor Elrond's
tragic existence; and Gandalf's flame of hope is slotted in seamlessly
to the crisis and triumph at the Black Gates.

Very well done!

Title: The Visitor · Author: Rowan · Genres: Drama · ID: 174
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-03 15:53:47
A very unusual character interaction here, and pulled off beautifully.
I think the story manages to balance that sense of tragedy and a sort
of loss-of-a-loss, the loss of a chance to lose someone, with the
practicality of a hobbit's life, filled with family and food. It
avoids the pitfall of easy sentimentality, which I appreciate.

Elanor's memories, and her growing up in a thicket of memories of
Frodo that make him a kind of benign, ghostly presence, sets up the
dream sequence very well. That atmosphere of gently wishful regret
transitions to the dream-images and peacefulness beautifully. The nice
touches that suggest that this is no simple dream - Frodo's changed
appearance, the sort of hyperreality of the dream, and his calm
acceptance of her presence in it with him - nevertheless feel very
natural. I liked, too, that this dream is used to bring out Elanor's
more 'elven' side.

And of course, everyone would wish for some form of reassurance that
all is well with dear departed loved ones. Making Elanor a mediator
instead of Frodo making direct contact with Sam and the others works
well with the Fourth Age fading of magic: there's still a little
there, but not quite enough to bridge the gap between a thoroughly
grounded hobbit and the Tol Eressea.

Title: Sun · Author: Claudia · Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and
Faramir · ID: 223
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-03 16:02:22
This story seems to hover between two favorite lines from TTT:
Faramir's wish that Minas Tirith be remembered for her ancientry and
wisdom, and his foreboding that he and Frodo would not meet again
under the sun.

But we know that they do, and Claudia seems to emphasize the undoing
of Faramir's foreboding with the very title chosen, while at the same
time emphasizing the correctness of that original wish. There is no
going back to what Minas Tirith has been, yet this is not in itself a
bad thing, as Frodo reminds his solemn Ranger friend. Faramir seems
always to balance on the edge of the deadly Numenorean nostalgic
impulse, and I like the way Frodo and the simple joy of experiencing
the sunlight, are able to undercut it.

Nice vignette!

Title: Return of the King · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 355
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-03 16:06:25
Eldacar is potentially such an interesting character to explore, given
his place in Tolkien's imagined history of Gondor. I love characters
who are caught between places and peoples, and Eldacar is certainly
caught, and painfully so, by the racist history of the South Kingdom
where the difference between Dunedain and other Men is concerned.

I can easily imagine he would be extremely ambivalent and torn about
returning to claim Gondor, but I like that his unnamed kinsman's
appeal, on behalf of those who have not rejected Eldacar, and the need
to do justice by them and their suffering, is what moves the would-be
king to action.

Well done!

Title: Last Stroke · Author: Elena Tiriel · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Drabbles · ID: 465
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-03 16:36:22
As a Círdan lover, I was thrilled by this. Every word well placed; I
could hear and see the alarm. Just these two words excited me most:
["ancient sword"] – that said a lot about the Shipwright's defiance of
the darkness.
The words drew me in and left me satisfied.

Title: Five things that never happened to Nerdanel · Author: Meril ·
Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 389
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-03 17:43:27
Ooh, chilling! I love these "five things" pieces because they show so
well how the canon events could have easily have happened otherwise.
You captured very well the affect that Nerdanel had (or could have
had) on canon events, running the gamut of tragedy, romance, and even
"happily ever after" - something I admit I never expected to see in a
story involving Feanor. Nice work, Meril.

Title: --and it was done · Author: Neoinean · Genres: Adventure · ID: 527
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-03 20:24:51
While his accompanying Rangers remain in their cold camp, Aragorn goes
forth to find Legolas, who's been taken prisoner by a group of Men.
They are near the borders to Angmar, and things are not pleasant; and
as he works his way forward the Healer King and the vigilant Ranger
vie for predominance.

Mood is superbly communicated, as well as Aragorn's acceptance that he
is much changed from the callow youth he'd once been and the noble
individual he wished he could be.

Well written and depicted.

Title: A Fitting Occupation · Author: Radbooks · Races: Men: Pre-Ring
War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 601
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-03 20:31:18
Just how wise was Bard the Bowman? Oh, very wise indeed, as he proved
when he accepted his younger son Baird had not the makings of a
diplomat or bureaucrat in him. So he envisioned a far different course
of study for his son, one that would please the boy and allow him full
scope for his imagination, skills, and desires.

When we so often decide for our children what they ought to be, it's
refreshing to see that Bard has the wisdom to accept his son for what
he is, even if it's going to take negotiations with the Dwarves to
make it so.

Humorous and poignant; our Radbooks has given us a tale of wonder that
is worthy of her profession.

Title: My Shining Stars · Author: Oshun · Races: Elves: House of
Elrond · ID: 371
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-03 22:08:13
Oshun's "My Shining Stars" provides a unique and not often written
perspective on how Elrond might have viewed the various parents in his
life, both his biological parents and his foster fathers. Without the
wishful romanticizing of Earendil and Elwing--canonically, one
chronically absent and the other wont to abandon her children,
respectively--she conveys the lingering hurt of a small child
incapable of understanding such matters and uses this to build a
feasible explanation of how Elrond grew to love his captors. As one
familiar with Oshun's work, one of her greatest skills as an author is
giving each character a unique voice, and this piece is no different:
Elrond comes across as rational and deliberate, with the voice of one
used to centuries of hurt, unique and distinct from her other characters.

Title: Chasing Blackie · Author: Pearl Took · Times: Mid Third Age:
Eriador · ID: 655
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 02:02:17
Perhaps only Peregrin Took could come up with an explanation for a
bloody nose and being covered in mud that included an imaginary
kitten! And his mother may indeed love him, but at the same time is

A charming look at the possible childhood of our irrepressible
favorite Took! Delightfully told.

Title: Pip-napped! · Author: Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 669
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 02:41:15
Charming, delightful story in which newlywed Pippin and Diamond find
themselves caught in their first quarrel, only for Pippin to find
himself caught by kidnappers before he can quite make up with his bride.

Characterizations are well done, and the villains stupid enough one
feels merely sorry and annoyed rather than thoroughly angry with them.
The humor is well done, and the heroics of our Hobbits wonderfully
dashing. It was a pleasure to read it again.

Title: Men of the Twilight · Author: Elena Tiriel · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 209
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 02:51:12
This glimpse of Faramir first seeing Eowyn with her brother in the
gardens of the Houses is moving, particularly as he considers the
apparently inappropriate name by which those of Rohan have ever been
known in Gondor. A lovely slice of awareness told most succinctly.

Title: Heart of the Wood · Author: Kenaz · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 60
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-04 03:06:27
As is usual in the case of this particular writer, this story is most
beautifully and elegantly written and constructed.. She captures the
differences between Elf and Man and incorporates them into her story
is a unique and thoughtful way: rash and cursed Turin's relationship
with Beleg, an impressive elf who had weathered great threats in the
past but encounters his own doom in the person of this son of the
Second Born who has become his dearest friend. I love the way in which
she handled their relationship, with Beleg's capacity for passion
despite his elvish capacity for wisdom and self-control.

The original story is mindnumbingly tragic and is one of two slash
pairings that I am able consider almost-canon. (I'm sure anyone who
knows my work can guess what the other is.) I'm an inveterate romantic
and the fact that Tolkien repeats over and over again that Beleg loved
Turin makes it easy for me to suspend my disbelief for just a moment
and choose to believe him literally. It adds such a wonderful
dimension to the already heartbreaking final outcome of the story. It
also takes quite a bit of courage to write a story that has been done
(and I have read at least one other Beleg and Turin romance that I
thought was done wonderfully), but to make a story like this
completely new and one's own is quite a feat. The writer accomplishes
this in this story.

Title: Spaces in the Heart · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves: House of
Elrond · ID: 251
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-04 03:28:43
This writer holds a special place in my heart for her gorgeous
description of a young Elrond. He is not the Elf you know from later
history, but manifestly the most plausible version I have read, or at
least the one most attractive to me, of the young Elf who would grown
up to be the Elrond we know.

This piece, although very short, embodies a depth of characterization
and a breadth of the great history of the First and Second Ages as it
intersects two beloved canon figures, Elrond and Glorfindel. One is
struck that, on some level, that Glorfindel recalls too vividly for
comfort much of his history: Valinor, the Helcaraxe, Gondolin, and
more, while being faced with a changed world, both geographically and
in virtually all of his past has been removed from it or relegated to
history. Elrond on the other side, retains little of his own personal
history, having grown up apart from his own immediate family, but
makes up for it by trying to learn as much as he can.

The story deals with the first meeting of these two characters and
explores an emotional connection based in the past and one that feels
very tangible on the part of both that will expand and continue for at
very least two more Ages into the future. The author's perspective
provides great satisfaction which, for this reader at least, is rare
in short, short works. One learns something new about the
personalities of two individuals and is convinced the interpretation
is so extremely right in the context of the canon upon which the
writer has built it. This is a beautifully written and poignant piece
of work.

Title: To Be A King · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves · ID: 252
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-04 03:31:52
I always really love your characterization of Gil-galad in all of your
stories so looking at him as a young man in this story is particularly
appealing. He is wonderfully human, warm, intelligent and able to grow
and learn in daunting circumstances. I find it very appealing to think
he actually must have had those characteristics. After all, as the
last High King of the Noldor, whose reign was to far outlast any of
those of his predecessors he certainly faced challenges and met them,
assuring the survival of the elves remaining in Middle-earth. Taking
up the High Kingship of the Noldor in the First Age, after the death
of Turgon in the fall of Gondolin (who did little or nothing as High
King as far as I can see, what an act to follow in those dire days
when leadership was so desparately needed). It could not have been an
easy task and Gil-galad so very young. But enough rambling about my
own interpretations of events in The Silmarillion and yours mirror
many of those.

I particularly enjoyed this story because it does analyze the likely
political situation at the time. I always love your strong sense of
the setting of a story and this one, although short, does not
disappoint. That along with your descriptions of the characters (not
just how they look—although I greatly appreciate your mastery of
that—but how they reflect cultural and ethnic differences). You manage
to create a world that is vivid and concrete for me: almost filmic in
its sense of the visual. Another strong story that I highly recommend.

Title: Labour Pains · Author: Aratlithiel · Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 483
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 03:35:24
Ah--Wodehouse in the Shire! Rosie is expecting her first child in six
weeks, and suddenly Sam finds himself facing a [gardening emergency]
of epic proportions, leaving a decided bachelor trying to deal with
mood swings, cravings, and false labor.

I've not laughed so much about a post-quest Frodo in a LONG time, poor
dear! Humor is expertly done, and one almost expects Jeeves to come
out with a pithy comment and some off-the-wall scheme that still
manages to save the day! As for Sam--he well deserved the
repercussions Frodo planned for him but managed to withhold. Well
worth the read!

Title: Tolo Dan Na Ngalad · Author: Elwen · Races: Hobbits · ID: 735
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 05:04:12
Frodo's pain is great as Elrond and Mithrandir together seek to
relieve Frodo of the shard from the Morgul blade. But will they be
able to remove it in the end when every attempt to call back Frodo's
spirit is met with overwhelming pain, isolating him and seeking to
take them Elrond as well?

A fascinating look at the strengths of Frodo, Elrond, Sam, and Gandalf.

From Aragorn's call for his Elven brothers to join him in the
aftermath of the Battle of the Pelennor, I suspect Elrohir's abilities
were more honed that shown here; but a wonderful examinaton at one
possible scenario for the removal of that shard.

Title: Summer's End · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring
War · ID: 380
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 05:18:24
This tale is both joyful and sad--sad because a decision has been made
and one guest suspects this will be his last attendance at such a
gathering. The tale within the tale is filled with delightful Hobbity
touches, and has its share of poignancy due to what we know of what is
to come.

Title: A Sea Visit · Author: Elen Kortirion · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 96
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 05:26:04
Even Aragorn son of Arathorn may be taken by surprise now and then as
he meets a neighbor to those Elves who live near the sea. A lovely
surprise as I consider an Aragorn who is perhaps a bit more than half

Msg# 9289

MEFA Reviews for Monday, July 21, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 21, 2008 - 21:20:29 Topic ID# 9289
Title: Star of Hope · Author: Linda hoyland · Times: Mid Third Age:
Eriador · ID: 34
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-07-04 05:52:03
This is a good idea for a story, executed to a high standard. The star
motif is well handled. I liked it that Gilraen had old-fashioned
notions like being contented in an arranged marriage and feeling
honoured about her husband's status. The frame added another dimension
to the tale, since it is set at a time when Arathorn is already
deceased. This makes the moment of loving interaction between them all
the more poignant.

Title: Maglor's Harp · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Genres: Horror · ID: 660
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-04 08:27:22
This is an excellently dark, creepy and fascinating tale of madness.
It captures the horror that drove to insanity and the one that is
caused by the obssession that rules a human (elf's) mind. A
masterfully done piece, full of tension, rich in detail and
captivating from the very first line.

Title: Full Brothers in Blood · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor · ID: 212
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-04 18:17:52
This is a very charming moment of the Feanorians in Valinor. The fact
that it is told through the child's eye makes the tensions all the
more real, yet it allows Oshun to keep angst and politics from
overcoming the story. And Turgon's sultry attitude fits adolescence
perfectly. A fun read all around.

Title: The Return · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Drama · ID: 167
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 20:04:49
The word "Victory!" is hollow to those who've lost the most in the
winning of it. This truth Duinhir knows, and it comes home to his wife
as well as he returns home without their sons, who Tolkien tells us
fell upon the Pelennor, seeking to down the Mumakil that the Haradrim
were using to such effect against those who sought to protect the city
of Minas Tirith.

Tolkien himself sought to express this in his lists of the fallen; her
Lady BlueJay has managed to reinforce that truth. War may be necessary
at times, but its cost should never be discounted or ignored.

One of the most effective stories I've ever read regarding the true
costs of war, even in self-defense.

Title: The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored · Author: obelia medusa
· Races: Hobbits: Friendship · ID: 189
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 20:54:54
Ah--the life Frodo knows as Bilbo's heir, living in Bag End. A
thoughtful tale, and one that indicates that at least once Bilbo was
forced to leave Bag End for a time, getting caught in hiding when
seeking for Balin to call him back from the intended task of
resettling Moria.

Fun and sad by turns. The one thing I continue to have difficulties
with is the rate at which her Hobbit children mature--VERY slowly.

Title: Call of the Dream · Author: Queen Galadriel · Genres: Poetry:
Drama · ID: 402
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-04 21:02:36
An achingly sad poem, filled with beautiful, moving rhythms and lonely
images. Frodo, his imagination caught in melancholy, could perhaps
have written this, wondering whether or not the promise would be
properly fulfilled for him should he accept the Queen's Gift.

Queen Galadriel is a gifted poet, as has been shown true many times.
May all rejoice to see her work showcased as it is here.

Title: Bombur's Diet · Author: Primsong · Races: Dwarves · ID: 677
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-04 23:43:09
This is the type of story I look for and am in raptures when I find
it. The Dwarves *are* the same Dwarves I loved from The Hobbit. Bilbo
is Bilbo: clever, kind, practical, and well, hobbity. And Bombur… he
is every bit I imagined him to be like as an important Dwarf of the
Mountain. I mean, good-natured and simple and much, much bigger. All
together, this is so cute, so funny! Bombur's diet – what a perfect
dilemma. This has very skilled story-telling; the descriptions are fun
and bright; it is just like reading chapters of The Hobbit that had
gotten lost, which is a dream come true for this reader.

Title: Rivendell International Airport · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 345
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-05 01:02:29
Anyone who has flown will appreciate the humor in this one - I found
myself laughing at several places at the absurdity. (GwaihAir and
checking Bill were particularly lol-worthy.) And even in this unlikely
setting, the characters seemed remarkably close to canon, and you
incorporated quite a bit of book references without it feeling like
you were trying to hit the high notes. All in all, a very clever piece
of parody. Nice job!

Title: The Captain's New Clothes · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 421
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-05 01:18:00
Very cute! A most ingenuous explanation of the painting, and a nice
character moment for Faramir besides.

Title: Put Aside Your Doubt · Author: sophinisba solis · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Frodo and Faramir · ID: 187
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-05 04:26:04
What I most like about this story are the characterizations of Boromir
and Faramir. I could see in both of them the characters that Tolkien
created, even in Frodo's dreams (so not in the "real world" of waking
life). That made this fic seem very true to the canonical events and
characterizations that I love, and so Frodo's comfort in the last
dream is all the more poignant. *cheers*

Title: Comes the moment to decide · Author: Linda hoyland · Times:
Late Third Age: Gondor · ID: 418
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-05 04:30:01
This is a powerful story that, although it trods familiar ground, does
so with sensitivity and poignancy.

I for one, can never get enough of good retellings of the Siege of
Gondor, the aftermath of the Battle of the Pelennor, and other great
moments in Minas Tirith in ROTK. Here, Linda essays some of these
events in a Faramir-centric story focusses on the decision that
various characters make. The story is seen mostly from Faramir's point
of view, though Imrahil has a short entry to contribute, and there is
a rather grand and chilling chapter where Denethor progresses, through
sorrow to suicidal despair.

The chapter where Faramir wanders, tortured and confused, in the dark
vale, until Aragorn saves him, contains horrifying images - that of
the maze filled with bodies of Faramir's dead comrades is particularly

One of the best chapters is the powerful epilogue; where Faramir shows
that he is, at least for a great and pivotal moment, the Ruling
Steward of Gondor as well as a shrewd judge of men and a student of
history - making the choice, over the conflicted and vacillating
Councillors, to support Aragorn's claim to the throne.

The quotes that begin the chapters are particularly appropriate, and
add to the intensity of the story.

Title: Flame of Life · Author: Imhiriel · Times: Multi-Age:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 114
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-05 05:43:35
Imhiriel has penned a most unusual double-drabble here. Its subject is
the Imperishable Flame; and, to add to the challenge of writing about
such a primal force, the ficlet is told from the point of view of the
Flame itself.

The power and duality of the Flame is captured beautifully in the
narration. I particularly love this passage:

[Whosoever is touched by my fire will burn with passion to bring into
being the designs of their heart and mind. The passion to give comfort
and warmth to the world, to enrich and adorn it. But equally the
passion to bring destruction and pain, to develop devices of strife
and domination.]

The contrast between the usage of this power for creation and its
usage for destruction, Brahma and Shiva if I remember my Hindu
mythology correctly, is evoked here. Imhiriel knows her Silmarillion;
and Melkor's actions serve to illustrate the duality inspired by, and
possessed by the Flame itself.

A rare and daring look at a force at the heart of Tolkien's cosmos.
And brownie points for the reference to the "Man of La Mancha" musical!

Title: Too Many Rangers · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits · ID: 116
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-05 05:58:11
Exploring the many volumes of Tolkien's The History of Middle-earth is
an intellectual treat for Tolkien aficionados. To see the many roads
the plot of LOTR took before the story was set down in its final form
is a fascinating look into JRRT's creative process.

Larner brings HoME to vivid life in this delightful story. For a time,
Strider existed in Tolkien's mind as a mysterious hobbit called
Trotter; and Frodo went through more than one evolution, including
that of being called by the rather overdone name of Bingo
Bolger-Baggins. Larner takes these variations and milks their comedic
potential for all they're worth; and the worth is considerable.

Here we have poor Butterbur alternatively confused and annoyed by the
odd propensity of Trotter to regularly turn from Hobbit to Man and
back again, four familiar hobbits looking for Gandalf, and Strider
appearing to make matters even more convoluted, and more amusing.

Larner keeps the right balance between confusion and wit, with Strider
breaking the Fourth Wall while keeping his usual dry wit. The Hobbits'
dialogue and Butterbur's thoughts and speech patterns are right on
target, even in this strange-even-for-Middle-earth situation; and the
Prancing Pony is right out of FOTR,

Title: The Roses of Imloth Melui · Author: Aervir · Genres: Drama:
Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 435
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-05 07:14:55
Ah, Marta--how wonderful a set of drabbles. Ioreth as a girl burying
the fallen bird or creature, then living always, it seems, with roses
or their bushes about her, loving red and scarlet until the day of the
Battle of the Pelennor when she saw too much of it.

Ioreth's was a life well lived, I think. And as one who has written
her several times, I find I've always had a soft spot for the
chattering woman whose heart was yet open and true and whose
chattering never had aught of ill to it.

Love the vignettes from Ioreth's life, and the hints at her having
been seduced and seeking after a new life in its aftermath. The mood
is consistent and the images catch at the imagination.

Title: Riding the Waves · Author: Claudia · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 211
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-05 07:22:02
Within the Undying Lands Frodo finds a wonderful way to counter the
darkness he used to know on the anniversary of the day on which he was
stabbed with a Morgul knife. The counter is marvelous, and the mood is
expertly expressed. I find myself wishing I were there to ride the
waves alongside him!

Title: Messengers from the West · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 98
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-05 09:51:40
Ah--they come in secret to wish him----

A lovely double drabble as we see Thorongil receiving visitors to his
lord's realm. Subtle but effective humor, and filled with charm. WE
know who they are, and rejoice that they've come on that day.

Title: Forsaken · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 369
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-05 15:03:13
A very well written drabble that provides an interesting insight into
Finrod's life and thoughts. A nicely drawn portrayal in a limited
number of words. Finely crafted!

Title: Seaworthy · Author: Thundera Tiger · Races: Elves: Mirkwood
Elves · ID: 349
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-05 20:02:57
This a beautiful story. Like many of Thundera's tales, the author
balances personal considerations very well against the political
reality. Legolas and Imrahil are not just having a buddy moment here:
they are lords of neighboring states, and though Legolas has become a
student of Imrahil's for several years, the need for truth is tempered
by diplomatic considerations, yet the story is not overrun by this.
Legolas and Imrahil are clearly princes and diplomacy has its role,
but I could feel the personal investment Imrahil felt in Legolas.

And I liked Legolas's response to that question of whether Legolas had
heard the story of Amroth. Thranduil (or at leas Oropher) may very
well have *known* Amroth! Too often, stories ignore the fact that
canon characters might know the tales better than their readers. A
very wholistic approach to Middle-earth - well done.

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-05 20:46:55
I have to admit, Galadriel has a point here! I wouldn't have wanted to
wait either. You capture the moment well and tell it with just the
right amount of detail. Nice job.

Title: Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name.... · Author: Marta · Genres:
Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 475
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-05 22:03:43

This was very fun and easy to read (a nice quality for an essay).
Besides that, I loved this because Galdor is one of my favorite
characters – however swiftly he does appear and fade away. I've been
trying to do my own research on him, so this was a big help! To
discover who he is requires Holmes-like detection from the bits in the
Council of Elrond. And here you did that research well and thoroughly.
I never knew what to think of Christopher Tolkien's comment on Galdor…
could he really be not so wise? But surely he *would* have been
trusted by Círdan, and Círdan being Círdan would not have chosen an
representative he had not full confidence in. I like your explanation
out of philosophical reasoning (I love philosophy myself) and they
make the utmost sense. I *really* like the idea that Galdor is
Socratic – not foolish and impulsive but rational. This strengthened
the muse, I must say.
Thanks for sharing your research!

Title: Dark Dreams · Author: Avon · Races: Men: Steward's Family · ID: 282
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-06 03:03:16
It's hard to say enough of how poignant this tale is--Imrahil finds a
defensive Boromir comforting a weeping Faramir, and learns Faramir
shares the dreams of Numenor's foundering he himself has known.

How we wish to protect those we love, particularly when they are so
young and appear so fearful of discovery. But visions of Boromir and
Faramir as they will be as the Battle of the Pelennor reaches its
climax also reach him, and he realizes he can't do so.

A sad, grievous tale, but one which reinforces the desire we all have
to protect our own as we can, and our decision to do what we can to
see that the worst will happen never again.

Writing is delicate; images somewhat shadowy, perfect for Boromir's
bedroom as he comforts his brother after that dark dream.

Title: Spoiled · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Drabbles · ID: 119
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 06:20:44
A wonderful subject for an AU ficlet - I don't think that anyone's
ever done it before!

Here, Aragorn did not grow up to be the proud, ambitious but
noble-to-the-core Heir of Isildur that most of us know and love.
Something went wrong and this Aragorn turned out to be a spoiled and
disdainful brat.

Tanaqui shows us how easily things could have gone wrong, for this
Aragorn is a shallow, over-indulged young man who lacks compassion for
the reduced living conditions of those not lucky enough to be born or
fostered into Imladris. I do think that even Tolkien's young Aragorn
would have felt some culture shock when he returned to the Dunedain,
but not this utter disdain and sense of entitlement and little else.
In this drabble, Aragorn views the long-suffering Dunedain as mere
vassals, important only to the extent that they can serve him.

The bit with the kid gloves is just perfect; the small details
showing, not telling, nuances of Aragorn's character.

I'm not sure how Tanaqui manages all this in just a hundred words -
but I wish she could bottle it and give one such bottle to me.

Title: Wave-Singer · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Drabbles · ID: 33
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 06:21:57
A lovely, sad drabble that haunts the reader as much as the narrator
is haunted by the drabble's subject.

Branwyn has chosen an unusual milieu for her mini-ghost story -
Colonial, or at least pre-industrial, New England, in the Northeastern
United States, at a time when the Micmac Indians and white men still
interacted. A settler is the narrator, speaking of a ghost who appears
on a lake, dressed [all queer] but with his hair in Indian-like
braids. Kudos to Branwyn for picking this setting, so far away from
Tolkien's Middle-earth, for a visit from someone that Silmarillion
readers know and love.

The settler's earthy language contrasts with the eerie, fey quality of
the haunting vision, and makes the latter all the more effective.

It is a measure of both Branwyn's skill and the power of Tolkien's
creation that the settler is awed by and has pity for the ghostly
singer. The last line is powerful and one of which Tolkien himself
would have approved. Personally, I find the line hard to forget; it
lingers, along with the sorrow of the singer and the almost grudging
sympathy of the narrator.

Title: Lost Love · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 271
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 06:26:23
Two elegant drabbles evoking the strange meeting and brief union of
Imrazor and Mithrellas. Tanaqui has a drabble from each of the fabled
lovers' point of view, which is a great idea and works really well. I
like the way Imrazor feels that he had a chance to find and hold
something wondrous, be part of a great legend, only to lose it. And
Mithrellas, like so many of Tolkien's characters, is haunted by the
Sea; but unlike Sam, she does not have the strength to stay and raise
her children.

Sad and beautiful.

Title: Invisible Ink · Author: alex_quine · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Boromir or Faramir · ID: 4
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 07:18:37
Definitely one of the best Eomer/Faramir slash stories that I have
read; because there is so much more going on here than sex or even
sexual attraction. The comparison of cultures, the value and immediacy
of the spoken word to the people and lords of the Mark, are
intelligently explored. The sex is only lightly implied; and seems
secondary to the rest of the story; which, given the power of the
writing, is a good thing.

Msg# 9290

Re: technical problems with HASA Posted by Marta July 21, 2008 - 21:46:03 Topic ID# 9285
Hi Bonnie,

That's luckily true of many archives; so many people post at more than
one place. Thanks for the good suggestion.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> It's also helpful to remember that a good percentage of HASA writers
> post also
> at,,, and so on.
> And if
> it's a Silmarillion-based fic there's good chance it's posted on the
> Silmarillion Writers Guild site and so on. If you WANT to read it now,
> chances
> are you can find it if you are willing to check likely alternate archive
> boards.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large

Msg# 9291

Review targets Posted by Barbara Rich July 22, 2008 - 15:23:29 Topic ID# 9291
Has it been two weeks already? Is it already too late to set a reveiw
target this year? I can't find the little thingie to set one.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9292

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, July 22, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 22, 2008 - 20:56:58 Topic ID# 9292
Title: The Return · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Drama · ID: 167
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 07:20:30
An outstanding story from a writer who until now has been known for
some wonderful Eomer/Lothiriel stories. This is the tale of Duinhir of
Morthond's return to his land, after he had led his men to fight on
the Pelennor, and lost many of them, including his own two sons.

Excellent characterisation of a provincial lord who is careful and
kind-hearted to his most lowly subjects as well as his battle-scarred
horse; even while haunted by his sons' terrible death. It seemed very
credible to me that he was thinking of ways to make up for the
shortness of manpower in the farms and village when he saw the
relatively small harvest.

One can only hope that Duinhir and his bereaved wife can make a new
and good life after the terrible blow they and many of their people

Title: Seeking the Sun · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men · ID: 488
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 07:57:37
We rarely see the stories of those people of Gondor who suffered after
the epic struggle against Sauron was won, and Tolkien did not have
time to write them. Althought we know the land eventually prospered
and thrived under Elessar's rule, there must have been some people who
knew loss and at least some privation after the battles that destroyed
land, property, and, worst of all, lives.

This is the story of one such person, a soul who is lost and
foundering in a time of victory and celebration. Linda presents a
moving portrait of Niniel, a young woman who has lost her family,
including a husband and her unborn child, as well as her home and
livelihood. There is help available to her, King and Steward are not
painted as heedless tyrants here, but Niniel is too proud to avail
herself of charity - which is consonant with Tolkien's own portraits
of Gondorians as proud people.

Niniel's attitude toward the new lord of Gondor and his queen is
well-written; there must have been some people who were less than
thrilled by the change in regime, after nearly a thousand years of
Stewards' rule, to have a Northern stranger and his mysterious Elven
bride take over must have mystified many people, and the change might
well have been viewed by some with suspicion and hostility, at least
for a short while.

The circumstances through which Niniel's precarious situation is
addressed, and her perspective changed, flow very naturally in the
tale. The ending is wonderful, and the last line particularly beautiful.

Title: Lost and Found · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Times: Mid
Third Age · ID: 23
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 10:07:49

I adore this story. Not only is it one of the best presentations of
Faramir as a child, but it really captures Gandalf, as much as a
character as great and deep and ancient as Gandalf can be captured.

Here, Faramir is not just a scholarly child, he is an active little
boy, confident, curious, and, as Gandalf noticed, very observant. In
so many ways, he is indeed Denethor's son, but he seems less
self-absorbed. And I love the way Branwyn portrays Faramir's restless
nature; I've always thought he's a kid who would find it hard to keep
still unless he was was reading, learning, or observing something of
interest - then it would be hard to move him!

Branwyn is a master of descriptions that pull in the reader without
overloading or overwhelming. She shows, not tells, the reader, how the
library looks and smells. And she conveys that Faramir is as much in
his element here in the library as he will be in Henneth Annun many
years hence - only here, of course, he is happier.

This line is flat-out gorgeous, and so very apt for Gandalf and Faramir:
[The wizard placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and could feel the
warmth and the tremulous spirit, as quick as the flutter of wings,
that were bound in his flesh.]

Here is the genesis and heart of the "wizard's pupil" connection
between Gandalf and Faramir. A delightful and moving portrait of two
people separated by age and species but united in friendship.

Title: Star of Hope · Author: Linda hoyland · Times: Mid Third Age:
Eriador · ID: 34
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 10:09:21
The few Arathorn-Gilraen stories that I have read feature Gilraen as a
young woman happily in love with Arathorn before they wed. In this
story, talented Aragorn aficionado Linda gives us a somewhat different
take on the relationship of the parents of the High King.

Linda takes a more subtle and interesting approach. Her Gilraen,
though honored to have been chosen by Arathorn and respectfully trying
to be a good and dutiful wife to him, is not in love with him when
they wed, nor even months later. Then, as the Dunedain celebrate a
festival in the ruins of Annuminas, husband and wife share a night of
gentle romance, and Gilraen discovers that marital relations can be
joyful as well as necessary.

I love the gravity and dignity of Arathorn and Gilraen's relationship,
and the discrete but telling hints of rising tenderness. The paragraph
revealing the couple's sexual union is brief and well-written, evoking
passion as well as love in a few non-graphic sentences.

The story is as much about the memory and the importance of love as it
is about the physical act of love. The story has a wonderful framing
sequence, which has Gilraen and Elrond planning a third birthday
celebration for little Estel; where it is made clear that the child is
a result of love and is still loved, by both his mother and Elrond.

And of course, I loved the star imagery; and the last line is
terrific. A truly gorgeous story!

Title: Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree · Author:
shirebound · Races: Other Beings · ID: 121
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-06 12:38:19
This is a beautifully done set of three ficlets from unusual
perspectives: the stony ground of Hollin, the flowers of Lothlorien,
and the White Tree of Gondor. In the first two, the passing of the
Fellowship leads the land to hope that change is coming, and in the
last, there is rejoicing for the change that has occurred. They're
well done enough that I actually didn't even notice that the author
had reversed the order of two components of Gandalf's 'rhyme of lore'
from The Two Towers - but the reverse order works really well.
Wonderfully written.

Title: Courage · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 41
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-06 12:42:02
This was absolutely delightful! I myself have never experienced what
Gimli has to here, so I can certainly identify with his initial
reaction to the whole experience.

Well done!

Title: Yule Tails · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 303
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-06 13:02:37
A charming story, spun from an ingenious premise - a comparison of the
ponies, and horses, with which Faramir and Pippin were gifted in their
youth. The very different atmospheres of Minas Tirith and the Shire,
the family dynamics of Denethor's house and the Tooks', are
effectively compared - both of them hold love, expressed in different

Nice ending, too!

Title: Labour of Love · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 733
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-06 13:11:48
This was a fun read! Pregnant Frodo undergoing graphic examinations,
having cravings, and cursing the father of his child while in labor. I
may have to borrow a few of those curses for a character of mine!
MPreg is not my usual thing, but when AprilKat's writing it, you know
it'll be entertaining!

Title: Kementari · Author: Marta · Times: First Age and Prior · ID: 99
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-06 15:00:50
This is a gloriously melancholy story centering around Yavanna's
thoughts and feelings following the destruction of the Two Trees. I
liked the way that her depression was expressed through the
suppression of the urge to create plant-life that most of us would
consider unlovely. Her resentment of the other Valar also really felt
genuine to me - that they still have children, but the pinnacle of her
creative abilities has been destroyed and few even remember the
shepherds of the Trees. Gorgeous and haunting and sad.

Title: Shelter From the Storm · Author: SlightlyTookish · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 315
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-06 15:02:27
What a sweet story! I enjoy stories that highlight the special
friendship between Boromir and the two youngest hobbits. I love how he
made sure he gave no reason for the hobbits to lose hope, even when he
himself must have been unsure as to their ultimate fates.

Title: Between Childhood and Coming of Age · Author: Dreamflower ·
Races: Hobbits: Friendship · ID: 141
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-06 15:59:56
Once again, Dreamflower has written an enchanting and captivating
story. She delves into areas of a hobbit's life that one wouldn't
normally think of. She explores Pippin's entry into adolescence, and
does it with both restraint and humour. I really enjoyed this!

Title: A Promise · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Childhood · ID: 149
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-06 16:20:40
What a tender, sad and sweet story all rolled into one. I especially
loved the Rainbow Bridge. I had tears in my eyes as I read.

Well done.

Title: Vengeance's Folly · Author: Rhapsody · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 718
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-06 17:26:18
In this wondrous double drabble, Rhapsody -- the authoress of
fantastic drabbles and a devoted fan of Celegorm -- explores the
feelings and thoughts of her favorite character after the Battle of
Unnumbered Tears. She skilfully brings a scene in which the brothers,
gathered around a campfire, rest and "lick their wounds" -- as she
says -- after the sour defeat. Her Celegorm struggles with the failure
and tries to swallow the bitter pill of humiliation and abandonment.
Very insightful and finely drawn portrayal that is drawn with both
deep admiration for the character and great knowledge. Excellently done!

Title: Bitter Sweet · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Steward's Family · ID: 536
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-07 03:04:12
Oh, you wicked, wicked girl. What a lovely AU story. I've always had a
certan fondness for that pairing (yours and those of a couple of
others) and it works very well here. I like the way that you divide
the account of their attachment to one another into the two individual
characters' points of view. Well, I would think after all of that
self-denial and self-sacrifice for the sake of politics that they
would deserve a happy ending. You also manage to say a lot in very few

Title: Rich and Fair · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 548
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-07 03:11:27
I just hate it when people begin a review of something of mine and
say, "I usually don't like X, Y or Z, but I really liked this one."
But I have to say it: I usually don't like tiny stories with very few
words, but this one is awesome. You really manage to set a scene and
build a relationship between two characters in a really short piece. I
can't say which I liked best of the two parts. I would really hate to
have to chose. Of course, the second follows beautifully upon the
first, so it would not be fair to even ask me.

Title: The Westering Fire · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits · ID: 200
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-07 05:42:28
We don't get enough fanfiction from Rosie's point of view; and this
welcome ficlet does not disappoint. Rosie is written as worried and
vulnerable; but still the strong hobbit-maid who is a fit mate for a
Ring-bearer. I like her purpose, and resolve, and determination to
keep going, helping her family and friends despite the overwhelming
danger of the Ruffians.

Title: Many Branches · Author: Baranduin · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 420
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 06:03:22
Bilbo's poem goes, "The road goes ever on and on," and he had
cautioned Frodo that the Road was as a river with its springs at every
door, and that if you didn't keep to your feet there was no telling
where yoy might get swept off to. I was very much reminded of both of
these by this description of Frodo describing family trees and the
Water, both with so many branches.

A gentle tale.

Title: Courage · Author: rhyselle · Times: First Age and Prior: House
of Finwe · ID: 69
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 06:19:27
Although almost all had clamored with affirmation when Finrod
announced he would honor his oath to Barahir by seeking to aid his
son, most changed their minds when the sons of Feanor spoke to remind
all of the oath they had made their father. In the end only ten lords
followed their lord and the Adan.

Imagery is excellent, and mood is well communicated.

Title: The Dance · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres: Romance: Elven
Lands · ID: 128
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 06:26:07
I liked the lightness and sweetness of this story almost as much as
the details: How Feanaro invited her (for once he is not so
confident), Nerdanel's discomfort in her dress (what a "Cinderella"
moment!), Feanaro's behavior during the dance and how he approached
her (who ever thought he could actually feel nervous! I re-read their
awkward first steps in the dance and enjoyed its sweetness immensely,
made me feel like it was a scene from a romantic comedy. The cherry on
the decadent chocolate cake is Feanaro's "realization" and confession
of his love for her was such a "squee" moment for a hopeless Feanorian
fan girl like me. It made very nice, pleasant reading.

My favorite quotes were:
[He thinks he wonder that he is so long in coming to
success for his work. Clearly, his concept of beauty is lacking."]
["I know that."... then why does it hurt so much?]
[...his name upon one card...and at his side, a card naming a lady
unfamiliar to Nerdanel....disappointment plunked hard in her stomach...]
[...a sonorous, overlong name clearly belonging to someone better than
the daughter of artisans...]
[I am ugly and--No. Worse than ugly. Invisible.]
[But Feanaro stood so quickly that his chair nearly fell--indeed, had
to be caught by the King...]

Title: Surprise · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age and Prior ·
ID: 131
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 06:28:35
It is always great to read of excellent "fillers" regarding Nerdanel,
who played a significant role but was so under-exposed in the
Silmarillion. She must have come from quite an exceptional family who
moulded her into what she had become--wife to the greatest (and most
temperamental) Eldar and father to his seven equally fiery sons.

Title: The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor · Author: Fiondil ·
Times: Second and Early Third Age · ID: 8
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 06:29:09
Ar-Pharazon has fallen under the dark spell of Sauron, and has not
only forbidden the people of Numenor to climb the holy mountain, but
has begun taking known members of the Faithful prisoner and killing
them upon the altars established by the one he'd had brought as a
prisoner and vassal. When Isildur enters the sacred precincts to steal
a fruit of Nimloth, he barely makes it home sorely wounded; and a
companion has disappeared.

The Valar have asked the healer Elf Laurendil, friend to the reborn
Finrod, to take their last message to Numenor, and he arrives to find
himself caught up in the quest to find and aid the missing companion,
only to learn the answer to the riddle of what became of his own
friend Earnur when he disappeared in a storm at sea, having been
sailing with a Man of the same name, one who had remained faithful to
the oaths of Tar-Minyatur.

Will they be able to escape with two former prisoners in tow, and what
will become of them afterwards?

A fascinating adventure.

Title: The Flute · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War ·
ID: 150
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 06:36:55
I've found there is a basic need we have to know that the ones we miss
realize that we are thinking of them. And through a special flute
given him by Gandalf Pippin is able to express his longing for his now
distant, beloved cousin, and to receive an unexpected answer.

A most heartwarming tale, poignant, and well, well written.

Title: Essecarmë · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 247
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 06:37:36
It is always a treat for me to read anything before the Oath that
portrays the Feanorians as more than just one-dimensional, inveterate
rule breakers or rebels without a cause, which is why reading Dawn's
very well-crafted details is always enjoyable. It's like stepping into
a period/costume movie with a delectable and complex cast. What I
liked most in this particular story is the emotional tension between
the characters and the way it sets the stage for what happens in the
future, especially for my favorites Maitimo and Macalaure who among
all the seven sons of Feanor would have had the most influence among
their younger brothers. But despite their obvious unease with their
demanding father, it makes one wonder what motivated them to still
take the oath and pursue it to the very end says a lot about the
strength of their family's bond.

Title: Wind of Change · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 47
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 06:45:22
Ah, Eowyn daughter of Eomund and Theodwyn, born to be a shieldmaiden
of the Mark! And the wind carries the news throughout the known world,
and Glorfindel realizes his prophecy is now certain while the
Witch-king wonders what the wind presages.

A most marvelous foreshadowing of what is to come, and a reminder that
the Wind is under Manwe's command....

Imagery is perfect!

Title: A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her
Treatment in Canon and Fandom · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 107
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 06:47:52
I've always thought that it was a shame that Nerdanel did not get as
much screen time in the book as I would have wanted. She must have
been of exceptionally strong character to be able to catch and keep
the attention of Feanor become his wife and bear his brood of seven
strong-willed sons. It must have been a daily test of endurance for a
weaker woman to thrive in that sort of household, compounded by the
fact that they are no ordinary Noldorin family. I appreciate the
obvious hard work, research and objective analysis that went behind
all of these details and am looking forward to seeing more of such
work in the future.

Msg# 9293

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, July 22, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 22, 2008 - 20:59:48 Topic ID# 9293
Title: Gently Held · Author: viv · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 6
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-07 06:48:50
Arwen's intimate confession composed as a beautiful, touching and warm
ficlet. It is a very personal story that makes me feel as if I were
listening to Arwen herself, as if I were her friend. It also has a
delicate, romantic touch to it which I love. Exquisite writing style,
splendidly expressed emotions. Brava!

Title: Rekindling · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 255
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 06:54:32
The fate of Feanor after his death and after the main events of the
Silmarillion have come to pass is always very interesting, intriguing,
even. The passage where it says that Feanor will still make an
appearance in the Final battle was heartening, after all someone as
illustrious and blessed by Illuvatar by so prodigous a talent deserves
more than being just part of the "prologue". To his credit, even if he
could be rash and too emotional at times, he was able to resist
Melkor--the very same fallen Valar who was able to convince the other
Valar to release him into the company of the very creatures he used to
torture and mutilate. This story is a good read in that it reinforces
that particular opinion of mine that even if Arda and those who
inhabit it are marred, there is always hope for everyone.

Title: The Scribe and the Heir · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 256
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 07:06:24
This story gives a very good view of the House of Finwe before the
Oath and does an excellent job of setting up the stage for that event.
It also provides interesting insight into two of the leading and
influential characters in that house--Feanor and Fingolfin. It makes
me wonder how different events could have turned out if their
relationship with each other had not been so negative--it offers a lot
of promise that Melkor would not have had the chance to prevail (but
then, the events of the book would have been greatly altered). I've
always been of the opinion that the root cause of their feud is
something that either of them would have had control anyway, except on
how they choose to act towards its effects. Their barely disguised
hate towards each other eventually finds its way to their children,
especially their eldest son--Maitimo and Findekano, and this makes it
so real and close-to-home, at least for me: how selfish one could be
when one is hurt that one often disregards how much we hurt those
around us. And I'm going down from my soap box now and finish the review.
The fact that Maitimo and Findekano were able to still maintain a
close friendship speaks volumes.

Title: The Work of Small Hands · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Longer Works · ID: 352
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 07:35:37
Very engrossing work on the House of Finarfin, another interesting
family but too often forgotten or overshadowed by the Feanor and
Fingolfin feud. And after all, Finarfin ruled the longest of all the
Noldorin kings and to think he was not even close to being an heir at
the start of the Silmarillion. The pivotal role played by Earwen here
is also commendable I also appreciate that the story is from her
point-of-view and how great her contribution was. It also gives a
logical and plausible glimpse of what happened to the Noldor who
remained and how and what the other kindred could have done or felt
towards them. I was a bit frustrated, as usual, with how the Valar
handled this again, but then that's just me. My favorite scene here
was the scene of the four queens of the Noldor who find reasons not to
rule, in sharp contrast to Feanor and Fingolfin. The most touching
scene here is the final rites for the fallen in Alqualonde. One could
only imagine how it must have felt--the ultimate paradigm shift indeed.

Title: Waterloo · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance: Gondor · ID: 158
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-07 07:44:16
Liked the last part of the chapter there! Lothy is so lucky! I am
positively hooked on Eomer and Lothy. I also liked the scene with
Erchirion and his red-haired lady.

Putting aside my strong fangirl tendencies, I liked the way you wrote
of the very tense and highly-charged scene of the occupants while
Gondor was being besieged. The scene when the Rohirrim sounded their
battle horns gave me goosebumps (the nice kind).

I just love the way you write romances, in fact I love all of the
Eomer and Lothy stories you have written thus far. They have this
romantic movie feel that turns me into a fangirl and a sensible plot
that appeals to my more sensible tendencies.

Title: Early Winter at Himring Hill · Author: Oshun · Genres: Romance:
Elven Lands · ID: 79
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 13:36:32
The descriptions of the scene surrounding Fingon's visit are vivid,
and Fingon's own feelings are well written.

Title: Heavens' Embroidered Cloths · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama:
Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 292
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 13:49:18
What a wonderful set of drabbles describing the decorations of
constellations and the stories told of each as was customary in
Faramir's childhood home. And seeing the relationships between Faramir
and his parents, brother, and nurse as shown here is heartwarming. The
renewal of the use of the constellation banners by his beloved wife
must have been such a surprise and obviously sparked wonderful memories.

How wonderful to see wholly Middle Earth celebrations and decorations!
Indeed one of the best series of drabbles I've ever read. Thank you.

Title: The Skills That Keep You Alive · Author: Gwynnyd · Times: Mid
Third Age · ID: 434
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 13:59:58
Ah--it's been a time since I read this one. Young Estel learned from
Glorfindel that whatever one learns to do well adds to the warrior's
ability to survive, including the possibility of having to juggle
items. And in time the wanderer from the north finds himself
supporting himself and possibly hiding his true mission by juggling ih

The contrast between Aragorn's childhood in Rivendell and his
preparations to entertain in Harad is well done, and descriptions are
sufficiently detailed to give a sense of place and mood.

Title: And all was made ready · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 427
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 14:37:48
The coronation of Aragorn was so sparsely described in LOTR, it begs
to be expanded upon. This description of the morning, from the waking
of the four Hobbits to the coronation itself, is detailed and
delightful--and filled with the emotions of the four of them as we
look at various moments from the point of view of each of them. There
are memories of the past, thoughts on the future, and observations on
the moment for each. We see typical Hobbit lightness of heart and very
real considerations and concerns as each looks not only on the doings
of the day but considers what the others must be feeling.

A wonderful, poignantly told narrative.

Title: Home is where the heart is · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres:
Romance: Drabbles · ID: 505
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 14:43:11
LindaHoyland has proven to be a master at drabbles, able to capture
the moment well and with excellent images and well-written emotion,
and so she has here in her description of Arwen's uncertainty as she
considers the city she shall now dwell within, and the warmth of the
moment when her new husband draws her into the dance. A crystaline
moment as marvelous as any snowglobe--complete and shining--a moment
to hold joyfully in one's hand as one considers and delights in it.

Title: Rose, Rose, Rose · Author: White Gull · Genres: Romance · ID: 619
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 14:54:44
A rather vivid encounter between Rosie and Frodo, her imagination
stoked by the thought of him as she knows those of other lasses have
been stirred by him as well.

Sensual and delicate--and Sam thinks she's experiencing nightmares?

Ah, but are dreams of Frodo Baggins ever nightmares?

Title: A Day in Time · Author: Pearl Took · Times: Multi-Age · ID: 230
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-07 17:26:40
What a lovely story! A lesson learned, about the value of family and
friends, and how one should appreciate them while they are still around.

Well done, Pearl!

Title: Seven Sisters · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Other Beings · ID: 388
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-07 17:39:56
Oh, my! What can I say? This one took my breath away.

I like how the mythology of one of our constellations was woven into
this story. Well done!

Title: Meant to Be · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Other Beings · ID: 137
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-07 18:11:57
This is a very heartwarming story, about the origins of Pippin's
stuffed pig Tulip. I can feel the love that went into his making, a
mother's love for her lad. Another delightful story by Pearl!

Title: Pippin-Frog For A Day · Author: Neilia · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Incomplete · ID: 115
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-07 18:41:21
Oh, more please, and soon! This story is delightul, funny, and
suspenseful. I must say, Pippin got what he deserved, being the cheeky
young fellow that he is!

Well done.

Title: Maglor's Harp · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Genres: Horror · ID: 660
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-07 20:20:54
I would highly recommend this story. First, the disclaimers: I do not
like horror as a genre in general, nor do I believe in from canon or
my own extrapolations of it that Fëanor's sons were mad. Yes, they
were driven, compelled, unhappy, committed to something that they
might have many times wish they could have undone, but unable to go
back and start over again, only able to go forward. The least mad
among them for me, probably would have been Maglor, after Maedhros
despite Thangorodrim and Morgoth's torture. They just did too many
things that required compassion and hard work to be barking,
slobbering mad. No denying that they did terrible things which they
believed were necessary to fulfill their duty and had to be done
because of oaths sworn. That does not make a person, in and of itself,

Having got that off my chest, I must say that I would absolutely
recommend this story to others who might feel the same way that I did.
It is beautifully written. The writer has constructed a perfect little
jewel of a story. It is just so horribly dark and yet never graphic,
although quite explicit. You really made me suspend my sense of
disbelief and be willing to go along for the experience. What a
compelling, macabre and creepily gorgeous story. It is just so
chilling. The not-so-subtle sexual overtones, just were the final
telling detail. It certainly is an antidote for too much fluffy,
goody-goody Maglor! Congratulations on a job well done.

Title: Trinity · Author: pandemonium_213 · Times: Modern Times · ID: 51
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-07 20:28:04
If my memory serves me right, this was one of the first, if not the
first story, I had read by this author. Been fascinated by Oppenheimer
myself. My mother-in-law lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where there is
a whole folk history of Los Alamos and those who lived and worked
there. Anyway, even after I found it I was a bit shy of jumping right
in . . . (I didn't know her as a writer as well then as I do now and
was terrified I would find some version or another of the narrow moral
absolutes which the subject matter can provoke.) Of course, it did not
happen at all and her take on the heroes/villains of the piece was
wonderfully complex and, therefore, in actuality, both humble and
tolerant of others and ultimately humane, quite the antithesis of the
arrogance that one might fear when reading someone who takes this
point of view.

I guess I have not said yet that I love her writing writing style. She
is able to draw one right into the period as well with tiny details,
like Oppie's cigarette and his chain smoking. I had some favorite
lines that I cannot resist repeating (hope they serve as a teaser to
entice others to read this story, since they are very expensive in
terms of reducing the number of point this review will garner): 1)
["Oh for God's sake, Robert. That's just superstitious nonsense. You
know as well as do."] 2) ["...his enunciation carrying a refinement
that suggested the Upper West Side but with a touch of a yiddishe
grandparent somewhere in there"] (I know that accent! She made me feel
clever somehow.) And I howled with glee at: 3) ["It's just your eyes.
You both must have unusual refractive proteins in your irises. That
threw me off."]

I could not resist laughing at myself here, of course: I am such a
sucker on how the light of Aman did not dim in the eyes of the exiled
Noldor. I just fall so easily for that kind of hyperbolic description
when thinking about the Noldor and all that they accomplished. For me
they will always be bigger than life and only normal in their capacity
for the abnormally large emotional intensity of the truly passionate
(which describes most geniuses, whether their field is that of the
arts, scholarship, or the sciences). Anyway, back to the megawatt
eyes, I was utterly delighted to hear Oppie's theory confirmed. To the
writer: Thank you for a great read. Thank you so much such a wonderful
introduction into your take on what I have heard you playfully call
your scientification of Tolkien's legendarium. And if anyone should,
after reading this, assume that the heresy here in anyway undermines
the respect for the source, I would strongly argue that they are dead
wrong, the writers love for Tolkien literally shines in her work.

Title: Expert Treasure Hunter · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 447
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-07 22:14:46
Oh, I do love Smaug. You portray him wonderfully here - every word is
a revelation of his character. I could feel, taste and smell what he
did. And so this is how he finds and sorts his treasure: by scent! I
suppose he would have to as he grew ever bigger (fatter). : )

Title: A Fitting Occupation · Author: Radbooks · Races: Men: Pre-Ring
War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 601
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-07 22:22:52
Wow, anything with Bard is done too little - and the plus with his son
was wonderful to me! This was skillfully written; each was a drabble
then? It ran smoothly. I like that you fit in the toymaking because
that is utterly Dale-ish! Could it even be that Baird made some of the
toys Bilbo ordered? That was a hanging ending, though, but surely Dain
accepted the proposal, for Bard is quite a persuasive fellow.

Title: Spiced Wine On A Snowy Day · Author: Nieriel Raina · Races:
Elves: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 558
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 22:34:52
Glorfindel might not appreciate the spiced wine Erestor is enjoying,
but he, too, finds beauty in the scene before them. And there is Hope
there as well....

The mood is well conveyed, and the scene is delicately described.

Title: The Last Summer · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits · ID: 143
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-07 23:52:09
Pippin is snuggling with his Banks grandfather, and draws him to join
the midsummer festivities. A good memory to take with one....

Very poignant and gentle as Grandfather Banks finds joy in spite of
knowing he is nearing his end.

Title: A Midsummer Day's Dream · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 422
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-08 00:03:06
Sitting in the gardens of Emyn Arnen, Faramir rejoices in the company
of those he loves. both those physically with him and those he's not
seen for a long time. A joy-filled reminder that there is more to life
than living in the present, and the loves we treasure are eternal.

Truly filled with a triumphant gentleness consistent with the nature
of our favorite Steward.

Title: Pippin and the Incredible Shrinking Piglet · Author: Cathleen ·
Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 241
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 01:34:03
This was so sweet! Poor Pippin, wondering if his beloved piglet will
disappear, lol!

I especially liked the end, where Tulip promises Pippin she'll be with
him even on the Quest; nice foreshadowing.

Title: Frogdom · Author: Neilia · Genres: Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 192
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 01:42:02
Well, it's about time that wizard made good on one of his threats. And
nobody deserves it like Pippin-lad!

This made me laugh; well done.

Title: The Last Summer · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits · ID: 143
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 01:54:54
Such a bittersweet story. Sad, and beautifully done. It evokes many
emotions as one reads. Well done

Msg# 9294

I just got the following notice Posted by Barbara Rich July 23, 2008 - 19:33:47 Topic ID# 9294
When I tried to access the site. I did wait and try again, and got it a
second time. While I'm guessing it's just high traffic, thought I'd better
mention it:

This is the notice--

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Wait a few minutes and use your browser's "Back" button or click
here<javascript:history.go(-1)>to try again.

If you are the webmaster, your account may have gotten this error for one or
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- Your account has used more than its share of the cpu in the past 60
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The solution would be to optimize your applications to use less CPU.
Adding appropriate indeces to your SQL tables can often help reduce CPU.
Using static .html documents instead of painful .php scripts will
practically eliminate CPU usage.

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Msg# 9295

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 23, 2008 - 20:03:31 Topic ID# 9295
Title: The Scribe and the Heir · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 256
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-08 02:24:36
Title: The Scribe and the Heir · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Drama: Featuring the Noldor · ID: 256
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-08 02:24:3
Oh, Dawn, this is just such a thoughtful, lovely, and utterly
compelling--and incredibly frustrating and maddening--rendition of the
two of them (well, the four of them actually)—the relationship between
Fingolfin/Nolofinwë and Fëanaro AND Maitimo and Findekáno as well.

Love seeing Fingon shown as the rebellious son drawn to the
Fëanárians. Well, he just had to have been to have nurtured the
well-documented, life-long canon friendship between himself and
Fëanor's eldest son. I absolutely cracked up when I read the line of
dialogue referring to the entire House of Feanor as being ["locked
away with all those other nutters"]. I can so perfectly hear Nolofinwë
saying just exactly that kind of thing (and with some degree of
provocation I will admit, as much as I love the Fëanárians). The
really big bonus in the entire story is your characterization of
Finarfin/Arafinwë. He is wonderfully developed and absolutely
adorable--so charming and feckless on the surface, but with such
almost, but not quite, hidden depths of strength and character. (That
is canon to me.) We hear so little of him, until he turns back to
Valinor to take upon himself the responsibility that his elder
brothers have abandoned. I love him as you portray him and I've
probably told you at least a dozen times, that I did not really care
for him until I had seen your interpretation. I did notice that that
although this story is written from your long and careful
consideration of all the children and grandchildren of Finwe that
makes up your canon, but it fits so very neatly into my personal canon
for that family as well...not surprising, I suppose, since I have
stolen so much from your take on them.

Title: Arwen in the Afternoon · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres:
Romance: Elven Lands · ID: 244
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-08 03:28:40
This is an interesting story that began as a simple romp of a story
and then was finally completely reworked to reach its current form.
The final version is a much more serious story that works to give a
true balance of romance, longing, and humor based upon both cultural
differences and the differences between men and women, with a solid
dose of angst and poignancy. I very much like the serious Halbarad who
is not without his own internal contradictions (which makes him a very
human and believable person). Aragorn is presented as a much more
relaxed personality, but not careless in any sense and willing to take
the risk of being honest. Arwen is her own person, sure within herself
about her own wants, needs, and personal belief system. She takes it
upon herself to right what she sees as a wrong that can be remedied to
a degree at least and will not leave it alone. The footnote is
interesting, where the author explains the inspiration and basis for
her AU take on Tolkien's elves.

Title: Bears With Honey · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 243
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-08 03:40:50
I always find talk about self-insertion in fiction of any sort a
rather odd discussion. Of course, there is the obvious form of writing
a simplified and immature girl-falls-into-Middle-earth and Legolas
cannot resist her. We are all familiar with that sort. The point,
however, of self-insertion in more mature writing is bringing one's
own life experiences into a story to give the reader a fresh
perspective and an interesting view of characters. I personally never
thought much about what it would be like to be married to Beorn. The
author takes a stab at it in this one, by comparing the man who turns
into a bear to her own spouse who she fondly refers to as the Beast
and uses it to give us a funny and interesting look at a canon couple.
I presume that the pony in the story is actually one of the author's
cats? And the honey-cakes could be her stories?

Title: Shadow King · Author: Claudia · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Angst/Tragedy · ID: 227
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:14:58
A sad and scary tale featuring Aragorn as Lord of Gondor, Lord of the
Ring, and Lord of the Nazgul. All of those assembled at Minas Tirith
for the coronation are nervous, from Frodo to Faramir. I'd be nervous
too. Sheesh, there goes the neighborhood.

Seriously, a good AU tale with some beautiful, sinister imagery and
terrifying flashbacks.

Title: Sun · Author: Claudia · Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and
Faramir · ID: 223
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:28:11
A sweet story about Faramir's reunion with Frodo in Minas Tirith,
under the sun and free of the Shadow. It could have been a little
longer, but it does work very well as a short story. Just enough for a
bit of hope to lighten the day of a tired Captain-Steward...

Title: Rebirth · Author: Aranel Took · Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
· ID: 471
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:29:37
A very pretty verse that says a lot in a brief and well-structured
batch of lines. I think Tolkien would have strongly approved of this
account of the rebirth of Isengard.

Title: Noldolantë · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves: House of
Finwe · ID: 253
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:37:14
A very unusual and innovative take on the composion of Maglor's famous
opus. It does make sense, given the way that a musician's own life and
experiences can ibe woven into his work, that the Noldolante was
composed of various smaller themes, broadened and linked by Feanor's
second son. The device of separate chapters, each focussing on a
different member of Maglor's family, to show where each motif
originated, works quite well.

Title: Fatherhood · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Drabbles · ID: 547
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:40:13
A delightful drabble about Imrahil, fatherhood, and dynastic
sacrifices - and this one has a twist. Imrahil's tenderness for his
daughter, and determination to choose wisely for her future, comes
across clearly.

Great last line, too!

Title: Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree · Author:
shirebound · Races: Other Beings · ID: 121
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:43:10
Shirebound finds a special and wonderful way of bringing seven stones
and seven stars and one white tree to life indeed!

Taking as her premise the idea of natural things having
self-awareness, Shirebound brings us the point of view of three such
things sensing the change in the world from the Third Age to the
Fourth: the stones of Hollin, the elanor flowers of Lorien, and the
new White Tree of Gondor.

The first chapter, which looks like it was the hardest to write, gives
the stones' reaction to the Fellowship as the group goes through their
lands. The second chapter reveals the bittersweet path of Galadriel -
change is coming, and she will leave the world where she, and her
flowers, have lingered so long. The third chapter is beautiful,
credible, and a sheer joy to read.

A fascinating and unusual story!

Title: Healing · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves · ID: 419
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:46:54
A compassionate and credible portrait of the last years of the Elves
in Middle-earth, which answers the question of why Celeborn waited to
leave it. Actually, Bodkin's explanation makes a lot of sense; and the
reader's sorrow at the seemingly inevitable loss of the magical Song
in the life of Middle-earth can be tempered by the Elves' final
journey to a place where they will always be able to hear it.

Title: Kin-Strife · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 92
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:48:58
A rich, tapestried novel set in Isabeau's fascinating fanfictional
Gondor. This is a story of Prince Imrahil's somewhat dissolute youth,
and the first steps he takes from being a charming but feckless boy to
the stalwart and formidable lord we will come to know in her later
stories and in LOTR itself.

This is also a story of the youth of Isabeau's equally formidable
original male character - Andrahar, former street-rat and catamite of
Umbar, who became Imrahil's sworn brother and Swan Knight. We are
treated to a flashback of Imrahil's first meeting, where he saves
Andra from a terrible fate in Umbar and offers him friendship and a
new start. And we see their youthful friendship strained almost to the
breaking point by Imrahil's own folly, and the steps they each take to
reforge their bond into a lifetime's brotherhood.

Andrahar is a convincing character, and my absolute favorite among
Isabeau's original characters in Tolkien fanfiction. He is proud,
loyal, and honorable and tougher than tough - when Andra tells
Thorongil that he will kill him if he has the power to save Imrahil
and does not use it, Andra means it. Andra's usual control and quiet
manner makes a wonderful contrast to Imrahil's verbal sophistication
and charm.

One of my very favorite scenes takes place in an exclusive tailoring
establishment in Minas Tirith, where Imrahil has been coming since
childhood. We see the genesis of the very well-dressed warrior in
LOTR, as Imrahil happily explores a myriad of fabric samples in
anticipation of getting a new wardrobe; with Andrahar's frustration an
amusing counterpoint. And then - in what should be a pleasant
exposition of an indulged princeling's fondness for fine clothing
(which, considering Imrahil's station, is not entirely vanity, he
really can't go take tea with the Steward wearing the same shirt he
would use to hunt deer in), Thorongil enters, disaster strikes, and we
are off into quasi-Tolkien territory of visions and portents. It's
delightfully written. And the characterisation of Thorongil is marvelous.

Title: Arwen in the Afternoon · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres:
Romance: Elven Lands · ID: 244
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-08 04:52:17
A quasi-AU and very frisky look at the relationships of Halbarad and
Aragorn and Arwen. The story veers away from what I believe Tolkien
intended, but is entertaining and enjoyable nonetheless. And brownie
points to G.A. for coming up with a new wrinkle on how Elves might
view the human need for sleep.

Title: Seeing Stars · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 360
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-08 04:53:22
This story is truly delightful and should warm the heart of any one
fortunate enough to read it.It is a story of fathers and sons and the
joys of being a new parent all mixed with a delightful touch of humour.

Faramir is the proud father of a new baby son.Faramir has been invited
to celebrate with various interested parties and now is somewhat
drunk.I don't imagine Faramir as a habitual drinker, but being a first
time father is a very special occasion for him.

Seeing support for his unsteady legs,Faramir grasps hold of a Tree and
finds it is the White Tree and is overwhelmed with joy that his child
will grow up with a living White Tree. There he is found by the King
.Aragorn acts towards him as a kindly father,listening to his dreams
for his son,pursuading him that Eowyn needs rest and finally seeing
him safely to bed.

The reader feels certain that Faramir will be a good father and not
make the same mistakes as Denethor made. i especially enjoyed the
warmth and affection that Aragorn obviously has for his Steward
here,like the love and concern a good father feels for his son.

this story is a masterful combination of past and present,humour and
pathos and joy and sorrow. An especially poignant moment is when
Aragorn supports the unsteady Faramir and the Steward recalls the same
arms held his dyling brother.
A truly outstanding and well written story ,which I highly reccomend.

Title: Shall We Dance? · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Men:
Steward's Family · ID: 93
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-08 05:08:49
The author warns of fluff in her summary. I suppose I must to concede
the warning, but only grudgingly and with qualifications. To the
degree there is fluff, it is couched in politics and humor, which is
guaranteed to sharpen the softer edges. Also, I must note that the
fact that sentiment does not have to equal sentimentality is something
that the writer recognized when she wrote this story. This is a very
nicely done workup of all my favorite characters created by this
writer in a satisfyingly recognizable form: Faramir, Boromir,
Andrahar, Imrahil, et al., being very much themselves as she
interprets them.

Denethor was a bonus. I have also always liked thinking about
Denethor. There was one part that I absolutely have to quote, that
should have come with one of those ubiquitous beverage warnings.
Luckily for me, I was not drinking at the time I read it: ["Captain
Andrahar looked impassive enough, but Denethor had known him for years
as well, and there was a dour cast to his countenance that indicated
he probably would rather have seen Dol Amroth's finest flower dancing
with a Khandian pimp than the Steward of Gondor."] Touché Denethor and
shame on you, but Andrahar does leave himself to open it!

Title: Miquan Melave · Author: Marta · Genres: Romance · ID: 319
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-08 05:31:40
It's a lovely, human, believeable story in the context of the world
you have created, even without having to read any of the related
personal-canon stories you recommended. My favorite line: ["Tell me
that I did not ride all the way from Rohan to play that part. For I
know there are cheaper, more convenient men to be found here,
Gondorian morals be damned, and I would not be your whore."] This
contains so much decency, tenderness, hope, sadness, generosity,and
self-respect all in one utterance.

Because I like this story a lot, I am willing to give you points in
order to get up on a soap box here. Have the courage to own the story.
The footnotes are a distraction and make you sound insecure about it.
Don't see why one has to explain why one might write something that
Tolkien has not written or would not likely ever write. One would
presume that your readers are already quite aware of that. We love his
world and it inspires us to want to play with it and make it our own.
To my mind, there is no disrespect in that, and no need for defense.
Tolkien said explicitly that he wanted to create mythology. The nature
of that beast is that it is ever evolving and changes with the teller
of the tale. He succeeded. It is too late for him to take that back now.

Title: The Craft of the Elven Smith · Author: Larner · Times:
Multi-Age · ID: 1
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-08 05:40:37
I cannot say that I usually care much for stories about the characters
in the Simarillion,but this outstanding story proved a notable
exception to me.
One of characters in the Simarrillion, who sparked my interest, apart
from those who were the ancesters of my favourite character, Aragorn,
was Nerdarnel, Feanor's estranged wife.I felt she must have been a
gifted woman in her own right and strong willed.I felt for a woman who
looses all her sons to an ill fated oath and always hoped she had
daughters too.

I always wondered what happened to Nerdarnel and Larner provides a
fascinating and convincing answer here.

The jewels that Feanor created caused strife and mysery and only one
ended up actually doing some good.Would it not be appropriate that the
creations of Feanor's wife could pay a part in healing some of the
pain and strife in Middle-earth?

I found Larner's vision of the Valar entrusting Nerdarel to craft some
of the most precious gems found in Tolkien's later works both touching
and fitting.

An outstanding story,beautifully told.

Title: Good King Elessar · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 2
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-08 06:06:35
This is a truly delightful story based on a popular Christmas carol. I
loved the idea of Aragorn,with young Frodo Gamgee as his page ,taking
winter fuel to a poor man.Naturally things to not go exactly as
expected when the journey becomes quite hazardous.

I can just picture Aragorn eager for adventure during a visit to the
North.He shows himself a great King here in his compassion and care
for others.

I also enjoyed the hint of mystery in the story as we ponder why the
man gathering fuel is in such dire circumstances.

This is a most enjoyable story which should be required CHristmas
reading for devoted Tolkien fans!

Title: Light of the Westering Sun · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 126
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-08 09:25:56
I have always admired those authors who possess the ability to tell a
whole story in as few words as for example a drabble contains. The
entirety of a tale must be filtered and the most important, turning
points must be emphasized. Here, Dawn has done a wondrous job bringing
such moments and she has written an excellent series that present the
life of Haleth of Brethil. The series touches upon her relationship
with Caranthir, and I one more time ponder the different fates of the
Firstborn and Secondborn (but well, it's just me ;)).

I admire the clever structure of this set of ficlets: we see Haleth's
life move backward, as she probably would have recalled it at the late
hour of her life. Very well thought out! And even more significant,
the drabbles are brought full circle – again, a very good idea. Each
time I read the series, I marvel at the elegant, poetic, beautiful
language of these pieces. And the inner romantic in me is utterly
satisfied even though Caranthir and Haleth could not have been
together for eternity.

Wonderful, touching, and poignant series! Greatly done!

Title: The Apprentice · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 52
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-08 15:32:26
Pandemonium is a relatively new Tolkien fanfic author, and "The
Apprentice" was the first of her stories that I had the privilege of
reading. Quite simply put, this is an amazing story in every sense of
the word. Set during the Second Age, it follows the life of an
apprentice to Annatar, the "Noldo" who would later be revealed as Sauron.

One of Pandemonium's strengths as an author is her characterization,
and "The Apprentice" is a shining example of that. It has been close
to a year since I last read this piece, and her main players--Annatar,
Celebrimbor, and the apprentice Samaril--still remain large in my
mind. Samaril is at once obnoxious and endearing, in every way like
some of the brilliant-minded individuals I have known who should be
intolerable yet are loveable nonetheless, and he is certainly one of
the best-rendered OCs that I have read in Tolkien fanfic. Perhaps the
most brilliant character, though, is Annatar. A convenient (and
canonical) villain, Pandemonium nonetheless fleshes him out as a
fallible and empathetic character, making his inevitable fall all the
more painful to watch. At times, I hear people in the Tolkien fandom
wonder how various characters "fall" for the ploys of the villains,
and, for anyone who has ever wondered how Celebrimbor and the Noldor
of Eregion "fell" for Sauron's tricks, this story will explain that.

That Pandemonium is a scientist in real life is clear in how she views
Arda. "The Apprentice" is written through a scientist's eyes, taking
views of the events, players, and dominant philosophies of
Middle-earth in a new way. Some of the most spectacular passages in
this piece involve Annatar and Samaril's mental immersions into and
manipulations of the substances that they study, explaining how the
Rings of Power came to have the powers that they did without resorting
to the convenient explanation of "mere magic." These passages show
Pandemonium's knack not only for viewing Tolkien's canon in original
and provocative ways but also for having the skills as a wordsmith to
make these scenes come to life and leave the reader as breathless as
they do her protagonist.

"The Apprentice" is a story that had me laughing in places and
speechless in others and left me with tears in my eyes and a renewed
appreciation for the characters and events of this time in Arda's
history. It comes with the highest recommendation.

Title: A Smile · Author: Aria · Races: Elves: House of Finwe · ID: 321
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-08 16:11:37
"A Smile" is the story of a father letting go of a son: Curufin and
Celebrimbor after the Feanorians' betrayal of Finrod in Nargothrond.
It is a scene that has been done many times by many skilled authors,
but Aria brings to the scene a unique style that makes her version of
the event both bittersweet and heartbreaking.

While many authors write Curufin and Celebrimbor's relationship
strained to the point of dysfunction, Aria takes the opposite bent.
She shows clearly the love and regret that exists between them. Her
portrait of Celebrimbor, particularly, is excellent, as it shows the
man who will later bring about his ruin by creating the Rings of
Power. The style of the piece is extremely effective in achieving the
story's purpose, and, as I read it, I do not feel that it is too
saccharine or breaks from canon in any way. It is the work of a
skilled writer using subtleties of the language to convey an event
that must have been truly heartbreaking.

Title: A Race, To Be Like Me · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves:
Drabbles · ID: 375
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-08 21:03:00
Imhiriel's drabble captures well the passion and the madness that is
Feanor at the swearing of the oath. Considering his belief that he
seeks freedom--not death--his wishes for his sons to swear next are
all the more poignant and, yes, justified as well.

Title: The Other · Author: Dana/Lindelea CoAuthors · Genres: Horror ·
ID: 27
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 21:10:09
I really enjoy the stories of both these authors, and this one was no
exception. This is very suspenseful and spooky! I didn't know what was
going to happen until the very end. The authors certainly know how to
weave an AU tale and make it seem like it comes from canon.

The angst that Pippin goes through as he tries to decide what he will
do about his best friend is very palpable, and believable. His agony
as he realizes what he must do is heart-rending.

Well done!

Title: Lily Took · Author: Cathleen · Races: Hobbits: Childhood · ID: 147
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 22:12:12
What a sweet little story! How like Pippin to give his kitten his good
blanket... he has such a generous heart.

Well done!

Title: Before the Black Gate · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age · ID: 45
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 22:16:00
This sweet little story highlights a conversation and meal shared by
Pippin and Beregond just before the Battle at the Black Gate. They
both know they are likely to die, and yet they are both careful that
their conversation does not reflect that.

Well done.

Title: There and Back · Author: Dana · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 89
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 22:20:22
This is absolutely lovely. The first half of this ficlet is from
Pippin's point of view, and the second half from Beregond's. Before
the Battle at the Black Gate, and after. It captures well the
hopelessness Pippin must have felt, and also the awe with which
Beregond holds the Halflings.

Msg# 9296

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 23, 2008 - 20:04:59 Topic ID# 9296
Title: On Amon Sűl · Author: Dreamflower · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Frodo or Sam · ID: 299
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-08 23:23:39
What love is demonstrated amongst the three unwounded hobbits towards
Frodo! Anything he needs, they are more than willing to give.

And Frodo feels the same love towards them, which is proven by how
much he resists the Ring when it threatens to claim them as well.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-09 00:09:14
This piece is dark and chilling, perfectly suited to its rather
archaic style. We never get a glimpse of the werewolves' origins in
the canon, yet IgnobleBard's version is entirely plausible, piecing
together what we do know in perfectly logical ways, and the offhand
mentions of violence work very effectively to show the malice behind
the creation of these awful creatures.

Title: Courage · Author: rhyselle · Times: First Age and Prior: House
of Finwe · ID: 69
Reviewer: Dawn Felagund · 2008-07-09 00:16:28
The mood and slightly archaic style of this piece fits its subject
matter perfectly. Rhyselle does a great job of showing the
awe-inspiring grace of the Firstborn in a way that few writers manage
as we get a glimpse at her version of of this history-changing event.

Title: Grandmum's Button Box · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits:
Family · ID: 135
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 00:29:20
This is a lovely tale, reminding me of my own Grandmother and her
button box.

Title: The Last Dance · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Family ·
ID: 397
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 01:59:50
This was heartbreakingly lovely. I always imagine both Pippin's and
Merry's marriages as being filled with romance and tenderness. Great
portrayal of a healthy,happy marriage.

Title: The Flute · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring War ·
ID: 150
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 02:20:12
This is a very tender story. I love how all four hobbits are bound
together in such a way. Just lovely.

Title: Faeries · Author: Pearl Took · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond ·
ID: 304
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 02:30:53
Poor Faramir! It's not easy being a Took in Buckland!

This was very sweet and engaging. Little Faramir, trying to act all
grown up but then succumbing to his childlike ways.

Very nice.

Title: Summer's Lease · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 650
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-09 02:41:36
This is a truly delightful interlude for anyone who appreciates the
handsome male form. What more could any lady reader ask for than a
shirtless Faramir and Legolas cooling off in a fountain on a hot
summer day? The reader, just like Eowyn is invited to come closer to
enjoy the view. Who cpould contine planting the flowers beds when such
delights were on offer?
I have a confession to make, Legolas does nothing for me at all. I'm
an Aragorn girl, with Faramir coming a close second.However, like
Eowyn, I would be curious to see what a shirtless Elf looked like and
like her think how different they are,not subject to the ravages of
time like we mortals.

My eyes would linger on Faramir, though I imagine him as bearded with
a dusting of body hair, but as Tolkien did not tell us, we are all
free to imagine him as we will and I love the image of his tanned
,lean body under the spray.

Although this story features an Elf,it is very human in its emotions
and reactions, that two males who have been plannting trees on a hot
day would feel a need to cool off.

Raksha makes the reader feel the heat of the day,so it is little
wonder that Eowyn sheds her outer garments and joins the man and the Elf.

A truly delightful summer interlude,best read on a hot day with a
refreshing glass of lemonade.

Title: Sing All Ye People! · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age: Gondor · ID: 249
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-09 02:56:25
I just love the Great Eagles in Tolkien's works.I was pleased that the
films caught them so well too.Tolkien depicted them as messengers of
the divine, most especially Manwe, the highest and greatest of the
Valar .The words they speak sound very like something from the
beautiful King James version of the Bible.

I can well imagine that Faramir with his love of lore and legend being
quite overwhelmed with joy to see and hear these wonderful birds and
the even more wonderful message that they bring of Sauron's defeat and
the coming of the King.

It is interesting that the recently bereaved Faramir thinks that he
can hear the voices of his late father and brother in the Eagle's song
as well as the voice of the recently reborn Mithrandir.

It is a wonderful touch to contrast the Great Eagles with the Fell
Beast that Faramir has also recently encountered.

What joy it must have been to see the winged messengers of the Valar
and hear the glad tidings that they brought.The experience must have
been akin to seeing Angels in the Bible, bringing good news,wonderful
and maybe a little frightening too.

How can we who live in relative peace and security, imagine what it
must have been like living in the shadow of Mount Doom and Sauron's evil.

Raksha has captured a moment of joy beyond description beautifully here.

Title: Frodo's Crosswise Verse · Author: Elanor Gardner · Genres:
Drama: Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 520
Reviewer: Antane · 2008-07-09 03:30:13
The true power of a tale is shown when it can be read and re-read and
still can move the reader. This is such a one as is "Sam's Crosswise
Verse". A heartaching/breaking tale of Frodo thoughts after the Quest
about the terrible rape of his soul by the Ring, his continuing lust
for it and the horrific damage done to him because of it, talking out
loud to Sam, who is sleeping. Very powerfully written! And of course,
he thinks of Sam's love and how it saved him and continues to do so.
["You wonder why I wake you out of sleep, out of blessed sleep and
dreams you so desperately need. You wonder why I ask nonsensical
questions in the cold hours of the night."

"To hear your voice. I will listen to you recite that horrible poetry
they are singing in the streets about us, just to hear your voice."]

Love the ending! Both this and Sam's are wonderful tributes to the
power of love neverending. *True* love - I wouldn't have nominated
this if I thought slash was involved.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Title: The Elanor Bloom · Author: Claudia · Genres: Drama: Incomplete
· ID: 194
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 03:44:45
This is off to a really good start. I'm looking forward to the further
development of the friendship between Strider and Frodo.

Great description of the fear they all feel concerning the Black Riders.

Title: The Mariner's Son · Author: cairistiona · Genres: Adventure ·
ID: 329
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-09 03:58:57
This story opens with a thrill ride. Well, a very scary thrill ride;
as Thorongil awakens in a locked building, in a bad storm and soon
finds the water rising. Two mysterious characters are added later,
turning the adventure story into a deeper, more psychological drama.
And the author's addition of temporary amnesia, which is credible due
to Aragorn's physical injuries, just ratchets up the tension.

The writing of the danger chapters is extremely vivid and fast-paced,
without being extreme or overloaded. Later, the pace slows down a bit
as Aragorn finds out the origin and reasons for the trap in which he
had been placed, which also works well.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-09 09:18:52
Touching, clever and very nicely written drabble.

Title: Summer's End · Author: pippinfan88 · Races: Hobbits: Post-Ring
War · ID: 380
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-09 16:30:42
This was great! I love to read stories where Frodo finds some joy
during his last days in the Shire. It brought tears to my eyes to read
how he was committing this night to memory, so that he would have it
forever; and Merry's drawing, too.

Title: This crown of stars · Author: Fawsley · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 586
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-09 21:21:01
A bittersweet, elegantly written drabble of Strider's thoughts. Lovely
comparison between the earthly crown he doubts he will ever wear, and
the [diadem] of stars.

Title: Midnight · Author: EdorasLass · Genres: Romance · ID: 18
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-09 21:41:29
A quietly lovely portrait of two lovers; possibly (at least in my
opinion) the only two men in Tolkien's world for whom a good case can
be made that they were homosexual. The details are wonderful;
Theodred's concern and his observations, that of warrior and lover, of
Boromir's scars. And a nice observation of Boromir's arrogance in his
preference for soap...

Title: A Great Cause for Concern · Author: Alassante · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 682
Reviewer: viv · 2008-07-09 22:40:58
I think you really outdid yourself on this one, Miz Alassante. I
especially dug how Galadriel poofed up Aule's ego in her little speech
(something along the lines of "You sure did a good job making those
dwarves, didn't you now, Aule-boy?"). I hear those Valar types cannot
resist such stuff (walkin talkin egos, all). And Gimli himself: How
adorable is his enduring Galadriel-worship? Awwww! And it was also
amusing to think of Gandalf being rapped on the knuckles for bring the
ringbearers over the waters (even though that scene was off stage, so
to speak). But what really makes this a gem of a piece instead of just
amusing fluff is that last bit, the bit in Legolas's head, where he
says basically that he would have gone back to Middle-earth with Gimli
if the Valar had not allowed the dwarf to crash their little paradise
garden party. That's true friendship right there, and in those few
words Legolas shows what it means to be "dwarf-friend." (Good example
of "show not tell" writing, by the way!) I love Legolas/Gimli
friendship pieces in general, but so many of them get bogged down
either in movieverse nonsense or in stilted pseudo-Tolkienstyle.
You've avoided both traps here and offered up a really nice little
ficlet. Now excuse me: I gotta go hug me a dwarf.

Title: Good King Elessar · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 2
Reviewer: PipMer · 2008-07-10 02:38:17
This was such a heartwarming tale. The good-heartedness of hobbits, as
well as of a certain Man, shine through here. I've always believed
that most people deserve a second chance to make their lives right
again, and this story shows that in a very tender way.

Title: The Last Stand · Author: Rhapsody · Times: First Age and Prior
· ID: 82
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-10 04:39:14
A close-up of the Nírnaeth Arnoediad and some of its combatants.
Rhapsody uses her substantial knowledge of the First Age to good
effect here, and the great battle comes to life in all its terror,
gravity and confusion.

Title: Fatherhood · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Drabbles · ID: 547
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-10 12:28:10
Very sweet and enjoyable glimpse at Imrahil's family life as he
ponders his feelings toward his young daughter. Nicely written!

Title: Nine Companions · Author: Aranel Took · Genres: Humor: Drabbles
· ID: 259
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-11 18:38:04
A nicely written and warm drabble about the Fellowship that got
together after Aragorn's coronation -- with Faramir in Boromir's
stead. I liked it a lot. Very enjoyable.

Title: Healing · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves · ID: 419
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-07-11 20:45:00
This is an enchanting and beautifully written story. Your sensitive
characterization of the elves does you credit. I've often found
Tolkien's representation of them fairly bland, and you have given them
depth and definition.

Title: Celebrity · Author: Bodkin · Races: Men: Minas Tirith · ID: 635
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-07-11 20:59:14
I enjoyed this story very much. Your portrayal of Aragorn is well
balanced and believable, and your writing style is crips and elegant.
You show the dilemma and the restrictions of being King very well.

Title: For What I Wait · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 125
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-12 16:08:39
When I first read this story I seemed to have no suitable words to
offer as a review. I was there, sitting completely awed and did not
know what to say – whether to say anything because I felt that nothing
I would tell Dawn Felagund about her story would accurately reflect
what I was feeling.

This story brought tears to my eyes. It is wonderfully written, but
the very idea is one of those that we may expect to be heart-breaking.
What if Fëanor outlived all of his children? At first, I recalled
Théoden's words from the Two Towers when he said that no parent should
bury their child, but this story is much more than that. Poignant,
haunting, sorrowful and beautiful tale. Great job!

Title: Bears With Honey · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Humor:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 243
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-12 20:07:32
Now I always wondered about what life would be like for Beorn's wife.
You made it real in a few short words.
She is quite a dutiful wife. A good day to make honey cakes indeed - a
fun end!

Msg# 9297

Re: I just got the following notice Posted by Aranel Took July 23, 2008 - 20:50:49 Topic ID# 9294
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for the heads-up.

Sometimes it may take longer for the site to come back up, depending on

Sorry for the inconvenience,


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Barbara Rich <> wrote:

> When I tried to access the site. I did wait and try again, and got it a
> second time. While I'm guessing it's just high traffic, thought I'd better
> mention it:
> This is the notice--
> Please contact this site's webmaster.
> Wait a few minutes and use your browser's "Back" button or click
> here<javascript:history.go(-1)>to try again.
> ------------------------------
> If you are the webmaster, your account may have gotten this error for one
> or
> more of the following reasons:
> - Your account has used more than its share of the cpu in the past 60
> second sliding window.
> - Your account has too many concurrent processes running simultanously.
> - Your account has consumed too much memory.
> - Your site was recently very busy trying to run inefficient scripts.
> The solution would be to optimize your applications to use less CPU.
> Adding appropriate indeces to your SQL tables can often help reduce CPU.
> Using static .html documents instead of painful .php scripts will
> practically eliminate CPU usage.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9298

Re: Review targets Posted by Marta July 23, 2008 - 22:00:21 Topic ID# 9291
Hi Barbara,

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. You're right, the two week
period to set targets has now passed, so you can't set one up for this
year. We'll look at making it longer for next year.

Would it help if you set an unofficial target, like if you told a friend
that you were aiming to review so many? Then they could keep you honest.
You wouldn't get mentioned as reviewers having met their goal, but you'd
still have the benefit of setting a goal to reach for and the personal
satisfaction of reaching it. (I know that's the part I most like about
the review status.)

Anyway, it really is too late to set an official one. Thanks for your
wanting to participate, though!


Barbara Rich wrote:
> Has it been two weeks already? Is it already too late to set a reveiw
> target this year? I can't find the little thingie to set one.
> Dreamflower

Msg# 9299

Re: I just got the following notice Posted by PGF July 23, 2008 - 23:08:17 Topic ID# 9294
This has happened to me before; though I was able to access the site
again shortly. But today, or at least in the last four hours, it
happened quite frequently - for a few hours, I couldn't return to the
MEFA site; and when I finally made it there, and was working on a
review, the darned message came up again, and I couldn't get back to
the site. At the time this has happened to me, I have no difficulty
getting to other websites.

I don't mind it happening occasionally, but when I get bounced out of
the MEFA site in the middle of writing a review, it's annoying.

RAKSHA, feeling cranky

<<<<<<--- In, "Aranel Took"
<araneltook@...> wrote:
> Hi Barbara,
> Thanks for the heads-up.
> Sometimes it may take longer for the site to come back up,
depending on
> traffic.
> Sorry for the inconvenience,
> Aranel
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Barbara Rich <aelfwina@...> wrote:
> > When I tried to access the site. I did wait and try again, and
got it a
> > second time. While I'm guessing it's just high traffic, thought
I'd better
> > mention it:
> >
> > This is the notice--
> >
> > Please contact this site's webmaster.
> >
> > Wait a few minutes and use your browser's "Back" button or click
> > here<javascript:history.go(-1)>to try again.
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > If you are the webmaster, your account may have gotten this error
for one
> > or
> > more of the following reasons:
> >
> > - Your account has used more than its share of the cpu in the
past 60
> > second sliding window.
> > - Your account has too many concurrent processes running
> > - Your account has consumed too much memory.
> > - Your site was recently very busy trying to run inefficient
> >
> > The solution would be to optimize your applications to use less
> > Adding appropriate indeces to your SQL tables can often help
reduce CPU.
> > Using static .html documents instead of painful .php scripts will
> > practically eliminate CPU usage.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Visit our website:!
Groups Links
> >

Msg# 9300

Re: I just got the following notice Posted by July 23, 2008 - 23:12:18 Topic ID# 9294
Awww! Poor Raksha--patting you on the head. I've been there myself. I try to
cut-and-paste longer reviews, because I would cry if I lost a long one, but
sometimes I just want to do a quick one on something and it is frustrating.

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FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9301

Re: I just got the following notice Posted by Marta July 24, 2008 - 2:13:32 Topic ID# 9294
Hi Raksha,

I'm very sorry for the frustration that you (and everyone!) has been
going through. It *always* stinks to lose a review that you spent time
constructing, and I'm sorry anyone has to do that.

These CPU errors that everyone's been experiencing are kind of a new
problem this year. I won't say it never happened to anyone in past years
(I just don't know for sure one way or the other), but it does seem
like it's happening a lot more this year. I've been working with Aranel
and Tanaqui all day today to try to figure out why we're suddenly having
this problem.

We're keeping a firm eye on the problem and are trying out several
approaches to fix the situation. I won't go into technical details, but
hopefully you all will see a lot less of those CPU error messages soon.

In the mean time, it's probably a good idea for the next few days to be
careful when composing your reviews. Maybe type them up in something
other than the website and copy-and-paste it into the form. Or even just
copy what you've typed to your clipboard (so you can paste it into some
other program in case the website gives you problems) before you
preview/submit your review. Like I said, I am cautiously optimistic that
you guys will see a lot less of those error messages really soon - but
I'd hate for anyone to lose a review if it can be avoided. Better to be
reviewing other stories!

And thank you, everyone - both for participating to begin with and
bearing with us as we (by which I mostly mean our intrepid technical
volunteers) sort all this out.


PGF wrote:
> This has happened to me before; though I was able to access the site
> again shortly. But today, or at least in the last four hours, it
> happened quite frequently - for a few hours, I couldn't return to the
> MEFA site; and when I finally made it there, and was working on a
> review, the darned message came up again, and I couldn't get back to
> the site. At the time this has happened to me, I have no difficulty
> getting to other websites.
> I don't mind it happening occasionally, but when I get bounced out of
> the MEFA site in the middle of writing a review, it's annoying.
> RAKSHA, feeling cranky

Msg# 9302

Re: Review targets Posted by Barbara Rich July 24, 2008 - 7:26:25 Topic ID# 9291
Well, I just won't worry about a goal this year then--the *last* time I set
an "unofficial" goal for myself (before the MEFA junkie thing) I got a
leeeeetle carried away with it! LOL!

By the way, I think my favorite new feature this year is the Review Reply
feature! It's so nice to be able to acknowledge the nice things people say!

Thanks anyhow! I can't believe it's already been two whole weeks! Wow! how
time flies!


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Marta <> wrote:

> Hi Barbara,
> Sorry for the delay getting back to you. You're right, the two week
> period to set targets has now passed, so you can't set one up for this
> year. We'll look at making it longer for next year.
> Would it help if you set an unofficial target, like if you told a friend
> that you were aiming to review so many? Then they could keep you honest.
> You wouldn't get mentioned as reviewers having met their goal, but you'd
> still have the benefit of setting a goal to reach for and the personal
> satisfaction of reaching it. (I know that's the part I most like about
> the review status.)
> Anyway, it really is too late to set an official one. Thanks for your
> wanting to participate, though!
> Marta
> Barbara Rich wrote:
> >
> >
> > Has it been two weeks already? Is it already too late to set a reveiw
> > target this year? I can't find the little thingie to set one.
> >
> > Dreamflower
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9303

New features (was Review targets) Posted by Kathy July 24, 2008 - 15:08:19 Topic ID# 9291
--- In, "Barbara Rich" <aelfwina@...> wrote:
> By the way, I think my favorite new feature this year is the Review
> Reply feature! It's so nice to be able to acknowledge the nice
> things people say!

Speaking of new features, I really like the random story that appears
every time you log in...I'm finding myself reading a lot of them, then
adding them to my wish list to review...which is great, except that it
keeps distracting me from the stories already on my wish list!


Msg# 9304

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, July 24, 2008 (Part 2) Posted by Ann July 24, 2008 - 20:33:56 Topic ID# 9304
Title: The Vase that was Broken · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 417
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-13 13:25:23
It is inevitable that the dramatic battles and martial exploits of
Aragorn's life before kingship give way, at least to a certain extent,
to triumphs of statesmanship and domesticity. Marriage and fatherhood
would be, for the hero king, a new type of battlefield, with new
stakes and strategies.

In this highly entertaining short story, Linda Hoyland tells of
Aragorn's efforts to stave off a prospect more terrifying than the
orcs of Moria - the wrath of his beloved Arwen at the loss of a
favored vase. Aragorn's heroic deeds of yesteryear are reduced to
playful horseplay with his young son, and alas, an objet d'art is the

Aragorn's dismay, and strategies for rectifying his mistake, are in
character for both his gender and his character, and very amusing. The
ending is surprising, and rather tender, and also in character for
Arwen. Men, even Kings of Men, do tend to be unobservant as to the
particulars of vases. But only a few men would have personally striven
so hard to make up for breaking one.

Linda employs a gentle, semi-comedic tone in the story, with a faint
trace of irony. Faramir's appearance is brief, but his considerable
powers of observation are well-utilized here. The story is skillfully
written, with a nice take on family dynamics in the King's home.

Title: Not Quite Any Other Day · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Hobbits:
Family · ID: 631
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-13 18:04:07
It's always hard, no matter how much we love others and wish them
their greatest happiness, to see relationships change in nature, and
it's no simpler for Esmeralda Took as she sees her brother marry. But
as she distances herself from the festivities she finds herself making
a remarkable discovery.

The setting is remarkably well described and the emotions very real.

Title: The Turning Wheel · Author: Elen Kortirion · Genres: Romance:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 517
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-13 20:57:49
A deliciously yearny drabble series! I love the Boromir/Theodred ones,
of course, especially the first one, with the intimations of their
long-term relationship, the sense of warmth and familiarity, the
knowledge of just what touch is needed. That memory, of course, makes
the second all the more melancholy with poor Boromir tracing the path
of Theodred's hand, and finding little comfort from his own. *tear*

The last two drabbles in the series, introducing Aragorn, with his
loneliness and longing for company, add a bittersweet tang. Not just a
man's touch, a warrior's comforting touch, but companionship of the
mind and soul, as well as of the body, which I hope he and Boromir
were able to share, for a time. Lovely and sad (in a very satisfying way.)

Title: Gone Amiss · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 44
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-13 23:00:54
I think this is one of the most moving scenes in Tolkien's great
masterpiece and it was one of the scenes which came across best in the
film too.

I cannot say I like Boromir very much, but only a heart of stone could
fail to be moved by his tragic death when he bravely tries to defend
Merry and Pippin from Sauraman's Uruk Hai..I am so glad Tolkien wrote
it this way,rather than have him go and join Sauraman and be killed in
a duel by Aragorn,as he had in an early draft.

The death of Boromir is Aragorn's low point in the story, I think. In
this beautiful drabble, Raksha captures Boromir's last moments
perfectly from Aragorn's point of view.I especially love the last line
in which the would be king wonders however will he tell Boromir's
father the sad news. Aragorn was ,of course, in Gondor as Thorongil
when Boromir was a baby and most likely remembered Denethor's great
love for his eldest son.
There are many other things to enjoy in this drabble too.. The glimpse
of Aragorn the healer lamenting over the patient he cannot save is
deeply moving.

I think Raksha captures well the essence of Aragorn the man here, a
man who is not afraid to weep for a fallen comrade ,a man who who
feels guilt,however unjustified and a man who will take the blame if
he has made mistakes.
A must read drabble.

Title: Fine Art for Future Generations · Author: stefaniab · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 561
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-13 23:16:44
When I first saw the picture that inspired this story, I could hardly
believe my eyes.It is one of the most dreadful Tolkien paintings
ever,almost ranging on the blasphemous as it shows the death of
Boromir as a pieta, with Boromir as Jesus and Aragorn as the Virgin Mary!
Stefania has taken this dreadful picture and used it as the
inspiration for a trulty delightful and amusing story, which explains
everything that is odd about the picture,which she imagines as hanging
in a museum in Gondor.

The clever explanation is that Aragorn hired an artist to depict
Boromir's last moments who insisted on using live models,when few were
available, so they had to make do with Aragorn,Arwen,a page and a
garden gnome!

I defy anyone not to be left convulsed by mirth by this hilaroous story!

Title: Promise and Sorrow · Author: Virtuella · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 607
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-14 00:15:00
I loved this collection of glimpses as to how ordinary people were
effected by the events in Tolkien's great epic.We often tend to forget
rge sacrifices made by so many to win victory over Sauron.Virtuella
nicely redresses the balance here. I was especially moved by the story
of the healer who died while the soldier lived.
These stories are an inspired glimpse into the joys and sorrows of
those whom history usually forgets.

Title: Hearts of Stone · Author: Elen Kortirion · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 12
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-14 01:09:17
I'm continually amazed and delighted at the way even the most esoteric
subjects, in the hands of a skillful writer, can yield tales of
surpassing beauty and artistry. These three drabbles, written for a
"Rock" challenge, exquisitely convey feelings of love and longing,
loneliness and bittersweet memory.

The choice of characters for each drabble is extraordinary, too.
Arwen's tale focuses on Aragorn's travels during the long years they
are apart, each heart-shaped stone a souvenir, a memento of Arda's
history captured in the bones of the earth. The descriptions of the
stones themselves are marvelously vivid: ["precious Greenstone from
Khand, sacred to their rulers... sleek black Obsidian from Rhun, and
warm sea-Amber collected from the shores of Lune, the very last
remnants of the pine forests that sank beneath the waves two Ages ago"]

Aragorn's tale displays his background quite aptly, 'the greatest
traveller of his age of the world', collecting stones not only for
their military or economic value, but also because, simply, he found
their colors and patterns pleasing to the eye. One stone, though, he
saves as a keepsake of his own, a memory both joyous and painful,
never to be shared.

Gimli's tale is quite surprisingly lovely, almost sentimental in its
way, as upon his return to Moria he collects a stone to craft as a
gift, a remembrance of a fallen companion. The imaginative cultural
element – hematite crafted as mourning jewelry ["its dark, liquid
shine sombre, yet tactile"] - adds additional depth and richness to an
already moving story.

Title: Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm) · Author: febobe ·
Genres: Drama: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 628
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 01:26:59
I really like the connections formed between Eowyn and Frodo here -
they do share a unique bond in that both have been much closer to the
Witch-King than was healthy, and suffered for it. And I liked the way
both Frodo and Sam perceive Eowyn, they admire her beauty, but see it
as a more earthbound, comfortable quality than the more remote beauty
of Arwen.

Title: The Onion Riddle · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Post-Ring War · ID: 13
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 01:31:32

Beregond learns the hard way that things are not always as they seem.
Excellent characterisation of Beregond; he shows the tolerance we saw
him display towards Pippin in ROTK.

Branwyn writes the Dwarves very well too; secretive, determined and
wise in their own way.

And a very frisky riddle; Beregond, who is the epitome of courtesy, is
going to blush about its audience for a long while to come, I think.

I love the way this story shows the fluorishing of cross-cultural
initiatives and influences - the riddle itself, adopted from the
Rohirrim by the men of Gondor, the dwarves from Aglarond prospecting
for iron in the hills of Ithilien, and the good fellowship that
prevails between men and dwarves themselves.

Beregond is written very well here; courteous, thinking outside the
box, he is quite at ease with and deserving of his role as Captain of
the White Company.

Title: Restoration · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Races: Men:
Minas Tirith · ID: 19
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-14 01:56:33
I often wonder if Aragorn went back to check on Faramir,Eowyn and
Merry after healing them.In this beautiful ficlet Lady Branwyn answers
the question and gives the reader a lovely moment at Faramir's bedside
with Aragorn.
I'm not sure if Faramir's wrists would be sun bronzed in March,but
they would certainly be weather beaten and it is a heartwarming image
of Aragorn caring for the young Steward and feeling refreshed by the
sight of his healing patient.

I also enjoyed the image of devoted Beregond at his master's side.
The last line is especially beautiful, hinting at the future
friendship and mutal affection I always believe grew between the two men.

Title: The King's Time · Author: Larner · Genres: Drama: Final
Partings · ID: 333
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 04:46:00

This is a lovely snapshot of Aragorn's last day, or last hours. The
theme of Time is artfully woven in here, with reference to the nifty
ways that Men mark its passage - the water clock from Harad, the
Gondorian sundial and the bells of Minas Tirith, and the awareness of
the natural cycles of the White Tree's growth.

Larner presents a king who is content with his life but resolved to
end it, to step out of the rhythms of time. The contrast between the
mechanisms and turning of time and the eternity that Aragorn will soon
discover is nicely detailed here, but not overdone.

Aragorn's conversation with the White Tree is delightful and fits in
beautifully. The king's awareness that he and Arwen are the only ones
living in Minas Tirith who remember the Tree as a sapling is another
reminder of the passage of time.

An excellent story, one of the best by this talented writer.

Title: The Prisoner of Dol Guldur · Author: Soledad · Genres: Drama:
Final Partings · ID: 102
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 04:49:03
This is one of my favorite stories of Elves; for it shows the
differences between the various factions of the Firstborn, and yet the
crucial differences that separate them from Men - and it has an
irresistible plot.

After the fall of Dol Goldur, Thranduil and Celeborn and their forces
unearth the bodies of several Elven captives who had spent hundreds
and even thousands of years in Sauron's northern stronghold. One of
them is still alive, and is discovered to be Thranduil's second son
(Legolas' much older brother), long presumed dead.

How the very fragile Elf who barely remembers his father, let alone
his own name, recovers and comes to achieve a peace of sorts, makes
for a richly textured story. I recommend the story to anyone who is
interested in Legolas, Thranduil, the Third Age Elves, or just a
whopping good story.

Title: Renewal · Author: Elena Tiriel · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 208
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 06:04:31
A most excellent drabble detailing the renewal of that most excellent
and powerful of swords, Narsil, as it is re-shaped into Anduril. Most
remarkably, the drabble is written from the sword's point of view;
with a wonderful mix of high language and knowledge of the mechanics
of sword-smithing.

And Elena being Elena, a high Lore-mistress of HASA, the Notes are
well worth reading as well. The notion of the reforged sword
containing the resilience of the moon as well as the strength of the
sun, befitting its making, is a lovely conceit.

Title: The World Is Changing · Author: Tanaqui · Times: Late Third
Age: General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 719
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 06:10:53
A fine snapshot of the changing of the airs and waters of the world -
Imladris is no longer a refuge for the fostering of princelings of a
Sauron-shadowed bloodline, merely the home of Elladan and Elrohir.
Their assessment of the changes is ironic, and ruefully humorous with
minimal melancholy, perhaps boding well for the twins' survival in the
Fourth Age.

Title: The Kindly Airs · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Late Third Age:
General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 480
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 06:21:15
Here's a nifty drabble from the point of view of one of the many winds
to sweep over Middle-earth, giving the air itself a voice as it
rejoices in being freed from the soiling of Sauron's evil. Wonderful
tie-in with the Eagles' flight to save the fallen Ring-bearers; and
the language is Tolkienesque and powerful.

Title: Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action · Author: Princess Artemis
· Times: Modern Times · ID: 413
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-07-14 08:07:43
Have you ever read a WIP that you've never forgotten, though it hasn't
been updated in years; that sits permanently on your favorites list,
where you sometimes notice it, open it and wistfully read a few lines?

"Solid Frodo" is that WIP for me, and when the MEFA rules were changed
this year to no longer require recent updates, I immediately thought
of it. The story is six years old and LOTR was never this author's
primary fandom, so I was pleasantly surprised when she agreed to let
me nominate it--and thrilled when she hinted that she still hopes to
finish it!

Of course, the very notion of "hobbit espionage action" is
much so, in fact, that the title alone made me cringe and move on
while scanning a list of stories at back in 2002. And chapters kept posting, and curiosity eventually got the
better of me. And instantly, I was hooked. With the very first line,
the author established her LOTR canon creds:

[Just exactly how the Hobbit, not diminutive at all by the standards
of his race, but quite quite short by the standards of Colonel Roy
Campbell, ended up in the cold Forodwaith of some strange place and
time he couldn't quite guess.]

And within a few lines more, she established her hobbit chatter creds:

[Merry spoke up rather loudly, "We are not Dwarves, thankyouverymuch!"
Pippin agreed just as swiftly. "We're HOBBITS, mind you, Hobbits, not
dwarves nor midgets nor short Big People."]

But it was Pippin's response in the following exchange that clinched
it for me:

['I'm counting on you to rescue the DARPA Chief Donald Anderson and
the ArmsTech President Kenneth Baker, as well as ascertain whether or
not the terrorists have the capacity to make a nuclear strike."

"A who in the what now?" Pippin asked, quite confused. So far, Frodo
hadn't spoken yet; he merely fingered something round, gold, and very
ring-like in the pocket of his jacket.]

Having never even heard of the stealth video game Metal Gear Solid
when I first read "Solid Frodo," I can attest that knowledge of the
game is not at all necessary to enjoyment of this story. One benefit
of being so ignorant of the MGS storyline is that it allows closer
identification with the hobbits' are almost as clueless as
they are as to what's going on. If you do know the game, however, you
will appreciate how cleverly Princess Artemis has adapted its plot to
accommodate the hobbits. Having now done a bit of research into the
game, I can see why Metal Gear Solid, with its complex storyline and
large cast of colorful characters, is a such a good match for a LOTR

Princess Artemis wisely wastes no time on far-fetched, complicated
explanations of just *how* the hobbits find themselves in the Metal
Gear Solid universe...we have no more idea than does Frodo, and that's
just fine. The pleasure of this story is in the journey, not the
"whys" or "hows."

Thus is it not even clear whether the hobbits have been dropped into a
video game, or whether that game has taken on a three-dimensional,
flesh-and-blood reality in some alternate universe. While the question
marks and hearts that appear over soldiers' or wolf cubs' heads might
suggest the former, I tend to back the latter theory. For the
bloodshed is quite real, slicking the floor and mucking up the inside
of Sting's scabbard. And the harrowing torture scene is certainly no
game. (This scene, by the way, may seem a startling departure from the
previous chapters, but is in fact MGS canon).

That the hobbits sometimes slip into slightly modern idiom doesn't
jar; in fact it works quite well within the context of this crossover
universe. More importantly, they are always, completely and
convincingly, Tolkien's hobbit heroes: smart, funny, brave,
compassionate, resourceful, chatty, and always hungry. If Frodo, Sam,
Merry and Pippin ever *were* to find themselves on a modern fantasy
espionage mission, this is surely how they would behave. Of course
Merry would talk herblore with a blonde, cigarette-smoking Russian
nuclear weapons expert. Of course the wolf cub would "heart" Sam. Of
course Frodo would agonize over killing enemy soldiers. And of course
Pippin would eat far more rations than he should.

After 20 chapters, the author has left the hobbits in a Very Bad
Situation, from which I continue to hope she will extricate them some day!

A final note: Princess Artemis is also a talented artist, and has
posted two very nice illustrations for this fic.

Title: Enticements · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Boromir or Faramir · ID: 266
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 13:32:46
I've always felt very ambivalent about Galadriel's treatment of
Boromir- for one so wise, she seems to lack the rudiments of
compassion. Or perhaps Galadriel is too remote, and does not have the
modern attitude that people on the brink of falling prey to evil
should be help; and thought that Boromir was a grown man and should
help himself. Yet Galadriel seems more gentle with the hobbits.

And of course, I wonder what Galadriel communicated to Boromir that
spooked him so much at their meeting. Ann has an answer in this story.

The visions of Boromir's heart's desires coming true are almost
painful to read - he restores his father's respect and affection for
Faramir, and then gets to rediscover his own forbidden love. But
things are not as they seem to be; and, in a neat and very Boromirish
twist, he rejects what he has always wanted when it is offered too
easily and at the price of his beloved's honor...

Ann handles an intriguing concept with her customary ease and grace.

Title: Homecoming · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 706
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 13:40:07
A fine BoromirLives! tri-drabble, giving a very happy ending to two
lovers in Isabeau's well-constructed LOTR fanfic sub-universe.
Boromir's sorrow and weariness are noted but not belabored. And his
guilt over his relief over Denethor's death, the death that frees him
to be with the man he loves, is a nice touch.

Title: Courage · Author: rhyselle · Times: First Age and Prior: House
of Finwe · ID: 69
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:18:39
This is such a lyrical piece of writing with beautiful imagery and
excellent pacing as we see Beren come to Nargothrond to redeem his
father's oath from Finrod. This scene where Finrod is dressing for the
coming audience is absolutely stunning in it's imagery, in what is
said, and not said.

["It is the Nauglamír, the Necklace of the Dwarves which they made for
me when my kingdom was formed. It is my… second-most precious possession."

The uncounted gems which he had carried forth from Valinor flared with
a glory that Beren had never before beheld and, awed, he asked, "How
can such a thing not be your most precious possession?"

Turning to open the other casket, Finrod paused and held out his hand.
The light of the Nauglamír's jewels and the lamps that lit the
anteroom caught the beryl and made it flare greenly. "This is the most
precious thing I own." He smiled, then lifted his silver crown to his
head, settling it upon his fair hair, as his attendants bowed to him.]

This is just wonderful and I like how you keep returning to Beren to
show us his reaction to what is going on around him, the sense of
hopelessness he feels because the people of Nargothrond listen to
Celegorm and Curufin. Yet, through it all, Finrod shines. When he
speaks to Orodreth in osanwe I got chills down my spine. Even though
he knows that his nephew will fail in his oaths, he still loves him
and leaves him with words of encouragement.

The ending was perfect, since we know that at the last the sons of
Feanor will suborn Orodreth, which act will ultimately lead to the
destruction of Nargothrond and all that Finrod fought and died for. In
accepting Beren's right to redeem the oath, and knowing where it will
lead, Finrod exhibits a brand of courage I wish I could claim for myself.

Title: The Ritual Disturbed · Author: Larner · Genres: Horror · ID: 68
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:19:57
A very powerful story. I loved the comparison between the Wight and
Iarwain, two who were meant to serve the Light, but only one does,
though his choice of service has it's own concomitant consequences.
Yet, for all that he may have abandoned his allegiance to Lord Irmo,
Iarwain never abandoned his allegiance to Ilúvatar and that is what
matters the most. The conversation between the Wight and Iarwain was
especially illuminating on many levels and chilling to the extreme.
Iarwain shows himself to be more than the foppish silly rhymer with
excruciating taste in clothes; he is a Maia of considerable power and
I'm glad we get to see that side of him in this tale.

Title: Chance Encounter · Author: Telcontar Rulz · Times: Late Third
Age · ID: 203
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:22:58
A great cross-over story about one of my favorite film characters -
Balian of Ibelin from "Kingdom of Heaven". Balian is found unconscious
by the Fellowship as they are making their way through Eregion and
becomes involved in the Quest. He is obviously confused by where he is
and who these people are, especially the Hobbits, Legolas and Gimli,
but he quickly becomes a part of the Fellowship and is accepted by
them. It is rather amusing to see how Balian reacts to warfare in
Middle-earth and comparing it to what he's known in the Holy Land,
wondering how anyone can reasonably defend a round-walled edifice and
why don't they have trebuchets?

The various members of the Fellowship are nicely drawn and while the
plot follows the movies more than the books, I like how Balian is
seamlessly woven into the story. His actions and reactions to events
are believable and well delineated. A very good first fic and a fun read.

Title: Good King Elessar · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 2
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:31:59
"Good King Wenceslas" has always been one of my favorite Christmas
carols, and I love how you interpreted it for Middle-earth, especially
with Elessar as the king. And Frodo-lad was just perfect as his page.
Aragorn is indeed the consummate Servant-King and we can all learn
from his example. I liked how Elessar is just looking for an excuse to
play "Strider" when he decides to do a good deed for someone whom he
thinks is in need. Tom Appledore's story is very sad but there's a
happy ending to the tale. The use of phrases from the carol as the
basis for the various chapters is excellent and help to illustrate the
tale quite well.

Title: The Legend of the Grey Riders · Author: Jay of Lasgalen ·
Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 176
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:33:26
At the betrothal feast for Eowyn and Faramir, Eomer entertains the
revelers with a tale describing the ride of Eorl the Young to the
rescue of Gondor in celebration of this newest alliance between the
two nations. As the story progresses, Elladan and Elrohir suddenly
realize something – the story they are hearing isn't quite how they
remembered it. This is an amusing look at how history and legend clash
as those who actually lived that history find themselves embodied in myth.

[Elladan... hafl turned to Elrohir. "I have never been described as an
agent of the Valar before," he murmured. "I rather like it."

"Aye. It certainly has a better ring than spawn of Melkor as Erestor
called us. But to be thought a figment of the imagination of some
bard? I do not like that idea at all!"]

It had to have been a grief to the Elves to watch as what they
considered factual history be turned into myths and legends suitable
for an evening's entertainment. The memories of Mortals are short
indeed. It would be interesting to speak to someone who actually lived
those times rather than reading about it in a book and wondering how
much of it is really true.

Title: Dragons In The Trollshaws · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Adventure
· ID: 170
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:35:15
Dragons have been reported in the Trollshaws and against the advice of
Glorfindel and Elrond, Elrohir and Elladan go forth to do battle with
the fell beasts, though perhaps they have bitten off more than they
can chew. Set some time after the sailing of Celebrian to Valinor, the
story examines the way in which Elladan and Elrohir have been coping
with their loss, slowly coming to realize that perhaps their
impetuosity has landed them in far deeper trouble than they original
thought, for dragons are dangerous creatures and two dragons more so.

Glorfindel and Elrond are very good here and one can sense the love
and respect these two ancient elven warriors have for one another. I
liked the interaction of the twins in the beginning as they begin to
realize certain truths. A very nice story with an interesting twist in
the end concerning Glorfindel that had me snickering.

Title: Too Many Rangers · Author: Larner · Races: Hobbits · ID: 116
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:36:42
This is probably one of Larner's funnier stories. The Ranger we now
know as Strider, the hidden king of Gondor and Arnor, meets with his
original counterpart, the wooden-shoe-wearing Hobbit named Trotter at
the Prancing Pony just as Frodo and his three companions come to Bree.
What follows is a tongue-in-cheek look at how Strider tries to
convince a confused Trotter that he is no longer necessary for the
story and hasn't been for some years. There is some funny dialogue,
especially in the matter of character's names which, if you are
unaware of the earlier versions of the story, can be confusing. But,
then, that's the whole point. A delightful romp.

Msg# 9305

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, July 24, 2008 (Part 1) Posted by Ann July 24, 2008 - 20:35:25 Topic ID# 9305
Title: Trouble at Bag End · Author: Angiet · Races: Hobbits: Childhood
· ID: 728
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-12 20:22:54
It is certainly fun (and oh so fluffy) to imagine Aragorn had met a
wee Frodo! Poor Bilbo seems to have had a rough time! Oh my, "Orc"?
Just what sort of stories has Bilbo been telling the baby?
Enjoyable descriptions of Frodo: ["His entire hand was about half the
size of the baby hobbit"]; ["his face like a storm"]… But Aragorn
saved the day – a coming tooth *would* make anyone cranky.
This had the most adorable images; Aragorn is already Frodo's
protector and remained so.

Title: A Cat in King Elessar's Court · Author: agape4gondor · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 66
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 00:41:13
This was an intriguing concept - telling the story of the Siege of
Gondor and the battle before the Black Gates from the point of view of
a cat. Not just any cat, though, but a descendant of one of
Beruthiel's cats, and one that's been loyal to Denethor for years.
Most of the action sticks fairly close to canon, and it's interesting
seeing the cat's reaction to Pippin, to Denethor's death, etc. I mean
this as a compliment when I say that I think folks who enjoy stories
like 'Charlotte's Web' would enjoy this.

Title: Many Branches · Author: Baranduin · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 420
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 00:49:42
This feels like a quiet moment that could and should have happened:
Faramir and Frodo sit on the walls of Minas Tirith and trade stories
of their homes. There's discussion of hobbit geneaolgy and gentle
teasing about events that happened in Ithilien during the Quest and
Faramir sounding scholarly, and two wounded souls watching a river
flow. There's a sense of calm and peace that seems to permeate this
story, and I liked it very much!

Title: Riding the Waves · Author: Claudia · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 211
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 00:53:25
A gorgeous short piece that explores how Frodo might have spent
certain anniversaries in the West - the imagery of the waves and the
clear blue sky feel like a painting with words. Beautiful and peaceful.

Title: Arranged Marriage · Author: Claudia · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Incomplete · ID: 725
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 00:57:08
For those who know Claudia's work, you'll know what I mean by this:
this is wild Claudia AU-ness at it's cracky best. It's one of her
Frodo in Bree AUs, and so of course Frodo's in trouble with the law
and has to be bailed out of trouble by a stern Ranger. The twist in
this particular story is that the authorities in Bree insist on Frodo
and Aragorn marrying one another - and what follows is definitely
anything but domestic bliss! It's a fun romp if you don't mind wild AUs.

Title: Sun · Author: Claudia · Races: Cross-Cultural: Frodo and
Faramir · ID: 223
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 01:00:46
I think this may actually be the first of Claudia's stories that I
ever read. In it, Frodo and Faramir look over the rubble of the ruined
portions on Minas Tirith. It's one of those pieces that could have
come across as grim and sad but actually feels hopeful: the feeling is
that even though much of the city is damaged and it will never be
exactly the same, it will be rebuilt. Beautifully done.

Title: Lost · Author: Claudia · Genres: Adventure · ID: 226
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 01:04:41
An angsty piece, in which the Ring is lost while the Fellowship is in
Hollin, and must be found. Most of the action though, is really in
Frodo's head - the fear that he's losing himself to desire for the
Ring. Aragorn tries to give Frodo a bit of comfort over those issues
once the Ring's recovered, but you get the feeling that Frodo's not
really believing him. Definitely angsty.

Title: Shadow King · Author: Claudia · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Angst/Tragedy · ID: 227
Reviewer: SurgicalSteel · 2008-07-13 01:06:39
Gracious, this was a hideously angsty AU - a version of Aragorn's
coronation in which the Ring hasn't been destroyed because Aragorn
claimed it. Not for the faint of heart, that's for certain. This gave
me shivers.

Title: Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age
Elves · Author: Angelica · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 322
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 03:52:38
This piece is very informative and it was obvious that there was a
substantial amount of research and work involved in coming up with it.
The sundering of the elves had always been a fascinating subject, in
that it made the seemingly ethereal beings feel more "human" to me.
The Avari are the most interesting of all the groups and I wonder how
different things would have been if all the elves had put aside any
prejudices against each other and united against Morgoth. I wish that
there had been more material from Tolkien that tells more about the
Sundering and what happened to those who were left behind.

I've read only one story so far that deals directly with the subject
and hopefully will read more.

Title: Vengeance's Folly · Author: Rhapsody · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 718
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 03:57:36
This presents a very interesting snapshot of the Feanorians, my
favorite Eldarin house, at a vulnerable stage in their campaign
against Morgoth. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the subtle
undercurrents of the balance of power between the brothers and find
myself wishing that I could read more from this thread.

Title: As the Tide by the Moon · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Alternate Universe · ID: 9
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-13 04:28:24
A fascinating story that is something of a Cinderella tale set mostly
in the darkness of Wormtongue's rise to ascendancy in Meduseld. He
beguiles a lonely young serving-woman who has become infatuated with
him into doing some exceedingly dirty work for him.

Part of that work entails the serving-woman, Lathwyn (as she is
called), seducing Theodred. What neither Lathwyn nor Grima foresee is
that Theodred and Lathwyn come to genuinely care for each other, and
therein further snarl an already tangled web. When Lathwyn realizes
just exactly what Grima has had her giving Theoden in the guise of
medicine, she is placed in a nearly impossible position - betray
Grima's plot and risk her own death, or keep silent and let the King
be poisoned by her reluctant hand. The choice that Lathwyn makes is a
difficult one, and yet is utterly credible, given the character that
EdorasLass has created and the circumstances that have shaped her from
childhood through recent weeks.

A beguiling plot, a heroine that one slowly begins to cheer for, and a
romance that is almost impossible to end well, can all be found in
this well-written story.

Title: Journeys of Vása · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves:
Incomplete · ID: 140
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 04:32:54
The tragic triangle between Arien, Melkor and Tilion reminded me of a
book I read once about how angels or spiritual beings fought--not with
spears nor with blows but rather a battle of wills which is much
stronger and is much more intense than anything physical. Very much
like mental scars are deeper and takes longer to heal than broken
bones or scars. This is also one of the concepts that I've been
entertaining on how Melkor corrupted the elves into orcs. I felt that
it must have taken more than physical strength to turn something
beautiful into something very ugly.

Mahtan is a very interesting character and it would be great to read
more about him. The detail you placed about his father remaining in
the Wildlands holds much promise for me, having read (and obsessed)
about "Another Man's Cage". I could not help but cross my fingers that
we'll be hearing more about the sundering from you in your future
work. Thanks for writing more about Mahtan and what he thinks about
his son-in-law. He must have been a strong character too to have been
able to train Feanor, raise Nerdanel and subsequently become the
father-in-law of the "greatest" of the Eldar. The second chapter gives
a good glimpse of what the elves who remained in Aman might have felt
at the rising of the sun and moon upon Arda. I re-read the passage
about Nerdanel and could not help but think that could she somehow
feel the pain that her eldest son is currently experiencing, or about
the death of her husband? The possibilities are endless.

As for the third piece, I've never been fond of Fingolfin and have
always preferred his "bad boy" brother to him but it made me laugh
when I read the line you wrote for him: "bureaucracy". I think that
was the word I was looking for in describing him: bureaucratic but
practical as a Noldo would have been, in my mind at least. I also
liked his line when he compares him and his three brothers to items
and what purpose they serve to his father. I enjoyed the interaction
between Pengolodh and Fingolfin and the possible reasons why he was
chosen above all the others. My favorite line for this chapter is "a
candle in the window". I think it summarizes the hope that is still in
the hearts of the Elves that there will be redemption someday even for
those who chose exile rather than stay in Aman. It is also heartening
to note that despite some of their more questionable decisions, the
Valar did not utterly forsake the Children of Eru. Pengolodh's last
line was priceless: ["...Imagine the bureaucracy it must have taken to
accomplish that!"] Very nice touch--in my humble,
not-formally-trained-in-writing opinion, I think it ties the chapter
all together and gives it a sort of "unity".

Title: Five things that never happened to Nerdanel · Author: Meril ·
Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 389
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-13 04:41:28
I always enjoy the 'Five Things That Never Happened' exercise; it is a
great way to explore a character. Meril's version focusses on Feanor's
fabled consort, and, like most of Meril's works, does not disappoint.

Here we see five plausible AU paths that Nerdanel did not take -
fleeing from the young Feanor in fear after a vision alerts her to
terrible potentiality, seeing Feanor wed another, dying in childbirth,
uniting totally and utterly with Feanor's fell purpose in Middle-earth
(this was truly the most terrifying; and yet, given their characters,
entirely credible), and going into a different and more gentle exile
with Feanor. I wish that the last one had happened; but if it had, how
much more death and destruction would Morgoth have caused in Middle-earth?

Powerfully written, each piece an intriguing nugget of what might have

Title: A Dream Come True · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 162
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 05:01:29
As always, I enjoyed reading about the interaction between Eomer and
his deputy Eothain. I also enjoy the details you place when setting up
the scene and mood of the story. The first few paragraphs made me feel
excited and I find myself anticipating how Lothiriel would figure in
the story and what kind of role she would play. I laughed out loud at
the images you drew of the previous hang-overs of Eothain, the line
about mumak-piss had me chuckling! What I like most when you write
humorous lines is that they are subtle and unexpected (at least for
me) and hits me right in the middle.
I've read a number of your stories previously but I must say that I
always like all the "first meeting" scenes you have so far written for
my favorite "mortal" pair (I'm more of an elf watcher). This is among
the funniest and most "physical" of all.
I also enjoyed how they both "tortured" Imrahil by keeping him in the
dark of their intentions and real feelings. The ending was priceless!

Title: Love at First Sight · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Elves: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 432
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 05:08:47
I am very interested in any story about Feanor before the Oath and
this is a sweet find because it also includes Finwe and Miriel. It's
good that you were able to convey in a few words how ominous Miriel's
tiredness is and the baby's future when he looked at the light of the
trees. Thanks for sharing this.

Title: Light of the Westering Sun · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 126
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 05:24:19
I've always preferred elf-to-elf pairings in the stories I read but
Caranthir and Haleth's had always been too interesting for me to pass
up. I especially liked how you describe the Feanorions, thanks to AMC
I've always pictured Caranthir/Carnistir as a cherubic, pink-faced
baby who bounced on his family member's knees--a picture of innocence.
But here I'm treated to a very different Caranthir/Carnistir--a
grown-up and utterly irresistable image of physical attractivness and
In my opinion, he is the most mysterious and probably the least
developed Feanorion and having him fall in love with one of the
Second-born adds to his "appeal". I liked how you compared the color
of his eyes to the setting sun--I thought it was romantic. The first
and last scenes served their purpose well; I think they "united" the
whole story. I wish I could give more technical comments but I'm
afraid I'm only limited to writing about how your story moved me. I'm
hoping to read a few more stories about Haleth and Carnistir/Caranthir
from you in the future, maybe lighter, happier ones too. Thanks for
sharing this.

Title: Estel I Was Called · Author: Marta · Genres: Drama: Featuring
Aragorn · ID: 351
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-13 05:27:59
This is an intriguing vignette about a time in Aragorn's life about
which Tolkien gives minimal information - his return as a young man to
the Dunedain he is destined to rule.

Aragorn's sense of distance from his Dunedain kindred and especially
his unremembered father are skillfully woven into the vignette. Marta
shows, rather than tells, that Aragorn is something of a misfit, a
very special young man of whom much is expected but who has very
little to hold onto, only a name that he dare not reveal.

I thought the reference to Halbarad's having been briefly fostered at
Imladris himself to be a very sensible addition to fanon - I always
thought that Aragorn is too good at dealing with Men (as well as
Elves, Dwarves, etc.) to have not known any in childhood.

Title: Aulë the Smith · Author: Oshun · Genres: Non-Fiction: Character
Studies · ID: 530
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 05:32:53
I always enjoy reading a good, well-researched biography especially
about one of my favorite Vala. I agree that he is indeed the most like
Melkor, and not Manwe who is supposed to be the brother of Melkor. His
affinity with the Noldor, especially Mahtan and Feanor is also one of
the interesting facts about him (at least for me). In my opinion, he
is the only Vala I think who could relate the most to the children of
Eru especially the craftsmen. He set himself apart from the others
when the other Vala wanted (almost forced) Feanor to give up his
Silmarils, and most likely provoked the elf more. If the other Vala
had listened to his intervention, things may have turned out differently.

Title: Steward's Trumpets · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Times:
Late Third Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 400
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-13 06:05:49
Sigh. Why can't I write exquisite little drabbles like this?

Branwyn can; and make it look easy, natural, the words just flowing
out like a brook flowing between flowery banks.

This is an inspired notion, Faramir facing the scene of his father's
horrible death, the death his father ordered for him as well, in the
ruin of the House of the Stewards, and finding signs of spring.

Beautiful descriptions of the ivy and flowers, from a writer who knows
how to produce description so well that the reader barely notices
something is actually being described, the described objects are just
there, skilfully inserted into the narrative.

The sense of nature's renewal of desolation comes across strongly in
the atmosphere and specifics. And the whole thing is quite
Tolkienesque - I know that the Prof would have approved this piece!

Title: A Little Misunderstanding · Author: Radbooks · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 275
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-13 06:12:21
A touching story about Halbarad's childhood and a meeting with the
sons of Elrond, who the small boy fears. How and why he fears them,
and how his fear is dealt with, make for an appealing tenstion.
Halbarad is well-written as a smart, strong little boy who is
frightened by forces far beyond his control, and events he could only
endure rather than control.

I like the idea of a Halbarad who is slightly older of Aragorn and
protective of him.

Title: Feet That Wander · Author: Linaewen · Races: Cross-Cultural ·
ID: 576
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-13 07:33:15
Ah, I so love the idea that Tom might have set those particular
wandering feet upon the proper path for his destination, and shortly
after he saw four Hobbits set along their way. The description of Tom
patrolling his borders and becoming aware of stray travelers is
wonderful, as is the growing awareness of the threat posed by another
barrow wight. Nice.

Title: The Pirate · Author: Sivan Shemesh · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 674
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-13 07:44:34
A cute story.

Title: Pirates Ye Be Warned · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Men: Gondor
Drabbles · ID: 353
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-13 07:51:38
Ah--Imrahil of Dol Amroth meets--Jack Sparrow? Sparrow or someone like
him, at least. Nice use of dialogue from PotC in the drabble, although
I rather wish Imrahil were being identified with a more congenial
character from the Disney film.

Realistic scenario!

Title: Your Father Loves You · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 424
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-13 07:57:48
The relationship between Denethor and his younger son has the power to
fascinate, and this look at that relationship in its earliest days is
very satisfying. We see the loving father yet already setting himself
up to become rather distant, and the reasoning is all to possible.

Mood is excellently conveyed, and we can identify with Denethor well here.

Title: And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors · Author:
Klose · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 540
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-13 08:09:25
I've read this before and have just read it again and I enjoyed it
both times. But before I start I must tell you that I am quite partial
to the Feanorians, especially for Maitimo. I thought that the "you
bloody bastard" line was most promising the first time I read it and I
wasn't disappointed. I also like the unique POV and the banter and the
humiliation suffered by our intrepid Maitimo--the "fragrant" pile-up
was priceless! I relish any scene involving any silly domestic scene
about the Feanorians and this one is at the top of my list.

I have so many favorite lines and I might end up quoting the entire
thing, except the adverbs and the articles perhaps, but forcing myself
to choose a favorite line, this is what I came up with: ["If ever
there was an elf of greater vanity than yourself, it would be
Tyelkormo. Even if it was you who inherited the superior good looks of
the family."]

The best take-away "image" is the one where Feanor is loudly singing
his son's Begetting Day song and the "phallic symbol" cake. Thanks for
sharing this!

Msg# 9306

Re: New features (was Review targets) Posted by Marta July 25, 2008 - 9:07:24 Topic ID# 9291
Hi guys,

I love both of those features. The new version of the site has a lot of
lovely toys. Thanks for telling us what you like, I'm sure it's very
encouraging for everyone involved.


Kathy wrote:
> --- In <>,
> "Barbara Rich" <aelfwina@...> wrote:
> >
> > By the way, I think my favorite new feature this year is the Review
> > Reply feature! It's so nice to be able to acknowledge the nice
> > things people say!
> Speaking of new features, I really like the random story that appears
> every time you log in...I'm finding myself reading a lot of them, then
> adding them to my wish list to review...which is great, except that it
> keeps distracting me from the stories already on my wish list!
> Kathy

Msg# 9307

Re: New features (was Review targets) Posted by SĂşlriel of Menegroth July 25, 2008 - 10:33:56 Topic ID# 9291
Yes, I like both of these very much as well.

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Marta <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I love both of those features. The new version of the site has a lot of
> lovely toys. Thanks for telling us what you like, I'm sure it's very
> encouraging for everyone involved.
> Marta
> Kathy wrote:
>> --- In <>,
>> "Barbara Rich" <aelfwina@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > By the way, I think my favorite new feature this year is the Review
>> > Reply feature! It's so nice to be able to acknowledge the nice
>> > things people say!
>> Speaking of new features, I really like the random story that appears
>> every time you log in...I'm finding myself reading a lot of them, then
>> adding them to my wish list to review...which is great, except that it
>> keeps distracting me from the stories already on my wish list!
>> Kathy

Msg# 9308

Stories grouped by Awards Categories??? Posted by kimberli leal July 25, 2008 - 17:10:45 Topic ID# 9308
Hi Everyone,

Quick question; is there a way (or will there be a way) to bring up stories on the MEFA site by Awards Categories? I'm asking because I would like to be able to gather all the stories from a single category, read and review what I like, and then move on to another category.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9309

Re: Stories grouped by Awards Categories??? Posted by Marta July 25, 2008 - 17:21:44 Topic ID# 9308
Hi Cactuskim,

There certainly is!

1. Log in to the website and click the "Stories" link at the top of the
2. Click the "Show Filter" link (if that's not already showing up).
3. See the third drop-down menu, labelled "Category"? You can select the
main category.
4. Click the "Display selected nominations" button. This will show all
the stories in that main category.

Now, remember that main categories are things like First Age and Prior,
Villains, Romance, etc. - they're what authors select as a genre, race,
or time period. Many of these were further divided into subcategories of
about 5-13 pieces each, based on the story type (story, poetry,
fixed-length ficlet, incomplete) and also the story content (character,
setting, etc.)

So when you select a category you may see more than one subcategory. For
instance, selecting Men as a main category will show you all the stories
in Races: Men: Steward's Family, but also all the stories in Races: Men:
Minas Tirith, and ditto for all of the But the good news is that you can
narrow it down further to just display a single subcategory.

5. See that fourth filter, "SubCategories?" It will let you select one
of the SubCategories in the main category you selected. Select one.
6. Click the "Display Selected Nominations" button again.

And now you'll see the pieces competing in the same sub-category.

Just one little reminder: some people forget that the filters are
"sticky," meaning they remember what you selected if you used them
earlier during this log-in. So if you have (for instance) used the
filter to find the stories set in Mirkwood, make sure you click the
"Clear All Filters" button before step #3 above. Otherwise, your search
will only pull up pieces that are in the category you select *and* set
in Mirkwood. Hitting "Clear All Filters" gives you a clean slate.



kimberli leal wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Quick question; is there a way (or will there be a way) to bring up
> stories on the MEFA site by Awards Categories? I'm asking because I
> would like to be able to gather all the stories from a single category,
> read and review what I like, and then move on to another category.
> Cactuskim

Msg# 9310

Re: New features (was Review targets) Posted by Tanaqui July 25, 2008 - 18:00:37 Topic ID# 9291
Thank you, all of you. {{{hugs}}} It's always very gratifying to hear
that people like the new features we've developed!


Súlriel of Menegroth wrote:
> Yes, I like both of these very much as well.
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Marta <
> <>> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I love both of those features. The new version of the site has a lot of
> > lovely toys. Thanks for telling us what you like, I'm sure it's very
> > encouraging for everyone involved.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > Kathy wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> --- In
> <> <>,
> >> "Barbara Rich" <aelfwina@...> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > By the way, I think my favorite new feature this year is the Review
> >> > Reply feature! It's so nice to be able to acknowledge the nice
> >> > things people say!
> >>
> >> Speaking of new features, I really like the random story that appears
> >> every time you log in...I'm finding myself reading a lot of them, then
> >> adding them to my wish list to review...which is great, except that it
> >> keeps distracting me from the stories already on my wish list!
> >>
> >> Kathy
> >>

Msg# 9311

Re: Stories grouped by Awards Categories??? Posted by kimberli leal July 25, 2008 - 18:25:52 Topic ID# 9308
Thank you Marta,

Everything else on the site is so beautifully done, that I figured that there probably was a way but I just need a bit if guidance. ;p


----- Original Message ----
From: Marta <>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 3:21:41 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Stories grouped by Awards Categories???

Hi Cactuskim,

There certainly is!

1. Log in to the website and click the "Stories" link at the top of the
2. Click the "Show Filter" link (if that's not already showing up).
3. See the third drop-down menu, labelled "Category"? You can select the
main category.
4. Click the "Display selected nominations" button. This will show all
the stories in that main category.

Now, remember that main categories are things like First Age and Prior,
Villains, Romance, etc. - they're what authors select as a genre, race,
or time period. Many of these were further divided into subcategories of
about 5-13 pieces each, based on the story type (story, poetry,
fixed-length ficlet, incomplete) and also the story content (character,
setting, etc.)

So when you select a category you may see more than one subcategory. For
instance, selecting Men as a main category will show you all the stories
in Races: Men: Steward's Family, but also all the stories in Races: Men:
Minas Tirith, and ditto for all of the But the good news is that you can
narrow it down further to just display a single subcategory.

5. See that fourth filter, "SubCategories? " It will let you select one
of the SubCategories in the main category you selected. Select one.
6. Click the "Display Selected Nominations" button again.

And now you'll see the pieces competing in the same sub-category.

Just one little reminder: some people forget that the filters are
"sticky," meaning they remember what you selected if you used them
earlier during this log-in. So if you have (for instance) used the
filter to find the stories set in Mirkwood, make sure you click the
"Clear All Filters" button before step #3 above. Otherwise, your search
will only pull up pieces that are in the category you select *and* set
in Mirkwood. Hitting "Clear All Filters" gives you a clean slate.



kimberli leal wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Quick question; is there a way (or will there be a way) to bring up
> stories on the MEFA site by Awards Categories? I'm asking because I
> would like to be able to gather all the stories from a single category,
> read and review what I like, and then move on to another category.
> Cactuskim

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9312

MEFA Reviews for Friday, July 25, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 25, 2008 - 21:08:04 Topic ID# 9312
Title: Not One of Us · Author: StarLight9 · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Elves and Men · ID: 542
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:38:24
It's not easy being different. I know how that feels, especially being
unable to do the same sorts of things my brothers did because of birth
defects and handicaps, so I can truly sympathize with young Estel
trying his best to compete against Elven children who are simply
better than he and having to deal with the prejudices of others. Yet
in the end he shows them that he does have worth and learns that
differences are what make us strong. How Estel comes to that
realization and how he proves his worth to others makes for a very
good read.

Title: National Treasure · Author: Baranduin · Times: Modern Times ·
ID: 201
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:39:41
I've always been fascinated by archeology and history and consider
myself an armchair archeologist. Oddly enough, one of my own areas of
interest is the history of the Templars, so it was with curiosity that
I read this little tale of two archeologists seeking to find the first
Templar foundation in Scotland. What they find instead is something
else, but neither of them recognize it for what it truly is. The
reader, however, does and therein lies the enjoyment of the tale. And
I loved the irony at the end. A lovely little piece.

Title: Early Winter at Himring Hill · Author: Oshun · Genres: Romance:
Elven Lands · ID: 79
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:46:27
Though very short, this ficlet is loaded with beauty imagery. Oshun
does an excellent job of putting the reader in the scene. One can feel
the cold and hear the heavy wooden doors opening. Yet, the best
imagery is her description of Fingon, and the poignancy one must feel
in the face of his carefree nature that will soon be crushed by the
weight of history and oaths. The implications that he timed his
arrival at Himring Hill just right is an amusing twist.

Title: I Give You a Rainbow · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits:
Friendship · ID: 571
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 14:56:01
I remember reading a story when I was younger called "A Rainbow for
Robin" about a young blind girl who described colors in a similar
fashion as Pippin does here - white was the smell of fresh linen while
yellow was the feel of the sun on her face. Pippin proves a very
resource hobbit lad when he meets a lass named Evergreen who is
different. He takes the time to come up with a game that they can play
together and teaches her about color. A very sweet story and shows how
physical limitations are no bar to one's imagination and ingenuity.

Title: At the Last Minute · Author: rhyselle · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Elves and Men · ID: 544
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 16:15:59
A distraught Aragorn, still grieving over his mother's death, decides
suddenly to return to Imladris from Mirkwood, dragging Legolas with
him, to celebrate Yule with Elrond and his brothers. It must have been
heart-wrenching, though, for him to come back to Imladris to find that
none of the Yule decorations were up and realize that the elves had
only done so in previous years for his and Gilraen's benefit. Those of
us who are not home for the holidays or are unable to celebrate them
as we are used to usually take comfort in the fact that our friends
and family are still celebrating the holiday as usual even in our
absence. I think Aragorn had that same thought and when he walked into
the Last Homely House and saw nothing that spoke of Yule it was more
of a shock than he was expecting.

How the elves of Imladris, with Legolas' help, seek to surprise
Aragorn with their "Yule-for-Estel conspiracy" is told with gentle
humor and great poignancy. Legolas and Glorfindel are delightfully
funny as they seek to make Gilraen's Yule Ginger biscuits without a
clue as to how to do it and Elrond is shown as the loving adar that he
is in his attempt to lessen his son's grief and give him what he needs
most - the love of family.. A warm and lovely read at any time of the

Title: The Work of Small Hands · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres:
Longer Works · ID: 352
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-14 16:35:13
I believe I told you when I first started writing the Noldor, that one
of the things I had difficulty with as a writer trying to image my own
person vision of the entire world of the Noldor, was to come up with a
good reason for why those who chose to stay behind did make that
decision, especially Finarfin. And why did the most of the prominent
women among the Finweans break with their spouses and stay, when the
overwhelming majority of the Noldor left and stayed together?

The problem in the original texts (that a large numner of significant
women are barely visible) could provoke a discussion of the role of
women in this sort of heroic storytelling. Your story is a
thought-provoking attempt to explain them and how they might have
behaved. But more so, it is a plausible look at who picked up the
pieces of this shattered people in this paradise turned nightmare, how
they might have done that, and what demons of their own they had to
confront in order to do so.

The accounts of the darkness are convincing, the details of the
changes wrought by the event of the darkness itself, and the
abandonment of Tirion and its environs by the vast majority of its
population. I still want to argue with you about a lot of the finer
details. I kind of don't know where to start and this is not the
place. There were times when I wanted to grab Earwen by the shoulders
and shake her until her teeth rattled, but then, in her defense, she
did have the worst of it in many ways. Also, would Finarfin have
really been in such bad shape if he actually had the will to turn
around and come back? I am not sure.

Congratulations for opening up the whole can of worms and throwing
some light on it. It's a bold attempt and a fascinating one.

Title: The Lost Restored · Author: Larner · Times: Late Third Age:
Gondor · ID: 59
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-14 16:37:45
I'm like Namo, a real sucker for happy endings and redemption stories
are my favorite simply because they give me hope that my own poor
choices in life have some redeeming value to them, even if I can't (or
won't) see them. I loved it that it was Eonwe who walked beside
Aragorn as he carries Frodo. That is so cool!

I thought it interesting that Smeagol still speaks of himself in the
third person at first. He sounds like a three-year-old here trying to
understand why he isn't being punished for being bad. You just want to
huggle him and sing him a lullaby or something. Yet, later, he uses
"I" when he is speaking with Frodo, so you can see that that part of
his personality has been healed and restored -- the sense of self that
is so unique to sentiate beings. And I thought it sweet (and very
telling) that he still refers to Frodo as "Master" not only when he
first "wakes up" but later at the Feast.

There are too many favorite images to list them all but I think my
particular favorite is the conversation between Smeagol and Atar when
Atar shows him scenes of how others -- Aragorn, the Elves of Mirkwood,
Gandalf, Frodo and Sam -- had treated him, not evilly as he wanted to
imagine, but with kindness and even with love, though at the time he
did not understand this.

The conversations that Gandalf, Frodo and Smeagol each have with Atar
are illuminating and uplifting, for we see how even evil can turn to
good at the last.

Title: Sour Milk · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 521
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-14 16:58:24
This is as delightful a piece of fluff as any I've read in the past year.

Answering the challenge to provide a story for one of the most
gak-inducing, Tolkien-inspired art work available, Linda has concocted
an Aesop's fable with a lesson for any arrogant ruler: "Gaze on your
people with disdain and superiority and you will turn the country's
milk sour!"

No self-respecting ruler would want that to happen, right?

Linda's very AU Aragorn learns a mighty lesson from the cats of Minas
Tirith. They react to the spoilt milk by having a heated exchange with
the King that changes his mood, so to speak.

"Sour Milk" is a delightful, humorous tale that is recommended for
everyone, including the kiddies--especially the kiddies who like
kitties. To add to the story's whimsy with a moral, Linda includes an
illustration of her major feline character. (I have it on the author's
word that her cat Leo posed for the photo!)

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-14 17:02:12
This story tackles the question, "What if the Rohirrim had their own
fashion rags, like that "Mode" magazine where TV's Ugly Betty works?
What might their Beauty Advice columns suggest? Edorlas Lass puts her
considerable wit to the test to come up with this excellent answer.

The author of this advice column clearly understands her audience of
hard-riding, hard-drinking men and even a few women who engage in the
same pursuits. She understands that personal grooming may take second
place to the pampering of a horse. The purpose of "Five Hair Care Tips
for Rohirrim," then, is to influence cultural behavior in the Mark.
Now that doesn't mean that by grooming their hair, the Rohirrim should
adopt the practices of those wimpy Gondorians to the South, but ....I
refrain from telling the best bits, but will instead drop a
hint---hair clips.

If you enjoy humor pieces and especially love those Rohirrim, check
this story out.

Title: Oathbreakers · Author: Thundera Tiger · Times: Late Third Age ·
ID: 470
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-14 17:06:50
This visit with Elrond's sons on the eve of their journey with Aragorn
along the Paths of the Dead becomes a thoughtful rumination on the
meaning of oaths, oath breakers, and oath keepers. I enjoyed that
Thundera Tiger presents the twins Elladan and Elrohir as two elves
with similar appearance and very different views.

In particular, the twins discuss the nature of Eowyn's possible
breaking of her promise to stay in Rohan and lead her people instead
of following Aragorn out of love for him--as Elladan has inadvertently
overheard. The unspoken theme, for me, was whether either of Elrond's
sons contemplated breaking their oath to Aragorn for fear of meeting
the oath breakers in the depths of the mountain?

Title: The Conscience of the King · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Humor · ID: 649
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-14 17:08:08
In this spot-on character piece, Raksha presents two sides of the
newly crowned Eomer King's psyche having a knock-down, drag out,
mental coflict with each other. The reason for Eomer's internal
argument? A woman? Of course. Love? Naturally. But this time the woman
is his sister, and it is the night of her wedding.

Raksha neatly characterizes one side of Eomer as the blustery older
brother, protective of his sister, prickly about her bridegroom, and
not a little fearful that her husband will take her away from him, the
brother who has loved her all her life. Anyone with a brother will
recognize this behavior, even though Raksha keeps Eomer's surroundings
firmly grounded in Middle Earth. Raksha also lets us get to know
Eomer's other side, his better nature as a reasonable, perceptive
pragmatist. The portrayal of this side of Eomer gives us a taste of
the great ruler Tolkien tells us he will become.

Couple the incisiveness of the character portrayal with lots of humor
and you have a satisfying quick look into the life of one of my
favorites among Tolkien's secondary characters.

Title: The Wrong Path · Author: Erviniae · Genres: Drama: Incomplete ·
ID: 538
Reviewer: chaotic_binky · 2008-07-14 20:04:59
This story encompasses the past and the present, where the prejudices
of the past threaten the happiness of the future. In this story the
characters deal with the injustices of their life and accept them but
will it always be like that?

Title: Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 77
Reviewer: chaotic_binky · 2008-07-14 20:28:53
A precocious young Feanor makes a perfect emerald and impresses Aule
with it. A delightful, simple story, but on a deeper level it reveals
Feanor's fascination with creating the beautiful stone; an embryonic
event that led to tragic obsession, which may have been encouraged by
Aule, at the end of the story, urging the young Feanor to keep the
stone in his pocket as he goes on to greater things.

Title: Starcrossed · Author: weepingnaiad · Genres: Drama: Featuring
the Noldor · ID: 493
Reviewer: chaotic_binky · 2008-07-14 20:57:10
An epic panorama of the events on Ereinion's life, from when he was
young and sent away by his father to stay with Cirdan to when he
became High King of Middle-earth. The side story of the battles and
the Ereinion identifying with the young Elrond and Elros play
alongside and merge to an inevitable conclusion.

Title: A Perfect Impression · Author: weepingnaiad · Times: Second and
Early Third Age · ID: 494
Reviewer: chaotic_binky · 2008-07-14 21:01:28
Thranduil and his wife are in an arranged marriage, it takes a
supremely happy event for them to realise that there feelings for one
another. A sweet and simple story that will make the reader smile.

Title: Aulë the Smith · Author: Oshun · Genres: Non-Fiction: Character
Studies · ID: 530
Reviewer: chaotic_binky · 2008-07-14 21:12:30
A comprehensive account of Aule as he appears in Tolkien's writings.
More useful than encyclopaedia entries as the author attempts to tease
through various criticisms and parallels, especially ones relating to
Melkor and how Aule's character is affected by Tolkien's anti-science

Title: The Pillar Perished Is · Author: Imhiriel · Times: First Age
and Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 356
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 21:34:03
A haunting portrait of Feanor as a man mourning for his father.
Imhiriel conveys the intensity of Feanor's pride, passion and terrible
grief. One wonders what might have happened if Finwe had lived.

Imhiriel uses a marvelous poem by Sir Thomas Wyatt as inspiration and
part of the story; Feanor is bound to his father by chains of his own
obsession, tangled love and grief and deprivation, that is even
stronger than his desire for the stolen Silmarils.

The master artificer of the Elves is not an easy character to capture
on paper; but I recognize him here, burning slowly, about to unleash
the fires of vengeance on an unsuspecting Middle-earth. Well done!

Title: Temptation · Author: Princess Artemis · Genres: Poetry · ID: 416
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-07-14 21:37:10
This is without a doubt one of the most unusual and thought-provoking
works of fan fiction I have read. Certainly there are other fics
featuring a sentient, malevolent One Ring, but I know of no others
written from the first-person POV of the Ring--and a fascinating,
chilling perspective it is!

In a few searing lines of prose poetry, Princess Artemis has deftly
captured the entire history of the Ring and its bearers (and
almost-bearers). Especially intriguing is her take on Sauron as merely
the first in a long line of fools to be ensnared by the Ring's siren
song (alternatively, this could be also be an egomaniacal conceit on
the part of the Ring).

But the author's most impressive accomplishment is investing the Ring
with an actual personality beyond pure and simple evilness. I don't
mean that it has any redeeming qualities, but rather that it is a
complicated, faceted portrait of evil. The Ring shows itself to be
arrogant and cunning, with clear favorites among its bearers. But it
also succumbs to the occasional frustrated temper tantrum, and has
blind spots a mile wide that ultimately prove its undoing.

Not surprisingly, the Ring's most complex--and sick--relationship is
with Gollum [the lesser me], who is treated as an ill-used lover: [i
want you back, precious...]. Sméagol, then, becomes the rival who must
be eliminated: [Then Gollum is my precious...and i slay thee swiftly...].

In the end, the reader is left to ponder the poem's implications: was
this Ring no more than an unwitting projection of Sauron's own will
and spirit, or was it truly a separate entity, as it seems to
believe...a Frankenstein's monster of a creation that quickly spun out
of its master's control, though their fates remained intertwined?

Title: Fine Art for Future Generations · Author: stefaniab · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 561
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-14 21:50:47
This is quite a hilarious send-up of perhaps the worst piece of
Tolkien art ever painted - a really, really awful thing that turned
Boromir's death into a wannabe Pieta (which could offend sincere
Christians as well as aficionados of fine art) - can you believe
Aragorn in the role of Mary, and poor dying/dead Boromir as Jesus?

Stefania takes the seriocomic route here, and wisely provides the
reader with the viewpoint of someone who participated in the
painting's creation, as Arwen, shepherding her son and Boromir's
nephew through the Museum of Minas Tirith, remembers the horrors of a
histrionic and perfectionist artist who apparently was more interested
in creating great art than in realism. The bit about the artist using
a gnome statue as a stand-in for Gimli was wonderfully apt, since
that's exactly what Gimli resembles in the picture.

I noticed that Arwen does not reveal the secrets of the artists'
models to Elboron and Eldarion - the Queen of Gondor is no fool!

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-14 22:21:35
Any story that puts the Valar in a funny role is always soomething
worth reading, the additional treat here is that I'm also quite fond
of Namo. From Glorfindel's very first line to the last priceless one,
this "silly-fic" had me hooked! I loved: the body chamber, the "tight
crotch" line, when Namo "jumped like a scalded cat" (I swear I laughed
out loud in the office while I was reading this), when Namo "almost
drooled" (it's not really hard for me to picture the Doomsman of the
Valar looking so silly, which says a lot about me really), the
lintbrush bit with the wayward hairs, and of course, all the "mundane"
activities that Namo seemed to be doing every time Glorfindel's fea
goes to find him. I also think that Glorfindel must have a very, very
good reason (or very, very bad motive) for not really trying too hard
to stay out of trouble. This is extremely entertaining and I've read
it several times and it still makes me laugh. Thanks for sharing this.

Title: On Canon and Fanfic · Author: Marta · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 123
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-14 23:10:05
Marta's "On Canon and Fanfic" is an informal treatise on the subject
of the much belitted term, Alternate Universe, and its relationship to
canon in Tolkien-based fan fiction. I have often said, "the only
person who writes canon is Tolkien." Marta's philosophy is similar,
though she expresses her thoughts in her own way. You may feel otherwise.

However, the purpose of this review is not to debate the points of the
essay, but to encourage you to read "On Canon and Fanfic." Writers and
readers in many fan fiction "verses" are faced with similar issues to
those that Marta presents. Happily, Marta's style is friendly, not
stilted, and is guaranteed to give you food for thought.

Title: Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son · Author: Marta
· Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 624
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-14 23:51:59
Marta's essay and interpretation of Denethor is must-read source
material for anyone who plans to write Denethor, or simply enjoys
reading stories of the House of Hurin. Her research gathers many of
the more illustrative Denethor-related quotes from numerous sources,
from key scenes in Return of the King to far beyond the LOTR
canon--including early drafts finally printed in the HOME volumes and,
by golly, even a few quotes from the LOTR films to provide contrast.
For this reason alone, "Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's
Son" is an invaluable research tool.

Being an unapologetic Denethor-ist myself, I agreed quite readily with
about 85 percent of Marta's points. I especially concurred with her
assessment of Denethor's relationship with the palantir. Her take on
Denethor's relationship with Faramir is quite unusual and worth
contemplating. My interpretation of film Denethor, on the other hand,
is much more sympathetic than Marta's. Other readers of this essay
most likely will draw their own conclusions. What makes reasonable
discussion about Denethor so much fun is the complexity of this minor
character, so adroitly interpreted here by Marta.

Title: Destiny · Author: Cinzia · Races: Men · ID: 592
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-15 01:42:25
This is just an achingly beautiful story in so many different ways.
First of all, as a Boromir/Theodred girl, I adore the imagery of the
young, resplendent princes, [the fair, blond son of the King of the
Mark; and the son of the Ruling Steward of Gondor, a darker flame next
to the light brilliance of his taller friend], already good friends
and companions of the heart, [seeking in each other peace and solace
from the blood and the dreadful excitement of the fight.] These are
the two that I have written, and love seeing others write as well (and
especially welcome when written as well as this.)

The idea of Aragorn as a silent witness to their tryst, aching with
loneliness and longing, not only for their unabashed pleasure in each
other but also for their joyful companionship is quite vividly drawn,
and almost painful to read. Aragorn's fascination with Boromir, the
foreknowledge that this splendid young man holds the key to his
future, for good or ill, and his guilt and shame over his incipient
desire is well depicted, a lovely melancholy note.

Title: Only Water in Your Veins · Author: Michelle · Races: Men · ID: 154
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-15 01:42:47
An unusual story. It was interesting to see Thorongil in this type of
situation, helpless and almost (but not quite) giving in to despair.
The description of the desert was wonderfully vivid and I particularly
like the characterization of Rajal, his love for his desert home, his
compassion for the stranger, and his determination to live by the
traditions of care and hospitality so ingrained in his culture.

Title: In the Van · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres: Humor ·
ID: 72
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-15 02:40:45
Goodness, but this little ficlet is so clever. Branwyn removes
Tolkien's archaic military phrase "in the van" from its Battle of the
Black Gate context and plops it right into a twenty first century vehicle.

Suddenly, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, and Boromir's ghost, yet, are
riding in the van that, naturally, is being driven by Aragorn.
Predictably enough, everyone must have his say about the meaning of
road signs and how to follow the map. So I am going to stop here
before I divulge more and violate my personal no spoiler policy.

"In the Van' is a clever, humorous fic well worth your attention.

Msg# 9313

Re: Stories grouped by Awards Categories??? Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 25, 2008 - 21:08:42 Topic ID# 9308
I was wondering how to actually download the banners wanted--now I have
a site where I can display them, I'd thought to get a few. I can get
to the site and log in--but can't see how to download.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9314

MEFA Reviews for Friday, July 25, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 25, 2008 - 21:09:36 Topic ID# 9314
Title: Out of Memory and Time · Author: Shireling · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 136
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-15 02:46:17
Every once in awhile a fan fic story comes around that grips me right
from the start. That story typically involves my favorite Tolkien
characters in a unique and compelling fashion, in addition to being
well written and well paced. And because I tend to like stories that
go on for awhile, my favorites leave me watching anxiously for their
authors to post new chapters.

This was my experience with Shireling's "Out of Memory and Time," one
of my great favorites of the past year. This AU story introduces the
deaf character Minnow, who just might be a refugee from the Tolkien
canon. In addition to his hearing loss, Minnow suffers a serious case
of amnesia and no overriding desire to reclaim what he is sure is a
horrible past. Shireling recounts Minnow's experiences, from his life
on a beat up Dol Amroth trading vessel, to encounters with the
mysterious Wild Men, and finally to his life at the Grey Havens and in
the hands of Cirdan the Shipwright .

I particularly appreciated Shireling's characterization of Minnow. Her
portrayal of amnesia as an emotional illness rings so true as to
render it far beyond typical fan fic angst. For "Out of Memory and
Time "is too deep and subtle to be read as purely an angst tale. There
is some torture and some unpleasant scenes, but Shireling tells them
tastefully and never lets the potentially icky stuff get out of hand.

I highly recommend this story to readers who like great
characterization and lots of adventure, along with angst and
hurt-comfort scenes. As for Minnow's identity--I am not going to spoil
it. You'll have to read "Out of Memory and Time" yourselves.

Title: The Westering Fire · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits · ID: 200
Reviewer: viv · 2008-07-15 03:24:59
I liked this story. Rosie is such a strong hobbit lass, probably one
of Tolkien's best female characters overall (such a shame that the
professor didn't spend more time writing her... something I am always
happy to see fic writers remedying). You've depicted her earthy
no-nonsense beauty very well here, I think. She's generous, practical,
empathetic: a lass worth coming back to. Sam might have hurried a mite
more. ;)

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: Katzilla · 2008-07-15 10:48:12
EdorasLass is one of the best - if not THE best - author of all things
Rohirric, and while I love her dramatic stuff, it is astounding just
how she is also able to give you stomach cramps with her humourous
stories or essays to the point where you can no longer breathe for
laughing out loud.

The "Hair Care Tips" for Rohirrim" are an instant classic, and just
when I read the title, I could see the scene when Éomer takes off his
helmet to reveal a very bad hair day in "Two Towers" (and still he was
oh so very delicious!!)!! I can see the Third Marshall sceptically
glowering at anyone telling him about these tips!

Elfhelm is good with a brush? And Éothain has a good hand in the
manufacturing of those wonderful manly hairclips? Who would have
thunk! Please let us all know where we can order these things, for I
always wanted to have a hair clip in the form of a decaptitated warg!!

I also love the little things you x-ed out (horses: our deities,
etc.); they add to the fun. Thank you so much for a lunch break that I
spent with a broad smirk upon my face!

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-07-15 17:15:08
This story simply tickled me. As always with this author\\\'s work it
is wonderfully written, but the humor was much needed at the time I
read it.
It always amazes me that some writers are so flexible that they can
write dark, erotic pieces and then turn the tables and present
something like this, which is simply a lighthearted laugh. It is not
slapstick, which I find too juvenile, but it is sometjhing that would
look wonderful as a sketch.
Although my choice of reading is the opposite to this, deep, long
stories with a sorrowful or dark shading, I do appreciate the light
humor in this piece, which reminds me somewhat of Terry Pratchett if
he wrote a one off of Tolkien. Stories like this, handled deftly and
effortlessly do make me laugh when they are this well done, they seem
to just idly spin off the keyboard and yet are super reading, and a
real change from my normal diet. It especially made me laugh since I
have seen Tolkien canon characters written and role played, who do
keep dying and being returned to Middle-earth so fast that it looks
like they are in a perpetual revolving door which spits them out in
the Halls of Mandos one way, and Middle-earth the other.
it was greatly appreciated and it proves how some authors can simply
write anything, humor, darkfic, slash, a love story and each one be
equally wonderful.

Title: To Be A King · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves · ID: 252
Reviewer: kitt_otter · 2008-07-15 17:35:01
Gil-Galad and Círdan are simply perfect in this. Círdan with quiet
authority and wisdom and Gil-Galad learns something of himself: to be
I particularly liked the beginning; it had a sweet adventure thrust to
it and I loved the image of small Gil-Galad in his foster-father's
arms. (Well, I love Círdan, period). The details were well-researched.
(I have horrible trouble keeping all the events of that period
straight). It added depth, of course, mentioning Ossë and Elwing, and
the troubles of the time, such as the Noldor's reluctance of a strong
authority and the manner of Turgon's reign.
Very entertaining story!

Title: Elrond's Farewell · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry · ID: 269
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-15 17:46:40
This is an incredibly moving, magical poem, full of sadness and joy. I
don't have much knowledge of meters and forms, but I felt that the
"uneven free verse" (for lack of a better term) was very appropriate
in portraying Elrond's hesitation and his difficulties in expressing
these so intimate thoughts and and feelings (especially if he is the
guarded person I imagine him to be).

The language is luminous and piercing, the images it evokes have a
clarity to them like mountain air. In this way, they achieve two
things at the same time which seem perhaps contradictory: they
complement the emotions Elrond expresses palpably, his pride and love
for his daughter, his very deep grief at the thought of losing her so
irrevocably, his feeling of bereavement; they also stand in contrast
with these melancholy thoughts by painting pictures of stars and
flowers, light and joy.

It shows a very intriguing aspect in the relationship between parents
and children: that parents cherish and protect, but also gain a
certain fragility in this, which the child, despite the reciprocal
love, may not always consider in its search for self and self-realisation.

There is also something that goes beyond the relationship between
Elrond and Arwen, something that touches on all the wonders and the
ephemeral nature of creation.

Title: I Stand No Longer Alone · Author: Larner · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 62
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-15 17:48:05
This is a story written for my birthday request of unusual PoVs, and
how splendidly did Larner succeed!

There is minute and careful detail throughout the story which brings
its narrator and the world it inhabits fully to "life", evoking
memories and present happenings very closely to it "personally", while
also being a good observer of what is happening around it.

The contrast between the perfunctory care given to it throughout the
kingless centuries, and the loving and thorough care that it is been
given now emphasises the momentuousness of the change through
attention to its repercussions in microcosm.

But I think my favourite part is how we see Aragorn through the "eyes"
of this narrator: someone strange, and yet instinctively known from
the sound of his footsteps alone. It's fascinating to read what the
narrator can sense and guess about Aragorn while he ascends the steps;
the questions that are asked and answered by Aragorn's actions; and
equally, we witness that Aragorn himself feels the weight and purpose
of this moment, and the deliberate embracing of it.

There are many fine lines in this short story, but I think my
favourite is this one: ["His boots have trodden many lands, and there
hangs about him the scent of running waters crossed, forests and
mountains traversed, and the smoke of many fires and smoldering leaves
that have warmed him within and without."] I love the idea that
Aragorn's history travels with him and can be sensed by someone (or
something) perceptive.

Title: The Blessing of the Waters · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Romance: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 61
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-15 17:50:30
This short story is full of tenderness and restrained romance, all the
more precious because of it being set shortly before it is all changed
cruelly by Celebrían's ordeal.

The use of water as reality in the story and as metaphors is woven
skilfully throughout the story.

The first paragraph prepares the mood exceedingly well; it evokes a
quiet, beautiful night, ideal for an intimate moment between lovers.
The image of Celebrían coming out of the river with water streaming
over her is very sensual, the more so because of its subtletly and

Elrond's feelings of love and contentment and still half-believing
happiness are palpable, all the more so as they are set in contrast to
his previous experiences of loss.

The eerie foreboding that slowly creeps into the scene is written very
well, slowly and steadily "darkening" the mood a) inside and b)
outside the scene: a) as the weather seems to mirror Elrond
experiencing an echo of the past - or is it a glimpse of the future? -
b) all the while that it is slowly revealed to the reader exactly when
this story takes place - just before the journey on which Celebrían
will be waylaid and captured.

It is as if there is a last attempt by Elrond to find back to a
lighter frame of mind, cruelly shattered by the single, brief sentence
["It was the last time that I heard her laugh."]. The short coda shows
how his foreboding tragically has come to pass.

Title: A Harmony In Autumn · Author: Oshun · Genres: Romance: Elven
Lands · ID: 49
Reviewer: Lethe · 2008-07-15 18:02:14
There is such a rich beauty and intricate interaction in Oshun's
stories and her characters always come vividly alive, so much that it
is always like taking a place among them, in their story and watching,
hearing, feeling and seeing everything.
There are about three pairings in Tolkien which are not written of as
canon but which I consider canon: Maedhros and Fingon, Glorfindel and
Ecthelion and Beleg and Túrin and Oshun's work has now become canon to
me. Not only does she weave a tale superbly, she writes these
incredible characters with a passion which burns through everything
she creates. She loves the characters and it shows, their
interactions, emotions and dialogue, their politics and quarrels and
dramas are wonderfully realistic, poignant, fierce, amusing and
enthralling. It is a pity that the Silmarillion fandom is so
overshadowed by the Lord of the Rings, because Oshun's works deserve a
huge fanbase. She has the soul and passion of the Noldor and
understands them. Her stories are ones which I longed to read for so
very many years before I discovered fanfiction. I always thought that
these characters and their lives needed painting out of the forgotten
ages, given color, life and love, hates and passions, desires and
sorrows. Oshun does that and takes me there to watch them and yet it
is a deeper experience than reading or watching a film because I feel
and envisage them so intensely.

This is a wonderful story which fits seamlessly into her A New Day
universe, and brings together two more brilliant canon characters in a
way which is both beautiful, tender and passionate

Title: The Sky Is Over · Author: Robinka · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 83
Reviewer: eiranae · 2008-07-15 19:42:25
So touching! Robinka manages to put so much emotion and feeling into
so few words. I can imagine the sadness he must have felt hearing his
own words. Robinka makes this moment so poignant. She did a wonderful
job on this piece.

Title: Some Confusion in Accounts · Author: viv · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 276
Reviewer: eiranae · 2008-07-15 19:55:11
That was absolutely hilarious! It never ceases to amaze me how easy it
is for Viv to pull the humor out of any situation. This story may be
short, but it has a jam packed punch line!

A capital piece that leaves me aching for more. Excellent.

Title: Before You Go · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Men: Minas Tirith
· ID: 506
Reviewer: eiranae · 2008-07-15 20:06:18
This piece is heartrending. I am not one to sympathize with Denethor
normally but this story pulls so strongly at my heart-strings I cannot
help myself.

I never cease to be amazed at Nancy Brooke's ability to weave words
into such an elaborate tapestry of images. Each word contributes to
the painting. All the words blend together masterfully. This piece
shows her artistic talents.

An excellent job!

Title: The Chieftain of the Dunedain · Author: Avon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 623
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-15 21:17:39
This is nice, by which I mean to say the sweetness of the ending made
me smile. I felt I could really see through Halbarad's eyes, and his
thoughts flowed very naturally. Well done.

Title: The Portrait · Author: agape4gondor · Races: Men: Pre-Ring War
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 288
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-15 21:20:02
A nice thought, Agape. I like the image of Boromir the hunter here,
having an idea fixed in his head and searching until he could meet it
in the outside world. Extra points for using [nonplussed] correctly!

Title: A Midsummer Day's Dream · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Drama: Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 422
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-15 21:23:19
This is lovely, Raksha. I have read more than one story on a similar
line, but your sure talent lifts this one above the rest. One feels
clearly the richnes of the afternoon and the life lived, the
acceptance and joy in what has occurred and will occur. The pacing is
almost elegant - slow, steady, confident.

Title: The War of Wrath · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Elves: Drabbles ·
ID: 120
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 21:26:50
I'm pretty hopeless at writing poetry, particularly epic poetry. I
remember that when I first encountered LOTR at a young age, the entire
trilogy read aloud to me, I mentally confused Elendil, Earendil and
Gil-galad. But there is no confusion now, and I enjoy a good slice of
Tolkienesque poetry.

This is definitely a good slice - long enough to whet the appetite for
more, and sketch a heroic portrait in verse. Here, Tanaqui presents a
character we did not meet in the Silmarillion, but should have;
Ingwion, son of the High King of all the Elves in Valinor, who was
mentioned in HoME 11, but did not make it into the published Silmarillion.

Based on Tanaqui's verse, I would have definitely liked to see more of
this particular Elven-prince. She creates a shining, heroic presence
who leaves the peaceful shores of Aman to lead his father's host in
the Valar's army that has come to battle Morgoth at the end of the
First Age, and fights valiantly. I love the references to Ingwion's
armaments and the sun imagery, the gold/shine motifs are very
appropriate to this ultimate fair-haired boy, since the Vanyar are

I think Tolkien would have enjoyed and approved this piece. I hope
that Tanaqui might give us more verse, Tolkienesque or other, in the

Title: The Wedding Gift · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Romance: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 40
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-15 21:27:07
Great work, Annmarwalk. I love the line [ever was beauty sanctified by
purpose], it captures so much, making the Dwarves love of craft almost
holy. And while for a moment I was amused by the idea of Nandi's
beard, you used it to best advantage and with it created a moment of
unique intimacy. Gloin's depth of feeling is wonderful.

Title: Many Branches · Author: Baranduin · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 420
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-07-15 21:30:24
One of my favorite friendships in LOTR is the one between Frodo and
Faramir...perhaps because it is so unexpected, coming as it does on
the dark, lonely journey to Mordor. It felt more fully developed and
convincing to me than some others, such as the affection between Frodo
and Aragorn, which is more stated than seen.

This may be why I always wished Tolkien had given us the scene Faramir
promised in the quote that opens this story: ["If ever beyond hope you
return to the lands of the living and we re-tell our tales, sitting by
a wall in the sun, laughing at old grief, you shall tell me then."]
That not so much as a word passes between them after the War always
seemed to me a shame, and a missed opportunity.

"Many Branches" is just such a scene, demonstrating the virtue of
gapfiller at its best: its ability to fulfill a longing in us unmet in
the canonical work. As Frodo and Farmir relax on a warm afternoon in
the Sixth Circle, sharing a flask of ale, they joke and talk about
nothing important--and at the same time, everything important:
everything Faramir has fought for all his life, and Frodo has
sacrificed for: home, peace, and the luxury of [chatting about the
most inconsequential hobbity things]. And while the reader may feel a
pang at the thought that for Frodo, this luxury will prove
short-lived, it's a relief not to find more than the merest
foreshadowing of that here. Rather, Baranduin's emphasis is on respite
and healing, and the bond between two gentle souls that will remain as
strong as that of the branching waters flowing to the sea.

A lovely tale!

Title: Forsaken · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 369
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 21:36:40
Finrod Felagund is one of my favorite characters in the Silmarillion,
and, after Elrond, my favorite Elf. This drabble is a powerful
summation of the many sorrows and pains in Finrod's life, of which the
last, his younger brother's refusal to support him, had to have been
one of the worst. It is a credit to Imhiriel's considerable drabbling
skills that it all fits and flows well within a hundred words; and
that Finrod does not come off at all self-pitying, rather analytical
and introspective. The revelation of the worst blow being Orodreth's
lack of support, that silence when speech was needed, had to have hurt
someone of Finrod's warmth of heart; and it is brought out beautifully
and powerfully here.

Title: Men of the Twilight · Author: Elena Tiriel · Genres: Romance:
Drabbles · ID: 209
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 22:25:06

I've always thought it interesting that Faramir goes from having a
tolerant but slightly elitist (to our modern eyes) perspective toward
the Rohirrim to being besotted by a Rohir princess. This drabble
skillfully illustrates a part of the transition in Faramir's thinking
- the reader can almost feel the slight shift. And the last line is

Title: Alter/native · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Drabbles · ID: 478
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 22:30:58
A nifty trick of fate occurs when young, Aragorn, recently told of his
true identity, goes walking in the groves of Imladris and encounters
Elrond's youngest...

A skillful AU drabble that turns a sizable chunk of LOTR and the
Appendices on its ear with just a few words changed...Well done!

Title: Legacy · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 500
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-15 23:02:39
A heart-felt tribute to a deserving subject. I like that you put the
questions so many of we readers have asked into the voice of this
wondering kinsman. It made them fresh again.

Title: The Waker · Author: Nancy Brooke · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 287
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 23:06:15
A wonderful little picture of the Watcher in the Water, awakening at
the sound of a stone thrown into its domain. Nancy conveys the
creature's crude consciousness coming into waking life; and there's a
neat twist in this awakening that adds a little more bite, and a
fascinating what-if curve, into the narrative.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 23:07:18
This is a tale that could easily be found in the Silmarillion itself -
a sinister and riveting account of Sauron's transformation of wolves
into werewolves, the first of their darkly enchanted kind. Sauron's
evil, cruelty and urge to corruption is brought out in the actions he
takes to effect the change, and the use he makes of his creatures.

A chilling story; with a nigh-Tolkienesque tone.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-15 23:08:30
Here is a beautifully terrible ficlet. In a double-drabble,
Pandemonium gives us the relationship of Annatar and Celebrimbor in
the last moments before the hours, or days, that we don't really want
to examine too closely, when Sauron tortured Celebrimbor to elicit the
secret of the location of the Three Elven-Rings.

Pandemonium manages to convey Celebrimbor's guilt and shining courage,
Sauron's insidious and complex nature (his actually having
compartmentalized his personality to the point that part of him felt
like Celebrimbor's mentor, peer, and friend is an excellent touch)
comes out here. The horror that is to come is implied only by a simple
gesture; we don't actually see it, but we know what is about to
happen; and leaving us on that threshold is quite a writing feat.

Outstanding blend of horror, characterisation and suspense.

Msg# 9315

MEFA Reviews for Saturday, July 26, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 26, 2008 - 21:01:01 Topic ID# 9315
Title: Pirates Ye Be Warned · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Men: Gondor
Drabbles · ID: 353
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-15 23:37:54
A good depiction of one of Imrahil's sterner moments. I tend to write
him myself in his more cheerful moods, so it's always nice to see
depictions of him otherwise. I always figured he had the right of
high, middle and low justice and that he would have to make life and
death judgments. Very nice!

Title: Giving Gifts · Author: Marta · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 426
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-15 23:45:33
Heh heh! I like this depiction of a different, less serious
Denethor/Imrahil rivalry than the one I usually depict. Denethor's
sense of humor in this drabble is both subtle and sublime, but Imrahil
is up to the challenge. And since my own 12-year-old boy is a
fledgling flautist himself, I can really, REALLY empathize! Thanks, Marta!

Title: On Far Fields · Author: Dwimordene · Races: Cross-Cultural ·
ID: 106
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-16 00:11:27
When I first started reading/writing fanfiction, Dwimordene was one of
the authors I admired most. When she wanted to jump into the sandbox
that is called the Unabeauverse and play with Altariel and myself, I
was very flattered and pleased. And when I saw the results, I was
absolutely blown away by the surety with which she handled my
characters. This particular story is a good example. Over several of
her stories, Dwim has in particular expanded the Haradric culture and
language and poetry and Andrahar's relation to same in a way that I
know I could not. The song in this story is poignant and seems
authentically Haradric, a real feat when Tolkien said so little about
the actual culture.

And I like it for another reason. In my story Last Rites, Imrahil
tells Andrahar that he feels he neglected him in the aftermath of
finding out about Boromir's death. This story proves that was not
entirely true. Given Andrahar's current position as a captain of
reknown serving his birth nation's greatest enemy, he is of course
very conflicted when confronted with Haradric prisoners of war.
Knowing this, Imrahil makes sure to seek him out after the Battle of
the Pelennor Fields, to provide the love and emotional support that
his oath-brother requires. And it's a very good thing he does, for
Andrahar is obviously very troubled and is working towards the
fatalistic despair he later displays in Last Rites. Imrahil is
ultimately forced to draw upon the bonds of Andrahar's oaths to bring
Andrahar around. Their decades-long relationship is beautifully and
accurately depicted.

Title: Tree of Knowledge · Author: Nancy Brooke · Times: Late Third
Age: Gondor Drabbles · ID: 172
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 02:15:58
A powerful drabble, with beautiful language; one of my favorite pieces
by Nancy. I can just see Denethor thinking these thoughts; and the
last line drives home the theme in a poetic but very definite fashion.
I especially liked the contrast between trees and stone...

Title: Early Winter at Himring Hill · Author: Oshun · Genres: Romance:
Elven Lands · ID: 79
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-07-16 02:23:43
Oshun's fiction makes me smile to see a happy Fingon. She did so
without making him seem silly which is perfect. Sometimes people write
a little too happy where it borders on goofy and I cannot stand goofy
Silmarillion First Age elves! I also like to see a shared bond between
these two that is not completely stated that they are a couple but it
does not rule out the possibility. Its up to the reader to decide if
its a romantic/sexual flirty thing or just two cousins having fun
teasing each other about what they will do if stuck together for the
winter. Leaving things to the imagination can sometimes be very good ;)~

Title: Tying Notes · Author: Imhiriel · Times: Late Third Age: Gondor
Drabbles · ID: 378
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 02:29:42
A delightful snapshot of Fourth Age Faramir enjoying one of the
privileges of being Steward of Gondor - diplomatic interaction with
outland cultures. Faramir is written as the intellectually curious man
that Tolkien created; and one can almost feel how much happier he
would have been pursuing the intricacies of Haradraic music than he
was killing invading Haradrim during the Ring War.

The details are lovely too, especially the image of Faramir sitting
cross-legged on that rug, attentive not to the sensuous dancers but to
the music...

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: Alassante · 2008-07-16 02:31:01
This was a cute little story! I found it by chance as the featured
story when I logged in and I really liked it. The part about the
braids in 'Nancy Countries to the South' and the fact that washing was
actually overrated really made me giggle. But the best line was the
one that was crossed out about wearing the mane on his helmet.
*snicker* Hint Hint Eomer. Good job and very original!

Title: Recognition · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Late Third Age:
Gondor Drabbles · ID: 481
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 02:47:55
Dwimordene presents an unusual snapshot of the fabled Faramir/Eowyn
courtship - that of one woman recognizing another woman's greatness,
and the loneliness that great deeds and great valour can bring a woman
in the male-dominated kingdoms of the West. That Ioreth can credibly
recognize such distinctions, and also equate a woman's perception with
that of [the right man] is a novel and worthy approach to Tolkien's
world, which, though not devoid of strong women, usually views them
through a male viewpoint.

Title: The Language of Waves · Author: Claudia · Races: Hobbits · ID: 193
Reviewer: Baranduin · 2008-07-16 02:56:43
This is a heartfelt beautifully written vignette of Frodo's life on
Tol Eressea. Specifically Frodo explores the ocean with Gildor at his
side. There's something so peaceful about this story in the way it
evokes the shore and the ocean. Claudia's attention to sensory details
is what makes the piece sing to me--the texture of the sand and how
the foam breaks on the shore ... the exotic and brightly colored
fishes when Frodo explores a cove and the smoothness of the water
compared to the waves. I can just about smell the sea smell when I
read this fic.

Title: Harmony · Author: Elwen · Races: Hobbits · ID: 195
Reviewer: Baranduin · 2008-07-16 03:04:07
This is a thoughtfully worked out story about how Elrond views his
role in the Ringbearer's life ... whether what he did was worth the
pain caused to Frodo.

No one writes Elrond as well as Elwen does and this story is no
exception. She ties intricate descriptions to states of mind and
emotion that make the story so memorable and evocative. Really it
gives it its heart ... and poignancy for this story is deeply poignant.

The section of this multi chaptered story in which Elrond and Arwen
and Aragorn discuss the pendant that Arwen is going to give Frodo has
such a delicacy of emotion and beauty. Arwen's gift to Frodo has
always moved me so much and to see a discussion about it played out
between Arwen and her father ... knowing what it is going to mean to
them both forever ... it's amazing.

Great fic!

Title: Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree · Author:
shirebound · Races: Other Beings · ID: 121
Reviewer: Baranduin · 2008-07-16 03:08:24
One of the things that I love about Tolkien's writing is his ability
to give voices to things like trees and stones ... well to everything.
Middle-earth lives that way.

Shirebound has done just that with this vignette ... using the seven
stars and seven stones and one white tree. I remember reading this for
the first time and it taking my breath away with its unusual points of
view. It is really a magical read and very natural and fitting given
that it's Tolkien's world she is writing about. this is probably my
favorite Shirebound story and that's saying a lot!

Title: Some Seasons · Author: sophinisba solis · Races: Hobbits:
Post-Ring War · ID: 199
Reviewer: Baranduin · 2008-07-16 03:12:08
I love this simple story so much. I suppose because it's simple and
not simple. Sophie writes of Frodo and Sam and Rose post Quest and
uses the metaphors of food and seasons to give us a poignant story
that is sad and true and comforting at the same time.

I think in this story Sophie is giving us life as it is lived whether
or not it's in a fantastical setting or our own back yard. Really well
done this is a story I have read several times and plan to do that again.

Title: The Stolen Child · Author: SurgicalSteel · Races: Men · ID: 197
Reviewer: Baranduin · 2008-07-16 03:17:40
Surgical Steel has written a gut-wrenching story of losing a baby ...
while it's happening and then some of the aftermath. This is the kind
of story that is so very hard to do without overdoing it and slipping
into bathos but Surgical Steel never does that. Her Halbarad and
Serinde are real characters. I can feel their fear and pain and
sadness especially Halbarad's. When he is standing there and watching
the tiny newborn struggling to breathe and his wife lying in her blood
I just want to wrap them all up in a blanket. And then after the baby
dies and Serinde is so ill with fever and wandering in her mind and
Halbard is taking care of her ... oh that is so sad and so real.

Title: The Westering Fire · Author: Aprilkat · Races: Hobbits · ID: 200
Reviewer: Baranduin · 2008-07-16 03:20:59
I love love love this story of Rosie just before Sam returns home and
routs the ruffians. Rosie is so full of good sense and courage and
steadfastness it absolutely shines from her in this story.

And I really love the ending ... the way the story is so grim and you
feel so much for Rosie having to endure it ... and then she goes out
to meet more trouble only to discover that it's her Sam come home to
her. Really love how Aprilkat uses the bit of dialogue from the book
to end the story. it's seamless and utterly fitting.

Title: Hidden Watcher · Author: kitt_otter · Genres: Drama · ID: 702
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 03:31:47
We know Frodo heard the quiet slap of footsteps following behind the
fellowship as they made their way through Moria, and that others
became aware also of the one who shadowed them. Here we see two more
recognizing the threat, and how it was recognized. A well-told
description of the scene and hos it unfolded. The ponderous feeling of
the Mines is particularly well conveyed along with the vindictiveness
of the one who followed them.

Title: The Stranger · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Drama: Featuring
the Noldor · ID: 560
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 03:36:02
Ah, a marvelous meeting between one of our favorite First-age
wanderers and a child on the beach, and the inspiration needed to help
the wanderer at last find his way home! A marevelous juxtaposition
between our world and Tolkien's Middle Earth. It is easy to imagine
the meeting and the decision taken.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 03:43:59
The challenge was to write a story from the POV of a normally mute
subject, and Jael has managed to do so in a masterful manner. Ah, the
pride the river knows to have helped turn back great foe!

A wonderful short read.

Title: Another Prometheus · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 85
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 03:47:30
Ah--not all blame Feanor for all the ill that befell Middle
Earth--some see him as a leader in innovation!

Title: Cuts Gone Wrong · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Mid Third Age:
Eriador · ID: 156
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 04:33:06
It's only the end of his first year of training with the Rangers of
Eriador for this young Man, and he was chased by dogs into a ditch in
the early part of the day, for Breeland farmers don't take well to
trespassers. But he learns the lessons taught well--perhaps too well,
his current captain comes to realize in time.

A fascinating look at the organization of the Rangers of Eriador and
the way in which they learn their craft, and the relationships between
themselves and those they protect. And a nice introduction into this
particular character as a youth.

Title: Forsaken · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 369
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 04:40:19
Long ago he'd given an oath, and now intends to fulfill it. But not
all gathered to hear his intentions are pleased with his intentions;
and the one he'd hoped most would support him, or at least provide
guardianship to that which he left behind, remains quiet.

Imhiriel and AnnMarwalk have ever been two of my favorite writers of
drabbles, for both can say so much with such an economy of words; and
this is no exception. I rarely read stories set so early in Middle
Earth's history, but this is well worth it.

Title: Kin-Strife · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 92
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 05:33:05
Really like this story so much. The author has created two characters
that I find fascinating and well-drawn—Imrahil of Dol Amroth as a
completely likeable, spirited, rather entitled, reckless and
adventurous youth is wonderful and her original character Andrahar of
Umbar is one of the memorable OMCs of Tolkien fanfiction. Her young
Imrahil (and his older version written much earlier in her novel
[Captain My Captain]) has become canon Imrahil for me.

The misadventures of Imrahil in this coming-of-age story are funny,
poignant, sad, suspensful and a delight to follow. Andrahar is a study
in cultural differences, loyalty, trust-worthiness and a perfect foil
for Imrahil.

How Imrahil meets Andrahar and what they experience and suffer
together as young men on the cusp of adulthood and in the process of
becoming the men they will be in her stories set later in their lives
is such an inventive, original and convincing story.

I love her exploration of the special gift/hardship that Imrahil is
forced to bear. His encounter with Thorongil is a fascinating
inventive extension of canon. If I have any complaint about this story
at all it is that she has been working on it for quite a long while.
(When she posts new chapters, I find myself having to go back and
re-read previous ones to re-orient myself to where I am in the
storyline. Fortunately, this is never a problem, because the
re-reading is always compelling and entertaining. A lesser writer,
however, might loose readers this way. But I have been writing one
novel for well over two years, so I would be quite hypocritical to
complain about that. And I am always thrilled when there is an update.)

Title: The Apprentice · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 52
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 06:00:26
This author's story "The Apprentice" is one of the most brilliant
fanfics I have read. In fact, in my opinion, it would stand very well
against any published original novel I have read in that same period.
(Too bad about that thing having to do with copyright!) Of course, I
am extremely jealous of her skills because she has been writing
fiction for a very short time. Her ability to imagine a entire world
of complex characters and place them securely within canon, despite
what she often calls her heretical views of Tolkien's world is
fascinating and satisfying.

Her Annatar and Celebrimbor are totally convincing and each in their
own ways extremely attractive characters. Annatar's assumption of the
human form affects his behavior and ability to react to the other
characters. He is fascinatingly capable of affection and softer
impulses (which he, of course, is aware of and consciously resists and
tempers). He is simultaneously fighting his worse side in order to
carry out his plans in Ost-in-Edhel, no small feat given the fact that
he must struggle to keep his better side under control as well. Talk
about writing the complex villain: he is the epitome of one. She makes
me want to hang out with Annatar (and I am a real softie, not given to
over-fondness for dark fics.) The entire novella is a believable look
at how Annatar is able to win the trust of the elves of Eriador, and,
particularly, Celebrimbor who is no fool and powerful in his own
right, but unlike Annatar, fully human and one's heart is broken
thinking about their relationship and where it will lead.

The entire setting of the Elven community and its habitués in
Ost-in-Edhel is carefully constructed and has become for me "the" way
it must have looked and felt. The crown jewel of this whole story for
me is her attractive original character Sámaril (who, luckily for her
readers, appears again in a current WIP novel!). Often callow and
arrogant (he is young), Sámaril is ultimately so appealing that the
reader finds himself rooting for him, especially in his triumphs of
gaining the attention of Annatar. I love the use of science facts (I
could almost call it magic turned into science), the scientific
method, and the analysis of the creative personality and process, and
the compulsion to seek knowledge for itself that is detailed in the
story. It is well written, lively and never a slow read. I also adore
the way she can tell an ultimately tragic tale with a devastating end
that is always in the reader's mind with such humor and compassion.
This story definitely gets my highest recommendation.

Title: The Least of Rings · Author: Marta · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Drabbles · ID: 621
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 06:09:53
You are a naughty, naughty girl! (And I thought you were such a nice
person!) Poor Boromir is so utterly and completely taken in within
this scenario that you have designed here. This is a perfectly
beautiful use of the drabble format. I would not want a single extra
word here. This is a great look at the capacity of evil to present
itself as a higher good and the power of the ring, and, therefore,
Sauron. Beautifully done.

Title: Wild Swan · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 328
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 06:28:21
This is an excellent collection of drabbles for events in the life of
Imrahil which paint a vivid picture of his character and motivations.
However, I think I like equally as much the pictures that the author
has drawn of the supporting characters in this series. Denethor
relating to Thorongil is a convincing and chilling study and Imrahl's
observation of it tells us a lot about him as well. Faramir, in my
opinion, comes across very clearly in this series. It includes a great
line about Faramir which I cannot resist quoting: ["Oh, Faramir! You
were never a simple anything!"] I also very much like the scene
between Aragorn and Imrahil which includes the observation of Eomer
and the little exchange which turns a discussion of horsebreeding into
a bit of matchmaking.

Very nice collection. They each stand well on their own, but together
are terrific.

Title: Shadows · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 698
Reviewer: Neilia · 2008-07-16 06:28:34
Bodkin; This is so true to it a real story for you? I wept.
I know grief as is hard to let go. Legolas' dear Nana would
not have felt free to go until he could let her. *sigh* No wonder this
is a nominated piece. Hugs, Neilia

Msg# 9316

MEFA Reviews for Saturday, July 26, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 26, 2008 - 21:02:26 Topic ID# 9316
Title: Hide the Knives · Author: Nieriel Raina · Genres: Humor: Gondor
· ID: 485
Reviewer: Neilia · 2008-07-16 07:09:39
Niri! It is great to see this tale nominated! I loved it when I first
read it and I enjoyed the second reading very much. Arwen's reaction
to the unexpected pain of labor and birth is so true to life. Blaming
Estel is too! Him ordering all the knives hidden is super funny! Hugs,

Title: Young Fëanáro Makes A Stone · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 77
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 09:00:44
A fine tale of Feanor as a young apprentice to Aule - with
particularly good characterisation of the Noldo prince; ambitious,
awkward, and undeniably brilliant. I loved Aule's reaction to Feanor's
feat; it seems to follow very closely upon Tolkien's...

Title: Full Brothers in Blood · Author: Oshun · Genres: Humor · ID: 212
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 09:03:34
Anyone who has ever been a younger sibling, suffered envy of more
flamboyant and assured visiting relatives, or been a junior member of
a powerful and large family, should appreciate this well-textured and
thoughtfully written portrait of young Turgon, his older brother
Fingon, and many of their relatives, in Valinor before the loss of
Finwe and the Silmarils broke apart their House.

And even someone who has not been reared amongst pushy visiting
cousins and kingly grandfathers should also enjoy the story. The
characterisation of Turgon, Fingon, Celegorm and Finwe is particularly

Title: PROPHECY: Changing the Future · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor
· ID: 11
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 09:04:43
Another delightful tale of the Valar by Fiondil, one of the people who
seems to know them very, very well. Here, a prophecy is found and
somewhat altered, which explains discrepancies between HoME and the
Silmarillion. And Namo may have the last word, but it seems that
Iluvatar himself is getting the last laugh - a lovely ending, btw.

A well-written and humorous vignette.

Title: The Game of Kings · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Humor · ID: 28
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 09:05:51
What a great vignette, as cheerful as the hearth of the Prancing Pony,
but with as much a hint of mystery as some of the "Pony"'s guests possess.

As usual, Branwyn's narrative shines with descriptive details that
enhance the scene without over-burdening it - the northern wind
rattling the shutters, the Rangers' worn boots, Butterbur's marvelous
thought that [This pastime seemed as amusing as watching the grass
sprout on the Greenway], which conveys the substance of a modern
real-life saying in language appropriate to Middle-earth.

This vignette brings the reader right into the inn, and conveys the
atmosphere of homey cheer, with the wonder of several races/groups
co-existing in harmony - local people, dwarves, Shire hobbits, and the
grim, enigmatic Rangers.

Branwyn conveys the sense of much of Middle-earth encapsulated in the
small provincial inn - the mysterious hard-traveling Rangers, the
hobbits, the dwarves, the Men of Bree; all involved in one way or
another with an old and sophisticated game that speaks of ancient
power. And extra points for wonderful characterisation of Butterbur.

The title [Game of Kings] seems to me to be a double-entendre - the
Rangers themselves play a dangerous game, guarding a kingly bloodline
out of danger while its posessor leads them through peril; and they
find relief in chess, which is of course also the game of kings.

Wonderfully atmospheric and evocative! And the last line is so
marvelously appropriate!

Title: Vodka · Author: Ford of Bruinen · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 714
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-16 11:50:28
A very intriguing short tale that presents a cynical Maglor -- who has
an undeniable human touch to his behavior here, falling into a
sardonic mood with the help of strong beverage. A very evocative and
insightful portrayal, set in the time after Fingon's rescue mission.
Very refreshing and well written.

Title: Above All Shadows · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 492
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-07-16 12:18:38
This is such a magnificent story and it is a unique read at that!
IgnobleBard picks out two main events of Legolas' life (the events of
Dol Guldur with the Quest of the Ring) and connects them with such
grace: it just makes sense to me. Perhaps it is a what if scenario,
however to me it just feels right that Sauron would foresee
Thranduil's son to get involved in a way and to have him as a kind of
back-up plan. As I read this story, I loved to read how the author
slowly reveal the details, just as logical how it might return to
Legolas' conscious mind as he struggles with the truth on what
happened with him back then and what made him at that moment. It is
such a clever approach to write how Legolas has to peel away several
constructed memories in his brain to reach the core of his
shadow/curse. Besides that, his bravery to still face what fate Sauron
had in mind for him, that makes Legolas a more tangible character to
me as on how he was written in the book. The way the author portrays
the Ring War events through his eyes gives me as a reader the
opportunity to 'see' him, something that did not quite happen in how
the professor wrote him. Secondly, it is very tempting to narrate all
Ring war events, especially since Legolas was one of the nine. What I
appreciate here is that the author completely stuck to what he
observed and he deemed necessary to remember given his mental
condition. This story reads as a tale Legolas would tell many years
after to someone else late at night and it reads as his personal
account with the colouring of his memories and impressions. At the
end, it is good to read that he gains release being with Aragorn,
although before that many things have been set in motion, but that
piece feels like the icing on the cake. Yeps, this makes a fabulous read!

Title: The Librarian · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races: Elves: Family
· ID: 700
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 14:51:12
A wonderful romp through the Adventure of Parenting Legolas. Thranduil
is a good, kindly father who is nonetheless struggling with the
apparently limitless capacity of little Legolas for intelligent
mischief. Legolas himself is written very well here - smart,
compassionate, but with a somewhat Dennis-the-Menace affinity for
pulling unorthodox to potentially dangerous stunts. I can see here, in
Legolas' capacity for stretching the bounds of his comfortable
existence, glimpses of the future Wood-elven warrior who cheerfully
joins the Fellowship and becomes a friend to Men and one particular Dwarf.

Good characterisation of Thranduil and the OC librarian. I loved the
episode of the wolf; and Legolas' discovery of what his own father did
as a child...

Title: Incarnation · Author: Gandalfs apprentice · Genres: Humor:
Drabbles · ID: 242
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 15:05:59
I always wondered why Olórin who could have chosen a much more
comfortable form to use when walking about on Middle-earth picked the
one he did. I have heard the theories as to why his choice might have
been wise, but I still always have thought it must have been quite an
experience for the Maia. You don't expound on the question in this
story, but with sly humor and a little dig at moralism you give a hint
if how he might have felt. I must quote my favorite line: ["Olórin,"
Manwe had said, "beware the temptations of the flesh. Beware wine,
women and other lusts!"] Just recovering from a cold as I write this
and being a victim of one of Gandalf's few vices of the flesh as well,
which likely made it worse, he certainly has my sympathy.

Title: FAULT: The Doctor Is In · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 545
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 15:34:29
The use of Sigmund Freud with the sons of Feanor is a stroke of
genius. I began reading this story with a bit of trepidation, because
I often feel that authors give the Fëanárians a rough deal (as though
they had no motivation or principles, when they were drawn to do the
things they did). But you overcame my reluctance and made me laugh. I
howled when Dr. Freud said in response to Namo's speculation over
whether any of his efforts were worth it: ["It is the first time the
twins have spoken since we started these little sessions."] Also, the
punch line at the end was priceless.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 15:54:47
The tone and language and atmosphere of this are perfect. I expect to
see a number of reviews on this story, which say that it reads "just
like Tolkien." Normally, that would not necessarily be a good thing in
my opinion. (Hey, you've read my rant on this one hundred times, but
maybe you won't mind it again, since you will be getting paid for it
this time--in points on the story.) This piece does read like Tolkien
and to great effect. It is a gap-filler of a very particular kind, the
success of which depends upon setting the mood and drawing the reader
into believing that this is really the way it happened. (My complaint
about imitations of Tolkien style in general are 1) they usually don't
succeed, and 2) when they explore elements, as mine often do (in-depth
characterization of a particular sort, for example), that Tolkien
chose to leave in the shadows, the use of an imitation of his style
can jar instead of please.) In this case, you are slipping into canon,
delicately and making it fit, an explanation that is entirely
plausible and fits with the original. I always say I don't like horror
fics in general. This of is Utterly and perfectly creepy. I like the
use of the singing and how Sauron appreciates their malice, the way
they attack the orcs, but ["fawned like cubs"] over him. Eww: this is
just so perfectly nasty. And their development for the taste of elves
and men--chilling. Great job. No more complaining about reading
werewolf fics from me.

Title: And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors · Author:
Klose · Races: Elves: Family · ID: 540
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 16:02:56
This is a perfectly silly and tongue-in-cheek an account of a
gathering of a particularly boisterous group of young people with very
strong egos. It reeks of testosterone and adolescence. And has clearly
been written by a writer who has a keen eye for the humor to be found
in the extended family setting. Coming from a large family myself, and
liking to write about the experience, is only one of the things that
has drawn me to this particular set of characters. The Finwëans
provide open hunting season for tracking down a multitude of ways of
dealing with these dynamics, whether the stories that result are
merely tempered with humor and have a serious base or, as in the case
of this story, the writer has pulled out all the stops. Nice work.
Although I have to admit it made me cringe at point! Boys are just so

Title: The Shadow · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Drama: Ring War
Drabbles · ID: 25
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-16 16:20:21
This drabble is probably the only Frodo-centric piece by writer Linda
Hoyland, who usually focusses on aspects of Aragorn's life.

In a hundred troubling, haunting words, Linda explores Frodo's
sorrowful reflections after the end of the Ring War - reflections in
more way than one; since the drabble examines a character who can be
said to be a sort of doppleganger of Frodo, and the perverse bond
between two diverse spirits who both knew the burden of the One Ring.

The entire drabble serves Frodo and Tolkien well. The last four
sentences are particularly effective; as Frodo tries and fails to find
a definitive answer, in his own mind and heart, to the questions he
poses. We are left wondering, just a little, if Frodo is truly haunted
by an unquiet spirit; or is it just the memories of Smeagol, who was
both Frodo's worst nightmare and his dark mirror?

A powerful exploration of the bonds between Ringbearers - between
Frodo and Smeagol, and, interestingly, its brighter reflection, the
bond between Frodo and Sam. It's rather heart-rending that Frodo is
feeling closer to Smeagol than he is to Sam, but Linda skillfully
shows that Frodo's love for Sam is as strong as ever, even though the
shadow of Smeagol seems to be forcing Frodo to distance himself from
his friend - a clever touch, since the gap that Frodo feels between
himself and Sam can be seen as proof of the terrible effect of [The

Title: Autumn · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles ·
ID: 489
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 17:09:27
The King finds reasons to like the autumn.

Linda has written a brief glimpse into the feelings of our favorite
Ranger turned King, at how he feels about his life and the change in
his fortunes. And we, like him, look forward to that comfort.

A warm, loving story.

Title: Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age
Elves · Author: Angelica · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 322
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 17:22:55
Oh, Angelica, this is a perfectly wonderful piece and a terrific
resource, and one that I definitely will go back and read and refer to
again and again. It is absolutely the best of the non-fiction entries
of this year. I feel I ought apologize to others who have worked hard
on exploring elements of canon and enriched our resources greatly (and
I entered one of own pieces as well, so I consider myself within that
grouping), but this one stands completely apart and alone in the depth
of thought it reflects.

My favorite section is the one exploration the original separation of
the Eldar and Avari, and its consideration not just of the separation
itself but the attitudes of the self-conception of those groups and
their definition of the other. The article raised so many questions I
had considered and not completely worked out: small thing like the
degree to which such terms as Moriquendi, or even the Sindarin word
lachen ('flame-eyed') used to refer to the returned Noldor, were
simply words or had a distinctive pejorative connotation (always or
sometimes?). Very fascinating also is to consider the attitudes of the
Noldor to the Sindar: like us but not really equal or more like the
Avari? I intend to read your piece again more carefully and think
about these questions further.

I very much appreciated the point that while the Eldar looked down
upon the Avari, that the Avari, of course, considered themselves the
True Elves and that they would consider that it was the Eldar who had
severed themselves from who and what they were. I was also reminded of
the attitude about self and other reflected in native American culture
and mythology and of each groups placement of their particular
ethnicity or nation within the world as they perceived it. For
example, the Inca name Cuzco for their great capital, which can be
translated from the Incan language as ombligo or navel—meant for them
quite literally that they considered it (and themselves, of course)
indisputably the center of the universe. There is a parallel in that
self-concept of North American indigenous groups who referred to
themselves simply as "the people" and other surrounding tribes as the
others, i.e., somewhat less than human. I have not read the book you
list in your bibliography, [La Conquista de América: El problema del
Otro] but after reading your article, I do plan to try to find and
purchase the book and read it (just hope it doesn't cost an arm and a

Title: Sour Milk · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 521
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-16 17:40:56
You got me three times where it hurt in this one. First, the
illustration which you used as an inspiration for this story has never
failed to give me a chuckle. Thank you interpretating it. I am not
lways the world's biggest fan of genre of fairy tales set in
Middle-earth either, but you sucked in with this one. And, finally,
I'm not a huge cat fancier compared to a lot of my friends, but the
ginger cat in this one was a formidable character. Nice work.

Title: The Nag · Author: celticbard · Races: Men: Steward's Family ·
ID: 347
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 17:44:44
Ah, a wonderful tale, and especially for those who love the brothers
Mir as they look for a riding horse for their father's use--not that
this horse is likely to get much use, as Denethor hasn't left the
Citadel for ages.

The care Faramir feels for the stable-mistress is well conveyed, as is
the state of the place. One feels the despair of the widow and the
concern of the son, and the hatred of the decision to sell the one
bequest they have from their lost husband and father.

Characters are as well drawn as is the setting. A lovely depiction of
the caring we have all come to treasure in Denethor's younger son.

Title: Comes the moment to decide · Author: Linda hoyland · Times:
Late Third Age: Gondor · ID: 418
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 17:48:06
Alas for Faramir, who seems incapable of pleasing his father no matter
what he does or fails to do. One sees the hopelessness of the son and
the growing madness of Denethor, and feels the despair the Enemy has
sought to overwhelm both with, up to the moment that Faramir decides
he will accept his father's decision, intent on pleasing the Steward
if he dies in the attempt.

Mood is very well conveyed in Linda's story. Highly recommended.

Title: Shadow King · Author: Claudia · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Angst/Tragedy · ID: 227
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 17:59:34
The King has come again to Gondor--but at the cost of all that Gondor
held dear. For Aragorn has fallen to the Ring's call, and had
convinced the Ringbearer to lend him the Ring--and there is little to
indicate that he will ever return the loan. Nay, Frodo of the Seven
Fingers has reason to regret his weakness, as do all others.

A horrible but fascinating look at what Might Have Been as we consider
to what Gondor might have come had the Ring been able to capture
Aragorn's attention rather than Boromir's. Having considered in one of
my own tales Frodo's realization that he could not hope to defy the
northern Ranger as he could the southern Captain, I see this as all
too likely a scenario.

Well, well recommended.

Title: Songs of Innocence and Experience · Author: Tanaqui · Races:
Men: General Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 440
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-16 18:07:15
Oh, a most worthwhile series of three drabbles in which Faramir is
first beguiled by one and then entreated by another. One's wish he'd
hoped to grant, only to find she'd sought to use him; the other he
feels honor-bound to deny, as what she desires is apparently a
meaningless death--and his heart has been captured.

One can feel the disappointment he feels in the one and the attraction
he is beginning to feel for the other. Lovely!

Title: The North Delving Incident · Author: Dana · Genres: Drama · ID: 26
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:10:24
The thing I love most about this story is its tense. Not tension,
though that's good, too, but rather verb choice. Which probably sounds
like an odd compliment, but the tense does so much to set the tone.
It's a present tense story, and I'm usually a bit leery of those. But
it works so well here! There's a real sense of immediacy to the
action. You feel as though you are living it right alongside the
hobbits. The first section, in particular, had some brilliant pacing
and excellent POV work for Pippin. It was just hazy enough to give us
a sense of his physical wellbeing, but it was never too fuzzy that we
lost track of the narrative completely. Great balancing work by the
author. I was very impressed.

Title: Hidden Watcher · Author: kitt_otter · Genres: Drama · ID: 702
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:10:54
There is some lovely descriptive work in this story. In particular, I
love how Gollum is identified by smell; it gave us something other
than the usual visual and audio cues we've come to expect from Gollum.
The image of Legolas sinking down and bowing his head so as to focus
his hearing is another great tidbit. All in all, very nice.

Title: Answering the Call · Author: docmon · Genres: Drama · ID: 340
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:13:10
This is one of those haunting stories that stays with you long after
you've read it and draws you back to revisit some truly spectacular
moments. The thing that impresses me most about this story is the
sheer variety in each of the little AUs. And it works so well for each
character! Sometimes you see how and why a character would have come
by the Ring (Merry and Pippin, for example). At other times, you're
beyond that point in the story and you primarily see the effect
(Gandalf, Aragorn, and Boromir come to mind). It's a great study in
characterization, because for hobbits like Merry and Pippin, the "why"
needs to be told. The temptation isn't the same for them as it is for
their larger companions, and the difference makes the "why" all the
more important. But for Gandalf, Aragorn, and Boromir, the "why" is
already pretty obvious, and there's never much doubt that these three
could obtain the Ring if they really set their minds on it. With them,
it's more about just how bad things will get and what form that ruin
will take.

My favorite vignettes by far, though, are the two about Legolas and
Gimli. Which is probably a little predictable since they're my two
favorite Fellowship members. But going into specifics, the sense of
shame that pervades the Legolas-vignette is tangible, and I love what
Docmon does with Aragorn in that scene. He's stern when he needs to
be, and he's firm throughout. But he also showcases an ability to step
back and analyze what went wrong, giving us the origins of Legolas's
temptation. As for Gimli, I've long held the opinion that if the
hobbits had been unavailable to act as Ring-bearers, the dwarves would
have been the next best option. I really do think Gimli's got a chance
to see it through at the end of his vignette, and ending the story on
that note of hope was a stroke of genius. Thank you, Docmon, for a
truly spectacular ride.

Title: The Return · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Drama · ID: 167
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:15:11
It takes a bravo author to give her readers a sad ending, so brave to
Lady Bluejay for being willing to take the risk. And I think it pays
off. As readers, we really feel the weariness that infuses these
returning men. We feel the grief, we feel the pain, and as the story
closes, we feel the homecoming that is devastated by loss.

Something else I really like about this story is the attention to
detail. For example, I enjoyed the naming of the horse and the fact
that poor Duinhir is unable to pronounce the Rohirric name. It's not
something directly associated with his return or the loss of his sons,
but it's good distraction that helps emphasize the mood later, and it
makes the story that much richer. The fact that he has a new Rohirric
horse is also a great addition, and I can see it fitting into canon
given what he and his sons did on the Pelennor. It's little touches
like these that broaden the canvas of the story and make it feel as
though it fits into a greater whole. All in all, a very solid story!

Title: Choosing · Author: docmon · Genres: Drama · ID: 473
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:23:22
This story is a study in contrasts. It's very short, yet it's
characters are vividly portrayed. I think part of this comes from the
way they're played against each other. They never meet, but their
differing opinions on their chosen messengers to Rivendell is very
telling, especially when there are comparisons available. Dain's
vignette seems to have a sense of hope. The dwarf has a hard decision
to make, but he's going to make the right call and hope that Gloin can
get back in time with some counsel on what to do next. The idea of
sending Gimli along as backup is done with little sense of the role
that Gimli will ultimately undertake. He's just there for support. By
sharp contrast, Thranduil has deep forebodings about Legolas's choice
to go to Rivendell, and those forebodings go beyond the grim tidings
that Legolas has to bear. It's made all the starker by the fact that
this vignette follows on the heels of Dain's, and then we get
Denethor. His has more of a militaristic feel. A political feel. His
love and respect for Boromir can be felt, but more clearly perceived
is his love and respect for Gondor. Brilliant take on all three leaders.

Msg# 9317

Correct to QuickList for Characters on Browse Stories page Posted by Tanaqui July 27, 2008 - 11:10:50 Topic ID# 9317
Hi All

Agape flagged up that the QuickList page for Characters was sometimes
pulling up stories that didn't feature the particular character
concerned. We looked into this and discovered that a bug in the code
meant characters whose name forms part of another character were include
under that character as well eg stories about Denethor II were getting
listed under Boromir II (Son of Denethor II). Obviously this was Not A
Good Thing.

I've now fixed the bug and uploaded the new code, so the QuickList
Character page should now show you exactly the same results as if you
use the drop down lists in the filter on the Browse Stories page.

Please do let us know if you still notice anything listed where it
shouldn't be.


Msg# 9318

Re: Extra characters in a review - UPDATE #2 Posted by Tanaqui July 27, 2008 - 11:35:01 Topic ID# 9276
Hi All

We've created an admin tool that allows us to search for reviews that
contain extraneous backslashes or other characters. So we'll be running
regular sweeps to find and fix these reviews, and we'll definitely do
one before the winners are announced.

Still not sure why it's happening apart from "intermittent server
glitch" though.

Meanwhile, please do go on reporting anything "odd" in reviews that you
think we should know about.


Tanaqui wrote:
> Hi All
> > I noticed that in PipMer's review of my story #141, "Between
> Childhood and
> > Coming of Age" that there are three slashes (///) that seem to have
> inserted
> > themselves next to her apostrophes. I can't imagine that she meant to do
> > that--it's probably some weird formatting thing, but that gives 6 extra
> > characters that probably should not be counted in the score.
> We've been looking into the issue of odd extraneous backslashes turning
> up in reviews and we've identified the reviews where this has happened.
> We'll be editing these reviews shortly to remove the extraneous characters.
> However, we can't see any pattern in why this is happening - it's
> happened to several different reviewers (but only twice to one reviewer)
> and those particular reviewers seem to have other reviews where it
> hasn't happened and which are displaying fine. It's also happened over a
> period of several weeks, but with many reviews entered in between the
> problem reviews that are displaying correctly.
> We're going to carry on watching this issue, but at the moment our best
> guess is that there's been some kind of intermittent server glitch going
> on that's briefly messed up how our code handles "tricky" characters
> such as apostrophes and quotes in some reviews.
> Meanwhile, if you spot any reviews which have strange extra characters
> in them, please report them to the mefa admins at mefasupport at
> mefawards dot net, and we'll deal with them.
> Thanks
> Tanaqui
> MEFA Tech Support
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.2/1562 - Release Date: 7/19/2008 2:01 PM

Msg# 9319

Re: Correct to QuickList for Characters on Browse Stories page Posted by Agape 4Rivendell July 27, 2008 - 13:49:00 Topic ID# 9317
Wow - that was quick! Many thanks as I do love the QuickList option!


On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Tanaqui <> wrote:

> Hi All
> Agape flagged up that the QuickList page for Characters was sometimes
> pulling up stories that didn't feature the particular character
> concerned. We looked into this and discovered that a bug in the code
> meant characters whose name forms part of another character were include
> under that character as well eg stories about Denethor II were getting
> listed under Boromir II (Son of Denethor II). Obviously this was Not A
> Good Thing.
> I've now fixed the bug and uploaded the new code, so the QuickList
> Character page should now show you exactly the same results as if you
> use the drop down lists in the filter on the Browse Stories page.
> Please do let us know if you still notice anything listed where it
> shouldn't be.
> Tanaqui

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 9320

Re: Stories grouped by Awards Categories??? Posted by Marta July 27, 2008 - 20:19:20 Topic ID# 9308
Hi Bonnie,

Thanks for asking this question, as I know you're not the only one a bit
confuzzled on what to do.

Once you are logged in to the banner website and have found the banner
you'd like to use, just click on the banner. This will bring you to a
new screen with (among other things) a download button. Click the
download button and the image will download to your computer. You can
then use it like you would any other image.

If you need forther help I'm happy to walk you (or anyone else) through
how to do it more thoroughly.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> I was wondering how to actually download the banners wanted--now I have
> a site where I can display them, I'd thought to get a few. I can get
> to the site and log in--but can't see how to download.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9321

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, July 27, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 27, 2008 - 21:18:19 Topic ID# 9321
Title: The Visitor · Author: Rowan · Genres: Drama · ID: 174
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:23:54
I love the whimsical feel to this story. It has a dreamlike quality,
which is fitting enough for what happens. Elanor is beautifully
portrayed, and I love the tone of her thoughts. In particular, I liked
her musings on the Ring and how Sam had told her that nothing could
ever came out of it. Frodo was also very nicely drawn, and he was
exactly as I would picture a hobbit living among elves for an extended
period of time. He's adopted some of their mannerisms, but at the
core, he's a hobbit. And he never quite forgets it. Beautiful story.

Title: For Our Friends · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Drama · ID: 654
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:24:30
This story is brilliant in its ability to build a climax. Merry's
journey from terrified, reluctant rider (who can't quite catch his
breath) to grim, resolved soldier is a gradual climb that feels very
natural. I especially loved how Merry's thoughts about friendship
seemed to grind to a halt when considering Pippin, because then it's
not just about friends. It's about family, and Merry drives that point
home very well. It feels like the final straw, and when Merry adds his
voice to the riders, I want to shout along with him.

Title: The Last Throw · Author: nau_tika · Genres: Drama · ID: 556
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-16 18:25:27
Getting into another's head and then regurgitating a tale is
difficult, but this is pulled off well. I love how there are no actual
interruptions in the text, though the narrator is clearly responding
to questions or comments from his listeners. But it reads as a
straight monologue, which makes it come across as crisp and clear
despite its rambling tone (which is in keeping with the narrator).
Very enjoyable.

Title: Loudwater · Author: Adaneth · Times: Late Third Age: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 63
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-16 20:29:28
This drabble (which I'm very, very thankful to have received as a
birthday gift) revels in poetical, lyrical language, in alliteration,
in paralleling images, sometimes constructions that resemble Norse
kennings. There is almost a sense as if the narrative consciously
carresses every single syllable it passes, mirroring the passage of
the Bruinen in its long varied course to the sea as is described.

It gives a very nuanced and detailed image of the Bruinen, at the same
time it feels impressionistic, made out of fine, short brushstrokes of
brief, highlighted glimpses.

But it gives even more than a general impression of the river; it also
tells a precise moment of canon from an unusual perspective and so
enriches it: We see the scene in which the Bruinen rushes to overthrow
the Nazgűl who are trying to pass to capture Frodo who fled across the
river moments before.

I like the shift of focus here: it's not on Frodo, but on Elrond,
master of Imladris. It reminds us of the role the element water has so
often played in his family, notably for his father Eärendil. If I'm
not completely astray, I even sense a possibilty that ["the Master"]
might not refer to Elrond, but to Lord Ulmo himself, and his ties to
the family; and so offer the intriguing interpretation of this scene
describing a moment of "divine" intervention.

Title: Labour Pains · Author: Aratlithiel · Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 483
Reviewer: Inkling · 2008-07-16 20:43:09
Frodo's last days in the Shire seem to inspire more angst fic than
comedy. And while I enjoy such works as much as the next Frodo-angst
fan, I find Aratlithiel's "Labour Pains" a refreshing---and
hilarious--change of pace, as Rosie Gamgee proceeds to demonstrate
that the wrath of a woman scorned is as nothing compared to the [Wrath
of a Pregnant Person Denied Her Craving.]

The verbal sparring between Frodo and Sam that opens this story--Sam
managing to be simultaneously patronizing and politely deferential--is
simply priceless. A "gardening emergency" is the purported reason for
Sam's departure just as Rosie's time is approaching, and Frodo is
understandably skeptical: [Frodo's eyes narrowed further and he
crossed his arms over his chest. "Pansies running amok and threatening
the neighbours, are they?"] And Sam's explanation as to why the Gaffer
can't go in his stead deserves extra points for creativity: ["And
anyway, if I gave him my box of dust, he'd likely try to snort it or
smoke it and there ain't that much left."] The whole exchange reminded
me a bit of Bertie Wooster and Jeeves. I was almost as sorry to see
Sam go as Frodo was!

But the real fun begins when Frodo and Rosie are left on their own.
Among other indignities, poor Frodo suffers through nine straight
meals of chipped beef, pretends to still be working on the
already-completed Red Book in order to hide out in his study, and
scours the Shire for sweet potatoes in March, dogged by the ridicule
of every produce vendor in Hobbition [He didn't give up, though; he
was Endurance beyond Hope, after all]. By the end, we have learned the
truth behind Frodo's anniversary illness and reason for leaving

Wickedly funny from start to finish!

Title: Unwilling · Author: Elena Tiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 64
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-16 20:55:26
I love how this drabble uses the limit of the form to its fullest
extent to tell a sweeping tale spanning many Ages of the world to
deliver its "message" to best effect.

You find yourself enchanted by the pictures that are evoked before
your eyes as you read, of primaeval nature, unspoiled, lush and so
fresh you can nearly smell it, or hear the songs the Avari sing to the

I like that there is little antagonism towards the other Elves who did
follow the summons to Aman, just a dispassionate statement of fact, a
calm disagreement and correction, and presenting of their own PoV.

The more poignant is this calm narration when telling of the ruin of
this paradise by the exploitation of Men, hiding the grief and horror
the Elves must feel at having to witness this and being unable to
prevent it.

It's as if the narrator makes a last "witness statement", just to be
able to have it out there, to have spoken it out loud, before fading
out of existence like so much of what was pristine and beautiful.

And yet, going by the last heartbreaking lines, the world as it now is
doesn't care, doesn't even notice.

What I also appreciate is the extensive author's notes, which further
show how much care and thought went into every detail in this drabble.

Title: One Last Wish · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age and
Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 323
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-16 22:15:01
I re-read the story and this is positively one of most heartbreaking
stories I've read, fanfic or otherwise. I like the artful way in which
you narrated it, the repetition of the "gust of wind" to set up a
number of the major scenes was quite dramatic and contributes to the
melancholy mood. The madness that is slowly overtaking Feanaro is
quite obvious to me here and his agitated behavior made me wonder if
he had some "premonition" of what is to happen or maybe it was just
because he had been separated for her for so long. I was also touched
by how you portrayed the strength of their love in that Feanor
swallowed his pride and sought her out and an equally proud Nerdanel
stayed away but lived in anticipation of his arrival every waking moment.

Personally, I think this story gives a tantalizing view of "what could
have been". What could have happened if Feanor and Nerdanel reconciled
before the Oath, would she have gone with him to Beleriand, would she
have been able to prevent him from the Oath? What could have happened
if they had a daughter/daughters? How different could things have
turned out if one or few of the events had been "tweaked". I think
this is one of the reasons why it is very interesting to read Tolkien
fanfic--the wealth of the "what could have beens" or "what ifs".

The last scene of her alone in her forge was very sad and the "sliding
grains of sand" underscored this beautifully. My favorite lines were
the last three. It is easy to relate to the character especially when
one remembers moments of deep regret and draw upon the pain of those
experiences to assume how she must feel at that time. Of all the
members of the Feanorian family, I personally believe that Nerdanel
and Maglor had the worst of luck--at least the others had each other
before they died but these two had to go on living. I've read once
that death is a form of rest, but mother and son (?) are doomed to
toil until the end of Arda with their "haunted" past.

On a lighter note, (leave it to me to turn a serious work and make
"silly" conclusions about the details, oh well) this story also shows
a telling picture of Feanor and Nerdanel and how strong their love
must have been for each other. I mean he is exiled and dishonored and
separated from his wife and all and one of the first suggestions or
solutions he arrives at to "solve" the problem is for them to
procreate. How distinctly Feanorian (in my humble opinion), which is
why they are so interesting! They offer a wealth of "what could have
beens" and "even ifs".

Title: In absentia · Author: Robinka · Races: Elves: House of Finwe ·
ID: 84
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-16 22:26:20
I felt heartbroken at how you portrayed Maedhros after his rescue from
the clutches of Melkor but it is very convincing. I can just imagine
how hurt, helpless and humiliated the once proud son and heir of
Feanor must have been right after his rescue, even if it was his
cousin who found him in such state.

I hung onto every word in the scene where Fingon was trying to reason
with him and wondered what must have been going through their minds as
it unfolded. I liked Fingon's unique way of talking some sense into
his cousin and best friend.

Thanks for sharing this.

Title: U elyë, Ar-Pharazôn · Author: Elitihien · Times: Second and
Early Third Age · ID: 486
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-16 23:30:25
An exciting, gripping story which really evokes the narrator's passion
and the passion of what she describes.

The structure of the narration - the use of direct address towards
Ar-Pharazôn, the use of imperative as the story unfolds - hightens the
feeling of personal involvement of the readers, as it gives a feeling
as if they, too, were being addressed by the narrator. This is all the
more strengthened because of the emphasis on the senses: ["Hear...",
"Feel...", "See..."] and the direct questions.

The violent upsurge of the elements, of the sea and the very earth is
evoked amazingly well, it really makes your heart pound. The Downfall,
seen here, seems both so agonisingly slow that you can watch and
experience every detail, and so rapid and inevitable that absolutely
no action is possible - no attempt at flight, no attempt at finding
something to hold onto, not even time to cry to the heavens.

The story points out the utter failure and the utter vanity of
Ar-Pharazôn's endeavour: by trying to reach for immortality,
everything connected with him comes to utter ruin and destruction
beyond recall.

There is a sense of mixed emotions in the narrator's voice at
witnessing all this: mockery of and contempt for Ar-Pharazôn (["a fool
you are..."]), but also despair, perhaps even a little of a feeling of
surrendering to fate, and a hope for death as the gift of Men.

Title: The Right to Bear Arms · Author: Pearl Took · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 653
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-17 02:01:22
Boromir has a surprise when he tests his swordsmanship against that of
Peregrin Took for the first time, and learns that Hobbits are nowhere
as helpless as he thinks.

It's lovely to see Pippin showing up the proud Captain of Gondor, and
proving that small does NOT necessarily equal helpless. The writing is
wonderful, and the characterizations are good; and the situation is
very satisfactorily depicted with just the right level of humor.

Go, Pippin!

Title: Adar & Ion · Author: Sivan Shemesh · Races: Elves: Incomplete ·
ID: 582
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-17 02:14:28
A sweet, short tale of Legolas's birth and his father's coming to
terms with his wife's death.

Title: Two Prisoners · Author: Lord Branwyn · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 724
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-17 02:25:05
A nice blending of Middle Earth and World War I here! And the ending,
with the one soldier noting that these two's boots are clean of the
all pervasive mud, is priceless! Yes, I suspect a goodly number of
soldiers would love to learn that trick! Heh!

Very nicely done! What a way for Tolkien to have perhaps learned the
history of Middle Earth. Shows as much knowledge of the Master as it
does of the Silmarillion.

Title: Bearer of the Ring · Author: ConnieMarie · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 396
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-17 02:31:19
A gentle poem looking at Frodo's commitment to see the Ring brought to
the mountain, with just the right level of pathos. Very sweetly done.
I'm not the only one who's heart has been caught by Frodo Baggins,

Title: Dark Dreams · Author: Avon · Races: Men: Steward's Family · ID: 282
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-17 02:39:57
A lovely vignette featuring Imrahil comforting his two young nephews
during a visit to Dol Amroth. At thirteen, Boromir is fiercely
protective of his eight-year-old brother, even while he charges
towards his warrior destiny. [(Boromir) had arrived for his holiday
with no fewer than three practise swords and a wicked-looking dagger I
was sure he was not allowed to wear at home...].

Faramir has suffered his dream of foundering Numenor, and suffered it
in very vivid detail. Fortunately, his uncle is able to offer the
reassurrance that the two young boys need. Afterwards, however, the
experience causes Imrahil some uncomfortable speculation and visions
of his own.

The boys are quite appropriately drawn for their ages, and Imrahil is

Title: Wild Swan · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 328
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-17 02:46:28
A delightful drabble series that touches upon most facets of Imrahil
of Dol Amroth's life, made more extraordinary by the fact that they
weren't written originally with that purpose in mind. Glimpses are
given of Imrahil's relationship with Denethor, his nephews, his wife
and Aragorn. He is seen both at war and at peace. Tanaqui has done a
lovely job with these, part of her drabble-a-day challenge to herself.

Title: The Last Words · Author: Rhapsody · Genres: Drama: Featuring
the Noldor · ID: 409
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-17 04:06:29
It got very nervous reading this story, because I have a completely
different take on Feanor and the Silmarili than most people. I do not
really take the story very literally, but rather as a bit of a
character assassination written by people with an anti-science,
anti-Noldor bias (I know, I know, I'm the heretic here—but I just must
believe that Tolkien must have liked him on some level to have given
him such a buildup). So I wasn't sure I even wanted to read it. (I get
all fragile like that sometimes, much too involved in the characters.)

Anyway, this story is compellingly and beautifully constructed. I had
no problem being drawn into it, despite my trepidation. When I was
getting well into, however, I started to get really anxious again (I'm
a Bad Reader—I want to see things my way! I am actually pretty
flexible about nearly everything in canon except Feanor and, by
extension, Nerdanel and his sons). Bear with me here please, I do have
a point. I started thinking that you were going to try to convince me
that Nerdanel didn't love Feanor. That my huge, biggest ever, canon
one-true-pairing, was going to be written a bit like the story I might
write of the divorce of me and my ex-husband! Oh, no! When she first
starts yelling at the Silmarili, I thought you were trying to tell the
reader that she just didn't care any more, that Feanor was old, boring
history, etc., etc. Well, she clearly cares and gets horribly,
convincingly upset. You handle the emotions, recriminations, and loss
all so well.

But then at the end. I wasn't sure I got it. She says to Mahtan ["That
is what you think," Nerdanel answered quietly, laying her head against
her father's shoulder and allowed him to carry her away from here.
Finally, it was finished.] Hmmm. Well, OK. I still think she loves
him, he loves her, and he will not be cast into the void at the end of
all things, but the Valar will finally figure out what idiots they
have been and give him back the stones and he will help re-make the
world and he and Nerdanel will live happily every after. And don't
send me an email telling me that that was not what you meant!

Great story, beautifully done, appropriately scary emotional
breakdown, I highly recommend it.

Title: In Dreams · Author: Phyncke · Genres: Romance: Elven Lands ·
ID: 609
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-17 04:43:16
Oh, Phyncke! What a great feel good story and written with such a nice
twists. I love your bold Glorfindel and your imperious, vain and
slightly bored Fingolfin, who is rewarded without knowing what has hit
him for…well for whatever motivation the Valar might have had (they
are as inscrutable to me as the Greek gods and goddesses on their
worst behavior), he deserved it. Afterall, he had a really bad hand
dealt him, took terrible risks, and met his challenges with courage
and endurance, and then died in a really tragic way (I guess that is a
description of most of those gorgeous Noldor). I adore the convention
you use of the repetition of the phrase: ["You already know in your
heart."] It was absolutely fabulous when you put it in Glorfindel's
mouth at the end. Another favorite quote that I have to repeat is:
Erestor: ["You are playing with fire there, my friend. That is the
High King."] Glorfindel responds (and I just want to hug him here):
["Former and I know."]

I love a happy ending. It is also elegantly, yet lightly written,
appropriately perfect style for the plot and subject matter. Thank you
for this lovely story. I needed to smile.

Title: Seeing Stars · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 360
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-17 05:08:58
This is a fun story to read, Raksha. Thank you, Aragorn for not
letting Faramir go try to say good night to Éowyn in that condition. I
rather doubt that his state would have pleased her, after all that she
just went through. Or maybe she would have been too tired and happy to
have noticed. I love the way that Aragorn takes him under his wing,
shares the joy, but one step removed, just enough to look after his
friend and Steward and keep him from toppling over and taking that new
White Tree with him. Now that would have been an unfortunate ending to
a good night.

Of course, I am a sucker, for Faramir and his books.Glad you included
the cite for the naming of Faramir's son. Simply because I remembered
seeing it a while ago and then I couldn't find it the next time I looked.

Title: Hammer · Author: Aranel Took · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles · ID: 468
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-07-17 05:27:21
We see so very little about dwarves - especially of the female
persuasion - that this is a very welcome discovery. Just enough
information is given to leave the reader to understand exactly what is
meant without overburdening the drabble.

Nicely done!

Title: Out of the Blue · Author: Jael · Races: Elves · ID: 205
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-07-17 05:39:50
Jael's stories were among the very first that I read when I started
reading LoTR fics, and Not Fade Away was quickly one of my favorites.
This is a very nice sequel that takes us just another step further
into her modern-age elven enclave. The handling of this story is
careful and yet very complete - we get a very good feel for Thranduil
and his family as they make their home in this very new world. It's
fun to see Posie from Not Fade Away make a cameo appearance too.

I highly recommend her entire series. Very well done!

Title: Cat's Paws · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 58
Reviewer: Oshun · 2008-07-17 05:46:05
This story is so well done. I read it again in order to write this
review and was excited all over again. I have to echo the same
expression that Celebrimbor used to describe that godawful statute on
the steps. This is classic Pandemonium. Although, of course, I'm not
using it to avoid saying anything here. Here's a toast to
Celebrimbor's well-earned right to a bit of intellectual snobbery. I
appreciate Annatar as a connoisseur of fine wine. I'd love to have
dinner with him, if we could only skip the nasty parlor tricks and all
the really bad stuff that comes much later. The entire bit with the
cat's paws is so deliciously, outrageously creepy. Throughout the
entire story there are just too many delectable details to list all
the ones I loved. The neurotransmitters in Valarin is an extremely
nice touch. I very much like that Celebrimbor has good manners. (If
one comes from such a large extended family the little niceties like
manners and cooperation are absolutely necessary to avoid total chaos
and we all know Fëanor could not have worked in chaos.) The
reminiscences of Fëanor by Celebrimbor are well done as well. Also got
a huge kick out of the resurgence of Noldorin nationalist and its
manifestation in language. This is just a perfect short story.

Title: Wayward Sons · Author: Jael · Races: Elves · ID: 408
Reviewer: mbumpus_99 · 2008-07-17 05:46:09
After reading Not Fade Away last year, it was with great delight that
I found this wonderful prequel. I always thought that Thranduil got a
very raw deal - but Jael takes what could have been a tragedy and
turns it into a triumph. And in this tale, we see Thranduil move from
being almost completley beaten down by the blows his life has dealt
him to finding the strength to continue.

When I first started reading Jael's work, I had no idea that she had a
complete story arc that spanned from The Last Alliance to the modern
age. Each piece fills in more of the details and gives depth to the
characters. From her original characters to the canon characters, she
makes these people live and breath with strengths and weaknesses.

Her work is superb.

Title: Drawing the Eye · Author: Linda hoyland · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 569
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-17 07:38:16
I think this is the first time any fanfiction writer has written this
scene, where Aragorn challenges Sauron in the palantir, from the point
of view of Halbarad. Linda Hoyland does so in this crisply written and
evocative ficlet.

There's an appealing mixture of boldness and melancholy - Aragorn does
what no one else around him is known to have done, deliberately
challenging the great Enemy in a contest of will, to
shake-rattle-and-roll the Dark Lord and distract him from Frodo and
Sam's hidden errand. But Aragorn's boldness, his coming into his own
and declaring himself as Sauron's foe, is going to have sad
consequences. Other lives will be drawn into the contest, and some of
them will be lost. One of them is Halbarad, who is well-drawn here as
Aragorn's faithful and attentive companion. Aragorn's knowledge that
Halbarad will not survive the conflict undercuts Aragorn's apparent
victory in the long-seeming palantir battle against Sauron, a
masterful stroke by Linda, and a powerful comment on the ultimate
price of even necessary war.

Halbarad and Aragorn are each well-characterized here, their
relationship written as the easy, natural and familiar comradeship of
years of friendship.

Title: They Also Serve · Author: Marta · Times: Late Third Age · ID: 365
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-17 07:38:46
Marta has written a lovely vignette about a part of Rivendell we
rarely see - the kitchens. Through the eyes of Arwen, who is yearning
for the absent and overdue Aragorn, we are shown the workings of one
of the most important areas of the Last Homely House.

Marta does not indulge in sentimentality. The portrait of the kitchen
is realist. The mistress of the kitchen, Edhwen, and her staff, work
hard. But, like any well-run kitchen in any great house, mortal or
Elven, there is a certain grace in even homely tasks that are done
with diligence and to good purpose.

What is most touching here is that Arwen is not just going to the
kitchen to distract herself from nagging fears for her betrothed who
is Rangering through hostile territory - the kitchen is a touchstone
for Arwen, a link to her childhood and her relationship with her
mother. Thankfully, Marta resists the temptation to make the crusty
Edhwen a second mother-figure to Arwen; but the mistress of the
kitchen does articulate what Arwen probably does not want to - that
Arwen still needs her lost mother, and misses her.

Arwen's visit to the kitchen and participation in the making of food
reminds her that although she does not go out on warrior-errands like
her brothers, the skills that keep a household fed are equally
necessary to their survival. The reference to Idril, the princess of
the great White City of the Elves in the First Age, combing the wilds
for berries to feed her son after Gondolin, is a nice, and very
appropriate, touch.

Title: The Apprentice · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 52
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-07-17 08:50:33
[Spoiler's ahoy!]

I was first introduced to the character Sámaril when reading [the
Elendilmir] and within a chapter: I loved this guy. In that sense I
read [the Apprentice] perhaps in the wrong order, but the strength of
Doc B's writing is so strong that one can read the stories as stand
alones (yet if you ever want to know how life will continue for this
endearing OMC, do read [the Elendilmir]).

There is in canon not much written about the events on Ost-in-Edhil,
but Doc B takes you there, she makes you `see' the surroundings and
taste the life of how the Noldor lived there. Secondly, the author
does show us how the mighty smiths fell under Sauron's thrall and
well, even though the outcome is an utmost bitter one, she still makes
you understand and sympathise with them. Doc B brings you the story
mainly from Sámaril's perspective, giving you a look into this
brilliant mind and not only that, the chosen perspective connects you
to this character at a very intimate level. From a young eager student
to a Master in his own craft, we follow Sámaril during this scientific
journey of discovery where at the same time you just can see how
Sauron misuses this ambition for his own purposes. There are many
ethical questions abound, also for the elves, however they are misled
in such a way (and this is so immensely brilliantly written) that they
make the decisions themselves. Partly because they do want to advance
in their craft, partly because they truly do believe it is for the
greater good of all beings living on ME. By illustrating this so
powerfully in her story, Doc B connects the world of Tolkien with our
own, you do not need the scientific background to take this story to
you, but I can imagine that scientists like her might recognise
Sámaril's struggles and ambition. One might say that [the father of
the Nâzgul] is a villain in this story, that he had often chances to
withdraw and say no to what Sauron offered to him, but I do believe
that this character (and many other master smiths) simply had to other

Besides this all Doc B presents Sauron to us, a character of who you
know wants to manipulate and betray, and yet she shows to the reader
that with the intricate facets of this person, even within there has
been a battle between good & evil. Aulendil vs Gothaur, the beautiful
allusions to the three Hindu gods are just fabulous details that
enriches this tale even more and makes the fit in Tolkien's
legendarium quite snugly. This story makes you want to read on, eyes
glued to the screen and feeling closely connected to its main
characters. You start to feel for them, worry or even almost starting
to give them advise as you read along. So yes, this is a novel to
completely immerse yourself into and it just leaves you completely
astounded at the end, wanting to console the Master Smith at the end.
This is a brilliant novel, from the first page to the last.

Msg# 9322

MEFA Reviews for Sunday, July 27, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 27, 2008 - 21:20:13 Topic ID# 9322
Title: Love at First Sight · Author: Gwynnyd · Races: Elves: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 432
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-17 09:33:33
This is a very poignant and beautifully written drabble that shows the
momnet right after the birth of Feanor. Gwynnyd has captured Finwe's
first moments as a father and the instantly blooming love for his son,
and also Miriel's exhaustion that lingers like a shadow in the story.
I like in particular how Feanor's fascination of the light of the two
trees is brought in this short piece -- an excellent touch of what is
to come and what was crucial for Feanor himself and his family.
Greatly done!

Title: Trinity · Author: pandemonium_213 · Times: Modern Times · ID: 51
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-17 11:54:47
Robert Oppenheimer was perhaps one of the twentieth century's greatest
minds, along with Einstein and Heisenberg. His is a complex and tragic
story of genius and moral compromise against the backdrop of the last
days of the Second World War, with the invention of the atomic bomb
and the concomitant consequences that arose from its creation. In this
fascinating look at a man poised on the brink of history, we see the
conflicted nature of a brilliant scientist who, in a Feanor-like need
to create the ultimate form of sublime power and a Sauronesque desire
for order, is responsible of what follows and accepts that responsibility.

The `dream' sequence is an exercise in understatement on the author's
part and it isn't until the end that one is left with no doubt as to
who these two "scientists" from an ancient, unknown past truly are.
Tolkien always denied that the One Ring was the atomic bomb, since he
created that image before the first mushroom cloud ever darkened the
skies of Arda, but he recognized the horror of what was created and
deplored the need for scientists to create such things, usually out a
sense of arrogance rather than from an actual desire to better the
world. So often, they just end up making things worse.

The quotations from John Donne and the Bhagavad-Gita I thought were
particularly apt. An interesting modern-day story that is also timeless.

Title: To Be A King · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves · ID: 252
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-17 13:08:45
What does it mean to be a king? What do people look for in one? These
are the questions Gil-galad asks himself as he wonders how he can make
what amounts to an empty title - High King - into an actuality, a
position of relevance to the scattered groups of Elves and Men who are
the remnants of once great kingdoms clinging to a precarious existence
by the Mouths of Sirion as Morgoth's minions overrun Beleriand. His
discussion with Cirdan on the nature of kingship and the right to rule
makes up the bulk of this interesting look at a young Gil-galad
struggling to create a meaningful identity as, not just High King of
the Noldor, but simply as King. As Gil-galad comes to certain
conclusions and decisions born from his talk with Cirdan we begin see
the great king he will eventually become.

Title: Trinity · Author: pandemonium_213 · Times: Modern Times · ID: 51
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-07-17 14:13:47
This story gave me the absolute chills and the elaborate author notes
are a gem at itself, it is very enlightening, for me especially the
reaction of the professor himself to the atomic bomb. It leaves me to
wonder how much Oppenheimer's project and outcome might have
influenced the professor himself as he pictures the more evil
characters. It is surely food for thought! The particular bit is this one:

["Don't you think I have considered the ethics of what I have done?
That my conscience has not wrestled long and hard over this? In the
end, I am a scientist. I led the project. We came up with the
technology. Let the politicians and the military make the decisions as
to its disposition."]

The dialogue that follows places both Sauron and Fëanor in a different
light, making me nod at their assessment and to me the risk that lies
in giving such technologies to those who will ultimately decide over
life and death. Both Sauron and Fëanor made such calls on themselves
and they are rightfully so correct in telling Oppenheimer that does
not mean he can wash of his hands like that. Of course, in our time,
these decisions also turned out to help humanity and well, even
Oppenheimer's project did change matters during WWII drastically, so
it is not easy to pass judgement on this (and it saddens me to read
that during the cold war, Oppenheimer was stripped of all his dignity
and prestige in front of a committee). However this is something you
will also find in the main body of Tolkien's world where there are
several gradations in good and evil.

Also as I read this, I wonder or perhaps marvel at Doc's B recurring
theme in most of her story: the Trinity which can be found in science,
connected to the Bhagavad-Gita. It just seems to me that all three
`gods' sit there together in that dream. Fion/Fëanor the creator,
Oppenheim as the Preserver and Sauron as the Destroyer. On the other
hand, perhaps I am getting ahead of myself, but that was one thought
that struck me as not that odd (although this might not be what the
author intended). This is masterfully written, complete with the
fifties vibe!

Title: Circle of Silver · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves: House of
Finwe · ID: 717
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-17 14:17:45
This is an elegant gapfiller about a pivotal moment in the life of a
fabled king about whom Tolkien just did not write enough - Gil-galad.
Before the harpers sadly sang of him, he was once a young, untried
prince of the Noldor. This story chronicles how Ereinion learned that
he was now the de facto King of the Noldor in Middle-earth, and how he

Excellent job in bringing Gil-galad to vivid life. And I loved the
cameo of little Erestor.

Title: My Shining Stars · Author: Oshun · Races: Elves: House of
Elrond · ID: 371
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2008-07-17 17:18:50
Anyone who has read Oshun's Silmarillion stories knows that she has an
agenda: to wash the hysterical muck off the house of Feanor, splashed
onto them by readers who misunderstand the complexities of Tolkien's
tale of the three jewels.

Here, she points out that Maedhros and Maglor, not Earendil, raised
Elrond and Elros, who have reasons to look askance at both their
biological parents, who abandoned them--for what? Voyaging? The very
Silmaril that caused all the trouble in the first place? The ultimate
dysfunctional family!

The story paints a lovely picture of the two sons of Feanor--proud and
beautiful. I myself find the sentiments Oshun ascribes to Elrond to be
a bit tilted toward the other side: I find it rather a stretch that
Elrond would so easily dismiss the kinstrife against Elwing's people,
but that's me. It's wonderful that the gaps Tolkien left in the
Silmarillion allows for so many varied interpretations!

Title: Journey's End · Author: Ignoble Bard · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 234
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-17 19:49:56
This drabble links many strands of Arwen and Aragorn's love story
together with subtle references to key points in their relationship.

I think the premise is a marvellous illustration of this line in FotR,
Lothlórien: ["...he left the hill of Cerin Amroth and came there never
again as living man."], with the particurly lovely touch that it is
told through Aragorn's PoV, which makes it manifest that he is indeed
"there", in some "real" way.

A further reference is to another line in the same chapter: ["For the
grim years were removed from the face of Aragorn, and he seemed
clothed in white, a young lord tall and fair"]. Here, in a nice twist,
the description applies to both of them, "grim" taking into account
her desolation after his death, which falls away now they are reunited.

All these references are interwoven naturally, never interrupting the
flow of the narration itself, which is smooth, graceful, and very
romantic. The love they have for one another is evoked very
touchingly, in this case of course especially the love of Aragorn for
Arwen as we see her through his - it must be said, still completely
smitten (*g*) - eyes.

I find it remarkable that nowhere in this drabble is there any mention
of the sad reality the described moment shows: Arwen's death. This
strengthens the drabble's message, that this is a joyful reunion
between the two lovers, and it also wonderfully exemplifies the
argument that death is indeed a gift for Men, and not the end of their

Title: Healing · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves · ID: 419
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-17 19:51:55
An intimate conversation between Celeborn and Galadriel, yet at the
same time a sobering look at Middle-earth after it became the dominion
of Men.

Intriguingly, much of it consists of dialogue, with little
descripition initially. At first, I thought it a pity, because I
always enjoy Bodkin's lyrical descriptions, but I do think it serves a
purpose here. You're right in the story from the very start, curious
what these two people have to talk about. Furthermore, it illustrates
a theme of the story: the importance of nature for Elves, and in this
case especially for Celeborn.

The descriptions that are then strewn in are all the more powerful. As
ever, Bodkin manages to convey the connection between Elves and trees,
how they react and interact with each other. And all the more clear
just how much an impact it must have had on Celeborn when they slowly

I like the flashbacks to his time in M-e, not just to see what we was
up to before he finally took ship (*g*), but but because the way his
relationships with other people are portrayed is a wonderful example
of "show - don't tell".

The brief glimpses of the relationship between Celeborn and Galadriel
show the deep love between them, despite (or because of) both being
very strong-minded and independent people.

Title: The Dwarves Treasure · Author: eiranae · Races: Dwarves · ID: 312
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-17 20:58:53
A wonderful concept - the idea of a bereaved dwarf taking in an
orphaned elf is, given the geography of Erebor, certainly possible.
Will the dwarf, who loves the foundling girl more each day, be able to
keep her, as her presence is not revealed to her true people, or will
he have to let her go? I look forward to reading more of the story
as/when it is written.

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Jael · 2008-07-17 21:13:22
I have always held a soft spot for this deceptively simple little
piece, probably because of the clever bait and switch tactic you
employed. Gimli sailing to his final home. The Lady, with her arm
raised in greeting. His box with the three precious hairs clutched to
his chest.

We think we are seeing something and then . . . we are not. What is
Gimli doing there and why? I'd like to know, but you wisely let us,
the readers, fill in the blanks.

Bravo, Ignoble Bard! Nicely done.

Title: Parth Galen · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Steward's Family · ID: 705
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 21:56:58
There are a number of AUs in which Boromir makes different choices or
there are different outcomes at Parth Galen. This one is a very
plausible one. It is set in the author's universe, and makes use of
OCs, but the memories which give Boromir the strength he needs are
clear enough even if the reader is unfamiliar with them.

Title: Meant to Be · Author: Pearl Took · Races: Other Beings · ID: 137
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 21:57:52
This is a sweet little tribute to Cathleen's OC, a very memorable
Person of the Fabric Persuasion named Tulip.

I love Pearl's rendition of Eglantine. She is such a sweet and patient
mother to her irrepressible little Pippin. This story is gentle and
warm, and the details are very hobbity.

Title: As Close As · Author: Dana · Genres: Romance · ID: 88
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 21:58:15
This is an unusual story for Dana, one that does not fit perfectly
into her accustomed continuity. It was written as a request for a fic
exchange, and so needed to fulfil the person's wishes for a story
about an arranged marriage between Merry and Estella.

I think that she did that brilliantly, in her very subtle way. Dana's
writing is all about nuances--much is implied, and there is always a
lot of subtext. This story is an excellent example of that. Few could
manage to make a story about a honeymoon stay within the required
rating of PG-13.

There is a sweetness to the relationship of Merry and Estella in this
story. We see Estella's point-of-view as she and Merry embark upon a
journey of discovery. It seems clear that they love one another--it
was just that they did not expect to be married quite so soon and in
quite this way. Nevertheless, and in spite of initial awkwardness,
they find themselves getting on well.

One of the things I love about this are all the hints, hints about
Frodo especially, without ever mentioning him by name.

Estella is a very distinct personality in this story. She is quiet and
observant and determined. I love the way she begins to piece together
the things about Merry that she hasn't known before, and the ways in
which his journey changed him.

There are a lot of beautiful passages, for Dana's prose is, as always
both sharp and gentle, but I think the following is one of my favorite
parts: ["There was something shining about Merry, and she hadn't ever
noticed it before – but now she found it difficult that she would see
him as anything else than this shining bright lad, her Merry,
brilliant as the Sun."]

A lovely and lyrical story.

Title: The Heart of a Home · Author: Mews1945 · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 257
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 21:58:32
Mews always paints such a sweet and loving relationship between Bilbo
and his Frodo-lad. This little story shows just how much Frodo
appreciates his "uncle", and how much Bilbo has come to rely on having
his young "nephew" about the smial. It is all the quiet little
domestic details that bring this little story to life. She excels at
those, lending meaning and love to even the simplest of chores or
small favors.

Title: Temptation · Author: Princess Artemis · Genres: Poetry · ID: 416
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 21:59:02
A very interesting inner monologue of the Ring, in an unusual
structure. I did very much like the insights on Bilbo and Faramir in

Title: The Farmer's Son · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Incomplete · ID: 509
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 21:59:28
For those who are very familiar with Lindelea's own "Shire universe",
this story enters entirely new and *unfamiliar* territory. She breaks
from her usual timeline to explore how Paladin dealt with the Ruffians
and the Troubles in the Shire during the year in which Pippin was
gone. This Paladin is not burdened with the difficulties that her
"usual" Paladin had, and the family dynamics are completely different.

Even though the story has just begun--only four chapters as I write
this--it's marvelous to see the shape of things unfolding, and I love
her take so far on how the Tooks came to be able to repel the
Ruffians. I really look forward to seeing this continued.

Title: Old Friends · Author: Marta · Times: Fourth Age and Beyond:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 651
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:00:12
It's wonderful to think that Gandalf would welcome being reunited with
his only remaining companions from the Quest. Somehow, I think that as
Olorin he would miss being Gandalf--and seeing Legolas and Gimli again
would be delightful to him.

Title: Of Cake and Crumbs and Distant Dreams · Author: Lindelea ·
Races: Hobbits: Hurt/Comfort · ID: 688
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:00:33
I have always had a great weakness for those stories in which Frodo
gets the chance to play the comforter and care-taker of his friends
and cousins, especially if they are set post-Quest. They are all too
rare--most stories show Frodo as the one in need of comfort. This
particular vignette, which is a long-time favourite of mine, and which
features Pippin and Frodo, gives Frodo the chance to shine in the role
of caring older cousin, and manages to push all the right buttons for me.

I really love the atmospheric way Lindelea goes about setting the mood
here. It is a melancholy mood, yet a gentle one--evoking both
homesickness and nostalgia. I often think of how homesick the hobbits
must have been, when the Quest had been accomplished, all great deeds
done, and all that remained was to wait to go home. The waiting must
have been very difficult for them. Pippin is in just such a mood,
alone and sad, when Frodo comes across him, and sets out to cheer him
up and to distract him much as he had done when Pippin was a child.

The real love and understanding and closeness that we see between the
cousins is just beautiful, and this is a story that always both brings
a smile to my face and tears to my eyes every time I read it.

Title: Dangerous Folk · Author: Budgielover · Genres: Adventure · ID: 546
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:01:04
This is another of Budgielover's thrilling gapfillers. She has a knack
for putting the Fellowship through the wringer, and this one's no
exception--Frodo is kidnapped by a group of water-orcs, and his
friends must try to retrieve him!

One of the things I love about her action/adventure stories is the way
she shows the strengths of each member of the Fellowship--everyone
gets a chance to show his mettle at some point. She also has a way of
coming up with clever solutions that leave the Company back on track
for the Quest--however AU her gapfillers may be during the time they
take place, by the time they are finished we are once more on the road
to Mt. Doom.

Really exciting, and lots of cliffies!

Title: Elrond's Farewell · Author: Armariel · Genres: Poetry · ID: 269
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:01:29
Powerful imagery, as Elrond muses on his only daughter, and the fate
that has sundered him from her. I especially liked the metaphor ["My
heart was a fragile pitcher"] that was extended ["Your feet
now bleed as they step
on my shards, yet your dance
goes on, as I would have it so"] so beautifully. This author has a
wonderful talent for poetry.

Title: Pride and Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son · Author: Marta
· Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 624
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:02:20
This was a very thought-provoking essay, aimed at softening the
perception of canon!Denethor. She brought out some facts, especially
those regarding his childhood and early life of which I had been
previously unaware. And she also brought out several very cogent
arguments in favor of re-interpreting some of the major passages in
the books regarding his character.

I have to say, as one who has disliked his character for over forty
years, she definitely had a certain amount of success. Not one hundred
per cent, as I do disagree with her on some of her interpretations,
but enough to make me rethink some of my attitude, at least.

Excellent essay, and clearly and carefully laid-out arguments.
Definitely worth the reading for anyone who likes looking behind the
scenes of canon.

Title: Dreamflower's Bunny · Author: Lindelea · Races: Hobbits:
Incomplete · ID: 644
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:02:48
How can I not love a story named for me? LOL! At some point in the far
distant past, I told Lindelea how much I would love to see a story in
which we learned of something that happened to Merry and his cousin
Ferdibrand before Pippin was born. Well, of course, that meant they
were *VERY* young. I was anticipating a brief and sweet little fluffy
childhood vignette.

What I got instead was a full blown multi-chapter story full of both
adventure and angst in spite of the protagonists' young ages! Lindelea
used the story-within-a-story format, as Merry and Ferdi recount the
incident to their friends around a campfire. There is humor and
hobbity banter; of course we realize that the outcome of the adventure
will be a good one--eventually!

This does not keep it from being both thrilling and sorrowful. Two
little hobbits--one of them barely more than a toddler, the other only
a few years older--are wandering about the Shire and into untold
dangers, while frantic family members search for them. And the two
little ones prove to be very resourceful, brave and clever, in spite
of their young ages!

It's still a WIP as of the writing of this review, but I am expecting
Lin to bring it to a triumphant conclusion very soon!

Title: ...and the sound of a battered heart, beating · Author:
Lindelea · Genres: Drama: Ring War Drabbles · ID: 690
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:04:25
One of my favorite of Lindelea's long stories--perhaps my favorite--is
"A Small and Passing Thing". While it deals with Frodo's struggles on
returning to the Shire, it is just as much concerned with that of
Fredegar Bolger's recovery from his long imprisonment in the
lockholes. This little drabble is set as a gapfiller during that time
period, a little dialogue between Frodo and Estella Bolger as they
watch over an ill Fredegar.

It captures the wisdom of post-Quest Frodo in just a few perfect
words. Absolutely lovely and very true to character.

Title: Merry on the Pelennor Fields · Author: Primsong · Genres:
Poetry: Drama · ID: 720
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:04:51
One of the most dramatic moments in The Return of the King is the
glimpse we get of Merry's point-of-view upon the battlefield at the
Pelennor--a rare descent into a deeper point-of-view than JRRT
normally graces us with.

This is a very powerful poem. Here we go even deeper into Merry's
thoughts as he experiences the horror of seeing those he loved struck
down in battle: Snowmane, Eowyn, Theoden. The language is filled with
terror and angst and despair--yet the imagery is, in its own dreadful
way, beautiful--Primsong is a skilled poet, knowing how repetition
lends strength to images, and how the placement of a single word can
alter the impact of a phrase.

Merry's grief and despair, are as we know, not only the result of
seeing his companion on the field of battle struck down, and of seeing
the man he had come to love and revere die in his arms, but also of
the blow he gave to the Witch-king, leaving him in the grip of the
Black Breath. His anguish is palpable here--described in far more
graphic and visceral language than it originally was in canon.

Here is one of my favorite parts:

["My dear beloved Lord, as a father you were to me…
Gone grey as ash, pale as the smoke that rises above us.
As the colorless wash of a winter's twilight sky.
Your dead eyes are blind to both banner and kin.
Empty windows of a plundered house.
My arm hangs heavily as I kneel,
So cold, so cold.
In the wind my tears bite like trails of ice,
Is the warmth of life so fleeting?"]

It brings tears to my eyes, and makes me want to gather Merry up and
comfort him.

The use at the end of the poem of the simple language of the original
gives a stark contrast, and leaves us with Merry feeling bereft and
numb with grief.

Title: A Path of Wisdom · Author: Dana · Genres: Alternate Universe:
Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 641
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:05:10
This is a very beautifully constructed drabble-set placed in one of my
favourite of Dana's AUs: in this AU, Lotho survives the Occupation of
the Shire and the Traveller's return.

In twenty-four drabbles, Dana alternates Lotho's point-of-view with
that of others. She does not name the other points-of-view, but to the
reader the voices of the other characters are fairly clear. We see
through their eyes and through Lotho's how things deteriorate, and how
he finds himself a prisoner deep within Bag End--so far, all perfectly
correct and according to canon. But it is there that the story
diverges into a new course. Dana's explanation of how that happened
seems perfectly reasonable, as does her explanation of what happens in
his life afterwards.

This is an introspective and character driven piece, as most all of
Dana's stories are. The interest lies not nearly so much in the why
and how of things, but in the way the characters think about the
events and what those thoughts mean to their lives. And in spite of
the alteration in circumstance, each character *remains* in
character--their motives and reactions are very much in keeping with
Tolkien's own view of Middle-earth and the place of certain things
like mercy and grace in the overall scheme of things.

Normally, I do not have much sympathy for Lotho, but I do in this story.

Msg# 9323

MEFA Reviews for Monday, July 28, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 28, 2008 - 20:39:00 Topic ID# 9323
Title: Dorwinion Wine · Author: Lindelea · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 663
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:05:35
It is always fun to see Bilbo being his hobbity self--and this unnamed
Elf of Rivendell, who has a bit of a hangover, is having to describe
their small guest to another visitor. I think it's just
delightful--and always fun to imagine Bilbo's life in Rivendell during
the intervening years between the Party and the Quest.

Title: The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored · Author: obelia medusa
· Races: Hobbits: Friendship · ID: 189
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:06:06
Nearly ever since I began reading fanfic, this had been one of my
favorite WIPs. Now it is finally finished, and I am able to review the
whole story!

This story is one of the many that cover the time of Frodo's adoption
by Bilbo and the years he lived at Bag End before Bilbo's departure.
Every author has her own idea of what the circumstances were like, and
how Frodo adjusted to his new life in Bag End, away from Brandy Hall.

I love this story for its slow pace and for the lovely Shire society
that Obelia has created. Frodo's life with Bilbo is not a vacuum. He
has a circle of friends; while young Samwise Gamgee soon makes friends
with him, Frodo also is friends with his older brothers, and we see
the appearances of Fredegar Bolger and Folco Boffin. We are also given
some absolutely riveting interactions with the Sackville-Bagginses,
who are, of course despicable.

There are some rather unique plot elements in this story, and neither
Bilbo nor Frodo are flawless--and a misunderstanding very nearly
overturns their life together.

Obelia uses a somewhat different approach to the ages of the hobbits
and their growth and maturity--not exactly the two-thirds ratio that
many hobbit writers use. She explains at the beginning of the first
chapter her formula--it's very important for a reader to keep that in
mind, as otherwise they will think that Frodo and the other young
hobbits are behaving very immaturely for their ages.

Title: Dispelling the Fog · Author: fantasyfan · Races: Other Beings ·
ID: 642
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:06:24
Well, this is a very fun and informative gapfiller. It is set in that
brief window of time right after Tom Bombadil rescues the hobbits from
the Barrow-wights, and it makes an attempt to answer some of the
questions we (and the hobbits) might have about him and his place in
the scheme of things.

Tom Bombadil is very seldom written of in fic, and when he is, he is
rarely portrayed with any sort of canonical accuracy. Fantasy Fan
manages to avoid that problem, as well as managing to capture his
unique personality. As well, we see that Frodo is a hobbit of
discernment, seeing more than he's let on previously.

The voices she gives the four hobbits are very much in character, and
their concerns are hobbity concerns (as well as true to canon) food
and clothing are uppermost on the minds of Sam, Merry and Pippin.
Frodo on the other hand has questions, and does not want to give their
rescuer the chance to evade them.

His answers are intriguing and give us something to chew on. Who *was*
Tom Bombadil? Did Tolkien himself even know who he was? And while
Fantasy Fan does give us some speculation to chew on she avoid pinning
herself--and Tom--down. I loved Merry's remark at the end--only too
true, only too true!

I like Tom Bombadil, and it's very nice to see him featured here.

Title: Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe · Author: shirebound · Races:
Hobbits: Incomplete · ID: 643
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:07:23
What if Aragorn fell ill while the Army of the West was still encamped
at Cormallen following the victory over Sauron? This is the premise
behind this wonderful, slightly AU hurt/comfort by Shirebound.

Usually the characters who are subject to blankets and coddling as
they recuperate from illness and injury in her stories are hobbits,
and most of the time, the hobbit in need of care is Frodo. However,
she does occasionally turn the tables, and in this case it is Aragorn
in need of medicine and care.

The really interesting twist on this story is that it is decided that
for the morale of the Army of the West, the illness of the
newly-returned King must be kept secret from all but a very few. The
solution Shirebound cleverly gives us is that the news is that Frodo
is the one who is sick, and the King is staying with him in order to
care for him.

I love the interplay of characterizations in this story. Shirebound
has a deft hand with the personalities of the four hobbits. When any
one of them is speaking, you can instantly tell which one it is,
whether she mentions it or not. And she also has found very clear
voices for the other members of the Fellowship as well as Eomer and
Aragorn's foster-brothers Elladan and Elrohir.

So far the story is just delightful, and I am treated to my fill of
hobbits taking care of a big person! I look forward to more.

Title: The North Delving Incident · Author: Dana · Genres: Drama · ID: 26
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:08:08
This is actually three stories woven into one, and yet all three are
the same story. A year after the Battle of Bywater Pippin finds
himself passing through a small village in the North-farthing, and
makes the horrifying discovery that a handful of Ruffians have been
hiding out there the whole time, terrorizing the villagers. And he
soon finds himself their captive.

In "Overlooked" we are shown the incident through Pippin's eyes. I
love his attitude as he wakes to find himself once more in captivity.
He's not afraid, not in the least, but he immediately begins to
calculate how he can get away, and what his advantages and
disadvantages are. His characterization here is solidly book-Pippin, a
clever and curious hobbit, with a full allowance of Tookish stubbornness.

We are introduced to an OC who plays a pivotal role in what happens,
and as with all of Dana's OCs, Citrine comes vividly to life, as does
her family. It is her POV that we follow in the second part of the
cycle, "Left Undone", and we learn for the first time just *how* those
Ruffians came to be in North Delving. Citrine is an engaging
character, as are her family. Pippin's arrival is the catalyst that
will bring the story to a climax. The recounting of the horrors of
life in the village as the Men hold the town hostage is
heart-breaking, and we come to understand Citrine's desperation. I
know of no one who has such a sure grip on just what the Occupation of
the Shire must have meant to the hobbits who endured it. Dana does not
shrink from letting us know the things that JRRT drew a veil over. And
yet, her hobbits always manage to remain hobbits.

In "Following Through" we have Merry's POV, as he worries about a
Pippin who has missed meeting him, and we finally learn how Merry and
the others managed to arrive at the end.

One of the things I loved in this part was the hobbity banter at the
beginning, as the hobbits riding with Merry tease one another about
the prevalence of sheep in the North-farthing.

This is a really fine story-cycle, and shows that Dana is perfectly
capable of writing not only character studies and vignettes, but a
tight and well-constructed plot as well!

Title: A Moment in the Morning in Bree · Author: Budgielover · Races:
Cross-Cultural · ID: 731
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:08:38
Strider finds himself an object of immense curiousity to the four
hobbits--and begins to learn something about them as well.

I love the way Budgie nails the various personalities of the hobbits
in the sorts of questions they ask: Pippin's frank and open
curiousity, Merry's observant and practical questions, Frodo's
attempts to mask his own curiousity in politeness, and Sam's efforts
to connect what he sees to what he already knows.

And Strider's own observations as he tries to satisfy them without
seeming any more threatening than someone twice their size and
bristling with weapons would are very amusing as well.

A lovely "getting acquainted" fic!

Title: There and Back · Author: Dana · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 89
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-17 22:09:01
Two-hundred-and-fifty absolutely perfect words, a
double-drabble-and-a-half, and for me to properly review it, I would
really need to quote almost the whole thing in square brackets. Still,
I will do my very best to do it justice without such extreme measures!

The first half of this fixed-length-ficlet is from Pippin's
point-of-view, during the long and terrible journey to the Black Gate.
He is naturally pondering the futility of their march, worrying about
the outcome, sure that he is going to his end, and thinking, of
course, of Merry. But it's more than just what Pippin is thinking and
more about how he's thinking it, as is usually true of any story by
Dana. She has a way of really getting deeply inside the characters'
heads. When you read a story of hers--of any length--you never doubt
that you are getting the visceral responses of the character to his or
her situation.

In the second part of this, we get Beregond's point-of-view after the
battle is over and the journey home begun. It's not just Pippin of
whom he thinks, but of the other hobbits as well. It is clear that
this man knows exactly who is responsible for his still being alive. I
love the concluding line--it really is just perfect for this.

Title: A Maid Waiting · Author: Larner · Genres: Romance: Gondor · ID: 691
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-17 22:50:16
We see lots of stories about the great nobles of Gondor and the
adventures of Aragorn and his circle and rightly so, but we know very
little about the lives of the people in the background who make the
Royal Household run smoothly.
This delightful story answers any questions a reader might have about
what it is like to be a servant of Aragorn as well as the pitwalls the
new King faces from ladies of easy virtue.
The heroine of the story,Systerien,begins as a not very likeable
character who is eager to make her fortune.As the story develops,the
good influence of the new King rubs off on her and the reader warms to
her and is delighted when she finds happiness with another character
who has had a lot to learn from Aragorn's wisdom and compassion.
A most enjoyable and heart warming story.

Title: There shall be Mirth at our Meeting · Author: Imhiriel ·
Genres: Humor: Drabbles · ID: 377
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-18 00:12:45
This was truly delightful drabble ,which left a vivid impression on
me.I feel that many an Aragorn fan will feel herself in the shoes of
Bronwen who enjoys the sight of Aragorn and dreaming about him,despite
having a nice husband at home! We can but dream of a man we will never
get to meet!
I am certain Aragorn turned many a head during his Ranger days and
this drabble gives a vivid glimpse into the effect the Ranger had on
those around him.

Title: An Ordinary Woman · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age
and Prior: House of Finwe · ID: 32
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-18 00:17:48
Are heroes and heroines truly as great as they are said to be?This is
an unique and somewhat controversial look at the fabled Luthien,which
made an enjoyable read and was thought provoking.

Title: Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! · Author: Alassante · Races:
Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 260
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-18 00:21:13
A thought provoking look at how the kinslaying may have effected those
involved in it.Good people can sometimes do terrible deeds and this
ficlet movingly explores the consequences.

Title: Moonset over Gondor · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres: Drama:
Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 652
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-18 01:05:48
I love to think about what happened to my favourite characters after
Tolkien finished his great epic.We are given a few facts in some of
Tolkien's other writings such as Faramir lived to be 120,while it says
in LOTR that he had a grandson called Barahir, but such hints only
make us want to know more.

I also often wonder if the characters ever returned to the scenes of
their great adventures or thought much about each other when they went
their separate ways.

This delightful and very atmospheric ficlet gives a very satisfactory
glimpse of a scene I can well believe happened when Faramir decides to
take Eowyn to Henneth-Annűn six years after the end of the war. I
loved the idea of Faramir showing his wife his old Ranger haunts!

I loved the beautiful image that raksha creates of faramir and Eowyn
looking at the waterfall in the moonlight.I almost felt as if I were

I felt it was typical of Faramir to think about Frodo and Sam and the
time that they spent at Henneth-Annűn. There is a hint of melancholy
when Faramir muses how Frodo had to leave Middle-earth,and wonders if
he can still enjoy the moon.

Maybe Faramir realises how fortunate he and Eowyn are not to have been
as damaged by their wartime experiences as poor Frodo?I am sure such a
thoughtful man would.

THe story ends with a tender kiss,just perfect for a moonlit night!

Title: Another Country · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Men: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 438
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-18 01:10:23
I loved the twist in the first of this pair of drabbles.The reader is
led to think that Boromir is at Rivendell when he is somewhere else
The meeting between Denethor and his son in the second of these pieces
shows the tragic downfall of these two men all too clearly.They could
have been so great,but pride brought them both low.They have lost and
the future belongs to Faramir and the King.
A well wriiten pair of drabbles,highly reccomended.

Title: Labour Pains · Author: Aratlithiel · Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 483
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-18 02:07:42
This story is just delightful.It tells of the trials and tribulations
of Frodo when left with a very pregneant Rosie.
The story gives a quite different and very plausible reason why
Frodo,accustomed to a quiet batchelor life,should accept the
invitation to sail to the Undying Lands.
Great fun and a most enjoyable read. I also loved the attractive
layout of the site it was posted on.

Title: A Sleep Over · Author: Phyncke · Times: First Age and Prior:
House of Finwe · ID: 160
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-18 02:44:25
A quirky and rather original (for Tolkien fanfiction using canon
characters) story about two young elf-maidens and what should have
been a light-hearted evening of girlish confidences.

The story's fluff factor is skillfully offset by a shattering bit of
precognition that catapaults the reader into a certain section of the
Silmarillion, and the knowledge of the eventual fate of one of the two

Definitely a worthy plotline, and a novel way of dealing with it.

Title: The Houseless · Author: Jael · Genres: Horror · ID: 178
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-18 06:42:06
We all love ghost stories and there are some classic ones. Jael
presents us with a Middle-earth version of one such story and spins
her tale in a believable manner. She has a way of describing the
creepiness of the woods that puts you immediately in the mood. I loved
the way she presents a Legolas still young enough to be innocent and
unwary as he comes upon a young elleth who, in the parlance of our
times, "needs a ride home". Even though the reader knows the truth as
to the elleth's identity, though Legolas does not, it does not detract
from enjoying a good yarn, for how many times have we all shivered
with delight as we sat around campfires and listened to the same kind
of story being told once again?

Title: Spaces in the Heart · Author: Keiliss · Races: Elves: House of
Elrond · ID: 251
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-18 07:40:49
What must it be like for one who has died to be returned to life with
no memory of the time between death and re-embodiment? The confusion
Glorfindel feels as he struggles to adapt to a world he no longer
recognizes is understandable and we sense his frustration as he tries
to put all the pieces together. Cirdan, seeking to alleviate some of
his guest's confusion, requests from Gil-galad someone from Gondolin
who could perhaps help ease Glorfindel's transition to a new life. The
High King's solution is quite original and completely satisfactory. A
lovely story of the first meeting between two of the most beloved of
canon characters.

Title: Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus · Author:
pandemonium_213 · Genres: Poetry · ID: 50
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-18 08:40:38
The dichotomy between religion and science, between myth and quantum
mechanics has, in the last twenty or so years, proven false. At the
time Tolkien wrote his famous poem to his friend C.S. Lewis, there was
no common meeting ground between the two worlds and one must be in one
camp or the other and, naturally, there would be defections on both
sides. That state of affairs, however, is slowly fading as the gap
between these supposedly two worlds begins to narrow. In the Medieval
period, there was no division between religion and science, between
myth-makers and alchemists; they were often one and the same. In
recent years, with the rise of the New Cosmology, we are again seeing
a fusion between the poet and the scientist. People like Mathematical
Cosmologist Brian Swimme and Eco-theologian Thomas Berry working
together to present us with a mythic view of the Universe's own story
grounded in hard science is a prime example.

Pandemonium's short poetic response, I think, ignores the history of
thought in this regard. Clearly she feels that Tolkien's own dislike
and distrust of science (he had after all lived through the horrors
perpetrated by scientists during both World Wars) unwarranted or
perhaps misguided. Yet, I think this ignores certain truths about
Tolkien himself - that he was an avid amateur astronomer who prided
himself in creating a calendar that was more accurate than our own and
who was meticulous in getting the phases of the moon correct for his
stories. He was not, I think, against science per se, merely in its
misuse and, in his day, most scientists were self-proclaimed atheists
who relegated all that was outside science to myth, as if "myth" were
a bad word not to be spoken in polite society. For one who was a
devout Catholic, this would have been seen as an affront to Truth and

This poem, however, is quite interesting in its own regard and the
poet handles the heroic couplet quite well for one unused to it. I
liked the imagery which echoes or mirrors that used by Tolkien, though
giving it an opposite meaning. This is especially true in the way she
reinterprets the image (and ultimate purpose) of the Iron Crown.
Science, as she states in her note to the poem, can indeed impart a
sense of wonder and the power of science to do so should not be
despised; neither should that of myth. They are both daughters of the
same Creator who delights in giving us both quasars and quests.

Title: Hope comes for Estel · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Aragorn · ID: 622
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-18 15:27:16
Stefania writes entertaining stories that use a rather unique
framework -she incorporates the physical appearances of the actors in
the movies, and some of the movies' plot and characterisation, but
also includes much of the history and background from the books.

In this story, as his Coronation approaches, and Aragorn begins to
consider the gargantuan tasks awaiting him, Faramir comes to see his
new liege-lord at Cormallen. Stefania has a gift for dialogue and
introspection here; and quite credibly conveys the doubts of two
powerful and perceptive men struggling to come to terms with a new
world and new balance of power as well as the legacies of conflicts
created before one of them was born.

An intriguing portrait of the fledgling relationship between Steward
and King.

Title: The Haradric Whore and Her Son · Author: annmarwalk/EdorasLass
CoAuthors · Races: Cross-Cultural · ID: 124
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-18 16:30:11
If Boromir can't be with my Andrahar, then I like him best with
Theodred. It's a true meeting of equals, as both men are Heirs to
their respective countries, and they're both warriors. They even die
on the same day.

That being said, given the distance between Gondor and Rohan, they
can't live in each others' pockets. So a vow of physical faithfulness
would be hypocritical-particularly since they both are expected to
eventually marry to continue their dynasties. Thus in this story
Boromir's rather deliberate forays into womanizing, to hide the true
nature of his desires, are cataloged very matter-of-factly by the
Steward's Heir, as is his desire for the Rohir boy whore rumor
describes as living in the first circle.

Gaersum and his Haradric mother, who did indeed serve her time in a
brothel, are survivors. And though they sell their bodies, they truly
can't be bought in any meaningful way. There is some very nice
exposition of Haradric culture in this story and I absolutely love
this Boromir. This passage, particularly, seems to sum up his
character [Sometimes I almost cursed my life: why had I not been born
as other men, able to take a wife in joy, raise children, live without
shame or fear? But I could not forswear my love for Théodred, or even
my affection for this golden-haired boy. I am what I am; whatever
Power it is that creates us, gives us form and being, had made me
thus, and so I must live as I can: true to my own understanding of
right and wrong, honor and duty.].

Boromir's treatment of the boy is considerate and in its way,
affectionate. It seems that at this point in his life, he needs more
than just physical release from a succession of random partners. And
he is careful to see that Gaersum's welfare and that of his mother are
seen to before he takes his final journey North.

Very nicely done, Annmarwalk and EdorasLass!

Title: Silenced · Author: Illwynd · Genres: Horror · ID: 31
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-18 16:39:26
(Shiver) An excellent ficlet depicting a chilling AU where once again
the weakness of Men creates a calamity. The mood builds slowly and
skillfully. I particularly liked this line [And the people he had
liked to speak with were gone—where? He couldn't remember, and this
made the shuffling in his thought grow louder.]. One knows perfectly
well what happened to them and that fact that Boromir cannot remember
is possibly the most chilling thing about this story.

Title: A Place for Gandalf · Author: Dreamflower · Times: Mid Third
Age: Eriador · ID: 391
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-18 19:15:51
A hightly entertaining story with two interesting plot threads: Bilbo
builds a room for Gandalf; and his reasons for making Frodo his heir.
The tone of the story is overall light, but its occasional "dips" into
more serious matters are managed without a hitch, and without jarring,
and there are a nice variety of little canon references strewn in.

Dreamflower manages to capture the characters extremely well; from
their behaviour to their speech patterns - you just "see" and "hear"
them as they appear in canon, or as can easily be inferred from canon.

The ensemble cast is handled expertly, the dialogues in particular are
very lively and make each character distinct. Occasionally, I thought
the narrative flow was a bit disturbed by abrupt breaks, but on the
whole, this kept the story at a brisk pace.

Bilbo is especially well-drawn, and his buoyant spirit, his love of
good things like food and friends and good living (and his dislike of
the S-B's *g*) are conveyed very vividly. I also love the way the
children are portrayed and the relationship between them and towards
the adults.

I also like the details of Gandalf's room being built and furnished
and the fun everyone has with it, and later Gandalf's joy, expressed
in what is one of my favourite passages: ["But this--this was a place
for *him*, made for him with love and care and a deal of
thoughtfulness. This was as close to a home as he could know until his
task was done and he returned across the Sea. Tears stood in his eyes."]

Title: One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts · Author: Gwynnyd · Genres:
Romance: Gondor · ID: 334
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-18 19:17:08
Gwynnyd has a knack of zooming in on the nitty-gritty details of the
lives of her characters: the sweat, the sound of body movements, tiny
gestures, making the characters relatable; while OTOH, never losing
sight of just *who* these people are, their position, background,
history etc.

The scene depicted is wonderful: this night-time conversation in bed,
intimate, half-sleepy, closely tuned to each other, serious and then

The balance is held here skilfully between showing the sometimes
discommoding, disabling or plain annoying realities of age, poking
gentle fun at having to deal with them, and still preserving the
dignity of the characters.

The sensual content of this story is relatively frank, but never
graphic, and is interwoven comfortably into the narrative. It
illustrates nicely the subject matter Aragorn raises, which in itself
provides an interesting meta-commentary on a passage in Tolkien's
writing about the diminishing of sexual desire in Elves after a time
of procreation (referenced in the author's notes), which must be of
special interest to Aragorn, raised as he was in an Elven household.

I also like the way Aragorn's relationships with other people are
briefly but memorably interwoven into the story (in particular Faramir).

Title: The Dwarves Treasure · Author: eiranae · Races: Dwarves · ID: 312
Reviewer: viv · 2008-07-18 21:04:30
You know what I love about this story? It isn't just that it's about
dwarves, or even that it portrayed dwarves as something other than (a)
annoying comic relief or (b) the metaphorical spitoon of a bunch of
hoity first-age elves. It's that this story extends and embellishes a
theme that Tolkien touched on but sadly (at least in my mind) failed
to expand on: celebrating racial diversity, even in Middle-earth. At
the fore in this story is Duron, who starts out as big-hearted and
able to accept an elf child into his life and, ultimately, into his
soul. But as the story continues, other dwarves, and even a few elves,
learn that folks of other races aren't precisely as they'd believed. I
love the conversation between Gimli and Mireth at the beginning of
Chapter 6. This is where Gimli's journey, the one that ultimately
leads him to both Fangorn *and* the Aglarond, begins, I think. Other
themes also wind in and out of the piece: parenthood, patience,
identity. For such a seemingly straightforward story, this one
highlights a lot of Tolkien subtext as well as breaking new ground in
its own right. I am looking forward to wherever eiranae takes me next.

Title: Dead Steward's Gift · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Mystery · ID: 572
Reviewer: viv · 2008-07-18 21:05:48
You've incorporated a lot of horror-story tropes -- moaning sounds,
secret letters, antique keys, ominous clouds -- but this story is very
fresh. I didn't expect to get sucked in the way I did. It kept my
attention even though I had lots of offline things I should have been
doing. :) It's just so rare in fic to see a well-constructed
thriller/mystery. I think it's easerr for folks to write angsty
character pieces, and even romances, but we as a group aren't all that
great at plot and ambiance. You've done such an excellent job with
both in this story. And then at the end, once the mysteries are all
solved, there's that mini-arc (who is talking back to him, etc) that
keeps the reveal and ending from being sort of a let-down. I liked the
idea that Aragorn and Faramir could continue to communicate over
distances, and I agree that it makes complete sense that the palantiri
would continue to work even after the end of the Rings (weren't they
completely independent of the Rings and all that mess? or did
Annatar/Sauron have a hand in both? For some reason, I seem to recall
that the palantiri were wholly separate, which would make sense in the
context of this story). At any rate, I enjoyed this story thoroughly
and am so glad for the MEFAs, which urged me toward a gem like this of
which I might normally have been unaware. Oh, one last thought: is
Cirri uinhabited by the noble spirit of Denethor? Whether she is or
not, I liked her inclusion in the story: she helped with the mood and
mystery, as well as being, well, a kitty. :)

Msg# 9324

MEFA Reviews for Monday, July 28, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 28, 2008 - 20:41:23 Topic ID# 9324
Title: The Dark One · Author: NeumeIndil · Genres: Drama · ID: 411
Reviewer: viv · 2008-07-18 21:17:25
I've mentioned to you before how horrible (in the best possible way,
literarily) I find the piglet. What an excruciating subplot! But it
draws the setting so well, makes everything seem on the cusp of
darkness and tragedy, just handing on by a thread. (That's the setting
you're going for, right?) And Morwen's past fits into that tableu
nicely. Even now, having gotten away from some of the darkness, she's
just barely staying above water.

I think I've also mentioned how impressive your attention to detail
is. With few words, you give the physical setting and really draw a
reader in. This series goes from pit-deep blackness to chuckles to
torrid smut, completely without blinking. I dig the wild ride.

Characterizations in this story are also rich and evocative, and
though the OFC appears at first to be a pwp sort of gal, it becomes
clear that she is in fact *not* amoral, whatever her past. This story
is one of a series featuring this OFC, and so far I've enjoyed every
one I've read.

Title: The Ring That Sauron Forged · Author: Larner · Genres: Poetry:
Hobbits · ID: 645
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-18 23:34:45
"The Ring That Sauron Forged" is a clever, amusing, and ultimately
poignant tongue-twister style poem that should be required reading for
everyone who loves Tolkien's universe. The verses tell the basic story
of the One Ring in a surprising fashion that aptly summarizes the main
themes and characterizes the dramatis personae of Tolkien's most
reknown tale.

Larner's poem should be required reading for any English students who
are looking for an aid to remember the key events in "Lord of the
Rings" for their book reports!! Moreover, us Tolkien fans should be
made to memorize this poem. Then we can then meet as a group and
individually recite the lines as fast as we can go. That would put to
best use this lovely poem with its surprising and moving ending.

Title: Sing All Ye People! · Author: Raksha the Demon · Times: Late
Third Age: Gondor · ID: 249
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-18 23:57:45
In "Sing All Ye People," Raksha gives us Faramir's point of view of an
incident in Lord of the Rings where I personally thought Tolkien
seriously overdid it with religiousity and saccarine. Raksha frames
the believability straining arrival of the singing eagle who announces
Sauron's defeat into a touching meditation by Faramir on the meaning
of the strange creature's words. The affect is haunting and touching.
This story was far easier for me to accept than the original. (Sorry
'bout that, JRRT).

Title: The Ritual Disturbed · Author: Larner · Genres: Horror · ID: 68
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 01:26:10
A scary scene to work with, and characters Larner doesn't write too
often, show her grasp of horror as well as hurt/comfort and humor and
history in Tolkien fanfiction. I really liked the characterisation of
Tom Bombadil/Iarwain, a being of great power cloaked with bright
colors and silly rhymes...

Title: Concerning Walls · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Frodo and Faramir · ID: 112
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 02:52:32

One of the scenes I dearly wish that Tolkien had written was the
reunion of Faramir and Frodo, that Faramir himself had wistfully
mentioned in Ithillien, when both Captain and Ringbearer parted to
journey into terrible danger.

In this short story, the reunion that neither Frodo nor Faramir had
believed they would live to see, is written with understated grace and
poignancy. The dialogue, which could, in less inspired hands, come out
stilted or over-sentimentalized, flows naturally; as the hobbit and
the Steward discuss history, flowers, types of residential
architectture in Shire and Minas Tirith, and the changes that loom
over both their homelands like the no-longer-shadowed Ephel Duath.
Frodo and Faramir are kindred spirits, not only by their shared love
of lore and friendship with Mithrandir, but because of having walked
through some of the same fires.

I particularly like the characterisation of Faramir here; he is as
keenly perceptive and incisive as he was in Henneth-Annun, but more
gentle, free to be more overtly compassionate.

Title: Pip-napped! · Author: Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 669
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 04:13:56
I've seen the plot of hobbits kidnapped in post-RingWar Minas Tirith
written more than once before, but it is always intriguing to see how
it is played out. And in this story, it is played out very well. I
really like how Pippin is characterised here, resourceful enough to
turn the tables on his kidnappers and, in a tribute to his goodness of
heart, actually pity them.

Title: The Last Stand · Author: Rhapsody · Times: First Age and Prior
· ID: 82
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-19 05:13:03
Thanks for giving us a good glimpse of how the Elven host and their
allies would have felt behind the lines. The images were quite vivid
to me, I liked how you portrayed Beleg. I also like the way you
fleshed out Echthelion. The Gondolin host had always been somewhat of
an enigma for me.

The pain and frustration of the characters underscores for me that the
bigger tragedy was that the Eldar were not united on that battle and
how things could have turned out differently had it been otherwise.
Like I said before, Beleg is getting more and more interesting the
more I read about him.

Title: Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast? · Author: viv · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 180
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-19 05:18:21
Good work, Viv. This double drabble is just hysterical, a modern,
punkish take on Eowyn versus the Witch King. Every Tolkien fan should
give this one a look. The Wiki's final comments are priceless.

Title: Midwinter Thoughts · Author: Rhapsody · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 570
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-19 05:22:51
The Feanorians are my favorite, Maitimo most of all, so this is a
treat to read. It's nice that you gave my favorite elf something more
pleasant to think about. I also liked the passing references you gave
to the other Feanorions and am very curious to find out more about the
particular lady that Maitimo is about to propose to. I have had
several pet theories as to why a majority of the Feanorians never
married, and somehow it always occurs to me how much different events
could have turned out if Maitimo or Tyelkormo had been married. Thanks
for sharing this.

Title: Autumn · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles ·
ID: 489
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 05:27:12
What must it have been like for Aragorn, who wandered the wilds for so
many years, to give up the freedom of wood and mountain for the
obligations of the highest throne in western Middle-earth?

Here, Linda Hoyland gives a possible answer, or at least a partial
answer, in a mere hundred words.

Though Aragorn is surely the mightiest of a race that is nigh super in
strength and stamina (not to mention having the body of a 40-year-old
at an actual age when most humans need canes or coffins), he is still
mortal. When autumn chills the air and brings grey skies, drizzling
rain and even frost, even Aragorn would feel weariness, not to mention
the cold and the damp. In this drabble, Linda conveys Aragorn's
appreciation of some aspects of a more settled existence - not so much
the kingly trappings as warmth, home, and the presence of family and
friends. The relationship between Aragorn and Arwen is fittingly
portrayed as being both comforting and passionate.

A lot of description, and feeling, powerfully delivered in this
drabble. And there's a lovely last line, too!

Title: The Last Words · Author: Rhapsody · Genres: Drama: Featuring
the Noldor · ID: 409
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-19 05:44:26
I've always considered the estrangement of Feanor and Nerdanel very
tragic and sad and reading your story emphasized this for me. How
different things could have turned out if this had not happened, or if
she joined him in Middle Earth. It's also a treat to see the spotlight
more on Ambarussa here than on the other Feanorions. I think this also
gives a good glimpse of what could have been going through Nerdanel's
mind and how she must have felt after being supplanted by the jewels
in her husband's regard, truly, they could qualify as "mistresses".
Nerdanel's question of why the Valar released Morgoth and how it
affected her family is my favorite line. The most heart breaking scene
is the part where she actually holds them and addresses them like they
were living beings and how even after she denies any more love for
him, she still does not want him destroyed. The hopeless romantic in
me thinks that if anything, that is still an indication that she loves

Title: Unwilling · Author: Elena Tiriel · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 64
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-19 14:57:55
A lovely drabble that seems to have relevance in what happens today. I
was particularly struck by the observation that Men had stolen the
stars. So many folks today who live in cities never see them.

Title: Healing · Author: Bodkin · Races: Elves · ID: 419
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-19 15:19:10
This is a truly beautiful, if depressing, story about why it was
Celeborn stayed behind when his wife went to Valinor and what it was
that moved him to finally rejoin her. Reunited with Galadriel, he
recounts the events while resting beneath trees that do not die.

Celeborn has always been one of my favorite characters-the quiet,
seemingly innocuous Elf who is married to the formidable Galadriel,
surnamed the Wise-and apparently, the one person who can actually turn
her from a chosen course (or so it always seemed to me!). His strength
is of a different sort than hers, but no less strong. Here, however,
he is drained and in need of solace. And Bodkin depicts that and his
ages-old love for his wife wonderfully well.

In this story, the Elves of the Fourth Age do linger for a time,
trying to heal the land of what Sauron had done to it. Celeborn tells
of Arwen's death, and of Elladan's and Elrohir's unwillingness to flee
Arda until she is gone. Thranduil and Glorfindel make brief
appearances, and Glorfindel in particular is simply marvelous! What
eventually forces Celeborn to flee or face fading is something I had
never considered before, but it makes such a great deal of sense that
I wondered why it had never occcured to me. A lovely, lovely tale, Bodkin!

Title: The Last Words · Author: Rhapsody · Genres: Drama: Featuring
the Noldor · ID: 409
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 15:52:06
A fascination confrontation between Nerdanel and her rivals for
Feanor's love. What I found most intriguing was that despite
Nerdanel's assertions that she was done with the Spirit of Fire, she
is still emotionally invested in her husband's welfare; still loves
him. Which is not at all surprising. Rhapsody knows her House of
Finwe, and brings off this episode in Nerdanel's life with pleasing

Title: Music hath Charms · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 361
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-19 16:33:59
This story begins as a scene of domestic discord among Gondor's two
highest couples, the likes of which would provide fodder for Minas
Tirith gossip TV--if such a thing existed. However, events resolve
smoothly, as the King and his Steward prove the axiom in Linda's
title. A gentle bit of fluff that is perfect for a summer's day, or
for healing any blues that you might have.

Title: Homeward Bound · Author: Werecat · Genres: Alternate Universe ·
ID: 430
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-19 16:58:28
On its surface, "Homeward Bound" is a modern encounter between a
hungry hobo and the middle aged cat lady who feeds him. But there is
much more lingering below the story's surface. This tale is a
resolultion of Tolkien's unfortunate short paragraphs on Queen
Beruthiel that rises the ire of cat lovers among his fans. Werecat
envisions a better future for the much maligned queen in 21st century
England. (I presume, partially because an American would more likely
provide hearty chicken soup and bread for lunch, rather than
shepheard's pie, as Missus Beth does.) The story touched me and left
me in tears.

I think there should be an archive somewhere for Tolkien-oriented
stories featuring animals. "Homeward Bound" would be a prime candidate.

Title: Of Old It Was Not Darksome · Author: EdorasLass · Races:
Dwarves · ID: 70
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-19 17:01:12
Brilliant little snapshot of scene! The appearance of Boromir's cloak
was a welcome touch, and I like the way Gimli's memories of it were
handled. Very moving story.

Title: Bombur's Diet · Author: Primsong · Races: Dwarves · ID: 677
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-19 17:03:46
Oh dear, I haven't laughed so hard in a good long while. This is some
of the best dwarf writing I've ever seen. Bilbo is definitely Bilbo,
and the dwarves are all definitely dwarves. You couldn't switch the
names around or the characters. The writing (and the dialogue
especially) fits both the race and the individual. Truly, this is a
masterpiece of characterization.

But what really makes this story shine is the humor. It's a droll,
laid back style of humor, and it makes you smile at every turn. Bilbo
is in rare form, and his wry observations kept surprising laughs out
of me. Bombur's nonchalance about his growing weight still makes me
smile, and the antics of his cousins are not to be missed. Then there
are the other dwarves, who put in cameo appearances of a sort by the
end of the tale, and though their initial reaction is confusion, they
recover quickly enough to make some great quips of their own. The
final twist thrown in by both Bilbo and Bombur in order to drive home
a vital point made me both laugh and nod my head in understanding. I
don't know that I can completely agree with them (I think his
increasing weight will eventually impact his cousins), but they
certainly make their point clearly and persuasively. Full applause all
around for all the characters and for a sharp, witty tale.

Title: Trading Pledges · Author: Adaneth · Races: Dwarves · ID: 339
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-19 17:04:43
I think one of the big opportunities for writers of Tolkien fanfiction
is to open up doorways into the cultures that Tolkien only hinted at.
And there are many of them, not least of which would be the dwarves.
Tolkien gave us a few tidbits to work with, but by and large, they're
a reticent group. That is, they are until Adaneth grabs hold of them.
This is easily one of my all-time favorite dwarf stories, and also one
of my favorite romances. I'm not generally a fan of the latter (which
should tell you something about how much I like this story) and I have
lots of favorites among the former (which should also tell you
something about how much I like this story). Simply put, this is a
masterpiece that wedges its way into a hidden world and makes it
accessible. It's completely dwarven. This could never be mistaken for
anything else. But it's dwarven in a way that readers can comprehend
and understand. We feel along with the dwarves. We get a sense of the
propriety of courtship, the fear that lingers behind the battle
preparations, and the feel of choice and destiny and pledges made on
the eve of war. Finally, I have to award large kudos for bridging
territory into the lives of the elusive Firebeards. Durin's line tends
to hog the spotlight. All in all, this is a very full and very
encompassing look at a culture that is only briefly glimpsed by canon.

Title: Tonight We Are Alive · Author: Eyborg · Races: Dwarves · ID: 504
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-19 17:05:18
Superb little canon gapfiller! I've seen many stories on Bilbo's
return and also on what happened during Bilbo's absence, but I think
people sometimes forget that there were three dwarves on the Quest for
Erebor who never came home. And who knows who might have been waiting
for them? Thankfully, that's where touching stories like this come in.

Title: As Was Dwarven Tradition · Author: Nieriel Raina · Races:
Dwarves · ID: 553
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-19 17:05:59
Anyone knows me well know that I'm a big sucker for anything involving
Legolas and Gimli. So of course I immediately fell for this story. It
made me smile, it made me laugh, and it warmed my heart. I love the
way Gimli keeps looking for Legolas, never quite losing the hope that
his friend would appear. I also love his conviction that this would be
a very long night. Thranuil's appearance was definitely not expected,
and that was a great surprise. But even better was Legolas's eventual
arrival, and the way in which he carried it out. Great birthday
surprise, and very endearing story.

Title: The Dwarves Treasure · Author: eiranae · Races: Dwarves · ID: 312
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-19 17:06:30
I keep wanting to call this story "precious," except that in LotR
culture, that has an entirely different meaning. But if I could use
the normal sense of the word, I would. It's not quite "A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court" or "The Ugly Duckling," but the premise
is similar and the elven child is definitely cuter. Fun, charming, and

Title: Alqualondë · Author: Moreth · Genres: Drama: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 220
Reviewer: Robinka · 2008-07-19 17:16:00
This set of two drabbles is Moreth's debut, and what a powerfully done
and the most impressive one! She told so much in so few words that it
is really amazing. The drabbles both depict the tragedy of the first
kinslaying in Alqualondë, but each takes on a different point of view:
an innocent victim in the first one and a trained, skilled in fighting
assailant in the second drabble.

Moreth conveyed the contradiction of these viewpoints perfectly: the
chaos and horror of the attack as seen through the eyes of those who
were attacked (represented here by a young Teler), and the steel-cold
drive of those who were the attackers, prepared to kill and die, but
not thinking about it at the time. Remorse comes later.

Heart-breaking, splendidly captured scene! Outstandingly done!

Title: What Goes Up · Author: Dana · Times: Late Third Age: Gondor
Drabbles · ID: 683
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:21:30
What a wonderful drabble! It's a perfect metaphor for Pippin, isn't
it? Poised between his 'tweenhood, using a child's skill ["he was good
at it, and it was something that Frodo had shown him first, and
something he'd excelled at "] to set actions in motion that will move
him inexorably toward adulthood. ["Now Pippin stands a world away from
anything he's ever known, alone with the quiet of the wind and the
crack of hot fire – and the quiet of his thoughts, so far away from

The last line, of course, is the kicker, as it should be in a drabble;
the bit that twists the whole story on its head. Just terrific!

Title: Eagle of the Star · Author: alex_quine · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Aragorn · ID: 152
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:22:34
This was a most intriguing story. I don't know that I've read such a
well drawn characterization of Ecthelion, shrewd and wise, but also
farsighted and suprisingly compassionate. The characterization of
Denethor was quite unusual too: briliiant, yet somewhat pampered and
overprotected, reckless and eager to prove himself. The sexual
relationship between Denethor and Thorongil was very different from
others of this pairing I've read: Denethor portrayed as a bored
dilettante, pouncing upon Thorongil almost for the novelty of it,
while Thorongil, poor Thorongil, can't quite decide to be flattered or
overwhelmed. The idea of Thorongil feeling heartsick over his
impending exile, longing for the city he has come to love, made my
heart ache, too. The final scene, where Ecthelion gifts Thorongil with
a token in earnest of his future claim, was unexpected, and quite moving.

Msg# 9325

Thanks for directions on downloading banners. Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 28, 2008 - 22:27:49 Topic ID# 9308
Thanks, both Marta and Ruth, for the help. I'm very grateful.

Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9326

Admin - Stories with "Rare" Races and Time Periods Posted by Marta July 29, 2008 - 0:13:19 Topic ID# 9326
Hey guys,

Last week has been a bit crazy, so the weekly "admin" post from last
week never got made. Never fear, I will have another educational post
later this week. Thanks for everyone's patience!

This week I'd like to focus on stories that are about "rare" races and
time periods. In fandom, some source material  races and time periods 
attract a lot of attention, both from writers and from readers. There
will be posts devoted to some of those later on in the year. But there
are also those corners of canon that seem to be a bit off the
well-beaten past. And I know some of you enjoy reading such stories, so
I'd like to draw your attention to them.

For the list of pieces in this announcement I've used an author's main
category selection. Each author selects three category choices, only one
of which it can be placed in; but the author has still described it as
being suitable for three category choices, even if it isn't placed
there. So if an author selected one of the "race" categories Dwarves,
Other Beings, or Villains it will be on this list. And ditto if the
author selected one of the "times" categories Second Age, Early Third
Age, Modern Times, or Multi-Age.

Finding stories that selected a certain main category is pretty
straightforward. To do this:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Stories" link at the top of the page.
3. Click the "Show Filter" link.
4. Click the "Clear All Filters" button if you've used the filter before
this session.
5. Select the genre, race, or time period you would like from the
"Genre, Race, Time" filter (sixth from the bottom).
6. Click the "Display selected nominations" button.

This will pull up all of the nominated pieces that selected your main
category as a first-, second-, or third-choice category, even if they
didn't end up categorized in that main category.


Here are the stories competing in this year's competition whose author
selected one of the above categories to describe their piece.

+++ Stories involving "rare" races +++
(Races: Dwarves, Races: Other Beings, Races: Villains)

--- Adaneth: (63) Loudwater; (339) Trading Pledges
--- annmarwalk: (40) The Wedding Gift
--- Aranel Took: (468) Hammer; (533) Home
--- Dawn Felagund: (140) Journeys of Vasa
--- draylon: (626) Captain of Mordor
--- EdorasLass: (9) As the Tide by the Moon; (70) Of Old It Was Not Darksome
--- eiranae: (312) The Dwarves Treasure
--- Elena Tiriel: (208) Renewal
--- Eyborg: (504) Tonight We Are Alive
--- fantasyfan: (642) Dispelling the Fog
--- Fiondil: (3) Wars of the Valar); (56) DISGUISE: Emissaries; (415)
BRIDGE: Pa Valaraucar ar Namier
--- Gandalfs Apprentice: (242) Incarnation; (243) Bears With Honey
--- Gloria Mundi: (594) Gifts
--- Ignoble Bard: (42) The Making of Werewolves; (342) Sunset Gates
--- Imhiriel: (114) Flame of Life; (286) Cold Be Hand and Heart and
Bone; (354) O Kheled-zaram fair and wonderful!; (366) Moved to Pity
--- Larner: (59) The Lost Restored; (62) I Stand No Longer Alone; (394)
Jewels of Light
--- Maeve Riannon: (403) A Fair Trial
--- Makamu: (585) Dark Light
--- Mariole: (240) Wormtongue
--- Marta: (99) Kementari; (651) Old Friends
--- mrkinch: (603) Black Memory
--- Nancy Brooke: (287) The Waker
--- Nath: (314) Old Man Willow; (577) Tower of the Moon
--- Nieriel Raina: (553) As Was Dwarven Tradition
--- Oshun: (530) Aule the Smith
--- pandemonium_213: (52) The Apprentice; (54) Broken Star; (58) Cat's Paws
--- Pearl Took: (137) Meant to Be; (304) Faeries; (388) Seven Sisters
--- Perelleth: (168) Sing My Worth Immortal
--- Phyncke: (564) Yrch Song
--- Primsong: (677) Bombur's Diet
--- Princess Artemis: (416) Temptation
--- Raksha the Demon: (294) Reflections in the Smoke
--- rhyselle: (501) The Search
--- shirebound: (121) Seven Stones and Seven Stars and One White Tree
--- Soledad: (103) The Vault of the Dead
--- Tanaqui: (439) Saruman of Many Colors; (442) Dreamscape; (443) No
Mercy; (444) Charge!; (447) Expert Treasure Hunter; (448) Orc Dreams;
(449) The Lowest Circle
--- The Lauderdale: (575) The Captain's Mare
--- viv: (180) Care to Ride My Hot-Rod Fell Beast?

+++ Stories involving "rare" time periods +++
(Times: Second Age, Times: Early Third Age, Times: Multi-Age, Times:
Modern Times)

--- Alassiel: (502) Tales of the Eldandili
--- Altariel: (108) Wizards' Pupils
--- annmarwalk: (40) The Wedding Gift; (94) Call of the Wild
--- Aranel Took: (469) Shire
--- Aratlithiel: (457) On Hobbits
--- Aruthir: (338) Portrait of a Queen
--- Baranduin: (201 National Treasure
--- Bodkin: (170) Dragons in the Trollshaws; (190) A Darkness Lies
Behind Us; (310) Long Memories
--- Branwyn (Lady Branwyn): (33) Wave-Singer; (726) No Man's Land; (723)
Terra Incognita
--- brindlemom2: (184) Choices; (233) Coming Home
--- chaotic_binky: (363) Summer Heat; (364) Painting a Golden Light
--- Dawn Felagund: (125) For What I Wait
--- Dreamflower: (532) The Myth of the One Ring's Power
--- Dwimordene: (105) Faithful; (274) The Edge of the Knife
--- EdorasLass: (71) Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim
--- Elen Kortirion: (515) Diamonds For Forever I, II & III; (516)
Collecting Hearts I, II, III & VI
--- Elena Tiriel: (64) Unwilling
--- Elitihien: (486) U elye, Ar-Pharazon
--- Ellie: (484) The Dark of Night
--- Erviniae: (538) The Wrong Path
--- Fiondil: (8) The Last Messenger: A Tale of Numenor; (11) PROPHECY:
Changing the Future; (55) WAR: A Promise Before Dying; (56) DISGUISE:
Emissaries; (57) WOUNDS: Invisible Scars; (451) MAGIC: The Password;
(545) FAULT: The Doctor Is In
--- Gandalfs Apprentice: (85) Another Prometheus
--- Garnet Took: (410) The Road Trip
--- Gloria Mundi: (593) Into the Woods
--- Gwynnyd: (362) Feelings of Superiority
--- Ignoble Bard: (342) Sunset Gates
--- Imhiriel: (114) Flame of Life; (285) Deliverance; (286) Cold Be Hand
and Heart and Bone; (354) O Kheled-zaram fair and wonderful!; (355)
Return of the King; (367) Taking Roots; (374) A Meeting in the Tower Hills
--- Isil Elensar: (467) The Consuming Darkness
--- Jael: (86) King Stag; (87) Nightfall; (178) The Houseless; (205) Out
of the Blue; (348) Elflings
--- Jay of Lasgalen: (700) The Librarian
--- Jules14: (346) The Search for Middle-earth
--- Keiliss: (251) Spaces in the Heart
--- LA Knight: (513) Wife of the Thain
--- Lady Bluejay: (159) Tides of Destiny  Part One: Choices
--- Larner: (1) The Craft of the Elven Smith; (645) The Ring That Sauron
--- Lord Branwyn: (724) Two Prisoners
--- Marta: (475) Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name&; (624) Pride and
Despair: A Defense of Ecthelion's Son
--- Meril: (390) Flickers
--- Nath: (577) Tower of the Moon
--- NeumeIndil: (382) The Rescue of Celebrian
--- Nieriel Raina: (332) Fulfilling Oaths; (560) The Stranger; (707) The
Water's Song; (708) Whatever Harm Encroached
--- Oshun: (371) My Shining Stars; (530) Aule the Smith
--- pandemonium_213: (50) Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus;
(51) Trinity; (52) The Apprentice; (54) Broken Star; (58) Cat's Paws;
(213) Moon of the Sea; (665) Risk Assessment
--- Pearl Took: (230) A Day in Time
--- PipMer: (526) Birthday Double Drabble
--- Princess Artemis: (413) Solid Frodo: Hobbit Espionage Action
--- Radbooks: (275) A Little Misunderstanding
--- Raksha the Demon: (46) Undivided; (61) The Blessing of the Waters
--- Rhapsody: (81) Duty, Honour, Country
--- Robinka: (398) Maglor's Song
--- Roh Wyn: (277) Arvedui v. Pelendur
--- Savageseraph: (584) The Strength of Men
--- Sivan Shemesh: (510) Eldarion
--- stefaniab: (431) Writer's Bloke
--- Tanaqui: (271) Lost Love; (279) Celevon a Mallen; (328) Wild Swan;
(372) Baker's Dozen; (387) Possessing the greatest powers; (406) An
Elf-lord Revealed; (442) Dreamscape; (447) Expert Treasure
--- Tena: (537) Wherever You Go
--- viv: (182) Dawn Twilight; (276) Some Confusion in Accounts
--- weepingnaiad: (494) A Perfect Impression

To find more information about any of these pieces, just do the following:

1. Log in to
2. Click the "Stories" link at the top of the web page.
3. Type the Story ID followed by the "#" sign into the search bar, and
click the "Search" button.

For instance, searching for "538#" will bring up story #538, The Wrong
Path by Erviniae.

Pieces featuring dwarves, other beings, and villains, or set in Second
Age, Early Third Age, Modern Age, or more than one age are competing in
the following subcategories.

Genres: Adventure --- General
Genres: Alternate Universe --- General, Angst/Tragedy, Drabbles,
Incomplete, Other Fixed-Length Ficlets
Genres: Drama --- General, Ft. the Noldor, General Drabbles, General
Fixed-Length Ficlets, Gondor Fixed-Length Ficlets, Incomplete, Ring War
Genres: Horror --- General
Genres: Humor --- General, Drabbles, Elven Lands, Gondor, Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets, Valar & Maiar
Genres: Longer Works --- General
Genres: Mystery --- General
Genres: Non-Fiction --- General, Character Studies
Genres: Poetry --- General, Drama, Hobbits, Late Third Age
Genres: Romance --- Drabbles, Elven Lands, Other Fixed-Length Ficlets

Races: Cross-Cultural --- General, Elves and Men, Fixed-Length Ficlets,
Races: Dwarves --- General, Drabbles
Races: Elves --- General, Drabbles, Family, House of Elrond, House of
Finwe, Incomplete, Other Fixed-Length Ficlets, With Mirkwood Elves
Races: Men --- General, Drabbles, Gondor Drabbles, Minas Tirith
Races: Other Beings --- General
Races: Villains --- General, Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: First Age and Prior --- General
Times: Fourth Age and Beyond --- General, Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: Late Third Age --- General, General Fixed-Length Ficlets, Gondor
Times: Modern Times --- General
Times: Multi-Age --- General, Fixed-Length Ficlets
Times: Second and Early Third Age --- General

Remember: The list of stories and sub-categories listed above are based
on the main categories chosen by the author. If you selected one of the
above categories

Happy reading!

(MEFA Admin.)

P.S. - If you noticed a mistake in this post, please email about it so I
can check whether a mistake has been made and, if necessary, correct my
announcement. You can reach me privately at
mefasupport(.at.)mefawards(.dot.)net. Thanks!

Msg# 9327

Re: Admin - Stories with "Rare" Races and Time Periods Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell July 29, 2008 - 15:01:37 Topic ID# 9326
Thanks for the gathering of stories that fit these criteria. They certainly
make for interesting reading.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9328

Re: Thanks for directions on downloading banners. Posted by Marta July 29, 2008 - 18:23:07 Topic ID# 9308
You're very welcome! Glad it helped.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> Thanks, both Marta and Ruth, for the help. I'm very grateful.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9329

Re: Admin - Stories with "Rare" Races and Time Periods Posted by Marta July 29, 2008 - 19:55:25 Topic ID# 9326
Hi Bonnie,

Glad I could help! I hope you find some new stories to enjoy.


P.S. - Tanaqui is very helpful in coming up with these lists of stories.
She writes a database query that gives me a spreadsheet with the pieces,
that makes it much easier to write up these posts than it would be

Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> Thanks for the gathering of stories that fit these criteria. They certainly
> make for interesting reading.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 9330

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 29, 2008 - 20:29:39 Topic ID# 9330
Title: Best Three Falls, No Gouging · Author: Brigantine · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 587
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:23:43
*gigglesnorts beer all over keyboard*

Ok, apart from the outrageous humor of the whole situation (Poor
Faramir! Bet that was a shock), and apart from the
nearly-side-splitting dialogue between Merry and Pippin (compared very
accurately by one reader to professional sports play-by-play) the
delightful descriptions and sly wit here are intoxicatingly glee-inducing:

[Three sparrows, a flustered lark and a half dozen finches bolted
suddenly from a tattered border of seeding coneflowers and took refuge
on a nearby roof.

"Got a wooden splint and about twenty-seven layers o' linen wrapped
around that arm. It's like an Orc club, that is." a move worthy of an especially ruthless eel, Lady Éowyn
exploited a momentary opening in her brother's defences.]

And the reason for this vivid demonstration of sibling rivalry?

["Just pick a preference," Pippin suggested helpfully. "Male or female?"

"I beg your pardon," Faramir spluttered. "My preferences are none of
your business! And stop winking at me, you nosey little blighters!"]

*still chortling* Oh, I've never even imagined sedate Faramir is such
a situation, but I'm wicked enough to easily picture how smugly
pleased with himself he'll be, once he gets to think over the whole
situation at his leisure. Ha! Great job!

Title: Surprise Inspection · Author: AmandaK · Genres: Humor: Gondor ·
ID: 207
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:24:54
A very enjoyable story, particularly since I'm experiencing the same
weather described in the story today * g * AmandaK is justly famed for
her extraordinary descriptive skills, words that flow seamlessly
together to build mood and setting. Those skills are very well
demonstrated here, in phrases like ["strands of sweat-darkened hair
plastered against dirt-streaked foreheads"] and ["the bright hot glare
of the sun reflecting off the river in the distance"].

In addition to her marvelous descriptions (and some very enjoyable
visuals they are, too), Amanda is also highly skilled at character
portraits, and the many years she's devoted to the study of Boromir
really shine through here. Rather than just an amusing summery
anecdote, this story also focuses on Boromir's exemplary leadership
skills, his attention to detail and ability to swiftly study and
appraise the situation at hand. Amanda's also shown us, though, the
side that explains why all those who serve under his command are so
devoted to him – his understanding and empathy, his pragmatism, and
his recognition of the human potential of his troops. What could have
been a very difficult day for a young lieutenant becomes an
unforgettable opportunity and a story he'll share with his
grandchildren; one which we can enjoy over and over as well. Very well
done, and a lovely surprise gift! Thanks, Amanda!

Title: Tower of the Moon · Author: Nath · Times: Multi-Age · ID: 577
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:25:36
The language here is exquisite, conveying the loveliness of moonlight
along with a slightly ominous undertone, for we know the fate of the
Tower of the Moon (or at least part of it.) I like the idea of the
King Elessar having grandiose, and somewhat hopeful, plans to rebuild
Minas Ithil, while at the same time recognizing that nothing lasts
forever and one day this glorious city, symbol of his triumph, would
also decline. A very unusual story!

Title: Moon Over Water · Author: Avon · Genres: Drama: Final Partings
· ID: 518
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:26:41
[It had been strange to see Boromir, the practical one, the warrior,
so entranced by something so mystical. Indeed, by the next day Boromir
had shrugged off his attempts to talk about it and had instead
vanished for a day's hunting in the woods with his new bow.]

Oh, I love this - that in his grief practical Boromir was reaching out
toward ancient legend, almost using Faramir (the dreamy one) as a
cloak so that, in his own mind, he could say "I did it for Faramir's
sake!" and therefore save face for himself.

And Faramir - as he grows up, and continues the ritual, sensing the
decline in the fortunes and strenght of his people:

[ The boats were different from those he remembered – flatter bottomed
and less ornamented. The faces that looked out were subtly different
too. They bore more signs of age and while there was strength in them,
it was a worn and finely edged strength. Their clothes were made of as
fine and costly material but seemed darker and sterner.]

Your final image of Boromir is heartbreaking and beautiful:

[ a soldier at guard… rich velvet cloak …raven haired…fair of
face….standing in watchful pose as Faramir has seen him do a hundred
times as a Guard of the Tower. His horn hangs once more from his
baldric, restored and whole]

Very fitting, I think, that Faramir would remember him in his beauty
and dignity, while treasuring to himself the laughing memories of
their boyhood. Very beautifully done! I'm so glad to have you writing
with us again.

Title: Generations · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn
· ID: 508
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 17:32:21
What a delightful story! I haven't read many Eldarion stories, and the
ones I have encountered seemed to have focused more on his Elvishness,
the ethereal heritage of his mother. This story has none of that; but
the Prince of Gondor and Arnor pictured here is not one to be expected
as a scion of Elessar, either. This Eldarion is a bit of a dandy,
spoiled and overprotected; but the most endearing element of his
personality is his recognition of these flaws in himself. He imagines
himself a disappointment to his parents (and he could be right), he's
intimidated by the weight of both the future and the past, and he
feels powerless to change. How surprised Eldarion would be the
discover that his father shares many of his fears, for this is all new
territory to him, as well. A heartwarming tale and one with which any
parent can empathize.

Title: Moon Over Water · Author: Avon · Genres: Drama: Final Partings
· ID: 518
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 17:50:26
A lovely, haunting tale about the power of magic, night, the moon on
the water, and the greatness of Gondor's past. Beautiful language, and
elegant transitions between past and present. And the ending is beautiful.

Title: Farewell · Author: agape4gondor · Genres: Drama: Final Partings
· ID: 127
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-19 18:07:36
A tribute to brotherly love, as the sons of Denethor prepare for the
parting that will be forever. Boromir's attempt to protect his brother
by giving him good advice will surely please fans of Denethor's
firstborn. The ending is gently poignant. A nice addition to stories
about the Brothers Mir...

Title: Denial · Author: Oshun · Races: Elves: House of Finwe · ID: 80
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-07-19 19:56:39
[Denial] is a vividly written ficlet set in Oshun's [Maitimo and
Findekáno] universe. Having recently re-read the first story in that
series, I could easily see why Maedhros would react in such an evasive
manner to Maglor's astute observations, furthermore this little ficlet
feels like an enrichment to Oshun's Maedhros' in that universe. While
I read it, more was added to the background she created for him and
his reasons for not pursuing a love he deems unreachable. Besides
that, underneath Maglor's laid-back communication with his brother
lies the encouragement a brother gives to another and it is
beautifully portrayed here. As the story rolls along, slowly all
layers are stripped away, leaving the one who is questioned to a
graceful exit. This makes this ficlet reads like a character piece,
where the two different characters are easily to distinguish from
another: Maglor's no holds barred attitude vs. Maedhros more shy and
diplomatic attitude sets both apart so well. The light tone of this
piece (although it has a more serious undercurrent) has me chuckling
often, especially Maglor's trying to get that song out of his head and
onto paper is a treat and well, haven't we all had such a creative
bunny that would not let you do anything else? Besides great
characterisation, the writing is elegant and rich in detail, where the
dialogue rolls smoothly along and it leaves the reader with a smile.
This is a fabulous little piece!

Title: Leather · Author: Marta · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 297
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 22:15:56
This is a very nice use of the drabble series; the progression from
boyhood to adulthood is conveyed very smoothly. In the first and third
drabbles, I like the contrasts between their memories of their
boyhoods: Théodred remembering the last time his nanny could treat him
as a child; Boromir recalling his last sight of his mother in such
powerful, focused detail. They really are coming-of-age moments,
aren't they? Theodred moving from childhood to early manhood, as
symbolized by the warrrior's plait he'll begin wearing in his tenth
year; Boromir's childhood essentially ending with the death of his mother.

The sunnier moments you've recalled here are delicious:

["I'll rebraid it," he promises as his fingers loosen the knot
securing the thong.]

You know, of course, you've hit my Number One Hot Button, somebody's
hair being tied back with/untied from a leather thong? Such a treat to
come across it here!

And OH OH OH look at this:

[Théodred would swear Boromir's knees are in danger of buckling, if
such a thing was possible.]

These two are such fun together. Certainly there's heat and passion
and oh, the underlying angst, but also laughter and the joy of their
being together, seizing their delight when they can, and you've
conveyed that wonderfully well.

Title: Horse Sense · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 22
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 22:17:14
*claps hands with glee*

I'm not generally a big fan of anthropomor_fic, and much of what I've
read purporting to be Bill the Pony's take on the Fellowship has been
somewhat heavy-handed and selfconscious. This tale is a refreshing
change! This Bill the Pony couldn't be anything but a pony, and his
thoughts are ponyish concerns - a full belly, a scratched back, apples
and raisins, but also history and legends whispered late at night in
the barn.

There certainly are similarities between Bill and Gimli: each are
proud, suspicious, conscious of their stature as compared to their
elegant, taller companions - but they are also tirelessly, ceaselessly
loyal and committed to the tasks at hand. It's endearing to see them
beginning to sense those qualities in each other. A very unusual,
well-written tale!

Title: Night Terrors · Author: Gwynnyd · Genres: Drama: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 433
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 22:17:47
A perfectly lovely, and perfectly realistic story! I can easily
imagine how difficult it would be for Faramir to get the hang of
peace, or to retrain himself after so many years of alertness to
anything that seems "wrong". And now, the poor dear, he has a whole
new world of worry and fear to deal with. It's quite fun to be able to
empathize with our stalwart captain of Rangers and prince of Ithiilien
in this matter. Well done!

Title: Dol Amroth Yule · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 295
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-19 22:18:55
I adore the Andrahar stories, and this is wonderful addition, a
roistering adventure tale full of color and dash. I particularly
enjoyed the behind-the-scenes details of the preparation for the Yule
feast (my Mag, of course, always has a professional interest). The
simmering antagonism between Hethlin and Andrahar was perceptively and
realistically drawn, though I'm embarrased at myself that it's taken
me so long to remember why. A very enjoyable addition to an rich universe!

Title: Beggar's Night · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres:
Humor: Shire · ID: 15
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-20 01:22:22
Here is a thoroughly amusing and refreshingly different vignette of a
Fourth Age Shire holiday observed in a way we would all approve. I had
never before heard of the holiday, but Branwyn brings it to vivid
life, with half the Fellowship participating, gathering, in costume,
to go beg treats from various Shire households.

It is worth a much higher price of admission to visualize Gimli in his
costume; or the rather surprise, or late-coming guests, in theirs. And
Branwyn writes Gandalf brilliantly and naturally.

I could just see Legolas disguised as an Ent, covered with
meticulously sewn leaves, complete with Entish sound effects. And
Faramir and Eowyn turn up for the fun as well, with, well, innovative
costumes and other things than begging for cakes in mind.

Though the premise is odd and slightly-off-the-mark in terms of canon,
this ficlet is so gently amusing and well-written that it works

Title: Playing with Fire · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 21
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-20 01:31:02
This is an interesting spin on stories told of Aragorn and Arwen
raising little Eldarion in happy domesticity. While the King and Queen
are happy, danger stalks their child. The salient feature of this
story is that the danger is one that many children would face; and all
the power of the King and Queen of the Reunited Kingdom cannot stop it.

Linda tells an entrancing tale that explores the heartache of parental
responsibility and the hard choices that parents, even kings and
queens, must make to protect their children. Aragorn plays a dangerous
game; risking Arwen's wrath as well as pain and injury to his small
son; but his strategy has merit. And Linda skilfully raises the
tension level by holding off the explanation for Aragorn's course of
action until the latter part of the story. And of course, the reader
cannot help feel for Aragorn and the dilemma that he faced.

Good use of just enough details to establish a credible atmosphere,
such as the perfection of Arwen's embroidered rose, and little
Eldarion's playing with a toy horse. Aragorn's recollection is
haunting; and the last line very appropriate as well as one that
sticks in the reader's memory, like the rest of this outstanding story.

Title: Promise and Sorrow · Author: Virtuella · Times: Late Third Age
· ID: 607
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-20 01:57:58
A series of ficlets concerning the effects of the Ring War on various
original characters. Virtuella's narrative blends sharpness with
poignancy, and the stories are both heart-wrenching and haunting;
especially the first one, that of the mother in Rohan, her thoughts
and memories of her warrior son all jumbled together with her worries
for the future.

I really hope to see more from this talented writer.

Title: Courage · Author: annmarwalk · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 41
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 04:29:08
It always takes courage to try something new, and Gimli finds
inspiration in two who ought to have been even more fastidious than he

The reactions are spot on, having seen others having this particular
first try and finding they like it. (I myself can't stand the things,
unfortunately.) And love Gimli's evaluations of Merry and Pippin here
and whether or not they might be putting him on. As for the reaction
to their host--Heh!

A marvelous little tale, and well, well worth the read, as Ann's
stories usually are!

Title: Wonderful Tonight · Author: Violin Ghost · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 320
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 04:32:20
I greatly enjoyed this look at Faramir finding increasingly over the
space of an evening more and more reasons for how it is he was able to
have found the most wonderful wife ever. The story is light-hearted
and delightful, and has a lyrical quality to it.

Title: Feet That Wander · Author: Linaewen · Races: Cross-Cultural ·
ID: 576
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-20 05:27:17
A nifty encounter between two very different beings - I'd like to see
an expanded version of the meeting.

Excellent characterisation of the weary traveler and dear old Tom

Title: Best Three Falls, No Gouging · Author: Brigantine · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 587
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 05:55:59
Okay, okay--this is hilarious. And to have the Brandybuck and the Took
sitting there taking bets on which one will win the right to kiss the
object of their affections first! Egads! As for their play by play
descriptions on what's happening and the private
commentary--Hehehehehehehe! Nice to get such a wonderful laugh!

Title: Sunset Gates · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races: Dwarves: Drabbles
· ID: 342
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-20 06:47:03
What a delightfully amusing twist in this drabble!I was certain it was
about Galadriel!Very well written.

Title: My Shining Stars · Author: Oshun · Races: Elves: House of
Elrond · ID: 371
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-20 06:59:39
This story was quite unique I felt in the interpretation of Elrond.It
made me think of just how much he had lost during his very long
lifetimeOne always thinks of Elrond as so wise and calm that it comes
as quite a shock that he has no feeling for his parents.It is hardly
surprising,though.On his way to Valinor, ELrond yearns to see again
the sons of Feanor who took pity on him.We,alas ,know he is doomed to
disappointment. A thought provoking and poingant story, which is very
well told.

Title: The Fire of Hope · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 625
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 15:44:57
Long he'd been known as "Hope," and now it is his own hope he nurses
as he keeps his guard.

Love this look at our favorite Ranger of the North as he watches over
the quiet lands of the north. The images he conjured in his own mind
both of those he cares for and as he shall care for his own are
lovely, the writing most engaging. And he yet has a long road to
follow ere he comes to that hope. And love the one detail that he has
already decided on that does eventually come to pass!

Yes, this is one of my favorite of your short fics, think.

Title: Whatever Harm Encroached · Author: Nieriel Raina · Times:
Second and Early Third Age · ID: 708
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 15:53:20
I enjoyed the way in which the hunter went about his business, fully
prepared for what he must do; then giving thanks for this sacrifice
made. And it is plain he is loved by all within his sphere.

This look at how the Fell Winter played out on the east side of the
Misty Mountains is a warming one. Characterizations are good, details
full of fascinating imagery of the landscape through which the hunter

Title: Yule at Great Smials · Author: Dreamflower · Races: Hobbits:
Family · ID: 566
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 16:27:10
Somehow I managed to miss reading this when it was first posted, and I
am sorry this was so, but glad to have such good reason to read it now!

"When the cat's away, the mice will play," and so it proves as Lalia
absents herself from Yule at the Great Smials, for this is the perfect
situation for all the Tooks and their many relatives of other names
who wish to enjoy the festivities together.

The challenge set was met well, and we see Gandalf meeting Pippin for
the first time in Dreamflower's universe. Here's our Took lad in all
his exuberance, and all rejoicing to see him survive to face another
year. Characterizations are delightful as always, we get a wonderful
glimpse at Gandalf's unusual smokerings, and we even get glimpses of a
side of Gandalf seldom shown.

As warming as a Yule bonfire!

Title: Home · Author: alex_quine · Genres: Drama: Featuring Aragorn ·
ID: 647
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 16:58:31
Ah, my first love is well presented here, even if he speaks not a word!

Was it grief at the loss of his sister that led Theoden to leave his
son to greet his orphaned nephew and niece to Edoras and Meduseld?
Whatever it was, this story conveys that arrival well, complete with
Ranger escort. And the recognition of Thorongil by some who've
remained in the Hall is marvelously done.

Msg# 9331

MEFA Reviews for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 29, 2008 - 20:31:43 Topic ID# 9331
Title: Hope Remains · Author: Baggins Babe · Times: Fourth Age and
Beyond · ID: 118
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 17:06:49
One of my favorite after-death fics.

Aragorn has declared that due to his love of his Hobbit companions his
heart has dwelt in the Shire ever since he became High King. And now
an odd Ranger is seen repeatedly guarding the Shire....

The special love Aragorn would undoubtedly feel for the Shire and its
inhabitants is well expressed, as well as how that love might well
continue to be expressed after he was freed from the circumscribed
life he knew as King.

Goes to show you can put the Ranger on the throne, but not fully take
the Ranger out of the King! Heh!

Title: The Importance of Being Bilbo · Author: Dreamflower · Genres:
Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 686
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-20 17:22:20
A wonderful reason to reread this essay!

A good look at the nature of Bilbo Baggins and his importance to both
"The Hobbit" and LOTR, and the many similarities between the two stories.

If Bilbo hadn't had his own adventure, LOTR would not have happened
either, which is a point Dreamflower hammers home while pointing out
the wonderful sense of the Hobbit freed from expected Hobbit decorum
one gets in following Bilbo's career.

And now some of the plotbunnies sparked by her essay are beginning to
mature and be shown forth, some by her and at least one by me, one
that will posted soon enough, I must suppose.

This is marvelously thought-provoking and well worth the read, and I
hope it sparks others too to add to the relatively small library of
stories focussed on our first love among Bagginses. Primsong,
Lindelea, and a few others besides Dreamflower have written to the
subject; now it's time for the rest of us to weigh in!

Title: Light of the Westering Sun · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 126
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-20 18:16:11
I wish Tolkien had described Haleth in a great more detail in the
Silmarillion. For all who complain about the lack of strong female
characters in LOTR, rest assured, folks, Tolkien saved them for the
Sil. And Haleth, leader of one of the three houses of the Edain, was
the most powerful of women. But did she have a long time romantic
relationship with Caranthir, fourth son of Feanor, greatest of the elves?

Dawn's double drabble series is a lyric journey into the romance of
Caranthir and Haleth. Whether you accept this premise or not, the
language of the series and its progression from Haleth in old age to
Haleth as a child makes enjoyable reading.

Title: The Captain's New Clothes · Author: Raksha the Demon · Genres:
Humor: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 421
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-20 18:19:28
There must be an explanation for Faramir's hideous fashion faux-pas,
as shown in one of the more notorious pieces of calendar art that were
featured in the There and Back Again Yule Challenge. Fortunately,
Raksha has come up with a plausible scenario in "The Captain's New
Clothes": Faramir's orange leggings and garish cape were a gift from
his aunt, of course. And far be it from Faramir to not wear his
auntie's present for a day, even if those iridescent leggings scream
"I'm Here!" to every orc and other miscreant in a hundred mile radius.

To describe any more goodies in this mirthful piece would be Spoilers
that I don't want to give. Instead, I encourage readers to check this
piece out for a great laugh.

Title: A Cat in King Elessar's Court · Author: agape4gondor · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 66
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-20 18:22:17
Agape's story "A Cat in King Elessar's Court" gives us a view the
seige of Gondor and Battle at the Black Gate through entirely new
eyes--those of Alqualonde, a wise and surprisingly speaking white cat,
descendent of Queen Beruthiel's own felines.

Alqualonde has spent his long life as the spy (and, more importantly,
as the pet) of Denethor. His loyalty and love for the Steward make up
much of the drama of this story. Denethor's death, Faramir's injuries,
and the arrival of Aragorn are more than the loyal kitty can handle.
So rest assured that the tale is full of angst and cat tears. But
there are also has many moments of insight, most particularly in the
sympathetic light it casts on Denethor. I was most touched by the
scenes where the cat remains steadfast in his love and loyalty to the
Steward, despite Denethor's mad behavior before his death.

"Cat" has some minor language problems but all in all, it is a good
read, especially for us unapologetic Denethor supporters, and for
those who like their heroes strong, hairy, and four-legged.

Title: Cat's Paws · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains · ID: 58
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-20 18:22:42
I stumbled upon Doc Bushwell's work by way of SWG and I find myself
thinking -- I wish I had read her work much, much sooner than I had.
Cat's Paws and Broken Star have become my favorite yin and yang
stories, in my humble opinion, they complete each other. I had
goosebumps when I read this piece, especially the blood compact scene.
The foreshadowing was chilling and bittersweet. Bittersweet because
despite their deep and long friendship and trust Aulendil is bound to
betray Celebrimbor, a theme often repeated in many human
relationships. This was a very enjoyable read.

Title: Broken Star · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 54
Reviewer: whitewave · 2008-07-20 18:28:27
I highly recommend that this story should be read right after "Cat's
Paws" the way I did if only to appreciate the "yin and yang" feel of
the two. I enjoyed the way the author fleshed out Aulendil and
Celebrimbor and their relationship and interaction, they have so much
human dimension and they felt very "real" to me. I had goosebumps as I
read the part where Aulendil kisses his former colleague/blood
brother's brow then proceeds to do the previously unthinkable.
Chilling, terrible, terrifying but definitely a good read.

Title: The Vase that was Broken · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres:
Humor: Gondor · ID: 417
Reviewer: Virtuella · 2008-07-20 20:17:17
This is such a sweet LOTR version of the stereotypical broken Ming
vase! I had to laugh when I thought of Aragorn using his spoon to
demonstrate his sword movements. It is very realistic (and very funny)
that Aragorn would dream about being buried under a mountain of vases.
And what a hilarious ending! Great story, I love it.

Title: Fennas Haradren · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Adventure · ID: 280
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-20 20:36:08
It was a very great pleasure to rediscover this story - I remember
reading it when it was originally posted to Henneth-Annun in 2005. A
nicely atmospheric story, very rich in detail, which is an aspect I
always enjoy. I found myself quite swept up with the mystery of what
had happened to the men (for I had apparently forgotten that small
detail). Excellent use of foreshadowing!

I was particularly moved by the image of Boromir going and looking
carefully at each dead man, not only to identify him for his family,
but to put a personal face on the cost of Gondor's defense.

Title: Five things that never happened to Nerdanel · Author: Meril ·
Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 389
Reviewer: crowdaughter · 2008-07-20 22:11:48
This is a very interesting take at the history of Feanor and his wife,
and it tells us much about the fate of both with just telling which
way it did not turn out (but all too easily could have done). All of
these pieces are chilling and compelling in their own right. How
easily things could have turned out differently! The most compelling,
and most chilling, version ids the one of the shared oath. But every
single of these pieces is breathtaking, giving so much of a completely
believable alternative universe with so few strokes. Great work! Thank
you for writing and sharing.

Title: MAGIC: The Password · Author: Fiondil · Genres: Humor: Elven
Lands · ID: 451
Reviewer: crowdaughter · 2008-07-20 22:17:17
ROTFLMAO!!! This story is wickedly funny, and all too true. I
especially loved the exchange of the Elves about the different
alternative technologies... for their problem. *Snicker*
Thank you for making my day with this great piece of humor! :)

Title: In This These Days of Glory · Author: Dana · Races: Hobbits:
Incomplete · ID: 640
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-20 22:19:40
I have really been anticipating this story from Dana for quite a
while. And even though it is only just begun, I really do see all of
the promise of a great story there.

Dana is one of the few hobbit writers who has a sure and deft hand
with the period of time during which Our Heroes were gone on their
perilous Quest. The Occupation of the Shire, or The Troubles as it is
sometimes called, has been the setting for many of her stories, set in
what she calls her ["Sunless Year"] universe. We have seen various
minor characters and original characters dealing with the privation
and cruelty laid on them by Lotho's betrayal, the Ruffian's brutality,
and Saruman's revenge. But this story will tie together many of those
threads, as she deals with the way the Tooks and the Tooklands, coped.
How did Paladin keep the Men out? What did Pippin's parents and sister
do while he was gone? And what of his many Tookish cousins?

Already we see the way that Pippin's leaving affects his family:
Pervinca suspects something's up as he prepares to go off and help
Frodo with the move. And then we see the reaction of the Tooks when
they learn of Pippin's disappearance along with Frodo, Merry and Sam.

I really look forward to seeing the continuation of this story and am
hoping that she will soon resume her work on it.

Title: One Step More - The Heroism of Frodo Baggins · Author:
ConnieMarie · Genres: Non-Fiction: Character Studies · ID: 395
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-20 22:20:01
This wonderful essay explores why we love the character of Frodo
Baggins, and what makes his heroism so different from that of other
heroes of popular culture. A touching and thoughtful essay.

Title: On Canon and Fanfic · Author: Marta · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 123
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-20 22:20:20
This is an excellent opinion piece, defining the lines between canon,
fanon and AU, or alternate universe. I like the distinctions that
Marta makes between _extracanonical_ and _uncanonical_. And I love
this description of a good AU:

["Really, a good AU is like a surgical incision. A story where the
author breaks with canon out of carelessness or lack of knowledge is
more like a machete cut. The affect of an AU's change is steady,
exact; it is predictable and used to good affect. In the latter case
(the machete), it can get messy, and the change is usually not under
the author's control. As a result the reader usually feels like they
have lost a canonical story and often not gained a lot in return, as
far as canonicity is concerned. (A good AU can tell you as much about
the themes and other elements of the canon as a canon-compliant one

A very thought-provoking and insightful essay!

Title: Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth · Author: Steuard
Jensen · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 91
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-20 22:21:02
I have had the privilege in past years of occasionally interacting
with Steuard Jensen on the Tolkien newsgroups,
[""] where I was very much
impressed with his authoritative knowledge of Tolkien's work and of
the many and varied theories and interpretations of JRRT's writings.

But it has only been quite recently that I paid much attention to this
wonderful essay, since it has only been recently that I had begun to
read various volumes of HoMe myself, and to realize the many
incongruities and seeming contradictions they contain. The post-humous
works of JRRT can be a veritable landmine for the incautious.

Steuard Jensen gives us some practical guidelines for seeing our way
through the morass of notes and letters and unfinished snippets that
have now been made public. He does not lay down the law, so to speak,
but instead shows how we may use those guidelines to make our own

I especially loved the way he compared JRRT to the character of
Niggle, in "Leaf by Niggle". Like that character, JRRT never was able
to quite finish tinkering with his creation, so that it was incomplete
at his death. But much like Niggle, he created a world that is deeply
realized even if incomplete, and that invites exploration by others.

A engrossing and accessible essay.

Title: The Dooming of Small Hands · Author: Thundera Tiger · Times:
Late Third Age · ID: 639
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-20 22:21:32
Small hands. It was the smallest hands of all the races which carried
the Ring to its destruction. One of the themes of LotR is the death of
innocence and the sacrifices of the innocent.

It has often been debated what Gandalf knew, and how much he knew, and
when he knew it. Should he, could he, have told Frodo more than he did
without imperiling the whole free world? In this story, Thundera Tiger
explores these questions in a tense and emotional conversation between
Gandalf and Elrond in Rivendell.

The fitness of Elves, Men or Dwarves to carry the one is examined--and
I loved the discussion of Dwarves in this regard--and it is the very
qualities that make those races seemingly obvious as bearers that
ultimately rules them out.

We see the wizard's anguish at having to doom one whom he clearly
loves, and how he sees his own role in the decision that Frodo made at
the Council. Elrond questions his decision--after all, he has just
labored for three days to save the hobbit's life--and now, to throw it
away? Yet the inevitability of it all rolls over them.

Even so, we are treated to the remembrance that the strength of
hobbits lies in hope and in love. A very moving piece, and exploring a
theme that was at the heart of the story.

Title: Risk Assessment · Author: pandemonium_213 · Races: Elves · ID: 665
Reviewer: Gandalfs apprentice · 2008-07-21 02:00:50
Pandemonium's specialty is the creation of an Elvish world that is
simultaneously magical and firmly rooted in reality, something I
thought could never be done. She does this through "scientifiction,"
borrowing a made up word from Tolkien himself. This little story is a
prime example of her technique: to "explain" Elvish magic through
scientific-sounding terms and tales. Here, we learn why lembas has
such special properties, and why it has a potentially dangerous effect
on Mortals, but not on Elves. It's very clever and utterly convincing,
and so much more interesting than murky mysticism (I won't give the
answer away.)

I also really appreciate Pan's original female characters--they are
masterful, and go a long way toward making up for Tolkien's sad male
chauvinism. The Elven smith Melamire is her best character so far, and
I am anticipating with glee reading (eventually) about her whole life.
In this tale we get a glimpse of her, and it ought to be enough to
send new readers searching for more.

Title: Dead Steward's Gift · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Mystery · ID: 572
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-21 02:06:33
Stefania takes a different road in her characterisation of Faramir
than most Tolkien fanfiction writers - she visualizes a man who
physically resembles the movie version, but who is emotionally
stronger, and who has more fortitude as well as something of the
farsight of Book-Faramir. Her LOTR fanfiction sub-universe is a
movie-verse/bookverse hybrid; one that generally includes the best of

In this multi-chapter tale, another in her tapestry of stories of
Gondor, Stefania weaves a story that is mysterious, comic, and always
entertaining. Faramir, joined by his intrepid (and very cute) young
cat, finds a mystery in the White Tower when he begins to search for
the missing palantir.

The last chapter and the epilogue are my very favorites of this highly
enjoyable story, but it's all well worth reading, even for those who,
like myself, admire cats but are not owned by them. Faramir's palantir
search, and its results, are a wonderful sort of mental road trip,
well-imagined and written. And you have to smile at the cat's antics,
particularly since Stefania uses them to advantage, to pause the
tension, or heighten it, in more than one case. The scene where the
cat intrudes on Faramir's palantir conversation in a way I could not
have anticipated had me laughing out loud.

A very enjoyable story!

Title: Homeward Bound · Author: Werecat · Genres: Alternate Universe ·
ID: 430
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-21 02:10:57
Werecat weaves a tale of might-have-beens, if Beruthiel had not died,
and lingered in the mortal world that cursed her, for the sake of the
cats she loved. Excellent story that shows without telling; with a
fitting poignancy that is bittersweet.

Title: Two Prisoners · Author: Lord Branwyn · Genres: Alternate
Universe · ID: 724
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-21 02:11:42
A fine fanfiction debut by Branwyn's Lord!

Here, the weary men of a British squad mired in the trenches of WWI
snag an odd find - two very peculiar prisoners. Their significance is
related more to their eventual disposition than their identity; and
the penultimate line is slyly informative.

Please write some more, Lord Branwyn!

Title: Vengeance's Folly · Author: Rhapsody · Races: Elves: Noldor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 718
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 02:23:20
Save for the quest to retrieve their father's treasures, the sons of
Feanor appear to find themselves without purpose. Thought-provoking as
we look at the transition of the leadership of the seven. One can
almost see the seven of them looking at one another from the corners
of their eyes, wondering what shall happen next, and Celegorm making
his decision.

Title: Tulip's Tale · Author: Cathleen · Genres: Humor: Shire · ID: 615
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 02:34:37
Ah, small Tooks and knitted pink piglets in search of tales find
everything but!

Cathleen's Tulip the piglet is a darling, and one of those of a fabric
persuasion I've come to love alongside Grey Wonderer's Errol. And if
it weren't for the protections she offers our wee Took one wonders if
he might have managed to make it to become a Knight of Gondor! But
love the childish reality of this tale!

Title: At the Last Minute · Author: rhyselle · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Elves and Men · ID: 544
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 02:50:05
For special holidays, particularly after there have been traumatic
losses of those we've loved best, there is so often the desire to go
home again; and this is as true of our favorite Ranger as of any other
man. To see all desirous of giving him a joyful reminder is delightful.

Gentle humor abounds.

Title: Choosing · Author: docmon · Genres: Drama · ID: 473
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 03:05:46
We know some of the debates and considerations entertained in the
inclusion of Merry and Pippin among those first venturing out of the
Shire and then being included within the Fellowship. Now we look at
the possible specific reasons for three others having gone to Imladris.

Characterizations are wonderful, and reasons eminently plausible and
in keeping with what we know of those who made the decisions.

Very nice set of vignettes.

Title: Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! · Author: Alassante · Races:
Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 260
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 03:11:32
I've loved this short fic since I first read it on SoA. The actions
they committed and the atrocities that followed must have haunted
those who followed Feanor, as we see in this brief interchange between
two of his progeny. An excellent identification with Shakespeare, and
vivid imagery. One thinks also of Pilate as well as Lady Macbeth.

Msg# 9332

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 30, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 30, 2008 - 20:36:20 Topic ID# 9332
Title: Thawing Lily · Author: Soubrettina · Genres: Humor: Gondor · ID: 30
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 03:38:06
Grief and stress can lead to decisions and reactions that were
unexpected, and so it proves here. And our Eowyn must consider the
possibilities for the future---and the now.

The frustration and confusion is well conveyed, and love the
intrusions from the tomes of instruction for proper deportment. Aunt
Dora Baggins would be right at home, I think.

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 03:43:34
Ah, a shuddersome tale indeed, as we see Sauron working his evil
magic, using his own ability in singing to do what he will.

All fits from the elements of his brazier to the torturing of his
slaves and creations. Very well done.

Title: Bombur's Diet · Author: Primsong · Races: Dwarves · ID: 677
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 06:17:55
Ah, Bombur, the fattest of Bilbo's companions from the quest for the
Lonely Mountain. When his pants finally split, all step in to try to
bring him back to a more reasonable figure.

The humor is delightful, as are the characterizations of all involved.
And it is always wonderful to see our beloved Bilbo by one who has
managed to capture him so very well, as well as to see all involved
during his visit to Erebor before he returned to Rivendell to live in
Elrond's house. Primsong is definitely one of my favorite writers of
Middle-earth humor when dealing with Bilbo Baggins and Dwarvs.

Title: Dol Amroth Yule · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 295
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-21 06:21:40
It's never a dull moment for Isabeau's lively OFC Hethlin, now a Swan
Knight-in-training, as scullery duty as punishment for tardiness gives
way to an adventure involving piracy and local Elves.

Isabeau is an accomplished writer who blends wonderful details about
the life of a princely household in Gondor with the action and urgency
of a desperate military mission. I loved the descriptions of the
culinary preparations for Yule, such as the marzipan replica of the

For the record, I think Hethlin deserved censure for speaking out of
turn to Gildor; but I don't think a punch to the face was appropriate
punishment even from a senior officer. The conflict between Hethlin
and Andrahar, both very well-drawn original characters, adds
considerable tension to the story.

Title: A Warm Sun Shining · Author: shirebound · Races: Hobbits:
Post-Ring War · ID: 727
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 06:28:09
Shirebound is one of my very favorite h/c writers, and to see Frodo
and Sam in this story finding that comfort together with three kittens
in this tale is absolutely perfect. Although a bit movie-verse, it
works very well, and the final image is absolutely adorable. It was
fun to read this again in order to review it here.

Title: Comfort and Joy · Author: Pearl Took · Times: Mid Third Age:
Eriador · ID: 656
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 06:38:25
It was fun rereading this story, too. Ah, to be a Hobbit and live
happily in a place such as Bag End! Unless, of course, Peregrin Took
is visiting, at which time one can expect almost anything,
particularly if he's having difficulty sleeping.

One can fully empathize with all three Hobbits in this tale, and
particularly at the end. Dear Pippin--can't sleep with him--can't
sleep without him! Heh!

Title: Dark Light · Author: Makamu · Races: Villains · ID: 585
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 07:22:01
A rather disturbing tale, but properly so. It would appear that Sauron
was perhaps not as reluctant to have lost the final shape he'd pulled
about himself within Middle Earth, and was even looking forward to his

Very thought-provoking, and I definitely recommend it.

Title: When the King Came Back · Author: Cathleen · Times: Fourth Age
and Beyond · ID: 514
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 07:35:42
During his first prolonged stay in the Great Smials after his return
from Gondor, Peregrin Took finds himself frustrated, as is true of his
parents, for the relationship they had cannot properly be renewed as
it was. In trying to find peace with themselves and one another, he
and his father find themselves going back to Pippin's beginnings in
order to help find the proper path to take now. There, in the fields
of his childhood, the two begin looking at one another as fellow adults.

A thoughtful story, and a worthy one, one that captures the rural
nature of the Shire well, and our Pippin at his confused best, and
that shows how worthy in the end Paladin was to serve as the Thain.

Title: No Mercy · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: General Drabbles ·
ID: 443
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-21 07:48:28
I've lived near the mountains most of my life, and have seen my share
of wildfires, usually from a distance, thank God. The use of fire by
the Enemy as well as fire-like assaults is excellently done, as is the
description of the terror of those attacked.

And the dedication of the piece to those who fight forest fires and
other wildfires is gratefully appreciated on behalf of those so honored.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-21 09:47:12
Having a background in sociolinguistics, I found it intriguing to read
about a linguistics student named Moira Eldolen taking a course from a
certain Dr. L. G. Birdsong in Artificial Language Sociology and
finding out that things are not quite what she was expecting. For one
thing, her fellow students in the class are a rather strange bunch and
Moira has them all pegged as geeks. For another, Dr. Birdsong is hot!
Suddenly, learning Klingon sounds like a good reason to be in a class
at eight in the morning.

As the story progresses though, the weirdness factor jumps by a factor
of ten as Moira discovers that Birdsong has a secret, one known by the
other students, and that they are on a mission, a mission to find the
last elves in Middle-earth. Moira is soon on the adventure of her
life, one that may very easily end in her death.

Birdsong is not the only one with a secret, of course. The other
students are all hiding something and Moira herself is not who she
seems. As Middle-earth collides with Middle America, as ancient
enemies gather upon the field of war for one last battle, as truths
are revealed and lies told, we see a young woman wrestling with her
past as she begins to take ownership of her heritage and comes into
her own.

Viv gives us a believable world set in modern times with characters
for whom you care, laughing and crying over them and occasionally
cursing them for their stupidity or arrogance or both. I thoroughly
enjoyed this little romp.through an alternate universe where elves
teach linguistics (and who better than the First Speakers?), "Durin's
Bane" has been given a whole new meaning and a scion of the House of
Telcontar is alive and well and living in the French Quarter of New

Title: Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth · Author: Steuard
Jensen · Genres: Non-Fiction · ID: 91
Reviewer: Fiondil · 2008-07-21 12:56:46
This article by Jensen explores the question of what constitutes the
"canonical" Middle-earth. Which version(s) of Tolkien's writings do we
take as "gospel" and which are to be thought mere ephemera? His
suggestions on how to define a canonical Middle-earth are cogent and
well thought out. As readers and writers we can use these ideas when
discussing why we write as we do, keeping in mind that ["Many heated
debates could be more polite and productive if the participants
understood each other's assumptions."] Often, I find, self-appointed
canon police are the least likely to seek to understand what a
writer's underlying assumptions are, and refuse to take into account
that little of Tolkien's writings is truly written in stone. Anyone
who is serious about writing Tolkien fanfic would do well to read this
article and print it out for future reference.

Title: Wonderful Tonight · Author: Violin Ghost · Genres: Romance:
Gondor · ID: 320
Reviewer: elea24 · 2008-07-21 12:58:56
This is a lovely heartwarming little story which I enjoyed reading a
great deal. It follows Eowyn and Faramir as they get prepare for, and
go to a dance in Minas Tirith, focusing on Faramir's reaction and
feelings towards the events that surround them. It is sweet, poignant
and humorous and several details are delightfully evocative. It has
some beautiful descriptive imagery and a nice bit of drama in the
Faramir in particular is very well portrayed in my opinion. The story
is written from his point of view and I think the author handles it
very well, allowing us a touching insight into his thoughts about his
marriage and the way he feels and views his wife. He is depicted as
being not only wise and equable but at the same time fiercely
protective of those he loves -and that rang true for me. I think it
can be so easy to go down the 'calm and placid Faramir' route and
forget that he is a seasoned warrior. The author takes all this into
account and, as a consequence, we are given a very believable character.
Violin Ghost does a wonderful job of fitting the story to the lyrics
of the song "Wonderful Tonight", with each chapter focusing on a
different verse of the song. The whole story has a lovely lyrical feel
to it and leaves its readers with a warm fuzzy feeling.

Title: Tales of the Eldandili · Author: Alassiel · Genres: Drama:
Incomplete · ID: 502
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2008-07-21 13:20:17
Modern scientific rationale clashes with the histories of the Eldar.
The main protagonist has a hard time reconciling the two and I can't
blame him. It is rather a lot to swallow. I wish there was already
more of this tale because I would like to see where this is going.

I like the contrast between the language Kevin is using and all the
strange words and concepts people keep throwing at him without
explanation, putting it off to the time until he learned enough about
the strange place he finds himself in. I really can understand his
anger and fury.

Title: The Vault of the Dead · Author: Soledad · Genres: Mystery · ID: 103
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2008-07-21 13:20:53
The Dark Elves are inviting Faramir, Legolas and Gandalf into their
hidden city. Gandalf meets some surprises in their city of stone.
Legolas finds some long lost relatives,and Faramir gets to meet his
dead brother. I love the conversation between the brothers, which
gives Faramir the chance to start to heal and grieve.

I love the detail in describing this hidden city of stone and the
description of the total alien Dark Elves who resemble none of the
familiar elves we know from the books. They are an eerie bunch.

Title: Somewhere I Have Never Traveled · Author: Fiondil · Times:
Fourth Age and Beyond · ID: 578
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2008-07-21 13:21:22
I love these mortals come to Mandos stories and this is no exception.
Not only Arwen didn't expect this reception, I was also surprised. I
love Lord Namo's sense of humor. It is never quite what the people who
first meet him expect.

Title: Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer · Author:
Katzilla · Genres: Alternate Universe · ID: 206
Reviewer: obsidianj · 2008-07-21 13:22:52
This is really a dark and angsty AU. Grima Wormtongue excels as the
villain we all love to hate. He is a cunning and evil snake in the
midst of the Rohirrim and knows exactly how to play them. For a while
it seems as if he is invincible and no matter what the heroes try,
they can't get to him. But after long trials all ends well. The story
is not so AU that Grima wins in the end.

All the characters in this tale, canon and original characters alike,
come to life as their own personalities. As varied as the Rohirric
characters are, they share some traits: loyalty, honor, obedience to
the King, love for their friends, which to me characterize them as
Rohirrim and which Grima exploits for his evil schemes.

I think my favorite parts are Eomer with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli,
in the mountains defending the farm against orcs and Uruk-Hai. But the
story has too many good parts to list them all.

I could see in my mind the world of Rohan from the mountains to the
plains and the story managed to weave descriptions, action and
dialogue together in a seamless whole. I never got lost in what
location we were, even without the reminders, because each location
had its distinctive flair. And I never got bored by long exposition
and descriptions either.

The story is nail biting intense, in parts emotionally draining, and
deeply satisfying when finally it ends.

Well worth the read not only for Eomer fans.

Title: Waterloo · Author: Lady Bluejay · Genres: Romance: Gondor · ID: 158
Reviewer: elea24 · 2008-07-21 13:22:55
I enjoyed this piece immensely. It has wonderful imagery and emotion
and just the right amount of drama, angst and humour. The tension and
despair that are brought about by war are dealt with very well in my
opinion, and gives a very realistic portrayal of what it would be like
for someone having to watch from the sidelines -unable to do anything
but wait and dread the outcome.
One aspect I particularly liked was the sibling interaction between
Lothiriel and her brothers. I felt this was very sensitively and
realistically portrayed and was a delightful part of the story.

And could I not like a story with a scantily clad Eomer in?
The one man to invade Lothiriel's private space is an imposing,
handsome and naked horselord with a wonderful wit and sensitivity and
just the right about of 'rough around the edges'. Talk about playing
havok with a girl's equilibrium!

Title: Three Songs · Author: Lindelea · Genres: Poetry: Late Third Age
· ID: 301
Reviewer: Dreamflower · 2008-07-21 13:58:01
I had actually hoped to nominate this set of three poems about Lotho
myself, but someone else beat me to it. I am just very glad that it
got nominated!

The first poem is from Lotho's POV. It's both sad and creepy, as the
reader knows that he is realizing what's in store for him. And the
last one is from Frodo's POV, poignant and very much in character for
the compassionate Frodo. But it's the very creepy little poem in the
middle, with it's seemingly childish rhyme that is absolutely
chillling when sandwiched between the other two, because that one is
in Grima's POV.

Title: Wizards' Pupils · Author: Altariel · Races: Men: Minas Tirith ·
ID: 108
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-21 14:08:05
A story of Faramir both in the height of his power as Steward of
Gondor and as a very unsure young man. His son, Elboron, upon
returning from a year's visit with his mother's kin in Rohan, is
instructed by a new tutor, who is a young man, but reknowned for
brilliance. Some of the tutor's ideas trouble Elboron however, and he
goes to his father for guidance. Faramir recounts to Elboron a great
occasion in his youth, a visit of the wizard Saruman to Minas Tirith.
Though there is not indication this actually happened in canon, there
is no reason it could not have and the visit is a very interesting
gap-filler that implies that perhaps Denethor did not arrive at the
idea of using the palantir all by himself.

Saruman's betrayal is not yet known and he arrives in the City with
great pomp and splendor. Gondor's wisest wait upon him eagerly to
absorb his wisdom. Only a very young Faramir, with his own innate
wisdom, is uneasy. He seeks better council from the wizard he loves,
Mithrandir, who is also in the city, perhaps for the same reason.

The distance between Denethor and his son has started to grow.
Denethor's fascination with Saruman is chillingly depicted, and it is
after this visit that he enacts the law regarding Ithilien-that anyone
found there without leave of the Steward should be questioned, then
slain. I absolutely love Faramir's mention of that-["But in later
years, I often had cause to curse this law, and curse that I had had
no chance to argue against it. To hold men without trial, to kill them
after only the sketchiest of hearings – such was my duty, and it was
never rightly done. I regret every time I upheld that law; I do not
regret the single time I broke it."].

Mithrandir helps Faramir with very few words, letting him know that it
is all right to trust his own judgement, young as he is. He is his
most delightful, scruffy, pipe-smoking, seemingly disreputable self
here, quite different from the polished Curunir.

Elboron takes from this story what he needs to make a decision about
his own tutor. The relationship between himself and his father is warm
and very close and without the strife that can come with early
adolescence. He knows his father's quality and respects him greatly.
Their easy interaction and mutual respect is a vivid contrast to
Faramir's relationship with his own father, and the decision Elboron
makes about his tutor indicates that he too will become a wise and
even-handed ruler when it is time for him to take the Stewardship.

Title: The Ghost in the Garden · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races: Elves
· ID: 272
Reviewer: Isabeau of Greenlea · 2008-07-21 14:26:43
I'm always up for Celeborn and Galadriel stories, and this one is an
interesting one, for it takes place before their marriage and causes
Galadriel to do some serious thinking about the differences between
the Noldor and their Sindarin kin.

She and Celeborn are depicted in a delightful moment of drunken stupor
and license, hardly the grave, serene beings that LOTR depicts them
as. Out in the forest, she has an encounter with a Houseless one that
very much frightens her. She hesitates to tell Celeborn about it, lest
she be thought mad or fey, but when she does, his matter-of-fact
acceptance of the spirit and recounting of its history gives her
serious pause, because it seems that in matters of life and death and
afterlife that she and her beloved differ greatly.

There is a great, brief description of Galadriel's childhood and her
father explaining to her about life and death and its effect upon her.
[--the fëa went into the keeping of Námo, and a new body was made for
it. Before that night, she hadn't liked Námo much, with his slippery
green eyes and face like carved from stone. But afterward, she bore a
grudging admiration for him, he who kept them immortal in totality,
spirit and body. And afterward, her courage grew, and she flourished
to follow. No longer did she fear high places or whipping storms or
the tumultuous sea, not when she knew that there was never truly an
ending. For the butterflies, yes. But not for her.] To me, that sums
up in a nutshell how many Elves must have felt about their immortality.

Celeborn is absolutely delightful here-very much a young man, but also
already very wise and insightful. Galadriel leans upon him for the
first time in this as she will lean upon him for the rest of their
lives together.

Title: Giving Gifts · Author: Marta · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 426
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-21 16:42:11
To me this reads like a great parental in-joke, exemplified
unexpectedly by these two usually staid characters. It brings vividly
to mind the challenge I and my mother-peers face everytime a birthday
or holiday approaches, and it was charming to see Denethor and Imrahil
face such an everyday situation. Still, with Marta's usual skill, she
does more then just tell a cute tale, but also brings out something
unique and interesting in her portrayals.

Title: Only Water in Your Veins · Author: Michelle · Races: Men · ID: 154
Reviewer: Thorongirl · 2008-07-21 19:36:19
A marvelous short story involving the peril Aragorn encounters when he
finds himself alone in enemy territory. The author paints sharp and
concise word pictures effortlessly and gives the grave situation
Aragorn faces a haunting realism. A real demonstration of the craft of

Title: Balm · Author: Armariel · Genres: Adventure · ID: 459
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-21 19:40:53
The narrative structure complements Frodo's gradual awakening and
broadening of awareness well, as his focus slowly broadens, more and
more questions and worries crowd in, and his total confusion becomes

I am glad that although this story shows more of what happened to
Frodo, it still leaves much unsaid. I thought it also a good touch
that the more comforting aspects of the scene are expanded as well,
namely Sam and Frodo's reunion, their touching concern for each other,
the sharing of comfort and courage. ["Balm"], indeed, in more than one
sense, and whether or not it really existed, Frodo is right that ["if
there was no balm, there was Sam."].

["Innocence sits on him like a butterfly after a storm."] I just had
to quote this line, it was such a lovely image, as if the butterfly
was actually there with them.

Title: A Large Bold Hand · Author: Jay of Lasgalen · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 10
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-21 21:07:21
I enjoyed this as it made me think of something I'd not noticed before
and offered a plausible explanation.Very nicely written.

Title: Five Things that Never Happened to Serinde of Dol Amroth ·
Author: SurgicalSteel · Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy ·
ID: 222
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-21 21:13:15
What if scenarios are always fascinating to explore.In fiction ,as in
life,if one thing happened differently so much could change for good
or ill. I always wish Tolkien had not killed poor Halbarad.

Msg# 9333

MEFA Reviews for Wednesday, July 30, 2008 (Part Two) Posted by Ann July 30, 2008 - 20:37:40 Topic ID# 9333
Title: Frogdom · Author: Neilia · Genres: Humor: Elven Lands · ID: 192
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-21 23:02:02
A very cute,what if? story. Poor Pippin!

Title: A Summer Night's Peace · Author: Larner · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 694
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-21 23:55:12
In this delightful story Aragorn is is found near the White Tree by
Frodo.Poor Arwen is starting to experience the common lot of women,so
her bridegroom must seek out the company of his friends. Poor Frodo is
embarrassed by the talk of female matters having been brought up in an
all male enviroment.

I loved this touching glimpse of the bond between Aragorn and Frodo. I
also like the way you see the White Tree.A pity Frodo will not visit
the Hallow as he helped so much to restore the Kings. This story has
distinct shadowings of Frodo's decline,despite all Aragorn's love and

I was intrigued by the idea that Aragorn had visited the Hallow before
with Ecthelion.

This story is full of good things and a most enjoyable read.

Title: Fennas Haradren · Author: Linaewen · Genres: Adventure · ID: 280
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-22 01:16:57
I highly enjoyed this story about Gondor in the years before the War
of the Ring. It is very original, developing a southern fortress never
(to my knowledge) mentioned in canon, yet it does not feel in the
slightest bit A.U. I could easily see our heroic Boromir acting like
he did, and his frustrations felt very real. It had a feel almost of
Beowulf, like the last battle where Beowulf dies, and I found the use
of adventure and the heroic to be very fitting with Boromir. And even
with all of that, there's still time for humor. This quote had me
chuckling out loud:

["When next I meet a cave troll!" exclaimed Boromir. "There will be no
such time! I trust I shall never have to face another such creature
again; once is surely enough for me!"]

Finally, it has to be said: Linaewen does a better job of battle
strategy (both in the battles portrayed and in Gondor's larger
military strategy) than P.J. did with all of his advisors. Granted,
I'm no expert at such things, but I was thoroughly convinced. A nice,
adrenaline-pumping read through out; Boromir fans won't want to miss it.

Title: Homeward Bound · Author: Werecat · Genres: Alternate Universe ·
ID: 430
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-22 02:52:30
You know, given the comparative dearth of cats in Tolkien canon, I am
always surprised that Werecat has found so much room for fanfic in
which cats play a primary part. I don't think I've ever read a story
by this author where cats did not play some part. Yet, she keeps
finding new scenarios to explore, and this one is no different.

In this story we see Radagast still wandering through what was once
Middle-earth - what has become our "modern" earth (not in contemporary
times, but in near-history). The transformation of Radagast into a
hobo seemed particularly fitting, as he was only ever on the fringe of
acceptable canon even in The Lord of the Rings. His connection with a
cat who likewise has an ancient history breathes new life into the
ancient story of Radagast, making it poignant and touching. by the end
I was a bit misty-eyed.

Touchingly done with creative twists on canon - I highly enjoyed
re-reading this one.

Title: National Treasure · Author: Baranduin · Times: Modern Times ·
ID: 201
Reviewer: Súlriel · 2008-07-22 03:21:07
This is one of my favorite kind of stories to read – the "what if". I
think, at heart, we all want to believe and this is a wonderful foray
into that. One of my favorite movie quotes is Tim Allen in Galaxy
Quest when he says ["It's real. It's all real."] I'd love to know that
feeling and this story gives me a glimmer of hope.

Title: Orc Dreams · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains: Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 448
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 03:35:55
From an apparently throw-away line from ROTK in which the orc on the
stair of Torech Ungol encounters Sam, Tanaqui has crafted a most
marvelous nightmare, a nightmare in which an orc is threatened by the
very objects that tend to inspire hope and awe in the hearts of those
inclined to the Light. The story is short and direct, and well conveys
the discomfort known by the unfortunate orc as he seeks relief in two
ways, one particuluarly orcish in nature.

Very deftly and convincingly written, and alternate names are well
chosen indeed.

Title: There shall be Mirth at our Meeting · Author: Imhiriel ·
Genres: Humor: Drabbles · ID: 377
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 03:41:39
Oh, but I've loved this drabble since the first time I read it. There
are two described within LOTR who are described as being founts of
humor at times, and this one is marvelously depicted, and particularly
the deliberate reference to the similarities this one has for the
other. And love the two who are discussing him as well!

Imhiriel has such a way with drabbles, and remains one of my favorite
masters of the genre.

Title: On Far Fields · Author: Dwimordene · Races: Cross-Cultural ·
ID: 106
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-22 04:07:13
Isabeau's OMC Andrahar of Umbar is probably my favorite of her
original characters. Here, Dwimordene borrows the good Captain for a
great vignette about the conflict of roots versus friendship.

On the Pelennor, after the great battle in LOTR, Andrahar is caught
between memories and traditions of the life he left behind and his
loyalty to Dol Amroth and its prince.

There is no question of betrayal here; but Andrahar is only human, and
can feel sorrow at the loss of honor endured by the warriors of the
people who were once his; and wonder as to his own honor and purpose.
The misery of the captive Southrons is extremely well written; their
song a masterpiece of evocative prayer - I especially like the
incorporation of Sauron-as-Annatar into their mythology.

Title: Frodos Dremes · Author: Gentle Hobbit · Genres: Drama:
Featuring Frodo or Sam · ID: 235
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 04:45:27
We know that Frodo from time to time knew prescient dreams and
visions. The dreams described here are often disturbing as Frodo
Baggins as a younger Hobbit and then after the quest was achieved
finds himself facing dreams that leave him filled with questions, and,
at the end, the grief of knowledge of how deeply he was injured by the

Disturbing and vivid--and all too likely. Imagery is clear and sharp
as a surgeon's knife, and the grief felt incalculable. Well done.

Title: Moon Over Water · Author: Avon · Genres: Drama: Final Partings
· ID: 518
Reviewer: Marta · 2008-07-22 05:00:52
This is a lovely, very atmospheric piece showing how hope and "magic"
transcends the generations before and after the Ring War. Nice work, Avon.

Title: Wild Swan · Author: Tanaqui · Genres: Drama: Gondor
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 328
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-22 05:06:53
I greatly enjoyed this series of ficlets about Prince Imrahil and his
family and friends. I was especially stirred by the image of the
graceful Thorongil preparing to dive,moved by Imrahil's care for
Faramir and gladdened when Aragorn gives the Prince a well deserved
gift.These charming drabbles provide the reader with a sense of the
man and the history he has lived through.

Title: Shall We Dance? · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Races: Men:
Steward's Family · ID: 93
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 05:08:23
Ah--a glimpse of young Lothiriel of Dol Amroth being presented at
sixteen to the court of Gondor, intent on seeing an old custom
renewed. Now, if she can only convince her uncle to give over his
memories of loss and his self-isolation to see it done.

Descriptions are vivid and inviting; the thoughts of those involved
are well rendered and true to character as I understand them; the
memories and the foreshadowing well done.

Title: Parting Gifts · Author: Fiondil · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Post-Ring War · ID: 452
Reviewer: pen_iaur · 2008-07-22 05:08:35
I loved this story - The relationship between Gimli and Legolas was
beautifully written. I cried. Fiondil has always made the Tolkien
characters come alive for me.

Title: Horse Sense · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres: Humor:
Elven Lands · ID: 22
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 05:13:07
I love stories about Bill, our tenth walker (and a nudge here to
Lindelea, whose story I'm still waiting to see finished!), and this is
no exception. He has reason to be concerned about one of the company's
comments--or maybe not.

Delightful tale, and Bill's reaction to the new additions is well
rendered. And the conversation in question is marvelous! Yes, delightful!

Title: WAR: A Promise Before Dying · Author: Fiondil · Times:
Multi-Age · ID: 55
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 05:34:23
Elrond swore to his Lord that he should see the Ring destroyed that
Sauron not rise again. But how he might take responsibility for this
promise when the son of Elendil had physical possession of the thing
apparently Gil-galad had taken no thought to, not that he had a great
deal of say in the matter at the moment, considering his state. Over
the millennia the question remained as to what had happened in the
Mortal Lands and why until the latest Grey Ship brought the answer,,,,

Fiondil's rehoused Twice-born are child-like in their earlier stages,
their innocence restored--for a time at least. I've never been certain
I completely agree with this, but it works well in his tales. But this
reunion is well depicted on the part of the Elves involved, although,
being me, I would have a good deal more for the Ringbearers to say....

I love it anyway. A worthy read.

Title: And all was made ready · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 427
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-22 05:45:20
In this enthralling story. Dreamflower writes of Aragorn's coronation
from the point of view of the four hobbits.

Dreamflower has an eye for hobbit character, and writes it in a way
that lightens the load of the tremendous significance of the historic
occasion. Being hobbits, Pippin, Merry, Sam and Frodo must eat first,
and then be grandly dressed for the coronation. In a rather neat bit,
Pippin may have grown so much that his sword-calloused hand is
stronger and larger than Frodo's,but he still insists on eating every
bit of the honey they are given.

There are so many neat bits here - Sam's discomfiture at riding with
Prince Imrahil giving way to ease when Imrahil asks Sam about his kin
in the Shire; and of course Sam tells him about every Gamgee relation;
the way Faramir and Gandalf have arranged to spare Frodo discomfort in
the handing over of the crown, the hobbits' appreciation of the beauty
of the day and the mountains and the city and the Steward's great
white banner...

I think if Tolkien had written more about the coronation, it would
have read very much like this story.

And I loved the ending!

Title: Return of the King · Author: Imhiriel · Races: Men: General
Drabbles · ID: 355
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 05:51:02
Ah, but it's a different King who considers whether to return to
Gondor; but it is the responsibility involved in the oath he has taken
to the people of that land that draws him back.

Very good characterization, and most appropriate motivation given for
his choice! Again, Imhiriel, your ability to say so much so succinctly
impresses me mightily.

Title: Giving Gifts · Author: Marta · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 426
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 06:19:12
Marta, definitely one of your greatest humorous ficlets. The idea of
these two men tweeking one another about via such gifts to the other's
children is marvelous. And the planned revenge is so wonderful to
calculate upon! Such a decidedly delightful look at the humor of the
two participants, and so deftly chosen of weapons! Heh! I so love such
tales, particularly when as well told as this!

Title: House of Ransom · Author: Robinka · Races: Elves: Drabbles ·
ID: 657
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-07-22 09:59:42
This is a drabble that portrays a pivotal moment in Beleg's fate. Just
after the request has been made to him, Beleg set out to find Túrin
after his self-inflicted banishment; it reads as if is Túrin's mentor
follows and scrutinises all he has achieved so far. Yet, Beleg fan's
and other readers alike also know there is more to this. What Robinka
manages to bring across so well in this drabble is Beleg's quarry, it
feels as if his heart is held in ransom, and it reads as a great test
of his unwavering friendship and loyalty to this young man. Yet, at
the same time, Beleg notices that camaraderie or friendship can also
come at the cost of death or more when he notes the carnage inflicted
upon the outlaws. All these facets are portrayed so well here. Besides
the gapfiller thought of this elf, it also shows the complexity of
Beleg opinions about Túrin and his own question regarding his motives.
That is beautifully drabbled with this line: [Yet I had listened to my
heart, not wisdom.]. The drabble ends with a turning point ahead of
this elf, the author ends this moment perfectly and yet leaves the
reader with the knowledge what happens next while Beleg continues his
search. This is finely drabbled and it is surely an appetiser for more
that will make you want to re-read that particular chapter in [the

Title: The Sky Is Over · Author: Robinka · Races: Elves: Drabbles · ID: 83
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2008-07-22 10:25:33
This drabble gives the reader such an intimate peek in Finrod's
thoughts and his foresight of what lies ahead. Knowing what happened
before and also what answer he will give to his sister, this ficlet
gives me the chills after having read it often. Ever since I read that
particular quote and how Finrod lived up to it, I felt for him and the
fate the professor had in mind for him.

While writing this piece, Robinka finds a beautiful blend between
angst and romance, she portrays Finrod in such grace and dignity by
using her drabble skills to touch upon love and to be loved without
forcing it. Another thing this author is good at is picking out
important character turning points (or gapfiller moments), lifting
them out of the known story and brings it to the reader. However, this
drabble has so much more! I love the allusion between Galadriel's
touch and that of Amarie because it says so much: to me it feels as if
he draws strength from it especially knowing what is to come. At the
same time, it also shows this Noldo valiant nature, his strength where
he draws from, unknowingly or not. This ficlet is beautifully written,
it gives the reader a very vivid image, and it reads very intimate and
is at the same time immensely powerfully brought with great skill.

Title: For the Want of ... · Author: Larner · Times: Late Third Age:
Gondor · ID: 681
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-22 11:04:09
A well-written story with excellent characterization and very vivid,
lively dialog. I particularly enjoyed Aragorn's letter to Faramir,
reminiscing over Denethor in a manner meant to lift Faramir's heart,
something he sorely needed at that point. I'd love to see what this
this author would do with Denethor and Thorongil.

Title: Dawn Twilight · Author: viv · Times: Modern Times · ID: 182
Reviewer: elea24 · 2008-07-22 14:46:56
Whoa! What a rip roaring ride! I pretty much read this all in one
sitting as I couldn't pull myself away from it. The one time I did
have to break away I was itching to get back to it. The storyline is
thrilling and has just the right amount of suspense. It leaves you
wondering and questioning, and trying to work out what the answers
could be without dictating the whole picture to you straight off the
bat. A lot is left unsaid, or rather hinted at, with just beautiful
description and emotive language to feed your imagination until it is
all drawn together wonderfully at the end.
It is also extremely amusing and heartwarming. The protagonist, Moira,
is a joy to read. She is snarky, vulnerable, clueless, brave,
compassionate -all rolled into one adorably complicated young adult.
Viv does a wonderfully witty job of expressing Moira's feelings. So
much so that I had to stop eating and drinking whilst I read it due to
the amount of times I nearly choked from laughing so hard.
I sometimes find 'elves in modern time' stories to be a little forced,
with the characters being squashed into a setting and given a voice
that just doesn't seem to fit. I found no such problems with this
story. The mix of Tolkien's world with the modern age works really
well (with a lot of attention paid to cannon) and the characters all
sound natural in their environment. Viv has clearly thought through
where it is each character has come from, and how that would influence
their actions, behavior and speech, making this piece rich, dynamic
and highly entertaining.

Title: Stars of the Lesser · Author: Dawn Felagund · Times: First Age
and Prior · ID: 74
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-07-22 15:06:10
In the interest of full disclosure [Stars of the Lesser] was written
for me as a gift by Dawn. As I noted in a previous review, this story
fits me like a pair of hand-knitted mittens, shaped perfectly for the
shape of my hands and length of my fingers, and for my rather
heretical view of Tolkien's world. So, naturally, I have my biases,
and in fact, this story addresses bias.

Tolkien created his legendarium with the conceit that it represents an
imaginary history written by similarly imaginary historians (Baggins,
Pengolodh, Rumil). Any history is subject to interpretation of
objective events through the lenses of the historian. A good historian
will reach beyond his or her comfort zone to critically analyze events
and people. Dawn applies the same to Tolkienian "canon" or history in
[Stars of the Lesser.]

Here we find a young Pengolodh stepping outside of his comfort zone
and even disobeying his parents: sneaking peeks at a "forbidden" book
and clambering out among the slippery rocks along the sea near
Nevrast. There he meets a young Celebrimbor who is diving in the
frigid ocean in search of marine organisms. In the course of their
exchange, Pengolodh is challenged to think about what he has been
taught in a different way. Using the example of a bioluminescent
invertebrate, the inquisitive Fëanorian provides a provocative -- and
to Pengolodh, disturbing -- viewpoint of the origins of light and of
Arda itself.

Couched in "Arda-ized" language and imagery, we hear Pengolodh's
challenge to Celebrimbor which subtly reminds one of Wilberforce
addressing Huxley. The young Fëanorian advises that there are multiple
sides to every story, and how the revelation of history is dependent
upon light cast upon it.

[Stars of the Lesser] is custom-fit to my love of science, my
fascination with and empathy for the Fëanorians and the Noldor, and my
inherent skeptical (and irreverent) nature. Nonetheless, this
provocative story is well worth reading for any Tolkien fan. Whether
one agrees with its underlying themes or not, it is always good to
think and turn the facets of history around in the light.

Title: Don't Explain · Author: gwidhiel · Races: Elves: Incomplete ·
ID: 289
Reviewer: pandemonium_213 · 2008-07-22 15:26:53
[Don't Explain] is a sly title for a novel-in-progress which in fact
explains much. Gwidhiel is a newcomer to Tolkienian fan fiction, but
in this story, she demonstrates her considerable knowledge of
Tolkien's world. She offers an extraordinarily insightful treatment of
the family dynamics of the House of Finwë. Although such family
dynamics have been the subject of other stories, [Don't Explain]
shines because of the beautifully crafted portraits of the women --
wives, sisters, aunts and daughters -- whose lives were entwined with
Finwë, the family patriarch, most notably Indis, Findis, Galadriel and
Miriel Serindë.

Prompted by the reunion of her grandchildren who have either been
reincarnated or returned from Middle-earth, Indis, the protagonist,
seeks to heal the wounds of her living family, but most critically,
herself. Accompanied by daughter Findis and granddaughter Galadriel,
she seeks counsel from Estë and Irmo and thence to Vairë's workshop.
In her quest to heal, Indis discovers hard truths about her own
motivations and complicity in what transpired when Finwë sought
permission from the Valar to wed her.

Gwidhiel's women are marvelous -- all rich, multi-faceted characters.
Indis herself is a compelling character, determined to seek her own
healing, and open to other avenues of thought. I am especially taken
with Findis, who is no more than a name in the Shibboleth of Fëanor.
Findis here is a fully realized person who sees the world in nuanced
shades of gray, an independent woman with her own distinctive
viewpoints who has obviously acted as her mother's sounding board.
Findis, as the eldest child of Indis and Finwë, brings forth welcome
sympathetic treatment of her older (half) brother, Fëanáro.

Gwidhiel builds the story well. [Don't Explain] is not a thriller or
an adventure, but it nonetheless is a digital page-turner. When
reading the story, I always had "what will happen next?" "How will X
react to Y?" questions that pulled me along.

[Don't Explain] is an intelligent, introspective WIP, and I can't help
but imagine it as an independent film in an "art house" cinema! I look
forward to forthcoming chapters.

Title: Light of the Westering Sun · Author: Dawn Felagund · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 126
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:24:06
A very sweet set of double drabbles telling backwards the romance
between these two unlikely lovers.

Characterizations are excellently done, and the atmosphere is perfect.
And I love the elderly Haleth's self-identification with a hapless
girl brought to her for judgment.

Msg# 9334

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, July 31, 2008 (Part One) Posted by Ann July 31, 2008 - 20:42:42 Topic ID# 9334
Title: The Stolen Child · Author: SurgicalSteel · Races: Men · ID: 197
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:27:18
Surgical Steels's stories of the acerbic surgeon Serinde are among my
favorites. This one, however, is a painful one, dealing as it does
with the tragic loss of a child, one I can certainly identify with.

Feelings are authentic, and the aftermath of the tragic birth are
sensitively done. Well, well worth the read.

Title: The Road Trip · Author: Garnet Took · Times: Modern Times · ID: 410
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:42:52
Oh, dear--Hobbits are off on a road trip, and all begin to wonder if
they'll survive to make their destination.

The story is cute, Pippin is so Pippinish, and their arrival is
specifically what one would expect. Now it's inspiring me to read
another story I hadn't realized had been group written!

Title: Recognition · Author: Dwimordene · Times: Late Third Age:
Gondor Drabbles · ID: 481
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:45:35
Ooh! Another Ioreth drabble! Wonderful images here, and love Ioreth's
recognition of her patient's true state!

Title: The Chieftain of the Dunedain · Author: Avon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 623
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:52:50
Ah, to see newly-returned Aragorn through the eyes of one who knew him
as a toddler. An evocative piece, with lovely imagery. Now I wish to
see how a particular friendship grew.

Title: Wounds of a Friend · Author: Sivan Shemesh · Genres: Alternate
Universe: Other Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 710
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:56:14
Hazel eyes? And how are they fighting orcs under the Tree?

Title: I Ain't Got Nobody · Author: Ignoble Bard · Genres: Humor:
Valar & Maiar · ID: 568
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 16:59:53
Hilarious, and I HOPE not reflecting the REAL Glorfindel. An excellent

Title: In The Darkness Of My Dreaming · Author: Cuthalion · Genres:
Alternate Universe: Angst/Tragedy · ID: 284
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 17:02:49
I myself have wished Frodo had found a love within the Shire so he
could know that fulfillment; but lacking that, having loved Lily
Proudfoot would have been nice.

A tragic thought as to what Lily herself might have come to had this
scenario come to pass, although I believe Frodo would have felt it
well worthwhile, knowing he took these memories with him.

Title: A Friend's Hug · Author: Golden · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 142
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 17:14:30
Ah, to see these two become friends and for Pippin to accept this form
of comfort and therapy. But the time was stressful, after all; and the
others needed such reassurance as they could find. It was wonderful
seeing Pippin doing what he does best--helping to lighten the burdens
of other through his humor and lightheartedness, hiding that his own
heart was breaking.

Lovely story.

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 17:21:46
Darling, although I have yet to fully appreciate the tips on sacrfice?
Love that it's to Rapunzel! Heh!

Title: Gently Held · Author: viv · Genres: Romance: Other Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 6
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 17:26:59
Ah, Viv--this was the man who stole my heart away at the tender age of
thirteen, whom I grieved to see was given to another. Knowing that the
one he loves returns that love for this reason relieves my own
grieving for him.

Beautiful, gently emotional piece. Arwen's beautiful spirit shines
through as much as Aragorn's.

Title: Dangerous Folk · Author: Budgielover · Genres: Adventure · ID: 546
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 17:30:41
Ooh--we meet water goblins here, and wonder again at the variety of
evil creatures Sauron and his mentor created and cultivated.

A marvelous drama as we see the Fellowship dealing with another deadly
danger as they journey toward Caradhras, and as more dark creatures
are drawn toward the lure of the Ring, seeking to take the Ringbearer.
Characterizations of our nine are perfect.

Title: Music hath Charms · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Men: Minas
Tirith · ID: 361
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-22 17:40:43
Ah, but Faramir and Aragorn have managed to each earn his lady's ire.
But they remember the old adage about music and its effects upon the
savage breast....

Sweet means of achieving forgiveness.

Title: Dol Amroth Yule · Author: Isabeau of Greenlea · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 295
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-22 18:23:53
This story has much action and excitement, interwoven with calmer
moments. No matter which pace is set, the characterisations at the
heart of the matter are complex and engaging, each character distinct.
It is a pleasure to follow familiar as well as new ones, and to see
how skilfully the relationships amongst them are handled: with
gradations and nuances, familiarity or formality as warranted.

I love the detailed and realistic world-building. We get a good look
at the time Hethlin spent in Dol Amroth in training to become a
Swan-knight, and at the problems and prejudices facing her as a woman
in men's world, as well as the struggles that face Gondor even after
Sauron's defeat.

This the low point (at least the readers have seen on page) in the
relationship of Andrahar towards Hethlin, and his unfair treatment of
her made me uncomfortable, and I was glad to see a mellowing in the
end (and even more that the story "Reparation" acknowledges that Andra
truly went too far in DAY and showed his stance there for the wrong
behaviour that it was).

Title: Dragons In The Trollshaws · Author: Bodkin · Genres: Adventure
· ID: 170
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-22 18:24:31
I loved the lively dialogue in this story, the banter between the
twins, the recollections of exploits in the past, with subtle
undercurrents of more serious feelings, like the the still sore wound
of Celebrían's loss. It's fascinating how much of the plot is revealed
through the dialogue.

The story is structured engagingly, the back and forth between the two
parties provide variation in perspective that increases the focus of
the story; often, they complement and/or provide new insight into each

It's entertaining to witness the twins' knowledge and speculations
about dragons, be they fact or fable. It brings them fully into the
world and history of the Third Age of Middle-earth, so to speak, and
acts also to remind us of some facts about Tolkien's "known" dragons
like Glaurung or Smaug. It was fantastic when the dragons were finally
on the scene, vividly described for all senses: their appearance and
movements, the sounds and smells, how the fight and feast, etc.

Title: Sour Milk · Author: Linda hoyland · Genres: Humor: Other
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 521
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-22 18:58:09
Linda takes on one of the most notorious pictures in Tolkien Calendar
history, that of bare-legged Aragorn receiving the White Rod from a
similarly clad but blond Faramir while various bosomy blondes in
scanty apparel look on, as a challenge prompt, and comes up with a
novel and amusing alternate universe fairy tale.

Aragorn's expression in the picture inspires the first half of the
tale; setting up the problem - his expression is so haughty that it
sours the milk in Minas Tirith. And Linda shows that more than his
expression is arrogant; in the story, Aragorn dismisses Faramir rather
than accept his service as Steward. The second half of the tale
delivers the resolution of the problem, humbling the haughty king as
only a pride of cats could.

The insertion of the ginger cat, who, I have on good authority, is the
author's own feline companion, adds a personal touch; with a lovely
verbal portrait of an imperious and canny cat, as well as a great
photo of the ginger cat lounging in splendor.

Despite the fanciful setup, the description of feline attitude and
tactics rings very true. For who but cats could challenge the
cold-hearted King of the West and actually win? One doesn't have to be
a cat lover to appreciate this clever, amusing story.

Title: Amara · Author: Claudia · Genres: Mystery · ID: 236
Reviewer: stefaniab · 2008-07-22 20:38:21
All I can say is OMG, thank you so much, Claudia. Your lovely story
fuses two subjects that for decades have been near and dear to my
heart: Tolkien's fictional Faramir and Middle Eastern culture and dance.

Claudia has Faramir comfort ill Frodo with a fantasy tale that might
have come from the mouth of Sheherazade herself. Faramir describes his
first mission as Ranger captain on a foray into South Ithilien to
confront a force of Haradrim. In the middle of the night, he hears
mournful bellows and moans and sets out to investigate.

At this point, the tale becomes magical, full of images that evoke
Bedouin life, subtle hints about (and for) belly dancers, and other
Middle Eastern fantasy subjects that could have come from the "1001
Nights" or 19th century Orientalist paintings. Not to mention what
happens when Faramir comforts an injured white she-camel that
becomes...well, you'll just have to read "Amara" to find out.

I particularly enjoyed how Claudia hints that Faramir's encounter
might have been a dream, or possibly his own far sight working in
unexpected ways. Or is "Amara" simply a ghost story to fulfill Frodo's

Title: Five Hair Care Tips for Rohirrim · Author: EdorasLass · Genres:
Humor · ID: 71
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-22 20:58:04
Hilariously funny advice for the many warriors of Rohan and their
unwashed shaggy manes! It is high time those renowned heroes thought
of their own manes as well as those of their beloved horses!

Title: The Making of Werewolves · Author: Ignoble Bard · Races:
Villains · ID: 42
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-22 22:23:28
What a deliciously horrific tale of the creation of werewolves!
IgnobleBard always is able to bring such a wonderful atmosphere to
stories - this one, though conveyed sparely and starkly, nevertheless
feels heavy and unrestful, quite appropriately given the event
described. The language throughout evokes the style of the Silm, and
suggests an isolated portion of an epic tale (the repeated sending out
of hunters particularly made me think this, though it also made me
laugh and so worked well as black comedy in the middle of a story
quietly but clearly filled with pains).

The metallic flavor that those opening lines brings in also seems to
me perfectly suited to the story, suggesting the mechanical, forced
nature of this 'birthing.' As opposed to creation, this is a shaping
and a transformation that operates by invasion and by deformation.
This is villainy bald-facedly at work. Very well done!

Title: Of Dreams... · Author: Avon · Races: Men: General Fixed-Length
Ficlets · ID: 7
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-22 22:23:57
The idea that dreams are revelatory is very old, and usually is taken
to reveal two realities: the future and the self. Given the importance
of prophetic dreaming to the royal line of Númenor, one suspects that
a look into the dream life of its latest scion will combine the two.

The repetition of that one line works very well - Aragorn does not
dream of power. This is the key to his character, especially of his
movie character where this is so clearly at issue in the scene at
Gilraen's grave. Yet power has come to him, and he has a decision to
make about taking it up. Avon portrays this shift in his life very
well, but I think also hints at what we know is the case: that the
dreams are a revelation and a kind of guarantee: now and tomorrow,
Aragorn does not dream of power.

Nice staging of this conflict, Avon!

Title: Now the Green Blade Riseth · Author: annmarwalk · Genres:
Drama: Ring War Drabbles · ID: 37
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-22 22:24:12
Ann knows how to get the most out of a hundred words, and often
creates these lovely 'green' moments where her love of nature shines
through. Being a city girl, I can only envy her this talent.

But it's not just the lyrical descriptions that draw me into this
drabble. I like the contrast between the Gaffer and Sam, and precisely
over a point that so often plagues us. Our ends and aims and desires
are diverse, and they do not often form a coherent whole that could be
achieved. In the wake of the Shire Occupation, with so many shattered
lives, the Gaffer focuses directly on the people, while Sam looks to
the ravaged Party Tree (and so many others, as we know). The title
aptly hints of the triumph of the tree (the [green blade rises]), but
in the end, the rise of the Shire's green is also the rise of its
inhabitants - or at least of one Gaffer Gamgee. In the cohering of the
healing of the land and of Hamfast, we get one of those Tolkienesque
moments when we believe that a redemption of the whole is possible.

Well done, Ann!

Title: Confidence · Author: annmarwalk · Races: Men: Minas Tirith · ID: 38
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-22 22:24:24
Going along with her talent for dealing with the world of gardens, Ann
is able to evoke a very textured, sensual world. This holds true
whether she's writing romantic encounters for Theodred and Boromir or
dealing with the domestic routines and relationships that go on
quietly behind the lines of epic questing that Tolkien gave us.

Mormegil's position as man-servant is one of those social constructs
that is extremely hard, I think, for modern writers to capture. The
very idea of this kind of relationship is exceptionally difficult to
feel one's way into if one is accustomed to 'fending for oneself'
being the mark of responsibility and standing. But Middle-earth is a
feudal world, and Mormegil comes off believably as a man with an
important, if distinctly unglorious, position. His interactions with
Denethor feel right, and give a glimpse into the relations above and
below the salt in Denethor's Minas Tirith.

Thanks, Ann!

Title: The Mariner's Son · Author: cairistiona · Genres: Adventure ·
ID: 329
Reviewer: Dwimordene · 2008-07-22 22:24:47
It's interesting to see a story involving the Ring of Barahir - that's
fairly rare, but I quite like the use cairistiona put it to in this
short story.

The story starts us out in media res, and it's far from a pleasant
situation for our poor, nameless prisoner, though the reader has her
suspicions about who this must be fairly early. Captivity and
confusion are well portrayed, as is Aragorn's mounting desperation:
what begins with the promise of a confrontation with one of Sauron's
minions becomes a struggle with the elements which Cairistiona writes
very well. What had seemed to be shaping up as a battle that would be
a contest of wills against a human opponent ends up being a battle of
Aragorn for himself - his survival, but also his struggles with his

This more inward struggle ends up giving him a point of solidarity in
a way with the other two characters in the story, both of whom are
marked by a namelessness that on the one hand, for the Mariner,
signifies a deliberate letting go of the past man, and in the case of
his adult son, a kind of innocence of identity. Aragorn has to find a
way between these extremes - he can change his name, but he cannot not
have one, for all his names in the end refer back to another name -
Heir of Isildur. The link between Isildur and the Ring of Barahir in a
way gives Aragorn the chance to occupy a middle ground: that of having
his identity taken from him, at first symbolically, then literally
through amnesia, leaving him to learn to desire what he had once
thought he could have gladly given up.

But the adventure also gives him the chance to show that even in the
absence of identity, his anchor is in his character, which is that of
a king, whether or not named.

Nicely done! Aragorn fans should enjoy this.

Title: The Fire of Hope · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 625
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-22 23:34:07
I often wonder just what Aragorn would think and feel during his long
days of wandering.What was it like to wander in the wilds without home
comforts and no settled place of abode? I wonder if he were lonely and
cold or hungry?

In this beautifully written ficlet,Raksha cotemplates Aragorn sitting
on a hill overlooking Bree and seeing the lights below and thinking of
the warmth and cheer the people who dwell there enjoy.Little do the
Breelanders know it, but without Rangers like Aragorn they would
quickly be overrun by Orcs and other creatures of darkness.Their
comfortable lifestyle depends on the sacrifices of men like Aragorn.
Instead of being grateful,though, they mock and fear him should he
visit the town.

Aragorn does not brood for long,though but lives up to his Elvish name
and always has hope in the form of his dreams of restoring the lost
glory of his people and winning the heart and hand of the beautiful
Arwen.I love it that he will save himself for her and her alone.What a
lesson the fickle youuth of today could learn from this Ranger!

My favourite part of this enjoyable ficlet was Aragorn's dream of
having seven children and his vision of the fair Arwen and and a
lovely little boy in his arms.It makes the reader happy to know that
Aragorn's dream will come true.

A lovely ficlet well worth reading.

Title: A Hobbity Wizard · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Childhood ·
ID: 596
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-22 23:42:09
Just imagine if Gandalf had ever babysay Pippin! A very cute tale of
what happened.

Title: A Dainty Dish · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 722
Reviewer: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · 2008-07-23 00:39:03
In this gentle fic, Merry and Pippin are once again the agents of
change, this time a change in culinary fashion. It is so hobbit-like
that Merry knows exactly how long that soup recipe has been in his
grandmother's family, and the Gondorians' distrust of and disdain for
mushrooms shows the cultural conservatism that is so characteristic of
that ancient society. The "recipe exchange" made me smile, though the
cooks on both sides may be mystified by some of the ingredients. Court
cooking in Dol Amroth would probably include some exotic ingredients
unknown in the Shire! Linda's graceful writing leaves you hungry for
more (mushrooms!), and I wonder if the writer has considered adding
recipes at the end of the story?
Faramir's comment about how wary cityfolk are of wild mushrooms is
spot on. When I was a child, I went morel hunting with a friend and
her family. I still remember how careful we had to be to avoid the
"false morel" (a mushroom of doubtful edibility). It is almost
indistinguishable from the real thing. Luckily, we didn't find any
morels that day, false or otherwise, but you do take your life into
your own hands when you eat wild mushrooms.
But the moral at the end of this tale is definitely not a false one—
[..the simple pleasures of life were often the best.]

Msg# 9335

MEFA Reviews for Thursday, July 31, 2008 (Part 2) Posted by Ann July 31, 2008 - 20:44:16 Topic ID# 9335
Title: Shelter From the Storm · Author: SlightlyTookish · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 315
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:23:19
This is a fun gapfiller that addresses those bothersome little details
about traveling. You know, the details that authors sometimes forget,
ie: bathroom breaks, water rations, and, in this case, exposed feet.
Sure, those feet are fine as long as the weather is also fine. But
even covered in thick hair and tough skin, exposed feet on Caradhras
could be disastrous. Good thing there are stories like this to not
only remind us but also to provide a heartwarming solution. Very nice

Title: And all was made ready · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 427
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:24:03
The best way I can think of to describe this story is as a fun little
series of snapshots. It feels like nothing so much as impression after
impression from each of the hobbits regarding the coronation of the
King. And I think that might be one of the best methods of describing
such an event, especially from a hobbit's point of view. It would have
to be impressions given the scope and grandness of the whole thing.
But perhaps my favorite part of the story was the very end, when given
all that was said and done, Frodo just wanted to go home.

Title: A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes · Author: Claudia ·
Races: Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 73
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:25:02
For all the play in the snow, this was a surprisingly warm story.
There was a lightness in its tone that was maintained throughout the
story, even though the characters strayed into serious topics from
time to time. And that lightness felt very needed, especially by
Frodo. I very much enjoyed the give and take between him and Faramir,
and it seemed to me that both characters found healing in their faux
rivalry. Very satisfying.

Title: Jewels of Light · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 394
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:25:39
Being a big sucker for Legolas and Gimli stories, I was delighted to
review this one. Much of their animosity is gone, but that doesn't
mean they necessarily understand one another. At least, not until this
moment when they find at least a measure of understanding in the
sharing of metaphors about the rest of the Fellowship. And though the
metaphors are different, they're surprisingly similar, which turns
into a revelation for both Elf and Dwarf. Excellent gapfiller.

Title: In Good Company · Author: foxrafer (csevans8) · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 20
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:26:44
What surprised me most about this story was the way it handled the
narrative. The focus seemed not to be on the characters but on the
environment. The setting drove the pace, and it made for a very unique
read. In just a short time, we became intimately familiar with
Faramir's land as he saw it, and his friends seemed to become an
extension of that land. This is a Faramir who is content, and given
his penchant for appearing in angst stories, it's a welcome change.

Title: A Dainty Dish · Author: Linda hoyland · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 722
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:27:07
I had a good guess as to what favorite food might be missing from the
menu, and though I was right about that, I found I was wrong about the
reasons for its absence. The resulting story about the nobility's bias
against a certain food group was intriguing to me, and I very much
enjoyed both the unfolding of the problem and its somewhat clandestine
solution. I think my mother did something similar on many an occasion...

Title: A Cat in King Elessar's Court · Author: agape4gondor · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 66
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:28:20
In order to see clearest, it's sometimes best to get an outside
perspective. And I'm not sure you can get any more outside (at least,
outside the box) than this cat that narrates the story. To begin with,
it's a cat, complete with feline mannerisms that show up in
delightfully unexpected ways. But more than that, it's a cat with a
rather unique heritage from Beruthiel's feline companions, and even
more unique is this cat's loyalty and love for Denethor. That was
probably what drew me into the story faster than anything else.
Denethor is painted beautifully in this cat's eyes. His flaws are
evident but so are his strengths.

And then there is Gandalf, who also starts displaying new
characteristics under a cat's watchful eyes. He's definitely the
sympathetic and well-intentioned wizard of LotR, but Alqualonde is
shrewd and Gandalf isn't without his own set of shortcomings.

And who can forget Aragorn? I can't. Not from this perspective.
Elessar is every inch the King, and watching him assume that role
during the last days before Sauron's fall was a wonder.

In fact, all of the Fellowship and the bulk of Gondor's nobility get
their chance to shine in this spectacular gapfiller. It feels like an
ensemble tale, but it never strays from its heart, which is the cat.
By the end, Alqualonde is easily one of my favorite original
characters in fanfiction, and I've gained new insights into all that
happened just prior to the crowning of the King.

Title: Good King Elessar · Author: Dreamflower · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Friendship · ID: 2
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger · 2008-07-23 02:29:12
What a heartwarming yule tale! I loved the way this tale fell into
synch with the traditional Good King Wenceslas carol, and I loved the
whimsical tone taken up by the narrative. It made this story feel like
a carol itself. Or at the least, a fleshed out version of the carol if
this carol were made to fit into Tolkien's canon. The tone also felt
very appropriate given who held the story's perspective, namely Frodo
Gamgee. And in the spirit of his very hobbity look on things, his
interactions with Aragorn (who was in superb form) and Mr. Appledore
were delightful. As an added bonus, characterization was top notch for
all involved, which is something I've come to expect from Dreamflower.
And this characterization applies not only to those with major roles
but also to those who never appear until the epilogue (like Merry).
But perhaps what I loved most about this story was the dialog. It was
clever and light, serious when needed but able to turn a quick phrase
in the next beat that had me smiling. A cheering tale, all around,
that took its cues from a carol and then firmly rooted itself in

Title: With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments · Author: Thundera Tiger ·
Genres: Humor · ID: 472
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-23 03:39:20
Everyone's a critic, as Sam learns when he brings a copy of the Red
Book of Westmarch to Gondor to show it to his friends and check
against written accounts for errors.

This is a funny vignette; as Legolas and Gimli and Aragorn squabble
over lines and phrases that they do not appreciate; and Sam is then
given an out by Faramir - but he is far from safe from his would-be

Original (for fanfiction) concept, good use of humor, with
Middle-earthy language. I enjoyed this immensely.

Title: In the Van · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Genres: Humor ·
ID: 72
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon · 2008-07-23 03:45:52
Imagine a road trip. Imagine a road trip with half the Fellowship -
Boromir, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf - in a modern minivan,
on the way to the Black Gate in ROTK. A line in ROTK about certain
characters going [in the van] evidently inspired Branwyn's
considerable sense of humor, and wackiness ensued.

Definitely not fully Tolkien's M-e, but a rousing 'other' type of
snippet. The interplay and dialogue is marvelous, and somehow very
characteristic. Aragorn is quiet; Gimli and Legolas squabble about
their television viewing preferences, Boromir is boastful; and Gandalf
bossy in a fatherly sort of way.

I saw; I read; I laughed!

Title: Alqualondë · Author: Moreth · Genres: Drama: General
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 220
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-23 03:49:00
A tragic, needless encounter seen from two different viewpoints.
Definitely a waste, what was done by the Noldor.

Well written; the mood well conveyed, as well as the horror as seen
before by the Teleri and after by the Noldor. A pair of well balanced

Title: A Promise · Author: Golden · Races: Hobbits: Childhood · ID: 149
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-23 03:57:33
The loss of a pet is a heartrending one, as I know from over half a
century of living with animals all around me. This pain is well
described in this story, as is the comfort known by finding another to
love--not to replace but to keep the love going. And the peace Pippin
knows here is well described indeed.

Title: Expert Treasure Hunter · Author: Tanaqui · Races: Villains:
Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 447
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-23 07:45:51
I have to admit to a certain soft spot for Smaug,the dragon we love to
hate! In my own stories, I even had Eldarion namr his favourite toy
after the infamous dragon!

I greatly enjoyed this clever drabble in which Smaug sees his prized
hoard of gems much as we might see our favourite chocolates! The
dragon certainly has expensive tastes,worst even than my taste in

A delightful drabble which uses language and stylistic devices to
great effect.

Title: Jewels of Light · Author: Larner · Races: Cross-Cultural:
Friendship · ID: 394
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-23 07:54:35
What a beautiful idea this story is centered around ,the idea that the
Quest is shaping Aragorn, Frodo and Sam as Jewels filled with light.!
I could almost see the lights glowing as I read this.Our heroes are
indeed precious jewels! It is interesting that it takes Gimli to
mention this first,but Legolas sees it too. I enjoyed the way the
author also uses this story to show the growing friendship of Elf and
The final lines are especially lovely.

Title: The Dance · Author: Dawn Felagund · Genres: Romance: Elven
Lands · ID: 128
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-23 08:03:52
I don't usually read stoies about "The Simarillion", only having read
the book once, yet I found myself enjoying this story. It seemed both
touching and amusing that an Elf should go to a ball in an ill fitting
dress.It makes Nerdanel seem very human,somehow.
I've never warmed to Feanor, but I feel greatly for his wife, a
talented mistress of crafts in her own right.
This delightful story shows Feanor and Nerdanel as coming from very
different backgrounds yet being drawn to one another.

Title: Dead Steward's Gift · Author: stefaniab · Genres: Mystery · ID: 572
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-23 08:24:10
Although, I'm far more of a book than a film fan, I very much enjoyed
this story, though I must admit it was the cat that stole my heart
rather than any of the human heroes!
I know I ought to consider the delightful mystery or wonder about the
palantiri powers as the highlights of this story, but good they they
are, the cat is unforgettable!
Who could not love a cat that jumped on his owner at unexpected
moments, wanted fish soup that makes Faramir shudder ,chases the mice
and most priceless of all,sees the palantir as something to climb over.

If only Denethor had owned(or rather been owned by) this wonderful
cat, he would never have become hooked on the palantir as the cat
would have been too busy polishing his whiskers on the globe to allow it!

As a big Aragorn fan, I Especially enjoyed the final scene where King
and Steward can sense each other's desire to communinate via palantir
and fortunately the cat allows it!

A truly delightful tale. A must read if you like cats,mystery stories,
ghosts or good stories of any variety!

Title: A Little Misunderstanding · Author: Radbooks · Races:
Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men · ID: 275
Reviewer: Linda hoyland · 2008-07-23 08:28:05
I found this story extremely touching and very plausible. I truly felt
for young Halbarad and understood his fear of being taken away by the
twins.It is easy to forget how hard times were for all Aragorn's
people and this story reminds us.I especially enjoyed the wayHalbarad
is coaxed to overcome his terror.

Title: Restoration · Author: Branwyn (Lady Branwyn) · Races: Men:
Minas Tirith · ID: 19
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-23 11:07:22
What I particularly like about this drabble are the details about
Beregond refusing to leave Faramir's side, the soot and dried blood on
his face, and how he just curls up on the floor when told to rest -
those are all so telling of his devotion to Faramir. After having
saved him from death once already during the night, he's not about to
take any further chances.

[ The elves found rest by gazing on green leaves or into the
star-dappled heavens, and so he found new strength as he looked at his

Oh, that's very lovely; that after a night (all right, a lifetime) of
ceaseless battle, Aragorn is able to refresh his soul by practicing
his healing arts. An interesting twist to "The hands of the king are
the hands of a healer..." in the dichotomy of roles. Very beautifully

Title: In Passing · Author: Altariel · Races: Men · ID: 104
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-23 11:08:23
A brief interlude: a rainy morning, an old man, and an extremely
fortunate young one. Faramir uses an ancient game to illustrate more
recent history. No one, no one, writes Faramir as well as Altariel
does, and in this slightly bittersweet tale she has given us a loving
vision of the Prince at peace. I'm particularly delighted, though, by
her extraordinarily vivid writing of an original character, Faramir's
great-grandson, Beren. This boy is so real! I see him every day: [He
sat down opposite, curling one foot beneath him and hooking the other
around the leg of his chair.] Beren's a bit standoffish at first, not
quite comfortable with his distinguished great-grandsire, nor
overjoyed with the invitation to stay and chat for a bit. ["The boy
did not look much taken with the idea, but Barahir encouraged respect
for the Prince and excellent manners.] Yet Faramir has inherited, and
perfected, his father's skill at reading hearts, and soon recognizes
how the boy's interest is to be stirred: ["What Beren liked, his
great-grandfather had noted, was to be given pictures. Strong images
captured his mind and had to be set down."]

I've taken great delight in this year's MEFA particularly for the crop
of fascinating, well-drawn original characters: dwarf women preparing
to send their men to war; bold and courageous hobbit-lasses,
compassionate men of Harad; and, particularly, this gangly boy who
will use his own unique gifts and talents to interpret the history of
his home and forebears in a whole new way.

Title: Out of Memory and Time · Author: Shireling · Genres: Drama:
Hurt/Comfort · ID: 136
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-23 11:08:50
A very original, compelling story - I could hardly tear myself away.
Vividly written, excellent characterization of both canon and original
characters, great descriptive detail, painfully realistic in terms of
post-traumatic stress disorder. Unique, and uniquely well done!

Title: A Moment in the Morning in Bree · Author: Budgielover · Races:
Cross-Cultural · ID: 731
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2008-07-23 11:09:51
*chortles* Oh, this is lovely, and not what I expected at all! There's
always been some debate in various communities over the burning
question "Numenoreans: Bearded or Not?" but I love the way you've
sidestepped that hairy issue to examine the question from a whole new
angle. The cleverly repeated imagery of the line of wide-eyed hobbits,
watching Strider's every movement as he shaves, made me think of
something we'd see in "Cute Overload". Poor Aragorn! and it's only the
first morning! Yes, indeed, it's going to be a long trip. Very
imaginative, very clever!

Title: Pip-napped! · Author: Dreamflower/Lindelea CoAuthors · Genres:
Adventure · ID: 669
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-23 11:30:08
Nice use of the excited and a bit overwhelmed PoV of Diamond on
entering Minas Tirith and encountering the King and his Queen. You can
feel how it opens her horizons and makes her re-evaluate her husband
and his grand adventure.

It takes her some time take in the consequences and appreciate it, but
Pippin's kidnapping helps her come over her initial feeling of being
excluded and neglected. I thought the development of this character
arc was well-handled, emotionally and plot-wise.

I liked the inventiveness of all concerned, Aragorn using the
palantír, Pippin always searching for an opening to escape...

Title: The Mariner's Son · Author: cairistiona · Genres: Adventure ·
ID: 329
Reviewer: Imhiriel · 2008-07-23 11:30:35
The story is good at depicting and building tension. The descriptions
are vivid, painting a detailed picture of the surroundings. The
growing storm, in particular, seems like a real presence here, growing
in menace.

The PoV is used skilfully, letting us see and explore the scene
through Aragorn's eyes, follow his thoughts and feelings, and
gradually discover the plot along with him.

There seemed a whiff of Movie!Aragorn in the characterisation, and the
revealing of the mystery seemed a little pat, but all in all, I
thought his portrayal in such a low moment, which must necessarily
bring anxieties to the front, well done, and I liked how he handled
the situation in such a level-headed and compassionate way.

Title: The Fire of Hope · Author: Raksha the Demon · Races: Men:
Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets · ID: 625
Reviewer: Nancy Brooke · 2008-07-23 12:37:09
As in so much of your writing, Raksha, you have taken familiar
elements and made out of them something quite new - the exploration of
this young Aragorn and how his love for Arwen would bring him maturity
and patience.

Title: The Consuming Darkness · Author: Isil Elensar · Genres: Drama ·
ID: 467
Reviewer: Larner · 2008-07-23 12:39:36
The last moments of Miriel, who should have been Queen of Numenor but
who had been forced into marriage to Ar-Pharazon to legitimize his
claims to the throne, are detailed here, from the command that those
who were about her should seek to save their lives to the fruitless
struggle up the mountain of Meneltarma when the waves took her.

There are a few surprises along the way that delighted me, but left me
wondering whom Elendil's children and/or grandchildren married. The
terror of the populace and purpose and despair of Miriel are well
expressed, along with the grief and rage aimed at Ar-Pharazon in his
unweaning hubris.