Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 183

Story Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 0:00:43 Topic ID# 183

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Immortal

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): 4th Age, Friendship, short story

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): (Rating for dying characters.
No actual death portrayed.)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Merry and Pippin,
approaching the end of their lives, have a request to make of Legolas.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Myth and Memory

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): War of the Ring, 1st Person narrative,
movie-verse, short story

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A (this is mainly for R's)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A young door warden
of Rohan and his friend observe a certain Elf on the way to Helm's Deep.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Namesake

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): First Person narrative, vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A companion piece
to author's other story, Myth and Memory. An old man speaks to his
grandchild, remembers a fallen friend.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Lure of the Darkness

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood, pre-WoTR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Mirkwood Spiders

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Pre-WoTR: In the
time of the Necromancer, an Elf child goes missing. Legolas and a patrol go
looking for her.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 184

Nomination Season is Open! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 0:47:46 Topic ID# 117
As Administrator and Founder of the Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards, I hereby
declare the 2004 Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards to be open!

Let the nominations begin!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 185

Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by May 01, 2004 - 1:10:32 Topic ID# 123
The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: What do you think of the proposed
schedule? Is 2 months too long for
Nomination Season?

- No, It's just right, 6 votes, 50.00%
- No, make it longer, 0 votes, 0.00%
- Yes, 1 month would be fine, 6 votes, 50.00%

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Msg# 186

Story Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 1:46:08 Topic ID# 183

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Hamster

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Men
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G(?)

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Poe pastiche
Obsession and the care and dealing with hamsters collide-welcome to
Denethor's world.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Roots

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Horror
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WoTR, friendship, gap-filler

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
So when did Legolas meet Aragorn anyhow, and under what circumstances? Goes
from light to heavy and back again. Gap-filler set between Gollum's arrival
in Mirkwood and his interrogation; violent in places, plenty of fake elven
metaphysics, traces the beginnings of the friendship between Aragorn and
Legolas. Original characters, Gandalf, Gollum, and Thranduil also figure in
this fic.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Father and Sons

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): gap-filler, Denethor and sons, Gondor

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

Insight into LOTR's most famous dysfunctional family that covers a span of
years, from Faramir's adolescence through Sam and Frodo's journey through
Ithilien. The personal is political when you're the Steward and his family.
Starring: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, and (to a lesser extent) Imrahil.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing

*Story Author: Gonzai

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): missing scenes, friendship

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
A series of four missing scenes from Return of the King. Waiting - Faramir
and Merry await news of distant friends. Wondering - Pippin contemplates
being crushed under a troll while Gimli & Legolas search the Pelennor Fields
for survivors Wandering - Merry searches the camps for Pippin, while Aragorn
searches for Merry Wishing - Merry waits for the three injured hobbits to
recover. Much angst.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Closing the Book

*Story Author: Gonzai

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Friendship, Good-byes

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
After Sam departs for the Grey Havens, Merry and Pippin set out on their
final journey to Edoras and Gondor. Based on the timeline in Appendix B.
Angst and sadness.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 187

Re: Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 1:47:13 Topic ID# 123
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 1:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Poll results for MEFAwards
> The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:
> POLL QUESTION: What do you think of the proposed
> schedule? Is 2 months too long for
> Nomination Season?
> - No, It's just right, 6 votes, 50.00%
> - No, make it longer, 0 votes, 0.00%
> - Yes, 1 month would be fine, 6 votes, 50.00%

Since this one tied, Nomination Season has been shortened by 1/2 a month.
It's a compromise. Nomination Season will now end on June 15th. Everything
slides up by half a month.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 188

Thain of what? It's important to get this nailed down. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 1:48:20 Topic ID# 188
Who can tell me the full title of the Thain. I'd hate for it to just be The
Thain Award. It's just so, well, short.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 189

Re: Story Nominations Posted by ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 1:51:00 Topic ID# 183
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

This one is the real thing. I had it set to send at 12:01, while I
had the Nomination Season is Open! e-mail just sitting open. I was
going to send it at 12am. But I ended up talking to my housemate
until 12:30 and just remembered. Thus, the Season did start at

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: The Hamster
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail Address: dwimmer_laik@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Humor
> 2nd: Men
> 3rd: The Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry
> *Rating: G(?)
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Poe
> silliness.
> Obsession and the care and dealing with hamsters collide-welcome to
> Denethor's world.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Roots
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail Address: dwimmer_laik@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Elves
> 2nd: Adventure
> 3rd: Horror
> Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WoTR, friendship, gap-filler
> *Rating: R
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> So when did Legolas meet Aragorn anyhow, and under what
circumstances? Goes
> from light to heavy and back again. Gap-filler set between Gollum's
> in Mirkwood and his interrogation; violent in places, plenty of
fake elven
> metaphysics, traces the beginnings of the friendship between
Aragorn and
> Legolas. Original characters, Gandalf, Gollum, and Thranduil also
figure in
> this fic.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Father and Sons
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail Address: dwimmer_laik@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Men
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): gap-filler, Denethor and sons,
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Insight into LOTR's most famous dysfunctional family that covers a
span of
> years, from Faramir's adolescence through Sam and Frodo's journey
> Ithilien. The personal is political when you're the Steward and his
> Starring: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, and (to a lesser extent)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing
> *Story Author: Gonzai
> *Author's E-mail Address: LCSTrish@a...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Lord of the Rings
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Hobbits
> Subcategory (suggest something): missing scenes, friendship
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A series of four missing scenes from Return of the King. Waiting -
> and Merry await news of distant friends. Wondering - Pippin
> being crushed under a troll while Gimli & Legolas search the
Pelennor Fields
> for survivors Wandering - Merry searches the camps for Pippin,
while Aragorn
> searches for Merry Wishing - Merry waits for the three injured
hobbits to
> recover. Much angst.
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Closing the Book
> *Story Author: Gonzai
> *Author's E-mail Address: LCSTrish@a...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Hobbits
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): Friendship, Good-byes
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> After Sam departs for the Grey Havens, Merry and Pippin set out on
> final journey to Edoras and Gondor. Based on the timeline in
Appendix B.
> Angst and sadness.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 190

Ratings Posted by Sorne&Enros May 01, 2004 - 2:29:15 Topic ID# 10
Can I ask whether the ban on NC-17 fics is something that can be up for
negotiation, or is it something you are adament about? What are you using
as the criteria to distinguish between R and NC-17. I ask because I have a
couple of pieces that may fall outside the line without editing, and I'm not
sure that's a road I want to go down. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

And if this is not an 'adult' list, how are we going to work posting stories
with ratings above G?

I'm sorry if it's perhaps a bit late in the day to be raising this, the list
is moving so fast I'm finding it hard to keep up ( didn't even manage to
vote in the Orc category poll before it closed)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ainaechoiriel []
Sent: 30 April 2004 15:22
Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Re: Intros anyone?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: draborgieuk []
> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 8:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Intros anyone?
> Guess I'd better say my piece.
> Hi. I'm Grond (the Draborgie-thing is from an earlier
> persona). I'm UK based, and probably old enough to be
> everyone's Auntie, if not Granny. I write slash for bad-guys
> in an ever-increasing number of fandoms including LOTR (some
> of the others are a bit left-of-centre:
> Georgette Heyer, HP Lovecraft). My aim is to subvert, shock
> and titillate (probably in that order). Currently working on
> "Harry Potter" *cringe*.

Well, I don't know Yahoo's rules on subverting and shocking, but you'll
to keep the titillating to a minimum here. It's not an adult group. ;-)
And we wouldn't want to courrupt the list-mom's virgin eyes would we?

But nice to have you anyway! And the other new folks as well!

I will take this opportunity to state that part of the rules though, just
case someone here hasn't read the FAQ: G-R stories are eligible. NC-17's
are not. And while some really racy stories may be nominated and read,
comments must remain fit for a non-adult group. But remember also that
strange characters (~@#$%^, etc.) won't be counted in the comments. So,
play fast and loose with the euphemisms if you have to, folks!

> And I know a lot of you from other listings.
> *Waves*
> Grond

I've been seeing quite a few familiar "faces" here, and it makes me smile.
So do the new folks that I'm not familiar with. I want these awards to
reach farther than just the few LOTR-based groups I'm on.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said,
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 191

Nominations Posted by shiekdesigner May 01, 2004 - 3:20:54 Topic ID# 191
I'm not sure I understood the categorization part so well. The
moderator can feel free to correct this if I made a mistake.

I was authorized to nominate these stories by the author.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: I Return

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: The Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG (I am not familiar with the rating system, but besides
angst there isn't anything terrible or inappropriate in this story)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The homeward
journey for Legolas, from Gondor to Greenwood and beyond. Some
insight into what the War of the Ring must have meant to the quietest
and oft neglected member of the Fellowship, together with his and
Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: Secrets We Dare Not Tell

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: as low a rating as they come.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): (A quick bit
of off the wall humor, a whimsical gapfiller for I Return. A
dreadful "what-if".) Legolas is attending Gimli's personal
the evening they both arrived in Lasgalen, when the unthinkable
happens . . .


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: Paths We Trod, Wrongs We Bore

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: The Silmarillion

*Rating: PG (?)

Rating reason: Violence

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Thranduil at
last makes up his mind to follow his family into the West, but first
he must confront again some of the slings and arrows of his past.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: Canst Though Forgive Me

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: The Silmarillion

*Rating: PG (? - again, it is very angsty and might be difficult to

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): "Upon
Doriath a heavy charge had fallen. Melian sat long in silence beside
Thingol the King . . . and she knew that her parting from Thingol was
the forerunner of a greater parting, and that the doom of Doriath was
drawing nigh . . . The Nauglamir was retaken, and brought back in
bitter grief to Melian the Queen." (involving Thranduil and Melian)


A question: Can I nominate an essay?

Msg# 192

Re: Categorizers: Are you ready? Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 3:39:20 Topic ID# 176
Yeah, I am ready and willing. <g> And Romance/Horror/Mystery is fine
with me.

> And one of us can volunteer to take the one remaining category: The
Hobbit. Who wants it?

I can take The Hobbit if nobody else wants it.

> The way I see this working is this:

> When you see a nomination come in, and it has the 1st choice
category as one of your assignments, grab it.

Nominations will be coming in as regular group posts, right? Or am I
misunderstanding something?

> Copy and paste it somewhere if you like. Put it in an Excel
Spreadsheet or a table in Word, etc. I'm going to go with the
spreadsheet, because I like to be able to easily sort things
alphabetically. If anyone has Excel, but doesn't know how to make a
spreadsheet, I can make one up blank and send it to you. Just let me

I do have Excel, but I never used it in my life. Is it very hard to
learn, when you've sent me a blank one?

> Okay, so now you've got the information in the spreadsheet.

Just a minute. Will this information contain everything that is on
the nomination form?

> Be sure to also put it in the Nominations table in the Databases
area of the Yahoo Site.

You see, this is the first thing I understand completely. <g>

> That is mainly to help people know if a story has already been
nominated, so that should go up pretty quick.

Right. That's a very good idea.

> As you begin to gather nominations, you should perhaps start seeing
some similarities and groupings. Some nominators and/or authors will
suggest subcategories (such as Poetry or Filk). You may need to
follow a link just to get an idea of what kind of story it is. Start
grouping them together.

Okay, I'll wait with *that* one until the nominations actually show

> If an author wants to change the suggested category, let them.
Forward that nomination on to whoever is assigned to that category.

Okay, that seems clear enough.

> By the end of the Nomination Season, we should have at least a
starting idea of the subcategories. Then we'll go over them all,
checking for the 5 X 2 rule (five stories by at least two authors)
for viability. Any subcategory that can't make the 5 X 2 will have to
be tweaked, maybe merged into the main category or moved into a
similarly fitting category or subcategory.

Uhhh... okay, I'll ask for details when it becomes necessary. I
*think* I understand what you mean, just having heavy issues with
English at the moment...

> Good luck!

I think we'll need that. I've never done anything like this in my
life. But it sounds fun. :))


Msg# 193

Story Nominations #1 Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 4:20:55 Topic ID# 193
All right, I hope I haven't missed up the categorization. That would
be a shame, but not the least surprising...

Story Nomination Form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Of Fire and Stars

*Story Author: Gecco

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Drama
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Dwarves

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): (Rating for violence.)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What was
Gimli doing during The Hobbit? This is one possible answer.


Story Nomination Form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Keystone

*Story Author: Wild Iris (I have the authors approval to nominate
this story)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: N/A
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood stories

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Thranduil
has his caves built in Mirkwood.


Story Nomination Form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Gondolin Guiness

*Story Author: Earonn (I have the author's approval to nominate this

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humour
2nd: Elves
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A hilarious
parody piece.


Story Nomination Form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Dreamwalkers

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Mystery
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Valinor, after the Ring War

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Gildor/Celebrimbor

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the
Ring War, Gildor finally sails to Valinor. But will the reunion is
not what he has hoped for.


This was Nomination sheet #1. More coming up, soon


Msg# 194

Story Nominations #2 Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 4:50:26 Topic ID# 194
Here is some more.


Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Messengers

*Story Author: Shakes

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Men
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The Battle
in Osgiliath, prior to the Ring War.


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Arda Unmarred
Note: I'm only nominating Chapter 1, as this is a multiple-author
fic. Only Chapter 1 is
written by the author named below

*Story Author: Casey Toh

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Mystery
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Last Battle (Dagor Dagorath)-fic

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): One
interpretation of the Last Battle that results the re-shaping of the


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Return of the Minstrel

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Mystery
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Valinor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Erestor/Lindir,
Eönwë/Glorfindel (sort of)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Another
interpretation of the Last Battle that results the re-shaping of the


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Frozen Flower

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Adventure
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Éowyn, WIP

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What was
Éowyn doing in Dunharg during TTT?




Msg# 195

Story Nominations #3 Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 5:14:07 Topic ID# 195
I told you there will be more. <g> Sorry for floading the list with
my nominations, but I won't have the time to do it later, so I have
to get them out as quickly as I can.


Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Mortal Shores

*Story Author: Vorondis

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Silmarillion
2nd: Númenor
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Second Age story

*Rating: PG-13, most likely (HASA has no ratings, so I can't be sure)

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Gil-galad/OC, sort of – yes, I
know this is not a romance, but the relationship is a significant
part of the plot.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gil-galad
gets some help from Númenor against Sauron. But what is the price?


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Motherless

*Story Author: Isabeau of Greenlea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Prince
Imrahil's family struggles to deal with the loss of their mother.


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Sons of Twilight and Starlight

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Maiar

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Eönwë/Glorfindel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the
last battle of the War of Wrath, Eönwë has a thoughtful moment.
Elrond and Elros have a cameo.


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Twisted Paths of Fate

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Second Age story, Maiar

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrond/Gildor, Galdor/Voronwë
(sort of)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): During the
Sea Festival in Círdan's palace, some old friends are reunited and
some friendships are broken. Look out for an appearance of Uinen,
Lady of the Seas, and her spouse, Ossë.




Msg# 196

Story Nominations #4 Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 5:39:33 Topic ID# 196
This is the last bunch for a while, I promise.
Question: did I understand rightly that older stories can be
nominated next year as well, assuming they haven't been nominated
this year? Just to make sure...

Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Changing Perceptions

*Story Author: Nerwen Calaelen

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Other Cultures

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The end of
the Ring War and the changes that occur as a result of it for the
mysterious land of Khand.


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Continuing Leaf

*Story Author: WatcherChild

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Second Age story

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Glorfindel
sets foot upon Middle-earth again and tries to adjust to a changed


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Dying Stone

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: The Silmarillion
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Valinor, Maiar

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/C

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/C

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the
Kinslaying in Alqualondë, Olwë mourns over his beautiful city.


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Of Elflings and Mice

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: N/A
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood, Second Age story

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A short
glimpse into Legolas' childhood.


Msg# 197

Database questions Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 6:05:35 Topic ID# 197
I've put the nominated stories in all the categories assigned to me
into the data table. Questions:

1. We are supposed to handle the stories based on 1st choice
category, right?

2. What does the "Approved by Staff?" field mean? If staff members
are the ones who put the stories there in the first place wouldn't
that be self-explanatory? Or am I misunderstanding something?


Msg# 198

Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 01, 2004 - 7:31:28 Topic ID# 183
I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take readers directly to the story nominated?

Just wanted to let you know - how exciting to have the nominations open!


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 199

Nomination Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 01, 2004 - 7:32:54 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:

*Story Title:

*Story Author: jodancingtree

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
It's an AU-story: Frodo doesn't leave Middle Earth, but wanders
with Radagast the Wizard to Mordor, to heal the land and to be
healed hinself/ A sequel to "Another way of leaving"

Msg# 200

A question about nominations Posted by tavia0 May 01, 2004 - 8:35:57 Topic ID# 200
I've skimmed the rules & FAQ, but didn't see an answer, so I thought
I'd ask here ... May one nominate more than one story in a given
category? Are there any limits?


Msg# 201

Hi, there Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 01, 2004 - 8:51:57 Topic ID# 201
Hi, everyone! I've decided to go ahead and make time for this since it sounds like more fun than a barrel of monkeys. :)


"I have loved justice, and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile."
~ Pope Gregory VII

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 202

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 10:25:27 Topic ID# 183
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked
> th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first
> page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for
> the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take
> readers directly to the story nominated?

I'll check it out. I think we can go back to the nominator for such
things. Yes, the reader needs to know where to find the story to read it.

> Just wanted to let you know - how exciting to have the
> nominations open!


Who is going to have a lot of little To Do flags in her e-mail today. :-)

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 203

Re: A question about nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 10:27:18 Topic ID# 200
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tavia0 []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 8:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] A question about nominations
> I've skimmed the rules & FAQ, but didn't see an answer, so I
> thought I'd ask here ... May one nominate more than one story
> in a given category? Are there any limits?

No limits at all! Nominate away!

I'll check the FAQ later.

Bye now, breakfast calls, and so does the Post Office.

(However, I am in a great mood and want to share why: A new low in my diet!
I have now lost 16.5 pounds! Check out the photo in my profile. That dress
is big on me now!)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 204

Re: Database questions Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 10:27:54 Topic ID# 197
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 6:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Database questions
> I've put the nominated stories in all the categories assigned
> to me into the data table. Questions:
> 1. We are supposed to handle the stories based on 1st choice
> category, right?
> 2. What does the "Approved by Staff?" field mean? If staff
> members are the ones who put the stories there in the first
> place wouldn't that be self-explanatory? Or am I
> misunderstanding something?

Honestly, as yet, I don't remember! But I can't hang around here just yet
today. Gotta run some errands while the post office is open. I promise to
try and answer every question later!

Just making a quick run through right now.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 205

Re: Database questions Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 10:30:02 Topic ID# 197
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 6:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Database questions
> I've put the nominated stories in all the categories assigned
> to me into the data table. Questions:
> 1. We are supposed to handle the stories based on 1st choice
> category, right?

I remembered! So I came back to answer this one and the other again.

Yes, first choice.

> 2. What does the "Approved by Staff?" field mean? If staff
> members are the ones who put the stories there in the first
> place wouldn't that be self-explanatory? Or am I
> misunderstanding something?

It means that the nomination was complete! For instance, my broken URL for
WWWW by Gonzai. It shouldn't get an Approved by Staff "Yes" just yet. I've
got to fix the link.

Gonz, you gotta it somewhere? If not I'll look it up when I get back.

Bye again!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 206

Re: Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 10:49:04 Topic ID# 191
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shiekdesigner []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 3:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nominations
> I'm not sure I understood the categorization part so well.
> The moderator can feel free to correct this if I made a mistake.
> I was authorized to nominate these stories by the author.

Forward me an e-mail from the author saying so. Thanks.

> A question: Can I nominate an essay?

Sure. Where the form says "Suggested Subcategory" or whatever it actually
says, type "Essay". Who knows there might be enough for a viable category.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 207

Re: Categorizers: Are you ready? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 11:13:10 Topic ID# 176
Okay, got a few minutes while I wait for a friend to come over. Errands are
more fun with a friend. ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 3:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Categorizers: Are you ready?
> Yeah, I am ready and willing. <g> And Romance/Horror/Mystery
> is fine with me.

Good to hear!

> I can take The Hobbit if nobody else wants it.

Great! Thanks!

> > The way I see this working is this:
> > When you see a nomination come in, and it has the 1st choice
> category as one of your assignments, grab it.
> Nominations will be coming in as regular group posts, right? Or am I
> misunderstanding something?

Yes! As regular posts. With Nomination somewhere in the subject line I
would hope, but still they'll be fairly obvious.

> I do have Excel, but I never used it in my life. Is it very hard to
> learn, when you've sent me a blank one?

I put a blank one in the Files section, Forms and Ballots folder.
Right-click the title and choose Save Target As and save it to your hard
drive somewhere you can easily find it. Oh wait, I'll send you one with four
tabs for your for catagories. I'll even label them for you.

I don't think you need to make it hard. Just copy the information in. I
think the only field that isn't on the spreadsheet is Nominator's Name,
because, well, we don't need it for voting!

> Just a minute. Will this information contain everything that is on
> the nomination form?


> > Be sure to also put it in the Nominations table in the Databases
> area of the Yahoo Site.
> You see, this is the first thing I understand completely. <g>

I'm glad. If nothing else, we have this for a backup, and I plan on keeping
all the nominations posts for back-up reasons also.

> Right. That's a very good idea.

If we get duplicates, it's not a big deal. Just read them over; they might
have a better summary or something. Then move on to the next nomination. We
don't need to record more than one per story/essay/poem, etc.

> > As you begin to gather nominations, you should perhaps start seeing
> some similarities and groupings. Some nominators and/or authors will
> suggest subcategories (such as Poetry or Filk). You may need to
> follow a link just to get an idea of what kind of story it is. Start
> grouping them together.
> Okay, I'll wait with *that* one until the nominations actually show
> up.

Yeah, let that one wait.

> > By the end of the Nomination Season, we should have at least a
> starting idea of the subcategories. Then we'll go over them all,
> checking for the 5 X 2 rule (five stories by at least two authors)
> for viability. Any subcategory that can't make the 5 X 2 will have to
> be tweaked, maybe merged into the main category or moved into a
> similarly fitting category or subcategory.
> Uhhh... okay, I'll ask for details when it becomes necessary. I
> *think* I understand what you mean, just having heavy issues with
> English at the moment...

That can wait for a month and a half!

> I think we'll need that. I've never done anything like this in my
> life. But it sounds fun. :))

Well, I will call on my experience of recording all the answers to a survey
after Joss Whedon et al killed Doyle on Angel. 1100 responses we got in one
month! I put them all into an Access database. Exported the database into
Excel to make graphs. Took the info and the graphs into PowerPoint to make
a presentation and then converted that to HTML (PowerPoint, thankfully, did
that for me) and put it up on the web.

I suppose if I can do that, I can do this. Right? ;-)

And the survey is still on the web if you'd like to see it. I think.

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 208

Incomplete Nominations? What do we do? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 11:19:27 Topic ID# 208
For starters, if necessary fields are blank, e-mail the Nominator directly
and ask them to submit it again.

If a link is broken, just don't Approve the nomination yet (in the Database
table). Contact the Nominator and get them to supply a clean link.

If the e-mail address of the author doesn't work: same thing as broken link.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 209

Permission by author Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 01, 2004 - 11:22:09 Topic ID# 209
I just nominated a story by Jodancingtree ("Following the other
wizard" ), and I naturally have the permission of the author, Do
you need a proof of that fact?

Msg# 210

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 11:26:01 Topic ID# 183
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked
> th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first
> page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for
> the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take
> readers directly to the story nominated?

I think there may be something wrong with HASA today. Only the main page
will come up on one of my computers, and nothing on the other. I can't look
up an author or a genre or anything.

It may not be my link. I'll check later.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 211

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by sulriel May 01, 2004 - 11:33:20 Topic ID# 183
I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several hours.

as for links, I tried to follow a saved link (not here, from
somewhere else) and got the list of all stories rather than the title
page. I guessing that it has something to do with the upgrade and
that the saved links need to be checked and updated.

Congrats! on the 16.5lbs! Love that pic!!

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jo Dancingtree [mailto:jodancingtree@y...]
> > Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> >
> > I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> > "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked
> > th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first
> > page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for
> > the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take
> > readers directly to the story nominated?
> >
> I think there may be something wrong with HASA today. Only the
main page
> will come up on one of my computers, and nothing on the other. I
can't look
> up an author or a genre or anything.
> It may not be my link. I'll check later.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 212

Re: Permission by author Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 11:36:26 Topic ID# 209
> -----Original Message-----
> From: beleg1cuthalion []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 11:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Permission by author
> I just nominated a story by Jodancingtree ("Following the
> other wizard" ), and I naturally have the permission of the
> author, Do you need a proof of that fact?

Yep, for documentation's sake, forward them to me directly:

Also, for anyone who nominates their own stuff, that pretty much means they
approve. Go ahead, Categorizer, and put them in the Author Approval


Msg# 213

Yes, HASA down (Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 01, 2004 - 11:37:12 Topic ID# 183
--- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...> wrote:
> I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several hours.
> > It may not be my link. I'll check later.

Just talked with Ang. She's on it.


Msg# 214

Yes, HASA down (Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by sulriel May 01, 2004 - 11:41:51 Topic ID# 183
--- In, "dwimmer_laik" <dwimmer_laik@y...>
wrote:> --- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...>
> >
> > I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several
hours.> > > It may not be my link. I'll check later.>
> Just talked with Ang. She's on it.
> Dwim

I guessed that she was on it pretty quickly, but it is good to hear.

Msg# 215

Some confusion Posted by Soledad May 01, 2004 - 12:22:25 Topic ID# 215
A practical note:

I thank the staff member who did the approval thing for my story "The
Return of the Minstrel", but I think we are mixing up something. That
story was nominated in the category "Mystery", and unless I'm
mistaken, that category was assigned to me?

It's sometimes not easy to keep up with the quick changes. <g>
I'm away for preparing lunch and doing the laundry, and the posts
have doubled themselves...


Msg# 216

Re: Some confusion Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 13:35:21 Topic ID# 215
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 12:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Some confusion
> A practical note:
> I thank the staff member who did the approval thing for my
> story "The Return of the Minstrel", but I think we are mixing
> up something. That story was nominated in the category
> "Mystery", and unless I'm mistaken, that category was assigned to me?

Sorry, that was me. I thought it said Elves. But then I was rather bouncy
this morning. Let me look again. Okay, I think I just titles mixed up. Of
Elflings and Mice, which is Elves, is what I put in my spreadsheet. Must
have gotten goofy in my copying and pasting somewhere. Looks like it's all
straight now though.

> It's sometimes not easy to keep up with the quick changes.
> <g> I'm away for preparing lunch and doing the laundry, and
> the posts have doubled themselves...

Yep, I know we won't all be on the net 24/7 so there will probably be
duplications. We just only need to record one nomination per story.

My goal is: No matter what, no stress! Stress has caused me enough damage
already. ;-)

All's well that ends well, as we say.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 217

New Member Posted by fan81981 May 01, 2004 - 13:51:11 Topic ID# 217
Hello all,

My name is Fan81981 (or Saleha Shafiq as my parents call me when they are in a temper - if you can't pronounce it, that's okay - not many people can).

I am a fanfic writer in training and a reader by obession. If you are interested in what I have written you can find it at or Stories of Arda.

These awards sounded like a good idea and I wanted to do my bit to help authors get the feedback they deserve.

I am going to go read the FAQ again and I soon as I understand them - and then nomimate a few (or more) of my favourites.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 218

permission Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 01, 2004 - 15:15:24 Topic ID# 208
Ok, I don't know quite where to send my permission for belegcuthalion to nominate my story, "Following the Other Wizard" -- so here it is. She has my permission, and my thanks, and I'm tickled to death about it. Is there somebody else I should tell about this, other than the whole list?


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 219

nominating a Thranduil essay Posted by shiekdesigner May 01, 2004 - 17:01:01 Topic ID# 219
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:

*Story Title: A Case of Mistaken Identity

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves

Subcategory (suggest something): essay

*Rating: None needed.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The True
Colors of Thranduil as Shown and Proven in Canon: a short essay.

Msg# 220

Re: Nominating a Thranduil essay Posted by shiekdesigner May 01, 2004 - 17:15:55 Topic ID# 220
Sorry about that! I forgot to put my name in...

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: A Case of Mistaken Identity

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves

Subcategory (suggest something): essay

*Rating: None needed.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The True
Colors of Thranduil as Shown and Proven in Canon: a short essay.

Msg# 221

MEFA nomination #5 Posted by Chathol-linn May 01, 2004 - 17:30:45 Topic ID# 221
Hello, here is my nomination form. Hope I am doing this correctly. I am
not sure if "nomination 5" in the title line is correct, so please
excuse! Regards - Chathol-linn

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Chathol-linn

*Story Title: Rescue of the Rowan

*Story Author Chathol-linn

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: adventure
2nd: n/a
3rd: n/a
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A dream. Two
Mortal children fall to Rivendell, where Elrond tests their powers


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 222

Re: permission Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 17:33:09 Topic ID# 208
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 3:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] permission
> Ok, I don't know quite where to send my permission for
> belegcuthalion to nominate my story, "Following the Other
> Wizard" -- so here it is. She has my permission, and my
> thanks, and I'm tickled to death about it. Is there somebody
> else I should tell about this, other than the whole list?
> jodancingtree

You can send them to me personally. Or the list. Either way I get them.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 223

Re: permission Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 17:47:22 Topic ID# 208
Oh, you might want also to send this to Viv, since belegcuthalion's
nomination didn't actually the story title in it.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 3:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] permission
> Ok, I don't know quite where to send my permission for
> belegcuthalion to nominate my story, "Following the Other
> Wizard" -- so here it is. She has my permission, and my
> thanks, and I'm tickled to death about it. Is there somebody
> else I should tell about this, other than the whole list?
> jodancingtree
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 224

Third atttempt... Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 01, 2004 - 18:03:15 Topic ID# 224
I nominated "Following the Other Wizard" this afternoon, but I
forgot my name and the name of the story. So I tried again, but
my second attempt didn't appear anywhere. So... this is attempt
No. 3...

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: belegcuthalion

*Story Title: "Following the Other Wizard"

*Story Author: jodancingtree

*Author's E-mail Address: jodancongtree@y...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
It's an AU-story: Frodo doesn't leave Middle Earth, but wanders
with Radagast the Wizard to Mordor, to heal the land and to be
healed hinself/ A sequel to "Another way of leaving"

As I can see, you have already received the permission of the

Msg# 225

Re: Third atttempt... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 19:01:18 Topic ID# 224
Looks fine now. Thanks!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: beleg1cuthalion []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 6:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Third atttempt...
> I nominated "Following the Other Wizard" this afternoon, but
> I forgot my name and the name of the story. So I tried again,
> but my second attempt didn't appear anywhere. So... this is
> attempt No. 3...
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: belegcuthalion
> *Story Title: "Following the Other Wizard"
> *Story Author: jodancingtree
> *Author's E-mail Address: jodancongtree@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st:Drama 2nd:Hobbits
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating:PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> It's an AU-story: Frodo doesn't leave Middle Earth, but
> wanders with Radagast the Wizard to Mordor, to heal the land
> and to be healed hinself/ A sequel to "Another way of leaving"
> As I can see, you have already received the permission of the author.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~-->
> Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your HP, Epson, Canon or Lexmark
> Printer at Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the
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> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 226

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 19:03:40 Topic ID# 183
HASA seems to be back up now. And here is the link to Gonzai's story:


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sulriel []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 11:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several hours.
> as for links, I tried to follow a saved link (not here, from
> somewhere else) and got the list of all stories rather than the title
> page. I guessing that it has something to do with the upgrade and
> that the saved links need to be checked and updated.
> Congrats! on the 16.5lbs! Love that pic!!
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jo Dancingtree [mailto:jodancingtree@y...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> > >
> > > I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> > > "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked th
> > > link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA
> (first page out
> > > of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for the
> title, but
> > > I'm guessing that the link is intended to take readers
> directly to
> > > the story nominated?
> > >
> >
> > I think there may be something wrong with HASA today. Only the
> main page
> > will come up on one of my computers, and nothing on the other. I
> can't look
> > up an author or a genre or anything.
> >
> > It may not be my link. I'll check later.
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
> said, "for
> > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and Memory
> > Blog:
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits
> for your HP, Epson, Canon or Lexmark Printer at
> Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US & Canada.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 227

Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 19:28:47 Topic ID# 191

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Folk of a Different Race

*Story Author: Lemur

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Gimli-Legolas friendship


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Grieving over the loss of Gandalf, Legolas and Gimli each remember his words
at the doors of Moria, to be friends to each other. Despite seeing it an
impossible task, they both set out to do as Gandalf wished.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Knife Work

*Story Author: Thundera Tiger

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Vignette set in the middle of Helm's Deep. A quick explanation for something
odd that happens in the middle of the Orc-killing game between Legolas and
Gimli. Aragorn and Eomer appear, too.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Leaf and Branch
*Story Author: JastaElf
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: Horror
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WOTR, Mirkwood story
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Elrond and his sons assist the Elves of Mirkwood in an attempt to rescue a
very young Prince who has been captured by Orcs.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: The Fanfic Lounge: The Two Towers
*Story Author: CNell
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something): Alternate Universe, parody
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Mary Sue attacks, Angst!Frodo, gender switching, horse stampedes - and this
is just what happens before lunch.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: The Fanfic Lounge: The Lord of the Rings
*Story Author: CNell
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something): Alternate Universe, parody
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The members of the Fellowship (along with two special guest stars) must find
a way to keep the world of fanfiction from being overwhelmed by LotR


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 228

Hi Ainae - another VSQ, a couple in fact Posted by lindorien2000 May 01, 2004 - 19:46:30 Topic ID# 228
You wanted me to count things?

I'll count things. That's fine. Just tell me what to count, I'll count it.

Are we only supposed to nominate stories by people in this group?
Is there going to be a listing of nominations in the files section?
The nomination period is a couple of months long, right?


Msg# 229

Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 19:50:43 Topic ID# 191

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Story of Legolas and Enoreth

*Story Author: CNell

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody, Alternate Universe

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Can Legolas get through this twisted fairy tale without losing his sanity?
This story will make heaps more sense if you've first read "The Fanfic
Lounge: The Lord of the Rings." Or you can just read this one on its own and
revel in the confusion. ;o)

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Veiling of the Sun
*Story Author: Maggie (M.N. Theis)
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): What-if/AU, torture
*Rating: PG-13
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): graphic violence
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A twist of faite during the events at Parth Galen leaves Boromir alive and
desparately seeking the One Ting. Succumbing to the dark seducition of the
Ring, Boromir joins league with Sauron's forces as Legolas is captured by
Saruman's Uruk-hai. The res tof the Fellowship struggle to remain together,
traveling across the Plains of Rohan in hopes of recovering their lost
members, and the quest to destory the Ring becomes a more trying journey
than any imagined.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: E cared haniant tîn mîl
*Story Author: PuterPatty
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Song-inspired, short story, Pre-WoTR,
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
During a late first snow of the year 3018 T. A., Thranduil remembers a gift
of love from Legolas to his mother.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: The Fire Sermon
*Story Author: Altariel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): gapfiller, War of the Ring
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir/Eowyn
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A gapfiller set during RotK. Faramir and Eowyn in the Houses of Healing.
Companion piece to 'What the Thunder Said'.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Sting
*Story Author: TreeHugger
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Bilbo, Glorfindel
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Bilbo learns of the origins of his little sword from Glorfindel.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 230

Re: Request for new story Posted by Marta May 01, 2004 - 19:51:41 Topic ID# 230
I'd like to suggest a new category: poetry.

I'm not sure if you want to split it up, but I'd really like to see a
poetry-specific category. Really, I'd like to see this split into two
categories: high and low. High would be a piece dealing with a great
event, the kind you record in history; low would be those events that
are more everyday. The difference between, say, Legolas singing about
Luthien Tinuviel and Pippin singing about how Will Whitfoot's song fell
all around him. But I'm not sure how to formalise that distinction.


Msg# 231

Re: Hi Ainae - another VSQ, a couple in fact Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 19:53:14 Topic ID# 228
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lindorien2000 []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Hi Ainae - another VSQ, a couple in fact
> You wanted me to count things?

Yes Votes, but that's not for a few months.

> I'll count things. That's fine. Just tell me what to count,
> I'll count it.

;-) Great.

> Are we only supposed to nominate stories by people in this group?

Oh no. Anyone, anywhere, so long as they have a valid e-mail address and
their story is posted to a public website.

> Is there going to be a listing of nominations in the files section?

Not in the Files, but in the Database section.

> The nomination period is a couple of months long, right?

Now a month and a half, because the poll was a tie to leave it the same or
shorten it. So instead of shortening by one month, I only shortened by a
half a month. So Nomination Season lasts until June 15th.

You're welcome


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 232

Re: Request for new story Posted by Marta May 01, 2004 - 20:04:54 Topic ID# 230
--- In, Marta <MartaL0712@n...> wrote:
> I'd like to suggest a new category: poetry.

Urk. My apologies, guys. I just read on the Q&A at the website that
Poetry was allowed but wasn't it's own category. Maybe we should
consider adding this as a subcategory to the genres category? We could

1. The Tom Bombadil Award
2. The Hall of Fire Award
3. The Bilbo Baggins Award

Just a thought.

Cheers, Marta

Msg# 233

More Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 20:07:17 Topic ID# 233

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: A Maiden from a Distant World

*Story Author: CNell

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody, vignette

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A modern-day girl is dropped into Middle-earth. How will the Fellowship


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Bitter As Blood
*Story Author: Shadow975
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): vignette, movie-verse
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
On Caradhras, Boromir considers the difficulties he faces; Years after his
companion's fall, Aragorn wonders what part he played in it.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Too Late for Misgivings
*Story Author: Shadow975
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor, Boromir-Farami
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The parting of Boromir and Faramir, in which the brothers again address the
question of which of them should go to Imladris.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: To Sing of War
*Story Author: Avon
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): vignette, Thranduil, Mirkwood
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Thranduil's thoughts on war.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: The Cry of the Gull
*Story Author: Ithilien
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas, seaslonging, gap-filler
*Rating: PG-13
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas finds himself battling his own mind as well as evil forces during
the battle at Pelargir. Missing scenes from ROTK featuring Legolas, Gimli,
Argaorn, Elladan and Elrohir.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 234

Nomination Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 01, 2004 - 20:11:36 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: Oak and Willow

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Celeborn & Nerwen/Galadriel

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): Celeborn of Doriath and Nerwen of the Noldor strive to come to terms with the differences that divide their peoples during the First Age, and also with their growing affections for one another.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 235

Re: Request for new story Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 20:16:33 Topic ID# 230
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Request for new story
> I'd like to suggest a new category: poetry.
> I'm not sure if you want to split it up, but I'd really like
> to see a poetry-specific category. Really, I'd like to see
> this split into two
> categories: high and low. High would be a piece dealing with
> a great event, the kind you record in history; low would be
> those events that are more everyday. The difference between,
> say, Legolas singing about Luthien Tinuviel and Pippin
> singing about how Will Whitfoot's song fell all around him.
> But I'm not sure how to formalise that distinction.

Well, I had set a limit on this for before Nomination Season actually began.
I wanted the category lists and Awards titles settled by then.

I always saw Poetry as a subcategory. Such as Elves\Poetry, or
Hobbits\Poetry, or LOTR\Poetry.

As for two categories, definitely out of the question. IF there were to be
a Poetry category, "high" and "low" could be subcategories.

Why do I resist another category? It's not because I think less of Poetry.
But because I've already been accused of having too many. And because we'd
need to think of three appropriate Awards Titles for that category (and
poetry, to me, just doesn't seem to do that very well, but I could be
wrong.). And because I'm still trying to get artists to join up and make
award banners for those Award Titles. So far, I'm the only one I know of
who has made any, and I'm not that talented! I won't be able to do anything
not filmed by Peter Jackson.

That said, if a majority of the members (as of today, May 1) want Poetry as
a main category, I'll grant it, but you guys really have to help me find the
artists for this. And more of you need to volunteer to count the votes when
time comes. As I write this, we have 46 members. Thus you'd need 24 Yes
votes from existing members (I can see when members joined on the Yahoo
site). I'll throw up a poll, only after you've come up with three
appropriate potential Awards Titles and remember they should be something
that might lend itself to a banner graphic.

Now that Nomination Season has started, I'm going to set the bar very high
for adding any more categories. The bar will lower again after this years
Awards Seasons are over and we set about revising things that worked or
didn't for next year.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 236

Re: Request for new story Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 20:17:57 Topic ID# 230
You beat me to the next post. Still read my other. You've got the three
names, so I'll make a poll.

24 yes votes from existing members.

And I want promises to go and recruit artists. No joking.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 8:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Request for new story
> --- In, Marta <MartaL0712@n...> wrote:
> > I'd like to suggest a new category: poetry.
> >
> Urk. My apologies, guys. I just read on the Q&A at the
> website that Poetry was allowed but wasn't it's own category.
> Maybe we should consider adding this as a subcategory to the
> genres category? We could
> have:
> 1. The Tom Bombadil Award
> 2. The Hall of Fire Award
> 3. The Bilbo Baggins Award
> Just a thought.
> Cheers, Marta
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Msg# 237

Re: Request for new story Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 20:21:33 Topic ID# 230
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 8:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Request for new story

> 1. The Tom Bombadil Award
> 2. The Hall of Fire Award
> 3. The Bilbo Baggins Award

Oops. Forgot. You don't have your three awards titles. In the beginning I
had one title that was duplicated, but it was replaced. There are now no
duplicate Awards titles. There are already titles for Tom Bombadil and
Bilbo Baggins. The Hall of Fire Award sounds good though.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 238

Procedures, please read Posted by ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 20:28:14 Topic ID# 238
Sometimes you just have to jump right in and start something to see
how it needs to happen.

So, I'm rethinking the procedure of Author Approvals in the light of
reality. Okay,

1) if you area a member here and you approve any of your stories
being nominated, add yourself to the Author Approval database (if
you're not already there).

2) if you are a nominator, and you receive permission from the author
yourself, you may e-mail it to me for documentation purposes, and I
will add it tot he Author Approval database.

3) if you are a Contacting Authors volunteer, and the author in
question isn't listed (or for that particular story), proceed as
before. E-mail the author. Once you receive permission, add that
author to the Author Approval database.

That should clear up some confusion. I'm going to add to the database
all the permissions I presently have on hand.


Msg# 239

Re: Request for new story Posted by Marta May 01, 2004 - 20:59:40 Topic ID# 230
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marta [mailto:MartaL0712@n...]
> > Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 8:05 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Request for new story
> > 1. The Tom Bombadil Award
> > 2. The Hall of Fire Award
> > 3. The Bilbo Baggins Award
> Oops. Forgot. You don't have your three awards titles. In the
beginning I
> had one title that was duplicated, but it was replaced. There are
now no
> duplicate Awards titles.

That was my fault; I should have read the rules more carefully. And
also, my apologies for not realising nominations had started when I
proposed this category.

If it flies -- and I'll understand if it doesn't -- here are some
proposed titles:

1. The Hall of Fire Awards
2. The Caras Galadhon Awards
3. The Prancing Pony Awards

or, even better:

1. Hey dol! merry dol! Awards
2. Tra-la-la-lally Awards
3. Ash Nazg Gimbatul Awards

or if you think people might object to winning an award titled in
Black Speech, how about the "Elbereth Gilthoniel" Awards?

By the way, Ainae, I am pretty artistically motivated, if not
talented, and I would be glad to try my hand at making banners. I have
never done it, but am quick at learning computer things. If anyone
would be willing to teach me, I would be willing to help making banners.


Msg# 240

Re: Request for new story Posted by Stella May 01, 2004 - 21:00:56 Topic ID# 230
> award banners for those Award Titles. So far, I'm the only one I
know of
> who has made any, and I'm not that talented! I won't be able to do
> not filmed by Peter Jackson.

I'm working on a couple of idea's for banners, just hang in there it
might take about a week to get them presentable.

> Now that Nomination Season has started, I'm going to set the bar
very high
> for adding any more categories.

You might want to seriously think about wanting to add more
categories now that nominations have started. I see the potential
for it getting to be something that could add way too much stress to
your life. Maybe you should just take suggestions and file them in a
database to consider for next year as you said. Just a thought, this
should be fun for you as well.


Msg# 241

Nomination Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 01, 2004 - 21:08:57 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: Across Dark Waters

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): "An AU look at the passage to Mandos, as Maeglin gets what's coming to him."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 242

Re: Request for new story Posted by Marta May 01, 2004 - 21:25:58 Topic ID# 230
> > Now that Nomination Season has started, I'm going to set the bar
> very high
> > for adding any more categories.
> You might want to seriously think about wanting to add more
> categories now that nominations have started. I see the potential
> for it getting to be something that could add way too much stress to
> your life. Maybe you should just take suggestions and file them in a
> database to consider for next year as you said. Just a thought, this
> should be fun for you as well.

I agree. Ainae, if you don't want to do this, I'll entirely
understand. Like I said, it was my fault for forgetting nominations
started today. If it will cause you additional stress, then I say
don't make the new category.

Just so I'm clear -- by "Category," do you mean "Genre," "Race," or
"Time"? Or do you mean one of the sublistings under that. I.e., is
Elves a subcategory under "Races," or is "Races -- Elves" one category?

I can see poetry being a subcategory of say, Elves or LotR, but I have
a much harder time seing it as a subcategory of Drama, or romance, or
whatever. It seems a much more natural division (to me, at least) to
say Genre -- Poetry than Genre -- Drama -- Poetry, because I think the
latter will just divide too far.

However, as it is my mistake for not getting this on time, I will
defer to whatever you say. I'm very sorry to up your stress level; not
my intention, I assure you.

Cheers, Marta

Msg# 243

Re: Request for new story Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 0:24:22 Topic ID# 230
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Request for new story
> I agree. Ainae, if you don't want to do this, I'll entirely
> understand. Like I said, it was my fault for forgetting
> nominations started today. If it will cause you additional
> stress, then I say don't make the new category.

Thank you for the concern. So far, I can honestly say this is nowhere near
the GigaStress or even the MegaStress. Still, I had to read your message
twice to understand it. Sadly, the effects of stress may linger long after
the stress has let up. I feel like someday I'm going to be travelling the
country giving seminars to people warning about the dangers of stress.

> Just so I'm clear -- by "Category," do you mean "Genre,"
> "Race," or "Time"? Or do you mean one of the sublistings
> under that. I.e., is Elves a subcategory under "Races," or is
> "Races -- Elves" one category?

I realize that those divisions (Races and Places, Genres, and Time/Book)
have confused several people who read them as being a category. Maybe I'll
revise the FAQ to call them "Divisions" or "Topics". They are not the main
categories. "Elves, Men, Hobbits, Orcs, Numenor, Rohan, Drama, Humor,
Horror, Romance, Adventure, etc." those are the main categories.

> I can see poetry being a subcategory of say, Elves or LotR,
> but I have a much harder time seing it as a subcategory of
> Drama, or romance, or whatever. It seems a much more natural
> division (to me, at least) to say Genre -- Poetry than Genre
> -- Drama -- Poetry, because I think the latter will just
> divide too far.

Yes, I think we're seeing things on the same level now. I see it as a
subcategory of Elves, or Men, or Hobbits, or even LOTR, The Silm, or The
Hobbit. Or Humor. I had to put Dwim's The Hamster down as Humor, but it's
definitely a poem and that's the subcategory to me. It's hilarious first.
Poem is the form it takes.

> However, as it is my mistake for not getting this on time, I
> will defer to whatever you say. I'm very sorry to up your
> stress level; not my intention, I assure you.

Thank you and not a problem. Let's call a moritorem (I can't spell all that
well anymore either) on new categories, as I had originally planned when I
told the Orc and Mystery people that they had to be Ok'd as new categories
before Nomination Season started. They did and there they are.

If it doesn't work out as a subcategory this year, make a plea for it after
this year's awards are done. It may then make the line up for next year. I
made up the way a new category goes in by the seat of my pants for Orc and
Mystery. They did seem to have a good claim to the need. As Sorne/Enros if
she doesn't write orc stories. I think we should--after this awards year is
over--decide on a documented procedure for the adding of a category.

And I would love for you to try your hand at the banners. The way I've done
them hasn't been hard. Complicated perhaps, but probably more
computer-graphic-friendly people could do it less complicatedly. I basically
took pics I had saved on my hard drive and cropped them into a rectangle
that looked about right. Or I spliced a few together. For example, with my
Aragorn and Arwen one, I had two pics scanned from one of the soundtracks.
I reduced them and didn't crop really. They stayed squares and I just placed
them side by side in PowerPoint. Then I used the TextBox tool to put the
words on, saved the slide as a jpeg and then opened it in a photo editor to
crop out all the white around the banner. I spliced most of the Rohan ones
together, too. But some, like the argonath one is just a rectangle crop from
an existing pic.

Which is why I won't be able to do anything Peter Jackson didn't film.
We'll need some actual artists for that, I think. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 244

Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 0:59:57 Topic ID# 191

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: I Hear the Stones Lament

*Story Author: Avon

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble, Challenge

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas' thoughts on what the stones had to say in Hollin.




Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Promises to Keep
*Story Author: JastaElf
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood, short story, pre-WotR
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
6 months after the death of his Queen, King Thranduil tries to celebrate the
joys of Yuletide with his grieving sons & subjects. Mild angst & much
sweetness. May the Valar bless us, every one!

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Come, All Ye Fellowship of Nine
*Story Author: Azalais
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Song, Carole, Challenge
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
LoTR retold to a well-known festive Victorian tune.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: The Last Grey Ship
*Story Author: ErinRua
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-WotR, friendship, gap-filler
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The voice of the Sea merely whispers, until the reasons to stay pass on.
Aragorn's days are ending, and Gimli faces more farewells as Legolas looks
to the West ... How the story may have ended. Book-derived per ROTK
Appendixes. Gap-filler. Drama, angst, friendship. Non-slash.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Aglarond
*Story Author: ErinRue
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Lord of the Rings
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Gimli-Legolas friendship, post-WotR, short
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A dwarf, a cave and a claustrophobic elf. Wherein Gimli and Legolas venture
into the Crystal Caves of Aglarond at the war's end, and Legolas is lost for
words. NO slash.

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 245

Today's new members Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 1:12:36 Topic ID# 245
I want to welcome today's new members to the group, and to the first annual
Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards. You're getting in on the ground floor,
where all the kinks are still being worked out. ;-)

And Skyfiery

Some familiar faces in there and some new faces. Glad to have you all.

And thank you also to Khazar_khum for volunteering as a vote counter!
Thanks! We are definitely going to appreciate your help. Only 16 more to

Again, welcome to the group everone!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 246

Re: Story Nominations #4 Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 1:17:20 Topic ID# 196
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 5:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Story Nominations #4
> This is the last bunch for a while, I promise.
> Question: did I understand rightly that older stories can be
> nominated next year as well, assuming they haven't been
> nominated this year? Just to make sure...

Forgot to answer this question: Yes, we did decide that. As long as they
aren't nominated this year, they can be nominated next year.

But hey, don't let that stop you nominating more stories now. I've got tons
left to go myself!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 247

Nominators and Categorizers: please note! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 2:00:43 Topic ID# 247
Remember that WIPs are a bit of a special case. They are eligible, but they
must be separate from complete stories. In other words, if a WIP is
nominated, make sure WIP is noted as a subcategory. It's important that we
can spot a WIP from the nomination as WIPs are eligible to run one more time
in the future--as completes.

Thank you.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 248

Story Nominations #5 Posted by Soledad May 02, 2004 - 5:13:48 Topic ID# 248
All right, here are some more. I tried to find stories in the so far
less populated categories, too. <g>



Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Games of Innocence

*Story Author: Cirdan

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Rivendell

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Young
Elladan and Elrohir are playing games. Elrond watches them and is


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Return of the King

*Story Author: Cirdan

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humour
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody, AU

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The King who
returns is not the King you think.


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Astonishment in Mirkwood

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood, WIP

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Certain
events of `The Hobbit' as seen by Legolas, plus a Legomance (sort of)


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The First Snowdrop

*Story Author: Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Rivendell

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Erestor/Lindir

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): While
following an old tradition of Rivendell, Lindir realizes that he is
in love.


Msg# 249

Another note from the fool of a Took Posted by Kate May 02, 2004 - 5:16:42 Topic ID# 249
Man, that just took me an hour to read through all the posts I
missed. Lousy living on the other side of the globe! (Plus, I went
out last night, and missed my usually internet dose)

Ainae, in response to your question about the Thain, though I'm quite
certain that the "official" title is the Thain of the Shire, I think
the Thain of the Great Smials would work well, especially considering
we have the Ring-bearer of Bag-End award. Has a nice ring to it, but
I'll leave that up to you to decide.

I've also tried my hand at a couple of awards, which I'll stick in
the photos section as soon as I finish this post. Like Ainae, I've
had to rely on PJs films (I'm more suited to drawing the insides of
bodies, and thus, my outsides don't always look so good!), but mine
are not as pretty as hers :P I made a Ring-bearer of Bag-End, Master
of Buckland, Thain of the Great Smials (though I can change that
one), Bilbo Baggins, Tom Bombadil, the Shire, Mirkwood and the Lonely
Mountain awards! For "The Hobbit" awards, I used screen-shots from
the video game of "The Hobbit", just to be individual. Will make a
Barliman Butterbur award to match the other humour awards too.

Now I have to get started on my own nominations! (I'm going to be
careful about how many of my own I nominate...don't want to seem self
obsessed or anything ;P)

- Pervinca (aka, the fool of a Took :P)

Msg# 250

Re: MEFA nomination #5 Posted by Soledad May 02, 2004 - 5:24:35 Topic ID# 221
--- In, "Chathol-linn" <chathollinn@c...>
> Hello, here is my nomination form. Hope I am doing this correctly.
I am
> not sure if "nomination 5" in the title line is correct, so please
> excuse! Regards - Chathol-linn

The form is correct. Don't worry about the subject line, as long
as "nomination" is in it, we'll find it. I just number my own ones to
keep some sort of order.


Msg# 251

Vinca's first lot of Nominations Posted by Kate May 02, 2004 - 5:55:20 Topic ID# 251

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Gandalf and the Seahobbit

*Story Author: Pippinfan1988

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WotR, minor hobbits

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): maybe a little violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gandalf
recollects his days with Pippin and some of the "lesser" Tooks


*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Messing About in Boats

*Story Author: Grey Wonderer

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Humour
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Frodo and
Merry would like for Sam to try boating on the Brandywine, but Sam
has serious doubts about this idea. Will Sam learn to enjoying
boating or does the 'sinking feeling' that Sam has about all of this
mean anything?


*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Stars May Colide

*Story Author: Rose Gamgee

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Angst, Post-WotR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): a bit of naughty
behaviour ;P

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Pippin/Diamond

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Peregrin
Took has finally found everything he ever wanted in a soft-spoken
girl named Diamond - but when it seems all else stands against them,
will their love survive the odds?

Msg# 252

More Nominations from Vinca (the SSP ones) Posted by Kate May 02, 2004 - 6:06:17 Topic ID# 252

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Just to be With You

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WotR (with some post)

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): a little bit of
suggestion (in reference to inappropriate behaviour)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Merry/Estella

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): At the time
of his Coming of Age, Meriadoc Brandybuck meets the sister of one of
his close friends, and finds himself falling deeply in love.


*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: The Lady's Gift

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Humour
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-destruction of Ring :P, fluff

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): As a cure
for his young cousin's boredom, Meriadoc dares Peregrin to do
something rather foolish. Unfortunately for both of them, Pippin
succeeds, and puts both of them in serious trouble.


*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Time to Make a Change

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): angst

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): character death

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A series of
vignettes in which our main hobbits face the pain of losing their
father (or parents in Frodo's case).


*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Furry Little Thief

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Humour
Subcategory (suggest something): poetry (at least, attempted anyway)

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A little
poem about Bilbo's meeting with Smaug, written in the attempted style
of Sam's Troll poem.

Msg# 253

Correction to Nominations #4 Posted by Soledad May 02, 2004 - 7:26:55 Topic ID# 196
--- In, "Soledad" <annaliess@h...> wrote:
> *Nominator's name: Soledad
> *Story Title: Changing Perceptions
> *Story Author: Nerwen Calaelen
> *Author's E-mail Address: jen_brett42@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Adventure
> 3rd: Men
> Subcategory (suggest something): Other Cultures
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The end of
> the Ring War and the changes that occur as a result of it for the
> mysterious land of Khand.

I forgot to mention that this story is a WIP. Also, where I wrote N/C
instead of N/A, that was just a typo, of course.

Soledad, ashamed

Msg# 254

Nomination Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 02, 2004 - 9:21:06 Topic ID# 199
----------------------------------------------------------------Story Nomination Form*Nominator's name: jodancingtree*Story Title: The Queen's Orc *Story Author: jodancingtree*Author's E-mail Address:*Story URL:*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices) *1st: Orcs 2nd: Men 3rd: Subcategory (suggest something): Work in Progress*Rating: G Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): He was the Ringbearer's Orc, bound to him by solemn blood-pact, and he wore the Jewel that Frodo gave him. That was all Aragorn knew of him until he appeared in Minas Tirith, seeking the Queen whose Jewel he wore. Was it blessing or curse that he came during the last springtime of Aragorn's reign?---------------------------------------------------------------

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Msg# 255

Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by May 02, 2004 - 9:21:06 Topic ID# 123
The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Nominations: Public or Private? Should
we make the list of nominations public
on the MEFA web site? Or should it
only be listed here, on the YahooGroup?

- Public, 7 votes, 53.85%
- Private, 2 votes, 15.38%
- Not sure, let's discuss it, 4 votes, 30.77%

For more information about this group, please visit

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Msg# 256

Re: Request for new story Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 9:22:53 Topic ID# 230
>>I agree. Ainae, if you don't want to do this, I'll entirely
>>understand. Like I said, it was my fault for forgetting
>>nominations started today. If it will cause you additional
>>stress, then I say don't make the new category.

>Thank you for the concern. So far, I can honestly say this is nowhere near
>the GigaStress or even the MegaStress. Still, I had to read your message
>twice to understand it. Sadly, the effects of stress may linger long after
>the stress has let up. I feel like someday I'm going to be travelling the
>country giving seminars to people warning about the dangers of stress.

Sorry to hear about GigaStress. I am currently heading into finals week
but have learned that if I take half an hour or an hour to bust the
stress I'll get more done for missing that study time. I've vowed to
myself not to get stressed out, and so I'm all for doing whatever I can
to help other people avoid it.

>>Just so I'm clear -- by "Category," do you mean "Genre,"
>>"Race," or "Time"? Or do you mean one of the sublistings
>>under that. I.e., is Elves a subcategory under "Races," or is
>>"Races -- Elves" one category?

>I realize that those divisions (Races and Places, Genres, and Time/Book)
>have confused several people who read them as being a category. Maybe I'll
>revise the FAQ to call them "Divisions" or "Topics". They are not the main
>categories. "Elves, Men, Hobbits, Orcs, Numenor, Rohan, Drama, Humor,
>Horror, Romance, Adventure, etc." those are the main categories.

OK, I see what you mean.

>>I can see poetry being a subcategory of say, Elves or LotR,
>>but I have a much harder time seing it as a subcategory of
>>Drama, or romance, or whatever. It seems a much more natural
>>division (to me, at least) to say Genre -- Poetry than Genre
>>-- Drama -- Poetry, because I think the latter will just
>>divide too far.

>Yes, I think we're seeing things on the same level now. I see it as a
>subcategory of Elves, or Men, or Hobbits, or even LOTR, The Silm, or The
>Hobbit. Or Humor. I had to put Dwim's The Hamster down as Humor, but it's
>definitely a poem and that's the subcategory to me. It's hilarious first.
>Poem is the form it takes.

I agree with you re: "The Hamster." I reread that last night, and was
chuckling to myself all the way through. It's definitely humour, though
I think it's also poetry (it seems to deserve special recognition for
keeping to the form so well.)

But there are other categories where I think this would work less well.
Drama, for instance, or romance -- I have a hard time seeing poems
competing on equal footing with stories just because they're so
different. That, however, is something I will ring up when the awards
are over, for next year.

You say you see poetry as a subcategory. Let me ask one last question
(and sorry for being so boneheaded! I don't know why I'm having a hard
time wrapping my heads around the rules, I'm usually not this thick).
You say in the FAQ, VII.B: "Subcategories will use the same awards as
their main default category." Let's say we manage to get five poems by
two authors nominated for, say, Hobbits. Does this mean that you'd form
a subcategory "Hobbits -- Poetry" and that all poetry entered into the
Hobbits category would compete against each other? And would this make
them not compete against other hobbit works (be pulled out of the main
hobbits category into their own private subcategory) or compete *both*
against each other in the subcategory and against all hobbit works in
the main category.

Does that make sense?

>>However, as it is my mistake for not getting this on time, I
>>will defer to whatever you say. I'm very sorry to up your
>>stress level; not my intention, I assure you.

>Thank you and not a problem. Let's call a moritorem (I can't spell all
>well anymore either) on new categories, as I had originally planned when I
>told the Orc and Mystery people that they had to be Ok'd as new categories
>before Nomination Season started. They did and there they are.
>If it doesn't work out as a subcategory this year, make a plea for it
>this year's awards are done. It may then make the line up for next year. I
>made up the way a new category goes in by the seat of my pants for Orc and
>Mystery. They did seem to have a good claim to the need. As Sorne/Enros if
>she doesn't write orc stories. I think we should--after this awards
year is
>over--decide on a documented procedure for the adding of a category.

Fair enough. Consider my plea for a Poetry category officially dropped.
(For this year. :-E)

>And I would love for you to try your hand at the banners. The way I've
>them hasn't been hard. Complicated perhaps, but probably more
>computer-graphic-friendly people could do it less complicatedly. I
>took pics I had saved on my hard drive and cropped them into a rectangle
>that looked about right. Or I spliced a few together. For example, with my
>Aragorn and Arwen one, I had two pics scanned from one of the soundtracks.
>I reduced them and didn't crop really. They stayed squares and I just
>them side by side in PowerPoint. Then I used the TextBox tool to put the
>words on, saved the slide as a jpeg and then opened it in a photo
editor to
>crop out all the white around the banner. I spliced most of the Rohan ones
>together, too. But some, like the argonath one is just a rectangle
crop from
>an existing pic.

OK, that doesn't sound *too* bad. I'll try my hand at it after finals.
Are we keeping a list of what's been done, what people have said they're
working on, and what still needs to be done anywhere?


Msg# 257

Re: Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 9:23:44 Topic ID# 123
Well, I did say I was thinking about closing this one early. After
the discussion the Yes votes picked up at a much faster rate than the
Nos. Plus, it really is the decision of my heart.

Now the question is WHEN do the Nominations become public? I think I
will go ahead and post those that have received permission by their
authors. And I'll try and update the list on the web site, once a


--- In, wrote:
> The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:
> POLL QUESTION: Nominations: Public or Private? Should
> we make the list of nominations public
> on the MEFA web site? Or should it
> only be listed here, on the YahooGroup?
> - Public, 7 votes, 53.85%
> - Private, 2 votes, 15.38%
> - Not sure, let's discuss it, 4 votes, 30.77%
> For more information about this group, please visit
> For help with Yahoo! Groups, please visit

Msg# 258

two quick questions about nominations Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 9:27:14 Topic ID# 258
I am getting my nominations in order and have two quick questions:

1. I gather if we are self-nominating we do not need to include an
author's email address. What about if the author is a member of this
list. If I want to nominate, say, Dwim, do I need to include her
e-mail address?

2. Most of the stories I'm rec'ing are from HASA, which with the new
site design has changed from displaying author e-mail addresses (to
the public) to providing a contact form. Protecting of authors' email
addresses and all that. So in many cases I'm not aware of the authors'
email addresses, and in others I'm slightly uncomfortable sharing
them, since the source I got them no longer displays them to the
public. Can I provide a link to this contact form instead?


Msg# 259

Re: Nomination Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 02, 2004 - 9:46:15 Topic ID# 199
Good grief, what happened to the nomination form? I'm not awfully computer literate - does it matter that the nomination I just sent ran itself all together in one block, instead of spacing out nice and neat like everyone else's? And WHY did it do that?

very embarrassed, peeking up humbly like the techno-dummy I am,


Jo Dancingtree <> wrote:

----------------------------------------------------------------Story Nomination Form*Nominator's name: jodancingtree*Story Title: The Queen's Orc *Story Author: jodancingtree*Author's E-mail Address:*Story URL:*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices) *1st: Orcs 2nd: Men 3rd: Subcategory (suggest something): Work in Progress*Rating: G Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): He was the Ringbearer's Orc, bound to him by solemn blood-pact, and he wore the Jewel that Frodo gave him. That was all Aragorn knew of him until he appeared in Minas Tirith, seeking the Queen whose Jewel he wore. Was it blessing or curse that he came during the last springtime of Aragorn's reign?---------------------------------------------------------------

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Msg# 260

Re: two quick questions about nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 9:48:59 Topic ID# 258
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 9:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] two quick questions about nominations
> I am getting my nominations in order and have two quick questions:
> 1. I gather if we are self-nominating we do not need to
> include an author's email address. What about if the author
> is a member of this list. If I want to nominate, say, Dwim,
> do I need to include her e-mail address?

Oh, do include any author e-mail address anyway. It's just easier for the
Categorizers to do the cut & paste if they can just follow down the forms
and don't have to hunt. Besides if they are reading this on the Group site,
your e-mail address is, I believe, truncated.

> 2. Most of the stories I'm rec'ing are from HASA, which with
> the new site design has changed from displaying author e-mail
> addresses (to the public) to providing a contact form.
> Protecting of authors' email addresses and all that. So in
> many cases I'm not aware of the authors'
> email addresses, and in others I'm slightly uncomfortable
> sharing them, since the source I got them no longer displays
> them to the public. Can I provide a link to this contact form instead?

No. Contact the author before nominating and ask if you can have their
e-mail address. I'm waiting on a few of those myself. I won't be posting
author e-mail addresses on the web site. They will only be here.

And we can also make a new ruling: Once we have an author's permission to
use their stories, I will remove their e-mail address from the Nominations
database in the Databases section. That way, the only place their address
will still be shown is in the posts archive.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 261

Re: two quick questions about nominations Posted by ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 9:51:37 Topic ID# 258
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

Revision to my earlier answer: They already don't show on the
Nominations or Author Approval listing. That's good.

But, one thing that is important is that we do have the author's e-
mail address somewhere still in an official way.

So we can inform them of their awards!

So, Categorizers and Author Contacters: please keep a list of Authors
and e-mail addresses somewhere. For my three categories (Hobbits,
Men, and Elves) they'll be in my spreadsheet.

Just be sure to keep them where they can be easily found!


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marta [mailto:MartaL0712@n...]
> > Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 9:27 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] two quick questions about nominations
> >
> > I am getting my nominations in order and have two quick questions:
> >
> > 1. I gather if we are self-nominating we do not need to
> > include an author's email address. What about if the author
> > is a member of this list. If I want to nominate, say, Dwim,
> > do I need to include her e-mail address?
> Oh, do include any author e-mail address anyway. It's just easier
for the
> Categorizers to do the cut & paste if they can just follow down the
> and don't have to hunt. Besides if they are reading this on the
Group site,
> your e-mail address is, I believe, truncated.
> > 2. Most of the stories I'm rec'ing are from HASA, which with
> > the new site design has changed from displaying author e-mail
> > addresses (to the public) to providing a contact form.
> > Protecting of authors' email addresses and all that. So in
> > many cases I'm not aware of the authors'
> > email addresses, and in others I'm slightly uncomfortable
> > sharing them, since the source I got them no longer displays
> > them to the public. Can I provide a link to this contact form
> No. Contact the author before nominating and ask if you can have
> e-mail address. I'm waiting on a few of those myself. I won't be
> author e-mail addresses on the web site. They will only be here.
> And we can also make a new ruling: Once we have an author's
permission to
> use their stories, I will remove their e-mail address from the
> database in the Databases section. That way, the only place their
> will still be shown is in the posts archive.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 262

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 9:53:10 Topic ID# 199
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 9:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> Good grief, what happened to the nomination form? I'm not
> awfully computer literate - does it matter that the
> nomination I just sent ran itself all together in one block,
> instead of spacing out nice and neat like everyone else's?
> And WHY did it do that?
> very embarrassed, peeking up humbly like the techno-dummy I am,

Not sure. E-mail me privately and, when I get back from church, I'll try and
see what went wrong. Tell me in the e-mail how you sent the nomination
(on-list, in an e-mail program, etc.)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 263

Nominations Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 02, 2004 - 10:18:27 Topic ID# 191
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: Those Who Remain

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves (But also Hobbits)
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): In the Shire, Sam Gamgee finds he has a good deal in common with Lord Celeborn.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: Battle of the Golden Wood

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): The War of the Ring in Lothlorien.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: The Wisdom of Isildur

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): After Gil-galad's death, Elrond asks if Celeborn will support him in a bid to assume the crown of the High King.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 264

Nomination Correction Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 02, 2004 - 10:19:06 Topic ID# 264
Please note that the following is a WIP. :)


----- Original Message -----
From: coriel_elfwyn
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:09 PM
Subject: Nomination

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: Oak and Willow

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something): WIP

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Celeborn & Nerwen/Galadriel

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): Celeborn of Doriath and Nerwen of the Noldor strive to come to terms with the differences that divide their peoples during the First Age, and also with their growing affections for one another.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 265

Tip: Easier Categorizing and Author Contacting Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 10:19:36 Topic ID# 258
If you are a Categorizer or Author Contacter, you might want to follow these
tips so we don't fall too far behind.

Set your e-mail to Individual. No Mail will mean you'll have to log onto the
site and try and find all the nominations since you looked last time, which
could be quite a few! Daily Digest is better, but still, you'll have a heck
of a lot of scrolling to do and might miss something.

Set up a separate folder in you e-mail program for nominations (or author
contact needs). As you look through each nomination, label or flag it if it
is one of your categories or an author you need to contact. Then move it to
the new folder (nominations or authors).
Then, once you have done all you need to do with it (put it in the
Nominations table and your records, or contacted the author), clear the
label or flag or check it off.

It's also good to keep two Internet Explorer windows open while you are
doing this, tuned to the Author Approval database and the Nominations
database. You can easily see if an author has already given his or her
permission (in which case there is no need to further contact them). You
can see if a story has already been nominated (in which case there is
nothing more for you to do with it, but check it for accuracy) or add it to
the table there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 266

Re: Nomination Correction Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 10:22:09 Topic ID# 264
Thank you. I've subcategorized it as such.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 9:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination Correction
> Please note that the following is a WIP. :)
> Coriel
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: coriel_elfwyn
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:09 PM
> Subject: Nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Coriel
> *Story Title: Oak and Willow
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:

Msg# 267

2nd nomination Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 02, 2004 - 10:33:31 Topic ID# 267
Ich bin: Ich suche:

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: belegcuthalion

*Story Title: "Of Dwarvish Ale and Battle Scars"

*Story Author: Aratlithiel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating:PG 13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
After the Ring War in Minas Tirith - Frodo steals a cask, and
Faramir tastes his first Dwarvish Ale - with unexpectes
consequences, including some very... hrm... special limericks...

Msg# 268

Aratlithiel's permission Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 02, 2004 - 10:37:22 Topic ID# 268
Oh... and of course I have the permission of the author to
nominate. Here it is:

Certainly you have my permission.  I've taken a look at the site
and process and it seems like a very good approach.  I'm most
intrigued by the idea that people will be able to comment on the
fics., as the prospect of constructive critique is always appealing
to me.

Msg# 269

Re: Nominations Posted by shiekdesigner May 02, 2004 - 11:28:31 Topic ID# 191
I wrote these nomiations 2 days ago, I think, but they haven't came
up yet and me and Coriel thought it might be do to the load of
nominations coming; some may be lost. So I'm reposting this.

> I was authorized to nominate these stories by the author.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: I Return
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: The Lord of the Rings
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Elves
> *Rating: PG (I am not familiar with the rating system, but besides
> angst there isn't anything terrible or inappropriate in this story)
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
> journey for Legolas, from Gondor to Greenwood and beyond. Some
> insight into what the War of the Ring must have meant to the
> and oft neglected member of the Fellowship, together with his and
> Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Secrets We Dare Not Tell
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> sid=1792&cid=7508
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Humor
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> *Rating: as low a rating as they come.
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): (A quick
> of off the wall humor, a whimsical gapfiller for I Return. A
> dreadful "what-if".) Legolas is attending Gimli's personal
> effects
> the evening they both arrived in Lasgalen, when the unthinkable
> happens . . .
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Paths We Trod, Wrongs We Bore
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: The Silmarillion
> *Rating: PG (?)
> Rating reason: Violence
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Thranduil
> last makes up his mind to follow his family into the West, but
> he must confront again some of the slings and arrows of his past.
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Canst Though Forgive Me
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: The Silmarillion
> *Rating: PG (? - again, it is very angsty and might be difficult to
> read)
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): "Upon
> Doriath a heavy charge had fallen. Melian sat long in silence
> Thingol the King . . . and she knew that her parting from Thingol
> the forerunner of a greater parting, and that the doom of Doriath
> drawing nigh . . . The Nauglamir was retaken, and brought back in
> bitter grief to Melian the Queen." (involving Thranduil and Melian)

Msg# 270

Nomination Posted by malifur014 May 02, 2004 - 11:55:04 Topic ID# 199
Hi, I'm nominating a poem of mine. Is this the right place to post
it? I wasn't sure.

Story Nomination Form:

*Nominator's name: Malissa Koebel

*Story Title: "Oh, Elessar"

*Story Author Malissa Koebel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Adventure
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): There is nothing
offensive in this poem.

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): Poem of
Elessar coming to the throne of Gondor after the fall of Sauron.

Msg# 271

Marta's nomination: Beth Winters Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 12:04:44 Topic ID# 271
[Ainae, where do I forward the verification email I got -- where Beth
emailed me back saying she'd be happy to have me nominate her story?]

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Singer by the Shore
*Story Author: Beth Winter
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): On a dark
night in Dol Amroth, Boromir and Faramir meet a singer who only sings
the truth. Denethor's sons are children in this introspective story.
The setting is Dol Amroth.

Msg# 272

Marta's nomination: Lyllyn Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 12:43:13 Topic ID# 272
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Bindings of Gold
*Story Author: Lyllyn
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): adult themes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
Witch-king reflects on his choice and its consequences. Vignette.

Msg# 273

Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 12:47:10 Topic ID# 272
> *Author's E-mail: yllyn@y...

I should have mentioned that I've already verifed with her than this
piece can be entered in the contest.

Cheers, Marta

Msg# 274

Marta's nomination: Elvenesse Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 12:54:35 Topic ID# 274
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: War Now Calls Us
*Story Author: Elvenesse
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Men
3rd: Drama
Subcategory: Poetry (preferably under LotR or Men)

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A poem from
the midst of the battle of the Pelennor Fields, after Eomer sees the
(assumed) dead Eowyn.

Msg# 275

New Banner Posted by May 02, 2004 - 13:17:48 Topic ID# 275
In the Photos section, there is a new banner under
Banners/Silmarillion for The Akallabêth Award. I hope it looks okay.

Msg# 276

nomination - Posted by Chathol-linn May 02, 2004 - 13:45:41 Topic ID# 276

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Chathol-linn

*Story Title: Song-Fight at the Swan and Cygnet Saloon

*Story Author: Chathol-linn

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Humor
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): poetry

*Rating: PG-13 / R?

Reason for rating: indelicate language

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
The story of how a couple of archers resolved a gambling argument,
mellowed out some Orcs, and named a new tavern drink in the process.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 277

Marta's Nominations: flick Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:12:16 Topic ID# 277
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Darkness Falls
*Story Author: flick
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: LotR
3rd: Drama
Suggested Subcategory: Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A sestina on
the death of Boromir. Inspired by both book-verse and movie-verse.

Msg# 278

Marta's Nominations: ErinRua Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:26:57 Topic ID# 278
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Aglarond
*Story Author: ErinRua
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: LotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A dwarf, a
cave and a claustrophobic elf. Wherein Gimli and Legolas venture into
the Crystal Caves of Aglarond at the war's end, and Legolas is lost
for words. NO slash. COMPLETE.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Ashes, East Wind, Hope that Rises
*Story Author: ErinRua
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: Action

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): EOMER - as
seen through his eyes - the peril of Rohan, the duplicity of the
Wormtongue, and the coming of hope to the Riddermark. Cast includes
Eomer, Aragorn, Theoden, Grima, Eowyn, Hama, Gimli, Legolas and
several good horses. Gap-filler. Drama, action, angst. Non-slash.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Last Grey Ship, The
*Story Author: ErinRua
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: LotR
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): adult themes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The voice of
the Sea merely whispers, until the reasons to stay pass on. Aragorn's
days are ending, and Gimli faces more farewells as Legolas looks to
the West ... How the story may have ended. Book-derived per ROTK
Appendixes. Gap-filler. Drama, angst, friendship. Non-slash.

Msg# 279

Marta's nominations: Alawa Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:31:03 Topic ID# 279
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Hearth Companions
*Story Author: Alawa
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A woman of
Minas Tirith goes about her business in the aftermath of the Siege of
Gondor. Response to a HASA Quickies Challenge 2002.

Msg# 280

Marta's nomination: Azalais Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:36:57 Topic ID# 280
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: After Such Knowledge
*Story Author: Azelais
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): While the
battle rages on the Pelennor Field, the aged Keeper of Minas Tirith's
House of Lore remembers the last time Mithrandir came to the White
City and sought his help.

Msg# 281

Marta's nomination: Azalais Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:37:21 Topic ID# 280
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: After Such Knowledge
*Story Author: Azelais
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): While the
battle rages on the Pelennor Field, the aged Keeper of Minas Tirith's
House of Lore remembers the last time Mithrandir came to the White
City and sought his help.

Msg# 282

Marta's recommendations: Dwim Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:39:21 Topic ID# 282
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Eowyn, my fair one
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Men
3rd: Romance
Suggested Subcategory: Poetry

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): sexuality (non-explicit)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Grima and Éowyn. Sort of.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A very Bitter
(and belated) Valentine's Day poetry challenge. Grima lets his inner
poet loose. Pity the world. And Eowyn, of course.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: From the Other Riverbank
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): mature themes related to

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): (pairing withheld per author's
intents; see summary)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Slash fic
with a high angst content, now complete. The curious shall read, the
others will blithely remain ignorant of even the 'pairing.'


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Spartan Letters, The
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Men of war
would be wise to leave nothing undone.

Please find enclosed Faramir's last letters to his father.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Standards
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: LotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): "Arwen
remained in Rivendell, and when Aragorn was abroad, from afar she
watched over him in thought; and in hope she made for him a great and
kingly standard, such as only one might display who claimed the
lordship of the Numenoreans and the inheritance of Elendil" (RoTK,
"The Tale of Arwen and Aragorn", Appendix A, 387).

A vignette about standards and adhering to the choices one makes.

Msg# 283

Marta's Recommendations: Nath Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:44:50 Topic ID# 283
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Hunger
*Story Author: Nath
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Orcs
2nd: LotR
3rd: Humor

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): graphic portrayal of --
well, orcs being orcs

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An unpleasant
little vignette showing that what goes on in a standard bearer's mind
may not always be all that lofty... [Nominator's Note: The author
feels this work is more properly considered filmverse than pure bookverse]

Msg# 284

Re: Marta's Recommendations: Nath Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 14:48:22 Topic ID# 283
> *Author's E-mail:

Sorry, I forgot to include the e-mail. . And, as
with all my entries, I've checked with the authors that they wish to
be included.

Cheers, Marta

Msg# 285

Marta's nomination: Chathol-linn Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 15:05:28 Topic ID# 285
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Song-Fight at the Swan and Cygnet Saloon
*Story Author: Chathol-linn
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
*2nd: The Hobbit
Suggested Subcategory: Poetry

*Rating: R (I personally think the story reads much more like PG13, or
even PG, but the author has set the rating on the site to 'Adult')

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): language

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Humorous
narrative poem, just for fun. Watch out for indelicate language.
(Ahem.) The story of how a couple of archers, Bard and Legolas,
resolved a gambling argument, mellowed out some Orcs, and named a new
tavern drink in the process. Gathering of the Fellowship Toronto 2003
Writing Awards: 1st Place, Humor, 20+ [Nominator's Note: The author
has also nominated this piece but asks that you follow my nomination.]

Msg# 286

a shameless nomination :) Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 02, 2004 - 15:14:38 Topic ID# 286
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: We Were Young Once

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Silmarillion (for now)
Subcategory (suggest something): WIP

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some references to violence, but nothing too graphic yet

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): still in the early stages, but will soon be Thranduil & Lindoriel (his future wife)

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): After the fall of both Doriath and Sirion, Thranduil and his father Oropher set out to begin a new era of their lives.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 287

Re: Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 16:54:49 Topic ID# 191
It made it to the list. Just some categorizers are behind. Soledad and
myself seem to be on or near a computer nearly 24 hours a day. The others
may not be. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: shiekdesigner []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 11:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Nominations
> I wrote these nomiations 2 days ago, I think, but they
> haven't came up yet and me and Coriel thought it might be do
> to the load of nominations coming; some may be lost. So I'm
> reposting this.
> > I was authorized to nominate these stories by the author.
> >
> > ___________________________________________________________
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> >
> > *Story Title: I Return
> >
> > *Story Author: Coriel
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> SID=1162
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: The Lord of the Rings
> > 2nd: Drama
> > 3rd: Elves
> >
> > *Rating: PG (I am not familiar with the rating system, but besides
> > angst there isn't anything terrible or inappropriate in this story)
> >
> > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
> homeward
> > journey for Legolas, from Gondor to Greenwood and beyond.
> Some insight
> > into what the War of the Ring must have meant to the
> quietest
> > and oft neglected member of the Fellowship, together with his and
> > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.
> >
> > ___________________________________________________________________
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> >
> > *Story Title: Secrets We Dare Not Tell
> >
> > *Story Author: Coriel
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> > sid=1792&cid=7508
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: Humor
> > 2nd: Elves
> > 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> >
> > *Rating: as low a rating as they come.
> >
> > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): (A quick
> bit
> > of off the wall humor, a whimsical gapfiller for I Return.
> A dreadful
> > "what-if".) Legolas is attending Gimli's personal effects
> the evening
> > they both arrived in Lasgalen, when the unthinkable happens . . .
> >
> >
> _____________________________________________________________________
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> >
> > *Story Title: Paths We Trod, Wrongs We Bore
> >
> > *Story Author: Coriel
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: Drama
> > 2nd: Elves
> > 3rd: The Silmarillion
> >
> > *Rating: PG (?)
> >
> > Rating reason: Violence
> >
> > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Thranduil
> at
> > last makes up his mind to follow his family into the West, but
> first
> > he must confront again some of the slings and arrows of his past.
> > ___________________________________________________________________
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> >
> > *Story Title: Canst Though Forgive Me
> >
> > *Story Author: Coriel
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: Drama
> > 2nd: Elves
> > 3rd: The Silmarillion
> >
> > *Rating: PG (? - again, it is very angsty and might be difficult to
> > read)
> >
> > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> "Upon Doriath
> > a heavy charge had fallen. Melian sat long in silence
> beside
> > Thingol the King . . . and she knew that her parting from Thingol
> was
> > the forerunner of a greater parting, and that the doom of Doriath
> was
> > drawing nigh . . . The Nauglamir was retaken, and brought back in
> > bitter grief to Melian the Queen." (involving Thranduil and Melian)
> >
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits
> for your HP, Epson, Canon or Lexmark Printer at
> Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US & Canada.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 288

Re: Nominations Posted by Soledad May 02, 2004 - 17:00:46 Topic ID# 191
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> It made it to the list. Just some categorizers are behind.
Soledad and myself seem to be on or near a computer nearly 24 hours a
day. The others may not be. ;-)

Alas, the good times are limited to the weekend. At school we are 50+
persons for two computers, so I probably will be a little behind
during the week, too. <g>


Msg# 289

Re: New Banner Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 17:07:54 Topic ID# 275
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 1:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] New Banner
> In the Photos section, there is a new banner under
> Banners/Silmarillion for The Akallabêth Award. I hope it looks okay.

Woo-hoo! Thanks! It looks great! Only two things: Is there a 2004 on it
anywhere? If not, could you add one? And open that photo up and click Edit
Name, and put your name in the Description.

Thanks again!

More please!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 290

Re: Marta's Recommendations: Nath Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 17:12:31 Topic ID# 283
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 2:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Marta's Recommendations: Nath
> > *Author's E-mail:
> Sorry, I forgot to include the e-mail. .
> And, as with all my entries, I've checked with the authors
> that they wish to be included.

Thanks. Then if you have their permission, go ahead and add them to the
Author's Approval table and forward me an e-mail from them giving their
permission for documentation's sake.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 291

Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 17:15:50 Topic ID# 272
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 12:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn
> > *Author's E-mail: yllyn@y...
> I should have mentioned that I've already verifed with her
> than this piece can be entered in the contest.

Verifying is great, but a) we need to have a full e-mail address on hand
somewhere. And b) we need to have an e-mail from her (even if just a forward
from you) saying so. We want this to be official, not just heresay.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 292

Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 17:41:12 Topic ID# 272
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marta [mailto:MartaL0712@n...]
> > Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 12:47 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn
> >
> > > *Author's E-mail: yllyn@y...
> >
> > I should have mentioned that I've already verifed with her
> > than this piece can be entered in the contest.
> Verifying is great, but a) we need to have a full e-mail address on hand
> somewhere.

Weird. When I posted it had the full email address. I think Yahoo
chopped it.

>And b) we need to have an e-mail from her (even if just a forward
> from you) saying so. We want this to be official, not just heresay.

Agreed. What address should I forward to? The list, or is there
another email address?

Cheers, Marta

Msg# 293

Re: New Banner Posted by May 02, 2004 - 18:39:15 Topic ID# 275
Yes, after "MEFA," it actually says "2004," though now it doesn't
seem very clear.

And would you believe I did this beautiful Grey Havens Award, only
to find there ISN'T one!!!

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: granamyr@y... [mailto:granamyr@y...]
> > Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 1:18 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] New Banner
> >
> > In the Photos section, there is a new banner under
> > Banners/Silmarillion for The Akallabêth Award. I hope it looks
> >
> Woo-hoo! Thanks! It looks great! Only two things: Is there a
2004 on it
> anywhere? If not, could you add one? And open that photo up and
click Edit
> Name, and put your name in the Description.
> Thanks again!
> More please!
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 294

Nomination Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 02, 2004 - 18:58:00 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: The Green Knight

*Story Author: Le Rouret

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves (I suppose. It's really more like Elves in Gondor)
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): WIP

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommendation. Save that for the vote): King Elessar and Prince Faramir stage a tournament in Ithilien to draw knights to Gondor, but in the process they discover trouble unlooked-for.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 295

Re: Nominations Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 02, 2004 - 19:00:42 Topic ID# 191
Just to let it be known that "I Return" is still a WIP!

----- Original Message -----
From: shiekdesigner
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 12:27 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Nominations

I wrote these nomiations 2 days ago, I think, but they haven't came
up yet and me and Coriel thought it might be do to the load of
nominations coming; some may be lost. So I'm reposting this.

> I was authorized to nominate these stories by the author.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: I Return
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: The Lord of the Rings
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Elves
> *Rating: PG (I am not familiar with the rating system, but besides
> angst there isn't anything terrible or inappropriate in this story)
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
> journey for Legolas, from Gondor to Greenwood and beyond. Some
> insight into what the War of the Ring must have meant to the
> and oft neglected member of the Fellowship, together with his and
> Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Secrets We Dare Not Tell
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> sid=1792&cid=7508
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Humor
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> *Rating: as low a rating as they come.
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): (A quick
> of off the wall humor, a whimsical gapfiller for I Return. A
> dreadful "what-if".) Legolas is attending Gimli's personal
> effects
> the evening they both arrived in Lasgalen, when the unthinkable
> happens . . .
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Paths We Trod, Wrongs We Bore
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: The Silmarillion
> *Rating: PG (?)
> Rating reason: Violence
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Thranduil
> last makes up his mind to follow his family into the West, but
> he must confront again some of the slings and arrows of his past.
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Canst Though Forgive Me
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address: coriel_elfwyn@o...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: The Silmarillion
> *Rating: PG (? - again, it is very angsty and might be difficult to
> read)
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): "Upon
> Doriath a heavy charge had fallen. Melian sat long in silence
> Thingol the King . . . and she knew that her parting from Thingol
> the forerunner of a greater parting, and that the doom of Doriath
> drawing nigh . . . The Nauglamir was retaken, and brought back in
> bitter grief to Melian the Queen." (involving Thranduil and Melian)

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 296

Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 19:25:17 Topic ID# 272
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Marta's nomination: Lyllyn

> Weird. When I posted it had the full email address. I think
> Yahoo chopped it.

I don't know why either. I know they truncate them if you read posts online
but that is in the From line. Didn't know they truncated them anywhere else.


> Agreed. What address should I forward to? The list, or is
> there another email address?

My address: mefaadmin at earthlink dot net. Just in case. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 297

Re: New Banner Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 19:28:25 Topic ID# 275
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 6:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: New Banner
> Yes, after "MEFA," it actually says "2004," though now it
> doesn't seem very clear.

I thought there might be something there, but I just couldn't make it out.
Would it be very hard to put another 2004 there over the old one, more

> And would you believe I did this beautiful Grey Havens Award,
> only to find there ISN'T one!!!

Hmmm...Well go over the names in the FAQ again. There must be something it
can fit..... Could you fake it and say it's really about Amroth and
Nimrodel, or Cuivienen?

Or heck, if nothing else, make it a MEFA banner! Like the ones I put in the
other folder there in Photos.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 298

Author's Category -- How does it work, Exactly? Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 20:05:05 Topic ID# 298
I was wondering how exactly voting for the Author's Category is going
to work? Some potential ideas I'm bouncing between

1. people are going to write recommendations of the author in general
just like they did a particular fic, and those will be tallied.

2. we somehow combine the scores of the different works. The only way
I can think of this working is an average of score/voter. (Sum up all
the works, divide by number of votes cast.)

3. Everyone gets a simple thumbs up/thumbs down vote that they can
either vote for or against any author. Thumbs up = 1 pt, Thumbs down =
-1 point. Average the scores.

4. Everyone can vote for an unlimited number of authors (but each
author only once). One point per vote. Sum the scores. Highest score win.

5. Everyone gets one vote (or some other fixed, finite number) to give
to any author. Each author can only get one vote. Highest score wins.

Or some other method I'm yet to dream up. But inquiring minds want to
know: just how will this category be run, and should this perhaps be
outlined in the FAQ?


"'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your
inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering
you. What more do you want to know?'

"'The names of all the stars, and of all living things, and the whole
history of Middle-earth and Over-heaven and of the Sundering Seas [..]
Of course! What less?'" [Gandalf and Pippin, TTT]

Msg# 299

Re: Author's Category -- How does it work, Exactly? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 02, 2004 - 20:27:21 Topic ID# 298
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 8:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Author's Category -- How does it work, Exactly?
> I was wondering how exactly voting for the Author's Category
> is going to work? Some potential ideas I'm bouncing between
> 1. people are going to write recommendations of the author in
> general just like they did a particular fic, and those will
> be tallied.


> Or some other method I'm yet to dream up. But inquiring minds want to
> know: just how will this category be run, and should this
> perhaps be outlined in the FAQ?

Just like with the stories. Only now you are commenting on the writer. Let
me share with you those two votes for my story and me that came too late for
the ASC awards, as an

(Story) Vote:

This story was especially intruging because it was the third and final part
of the trilogy. And since Gabrielle takes her time writing her stories,
which is NOT a bad thing, reading the conclusion is even more exciting. In
this story, she is finally able to give Bashir some hope, something he
obviously lacked in the other two stories. And as a fan of "happy endings,"
I appreciated it. Again, he knowledge of history comes in handy here and
makes the story all that much more real. She again reminds us of the darker
part of her history. As she does with all her stories, she makes you feel
as if you're there, experiencing everything with the characters. As a
Christian, I found this story especially touching. With so many people
misinterpreting Roddenberry's view of religion and practically making the
characters athiests, it's nice to see a writer who's not afraid to be
different and make the characters believe in the "ancient" religion of
Christianity. Even if Bashir himself doesn't believe, the point is reached.
Part of me is sad the trilogy is over because it was so addicting. I'll
just wait for the Gidari story, which will probably be a while. That will
just make it more worth the wait.

Author Vote:

Gabrielle is one fo those authors that you wonder why they aren't writing
professionally (maybe cause you write too much!). Her stories are so
complex and developed that you forget you're not reading a best selling
author (maybe that's redundant). The characters are true to life and
although she may disagree, her description is so compelling. Sometimes,
after reading one of her stories, I remember a scene that was so vivid that
I don't know if I read it or saw it on television. Her stories grab you
from the first sentence and don't let go until after you've finished. Some
like Oswiecim don't let go at all. Gabrielle is a truely talented writer
and I look forward to more from her.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 300

Espresso Addict's Noms: Firerose Posted by tavia0 May 02, 2004 - 21:18:01 Topic ID# 300
*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: Missing

*Story Author: Firerose

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor

*Rating: UK 15; US soft R ?

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): adult situations
implied, language

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
The new Steward delves into the past, whilst coming to terms with the
present, and the future.

Msg# 301

Marta's nomination: Regina Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 21:51:03 Topic ID# 301
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Snowdrops and Bluebells
*Story Author: Regina
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: LotR
3rd: Men
Suggested Subcategory: Gondor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): As Eowyn's
friendship with Merry deepens during their stay in the Houses of
Healing, other feelings are unthawed in her heart as well. A detailing
of Eowyn's courtship by Faramir from her point of view.

Msg# 302

Re: Marta's nomination: Regina Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 21:56:22 Topic ID# 301
--- In, "Marta" <MartaL0712@n...> wrote:
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Marta
> *Story Title: Snowdrops and Bluebells
> *Story Author: Regina
> *Author's E-mail: rlh_na@h...

Mea culpa. That email address should have been marked as verified.
(All mine are.)

I realise that these email addresses are being cut off by Yahoo, and
I'm not sure how to stop it. I'm forwarding the verification emails to
Ainae offlist and will add the email addresses to the database.

Cheers, Marta

Msg# 303

Marta's nominations: fileg Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 21:56:59 Topic ID# 303
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: All These Wore Wings
*Story Author: fileg
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR
Suggested Subcategory: Gondor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Random images
from the siege of Gondolin haunt a small boy in another white city. A
snapshot, based on the painting "Brothers" by Starlight. -- fileg

Msg# 304

Marta's recs: Anglachel Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 21:58:45 Topic ID# 304
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Legacy
*Story Author: Anglachel
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings (I suppose. It is set between Hobbit and LotR
but has more to do with LotR than Hobbit)

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): exploration of adult
themes, graphic portrayal of sexual (slash) scenes -- not point of story

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Frodo/OCs (not a romance but
does contain sexual scene)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Ten days in
Buckland as Bilbo tries to convince his relatives that Frodo belongs
with him. Mature themes in all chapters, descriptions of sexual
activity and violence in later chapters. Significant speculation about
minor LOTR characters, and gap-filling on Shire culture, society,
politics and economics. Bilbo, Frodo, Rory, Gilda. By Anglachel.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: On Merry Yule
*Story Author: Anglachel
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings (I suppose. It is set between Hobbit and LotR
but has more to do with LotR than Hobbit)

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): exploration of adult
themes, graphic portrayal of sexual (slash) scenes -- not point of story

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Frodo/OCs (not a romance but
does contain sexual scene)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Two weeks in
Buckland as Bilbo and Frodo visit during Yule and attend the
Wintermark celebration. Takes place in late-December, 1388, and early
January 1389 SR, during the Yule season. Contains a great deal of
speculative information about Shire social structure, politics, and
economic activity since Bilbo returned from his adventures. Bilbo and
Frodo are main characters. Brandybuck, Took, Bolger, and Burrows
relatives show up, and many original characters (OCs), including
Dalin, a Dwarf. Mature themes in almost every chapter, descriptions of
sexual activity and violence in several chapters. Not a cheerful
feel-good holiday story in any way. Sequel to Legacy. By Anglachel.

Msg# 305

Marta's recommendations: Nessime Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 22:16:34 Topic ID# 305
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Promises to Keep
*Story Author: Nessime
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The Third
Marshal of the Riddermark and the Ranger who would be King meet for
the first time on the plains of Rohan. Told from a slightly different

Msg# 306

Marta's nominations: Gwynnyd Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 22:40:38 Topic ID# 306
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Gift for Pippin, A
*Story Author: gwynnyd
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Drama
3rd: Hobbits

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Poor Pippin.
Here is is traumatized from being exposed to the Eye of Sauron.
Everyone thinks he's been really stupid *again* and no one gives him
any sympathy for being tortured by Sauron... except Legolas. Pippin
really didn't do so badly, when you get right down to it.

Msg# 307

Marta's nominations: jodancingtree Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 22:53:03 Topic ID# 307
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Drunkard of Bag End
*Story Author: jodancingtree
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): adult themes, alcohol abuse

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
malevolent voice still lingered in his mind, over a year after the
Ring went into the Fire, till Frodo felt he must be driven mad by it.
Could he buy a few hours of peace, with a bottle of brandy?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Sam's Rose
*Story Author: jodancingtree
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): adult themes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Sam and Rose (This romance is
important to the story, but because the story has as much to do with
Rose's relationship to Frodo as to Sam it is properly considered a drama)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The girl he
left behind him -- and came home to. His thoughts go back to her again
and again, even in Mordor. But when they return, can he make a life
with her -- and Frodo?

Msg# 308

Marta's nominations: Ariel Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 22:55:17 Topic ID# 308
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Linden and Laurel
*Story Author: Ariel
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings (FA, but tied to events of LotR)

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sam knew his
master had to leave the Shire, knew he could never have found healing
in middle earth, but did Frodo ever become whole in the West? A tender
and mystical tale of how Sam learned, in the end, that he had.

Msg# 309

Marta's nominations: Thundera Tiger Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 22:57:40 Topic ID# 309
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Fools Hope, A
*Story Author: Thundera Tiger
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: LotR
3rd: Humor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable material

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Vignette set
in Rivendell after the Fellowship's departure. Focuses on a
conversation between Glorfindel and Elrond as they debate the wisdom
in both the Fellowship's mission as well as the individuals comprising
the unlikely group. A fool's hope? You decide.

Msg# 310

Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Marta May 02, 2004 - 23:02:33 Topic ID# 310
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Influence of Kindred Desires, The
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): explicit heterosexual content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The Steward
of Gondor and the White Lady of Rohan are to be married. The right
ceremonies must be performed in the right way. But Faramir and Éowyn
have a few rituals of their own to conduct. Adult-rated for explicit
sex scenes. This is the third in my sequence of stories about Faramir
and Éowyn's relationship, following on from "Knight's Service" and
"Later". There are some references to events in the earlier stories
but it should not be necessary to read the other stories first.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Chance Meetings
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): discussion of adult
themes/situations - ie prostitution and intergenerational sexual taboos

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Denethor/OFC and Faramir/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The Steward
of Gondor and the White Lady of Rohan are to be married. The right
ceremonies must be performed in the right way. But Faramir and Éowyn
have a few rituals of their own to conduct. Adult-rated for explicit
sex scenes. This is the third in my sequence of stories about Faramir
and Éowyn's relationship, following on from "Knight's Service" and
"Later". There are some references to events in the earlier stories
but it should not be necessary to read the other stories first.


[Nominator's Note: "Later" is the "missing scenes" of "Knight's
Service," kept out of KS to keep the rating PG13. I recommend treating
the two as one story.]

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Knight's Service, Later
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Men
3rd: Rohan

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): explicit heterosexual scenes

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An attempt to
write a story about Faramir in which the angst monster does not
invade. In this, Faramir gets wet and takes all his clothes off. But
doesn't succumb to any angst. Humor with a dash of romance.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Failure
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): explicit heterosexual scenes

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An attempt to
write a story about Faramir in which the angst monster does not
invade. In this, Faramir gets wet and takes all his clothes off. But
doesn't succumb to any angst. Humor with a dash of romance.

Msg# 311

Welcome to the group! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 0:08:58 Topic ID# 311
Hello to all the new folks! Welcome to the MEFAs. All these people joined

Uruviel Carnesir

Some of you may have joined after finding out you were nominated. I had
hoped that would happen!

Just so you know, this is our first year, and heck, our first week! We're
still trying too find our legs in this, but so far, it's going well. We
have a lot of nominations :-) and now we need to get them recorded. Just
keep 'em coming! We'll get them all eventually.

And if you nominate anything of your own, go ahead an add yourself to the
Author Approvals table in the Database area of the Yahoo site. Also, if you
receive permission from an author to nominate something on yyour own, add
them to that table and then forward to me ( an
e-mail from th author saying you have permission. We just need something to

Anyway, make yourselves at home! Poke around; check out the polls and
Photos. Check out our website ( If you
take the FanArt Contest information like, you can then find the link to the
one page where you can see all the Awards Banners in (at least since the
last time I uploaded). And please, if any of you can draw or do great
things with computer graphics (or know someone who can), we need more
banner-makers! I hope to at least get 2 per award title so we can have a
vote for the one that will represent that award.

Glad to have you!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 312

Promotions Update Posted by Larian May 03, 2004 - 0:40:37 Topic ID# 312
Well, I spammed many of my lists and several of my LJ communities.

To those of you who saw it several times, I apologize. I tried to
keep to the main ones that don't overlap too much in membership.

They're all in the database, so please be sure to check all three or
four pages of that it anyone else wants to contact lists :)

*Runs out to decide which fics she wants to nominate*

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 313

New member Posted by nottheredbaron2003 May 03, 2004 - 5:35:41 Topic ID# 313
Hi all,

I'm Talullah and I'm 28 years old.
I've written two slash fics - the third is on the way, and I own an
archive devoted to Gil-galad/Elrond.



Msg# 314

New member! *waves* Posted by Forest May 03, 2004 - 5:55:23 Topic ID# 314
Hi. My name is Forest and some of you may recognise me from groups
like HL or JFA. For those who don't I'll tell you a bit about myself.

I live in Merry Ol' England which isn't very merry at the moment
because of everlasting rain, wind and hail! :(
I love LOTR and The Hobbit with a passion (also helps that I like to
read in general). I have tried to read The Silmarillion but failed
after the first few chapters. It didn't help that I spent a week
trying to read the beginning and then discovered that I wasn't
reading a chapter, I was reading the foreword! *smacks self on
head* A prime example of stupidity! LOL!

Hobbies? Well, as I said I love to read. I also like to sketch, go
out with friends, watch movies/cinema, tv, face-painting (that's a
thing a t the moment. I'm practising for doing face-painting at a
kids fun day at our local church!) Uhm.....oh, and I can speak
French and German (not fluently), a few words in Russian and
Japanese. And when I say a few words, I mean just that! ;)

So, that's me to a T!


Msg# 315

Another New Banner Posted by Kate May 03, 2004 - 6:06:23 Topic ID# 315
I've just put up another banner - one for the humour category, of
Barliman Butterbur - which goes with my Bilbo Baggins and Tom
Bombadil awards. Everyone else's awards are so much prettier than
mine :P

- Pervinca

(desperately trying to catch up on her online Tolkien class :P)

Msg# 316

Re: Promotions Update Posted by Donna May 03, 2004 - 6:34:59 Topic ID# 312
You are welcome to post about this on my yahoo group ERU if you like.


----- Original Message -----
From: Larian
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 1:40 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Promotions Update

Well, I spammed many of my lists and several of my LJ communities.

To those of you who saw it several times, I apologize. I tried to
keep to the main ones that don't overlap too much in membership.

They're all in the database, so please be sure to check all three or
four pages of that it anyone else wants to contact lists :)

*Runs out to decide which fics she wants to nominate*

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

--- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by LRBCG.COM, Inc.]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 317

Categorizer's question, was: Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Soledad May 03, 2004 - 8:49:26 Topic ID# 310
--- In, "Marta" <MartaL0712@n...> wrote:

> [Nominator's Note: "Later" is the "missing scenes" of "Knight's
> Service," kept out of KS to keep the rating PG13. I recommend
treating the two as one story.]

Ainae, is this okay with you?


Msg# 318

Story Nominations #6 Posted by Soledad May 03, 2004 - 9:41:57 Topic ID# 318
In order to stock up the less populated categories, here we come:

Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Complexities of Power

*Story Author: Watcherchild

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Drama
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Sauron, Balrogs

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
corruption of Sauron.


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The truth of Ugliness

*Story Author: Watcherchild

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Drama
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Angst

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): disturbing images,

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A
psychological look into the twisted and cruel shaping of the first


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Next Step

*Story Author: Watcherchild

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Mystery
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Angst

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An Avari Elf
goes to the Halls of Mandos and recounts the tale of the first Orcs –
the lost Elves.


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: The Nature of Starlight

*Story Author: Watcherchild

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Mystery
2nd: Romance
3rd: Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something): Angst

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): slash; rating is set by
the author, though I think it is too high for the content.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? (no names given)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The coming
of the sun and the moon signals change for two lovers.


Msg# 319

Tanaqui's nominations: Marta Posted by Liz May 03, 2004 - 9:44:04 Topic ID# 310
Hi, I'm Liz and I write under the pen-name Tanaqui. I think these
awards are wonderful idea - constructive criticism is the best award
any author can get! In a piece of blatant reciprocity ;-) (and because
I think both these stories very much deserve to be nominated), I am
nominating two of Marta's stories:


*Nominator's name: Liz (Tanaqui)
*Story Title: How Many Years?
*Story Author: Marta (aure_enteluva)
*Author's E-mail: (I believe Marta has given
permission for all her stories to be nominated)
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The road to
the hallows above Minas Tirith is travelled only once a generation, on
the twentieth birthday of the current steward's oldest son. Denethor
leads Boromir down that scarce-walked path, and Denethor finally gives
Boromir an honest answer to a question he asked as a child.


*Nominator's name: Liz (Tanaqui)
*Story Title: Summer Nights
*Story Author: Marta (aure_enteluva)
*Author's E-mail: (I believe Marta has given
permission for all her stories to be nominated)
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): discussion of adult
themes - prostitution, masturbation and unplanned pregnancy

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Faramir and OFC, Boromir and

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The summer of
3000 was the hottest one Faramir ever remembered. When he found
himself lost in Dol Amroth and stopped at an inn to ask directions, he
was surprised to find the place was a haven from the heat. He decided
to stay for dinner and when the matron offered him a cool room to lie
down in while his meal was prepared, he gladly accepted, without
realising exactly what he was accepting.

Cheers, Liz

Msg# 320

Marta's Recommendation: AL Milton Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 9:55:13 Topic ID# 320
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Shards of Time, The
*Story Author: AL Milton
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): deals with adult themes
(no graphic sex or violence)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Barahir, the
writer grandson of Faramir and Eowyn, tries to find out what truth
shall he write about his legendary grandmother.

Msg# 321

Marta's nominations: Thevina Finduilas Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 9:58:59 Topic ID# 321
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Daughters of Oromë
*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable material

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A story of
Rohan, beginning with Eowyn's childhood and continuing past the War of
the Ring, covering around 35 years. Features Eowyn and Fréalas, an OFC
who is two years Eowyn's senior. Multiple POVs, action, drama, some
angst and musings on a possible underground shieldmaiden subculture
that might have been revived in Rohan before and during the WR.

Msg# 322

Marta's Nominations: Suzene Campos Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 10:20:30 Topic ID# 322
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Different Kind of Sacrifice, A
*Story Author: Suzene Campes
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Drama
3rd: Humor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable material

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): This is an
entry for the Movie Challenge, specifically for the "What is Gimli
Thinking Each Time He Makes A Joke" idea. Set directly after the
battle for Helm's Deep, this movie-verse story contains spoilers,
angst, and Dwarf-stripping. You have been warned.

Msg# 323

Marta's Nomination: Enros Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 10:45:35 Topic ID# 323
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: One Dark Night
*Story Author: Enros
*Author's E-mail: Sorne& [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Orcs

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): homosexual content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Elrond and Uglúk

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Taking
shelter from an unseasonal storm, Elrond finds the cave already
occupied - by the former Captain of Saruman's Uruk Hai. SLASH.
Elrond/Ugluk. Sounds unlikely? Read it and believe! Trust me. It's a
beautiful thing. Somewhat Alternate Universe in that Ugluk is still
alive after the end of the War of the Ring.

Msg# 324

Espresso Addict's noms: Teasel Posted by tavia0 May 03, 2004 - 10:51:07 Topic ID# 324
*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: On Gorgoroth Plain

*Story Author: Teasel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: LotR
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): vignette

*Rating: G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Other things live in Mordor besides orcs. Frodo and Sam encounter one
such creature on their journey.


*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: How Quickbeam Got His Name

*Story Author: Teasel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Humour
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Ents, other races, vignette,
drabble, slash

*Rating: PG-13 (tho' note the drabbles page contains other works up
to R in rating)

Reason for rating: adult implications

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Quickbeam/Treebeard

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
How Quickbeam got his name. Drabble. (No author provided summary.)

Msg# 325

Re: New member Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 11:06:12 Topic ID# 313
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nottheredbaron2003 []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 5:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] New member
> Hi all,
> I'm Talullah and I'm 28 years old.
> I've written two slash fics - the third is on the way, and I
> own an archive devoted to Gil-galad/Elrond.

Hi! Welcome to you and nearly a dozen other new folks! :-D Glad to have
you. I don't personally read slash, but I know others do. Just be sure not
to nominate anything NC-17. And keepany comments during voting time to
PG-13-ish commentary, as this is not an adult list.

Make yourself at home otherwise, nominate some stoires, answer some polls,
etc. Ooh, and if you can draw, draw us some Awards Banners! We need lots
more. You can find more info on that at our web site:


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 326

Re: New member! *waves* Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 11:11:18 Topic ID# 314
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Forest []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 5:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] New member! *waves*
> Hi. My name is Forest and some of you may recognise me from
> groups like HL or JFA. For those who don't I'll tell you a
> bit about myself.

Hmm...not sure I know those lists, but we're glad to have you anyway!

> I live in Merry Ol' England which isn't very merry at the moment
> because of everlasting rain, wind and hail! :(

But doesn't it always rain in England? ;-) Just had to tease!

> I love LOTR and The Hobbit with a passion (also helps that I
> like to read in general). I have tried to read The
> Silmarillion but failed after the first few chapters. It
> didn't help that I spent a week trying to read the beginning
> and then discovered that I wasn't reading a chapter, I was
> reading the foreword! *smacks self on
> head* A prime example of stupidity! LOL!

The Silm is a very much different style from The Hobbit and LOTR. Give
another try after awhile. Once you get into it, it can be quite

> Hobbies? Well, as I said I love to read. I also like to
> sketch,

Oooh! You know that means I *have* to try and recruit you for making Awards
Banners, right? We want enough to make a contest out of that, to see which
banner will represent each award.

>go out with friends, watch movies/cinema, tv,
> face-painting (that's a thing a t the moment. I'm practising
> for doing face-painting at a kids fun day at our local
> church!) Uhm.....oh, and I can speak French and German (not
> fluently), a few words in Russian and Japanese. And when I
> say a few words, I mean just that! ;)

Very cool! I can speak French, German, and Czech (not fluently), and a few
words in Russian, Japanese, and Lakota! I once learned a greeting in
Tagalog but I think I've forgotten it. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 327

Espresso Addict's Noms: Altariel Posted by tavia0 May 03, 2004 - 11:15:56 Topic ID# 327
*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: The Burial of the Dead

*Story Author: Altariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): vignette, character study, Gondor

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violent implications

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Denethor remembers the dead and the dying - Boromir, Faramir,

*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: A Kind of Valediction

*Story Author: Altariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age, Gondor

*Rating: PG

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
A Minas Tirith ghost story. Ten years after the pyre, Faramir is
still haunted by the past.

*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: The Sickle of the Valar

*Story Author: Altariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): vignette, character study, gapfiller

*Rating: G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Denethor listens to a lesson about the stars.

Msg# 328

Re: Categorizer's question, was: Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 11:16:14 Topic ID# 310
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 8:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Categorizer's question, was: Marta's
> nominations: Tanaqui
> --- In, "Marta" <MartaL0712@n...> wrote:
> > [Nominator's Note: "Later" is the "missing scenes" of "Knight's
> > Service," kept out of KS to keep the rating PG13. I recommend
> treating the two as one story.]
> Ainae, is this okay with you?

I think, yes, the two stories should be combined as one. Is there any
public website where the "missing" scenes are put in place in "Knight's
Service?" That would be the best thing for the nomination.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 329

Re: Another New Banner Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 11:18:05 Topic ID# 315
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 6:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Another New Banner
> I've just put up another banner - one for the humour
> category, of Barliman Butterbur - which goes with my Bilbo
> Baggins and Tom Bombadil awards. Everyone else's awards are
> so much prettier than mine :P

Yay! I like yours! Better than I could do for everything Peter Jackson
didn't film! I uploaded yours and Zimraphel's lovely ones, toio, to the web
site this morning. I also organized them into separate folders in the
Photos section and labeld them in a consistant manner with the others. Good
job and thank you!

More, please!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 330

Re: Welcome to the group! Posted by Sharon Henderson May 03, 2004 - 11:37:44 Topic ID# 311
--- Ainae wrote:
> Hello to all the new folks! Welcome to the MEFAs.
> All these people joined today!

> JastaElf

Hi there, guilty as charged... :-) Just joined.

> Some of you may have joined after finding out you
> were nominated. I had hoped that would happen!

Yup. I think it was Soledad who was kind enough to
consider my little fics worthy of notice...

I'll probably take a few days to get my feet wet and
figure out what's going on, then start nominating.


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Msg# 331

Marta's nominations: Tanaqui *REVISED* Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 12:11:17 Topic ID# 331
[Note: I sent this about half an hour ago, but it's yet to come
through. Sorry if it shows up at some point in the future.]

I realise that I botched Tanaqui's nomination form, I think by messing
up on copying-and-pasting. Sorry about that; I will be more careful in
the future. This is what I want you guys to use.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Failure
*Story Author: Liz
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): graphic imagery

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): As events
reach a climax in the War of the Ring, the son of the Lord of Gondor
returns to Minas Tirith, after great deeds. (Written for a challenge
at HASA to explore the impact of the Black Breath on any character.)


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Influence of Kindred Desires, The
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): explicit heterosexual scenes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The Steward
of Gondor and the White Lady of Rohan are to be married. The right
ceremonies must be performed in the right way. But Faramir and Éowyn
have a few rituals of their own to conduct. Adult-rated for explicit
sex scenes. This is the third in my sequence of stories about Faramir
and Éowyn's relationship, following on from "Knight's Service" and
"Later". There are some references to events in the earlier stories
but it should not be necessary to read the other stories first.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Chance Meetings
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR
Suggested Subcategory: Gondor

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): discussion of adult
themes, such as prostitution and intergenerational sexual taboos

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir and OFC; Denethor and OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): For the
Ruling Steward and his sons, the personal is the political and private
acts can have public consequences. Faramir's odd behaviour on his
return from his first month as Captain of the Ithilien Rangers
troubles Denethor, both as a father and as Ruling Steward. An
unexpected meeting in a place neither thinks to find the other only
adds to the tension - and results in an order that, ten years later,
will have significant consequences in the War of the Ring.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: "Knight's Service" and "Later"
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Humour

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): explicit heterosexual scenes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An attempt to
write a story about Faramir in which the angst monster does not
invade. In this, Faramir gets wet and takes all his clothes off. But
doesn't succumb to any angst. Humor with a dash of romance.

[Nominator's Notes: "Knight's Service" and "Later" are published as
two separate stories but are rather linked: "Later" provides the
missing scenes for "Knight's Service." Without "Later," "Knight's
Service" is a complete (though, in my opinion, much less rich) story
with a PG rating.]

Msg# 332

Re: Categorizer's question, was: Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Liz May 03, 2004 - 12:21:43 Topic ID# 310
"Ainaechoiriel" wrote:
> I think, yes, the two stories should be combined as one. Is there
> public website where the "missing" scenes are put in place in
> Service?" That would be the best thing for the nomination.

Hi Ainae

*waves* I'm the author of these two. At present, the stories are
separate, but I can post them as a combined story at SoA (under a
combined name) for the purposes of the nomination. I will post the
link here when it is done.

Cheers, Liz

Msg# 333

Re: Categorizer's question, was: Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 12:38:27 Topic ID# 310
Great. Thanks


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liz []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 12:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Categorizer's question, was: Marta's
> nominations: Tanaqui
> "Ainaechoiriel" wrote:
> > I think, yes, the two stories should be combined as one. Is there
> any
> > public website where the "missing" scenes are put in place in
> "Knight's
> > Service?" That would be the best thing for the nomination.
> Hi Ainae
> *waves* I'm the author of these two. At present, the stories
> are separate, but I can post them as a combined story at SoA
> (under a combined name) for the purposes of the nomination. I
> will post the link here when it is done.
> Cheers, Liz
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Msg# 334

Thick and Fast They Came At Last, and more and more and more... Posted by lindorien2000 May 03, 2004 - 12:40:22 Topic ID# 334
No - it's not the first line for an NC-17 rated fic I should work on.
However, it's definitely going to end up in that Alice Parody I mess
with on occasion.

Okay - I have passed well beyond the point of confusion. Lots of
nominations, lots of new members (waves frantically at all) and that's

I shall sit back and see what's left when all the excitement is over.
Like...close to the end of the nomination period.

You've a monster on your hands, Ainae!

Way to go, girl!


yes - I shall count things whenever you want me to. I actually have a
degree in that, you know.

Msg# 335

Re: Categorizer's question, was: Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Liz May 03, 2004 - 12:52:42 Topic ID# 310
Hi Ainae (and Soledad as well, I think?)

The combined story is now up. Here's a rehash of the nomination with
the new information:

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: "Knight's Service/Later"
*Story Author: Tanaqui
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Humour

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): explicit heterosexual

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Faramir and Éowyn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): For the
purposes of a Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards nomination, I have
combined my two existing stories, "Knight's Service" (rated PG) and
"Later" (a "missing scene" rated R) into one story. In which Faramir
gets wet, takes off all his clothes, and experiences the consequences.


hope that solves things and sorry for being a nuisance!

Cheers, Liz

Msg# 336

Re: Categorizer's question, was: Marta's nominations: Tanaqui Posted by Soledad May 03, 2004 - 13:08:55 Topic ID# 310
--- In, "Liz" <liz.warren@b...> wrote:
> Hi Ainae (and Soledad as well, I think?)
> The combined story is now up. Here's a rehash of the nomination with
> the new information:

Thank you, Liz! I've corrected the Romance list accordingly. :))


Msg# 337

Marta's Nomination: Cor Lanaam Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 15:33:10 Topic ID# 337
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Small Soldiers
*Story Author: Cori Lannam
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR (pre-LotR but tied to that book)
Suggested Subcategory: Gondor

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): mature themes (characters
dealing with death)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Faramir wants
to see his mother one last time.

Msg# 338

nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis Posted by shiekdesigner May 03, 2004 - 15:54:43 Topic ID# 338
Good night! (At least where I live...) I'm nominating the Theis

Here is the permission given to me by each writer:
M. N. Theis wrote: "Sure, you may. I'd be honored. Thanks for
thinking of me!"
E. M. Theis wrote: "Thanks for the e-mail! I'd be honored if you
would nominate me for the awards :-) Thank you so much!"

Here are the stories:

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: Perchance To Dream

*Story Author: M. N. Theis

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama/Horror/Mystery
2nd: Men
3rd: post-LOTR

*Rating: Again, I don't know how to rate. I think it's R.

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): if R stands for warning
of graphic descriptions of wounds and such, violence, adult themes
and *much* angst, then R it is.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the
War of the Ring, a bitter conflict with the Easterlings leaves
Legolas in terrible danger and all of Gondor on the brink of

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: The Endless Knot

*Story Author: E. M. Theis

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Drama/Horror/Mystery
3rd: post-LOTR

*Rating: R?

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence, much angst.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Shortly
after the Ring is destroyed, a group of warriors travels to eliminate
the remnants of Mordor's forces at the citadel of Minas Morgul.
by Éomer, the newly crowned King of the Mark, and by Faramir,
of Gondor, the warriors find more at the Moontower than any expected.
The simple mission turns out to be the trial of Faramir's life,
the attack on Minas Morgul becomes a struggle to simply survive.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas

*Story Title: Of One to Me

*Story Author: M. N & E. M. Theis

*Author's E-mail Address: M. N.'s: E. M.'s:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves/Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings

Sub-category: Alternative Universe.

*Rating: mmm...R? Can anyone post what are the ratings their
definitions? I'm not from the US so I don't know.

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence, graphic
descriptions of wounds, much angst.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A fall in
Moria sets Legolas and Boromir on a different and very dangerous
road. AU.

Msg# 339

Hello all Posted by sos8n May 03, 2004 - 16:29:43 Topic ID# 339
well it said on the welcome txt to introduce myself so here goes..

I love lord of the rings orcs in particular. I've read the sil and
unfinished tales but i still need to get my hands on the history of
middle earth.
I used to do a bit of RPing on some message boards.. but I've kinda
taken to lurking. I like reading fanficiton espicialy the funny ones
and maybe one day i will get around to writing something of my own.

is there anywhere that shows all the stories that have been
nominated so far?


Msg# 340

Re: nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 16:34:45 Topic ID# 338
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shiekdesigner []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 3:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis
> Good night! (At least where I live...) I'm nominating the
> Theis sisters!

> ____________________________________
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> *Story Title: Of One to Me
> *Story Author: M. N & E. M. Theis
> *Author's E-mail Address: M. N.'s: E. M.'s:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Elves/Men

Thanks. N.S. But I's very importan that we only get 1 category per choice
here. This either has to be Elves or Men. You or the authors need to pick
one category. You and/or they can have second and third choices, but we ned
a decision.


Msg# 341

Re: Hello all Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 16:44:10 Topic ID# 339
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sos8n []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 4:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Hello all
> well it said on the welcome txt to introduce myself so here goes..
> I love lord of the rings orcs in particular. I've read the
> sil and unfinished tales but i still need to get my hands on
> the history of middle earth.
> I used to do a bit of RPing on some message boards.. but I've
> kinda taken to lurking. I like reading fanficiton espicialy
> the funny ones and maybe one day i will get around to writing
> something of my own.

Hi, Grubby! Welcome to the list!
> is there anywhere that shows all the stories that have been
> nominated so far?

Nothing 100% yet. We're working on it, but things get posted a lot faster
than we can keep them up to date. There are two main places to look. The
one on the Yahoo site is mostly likely to be the most up-to-date.

There is a 2004 Nominations table in the Databases section of the Yahoo
site. And there is a 2004 Nominations page on our web-site, that I update
weekly (if not more often) mainly from the table in the Databases area.

Don't worry if you nominate something someone already has. We only need
one, so we'll just move on to your next nomination.

There is a nomination form in the Files section/Forms and Ballots folder on
the yahoo site. Just pcaste that into a post to the group and fill it out.
You can post as many as 5 nominations per post.

Get comfy and have a look around. And buckle-up, this group is pretty posty!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 342

Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 16:49:07 Topic ID# 342
I'm just pulling this off the top of my head, so it's very basic:

G: family oriented. Anyone can read it. Nothing objectionable
PG: mild. May not be suitable for young children, but nothing terribly
objectionable. Your average story.
PG-13: Getting up there. Might have more violence or harsher scenes. Not
suitable for young children
R: Adult but not XXX or NC-17. This is where your average adventure movie
tends to go. There might be a sex scene but it's not graphic. Or there
might be a lot of violence or harsh language.

NC-17: full-on erotica. We don't go here. Not allowedfor nominations.

I hope that helps.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 343

Marta's nomination: AngelsFall Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 16:49:30 Topic ID# 343
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Safe Journey, Brother
*Story Author: AngelsFall
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): graphic portrayal of violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): When a twist
of fate leaves Eomer horribly wounded, friends and family gather to
support him and each other in a time of need. AU, angst as well as
action; features Eomer, Lothliriel, Elfwine, Eowyn + assorted friends.
PG-13 for some violence.

Msg# 344

Re: File - welcome Posted by May 03, 2004 - 16:56:29 Topic ID# 344

I just joined, but I might not have enough time to do any voting. I just wanted to pop in to let everyone know I'm here.


"The least you could have said is, 'thanks'." - - Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker, III in Conginator
"That still only counts as one!" - - Gimli to Legolas in "Return of the King"
"We're goin' to see good people and eat peaches!" - - John Wylie Joiner 1917-2004

Msg# 345

Re: nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis Posted by shiekdesigner May 03, 2004 - 17:31:49 Topic ID# 338
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: shiekdesigner [mailto:shunit1@n...]
> > Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 3:55 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis
> >
> > Good night! (At least where I live...) I'm nominating the
> > Theis sisters!
> > ____________________________________
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> >
> > *Story Title: Of One to Me
> >
> > *Story Author: M. N & E. M. Theis
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: M. N.'s: mntheis@r... E. M.'s:
> > epie@r...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: Elves/Men
> Thanks. N.S. But I's very importan that we only get 1 category per
> here. This either has to be Elves or Men. You or the authors need
to pick
> one category. You and/or they can have second and third choices,
but we ned
> a decision.
> Thanks.

Sorry about that. It's just that the chapters are devided equally
between Boromir and Legolas. The story is respectfully both of man
kind and elf kind. I really can't decide properly. I emailed the
writers and as soon as I'll have an answer I'll repost the
nomination. Thank you.

Msg# 346

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by shiekdesigner May 03, 2004 - 17:34:39 Topic ID# 342
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I'm just pulling this off the top of my head, so it's very basic:
> G: family oriented. Anyone can read it. Nothing objectionable
> PG: mild. May not be suitable for young children, but nothing
> objectionable. Your average story.
> PG-13: Getting up there. Might have more violence or harsher
scenes. Not
> suitable for young children
> R: Adult but not XXX or NC-17. This is where your average
adventure movie
> tends to go. There might be a sex scene but it's not graphic. Or
> might be a lot of violence or harsh language.
> NC-17: full-on erotica. We don't go here. Not allowedfor
> I hope that helps.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Thank you for clarifying it. I saved it for future reference.
According to this I was right when I rated the stories by M. N. Theis
and M. E. Theis R, I believe. Really aren't meant for children. More
like a horror/psychological thriller flick.

Msg# 347

OT: Hello, All Posted by ladyhawksshadow May 03, 2004 - 20:02:56 Topic ID# 347
Hey, all. I just joined and thought I'd poke up my head and say hi.
*ducks back to her books*


Msg# 348

changing status of WIPs Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 03, 2004 - 20:16:27 Topic ID# 348
A question:

What becomes of a story nominated as a WIP that is completed during the Reading Season? Does is run as Completed?


"I have loved justice, and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile."
~ Pope Gregory VII

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 349

Hi, sos8n and ladyhawkshadow Posted by Chathol-linn May 03, 2004 - 20:26:59 Topic ID# 349
Hello, sos8n and ladyhawkshadow. I am an ordinary MEFA member, not a
site administrator or anything. I just wanted to say hello and welcome
to this brand new Tolkien site. It's off to a great start, with lots of
good pieces of writing being nominated. This will be a lot of fun.
Regards - Chathol-linn

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 350

Re: File - welcome Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 21:08:26 Topic ID# 344
--- In, Bbatmyte@a... wrote:
> Hello,
> I just joined, but I might not have enough time to do any voting. I
just wanted to pop in to let everyone know I'm here.
> Sondra

*Sondra*!!! ***Marta waves*** Glad to see you around. If you don't
have time to vote, that's cool, just do what you feel like you can.


Msg# 351

Re: File - welcome Posted by ~kelly~ May 03, 2004 - 21:15:39 Topic ID# 344

I'm new to the group toooooo!

*flutters eyelashes*



"I stand by the porch, the broom is almost bare of flowers, and as I watch, a jaundiced bloom flutters off the bush, and sustained by the light breeze, charts a hazy course before coming to rest beside me. I pick it up and somehow I know, as I finger the jaded petals, that summer is an end." --Craig Parker

YAHOO IM: Bloody_Adorable

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 352

Re: File - welcome Posted by Laura May 03, 2004 - 21:21:03 Topic ID# 344
Kelly! Hiii!!!
New here too, haven't posted an intro yet, so will do a quick one
(cause I never know what to say in these). I'm Laura, 19 and in
Canada (BC). Love LOTR and looking forward to meeting everyone here
(seems a nice, friendly group!) and probably getting to see a lot of
great fics that are nominated!

--- ~kelly~ <> wrote:



I'm new to the group toooooo!

*flutters eyelashes*



"You know, when you talk like this your obvious deficiencies as a male are less obvious." -Futurama

Working Blue (LOTR Slash):
Darker Shades of Blue (LOTR FPS):
Urban Myths (Karl Urban Slash):
Raw Truths (Honest FB for writers):

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

Msg# 353

Re: File - welcome Posted by Marta May 03, 2004 - 21:26:10 Topic ID# 344
Kelly, Laura, Hawk-

Wonderful to see all of you. It's nice to see so many familiar names
joining up today. I'm pressed for time so I won't say more... now, at
least (cue spooky, Transylvania-style music.)

Enjoy all the fics; there have been some great ones mentioned.


Msg# 354

Re: File - welcome Posted by ~kelly~ May 03, 2004 - 21:27:27 Topic ID# 344
OMG HI! Another place to be insane at?

Okay, intro. I'm Kelly, I have no idea how old i am. Probably about 28, seeing as how I know I'm older than Laura. I currently live in NY, but desperately want my tropical weather back. O! Shall I ever get to make my big move and live in either Oz or the great land of Kiwi's? YES! I WILL DARNIT!

Ummmmmmmm....I'm an author! I'm proud of that accomplishment!

That's about it, I guess. Can't wait to see what's goin' on here!


Laura <> wrote:
Kelly! Hiii!!!
New here too, haven't posted an intro yet, so will do a quick one
(cause I never know what to say in these). I'm Laura, 19 and in
Canada (BC). Love LOTR and looking forward to meeting everyone here
(seems a nice, friendly group!) and probably getting to see a lot of
great fics that are nominated!

--- ~kelly~ <> wrote:



I'm new to the group toooooo!

*flutters eyelashes*



"You know, when you talk like this your obvious deficiencies as a male are less obvious." -Futurama

Working Blue (LOTR Slash):
Darker Shades of Blue (LOTR FPS):
Urban Myths (Karl Urban Slash):
Raw Truths (Honest FB for writers):

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

"I stand by the porch, the broom is almost bare of flowers, and as I watch, a jaundiced bloom flutters off the bush, and sustained by the light breeze, charts a hazy course before coming to rest beside me. I pick it up and somehow I know, as I finger the jaded petals, that summer is an end." --Craig Parker

YAHOO IM: Bloody_Adorable

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 355

Re: File - welcome Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 21:59:07 Topic ID# 344
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 4:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: File - welcome
> Hello,
> I just joined, but I might not have enough time to do any
> voting. I just wanted to pop in to let everyone know I'm here.
> Sondra

Hi! That's fine as Voting isn't for some time yet. Right now we're at
Nomination Season. You can nominate stories if you have time or just sit
back and watch the action.

Glad to have you here!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 356

Re: File - welcome Posted by May 03, 2004 - 22:05:19 Topic ID# 344
In a message dated 5/3/2004 9:09:35 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> *Sondra*!!! ***Marta waves*** Glad to see you around. If you don't
> have time to vote, that's cool, just do what you feel like you can.
> Cheers,
> Marta

Yup, I'm here. And I'm still adding more to my story as I type, along with
working full time, and school. I also got bit bad by another gremlin <sigh>.
They just won't leave me alone!


"The least you could have said is, 'thanks'." - - Commander Charles "Trip"
Tucker, III in Conginator
"That still only counts as one!" - - Gimli to Legolas in "Return of the King"
"We're goin' to see good people and eat peaches!" - - John Wylie Joiner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 357

Re: changing status of WIPs Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 03, 2004 - 22:05:33 Topic ID# 348
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 8:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] changing status of WIPs
> A question:
> What becomes of a story nominated as a WIP that is completed
> during the Reading Season? Does is run as Completed?

Good question. Kind of mind-warping, isn't it? Gee, I don't know. Um,
yeah, I guess it should. But if it does, let's say we have to put out a
notice here on the list so that if people read it uncompleted, they'll know
to go back and read the rest of it before Voting Season.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 358

Story nomination Posted by jilba25au May 03, 2004 - 22:42:46 Topic ID# 358
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Lord of the House of the Golden Flower

*Story Author:Jilian Baade (Me)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Gondolin


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Mild reference to sexual

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):Glorfindel/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):The story of
Glorfindel and his Sindarin Wife, and how they are reunited in the
second age.


Msg# 359

Story nomination Posted by jilba25au May 03, 2004 - 22:51:32 Topic ID# 358
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Too Late

*Story Author:Jillian Baade (me)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):The War of Wrath


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Nothing very nasty in it.

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Finarfin
reflects on his life.


Msg# 360

Today's new members! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 0:58:34 Topic ID# 360
All these folks joined today (May 3, 2004):

Mary A
Wow! Hello to all of you and sorry if I missed anyone! Oh, and jonosrfan
joined just after midnight! Welcome to you as well!
Make yourselves at home! And let us know if you can help out by
volunteering to be a vote counter this fall or drawing/making award banner
graphics for the art contest (winners will be the banners for the fanfic
Check out the polls and the website:
And, of course, nominate stories!

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 361

Re: Hi, sos8n and ladyhawkshadow Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 0:59:43 Topic ID# 349
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chathol-linn []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 8:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Hi, sos8n and ladyhawkshadow
> Hello, sos8n and ladyhawkshadow. I am an ordinary MEFA
> member, not a site administrator or anything. I just wanted
> to say hello and welcome to this brand new Tolkien site. It's
> off to a great start, with lots of good pieces of writing
> being nominated. This will be a lot of fun.
> Regards - Chathol-linn

Aw, don't sell yourself short, Chathol-linn. You have an official title:
Promotion Representative! :-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 362

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 1:00:42 Topic ID# 342
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shiekdesigner []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 5:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Ratings a really really basic guide.
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm just pulling this off the top of my head, so it's very basic:
> >
> Thank you for clarifying it. I saved it for future reference.
> According to this I was right when I rated the stories by M.
> N. Theis and M. E. Theis R, I believe. Really aren't meant
> for children. More like a horror/psychological thriller flick.

You're welcome. From the description, it certainly sounded like R. Yep,
just let me know what the sisters want for a category and we'll get it


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 363

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 04, 2004 - 4:19:01 Topic ID# 199
I have this author's permission to nominate this fic.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:A Veiled Light

*Story Author:Andreth

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Second Age, pre Last Alliance


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some sex scenes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):A Maia is
sent to M-E in the guise of a mortal woman, and has trouble
understanding her task.


Msg# 364

Re: Today's new members! Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 04, 2004 - 6:34:57 Topic ID# 360
Hi, Marnie!!! I hoped you'd show up here!
Gil sila erin lu e-govaded vin!

~: Coriel :~

"I have loved justice, and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile."
~ Pope Gregory VII
----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:59 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Today's new members!

All these folks joined today (May 3, 2004):

Mary A
Wow! Hello to all of you and sorry if I missed anyone! Oh, and jonosrfan
joined just after midnight! Welcome to you as well!
Make yourselves at home! And let us know if you can help out by
volunteering to be a vote counter this fall or drawing/making award banner
graphics for the art contest (winners will be the banners for the fanfic
Check out the polls and the website:
And, of course, nominate stories!

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 365

Story nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 9:04:57 Topic ID# 365
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Strange Vessels
*Story Author: Elvenesse
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL: &
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble, challenge
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas' thoughts on what the stones had to say in Hollin.
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Strange to Us
*Story Author: Elana
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL: &
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble, challenge
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas' thoughts on what the stones had to say in Hollin.
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Longing
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL: &&
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble, challenge
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas's thoughts based on the quote from the FotR: "But the Elves of this
land were of a race strange to us of the silvan folk, and the trees and the
grass do not now remember them. Only I hear the stones lament them: deep
they delved us, fair they wrought us, high they builded us; but they are
gone. They are gone. They sought the Havens long ago."
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Gasting's Night
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL: &&
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Horror
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Challenge
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
I present you with a Harrowdale Halloween. Háma learns the meaning of some
old tales...
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Spartan Letters
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-WotR, Gondor
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Some have questioned why Denethor's spirit was broken so swiftly when
Faramir was brought back wounded from the route of the Pelennor.

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 366

Re: Nomination Posted by ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 10:12:17 Topic ID# 199
--- In, "jilba25au" <jilba25@h...> wrote:
> I have this author's permission to nominate this fic.

Please forward that permission to Thanks.

> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Jillian
> *Story Title:A Veiled Light
> *Story Author:Andreth
> *Author's E-mail Address: tawmt@n...

scanning for viruses this morning. I hope you all are, too!

Msg# 367

Re: Nomination Posted by Marta May 04, 2004 - 10:18:25 Topic ID# 199
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Jillian
> *Story Title:A Veiled Light


Was this ever finished? The last I heard it was still a WIP. Not that
those can't be nominated, but I think Ainae needs a note of that?


Msg# 368

Re: Nominations: Public or Private. Discussion needed. Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 10:38:13 Topic ID# 142
But what if you aren't nominated? Or what if you force your mother to
nominate you -- just on the wild hope that people will read your
story and actually like it and suddenly you'll achieve the respect of
your peers -- and then your story gets into the pool and gets a total
of 6 words (all from close friends and family members). How

My experience has been that, typically, very good writers advocate
complete transparency in these kinds of competitions. Those folks
don't have anything to worry about; no one is going to inadvertently
hurt them.

I will say right here that one of my stories was nominated for a
popularity-contest sort of award, and the results were tracked real-
time and publicly. It was somwhat painful, and I submit manuscripts
to editors all the time, so my skin is fairly thick.

Just my opinion/experience.


--- In, "Stella" <lasselanta02@y...> wrote:
> Well not really, just being nominated should make people feel good
> already. All of what is being nominated is already out there in a
> public forum as the rules state, and is open for praise or critique
> through those venues.
> Stella

Msg# 369

Re: Categorizers: Are you ready? Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 10:50:32 Topic ID# 176
Sounds faboo. Anna, you need any help with the overwhelming number if
Silmfics, just let me know ;)

Shall get my, um, table put together tonight. Sorry I'm behind, as


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Viv: Humor, Adventure, Drama
> Soledad: Romance, Horror, Mystery
> Andreth/Anna: Crossovers, The Silm, and LOTR

Msg# 370

Re: Nominations: Public or Private. Discussion needed. Posted by sulriel May 04, 2004 - 11:03:31 Topic ID# 142
I'll second this.

Consider the days before answering machines. I remember being newly
divorced and coming home after being gone for three days to NO
messages. I was *really* alone for the first time in my life and it
was a heartstopping reminder that no one had thought about me being
home alone and lonely. Webcounters on our fics are the same.
Without a counter, you don't really know. But when you SSPs over the
internet and get a grand total of 6 hits, it is a sinking
feeling. ... what if you get 120 hits and not one single comment....
does that mean that no one at all liked it?

Now before anyone starts a pity-party, let me say that I am somewhat
thick skinned. I've stood in front of a city council meeting in a
full room (100+ people) and explained to the city manager that I
didn't appreciate him telling the state rep that I was leading a
bunch of crazy rabble-rousers when I had put a full stop to plans
such as dumping bags of garbage on his front lawn.

-none of which has anything to do with fics except to say that even
from my perspective I understand how damaging a 'no comment' can be
to a fragile writer ... and I don't think any of us are so tough
that we don't understand that at least a flame or a ripping critique
means that someone cared enough to read it.

I don't really have an opinion as to the nominations being public or
not, but please don't pretend that people are going to be all warm
and fuzzy about being nominated and getting a minimal response.

--- In, "Viv" <spacellamaprincess@y...>
rote:> But what if you aren't nominated? Or what if you force
yourmother to > nominate you -- just on the wild hope that people
will read your > story and actually like it and suddenly you'll
achieve the respect of > your peers -- and then your story gets into
the pool and gets a total > of 6 words (all from close friends and
family members). How > humiliating.
> My experience has been that, typically, very good writers advocate
complete transparency in these kinds of competitions. Those folks >
don't have anything to worry about; no one is going to inadvertently
> hurt them.
> I will say right here that one of my stories was nominated for a >
popularity-contest sort of award, and the results were tracked real->
time and publicly. It was somwhat painful, and I submit manuscripts >
to editors all the time, so my skin is fairly thick.
> Just my opinion/experience.
> viv
> --- In, "Stella" <lasselanta02@y...>
wrote:> > Well not really, just being nominated should make people
feel good > > already. All of what is being nominated is already out
there in a > > public forum as the rules state, and is open for
praise or critique > > through those venues.
> > > > Stella

Msg# 371

Espresso Addicts Noms: Alawa Posted by tavia0 May 04, 2004 - 12:11:16 Topic ID# 371
*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: The Jewel in the Crown

*Story Author: Alawa

*Author's E-mail Address: [group already has]

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Humour
2nd: Men
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor, OC

*Rating: G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
The Crown of Eärnur receives a final polish on the morning Aragorn
becomes King

Msg# 372

Re: Espresso Addict's noms: Teasel Posted by tavia0 May 04, 2004 - 12:17:52 Topic ID# 324
Resending in case these got lost...
--- In, "tavia0" <the_espresso_addict@f...>
> *Nominator's name: Espresso Addict
> *Story Title: On Gorgoroth Plain
> *Story Author: Teasel
> *Author's E-mail Address: Brumblepop@a...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: LotR
> 2nd: Hobbits
> 3rd: Drama
> Subcategory (suggest something): vignette
> *Rating: G
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Other things live in Mordor besides orcs. Frodo and Sam encounter
> such creature on their journey.
> ******************************************************************
> *Nominator's name: Espresso Addict
> *Story Title: How Quickbeam Got His Name
> *Story Author: Teasel
> *Author's E-mail Address: Brumblepop@a...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Romance
> 2nd: Humour
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): Ents, other races, vignette,
> drabble, slash
> *Rating: PG-13 (tho' note the drabbles page contains other works up
> to R in rating)
> Reason for rating: adult implications
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Quickbeam/Treebeard
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> How Quickbeam got his name. Drabble. (No author provided summary.)

Msg# 373

Re: Nomination Posted by Andreth/Anna May 04, 2004 - 12:35:35 Topic ID# 199
I sent a permission statement to the admin email. Marta, thank you
for catching that - yes, it is still a WIP. I was going to ask that
it be put under the Silmarillion category instead of Elves, which
would make it fall under one of my assigned categories. Ainae, I hope
that doesn't cause a conflict of interests? (And thank you again,
Jillian, for nominating the story. Very kind of you.)

And while I'm here, a quick belated hello to all on the list,
especially to those whose names I recognize but have not seen since
I've been out of the loop the last month or so.

Viv, my dear, I think I might have to take you up on that offer to
help with the Silm category. Thanks for looking out for me. ;-D


--- In, "Marta" <MartaL0712@n...> wrote:
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name:Jillian
> >
> > *Story Title:A Veiled Light
> >
> Jillian-
> Was this ever finished? The last I heard it was still a WIP. Not
> those can't be nominated, but I think Ainae needs a note of that?
> Cheers,
> Marta

Msg# 374

Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re: Nominations: Public or Private Posted by ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 12:44:37 Topic ID# 142
(Disclaimer: the "you" in this post, is a general "you", not anyone
in particular.)

Remember that I am not coming up with this out of the blue. I am
basing it off of a tried-and-true awards program that has been going
on over at alt.startrek.creative for at least 8 years. (My first dose
of it was 1996, but I think it started in 1995).

Now, I am not telling anyone how to feel about being nominated or
about getting comments or not getting comments. Firstly, I can't
predict the future to know if they will or will not get comments, and
secondly, no one can *make* anyone feel good or bad. That is a
choice on the part if the feeler.

What I can say is that the nominations are public because that is the
nature of these awards. The nominations are open and unlimited. The
reader/voting pool is open and unlimited. The process is open and
not subjected to the likes or dislikes of any one person or group of
people other than the voters. Dwim put it best. Find her post on
this discussion. It's what finally prompted me not to hem and haw
about making the nominations public. It's a public awards program.
Even the archives here are public. Anyone can come to Yahoo and read
them without joining the group. They just can't participate without
membership, and that is mainly to keep down vote-stacking and to
borrow Yahoo's technology so I don't have to become a programmer and
figure it out on my own.

I can tell you what these awards are NOT.

They are not a popularity contest. Though selfish individuals could
make it so, which is why I have made rules that are quite harsh. If
anyone is found to be signing up two memberships to vote-stack, or
encouraging members to join ONLY to vote on their stories
(encouraging members to join is fine, but it should be for the whole
awards, not just for your own stories), there is no warning, no trial
by jury, just instant disqualification of votes, stories, and/or
authors, depening on exactly how that rule was transgressed. (That
is in the FAQ). People shouldn't vote on their friend's story just
because they are friends. Vote on a story because the story
deservers the vote. Remember also that votes can be weighted. Like a
story a lot? Write a lot. Like it but not as much as the one you
liked a lot? Write less.

They are not a forum for negative reviews. Negative reviews are
counterproductive. If you leave a 100 character negative review, we
only count the characters. So it counts the same as a 100 character
positive review. The story you hate could win. If you don't like a
story, don't write anything.

They are not a forum for constructive criticism either, for the same
reason. If you need to "constructively criticize" for 4000
characters, that is the same as raving on and on about a wonderful
story. The story that needed "construction" might win. If you thought
a story was good but still needed work: make a short-comment vote,
perhaps, but leave the constructive stuff to a private e-mail to the
author--outside of the awards.

They are not a forum for ego-boos. Yes, you will most likely get
feedback. And yes, this does boost your ego. However, if you feel
will be hurt if you get no feedback or not as much as the next
person, you should consider carefully whether you want your stories
to participate. This is why we ask for Author Approval. No story
goes into these awards without it.

So what are the Awards for?

They are primarily for encouragement.

Encouragement of reading. There are presently 95 members, and that
number has grown quickly since Nomination Season opened. That number
will likely go up as authors are nominated and decide to
participate. Maybe 90 of those members haven't heard of your story
because it was at HASA and they've never been to HASA. But maybe now
they see it nominated. Now you potentially have 90 new readers.

Encouragement of feedback. That's the basis of the awards. The only
voting method is feedback. Feedback in the form of review or
recommendation. And since negative feedback is counter-productive,
the most likely outcome is positive.

Encouragement of writing. In my book (your mileage may vary) any
positive feedback is encouraging. Admittedly, the juicy, meaty
feedback is more encouragement than "I loved it!". And getting
recognition is encouraging, whether by being nominated by someone
else or winning the award. And when I am encouraged, my imagination
tends to work better.

(At a.s.c. there were no nominations because there was a built-in
pool of stories--those posted to a.s.c during the year). We must
build the pool, and we do that through open, unlimited nominations.)

Encouragement of participation. As the first three days of
Nomination Season has shown, getting nominated is encouraging many to
become members, increasing the reader/voter pool.

These awards are not meant to engender negative feelings. They can't
promise positive ones though. Have I been discouraged when my
stories didn't win at a.s.c. Yeah, somewhat. This year especially.
I started feeling like a has-been. Then Meghan sent her votes to me
one day too late. At first, it was worse than not having her votes.
I was obsessed with "would I have won if those were counted?" Yes in
one aspect: 3rd for Best MIS Combined). No, still, for Overall
Author. Sigh. But then I actually read the votes, word for word,
and her praise meant more to me than the awards. I posted those to
votes here to show how someone can vote for a story and vote for an
author without repeating the vote. She said "Oswiecim" never lets
her go. That--THAT--means more to me than money! Some awful hacks
get paid for writing pro-fiction, and some wonderful writers never
get a cent for writing fanfiction. But if I got "I learned more
about the Holocaust for reading your story," I felt I could die a
satisfied writer. Even if only one person said it. (Several did.)
So I didn't get an award. I still have that satisfaction, that
achievement. I wrote a story, a sci-fi/historical Star Trek
fanfiction story, that actually changed lives. It just wasn't this
years' story.

Sorry, I think I got off a tangent there.

I can't guarantee every single story will get a vote. The broader
our pool or reader/voters, the more likely that will be. A.s.c.
doesn't offer a Reading Season because they have the whole year to
read the built-in pool of stories as they are posted. We have 30,000
stores at alone! We need time to read some of them.
We will get nearly two months. Heck, you can start now. See a story
nominated (check the website nominations if you want to know for sure
it's in. I only post there once the author's permission is in: I believe) that
you haven't read? Follow the link. Try it out. If it interests you,
keep reading. Go ahead and write your comment (just don't post it
until Voting season). You can read and vote on a hundred stories
between now and Voting Season. Some long, some short. If all of our
95 members did that (and remember they've all already read some),
that alone would be a possible 9500 stories voted on.

If anyone is worried they won't get nominated at all, don't. Nominate
your own stories. Check the first four nominations to this list. I
nominated all four of my own stories. If the *Founder* can do it, no
one else should worry that it would look bad or SSP-like. It's no
different than posting your Trek story to alt.startrek.creative. It
just goes into the pool. Nominations here are not weighted. It won't
matter any more if all 95 members wanted to nominate your story or if
you did yourself. Only one nomination per story goes in. All
stories are equal in that respect.

One of my LOTR stories had a few readers when it was first posted. It
has only 5 reviews on to this day. I'll bet most of you
haven't read it. It got rejected 5-4 at HASA. I nominated it
anyway. I might just get 95 new people to read it! And I might get
5 more people to comment on it. I might, who knows!, win an award for
it. Or I might not.

In the LOTR fandom ocean, I am a minnow. (In DS9, I *was* a whale
shark.) I'm certainly not the best known author out there. I can
name a few names that I, in my insecurity, am sure will get more
votes than me. But then, we don't know exactly what the reader/voter
pool looks like. We're not all HASA. We're not all Some of
us have never been to Stories of Arda. Some are members of
YahooGroups and lists I've never heard of before now. That's great!
We may have fans here that just haven't discovered us yet!

So, I suppose my point in all of this is this: Give it a try. Stick
it out. This is the first time something like this has been done in
LOTR fic, as far as I know. But it has been done at a.s.c. If you
just don't think you can take the potential of no votes along with
the potential of many and anywhere in between, don't approve your
stories for nomination. But maybe still stick around. Be a
reader/voter/observer. See how it turns out this year. If this
works here and now, there will be MEFAs for 2005. And any story not
nominated this year (and still publicly posted, yadda yadda yadda)
will be eligible. You might nominate those same stories you said no
to this year.

And remember there are many reasons why any one story may not get a
vote. I hold up my infamous spreadsheet as an example. I can't tell
you how many stories I have read. I can't even promise I'll remember
all of them (consequences of stress) when the time comes to vote.
But I can tell you that, as of April 26, there are 612 unfinished
stories that looked interesting enough to me (mainly LOTR, ENT, DS9,
CSI) to keep up with their chapter updates. There are 279 completed
LOTR stories (ranging from 1 chapter to 35) that I am interested in
reading but haven't gotten to yet. Some of them have been nominated.

The main factor of getting no votes is simply that no one got around
to reading your story. I've 7 stories or so behind in reading
Cassia's stuff. I really enjoy those stories, but still haven't
managed to read 7 of them that are complete! We, as reader/voters, do
not need to read every nominated story. And that could be a factor,

I won't read slash. So I won't vote for slash. If you're a slash
writer and your story is up, you can count on it right now, you'll
get no vote from me. But you might get votes from people who read
and like slash. I'm only going to read nominated stories that I'm
interested in by the summary. And then, if I have time, I might pick
up some more that were vaguely intriguing just to see if they are
good, too. Some of you out there might find my stories only vaguely
intriguing...or not at all. Maybe you just despise Legolas. No skin
off my nose. I know there are people that do.

Read the vote tips document in the Files section. I reccommend that
anyone only read stories that interest them. So you may not get all
95 members reading and voting for your story, just as you may not
read and vote on all the other stories nominated.

And then yes, there is the risk that, gulp, your story just isn't as
good as you think it is. That may be why my story got rejected by 5
reviewers at HASA. Or it may not. That is a risk. Maybe the
stories I've written after Oswiecim just aren't as good. Well, since
I consider it the masterpiece of my repertoire, I apparently think
that, too. But I've got a different brain now. I can't just wallow
in my yesterdays. I try my best with the brain I've got, and it just
might be that it's not good enough.

I'm the Founder of these awards and I might walk out of here with no
votes. It could happen. I know of at least half a dozen people who
read my lastest Trek story and didn't vote on it. Some may have
thought it wasn't good enough. That's why I didn't vote for two
friends' stories. Some may have been hurt that I didn't vote for
them, but I hope they're more mature than that. I do know that one
was homeless and didn't have a lot of access to the computer. That,
too, is a factor. RL gets in the way sometimes.

Our stories are a part of us. I know this. I feel it strongly. I had
60 pages of a story disappear after a computer error once. I cried.
It ripped a piece out of me. (I prayed, rebooted, and got it back,
thankfully!). Writing to me is magic, as close to God as a human can
get. Because we also are creators. We bring worlds to life. We
bring people to life. We can take what's going on in our imagination
and place it in someone else's imagination. That's amazing! It's

And it hurts when we feel these pieces are ignored or not
appreciated. It does. But it also feels absolutely wonderful when
they are noticed and loved. The whole range of possibilities exist.
But if we want them to be secure, to not be rejected, we can only
keep those stories to ourselves. Posting them out here, sharing, is a
risk. Our cup of tea may not be the other person's taste. But there
is the same risk that it will be accepted and loved.

These awards hold the same risk.

I'm only familiar with one other LOTR fanfic contest: The Mithrils.
And I don't hold out any hope of winning an award there (though I do
still hope I might at least get nominated without having to nominate
myself). I wrote four short stories. Against such bohemoth as
others write, how could my little drips in the ocean be remembered?
Well, here I have some hope. I can nominate them myself with no
weight on or off that nomination. They're in. Maybe someone will
read them. Maybe they'll be voted on. And there is the risk that I
might just get enough small votes to win, or I might get four 10-
pointers and win that way. Or I might fall somewhere in the middle.

It's a risk. But it's a risk I'm willing to take. I risk it every
year with a.s.c (except 2001, when alas, I had no story posted).
That's why I created these awards. Anyone who approves their story
being nominated can be eligible here and have just as much a chance
as I have.

I hope you'll take the risk. I can't guarantee you a vote. I can't
guarantee you'll be happy. But you just might.

Alright. I need to go back to pretending to be at work. Good thing my
supervisor is away at lunch.


Msg# 375

LariEn's Nominations Posted by Larien May 04, 2004 - 13:01:51 Topic ID# 375
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse

*Story Title: Adennin

*Story Author: Larien Elengasse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: Lord of the Rings

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NC-17, Explicit
sexual content, m/m slash.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) Glorfindel/Thranduil

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Glorfindel
is sent to spend some time in Mirkwood and Thranduil plans a special
surprise on his re-birth day.

*Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse

*Story Title: Hênen

*Story Author: Larien Elengasse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: Silmarillion

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): PG-13,
character death, mild violence.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Oropher
thinks about his son.

*Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse

*Story Title: Conjure

*Story Author: RennWench

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
1st: Elves
2nd: Drama/Romance
3rd: Lord of the Rings

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NC-17, Slash.
Pagan ritualistic influences. Tiny bit of RotK spoilers.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) Legolas/???

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): On the night
of Samhain, Legolas pays respect not only to the fallen but to the
one who holds his heart.

Msg# 376

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 13:20:13 Topic ID# 199
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 12:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Nomination
> I sent a permission statement to the admin email. Marta,
> thank you for catching that - yes, it is still a WIP. I was
> going to ask that it be put under the Silmarillion category
> instead of Elves, which would make it fall under one of my
> assigned categories. Ainae, I hope that doesn't cause a
> conflict of interests? (And thank you again, Jillian, for
> nominating the story. Very kind of you.)

Not a problem. I will simply remove my little blue flag ( my system of
sorting what I need to do) and let you have it.

Authors have priority over Nominators when it comes to category, raiting,
summary, etc.

> And while I'm here, a quick belated hello to all on the list,
> especially to those whose names I recognize but have not seen
> since I've been out of the loop the last month or so.

We're glad to have you by when you can be!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 377

A small correction Posted by Soledad May 04, 2004 - 13:23:36 Topic ID# 377
I've just checked the Nomination page on the MEFA site. Looks
impressive already. <g>

Just a small note, Ainae: "Astonishment in Mirkwood" *is* a WIP. It's
marked so in the Database but apparently slipped from your list, the
evil little remark. *shakes head* Not even little things can be
trusted anymore.

off to do some slave labour. :(

Msg# 378

Re: Espresso Addicts Noms: Alawa Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 04, 2004 - 13:34:56 Topic ID# 371
This story is not listed as having been approved, so
could you give me her email address so that I can send
off a request for permission.


--- tavia0 <> wrote:
*Nominator's name: Espresso Addict

*Story Title: The Jewel in the Crown

*Story Author: Alawa

*Author's E-mail Address: [group already has]

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for

*1st: Humour
2nd: Men
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor, OC

*Rating: G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): not romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the
The Crown of Eärnur receives a final polish on the
morning Aragorn
becomes King

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Msg# 379

Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re: Nominations: Public or Private Posted by sulriel May 04, 2004 - 13:39:37 Topic ID# 142
Wow! Can I claim the "you" and have this as a vote?!?

--- In, "ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> (Disclaimer: the "you" in this post, is a general "you", not anyone
> in particular.)
> Remember that I am not coming up with this out of the blue. I am
> basing it off of a tried-and-true awards program that has been
going > on over at alt.startrek.creative for at least 8 years. (My

Msg# 380

Re: A small correction Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 13:41:41 Topic ID# 377
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] A small correction
> I've just checked the Nomination page on the MEFA site. Looks
> impressive already. <g>
> Just a small note, Ainae: "Astonishment in Mirkwood" *is* a
> WIP. It's marked so in the Database but apparently slipped
> from your list, the evil little remark. *shakes head* Not
> even little things can be trusted anymore.

Thanks. I'll get that corrected. What about Frozen Flower, Soledad? That
one is marked as yes? In the WIP column of the Yahoo Database table.

You may see some stories on the website that aren't in the table or some on
the table that aren't on the web site. What is that about?

Well, my impatient nature, I suppose. Some on the Yahoo table don't have
Author Approval's listed in that table. So they aren't one the web site.
And those that are on the web site, but not on the table are not my
categories, but okayed by authors. Just as, for example, Coriel, who has
"all" marked for Approval. I might see them and go ahead an put them up.
The Categorizer assigned to that category will get them on the Yahoo site
table soon.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 381

Re: Espresso Addicts Noms: Alawa Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 13:46:40 Topic ID# 371
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Espresso Addicts Noms: Alawa
> This story is not listed as having been approved, so could
> you give me her email address so that I can send off a
> request for permission.
> Thanks
> Nerwen

I have Alawa down as

Remember authors and author contactors, stories are approved on an
individual basis UNLESS author says they approve of All or Any.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 382

Re: Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re: Nominations: Public or Pri Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 13:46:55 Topic ID# 142
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sulriel []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re:
> Nominations: Public or Private...)
> Wow! Can I claim the "you" and have this as a vote?!?

;-) I have occasionally been said to be "wordy". But, alas, it is not yet
Voting Season!.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 383

Re: LariEn's Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 13:55:15 Topic ID# 375
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larien []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] LariEn's Nominations
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse
> *Story Title: Adennin
> *Story Author: Larien Elengasse
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> 1st: Elves
> 2nd: Romance
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NC-17,
> Explicit sexual content, m/m slash.

Sorry, hon, but we can't take NC-17s. (See the FAQ) Slash is fine, but
nothing higher than R. Your other one is PG-13 though, so that one's fine.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 384

Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re: Nominations: Public or Private Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 14:07:34 Topic ID# 142
Yes, all good. I think we just need to make it clear when we're
getting author permissions that some stories may not fare well and
that nomination on its own is no guarantee of success in this
contest. For some authors, the nomination itself may be reward
enough, but others may be expecting (or hoping for) more.

Thanks for the clarifications. I'm really glad you've done all this
before; it would be overwhelming for folks with no experience!


Msg# 385

Re: permission Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 14:22:32 Topic ID# 208
Got it! But just in case anyone needs to contact me privately, feel


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Oh, you might want also to send this to Viv, since belegcuthalion's
> nomination didn't actually the story title in it.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Msg# 386

Re: A small correction Posted by Soledad May 04, 2004 - 14:28:45 Topic ID# 377
"Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:

> Thanks. I'll get that corrected. What about Frozen Flower,
Soledad? That one is marked as yes? In the WIP column of the Yahoo
Database table.

It *is* a WIP, yes. Will check the data table and add if necessary -
as Rohan isn't my assigned category I neglected to look at it. *ducks
in shame*

> You may see some stories on the website that aren't in the table or
some on the table that aren't on the web site. What is that about?

> Well, my impatient nature, I suppose. Some on the Yahoo table
don't have Author Approval's listed in that table. So they aren't
one the web site.

> And those that are on the web site, but not on the table are not my
> categories, but okayed by authors. Just as, for example, Coriel,
who has "all" marked for Approval. I might see them and go ahead an
put them up.

> The Categorizer assigned to that category will get them on the
Yahoo site table soon.

That's fine, I understand. :)


Msg# 387

Hello, Glad to be here... Posted by ceana33003 May 04, 2004 - 14:32:10 Topic ID# 387
Just me, Ceana checking in. Love being a newbie and I'm very excited
about this group.

This should be great fun!


Msg# 388

Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re: Nominations: Public or Private Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 04, 2004 - 14:35:54 Topic ID# 142
One of my LOTR stories had a few readers when it was first
posted. It has only 5 reviews on to this day.  I'll bet most of
you haven't read it.  It got rejected 5-4 at HASA.  I nominated it
anyway.  I might just get 95 new people to read it!

I have a story I was somewhat too shy to nominate myself, but I
love it, and I know it is good, and I would like to share it with as
many people as possible. You really encourage me! BTW -
where do you still need help?

Msg# 389

New Story Nomination Posted by Stella May 04, 2004 - 14:42:49 Topic ID# 389
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

*Story Author: Erunyauve

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Nazgul


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Violence and dark themes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): The mortal
life of the Witch-King, from his childhood in Numenor to the first
appearance of the Nazgul.

Msg# 390

New Story Nomination Posted by Stella May 04, 2004 - 14:47:39 Topic ID# 389
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title:The Match

*Story Author: Erunyauve

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):elves first age


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Orodreth/Meril

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): Fingon
plays matchmaker to his cousin's shy son with unexpected results.

Msg# 391

New Story Nomination Posted by Stella May 04, 2004 - 14:48:44 Topic ID# 389
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title:Shades of the Immortal

*Story Author: Levade

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):The elves
are long gone, but the land, the land remembers.

Msg# 392

Re: Marta's nomination: AngelsFall Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 04, 2004 - 14:50:11 Topic ID# 343
Question: Is this story the same as the one listed in
the database with the author listed as AngelsQueen?

--- Marta <> wrote:
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Safe Journey, Brother
*Story Author: AngelsFall
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): graphic
portrayal of violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the
vote): When a twist
of fate leaves Eomer horribly wounded, friends and
family gather to
support him and each other in a time of need. AU,
angst as well as
action; features Eomer, Lothliriel, Elfwine, Eowyn +
assorted friends.
PG-13 for some violence.

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Msg# 393

New Story Nomination Posted by Stella May 04, 2004 - 14:53:10 Topic ID# 389
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title:Fearless and Full of Joy

*Story Author: Levade

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something): Valinor


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Before
Imladris, before Gondolin and her white towers, even before the dawn
of the sun and moon, he was but an elfling.

Msg# 395

Correction of story URL: Levade Posted by Stella May 04, 2004 - 15:01:42 Topic ID# 395
The correct URL for story nomination: Fearless and Full of Joy is
Sorry about that.

Msg# 396

New Story Nomination: Tinuviel ylf Maegden Posted by Stella May 04, 2004 - 15:09:00 Topic ID# 396
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Lasse-Lanta (stella)
*Story Title:The Ashes of Twilight

*Story Author: Tinuviel ylf Maegden
*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Angst

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): A tale of
the thoughts of Tinuviel, the quiet, thoughtful whisps of her soul
and pain as she prepares to die.

Msg# 397

Re: Marta's nomination: AngelsFall Posted by Marta May 04, 2004 - 15:54:57 Topic ID# 343
>Question: Is this story the same as the one listed in
>the database with the author listed as AngelsQueen?

My apologies, Nerwen. The author of "Safe Journey, Brother" is
AngelsFall, but I was careless when I added the name to the database and
typed in the name of another author.

I have corrected the database. The correct name is AngelsFall.


"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self Reliance"

Msg# 398

Re: Marta's nomination: AngelsFall Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 04, 2004 - 16:26:35 Topic ID# 343
--- Marta <> wrote:

> My apologies, Nerwen. The author of "Safe Journey,
> Brother" is
> AngelsFall, but I was careless when I added the name
> to the database and
> typed in the name of another author.

> I have corrected the database. The correct name is
> AngelsFall.

Thanks Marta. I thought it was better to check than
to have an incorrect record.


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your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Msg# 399

Re: Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re: Nominations: Public or Pri Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 16:52:52 Topic ID# 142
> -----Original Message-----
> From: beleg1cuthalion []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 2:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Long post from the Founder (WAS: Re:
> Nominations: Public or Private...)
> I have a story I was somewhat too shy to nominate myself, but
> I love it, and I know it is good, and I would like to share
> it with as many people as possible. You really encourage me!
> BTW - where do you still need help?

I still need lots of vote counters for Voting Season. If you canhelp, sign
up on the poll.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 400

Marta's recommendation: Arwen Imladviel Posted by Marta May 04, 2004 - 16:57:59 Topic ID# 400
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Beth Gorthaur Aglar Beleth
*Story Author: Arwen Imladviel
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Silmarillion
Suggested Subcategory: Poetry

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): strong imagery

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A scribe
copying old manuscripts in Minas Anor found this: a poem in Quenya,
titled by a different hand in Sindarin: "The words of Sauron, waning
in glory." Probably not genuine.

Msg# 401

drama/adventure/humor updated to here Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 20:01:50 Topic ID# 401
All righty, everything you've nominated in drama, adventure, or humor
should be on the database here. If you've nominated stuff, please
double-check (I've been known to make mistakes).

Also, I've been noting subcategories for poetry in the category
column, just in case we decide to add an award for that. (Did we ever
resolve that issue?)


Msg# 402

Chathol-linn's nomination Posted by Chathol-linn May 04, 2004 - 20:23:14 Topic ID# 402
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Chathol-linn
*Story Title: Legolas and the Olórë Mallë
*Story Author: Chathol-linn
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Adventure
3rd: LotR

*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some battle scenes
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
An early adventure of Legolas in which he explores Elvish memory,
prophecy, and dreams. Scenes include “Strange Paths,” “Ale by the
Fireside,” and “I Will Drink Your Blood from the Chalice of Your Heart.”

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 403

Re: drama/adventure/humor updated to here Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 20:28:33 Topic ID# 401
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 8:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] drama/adventure/humor updated to here
> All righty, everything you've nominated in drama, adventure,
> or humor should be on the database here. If you've nominated
> stuff, please double-check (I've been known to make mistakes).

Cool. I'll try to get it added to the web site soon as well.

> Also, I've been noting subcategories for poetry in the
> category column, just in case we decide to add an award for
> that. (Did we ever resolve that issue?)

Yes, Poetry is a subcategory.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 404

question about the orcs category Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 20:58:20 Topic ID# 404
Is the Orcs category just for orcs, or could it include other
baddies? For instance, where would tales about Sauron, Nazgul,
balrogs, etc. belong?


Msg# 405

Re: LariEn's Nominations Posted by Larien May 04, 2004 - 21:07:21 Topic ID# 375
Oops... sorry... No problem. I will go and find some other fics to


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Larien [mailto:larienelengasse@y...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:01 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] LariEn's Nominations
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse
> >
> > *Story Title: Adennin
> >
> > *Story Author: Larien Elengasse
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: larienelengasse@y...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > 1st: Elves
> > 2nd: Romance
> > 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> >
> > Subcategory (suggest something):
> >
> > *Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NC-17,
> > Explicit sexual content, m/m slash.
> Sorry, hon, but we can't take NC-17s. (See the FAQ) Slash is fine,
> nothing higher than R. Your other one is PG-13 though, so that
one's fine.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 406

nomination cursed queen Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 21:37:18 Topic ID# 406
Yes, I am aware I'm just making more work for myself. ;)


*Nominator's name: viv
*Story Title: The Cursed Queen of Angmar
*Story Author: KhazarKhum
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Silmarillion
3rd: Numenor
subcat: witchking/sauron/baddies in general ... Note that primary
cateory would change to Orc if Orc category is meant to include all

NOTE: This is a WIP

*Rating: R
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some sexual situations
and adult themes
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Witch-king of Angmar, and wife

*Summary: What if the Witch-King of Angmar had married a Rhudaurian

Msg# 407

nomination: not for pride alone Posted by Viv May 04, 2004 - 21:40:15 Topic ID# 407

*Nominator's name: viv
*Story Title: Not for Pride Alone
*Story Author: Zimraphel
*Author's E-mail:
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Silm
2nd: Drama
3rd: elves

*Rating: PG-13
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some violence
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): NA

*Summary: At Fornost, Glorfindel and Eärnur of Gondor face the Witch
King of Angmar.

Msg# 408

Length of Stories Posted by khazar\_khum May 04, 2004 - 21:43:53 Topic ID# 408
Hello all

This is the Voice of Experience.

There will be a fairly even division between novel-length stories in
all categories, and relatively short ones. There never seems to be a
happy medium.

That said, will we want to divide the categories to reflect this?


Msg# 409

(no subject) Posted by Larien May 04, 2004 - 21:49:36 Topic ID# 409
From the HASA site, I can't figure out how to get to Teanna's email
or the rating for this story. I have read it in its entirety, and it
really is PG-13 at worst.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse

*Story Title: The Kiss

*Story Author: Larien Elengasse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > 1st: Elves
> > 2nd: Romance
> > 3rd: Silmarillion

Subcategory (suggest something):

Pairing: Glorfindel/Ecthelion

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): R, implied
sexual content, m/m slash.

*Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse

*Story Title: The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts

*Story Author: Teanna

*Author's E-mail Address: link to contact her on HASA web page

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > 1st: Elves
> > 2nd: Drama
> > 3rd: Lord of the Rings

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): ??? PG-13 at
worst I think.

Msg# 410

Bugger! - Forgot to Title Last Post - Nominations Posted by Larien May 04, 2004 - 22:21:13 Topic ID# 410
Sorry... my brain is imploding. The last post was a nomination form.

Msg# 411

A nomination Posted by Ariel May 04, 2004 - 22:46:47 Topic ID# 402
This is an old fic that was written long before any of these award
programs came about. Figured I would see how it was received.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ariel

*Story Title: The Gift of Iluvatar

*Story Author: Ariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: or

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Time: The Lord of the Rings
2nd: Genres: Drama
3rd: Races & Places: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): Gapfiller

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some medically related
dialog, but nothing graphic

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) Not a romance

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): From the
hobbits' fall at Mt. Doom to Sam's waking in Ithilien... the story
Tolkien only hinted at. What really happened when all the healing
powers of wizards, elves and men were summoned to insure that this was
not the end of all things for the halflings? Sorrow, hope and healing
in a strictly canon gapfiller that captures the flavour of Tolkien's
writing remarkably well.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 412

Re: question about the orcs category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 23:08:00 Topic ID# 404
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 8:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] question about the orcs category
> Is the Orcs category just for orcs, or could it include other
> baddies? For instance, where would tales about Sauron,
> Nazgul, balrogs, etc. belong?

Good question. I didn't really anticipate we'd get enough of them to make a
viable category. In other words, I didn't figure we'd get at least 5 stories
by at least 2 different writers. Same for Maiar and Valar. I suppose the
first place to look is if they fit into one of the Time/Book topic's
categories: The Silm, The Hobbit, or LOTR. I saw those as pretty general
catch-alls. Otherwise, you might look at Genre. Is it horror, or drama,
for instance.

If one of those really doesn't work, I suppose the last resort would be Orcs
as the only resident bad guy category under Races and Places.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 413

Re: Length of Stories Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 23:20:40 Topic ID# 408
> -----Original Message-----
> From: khazar_khum []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Length of Stories
> Hello all
> This is the Voice of Experience.
> There will be a fairly even division between novel-length
> stories in all categories, and relatively short ones. There
> never seems to be a happy medium.

I have been marking vignette and short story as subcategory suggestions in
my own nominations and the three categories I record.

> That said, will we want to divide the categories to reflect this?

We *might*. And I leave it at that. In alt.startrek.creative, long and
short compete together. Drabbles, however, usually get their own

*If* we do go with certain subecategories of length (and remember this would
have be obvious from the nomination. There is nothing in that form that
asks how long the story is), any subcategory creeated still has to be
viable: at least five stories by two authors. If a category is large and
can stand to be divided and length looks like a good way to do it, it's
certainly possible.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 414

Re: (unknown) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 04, 2004 - 23:33:43 Topic ID# 409
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larien []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] (unknown)
> From the HASA site, I can't figure out how to get to Teanna's
> email or the rating for this story. I have read it in its
> entirety, and it really is PG-13 at worst.

I've run into that problem as well. Use the contact link and ask her for an
e-mail address. It's a required item in a nomination. Author Contacters
volunteered to contact authors to get permission. But it's the nominator's
job to get the address.

Unless you're not a HASA member...can you get to the contact link without
being a member? If not, let me know and I'll go find the address for you.

Oh, but I also don't see a summary there. We need one of those as well.

> *Nominator's name: Larien Elengasse
> *Story Title: The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts
> *Story Author: Teanna
> *Author's E-mail Address: link to contact her on HASA web page
> *Story URL:
> STID=1249&SPOrdinal=1
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > > 1st: Elves
> > > 2nd: Drama
> > > 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): ??? PG-13 at
> worst I think.

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 415

Are these the same people? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 0:55:08 Topic ID# 415
Marta (aure_enteluva)

I'm guessing they are the same. But I want to be sure.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 416

Update Announcement Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 1:17:08 Topic ID# 416
As of 1:09 am (US Central), the web site is up-to-date with the Nominations
table for all stories having author permission.
The Nominations table has 120 stories nominated.
The Nominations web site page has 100 stories nominated (a few that aren't
on the table).
If you see one of your storie in the table but not on the site, check the
Author Approval table. We may have permission noted for one or two stories.
Those titles are generally listed. Feel free to e-mail me
( any permissions that aren't already showing for
your stories.
"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 417

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by Sorne&Enros May 05, 2004 - 2:53:07 Topic ID# 342
Reposting my previous question on this as it seemed to get lost in the
deluge :)

Can I ask whether the ban on NC-17 fics is something that can be up for
negotiation, or is it something you are adamant about? Could we have a
section for NC-17 fiction, then no-one has to read it who doesn't want to.
What are you using as the criteria to distinguish between R and NC-17. Is it
purely on erotica? What about violence? I ask because I have a couple of
pieces that may fall outside the line without editing, and I'm not sure
that's a road I want to go down. I'm sure I'm not the only one. There are
some good stories out there (Vulgarweed's 'The Ring and the Crown' and
Grond's 'Hope for the Uruk' for example) that will be excluded by this

And if this is not an 'adult' list, how are we going to work posting stories
with ratings above G?

I'm sorry if it's perhaps a bit late in the day to be raising this, the list
is moving so fast I'm finding it hard to keep up ( didn't even manage to
vote in the Orc category poll before it closed)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ainaechoiriel []
Sent: 03 May 2004 22:50
Subject: [MEFAwards] Ratings a really really basic guide.

I'm just pulling this off the top of my head, so it's very basic:

G: family oriented. Anyone can read it. Nothing objectionable
PG: mild. May not be suitable for young children, but nothing terribly
objectionable. Your average story.
PG-13: Getting up there. Might have more violence or harsher scenes.
suitable for young children
R: Adult but not XXX or NC-17. This is where your average adventure
tends to go. There might be a sex scene but it's not graphic. Or there
might be a lot of violence or harsh language.

NC-17: full-on erotica. We don't go here. Not allowedfor nominations.

I hope that helps.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said,
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

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Msg# 418

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by Soledad May 05, 2004 - 3:26:49 Topic ID# 342
--- In, "Sorne&Enros" <Sorne&Enros@m...>

> And if this is not an 'adult' list, how are we going to work
posting stories with ratings above G?

"Adult" means above PG-13, as far as I know.

The NC-17-ban excludes a few of my own stories as well, I still think
that we should stick to it. While it's true that a few excellent
stories won't make it into the Awards this way, but it's the lesser
evil than let the never-ending flood of... (insert expression of
disgust of choice here) in.

We practically allow everyone to sign up, unless we discover that the
account in question is a sockpuppet, so IMO better safe than sorrow.

You are free to disagree with me, of course. And in the end, it's the
Founder's decision.


Msg# 419

Introduction Posted by May 05, 2004 - 4:07:41 Topic ID# 419
Hi everyone. I just joined the list and I'm looking forward to
participating. I haven't read a whole lot of fanfiction, so I won't
be able to nominate much, but I plan to read nominated stories and vote.

I'm not an artist, but I like to play around with graphics programs,
so I put together a banner for the Indiana Jones award, and will be
doing matching ones for the other two crossover awards.

I can count votes, if you still need people for that.


Msg# 420

Story Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 05, 2004 - 4:10:29 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Wayland The Smith

*Story Author:Jilian Baade (me)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Tolkien characters in modern times


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Nothing terribly nasty
in this fic

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):What if
Maeglin hadn't in the Fall of Gondolin, but survived as a legend
until modern times? WIP


Msg# 421

Story Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 05, 2004 - 4:16:48 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:The Smith

*Story Author:Jilian Baade (me)

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Absolutely nothing
offensive here

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):A smith
reforges Narsil and remembers the one who last bore this blade in


Msg# 422

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by draborgieuk May 05, 2004 - 4:42:14 Topic ID# 342
> The NC-17-ban excludes a few of my own stories as well, I still
> that we should stick to it. While it's true that a few excellent
> stories won't make it into the Awards this way, but it's the lesser
> evil than let the never-ending flood of... (insert expression of
> disgust of choice here) in.
> We practically allow everyone to sign up, unless we discover that
> account in question is a sockpuppet, so IMO better safe than sorrow.
> You are free to disagree with me, of course. And in the end, it's
> Founder's decision.

I think you will hard put to it to fill the Orc category without NC-
17. Orcs are an NC-17-ish lot. Why not widen and change the category
to something like "Darkfic", allowing the NC-17 rating for it alone -
and adding the customary warning to it?

But - as you say - Founder's decision.

Msg# 423

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 05, 2004 - 6:43:09 Topic ID# 342
For myself, I would sooner frequent a site where NC-17 is nowhere to be found, and I admire Ainae for ordering her regulations that way. Forgive me if you somehow enjoy that sort of thing -- that is your prerogative, I suppose -- but some of us are trying to avoid the near occasions of sin, and since the voting and such is to be on-list, I would not like that stuff flooding my inbox. I'm already wincing against the slash notices that I've been deleting. I think my parents would freak.

I'd hate to have to leave the group on this account. It's been fun thus far.


"I have loved justice, and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile."
~ Pope Gregory VII
----- Original Message -----
From: draborgieuk
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 5:42 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Ratings a really really basic guide.

> The NC-17-ban excludes a few of my own stories as well, I still
> that we should stick to it. While it's true that a few excellent
> stories won't make it into the Awards this way, but it's the lesser
> evil than let the never-ending flood of... (insert expression of
> disgust of choice here) in.
> We practically allow everyone to sign up, unless we discover that
> account in question is a sockpuppet, so IMO better safe than sorrow.
> You are free to disagree with me, of course. And in the end, it's
> Founder's decision.

I think you will hard put to it to fill the Orc category without NC-
17. Orcs are an NC-17-ish lot. Why not widen and change the category
to something like "Darkfic", allowing the NC-17 rating for it alone -
and adding the customary warning to it?

But - as you say - Founder's decision.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 424

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by draborgieuk May 05, 2004 - 7:45:12 Topic ID# 342
> For myself, I would sooner frequent a site where NC-17 is nowhere
to be found, and I admire Ainae for ordering her regulations that
way. Forgive me if you somehow enjoy that sort of thing -- that is
your prerogative, I suppose -- but some of us are trying to avoid the
near occasions of sin, and since the voting and such is to be on-
list, I would not like that stuff flooding my inbox. I'm already
wincing against the slash notices that I've been deleting. I think
my parents would freak.
> I'd hate to have to leave the group on this account. It's been fun
thus far.

I'm afraid I didn't expect to enounter this level of hostility on
this Listing - I came here in good faith having had it recommended by
someone I respect. Clearly I am on the wrong list and will resign as
soon as I am able. I am sorry to have disturbed you in any way.

Msg# 425

Story Nomination Form Posted by sulriel May 05, 2004 - 7:47:39 Topic ID# 425
*Nominator's name: Sulriel

*Story Title: Adventures in the Ettenmoors

*Story Author : Sulriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Orc
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): non-explicit torture,
bloodlust , adult theme

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary:~ A First Age Sinda captured by Orcs in the Third Age
manages to survive capture and her initial torment to make a place
for herself in their society. ~ ~ Orcs, OFC, no primary canon
characters. Cameos by Glorfindel, Elrond, Celebrian, Maedhros. ~

Msg# 426

Re: (unknown) Posted by gratchets May 05, 2004 - 7:49:31 Topic ID# 409
> >
> > From the HASA site, I can't figure out how to get to Teanna's
> > email or the rating for this story. I have read it in its
> > entirety, and it really is PG-13 at worst.
> I've run into that problem as well. Use the contact link and ask
her for an
> e-mail address. It's a required item in a nomination. Author
> volunteered to contact authors to get permission. But it's the
> job to get the address.

Just a small suggestion? I found Teanna's stories long ago on her
website and then It wasn't until later that she went to HASA.

Try other fanfiction sites. Her email is on her site and on
and its

Just a thought.

Msg# 427

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by sulriel May 05, 2004 - 7:51:32 Topic ID# 342
Grond. I don't think it is hostility as much as it is a matter of
taste, being too strongly expressed. I love your fics, but I don't
leave them up on the screen when one of my pre-teen boys might need
to borrow the PC for awhile.

I believe the no NC-17 is in part a yahoo restriction, I could be
wrong on that, I'm sure our Founder/Chief-cook-n-bottlewasher will
weight in shortly.

Play nice folks.!

--- In, "draborgieuk" <ralph.henning@b...>
wrote: > > For myself, I would sooner frequent a site where NC-17 is
nowhere > to be found, and I admire Ainae for ordering her
regulations that > way. Forgive me if you somehow enjoy that sort
of thing -- that is > your prerogative, I suppose -- but some of us
are trying to avoid the > near occasions of sin, and since the voting
and such is to be on-> list, I would not like that stuff flooding my
inbox. I'm already > wincing against the slash notices that I've
been deleting. I think > my parents would freak.
> > > > I'd hate to have to leave the group on this account. It's
been fun > thus far.
> I'm afraid I didn't expect to enounter this level of hostility on
> this Listing - I came here in good faith having had it recommended
by > someone I respect. Clearly I am on the wrong list and will
resign as > soon as I am able. I am sorry to have disturbed you in
any way.> Blessings> Grond

Msg# 428

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by Soledad May 05, 2004 - 7:52:55 Topic ID# 342
coriel_elfwyn@o...> wrote:

> For myself, I would sooner frequent a site where NC-17 is nowhere
to be found, and I admire Ainae for ordering her regulations that
way. Forgive me if you somehow enjoy that sort of thing -- that is
your prerogative, I suppose -- but some of us are trying to avoid the
near occasions of sin, and since the voting and such is to be on-
list, I would not like that stuff flooding my inbox. I'm already
wincing against the slash notices that I've been deleting. I think
my parents would freak.
> I'd hate to have to leave the group on this account. It's been fun
thus far.

It's hard to find a way that makes most people happy. There isn't any
that would make *all* people happy, I guess. I think Ainae had found
the narrow path that most people here could agree with. But that's
just my opinion.

I, personally, have been called a slash-writer and a homophobic from
two differently-minded but often equally aggressive groups of
Tolkienfic readers. I'm neither. As I've repeated several times, I
write *stories*. Sometimes in these stories the characters have
romantic *relationships*, sometimes they don't. Sometimes these
relationships are born between two characters of the same gender,
sometimes not.

I've accepted that certain archives won't accept stories with same-
gender relationships (I hate the word 'slash' for what it has for me
become: the equivalent of blatant smut, written for smut's sake).
It's their prerogative. Among the whole of 55 stories posted to (in four or five different fandoms), there are exactly four
scenes that would fall into the NC-17 ban. I never tried to smuggle
them in, falsely rated as R. There are restrictions, and though we
might not always like them, we have to live with them. That's life.
(Sorry if it sounded like a lecture - it wasn't my intention. But
it's hard to sound differently after having spent 28 years as a
school teacher...)

And one more point for the other side: 'slash' if I have to use that
word for lack of a better one, doesn't always equal smut. There *are*
G-rated stories in that are, and rated so rightly, as the whole thing
is about character interaction and development. Let's give each story
and each author the benefit of the doubt, until we know what it is

Okay, I've preached enough. Off my sandbox and back to school to
enjoy a long afternoon about drug prevention and the parent-teacher
evening afterwards. *groans*


Msg# 429

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by Soledad May 05, 2004 - 7:55:26 Topic ID# 342
--- In, "draborgieuk" <ralph.henning@b...>

> I'm afraid I didn't expect to enounter this level of hostility on
> this Listing - I came here in good faith having had it recommended
by someone I respect. Clearly I am on the wrong list and will resign
as soon as I am able. I am sorry to have disturbed you in any way.

Please, don't. Let us not divide into the usual camps of 'evil
slashers' and 'homophobes'. It happens often enough in this fandom,
and that's a sad thing. Let's try to live with each other's quirks
and peeves - and with our own ones.


Msg# 430

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 05, 2004 - 8:13:26 Topic ID# 342
Thank you for the voice of reason. There are good stories out
there and bad stories. Some of those I honour and cherish are
slash stories, some are not. Our way to decide should be to ask:
Is it well written? is it believable? And nothing else (and though
I'm not a Slash-Writer nor reader - normally - there are
slash-stories I believe).

Msg# 431

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 05, 2004 - 9:05:30 Topic ID# 342
It was most certainly not my intention to drive anyone off the list. If you write NC-17, that is your department, and I'm not going to try to meddle with it. But with something as public as this, with most everything shared by the entire group, I think it is an important issue to keep some reasonable restrictions in mind. There are doubtless several other groups and sites where you can read and share that kind of thing.

Still, this group advocates discussion, so I believe that if there is to be a Voice of Reason, there should also be a Voice of Decency. It doesn't have to be me, in fact I'd prefer I didn't have to mention it at all, but I'll say it if no one else will. Nor do we have to immediately split into camps each time the subject comes up.


"I have loved justice, and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile."
~ Pope Gregory VII
----- Original Message -----
From: draborgieuk
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Ratings a really really basic guide.

> For myself, I would sooner frequent a site where NC-17 is nowhere
to be found, and I admire Ainae for ordering her regulations that
way. Forgive me if you somehow enjoy that sort of thing -- that is
your prerogative, I suppose -- but some of us are trying to avoid the
near occasions of sin, and since the voting and such is to be on-
list, I would not like that stuff flooding my inbox. I'm already
wincing against the slash notices that I've been deleting. I think
my parents would freak.
> I'd hate to have to leave the group on this account. It's been fun
thus far.

I'm afraid I didn't expect to enounter this level of hostility on
this Listing - I came here in good faith having had it recommended by
someone I respect. Clearly I am on the wrong list and will resign as
soon as I am able. I am sorry to have disturbed you in any way.

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c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 432

Re: question about the orcs category Posted by Viv May 05, 2004 - 9:09:48 Topic ID# 404
Thanks muchly!


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> I suppose the
> first place to look is if they fit into one of the
> Time/Book topic's
> categories: The Silm, The Hobbit, or LOTR. I saw
> those as pretty general
> catch-alls. Otherwise, you might look at Genre. Is
> it horror, or drama,
> for instance.

Spacellama Palace:

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Msg# 433

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by sulriel May 05, 2004 - 9:14:30 Topic ID# 342
>>>Still, this group advocates discussion, so I believe that if there
is to be a Voice of Reason, there should also be a Voice of Decency.
It doesn't have to be me, in fact I'd prefer I didn't have to mention
it at all, but I'll say it if no one else will. Nor do we have to
immediately split into camps each time the subject comes up.


**That is the job of the moderator. That would be me. Please
consider this discussion closed unless Ainaechoiriel says otherwise.

Sulriel -co-moderator.

Msg# 434

Re: (unknown) Posted by Viv May 05, 2004 - 9:16:03 Topic ID# 409
I had to ask permission from a HASA author yesterday, and I just went
to HASA and used the contact form there to send my note. She replied
promptly, and we're a go. I think as long as I can get to the author,
even through a form, it's cool. (Note that even when the nominator
tries to put in the author e-mail, sometimes yahoo cuts it off, so
author-checkers might have to get a little creative.)

Also, Ainae, would you like me to forward the author-permission
notes, for recordkeeping?


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Unless you're not a HASA member...can you get to the contact link
> being a member? If not, let me know and I'll go find the address
for you.
> Oh, but I also don't see a summary there. We need one of those as

Msg# 435

Story Nomination/ Snowballjane Posted by Stella May 05, 2004 - 10:18:12 Topic ID# 435
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title: Fair Folk At The Free Fair

*Story Author: Snowballjane

*Author's E-mail Address: (author already

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Elves
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Fourth Age,
Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir and Celeborn visit the shire and find
unexpected ease for their heartaches.

Msg# 436

Story Nomination/ Chris Posted by Stella May 05, 2004 - 10:23:12 Topic ID# 436
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title:Weight of Stone

*Story Author: Chris

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbit
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A quick look
at a harmless superstition

*****I have already contacted this author for permission,and am
waiting for a reply.*****

Msg# 437

Story Nomination/ Chris Posted by Stella May 05, 2004 - 10:29:08 Topic ID# 436
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lasse-Lanta (stella)

*Story Title: Goes A Courting

*Story Author:Chris

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):Drabble

*Rating: Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):G

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A dwarf and
his pursuits.

*****I have already contacted the author for permission, and am
awaiting an answer.******

Msg# 438

Re: Are these the same people? Posted by Marta May 05, 2004 - 10:41:09 Topic ID# 415
>Marta (aure_enteluva)

>I'm guessing they are the same. But I want to be sure.

Yep, they're both me. aure_enteluva is my Yahoo ID and my member name at
SOA. I sign my emails Marta, and that's my author's name at HASA.

Marta (and aure_enteluva)

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self Reliance"

Msg# 439

Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 12:03:13 Topic ID# 439
My goodness. This is what I get for daring to sleep for six hours.

Grond, I do hope you haven't left yet. Coriel, I will restore your posting
permissions when I'm done with this post. And I'm guessing this is going to
be another case of my being "wordy".

First, let me say that I missed one post that started this ball rolling, I
think, but I've read all the others. I want to next stae my thoughts on why
I did not include NC-17s.

My brrain is a rambly brain, so bear with me. I personally, do not read
sex. Or slash. Or romance. But I am not the entire reading public and I
am not the Decency Police either. I'm just a person who liked the way one
awards program was going in Star Trek fandom and wanted to bring that to
LOTR fandom. I chose purposely to NOT exclude slash. And I'd be silly to
exclude Romance. But I did draw a line at NC-17. And that even means that
I will not be nominating one of my favorite WIPs: Dark Leaf, by JastaElf
(when, oh when, will we get an update, Jasta dear?)

I also chose not to make this an adult group. That choice was given to me
when I created the group and I had to decide. Myself. No committee, just
little ole me. And I chose NOT adult because I didn't want to exclude a
large number of readers.

Under non-adult rules, we'd probably have a hard time even posting R-rated
stories here, if we posted stories here, which we don't. NC-17 would be out
of the question. As it stands I've had to say several times (not because I
assumed people would abuse it but because I just wanted people to be warned)
that when Voting Seawson comes, all comments must be kept PG-13 or under
even when commenting on R stories. I think it would be a bit more difficult
to do this with NC-17 stories.

I just felt I needed to draw a line. And since I am drawing on
Alt.StarTrek.Creative, I felt it avalid one. There is another newsgroup
specifically for erotica. Alt.startrek.creative.erotic-moderated, and they
have their own awards (The Golden O's) every year. I don't participate in
it, so I can't say how it is run.

I don't' see this as hostile, and I hope, Grond, that you do not take it as
such. I don't think every Orc fic out there would by nature be NC-17. Not
even every sex scene is NC-17. Or torture scene, etc. I may not read
romance, but I have admitted to myself that I like a good torture story.
Dark Leaf is one of those. A very good one. But it is extremely graphic
and thus, I'd call it NC-17.

The discussion on how the awards will be run has ended in all but minor
points. As I said to someone else who put forth a motion for a Poetry
category, this can be campaigned for next year. The categories are set for
this year. If you'd like we can take up a reasoned and rational debate on
NC17 fic eligibility after this awards year in anticipation of next year.
But I'll stand hard on those two adjectives: reasoned and rational. I hate
hostility on lists, too, and have left several because of it.

However, Grond, I really hope you don't leave because of what you felt was
hostility from one member of this group. Especially when I wasn't even
around. It's my group. I'm the founder and main moderator. Sulriel and
Soledad are moderators as well. If *we*, especially *me*, were to hostile,
then I'd go running off screaming and shouting and cursing under my breath,
if I were you. Coriel is a member and has only as much responsibilty for
the group as you do, and as 93 other members do. You can't say "the group"
is hostile based on one person's posting. Unless that person is me.

Coriel, I do think you overstepped your bounds with the "Voice of Decency"
bit. I didn't feel your posts were overly hostile, but they did take on
that tone at that point. I understand your reasonings for not reading
NC17s and not wanting it in your inbox. I'm a Christian and a virgin who
believes sex only belongs in a marriage. But I don't preach here. This
isn't the place for it.

If anyone is to be the Voice of Anything here, that burden falls to me as
the one who created this group and these Awards. If I see something getting
out of line, I will speak up. If anyone sees something getting out of line,
e-mail me privately. We will try our best to work things out without
hostility and with fairness.

However, with that burden comes some power and some decision-making. NC17
was that decision. Just as Xing had that right to exclude them from,
and you have the right to include them and nothing else on your own web site
(hypothetically), I have the right to not include them in this awards
program. Even next year. Though I will discuss it with you after this
awards season. I have been known to change my mind on occasion.

Perhaps there is a lack of awards programs for NC17 fic. If that is the
case, I encourage you to do what the folks of ascem do and make your own
awards. The Mithrils (not picking on them, they are just the only other
ones I'm familiar with in this fandom) took a while to get started because
they started by committee. This program took only a couple of weeks because
it was started by me. There was no debate over simple vote or
comment-voting. No debate over judges or popular vote, etc. Just me. I
made the decision to do them the way I wanted to and invited others to join
me in the endevour.

You can do the same thing. You'd probably get some people from this list to
also participate in yours. And others not. As I said before, we all choose
what we want to read. We are all free to do that. But I do draw the line
at NC17 stories being nominated and voted on here. You can read them all
you want.

Please, Grond, stay. Please Coriel, stay. Please be tolerant of each other
and check the hostility at the door.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 440

Re: Are these the same people? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 12:27:00 Topic ID# 415
Thanks, Marta. I was assuming so.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 10:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Are these the same people?
> >Marta
> >Marta (aure_enteluva)
> >I'm guessing they are the same. But I want to be sure.
> Yep, they're both me. aure_enteluva is my Yahoo ID and my
> member name at SOA. I sign my emails Marta, and that's my
> author's name at HASA.
> Cheers,
> Marta (and aure_enteluva)
> --
> "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
> adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With
> consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do."
> -Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self Reliance"
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Msg# 441

Re: Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by sulriel May 05, 2004 - 12:28:13 Topic ID# 439
Ainae, dear. .. I really do think we should have some kind of
moderator award. I would have ... maybe 15 points by now and
Soledad hasn't stirred up anything at all. <pout>

<making notes to self for next year>

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
wrote:> > My goodness. This is what I get for daring to sleep for
six hours.> . And I'm guessing this is going to> be another case of
my being "wordy".>

Msg# 442

Re: Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by Viv May 05, 2004 - 12:31:01 Topic ID# 439
The Mithrils are currently (until this weekend)
accepting nominations of NC-17 (as well as
lower-rated) fic. Please feel free to nominate, if you
have not already done so.

Very recently, the My Precious Awards and the Golden
Mushroom Awards also allowed adult material as part of
the contests. If readers are interested in finding
well-known and well-loved bits of adult-rated
material, please wander over to those sites and take a
look around.

There is room in this fandom for everybody, just
sometimes we have to shift around a little.


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Perhaps there is a lack of awards programs for NC17
> fic.

Spacellama Palace:

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Msg# 443

Re: Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 05, 2004 - 13:35:42 Topic ID# 439
Sorry; no offense or hostility to Grond was intended or (purposefully) implied.
I was merely voicing a concern, and that is how we speak in our household.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 1:04 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency)

My goodness. This is what I get for daring to sleep for six hours.

Grond, I do hope you haven't left yet. Coriel, I will restore your posting
permissions when I'm done with this post. And I'm guessing this is going to
be another case of my being "wordy".

First, let me say that I missed one post that started this ball rolling, I
think, but I've read all the others. I want to next stae my thoughts on why
I did not include NC-17s.

My brrain is a rambly brain, so bear with me. I personally, do not read
sex. Or slash. Or romance. But I am not the entire reading public and I
am not the Decency Police either. I'm just a person who liked the way one
awards program was going in Star Trek fandom and wanted to bring that to
LOTR fandom. I chose purposely to NOT exclude slash. And I'd be silly to
exclude Romance. But I did draw a line at NC-17. And that even means that
I will not be nominating one of my favorite WIPs: Dark Leaf, by JastaElf
(when, oh when, will we get an update, Jasta dear?)

I also chose not to make this an adult group. That choice was given to me
when I created the group and I had to decide. Myself. No committee, just
little ole me. And I chose NOT adult because I didn't want to exclude a
large number of readers.

Under non-adult rules, we'd probably have a hard time even posting R-rated
stories here, if we posted stories here, which we don't. NC-17 would be out
of the question. As it stands I've had to say several times (not because I
assumed people would abuse it but because I just wanted people to be warned)
that when Voting Seawson comes, all comments must be kept PG-13 or under
even when commenting on R stories. I think it would be a bit more difficult
to do this with NC-17 stories.

I just felt I needed to draw a line. And since I am drawing on
Alt.StarTrek.Creative, I felt it avalid one. There is another newsgroup
specifically for erotica. Alt.startrek.creative.erotic-moderated, and they
have their own awards (The Golden O's) every year. I don't participate in
it, so I can't say how it is run.

I don't' see this as hostile, and I hope, Grond, that you do not take it as
such. I don't think every Orc fic out there would by nature be NC-17. Not
even every sex scene is NC-17. Or torture scene, etc. I may not read
romance, but I have admitted to myself that I like a good torture story.
Dark Leaf is one of those. A very good one. But it is extremely graphic
and thus, I'd call it NC-17.

The discussion on how the awards will be run has ended in all but minor
points. As I said to someone else who put forth a motion for a Poetry
category, this can be campaigned for next year. The categories are set for
this year. If you'd like we can take up a reasoned and rational debate on
NC17 fic eligibility after this awards year in anticipation of next year.
But I'll stand hard on those two adjectives: reasoned and rational. I hate
hostility on lists, too, and have left several because of it.

However, Grond, I really hope you don't leave because of what you felt was
hostility from one member of this group. Especially when I wasn't even
around. It's my group. I'm the founder and main moderator. Sulriel and
Soledad are moderators as well. If *we*, especially *me*, were to hostile,
then I'd go running off screaming and shouting and cursing under my breath,
if I were you. Coriel is a member and has only as much responsibilty for
the group as you do, and as 93 other members do. You can't say "the group"
is hostile based on one person's posting. Unless that person is me.

Coriel, I do think you overstepped your bounds with the "Voice of Decency"
bit. I didn't feel your posts were overly hostile, but they did take on
that tone at that point. I understand your reasonings for not reading
NC17s and not wanting it in your inbox. I'm a Christian and a virgin who
believes sex only belongs in a marriage. But I don't preach here. This
isn't the place for it.

If anyone is to be the Voice of Anything here, that burden falls to me as
the one who created this group and these Awards. If I see something getting
out of line, I will speak up. If anyone sees something getting out of line,
e-mail me privately. We will try our best to work things out without
hostility and with fairness.

However, with that burden comes some power and some decision-making. NC17
was that decision. Just as Xing had that right to exclude them from,
and you have the right to include them and nothing else on your own web site
(hypothetically), I have the right to not include them in this awards
program. Even next year. Though I will discuss it with you after this
awards season. I have been known to change my mind on occasion.

Perhaps there is a lack of awards programs for NC17 fic. If that is the
case, I encourage you to do what the folks of ascem do and make your own
awards. The Mithrils (not picking on them, they are just the only other
ones I'm familiar with in this fandom) took a while to get started because
they started by committee. This program took only a couple of weeks because
it was started by me. There was no debate over simple vote or
comment-voting. No debate over judges or popular vote, etc. Just me. I
made the decision to do them the way I wanted to and invited others to join
me in the endevour.

You can do the same thing. You'd probably get some people from this list to
also participate in yours. And others not. As I said before, we all choose
what we want to read. We are all free to do that. But I do draw the line
at NC17 stories being nominated and voted on here. You can read them all
you want.

Please, Grond, stay. Please Coriel, stay. Please be tolerant of each other
and check the hostility at the door.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 444

Re: Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by Soledad May 05, 2004 - 14:03:50 Topic ID# 439
--- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...> wrote:

> Ainae, dear. .. I really do think we should have some kind of
> moderator award. I would have ... maybe 15 points by now and
> Soledad hasn't stirred up anything at all. <pout>

Huh? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? <g>


Msg# 445

Re: Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 14:07:11 Topic ID# 439
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 1:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and
> Voices of Decency)
> Sorry; no offense or hostility to Grond was intended or
> (purposefully) implied.
> I was merely voicing a concern, and that is how we speak in
> our household.

Speaking for the group, I accept your apology. Thank you and I'm glad
you're sticking around.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 446

Re: Introduction Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 14:28:37 Topic ID# 419
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 4:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Introduction
> Hi everyone. I just joined the list and I'm looking forward
> to participating. I haven't read a whole lot of fanfiction,
> so I won't be able to nominate much, but I plan to read
> nominated stories and vote.

Well we can certainly help with the problem of not having read much.... By
the end of these awards, you'll have read plenty! ;-)

> I'm not an artist, but I like to play around with graphics
> programs, so I put together a banner for the Indiana Jones
> award, and will be doing matching ones for the other two
> crossover awards.

Woohoo! I love it! And you caught on easily to why the Awards in that
category are named the way they are! I"ve moved it into a subfolder for the
Indy award and changed the title info to match the others for the impending
contest. I'll have it up on the web site by the end of the day!

> I can count votes, if you still need people for that.

Bonus! I certainly can! I think, by my latest count, 12, including you.
We still need 14 more!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 447

Re: (unknown) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 14:49:52 Topic ID# 409
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 9:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: (unknown)
> I had to ask permission from a HASA author yesterday, and I
> just went to HASA and used the contact form there to send my
> note. She replied promptly, and we're a go. I think as long
> as I can get to the author, even through a form, it's cool.
> (Note that even when the nominator tries to put in the author
> e-mail, sometimes yahoo cuts it off, so author-checkers might
> have to get a little creative.)

And the list seems to be pretty helpful too, as someone found Teasel's
e-mail addy already.

> Also, Ainae, would you like me to forward the
> author-permission notes, for recordkeeping?

Yes, please. Thank you.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 448

[Fwd: Re: Message sent from HASA Members Email] Posted by Marta May 05, 2004 - 14:57:18 Topic ID# 448
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Message sent from HASA Members Email
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 19:58:52 +0100
From: Nic Mayer <>
Reply-To: Nic Mayer <>
To: <>
References: <30068834.1083517869000.JavaMail.SYSTEM@server5>

> Anyway, I would like to nominate your story "The Sacrifice of
> Soldiers." Please let me know whether you would be willing for me to
> nominate you.

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you on this. My answer is, yes,
I'd be honoured if you nominated it.


General (USMC) - CO Danny's Girls

"You have reached the bridge. Press 1 to report that the engines are
overloaded and cannot deliver any more power. Press 2 to report a force
field or weird type of energy never seen before. Press 3 to report loss
of crew member wearing a red jersey. For other messages, please hold. A
member of the bridge crew will be with you shortly."

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self Reliance"

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 449

[Fwd: Re: Message sent from HASA Members Email] Posted by Marta May 05, 2004 - 15:18:28 Topic ID# 448
Sorry, I meant to send this to Ainae offlist. Ainae, do you need me to
resend it to your mefaadmin address?

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Message sent from HASA Members Email
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 19:58:52 +0100
> From: Nic Mayer <nic@p...>
> Reply-To: Nic Mayer <nic@p...>
> To: <MartaL0712@n...>
> References: <30068834.1083517869000.JavaMail.SYSTEM@server5>
> > Anyway, I would like to nominate your story "The Sacrifice of
> > Soldiers." Please let me know whether you would be willing for me to
> > nominate you.
> Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you on this. My answer
is, yes,
> I'd be honoured if you nominated it.

Msg# 450

Marta's nominations: ParanoidAngel Posted by Marta May 05, 2004 - 15:19:07 Topic ID# 450
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Sacrifice of Soldiers, The
*Story Author: paranoidangel
*Author's E-mail: [verified]
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: LotR
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): handling of mature themes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): When Elrond
babysits a young Aragorn, he takes the opportunity to teach him of his
father and the meaning of death.


Msg# 451

Question Posted by ceana33003 May 05, 2004 - 15:24:59 Topic ID# 451
I've read so many emails in the last few days and everything is
pretty much in black and white. I have one question...Is it true
that stories nominated don't have to be complete? I only ask because
I found a few of the stories on the nomination list that seem still
in progress.

I love this site by the way. Major love this site.

If someone can email info about being a vote counter, I think I would
like to sign up for that if you still need people.


Msg# 452

Re: Question Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 05, 2004 - 15:32:07 Topic ID# 451
Incomplete stories (WIPs) are eligable once as WIPs
and then again when they are complete.


--- ceana33003 <> wrote:
I've read so many emails in the last few days and
everything is
pretty much in black and white. I have one
question...Is it true
that stories nominated don't have to be complete? I
only ask because
I found a few of the stories on the nomination list
that seem still
in progress.

I love this site by the way. Major love this site.

If someone can email info about being a vote counter,
I think I would
like to sign up for that if you still need people.


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Msg# 453

Re: [Fwd: Re: Message sent from HASA Members Email] Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 15:42:01 Topic ID# 448
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 3:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] [Fwd: Re: Message sent from HASA Members Email]
> Sorry, I meant to send this to Ainae offlist. Ainae, do you
> need me to resend it to your mefaadmin address?

No, I saved it from here. Thanks.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 454

Re: Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of Decency) Posted by Ariel May 05, 2004 - 15:52:39 Topic ID# 439
There are also archives which feature adult rated material. I regularly
post on Open Scrolls, which showcases het material and welcomes NC-17.


-----Original Message-----
From: Viv []
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Whoa! (was: Ratings, NC-17s, and Voices of

The Mithrils are currently (until this weekend)
accepting nominations of NC-17 (as well as
lower-rated) fic. Please feel free to nominate, if you
have not already done so.

Very recently, the My Precious Awards and the Golden
Mushroom Awards also allowed adult material as part of
the contests. If readers are interested in finding
well-known and well-loved bits of adult-rated
material, please wander over to those sites and take a
look around.

There is room in this fandom for everybody, just
sometimes we have to shift around a little.


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Perhaps there is a lack of awards programs for NC17
> fic.

Spacellama Palace:

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* To visit your group on the web, go to:

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* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
<> Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 455

Re: Ratings a really really basic guide. Posted by sos8n May 05, 2004 - 16:00:55 Topic ID# 342
thanks for that Ainaechoiriel, the ratings has always confused me
kept getting R and Nc-17 mixed up *rolls eyes* too used to english
cinema ratings..

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I'm just pulling this off the top of my head, so it's very basic:
> G: family oriented. Anyone can read it. Nothing objectionable
> PG: mild. May not be suitable for young children, but nothing
> objectionable. Your average story.
> PG-13: Getting up there. Might have more violence or harsher
scenes. Not
> suitable for young children
> R: Adult but not XXX or NC-17. This is where your average
adventure movie
> tends to go. There might be a sex scene but it's not graphic. Or
> might be a lot of violence or harsh language.
> NC-17: full-on erotica. We don't go here. Not allowedfor
> I hope that helps.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 456

Yet MoreNnominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 16:56:55 Topic ID# 456

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: River Flowing

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: The Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): short story

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
a very minor character gets a moment in the sun: one fine day in Ithilien,
while Sam and Frodo wait with Mablung and Damrod, a Haradrim troop comes
marching, marching....


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Lie Down in the Darkness, Rise up from the Ash

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: The Lord of the Rings
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): WIP, What-if, AU

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): battle

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
This is a VERY dark AU for LOTR. The premise: without Gollum, how does the
Quest turn out? Angsty drama ensues as the storyline of the Lord of the
Rings unfolds differently as we attempt to take "the road less traveled by."


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Hunting Trip

*Story Author: Ithilien

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Horror
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): 4th Age/Post-WoTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Needing a break from their busy lives, our heroes travel to the wilds of
Ithilien for a little relaxation, and perhaps some hunting. But there is
evil in those woods, and unbeknownst to them, a grim adventure is about to


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: A Word of Caution Regarding Hobbits

*Story Author: Baylor

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): Short Story, Post-WotR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
"Hobbits. No one ever warned me about hobbits."


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Too Late for Misgivings

*Story Author: Shadow975

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Short Story, Challenge, Gondor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
the parting of Boromir and Faramir, in which the brothers again address the
question of which of them should go to Imladris.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 457

Story Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 05, 2004 - 19:13:16 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Cursed Love

*Story Author:jilian baade (me)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Gondolin


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):No offensive material

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):From the
bushes, a hidden watcher sees Tuor propose to Idril


Msg# 458

Story Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 05, 2004 - 19:19:42 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Coming of Age

*Story Author:Jilian Baade (me)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Valinor, the Age of the Trees


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):No offensive material

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Maedhros
comes of age, and the familiy celebrates!


Msg# 459

New Members! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 05, 2004 - 22:25:13 Topic ID# 459
I forgot to say hello to the new members yesterday so let me welcome all the
new members for yesterday and today:

Vi Janaway

Welcome to all of you! Good to see you here. Glad some of you volunteered
to help with vote counting!

Make yourselves at home and start nominating!

By the way, just a warning to everyone, I won't be around as much this
weekend as I'm going on a road trip with my mom to see her mom for Mother's
Day. I'll try and check in now and then. But know that this might mean a
lag in the Men, Hobbits and Elves categories. And with the web page, of
course. Go ahead and nominate; I'll catch up eventually.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 460

(no subject) Posted by Viv May 05, 2004 - 22:27:34 Topic ID# 460
Because the orc category looks thin...

*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: Snorg: Letters from Mordor

*Story Author: viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: orcs
2nd: humor

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): too many exclamation
points and parenthetical asides; gratuitous use of netspeak (OMG!1)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Ambitious
young orc torturer learns Dark Lord's deepest secret.

Msg# 461

Re: New Members! Posted by Viv May 05, 2004 - 22:28:37 Topic ID# 459
And drama, adventure, and humor. I'll be visiting the Mom, too.
(Happy Mom's Day to all mamas out there.)


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> But know that this might mean a
> lag in the Men, Hobbits and Elves categories. And with the web
page, of
> course. Go ahead and nominate; I'll catch up eventually.

Msg# 462

Nomination (oops! forgot to add a subj. line) Posted by Viv May 05, 2004 - 22:30:48 Topic ID# 460
--- In, "Viv" <spacellamaprincess@y...>
> Because the orc category looks thin...
> *Nominator's name: viv
> *Story Title: Snorg: Letters from Mordor
> *Story Author: viv
> *Author's E-mail Address: spacellamaprincess@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices
> *1st: orcs
> 2nd: humor
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): too many exclamation
> points and parenthetical asides; gratuitous use of netspeak (OMG!1)
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): NA
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Ambitious
> young orc torturer learns Dark Lord's deepest secret.

Msg# 463

Categories and viablity Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 0:19:33 Topic ID# 463
We've still got plenty of time for nominations (Nomination Season doesn't
end until the middle of June), but Viv thought some people might be
interested in the numbers.

Remember that viability for a category is at least 5 stories by at least 2
authors. Now, we've only counted the stories, not necessarily the authors.
These categories have at least fives stories easily enough:

Drama, Elves, Hobbits, Humor, Men, Mystery, Rohan, Romance.

But there are still some categories waiting for viability:

Orcs, The Hobbit, Horror, Adventure, Numenor, and I'm not sure about the
Silm and LOTR.

I know I can think of a great number of Adventure fics to nominate..all by
the same two authors..

Don't think I've read very many Orc stories, but I know at least a couple
people that write them.

I can even think of a good The Hobbit era story. Yep, I've already got that
on a list to nominate..

And gosh there has got to be some great Silm fics. Oh, I know a Numenor one!
I'm not sure we've had any Numenor stories yet...


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Put your thinking caps on everyone! Here are some ideas where I'm getting
my nominations: My Favorites list on but also my Review History! Got
tons of stories there, not all of them worthy of nomination but surely quite
a few. Also my recommendations list at HASA, which is where I started.

Let's make sure every main category is viable. We've got anough Elves and
Drama stories to subcategorize (and those subcategories must be viable as
well) and perhaps some others. (And we could always use more! There's no
limit!) But I'd definitely like to see each of our awards given out, which
means at least every main category viable.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 464

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 0:32:50 Topic ID# 463
Sorry about the double-sig in this one. I sent from the wrong address first
and had to resend and apparently didn't scroll down far enough. So, just in
case you didn't either, here is the rest of the message:

> Put your thinking caps on everyone! Here are some ideas
> where I'm getting my nominations: My Favorites list on
> but also my Review History! Got tons of stories there, not
> all of them worthy of nomination but surely quite a few.
> Also my recommendations list at HASA, which is where I started.
> Let's make sure every main category is viable. We've got
> anough Elves and Drama stories to subcategorize (and those
> subcategories must be viable as
> well) and perhaps some others. (And we could always use more!
> There's no
> limit!) But I'd definitely like to see each of our awards
> given out, which means at least every main category viable.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said, "for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at
> that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads.
> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 465

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 06, 2004 - 0:33:34 Topic ID# 463
But there are still some categories waiting for viability:

Orcs, The Hobbit, Horror, Adventure, Numenor, and I'm not sure about the
Silm and LOTR.

Hi, and a Stupid Question:

If one category is "oversubscribed", why not move other stories into the "undersubscribed"


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 466

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 0:41:01 Topic ID# 463
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dawn Martinez-Byrne []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 12:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Categories and viablity
> But there are still some categories waiting for viability:
> Orcs, The Hobbit, Horror, Adventure, Numenor, and I'm not
> sure about the Silm and LOTR.
> Hi, and a Stupid Question:
> If one category is "oversubscribed", why not move other
> stories into the "undersubscribed"
> ones???
> khazar

That is a possibility at the end of Nomination Season. Some stories in very
viable categories might possibly be moved to unviable ones where they still
qualify (like 2nd or 3rd choice) and the author approves. We won't turn an
Elf story into an Orc category unless it really has a lot to say about Orcs,
for instance.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 467

Marta's nominations: Marta Posted by Marta May 06, 2004 - 3:31:37 Topic ID# 467
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Marta

*Story Title: Sucking Eggses

*Story Author: Marta [me]

*Author's E-mail Address: [verified]

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Whilst trying
to figure out one of Bilbo's riddles, Gollum remembers a Yule
celebration long ago and his attempts to teach his grandmother a new
year's custom he learned from a human friend of his.


Msg# 468

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 06, 2004 - 6:11:58 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian (I already have Soledad's permission)

*Story Title:Innocence

*Story Author:Soledad

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Slash


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):Lindir/Erestor

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):WIP. The
story of Lindir and Erestor's life together.


Msg# 469

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 06, 2004 - 6:19:18 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Exercise of Vital Powers

*Story Author:Soledad, and I have permission

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Third Age
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Why did
Throngil leave Gondor so after his battle victories?


Msg# 470

Story Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 06, 2004 - 6:41:03 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Elvenhome

*Story Author:Soledad, I have permission

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):What does
Celebrian find in Valinor after she sails?


Msg# 471

Dark Leaf, NC-17 and stuff Posted by Sharon Henderson May 06, 2004 - 7:17:47 Topic ID# 471
--- Ainae wrote:

> But I did draw a line at NC-17. And that even means
> that I will not be nominating one of my favorite
> WIPs: Dark Leaf, by JastaElf (when, oh when, will we
> get an update, Jasta dear?)

:-) Ah, the question of the year....

Soon. I have a chapter (actually two...) that has
been to the beta, and have been trying desperately to
work past Real Life and depression and various other
things to finish making the excellent changes she
proposed, which will make the chapter VERY good rather
than OK... :-) But it's been a rough winter/spring
so far. I have Friday off, so we'll see... fingers
crossed, DL fans... :-)

> I don't think every Orc fic out there would
> by nature be NC-17. Not even every sex scene is
> NC-17. Or torture scene, etc. I may not read
> romance, but I have admitted to myself that I like a
> good torture story. Dark Leaf is one of those. A
> very good one. But it is extremely graphic
> and thus, I'd call it NC-17.

We-eeelll... here we have the heart of the problem.
:-) When I first started that story, I myself rated
it NC-17--and got all SORTS of comments from people
that I was rating it far higher than it needed to be.
The violence and non-con sexual content was
appropriate to the storyline, but most folks felt I
handled it pretty well in terms of not beating people
about the head and shoulders with it. Most of the
comments were along the lines of "There are PG-13
stories out there with more violence and graphic sex
than DL, and no one complains about those!"

When Xing banned NC-17 stories, I changed DL's rating
to the lowest I would feel comfortable going: R. That
is the rating it now holds in every archive at which
it can now be found, and I was VERY careful to put
strong warnings at the heads of all chapters with
Difficult Concepts in them. As the story now stands,
there is only one more chapter in which there will be
true "difficult sexual concepts" that I would rate a
strong R+, and that is the chapter after the soon to
be new one, where the Human Aldor is made to face what
he did to Legolas as a child -- and then is punished
for same. After that, the rest of the tale is about
love and recovery and compassion, which as far as I
know is not usually rated R. :-)

So it's something of a crap shoot. Not sure how you
would want to handle this here; if it ever WAS rated
NC-17 (which it was), and you don't wish to include it
for that reason, no problem.


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Msg# 472

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 06, 2004 - 8:12:27 Topic ID# 463
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

> But there are still some categories waiting for
> viability:

> Orcs, The Hobbit, Horror, Adventure, Numenor,

> And gosh there has got to be some great Silm fics.
> Oh, I know a Numenor one!
> I'm not sure we've had any Numenor stories yet...

Orcs only needs 1 more story before its viabile, but
Numenor hasn't got any yet.
Someone much know some good Numenor stories.


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Msg# 473

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 9:05:47 Topic ID# 463
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 8:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Categories and viablity
> --- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> > But there are still some categories waiting for
> > viability:
> > Orcs, The Hobbit, Horror, Adventure, Numenor,
> > And gosh there has got to be some great Silm fics.
> > Oh, I know a Numenor one!
> > I'm not sure we've had any Numenor stories yet...
> Orcs only needs 1 more story before its viabile, but Numenor
> hasn't got any yet.
> Someone much know some good Numenor stories.

I know there were at least five stories written for my Tar-Miriel nuzgul at
HASA. If they are good (some definitely are. Other'\s I haven't read yet.)
and if they publicly posted, they are eligible and would make the category

I know for sure I'll be nominated at least one of them. Just have to get
around to it.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 474

Silm nomination Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 06, 2004 - 9:23:06 Topic ID# 474
Just because Silm is said to be lagging:

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Coriel

*Story Title: A Brush With Destiny

*Story Author: Coriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): Two young Elves cross paths at Sirion who will later have much to do with each other.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 475

Re: Silm nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 9:31:41 Topic ID# 474
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Silm nomination
> Just because Silm is said to be lagging:

Well, we go by 1st choices (the others will help us in areas of non-viable
categories or subcategorizing). So this would be Elves, not Silm. Do you
want to change it or go with it as written?

> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Coriel
> *Story Title: A Brush With Destiny
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Elves
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Silmarillion
> Subcategory (suggest something):


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 476

Intro and a question Posted by arielphf May 06, 2004 - 9:48:07 Topic ID# 476
Hello –

My name is Ariel and I joined the list when a story I co-wrote was
nominated. It looks like you are on your way to having a very nice
little site, Ainaechoiriel. (I am still grateful to you for that rec
you made way back in… gads, I can't even remember what list that was
on… Anyway, you were right, I liked it even though it was a Legolas
story.) I just wanted to say hi, compliment you on your site and the
awards and wish you luck. I don't know how much time I will have to
vote or comment, but I'll try to do as much of my part as I can spare
time for. There are a few fics in here that I know, and some others
listed that I have always wanted to read. Might as well do so here.

I did have a question for you. I noticed that you have several
databases associated with this group. These list things like author
approval and fics nominated. I was surprised to find I had access to
these databases and was wondering if it was required for the
nominators to put records into this database directly or if the
administrators were the only ones who were supposed to enter
records? I looked to see what the indicated procedures were and
couldn't find anything (though I might have missed it). If only
admins are allowed in, you might want to restrict the rest of us (if
you can) or let folks know. I'm a bit nosy so I tried and put in a
record for a fic. I can delete it if that's a no-no.


Msg# 477

Nomination Posted by Alia James May 06, 2004 - 10:05:06 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Alia

*Story Title: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM

*Story Author: Camilla Sandman

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):New movie, new students, new lustobjects, new mini-Balrogs and a whole new curriculum. Thatýs right, children. OFUM is back. But waitý Itýs no longer the only University in town. MUSM? What theý? (37?)

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 478

Re: Intro and a question Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 10:17:23 Topic ID# 476
> -----Original Message-----
> From: arielphf []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Intro and a question
> Hello -
> My name is Ariel and I joined the list when a story I
> co-wrote was nominated. It looks like you are on your way to
> having a very nice little site, Ainaechoiriel. (I am still
> grateful to you for that rec you made way back in. gads, I
> can't even remember what list that was on. Anyway, you were
> right, I liked it even though it was a Legolas
> story.) I just wanted to say hi, compliment you on your site
> and the awards and wish you luck. I don't know how much time
> I will have to vote or comment, but I'll try to do as much of
> my part as I can spare time for. There are a few fics in
> here that I know, and some others listed that I have always
> wanted to read. Might as well do so here.

Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on another story
of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....

> I did have a question for you. I noticed that you have
> several databases associated with this group. These list
> things like author approval and fics nominated. I was
> surprised to find I had access to these databases and was
> wondering if it was required for the nominators to put
> records into this database directly or if the administrators
> were the only ones who were supposed to enter records? I
> looked to see what the indicated procedures were and couldn't
> find anything (though I might have missed it). If only admins
> are allowed in, you might want to restrict the rest of us (if
> you can) or let folks know. I'm a bit nosy so I tried and
> put in a record for a fic. I can delete it if that's a no-no.

Don't bother deleting it, just fill out a form and post it. Is it your
story? If so, we'll assume permission. Authors can add themselves to the
Author Approval table. If they put someone else in there (because some are
asking authors before they nominate), that's fine, too, just forward me an
e-mail from the author saying it's okay.

As for the Nominations table, leave that for the Categorizers. I can't
change the permissions on the table without making every categorizer a mod.
For the most part, they are just regular member volunteers. But it will
help us to keep straight with our spreadsheets, if only we add to the list.
So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for it (see the
form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll take care of
it from there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 479

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 10:17:30 Topic ID# 199
Good one! But it should be noted (correct me if I'm wrong) that this is a


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alia James []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 10:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> <!--StartFragment-->
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Alia
> *Story Title: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM
> *Story Author: Camilla Sandman
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st:Humour
> 2nd:
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating:PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):New
> movie, new students, new lustobjects, new mini-Balrogs and a
> whole new curriculum. That's right, children. OFUM is back.
> But wait. It's no longer the only University in town. MUSM?
> What the.? (37?)
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads.
> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 480

some silm nominations Posted by Viv May 06, 2004 - 10:19:48 Topic ID# 480
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: If Women Had Ruled Middle Earth

*Story Author: Mouse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): From
Nerdanel to Arwen, they're all there: the Halls of Mandos Sewing
Circle. And they've got a few opinions on the actions of their male


*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: Beneath the Light

*Story Author: Mouse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Drama

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Maeglin in


*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: Brucia la terra mia

*Story Author: Moralanqua

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Drama

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Aegnor and
Angrod during the last days as Dagor Bragollach erupts into Ard Galen


*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: Fell Fire

*Story Author: Finch

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Drama

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Aegnor and Andreth

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The sad love
story of Aegnor, brother of Finrod, and the mortal woman Andreth.

Msg# 481

Re: some silm nominations Posted by Viv May 06, 2004 - 10:32:18 Topic ID# 480
I think this is still a WIP.

--- In, "Viv" <spacellamaprincess@y...>
> *Nominator's name: viv
> *Story Title: Beneath the Light
> *Story Author: Mouse
> *Author's E-mail Address: mousey_rat@h...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Silmarillion
> 2nd: Drama
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Maeglin in
> Gondolin.
> -----

Msg# 482

another silm nomination Posted by sulriel May 06, 2004 - 11:02:23 Topic ID# 482
*Nominator's name: Sulriel

*Story Title: Taming the Wildflower

*Story Author: Sulriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): non-explicit het romance

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Maedhros/OFC

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):This story
focuses on the relationship of Maedhros and a Lady of the House of
Elwe from when they meet until their deaths before the end of the
First Age.

Msg# 483

Re: Intro and a question Posted by arielphf May 06, 2004 - 12:20:04 Topic ID# 476
> Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on
another story
> of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....

Probably the one I entered. I was just seeing if I could.

> So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for it
(see the
> form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll take
care of
> it from there.

I had done that already, and it was because it hadn't been added that
I wondered if I was supposed to put it in the table too. Will keep
my meddlesome mitts off from now on. ;)


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: arielphf [mailto:lgreenaw@k...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:47 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Intro and a question
> >
> > Hello -
> >
> > My name is Ariel and I joined the list when a story I
> > co-wrote was nominated. It looks like you are on your way to
> > having a very nice little site, Ainaechoiriel. (I am still
> > grateful to you for that rec you made way back in. gads, I
> > can't even remember what list that was on. Anyway, you were
> > right, I liked it even though it was a Legolas
> > story.) I just wanted to say hi, compliment you on your site
> > and the awards and wish you luck. I don't know how much time
> > I will have to vote or comment, but I'll try to do as much of
> > my part as I can spare time for. There are a few fics in
> > here that I know, and some others listed that I have always
> > wanted to read. Might as well do so here.
> Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on
another story
> of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....
> > I did have a question for you. I noticed that you have
> > several databases associated with this group. These list
> > things like author approval and fics nominated. I was
> > surprised to find I had access to these databases and was
> > wondering if it was required for the nominators to put
> > records into this database directly or if the administrators
> > were the only ones who were supposed to enter records? I
> > looked to see what the indicated procedures were and couldn't
> > find anything (though I might have missed it). If only admins
> > are allowed in, you might want to restrict the rest of us (if
> > you can) or let folks know. I'm a bit nosy so I tried and
> > put in a record for a fic. I can delete it if that's a no-no.
> Don't bother deleting it, just fill out a form and post it. Is it
> story? If so, we'll assume permission. Authors can add themselves
to the
> Author Approval table. If they put someone else in there (because
some are
> asking authors before they nominate), that's fine, too, just
forward me an
> e-mail from the author saying it's okay.
> As for the Nominations table, leave that for the Categorizers. I
> change the permissions on the table without making every
categorizer a mod.
> For the most part, they are just regular member volunteers. But it
> help us to keep straight with our spreadsheets, if only we add to
the list.
> So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for it
(see the
> form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll take
care of
> it from there.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 484

Numenor and other nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 12:29:05 Topic ID# 484

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Suffering Unending

*Story Author: Zam Kenobi

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): AU

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): talk of suicide

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Tired of the constant ridicule of his father, Faramir has committed suicide.
These are Boromir's thoughts.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: A Season of Change

*Story Author: runningscared

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): 4th Age

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A story of unending friendships, in which Legolas speculates upon lost
companions, his own existance, and The Sea... Set after Aragorn's passing
and stays true to JRRT's work (not AU).


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Eleventh Hour

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: The Silm
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Tar-Miriel, challenge, short story

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Why did Tar-Miriel not board one of the nine ships and escape Numenor with
the other Faithful?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Leave Us Not In Darkness

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Lord of the Rings
2nd: Horror
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Short Story

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): vile deeds of Sarumon

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas enter the Tower of Orthanc for the first
time, they discover Saruman's most vile deed.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Aglarrâma

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: The Silm
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A shipwright of Númenor watches the departure of Alcarondas on the eve of
the Downfall

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 485

Re: Intro and a question Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 12:31:31 Topic ID# 476
So do you approve the nomination of your The Gift of Iluvatar?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: arielphf []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 12:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Intro and a question
> > Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on
> another story
> > of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....
> >
> Probably the one I entered. I was just seeing if I could.
> > So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for it
> (see the
> > form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll take
> care of
> > it from there.
> I had done that already, and it was because it hadn't been
> added that I wondered if I was supposed to put it in the
> table too. Will keep my meddlesome mitts off from now on. ;)
> Ariel
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: arielphf [mailto:lgreenaw@k...]
> > > Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:47 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Intro and a question
> > >
> > > Hello -
> > >
> > > My name is Ariel and I joined the list when a story I
> co-wrote was
> > > nominated. It looks like you are on your way to having a
> very nice
> > > little site, Ainaechoiriel. (I am still grateful to you for that
> > > rec you made way back in. gads, I can't even remember
> what list that
> > > was on. Anyway, you were right, I liked it even though it was a
> > > Legolas
> > > story.) I just wanted to say hi, compliment you on your site and
> > > the awards and wish you luck. I don't know how much time I will
> > > have to vote or comment, but I'll try to do as much of my
> part as I
> > > can spare time for. There are a few fics in here that I
> know, and
> > > some others listed that I have always wanted to read.
> Might as well
> > > do so here.
> >
> > Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on
> another story
> > of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....
> >
> > > I did have a question for you. I noticed that you have several
> > > databases associated with this group. These list things
> like author
> > > approval and fics nominated. I was surprised to find I
> had access
> > > to these databases and was wondering if it was required for the
> > > nominators to put records into this database directly or if the
> > > administrators were the only ones who were supposed to enter
> > > records? I looked to see what the indicated procedures were and
> > > couldn't find anything (though I might have missed it). If only
> > > admins are allowed in, you might want to restrict the
> rest of us (if
> > > you can) or let folks know. I'm a bit nosy so I tried
> and put in a
> > > record for a fic. I can delete it if that's a no-no.
> >
> > Don't bother deleting it, just fill out a form and post it. Is it
> your
> > story? If so, we'll assume permission. Authors can add themselves
> to the
> > Author Approval table. If they put someone else in there (because
> some are
> > asking authors before they nominate), that's fine, too, just
> forward me an
> > e-mail from the author saying it's okay.
> >
> > As for the Nominations table, leave that for the Categorizers. I
> can't
> > change the permissions on the table without making every
> categorizer a mod.
> > For the most part, they are just regular member volunteers. But it
> will
> > help us to keep straight with our spreadsheets, if only we add to
> the list.
> > So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for it
> (see the
> > form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll take
> care of
> > it from there.
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
> said, "for
> > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and Memory
> > Blog:
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 486

Re: Intro and a question Posted by arielphf May 06, 2004 - 13:26:47 Topic ID# 476


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> So do you approve the nomination of your The Gift of Iluvatar?
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: arielphf [mailto:lgreenaw@k...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 12:19 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Intro and a question
> >
> > > Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on
> > another story
> > > of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....
> > >
> >
> > Probably the one I entered. I was just seeing if I could.
> >
> > > So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for
> > (see the
> > > form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll
> > care of
> > > it from there.
> >
> > I had done that already, and it was because it hadn't been
> > added that I wondered if I was supposed to put it in the
> > table too. Will keep my meddlesome mitts off from now on. ;)
> >
> > Ariel
> >
> > --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: arielphf [mailto:lgreenaw@k...]
> > > > Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:47 AM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Intro and a question
> > > >
> > > > Hello -
> > > >
> > > > My name is Ariel and I joined the list when a story I
> > co-wrote was
> > > > nominated. It looks like you are on your way to having a
> > very nice
> > > > little site, Ainaechoiriel. (I am still grateful to you for
> > > > rec you made way back in. gads, I can't even remember
> > what list that
> > > > was on. Anyway, you were right, I liked it even though it
was a
> > > > Legolas
> > > > story.) I just wanted to say hi, compliment you on your site
> > > > the awards and wish you luck. I don't know how much time I
> > > > have to vote or comment, but I'll try to do as much of my
> > part as I
> > > > can spare time for. There are a few fics in here that I
> > know, and
> > > > some others listed that I have always wanted to read.
> > Might as well
> > > > do so here.
> > >
> > > Hi! Nice to have you! And by the way, we need permission on
> > another story
> > > of yours....or was that one you entered yourself? See below....
> > >
> > > > I did have a question for you. I noticed that you have
> > > > databases associated with this group. These list things
> > like author
> > > > approval and fics nominated. I was surprised to find I
> > had access
> > > > to these databases and was wondering if it was required for
> > > > nominators to put records into this database directly or if
> > > > administrators were the only ones who were supposed to enter
> > > > records? I looked to see what the indicated procedures were
> > > > couldn't find anything (though I might have missed it). If
> > > > admins are allowed in, you might want to restrict the
> > rest of us (if
> > > > you can) or let folks know. I'm a bit nosy so I tried
> > and put in a
> > > > record for a fic. I can delete it if that's a no-no.
> > >
> > > Don't bother deleting it, just fill out a form and post it. Is
> > your
> > > story? If so, we'll assume permission. Authors can add
> > to the
> > > Author Approval table. If they put someone else in there
> > some are
> > > asking authors before they nominate), that's fine, too, just
> > forward me an
> > > e-mail from the author saying it's okay.
> > >
> > > As for the Nominations table, leave that for the Categorizers.
> > can't
> > > change the permissions on the table without making every
> > categorizer a mod.
> > > For the most part, they are just regular member volunteers.
But it
> > will
> > > help us to keep straight with our spreadsheets, if only we add
> > the list.
> > > So for the one you added, just post an official Nomination for
> > (see the
> > > form in the Files Section, Forms and Ballots folder) and we'll
> > care of
> > > it from there.
> > >
> > > --Ainaechoiriel
> > >
> > > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> > said, "for
> > > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> > >
> > > Land of Myth and
> > > Blog:
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> > ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> > only $14.70
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------~->
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Msg# 487

Zimraphel, you astound me! More nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 14:10:32 Topic ID# 487
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Coavalta
*Story Author: Zimraphel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: The Lord of the Rings
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette, challenge
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A houseless Elf trapped in the Mere of Dead Faces returns the gaze of a
curious mortal.
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Steadfast
*Story Author: Zimraphel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Silm
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondolin, Short story
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Cast up on the shores of Nevrast, Voronwe ponders his fate.
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Song of the Waters
*Story Author: Zimraphel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Silm
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):
*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
In the age of the Trees, the Teleri leave the shores of Cuivienen, and a
young Cirdan sees the Sea for the first time.
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: A Silence Covered in Stone
*Story Author: Zimraphel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: The Silm
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Dol Guldur, Mirkwood, gapfiller
*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
In the last days of the Ring War, Thranduil and Celeborn meet in the ruins
of Dol Guldur and reaffirm their friendship in the midst of the Shadow's
last, most terrifying secret.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: For Pity's Sake
*Story Author: Zimraphel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Horror
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood, short story
*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The Mirkwood sentries assigned to guard Gollum take pity on him, with
horrific results.
"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 488

Re: Zimraphel, you astound me! More nominations Posted by May 06, 2004 - 14:28:47 Topic ID# 487
"Song of the Waters?!" But nobody ever reads that story!


> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Song of the Waters
> *Story Author: Zimraphel
> *Author's E-mail Address: granamyr@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: The Silm
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> In the age of the Trees, the Teleri leave the shores of Cuivienen,
and a
> young Cirdan sees the Sea for the first time.

Msg# 489

Categorization question Posted by Andreth/Anna May 06, 2004 - 14:32:52 Topic ID# 489
Ainae, I apologize if this has already been answered, but what do we
do with stories that have been nominated more than once, but in
different categories? For example Aglarond by Erin Rua was first
nominated by you in the LotR section, but later nominated by Marta in
Men, I think. Now Zimraphel's Across Dark Waters was nominated
earlier in the Elves section, but now is nominated by you for the
Silm section? So what's to be done with the categorization of these


Msg# 490

Hello and a nomination Posted by Nessime May 06, 2004 - 14:36:52 Topic ID# 490
Hello, Ainae and everyone who's taking part in this.

I've been lurking for a bit, trying to catch up with all the posts
and figuring out how this is supposed to work. Marta nominated one
of my stories too. The idea behind this is fascinating - and a
little intimidating to those of us who feel as though our stories
aren't "popular". I suppose that any time we place our work before
an audience we have to deal with the reality that not everyone will
like what we write.

So I'm going to be quite shameless (and full of false bravado) and
nominate another of my stories. I just hope I've followed all the
directions properly.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: ~Nessime
*Story Title: The Farmer's Wife
*Story Author: ~Nessime
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
also at:
STid=25 (just in case - HASA has been having a few problems with the
new server)
*Category Choices:
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Romance (sort of)
Subcategory: Husbands & Wives
3rd: LotR
Subcategory: ?
*Rating: PG
*Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): A mildly suggestive
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Farmer Maggot & Mrs. Maggot
*Summary: A pair of
vignettes, recalling one especially eventful day - and evening.

Ainae, I hope you and your Mom enjoy this weekend together. And
Happy Mother's Day to all the other Mom's on the list. :-)


Msg# 491

Re: Zimraphel, you astound me! More nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 14:37:34 Topic ID# 487
Your decision, author. But I read part of it, and based on your other
writings I think it's going to be excellent when I finally read the whole
thing. Once I got to your Profile page on, I had a hard time getting
anywhere else. If fact, I still have two other stories I'm looking at and
will probably nominate.

If you wouldn't write so darn well, you wouldn't have me nominating your
more obscure writings. So it's your own fault. :-P


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 2:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Zimraphel, you astound me! More nominations
> "Song of the Waters?!" But nobody ever reads that story!
> Zimraphel
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Story Nomination Form
> > *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> > *Story Title: Song of the Waters
> > *Story Author: Zimraphel
> > *Author's E-mail Address: granamyr@y...
> > *Story URL:
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > *1st: The Silm
> > 2nd: Elves
> > 3rd:
> > Subcategory (suggest something):
> > *Rating: G
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> > *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> > In the age of the Trees, the Teleri leave the shores of Cuivienen,
> and a
> > young Cirdan sees the Sea for the first time.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 492

Re: Silm nomination Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 06, 2004 - 15:19:47 Topic ID# 474
Go ahead and put it in with the Silmarillion stuff.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Silm nomination

> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Silm nomination
> Just because Silm is said to be lagging:

Well, we go by 1st choices (the others will help us in areas of non-viable
categories or subcategorizing). So this would be Elves, not Silm. Do you
want to change it or go with it as written?

> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Coriel
> *Story Title: A Brush With Destiny
> *Story Author: Coriel
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Elves
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Silmarillion
> Subcategory (suggest something):


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 493

Re: Categorization question Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 15:53:31 Topic ID# 489
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 2:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Categorization question
> Ainae, I apologize if this has already been answered, but
> what do we do with stories that have been nominated more than
> once, but in different categories? For example Aglarond by
> Erin Rua was first nominated by you in the LotR section, but
> later nominated by Marta in Men, I think. Now Zimraphel's
> Across Dark Waters was nominated earlier in the Elves
> section, but now is nominated by you for the Silm section? So
> what's to be done with the categorization of these stories?

Hmmm....Oh, before I forget, I've been meaning to etll you that Pervinca was
also supposed to be a categorizer but I forgother. If you'd like to hand
over a category to her, she's willing to take one.

As to your question...Hmmmm.....I hadn't thought of that. I mean, I thought
of duplicates and though well, just check for completion and ignore the
second one, but I hadn't though of different categories. Hmm.....

So far, I say go with the first, or if the author is easy to contact
(Zimraphel is a member, for instance), ask the author which category they
would like.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 494

Re: Silm nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 16:27:41 Topic ID# 474
Okey dokey then. Thanks.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Silm nomination
> Go ahead and put it in with the Silmarillion stuff.
> Coriel
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ainaechoiriel
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 10:32 AM
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Silm nomination
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: coriel_elfwyn []
> > Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:19 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Silm nomination
> >
> > Just because Silm is said to be lagging:
> Well, we go by 1st choices (the others will help us in
> areas of non-viable
> categories or subcategorizing). So this would be Elves,
> not Silm. Do you
> want to change it or go with it as written?
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Coriel
> >
> > *Story Title: A Brush With Destiny
> >
> > *Story Author: Coriel
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address:
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for
> choices)
> > *1st: Elves
> > 2nd: Drama
> > 3rd: Silmarillion
> > Subcategory (suggest something):
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Msg# 495

possible subcategory Posted by Viv May 06, 2004 - 16:36:13 Topic ID# 495

I know the categories have all been decided upon, but as far as I can
tell, the subcategories are still kind of vague. I'm guessing that
that is on purpose and that you'll decide subcats later on. I'd like
to suggest one, though, if I may: authors for whom English is not
their native language. I know it always impresses me when I read a
story, think its really good, and then find out that the author was
writing in her second or third language.

Sorry if I'm being presumptuous!


Msg# 496

Re: possible subcategory Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 16:53:48 Topic ID# 495
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 4:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] possible subcategory
> Ainae,
> I know the categories have all been decided upon, but as far
> as I can tell, the subcategories are still kind of vague. I'm
> guessing that that is on purpose and that you'll decide
> subcats later on.


> I'd like to suggest one, though, if I may:
> authors for whom English is not their native language. I know
> it always impresses me when I read a story, think its really
> good, and then find out that the author was writing in her
> second or third language.
> Sorry if I'm being presumptuous!

I would only do that if those authors wanted it. That could be seen as
"they are disadvantaged and shouldn't compete on their own merit". I
certainly wouldn't want to do that. If they are good enough to be nominated
here, they should stand on their own.

That said, any story actually written in a non-English language (that
includes Elvish) should be in a subcategory (if one is viable). Because you
are definitely going to have a subset of readers.

And remember, there are author awards. You can put that in someone's
comment, that you were even more impressed when you found out they were
writing in a foreign language.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 497

Re: possible subcategory Posted by Soledad May 06, 2004 - 17:54:22 Topic ID# 495
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

> > I'd like to suggest one, though, if I may:
> > authors for whom English is not their native language. I know
> > it always impresses me when I read a story, think its really
> > good, and then find out that the author was writing in her
> > second or third language.
> >
> > Sorry if I'm being presumptuous!

> I would only do that if those authors wanted it. That could be
seen as "they are disadvantaged and shouldn't compete on their own
merit". I certainly wouldn't want to do that. If they are good
enough to be nominated here, they should stand on their own.

As someone for whom English is a third language, I very much agree.

> And remember, there are author awards. You can put that in
someone's comment, that you were even more impressed when you found
out they were writing in a foreign language.

Yep, that's a good idea.


Msg# 498

promoting the contest Posted by Chathol-linn May 06, 2004 - 18:42:13 Topic ID# 498
Hello. Just letting you know that I have contacted the following
Tolkien sites and either posted a notice, or asked the site
administrators to post a notice, or both:

Planet-Tolkien (UK based)
posted notice on Writers Guild message board and contacted the Fan
Writings Council
posted a notice in the Scriptorium message board and contacted Lady
Coralie about a more visible posting

Greenbooks (
Contacted the fan fiction administrator and requested a prominent
posting of the notice.

I will continue promoting the contest at other Tolkien sites and will
keep you informed. Notice looks like this:

Calling all JRRT fanfiction writers! The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards
Contest 2004 is open for business.

There is a new Tolkien fan fiction site that just opened. The designer /
owner is Ainaechoiriel. Her website seeks to publish good quality
Tolkien fan fiction. She is sponsoring a contest in which anyone can
nominate almost any Tolkien-based work, fiction or poetry, in several
categories. The voting process involves counting the amount of feedback
/ reviews.

The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards is based on the model used at
alt.startrek.creative. What's special about that model is that it is
comment-based! It's about feedback! It generates feedback! And thus a
friendly, participatory atmosphere.

They take nominations (beginning May 1, 2004) for any story posted to
any public website before April 30, 2004. That means that great Lord of
the Rings fic you read back in 1974 can be nominated, so long as you can
find it on a public website (no logins required) and the author has

To nominate a story, and to vote, you need a Yahoo ID. The rules and
information can be found at this URL:


Many thanks, Ainaechorieliel! Regards - Chathol-linn

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 499

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 06, 2004 - 19:10:02 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Of Leaves of Gold and Petals Red: A Faery Tale

*Story Author:Ithilwen; I have permission

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some sexual references.

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):Feanor/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):A modern
retelling of an old Scottish tale.


Msg# 500

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 06, 2004 - 19:17:16 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Hide and Seek

*Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):Pre Revolt of the Noldor


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some violence, and sex
scenes, not graphic

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Young Amrod
and Amras run away from home, why?


Msg# 501

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 06, 2004 - 19:26:26 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:The Unforgettable Fire

*Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL: http:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Sex scenes

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):Caranthir/Haleth

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):The ill-
fated love story of Caranthir, and the mortal woman Haleth


Msg# 502

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 20:14:26 Topic ID# 199
Jilian, could you please forward that permission to me? We need to keep
these documented.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jilba25au []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 7:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Jillian
> *Story Title:Hide and Seek
> *Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission
> *Author's E-mail
> *Story URL: http://
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st:Elves
> 2nd:Drama
> 3rd:Silmarillion
> Subcategory (suggest something):Pre Revolt of the Noldor
> *Rating:R
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some violence,
> and sex scenes, not graphic
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Young
> Amrod and Amras run away from home, why?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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> ---------------------~-->
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> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
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Msg# 503

Executive decision: What is NC17? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 06, 2004 - 20:28:27 Topic ID# 503
What is an NC-17, as this group and awards program defines it? It's hard to
put into words. So I hereby call on the syntax
of Jeff Foxworthy to lay down some guidelines to help you decide if your
story (or the one you're nominating) might be an NC17.

<Ainae turns away, aclears her throat and tries out her country twang
quietly to herself before turning back to the group)

If you're naming parts of genatalia and spelling out what's done with 'em...
your story might be an NC-17.

If your character is being raped, and you're going into great detail about
your story might be an NC-17.

If the plot of your story is sex...
your story might be an NC-17.

If you've promoted your story as PWP (Plot? What plot?)...
your story might be an NC-17.

If the whole point of your story is to get the reader all hot and
your story might be an NC-17.

It was even harder to nail down violence, so we looked to the movies for
inspiration. Perhaps you've seen some of these:

Saving Private Ryan
The Passion of the Christ
Kill Bill
Pulp fiction

All of these movies were rated R. Which means, apparently, our tolerance
for violence is far higher than our tolerance for sex.

So, if the violence and gore in your story makes any of those movies look
like a Sunday School lesson about peace and love...
your story might be an NC-17.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 504

Re: Executive decision: What is NC17? Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 06, 2004 - 23:42:11 Topic ID# 503
Thank you indeed! That made it perfectly clear. *grins*No,
honestly...there are stories that I would like to nominate, and I
wasn't sure about the exact definition you have in mind, so this
was really helpful. Have a nice weekend!

Msg# 505

Nominations Posted by Andreth/Anna May 07, 2004 - 0:40:33 Topic ID# 191
Okay, here's my nominations. Sorry it's so long, but I wanted to get
them all in one pass.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Slouching Toward Gondolin

*Story Author: fileg

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Riding to
the siege of Gondolin in the belly of an iron beast - a moment in the
mind of a first-age orc.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Red Dawn, Golden Flower

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Character death

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Glorfindel
leads the refugees from a burning Gondolin and faces a foe that he
cannot overcome.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Finrod's Oath

*Story Author: JMac

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A short fic
about the last hours of Finrod's life as he sits within the dungeon's
of Tol-in-Gaurhoth with Beren

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: By Light Beguiled

*Story Author: AfterEver

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Adult content, battle

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Elwing/Earendil

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Of Earendil
and Elwing's relationship as affected by his purpose which drives him
to the Sea, her discontentment in his absence, and what part the
Silmaril might have played in the eventual downfall of the Havens at
Sirion. Gil-galad, Maedhros, and Maglor cameo


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Resurrection

*Story Author: Jillian

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): character death

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolas and
an Orc have an encounter

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: The Vain Songs

*Story Author: Nol

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Maedhros/Fingon

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Fingon and
Maedhros in beauty, war, mad love and above all things, vanity

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Pause

*Story Author: Sphinx

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):On the eve of
his departure, Tuor reflects on what he must take with him, and what
he must leave behind.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Eloquent Remembrance

*Story Author: Sphinx

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):On his return
to Valinor, Celeborn faces his illustrious father-in-law Finarfin,
High King of the Noldor in Aman. Much conversation ensues. Featuring
Celeborn, Finarfin, and a cameo by a much loved Peredhil lord and his


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Debbie Does the Fellowship

*Story Author: Gypsie Rose

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual innuendo, lots.

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): Debbie and pretty much everybody

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):An over-the-
top Parody Sue story, where Debbie bags *all* the cute guys.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Goldberry's Song

*Story Author: Vulgarweed

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Poetry
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): .

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):The smitten
River-daughter tries to get a rhyme in edgewise.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Summer Nights

*Story Author: Marta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): implied sex; discussion
of adult topics

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):The summer of
3000 was the hottest one Faramir ever remembered. When he found
himself lost in Dol Amroth and stopped at an inn to ask directions,
he was surprised to find the place was a haven from the heat. He
decided to stay for dinner and when the matron offered him a cool
room to lie down in while his meal was prepared, he gladly accepted,
without realising exactly what he was accepting.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Promises

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Elves
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): .

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolas
never had a wife, but that doesn't mean he never had a love. A short
history of what was and what might have been, had the war not

Msg# 507

Re: nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis Posted by shiekdesigner May 07, 2004 - 3:17:37 Topic ID# 338
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: shiekdesigner [mailto:shunit1@n...]
> > Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 3:55 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis

** I'm nominating the following story under the Men category, by
request of the authors^_^ **

> > ____________________________________
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: N. S. Tulkas
> >
> > *Story Title: Of One to Me
> >
> > *Story Author: M. N & E. M. Theis
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: M. N.'s: mntheis@r... E. M.'s:
> > epie@r...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: Men
Sub-category: Alternative Universe.

*Rating: mmm...R? Can anyone post what are the ratings their
definitions? I'm not from the US so I don't know.

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence, graphic
descriptions of wounds, much angst.

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A fall in
Moria sets Legolas and Boromir on a different and very dangerous
road. AU.

Msg# 508

A dumb question Posted by avonaus May 07, 2004 - 3:22:20 Topic ID# 508
Prehaps this is explained somewhere but I'm a little lost in all the
definitions and stuff - can I nominate more than one story in a


Msg# 509

Re: A dumb question Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 07, 2004 - 3:46:47 Topic ID# 508
Yes. You can nominate as many stories as you like - in the same catogories or different ones.

----- Original Message -----
From: avonaus
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] A dumb question

Prehaps this is explained somewhere but I'm a little lost in all the
definitions and stuff - can I nominate more than one story in a


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Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 510

Story Nominations #7 Posted by Soledad May 07, 2004 - 6:12:30 Topic ID# 510
Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Warrior

*Story Author: Mirasui

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Angst

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): same-gender content

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Erestor/Lindir

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An elfling
searches for what is lost and Erestor finds there is more to life
than work.


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Chance Meetings

*Story Author: Lasse-Lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Modern day, AU

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? no names given

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Two
strangers, a chance meeting – what will happen?


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Stolen Moment

*Story Author: Lasse-Lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Modern day, AU.

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? no names given

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sequel
to "Chance Meetings"


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Fate, Fatum Or Perhaps Fari

*Story Author: Lasse-Lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Modern day, AU

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? no names given

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sequel
to "Chance Meeting" & "Stolen Moment".


Msg# 511

Story Nominations #8 Posted by Soledad May 07, 2004 - 6:22:31 Topic ID# 511
Note to the categorizers: all URLs have been checked. They are

Nomination form #1:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Dance With Desire

*Story Author: Lasse-Lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Modern day, AU

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? no names given

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Part 4 in
the "Chance Meetings" series.


Nomination form #2:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Adamo Invenio Discovery of Love

*Story Author: Lasse-Lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Modern day, AU

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? names not given

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sequel and
finale to the "Chance Meeting" series.


Nomination form #3:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Iunctum

*Story Author: Lasse-Lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Modern day, AU

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): ?/? names not given

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Epilogue to
the "Chance Meeting" series.


Nomination form #4:

*Nominator's name: Soledad

*Story Title: Adventurers Together

*Story Author: Lasse-lanta

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: LOTR
3rd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something): N/A

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
adventures of Glorfindel and his companion from the Last Alliance to
the Fourth Age.


Msg# 512

Re: nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 8:59:11 Topic ID# 338
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shiekdesigner []
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 3:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: nominating M. N. and E. M. Theis

> I'm nominating the following story under the Men category, by
> request of the authors^_^

Got it! Thanks!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 513

Romance, anyone? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 9:01:51 Topic ID# 513
With Soledad's recent nominations, I just realized I hadn't seen many
Romance stories. How are we doing in that area?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 514

Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 9:10:03 Topic ID# 514
As of yet, we have no nominations for Crossovers. I can think of three

1) A LOTR/Hogan's Heroes
2) A LOTR/X-Files (not updated in forever)
3) A LOTR/Mummy (also lost in fanfic purgatory)

I can nomination those, though I feel less thanenthusiastic for stories that
I have no idea the authro will ever finish them. Besides, they are all
WIPs. It would be good to have some completed crossovers. Anyone think of
any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 515

Re: Nomination Posted by Alia James May 07, 2004 - 9:11:54 Topic ID# 199
Oops, you're right. Sorry.


Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
Good one! But it should be noted (correct me if I'm wrong) that this is a


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alia James []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 10:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> <!--StartFragment-->
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Alia
> *Story Title: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM
> *Story Author: Camilla Sandman
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st:Humour
> 2nd:
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating:PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):New
> movie, new students, new lustobjects, new mini-Balrogs and a
> whole new curriculum. That's right, children. OFUM is back.
> But wait. It's no longer the only University in town. MUSM?
> What the.? (37?)
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
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Msg# 516

Re: Romance, anyone? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 9:16:58 Topic ID# 513
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 9:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Romance, anyone?
> With Soledad's recent nominations, I just realized I hadn't
> seen many Romance stories. How are we doing in that area?

I just checked the database and Romance is a viable category. So we're not
desparate, but we could always use more.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 517

Nomination Posted by legorfilinde2 May 07, 2004 - 12:53:21 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Legorfilinde

*Story Title: Fireside Tales

*Story Author: Legorfilinde

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Genres
Subcategory (suggest something): adventure

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

Legolas and Aragorn share little known tales of their lives with one
another in this series of fireside tales.

Msg# 518

Nomination Posted by legorfilinde2 May 07, 2004 - 12:57:46 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Legorfilinde

*Story Title: Bitten

*Story Author: Legorfilinde

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Genres
Subcategory (suggest something): adventure/horror

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

Aragorn must travel to distant Rhûn and what he finds there is much
more than he could ever imagine. When he fails to return, it is
left to Legolas to search for him and bring him home. But is he too

Msg# 519

nominations (adventure and crossover) Posted by Viv May 07, 2004 - 12:59:52 Topic ID# 519
*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: The Patient

*Story Author: Scribe

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama

Subcategory (suggest something): 7th-age

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NA

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): When Doctor
Aaron Stone is asked to conduct a psychiatric examination of a
patient with severe schizophrenic delusions, he finds himself
becoming the key to unlocking a mystery that alters everything he
knows of the world and his own past.


*Nominator's name: viv

*Story Title: Last of the Edhel

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

if for some reason that link doesn't work (it did when I tried it),
the story is in the files of her yahoogroup:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Crossover (Harry Potter / LoTR)

Subcategory (suggest something): WIP

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The elf had
never had any trouble guarding an important secret in the heart of an
ancient forest, but then, he'd never met Hermione Granger before.

Msg# 520

hello Posted by Moralanqua May 07, 2004 - 15:16:03 Topic ID# 520
Got nominated by some cheap floozy. Came to say hello and thanks!

So... Hello and thank you!

ps, Hi Banana! Im stalking you!

Mora xxx

Msg# 521

Nomination Posted by bwoodru1 May 07, 2004 - 20:31:07 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Kathira

*Story Title: In the Hands of the Enemy

*Story Author Meckinock

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When Aragorn is waylaid by bandits while racing to answer an urgent
summons from Gandalf, he gains an unexpected ally whose loyalties
are suspect. With Gandalf and Halbarad in pursuit, can Aragorn
discern friend from foe and escape the hands of the Enemy before he
is forced to reveal the secret of the Shire?

Msg# 522

Nomination Posted by bwoodru1 May 07, 2004 - 20:48:47 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)

*Story Title: Thorongil

*Story Author Eledhwen

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Between 2957 and 2980 of the Third Age, Aragorn undertook his great
errantries and journeys. In this time he also served Thengel of
Rohan and Ecthelion of Gondor under the name 'Thorongil' - Eagle of
the Star.

Msg# 523

Nomination Posted by bwoodru1 May 07, 2004 - 20:56:34 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)

*Story Title: Estel and the Hobbit

*Story Author Eledhwen

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Set during Bilbo's sojourn in Rivendell during 'The Hobbit', book-
canon; light-hearted but telling also of deeper events ...

Msg# 524

Silm/LotR/Crossover caught up to this point/author approvals Posted by Andreth/Anna May 07, 2004 - 21:12:29 Topic ID# 524
I've finally gotten my categories finished and ready to go (with the
help of my long-suffering husband). We've gotten one crossover
nomination so far. I don't read those so I'm afraid I don't have any
to nominate. This category looks like it might not get too much

Wasn't sure what to do with these, but here's a list of author
approvals still needed from my lists:

Gonzai - Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing

Shadow975 - Too Late for Misgivings

Thundera Tiger - Knife Work

Sulriel - Taming the Wildflower

Teasel - On Gorgoroth Plain

Treehugger - Sting

Unforgettable Fire - Ithilwen

Finch - Fell Fire

Sphinx - Pause - Eloquent Remembrance

fileg - Slouching Toward Gondolin

JMac - Finrod's Oath

AfterEver - By Light Beguiled

Gypsie Rose - Debbie Does the Fellowship

Vulgarweed - Goldberry's Song

Thank you!


Msg# 525

Re: hello Posted by Andreth/Anna May 07, 2004 - 21:13:22 Topic ID# 520
I swear, they just let anybody in here, don't they? :-D You only
stalk me because you love me, Mora dear. Glad to see you here.


--- In, "Moralanqua"
<scarlettangel_22@y...> wrote:
> Got nominated by some cheap floozy. Came to say hello and thanks!
> So... Hello and thank you!
> ps, Hi Banana! Im stalking you!
> Mora xxx

Msg# 526

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 21:31:47 Topic ID# 199
Legorfinlinde, Genres is a topic under which you find the categories, such
as Romance, Horror, humor, Drama, etc. Please pick a valid category.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: legorfilinde2 []
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 12:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Legorfilinde
> *Story Title: Fireside Tales
> *Story Author: Legorfilinde
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Genres
> 2nd:
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): adventure
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some violence
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Legolas and Aragorn share little known tales of their lives
> with one another in this series of fireside tales.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for only $14.70
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> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 527

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 21:32:19 Topic ID# 199
Same deal here.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: legorfilinde2 []
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 12:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Legorfilinde
> *Story Title: Bitten
> *Story Author: Legorfilinde
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Genres
> 2nd:
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): adventure/horror
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Aragorn must travel to distant Rhûn and what he finds there
> is much more than he could ever imagine. When he fails to
> return, it is left to Legolas to search for him and bring him
> home. But is he too late?
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 528

Re: Hello and a nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 21:41:34 Topic ID# 490
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nessime []
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 2:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Hello and a nomination
> Hello, Ainae and everyone who's taking part in this.
> I've been lurking for a bit, trying to catch up with all the
> posts and figuring out how this is supposed to work. Marta
> nominated one of my stories too. The idea behind this is
> fascinating - and a little intimidating to those of us who
> feel as though our stories aren't "popular". I suppose that
> any time we place our work before an audience we have to deal
> with the reality that not everyone will like what we write.
> So I'm going to be quite shameless (and full of false
> bravado) and nominate another of my stories. I just hope I've
> followed all the directions properly.
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: ~Nessime
> *Story Title: The Farmer's Wife
> *Story Author: ~Nessime
> *Author's E-mail Address: *Story URL:
> STID=2284
> also at:
> STid=25 (just in case - HASA has been having a few problems
> with the new server) *Category Choices:
> *1st: Hobbits
> Subcategory:
> 2nd: Romance (sort of)
> Subcategory: Husbands & Wives
> 3rd: LotR
> Subcategory: ?
> *Rating: PG
> *Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): A mildly
> suggestive flirtation *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> Farmer Maggot & Mrs. Maggot
> *Summary: A pair of
> vignettes, recalling one especially eventful day - and evening.
> Ainae, I hope you and your Mom enjoy this weekend together.
> And Happy Mother's Day to all the other Mom's on the list. :-)
> ~Nessime
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 529

Bad URL: Mortal Shores Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 07, 2004 - 23:07:41 Topic ID# 529
Can someone look up Mortal Shores by Vorondis, or the original nomination
thereof, and find the correct URL? This one is cut off:



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 530

Re: Bad URL: Mortal Shores Posted by Soledad May 08, 2004 - 2:39:36 Topic ID# 529
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Can someone look up Mortal Shores by Vorondis, or the original
nomination thereof, and find the correct URL? This one is cut off:


The URL worked just fine when I nominated the story. Must be some
internal problem of the archive. I tried to verify the URL to
Eledhwen's 'The Hobbit'-based story 20 seconds ago and ended up on
the Members login page .


Msg# 531

YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by khazar\_khum May 08, 2004 - 3:24:21 Topic ID# 531
Hello, it's late, I've just supervised a
poodle breeding and my mind is being weird.

If I understand the voting correctly, then
the number of characters in comments is what
is required to reach a decision. Correct?

Now, please stay with me. I promise this is going

What do we do to ensure that a story is read by
an equal number of people?

Let's say Story A is about Legolas, and gets 76
reads/votes. Let's say the character count gives
it 150 pts.

Story B, OTOH, is in the same category, but is not
about Legolas. It gets 15 readers. With fewer readers
there are correspondingly fewer voters, so it ends
up with 70 pts.

Is that a reasonable description of the system thus far?

Now let's make this really tricky. Story A is inferior to
Story B (grammar, plot, etc). But since more people read
it & commented on it, it still wins--even though Story B
is the superior work.

If I am reading this correctly, then it is possible for a
lousy story to win.

Is there any way to guarantee, or require, that a certain
number of voters read all the stories in a specific category
to prevent this from becoming a simple popularity contest???

Just wondering


Msg# 532

Nominations (romance and drama) Posted by Kate May 08, 2004 - 7:32:46 Topic ID# 532
Hey, I did nominate these few stories before, but I haven't seen them
come up on the database. Sorry if I've just missed them - it really
wouldn't surprise me if I have! Also wouldn't surpris me if I never
nominated them in the first place!


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Just to be With You

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): pre-quest

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): suggestion of naughty
behaviour :P

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Merry/Estella

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Meriadoc
Brandybuck finds himself falling for the sister of one of his close


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Stars May Collide

*Story Author: Rose Gamgee

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): angst, post-quest

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): suggestion of behaviour,
and angsty situations

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Pippin/Diamond

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Peregrin
Took has finally found everything he ever wanted in a soft-spoken
girl named Diamond - but when it seems all else stands against them,
will their love survive the odds?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Peregrin and Diamond

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-quest, WIP

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): suggestion

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Pippin/Diamond

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
courtship and wedding of Peregrin Took and Diamond of Long Cleeve.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: While We Dwelt in Fear

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): angst, minor characters, WIP

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The story of
the families of Merry, Pippin, Frodo and Sam as they face the
troubles of the Occupation of the Shire.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Adaptation

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolas
tries to come to grips with the mortal gift of death after the last
battle and apparent loss of one of the Fellowship's most beloved

Msg# 533

Re: Bad URL: Mortal Shores Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 9:10:28 Topic ID# 529
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 2:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Bad URL: Mortal Shores
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > Can someone look up Mortal Shores by Vorondis, or the original
> nomination thereof, and find the correct URL? This one is cut off:
> >
> The URL worked just fine when I nominated the story. Must be some
> internal problem of the archive. I tried to verify the URL to
> Eledhwen's 'The Hobbit'-based story 20 seconds ago and ended up on
> the Members login page .

No, I think it was just a broken link. The second part of it was on the next
line down. I saw another like that last night when I was adding it to the
database. I had to go and find the last bit and add it in. If we can find
the original nomination, it's probably there.

I'd try it now but I'm only viting my computers and they are a bit slower
when being controlled remotely.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 534

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 9:42:15 Topic ID# 531
> -----Original Message-----
> From: khazar_khum []
> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 3:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question)
> Hello, it's late, I've just supervised a poodle breeding and
> my mind is being weird.
> If I understand the voting correctly, then the number of
> characters in comments is what is required to reach a
> decision. Correct?
> Now, please stay with me. I promise this is going somewhere.
> What do we do to ensure that a story is read by an equal
> number of people?

We don't. I'm basing this off the alt.startrek.creative awards and they
have worked well for 8 or 9 years now. Just give it a try.

> Let's say Story A is about Legolas, and gets 76 reads/votes.
> Let's say the character count gives it 150 pts.
> Story B, OTOH, is in the same category, but is not about
> Legolas. It gets 15 readers. With fewer readers there are
> correspondingly fewer voters, so it ends up with 70 pts.
> Is that a reasonable description of the system thus far?

It certainly could be. Though I think the second is more accurate. 76
reads/votes out of the 90-something membership is too high, I'd think. N
one is going to have the time or inclination to read every story, I'd bet.

> Now let's make this really tricky. Story A is inferior to
> Story B (grammar, plot, etc). But since more people read it &
> commented on it, it still wins--even though Story B is the
> superior work.

It can happen.

> If I am reading this correctly, then it is possible for a
> lousy story to win.

Done honestly, I'd say it's a fairly low chance that a lousy story can win.
For one thing, a lousy story won't get many comments, and certainy not long
ones. That said, the one thing that really could ruin it, is vote-stacking.
Read the FAQ and Q and A to find out what that is if you don't already know.

> Is there any way to guarantee, or require, that a certain
> number of voters read all the stories in a specific category
> to prevent this from becoming a simple popularity contest???
> Just wondering

No. I know I've gone over some of this in another post, but you may not
have been around then, and certainly there are members now who weren't.
This will not be a popularity contest, but it will be a popular vote. Here
in America, you can't promise the same number of voters will be educated
about the candidates. You can't even get all the eligible voters to vote.
How can you guarantee there will be as many Republicans and Democrats? What
about the Independents? You can't. It's a popular vote. Those who vote
decide. Plain and simple.

There are many factors that can determin why a story would not receive many

1) Few readers. This is why we have Reading Season, something ASC doesn't
have. They have a built-in pool of stories and so everyone knows which
stories are eligible (all of them) as they read throughout the year. We
don't have the built-in pool, so we noominate. There is a much larger
potential pool for us. We need some time to read the stories we haven't
already read. Thus Reading Season.

2) Length. Hopefully Reading Season will help that as well. When I was
getting ready for the DS9 awrds at ASC, I read up on the eligible stories
that I hadn't read thoughout the year. I only read the shorter ones. But
then I only had about two weeks before DS9 voting would be over. We have
Reading Season and I hope that will encourage people that they do have some
time to read the longer ones.

3) Length. My Voting Tips document will help with this one. Shorter stories
tend to get overlooked or forgotten at ASC unless someone read them right
before the awards. So my tip is to write your comments out ahead of time,
right when you read the story. Keep them on your hard drive until Voting
Season comes. Then you only need copy & paste.

4) Not a voter's cup of tea. I've said it before. Slash stories will not
get a vote from me. Slash isn't my cup of tea. Someone else may not give
my Legolas stories a look because they just don't like Legolas stories.
S'okay. To each his own.

5) Not a good summary. If the summary didn't catch the voter's attention
and interest, they might pass the story by without a read.

6) Quality. Keeping in mind that negative feedback is counter-productive
here, if the quality is low, the comments will be too.

7) Voter pool. Here, the more the merrier. The more readers we have, the
higher the chances of having fairly even coverage of stories.

8) Real Life. RL can smack people in the head at the most inconvenient
times. Like this year at the ASC Awards. I don't think I'd ever seen so
many apology posts by people saying they just didn't have the time to
comment/vote. If they had, I might have had an award this yaer. Sigh.

I realize that some of you are going to just have to trust me on this.
You've not seen these kinds of awrds before. You fear what can go wrong. I
brought this kinds of awards up in the discussions that lead to the
Mithril's. I think it scared some people. They went a different way.
Okay. To each his own. But I still believe in this method. I've seen it
work. I've felt the positive effects of it. Even when I didn't win. SO I
started them here. And this is precisely why I didn't start them with a
committee. A committee might have been scared.

Let's look at the positive side, and why there's really no reason to fear.
Let's just start with a hypothetical example:

Superior writes a wonderful story call The Incredible Story and it was
nominated. Some of those in the group see that nomination and think,
hmmm...that sounds interesting. They go and read The Incredible Story.

Reading Season comes. Voters look through the list, through the categories
that interest them, and let's say The Incredible Story is in LOTR, which
should be widely read, I'd think. They see The Incredible Story and read
it. They like it and are prepared to write a comment in Voting Season.

Voting Season comes. A really long 10-pointer vote comes out for The
Incredible Story. Other voters who hadn't read it see that vote and think,
"Hmmm...that must be a good story. I'd hate to miss it." So they go and
read. And get their vote in just before Voting Season is over. Or not. But
they love it and send the author feedback anyway.

The Awards are announced and The Incredible Story won The Two Towers Award.
2nd Place. Superior wonders why she didn't get first place. But she'd not
too upset, she has a lot of new readers and feedback that she might not have
had before.

And then, after Awards Season is over, someone is surfing for LOTR stories.
They see an Awards Banner on The Incredble Story and think..."Hmm, maybe
this is woth my time." Now Superior has a new reader and some more

I can't guarantee "fairness" of the type your question seems to want. Even
if story A and Story B each had 10 readers, if they didn't have the SAME ten
readers, you still wouldn't get that kind of "fair". Because readers are
subjective, not objective. They write comments based on what they like.
They don't follow a checklist to figure out how many points a story
deserves. I can't guarantee that anymore than we can guarantee enough
educated voters go to the polls on Election Day.

And there is also a 10pt ceiling. If someone wants to try and stack a vote
by writing two pages worth of comments and gnerate 30 points for the story,
well, they still only get 10.

Just trust me, encourage more people to join (the more the merrier) and give
it a try. I think you'll like the results.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 535

Re: Bad URL: Mortal Shores Posted by Soledad May 08, 2004 - 11:11:59 Topic ID# 529
Here is the full URL:

Yep, it breaks in th middle, and I can't help it.


Msg# 536

Re: Bad URL: Mortal Shores Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 08, 2004 - 11:55:33 Topic ID# 529
Try using this:

and enter the long URL in the box to get a nice, easy, short one. Works wonders!


Here is the full URL:

Yep, it breaks in th middle, and I can't help it.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 537

Re: Bad URL: Mortal Shores Posted by ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 12:04:29 Topic ID# 529
Thanks! That fixes it! I fixed it in the database and will add it
to the web site next time I edit it. (May not be until I get home
Sunday evening. But who knows. I updated it last night!)


--- In, "Soledad" <annaliess@h...> wrote:
> Here is the full URL:
> STID=259&SPOrdinal=1
> Yep, it breaks in th middle, and I can't help it.
> Soledad

Msg# 538

Wrong Category? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 12:19:36 Topic ID# 538
I found Zimraphel's story Leave Us Not in Darkness in the Silm category. It
should be LOTR, so I've changed it. Could someone check my original
nomination to see what category it said?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 539

Re: Wrong Category? Posted by Tom and Anna Vandecar May 08, 2004 - 12:45:24 Topic ID# 538
That was my mistake. It should have been in LotR. That's what I get for trying to play catch up all in one day. I have it listed correctly on my spreadsheet, just entered the wrong category here in the database. I will double check the others this evening and make certain there are no others mis-categorized. Here's the original nomination:

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Leave Us Not In Darkness

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address: granymyr@y...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Lord of the Rings
2nd: Horror
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Short Story

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): vile deeds of Sarumon

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas enter the Tower of Orthanc for the first
time, they discover Saruman's most vile deed.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 12:20 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Wrong Category?

I found Zimraphel's story Leave Us Not in Darkness in the Silm category. It
should be LOTR, so I've changed it. Could someone check my original
nomination to see what category it said?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Msg# 540

100 Members! Posted by ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 12:45:38 Topic ID# 540
We've had some comings and goings recently, but Moralanqua has
become our 100th member!!!

Very cool. And still "the more the merrier!"

I usually try to say hello to all the newcomers, but I'm out of town
with limited access to my PCs. Maybe when I return I'll catch up. ;-

Good to see you all here anyway!

And hey, we still need more vote-counters!


Msg# 541

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by lindorien2000 May 08, 2004 - 12:58:08 Topic ID# 531
Here's the way I see it Ainae, and Khazar. In many ways EVERYBODY
wins. The author gets FEEDBACK. And that is worth more than any award
or money or whatever in the fanfic stakes. In fact, it is the only
payment anybody is going to get for the work - the knowledge and
satisfaction that SOMEBODY read it and liked it.

Liked it enough to comment on it. THAT's a big deal. I mean, I love
when people tell me they like my work. Much of my stuff has been
pulled offline in recent months and its THEN I hear from people.
'Where's whats and such? I LOVED that?'

I so have to laugh because I am thinking, 'If you loved it so much,
why didn't you tell me back when it was posted?'

So - the nature of these awards requires feedback, which, as an
author, is worth far more than the award or the title or the whatever.

Somebody wants to play games with vote-stacking, its their preogative,
but in their hearts, they will know they obtained the awards because
they beat their friends out of the bushes to go typing for them.

But to get commentary from people who are no more than acquaintances?
Or from people one has never heard from? Or from somebody who read one
because they stumbled upon one hear.

Worth far more, IMHO, than the award itself. The award are letters in
a summary, it is the feedback aspect of these awards that is so appealing.

There are a ton of things listed here from authors I've never heard of
and archives I've never visited.

(don't be insulted, anybody, I don't read much in the way of fanfic
and only hang out in two places. Also, I read short pieces, not long
pieces, so if I don't comment on your long piece, don't take it
personally, it is rare I read them.)

So - when reading season starts, I am going to have some fun
discovering some new people.

Any of you out there who are more than just acquaintances, if I fail
to make copious commentary, or ANY commentary -- it is because you
already know how much I love your work and I've told you already.

The feedback is what is important. Not the award.

Okay - back to my quiet little corner.

Ainae - what's the date of the last day for nominations?

Best to everybody,

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:

> I realize that some of you are going to just have to trust me on this.
> You've not seen these kinds of awrds before. You fear what can go

Msg# 542

Nomination Posted by bwoodru1 May 08, 2004 - 13:06:52 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)

*Story Title: Chance Meeting at Rivendell

*Story Author Aunt Dora Baggins

*Author's E-mail Address: Is just the contact link at Henneth Annun

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): G

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When Bilbo visited Rivendell in "The Hobbit", Aragorn was a child of
nine or ten and was living in Rivendell. This story supposes that
they met and became friends. The story is a simple account of their
growing friendship, and includes foreshadowing of events to come.

Msg# 543

Nomination Posted by laur\_melyanna May 08, 2004 - 13:36:38 Topic ID# 199
*Nominator's name: Laur Melyanna

*Story Title: The Gift

*Story Author: Mirasaui

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Angst
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/Lindir
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Lindir must
choose a gift for his secret love (Glorfindel).

Msg# 544

Re: Silm/LotR/Crossover caught up to this point/author approvals Posted by sulriel May 08, 2004 - 14:16:13 Topic ID# 524
this one has permission

> , but here's a list of author
> approvals still needed from my lists:
> Sulriel - Taming the Wildflower

Msg# 545

Re: Nomination Posted by Soledad May 08, 2004 - 14:28:30 Topic ID# 199
I can't verify the URL to this story. Klicking on the link, I always
end up on HASA's Members Login page.

Any suggestions?


--- In, "bwoodru1" <bwoodru1@y...> wrote:
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)
> *Story Title: Chance Meeting at Rivendell
> *Story Author Aunt Dora Baggins
> *Author's E-mail Address: Is just the contact link at Henneth Annun
> OK?
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: The Hobbit
> 2nd: Hobbits
> 3rd: Men
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating:
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): G
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> When Bilbo visited Rivendell in "The Hobbit", Aragorn was a child
> nine or ten and was living in Rivendell. This story supposes that
> they met and became friends. The story is a simple account of their
> growing friendship, and includes foreshadowing of events to come.

Msg# 546

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 08, 2004 - 14:37:15 Topic ID# 531
> What do we do to ensure that a story is read by an equal
> number of people?

We don't. I'm basing this off the alt.startrek.creative awards and they
have worked well for 8 or 9 years now. Just give it a try.

> Let's say Story A is about Legolas, and gets 76 reads/votes.
> Let's say the character count gives it 150 pts.
> Story B, OTOH, is in the same category, but is not about
> Legolas. It gets 15 readers. With fewer readers there are
> correspondingly fewer voters, so it ends up with 70 pts.
> Is that a reasonable description of the system thus far?

It certainly could be. Though I think the second is more accurate. 76
reads/votes out of the 90-something membership is too high, I'd think. N
one is going to have the time or inclination to read every story, I'd bet.

Well, that will depend on a variety of factors, none of which can
be easily predicted. There are always those who read everything that
comes their way.

But I would hope that people would read everything *within a category
that they intended to vote on*.

> Now let's make this really tricky. Story A is inferior to
> Story B (grammar, plot, etc). But since more people read it &
> commented on it, it still wins--even though Story B is the
> superior work.

It can happen.

> If I am reading this correctly, then it is possible for a
> lousy story to win.

Done honestly, I'd say it's a fairly low chance that a lousy story can win.
For one thing, a lousy story won't get many comments, and certainy not long
ones. That said, the one thing that really could ruin it, is vote-stacking.
Read the FAQ and Q and A to find out what that is if you don't already know.

Oh, I know what it is. People can be very "creative".

I also know what people will do to win. Knowing what goes on at dog & horse shows for a $2.00 ribbon
& maybe a $20 prize is enough to curdle your brain. People can get very uptight over a bunch of colored
pixels. :-/

> Is there any way to guarantee, or require, that a certain
> number of voters read all the stories in a specific category
> to prevent this from becoming a simple popularity contest???
> Just wondering

No. I know I've gone over some of this in another post, but you may not
have been around then, and certainly there are members now who weren't.
This will not be a popularity contest, but it will be a popular vote. Here
in America, you can't promise the same number of voters will be educated
about the candidates. You can't even get all the eligible voters to vote.
How can you guarantee there will be as many Republicans and Democrats? What
about the Independents? You can't. It's a popular vote. Those who vote
decide. Plain and simple.

Tell me about it. I work the polls. If you had to require people to show more live brain cells than is in
a head of lettuce, the electorate would be *way* smaller.

There are many factors that can determin why a story would not receive many

1) Few readers. This is why we have Reading Season, something ASC doesn't
have. They have a built-in pool of stories and so everyone knows which
stories are eligible (all of them) as they read throughout the year. We
don't have the built-in pool, so we noominate. There is a much larger
potential pool for us. We need some time to read the stories we haven't
already read. Thus Reading Season.

Good Idea.

2) Length. Hopefully Reading Season will help that as well. When I was
getting ready for the DS9 awrds at ASC, I read up on the eligible stories
that I hadn't read thoughout the year. I only read the shorter ones. But
then I only had about two weeks before DS9 voting would be over. We have
Reading Season and I hope that will encourage people that they do have some
time to read the longer ones.

It may be advisable in some popular categories to divide Long & Short pieces. That way the long ones
won't get passed over by people worried about the amount of time needed to read them.

I realize that some of you are going to just have to trust me on this.
You've not seen these kinds of awrds before. You fear what can go wrong. I
brought this kinds of awards up in the discussions that lead to the
Mithril's. I think it scared some people. They went a different way.
Okay. To each his own. But I still believe in this method. I've seen it
work. I've felt the positive effects of it. Even when I didn't win. SO I
started them here. And this is precisely why I didn't start them with a
committee. A committee might have been scared.

Actually, I think this idea has quite a bit of merit. My primary concern, as I said last night/early this morning,
is what happens to the story in the category that, by its very nature, is less attractive to a wide range of readers.
The instance I am thinking about is what happens when a story about, say, Legolas, a popular elf, is entered against
one about, say, Erestor, who has a considerably smaller fan base. Poor Erestor's story will have a hard time
getting a fair shake.

But I do think that this can work--it will be valuable for the feedback alone, I think.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 547

Intro and some noms Posted by c1nnam0ngrr1 May 08, 2004 - 15:54:48 Topic ID# 547
Hi! I'm Cinnie. Been writing fic for almost a year now, primarily
crossovers but also non-cross stuff in the LotR, BtVS/AtS, HP, and
PotC fandoms. Of the four, LotR is by far my favourite, and comprises
the greatest part of my work.

I'm a medieval history buff, a canon and grammar nazi, slavishly
eager for concrit of my work, and have an unhealthy fixation on
various elves of our mutual acquaintance.

Someone said that there's not a lot of recs out there for crossovers.
Let's see if I can't do something about that.


*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul: The Gift of Death

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Bit of violence, bit of
romance, no sex in main story (softcore romance novelish smut in the
out-take chapters that are separate from the main story, but you
don't need to read them to follow the story-- skip right over).

*Summary: Epic. Yes, another Buffy-jumps-into-the-portal-and-ends-up-
in-Middle-Earth fic but give it a shot, eh? This one's different.

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul: Without (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Drama
3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): This one's got softcore
romance-novelish smut sprinkled throughout.

*Summary: Sequel to TGoD. Epic. Magical love, mystical portals
dropping modern chicks into Middle-Earth. Haldir gets what's coming
to him, but there's always a catch.

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: The Fall of Night (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no sex, no obscenity, a
little violence.

*Summary: Elrond, Haldir, and an old friend make a wager... can the
twins and Rumil make a humourless young woman laugh?

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Not Fire, Not Ice (WIP)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no sex, no obscenity, a
little violence.

*Summary: Sequel to The Fall of Night. Naure is orc-napped whilst on
her way to Lothlorien to regain her memories. Haldir sets out to
rescue her, but will he get more than he bargains for?

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: Unrequited: Gilraen (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama

Subcategory: Angst

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): little bit of sexual
reference, nothing bad, and done quickly

*Summary: A young widow burns for what can never be hers.

*Nominator's name: CinnamonGrrl

*Story Title: The Yellow Bird (complete)

*Story Author: CinnamonGrrl

*Author's E-mail Address: cinnamongrrl @ popullus . net

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Romance
2nd: Humour
3rd: Elves

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): slightly more adult
themes than mere G rating.

*Summary: The only hint Orophin has of his secret admirer's identity
is a yellow bird, but with his meddling brothers involved, will he
*ever* learn who she is?

Msg# 548

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 16:11:51 Topic ID# 199
Try this one:

The "members" part souldn't have been there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 2:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Nomination
> I can't verify the URL to this story. Klicking on the link, I
> always end up on HASA's Members Login page.
> Any suggestions?
> Soledad
> --- In, "bwoodru1" <bwoodru1@y...> wrote:
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)
> >
> > *Story Title: Chance Meeting at Rivendell
> >
> > *Story Author Aunt Dora Baggins
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: Is just the contact link at Henneth Annun
> > OK?
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: The Hobbit
> > 2nd: Hobbits
> > 3rd: Men
> > Subcategory (suggest something):
> >
> > *Rating:
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): G
> >
> > *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> >
> > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> > When Bilbo visited Rivendell in "The Hobbit", Aragorn was a child
> of
> > nine or ten and was living in Rivendell. This story
> supposes that they
> > met and became friends. The story is a simple account of
> their growing
> > friendship, and includes foreshadowing of events to come.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 549

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 16:12:56 Topic ID# 531
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lindorien2000 []
> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 12:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question)
> Okay - back to my quiet little corner.
> Ainae - what's the date of the last day for nominations?

Thanks, Lindorien. The last day is June 15th. So we still have lots of


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 550

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 16:26:59 Topic ID# 531
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dawn Martinez-Byrne []
> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 2:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question)

> Well, that will depend on a variety of factors, none of
> which can be easily predicted. There are always those who
> read everything that comes their way.

True. We might have someone who has a lot of time on their hands who can
read everything. But remember we've already got nearly 200 stories
nominated and there's still a month to go.

> But I would hope that people would read everything *within a
> category that they intended to vote on*.

That depends, too. I'm likely to read Elf stories, but not Elf slash or
romance. Or a story based around an Elf I don't care for. Like Feanor. I
think everyone who knows me knows I'm still mad about the Kinslaying. ;-)

I certainly did try to read all the DS9 General stories I could during
awards time as ASC. It's best to read as many as you can, but it's not
required that you read all.

> Oh, I know what it is. People can be very "creative".

Yes, they can.

> I also know what people will do to win. Knowing what goes on
> at dog & horse shows for a $2.00 ribbon & maybe a $20 prize
> is enough to curdle your brain. People can get very uptight
> over a bunch of colored pixels. :-/

Yeah, but if they get caught here, they face a tough penalty, their vote,
their story, or them disqualified. Or any combination thereof.

> Tell me about it. I work the polls. If you had to require
> people to show more live brain cells than is in a head of
> lettuce, the electorate would be *way* smaller.

;-) And yet somehow we keep pulling it off.

> 1) Few readers. ... Thus Reading Season.
> Good Idea.

Thanks. I know *I* have a gazillion stories I've not gotten around to
reading yet. Thesenominations may help me prioritize my reading.

> 2) Length. ...We have
> Reading Season and I hope that will encourage people that
> they do have some time to read the longer ones.
> It may be advisable in some popular categories to divide
> Long & Short pieces. That way the long ones won't get passed
> over by people worried about the amount of time needed to read them.

I know I've gone over that one in a separate post. They *may* get
subdivided by length. They *may* not.

> Actually, I think this idea has quite a bit of merit. My
> primary concern, as I said last night/early this morning, is
> what happens to the story in the category that, by its very
> nature, is less attractive to a wide range of readers.
> The instance I am thinking about is what happens when a story
> about, say, Legolas, a popular elf, is entered against one
> about, say, Erestor, who has a considerably smaller fan base.
> Poor Erestor's story will have a hard time getting a fair shake.

Sometimes readers can surprise you. I know I got surprised this year in the
DS9 awards by someone named Sisko2734 (or something like that). I had read
one of his stories before and didn't think too much of it. Because I *did*
set myself a goal of reading all the DS9 General stories I read two or three
other stories by this person. They didn't star Dr. Bashir. Some of them
didn't even have any canon characters. And they turned out to be excellent.
Guess who got the longest comments from me in the DS9 Author category?
Already Zimraphel got me reading stories of hers that might not have
interested me. But I had read one of her stories, so when I went looking
for Numenor stories to nominate, I thought maybe she'd have more. I read
nearly a dozen! And they weren't all Numenor. And only one of them, I
think, involved Legolas. When I go to to look for LOTR
stories, I filter out all but Faramir and Legolas. These awards have
already broadened outlook.

> But I do think that this can work--it will be valuable for
> the feedback alone, I think.
:-) Good, and at ASC that's what they stress all along. The Awards are
secondary. The Feedback is the main thing!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 551

Maybe it's only annoying me... Posted by Larian May 08, 2004 - 16:47:29 Topic ID# 551
Could the list of categories be put on the bottom of the nominating
form at some point?

I copied it to the ones I'm doing, but until/unless you get really
familiar with it, it seems like it would be easier to have it right
there when you're doing a nomination.


Keeper of the OEAM Archive

Msg# 552

Yet Another Introduction Posted by May 08, 2004 - 17:21:36 Topic ID# 552
And a belated one at that, since I joined the group the first day...

But anyway, here I am. Gonzai. The artist. Who dabbles in fanfiction on
occasion and Ainae was so kind as to nominate 2 of my stories. But still, the
majority of my efforts are artistic. All stories and art, BTW, are at That's a shameless plug, people.

Of course, it is important to note at this time that this whole, entire thing
is my fault and therefore all kudos and brickbats should be sent my way. How
is it my fault? Well...I went to see Fellowship of the Ring, and afterwards
e-mailed Ainae to tell her about this great movie with Enya music that she
simply had to see. And then I walked her through the basics of Lord of the Rings,
she saw the movies, she read the books, etc etc and it would seem I've created
a bit of a monster, wouldn't it? ;-)

In any event, real life has been smacking me upside the head of late and so I
don't really expect to be participating much, but I'm here all the same :-)


"I'm going to need a Ritalin smoothie to deal with this." Carson Kressley,
Queer Eye

"She lost her mind years ago and never missed it once." James McMurtry

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 553

Nominations of AlexCat stories (Long) Posted by Larian May 08, 2004 - 17:33:16 Topic ID# 553
*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Call

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): We all long
for home.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Doom of Man

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves or Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What really
happened at Mt. Doom.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Elf Friend's Tale

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Dwarves

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.:

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/Gimli

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gimli and
Legolas become a little more than friends.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Ever Onward

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Wizards

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situation.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Gandalf/Celeborn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Two old
friends share a evening of comfort.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Into the West

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Songfic

*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situation.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Galadriel/Celeborn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Galadriel


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Mother of the Year

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Mpreg

*Rating: R
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situations,

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Erestor/Glorfindel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Someone
becomes a mommy… err daddy…hmmm mommy.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: My Elf

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble/ Dwarves

*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/Gimli

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gimli stakes
his claim.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: A New Season

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: post LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Sam

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sam begins


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Perfectly Happy

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual innuendo,

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/Haldir

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir
thinks Glorfindel is too happy.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Ring of Loneliness

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Celeborn/Elrond

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Celeborn
offers comfort to his son-in-law.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Simply a Kiss

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Dwarves

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): sexual innuendo

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Gimli/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolas
loves Gimli.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Sorrow Profound

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elrond looks
back on all he has lost.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Sunshine and Ivy

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-LOTR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexuality

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Celeborn/Haldir,

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Making love
outdoors LOOKS like fun.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Unsung

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Aragorn
thinks back to how many gave so much.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: What Do we Get?

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama

Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Smeagol
wants his present.

Msg# 554

Nominations of my own story or two.... Posted by Larian May 08, 2004 - 18:09:01 Topic ID# 554
*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: It's In His Eyes

*Story Author: Larian Elensar

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Elves
3rd: Numenor

Subcategory (suggest something): Rings of Power

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elros and
Elrond have not made their choice yet. Elros chose mortality. Maybe
Celebrimbor was part of the reason.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Swept Away

*Story Author: Larian Elensar

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: Rohan

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sex, slash

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Rúmil/Theodred

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir and
Rúmil are on a scouting mission and end up getting separated. Rúmil
ends up in Rohan.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Stop That, You'll Only Hurt Yourselves

*Story Author: AlexCat and Larian Elensar

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR

Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sex, slash

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The elflords
find all sorts of trouble when they go in search of another drink.


*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Keeper Of The Flame

*Story Author: Larian Elensar

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR

Subcategory (suggest something): Post-LOTR or Valinor

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Non-graphic Sexual

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Celeborn/Galadriel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Galadriel is
crossing the sea after the war of the ring. This is what she's
thinking about on the ship to Valinor.

Msg# 555

Re: Maybe it's only annoying me... Posted by ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 18:43:33 Topic ID# 551
--- In, "Larian" <larian_elensar@y...>
> Could the list of categories be put on the bottom of the
> form at some point?

Sure. I could do that.

> I copied it to the ones I'm doing, but until/unless you get really
> familiar with it, it seems like it would be easier to have it
> there when you're doing a nomination.

Good idea.


Msg# 556

Re: Maybe it's only annoying me... Posted by ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 18:47:51 Topic ID# 551
--- In, "ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> --- In, "Larian" <larian_elensar@y...>
> wrote:
> > Could the list of categories be put on the bottom of the
> nominating
> > form at some point?

Done! At least for the one in the Files Section here. I'll probably
wait on the web site one until I get home....Or the next time I
remotely control my computers.

Yes, it was all Gonzai's fault. ;-)

Msg# 557

Callow newbie says hello Posted by Gemma May 08, 2004 - 19:00:45 Topic ID# 557
Hello, Ainae, staff and everyone,

I'm Gemma, sometimes known as 'Wild Iris' when I write Tolkienfic
(which is less often than I'd like). I'm, er, British... a medieval
history grad, former Web directory editor, and currently grad
student in literary historiography. More to the point, I'm the admin
of the Trees Remember fanfiction archive, which is proud to be an
affiliate of these awards :)

Afraid I can't offer material help at the moment. But I definitely
want to nominate a bunch of stories.



Msg# 558

Re: Maybe it's only annoying me... Posted by Larian Elensar May 08, 2004 - 19:04:35 Topic ID# 551
Excellent! Thanks!

--- ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> --- In, "ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > --- In, "Larian" <larian_elensar@y...>
> > wrote:
> > > Could the list of categories be put on the bottom of the
> > nominating
> > > form at some point?
> Done! At least for the one in the Files Section here. I'll probably
> wait on the web site one until I get home....Or the next time I
> remotely control my computers.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> Yes, it was all Gonzai's fault. ;-)

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 559

Re: Callow newbie says hello Posted by c1nnam0ngrr1 May 08, 2004 - 21:31:19 Topic ID# 557
--- In, "Gemma" <gemma@h...> wrote:
> Hello, Ainae, staff and everyone,
> I'm Gemma, sometimes known as 'Wild Iris' when I write Tolkienfic
> (which is less often than I'd like). I'm, er, British... a medieval
> history grad, former Web directory editor, and currently grad
> student in literary historiography. More to the point, I'm the
> of the Trees Remember fanfiction archive, which is proud to be an
> affiliate of these awards :)
> Afraid I can't offer material help at the moment. But I definitely
> want to nominate a bunch of stories.
> Cheers,
> Gemma

Hi Gemma! Another Medieval Studies Major here, wasn't it fun?
Useless, but so so fun! Heh. Welcome, can't wait to see what you rec.


Msg# 560

I've Got A Suggestion Posted by May 08, 2004 - 22:24:02 Topic ID# 560
For category awards, for Angst I suggest The Grey Havens (because
everybody needs a Kleenex for that part of LOTR) and for Romance I
would drop Tuor and Idril for Faramir and Eowyn. (Okay, so I've
made awards for those categories and am JUST a LITTLE biased...but
they were SUCH lovely images I found....)

Ingwe is proving VERY difficult to create an award for, because he's
SO minor in the books. I see the rationale in having a Vanyar,
Noldor and Teleri/Sindar award, but I'm not sure what one would
nominate for that award.

For the Numenoreans, I'd like to suggest changing Tar-Palantir to Ar-
Pharazon, to accommodate any writers who choose to write from the
non-Faithful point of view.

And instead of Nimrodel and Amroth for the Angst/Drama category,
could I suggest The Unnumbered Tears Award for Sil-based angst?

Msg# 561

Re: I've Got A Suggestion Posted by ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 22:40:44 Topic ID# 560
--- In, granamyr@y... wrote:
> For category awards, for Angst I suggest The Grey Havens (because
> everybody needs a Kleenex for that part of LOTR) and for Romance I
> would drop Tuor and Idril for Faramir and Eowyn. (Okay, so I've
> made awards for those categories and am JUST a LITTLE biased...but
> they were SUCH lovely images I found....)

Sorry, but if you look there's a similarity between each of the
three. For Drama (not angst, but including angst) we picked the
dramatic characters, not places. Turin Turmbar is probably the
prince of angst. Frodo certainly exudes a lot of that. And I had at
first Tar-Miriel as hers was quite a sad story, but as she was
elsewhere named again, I changed it with Dwim's help to another sad
story, that of Nimrodel and Amroth. Characters. Not places.

And for Romance, there are three "famous" or "well-known" romances
between Elves and Men: Luthien and Beren first, then Tuor and Idril,
then Arwen and Aragorn. Faramir and Eowyn might be a lovely couple
but they are mortal and mortal. They don't fit the pattern.

> Ingwe is proving VERY difficult to create an award for, because
> SO minor in the books. I see the rationale in having a Vanyar,
> Noldor and Teleri/Sindar award, but I'm not sure what one would
> nominate for that award.

You don't nominate for awards. You nominate for categories. You
don't have to write about Ingwe to win The Ingwe of Valinor Award.
You have to write the Elf story that gets the most points. I
picked, with Shadow975's help, three kingdoms of Elves and their
kings: Ingwe in Valinor as the high king of the Vanya, Elu Thingol
unchallenged ruler of the Sindarin Elves at Doriath, and Turgon of
Gondolin as probably the most likable (to me) Noldor ruler.

> For the Numenoreans, I'd like to suggest changing Tar-Palantir to
> Pharazon, to accommodate any writers who choose to write from the
> non-Faithful point of view.

The *only* category in which bad guys are the awards is the Horror
category. Ar-Pharazon is not a good guy. He is the one who raped
Miriel and stole her sceptor, authorized human sacrifices to
Morgoth, and got Numenor destroyed. Even a story from the non-
Faithful point of view could still win The Elros Award or the Tar-
Palantir Award.

The three mentioned are the good or Faithful kings and queen of

> And instead of Nimrodel and Amroth for the Angst/Drama category,
> could I suggest The Unnumbered Tears Award for Sil-based angst?

While I would think that is a good idea at first glance, it would
require the changing of all three Awards in the Drama category to
again have a pattern. The Battle of the Unnamed Tears (or the
Nirneith Anoediad--I can't spell it correctly, but I'd bother to
look it up if that were the award) is a battle or a deed, not a
character. And again we are going for character as the other two
are characters.

But I think the main thing you are missing is that the individual
Award names are not for a particular kind of story *beyond* the
category. The Nimrodel and Amroth Award is the 3rd place award for
Drama. It has nothing to do with the plot of the story that wins
that award, except that it be about drama. So its not for Silm-
based angst or LOTR-based angst or any other-based angst. It's just
for the third place winner of the Drama category.

The only thing that would be specific about the name of the award
will be the banner representing it. So a banner depicting some
aspect of Nimrodel and Amroth would be required for The Nimrodel and
Amroth Award. But any Drama story can win it.

I hope that's more clear now.

And as I've said before, I'm not changing anything major at this
point of the game. We had time to add new categories and adjust
names for awards before Nominatin Season opened. We will have that
time again before Nomination Season next year, when you might
campaign for new names for awards or new categories.


Msg# 562

Nomination Posted by Larian May 08, 2004 - 22:41:08 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Vanilla Cream

*Story Author:Kharessa Bloodrose

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual innuendo

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrond/Erestor

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): One day –
Elrond and Erestor. Vanilla: simplicity and perfection, a taste and
texture that could never grow old.


Msg# 563

Nominations - 2 more Posted by Larian Elensar May 08, 2004 - 23:03:36 Topic ID# 563
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Heartsong

*Story Author: Trinity Helix

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/Ecthelion

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Glorfindel broods,
Ecthelion shows him beauty.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Final Flight

*Story Author: Trinity Helix

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Leading the elves to
Helmýs Deep, Haldir finds what he is looking for.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 564

Author Approvals, please read Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 08, 2004 - 23:09:33 Topic ID# 564
When putting author approvals into the table we need to be clear. A Yes or
a No should be in the Approved column based on how the author responded. A
"not yet" can be placed there if you have not received an answer yet.

I've seen some say "mailed 5/5" or such. Does that mean the Staff mailed,
or the author mailed an answer? If the author, what was the answer.

And this throws into question the "no" under that column for Baylor. Did
Baylor say "no" or did the Staff person mean "no answer yet"?

Please onlystick to those three answers to the approvied column: Yes, No,
not yet



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 565

Problems in Nomination Table Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 0:02:40 Topic ID# 565
Broken link: For Last of the
Edhel by CinnamonGrrl

Also, there are two entries for Shadow975's Too Late for Misgivings. One is
category Men and the other is Lord of the Rings.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 566

Blanket permission Posted by shippingindustry May 09, 2004 - 1:22:43 Topic ID# 566
Ummm. Not sure how to do this, but it came up in a private exchange
and so... I can't imagine why I wouldn't grant someone permission to
nominate one of my stories. If anyone is hesitating, herein lies

Is there something else I have to do?

If I want to nominate someone's story, and I ask their permission,
and they say yes, then what do I do? (If they say no, I think I can
figure that one out for myself)

I have read the FAQ, really I have, but (trying to think of some
really lame excuse, cannot think of any save I'm tired and it's late)
well, anyhow, I have read them.

Anyhow, there it is. If I'm not making sense, blame chocolate
deprivation. (Will they give me chocolate for mother's day, i ask
you? there's been none in the house for ever so long, perhaps more
than a week, even.) Didn't even know I'd got permission to be part of
this group until this evening. I was "pending" the last time I looked.

Sorry to ramble. Go back to your discussion now. I will begin lurking


Msg# 567

p.s. Posted by shippingindustry May 09, 2004 - 1:30:45 Topic ID# 567
hope i did not put anyone off with that last post. i did not mean to
sound aloof.

i often post to a list when i have something pithy to say, an
intelligent contribution to make, a thoughtful point to contribute to
a discussion.

...which is why i am, for the most part, a lurker.

(going back into the shadows now. if i only had some chocolate to
give me a sense of false courage, i might not feel so tentative)

anyhow, it's the wee hours, and a list i haven't posted to before,
though i have read some of the messages and my friend L. assured me
you folk don't bite. hope she's right.

Msg# 568

Re: Problems in Nomination Table Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 1:40:04 Topic ID# 565
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Broken link: For
Last of the
> Edhel by CinnamonGrrl

That one is fixed. It was another long url that got cut off in the
copy and paste.

> Also, there are two entries for Shadow975's Too Late for
Misgivings. One is
> category Men and the other is Lord of the Rings.

As for this one, I don't know. The nomination I had for it is below,
at the bottom of the post. I don't know where the other nomination
is. This is obviously another author who needs to be contacted and
asked which category she wants the story in.

This raises a question about the author approval on this story. In
the author approval table it shows Shadow975 as having approved only
two stories, Too Late for Misgivings not being one of them. But on
the duplicate entry for Men in the story nominations list it says
that it has been approved by the staff. So has it been approved and
this story just not added yet to the author approval table?

And on the author approval of those who've nominated their own works -
do we automatically enter these into the approval table when
entering the nominations, or is someone else doing this, or is each
self-nominating author responsible for entering the info themselves?
I apologize if this has been addressed before and I missed it, but I
wanted to make sure what was expected.

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
*Story Title: Too Late for Misgivings
*Story Author: Shadow975
*Author's E-mail Address: shadowbright@m...
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondor, Boromir-Farami
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The parting of Boromir and Faramir, in which the brothers again
address the
question of which of them should go to Imladris.

Msg# 569

Change in story category: Across Dark Waters Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 1:41:47 Topic ID# 569
I contacted Zimraphel and she would like to have the story nominated
in the Silm category. I'll correct the story nomination table to
reflect the changed category.


Msg# 570

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 1:56:20 Topic ID# 514
Just to update - we've gotten a few more nominations in this
category, but still only three nominations and all by the same

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> As of yet, we have no nominations for Crossovers. I can think of
> WIPs:
> 1) A LOTR/Hogan's Heroes
> 2) A LOTR/X-Files (not updated in forever)
> 3) A LOTR/Mummy (also lost in fanfic purgatory)
> I can nomination those, though I feel less thanenthusiastic for
stories that
> I have no idea the authro will ever finish them. Besides, they are
> WIPs. It would be good to have some completed crossovers. Anyone
think of
> any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 571

Re: Nomination Posted by Soledad May 09, 2004 - 4:28:06 Topic ID# 199
Thanks. It worked indeed.


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Try this one:
> The "members" part souldn't have been there.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Soledad [mailto:annaliess@h...]
> > Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 2:28 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Nomination
> >
> > I can't verify the URL to this story. Klicking on the link, I
> > always end up on HASA's Members Login page.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Soledad
> >
> >
> > --- In, "bwoodru1" <bwoodru1@y...>
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)
> > >
> > > *Story Title: Chance Meeting at Rivendell
> > >
> > > *Story Author Aunt Dora Baggins
> > >
> > > *Author's E-mail Address: Is just the contact link at Henneth
> > > OK?
> > >
> > > *Story URL:
> > >
> > >
> > > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > >
> > > *1st: The Hobbit
> > > 2nd: Hobbits
> > > 3rd: Men
> > > Subcategory (suggest something):
> > >
> > > *Rating:
> > >
> > > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): G
> > >
> > > *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> > >
> > > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> > > When Bilbo visited Rivendell in "The Hobbit", Aragorn was a
> > of
> > > nine or ten and was living in Rivendell. This story
> > supposes that they
> > > met and became friends. The story is a simple account of
> > their growing
> > > friendship, and includes foreshadowing of events to come.
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> > ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> > only $14.70
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------~->
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Msg# 572

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Soledad May 09, 2004 - 5:24:29 Topic ID# 463
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

> Remember that viability for a category is at least 5 stories by at
least 2 authors. Now, we've only counted the stories, not
necessarily the authors.

"The Hobbit" and "Horror" are okay now, too.


Msg# 573

Another small note Posted by Soledad May 09, 2004 - 5:28:04 Topic ID# 573
I've found several links that won't work, and I finally found out the
reason... or one of the reasons anyway. Jillian, in most your
nominations the URL has 'http://' *twice* - that way the direct links
can't work. :)


Msg# 574

Re: Intro Posted by Moralanqua May 09, 2004 - 7:19:00 Topic ID# 547
I've heard of you! I think you fancy me and you followed me here...

Anna - am i supposed to nominate folks as well?

Moralanqua at:

Do you Yahoo!?
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 575

Re: Blanket permission Posted by Stella May 09, 2004 - 7:19:52 Topic ID# 566
--- In, "shippingindustry" <bljean@a...>
> If I want to nominate someone's story, and I ask their permission,
> and they say yes, then what do I do? (If they say no, I think I can
> figure that one out for myself)

Just email the authors permission to Ainae, and she will add them to
the Author's Approval database. :-)

(hope you get your chocolate)

Msg# 576

Re: Nomination Posted by bwoodru1 May 09, 2004 - 7:32:36 Topic ID# 199
Sorry, it should be:


I'm having a hard time getting Yahoo not to wrap text and break the
link, plus, I stupidly left the "members" part of the link in.

--- In, "Soledad" <annaliess@h...> wrote:
> I can't verify the URL to this story. Klicking on the link, I
> end up on HASA's Members Login page.
> Any suggestions?
> Soledad
> --- In, "bwoodru1" <bwoodru1@y...> wrote:
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)
> >
> > *Story Title: Chance Meeting at Rivendell
> >
> > *Story Author Aunt Dora Baggins
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: Is just the contact link at Henneth
> > OK?
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st: The Hobbit
> > 2nd: Hobbits
> > 3rd: Men
> > Subcategory (suggest something):
> >
> > *Rating:
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): G
> >
> > *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> >
> > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> > When Bilbo visited Rivendell in "The Hobbit", Aragorn was a
> of
> > nine or ten and was living in Rivendell. This story supposes
> > they met and became friends. The story is a simple account of
> > growing friendship, and includes foreshadowing of events to come.

Msg# 577

Nominations (Humour category) Posted by Gemma May 09, 2004 - 8:38:59 Topic ID# 577
All these have permission, which I'm mailing to Ainae under separate
cover. (Oh, and thanks for clarifying where to send it, Stella!)


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Gemma

*Story Title: If Your Nightly News Covered the Silmarillion

*Story Author: erunyauve

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): 'In
tonight's news: the Havens erupt in violence, Ivrin gets a
superboost, and Eeries move north. The MESI takes a dive, and we'll
have Olórin with sports and Círdan with weather.' (author's summary)


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Gemma

*Story Title: The Eight Companions: A Battle for an Elf's Sanity

*Story Author: Ellipsis

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: The Silmarillion
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody, metafiction

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): innuendo (some of it

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): 'Legolas
and 7 companions: Tuor, Elrond's sons, Elves of Nargothrond, & a
Balrog-slayer - go on a quest against the Feanorians at the social
event of Valinor for the ultimate prize: an escape from bad fanfic.'
(author's summary)


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Gemma

*Story Title: The Conversation

*Story Author: sheraiah

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): candid conversation
about relationships

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrond/Celebrian (implied),
Thranduil/OFC (implied)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Thranduil
and Elrond drink a lot and try to outdo each other in tales of
erotic adventure - unaware that their offspring are listening.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Gemma

*Story Title: Boromir: The Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual

*Story Author: Theresa Green

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Parody

*Rating: PG-13 (I'd guess)

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): much innuendo

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): 'Worried
about the care and maintenance of your Man of Gondor? Then look no
further! This comprehensive handbook will answer all your questions,
plus a few others that you wouldn't have thought to ask!' (author's


Oh, I noticed one tiny mistake in the nominations table on the
website - quite understandable, given how similar the words look,
but erunyauve's 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' has been classed
as 'humor' rather than 'horror' :)



Msg# 578

Re: p.s. Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 09, 2004 - 8:57:17 Topic ID# 567
LOL! You're describing me to a T, my dear - nice to know I'm not the only one! (Passes you a large bar of Ghirardelli's Bittersweet - the best virtual chocolate I'm aware of.)


shippingindustry <> wrote:

i often post to a list when i have something pithy to say, an
intelligent contribution to make, a thoughtful point to contribute to
a discussion.

...which is why i am, for the most part, a lurker.

(going back into the shadows now. if i only had some chocolate to
give me a sense of false courage, i might not feel so tentative)

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 579

Re: I've Got A Suggestion Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 09, 2004 - 9:01:38 Topic ID# 560
(jumping up and down, waving my hand) Ooooh, I like the Unumbered Tears Award!
What a glorious name! I could be tempted to write Sil-based angst just to get in the running for that - except I doubt I could write a story that didn't have a hobbit in it...


Do you Yahoo!?
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 580

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Donna May 09, 2004 - 9:06:01 Topic ID# 514
I have several completed LOTR/Charmed crossovers, but not sure if anyone thinks they are good enough though.
----- Original Message -----
From: Andreth/Anna
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 2:56 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.

Just to update - we've gotten a few more nominations in this
category, but still only three nominations and all by the same

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> As of yet, we have no nominations for Crossovers. I can think of
> WIPs:
> 1) A LOTR/Hogan's Heroes
> 2) A LOTR/X-Files (not updated in forever)
> 3) A LOTR/Mummy (also lost in fanfic purgatory)
> I can nomination those, though I feel less thanenthusiastic for
stories that
> I have no idea the authro will ever finish them. Besides, they are
> WIPs. It would be good to have some completed crossovers. Anyone
think of
> any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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--- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by LRBCG.COM, Inc.]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 581

Re: I've Got A Suggestion Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 09, 2004 - 9:06:32 Topic ID# 560
(crestfallen) never mind. I should read *all* the posts on a given topic before I open my mouth.

jo, sitting down with her own bar of Ghirardelli's Bittersweet

ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 582

Re: Intro Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 11:41:00 Topic ID# 547
--- In, Moralanqua <scarlettangel_22@y...>
> I've heard of you! I think you fancy me and you followed me here...
> Anna - am i supposed to nominate folks as well?
>Whatever you need to tell yourself, Mora. :-D

You don't have to nominate people, but it would be nice if you did.
Especially if you know of any good crossovers.


> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 583

Re: Nominations (Humour category) Posted by Soledad May 09, 2004 - 11:44:49 Topic ID# 577
--- In, "Gemma" <gemma@h...> wrote:

> Oh, I noticed one tiny mistake in the nominations table on the
> website - quite understandable, given how similar the words look,
> but erunyauve's 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' has been classed
> as 'humor' rather than 'horror' :)

Ye Valar! That would be my stupidity! *runs to correct it*


Msg# 584

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 11:45:43 Topic ID# 514
You can nominate your own works, as well. If you'd like to have them
nominated you just have to fill out a nominations form for each and
post them here on the list, and I can add them to the nominations.


--- In, "Donna" <artino@l...> wrote:
> I have several completed LOTR/Charmed crossovers, but not sure if
anyone thinks they are good enough though.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andreth/Anna
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 2:56 AM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> Just to update - we've gotten a few more nominations in this
> category, but still only three nominations and all by the same
> author.
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> wrote:
> >
> > As of yet, we have no nominations for Crossovers. I can think
> three
> > WIPs:
> >
> > 1) A LOTR/Hogan's Heroes
> > 2) A LOTR/X-Files (not updated in forever)
> > 3) A LOTR/Mummy (also lost in fanfic purgatory)
> >
> > I can nomination those, though I feel less thanenthusiastic for
> stories that
> > I have no idea the authro will ever finish them. Besides, they
> all
> > WIPs. It would be good to have some completed crossovers.
> think of
> > any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> said, "for
> > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and
> > Blog:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> --- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by LRBCG.COM, Inc.]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 585

Nominations Posted by Levade May 09, 2004 - 13:59:38 Topic ID# 191

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Levade

*Story Title: Unbound

*Story Author: Two-point

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some sexual situations

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

A young Rivendell Elf considers how old is too old, and what
age and death means to an Elf.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Levade

*Story Title: Gofi and the Balrog

*Story Author: Levade

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
2nd: Drama (?)
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): General

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): None

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

Elrond's twin sons have some questions about that Balrog, and know
just whom to ask.

Msg# 586

Nomination Posted by sos8n May 09, 2004 - 15:22:13 Topic ID# 191
wow i finialy got around to doing this :

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grubby

*Story Title: Mock My Innocence

*Story Author: Virvatuli

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: orcs
2nd: humour
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):lots of innuendo, some
sexual situations, Coarse language

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): oc/oc

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
"a seriously demented love story between an Orc and an Elf."

Msg# 587

Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 09, 2004 - 15:41:52 Topic ID# 191
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Quiet

*Story Author: Archet

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied violence, character death

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Faramir remembers.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Elflings

*Story Author: CC

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elladan and Elrohir
try to prove that they are old enough to leave the house by themselves


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Paths of Lorien

*Story Author: CC

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual Innuendo

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):Lindir/Haldir

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The twins go to Lorien
and Lindir finds love


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Spring In Imladris

*Story Author: CC

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied Sex

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Orophin/Gildor, Haldir/Lindir

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Orophin finds love in
Imladris and Elladan learns about love and choices


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Lament To Lorien

*Story Author: Naresha

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sexual situations

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Aragorn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Reflections on
Haldirýs death by those who loved him ý in drabble form.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: So Close, Yet Forever Away

*Story Author: Naresha

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sex

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Aragorn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Aragorn remembers.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Forever My Heart

*Story Author: Naresha

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Poem

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied Sex

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sweet little love poem
that came to me standing in a line to buy books!

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 588

Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 09, 2004 - 15:44:46 Topic ID# 191
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Braid

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): On the outskirts of
Mordor, Aragorn reminisces while braiding an injured Legolasý hair.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Icicle Cream

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Humor
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Elflings (Young elves?)

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): First snowy day in
Rivendell, the twins want icicle cream.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: One Of Them

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Battles?

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): References to violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Before the battle at
Helm's Deep, Legolas thinks about his "They cannot win this fight" comment to
Aragorn. Legolas POV


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: She Gave Me Three

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied violence/battles

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): When Legolas'
bowstring is broken after the Battle of Helm's Deep, Gimli gives him a very
special gift.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Strawberries

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Remembering what kept
Mr. Frodo from letting go on the side of Orodruin, Sam brings him some
strawberries and cream. Um yeah....that's about it....


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Sunset

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Battles?


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Reference to character death

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the War of the
Ring is over, Legolas and Aragorn keep a promise to Haldir.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: To Save a Hobbit

*Story Author: Khylea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What exactly did
Elrond do to save Frodo from the Witchking?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Alone

*Story Author: Oakenshield

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Arwen/Aragorn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Another death drabble,
Arwen this time.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Jealous

*Story Author: Oakenshield

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Humor
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gimli is forced out of
his stubbornness when he sees his heart's desire with another. In fact, two


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Sundered

*Story Author: Oakenshield

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Silmarillion
3rd: Elves/Numenor
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elros' dying thoughts.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: To My Shining Light

*Story Author: Oakenshield

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Erestor/Glorfindel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Erestor tries to put
his feelings down on paper.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 589

Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 09, 2004 - 15:45:49 Topic ID# 191
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Battle Of The Golden Wood

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Battles of LOTR?

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence, battles

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What Haldir was
*really* doing during the Battle of Helm's Deep! Celeborn, Galadriel, Haldir
and Thranduil (and a host of OC's) battle against Dol Guldur.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Wisdom of Isildur

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): On the death of
Gil-galad, Elrond asks for Celeborn's support in his decision to make himself
High King of both Noldor and Sindar.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Between Two Worlds (WIP)

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Silm
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Young Ereinion, sent
away from his father to live in a Sindar Haven, feels torn between two worlds.
Features Cirdan, Celeborn and Gil-galad.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: A Family Trait

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Young Elladan and
Elrohir make a present for their father, and a career choice that disturbs
their mother, Celebrian, and grandfather, Celeborn.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Mantle Of Power

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-LOTR/ Fourth Age

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After Elrond's
departure, Glorfindel and Celeborn face off over the rulership of Rivendell


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: A Leaf on a Stream

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Silmarillion
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Young Elves?

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Little Elladan and
Elrohir get a history lesson from their grandfather, Celeborn, resulting in
burnt fingers and no appetite for lunch


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Those Who Remain

*Story Author: Marnie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: LOTR
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Post LOTR

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What can Sam Gamgee,
and Lord Celeborn of Lorien possibly have in common?

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 590

Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 09, 2004 - 15:49:38 Topic ID# 191
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Meldir: At First Sight

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The twins and Legolasý
first encounter in Greenwood the Great leads to a close and lasting friendship.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: With Friends Like These

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolasý first visit
to Rivendell proves educational in more ways than one when he learns of the
choice of the Peredhil then stumbles upon a tryst with an unexpected twist.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Tender Musings

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Is there a limit to
how deeply one may feel about a friend?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: By Hook or By Crook

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrond/Celebrian and Thranduil/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elrond and Thranduil
discover there is more to strategy than meets the eye.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Gwador: Sorrow's First Dawning

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolas faces the
first great tragedy in his life and is unable to cope with its aftermath.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Heart's Brother

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gandalf hints that the
conditions pertaining to the choice of the Peredhil are not as implacable as
Elrondýs children think.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Forbidden Fruit

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): An old friend of
Legolas' develops a forbidden passion and in the process triggers confusion,
heartbreak and tragedy.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Into Temptation

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The thin line between
friendship and desire isn't all that easy to cross.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Into The Silence Of Our Hearts

*Story Author: Eresse

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/Erestor, Elrohir/Legolas

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A jest inadvertently
unearths an unsuspected past and sets the stage for an unlikely future.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 591

Nomination Posted by khazar\_khum May 09, 2004 - 16:11:50 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Khazar-Khum

*Story Title:Stars in the River

*Story Author:Murasaki99

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating:PG 13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
What does an unemployed Nazgul want to do with his (un)life? Severus
Snape would really like to find out before Lord Voldemort can
recruit him.

Msg# 592

Gonzai's sig line Posted by May 09, 2004 - 16:40:57 Topic ID# 592
You make me think of a long-gone, but long-time favourite coffee mug:
Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most.


In a message dated 5/9/2004 12:38:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
"She lost her mind years ago and never missed it once." James McMurtry
(at least I think it was your sig line)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 593

Re: Crossovers Posted by May 09, 2004 - 16:46:59 Topic ID# 593
I have one! In "slightly muddled", the characters start talking like Dirty
Harry caught in a Star Trek nightmare... OTOH, perhaps this is not a true
crossover, although the last chapter of the story could be called a LOTR-Lassie
crossover, I suppose...

Is there a category for satire?

Don't mind me. They didn't give me any chocolate for mothers day. Drat.


In a message dated 5/9/2004 12:38:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
It would be good to have some completed crossovers. Anyone
think of
> any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 594

Re: crossovers (p.s.) Posted by May 09, 2004 - 16:47:42 Topic ID# 594
LOTR/Hogans Heroes? Are you serious?


In a message dated 5/9/2004 12:38:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
It would be good to have some completed crossovers. Anyone
think of
> any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 595

nomination Posted by May 09, 2004 - 17:32:48 Topic ID# 595
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Karenator

*Story Title: 'In The Hands of the Enemy'

*Story Author: meckinock

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: men
3rd: mystery
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): some violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

When Aragorn is waylaid by bandits while racing to answer an urgent summons
from Gandalf, he gains an unexpected ally whose loyalties are suspect. With
Gandalf and Halbarad in pursuit, can Aragorn discern friend from foe and escape
the hands of the Enemy before he is forced to reveal the secret of the Shire?


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 596

Re: nomination Posted by atewkes May 09, 2004 - 17:41:30 Topic ID# 595
--- In, ATewkes@a... wrote:
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Karenator
> *Story Title: 'In The Hands of the Enemy'
> *Story Author: meckinock
Oh drat! Sorry. I looked yesterday or the day before and didn't see
this story. It's taken me this long to figure out what I was
doing...and I still screwed up. Sorry for the double nomination.
Carry on.... :>(

Msg# 597

Re: Question for Anna Posted by Moralanqua May 09, 2004 - 17:42:42 Topic ID# 547
I have a crossover in mind - what do i have to do?

Moralanqua at:

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 598

Nominations Posted by Levade May 09, 2004 - 17:51:59 Topic ID# 191

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Levade

*Story Title: Handful of Grey Ashes, Handful of Silver Tears

*Story Author:Losseniaiel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Amarië/Finrod

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
He was hers once, and may yet be again, but for now he is only a
child, and does not remember what once was. And reunions are rarely
what we expect them to be.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Levade

*Story Title: Singing Silence

*Story Author:Losseniaiel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Romance
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Elu Thingol/Melian

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Elu Thingol reflects on his wife.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Levade

*Story Title: Comrades In Arms

*Story Author:Levade

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): bit of violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
During the Last Alliance Cirdan gets a chance to show off his talent
with floss and a needle. Glorfindel is not amused.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Levade

*Story Title: Malaise

*Story Author: Levade

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Humour
3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
A rather grumpy Elrond, Glorfindel, a tent, large puddle and a High
King with a quirky sense of humour.


Msg# 599

Nomination for Crossover Posted by bwoodru1 May 09, 2004 - 18:27:59 Topic ID# 599
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)

*Story Title: Ripple Effect

*Story Author: Katharra

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/LOTR - Strange creatures start popping up
in Sunnydale...

Msg# 600

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Donna May 09, 2004 - 18:32:36 Topic ID# 514
is there a certain rating limit?
----- Original Message -----
From: Andreth/Anna
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 12:45 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.

You can nominate your own works, as well. If you'd like to have them
nominated you just have to fill out a nominations form for each and
post them here on the list, and I can add them to the nominations.


--- In, "Donna" <artino@l...> wrote:
> I have several completed LOTR/Charmed crossovers, but not sure if
anyone thinks they are good enough though.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andreth/Anna
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 2:56 AM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> Just to update - we've gotten a few more nominations in this
> category, but still only three nominations and all by the same
> author.
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> wrote:
> >
> > As of yet, we have no nominations for Crossovers. I can think
> three
> > WIPs:
> >
> > 1) A LOTR/Hogan's Heroes
> > 2) A LOTR/X-Files (not updated in forever)
> > 3) A LOTR/Mummy (also lost in fanfic purgatory)
> >
> > I can nomination those, though I feel less thanenthusiastic for
> stories that
> > I have no idea the authro will ever finish them. Besides, they
> all
> > WIPs. It would be good to have some completed crossovers.
> think of
> > any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> said, "for
> > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and
> > Blog:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> --- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by LRBCG.COM, Inc.]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 601

Hello and a quiestion Posted by Tango May 09, 2004 - 18:42:09 Topic ID# 601
Hello there!

I am Tanya, got there through boromir_fanfiction group. I think these
awards are a clever idea. I have a whole bunch of stories to nominate,
sure, but first I have to ask:

Are we required to name a romantic pairing in a story that contains
romantic storyline but not focused primarily on it? It may be action or
humour, or angst story, but with *some* romance, you know?

Tnat's all. *waves hand* Hello, folks!


This is not a drill. This is the Apocalypse. Please exit the hospital in an orderly fashion.


Msg# 602

Hello There Posted by sindohte May 09, 2004 - 19:38:11 Topic ID# 602
Hi everyone,

Thanks to Viv who posted the annoucement about the MEF Awards over at
Open Scrolls, I happened to join the party. I've been lurking around
for the past week trying to catch up with old posts and getting
myself oriented to everything. Now that I am up to speed, I will
start posting more :-)


Msg# 603

Nomination Posted by sindohte May 09, 2004 - 19:47:48 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: sindohte

*Story Title: A True Dwarf

*Story Author: PoweroftheBook

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Gimli and OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A bride has
reservations about her husband-to-be, and he assuages them in his own
inimitable fashion. Written because Gimli needs someone to come home
to as much as any handsome Elf does.

Msg# 604

(no subject) Posted by sindohte May 09, 2004 - 19:58:46 Topic ID# 604
*Nominator's name: sindohte

*Story Title: Estel

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A mortal boy
living in Rivendell must have overheard things, must have sensed his
uniqueness. And his burden.

Msg# 605

Nomination Posted by sindohte May 09, 2004 - 20:16:10 Topic ID# 199
*Nominator's name: sindohte

*Story Title: Of Gold and Wood

*Story Author: ladyperedhel

*Author's E-mail Address: Private, but can be contacted by PM at Open

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: The Silmarillion
2nd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Finrod and Amarie

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Part 1 of
the Finrod & Amarië cycle. Finrod reveals his love to Amarië.

Msg# 606

Re: Question for Anna Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 20:41:53 Topic ID# 547
--- In, Moralanqua <scarlettangel_22@y...>
> I have a crossover in mind - what do i have to do?

Fill out this nomination form and post it back to the list. Then I'll
enter the information into the nominations table for that category.
Or if you have any stories you want to nominate in the other
categories at the bottom of the nomination form, throw them in there,
too. As much as you read, Mora, I know you've got a couple of other
possibles squirreled away in that head of yours.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:

*Story Title:

*Story Author:

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings


Msg# 607

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 20:44:12 Topic ID# 514
Yep, nothing higher than R. Essentially means no NC-17s.

--- In, "Donna" <artino@l...> wrote:
> is there a certain rating limit?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andreth/Anna
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 12:45 PM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> You can nominate your own works, as well. If you'd like to have
> nominated you just have to fill out a nominations form for each
> post them here on the list, and I can add them to the
> Anna
> --- In, "Donna" <artino@l...> wrote:
> >
> > I have several completed LOTR/Charmed crossovers, but not sure
> anyone thinks they are good enough though.
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Andreth/Anna
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 2:56 AM
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> >
> >
> > Just to update - we've gotten a few more nominations in this
> > category, but still only three nominations and all by the
> > author.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> <mefaadmin@e...>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > As of yet, we have no nominations for Crossovers. I can
> of
> > three
> > > WIPs:
> > >
> > > 1) A LOTR/Hogan's Heroes
> > > 2) A LOTR/X-Files (not updated in forever)
> > > 3) A LOTR/Mummy (also lost in fanfic purgatory)
> > >
> > > I can nomination those, though I feel less thanenthusiastic
> > stories that
> > > I have no idea the authro will ever finish them. Besides,
> are
> > all
> > > WIPs. It would be good to have some completed crossovers.
> Anyone
> > think of
> > > any good ones? Or do we have to let this category go?
> > >
> > > --Ainaechoiriel
> > >
> > > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond
> > said, "for
> > > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> > >
> > > Land of Myth and
> Memory
> > > Blog:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Msg# 608

Re: Hello There Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 20:47:15 Topic ID# 602
Glad to see you popping your head up over here, Sind. Also glad to
see that you nominated Viv's Estel - I forgot that one on my list.
Good choice.


--- In, "sindohte" <sindohte@y...> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thanks to Viv who posted the annoucement about the MEF Awards over
> Open Scrolls, I happened to join the party. I've been lurking
> for the past week trying to catch up with old posts and getting
> myself oriented to everything. Now that I am up to speed, I will
> start posting more :-)
> sindohte

Msg# 609

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Andreth/Anna May 09, 2004 - 21:09:36 Topic ID# 531
--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> It may be advisable in some popular categories to divide Long &
Short pieces. That way the long ones
> won't get passed over by people worried about the amount of time
needed to read them.
I was considering this point and also think it would be a good idea
to divide the stories up by length so people would know how much time
they needed to read the entries in each category. A heads-up so they
would be able to see which entries are long and which ones are short.
Even if you decide not to separate them into length, it would be good
to have some sort of note on the nominations of the longer stories so
the readers would be able to schedule enough time to accommodate for

Msg# 610

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Viv May 09, 2004 - 22:26:20 Topic ID# 531
How much work would it take to grab word counts? I
know those are already listed on the ones, and
I think on HASA too. Categorizers could just add an
extra column on our spreadsheet doohickies...

Maybe we could even get some additional volunteers
willing to check on the word counts? :D


--- Andreth/Anna <> wrote:
> Even if you decide not to separate them into length,
> it would be good
> to have some sort of note on the nominations of the
> longer stories so
> the readers would be able to schedule enough time to
> accommodate for
> them.

Spacellama Palace:

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Msg# 611

Wow! 55 messages! And a bit of OT Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 22:58:07 Topic ID# 611
Well, I'm home from my weekend away and I have to say that "family" is
great. In my case, this is an adoptive family. Having a huge rift in my
"birth" family, I've lost my mother and two sisters. They're not dead. They
just don't want me or anything to do with me and apparently think I'm the
spawn of Satan.

But a wonderful friend in church told me once "I'll be your mother and
sister as long as you need me." So after my mom rejected me, I asked if she
was ready to adopt me. She told me a wonderful story. She was working once
when a co-worker was pregnant. That co-worker had a friend come in and do
the pencil test, where they dangle a pencel on a string over the pregnant
woman's wrist. If it swings one way, it's a girl. If it swings the other,
it's a boy. Well, they also did this for my friend, though she wasn't
pregnant at the time. She came up Girl, Boy, Boy, Boy. Well, she already
had her three boys and wondered where her girl was. Then she opened her
arms and said "you."

That was a few months ago and last month she invited me to go with her to
see her mother for Mother's Day. So this weekend I met my new "grandparents"
and they accepted me like family. I've always been fascinated with
adoption. I want to adopt my own children someday. I've always said, "If you
love them, they are yours!" It's such a blessing to see this at work in
reverse, for me.

Okay, back to list stuff, I did check in now and then while I was away. I
updated the website table of nominations both nights I was away, but I don't
know if I'll get around to it tonight. I've got 55 messages to read! I'll
catch up soon though.

For now, on to those messages!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 612

Re: Change in story category: Across Dark Waters Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:00:57 Topic ID# 569
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Change in story category: Across Dark Waters
> I contacted Zimraphel and she would like to have the story
> nominated in the Silm category. I'll correct the story
> nomination table to reflect the changed category.
> Anna

Okay, I've corrected it for the website list.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 613

Re: Categories and viablity Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:02:21 Topic ID# 463
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 5:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Categories and viablity
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > Remember that viability for a category is at least 5 stories by at
> least 2 authors. Now, we've only counted the stories, not
> necessarily the authors.
> "The Hobbit" and "Horror" are okay now, too.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 614

Re: Another small note Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:03:43 Topic ID# 573
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 5:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Another small note
> I've found several links that won't work, and I finally found
> out the reason... or one of the reasons anyway. Jillian, in
> most your nominations the URL has 'http://' *twice* - that
> way the direct links can't work. :)

I have the first http:// in the form just in case people didn't remember to
put it in. When I've put nominations into the table, I've looked for those
doubles and made sure I only copied one. I figured the chance of people
leaving out might be higher if I didn't have it on the form.

What do you all think? Should I remove it from the form?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 615

Re: Nominations (Humour category) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:06:15 Topic ID# 577
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gemma []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 8:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nominations (Humour category)
> All these have permission, which I'm mailing to Ainae under
> separate cover. (Oh, and thanks for clarifying where to send
> it, Stella!)

Yep, got them! Thanks. All updated in the Author's table!

> Oh, I noticed one tiny mistake in the nominations table on
> the website - quite understandable, given how similar the
> words look, but erunyauve's 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' has
> been classed as 'humor' rather than 'horror' :)

So it's supposed to be Horror, right? That's what it says now.

Working her way down the messages, will answer short ones immediately and
longer ones once she's read everything.

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 616

Re: I've Got A Suggestion Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:07:50 Topic ID# 560
There's always a chance for next year. Who knows, maybe we'll have a
Tragedy category. I think The Unnumbered Tears would work for that. Though
I really do like the Elvish name, though I can't spell it without looking it
up. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 9:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: I've Got A Suggestion
> (crestfallen) never mind. I should read *all* the posts on
> a given topic before I open my mouth.
> jo, sitting down with her own bar of Ghirardelli's Bittersweet
> ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
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Msg# 617

Re: Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:11:48 Topic ID# 191
These first two by Marnie are already nominated. We just don't have any
author permission past Oak and Willow. Could someone please contact Marnie
and see about getting permission for every story that's been nominated?



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 3:46 PM
> To: MEFAs
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nominations
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: Battle Of The Golden Wood
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Adventure
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: LOTR
> Subcategory (suggest something): Battles of LOTR?
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence, battles
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What
> Haldir was
> *really* doing during the Battle of Helm's Deep! Celeborn,
> Galadriel, Haldir and Thranduil (and a host of OC's) battle
> against Dol Guldur.
> ~~~~~~
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: The Wisdom of Isildur
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: Silmarillion
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): On
> the death of Gil-galad, Elrond asks for Celeborn's support in
> his decision to make himself High King of both Noldor and Sindar.
> ~~~~~~
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: Between Two Worlds (WIP)
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Adventure
> 3rd: Silm
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Young Ereinion, sent away from his father to live in a Sindar
> Haven, feels torn between two worlds.
> Features Cirdan, Celeborn and Gil-galad.
> ~~~~~~
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: A Family Trait
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Young Elladan and Elrohir make a present for their father,
> and a career choice that disturbs their mother, Celebrian,
> and grandfather, Celeborn.
> ~~~~~~
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: The Mantle Of Power
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd: LOTR
> Subcategory (suggest something): Post-LOTR/ Fourth Age
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> After Elrond's departure, Glorfindel and Celeborn face off
> over the rulership of Rivendell
> ~~~~~~
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: A Leaf on a Stream
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Elves
> 2nd: Silmarillion
> 3rd: Drama
> Subcategory (suggest something): Young Elves?
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Little Elladan and Elrohir get a history lesson from their
> grandfather, Celeborn, resulting in burnt fingers and no
> appetite for lunch
> ~~~~~~
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: Those Who Remain
> *Story Author: Marnie
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: LOTR
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): Post LOTR
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What
> can Sam Gamgee, and Lord Celeborn of Lorien possibly have in common?
> =====
> Larian
> Keeper of the OEAM archive
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> ---------------------~--> Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads.
> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 618

Re: crossovers (p.s.) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:13:15 Topic ID# 594
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 4:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] crossovers (p.s.)
> LOTR/Hogans Heroes? Are you serious?
> Lin

Yes, and it's a pretty serious one, too. Not updated in awhile, but good so


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 619

Re: Crossovers Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:13:35 Topic ID# 593
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 4:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Crossovers
> I have one! In "slightly muddled", the characters start
> talking like Dirty Harry caught in a Star Trek nightmare...
> OTOH, perhaps this is not a true crossover, although the last
> chapter of the story could be called a LOTR-Lassie crossover,
> I suppose...
> Is there a category for satire?

Sorry about the chocolates. Satire falls under Humor to my mind.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 620

Re: nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:14:47 Topic ID# 595
> -----Original Message-----
> From: atewkes []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: nomination
> --- In, ATewkes@a... wrote:
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Karenator
> >
> > *Story Title: 'In The Hands of the Enemy'
> >
> > *Story Author: meckinock
> >
> Oh drat! Sorry. I looked yesterday or the day before and
> didn't see this story. It's taken me this long to figure out
> what I was doing...and I still screwed up. Sorry for the
> double nomination.
> Carry on.... :>(

I'm sorry, too, but we have rules. Where's that firing squad get off to

Just kidding! We forgive you! No harm done. Just minor confusion now and


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 621

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:15:42 Topic ID# 514
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 6:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> is there a certain rating limit?

G-R. Just no NC17s


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 622

Re: Hello and a quiestion Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:16:55 Topic ID# 601
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tango []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 5:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Hello and a quiestion
> Hello there!
> I am Tanya, got there through boromir_fanfiction group. I
> think these awards are a clever idea. I have a whole bunch of
> stories to nominate, sure, but first I have to ask:
> Are we required to name a romantic pairing in a story that
> contains romantic storyline but not focused primarily on it?
> It may be action or humour, or angst story, but with *some*
> romance, you know?
> Tnat's all. *waves hand* Hello, folks!

Welcome! If it's 1st choice category isn't Romance, it's not required. It
might be helpful, however, to help readers to know. It's up to you.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 623

Re: Blanket permission Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:40:54 Topic ID# 566
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shippingindustry []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Blanket permission
> Ummm. Not sure how to do this, but it came up in a private
> exchange and so... I can't imagine why I wouldn't grant
> someone permission to nominate one of my stories. If anyone
> is hesitating, herein lies permission.

For reasons I don't know, some people just don't want to participate in
awards. At ASC, it's assumed you do unless you say otherwise. Here, since we
don't have that built-in pool of stories, and thus authors, we have to ask
permission. But you can give blanket permission as I believe you just did.

> Is there something else I have to do?


> If I want to nominate someone's story, and I ask their
> permission, and they say yes, then what do I do? (If they say
> no, I think I can figure that one out for myself)

Forward it to me, like Anna said. Mefaawards at

> I have read the FAQ, really I have, but (trying to think of
> some really lame excuse, cannot think of any save I'm tired
> and it's late) well, anyhow, I have read them.


> Anyhow, there it is. If I'm not making sense, blame chocolate
> deprivation. (Will they give me chocolate for mother's day, i
> ask you? there's been none in the house for ever so long,
> perhaps more than a week, even.) Didn't even know I'd got
> permission to be part of this group until this evening. I was
> "pending" the last time I looked.

I'm still sorry about the lack of chocolate.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 624

Re: p.s. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:41:05 Topic ID# 567
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shippingindustry []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] p.s.
> hope i did not put anyone off with that last post. i did not
> mean to sound aloof.

I don't see why you would have. Welcome to the group!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 625

Re: Another small note Posted by Larian Elensar May 09, 2004 - 23:43:56 Topic ID# 573
I think it's six of one, half dozen of another, either way, it's going to get
messed up...though you don't always need it if your making links in an html
editing program, so not having them might not be so dire...whereas having two
does mess it up...

--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> What do you all think? Should I remove it from the form?
> --Ainaechoiriel

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 626

Re: Problems in Nomination Table Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:45:35 Topic ID# 565
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Problems in Nomination Table
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > Broken link: For
> Last of the
> > Edhel by CinnamonGrrl
> That one is fixed. It was another long url that got cut off
> in the copy and paste.


> > Also, there are two entries for Shadow975's Too Late for
> Misgivings. One is
> > category Men and the other is Lord of the Rings.
> As for this one, I don't know. The nomination I had for it is
> below, at the bottom of the post. I don't know where the
> other nomination is. This is obviously another author who
> needs to be contacted and asked which category she wants the
> story in.

I sometimes see her on IM. I'll e-mail her and ask.

> This raises a question about the author approval on this
> story. In the author approval table it shows Shadow975 as
> having approved only two stories, Too Late for Misgivings not
> being one of them. But on the duplicate entry for Men in the
> story nominations list it says that it has been approved by
> the staff. So has it been approved and this story just not
> added yet to the author approval table?

The Staff Approved field on the Nominations table might once have meant that
the author approved and so the staff certifies that this nomination is
official. But I have forgotten. I later said in a post that it's just for
saying the nomination part is complete, regardless of author approval. In
other words, it has a category, a public URL, an author with an e-mail addy,
summary, rating, yadda yadda yadda.

> And on the author approval of those who've nominated their
> own works - do we automatically enter these into the
> approval table when entering the nominations, or is someone
> else doing this, or is each self-nominating author
> responsible for entering the info themselves?

What I normally do is just check them in the Author table. If they aren't
there, I put them in. So if you see them, check for them (you can use the
Search box up in the upper right) and add them if they aren't in there.

> I apologize if this has been addressed before and I missed
> it, but I wanted to make sure what was expected.

Not a problem!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 627

Re: Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 09, 2004 - 23:46:38 Topic ID# 191
I did send permission from Marnie to do the ones I nominated, I think it was a
blanket one, even..*goes to look*

(Sorry about the double nomination, *blushes* I haven't been reading them

--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> These first two by Marnie are already nominated. We just don't have any
> author permission past Oak and Willow. Could someone please contact Marnie
> and see about getting permission for every story that's been nominated?
> Thanks.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 628

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:49:25 Topic ID# 514
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> Just to update - we've gotten a few more nominations in this
> category, but still only three nominations and all by the
> same author.

And a few more since this post, I see. I'll nominate a few tomorrow.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 629

Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:55:55 Topic ID# 514
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 9:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Let's Brainstorm: Crossovers.
> I have several completed LOTR/Charmed crossovers, but not
> sure if anyone thinks they are good enough though.

All that matters is if *you* think they are good enough. You are free to
nominate anything you think is good enough!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 630

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 09, 2004 - 23:59:41 Topic ID# 531
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 9:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question)
> I was considering this point and also think it would be a
> good idea to divide the stories up by length so people would
> know how much time they needed to read the entries in each
> category. A heads-up so they would be able to see which
> entries are long and which ones are short.
> Even if you decide not to separate them into length, it would
> be good to have some sort of note on the nominations of the
> longer stories so the readers would be able to schedule
> enough time to accommodate for them.

As I answered in another post, long and short compete successfully together
in the ASC awards. On another note, over at the Mithrils, I noticed they
had a category for short story/vignette for up to 2500 words and one for
novels (50000 words or more), but nothing for in between.

Now, I have been marking down "vignette" and "short story" when I knew what
it was in my spreadsheets Subcategory field. As anything in that field is
only a suggestion, I *might* subdivide that category by vignettes and short
stories. I won't do it automatically. But as we get all the nominations we
will find many categories to have LOTS of stories. We will want to subdivide
them into viable subcategories. Length *might* be one way to do that.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 631

Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 0:03:22 Topic ID# 531
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 10:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: YASQ (Yet Another Stupid Question)
> How much work would it take to grab word counts? I know those
> are already listed on the ones, and I think on HASA
> too. Categorizers could just add an extra column on our
> spreadsheet doohickies...
> Maybe we could even get some additional volunteers willing to
> check on the word counts? :D

I'm torn on this point. I don't want to discourage anyone to read long
stories. It might be a good excuse to skip over long stories if it's shown
that a story is long.

And there is still the point (which I forgot to bring up in reply to Anna's
post) of how long is long? *If* we made a break between long and short,
where would we break it? I, personally think 2500 words is far too small a
maximum for a short story. But there is always a debate about what
constitutes a short story, novella, and novel by word count. I've seen
novels as said to be 70,000. So what do you call my 170,000 word story,
Oswiecim? Epic? Giant novel? How long is long?

Personally, that's an option I don't want to get into in too much detail. I
figure a short story is told in one or two chapters. But that can be a bit
of subjective thing. A vignette is, by definition, one scene, and thefore
easily decided upon. As are Drabbles which should only be 100 words long.

Short story, novel, and everything in between are not so easy to define.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 632

Re: Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 0:04:35 Topic ID# 191
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 11:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Nominations
> I did send permission from Marnie to do the ones I nominated,
> I think it was a blanket one, even..*goes to look*
> (Sorry about the double nomination, *blushes* I haven't been
> reading them
> all...)

A-ha! Another one for the firing squad? Where *are* those guys anyway? ;-)

Don't worry about it!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 633

Re: Problems in Nomination Table Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 0:24:46 Topic ID# 565
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Problems in Nomination Table

> for this one, I don't know. The nomination I had for it is
> below, at the bottom of the post. I don't know where the
> other nomination is. This is obviously another author who
> needs to be contacted and asked which category she wants the
> story in.

Shadow975 says put it in the Men category.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 634

More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 0:32:56 Topic ID# 565
Going through the Nominations table in order to update the web site (yeah, I
decided to do it. What can I say? I'm obsessed!) and I noticed that several
CinnamonGrrl's stories have the same URL: . I'm going to mark these as NO
for Staff Approval until individual URLs directly to the stories can be
entered in.

I'll be doing the same for Not Fire, Not Ice because the URL given requires
a login. It must be a publicly accessible URL.

Last of the Edhel is already marked No. Does anyone know why off the tops of
their heads?
It is an odd URL, a live-journal, but I checked and it does lead to the


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 635

More broken links: Larian & Alexcat Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 1:12:00 Topic ID# 635
The URL for Stop That, You'll Only Hurt Youselves, comes up page not found.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 636

Re: More broken links: Larian & Alexcat Posted by Larian May 10, 2004 - 1:22:20 Topic ID# 635
It does continue in the next line, but here it is again, though I'm
sure it will break...

though I tried that tiny url thing, and it says it never expires

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> The URL for Stop That, You'll Only Hurt Youselves, comes up page
not found.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Msg# 637

Re: More broken links: Larian & Alexcat Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 9:08:00 Topic ID# 635
I figured it was something like that, but it's quite hard to dig through
all the original nominations at 1 am. ;-) Thanks for getting that. I've
corrected the table. It's a huge URL, by the way. But it's a wonderful
title. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 1:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: More broken links: Larian & Alexcat
> It does continue in the next line, but here it is again,
> though I'm sure it will break...
> nment/1_StopThatYoullOnlyHurtYourselves.htm
> though I tried that tiny url thing, and it says it never expires
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > The URL for Stop That, You'll Only Hurt Youselves, comes up page
> not found.
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
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> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
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Msg# 638

Cleaning up the tables Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 10:21:43 Topic ID# 638
In Author Approval, we have two entries for the story Warrior: Mirasaui and
Mirasui. Which is correct?
Gwynnyd and Carole Lynn have both approved a story called A Gift for Pippin
and A Gift for Pippen respectively. Are these the same person/story?
Also, I still don't know if Baylor's "No" for author approval means he/she
didn't give permission or we just haven't heard yet.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 639

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by Viv May 10, 2004 - 10:35:45 Topic ID# 565
This is the problem with frame web sites; you have to
go in and find the URL of the story frame, not the web
site overall. For such nominations, I've been hunting
in the frameset for the correct URL. Should I stop
doing that and just say that the nom is not approved?

Thanks for discovering that Not Fire Not Ice URL was
login-only. Some yahoogroups have Files open to the
public; this one, I guess, doesn't.

I'm not sure why Last of the Edhel was not approved,
but it is a WIP, so I noted that in the database.


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> I'll be doing the same for Not Fire, Not Ice because
> the URL given requires
> a login. It must be a publicly accessible URL.
> Last of the Edhel is already marked No. Does anyone
> know why off the tops of
> their heads?
> It is an odd URL, a live-journal, but I checked and
> it does lead to the
> story.

Spacellama Palace:

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Msg# 640

Re: Cleaning up the tables Posted by Stella May 10, 2004 - 10:54:26 Topic ID# 638
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> In Author Approval, we have two entries for the story Warrior:
Mirasaui and
> Mirasui. Which is correct?

Ainae, I don't know who contacted this author, as it was already in
the table when I went to check it, and now I see this second one that
looks like a misspell. Since it's in my section of author approvals,
I'll check it out and get it corrected.


Msg# 641

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 11:14:36 Topic ID# 565
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl
> This is the problem with frame web sites; you have to go in
> and find the URL of the story frame, not the web site
> overall. For such nominations, I've been hunting in the
> frameset for the correct URL. Should I stop doing that and
> just say that the nom is not approved?

I'd not approve it and let the nominator know he/she needs to find the
correct URL. I had to do that for one of the stories I've nominated.

> Thanks for discovering that Not Fire Not Ice URL was
> login-only. Some yahoogroups have Files open to the public;
> this one, I guess, doesn't.

Yep. If it's not located anywhere else (before the end of April), it will
have to wait until next year to be eligible.

> I'm not sure why Last of the Edhel was not approved, but it
> is a WIP, so I noted that in the database.

That reminded me to check the web site for WIPs. Found a few I hadn't
marked as such. All WIPs should be right now.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 642

Re: Cleaning up the tables Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 11:27:26 Topic ID# 638
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stella []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Cleaning up the tables
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > In Author Approval, we have two entries for the story Warrior:
> Mirasaui and
> > Mirasui. Which is correct?
> Ainae, I don't know who contacted this author, as it was
> already in the table when I went to check it, and now I see
> this second one that looks like a misspell. Since it's in my
> section of author approvals, I'll check it out and get it corrected.

If nominators get the approvals and then forward them to me, I put them in
the table. But I just copy and paste, so I don't know which is correct.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 643

Adventure Nominations, etc. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 11:39:16 Topic ID# 643

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Cuivië

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Silm
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette. Ents

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
In the twilight before the Sun and Moon, an Ent awakens to the presence of
two Elves.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: In the Hall of the Wood Elf King

*Story Author: TreeHugger

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something): AU

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The Hobbit AU. While the Dwarves are imprisoned in Thranduil's dungeons,
Bilbo meets Legolas quite by accident. We find out why Elves don't smoke


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Captive of Darkness

*Story Author: Cassia

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When young prince Legolas is sent as an envoy to a neighboring kingdom,
things go badly as treachery rears its ugly head. Cruelly enslaved by an
evil monarch, Legloas struggles to survive. Will the truth be uncovered
before it is too late?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: First Meetings

*Story Author: Siobhan

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Aragorn/Legolas friendship

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Aragorn and Legolas meet for the first time. Aragorn is in his early
twenties and nearly gets killed when he ignores his adopted father's good
advice. Legolas finds him, but must fight the demons of his past in order to
help the young human.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Change of Heart, Change of Mind

*Story Author: Cassia and Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Aragorn/Legolas friendship

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for minor violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Aragorn and Legolas are beginning to become friends, but not everyone in
Mirkwood looks kindly on this, or upon they young human ranger. When
Legolas’ life is threatened, Aragorn is the one person available who knows
how to save him, but will the others listen to him before it is too late?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 644

More Adventure Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 11:54:48 Topic ID# 644

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Exile

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Aragorn/Legolas friendship, Pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When Aragorn is accused of murder, he and Legolas risk everything, including
their lives, to discover the truth. But just how much will justice end up


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Return

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn friendship, Pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas and Aragorn venture into the Mines of Moria to help Balin, only to
get more than they bargained for. Meanwhile, Mirkwood is falling into
darkness. Her only hope ends up resting in the hands of the two people she
has scorned, and Legolas & Aragorn will risk more than their lives to save


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title:

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Mistaken Identity

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Mystery
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Aragorn/Legolas friendship, Pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A dark elf with a burning hatred for men is terrorizing the countryside
around Rivendell. Unfortunately, that elf bears a striking resemblance to
Prince Legolas. An innocent visit from Mirkwood to Rivendell lands Legolas
in more trouble than he bargained for, but he is not the only one, because
when the dark elf's deadly designs become focused on Aragorn, everyone finds
themselves in danger.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Vilya

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A devastating earthquake rocks Rivendell and the surrounding areas, leaving
chaos and heartbreak in its wake. With Elrond on the brink of death, Aragorn
runs away, convinced that he is responsible. Legolas must try to find him
before the disaster can claim his life as well. Angry townspeople, a
flooding river and the forces of nature conspire against them all, leaving
no one unscathed. The waters are rising, Rivendell is about to be washed
away, and the one person who could save her lies dying.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 645

Re: Cleaning up the tables Posted by Larian Elensar May 10, 2004 - 12:02:11 Topic ID# 638
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> In Author Approval, we have two entries for the story Warrior: Mirasaui and
> Mirasui. Which is correct?

Mirasaui is correct

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 646

Still more Adventure Nominations (and then some) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 12:17:30 Topic ID# 646

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Black Breath

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: Horror
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn Friendship, pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When tragedy strikes, the last thing Legolas wants to do is leave Rivendell
and his friends... but when he does, what will he encounter? And will
Aragorn be able to save him from it before the elf prince loses more than
just his life?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Seventh Stone

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Mystery
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn friendship, Pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title:

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
When Aragorn and Legolas come into the possession of an ancient map that
tell where one of the lost Palantiri is hidden they end up in more trouble
than they bargained for, as it seems that everyone wants to get their hands
on the stone, no matter the cost. But a more sinister force is at work than
even the elf and the ranger realize.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Betryal

*Story Author: Cassia & Sio

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence and tense

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
After a long absence, Legolas is finally returning home to Mirkwood. But
what will he and Aragorn find when they get there? Trouble more severe than
either of them could have ever guessed is stirring in the Wood-elves realm
and treachery beyond imagining. The resulting struggle may be more than
either the elf or the ranger can handle... and if they can't, then not only
they, but all of Mirkwood is doomed.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Sickness

*Story Author: Siobhan with tiny touches by Cassia

*Author's E-mail Address: and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn friendship, short story

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Aragorn gets sick and Legolas, coming from a race that does not know
illness, tries to understand what that must be like.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 647

Correction: RE: [MEFAwards] Still more Adventure Nominations (and t Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 12:34:16 Topic ID# 646
Oops. Got my forms confused. The summary for the one missing the title is
the summary for the one missing the summary. Corrected below:

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: The Seventh Stone
> *Story Author: Cassia & Sio
> *Author's E-mail Address: and
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Adventure
> 2nd: Mystery
> 3rd: Drama
> Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn friendship, Pre-LOTR
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for violence
> and tense situations
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> When Aragorn and Legolas come into the possession of an
> ancient map that tell where one of the lost Palantiri is
> hidden they end up in more trouble than they bargained for,
> as it seems that everyone wants to get their hands on the
> stone, no matter the cost. But a more sinister force is at
> work than even the elf and the ranger realize.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 648

Re: Cleaning up the tables Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 13:22:19 Topic ID# 638
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 12:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Cleaning up the tables
> --- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> > In Author Approval, we have two entries for the story Warrior:
> > Mirasaui and Mirasui. Which is correct?
> Mirasaui is correct

Thank you. We'll get that corrected everywhere.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 649

More Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 13:24:05 Topic ID# 233

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Legolas' No Good Rotten Day

*Story Author: Siobhan with inspiration from Cassia

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn Friendship, pre-LOTR,
Mirkwood, vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas has a very bad morning and drags his friend Aragorn into it.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Only the Beginning

*Story Author: Cassia

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): ROTK, movie-verse, vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
slightly extended and appended version of part of the Coronation scene near
the end of ROTK. Decidedly Aragorn & Legolas centric.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Dance With me

*Story Author: Jenolas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Just post-ROTK, vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Legolas is rescued from an unwanted situation by someone he least expects.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title:

*Story Author: M.N. Theis

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Mystery
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-ROTK, short story, challenge

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence, character deaths

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Éomer and Legolas discover the hard way that it is not wise to accept candy
from strangers. Answer to the October ToE Halloween Fanfiction Challenge.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: There and Back Again: The Fellowship Goes to Stalag 13

*Story Author: San Antonio Rose

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something): (Hogan's Heroes/LOTR/Newsies), WIP

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
A funny thing happened on the way through the mines, and WWII will never be
the same.... Hogan's Heroes/Lord of the Rings/Newsies crossover.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 650

Nomination Posted by sindohte May 10, 2004 - 13:34:50 Topic ID# 199
*Nominator's name: sindohte

*Story Title: Don't Panic

*Story Author: boz4PM

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: The Lord of the Rings
2nd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Penny is
panicking. Where is she? How did she get here? How will she get home
and whose backside will she kick first when she finally does?

A woman lost in Middle Earth wearing only her pyjamas. This can't be

Msg# 651

Re: Author Approvals, please read Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 10, 2004 - 15:31:42 Topic ID# 564
The No for Baylor means No she doesn't want the story to be entered into the awards. I don't know whether the story is still in the table, I was going to check but have only just got back.
Sorry for not answering sooner.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 5:10 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Author Approvals, please read

When putting author approvals into the table we need to be clear. A Yes or
a No should be in the Approved column based on how the author responded. A
"not yet" can be placed there if you have not received an answer yet.

I've seen some say "mailed 5/5" or such. Does that mean the Staff mailed,
or the author mailed an answer? If the author, what was the answer.

And this throws into question the "no" under that column for Baylor. Did
Baylor say "no" or did the Staff person mean "no answer yet"?

Please onlystick to those three answers to the approvied column: Yes, No,
not yet



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 652

Re: Author Approvals, please read Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 15:49:40 Topic ID# 564
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Author Approvals, please read
> The No for Baylor means No she doesn't want the story to be
> entered into the awards. I don't know whether the story is
> still in the table, I was going to check but have only just got back.
> Sorry for not answering sooner.

Thanks. That's too bad. Thatw as a cute little story. It will have to stay
in the nominations table on the Yahoo site because that's where we check to
see what has already been nominated. I've marked it though as Author denied.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 653

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by c1nnam0ngrr1 May 10, 2004 - 16:39:14 Topic ID# 565
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Going through the Nominations table in order to update the web site
(yeah, I
> decided to do it. What can I say? I'm obsessed!) and I noticed that
> CinnamonGrrl's stories have the same URL:
> . I'm going to mark
these as NO
> for Staff Approval until individual URLs directly to the stories
can be
> entered in.
> I'll be doing the same for Not Fire, Not Ice because the URL given
> a login. It must be a publicly accessible URL.
> Last of the Edhel is already marked No. Does anyone know why off
the tops of
> their heads?
> It is an odd URL, a live-journal, but I checked and it does lead to
> story.

I've created a page by which all nominated fics are accessible
without a password.

Please let me know if this does not suffice.


Msg# 654

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 17:00:04 Topic ID# 565
According to the rules, they had to have been at a public site by april
30th. I've had to turn down some Orc stories for this year because of this,
so it would be wrong to make an exception. I believe the first two stories
are at a public site, but we just need direct individual URLs.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: c1nnam0ngrr1 []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 4:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Going through the Nominations table in order to update the web site
> (yeah, I
> > decided to do it. What can I say? I'm obsessed!) and I noticed that
> several
> > CinnamonGrrl's stories have the same URL:
> > . I'm going to mark
> these as NO
> > for Staff Approval until individual URLs directly to the stories
> can be
> > entered in.
> >
> > I'll be doing the same for Not Fire, Not Ice because the URL given
> requires
> > a login. It must be a publicly accessible URL.
> >
> > Last of the Edhel is already marked No. Does anyone know why off
> the tops of
> > their heads?
> > It is an odd URL, a live-journal, but I checked and it does lead to
> the
> > story.
> >
> I've created a page by which all nominated fics are
> accessible without a password.
> Please let me know if this does not suffice.
> CinnamonGrrl
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 655

Nominations Posted by May 10, 2004 - 18:53:23 Topic ID# 191
*Nominator's name: Elana

*Story Title: Kings of the Sea

*Story Author: Eledhwen (author's approval on the way to Ainae)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Pirates of the Carribean

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): mild violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A PotC/Lord
of the Rings crossover. The Black Pearl is caught by a strange storm;
meanwhile, Aragorn is pursuing the Corsairs of Umbar. Two worlds collide.


*Nominator's name: Elana

*Story Title: No Living Man

*Story Author: Elana

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): AU

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): mild violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): In which the
Witch King realizes, that for an inhabitant of Middle Earth, the
knowledge that no living man can harm you is no reason to get cocky.


*Nominator's name: Elana

*Story Title: Elana's Tale

*Story Author: Elana

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Rohan
3rd: Orcs
Subcategory (suggest something): original character

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Rape (off-stage), graphic
birth scenes

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): OC/Theodred

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elana is a
young woman of Rohan, kidnapped by orcs and forced to endure
unimaginable horrors. But even if by some miracle she should be
rescued, what will become of her and the half-orc child she bears?


*Nominator's name: Elana

*Story Title: Theodred's Tale

*Story Author: Elana

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): AU

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Theodred/OC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sequel to
Elana's Tale. Stunned by news of Saruman's treachery, Theodred must
ready Rohan for war, while dealing with the machinations of Grima
Wormtongue and the decline of his father King Theoden. Can he keep the
secret of his love for Elana, mother of a half-orc child? How can he
stay true to all his varied loyalties, as the Battle of the Fords of
Isen grows ever closer? AU.

Msg# 656

Re: Nominations Posted by May 10, 2004 - 19:00:40 Topic ID# 191
Sorry, I left out that Theodred's Tale is a WIP. Corrected form is below.


> ---------------------------------------------------------
> *Nominator's name: Elana
> *Story Title: Theodred's Tale
> *Story Author: Elana
> *Author's E-mail Address: angelabrooks@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Rohan
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Men
> Subcategory (suggest something): AU, WIP
> *Rating: R
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Theodred/OC
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sequel to
> Elana's Tale, WIP. Stunned by news of Saruman's treachery, Theodred must
> ready Rohan for war, while dealing with the machinations of Grima
> Wormtongue and the decline of his father King Theoden. Can he keep the
> secret of his love for Elana, mother of a half-orc child? How can he
> stay true to all his varied loyalties, as the Battle of the Fords of
> Isen grows ever closer? AU.

Msg# 657

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by c1nnam0ngrr1 May 10, 2004 - 19:27:29 Topic ID# 565
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> According to the rules, they had to have been at a public site by
> 30th. I've had to turn down some Orc stories for this year because
of this,
> so it would be wrong to make an exception. I believe the first two
> are at a public site, but we just need direct individual URLs.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I'm not sure what you're saying here-- is the page I indicated not

In any case, I've done all I am able to do in order to comply with
your rules.

Thank you for your time.


Msg# 658

Re: Adventure Nominations, etc. Posted by Viv May 10, 2004 - 20:58:20 Topic ID# 643
I've listed this in the nom database as not approved
by staff, but only because I have a question. The
author listed here is Siobhan, but when I clicked to
that story link, gives the author as Cassia.
Are they the same person? Which is the correct author?


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: First Meetings
> *Story Author: Siobhan
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for
> choices)
> *1st: Adventure
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): Aragorn/Legolas
> friendship
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> violence
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the
> vote):
> Aragorn and Legolas meet for the first time. Aragorn
> is in his early
> twenties and nearly gets killed when he ignores his
> adopted father's good
> advice. Legolas finds him, but must fight the demons
> of his past in order to
> help the young human.

Spacellama Palace:

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Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

Msg# 659

Promoting MEFA Posted by Chathol-linn May 10, 2004 - 21:09:19 Topic ID# 659
Hello! Thanks to Lady Coralie's efforts, the MEFA promotion is on the
front page of You can review it at the URL below.
Regards - Chathol-linn

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 660

Re: Correction: RE: [MEFAwards] Still more Adventure Nominations (a Posted by Viv May 10, 2004 - 21:28:23 Topic ID# 646
Do you have the URL for The Seventh Stone handy? If
not, I can search for it.


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Oops. Got my forms confused. The summary for the
> one missing the title is
> the summary for the one missing the summary.
> Corrected below:
> >
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > *Story Title: The Seventh Stone
> >
> > *Story Author: Cassia & Sio
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: and
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for
> choices)
> > *1st: Adventure
> > 2nd: Mystery
> > 3rd: Drama
> > Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn
> friendship, Pre-LOTR
> >
> > *Rating: PG-13
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for
> violence
> > and tense situations
> >
> > *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> >
> > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for
> the vote):
> > When Aragorn and Legolas come into the possession
> of an
> > ancient map that tell where one of the lost
> Palantiri is
> > hidden they end up in more trouble than they
> bargained for,
> > as it seems that everyone wants to get their hands
> on the
> > stone, no matter the cost. But a more sinister
> force is at
> > work than even the elf and the ranger realize.
> >
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the
> Elves," Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that."
> --H.F.
> Land of
> Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

Msg# 661

thanks to the nominators! Posted by Viv May 10, 2004 - 22:07:51 Topic ID# 661
Just wanted to poke in here and say thanks to all you guys who've
nominated adventure stories. Per the rules, Adventure, Humor, and
Drama are all viable categories.

(This doesn't mean you should quit nominating tho!)

Thank you muchly,

Msg# 662

Re: Adventure Nominations, etc. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 22:15:01 Topic ID# 643
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 8:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Adventure Nominations, etc.
> I've listed this in the nom database as not approved by
> staff, but only because I have a question. The author listed
> here is Siobhan, but when I clicked to that story link,
> gives the author as Cassia.
> Are they the same person? Which is the correct author?
> Thanks!
> viv

Siobhan apparently is a ghost writer. She and Cassia mostly work together
and everything gets posted under Cassia's profile. This is what it
actually says in the story:

By: Siobhan, Mute Mush Shadow to the great Anonymous Torture Fic Writer (and
with much help from Cassia herself)

Occasionally Siobhan is listed as the main writer and I gave her credit on
those stories which had that.

There was one story, I believe that was just Cassia. But most are the two
of them.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 663

Re: Correction: RE: [MEFAwards] Still more Adventure Nominations (a Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 22:15:45 Topic ID# 646
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 9:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Correction: RE: [MEFAwards] Still more Adventure
> Nominations (and then some)
> Do you have the URL for The Seventh Stone handy? If not, I
> can search for it.
> :)
> viv


> --- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> > Oops. Got my forms confused. The summary for the one missing the
> > title is the summary for the one missing the summary.
> > Corrected below:
> >
> > >
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> > >
> > > *Story Title: The Seventh Stone
> > >
> > > *Story Author: Cassia & Sio
> > >
> > > *Author's E-mail Address: and
> >
> > >
> > > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for
> > choices)
> > > *1st: Adventure
> > > 2nd: Mystery
> > > 3rd: Drama
> > > Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas/Aragorn
> > friendship, Pre-LOTR
> > >
> > > *Rating: PG-13
> > >
> > > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): for
> > violence
> > > and tense situations
> > >
> > > *Romance Partners (for Romances Only):
> > >
> > > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for
> > the vote):
> > > When Aragorn and Legolas come into the possession
> > of an
> > > ancient map that tell where one of the lost
> > Palantiri is
> > > hidden they end up in more trouble than they
> > bargained for,
> > > as it seems that everyone wants to get their hands
> > on the
> > > stone, no matter the cost. But a more sinister
> > force is at
> > > work than even the elf and the ranger realize.
> > >
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
> > said, "for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that."
> > --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and Memory
> > Blog:
> >
> >
> >
> =====
> Spacellama Palace:
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 664

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 22:27:38 Topic ID# 565
> -----Original Message-----
> From: c1nnam0ngrr1 []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 7:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > According to the rules, they had to have been at a public site by
> april
> > 30th. I've had to turn down some Orc stories for this year because
> of this,
> > so it would be wrong to make an exception. I believe the first two
> stories
> > are at a public site, but we just need direct individual URLs.
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> I'm not sure what you're saying here-- is the page I
> indicated not sufficient?
> In any case, I've done all I am able to do in order to comply
> with your rules.
> Thank you for your time.

Not if it was created after April 30th. But have no fear. I have found all
the stories so far nominated (as indicated by the Nominations table) on That is a public site and all show being posted before or
on April 30th, so they are all eligible:

Last of the Edhel:

Unrequieted: Gilraen:

Not Fire, Not Ice:

The Fall of Night:

BTSATS: The Gift of Death:

BTSATS: Without:

That said, I believe we have your permission for only three of them. Do you
also give your approval to the nomination of Unrequieted: Gilraen; Not Fire,
Not Ice; and The Fall of Night?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 665

More fun with those tables! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 10, 2004 - 23:58:44 Topic ID# 665
Nominations table:

Why is Vulgarweed's Goldberry's Song noted as No for Staff Approval? Was
there something missing in the nomination. I think we may need to add a
reason when we put No in that column. It's just confusing otherwise.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 666

Category Viability Report 5/10/04 Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 0:05:57 Topic ID# 666
This is based off the web site's list of Nominations (which only includes
those in the Nominations database *with* permission of the author):

(remember that WIPs and Poems will run in subcategories)

Adventure: Almost
4 completes, 0 WIPs, 1 Poem
5 authors

Crossover: Almost
3 completes, 1 WIP, 0 Poems
2 authors

Drama: Viable
Plenty completes, 2 WIPs, 1 Poem
Plenty authors

Elves: Viable
Plenty completes, 0 Poems
Plenty authors

Elves/WIPs: Viable
5 WIPs
5 authors

Hobbits: Viable
6 completes, 1 WIP, 0 Poems
8 authors

Horror: Viable
5 completes, 0 WIPs, 0 Poems
4 authors

Humor: Viable
Plenty completes, 0 WIPs, 1 Poem
Plenty authors

Men: Viable
Plenty completes, 0 WIPs, 0 Poems
Plenty authors

Mystery: Viable
6 completes, 0 WIPs, 0 Poems
4 authors

Orcs: Not quite
2 completes, 1 WIP, 0 Poems
3 authors

Rohan: Viable
7 completes, 1 WIP, 0 Poems
6 authors

Romance: Viable
Plenty completes, 1 WIP, 0 Poems
Plenty authors

The Hobbit: not quite
1 complete, 2 WIPs, 0 Poems
3 authors

The Lord of the Rings: Viable
Plenty completes, 1 WIP, 0 Poem
Plenty authors

The Silmarillion: Viable
Plenty completes, 2 WIPs, 0 Poem
Plenty authors


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 667

Three more nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 0:11:28 Topic ID# 667

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Sinking of Numenor

*Story Author: Jen Littlebottom

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: Humor (or swap those two)
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The real reason Númenor was sunk, and, on a related theme, why there are no
Fae in Middle-earth. Contains bizarre humour, angry Valar, and a sheep.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Confessions of a Queen Downfallen

*Story Author: Jen Littlebottom

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Tar-Miriel

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Here lie the last words of Tar-Míriel, by some called Ar-Zimraphel, last,
and least Queen of Númenor.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Legolas and the Stanley Cup

*Story Author: Bubbles

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): short story

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
After helping to rid Middle-Earth of evil, Legolas, already lead-singer of
popular band, Elf-Head, decided to try a year in the NHL. And what a year
it was!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 668

Slight Correction: RE: [MEFAwards] Category Viability Report 5/10/04 Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 0:16:38 Topic ID# 666
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Category Viability Report 5/10/04
> This is based off the web site's list of Nominations (which
> only includes those in the Nominations database *with*
> permission of the author):
> (remember that WIPs and Poems will run in subcategories)
> Men: Viable
> Plenty completes, 0 WIPs, 0 Poems

1 Poem should be noted

> Plenty authors

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 669

Another Correction: Numenor (RE: [MEFAwards] Category Viability Rep Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 0:18:49 Topic ID# 666
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Category Viability Report 5/10/04
> This is based off the web site's list of Nominations (which
> only includes those in the Nominations database *with*
> permission of the author):
> (remember that WIPs and Poems will run in subcategories)

I forgot Numenor: Not Quite
2 completes, 0 WIPs, 0 Poems
1 author


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 670

So many stories, so little time? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 0:35:41 Topic ID# 670
Looking over my Review History at, just under this persona
(Ainaechoiriel. I started as the real me.), I have 11 pages of Reviews.
Given, not all of them are high praise, but most are, or I wouldn't have
taken much time to review.

But how many stories can we realistically expect 100+ members to read?

The more members we have, the more we can read. I know there are many other
worthy stories.

Fortunately, there are also more years to come. Removing the restriction
that next years stories had to be posted between May 1, 2004 and April 30,
2005 at least left the door open for many excellent stories that we may get
to this year. We can nominate them next year (so long as they weren't
nominated this year).

But what do you think? Given, some stories we will have already read. I've
read all the ones I nominated, for instance (with minor exceptions), and
even quite a few that someone else did. So it might be feasible that I
could still read several dozen more during reading season, or maybe even 50
or 100 depending on length. (Reading season is 2 1/2 months long.)

We presently have 195 nominations (by the web site). How many total would
be just one too many?

Not all categories are viable yet, so we should concentrate on them. Maybe
prioritize them. Maybe that's the track I'll take. And then, as I go
through my list, I'll try to get only the most excellent stories, and save
some of the other ones that are really good for next year.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 671

Re: Another small note Posted by Jillian Baade May 11, 2004 - 2:21:41 Topic ID# 573
Sorry to have created a problem, I've just been copying and pasting the
links, mostly directly off

I'll try to remember to check and correct that in future.

> >
> > I've found several links that won't work, and I finally found
> > out the reason... or one of the reasons anyway. Jillian, in
> > most your nominations the URL has 'http://' *twice* - that
> > way the direct links can't work. :)
>I have the first http:// in the form just in case people didn't remember to
>put it in. When I've put nominations into the table, I've looked for those
>doubles and made sure I only copied one. I figured the chance of people
>leaving out might be higher if I didn't have it on the form.
>What do you all think? Should I remove it from the form?
>"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said,
>it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
>Yahoo! Groups Links

Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Have your say! Check out the
inspiring stories at We dare you.

Msg# 672

Re: Category Viability Report 5/10/04 Posted by Soledad May 11, 2004 - 7:05:30 Topic ID# 666
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

> This is based off the web site's list of Nominations (which only
> those in the Nominations database *with* permission of the author):

> (remember that WIPs and Poems will run in subcategories)

> The Hobbit: not quite
> 1 complete, 2 WIPs, 0 Poems
> 3 authors

Actually, we have seven "The Hobbit"-based stories, so far, by seven
different authors. However, I couldn't find a working URL for
Eledhwen's "Estel and the Hobbit", and by Aunt Dora Baggins no email
was given. Maybe the nominators can look up their data again?

Of Fire and Stars by Gecco, (WIP)
Astonishment in Mirkwood by Soledad, (WIP)
Furry Little Thief by Pervinca (which is a poem, IIRC)
Sucking Eggses by Marta,
In the Hall of the Wood Elf King by Tree Hugger
Chance Meeting at Rivendell by Aunt Dora Baggins have working URLs,
but the latter author has no email-address given, and TreeHugger
hasn't approved so far, it seems.


Msg# 673

Re: Another small note Posted by Soledad May 11, 2004 - 7:10:22 Topic ID# 573
--- In, "Jillian Baade" <jilba25@h...>
> Sorry to have created a problem, I've just been copying and pasting
the links, mostly directly off

> I'll try to remember to check and correct that in future.

Oh, don't worry! If this will be the biggest problem all along, we
can call us lucky. I was just wondering why most of the URLs didn't
work - it took me quite the time to realize what was wrong. <g>


Msg# 674

Re: More Broken Links: CinnamonGrrl Posted by c1nnam0ngrr1 May 11, 2004 - 7:22:03 Topic ID# 565
> That said, I believe we have your permission for only three of
them. Do you
> also give your approval to the nomination of Unrequieted: Gilraen;
Not Fire,
> Not Ice; and The Fall of Night?

Yes, permission for all of them. Take anything you like :)


Msg# 675

Learning my way around Posted by whitegull1420 May 11, 2004 - 9:37:30 Topic ID# 675
I'm riding the learning curve here, and will appreciate any helpful
hints. This is a great site. I've been reading some of the
nominations, and awards aside, it's nice to find so many good
recommendations in one spot.

I'd like to nominate a couple of fics, but am having trouble
deciding what category they belong in. One is a poem, it's Aragorn
speaking to Frodo. Any suggestions?


White Gull

Msg# 676

Re: Category Viability Report 5/10/04 Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 9:43:32 Topic ID# 666
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soledad []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Category Viability Report 5/10/04
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > This is based off the web site's list of Nominations (which only
> includes
> > those in the Nominations database *with* permission of the author):
> > (remember that WIPs and Poems will run in subcategories)
> > The Hobbit: not quite
> > 1 complete, 2 WIPs, 0 Poems
> > 3 authors
> Actually, we have seven "The Hobbit"-based stories, so far,
> by seven different authors. However, I couldn't find a
> working URL for Eledhwen's "Estel and the Hobbit", and by
> Aunt Dora Baggins no email was given. Maybe the nominators
> can look up their data again?

That would be best. As I said in the Viablity Report post, this was going
by the web site, which only includes things approved by authors and usually
already in the Nominations table. Basically, it isn't all 100% official
until it's on the web site.

> Of Fire and Stars by Gecco, (WIP)
> Astonishment in Mirkwood by Soledad, (WIP)

I know we've got those two.

> Furry Little Thief
> by Pervinca (which is a poem, IIRC)

Not in the Nominations Database on the Yahoo site

> Sucking Eggses by Marta,

Got it.

> In the Hall of the Wood Elf King by Tree Hugger and Chance
> Meeting at Rivendell by Aunt Dora Baggins have working URLs,
> but the latter author has no email-address given, and
> TreeHugger hasn't approved so far, it seems.

Yep. So they aren't ready for the web site yet.

We'll get there. There's still plenty of time.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 677

Re: thanks to the nominators! Posted by Viv May 11, 2004 - 9:49:48 Topic ID# 661
Oops, hurrah'd too quickly. We're still waiting for author permission
for 16 of the stories nominated so far for the Adventure category. If
we get permission from just a couple of those authors, we'll be set.


--- In, "Viv" <spacellamaprincess@y...>
> Just wanted to poke in here and say thanks to all you guys who've
> nominated adventure stories. Per the rules, Adventure, Humor, and
> Drama are all viable categories.

Msg# 678

Re: Adventure Nominations, etc. Posted by Viv May 11, 2004 - 9:50:21 Topic ID# 643
Thanks. Changed that "No" to a "Yes."


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> By: Siobhan, Mute Mush Shadow to the great Anonymous
> Torture Fic Writer (and
> with much help from Cassia herself)

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs

Msg# 679

Another Crossover nom... Posted by bwoodru1 May 11, 2004 - 10:09:19 Topic ID# 679
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Kathira (bwoodru1)

*Story Title: The Fellowship of the Mutants

*Story Author: Samus

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Humor
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): PG

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
What LOTR might have been like if the characters had the powers of X-
Men characters.

Msg# 680

Test nomination Posted by whitegull1420 May 11, 2004 - 11:02:39 Topic ID# 680
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:White Gull

*Story Title:Wishes of a King

*Story Author White Gull

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Aragorn
remembers from whence his kingship came.

Msg# 681

Trying with a different link Posted by whitegull1420 May 11, 2004 - 11:44:17 Topic ID# 681
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:White Gull

*Story Title:Wishes of a King

*Story Author White Gull

*Author's E-mail Address:SR_1420@h...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Aragorn
remembers from whence his kingship came.

Msg# 682

Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 11, 2004 - 12:19:29 Topic ID# 191
I've sent the permissions separately.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Elanor's Revenge (WIP)

*Story Author: Julie and Fianna

*Author's E-mail Address: &

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sexual situations

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Original Character

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Determined to punish
Haldir for toying with her sisterýs affections, Elanor undertakes to teach him
a lesson. Will she succeed? Or will Haldir turn the tables on her?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Amarie & Haldir: Paths of Destiny

*Story Author: Julie

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied sexual situations

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Original Character

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Summary: A half-elf
and the March Warden find their destinies are intertwined.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Khila Amin

*Story Author: Julie & Fianna

*Author's E-mail Address: &

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Original Character

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir travels to the
White City for Aragorn's wedding, still suffering from his injuries at the
battle at Helm's Deep. Keara is a healer, uncertain of her skills since the
loss of her daughter. Can she do what the elves could not?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Fated (WIP)

*Story Author: Nimrodel Jen

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Silmarillion
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Amroth/Nimrodel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): One version of the
story of Amroth and Nimrodel.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 683

Marta's nominations -- Action Posted by Marta May 11, 2004 - 12:55:51 Topic ID# 683
Marta's Nominations -- Adventure

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Hope Rekindled
*Story Author: Marta (me)
*Author's E-mail Address: (verified)
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Action
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Imrahil's
experiences near the end of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Hope Rekindled
*Story Author: Marta (me)
*Author's E-mail Address: (verified)
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Action
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Imrahil's
experiences near the end of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: With Hope
*Story Author: Melina
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Action
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Halbarad
faces his destiny on the Pelennor fields

Msg# 684

Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 11, 2004 - 13:11:19 Topic ID# 191
Permissions sent separately.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: I Ride

*Story Author: RennWench and Alsataria

*Author's E-mail Address: &

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Faramirýs thoughts as
he brings news from Osgiliath to Minas Tirith.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Why?

*Story Author: RennWench

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Implied death

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Original Character

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): POV piece about the
aftermath of Haldirýs death at Helms Deep.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 685

Re: Nominations Posted by Soledad May 11, 2004 - 13:31:36 Topic ID# 191
Larian, can I assume that the story below was nominated for romance?
You didn't give me any category.



> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: Khila Amin
> *Story Author: Julie & Fianna
> *Author's E-mail Address: juliediane2003@y... & barrylyn@v...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st:
> 2nd:
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: R
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Original Character
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir
travels to the
> White City for Aragorn's wedding, still suffering from his injuries
at the
> battle at Helm's Deep. Keara is a healer, uncertain of her skills
since the
> loss of her daughter. Can she do what the elves could not?
> ~~~~~~

Msg# 686

Re: Nominations - name spelled wrong :( Posted by Larian Elensar May 11, 2004 - 13:35:35 Topic ID# 191
I spelled her name wrong!

Alstaria is correct!

--- Larian Elensar <> wrote:
> Permissions sent separately.
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> *Story Title: I Ride
> *Story Author: RennWench and Alsataria
> *Author's E-mail Address: &

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 687

Help? Posted by whitegull1420 May 11, 2004 - 13:38:04 Topic ID# 687
Can someone tell me why the link will not post right on my two
previous tries?
White Gull

Msg# 688

Re: Nominations Posted by Larian Elensar May 11, 2004 - 13:41:04 Topic ID# 191
ooh, thought I caught those! *grin*

Yeah, Romance, then second choice Drama.

Thanks! :)

--- Soledad <> wrote:
> Larian, can I assume that the story below was nominated for romance?
> You didn't give me any category.
> Soledad
> **********
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Larian Elensar
> >
> > *Story Title: Khila Amin
> >
> > *Story Author: Julie & Fianna
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: juliediane2003@y... & barrylyn@v...
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> >
> > *Category Choices (see below)
> > *1st:
> > 2nd:
> > 3rd:
> > Subcategory (suggest something):
> >
> > *Rating: R
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> >
> > *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Original Character
> >
> > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir
> travels to the
> > White City for Aragorn's wedding, still suffering from his injuries
> at the
> > battle at Helm's Deep. Keara is a healer, uncertain of her skills
> since the
> > loss of her daughter. Can she do what the elves could not?
> >
> >
> > ~~~~~~

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 689

One more try Posted by whitegull1420 May 11, 2004 - 13:41:22 Topic ID# 689
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:White Gull

*Story Title:Wishes of a King

*Story Author White Gull

*Author's E-mail Address:SR_1420@h...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Aragorn
remembers from whence his kingship came.

Msg# 690

Re: Nominations Posted by Soledad May 11, 2004 - 13:48:40 Topic ID# 191
--- In, Larian Elensar
<larian_elensar@y...> wrote:
> ooh, thought I caught those! *grin*
> Yeah, Romance, then second choice Drama.
> Thanks! :)

No prob. Thanks for the correction. Added to the data table.


Msg# 691

Re: Test nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 13:50:03 Topic ID# 680
Looks good except for the URL. (Oh, and give it a rating)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: whitegull1420 []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Test nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:White Gull
> *Story Title:Wishes of a King
> *Story Author White Gull
> *Author's E-mail
> *Story URL: http://
> _lang=EN&lah=a79bb3d0097f5a57bf2435575caf5cca&lat=1084291098&hm___act
> ion=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2egeocities%2ecom%2ftornstalents
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st:Men
> 2nd:Hobbits
> 3rd:Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry
> *Rating:
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the
> vote):Aragorn remembers from whence his kingship came.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~-->
> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 692

Re: Trying with a different link Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 13:51:08 Topic ID# 681
That one works. Give it a rating and it will be ready for prime time. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: whitegull1420 []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Trying with a different link
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:White Gull
> *Story Title:Wishes of a King
> *Story Author White Gull
> *Author's E-mail Address:SR_1420@h...
> *Story URL:
> id=287&sort=date&storyview=toc&chapter=1&cat=7
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st:Men
> 2nd:Hobbits
> 3rd:Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry
> *Rating:
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the
> vote):Aragorn remembers from whence his kingship came.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads.
> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 693

Re: Marta's nominations -- Action Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 13:52:47 Topic ID# 683
Put Action in with Adventure.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Marta's nominations -- Action
> Marta's Nominations -- Adventure
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Marta
> *Story Title: Hope Rekindled
> *Story Author: Marta (me)
> *Author's E-mail Address: (verified)
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Action
> 2nd: Lord of the Rings
> 3rd: Men
> Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
> violence *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a *Summary
> (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Imrahil's
> experiences near the end of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields
> *****
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Marta
> *Story Title: Hope Rekindled
> *Story Author: Marta (me)
> *Author's E-mail Address: (verified)
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Action
> 2nd: Lord of the Rings
> 3rd: Men
> Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
> violence *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a *Summary
> (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Imrahil's
> experiences near the end of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields
> *****
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Marta
> *Story Title: With Hope
> *Story Author: Melina
> *Author's E-mail Address: *Story
> URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Action
> 2nd: Lord of the Rings
> 3rd: Men
> Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
> violence *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a *Summary
> (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Halbarad
> faces his destiny on the Pelennor fields
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 694

Further Nominations Posted by Marta May 11, 2004 - 15:27:24 Topic ID# 694
Marta's Nominations -- Here We Go Again

Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Hope Rekindled
*Story Author: Marta (me)
*Author's E-mail Address: (verified)
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Action
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Imrahil's
experiences near the end of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: Wind and Fire
*Story Author: Adi
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Action
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Shadowfax
bears Gandalf through Minas Tirith.


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: With Hope
*Story Author: Melina
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Action
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): somewhat graphic
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Halbarad
faces his destiny on the Pelennor fields


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: The Corsair Papers
*Story Author: Flick
*Author's E-mail Address: I'm not sure, but I know she's given
permission for another story. Does this mean the awards organisers
already have her email?
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Humor
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Fileg and
Flick present a bit of Fourth Age Fantasy Froth for the Pirate
Challenge. If Gilbert and Sullivan had thought of Middle Earth....


Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Marta
*Story Title: The Corsair Papers
*Story Author: Fileg and Flick
*Author's E-mail Address: I'm not sure, but I know she's given
permission for another story. Does this mean the awards organisers
already have her email?
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Humor
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a
*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Fileg and
Flick present a bit of Fourth Age Fantasy Froth for the Pirate
Challenge. If Gilbert and Sullivan had thought of Middle Earth....


Msg# 695

Slash notice request from a member Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 16:18:01 Topic ID# 695
We've had a member request that the nominations show whether they are slash
or not so that people who want to avoid them can and those who want to read
them can as well.

The question is how to do it. I do know that I have been noting Slash in the
subcategory sugggestion field when the nomination was clear to me that I it
is slash, but that doesn't show up on the web site or the Nominations table.
I could add a field to the Nominations table, but we might need the help of
everyone to check that table over and say what is slash and what isn't.

I do plan that when Nomination Season is over, there will be a much more
detailed list of nominations on the web site, something even nom-member
authors can check to see that their story is categoriezed and rated as they
would want. That would aslo serve readers for readign season to go find the
stories to read.

Given that we can start reading at anytime (even now), a notice about slash
is a good idea for now. I don't want slash writers or readers to feel put
upon, but I think it's fair warning just as warning that a story is a WIP or
graphically violent.

That said, the Slash notice could go with the Reasons for Rating field, with
the graphic sex or violence warnings. And I do hope all nominations are
being noted for any of those things so sensitive readers can beware.

So how best to do this now, since people are already reading (or could be)?
Instead of adding a Slash column to the Nominations table, I could just make
it a Warnings column and graphic violence, etc, could be noted there as

Please chime in, but let's not get into a "Slash is evil" argument. The MEF
Awards accept both, individual readers are free to do so or not to do so.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 696

Re: Trying with a different link Posted by whitegull1420 May 11, 2004 - 16:23:09 Topic ID# 681
It works? Hmm,it doesn't for me, but here's the rated nomination:

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:White Gull

*Story Title:Wishes of a King

*Story Author White Gull

*Author's E-mail Address:SR_1420@h...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Aragorn
remembers from whence his kingship came.

Msg# 697

Re: Further Nominations Posted by Marta May 11, 2004 - 16:29:51 Topic ID# 694
Urk... when I was composing this, I forgot to clear out the ones that I
had already posted to the list: my "Hope Rekindled," Adi's "Wind and
Fire," and Melina's piece about Halbarad, whose title escapes me at the
moment. (These were all previously nominated in "Marta's Nominations--
Action" earlier today.) The only one that was new was Flick's "The
Corsair Papers," which I'm including in this email again.

Sorry for any confusion.


>Story Nomination Form
>*Nominator's name: Marta
>*Story Title: The Corsair Papers
>*Story Author: Flick
>*Author's E-mail Address: I'm not sure, but I know she's given
>permission for another story. Does this mean the awards organisers
>already have her email?
> *Story URL:
>*Category Choices (see below)
>*1st: Crossover
>2nd: Humor
>3rd: Men
>Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
>*Rating: G
>Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a
>*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): n/a
>*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Fileg and
>Flick present a bit of Fourth Age Fantasy Froth for the Pirate
>Challenge. If Gilbert and Sullivan had thought of Middle Earth....

Msg# 698

Nomination (Romance) Posted by Gemma May 11, 2004 - 16:36:06 Topic ID# 698
Author's permission being forwarded as we speak (or type).


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Gemma

*Story Title: Moriquendi

*Story Author: fan81981

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age, Novel/serial

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): moderate sexuality
(het), some battle scenes

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the
War of the Ring, Thranduil seeks to safeguard his kingdom by making
an alliance with the Avari. Will Legolas agree to seal the alliance
by marrying their Lady?

Msg# 699

Newbiw & Award Banners Posted by ihyfe2003 May 11, 2004 - 16:39:27 Topic ID# 699
Hello! :-)

I read about the MEFA on the main page of Tolkien Online (I'm
Silveraven over there) and thought I'd have a look. Reading through
the site the need for award banners caught my attention, so I've
decided to attempt some. I've just uploaded an Aragorn & Arwen Award
banner, hope I did it right. I'll attempt a couple more tomorrow.
It's a good excuse for me to practise a little. :-)


Msg# 700

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Larian Elensar May 11, 2004 - 16:40:38 Topic ID# 695
I'd say the simplest would be to add a warnings column...

> So how best to do this now, since people are already reading (or could be)?
> Instead of adding a Slash column to the Nominations table, I could just make
> it a Warnings column and graphic violence, etc, could be noted there as
> well.
> Please chime in, but let's not get into a "Slash is evil" argument. The MEF
> Awards accept both, individual readers are free to do so or not to do so.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 701

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 11, 2004 - 16:47:59 Topic ID# 695
So how best to do this now, since people are already reading (or could be)?
Instead of adding a Slash column to the Nominations table, I could just make
it a Warnings column and graphic violence, etc, could be noted there as

I think this is probably a Good Idea. Certainly warning someone about Slash
beforehand avoids unpleasantries later.

The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas for concern.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 702

Re: Category Viability Report 5/10/04 Posted by bwoodru1 May 11, 2004 - 16:54:14 Topic ID# 666
I found another link for Chance Meeting at Rivendell -

And an e-mail address for the author -

Here's a better link for Eledhwen's Estel and the Hobbit -

Hope these work!


--- In, "Soledad" <annaliess@h...> wrote:
> Actually, we have seven "The Hobbit"-based stories, so far, by
> different authors. However, I couldn't find a working URL for
> Eledhwen's "Estel and the Hobbit", and by Aunt Dora Baggins no
> was given. Maybe the nominators can look up their data again?
> Of Fire and Stars by Gecco, (WIP)
> Astonishment in Mirkwood by Soledad, (WIP)
> Furry Little Thief by Pervinca (which is a poem, IIRC)
> Sucking Eggses by Marta,
> In the Hall of the Wood Elf King by Tree Hugger
> and
> Chance Meeting at Rivendell by Aunt Dora Baggins have working
> but the latter author has no email-address given, and TreeHugger
> hasn't approved so far, it seems.
> Soledad

Msg# 703

Re: File - welcome.txt Posted by elanor of aquitania May 11, 2004 - 17:45:36 Topic ID# 683
'Well met' to all out here,
here comes my introduction
as Ainaechoiriel wished in her welcome.txt:

I am only a reader not a writer of fanfiction.
I like Tolkien since I first read LoTR in 1978.
The first character I bonded to was rebellious Eowyn
as behoves a rules contravening woman ;-)
studying experimental physics.
Since adapting to the sorrows and tenseness
raised by a permanently ill child
I prefer serene as well as tense Faramir.
As a scientist I have a rather puristic view of LoTR.
Yet I am surprised again and again how many good
'gapfillers' I find to bookmark which agree even with
my puristic view.

Thank you all and especially Ainaechoiriel
for setting up this public nomination and awarding procedure.
And thank you to Lindorien who hinted on MEFAwards to me.
For now I am collecting the data needed for the nominations
I would like to introduce. I think I could be a vote counter,
but unfortunately I cannot make this commitment already now.
Technically it is no problem, but I don't know what children
and profession will leave of my time in autumn.

Best wishes Elanor

Msg# 704

Nomination (Drama) Posted by Emma May 11, 2004 - 18:20:43 Topic ID# 704
I hope I did this right-please let me know if I have completly
messed this up! And here is a question- I have aprt one done- but
there will be a part two. Is that a WIP?

-emma (aelfgifu)


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: emma (aelfgifu)
*Story Title: Ring around the Merry

*Story Author: Aelfgifu

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Alternate Universe

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence, adult
situations, emotional tormant, very heavy angst, some slash, 1
chapter with non-con.

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): m/p but I would not count it
as "romance"

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Ring around the Merry is an AU bookverse Lord of the Rings
fanfiction in which Merry holds the Ringbearer captive at
Crickhollow "for the salvation of the Shire." with baleful results
for all. Merry will be corrupted, Pippin will be conflicted, Frodo
will start to break, Sam will try to save him, and each of the
hobbits will be challenged and changed in unexpected ways.

Msg# 705

Nomination (Drama) Posted by Emma May 11, 2004 - 18:27:26 Topic ID# 704
*Nominator's name: emma (aelfgifu)
*Story Title: Reckoning
*Story Author: Aratlithiel
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Post Quest

*Rating: PG
Reason for rating: So much angst!!!!
*Romance Parners n/a
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Sam helps Merry and Pippin to understand why Frodo had to cross over
the Sea

Msg# 706

Re: Newbiw & Award Banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 18:34:27 Topic ID# 699
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ihyfe2003 []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Newbiw & Award Banners
> Hello! :-)
> I read about the MEFA on the main page of Tolkien Online (I'm
> Silveraven over there) and thought I'd have a look. Reading
> through the site the need for award banners caught my
> attention, so I've decided to attempt some. I've just
> uploaded an Aragorn & Arwen Award banner, hope I did it
> right. I'll attempt a couple more tomorrow.
> It's a good excuse for me to practise a little. :-)

It's beautiful! I just had to change the name around a little. You had it
in the right folder and everything. I'll have it up on the web site soon as

I've got a few more to do myself, and I do hope you'll keep at it! Welcome


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 707

Nomination. (romance) Posted by Emma May 11, 2004 - 18:34:47 Topic ID# 707
*Nominator's name: emma (aelfgifu)
*Story Title: Autumn's Requiem
*Story Author: Aratlithiel and Ariel
*Author's E-mail Address: and
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Romance
*Rating: R
Reason for rating: Sexual content
*Romance Parners r/f
*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

A 'what if' Frodo/Rose romance which deals with the nature of
loyalty,love and friendship.

Msg# 708

Re: Another small note Posted by Jillian Baade May 11, 2004 - 18:48:12 Topic ID# 573
> > Sorry to have created a problem, I've just been copying and pasting
>the links, mostly directly off
> > I'll try to remember to check and correct that in future.
>Oh, don't worry! If this will be the biggest problem all along, we
>can call us lucky. I was just wondering why most of the URLs didn't
>work - it took me quite the time to realize what was wrong. <g>
>Well, dumb ole me should have realised. Sorry again :)

>Yahoo! Groups Links

Personalise your phone with chart ringtones and polyphonics. Go to

Msg# 709

Re: So many stories, so little time? Posted by lindorien2000 May 11, 2004 - 19:17:57 Topic ID# 670
What exactly do you want to know, Ainae?

I know that looking at 300 plus titles is looking daunting to me. Are
you asking if we should allow things to be renominated if they don't
win this year?


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> Looking over my Review History at, just under this persona
> (Ainaechoiriel. I started as the real me.), I have 11 pages of Reviews.
> Given, not all of them are high praise, but most are, or I wouldn't have
> taken much time to review.
> But how many stories can we realistically expect 100+ members to read?
> The more members we have, the more we can read. I know there are
many other
> worthy stories.
> Fortunately, there are also more years to come. Removing the restriction
> that next years stories had to be posted between May 1, 2004 and
April 30,
> 2005 at least left the door open for many excellent stories that we
may get
> to this year. We can nominate them next year (so long as they weren't
> nominated this year).
> But what do you think? Given, some stories we will have already
read. I've
> read all the ones I nominated, for instance (with minor exceptions), and
> even quite a few that someone else did. So it might be feasible that I
> could still read several dozen more during reading season, or maybe
even 50
> or 100 depending on length. (Reading season is 2 1/2 months long.)
> We presently have 195 nominations (by the web site). How many total
> be just one too many?
> Not all categories are viable yet, so we should concentrate on them.
> prioritize them. Maybe that's the track I'll take. And then, as I go
> through my list, I'll try to get only the most excellent stories,
and save
> some of the other ones that are really good for next year.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 710

Mae Govannen, Mellyrn! Posted by gwathyg May 11, 2004 - 21:53:47 Topic ID# 710
Good to see so many other writers of Tolkien Fanfic out there! Let me
introduce myself. My name is Gwathrenethir Nirethir and I write
Tolkien Fanfic and original works. I discovered MEFA through a link
at Tolkien Online and hope to actually win something this time, as I
intend to nominate a work that I have entered in other competitions.
I write Legolas and other Elf fanfic and have a deep fascination with
the Silmarillion. A friend of mine and myself have come up with
hopefully what will turn into a series of Tolkien fanfic regarding
eight Elves known as the Guardians of Middle-earth. Gwathrenethir is
the name of Nienna's Guardian, the name that I have chosen for
myself. It is possible that at MEFA next year you may see "The
Guardians: WIP" :D.

Well, that is a little about me, I hope that I shall be able to have
some fun in friendly competition here during MEFA. Catch ya'll later!


Msg# 711

Re: Learning my way around Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 22:02:20 Topic ID# 675
> -----Original Message-----
> From: whitegull1420 []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Learning my way around
> Hey,
> I'm riding the learning curve here, and will appreciate any
> helpful hints. This is a great site. I've been reading some
> of the nominations, and awards aside, it's nice to find so
> many good recommendations in one spot.

;-) Yep, I'm getting worried we'll have too many! And not enough time or
peop;le to read. I hope each story gets read by at least one person, and
that shouldn't be too much of a problem, because the person who nominated
them probably read them. But still, the more readerst eh better!

> I'd like to nominate a couple of fics, but am having trouble
> deciding what category they belong in. One is a poem, it's
> Aragorn speaking to Frodo. Any suggestions?

Well, Poetry is the subcategory at any rate.

I'd think you could put it in the Lord of the Rings category, if nothing
else. But you get to choose three choices for category so you can put LOTR
down for 1st and pick two others you might think it would be long in. In
the end, it will run in only one category.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 712

Re: Promoting MEFA Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 11, 2004 - 23:40:22 Topic ID# 659
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chathol-linn []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 9:09 PM
> To:
> Cc: 'coralie davies'
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Promoting MEFA
> Hello! Thanks to Lady Coralie's efforts, the MEFA promotion
> is on the front page of You can review it
> at the URL below.
> Regards - Chathol-linn

Very cool! Do they have a button anywhere? I've put a link up to them but
it's rather plain compared with all the other banners.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 713

Re: Mae Govannen, Mellyrn! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 0:25:59 Topic ID# 710
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Mae Govannen, Mellyrn!
> Good to see so many other writers of Tolkien Fanfic out
> there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Gwathrenethir
> Nirethir and I write Tolkien Fanfic and original works. I
> discovered MEFA through a link at Tolkien Online and hope to
> actually win something this time, as I intend to nominate a
> work that I have entered in other competitions.

Cool! Nominate away! We still have some categories that could use more
nominations than others, but I don't plan to shut any down for being too
full. I'm just a little afraid we might end up with a pool larger than our
number of members can handle. So encourage your friends and anyone you know
who likes reading LOTR fanfic to join.

> I write Legolas


> and other Elf fanfic and have a deep
> fascination with the Silmarillion. A friend of mine and
> myself have come up with hopefully what will turn into a
> series of Tolkien fanfic regarding eight Elves known as the
> Guardians of Middle-earth. Gwathrenethir is the name of
> Nienna's Guardian, the name that I have chosen for myself. It
> is possible that at MEFA next year you may see "The
> Guardians: WIP" :D.

We just might indeed!

> Well, that is a little about me, I hope that I shall be able
> to have some fun in friendly competition here during MEFA.
> Catch ya'll later!

Friendly is the only way I want it! Welcome to the group. And to all the
others that have joined since this last weekend. I'm glad to have all of


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 714

Re: So many stories, so little time? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 0:27:11 Topic ID# 670
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lindorien2000 []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: So many stories, so little time?
> What exactly do you want to know, Ainae?

I don't know. ;-)

> I know that looking at 300 plus titles is looking daunting to
> me. Are you asking if we should allow things to be
> renominated if they don't win this year?

I think we should stick with the rule that once nominated this year they
can't be nominated again next year. We may have to reevaluate that after
this awards season is done, but it would take a big problem to get me to
change that rule.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 715

New Awards Banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 0:42:38 Topic ID# 715
I put some new Awards banners in the Photos section. Let's see, I did some
for Adventure, Orcs, and LOTR. I also reuploaded almost all the others I
had because I found a new font I liked better than what I'd had before.

You can see all the banners so far submitted at this link:


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 716

MEFA Awards - Nomination - Romance. Posted by May 12, 2004 - 0:44:40 Topic ID# 716
I joined a few days ago and should introduce myself. I am Mirasaui and a
writer of fan ficition, mostly elf slash. I like the idea of feedback based
awards and wish to nominate a few stories and also submit a couple of award
banners. This is my first nomination, but I have more I will send in later.
Approval is on its way in a separate email.

Thank you

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Mirasaui

*Story Title: 'Underestimated'

*Story Author: Enismirdal

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): mainly Orc-bashing

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Rumil/Faelon secondary:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Rumil is in love
with Faelon. Faelon thinks he is too good for Rumil. Erestor decides to get


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 717

Slash, Violence, etc.: Warnings Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 1:17:26 Topic ID# 717
Okay, I have added a Warnings field to the Nominations table. I'll take all
the Hobbits, Elves, and Men stories tomorrow and try to get them updated.
Other categorizers, please update your categorized stories.

And so, everyone else, remember when nominating a fic, to use the Reasons
for Rating field to include any warnings, such as slash, graphic sex or
violence, non-con, mpreg, character death, etc.

Also, be sure that if you nominate a WIP, that you put WIP in the
subcategory field.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 718

More banners Posted by May 12, 2004 - 2:32:47 Topic ID# 718
I've added banners for each of the three Lord of the Rings awards,
plus a few days ago I added the other two Crossover awards which I
don't see on the website yet.


Msg# 719

Re: slash warnings Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 3:16:31 Topic ID# 719
I'll do as it was requested, of course. But I must get something off
my chest considering this particular topic: I'm *not* happy about
this, personally. Slapping the "slash" label upon *every* story that
has anything to do with a same-gender romance will even G-rated
stories make a no-no for potential readers, as they'll automatically
consider them as smut. Otherwise they *might* read them and probably
even like them.

I think I'll have to consider withdrawing half of my nominated
stories because of this. I don't want them under a label that usually
initiates associations that were wrong for my stuff.

Other than that, as a categorizer, I'll naturally respect the new


Msg# 720

intro Posted by vulgarweed May 12, 2004 - 4:05:26 Topic ID# 720
Hi all,
I'm Vulgarweed, been lurking for a few days to get the feel of
things. I think comment/feedback-based awards are a really cool
idea and I'm looking forward to seeing how exactly this is going
to work and participating and all. I've been around at HASA, Open
Scrolls, Library of Moria, a bunch of yahoogroups (including my
own small one-- Morgul-Steel, which is All Nazgul All the Time),
LJ, etcetera. My personal fic special-favoritism is towards both
lesser-written, mysterious characters and evil ones, but as a
reader in practice I'm really pretty omnivorous.

I expect the number will get very daunting indeed -- the Mithril
Award nominations just closed, and wound up with over 750
works nommed. And that's with only one year's worth of stories

Anyway, nice to see everyone!
*settles in*

Msg# 721

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by vulgarweed May 12, 2004 - 4:27:57 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
> The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
for concern.
> khazar

Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
tortured to death. I'd suggest just to include slash in "reasons for
rating" but of course many writers (self included) don't rate slash
stories any higher than they would the same level of het action
(e.g., two boys holding hands is not any less G-rated than a boy
and a girl holding hands), so it logically would not always turn up
there in the summaries.

I accept slash "warnings" for pragmatic reasons--you're right
about "unpleasantries"--but it doesn't mean I have to like 'em.
They can be helpful advertising, though. :)


Msg# 722

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 12, 2004 - 5:36:52 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Dark Forge

*Story Author:Ithilwen

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):Gondolin


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Some disturbing images

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Maeglin's
life up to the Fall of Gondolin

Msg# 723

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 12, 2004 - 5:40:59 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Noldolante

*Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission to nominate any of her
stories I wish to.

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):Gondolin


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Maeglin
during the Fall of Gondolin, his thoughts and actions

Msg# 724

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 12, 2004 - 5:52:44 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Firimar

*Story Author:Ithilwen; I have her permission

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Suitable for any reader

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):A elf looks
at earth from Valinor

Msg# 725

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 12, 2004 - 6:16:25 Topic ID# 695
I come from a tradition that believes in tolerance and so disturbed by the idea of arbitarily rating some stories for one element of it.

I have to say that this system seems silly to me as well. However, if there are people who are going to be offended by 'slash' stories not being marked as such, I suppose they should be marked.
If this is going to be done via a warnings column, I feel that it is very important for it to be consistant as at the moment only stories rated R usually have reasons given for this rating. However, if stories rated PG are going to have a warning for slash, then they should equivalently have a warning for het, violence, swearing etc.
My other problem with this whole idea is what happens about stories where you're not sure whether or not its slash - ie it depends on exactly how you read it whether it is friendship or slash. Part of the problem is that people can interpret anything in different ways depending on what they want to see in it. I would seem unfair to a story like this to rate it as slash given that this might stop a lot of people reading it, whereas not to rate it would leave people being offended by it.
I'm sorry if I'm not being totally clear and tactful, but I'm in the middle of exams and have neither the time nor energy to continue rewriting this until it says exactly what I want it to say without offending anyone.
I hope no one is offended by what I've said, but if they are please remember that these are my views.

----- Original Message -----
From: vulgarweed
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:27 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member

--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
> The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
for concern.
> khazar

Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
tortured to death. I'd suggest just to include slash in "reasons for
rating" but of course many writers (self included) don't rate slash
stories any higher than they would the same level of het action
(e.g., two boys holding hands is not any less G-rated than a boy
and a girl holding hands), so it logically would not always turn up
there in the summaries.

I accept slash "warnings" for pragmatic reasons--you're right
about "unpleasantries"--but it doesn't mean I have to like 'em.
They can be helpful advertising, though. :)


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 726

Re: slash warnings Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 12, 2004 - 6:27:42 Topic ID# 719
I must second the motion from the concerned reader who brought it up in the first place, whoever they may be, and a big thanks to Ainae for clarifying things.

Personally, if there were no slash warnings posted in plain sight -- even on those not considered smut -- I would deem it too great a risk to gamble on any unfamiliar link, and would have confined my votes to stories I know and nominated just to be safe. I really didn't want to have to do that. Those who read slash will not be put off by the label, but *please* consider those of us who would rather not see these awards as a potential mine field.

(*I'm begging here, not ranting*)


----- Original Message -----
From: Soledad
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:15 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: slash warnings

I'll do as it was requested, of course. But I must get something off
my chest considering this particular topic: I'm *not* happy about
this, personally. Slapping the "slash" label upon *every* story that
has anything to do with a same-gender romance will even G-rated
stories make a no-no for potential readers, as they'll automatically
consider them as smut. Otherwise they *might* read them and probably
even like them.

I think I'll have to consider withdrawing half of my nominated
stories because of this. I don't want them under a label that usually
initiates associations that were wrong for my stuff.

Other than that, as a categorizer, I'll naturally respect the new


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 727

slash warnings / from the moderator Posted by sulriel May 12, 2004 - 6:38:18 Topic ID# 719
Please remember to keep this discussion civil and respectful of the
multitude of value systems inherent in this international group.

Sulriel / co-moderator

Msg# 728

About slash warnings - again Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 6:52:20 Topic ID# 728
I've walked home from school to give myself time to coold down before
I post my ultimate opinion on this topic - it didn't work. So, I'll
post it as it comes, in my very upset and insulted mindset, hoping
that I won't insult anyone in exchange.

As by now, I'm removing all of my stories from the nomination list
that might have the slightest hint of a same-gender relationship.

My reasons:

I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "The First Snowdrop", the dirty,
evil plot of which is of one male Elf smuggling a single flower into
the room of another male Elf as a sign of his love.

I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "Astonishment in Mirkwood", a
flat-out Legomance, just because it is mentioned that Legolas used to
have a male lover.

I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "Celebrían", just because two
borderline characters are mentioned to have a same-sex relationship.

I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "Sons of Twilight and Starlight"
which treats the aftermath of the War of Wrath and a Maia's suffering
over the destruction of Beleriand, just because of *one* chaste kiss.

And I could go on and on. That's the smut content of my nominated
stories, in general. But I won't let them put into the same category
as some random "insert Elf A into Elf B" category. I might be
haughty, I might hold my writing in too high of an esteem, but they
are more worth to me for that.

Consequently, I don't feel that I have the right to do that to anyone
else's stories. That's why I'm stepping back as a categorizer,
effective immediately. My categories are Romance, Mystery, The Hobbit
and Horror. Whoever wants to have them -- take them. Good luck in
digging through all the nominations again.

Also, I think I should step down as a staff member and as a list
moderator. I can't - and won't - give my name to a rule which I find
discriminating and personally insulting. Ainae, this is your list,
your creation, you don't need to ask my opinion when you add to the
rules or change them. That's fair enough. But I'm not doing this - I
hope you understand.

I must say, I'm very disappointed. I hoped that this old argument
that has split the fandom many times wouldn't come up here. I even
tried to keep it from coming up. I failed. So all I can do is to
accept my failure and step down.


Msg# 729

Just for the record Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 7:19:44 Topic ID# 729
... and so that Ainae can have it easier when updating the website.

I've removed from the nomination list the stories below, because of
the new rule:

- Astonishment in Mirkwood
- Dreamwalkers
- Elvenhome
- Frozen Flower
- Innocence
- Sons of Twilight and Starlight
- The First Snowdrop
- The Return of the Minstrel
- Twisted Paths of Fate

I still left on the three other stories, "Exercise of Vital
Powers", "Of Elflings and Mice" and "The Dying Stone".

I apologize by the people who've nominated my stuff - I'm still
grateful that you found the stories worth it. There are still up on if anyone wants to read them.


Msg# 730

Re: About slash warnings - again Posted by sulriel May 12, 2004 - 7:33:18 Topic ID# 728
Soledad, I'm sorry you feel the need to step down, but I respect your
feelings and your decision.

I do think, in general, we need to remember that readers have a right
to choose what they wish to read, just as authors have the freedom to
write what their muse whispers in their ear. I don't have a problem
with any fic being labeled for content, and believe me, as someone
who struggles to write believable OFCs, I know what it feels like
lose a large percent of readers before I ever type the first word.

Msg# 731

Re: About slash warnings - again Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 7:46:28 Topic ID# 728
--- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...> wrote:
> Soledad, I'm sorry you feel the need to step down, but I respect
your feelings and your decision.

Oh, don't be sorry on my behalf. I was glad to help, because I
thought this to be a good thing. But I can do without all the work
just finely. Besides, this is not the first time I was chased away
from a good thing because of intolerance.

> I do think, in general, we need to remember that readers have a
right to choose what they wish to read, just as authors have the
freedom to write what their muse whispers in their ear.

I don't deny it. I just don't agree with the argument that certain
parts of stories need extra warnings. Nerwen is right. If we continue
logically, we should put up het warnings and cuteness warnings and a
whole set of warnings to every story; after all, who knows whose
sensitivities are hurt by the mental image of Hobbits eating potatoes?

>I don't have a problem with any fic being labeled for content, and
believe me, as someone who struggles to write believable OFCs, I know
what it feels like lose a large percent of readers before I ever type
the first word.

Well, I do. I do have great problems with a story being rejected for
the wrong reasons. If I'd write smut romances for the pairing's sake,
I won't have any problems with labelling them for what they are. But
putting a label that would turn people away from a story that is
focussed on very different things, just because two characters of the
same gender might have some feelings for each other *is* insulting.


Msg# 732

Re: Just for the record Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 12, 2004 - 7:56:32 Topic ID# 729
Hello, Soledad!

Is there no chance to change your mind? I'm rather sad (but not
really surprised), for I watched this for a few days now and was
in fact waiting for the first one to feel "really" offended. And now
it's you!

You don't know me, and I had no chance to read one of your
stories yet (which I will do soon), but I second your opinion that
slash isn't the same as smut. I have seen ratings where the
readers were told that there is slash "implied", what I would
count as a wise description without judgement. I don't write
slash, but I'm always glad to discover a well written and beautiful
story, and there are authors who better should quit writing and
others I admire for their skills - both, gen and slash. I hope that
this is no final decision and that we can find a way of rating that
makes you feel more comfortable.

Would you please give the awards another chance?


P.S. If there should be any mistakes in my english, please don't
mind. It is not my first language.

Msg# 733

Re: Just for the record Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 8:07:22 Topic ID# 729
beleg1cuthalion wrote:

> Is there no chance to change your mind? I'm rather sad (but not
> really surprised), for I watched this for a few days now and was
> in fact waiting for the first one to feel "really" offended. And now
> it's you!

Yes, it has coming for days by now, and I tried to stop it. I
couldn't. And I'm too old and too tired to start a war of opinions
about it. I'll spare my energy for my writing - it's better that way.

> You don't know me, and I had no chance to read one of your
> stories yet (which I will do soon), but I second your opinion that
> slash isn't the same as smut. I have seen ratings where the
> readers were told that there is slash "implied", what I would
> count as a wise description without judgement. I don't write
> slash, but I'm always glad to discover a well written and beautiful
> story, and there are authors who better should quit writing and
> others I admire for their skills - both, gen and slash. I hope that
> this is no final decision and that we can find a way of rating that
> makes you feel more comfortable.

It's not about the rating. I rarely write anything above PG-13, and I
usually rate quite high, for safety reasons. Personally, I'm a lot
more disturbed by graphic violence, but that's just me. I also rate
stories higher when they have no sex at all but contain themes I find
too complicated for a very young readership. Like politics.

It's about the discrimination. About the idea that a hint of feeling
between two characters of the same gender makes it necessary to label
a story "slash", even though it's about the inner political schemings
of Gondor or about the end of Arda and the Last Battle. That's what I
find utterly offending and that's which I'm *not* exposing my work to.

> Would you please give the awards another chance?

I still have three of my stories up on the nomination list. I *hope*
they'll be considered harmless enough. Although after all this, one
can never know.

> P.S. If there should be any mistakes in my english, please don't
> mind. It is not my first language.

Oh, don't worry. English is my *third* language and I'm rather
horrible at it without my betas, as you can see. :))


Msg# 734

Re: Just for the record Posted by sulriel May 12, 2004 - 8:14:37 Topic ID# 729
>>but I second your opinion that
> slash isn't the same as smut. I have seen ratings where the
> readers were told that there is slash "implied", what I would
> count as a wise description without judgement.

slash is not the same as smut.

without debating the right or wrong of the various viewpoints, the
fact remains that there are a large number of people who are offended
by same-sex relationships regardless of the level of detail.

being offended by them being offended is a downward spiral.

Msg# 735

Re: Just for the record Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 12, 2004 - 8:26:16 Topic ID# 729
> It's about the discrimination. About the idea that a hint of feeling
> between two characters of the same gender makes it
necessary to label
> a story "slash", even though it's about the inner political
> of Gondor or about the end of Arda and the Last Battle. That's
what I
> find utterly offending and that's which I'm *not* exposing my
work to.

I understand. And I'm very sorry, really.

Msg# 736

Re: Just for the record Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 8:30:09 Topic ID# 729
--- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...> wrote:

> without debating the right or wrong of the various viewpoints, the
> fact remains that there are a large number of people who are
offended by same-sex relationships regardless of the level of detail.

> being offended by them being offended is a downward spiral.

They have their sensitivities - I have mine. I've swallowed a great
deal in this fandom to survive. I won't swallow *this*. I won't let
myself be put back into a box that I've outgrown decades ago. I've
got every right to be offended, just as they are - and I *am*

But this discussion is meaningless anyway. I've pulled the stories,
I've stepped down as a categorizer, the rule is through, the people
who wanted it are happy and they are rid of me, so what other problem
could there possibly exist?


Msg# 737

Re: Just for the record Posted by sulriel May 12, 2004 - 8:45:54 Topic ID# 729
> But this discussion is meaningless anyway. I've pulled the stories,
> I've stepped down as a categorizer, the rule is through, the people
> who wanted it are happy and they are rid of me, so what other
> could there possibly exist?
> > Soledad

no additional problems.

I admire for you taking a hard stand for something you believe in but
I think it is a shame the awards have lost those fics.

Msg# 738

Re: Slash, Violence, etc.: Warnings Posted by Viv May 12, 2004 - 9:53:43 Topic ID# 717
Problem. Many slash stories already nominated were not
designated as such on the nomination forms. Sometimes
the nominator put a pairing in the pair space, but not
in every case. I don't really have time to go back and
read all the stories nominated in my categories to see
if they're slash.

Can we get some member help in designating slash
stories? Perhaps you guys could note slash stories on
the database? That would be very helpful :)


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Okay, I have added a Warnings field to the
> Nominations table. I'll take all
> the Hobbits, Elves, and Men stories tomorrow and try
> to get them updated.
> Other categorizers, please update your categorized
> stories.
> Thanks.
> --Ainaechoiriel

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Msg# 739

Re: Just for the record Posted by Viv May 12, 2004 - 9:55:44 Topic ID# 729
You know, erotica (i.e., smut) is on the receiving end
of some derision lately. There are some very fine, um,
smut pieces out there. Just because there is insertion
of Part A does not mean a piece cannot be art.


--- sulriel <> wrote:
> >>but I second your opinion that
> > slash isn't the same as smut. I have seen ratings

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Msg# 740

Re: About slash warnings - again Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 10:03:19 Topic ID# 728
I have to agree with Soledad on this. To add a 'warning' per se of
slash content in a story is toeing the line of censorship in my
opinion. Rules shouldn't make a certain group of writers feel
stigmatized, especially after that group of writers was freely
invited to join these awards. To label a story with a warning
indicates there is something potentially offensive about it, and
there are a lot of G and PG slash stories that don't deserve that.

I know there are those in this group who are offended by slash or
avoid it, and there's nothing wrong with that, but the sense of
security gained by labeling stories with a slash warning isn't worth
the hurt feelings and the offense toward writers who do enjoy writing
and reading slash. I'm not a slash writer and don't read it as a rule
(although I do make exceptions for well-written stories), but I
wouldn't want to have the stories labeled with warnings for my
benefit at the expense of someone else's feelings.

Perhaps an alternative to the offensive term of 'warning' would be to
have the romantic pairings listed for all stories, not just romance,
or possibly some other type of neutral notice to make it obvious for
those who wish to avoid slash without offending those who do.

If there's hesitation about labeling the stories as to length for
fear of driving off potential readers, then there certainly should be
hesitation about labeling G and PG stories with 'warnings',
especially when it's listed in the same column with violence, graphic
torture, and death. I am hoping that I've somehow misinterpreted this
rule and that the only stories that will be labeled with warnings are
those PG-13 and above that will require warnings anyway.

But, as Nerwen pointed out, that's just my opinion, although I do
hope our opinions count for something.


--- In, "Soledad" <annaliess@h...> wrote:
> I've walked home from school to give myself time to coold down
> I post my ultimate opinion on this topic - it didn't work. So, I'll
> post it as it comes, in my very upset and insulted mindset, hoping
> that I won't insult anyone in exchange.
> As by now, I'm removing all of my stories from the nomination list
> that might have the slightest hint of a same-gender relationship.
> My reasons:
> I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "The First Snowdrop", the
> evil plot of which is of one male Elf smuggling a single flower
> the room of another male Elf as a sign of his love.
> I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "Astonishment in Mirkwood", a
> flat-out Legomance, just because it is mentioned that Legolas used
> have a male lover.
> I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "Celebrían", just because two
> borderline characters are mentioned to have a same-sex relationship.
> I *won't* slap a slash warning upon "Sons of Twilight and
> which treats the aftermath of the War of Wrath and a Maia's
> over the destruction of Beleriand, just because of *one* chaste
> And I could go on and on. That's the smut content of my nominated
> stories, in general. But I won't let them put into the same
> as some random "insert Elf A into Elf B" category. I might be
> haughty, I might hold my writing in too high of an esteem, but they
> are more worth to me for that.
> Consequently, I don't feel that I have the right to do that to
> else's stories. That's why I'm stepping back as a categorizer,
> effective immediately. My categories are Romance, Mystery, The
> and Horror. Whoever wants to have them -- take them. Good luck in
> digging through all the nominations again.
> Also, I think I should step down as a staff member and as a list
> moderator. I can't - and won't - give my name to a rule which I
> discriminating and personally insulting. Ainae, this is your list,
> your creation, you don't need to ask my opinion when you add to the
> rules or change them. That's fair enough. But I'm not doing this -
> hope you understand.
> I must say, I'm very disappointed. I hoped that this old argument
> that has split the fandom many times wouldn't come up here. I even
> tried to keep it from coming up. I failed. So all I can do is to
> accept my failure and step down.
> Soledad

Msg# 741

Re: Just for the record Posted by sulriel May 12, 2004 - 10:04:26 Topic ID# 729
> --- sulriel <Sulriel@h...> wrote:
> > >> > > slash isn't the same as smut.

--- In, Viv <spacellamaprincess@y...> wrote:
> You know, erotica (i.e., smut) is on the receiving end> of some
derision lately. There are some very fine, um,> smut pieces out
there. Just because there is insertion> of Part A does not mean a
piece cannot be art.> > :)> viv

True and true.

My specific comment was not a judgement on either slash or smut, only
that they are not the same. slash may or may not be smut, smut may
or may not be slash . - and that is not a comment on the general
quality of either genre in any combination.

Msg# 742

Re: Slash, Violence, etc.: Warnings Posted by Larian Elensar May 12, 2004 - 10:08:22 Topic ID# 717
I already did that with the ones I nominated. Even the PG ones that had the
smallest hint of slash.

--- Viv <> wrote:
> Problem. Many slash stories already nominated were not
> designated as such on the nomination forms. Sometimes
> the nominator put a pairing in the pair space, but not
> in every case. I don't really have time to go back and
> read all the stories nominated in my categories to see
> if they're slash.
> Can we get some member help in designating slash
> stories? Perhaps you guys could note slash stories on
> the database? That would be very helpful :)
> viv

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 743

Re: More banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 10:16:07 Topic ID# 718
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] More banners
> I've added banners for each of the three Lord of the Rings
> awards, plus a few days ago I added the other two Crossover
> awards which I don't see on the website yet.

That's just because I didn't know about them yet. Mirasaui has added two as
well, to Helm's Deep and Aragorn&Arwen. I really liked your Crossover ones.
You got nearly the same pose or expression for each of the pairs of

They'll all be up on the next upload of the banners page on the web site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 744

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 10:20:24 Topic ID# 199
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jilba25au []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Jillian
> *Story Title:Noldolante
> *Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission to nominate any of
> her stories I wish to.

You know the drill. Forward that permission to me. We've been waiting for
permission from her, so we'll be glad to have it. :-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 745

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 10:43:03 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "vulgarweed" <fluxed@e...> wrote:
> --- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
> > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> for concern.
> >
> > khazar
> Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
> is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> tortured to death.

Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape and graphic
violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the slash
label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).

> I'd suggest just to include slash in "reasons for
> rating"

That seems like a more reasonable idea. Personally, I usually tell the
reader whether a story is a slash story in the summary, so please--if
it's in there, don't cut that part when skooshing summaries into the
database's allotted space. It saves time and trouble.


Msg# 746

HOLD YOUR HORSES! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 10:46:57 Topic ID# 746
My goodness can't you people be civil or at least wait until I'm conscious
before you go jumping off the deep end.

I asked for discussion on this and the only poeople who "discussed" said it
would be good to add a warnings field.

Soledad, I did NOT once call slash smut. I put it equal with any other thing
people might want to be warned about, INCLUDING YOU.

So can we all please calm down until I've had time to read all this and then
can we have a CIVIL discussion about it?


Who is at work and can only read and write e-mails when there's no work to
be done.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 747

Re: About slash warnings - again Posted by Viv May 12, 2004 - 11:02:45 Topic ID# 728
On the flip side, I am making it a personal point to
read every story labelled slash, even if I might not
have read it before. And you know what a rabid
reviewer I am, Anna. ;)

So in a sense, the stories labelled slash have an
advantage. The labels *will* reduce the fairness of
the contest, but maybe not in the way folks had


--- Andreth/Anna <> wrote:
To label a story with
> a warning
> indicates there is something potentially offensive
> about it, and
> there are a lot of G and PG slash stories that don't
> deserve that.

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

Msg# 748

Re: Slash, Violence, etc.: Warnings Posted by Viv May 12, 2004 - 11:09:19 Topic ID# 717
Thank you so much, Larian!


--- Larian Elensar <> wrote:
> I already did that with the ones I nominated. Even
> the PG ones that had the
> smallest hint of slash.

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

Msg# 749

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 12, 2004 - 11:24:19 Topic ID# 695
> > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> for concern.
> >
> > khazar
> Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
> is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> tortured to death.

Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape and graphic
violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the slash
label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).


I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in any way, shape or form to murder,
rape, etc.

I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have concerns with.

I have been an admin for the last 2 years with the Mithril Awards. This list is based on the things which
have been mentioned the most frequently as things which people who asked to judge didn't want to see.
That means we have had to keep these preferences in mind when working with judges--assigning those
who *will not* read het to slash, and so on.

Perhaps a good compromise would be something like "Strong Sexual Content (slash/het)" to help readers
decide what they wish to read. Or a simple "Het/Slash" choice.

It may disturb some people to know that not everyone shares their tastes. But that's part of what makes the
world so interesting. It would be a very dull world indeed if we did not all enjoy different things. Not enjoying
the same things does not automatically make someone evil, stupid, prejudiced, sick, perverted, hateful or

Except me, of course, who is all of those things, and more. ;-)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 750

Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 11:31:29 Topic ID# 750
List of possibilities, starting with the obvious question...

A) What is slash?

*Personally*, I would say slash is a story *focusing* on same sex
relationships, whether or not the relationship is consummated.
Homosexuality per se doth not a slash story make, any more than the
fact that a story set in the Fourth Age, when Aragorn and Arwen are
married, is thereby a romance story just because we mention that yes,
they are married and are having kids.

Suggested test of whether a story should be labeled slash, if the
above definition were adopted:

If you were to change the sexual orientations of all the characters to
heterosexuality, and you wouldn't rate the story a romance or warn of
graphic sex or warn of mature sexual themes (which can include things
like sexual obsession without consummation or intense anxiety over
sex/sexuality), then it probably doesn't deserve to labeled as slash
just because one or two characters on the sidelines are homosexual.
Likewise, if the main characters are written as homosexual, but this
fact does not play a central role in the story, then I suggest that
this does not qualify as slash.

If the above were accepted, then if you were to come across
homosexuality in a fic that isn't rated slash, then the solution is
just to click back if it bothers you enough. Otherwise, ignore them
and read on. The warnings section should tell you whether you'll be
offended by graphic sex scenes of whatever orientation in chapter
three. No fuss, no bother.

B) So if we can tell what slash is, how do we denote it? Do we denote it?

Generally speaking, most slash writers do tell their readers that
their stories are slash stories. It's a compromise we are more or less
willing to accept, though of course, some are far less willing to
accept it and some far more.

I'm willing to accept it, although I would NOT accept it if slash were
to be a warning on a par with graphic torture and rape. If it's the
graphic nature of these acts which warrant the warning, then "graphic
sex" covers slash and het, and there's no need to distinguish further.
If it's the squick factor, well, I would still argue that framing
slash as on a par with rape and torture is *quite* inappropriate and
bespeaks a fundamental homophobia that would be grounds for
withdrawing from this contest.

But let's say we do think some sort of indication of whether a story
is slash or not is a good idea without sticking it in with the warning
section. Here are some ways to go about it, drawing on previous posts
and presenting them here for easy consideration:

1) Include it in the summary. Many authors already do this. If you see
"slash" in the summary, don't drop it from the summary description.

2) Include it, as Vulgarweed suggested, in "reasons for rating". If
this were adopted, I would qualify it somewhat. Obviously, a G-rated
slash story is going to be hard pressed to say "I rated this G because
it is slash." That just doesn't seem to make sense, since G is like a
baseline of non-offensiveness and the whole deal about slash is that
some people find it offensive for whatever reason. Maybe have
something like an "Intended Audience" statement. That might make more
sense. "This fic is aimed at those who are not offended by
homosexuality." "This fic is aimed at those who are willing to read a
story with some slash elements."

3) Include it, as I think it was Andreth suggested, in the pairings
listing: all pairings that matter to the story's unfolding should be
declared. If the object d'amour is an OC, then label it something like
Halbarad/OMC, or Ioreth/OFC. People will get the picture. In this
case, the "pairings" notation would be appropriate for any category,
not just romance. Key point: all pairings that *matter* to the story's
unfolding; if it's incidental or mere mention, no need to identify it.

4) Divide romance into het and slash. The problem here is that that
would effectively ghettoize slash and prevent stories focusing on
homosexual couples or homosexuality per se competing in other
categories which do not traditionally separate themselves according to
who sleeps with whom (or who would be willing to sleep with whom).
Even if this were adopted, I think some other method of identification
would be required in addition so that stories could compete in
multiple categories while still compromising with those who will not
read slash.

If any of these suggestions help, take 'em. If not, ignore them


Msg# 751

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 12:12:23 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> > for concern.
> > >
> > > khazar
> >
> >
> > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
> > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > tortured to death.
> Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape and graphic
> violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
> violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the slash
> label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
> however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in any
way, shape or form to murder,
> rape, etc.
> I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
concerns with.

Yes, and I recognize that. However, I think you also realize what your
original post reads like (or you do now). The qualifier is too little,
too late. You know the relationship between politics and perception,
and the perception of your post was negative because it seems to imply
that slash is on a par in terms of offensiveness with graphic torture.

So don't take my response as an accusation that you personally are a
bigot, Khazar--it's not. I've seen your work, I know you have a high
tolerance for things that squick others. What I'm saying is that your
post unintentionally "sends the message" (i.e., it implies) that slash
is comparably similar to rape or torture, and as such is deserving of
a warning. I know very well that wasn't your intention, but the
wording of your posting very clearly is open to misinterpretation of
the worst kind *because* the wording was so off-the-cuff careless.

> Perhaps a good compromise would be something like "Strong Sexual
Content (slash/het)" to help readers
> decide what they wish to read. Or a simple "Het/Slash" choice.

That would be fine by me, so long as it is clear that both het and
slash are subjected to a broader category which is objectionable to
some because of the intensity of the depiction. For some others, it
may be objectionable in addition because it is slash (or it is het),
but there's no need for that to be built into the official warning
system simply for lack of due caution and sensitivity to the fact that
slash is very polarizing and generates strong opinions and feelings in
both its proponents and detractors.

> It may disturb some people to know that not everyone shares their
tastes. But that's part of what makes the
> world so interesting.

"Some people" do have issues along those lines, I agree. And yes, the
world is an interesting, interesting... 'interesting'... place.


Msg# 752

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 12:30:20 Topic ID# 750
First, thank you, Dwim, for offering a civil discussion on this.

From reading this and all the other posts on this, I think the trigger that
started the war was nothing more than symantics. A word. And the
assumptions as to what I might have meant by that word.

I do not like being punished for someone's assumptions. If I need to be
punished, it had better darn well be for fact. Not assumption.

Okay, ther's my rant. Back to civility.

What was the word? Slash? No. Sex? No. Homosexualtity? No, because I never
even used it. It was "warnings". I did not mean it to be mean spirited. I
did not mean by including the list of things to make it seem derogatory. In
fact, I specifically stated that this group and the awards accepts it. I
just listed things that squick people. I was trying to NOT single out slash,
NOT ghettoize slash. I was *trying* to do the opposite by not singling it

Moreover, I only used "warnings" as a column heading in a table. I did not
change the Nominiation form, and suggested nominators to include such things
in Reasons for Ratings. To that end, until we come up with something
better, I've changed the column header to "Squicks".

On to Dwim's post.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Possible ways of handling the slash label
> List of possibilities, starting with the obvious question...
> A) What is slash?
> *Personally*, I would say slash is a story *focusing* on same
> sex relationships, whether or not the relationship is consummated.
> Homosexuality per se doth not a slash story make, any more
> than the fact that a story set in the Fourth Age, when
> Aragorn and Arwen are married, is thereby a romance story
> just because we mention that yes, they are married and are
> having kids.

I would agree with this. I don't think Sam taking Frodo's hand in Rivendell
in the movie was "slash". Either watcher could interpret that either way.
Now, if Frodo and Sam were to have sex, I'd call that slash.

> Suggested test of whether a story should be labeled slash, if
> the above definition were adopted:
> If you were to change the sexual orientations of all the
> characters to heterosexuality, and you wouldn't rate the
> story a romance or warn of graphic sex or warn of mature
> sexual themes (which can include things like sexual obsession
> without consummation or intense anxiety over sex/sexuality),
> then it probably doesn't deserve to labeled as slash just
> because one or two characters on the sidelines are homosexual.


> Likewise, if the main characters are written as homosexual,
> but this fact does not play a central role in the story, then
> I suggest that this does not qualify as slash.

Agree there as well. My cousin is gay. If I were to write a nonfiction
story about the time my cousin and I went to the prom, this would not be
slash just because my cousin is gay. (It was a very nice prom, no pressure.
And not because he was gay. We didn't even know that then. But because he
was my cousin.)

> If the above were accepted, then if you were to come across
> homosexuality in a fic that isn't rated slash, then the
> solution is just to click back if it bothers you enough.
> Otherwise, ignore them and read on. The warnings section
> should tell you whether you'll be offended by graphic sex
> scenes of whatever orientation in chapter three. No fuss, no bother.


> B) So if we can tell what slash is, how do we denote it? Do
> we denote it?

I believe I asked this as part of my call for discussion.

> Generally speaking, most slash writers do tell their readers
> that their stories are slash stories. It's a compromise we
> are more or less willing to accept, though of course, some
> are far less willing to accept it and some far more.

I think that's fair. I warn about violence in mine. Same reason.

> I'm willing to accept it, although I would NOT accept it if
> slash were to be a warning on a par with graphic torture and
> rape. If it's the graphic nature of these acts which warrant
> the warning, then "graphic sex" covers slash and het, and
> there's no need to distinguish further.

This is where discussion would have been good. I was not "equating" slash
with smut or graphic torture or any of that except that they are all
squickable. Could I be convinced to leave the word slash out so long as
everyone understands that if there is sex in the story (by whichever couple
or group) it needs to be noted, graphic or not? Yes. I am a reasonable

> If it's the squick factor, well, I would still argue that
> framing slash as on a par with rape and torture is *quite*
> inappropriate and bespeaks a fundamental homophobia that
> would be grounds for withdrawing from this contest.

You would be assuming as well. I didn't rank the squicks. I didn't say Slash
is the worst and then next is graphic sex and then torture is way down on
the list. I just named squicks. Plain and simple.

> But let's say we do think some sort of indication of whether
> a story is slash or not is a good idea without sticking it in
> with the warning section.

Hence my conclusion tht this whole thing blew up over a column header. The
column header has already been changed. The nomination form, the offial
piece of this whole puzzle, never changed. Neither, I might mention, did
the web site, which presently only lists category, two subcatetgories (WIP
and Poetry), title and author.

> Here are some ways to go about it,
> drawing on previous posts and presenting them here for easy
> consideration:
> 1) Include it in the summary. Many authors already do this.
> If you see "slash" in the summary, don't drop it from the
> summary description.

I copy and paste summaries almost word for word. I would expect that other
categorizers did the same. That is on the official spreadsheet. I did
shorted summaries on the table for awhile because I didn't mean for the
table to include the whole summary so much as just to differentiate stories
with like titles, such as Chance Meetings and Promises to Keep (there are
two of each). Other categorizers didn't' shorten and so I just gave up on
it rather than make an issue.

> 2) Include it, as Vulgarweed suggested, in "reasons for
> rating". If this were adopted, I would qualify it somewhat.

I originally suggested that as well. And that is where I asked nominators
to put it.

> Obviously, a G-rated slash story is going to be hard pressed
> to say "I rated this G because it is slash." That just
> doesn't seem to make sense, since G is like a baseline of
> non-offensiveness and the whole deal about slash is that some
> people find it offensive for whatever reason.

Obviously. And I suppose I did a little assumption as well, thinking that
everyone would agree that that was obvious and that a G rated story that
just happened to have homosexual characters would not need a slash warning
at all. It was 1 in the morning when I made that post and didn't feel like
being wordy. My bad. Yes, I figured it would most likely be for PG-13s and
R's and less likely for PG (though possible, I suppose) and not at all for

> Maybe have
> something like an "Intended Audience" statement. That might
> make more sense. "This fic is aimed at those who are not
> offended by homosexuality." "This fic is aimed at those who
> are willing to read a story with some slash elements."

While the thought is good, it's a bit too wordy to put in the Nomination
form and the table has already grown too wide because of long URLs. You
have to scroll from one side to the other to see the title and then see if
it's a WIP. If I have to grow that table any, I want it to be short.

> 3) Include it, as I think it was Andreth suggested, in the pairings
> listing: all pairings that matter to the story's unfolding
> should be declared. If the object d'amour is an OC, then
> label it something like Halbarad/OMC, or Ioreth/OFC. People
> will get the picture. In this case, the "pairings" notation
> would be appropriate for any category, not just romance. Key
> point: all pairings that *matter* to the story's unfolding;
> if it's incidental or mere mention, no need to identify it.

Also acceptable. And that could certainly be changed on the Nomination form.

> 4) Divide romance into het and slash. The problem here is
> that that would effectively ghettoize slash and prevent
> stories focusing on homosexual couples or homosexuality per
> se competing in other categories which do not traditionally
> separate themselves according to who sleeps with whom (or who
> would be willing to sleep with whom).
> Even if this were adopted, I think some other method of
> identification would be required in addition so that stories
> could compete in multiple categories while still compromising
> with those who will not read slash.

First, I'll stick with one category per story. As to subcategorizing, I had
thought of it as a possibility, just as it's possible to separate long
stories from short, something that has been suggested twice here, but that
kind of doesn't sit right with me.

I don't, however, consider a subcategory to be ghettoizing anything anymore
than it ghettoizes poems. It doesn't ghettoise Romance, something I don't
read in any form, to be in a separate category. That said, I do know that
slash readers and writers are very wary of being "ghettoized" and so I
stayed away from that altogether.

> If any of these suggestions help, take 'em. If not, ignore them

They were helpful, thank you, Dwim

The floor is once again open for CIVIL discussion.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 753

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 12:50:51 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member

> >
> > I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in any
> way, shape or form to murder,
> > rape, etc.
> >
> > I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
> concerns with.
> Yes, and I recognize that. However, I think you also realize
> what your original post reads like (or you do now). The
> qualifier is too little, too late. You know the relationship
> between politics and perception, and the perception of your
> post was negative because it seems to imply that slash is on
> a par in terms of offensiveness with graphic torture.

I think we all need to step back and remember that this is the internet, a
faceless, expressionless medium. That means two things: We all have to be
more careful with what write . Our expressions don't show unless we use a
smiley. No one can hear our towno f voice. And generally people aren't
telepaths to know what we are thinking.

And we all need to be less judgmental in what we read. We shouldn't assume
expression. We shouldn't jump down someone's throught because of our
perception of their words. If we think there might have been offense, we
can seek clarification. We can discuss it until we can both understand each
other and how we feel about something.

And by all mean, if it gets ugly, we can take it off the list and into
private e-mail.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 754

Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES! Posted by Soledad May 12, 2004 - 13:13:45 Topic ID# 746
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

> My goodness can't you people be civil or at least wait until I'm
conscious before you go jumping off the deep end.

I *am* being civil. I just happen to have a different opinion. That's
not the same. And I won't duck in fear anymore to say what I think.

> I asked for discussion on this and the only poeople who "discussed"
said it would be good to add a warnings field.

You forgot the people who live on the other side of the planet and
had no chance to take part of the discussion.

> Soledad, I did NOT once call slash smut. I put it equal with any
other thing people might want to be warned about, INCLUDING YOU.

I didn't assume that you said that. I said that "slash" has become
the equivalent of smut for many people and therefore the label is
discriminating. Still, I wouldn't have a problem to put it
on "Innocence", which *is* a same-gender romance. But I didn't want
it on stories who are of a different sort, just because a same-gender
relationship is implied. You were not listening.

> So can we all please calm down until I've had time to read all this
and then can we have a CIVIL discussion about it?

See above. But I won't fight you about this anymore. I'm leaving this
group. Feel free to remove *all* my stories from the nomination list -
I would do it myself, but since you fired me, it's no longer a


Msg# 755

Nomination Posted by whitegull1420 May 12, 2004 - 13:16:43 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: White Gull

*Story Title: Courtship of the Evenstar

*Story Author White Gull

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Men
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)A/A

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): An
allegorical look at Aragorn & Evenstar's courtship.

Msg# 756

Nomination (Romance) Posted by gwathyg May 12, 2004 - 13:38:07 Topic ID# 698
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: GwathyG

*Story Title: The Lost Tale of Dimarion and Vanyul

*Story Author: Gwathrenethir Nirethir (Me-Elf)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Valar Inclusive

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Mild violence and some
kissing (het)

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) m/f

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Vanyul has
spent much of her life laughing and playing in a river with her
friend Ulmo. When he is absent and a captive of Morgoth named
Dimarion enters her life, she is captured. Now, Ulmo must determine
how to save them both.

Msg# 757

Clarification of "graphic" [was: Possible ways of handling the slas Posted by Viv May 12, 2004 - 13:49:24 Topic ID# 750
Per the post defining NC-17 (#503) for purposes of
this contest, *no* stories containing graphic sex
(i.e., mentioning genitalia) should be nominated for
this contest.

So we're only talking about warnings for implied or
extremely vague het and/or gay sex here.


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Could I be convinced to leave the word
> slash out so long as
> everyone understands that if there is sex in the
> story (by whichever couple
> or group) it needs to be noted, graphic or not?

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

Msg# 758

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 12, 2004 - 13:53:03 Topic ID# 695
I think we all need to step back and remember that this is the internet, a
faceless, expressionless medium. That means two things: We all have to be
more careful with what write . Our expressions don't show unless we use a
smiley. No one can hear our towno f voice. And generally people aren't
telepaths to know what we are thinking.

And we all need to be less judgmental in what we read. We shouldn't assume
expression. We shouldn't jump down someone's throught because of our
perception of their words. If we think there might have been offense, we
can seek clarification. We can discuss it until we can both understand each
other and how we feel about something.

Ainie, I am sorry to have created a problem for you. I thought I was being
helpful by listing the things which some people had expressed concerns with
in the past. Apparently that was not the case.

I certainly did not intend to drive anyone off this list, or to make anyone feel unwelcome. Especially
since I am hopeful that these awards will do well.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 759

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 13:59:53 Topic ID# 750
First, I wanted to say that other than semantics, part of the problem
might have been that there wasn't ample time given to discuss the
subject. The rule concerning the slash warnings was posted about nine
hours after the original post and I didn't have the opportunity
yesterday afternoon to read over all the posts, so didn't see it
until this morning.

Perhaps it would be helpful to give at least 24 hours for a topic to
be discussed? To allow for a healthy assortment of opinions and
suggestions to be offered before a new rule is implemented? That way
everyone in the different time zones has the opportunity to respond
and hopefully can help avoid any future misunderstandings.

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
wrote:> You would be assuming as well. I didn't rank the squicks. I
didn't say Slash> is the worst and then next is graphic sex and then
torture is way down on> the list. I just named squicks. Plain and

*******It might be even better to say graphic het sex or graphic
slash sex instead of just 'slash'. That would help avoid the usual
connotation that slash=smut, because it is just the slash sex we're
referring to here, right?

> > 1) Include it in the summary. Many authors already do this.
> > If you see "slash" in the summary, don't drop it from the
> > summary description.
> I copy and paste summaries almost word for word. I would expect
that other> categorizers did the same.

********I do keep the full summary on my spreadsheet but put a
shorter summary in the database. Including a slash notation in the
summary would definitely be the easiest and least intrusive way to
go, or putting graphic het/graphic slash sex in the warnings column
when appropriate.


Oh, and a PS -
> As to subcategorizing, I had thought of it as a possibility, just
>as it's possible to separate long stories from short, something that
>has been suggested twice here, but that kind of doesn't sit right
>with me.

So I don't forget again - I don't think I worded my suggestion
clearly enough to make sense. I wasn't suggesting that the stories be
subcategorized or separated according to length - I have a story
nominated that's a long story and so I definitely don't want to put
people off reading longer stories. What I meant was giving some type
of indication in the summary as to the length of the stories, i.e.
one chapter stories = vignette, 2-4 chapters=short story, 5+
chapters=multi-chaptered story. Or something along those lines.
Hopefully that suggestion made a little more sense that my first

Msg# 760

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 12, 2004 - 14:08:44 Topic ID# 750
(*Ok, first, I am being civil. I am not condemning or censoring anything right now. Tone is calm, collected, friendly, no offense given or taken.*)

I for one am in favor of something along the lines of the "Intended Audience" indication. I do not read slash, I will not like it, so I merely want to avoid stumbling onto it at unawares. That has happened before, and it is not a comfortable memory.

I believe this all falls under truth in advertising. I will freely wear whatever labels others wish to stick on me so long as they reflect the content of my writing. I am fully aware that not all slash is smut, and I can understand how the more mild authors would resent the smutty connotations carried by the word. But that is where the G - R rating should clarify things. Nothing smutty can be rated G. Still, there are some of us who would like to tactfully avoid it no matter what the rating, and would appreciate the means to do so.

With that said, I am sitting down again. I naturally assumed such indications would have been a matter of course, and was rather disturbed to hear most of it was still indistinguishable from the rest. I know there are those of you who have no issue with this, but this young reader would like to be able to extend her selected reading without being burned.



----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Possible ways of handling the slash label

The floor is once again open for CIVIL discussion.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 761

Re: About slash warnings - again Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 14:14:44 Topic ID# 728
--- In, Viv <spacellamaprincess@y...> wrote:
And you know what a rabid reviewer I am, Anna. ;)

Yes, you are the review goddess, Viv dear. :-D


Msg# 762

Defining slash: let's not let the word stop us! Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 14:24:58 Topic ID# 695
Ok, in the spirit of rational discussion, let's not let a little
misunderstanding stop us from doing what needs to be done. And that
is, or so I think, defining what slash is going to be for this list so
that we can be accurate when we say, "X is slash". I've proposed one
definition in a previous post. Are there other definitions that people
would like to propose?

In terms of evaluating the usefulness and fairness of such
definitions, there are two very basic questions to ask, or so it seems
to me:

1) Does this definition cover most instances of self-identified slash
(I don't mean "might be a tiny bit slashy", but "this is a slash story")?

2) Does this definition exclude most instances of stories which would
fly under most people's slash radars?

For my own definition, I think saying that slash is a story which
*focuses* on homosexuality in a central way would exclude things like
two minor characters who happen to be homosexual lovers if their
relationship was not the central focus of the story and had very
little to do with developing the story.

At the same time, it would include stories that did not have explicit
(or even implicit) consummation of the relationship, thereby allowing
PG slash stories or G slash stories, or even very heavy fics about a
character's sexual fantasies or obsessions. Obviously it would include
any fic in which a romantic relationship with a higher rating was the
focus, stopping only at NC-17 due to the previously accepted limit on

And now for the hard ones:

Homosexual rape? Prison rape? It's a grey area under the definition
I've proposed, but if the homosexual element were not the focus of the
story (if it were just one outrage (given the character's own sexual
preferences) heaped atop another awful thing, or even if the rape were
just one awful thing among many happening to a character, which can be
the case if you're writing about the experience of a captive), it may
not be necessary to label the story slash. Labeling it "rape" would
suffice, since the aspect of forced sex overrides the fact that the
persons involved are of the same sex. We don't equate het fics with
rape, therefore why should we equate slash fics with rape? This would
be an instance of using the test criterion I had given in the previous
post on "Possibilities for dealing with the slash label".

Discussion? Ammendations? Questions? Clarification needed?
Reservations? Lay 'em out here.

Also, perhaps we could start thinking about drawing up some sort of
guideline sheet about this--listing definition, criteria for judging
whether something is slash or not, and a loose code of conduct for how
to handle fics that include homosexual elements but which are not
themselves slash fics. If we do this, it might be good to think in
terms of some official document both for this list but also for the
official MEFA site, so that general readers will know what we mean
when we say "slash".

In fact, perhaps for a couple of the more famously ambiguous and
difficult fandom terms, it would be a good idea to think of creating
just such a set of definitions, criteria, and conduct guidelines.

What do you all think? It'd probably spare us a lot of rehashing of
arguments down the line.

Before I end, something else that needs to be taken care of:

> > Yes, and I recognize that. However, I think you also realize
> > what your original post reads like (or you do now). The
> > qualifier is too little, too late. You know the relationship
> > between politics and perception, and the perception of your
> > post was negative because it seems to imply that slash is on
> > a par in terms of offensiveness with graphic torture.
> I think we all need to step back and remember that this is the
internet, a
> faceless, expressionless medium. That means two things: We all have
to be
> more careful with what write . Our expressions don't show unless we
use a
> smiley. No one can hear our towno f voice. And generally people aren't
> telepaths to know what we are thinking.

This is very true. I don't mean to be fractious or assume more than is
warranted, but we cannot wholly avoid assumptions. We can only react
to them and point them out. By all means, discuss my assumptions,
maybe this will help uncover more issues that were not adequately
addressed and which should be.

I do apologize to Khazar and also to all others if I escalated this
beyond what was warranted.

Back to our usual discussion,


Msg# 763

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 14:33:23 Topic ID# 750
> I believe this all falls under truth in advertising. I will freely
wear whatever labels others wish to stick on me so long as they
reflect the content of my writing. I am fully aware that not all
slash is smut, and I can understand how the more mild authors would
resent the smutty connotations carried by the word. But that is where
the G - R rating should clarify things. Nothing smutty can be rated
G. Still, there are some of us who would like to tactfully avoid it
no matter what the rating, and would appreciate the means to do so.

What about the pairings suggestion by Andreth (I think it was)? In
this case, any pairing that was significant to the unfolding of the
fic would be listed, whether or not the fic was primarily a romance.
If the slash relationship really mattered to a major plot point, it
would be listed. If it didn't, if it was an incidental, "Oh yeah,
them, well, you know they're lovers, right? Well, anyhow, don't put
them in the same command unit--bad idea", it wouldn't be listed. If
such offended, as soon as the reader saw that homosexuality was
referenced, the reader would just skip ahead. As noted, no fuss, no

It's like reading torture in a fic--some people are just too good at
writing it and I start getting nauseated, so I skip ahead. I know it's
there, I appreciate that it's a part of the story, but it isn't so
integral that I need to read it for the rest of the story to make sense.

However, if you prefer the Intended Audiences idea, then perhaps you
could offer some refinements. I kind of threw that out there on the
fly, since I was more inclined to go with Vulgarweed's suggestion,
despite having my reservations. It wasn't a particularly well
thought-out idea, and how to implement it in a uniform manner would
still need to be discussed.


Msg# 764

The Official Post: Slash, het, Soledad, warnings/squicks and everyt Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 15:02:07 Topic ID# 746
Soledad has left the list, so I will not reply to her post here. I replied
to her offline already.

I have removed her stories from the Nominations table and will soon remove
them from the web site. Note this is her request, not my choice. Thus all
discussion of Soledad in regards to the recent goings on here ends here.

Taking Soledad's place, however, is still up for discussion: I am now in
need again of an overseas moderater. Again, I see the duties of a moderator
to be administrative in helping to approve members, etc. but also helping to
keep the list civil. Why overseas? To help keep the peace and approve
members while I'm asleep.

Likewise, I now have a near vacancy in Categorization. Pervinca, since I
forgot about you, would you be willing to take up Soledad's categories? She
had Romance, Horror, Mystery, and The Hobbit. If so, would you please
contact her (I can give you her address if needed) and ask her to e-mail you
her spreadsheet? Thank you.

We also need someone to take over her Author Approvals. I will do so until I
have another volunteer. Keep the website up to date takes up a great deal
of my time, so it really would help if someone else volunteered. This would
be for authors whose names begin with I-L.

On to the big topic du jour:

I had a professor once who had a great mantra: "It's more complicated than
that." Works in just about every circumstance.

I do think symantics was one of the factors, but Andreth is right that my
own natural impatience was also a factor. While it *felt* to me that there
was a whole day for discussion, there actually wasn't. I looked back at the
time stamps and my call for discussion was only posted at 4:30 pm central
US. I do apologize for that. I am, by nature, impatient.

That said, I'm glad now that the discussion has opened in a civil and
substantial fashion. We had to define NC-17 for this group and now we need
to define slash, for this group. And then we need to decide how to "label"

On that note, personally, I think the Romance Pairings is the least
offensive spot. Once we decide just how much involvement would say that
such "labeling" (for lack of a better word) would be necessary, a simple
piring (Aragorn/Legolas, Aragorn/Arwen, Legolas/OFC. OMC/OMC, etc.) would
clue a reader in right away to what is in the story (het or slash) without
any loaded label, such as "slash".

And now I feel it is necessary to clarify just what is official and public
about this group. Some of you have been around since the beginning and may
know. Others may not.

I think this is another factor in today's blowup. The "Warnings" label in
the Nominations table, for instance.

The Nominations Table on the Yahoo site is not "official". It is a
convenience. As far as nominations go, the official spot is the web page,
as those stories have been approved by their authors as well as the
nominations themselves being approved by Staff. The Nominations table is
just a quick way to see if a story has been nominated. It is also
convenient if you wish to get a head start on reading as there are at least
short summaries there, while the official web site does not. Yet.

When the full official Nominations pages (one per main category if I can
work it) are finished, they will have more information than they do now,
including summaries, ratings, reasons for ratings, and romance partners.
Then and only then will any such "labeling" become official.

It may also be helpful to know that on this group, the archives are public.
Which means non-members can read our discussions. Our databases are NOT
public. That means that no one outside this group could have even seen the
"Warnings" column header on the nominations table. I know this was a
concern of at least one member, that the public might only see the label and
not the discussion. In fact, it is the opposite.

Okay, I think that about sums it up.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 765

Dwimordene's nominations: whole jumble of them Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 15:04:52 Topic ID# 765
Haven't contacted any authors about these.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Horses and Verses
*Story Author: Altariel and Isabeau
*Author's E-mail: and
*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
*2nd: Drama
*3rd: Men

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): no objectionable content

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After
Theoden's funeral feast, Eomer and Faramir have a little chat.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Unfair
*Story Author: Anglachel
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Hobbits
*2nd: Drama
*3rd: Romance

*Rating: G? (rated "General" at HASA)

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners: Lobelia/Otho
*Summary: What is the story behind Lobelia and Otho
Sackville-Baggins's marriage?

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Adrift
*Story Author: Altariel
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Gondor
*2nd: Men
*3rd: Drama

*Rating: G

Reasons for rating: n/a

*Romance Partners: n/a
*Summary: A spin-off from chapter 12 of 'Captain My Captain' involving
the Steward of Gondor and the Cygnets of Dol Amroth.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: The Tale of A King
*Story Author: Arwen Imladviel
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Humor
*2nd: Silmarillion
*3rd: ?

*Rating:General at HASA (PG?)

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners:
*Summary: A Silmarillion story: a King we all know reminiscing about a
loss of his.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Leavings
*Story Author: Honesty
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Silmarillion
*2nd: Elves
*3rd: Men

*Rating: PG-13 (rated "adult" at HASA)

Reasons for rating: sex scene

*Romance Partners: Elrond/Isildur, Cirdan/Elrond
*Summary: The One Ring lies in the hand of Isildur - and no power
yet remains that can save him. Slash - Elrond/Isildur, Cirdan/Elrond

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Keeping Secrets
*Story Author: Deborah Judge
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: LOTR (movieverse)
*2nd: Dwarves
*3rd: Men

*Rating: PG

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners:
*Summary: Gimli and Eowyn discover that they have something in
common. TTT movie-based.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Blood and Smoke
*Story Author: Dargelos
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Silmarillion
*2nd: Romance
*3rd: Elves

*Rating: R

Reasons for rating: mature sexuality

*Romance Partners: Elrond/Isildur
*Summary: 'How alike, men and Elves. How different.' Vignette (slash).

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Worship
*Story Author: Destina_Fortunato
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Gondor
*2nd: Men
*3rd: Drama

*Rating: Says "Adult" at HASA, but rated PG at Fellowship
(Aragorn/Boromir slash archive). It really only deserves the PG.

Reasons for rating: mentions consummated relationship

*Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
*Summary: Every man needs something to believe in. Slash fic.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Speaking of Love...
*Story Author: Dwimordene
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Men
*2nd: Gondor
*3rd: Romance

*Rating: PG

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners: Ioreth/canonically unnamed female character

*Summary: Sometimes those who seem most ordinary have the most
extraordinary tales to tell. A brief history of Ioreth and her
"cousin"-- tragedy and triumph that speaks its own language in front
of the world, if only the world could understand it. Slash.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Ring of Water
*Story Author: Altariel
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Elves
*2nd: Silmarillion
*3rd: Romance

*Rating: PG

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners: Galadriel/Aredhel

*Summary: Throughout the ages of her exile, Galadriel remembers her
lost love. Slash.

Msg# 766

Re: intro Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 15:07:24 Topic ID# 720
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vulgarweed []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] intro
> Hi all,
> I'm Vulgarweed, been lurking for a few days to get the feel
> of things.

Well, I'm glad you were around to see some of our better days. Today is not
one ove those, though I'm still hoping it can be redeemed. We seem to be
heading in that direction.

> I think comment/feedback-based awards are a really
> cool idea and I'm looking forward to seeing how exactly this
> is going to work and participating and all.

Thanks, it's an idea I love and that's why I wanted to bring it to the LOTR

> I've been around
> at HASA, Open Scrolls, Library of Moria, a bunch of
> yahoogroups (including my own small one-- Morgul-Steel, which
> is All Nazgul All the Time), LJ, etcetera. My personal fic
> special-favoritism is towards both lesser-written, mysterious
> characters and evil ones, but as a reader in practice I'm
> really pretty omnivorous.

Well, we do have Orc, Horror, and Mystery categories to hoepfully
accommodate you.

> I expect the number will get very daunting indeed -- the
> Mithril Award nominations just closed, and wound up with over
> 750 works nommed. And that's with only one year's worth of
> stories eligible!

;-) Ah yes, but the more members we have, the more we can handle.

> Anyway, nice to see everyone!
> *settles in*
> V.

Very nice to see you to, and do we have your permission to nominate
"goldberry's Song"?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 767

New file uploaded to MEFAwards Posted by May 12, 2004 - 16:00:24 Topic ID# 1

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the MEFAwards

File : /Rules and FAQs/nc17.txt
Uploaded by : ainaechoiriel <>
Description : What is an NC17?

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


ainaechoiriel <>

Msg# 768

Re: Defining slash: let's not let the word stop us! Posted by Gemma May 12, 2004 - 16:26:20 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "dwimmer_laik" <dwimmer_laik@y...>

Thanks, Dwim, for those last few posts; you pretty much summed up my
personal thoughts on what constitutes slash.

> For my own definition, I think saying that slash is a story which
> *focuses* on homosexuality in a central way would exclude things
> two minor characters who happen to be homosexual lovers if their
> relationship was not the central focus of the story and had very
> little to do with developing the story.

That distinction seems an important one to clarify. I've observed it
to cause problems at non-slash archives that don't specify what they
mean by 'slash' - e.g. an author uploads an action/adventure story
that includes an incidental homosexual relationship, since that
doesn't constitute slash in their own minds, and then gets into a
dispute with readers and/or admins for whom such a story does fall
under slash.

In the context of the punctuation mark that spawned the term in the
first place, slash suggests to me a story focusing on two (or more)
characters that have been paired romantically by the author of the
fic (and, implied, not in the source material). That kind of
definition would exclude incidental mentions of homosexual
relationships, since such relationships don't involve recognized
characters being 'slashed'. It could also include heterosexual
relationships that the reader wouldn't expect based on the source

Particularly re. that last point, I too like Andreth's suggestion of
listing important romantic pairings for each story. It puts the
emphasis on the individual characters rather than dividing into
slash and het, and the 'orientation' is still apparent for those who
prefer to avoid one type of romance story or another.

I imagine there are readers who still won't wish to read incidental
homosexual references, but it becomes impossible practically to warn
against all incidental refs in a story that may prove discomforting.
At some point, it has to be left to the person's own ability to
filter what they read.

Whether it's a good example I'm not sure, but I personally don't
like fiction that advocates capital punishment. If I read this
summary, 'A vignette that explains why Turgon was right to put Eol
to death', I'd steer clear of the story. If, however, there was a
lengthy Gondolin saga that included an approving treatment of Eol's
execution, I wouldn't expect that to be warned of in the summary -
it'd be part of the greater texture of the fic, and I'd stumble over
it in due course and say 'oh, bother'.

Looking at printed novels as a parallel: the blurb on a book tells
the browser what its central plot points are, and whether some sort
of romantic relationship is one of them. Beyond that, the blurb
isn't going to say something like 'oh, and the hero's next-door
neighbours are a gay couple' :) It's assumed that the reader can
take it from there. Thinking about it, the online fanfiction world
is already laden with safeguards that don't exist in the print
world - ratings (adopted confusingly from film), coded content
warnings, even declarations of being 'legal age to read X' (which
are legal nonsense)... the whole apparatus and the worry over it are
to some extent artificial anyway.

But I'm veering off the point ;)

> And now for the hard ones:
> Homosexual rape? Prison rape? It's a grey area under the definition
> I've proposed, but if the homosexual element were not the focus of
> story (if it were just one outrage (given the character's own
> preferences) heaped atop another awful thing, or even if the rape
> just one awful thing among many happening to a character, which
can be
> the case if you're writing about the experience of a captive), it
> not be necessary to label the story slash. Labeling it "rape" would
> suffice, since the aspect of forced sex overrides the fact that the
> persons involved are of the same sex.

I'd say that a rape fic could be called slash (similarly het) if the
rape came out of one character's sexual obsession for another, or
something of that kind... If it was just about torture and
degradation, then it wouldn't seem to qualify as slash. The key
might be the backstory and the quality of the emotions involved,
rather than the act itself.

Anyway, a poor £0.02.


Msg# 769

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 16:27:55 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dawn Martinez-Byrne []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member

> Ainie, I am sorry to have created a problem for you. I
> thought I was being helpful by listing the things which some
> people had expressed concerns with in the past. Apparently
> that was not the case.

Thank you Khazar,t hough my post wasn't intending that you should have to
grovel. It was reminder to myself and everyone on the list. Sometimes we
make a careless remark. And sometimes we read more into someone else's words
than they intend.

> I certainly did not intend to drive anyone off this list, or
> to make anyone feel unwelcome. Especially since I am
> hopeful that these awards will do well.

Thank you. I'm sorry we had some unsubscribers, too. I still hope this
contest can be successful. I think it can. We just have to nail down some of
these finer points.

It's not an easy thing to make everyone happy. It's a fine line and often
extremely difficult to walk.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 770

Re: Clarification of "graphic" [was: Possible ways of handling the Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 16:28:45 Topic ID# 750
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Clarification of "graphic" [was:
> Possible ways of handling the slash label]
> Per the post defining NC-17 (#503) for purposes of this
> contest, *no* stories containing graphic sex (i.e.,
> mentioning genitalia) should be nominated for this contest.
> So we're only talking about warnings for implied or extremely
> vague het and/or gay sex here.

True, though the post does say "might" a lot. (I've now put that file on the
website and uploaded it to the files section as well.) Really graphic stuff
would be NC-17 and therefore ineligible. So for our purposes here we are
really talking about PG-13's and R's and perhaps some PG's.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 771

Story Nomination Posted by christine May 12, 2004 - 16:29:51 Topic ID# 420

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Christine (Ilistine)

*Story Title:To Have and To Hold

*Story Author Lady Rheena

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st:romance -het
Subcategory (suggest something):elves

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Sexual innuendo

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)Legolas/ofc

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Set in Greenwood the Great several decades before the LOTR trilogy
begins, this fic tells the tale of a sweetly annoying Elf prince and
the fiery lady he unfortunately chooses to bestow his affections upon
one Spring Festival. Certainly not the usual Legolas romance-type,
mainly as it's told from the point of view of the heroine, a deeply
sarcastic and rather wicked female Elf named Nessa. There are
intersections with "The Hobbit" as well as a guest appearance from
everyone's favourite filthy ranger.


Msg# 772

Story nomination Posted by christine May 12, 2004 - 16:31:38 Topic ID# 358
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Christine (Ilistine)

*Story Title:To Love and to Live

*Story Author Lady Rheena

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):elves

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):violence, angst

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)Legolas/ofc

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

The sequel to To Have and To Hold. Darkness falls over the Wood as
the Shadow gathers in the East. Legolas must undertake a journey from
which he may never return and Nessa faces the possibility of eternity
alone in a darkened, deathly world. A little darker than the first
story, but then these are darker times. Later guest appearances from
a variety of canon characters; not least Gollum, Gandalf, Arwen,
Frodo and, of course, the incomparable Aragorn.


Msg# 773

Re: Defining slash: let's not let the word stop us! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 16:54:59 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Defining slash: let's not let the word stop us!
> Ok, in the spirit of rational discussion, let's not let a
> little misunderstanding stop us from doing what needs to be
> done. And that is, or so I think, defining what slash is
> going to be for this list so that we can be accurate when we
> say, "X is slash".

Agreed. Before we can say such-and-such needs to be labeled we have to know
what such-and-such is. We assumed we knew and it's apparently that many of
us feel differently about the definition. So we must come up with a
definition for here, as we did for NC-17.

>I've proposed one definition in a previous
> post. Are there other definitions that people would like to propose?
> In terms of evaluating the usefulness and fairness of such
> definitions, there are two very basic questions to ask, or so
> it seems to me:
> 1) Does this definition cover most instances of
> self-identified slash (I don't mean "might be a tiny bit
> slashy", but "this is a slash story")?
> 2) Does this definition exclude most instances of stories
> which would fly under most people's slash radars?

Two very good points. It's good to have a philosopher around at times. ;-)

> For my own definition, I think saying that slash is a story which
> *focuses* on homosexuality in a central way would exclude
> things like two minor characters who happen to be homosexual
> lovers if their relationship was not the central focus of the
> story and had very little to do with developing the story.

Agreed. And I think Gemma put it very well when she made the remark about
the hero's next door neighbors.

> At the same time, it would include stories that did not have
> explicit (or even implicit) consummation of the relationship,
> thereby allowing PG slash stories or G slash stories, or even
> very heavy fics about a character's sexual fantasies or
> obsessions. Obviously it would include any fic in which a
> romantic relationship with a higher rating was the focus,
> stopping only at NC-17 due to the previously accepted limit
> on ratings.

Okay, you lost me, but that could just be the stress talking. Let me read
it again.

So would the "slash" definition you purpose include or not include stories
about sexual fantasy or obsession? Or would it require implicit or explicit
consummation? That's where I got lost on the second reading.

> And now for the hard ones:
> Homosexual rape? Prison rape? It's a grey area under the
> definition I've proposed, but if the homosexual element were
> not the focus of the story (if it were just one outrage
> (given the character's own sexual
> preferences) heaped atop another awful thing, or even if the
> rape were just one awful thing among many happening to a
> character, which can be the case if you're writing about the
> experience of a captive), it may not be necessary to label
> the story slash. Labeling it "rape" would suffice, since the
> aspect of forced sex overrides the fact that the persons
> involved are of the same sex. We don't equate het fics with
> rape, therefore why should we equate slash fics with rape?
> This would be an instance of using the test criterion I had
> given in the previous post on "Possibilities for dealing with
> the slash label".

I think rape need not be called slash or het. Rape is generally not so much
about sex as violence and power. Rape is just the form of the violence. I
do not say that to belittle anyone's experience here. I, myself, was
assaulted with, I believe, that intention, though I was fortunate enugh to
get out of it alive and uninjured (but traumatized). I'm paraphrasing the
"experts" and to my mind I can see it. Rape is a form of violence. A
particularly degrading form because of the intimate violation. Therefore,
rape should be included in the Reasons for Rating field.

> Discussion? Ammendations? Questions? Clarification needed?
> Reservations? Lay 'em out here.
> Also, perhaps we could start thinking about drawing up some
> sort of guideline sheet about this--listing definition,
> criteria for judging whether something is slash or not, and a
> loose code of conduct for how to handle fics that include
> homosexual elements but which are not themselves slash fics.
> If we do this, it might be good to think in terms of some
> official document both for this list but also for the
> official MEFA site, so that general readers will know what we
> mean when we say "slash".


> In fact, perhaps for a couple of the more famously ambiguous
> and difficult fandom terms, it would be a good idea to think
> of creating just such a set of definitions, criteria, and
> conduct guidelines.

Ooh, like which ones? Really. Throw some out here.

> What do you all think? It'd probably spare us a lot of
> rehashing of arguments down the line.
> Before I end, something else that needs to be taken care of:

> > I think we all need to step back and remember that this is the
> internet, a
> > faceless, expressionless medium. That means two things: We all have
> to be
> > more careful with what write . Our expressions don't show unless we
> use a
> > smiley. No one can hear our towno f voice. And generally people
> > aren't telepaths to know what we are thinking.
> This is very true. I don't mean to be fractious or assume
> more than is warranted, but we cannot wholly avoid
> assumptions. We can only react to them and point them out. By
> all means, discuss my assumptions, maybe this will help
> uncover more issues that were not adequately addressed and
> which should be.
> I do apologize to Khazar and also to all others if I
> escalated this beyond what was warranted.

I'll thank you and say the same as I said to Khazar, that my post was a
reminder to us all. It's a double-edged sword. We can get cut from both the
writing and the reading.

And on a completely unrelated note, I want to thank you all for beearing
with my many typos. It seems to have become a much bigger problem of late,
thus I suspect it's a new stress-symptom. Goes along with my trouble
reading. My brain and my fingers rae not as well synchronized as before.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 774

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 16:57:29 Topic ID# 750
I meant we need something *more* subtle.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 775

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 16:58:34 Topic ID# 750
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label

> However, if you prefer the Intended Audiences idea, then
> perhaps you could offer some refinements. I kind of threw
> that out there on the fly, since I was more inclined to go
> with Vulgarweed's suggestion, despite having my reservations.
> It wasn't a particularly well thought-out idea, and how to
> implement it in a uniform manner would still need to be discussed.

I really don't like the Intended Audiences idea. Too clunky. We need
something less subtle and definitely less wordy.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 776

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 12, 2004 - 16:59:53 Topic ID# 750
(Ok, I'm back. Mom has right of way on the computer, you know. ;)

Anyway, I know it *is* hard to categorize all this in a way that will please everyone. But I do have one humble little suggestion.

Even an on-the-side slash remark could ruin a story for me; I am a product of my upbringing. Still, I don't advocate starting a whole new category here, which seems an insane amount of extra work. For those stories that contain slash that is not central to the story and does not merit the slash label in the opinion of this list, might not the author insert a short and general (temporary) disclaimer in the story itself for the benefit of the MEFA? Say, at the head of chapter 1, if the site allows such micro-editing. Those who don't mind will read on, while others can back out with clear consciences.

For instance, on a whim I once wrote an Elves-in-modern-America fic in which Thranduil & family were practicing Roman Catholics. It was not central to the story in any way, but I knew it might bother some people, so I told them up front what to expect in a short blurb heading the first chapter. It was better than giving them a surprise later.

If this is not feasible, I would recommend at least a *caveat emptor* for the website itself if there is by-the-way slash not labeled as such. Some might appreciate it.
(Forgive me if there is already; I haven't checked back lately.)


----- Original Message -----
From: dwimmer_laik
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:31 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label

> I believe this all falls under truth in advertising. I will freely
wear whatever labels others wish to stick on me so long as they
reflect the content of my writing. I am fully aware that not all
slash is smut, and I can understand how the more mild authors would
resent the smutty connotations carried by the word. But that is where
the G - R rating should clarify things. Nothing smutty can be rated
G. Still, there are some of us who would like to tactfully avoid it
no matter what the rating, and would appreciate the means to do so.

What about the pairings suggestion by Andreth (I think it was)? In
this case, any pairing that was significant to the unfolding of the
fic would be listed, whether or not the fic was primarily a romance.
If the slash relationship really mattered to a major plot point, it
would be listed. If it didn't, if it was an incidental, "Oh yeah,
them, well, you know they're lovers, right? Well, anyhow, don't put
them in the same command unit--bad idea", it wouldn't be listed. If
such offended, as soon as the reader saw that homosexuality was
referenced, the reader would just skip ahead. As noted, no fuss, no

It's like reading torture in a fic--some people are just too good at
writing it and I start getting nauseated, so I skip ahead. I know it's
there, I appreciate that it's a part of the story, but it isn't so
integral that I need to read it for the rest of the story to make sense.

However, if you prefer the Intended Audiences idea, then perhaps you
could offer some refinements. I kind of threw that out there on the
fly, since I was more inclined to go with Vulgarweed's suggestion,
despite having my reservations. It wasn't a particularly well
thought-out idea, and how to implement it in a uniform manner would
still need to be discussed.


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Msg# 777

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Marta May 12, 2004 - 17:26:33 Topic ID# 750
First, to lay my cards on the table, I rarely read slash and have never
written it -- but this is not because I am offended by or opposed to
slash. I've just come across some very bad slash pieces that ignore the
impact an openly homosexual relationship might have in a pre-modern
society. I have, however, nominated three pieces that I consider
outstanding pieces with homosexual elements (Dwim's "From the Other
River Bank" and Anglachel's "Legacy" and "On Merry Yule").

So I don't object to some sort of "warning" (or whatever we want to call
it), but that's more because I think people should be warned beforehand
on exactly what they're reading, so they can make the best use of their
reading time. If a significant number of people request a certain
"warning," then I say we should consider giving it to them -- and this
doesn't (in my mind) reflect poorly on the story or what was being
warned against.

Now on to Ainae's and Dwim's comments.

>First, thank you, Dwim, for offering a civil discussion on this.



>>List of possibilities, starting with the obvious question...

>>A) What is slash?

>>*Personally*, I would say slash is a story *focusing* on same
>>sex relationships, whether or not the relationship is consummated.
>>Homosexuality per se doth not a slash story make, any more
>>than the fact that a story set in the Fourth Age, when
>>Aragorn and Arwen are married, is thereby a romance story
>>just because we mention that yes, they are married and are
>>having kids.

I agree. Same-sex relationships mentioned in the periphery don't make a
story slash. But I have to ask -- given we're dealing with cultures
where same-sex relationships wouldn't be as socially acceptable, why is
the relationship being mentioned? I suppose Elrond could be struggling
with Celebrian's leaving Middle-earth and Glorfindel could comfort him
with tales of his own long-term separation from Celeborn, or some such
thing. I suppose I just find mentioning of same-sex relationships on the
periphery a bit odd, but then (like I said) I don't read much of the stuff.

>I would agree with this. I don't think Sam taking Frodo's hand in
>in the movie was "slash". Either watcher could interpret that either way.
>Now, if Frodo and Sam were to have sex, I'd call that slash.

But I think it's possible to have a slash story where sex isn't even an
element. Where they are clearly romantic but without sex actually
occurring (implied or otherwise). I do agree that this is different from
sexually ambiguous gestures like Sam's taking Frodo's hand in Rivendell.
That's not clearly slash, but it could be, depending on what the author
did with it (for example, what Sam or Frodo were thinking during that

>>Suggested test of whether a story should be labeled slash, if
>>the above definition were adopted:

>>If you were to change the sexual orientations of all the
>>characters to heterosexuality, and you wouldn't rate the
>>story a romance or warn of graphic sex or warn of mature
>>sexual themes (which can include things like sexual obsession
>>without consummation or intense anxiety over sex/sexuality),
>>then it probably doesn't deserve to labeled as slash just
>>because one or two characters on the sidelines are homosexual.



>>Likewise, if the main characters are written as homosexual,
>>but this fact does not play a central role in the story, then
>>I suggest that this does not qualify as slash.

Agreed -- but if we go with this, I think we need to make it clear onthe
website or whatever exactly what we mean by a slash story.

>Agree there as well. My cousin is gay. If I were to write a nonfiction
>story about the time my cousin and I went to the prom, this would not be
>slash just because my cousin is gay. (It was a very nice prom, no
>And not because he was gay. We didn't even know that then. But because he
>was my cousin.)

I agree here as well -- a story between two heterosexuals of opposite
gender isnt' necessarily het, why should slash be defined differently?

>>If the above were accepted, then if you were to come across
>>homosexuality in a fic that isn't rated slash, then the
>>solution is just to click back if it bothers you enough.
>>Otherwise, ignore them and read on. The warnings section
>>should tell you whether you'll be offended by graphic sex
>>scenes of whatever orientation in chapter three. No fuss, no bother.



>>B) So if we can tell what slash is, how do we denote it? Do
>>we denote it?

>>Generally speaking, most slash writers do tell their readers
>>that their stories are slash stories. It's a compromise we
>>are more or less willing to accept, though of course, some
>>are far less willing to accept it and some far more.

>I think that's fair. I warn about violence in mine. Same reason.

Same here -- I'm usually pretty explicit in my warnings, but just
because I don't want people to be surprised and then get upset with me
as an author.

>>I'm willing to accept it, although I would NOT accept it if
>>slash were to be a warning on a par with graphic torture and
>>rape. If it's the graphic nature of these acts which warrant
>>the warning, then "graphic sex" covers slash and het, and
>>there's no need to distinguish further.

>This is where discussion would have been good. I was not "equating" slash
>with smut or graphic torture or any of that except that they are all
>squickable. Could I be convinced to leave the word slash out so long as
>everyone understands that if there is sex in the story (by whichever
>or group) it needs to be noted, graphic or not? Yes. I am a reasonable

I agree with Dwim -- if we're warning because of "graphic" sex, then
slash shouldn't be singled out above and beyond het. If we're warning
because it's an area people have said they'd like some warning in, then
we should be clear that it's not being warned for the same reason as
graphic sex and torture.

As for Ainae's comment, I know you weren't equating slash with smut, but
some people are going to assume that. I know, you're not interested in
assumptions, but in contests like this perception is often reality, and
the facts often matter less to people than the scandalising statements
like "The MEFA's are homophobic" or whatever. I'd be fine with just
warning if there's sex in the story (either implied or explicit, I'm
assuming). I would suggest, if we go with this, that we require any
pairings, even if the story's not primarily a romance.


I'd be fine with Dwim's suggestions 1 and 3 (Ainae's objections to #2
are noted), but I prefer #3 personally:

>>3) Include it, as I think it was Andreth suggested, in the pairings
>>listing: all pairings that matter to the story's unfolding
>>should be declared.


>>4) Divide romance into het and slash. The problem here is
>>that that would effectively ghettoize slash and prevent
>>stories focusing on homosexual couples or homosexuality per
>>se competing in other categories which do not traditionally
>>separate themselves according to who sleeps with whom (or who
>>would be willing to sleep with whom).

I agree -- I'm not crazy about this idea.

>I don't, however, consider a subcategory to be ghettoizing anything
>than it ghettoizes poems. It doesn't ghettoise Romance, something I don't
>read in any form, to be in a separate category.

No, but what do you do about a humour piece involving slash elements?
Should that be judged against Romance, drama, adventure, and anything
else that includes slash elements? It seems it could force things into a
mold that I'm not sure they're intended to go into.


Msg# 778

Re: The Official Post: Slash, het, Soledad, warnings/squicks and ev Posted by Marta May 12, 2004 - 17:52:09 Topic ID# 778
>Taking Soledad's place, however, is still up for discussion: I am now in
>need again of an overseas moderater. Again, I see the duties of a
>to be administrative in helping to approve members, etc. but also
helping to
>keep the list civil. Why overseas? To help keep the peace and approve
>members while I'm asleep.

>Likewise, I now have a near vacancy in Categorization. Pervinca, since I
>forgot about you, would you be willing to take up Soledad's
categories? She
>had Romance, Horror, Mystery, and The Hobbit. If so, would you please
>contact her (I can give you her address if needed) and ask her to
e-mail you
>her spreadsheet? Thank you.

>We also need someone to take over her Author Approvals. I will do so
until I
>have another volunteer. Keep the website up to date takes up a great deal
>of my time, so it really would help if someone else volunteered. This
>be for authors whose names begin with I-L.

Ainae- I am on digest, so it's entirely possible someone has already
volunteered, but if not, I'm happy to do either of the latter of these
two. (Unfortunately, I live in North Carolina, so I can't help you with
the overseas moderator part.) If Pervinca wants to split up the
categorisation bit (or no longer ants it), or if you still need help
with author approval, I'm available.

>Andreth is right that my
>own natural impatience was also a factor. While it *felt* to me that there
>was a whole day for discussion, there actually wasn't. I looked back
at the
>time stamps and my call for discussion was only posted at 4:30 pm central
>US. I do apologize for that. I am, by nature, impatient.

As am I, so I understand what you're talking about. But it's a good
point that we have members all around the globe, and I think there
should be at least a 24-hour lag after the initial post or a 12-hour lag
from the end of discussion (whichever is longer) to allow people around
the globe to participate.

As for the other stuff, I think I've expressed my views in other emails.


Msg# 779

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by vulgarweed May 12, 2004 - 18:47:14 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common
> > for concern.
> > >
> > > khazar
> >
> >
> > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men
> > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > tortured to death.
> Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape
and graphic
> violence sends the message that slash is on a par with
> violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the
> label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
> however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in
any way, shape or form to murder,
> rape, etc.
> I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
concerns with.

WHOA. Khazar, I was just commenting neutrally on that list as it
stood. I IN NO WAY meant to imply that I thought YOU believed
that slash should be equated with character death, graphic
violence and all that-- I should hope I know you better than that!

I did understand your meaning as stated above and I am VERY
sorry if I gave the impression I didn't.


Msg# 780

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 18:55:21 Topic ID# 750

> <snip>
> >>List of possibilities, starting with the obvious question...
> >>A) What is slash?
> >>*Personally*, I would say slash is a story *focusing* on same
> >>sex relationships, whether or not the relationship is
> >>Homosexuality per se doth not a slash story make, any more
> >>than the fact that a story set in the Fourth Age, when
> >>Aragorn and Arwen are married, is thereby a romance story
> >>just because we mention that yes, they are married and are
> >>having kids.
> I agree. Same-sex relationships mentioned in the periphery don't
make a
> story slash. But I have to ask -- given we're dealing with cultures
> where same-sex relationships wouldn't be as socially acceptable,
why is
> the relationship being mentioned?

I'm about to run off to a reading group, but I wanted to make sure we
don't get off topic.

Marta, while I totally know what you're saying, I think that that is
a stylistic point, and as such does not necessarily have a bearing on
defining what slash is. FYI, I have seen many "manly bonds"
or "soldierly bonds" type stories (and have written one myself) where
it is an issue of making noticeable what should qualify as background
if it were real world. If that makes sense. Um... ten minutes and my
ride gets here... if that's confusing, I'll try reposting at a later

Point being: it may be very clumsy to say "So and so had been gay
lovers for many years" or something like that, but the clumsiness of
it does not necessarily mean that that point is going to be a major
element in making the story work. So I don't know that your question
is necessarily going to get us closer to a commonly accepted
definition of slash for this list.

> >I would agree with this. I don't think Sam taking Frodo's hand in
> Rivendell
> >in the movie was "slash". Either watcher could interpret that
either way.
> >Now, if Frodo and Sam were to have sex, I'd call that slash.
> But I think it's possible to have a slash story where sex isn't
even an
> element. Where they are clearly romantic but without sex actually
> occurring (implied or otherwise). I do agree that this is different
> sexually ambiguous gestures like Sam's taking Frodo's hand in
> That's not clearly slash, but it could be, depending on what the
> did with it (for example, what Sam or Frodo were thinking during
> scene).

This seems correct. And again, it's not the gesture per se, it's what
the author makes of it. Not every slash story includes sex, as noted,
but I think we need not at this point worry over ambiguous gestures.
Personally, I've not seen many slash stories that were ambiguous.
Most slash is pretty upfront about what's going on. SOmething that
subtle, if it were left ambiguous, could prove a challenge,
certainly, but it need not if either the author is explicit in
his/her intentions in the summary or pairings listing or if the
reader simply decides not to interpret the gesture as slash.

Ok, I'm out of time.

TTFN, all!


Msg# 781

Re: intro Posted by vulgarweed May 12, 2004 - 18:57:23 Topic ID# 720
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
<mefaadmin@e...> wrote:

> Well, I'm glad you were around to see some of our better days.
Today is not
> one ove those, though I'm still hoping it can be redeemed. We
seem to be
> heading in that direction.

Actually, this is a subject that raises lots of strong feelings, and
I'm impressed with how civil it's been compared to how it could
be. I'm sorry the group lost such an important member, but
sometimes stances are simply irreconcilable.

> Well, we do have Orc, Horror, and Mystery categories to
> accommodate you.

I look forward to reading them. The ones I haven't already, that is.
(Or reading old favorites again). :)

> > Anyway, nice to see everyone!
> > *settles in*
> > V.
> Very nice to see you to, and do we have your permission to
> "goldberry's Song"?

Of course, and thank you!
(Which happens to be a fairly fluffy het romance poem, and so
very atypical of my work except for the
mysterious-minor-characters part--but it also thankfully
sidesteps the current controversy entirely).


Msg# 782

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by arielphf May 12, 2004 - 19:04:55 Topic ID# 695
Just a note on descriptive comments/warnings -

There are many things people may find not to their liking besides
slash or het. Many people do not like character death, some dislike
movie verse, some AUs - any label you put on a fic is going to make
some people want to read your fic and some not. What is the big
deal? It seems silly to resist labelling when the only result you
are likely to see is that more people who want to read your type of
fic will and those who wouldn't be keen on it won't.

(who has always labeled her fics)

--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> > for concern.
> > >
> > > khazar
> >
> >
> > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
> > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > tortured to death.
> Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape and
> violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
> violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the slash
> label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
> however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in
any way, shape or form to murder,
> rape, etc.
> I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
concerns with.
> I have been an admin for the last 2 years with the Mithril Awards.
This list is based on the things which
> have been mentioned the most frequently as things which people who
asked to judge didn't want to see.
> That means we have had to keep these preferences in mind when
working with judges--assigning those
> who *will not* read het to slash, and so on.
> Perhaps a good compromise would be something like "Strong Sexual
Content (slash/het)" to help readers
> decide what they wish to read. Or a simple "Het/Slash" choice.
> It may disturb some people to know that not everyone shares their
tastes. But that's part of what makes the
> world so interesting. It would be a very dull world indeed if we
did not all enjoy different things. Not enjoying
> the same things does not automatically make someone evil, stupid,
prejudiced, sick, perverted, hateful or
> mean.
> Except me, of course, who is all of those things, and more. ;-)
> khazar
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 783

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 12, 2004 - 19:31:03 Topic ID# 695
Behind you all the way, Ariel --
that is EXACTLY what I meant. One should be proud of what one writes. :)


----- Original Message -----
From: arielphf
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:04 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member

Just a note on descriptive comments/warnings -

There are many things people may find not to their liking besides
slash or het. Many people do not like character death, some dislike
movie verse, some AUs - any label you put on a fic is going to make
some people want to read your fic and some not. What is the big
deal? It seems silly to resist labelling when the only result you
are likely to see is that more people who want to read your type of
fic will and those who wouldn't be keen on it won't.

(who has always labeled her fics)

--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> > for concern.
> > >
> > > khazar
> >
> >
> > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
> > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > tortured to death.
> Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape and
> violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
> violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the slash
> label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
> however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in
any way, shape or form to murder,
> rape, etc.
> I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
concerns with.
> I have been an admin for the last 2 years with the Mithril Awards.
This list is based on the things which
> have been mentioned the most frequently as things which people who
asked to judge didn't want to see.
> That means we have had to keep these preferences in mind when
working with judges--assigning those
> who *will not* read het to slash, and so on.
> Perhaps a good compromise would be something like "Strong Sexual
Content (slash/het)" to help readers
> decide what they wish to read. Or a simple "Het/Slash" choice.
> It may disturb some people to know that not everyone shares their
tastes. But that's part of what makes the
> world so interesting. It would be a very dull world indeed if we
did not all enjoy different things. Not enjoying
> the same things does not automatically make someone evil, stupid,
prejudiced, sick, perverted, hateful or
> mean.
> Except me, of course, who is all of those things, and more. ;-)
> khazar
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 784

Possible withdrawl of a fic Posted by arielphf May 12, 2004 - 19:39:30 Topic ID# 784
I noticed someone nominated a fic of mine and Aratlithiel's
called 'Autumn's Requiem' and while I am ecstatic someone might have
thought well enough of something of mine to nominate it, this fic
does detail a sex act and I believe that makes it ineligible for this
contest. :( If Aina could give me a judgment on this, I would be

Thank you, Emma, for your kind thought and your very welcome vote of
confidence. It is more welcome than you could know. If Autumn's
Requiem is rejected, perhaps there is another among my more site
suitable fics you would care to nominate instead? (*Rattles the tin
cup and peaks hopefully out from under her eyepatch.*)


Msg# 785

Umm... Hi Posted by Tinni May 12, 2004 - 19:41:26 Topic ID# 785
Hi folks,
I am Tinni. I am Tinni in OL and RL. I run the "Canon? NO! It's
Fanon!" site, if you havn't heard of it, well now you have. Um.......
I write fanfiction, fanfictions about elves, Silmarillion elves.
Um.... any questions? -Tinni

Msg# 786

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 20:36:37 Topic ID# 695
I think the topic now is not whether or not the fics will be labeled,
but how to go about labeling them in such a way that one group of
writers isn't going to feel singled out. And it's been a very
productive discussion so far.

Just my opinion, but this isn't any one person's or even one or two
person's fault. Ainae, thank you for apologizing, but I don't think
you were impatient and I don't think it was the cause of the
situation. These things just happen at one time or another in groups
with people of diverse personalities and tastes. Ultimately it's not
about whether or not these things happen, but how they're handled and
everyone's handled this remarkably well.

But back to the topic at hand - I do agree with the definitions of
slash that have been given. Basically if there is a same-sex romantic
or sexual relationship, then it's slash. And I do also agree that
listing the romantic pairings would be the most neutral way to
identify the slash stories. Then if someone sees a m/m or f/f pairing
in the column, they know it contains slash and can avoid it if
needed. Also it would prevent the slash writers from feeling singled
out, so it works for all parties involved.

Thank you, Ainae, for opening this discussion up again. It's very
considerate of you. And thank you, Dwim, for the many helpful


Msg# 787

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 12, 2004 - 20:38:04 Topic ID# 695
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common
> > for concern.
> > >
> > > khazar
> >
> >
> > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men
> > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > tortured to death.
> Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape
and graphic
> violence sends the message that slash is on a par with
> violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the
> label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
> however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in
any way, shape or form to murder,
> rape, etc.
> I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
concerns with.

WHOA. Khazar, I was just commenting neutrally on that list as it
stood. I IN NO WAY meant to imply that I thought YOU believed
that slash should be equated with character death, graphic
violence and all that-- I should hope I know you better than that!

Don't worry. I'm just sorry that some people quit instead of
hearing this out.

And now that I think about it, that *does* sound like a shopping list for a particularly
wild fic. "Let's see---OK, I got the Slash, and the Murder, and the Rape. Now, I
need some BDSM, Torture, and a nice chunk of Graphic Sex. What am I missing? Oh
yeah! Tomatoes!"


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 788

Crossovers almost a viable category Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 20:39:21 Topic ID# 788
A little good news - we now have 10 stories by eight different
authors in the crossover section. So after the author approvals are
finished, crossovers will be a viable category. Thanks to everyone
who nominated stories!


Msg# 789

Re: More fun with those tables! Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 20:43:56 Topic ID# 665
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Nominations table:
> Why is Vulgarweed's Goldberry's Song noted as No for Staff
Approval? Was
> there something missing in the nomination. I think we may need to
add a
> reason when we put No in that column. It's just confusing otherwise.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I'm afraid that was me again. I marked it no because there wasn't any
author approval, which I mistakenly thought was part of the staff
approval procedure.

Since I'm a bit fuzzy on what requirements there are for staff
approval, could you tell me once more, please? I check the URL link,
the story title and author's name, and try to double check whether or
not it's a WIP. Is there anything else I need to do before I mark it
staff approved?


Msg# 790

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Andreth/Anna May 12, 2004 - 20:50:31 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
>> And now that I think about it, that *does* sound like a shopping
list for a particularly
> wild fic. "Let's see---OK, I got the Slash, and the Murder, and the
Rape. Now, I
> need some BDSM, Torture, and a nice chunk of Graphic Sex. What am I
missing? Oh
> yeah! Tomatoes!"
> khazar

Kids, this is your brain after watching poodle breedings and spending
large amounts of time with the walking dead. Any questions? :-D

Sorry, Khazar - I couldn't pass that one up. It was too tempting and
I'm weak willed. ;-D


Msg# 791

Re: Umm... Hi Posted by gwathyg May 12, 2004 - 22:08:52 Topic ID# 785
--- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am Tinni. I am Tinni in OL and RL. I run the "Canon? NO! It's
> Fanon!" site, if you havn't heard of it, well now you have.
> I write fanfiction, fanfictions about elves, Silmarillion elves.
> Um.... any questions? -Tinni

Hi, Tinni! Nice to see a new face around! You have entered a slightly
frazzled MEFA at this time because of some argument about slash that
I haven't followed because for me, it doesn't apply (seeing as how I
don't write slash). Would you mind providing a link to your site? I'd
like to check it out. My name is Gwathy (OL only) and I too write
Silm fanfic. You want a question? How about this one to get a
conversation going: what do you find easiest/most difficult when
writing Elves?


Msg# 792

Re: Umm... Hi Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:15:08 Topic ID# 785
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Umm... Hi

> Hi, Tinni! Nice to see a new face around! You have entered a
> slightly frazzled MEFA at this time because of some argument
> about slash that I haven't followed because for me, it
> doesn't apply (seeing as how I don't write slash). Would you
> mind providing a link to your site? I'd like to check it out.
> My name is Gwathy (OL only) and I too write Silm fanfic. You
> want a question? How about this one to get a conversation
> going: what do you find easiest/most difficult when writing Elves?

Taking a break from the slash discussion because that is just too tempting a

Easiest? Legolas, Legolas, Legolas. Do I seem obsessed to you? (Do not
look in my office. Or on my car's license plate. Or my keychains. Or my
cubicle at work. Or my computer screens....)

Most difficult? Writing Tolkienesque. Thought I suppose that's for any
LOTRish stuff and not just Elves. But really that was the most intimidating
part to me about writing LOTR fanfic.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 793

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:15:55 Topic ID# 750
There is so much here to read and possibly reply to, that I'll probably be
lumping several posts together into this one and applying ample amounts of
snippage. First, Marta's

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] RE: Possible ways of handling the slash label
> First, to lay my cards on the table, I rarely read slash and
> have never written it -- but this is not because I am
> offended by or opposed to slash. I've just come across some
> very bad slash pieces that ignore the impact an openly
> homosexual relationship might have in a pre-modern society. I
> have, however, nominated three pieces that I consider
> outstanding pieces with homosexual elements (Dwim's "From the
> Other River Bank" and Anglachel's "Legacy" and "On Merry Yule").

Likewise, I rarely read sex (or romance) of any fashion, though if it is
part of a plot (and not the reason for the plot), I won't necessarily be
squicked. Jasta's Dark Leaf has some pretty strong stuff in it, to put it
lightly. It's a fabulous story and that strong stuff has it's appropriate
place in it.

> So I don't object to some sort of "warning" (or whatever we
> want to call it), but that's more because I think people
> should be warned beforehand on exactly what they're reading,
> so they can make the best use of their reading time. If a
> significant number of people request a certain "warning,"
> then I say we should consider giving it to them -- and this
> doesn't (in my mind) reflect poorly on the story or what was
> being warned against.

That's how I feel.

> Now on to Ainae's and Dwim's comments.
> >>List of possibilities, starting with the obvious question...
> >>A) What is slash?
> I agree. Same-sex relationships mentioned in the periphery
> don't make a story slash. But I have to ask -- given we're
> dealing with cultures where same-sex relationships wouldn't
> be as socially acceptable, why is the relationship being
> mentioned? I suppose Elrond could be struggling with
> Celebrian's leaving Middle-earth and Glorfindel could comfort
> him with tales of his own long-term separation from Celeborn,
> or some such thing. I suppose I just find mentioning of
> same-sex relationships on the periphery a bit odd, but then
> (like I said) I don't read much of the stuff.

I'd give you periphery and Dwim has addressed that question. However, if
Glorfindel did sit down and comfort Elrond with tales of his own long-term
separation from Celeborn, I'd certainly raise an eyebrow. It might not ruin
the story for me, depends on how peripheral it is, I suppose. But it would
strike me as OC (we all have our own views of the characters) and I'd be
thinking "What did Galadriel think of *that*!"

> But I think it's possible to have a slash story where sex
> isn't even an element. Where they are clearly romantic but
> without sex actually occurring (implied or otherwise). I do
> agree that this is different from sexually ambiguous gestures
> like Sam's taking Frodo's hand in Rivendell.
> That's not clearly slash, but it could be, depending on what
> the author did with it (for example, what Sam or Frodo were
> thinking during that scene).

Yep, on both points. It doesn't have to be sex to be slash anymore than it
has to be sex to be a het romance. And I'm for ambiguous things like that
not being equated with slash, because that is clearly something that either
a pro-slash reader or an non-slash reader could read and interpret their own
way without needing to step on each other's toes.

> >>Likewise, if the main characters are written as
> homosexual, >>but this fact does not play a central role in
> the story, then >>I suggest that this does not qualify as slash.
> Agreed -- but if we go with this, I think we need to make it
> clear onthe website or whatever exactly what we mean by a slash story.

Oh, we will. Just like I did for NC-17.

> I agree here as well -- a story between two heterosexuals of
> opposite gender isnt' necessarily het, why should slash be
> defined differently?


> >I think that's fair. I warn about violence in mine. Same reason.
> Same here -- I'm usually pretty explicit in my warnings, but
> just because I don't want people to be surprised and then get
> upset with me as an author.

The story I've worried about that the most with was The Lure of Darkness for
me. Now, you must understand I've written a Star Trek story set in Auschwitz
and fairly historically accurate. There is torture and degradation and
starvation and death (and yes, even a hint of slash in that a young man is
"taken in" by the blockalteste in return for food and blankets and such.
However, that is subtly stated and never overt.). The Lure of the Darkness
is about a spider wanting to eat a little girl. But it is the only story
I've ever rated as an R. It's the closest thing I've written toward a sex
scene. So, I did rate it R and say for "adult content" though I can't
remember if I included that with my nomination. But if you look on my web
site or, I'm sure there are warnings there. HASA, too.

> I agree with Dwim -- if we're warning because of "graphic"
> sex, then slash shouldn't be singled out above and beyond
> het. If we're warning because it's an area people have said
> they'd like some warning in, then we should be clear that
> it's not being warned for the same reason as graphic sex and torture.
> As for Ainae's comment, I know you weren't equating slash
> with smut, but some people are going to assume that. I know,
> you're not interested in assumptions, but in contests like
> this perception is often reality, and the facts often matter
> less to people than the scandalising statements like "The
> MEFA's are homophobic" or whatever. I'd be fine with just
> warning if there's sex in the story (either implied or
> explicit, I'm assuming). I would suggest, if we go with this,
> that we require any pairings, even if the story's not
> primarily a romance.

Thank you for understanding.

> <snip>
> I'd be fine with Dwim's suggestions 1 and 3 (Ainae's objections to #2
> are noted), but I prefer #3 personally:
> >>3) Include it, as I think it was Andreth suggested, in the pairings
> >>listing: all pairings that matter to the story's unfolding
> >>should be declared.

I agree there, as I've already said, and I think this could develop into a
poll, possibly, after we've nailed down a definition of slash.

> >>4) Divide romance into het and slash. The problem here is
> >>that that would effectively ghettoize slash and prevent
> >>stories focusing on homosexual couples or homosexuality per
> >>se competing in other categories which do not traditionally
> >>separate themselves according to who sleeps with whom (or who
> >>would be willing to sleep with whom).
> I agree -- I'm not crazy about this idea.
> >I don't, however, consider a subcategory to be ghettoizing anything
> anymore
> >than it ghettoizes poems. It doesn't ghettoise Romance,
> something I don't
> >read in any form, to be in a separate category.
> No, but what do you do about a humour piece involving slash elements?
> Should that be judged against Romance, drama, adventure, and anything
> else that includes slash elements? It seems it could force
> things into a
> mold that I'm not sure they're intended to go into.

It's not the best solution and I know that and don't advocate it. I just
don't see "slash" as any more special a topic than "violence" or "mpreg".
Asking to be warned about violence is not seen as offensive. Asking to be
warned about slash is. It seems a double-standard to me, and I'm not fond
of double-standards.

And Dwim wrote:

Re that scene with Frodo and Sam
>This seems correct. And again, it's not the gesture per se, it's what the
author makes of it. Not every slash story includes sex, as noted, but I
think we need not at this point worry over ambiguous gestures.


>Personally, I've not seen many slash stories that were ambiguous.
Most slash is pretty upfront about what's going on. SOmething that subtle,
if it were left ambiguous, could prove a challenge, certainly, but it need
not if either the author is explicit in his/her intentions in the summary or
pairings listing or if the reader simply decides not to interpret the
gesture as slash.

Something that subtle I wouldn't care if the author mentioned it in a
summary or not. As I said, that *can* be read either way without anyone
stepping on another's toes. That, to, me would certainly not need to be
"labeled" "slash".


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 794

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:24:05 Topic ID# 695
Same deal here. Multiple post response and probably ample snippage.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: arielphf []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> Just a note on descriptive comments/warnings -
> There are many things people may find not to their liking
> besides slash or het. Many people do not like character
> death, some dislike movie verse, some AUs - any label you put
> on a fic is going to make some people want to read your fic
> and some not. What is the big deal? It seems silly to
> resist labelling when the only result you are likely to see
> is that more people who want to read your type of fic will
> and those who wouldn't be keen on it won't.
> Ariel
> (who has always labeled her fics)

Thank you. It's nice to hear from the middle after hearing the extremes.

Then Andreth wrote:

>I think the topic now is not whether or not the fics will be labeled, but
how to go about labeling them in such a way that one group of writers isn't
going to feel singled out. And it's been a very productive discussion so

Yes, that is where it is. Our first task would appear to be coming up with
a definition of what constitutes slash. And it doesn't have to be in Jeff
Foxworthy syntax, though that is kind of fun, and might take some of the
tension out.

>Just my opinion, but this isn't any one person's or even one or two
person's fault. Ainae, thank you for apologizing, but I don't think you were
impatient and I don't think it was the cause of the situation. These things
just happen at one time or another in groups with people of diverse
personalities and tastes. Ultimately it's not about whether or not these
things happen, but how they're handled and everyone's handled this
remarkably well.

Thank you. That makes me feel better about the survival of this list.

>But back to the topic at hand - I do agree with the definitions of slash
that have been given. Basically if there is a same-sex romantic or sexual
relationship, then it's slash. And I do also agree that listing the romantic
pairings would be the most neutral way to identify the slash stories. Then
if someone sees a m/m or f/f pairing in the column, they know it contains
slash and can avoid it if needed. Also it would prevent the slash writers
from feeling singled out, so it works for all parties involved.

That seems to be a going-definition then. We've heard from ascenters. Are
there dessenters (I'm having trouble spelling. It's part of my
stress-symptoms, like having trouble reading and typos. I hope you can
understand what I'm getting at)? Someone with another definition?

>Thank you, Ainae, for opening this discussion up again. It's very
considerate of you. And thank you, Dwim, for the many helpful suggestions.

You're welcome. And yes, Dwim was very helpful in pulling this back around
to what it should have been in the first place.

And Khazar got silly:

>Don't worry. I'm just sorry that some people quit instead of hearing this

Me, too.

>And now that I think about it, that *does* sound like a shopping list for a
particularly wild fic. "Let's see---OK, I got the Slash, and the Murder, and
the Rape. Now, I need some BDSM, Torture, and a nice chunk of Graphic Sex.
What am I missing? Oh yeah! Tomatoes!"

Snort! Unfortunately, I can't have a story with tomatoes in it. It's one of
my Crohn's Disease trigger foods. Upsets the digestive system, you know.

And flowers! No flowers. Pollen gives me headaches.

And Andreth joined the fun:

>Kids, this is your brain after watching poodle breedings and spending large
amounts of time with the walking dead. Any questions? :-D

Hmmm...I think I'm glad I was busy that night.

>Sorry, Khazar - I couldn't pass that one up. It was too tempting and I'm
weak willed. ;-D

Thank you both for giving us a chuckle after all this tension.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 795

Re: The Official Post: Slash, het, Soledad, warnings/squicks and ev Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:31:08 Topic ID# 778
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] The Official Post: Slash, het,
> Soledad, warnings/squicks and everything else
> >We also need someone to take over her Author Approvals. I
> will do so until I >have another volunteer. Keep the website
> up to date takes up a great deal >of my time, so it really
> would help if someone else volunteered. This would >be for
> authors whose names begin with I-L.
> Ainae- I am on digest, so it's entirely possible someone has
> already volunteered, but if not, I'm happy to do either of
> the latter of these two. (Unfortunately, I live in North
> Carolina, so I can't help you with the overseas moderator
> part.) If Pervinca wants to split up the categorisation bit
> (or no longer ants it), or if you still need help with author
> approval, I'm available.

Thank you! I will give you the author approval right now, if you like. I'll
wait a bit to see what Pervinca wants to do with categorization first since
I forgot about her before. I'll keep you on as a bench-warmer. How's that?

> As am I, so I understand what you're talking about. But it's
> a good point that we have members all around the globe, and I
> think there should be at least a 24-hour lag after the
> initial post or a 12-hour lag from the end of discussion
> (whichever is longer) to allow people around the globe to participate.

You know when I first put up all those polls I was checking them about every
hour, don't ya? I'm especially impatient with problems. I want to fix
things NOW. I do not want to wait. I do not want to hear "Our offices are
now closed" on a Friday evening and know they won't open again until Monday!
Drives me nuts. Yep, I'm impatient.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 796

Re: intro Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:31:58 Topic ID# 720
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vulgarweed []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: intro
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:

> Actually, this is a subject that raises lots of strong
> feelings, and I'm impressed with how civil it's been compared
> to how it could be. I'm sorry the group lost such an
> important member, but sometimes stances are simply irreconcilable.

Yes, and it is avery difficult path trying to please everyone. Darn near
impossible, I'd say. Thank you for your vote of confidence.

> > Well, we do have Orc, Horror, and Mystery categories to
> hoepfully
> > accommodate you.
> I look forward to reading them. The ones I haven't already, that is.
> (Or reading old favorites again). :)

Oh goody! I've got one in Horror. Hope you like it!

> > Very nice to see you to, and do we have your permission to
> nominate
> > "goldberry's Song"?
> Of course, and thank you!
> (Which happens to be a fairly fluffy het romance poem, and so
> very atypical of my work except for the
> mysterious-minor-characters part--but it also thankfully
> sidesteps the current controversy entirely).

Oh, good to know that it's a poem! That is really something we need to know
like if a story is a WIP. I don't think it's fair to poems to compete
against stories. Two very different forms there. So we need to know which
are poems so we can create viable subcategories for them.

Please, if you (general "you" to the list) nominate a poem, let us know it's
a poem. And I'll need to see that somewhere in the Nominations table so I
can be sure it gets on the web site.

Thank you for the permission, Vulgarweed. I don't know that I'll do my usual
hashing of the Nominations database tonight. I'm kind of weary and the
thought of 293 stories is a bit daunting after so trying a day. I've got
quite a few nominations I need to add there myself. So I *may* or *may not*
get to updating the web site anymore than it already is.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 797

Re: Crossovers almost a viable category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:35:21 Topic ID# 788
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Crossovers almost a viable category
> A little good news - we now have 10 stories by eight
> different authors in the crossover section. So after the
> author approvals are finished, crossovers will be a viable
> category. Thanks to everyone who nominated stories!
> Anna



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 798

Re: More fun with those tables! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 22:36:35 Topic ID# 665
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: More fun with those tables!
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> > Nominations table:
> I'm afraid that was me again. I marked it no because there
> wasn't any author approval, which I mistakenly thought was
> part of the staff approval procedure.

No biggie.

> Since I'm a bit fuzzy on what requirements there are for
> staff approval, could you tell me once more, please? I check
> the URL link, the story title and author's name, and try to
> double check whether or not it's a WIP. Is there anything
> else I need to do before I mark it staff approved?

We can blame your fuzziness on my MegaStress. (Not to be confused with the
GigaStress which is the one that caused my problems with reading.) Did
strange things to my memory. I think now, looking back, that I originally
did mean for the Staff Approval field to be used for saying the whole
nomination is official, author approval and all.

But when I actually made the table and opened it up, I forgot that. And it
has become just a "Yep, everything we need (except author approval) for an
official nomination is here".

I have put NO for bad links or incomplete forms. I've also set a No for
Baylor who denied permission. I also always put a little note for why I put
a No in that field.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> Anna
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Msg# 799

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Marta May 12, 2004 - 23:13:23 Topic ID# 750
>>First, to lay my cards on the table, I rarely read slash and
>>have never written it -- but this is not because I am
>>offended by or opposed to slash. I've just come across some
>>very bad slash pieces that ignore the impact an openly
>>homosexual relationship might have in a pre-modern society. I
>>have, however, nominated three pieces that I consider
>>outstanding pieces with homosexual elements (Dwim's "From the
>>Other River Bank" and Anglachel's "Legacy" and "On Merry Yule").

>Likewise, I rarely read sex (or romance) of any fashion, though if it is
>part of a plot (and not the reason for the plot), I won't necessarily be
>squicked. Jasta's Dark Leaf has some pretty strong stuff in it, to put it
>lightly. It's a fabulous story and that strong stuff has it's appropriate
>place in it.

This is exactly the way I feel. I will very rarely read pure smut, and
am much more likely to enjoy a story if it's pure romance than if the
romance is used to some other point. (Sexuality of a culture or some
individual within that culture is "some other point," as far as I'm

<What is slash?>

>>Same-sex relationships mentioned in the periphery
>>don't make a story slash. But I have to ask -- given we're
>>dealing with cultures where same-sex relationships wouldn't
>>be as socially acceptable, why is the relationship being
>>mentioned? I suppose Elrond could be struggling with
>>Celebrian's leaving Middle-earth and Glorfindel could comfort
>>him with tales of his own long-term separation from Celeborn,
>>or some such thing. I suppose I just find mentioning of
>>same-sex relationships on the periphery a bit odd, but then
>>(like I said) I don't read much of the stuff.

>I'd give you periphery and Dwim has addressed that question. However, if
>Glorfindel did sit down and comfort Elrond with tales of his own long-term
>separation from Celeborn, I'd certainly raise an eyebrow. It might not
>the story for me, depends on how peripheral it is, I suppose. But it would
>strike me as OC (we all have our own views of the characters) and I'd be
>thinking "What did Galadriel think of *that*!"

Lol. Trust me, a Men-person, to come up with an example that was clearly
OC. I was trying to think of pairings with Men and coming up blank for
ones that weren't incestuous (which *is* a major squick of mine). Make
it, I don't know, Elphir pining away for some OFC and Boromir comforting
him with stories of his long-time separation with Eomer. Which doesn't
work *either,* for various reasons. But that's beside the point. Someone
come up with a pairing that does work, and the principle stays the same.

(And no, I think this is a tangent on a tangent, so I don't really need
to continue this discussion on-list!)

>>But I think it's possible to have a slash story where sex
>>isn't even an element. Where they are clearly romantic but
>>without sex actually occurring (implied or otherwise). I do
>>agree that this is different from sexually ambiguous gestures
>>like Sam's taking Frodo's hand in Rivendell.
>>That's not clearly slash, but it could be, depending on what
>>the author did with it (for example, what Sam or Frodo were
>>thinking during that scene).

>Yep, on both points. It doesn't have to be sex to be slash anymore than it
>has to be sex to be a het romance. And I'm for ambiguous things like that
>not being equated with slash, because that is clearly something that
>a pro-slash reader or an non-slash reader could read and interpret
their own
>way without needing to step on each other's toes.

Glad to know we agree. Though I suppose an ambiguous action
(hand-holding) could be turned into something slashy by how the author
presented it (Sam's thoughts on holding Frodo's hands). BUt I agree with
Dwim, this is more or less an academic point for this discussion -- I
think most cases are going to be much more clear-cut.

>>if we go with this, I think we need to make it
>>clear onthe website or whatever exactly what we mean by a slash story.

>Oh, we will. Just like I did for NC-17.

Excellent. I just keeping about that whole perception vs. reality thing.


>>I'm usually pretty explicit in my warnings, but
>>just because I don't want people to be surprised and then get
>>upset with me as an author.

>The story I've worried about that the most with was The Lure of
Darkness for
>me. Now, you must understand I've written a Star Trek story set in
>and fairly historically accurate. There is torture and degradation and
>starvation and death (and yes, even a hint of slash in that a young man is
>"taken in" by the blockalteste in return for food and blankets and such.
>However, that is subtly stated and never overt.). The Lure of the Darkness
>is about a spider wanting to eat a little girl. But it is the only story
>I've ever rated as an R. It's the closest thing I've written toward a sex
>scene. So, I did rate it R and say for "adult content" though I can't
>remember if I included that with my nomination. But if you look on my web
>site or, I'm sure there are warnings there. HASA, too.

When I put up warnings it's usually for things people find unattractive
rather than out-and-out offensive. Things like AU and OC's (I tend to
write more about minor canon and original characters than many people
like to read). But if you don't like the things I'm writing, then it's
not in my best interest to have you read my stuff because you're
probably not going to like it, especially if you didn't expect it. As a
reader, I have limited time, and find I get highly annoyed with writers
who I get halfway into their stories and find that it should have been
better labelled. It just seems common courtesy. But maybe that's just me.

>>I'd be fine with Dwim's suggestions 1 and 3 (Ainae's objections to #2
>>are noted), but I prefer #3 personally:

>>>3) Include it, as I think it was Andreth suggested, in the pairings
>>>listing: all pairings that matter to the story's unfolding
>>>should be declared.

>I agree there, as I've already said, and I think this could develop into a
>poll, possibly, after we've nailed down a definition of slash.

That sounds like the best route.

>>what do you do about a humour piece involving slash elements?
>>Should that be judged against Romance, drama, adventure, and anything
>>else that includes slash elements? It seems it could force
>>things into a
>>mold that I'm not sure they're intended to go into.

>It's not the best solution and I know that and don't advocate it. I just
>don't see "slash" as any more special a topic than "violence" or "mpreg".
>Asking to be warned about violence is not seen as offensive. Asking to be
>warned about slash is. It seems a double-standard to me, and I'm not fond
>of double-standards.

Neither am I. Even if I did find slash offensive (which I don't), I'd
hope that people wouldn't find it intrinsically more offensive than,
say, violence or mpreg. Or at least, if they did, that they could see
that not everyone would feel that way.

I agree with you that I don't think a separate category is the best way,
and I think we have some other good options.

Thanks for all your time on this, btw. It's nice to have a rational
discussion on this topic, and I think you're doing a fine job in a tight


Msg# 800

Re: Umm... Hi Posted by Tinni May 12, 2004 - 23:15:35 Topic ID# 785
--- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> --- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I am Tinni. I am Tinni in OL and RL. I run the "Canon? NO! It's
> > Fanon!" site, if you havn't heard of it, well now you have.
> Um.......
> > I write fanfiction, fanfictions about elves, Silmarillion elves.
> > Um.... any questions? -Tinni
> Hi, Tinni! Nice to see a new face around! You have entered a
> frazzled MEFA at this time because of some argument about slash
> I haven't followed because for me, it doesn't apply (seeing as how
> don't write slash). Would you mind providing a link to your site?
> like to check it out. My name is Gwathy (OL only) and I too write
> Silm fanfic. You want a question? How about this one to get a
> conversation going: what do you find easiest/most difficult when
> writing Elves?
> ~Gwathy

Hey Gwathy,
Nice to meet you. My site is at: Hope you like

And the answer to your question,

Easiest: Maglor... well basically all the sons of Feanor except
Maedhros. Maedhros says I don't have enough angst in my life to truly
understand him. But still I have managed to write him into a fic or
two. It's amazing what Maedhros will let you do with him if you
threaten to hurt his darling little brothers. :D

Hardest: Sindar elves in general. They refuse to enter my brain since
its filled with the sons of Feanor. *sigh* Life is so not fair.


Msg# 801

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Marta May 12, 2004 - 23:17:18 Topic ID# 750
>>Same-sex relationships mentioned in the periphery don't
>>make a
>>story slash. But I have to ask -- given we're dealing with cultures
>>where same-sex relationships wouldn't be as socially acceptable,
>>why is
>>the relationship being mentioned?

>I'm about to run off to a reading group, but I wanted to make sure
>don't get off topic.

>Marta, while I totally know what you're saying, I think that that is
>a stylistic point, and as such does not necessarily have a bearing
>defining what slash is.

You're right, this is tangential, and I apologise for bringing it
up. I was really just thinking out loud, which is always a dangerous

Feel free, then, to reply to my further comments on-list, off-list,
or not at all, whichever you feel appropriate.

>FYI, I have seen many "manly bonds"
>or "soldierly bonds" type stories (and have written one myself)
>it is an issue of making noticeable what should qualify as
>if it were real world. If that makes sense. Um... ten minutes and my
>ride gets here... if that's confusing, I'll try reposting at a later

What story of yours are you referring to (FtORB, or something else?)
I kind of understand what you're saying about "soldierly bonds" type
stories of stories, but I'm honestly trying to puzzle out in my mind
how such a relationship could be tangential to the story, just
because it would by its nature be kept rather hidden? I suppose it's
possible, but I think it would be a lot clearer in my mind if I had
an example to work with.

>Point being: it may be very clumsy to say "So and so had been gay
>lovers for many years" or something like that, but the clumsiness of
>it does not necessarily mean that that point is going to be a major
>element in making the story work. So I don't know that your question
>is necessarily going to get us closer to a commonly accepted
>definition of slash for this list.

Fair enough.

>>I think it's possible to have a slash story where sex isn't
>>even an
>>element. Where they are clearly romantic but without sex actually
>>occurring (implied or otherwise). I do agree that this is different
>>sexually ambiguous gestures like Sam's taking Frodo's hand in
>>That's not clearly slash, but it could be, depending on what the
>>did with it (for example, what Sam or Frodo were thinking during

>This seems correct. And again, it's not the gesture per se, it's
>the author makes of it.


>Not every slash story includes sex, as noted,
>but I think we need not at this point worry over ambiguous gestures.
>Personally, I've not seen many slash stories that were ambiguous.
>Most slash is pretty upfront about what's going on. SOmething that
>subtle, if it were left ambiguous, could prove a challenge,
>certainly, but it need not if either the author is explicit in
>his/her intentions in the summary or pairings listing or if the
>reader simply decides not to interpret the gesture as slash.

I see what you're saying. Like I said, I really don't read many
stories that I consider slash, certainly not at venues that
specialise in it (Libraries of Moria and so on), so I'm not that
familiar with what's really being written. I think that unless a
story is obviously slash in its content, or if the author labels it
as slash, it shouldn't need the label for the purposes of this

>Ok, I'm out of time.

Enjoy your group!


Msg# 802

Pride and the slash label--one time response--anything more, e-mail Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 23:20:10 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "coriel_elfwyn" <coriel_elfwyn@o...>
> Behind you all the way, Ariel --
> that is EXACTLY what I meant. One should be proud of what one
writes. :)

Smiley face= ok, not meant offensively. All right, then. This post,
too, is not meant to be offensive nor to fan to life a heated debate.
I mean this with all due respect.

Normally, I'd say yes, easier to shame your name than for your name to
shame you. But no one who has objected to the *way* in which the slash
label could be used to imply discrimination[1] has objected on the
basis that s/he is not proud of his or her work if it is called
"slash". That is an assumption you are right now imputing to many of
us. It is certainly nowhere stated in any posting I've read prior to
this that a slash writer who refuses the label or even just dislikes
the label is thereby not proud of his or her work. Indeed, the one
truly violent rejection of the label was done precisely because the
author is very proud of her work and dislikes associating it with what
she personally considers a substandard genre (she, in other words,
accepts that most anti-slash folks are right to say slash is
substandard smutty drivel--hence, she will not associate her stories,
which involve homosexuality in an integral way, with such a label).

It was not slash writers but you who equated rejecting a label *I
didn't invent* (I say "I" and "me" here because I don't want to speak
for others) and which, Coriel, you personally say with manifest
distaste, with not having pride in my work as a writer who writes the
occasional slash story. I ask you: is that a good argument? Or is
that purely ad hominem? I think it's the latter, and as such adds
nothing to this debate.

I know you didn't mean that the way it sounded. I know Ariel didn't
either, but please don't tell me that I'm suffering from lack of pride
proper to a craftsperson just because I don't have great feelings
about the label. You don't know me, you don't know my work (and you
won't know at leasat some of my work), and you don't know that I take
a great deal of pride in holding *slash* to a high standard of
excellence. In fact, I think for me, I hold it to a higher standard,
because it is subtext and by its nature, it requires a much stronger
'argument' to be convincing.

I'm saying all this by way of providing material to reflect upon. I'm
not saying it to pick on you specifically, but I ask you and any
others who hold that view to please contribute something a little more
constructive to the debate than that slash writers should grow some
pride in accepting a label you personally find offensive and
disgusting. Particularly when I can say, with confidence, that slash
writers, whether or not they reject the label, do take great pride in
their work. We take an (if you like) inordinate amount of pride in our

Thank you,


[1] I qualify the mention of discrimination by saying that no one
except one person has yet said MEFAs were discriminatory, but that
MEFAs just needed to think carefully about how to use that slash label
and not use it carelessly.

Msg# 803

Apologies to Ariel for the dumb association I made Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 23:29:29 Topic ID# 695

This is what happens when you are feeling the burn that says "Brain
has officially turned off for the night"!

I said:

> I know you didn't mean that the way it sounded. I know Ariel didn't
> either,

Ariel, apologies, I didn't mean that the way it sounded. The reason I
don't think you could've meant that slash writers should be proud of
their work and not reject the label is because I don't see you taking
that position in your posting. Yours seems a purely economical
rationale: if it tells the audience you are writing for to read your
fic, why not do it? While that may make an assumption about who slash
writers are writing for, it certainly doesn't imply anything about
rejection of a label as meaning a lack of pride in the work itself.


--- In, "coriel_elfwyn" <coriel_elfwyn@o...>
> Behind you all the way, Ariel --
> that is EXACTLY what I meant. One should be proud of what one
writes. :)
> Coriel
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: arielphf
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:04 PM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> Just a note on descriptive comments/warnings -
> There are many things people may find not to their liking besides
> slash or het. Many people do not like character death, some dislike
> movie verse, some AUs - any label you put on a fic is going to make
> some people want to read your fic and some not. What is the big
> deal? It seems silly to resist labelling when the only result you
> are likely to see is that more people who want to read your type of
> fic will and those who wouldn't be keen on it won't.
> Ariel
> (who has always labeled her fics)
> --- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
> <dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> > > for concern.
> > > >
> > > > khazar
> > >
> > >
> > > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men kissing
> > > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > > tortured to death.
> >
> > Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape and
> graphic
> > violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
> > violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the slash
> > label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I don't,
> > however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> >
> >
> >
> > I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal in
> any way, shape or form to murder,
> > rape, etc.
> >
> > I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually have
> concerns with.
> >
> > I have been an admin for the last 2 years with the Mithril Awards.
> This list is based on the things which
> > have been mentioned the most frequently as things which people who
> asked to judge didn't want to see.
> > That means we have had to keep these preferences in mind when
> working with judges--assigning those
> > who *will not* read het to slash, and so on.
> >
> > Perhaps a good compromise would be something like "Strong Sexual
> Content (slash/het)" to help readers
> > decide what they wish to read. Or a simple "Het/Slash" choice.
> >
> > It may disturb some people to know that not everyone shares their
> tastes. But that's part of what makes the
> > world so interesting. It would be a very dull world indeed if we
> did not all enjoy different things. Not enjoying
> > the same things does not automatically make someone evil, stupid,
> prejudiced, sick, perverted, hateful or
> > mean.
> >
> > Except me, of course, who is all of those things, and more. ;-)
> >
> > khazar
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 804

Re: Dwimordene's nominations: whole jumble of them Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 12, 2004 - 23:51:12 Topic ID# 765
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Dwimordene's nominations: whole jumble of them
> Haven't contacted any authors about these.

That's okay. Staff will do that.

> *Nominator's name: Dwimordene
> *Story Title: Speaking of Love...
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail:
> * Story URL:

You forgot a URL.

> *Category Choices
> *1st: Men
> *2nd: Gondor

And I get the sense that you are bucking for a new category here. ;-) Maybe
next year!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 805

Re: Dwimordene's nominations: whole jumble of them Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 12, 2004 - 23:59:27 Topic ID# 765
> > *Nominator's name: Dwimordene
> > *Story Title: Speaking of Love...
> > *Story Author: Dwimordene
> > *Author's E-mail: dwimmer_laik@y...
> > * Story URL:
> You forgot a URL.

*humbly offers up URL*

> > *Category Choices
> > *1st: Men
> > *2nd: Gondor
> And I get the sense that you are bucking for a new category here.
;-) Maybe
> next year!

It's more that I completely suck at categorizing fics in any case and
can't think of what else to say. I should probably beg for clemency
now and ask also that 1st choice on "Speaking of Love..." and "Ring of
Water" be "Romance', not whatever is currently occupying that position.


Msg# 806

Re: Possible ways of handling the slash label Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 0:06:44 Topic ID# 750
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] RE: RE: Possible ways of handling
> the slash label
> <What is slash?>
> >...views of the characters) and I'd be >thinking "What did
> Galadriel think of *that*!"
> Lol. Trust me, a Men-person, to come up with an example that
> was clearly OC. I was trying to think of pairings with Men
> and coming up blank for ones that weren't incestuous (which
> *is* a major squick of mine). Make it, I don't know, Elphir
> pining away for some OFC and Boromir comforting him with
> stories of his long-time separation with Eomer. Which doesn't
> work *either,* for various reasons. But that's beside the
> point. Someone come up with a pairing that does work, and the
> principle stays the same.

:-) How about the man in charge of the Houses of Healing and the guy who's
supposed to be guarding the gate to Rath Dinen?

> (And no, I think this is a tangent on a tangent, so I don't
> really need to continue this discussion on-list!)

;-) Okay.

> Glad to know we agree. Though I suppose an ambiguous action
> (hand-holding) could be turned into something slashy by how
> the author presented it (Sam's thoughts on holding Frodo's
> hands). BUt I agree with Dwim, this is more or less an
> academic point for this discussion -- I think most cases are
> going to be much more clear-cut.

Yes. It *can* be written that way or left ambigous. It's the ambigous that
we wouldn't worry about. The clear-cut ones would need to be identified in
some manner.

> Excellent. I just keeping about that whole perception vs.
> reality thing.

Yep. Personally, I'm a rational thinker and I've been on the receiving end
of far too much punishment based on assumptions or perceptions or feelings.
I gave my sister 30 days notice to leave my house (for many good reasons
that I won't go into here). My older sister said "You kicked her out
without a safe place to stay!" To which I argued that she could have stayed
in my house for 30 days. It wasn't like I was going to try to kill her or
anything. And I gave her a copy of the notice to read. To which she
replied, "Well, it *felt* like you kicked her out without a safe place to
stay!" and treated me accordingly. I have since lost both of those sisters
to this family rift, and my birth-mother. (I've already posted here about my
adopted mother.) So it's really not something I like very much. I do know
that perceptions do happen and they color reality. But I really don't like
people to be punished because of them.

> When I put up warnings it's usually for things people find
> unattractive rather than out-and-out offensive.

Agreed. I don't think my spider story is offensive. Just might be
surprising to some!

> Things like
> AU and OC's (I tend to write more about minor canon and
> original characters than many people like to read). But if
> you don't like the things I'm writing, then it's not in my
> best interest to have you read my stuff because you're
> probably not going to like it, especially if you didn't
> expect it. As a reader, I have limited time, and find I get
> highly annoyed with writers who I get halfway into their
> stories and find that it should have been better labelled. It
> just seems common courtesy. But maybe that's just me.

I agree. If you really hate Holocaust stories I don't need you to read mine.
You wouldn't likely have the most open mind but a preconception that the
story will stink. Given, there are exceptions who will try a story they
think they may not like and will be willing to be surprised with quality.

> >I agree there, as I've already said, and I think this could
> develop into a >poll, possibly, after we've nailed down a
> definition of slash.
> That sounds like the best route.

;-) Gotta love the MegaStress. I already forgot the ideas for what would be
in the poll. But still, I did say it would be after we got this defined. So
let's not worry about a poll just yet.

>>I'm not fond >of double-standards.
> Neither am I. Even if I did find slash offensive (which I
> don't), I'd hope that people wouldn't find it intrinsically
> more offensive than, say, violence or mpreg. Or at least, if
> they did, that they could see that not everyone would feel that way.

One could hope. I have a mother who is very much into double-standards.
Well, I had a mother.... My new mom isn't like that, thankfully. My
birth-mother had the audacity to say in her last e-mail to me "Just because
someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that they are wrong and you are
right. Sometimes people just see things differently."

Wise statement. I just wish she'd apply that statement to herself and my
disagreeing with her.

> I agree with you that I don't think a separate category is
> the best way, and I think we have some other good options.

Yes we do.

> Thanks for all your time on this, btw. It's nice to have a
> rational discussion on this topic, and I think you're doing a
> fine job in a tight spot.

Thank you.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 807

Re: Dwimordene's nominations: whole jumble of them Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 0:14:17 Topic ID# 765
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Dwimordene's nominations: whole
> jumble of them

> *humbly offers up URL*

S'alright! I even messed up one, filling out half the form in one form, and
the other half on a second form.

> > And I get the sense that you are bucking for a new category here.
> ;-) Maybe
> > next year!
> It's more that I completely suck at categorizing fics in any
> case and can't think of what else to say. I should probably
> beg for clemency now and ask also that 1st choice on
> "Speaking of Love..." and "Ring of Water" be "Romance', not
> whatever is currently occupying that position.

Easy enough. Done. And really, you can campaign for new categories next
year. I didn't think it likely we'd have a lot of Dwarf stories and left
that category out. But there might be enough Gondor stories--as opposed to
Rohan stories--that we could make that a category next year.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 808

FW: TORC Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 0:24:02 Topic ID# 808
How about this? I've forwarded it to the list for you.

You can either post from within the Yahoo site, or you can just send your
nominations to

We do need to work on your Categories though, as your first two aren't any
that we have. We have the following:

a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Shall we place it under Lord of the Rings then?


From: M.G.H. []
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:05 AM
To: Ainaechoiriel
Subject: RE: TORC Nomination

No, I'm trying to nominate this story (it's awesome, you should go read it)
But I'm just as confuse as you are! I've never been in a Yahoo Group b4, so
I suppose I just....? Posted it incorrectly? I'm not totally sure either...

Does that help?

> -----Original Message-----
> --- In, "whitegull1420"
> wrote:

> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: Levanna
> >
> > *Story Title: An Aussi in King Aragorn's Court
> >
> > *Story Author Lady Coralie
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address:
> >
> > *Story URL:
> aid=25859
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> >
> > *1st:Fellowship
> > 2nd:Tenth walker
> > 3rd:Lord of the Rings
> > Subcategory (suggest something): Chapter/on going
> >
> > *Rating: PG
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): tiny bit of violence
> >
> > *Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
> >
> > *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): An
> Austrailian woman shows up in full ski gear on the slopes of
> the Caradhas.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 809

Vote of Confidence Posted by lindorien2000 May 13, 2004 - 0:33:04 Topic ID# 809
Hi Ainae,

Just wanted to drop a line to tell you that I think you are doing a
bangup job here. I am flabbergasted at what you and those that are
aiding you have managed to accomplish in only a few short weeks. You
had an idea, you took the bull by the horn and you went for it. I
think I was the second person to join your list and this thing has
mushroomed into a behemoth, yet you've managed to keep your head and
your sense of humor throughout.

I have no real imput on the 'how to label slash' discussion. I've
followed enough of it to see that it is causing some issues.

You know - sometimes I want to read slash, although its not my typical
thing - I've read some really well done pieces.

Dwim had a really good idea that slash can be rated just like het and
violence and any other numbers of categories.

Can I just step up and say that as authors, we probably should err on
the side of caution with our labels.

I once got hammered for listing 'Wilt Thou Not Love Me' which is
laughably NOT NC-17 as 'adult'. mostly because it involved a wedding
night and some allusions at the end and one of my reviewer was annoyed
I'd done that and I was thinking, 'Gosh, I was just being careful
because I don't know I'd want my 7 year old asking me about the very

I've loosened up somewhat now, but I do tend to the conservative and I
list as adult others would probably think pretty tame.

So - this is my long-winded way of suggesting that people use their
good sense when labeling their stories. I think pretty much all if not
everybody here has good sense and can work it out on their own. If
they have questions, perhaps Ainae could be contacted privately, the
situation explained and let Ainae make an 'Executive Decision'?

My two cents for what I think will be a fine set of awards. Everybody
been quite polite and nice and pleasant and it's really great what
you've managed, Ainae.

And what all the listmembers have managed. Seriously, everybody, pat
yourselves on the back.


Msg# 810

On How to Nominate - a VSQ, Seriously VSQ, but I really need to know Posted by lindorien2000 May 13, 2004 - 0:41:40 Topic ID# 808
Okay, I am getting read to take the plunge and nominate something.

The author has given permission. I have a title, I have a URL, I have
a summary.

I am having trouble with the category stuff.

the list is below.

Here's my question - and please everybody avoid laughing too loudly at
poor Lindorien. I am so easily confused, that its pretty sad.

Am I to say in the Category something like:

First choice: Hobbit, Drama, LOTR?
Second choice: Hobbit, Adventure, LOTR?
Third choice: Hobbit, ??? LOTR?

is that how it is done?

Sorry if this has been asked a dozen times already.


> a. Men
> b. Elves
> c. Hobbits
> d. Orcs
> e. Rohan
> r. Numenor
> a. Humor
> b. Adventure
> c. Drama (includes Angst)
> d. Romance
> e. Horror
> f. Mystery
> g. Crossovers
> a. The Silmarillion
> b. The Hobbit
> c. The Lord of the Rings

Msg# 811

feeling somewhat uncomfortable Posted by Sorne&Enros May 13, 2004 - 3:27:03 Topic ID# 811
Dear all,
I have to say that I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable on this list.
The type of list that I enjoy participating in is one where a free and frank
exchange of ideas is welcomed, and where animated discussion can take place.
Both during this 'slash' discussion and the previous one on NC-17,
moderators have actively quelled the discussion when I didn't see anything
posted that I felt was over the top. Posts may have been vociferous but they
remained polite. I am now getting the impression that certain subjects
(slash and sex particularly) may not even be mentioned for fear of offending
some of the more sensitive members. While of course I understand and respect
everyone's right to their own moral mode and personal beliefs, this list
spans the globe and contains members from all walks of life, with a myriad
of life experience and many different cultures and beliefs. Anyone who is a
member of such a group cannot ever hope not to meet with ideas and attitudes
that they don't share. I personally cannot be happy in a group unless I feel
at liberty to have a free, frank and animated discussion on any subject,
providing, of course, that the content of the post is suitable for a
general, public forum, and that it relates to Tolkien fanfic of course :)


Msg# 812

OT - my e-mails are bouncing Posted by chathollinn May 13, 2004 - 5:16:05 Topic ID# 812
Hi - For the past day I've received nothing from Yahoo groups. Is
anyone else with Comcast as a service provider having this trouble?
Any suggestions would be appreicated. I'm logged into MEFA to read
posts there. Regards - Chathol-linn

Msg# 813

Re: feeling somewhat uncomfortable Posted by sulriel May 13, 2004 - 6:38:17 Topic ID# 811
Good morning Sorne/Enros.

The intent with moderation has not been meant to make anyone feel
uncomfortable, but to allow *discussion*, perhaps a little less
animated than you may find on some other lists.

With such hot topics, it is sometimes difficult to keep the
distinction between a general discussion group, on which issues may
be discussed in a moral, ethical, emotional kind of way as to how
they relate to life in general, and this awards groups, where
discussion should be geared toward how those issues will be presented
and judged for these awards.

When discussion has been civil, it has not been moderated. I have
moderated when I felt the comments were of a more emotional or
personal nature rather than geared toward moving the discussion

>>>While of course I understand and respect> everyone's right to
their own moral mode and personal beliefs, this list> spans the globe
and contains members from all walks of life, with a myriad> of life
experience and many different cultures and beliefs. Anyone who is a
> member of such a group cannot ever hope not to meet with ideas and
attitudes> that they don't share. I personally cannot be happy in a
group unless I feel> at liberty to have a free, frank and animated

I see that, in many cases, those with stricter or more narrow moral
modes and personal beliefs are the ones who are disrespected and I
believe that tolerance should be extended in both directions.

I hope that you do feel happy here and comfortable to join our less-
animated discussions.

I'm still on my first cup of coffee, so if some part of the above
doesn't make sense, I'll try again in half an hour.

--- In, "Sorne&Enros" <Sorne&Enros@m...>
wrote:> Dear all,> I have to say that I'm starting to feel a little
uncomfortable on this list.> The type of list that I enjoy
articipating in is one where a free and frank> exchange of ideas is
welcomed, and where animated discussion can take place.> Both during
this 'slash' discussion and the previous one on NC-17,> moderators
have actively quelled the discussion when I didn't see anything
> posted that I felt was over the top. Posts may have been vociferous
but they> remained polite. I am now getting the impression that
certain subjects> (slash and sex particularly) may not even be
mentioned for fear of offending> some of the more sensitive members.
While of course I understand and respect> everyone's right to their
own moral mode and personal beliefs, this list> spans the globe and
contains members from all walks of life, with a myriad> of life
experience and many different cultures and beliefs. Anyone who is a
> member of such a group cannot ever hope not to meet with ideas and
attitudes> that they don't share. I personally cannot be happy in a
group unless I feel> at liberty to have a free, frank and animated
discussion on any subject,> providing, of course, that the content of
the post is suitable for a> general, public forum, and that it
relates to Tolkien fanfic of course :)>
> Sorne/Enros

Msg# 814

Re: Apologies to Ariel for the dumb association I made Posted by arielphf May 13, 2004 - 9:02:00 Topic ID# 695
Oh, please don't worry, I wasn't offended or anything. I was just
making a comment on one post before I'd read to the end of the
messages. No biggie. I also didn't mean to imply that I didn't
think you were proud of your work. Coriel made that extrapolation
and, like you, I didn't think that was your issue.

I did want to perhaps counter one assumption that seems to have been
made; that of thinking that most people equate the `slash' label with
smut or substandard work. I can assure you that I have never seen
the label of `slash' or of `het' as inferring anything on the quality
of the fic. In fact, though it may be entirely my perception, I've
often found the exact opposite of the presented concern to be true -
that slash is more respected than het and is read much more readily
(if hit counters are any indication).

I label my fics because I know a lot of people don't like the genres
I write in and I'd rather have the few folks who do like them read
them than risk inadvertently offending someone who doesn't. It's
more important to me that people enjoy themselves while reading my
fics even if it means fewer people see them.

Besides, I get the same `pay' regardless of the numbers <vbg>.


--- In, "dwimmer_laik" <dwimmer_laik@y...>
> !(@*$&*(@^!#@!
> This is what happens when you are feeling the burn that says "Brain
> has officially turned off for the night"!
> I said:
> > I know you didn't mean that the way it sounded. I know Ariel
> > either,
> Ariel, apologies, I didn't mean that the way it sounded. The reason
> don't think you could've meant that slash writers should be proud of
> their work and not reject the label is because I don't see you
> that position in your posting. Yours seems a purely economical
> rationale: if it tells the audience you are writing for to read your
> fic, why not do it? While that may make an assumption about who
> writers are writing for, it certainly doesn't imply anything about
> rejection of a label as meaning a lack of pride in the work itself.
> Dwim
> --- In, "coriel_elfwyn"
> wrote:
> > Behind you all the way, Ariel --
> > that is EXACTLY what I meant. One should be proud of what one
> writes. :)
> >
> > Coriel
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: arielphf
> > To:
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:04 PM
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> >
> >
> > Just a note on descriptive comments/warnings -
> >
> > There are many things people may find not to their liking
> > slash or het. Many people do not like character death, some
> > movie verse, some AUs - any label you put on a fic is going to
> > some people want to read your fic and some not. What is the
> > deal? It seems silly to resist labelling when the only result
> > are likely to see is that more people who want to read your
type of
> > fic will and those who wouldn't be keen on it won't.
> >
> > Ariel
> > (who has always labeled her fics)
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
> > <dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > > > > The Warnings could be something like: Slash/ Graphic
> > > > Violence/ Graphic Sex/ Rape/
> > > > > BDSM/Character Death. Those seem to be the common areas
> > > > for concern.
> > > > >
> > > > > khazar
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hm. You know, when you list 'em like that, it looks pretty
> > > > perverse, doesn't it--like seeing, oh the horror, two men
> > > > is in any way analagous to, say, seeing a beloved character
> > > > tortured to death.
> > >
> > > Agreed. Putting slash in the same category as graphic rape
> > graphic
> > > violence sends the message that slash is on a par with graphic
> > > violence and rape, and I say that as someone who accepts the
> > > label for any story focusing on a same-sex relationship (I
> > > however, accept it for stories which merely mention such).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I am not saying that Slash is evil, perverse, wrong, or equal
> > any way, shape or form to murder,
> > > rape, etc.
> > >
> > > I *am* saying that these are the areas that people usually
> > concerns with.
> > >
> > > I have been an admin for the last 2 years with the Mithril
> > This list is based on the things which
> > > have been mentioned the most frequently as things which
people who
> > asked to judge didn't want to see.
> > > That means we have had to keep these preferences in mind
> > working with judges--assigning those
> > > who *will not* read het to slash, and so on.
> > >
> > > Perhaps a good compromise would be something like "Strong
> > Content (slash/het)" to help readers
> > > decide what they wish to read. Or a simple "Het/Slash" choice.
> > >
> > > It may disturb some people to know that not everyone shares
> > tastes. But that's part of what makes the
> > > world so interesting. It would be a very dull world indeed if
> > did not all enjoy different things. Not enjoying
> > > the same things does not automatically make someone evil,
> > prejudiced, sick, perverted, hateful or
> > > mean.
> > >
> > > Except me, of course, who is all of those things, and more. ;-
> > >
> > > khazar
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> > a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> >
> >
> > b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >
> >
> > c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms
> Service.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 815

Re: feeling somewhat uncomfortable Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 9:24:41 Topic ID# 811
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sorne&Enros [mailto:Sorne&]
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 3:27 AM
> To: MEFAwards
> Subject: [MEFAwards] feeling somewhat uncomfortable
> Dear all,
> I have to say that I'm starting to feel a little
> uncomfortable on this list.

I'm sorry to hear that.

> The type of list that I enjoy participating in is one where a
> free and frank exchange of ideas is welcomed, and where
> animated discussion can take place.

And I prefer a list that stays civil and not so animated. As I've said
before, I'ts very difficult to please everyone.

> Both during this 'slash' discussion and the previous one on
> NC-17, moderators have actively quelled the discussion when I
> didn't see anything posted that I felt was over the top.

Just as our tastes in lists may be different out tolerance or what we feel
as "over the top" may be different as well. I did feel that the discussions
went over the top. When a member says the list has become hostile and
threatens to leave based on one person's (not even a list official) posts,
that, to me, is over the top. What happened here more recently (purposely
being vague here) just before the "quell", I felt was "over the top."

I'm actually quite surprised at your post. If this had come yesterday
morning, I wouldn't be surprised. Because yes, the "animated" part was
quelled. But since then, a quite open, lively, and civil discussion of what
slash means for this group has been going on. It has been substantial and
meaningful. And purposeful. As Sulriel said, this is not a general
discussion list. It's is a list with a specific purpose. These awards. So
slash, in general, does not need to be discussed here. How this awards
group will handle slash (and it will) does need to be discussed. NC-17 did
not need to be beyond defining it for this awards contest because NC-17 is
not eligible. Slash is. Slash is controversial. It apparently does need to
be discussed because we have some readers who want to know that they are
opening up a slash story before they read, and yet we don't want slash
writers to feel singled out.

So, our first step appears to be define what slash is for this awards
contest. And then decide how we will handle slash. I am of the opinion that
Romance Pairings is the least offensive way to handle it. Readers can look
at the pairings and know almost instantly what kind of relationships will be

I don't run many groups/lists, but I have run a few before. I don't ask
everyone to agree with me. But I do ask that they remain civil. When I was
the only moderator, my judgment of what was civil and uncivil was all we had
to go by. I asked for volunteers to be co-moderators. Sulriel responded.
Now we balance her judgment and mine. I asked for a moderator from overseas
(to watch the list and approve members, etc. when I'm asleep). Soledad
responded and the three of us worked together to decide how best to handle
the NC-17 situation for this group.

> Posts may have been vociferous but they remained polite. I am
> now getting the impression that certain subjects (slash and
> sex particularly) may not even be mentioned for fear of
> offending some of the more sensitive members.

Slash and sex have been the topics of a majority of posts since 1am
Wednesday morning. Even after the "quell". So I don't feel your fear is
valid. I don't tell people they can't talk about these things. I only ask
that things remain civil when doing so.

> While of course
> I understand and respect everyone's right to their own moral
> mode and personal beliefs,

As do I.

> this list spans the globe and
> contains members from all walks of life, with a myriad of
> life experience and many different cultures and beliefs.

And I think that is wonderful.

> Anyone who is a member of such a group cannot ever hope not
> to meet with ideas and attitudes that they don't share.


> I
> personally cannot be happy in a group unless I feel at
> liberty to have a free, frank and animated discussion on any
> subject, providing, of course, that the content of the post
> is suitable for a general, public forum, and that it relates
> to Tolkien fanfic of course :)

That's great, with that additional caveat that it pertains to the purpose of
these awards in some form. Animated is fine, so long as it is civil. I
don't start writing in all caps until I feel things move beyond civil.

Just so everyone can be aware of our purpose and focus of this group, I will
draw up a charter and mission statement for this group and the Awards this
group represents.

I do hope that you will stay and feel comfortable within the purpose of this


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 816

Re: OT - my e-mails are bouncing Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 9:29:02 Topic ID# 812
> -----Original Message-----
> From: chathollinn []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] OT - my e-mails are bouncing
> Hi - For the past day I've received nothing from Yahoo
> groups. Is anyone else with Comcast as a service provider
> having this trouble?
> Any suggestions would be appreicated. I'm logged into MEFA to
> read posts there. Regards - Chathol-linn

Hmmm...I'm not sure what's going on. I don't have Comcast so I can't speak
about that. I have looked at the Bouncing Members pages and found that three
members are experiencing bounces but they don't appear to be you:

evening_nightshade1487 & jilba25au (Jillian Baade) are Soft Bouncing and
is Hard Bouncing.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 817

Re: On How to Nominate - a VSQ, Seriously VSQ, but I really need to Posted by Marta May 13, 2004 - 12:14:43 Topic ID# 808
>I am having trouble with the category stuff.


>Am I to say in the Category something like:

>First choice: Hobbit, Drama, LOTR?
>Second choice: Hobbit, Adventure, LOTR?
>Third choice: Hobbit, ??? LOTR?

Nope. You put one category per choice. If your suggestion is primarily
about Hobbits and you want it to be judged against other hobbits pieces.
Say "1st choice: Hobbits." If, beyond being about hobbits, the second
best category for it is Lord of the Rings, put "2nd choice: LotR".

You get the idea, I think.

And you don't have to nominate one race, one book, one genre. I have
some that I've nominate as both Drama and Romance (or Drama and Humor),
I think.



Msg# 818

ratings outside of this contest Posted by Viv May 13, 2004 - 13:31:45 Topic ID# 809
For the purposes of this contest, labels can be
whatever Ainae defines them as.

But I'd caution authors against overlabelling or
revising their labels outside of the contest. For
instance, if your story includes the oft-mentioned gay
neighbors, please don't label your story as slash or
provide a slash warning in the summary. If your
characters share a particularly passionate kiss in
chapter 28, please don't label the story as NC-17.

A lot of readers *look* for those labels when they're
hunting for fics to read, and it's awfully
disappointing when you want to read a nice slash story
and instead you get a het romance with gay neighbors.


Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

Msg# 819

Re: Vote of Confidence Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 14:43:00 Topic ID# 809
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lindorien2000 []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Vote of Confidence
> Hi Ainae,
> Just wanted to drop a line to tell you that I think you are
> doing a bangup job here. I am flabbergasted at what you and
> those that are aiding you have managed to accomplish in only
> a few short weeks. You had an idea, you took the bull by the
> horn and you went for it. I think I was the second person to
> join your list and this thing has mushroomed into a behemoth,
> yet you've managed to keep your head and your sense of humor
> throughout.

Thanks! Maybe it's the GigaStress. It's hard for anything to be as bad as
that! So anything that happens here is easier by comparison. ;-)

> I have no real imput on the 'how to label slash' discussion.
> I've followed enough of it to see that it is causing some issues.
> You know - sometimes I want to read slash, although its not
> my typical thing - I've read some really well done pieces.

Which is one rason why I don't want to edxclude it from the contest even
though I don't read it myself.

> Dwim had a really good idea that slash can be rated just like
> het and violence and any other numbers of categories.
> Can I just step up and say that as authors, we probably
> should err on the side of caution with our labels.

I think most authors do.

> I once got hammered for listing 'Wilt Thou Not Love Me' which
> is laughably NOT NC-17 as 'adult'. mostly because it involved
> a wedding night and some allusions at the end and one of my
> reviewer was annoyed I'd done that and I was thinking, 'Gosh,
> I was just being careful because I don't know I'd want my 7
> year old asking me about the very ending.'

Well, to me adult doesn't have to equal NC17. It could equal PG-13 or R.

> I've loosened up somewhat now, but I do tend to the
> conservative and I list as adult others would probably think
> pretty tame.

Some people might think that about my spider story. I felt, however, that
was adult.

> So - this is my long-winded way of suggesting that people use
> their good sense when labeling their stories. I think pretty
> much all if not everybody here has good sense and can work it
> out on their own. If they have questions, perhaps Ainae could
> be contacted privately, the situation explained and let Ainae
> make an 'Executive Decision'?

Because I do want to be somewhat democratic. What I'm going to do now is
call a "Speak now or forever hold your peace" on the definition of slash, or
rather, when it will be necessary to include romance pairings. And I'm
making the Executive Decision that Romance Pairings will be how we identify
slash or het.

> My two cents for what I think will be a fine set of awards.
> Everybody been quite polite and nice and pleasant and it's
> really great what you've managed, Ainae.


> And what all the listmembers have managed. Seriously,
> everybody, pat yourselves on the back.

Do so, the *vast* majority of this list has been civil and polite, even when
disagreeing, and I greatly appreciate it!

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 820

Re: On How to Nominate - a VSQ, Seriously VSQ, but I really need to Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 14:44:28 Topic ID# 808
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lindorien2000 []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] On How to Nominate - a VSQ, Seriously
> VSQ, but I really need to know
> Okay, I am getting read to take the plunge and nominate something.
> The author has given permission. I have a title, I have a
> URL, I have a summary.
> I am having trouble with the category stuff.
> the list is below.
> Here's my question - and please everybody avoid laughing too
> loudly at poor Lindorien. I am so easily confused, that its
> pretty sad.
> Am I to say in the Category something like:
> First choice: Hobbit, Drama, LOTR?
> Second choice: Hobbit, Adventure, LOTR?
> Third choice: Hobbit, ??? LOTR?

I think someone has already helped you with this one.

It could look like this:

1st: Hobbits
2nd: Adventure
3rd: LOTR


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 821

Re: Possible withdrawl of a fic Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 14:46:56 Topic ID# 784
> -----Original Message-----
> From: arielphf []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Possible withdrawl of a fic
> I noticed someone nominated a fic of mine and Aratlithiel's
> called 'Autumn's Requiem' and while I am ecstatic someone
> might have thought well enough of something of mine to
> nominate it, this fic does detail a sex act and I believe
> that makes it ineligible for this contest. :( If Aina could
> give me a judgment on this, I would be grateful.

Run it through our Jeff Foxworthy-inspired test to see if it *might* be an
NC-17. Then ask some readers who have read it, and whom you respect (and
that won't just say OOH, O LURVED IT!) and ask their serious opinion. Let
me know the outcome of that.

> Thank you, Emma, for your kind thought and your very welcome
> vote of confidence. It is more welcome than you could know.
> If Autumn's Requiem is rejected, perhaps there is another
> among my more site suitable fics you would care to nominate
> instead? (*Rattles the tin cup and peaks hopefully out from
> under her eyepatch.*)

:-) You can always nominate them yourself!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 822

Re: Apologies to Ariel for the dumb association I made Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 13, 2004 - 16:13:12 Topic ID# 695
Again, sorry about that. I'm just going to be quiet now.

----- Original Message -----
From: arielphf
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Apologies to Ariel for the dumb association I made

Oh, please don't worry, I wasn't offended or anything. I was just
making a comment on one post before I'd read to the end of the
messages. No biggie. I also didn't mean to imply that I didn't
think you were proud of your work. Coriel made that extrapolation
and, like you, I didn't think that was your issue.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 823

223 Official Nominations nd Viability Update Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 16:53:50 Topic ID# 823
There are presently 223 official nominations (see the web site:

This includes only those nominations that have been approved by their
authors (See the Author Approval table).

Viability Report (based on official nominations)
(C=Complete story; W=WIP, P= Poetry)

Adventure: viable

Crossover: Almost

Drama: viable
Plenty C/3W/1P

Elves: viable
Plenty C/4W

Hobbits: viable
Plenty C

Horror: viable
Plenty C

Humor: viable
Plenty C/1P

Men: viable
Plent C/3P

Mystery: almost

Numenor: not quite

Orcs: almost

Rohan: viable
Plenty C

Romance: viable
Plenty C/1W

The Hobbit: not viable

LOTR: viable
Plenty C/1W/1P

The Silm: viable
Plenty C/2W


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 824

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Tinni May 13, 2004 - 17:52:45 Topic ID# 695
Just a suggestion. You could have an extra page in front of slash
stories with a detailed warning. The same could be done for NC-17
stories. So when readers click on the story link they get a clear
warning about the story being slash or NC-17 and if you make it so
that they actually have to read the warning to get to the actual
story you pretty much cover yourself from flamers flaming you about
how the warning wasn't clear enough. -Tinni

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> We've had a member request that the nominations show whether they
are slash
> or not so that people who want to avoid them can and those who want
to read
> them can as well.
> The question is how to do it. I do know that I have been noting
Slash in the
> subcategory sugggestion field when the nomination was clear to me
that I it
> is slash, but that doesn't show up on the web site or the
Nominations table.
> I could add a field to the Nominations table, but we might need the
help of
> everyone to check that table over and say what is slash and what
> I do plan that when Nomination Season is over, there will be a much
> detailed list of nominations on the web site, something even nom-
> authors can check to see that their story is categoriezed and rated
as they
> would want. That would aslo serve readers for readign season to go
find the
> stories to read.
> Given that we can start reading at anytime (even now), a notice
about slash
> is a good idea for now. I don't want slash writers or readers to
feel put
> upon, but I think it's fair warning just as warning that a story is
a WIP or
> graphically violent.
> That said, the Slash notice could go with the Reasons for Rating
field, with
> the graphic sex or violence warnings. And I do hope all
nominations are
> being noted for any of those things so sensitive readers can beware.
> So how best to do this now, since people are already reading (or
could be)?
> Instead of adding a Slash column to the Nominations table, I could
just make
> it a Warnings column and graphic violence, etc, could be noted
there as
> well.
> Please chime in, but let's not get into a "Slash is evil"
argument. The MEF
> Awards accept both, individual readers are free to do so or not to
do so.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 825

Question regarding a nomination... Posted by gwathyg May 13, 2004 - 18:04:57 Topic ID# 825
I have written a WIP that has thirty chapters that were posted on
Tolkien Online before April 30th. I would like to nominate it for the
awards but I would have to submit thirty links to get the thirty
chapters out there. I realize that this would be unconventional and
have created a blog that contains those thirty chapters. This way I
would only have to post one URL, but the date on the blog is after
April 30th, the cutoff date. Is my work admissible with this URL or
would you like me to take another course of action?

Msg# 826

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 18:16:22 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> Just a suggestion. You could have an extra page in front of
> slash stories with a detailed warning. The same could be done
> for NC-17 stories. So when readers click on the story link
> they get a clear warning about the story being slash or NC-17
> and if you make it so that they actually have to read the
> warning to get to the actual story you pretty much cover
> yourself from flamers flaming you about how the warning
> wasn't clear enough. -Tinni

Firstly, there are no NC-17s in the contest. They're not eligible.

Secondly, to do that would be perceived as "ghettoizing" or singling out
slash. There are plenty of other things that squick people. We'd have to do
that for each of them.

No, I'm going to go with Romance Pairings. I'll try to get that post
written up this evening.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 827

Re: Question regarding a nomination... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 13, 2004 - 18:17:51 Topic ID# 825
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Question regarding a nomination...
> I have written a WIP that has thirty chapters that were
> posted on Tolkien Online before April 30th. I would like to
> nominate it for the awards but I would have to submit thirty
> links to get the thirty chapters out there. I realize that
> this would be unconventional and have created a blog that
> contains those thirty chapters. This way I would only have to
> post one URL, but the date on the blog is after April 30th,
> the cutoff date. Is my work admissible with this URL or would
> you like me to take another course of action?

Sounds complicated. If you want my honest opinion, I'd say wait until next
year. Before April 30, 2005, copy all the chapters you have complete and
post them at another website. You can get a free one out there fairly
easily, just as I did for the MEFA site.

And who knows? Maybe it will be complete by next year.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 828

Re: OT - my e-mails are bouncing - ok Posted by May 13, 2004 - 18:27:59 Topic ID# 828
Hi, Ainaechoiriel. Yahoo and I seem to be back to normal now. (No slash!) So I'm cautiously optomistic. Interesting, - I was not receivng Yahoo for about 18 hours, and it seemed much longer! Regards - Chathol-linn

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: chathollinn []
> > Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:16 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] OT - my e-mails are bouncing
> >
> > Hi - For the past day I've received nothing from Yahoo
> > groups. Is anyone else with Comcast as a service provider
> > having this trouble?
> > Any suggestions would be appreicated. I'm logged into MEFA to
> > read posts there. Regards - Chathol-linn
> Hmmm...I'm not sure what's going on. I don't have Comcast so I can't speak
> about that. I have looked at the Bouncing Members pages and found that three
> members are experiencing bounces but they don't appear to be you:
> evening_nightshade1487 & jilba25au (Jillian Baade) are Soft Bouncing and
> ladyofwoods2000
> is Hard Bouncing.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 829

New file uploaded to MEFAwards Posted by May 13, 2004 - 18:43:48 Topic ID# 1

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the MEFAwards

File : /Rules and FAQs/mission.txt
Uploaded by : ainaechoiriel <>
Description : Mission and Charter

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


ainaechoiriel <>

Msg# 830

Re: Question regarding a nomination... Posted by gwathyg May 13, 2004 - 18:48:28 Topic ID# 825
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: gwathyg [mailto:me_elf6226@c...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:04 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Question regarding a nomination...
> >
> > I have written a WIP that has thirty chapters that were
> > posted on Tolkien Online before April 30th. I would like to
> > nominate it for the awards but I would have to submit thirty
> > links to get the thirty chapters out there. I realize that
> > this would be unconventional and have created a blog that
> > contains those thirty chapters. This way I would only have to
> > post one URL, but the date on the blog is after April 30th,
> > the cutoff date. Is my work admissible with this URL or would
> > you like me to take another course of action?
> Sounds complicated. If you want my honest opinion, I'd say wait
until next
> year. Before April 30, 2005, copy all the chapters you have
complete and
> post them at another website. You can get a free one out there
> easily, just as I did for the MEFA site.
> And who knows? Maybe it will be complete by next year.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I was afraid you'd say that. It will probably complete next year,
however, so I will honor your decision. Thank you!

Msg# 831

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Tinni May 13, 2004 - 20:38:25 Topic ID# 695
> Firstly, there are no NC-17s in the contest. They're not eligible.

Sorry, I guess I missed that bit when reading the FAQ.

> Secondly, to do that would be perceived as "ghettoizing" or
singling out
> slash. There are plenty of other things that squick people. We'd
have to do
> that for each of them.

True enough.

> No, I'm going to go with Romance Pairings. I'll try to get that
> written up this evening.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Msg# 832

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 13, 2004 - 22:10:21 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Enlightenment

*Story Author:Tinni

*Author's E-mail Address: I have her permission

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
2nd:Cross over
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):No offensive content

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):In his
wanderings, Maglor meets a great religious figure.

Msg# 833

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 13, 2004 - 22:27:56 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Brothers

*Story Author:Tinni, I have her permission

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):No offensive material

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Feanor
discover little Finarfin is not such a terrible brother to have, in
fact he's a nice little boy.

Msg# 834

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 13, 2004 - 22:47:14 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:The Day

*Story Author:Tinni, I have her permission

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):A retelling
of a Japenese myth in Tolkien's world

Msg# 835

Re: Pride and the slash label + some comments on ratings Posted by Jenn May 14, 2004 - 0:07:46 Topic ID# 695
First, introductions: I'm female, 40. I write a little - with and
without sex between same-gender, opposite-gender and/or
different-species pairings. I read a lot - my only "not at all" is
Real People fic (RPS); I usually avoid Hobbit sex and am not big on
BDSM and abuse fics, etc. but can happily click back out of what I
don't like with no harm done to me. I try to review often, but should
do more. And because it's possibly relevant to some folks' assessment
of my comments, I will add that I'm in an unwed, monogamous, long-term
heterosexual partnership, and I am looking forward to attending the
wedding of my gay neighbors this autumn.

Topic-specific truth-and-disclosure statement: Soledad is a close
friend and Dwimordene and I correspond privately. They are the two
writers whose work first drew me into the Tolkfic realm, for which
they have my hearty thanks!

Now, on to comments. I've just spent severak hours reading through all
the posts so far - RL has kept me offlist up to now - so I'll try to
pick up where things are at this point without rehashing much.

Topic #1: pride in one's work and rejection of the slash label

One poster - forgive me for not making a note of whom to credit -
mentioned being an author of realistic OFCs and dreading the Mary-Sue
label. That comment offers a useful way to approach the matter of
adopting a slash label for our ratings because it takes the
controversial sex and same-gender aspects off the table for a minute.
(More obligatory disclosure: I'm writing a M-S myself as a parody and
a creative challenge. I call it a Sue - no one is assigning the label
against my wishes.)

Why should a writer object to his/her story being labelled a Mary-Sue?

1) The M-S label assigns a story to a category that is, in the eyes of
some fanfic readers, a very large pile of muck. Who wants to have
their work associated with a manure pile?

2) The M-S label often carries implications of inferior writing,
characterization, creativity and/or storytelling ability: a Sue is
"just a self-insertion," "publication of a private fantasy,"
"self-indulgent drivel," etc. Who wants to have their craftwork
maligned by such a label?

3) Some people in the fanfic audience do not want to ever encounter
anything that even vaguely smacks of Mary-Sue, so some readers will
not read anything labelled M-S. Writers post in hopes of finding
readers, so what writer would want their stories slapped with a label
that will cause people to turn away without so much as glancing at the
story itself? (Of course, some readers actively seek out Mary-Sue and
her kin - but we must ask if that's the audience the writer hoped to

Now, let's walk through this model again, substituting slash for M-S:

Why should a writer object his/her story being labelled as slash?

1) The slash label assigns a story to a category that is, in the eyes
of some fanfic readers, a very large pile of muck. Who wants to have
their work associated with a manure pile?

2) The slash label often carries implications of inferior writing,
characterization, creativity and/or storytelling ability: slash is
"just an excuse for a sex scene," "simple 'Plot? What plot?' (PWP)
fic" "publication of a private fantasy," "self-indulgent drivel," etc.
Who wants to have their craftwork maligned by such a label?

3) Some people in the fanfic audience do not want to ever encounter
anything that even vaguely smacks of slash, so some readers will not
read anything labelled slash. Writers post in hopes of finding
readers, so what writer would want their stories slapped with a label
that will cause people to turn away without so much as glancing at the
story itself? (Of course, some readers actively seek out slash - but
we must ask if that's the audience the writer hoped to reach?)

So, there are good reasons for authors to not want their stories
labelled "slash." Some authors don't mind; others mind very much.
Which leads to...

Topic #2 - How do we help readers avoid stories whose content they
would find distasteful, disturbing or otherwise objectionable without
offending the authors who allow their stories to be nominated?

Returning to the Sue example, some people really don't like Mary-Sues.
There are reams of anti-Mary-Sue postings on the Net. Entire websites
are devoted to mocking Mary-Sues. Some folks really feel very strongly
about not wanting to ever encounter a Mary-Sue while reading fanfic
and won't go near anything that hints at having an original female or
male character (OFC or OMC, or just OC).

Are we going to slap every story that has OFC and/or OMC with the
label "Mary-Sue," just in case some readers might be disturbed by
encountering something they perceive to be a Mary-Sue? I hope not.

But sex is different, right? Yes and no. I accept the need for labels
for sexual content in general (G, PG-13, R, BDSM, rape), as described
in other posts. It's an imperfect, but widely used practice and will
help readers make better choices for themselves. And I am willing to
include some ratings and comments to help folks avoid some common

But I feel strongly that it's wrong to single out certain sexual
pairings for warnings while leaving others marked. If protecting
readers' sensibilities is our reason for posting ratings and such,
then putting a special label only on stories with same-gender sex
content is just plain hypocritical. I know several folks who make it
known loudly and clearly that they categorically do not want to see
opposite-gender sex (het) or who want only male/male or only
female/female sex (both of which are technically "slash," although
some folks use "femslash" to distinguish the latter pairing). They are
as adamant about it as are the no-slash crowd.

So, if our goal is to help readers avoid what might offend them, we
have to specify the genders of all parties to all sexual acts.

So, we need at a minimum not only G, PG, etc. but also het, slash
(m/m) and slash (f/f/).

What about species? I really don't care to read Hobbit sex, for
example. Now, me? I can just hit the Back button and go on with life,
but what if someone is really bothered by seeing an account of the
god-like Valar having sex? A rating of "R het" isn't going to save
them from bumping into Manwë and Varda rolling in the Valinorian hay.

So, now we're up to rating stories for kind/amount of sex and the
gender and species of each and every partner of every pairing in a story.

Wait a minute: only pairs? What about threesomes, another popular
subgenre from what I've seen? Will we have a "multiples" rating?

And just what is a pairing? Recent posts have been trying to tease
that out, but I'm not clear if resolution has been reached. Does a
passing mention of two folks being in a couple require notation? Some
postings seem to suggest this is desirable, but I think labelling what
are only passing references or incidental characters is too much
detail. Which brings me to...

Topic #3 - Why are we focussing so much on pairings (or other combos)?
I'm thinking of my currently WIP Mary-Sue parody (which is not up for
nomination, BTW) as an example. When it's finished, it likely will
have at least a dozen sexual encounters, het and slash, intra- and
inter-species, possibly more than two beings at a time in one or two
cases. But the sex isn't the point or focus of the story -- on the
surface, it's an epic tale about an OFC's adventures in ME and
underneath, it's a parody of as many of Mary-Sue clichés as I can
find. To have author, title, summary and then a big, honking list of
pairings makes it look like the whole thing is one big sequence of sex
scenes, and even I, who am writing this thing as a lark, don't care to
give that impression to potential readers.

Do we really need to go through every story and list by name every
pair (or more) of characters whose interaction might possibly be
construed as having sexual under/overtones, regardless of whether
those relationships have any significant bearing on the story? That is
just too much caution, IMHO, and it still won't protect readers
(including me) who can't always judge the gender by a character's name.

Most of all, I worry this level of categorization risks shifting our
focus from regarding each story as a whole, vibrant creative work to
seeing only a dissected thing whose separate bits we analyze and sort
for fear we will be contaminated by consuming the thing whole. Imagine
what the nomination of Tolkien's own works would look like....

My final thought, more than five hours after I began reading the posts:

People who read anything they didn't write themselves will at some
point encounter things that make them uncomfortable. (Some of us have
even had that experience with our *own* writing... <grin>) And that is
both the dark and the light side of reading things on the Internet, or
the newspaper, or the public library shelves. We come across things
we'd never otherwise encounter, and we are sometimes appalled. Yet,
sometimes a new and wonderful world opens up for us. That's how I came
to Tolkien fanfic.

Writers are allowing their stories to be nominated in the hopes of
being read and perhaps receiving some feedback. Any label that
mistakenly drives readers away from a story goes against the heart of
what makes this awards system so wonderful.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
Tolk Anon M-S

Msg# 836

Re: Pride and the slash label + some comments on ratings Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 0:41:49 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jenn []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 12:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Pride and the slash label + some
> comments on ratings
> First, introductions: I'm female, 40. I write a little - with
> and without sex between same-gender, opposite-gender and/or
> different-species pairings. I read a lot - my only "not at
> all" is Real People fic (RPS); I usually avoid Hobbit sex and
> am not big on BDSM and abuse fics, etc. but can happily click
> back out of what I don't like with no harm done to me. I try
> to review often, but should do more. And because it's
> possibly relevant to some folks' assessment of my comments, I
> will add that I'm in an unwed, monogamous, long-term
> heterosexual partnership, and I am looking forward to
> attending the wedding of my gay neighbors this autumn.

Hi and welcome to the list.

> Topic-specific truth-and-disclosure statement: Soledad is a
> close friend and Dwimordene and I correspond privately. They
> are the two writers whose work first drew me into the Tolkfic
> realm, for which they have my hearty thanks!

I know Soledad from some other lists. Dwim and I share a Fanfiction
Facilitation Communication when we can both spare the time.

> Now, on to comments. I've just spent severak hours reading
> through all the posts so far - RL has kept me offlist up to
> now - so I'll try to pick up where things are at this point
> without rehashing much.

You've picked up where things were. Not where they are. You're rehashing old
news and therefore likely to fan flames that have been put out.

Which is why I've snipped most of your post. I've read it. Don't worry. And
I think you go overboard. I will repeat this here until my fingers fall
off: I can't please everyone. And I'm not going to try. I am trying to be
fair and unoffensive. But this is getting a bit out of hand. The longer
your post went on, the more and more we'd have to spell out until the
headers for stories were longer than the stories themselves.

My point is that it's already done. If you'd read all the posts, you'd see
that. Are you not getting all of them? Yesterday, we had a blow-out. After
the blow-out we had substantial, purposeful, civil discussion. And through
that discussion the decisions have been reached. And in several posts today
I've already said how we were going to handle this.

So this is it folks: For the MEFAs, slash will be handled in this way:

I will post, probably tomorrow, the definition of "That which needs to be
identified". That means het or non-het, species-or-whatever, in

Once it is defined, it will then need to be identified for each nomination
that meets that definition. It will be identified through a very simple,
non-offensive device: romance pairings (and let's not get technical over the
number). We call them romance codes in Star Trek anyway because we use
codes for the characters so we don't have to type as much. I've seen it
used on for LOTR fic, too: A/L, for instance, or A/A.

It will be this simple. If your story or the one you are nominating meets
the definition of "that which needs to be identified", you will need to fill
out the Romance Pairings field on the nomination form with the information
on the couples (or triplets or whatevers) in the story. That way if a
reader sees Aragorn/Arwen or Aragorn/Legolas they can know right away what
they are getting into. No "slash" label, no scarlet letters.

> Writers are allowing their stories to be nominated in the
> hopes of being read and perhaps receiving some feedback. Any
> label that mistakenly drives readers away from a story goes
> against the heart of what makes this awards system so wonderful.

See above.

> Respectfully submitted for your consideration, Jenn Tolk Anon M-S

Thank you for doing so civily. It's just that this has already been hashed
out. The "required" 24 hours have passed and the discussion died down
already. If I hadn't had a headache tonight (darn allergies) I'd be writing
that post one "what needs to be identified" and the Executive Decision would
already be set out.

Look for the Executive Decision tomorrow. It's a done deal.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 837

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Chathol-linn May 14, 2004 - 6:06:52 Topic ID# 695
Hello, Ainaechoiriel. I think you are right to be concerned over
ghettoizing categories with detailed warnings. The point of most warning
labels is to exclude, and I have seen it taken to extreme lengths. Why
not have the author use an author note at the very beginning of the
story? It would state the story involves same sex pairings between canon
characters, otherwise known as "slash pairings."

The reader would click on the story, see the author note, and the
function is accomplished. Regards - Chathol-linn

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> Just a suggestion. You could have an extra page in front of
> slash stories with a detailed warning.

Secondly, to do that would be perceived as "ghettoizing" or singling out
slash. There are plenty of other things that squick people. We'd have to
that for each of them.

No, I'm going to go with Romance Pairings. I'll try to get that post
written up this evening.


Msg# 838

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Tinni May 14, 2004 - 6:57:36 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "Chathol-linn" <chathollinn@c...>
> Hello, Ainaechoiriel. I think you are right to be concerned over
> ghettoizing categories with detailed warnings. The point of most
> labels is to exclude, and I have seen it taken to extreme lengths.
> not have the author use an author note at the very beginning of the
> story? It would state the story involves same sex pairings between
> characters, otherwise known as "slash pairings."
> The reader would click on the story, see the author note, and the
> function is accomplished. Regards - Chathol-linn

The potential problem with that is a lot of readers don't read
Author's notes. I know I don't. Specially not author notes in the
beginning. -Tinni

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:53 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> >
> > Just a suggestion. You could have an extra page in front of
> > slash stories with a detailed warning.
> Ainaechoiriel:
> Secondly, to do that would be perceived as "ghettoizing" or
singling out
> slash. There are plenty of other things that squick people. We'd
have to
> do
> that for each of them.
> No, I'm going to go with Romance Pairings. I'll try to get that
> written up this evening.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Msg# 839

Re: Pride and the slash label + some comments on ratings Posted by sulriel May 14, 2004 - 7:48:44 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "Jenn" <tolkanonms@y...> wrote:
> Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
> Jenn
> Tolk Anon M-S

Jenn, I used the OFC example, apparently not very clearly since you
cited my comment and then used it in the opposite way. I'd like to
clear up any confusion and be specifically clear on that issue.

I label my fics in the character list and summary with:


OFC, Orcs, no canon characters,


I don't see the point in mislabeling, or underlabeling a fic as if
the reader won't click off when they realize. I know I lose a lot of
readers because of it, because they assume Marysue and won't even
click to read the first couple paragraphs. But, OTOH, those that do
click the first chapter generally read all three fics in their
entirety, all 100k words. -so I think I must be doing something right
as far as appealing to an audience that will appreciate my fics.

Hopefully, this is less ambiguous than my previous statement
regarding labeling.

If I understand correct, Ainae will post a statement today about how
fics are to be labeled and we can move on to fresh fires.

Msg# 840

Re: Pride and the slash label + some comments on ratings Posted by Jenn May 14, 2004 - 8:34:10 Topic ID# 695
"sulriel" <Sulriel@h...> wrote:
> Jenn, I used the OFC example, apparently not very clearly since you
> cited my comment and then used it in the opposite way. I'd like to
> clear up any confusion and be specifically clear on that issue.

Yes, I misunderstood your feelings about the OFC label. Thanks for
clarifying. I've heard others express frustration with the Sue
assumptions some folks jump to, and misread your remarks as being
along the same lines.

I think it's both honest and brave of you to go ahead and make clear
that you have OFCs, knowing some folks will just dismiss you and your
work. Good luck with your writing - I'll try to get out and find some
(and review) soon!


Msg# 841

My sincere apologies - delete post/me if you wish Posted by Jenn May 14, 2004 - 8:38:41 Topic ID# 695
"Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:

> You've picked up where things were. Not where they are. You're
rehashing old news and therefore likely to fan flames that have been
put out.

First, please let me offer my apologies. I did not intend to aggravate
things, but to try to help move the discussion forward toward solutions.

And for the record, I didn't see anything I would consider to be a
"blow-out." I actually thought folks were pretty civil throughout the
discussion, despite the sensitive issue. That is a tribute to all the
members participating and to your leadership of the group.

> I can't please everyone.

Of course not.

> And I'm not going to try.

Wise indeed!

> I am trying to be fair and unoffensive.

Understood and appreciated - your efforts have been very apparent as I
read through your posts.

> But this is getting a bit out of hand. The longer your post went
on, the more and more we'd have to spell out until the headers for
stories were longer than the stories themselves.

Yes. That's what I was getting at - sensitivity is good, but there
comes a point where it can paralyze.

Perhaps yet another disclosure statement is in order. (I sound like
I'm applying for a grant here: conflicts of interest, etc.) I code
text for a living. Not fanfiction, but texts of interviews with real,
live people after their diagnosis and treatment for a certain type of
cancer. I make my living trying to mark the rich content of these
people's personal stories using an array of codes that will allow us
to retrieve and analyze all similar comments from more than 150
interviews stored in a computer.

In short, I spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to label
human experience, thought and emotion as expressed in words, about how
the wrong choice of coding can misrepresent profoundly what someone
was trying to say when they gave us their stories.

And that is why I put so much thought into the question of codes and
ratings for story content. Labelling others' words is a heavy
responsibility, I know - it's what I do every day. Here, at least,
it's only fiction, not the truth of someone's life, but some of the
issues are similar. I figured I could contribute by applying some of
the analytical and ethical thinking I use at work to the question at
hand, illustrating some of the quandries that arise, and sharing the
conclusion I must live with in my work: there is no perfect answer. We
are bound and obligated to do the very best we can, mindfully and with
great respect for those who've shared their words with us. But there
is no perfect.

Clearly, my efforts were not helpful to you and/or the group. I regret
that - a waste of my time and yours. But I hope this post at least
make my intentions clear: I had no desire to fan anything resembling

> My point is that it's already done. If you'd read all the posts,
you'd see that. <snip> And in several posts today I've already said
how we were going to handle this.

Ahem. Respectfully, yes, I read through every post that was not
nomination-related that was available to me last night in the Eastern
Daylight Time Zone, from the very first one mentioning the issue to
Message #830. I read something in excess of 500 posts. All the way
through. In one night. Before even beginning to write my own post.

Message #831, in which you do declare the decision to be Romance
Pairings, wasn't up when I posted after 1am Eastern Daylight Time, so
I did not see your note at the bottom saying you had decided to use
pairings. I did not see any post declaring the discussion closed.

But not because I did a casual, drive-by glance-and-post. In fact, I
spent my entire night on this topic. I stayed up past 1am and am going
in to to work more than an hour late this morning in an earnest effort
to post responsibly and thoughtfully. I failed last night. Hopefully,
I've done better this morning.

Perhaps it's best if you just delete my first post and this one, too,
if it is also inflammatory or will draw attention to an inflammatory
or non-existent post. Or if you are uncomfortable with that role, just
drop me a note offlist to delete one/both and/or my membership, and I
will honor your wishes when I get home tonight.

> If I hadn't had a headache tonight (darn allergies).

Ouch! So sorry. We've had a rough week of it out here in New England,
too. Darned tree pollen! I love trees, but right now, forget the
Elves, give me loratadine....

> Look for the Executive Decision tomorrow. It's a done deal.

Will do and understood. Again, if you want my post(s) and/or my
presence gone for the good of the group, feel free. It's why the
Delete and Ban function exist. I'm not looking to make trouble.


Msg# 842

Re: My sincere apologies - delete post/me if you wish Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 10:23:00 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jenn []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 8:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] My sincere apologies - delete post/me if you wish
> "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> First, please let me offer my apologies. I did not intend to
> aggravate things, but to try to help move the discussion
> forward toward solutions.

No biggie.

> And for the record, I didn't see anything I would consider to
> be a "blow-out." I actually thought folks were pretty civil
> throughout the discussion, despite the sensitive issue. That
> is a tribute to all the members participating and to your
> leadership of the group.

Thank you. But what constitues a "blow out" is a subjective judgement and
it's obvious that we don't all share the same view aboutwhat a "blow out"

> > I am trying to be fair and unoffensive.
> Understood and appreciated - your efforts have been very
> apparent as I read through your posts.
> > But this is getting a bit out of hand. The longer your post went
> on, the more and more we'd have to spell out until the
> headers for stories were longer than the stories themselves.

> Yes. That's what I was getting at - sensitivity is good, but
> there comes a point where it can paralyze.

Oh, good. I thought you were tyring to undermine showing any information at
all. I'm glad I misunderstood. Or rather, I'm glad I understand correctly

> Perhaps yet another disclosure statement is in order. (I
> sound like I'm applying for a grant here: conflicts of
> interest, etc.) I code text for a living. Not fanfiction, but
> texts of interviews with real, live people after their
> diagnosis and treatment for a certain type of cancer. I make
> my living trying to mark the rich content of these people's
> personal stories using an array of codes that will allow us
> to retrieve and analyze all similar comments from more than
> 150 interviews stored in a computer.
> In short, I spend a lot of time thinking about what it means
> to label human experience, thought and emotion as expressed
> in words, about how the wrong choice of coding can
> misrepresent profoundly what someone was trying to say when
> they gave us their stories.

Understandable, esxpecially in a language as flexible as English. If you
look up "angst": you get a definition that deals with only one emotion:
Fear. I'll bet within five years that definition will change to one dealing
with a more generalomotional overload of some sort.

> And that is why I put so much thought into the question of
> codes and ratings for story content. Labelling others' words
> is a heavy responsibility, I know - it's what I do every day.
> Here, at least, it's only fiction, not the truth of someone's
> life, but some of the issues are similar. I figured I could
> contribute by applying some of the analytical and ethical
> thinking I use at work to the question at hand, illustrating
> some of the quandries that arise, and sharing the conclusion
> I must live with in my work: there is no perfect answer. We
> are bound and obligated to do the very best we can, mindfully
> and with great respect for those who've shared their words
> with us. But there is no perfect.
> Clearly, my efforts were not helpful to you and/or the group.
> I regret that - a waste of my time and yours. But I hope this
> post at least make my intentions clear: I had no desire to
> fan anything resembling flames.

They do and thank you. As to your subject line. I'm no censor. I'm not
going to delete your post or you. I think we just got off on bad footing.

> Ahem. Respectfully, yes, I read through every post that was
> not nomination-related that was available to me last night in
> the Eastern Daylight Time Zone, from the very first one
> mentioning the issue to Message #830. I read something in
> excess of 500 posts. All the way through. In one night.
> Before even beginning to write my own post.
> Message #831, in which you do declare the decision to be
> Romance Pairings, wasn't up when I posted after 1am Eastern
> Daylight Time, so I did not see your note at the bottom
> saying you had decided to use pairings. I did not see any
> post declaring the discussion closed.

Hmm..Were you reading on the site or in your inbox? Yahoo does sometimes

> But not because I did a casual, drive-by glance-and-post. In
> fact, I spent my entire night on this topic. I stayed up past
> 1am and am going in to to work more than an hour late this
> morning in an earnest effort to post responsibly and
> thoughtfully. I failed last night. Hopefully, I've done
> better this morning.

Apparently, I've had a 1 am gaffe, too, in my decision to put a Warnings
field in the Nominations table, which sparked the fire.

> Perhaps it's best if you just delete my first post and this
> one, too, if it is also inflammatory or will draw attention
> to an inflammatory or non-existent post. Or if you are
> uncomfortable with that role, just drop me a note offlist to
> delete one/both and/or my membership, and I will honor your
> wishes when I get home tonight.

That's not necessary and no, I don't feel this post is inflammatory in any

> Ouch! So sorry. We've had a rough week of it out here in New
> England, too. Darned tree pollen! I love trees, but right
> now, forget the Elves, give me loratadine....

Actually, that's almost where I gained those allergies. I got them when I
lived in Arlington, VA. Sinus headaches are my only symptom, but man, they
can shut my brain down.

> Will do and understood. Again, if you want my post(s) and/or
> my presence gone for the good of the group, feel free. It's
> why the Delete and Ban function exist. I'm not looking to
> make trouble.

No need. Glad to have you in the group. I'll post that Executive Decision
shortly. I'm reading about those prisoner abuses in Iraq right now and
that's rather taken over my mind at the moment.

Oh, and there's that little thing about being at work. ;-)

I did get the Mission and Charter document out yesterday, so that's one part


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 843

Re: Nomination [Tinni's "The Day"] Posted by Marta May 14, 2004 - 11:06:11 Topic ID# 843
>*Story Title:The Day
>*Story Author:Tinni, I have her permission


> *1st:Silmarillion
> 2nd:Poetry
> 3rd:Drama
>Subcategory (suggest something):

Jillian, "Poetry" isn't a category, though it may be a subcategory. If
you like, we can have Silmarillion as first category, Drama as second,
and Poetry as suggested subcategory. Do you have a recommendation for
the thir category (or would you like drama to remain third, and suggest
something else for second)?


Msg# 844

Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 11:33:04 Topic ID# 843
No, this isn't the Executive Decision yet.

It's about author approvals. I've been checking the Story Nominations table
daily to update the website. An every time I see a story that's not already
on the web site, I check for author approvals.

If you nominated a story and you don't see it on the web site yet, but it's
in the Nominatiosn table, it means we don't have author approval yet.

Some nominators are taking the iniative, and that's fine!, of getitng
permission befroe they nominate. That's great! But it's not official until
you forward that permission to me. I then put it in the Author Approval

Otherwsie those assigned as Author Contactors contact the authors and put
them in the tabl e when they receive a response.

I don't remember if I required those author contactors to forward those
permissions to me, but it's not a bad idea. It would be good to keep all
those e-mails in one place for documentation.

So, please look at your nominations and the authors table. If you have
permission that doesn't show on that table, forward it to me. I know of
several authors' works that could be on the website by now, if only I had
their permission.

Secondly,--this is for nominators and author contacter's alike--permission
for one story does not mean permission for all. Unless the e-mail from the
author specifically says "any" or "all", we only record permission for the
story at hand. (Please include that in the e-mails you forward so I know
which story they are approving.) So, for example, look in the Nominations
table and you see quite a few stories by Marnie. Look on the web site and
you see one. Why? We only have permission for Oak and Willow. We have
permission for three of Altariel's stories but not the others. Thundera
Tiger's A Fool's Hope was approved, but we don't have anything for In the
Hall of the Wood Elf King yet.

We need to contact those authors again and get permissions for each of their
stories nominated.

If you are one of those authors and you're on this group. You can post her
permission to the group. I'll take it from there.

We have 305 Nominations in the table We have 223 on the web site. Those
numbers would be very close to equal if we had author approvals.

Msg# 845

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Andreth/Anna May 14, 2004 - 11:40:32 Topic ID# 843
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Thundera
> Tiger's A Fool's Hope was approved, but we don't have anything for
In the
> Hall of the Wood Elf King yet.
Don't forget her story 'Knife Work' too. That one's still waiting for


Msg# 846

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 14, 2004 - 11:40:42 Topic ID# 843
Excuse me, but I did get Marnie's permission to nominate her other stories, and I did send it to you.

Just because it seems to have been overlooked, I sent a copy again.


----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 12:26 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author approvals

No, this isn't the Executive Decision yet.

It's about author approvals. I've been checking the Story Nominations table
daily to update the website. An every time I see a story that's not already
on the web site, I check for author approvals.

If you nominated a story and you don't see it on the web site yet, but it's
in the Nominatiosn table, it means we don't have author approval yet.

Some nominators are taking the iniative, and that's fine!, of getitng
permission befroe they nominate. That's great! But it's not official until
you forward that permission to me. I then put it in the Author Approval

Otherwsie those assigned as Author Contactors contact the authors and put
them in the tabl e when they receive a response.

I don't remember if I required those author contactors to forward those
permissions to me, but it's not a bad idea. It would be good to keep all
those e-mails in one place for documentation.

So, please look at your nominations and the authors table. If you have
permission that doesn't show on that table, forward it to me. I know of
several authors' works that could be on the website by now, if only I had
their permission.

Secondly,--this is for nominators and author contacter's alike--permission
for one story does not mean permission for all. Unless the e-mail from the
author specifically says "any" or "all", we only record permission for the
story at hand. (Please include that in the e-mails you forward so I know
which story they are approving.) So, for example, look in the Nominations
table and you see quite a few stories by Marnie. Look on the web site and
you see one. Why? We only have permission for Oak and Willow. We have
permission for three of Altariel's stories but not the others. Thundera
Tiger's A Fool's Hope was approved, but we don't have anything for In the
Hall of the Wood Elf King yet.

We need to contact those authors again and get permissions for each of their
stories nominated.

If you are one of those authors and you're on this group. You can post her
permission to the group. I'll take it from there.

We have 305 Nominations in the table We have 223 on the web site. Those
numbers would be very close to equal if we had author approvals.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 847

change in story category Posted by Andreth/Anna May 14, 2004 - 11:45:12 Topic ID# 847
Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection', which I
originally put in the Lord of the Rings category. After discussing it
with her last night, she decided that it would be better in the Orc
category and I've corrected both my database and the list database to
reflect that change. I wanted to let you know so you could change it
on the website, too, and also to ask if I needed to have Jillian send
you some kind of statement approving this change or if it was okay as



Msg# 848

Re: change in story category Posted by sulriel May 14, 2004 - 12:00:17 Topic ID# 847
--- In, "Andreth/Anna" <tawmt@c...> wrote:
> Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection', which I
> originally put in the Lord of the Rings category. After discussing
it > with her last night, she decided that it would be better in the
Orc > category and I've corrected both my database and the list
database to > reflect that change

Wonderful! Does that make the Orc category viable or do we still
need one more?

Msg# 849

Re: change in story category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 12:18:39 Topic ID# 847
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] change in story category
> Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection',
> which I originally put in the Lord of the Rings category.
> After discussing it with her last night, she decided that it
> would be better in the Orc category and I've corrected both
> my database and the list database to reflect that change. I
> wanted to let you know so you could change it on the website,
> too, and also to ask if I needed to have Jillian send you
> some kind of statement approving this change or if it was okay as is?
> Thanks!
> Anna

It's fine so long as I know so I can update the website. Thank you.

As mentioned in the FAQ (but I'll paraphrase) authors have the authority to
trump nominators in categorizing, rating, summaries, etc. Staff will only
trump the author when it is a case of an inviable category or doesn't fit
the category recommended.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 850

Executive Decisions: "That Which Needs to Be Identified" Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 12:23:45 Topic ID# 850
That Which Needs to Be Identified

Stories which need to identification through the Romance Partners field
*focus* on sexuality and or romantic partners in a central way. This
includes stories that do not have explicit (or even implicit) physical
consummation of the romantic relationship and stories that go into a
character's sexual fantasies or obsessions. While a minority of G and PG
stories might meet this definition, it will obviously include stories of a
higher rating that focus on romantic relationships.

This does not include minor relationships not central to the story. Ex.
The hero's next door neighbors happen to be lovers. Yes, the implication is
that they probably engage in sex. It's not the central focus of the story
and has very little to do with developing the story. It is therefore not
"That Which Needs to Be Identified".

This also does not include non-con, unless that is central to the plot and
meant to be about a relation between the characters in question. Non-con is
more of a violent act than a sexual one. It should be noted in the Reasons
for Ratings field.

How to Identify That Which Needs to Be Identified

To identify the relationships in question in stories that fit the definition
of "That Which Needs to Be Identified", use the Romance Partners field of
the Nomination Form. *This is not restricted to stories in the Romance

Some examples:


Original characters or those who are not well known and can't readily be
identified by name, should be referred to as f or m, depending on their

Thus some examples:


Such words as "slash" or "het" or "incest", etc. will not be added to any
Nominations. If an author chooses to use these in their own summaries or
reasons for ratings, they will be included. If an author wishes not to
identify the pairing/partnership, but would prefer to use the term "slash"
or "het", the *author* may do so in the Romance Partners field. No author,
nor any nominator, is required to do use these words. Romance Partners and
Reasons for Ratings however, are required when necessary. Refer to the above
definition of "That Which Needs to Be Identified" to determine if Romance
Partners are necessary. Objective critical thinking should be sufficient to
inform when Reasons for Ratings needs to be applied. If in doubt as to the
need for application of Romance Partners or Reasons for Ratings, contact the
Administrator at and we will try to work it out.

(Authors, if you on this group, could you please pop over to the Nomination
table and put your names in the search box (upper right) and click "This
Table". This will pull up all of your stories. Then you could update the
Romance Partners field. This will save time and confusion as you are the
ones who know your stories best. Thank you.)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 851

Re: change in story category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 12:24:49 Topic ID# 847
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sulriel []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 12:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: change in story category
> --- In, "Andreth/Anna" <tawmt@c...> wrote:
> > Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection', which I
> > originally put in the Lord of the Rings category. After discussing
> it > with her last night, she decided that it would be better
> in the Orc > category and I've corrected both my database and
> the list database to > reflect that change
> Wonderful! Does that make the Orc category viable or do we
> still need one more?
Orcs needs two, so one more to be eligible. It's close though!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 852

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 12:34:01 Topic ID# 843
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read:
> Author approvals
> Excuse me, but I did get Marnie's permission to nominate her
> other stories, and I did send it to you.
> Just because it seems to have been overlooked, I sent a copy again.
> Coriel

Thanks for sending it again. I do get quite a few e-mails throughout the
day (and distractions what with being at work for the majority of the time
I'm at a computer), so it is possible to miss one now and then.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 853

New Nomiantion Form Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 12:35:15 Topic ID# 853
There is a slightly revised Nomination Form in the Files Section, Formss &
Ballots folder. Please use it when nominating stories.

Thank you.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 854

New file uploaded to MEFAwards Posted by May 14, 2004 - 12:36:01 Topic ID# 1

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the MEFAwards

File : /Rules and FAQs/twntbi.txt
Uploaded by : ainaechoiriel <>
Description : "That Which Needs to Be Identified" and how to do so.

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


ainaechoiriel <>

Msg# 855

Re: Apologies to Ariel for the dumb association I made Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 14, 2004 - 13:13:35 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "arielphf" <lgreenaw@k...> wrote:
> Oh, please don't worry, I wasn't offended or anything. I was just
> making a comment on one post before I'd read to the end of the
> messages. No biggie.

Thanks. One day, I will learn that concision has its dangers...

I also didn't mean to imply that I didn't
> think you were proud of your work. Coriel made that extrapolation
> and, like you, I didn't think that was your issue.
> I did want to perhaps counter one assumption that seems to have been
> made; that of thinking that most people equate the `slash' label with
> smut or substandard work. I can assure you that I have never seen
> the label of `slash' or of `het' as inferring anything on the quality
> of the fic.

I think we must run in different circles, since I've seen it assumed
in the most unlikely places. But such is the internet, ne?


Msg# 856

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Viv May 14, 2004 - 13:44:55 Topic ID# 843
While entering stories into the nomination database,
I've been spot-checking the author approvals database,
too. I've added a few authors to the approvals
database and marked them as "not yet," even if they
weren't in my E-H range. I'm sorry if this is
confusing to the other author contactors! Should I not
do that?


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> No, this isn't the Executive Decision yet.
> It's about author approvals.

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.

Msg# 857

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 13:59:26 Topic ID# 843
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read:
> Author approvals
> While entering stories into the nomination database, I've
> been spot-checking the author approvals database, too. I've
> added a few authors to the approvals database and marked them
> as "not yet," even if they weren't in my E-H range. I'm sorry
> if this is confusing to the other author contactors! Should I
> not do that?

I don't think it's a bad thing. Someone might just think they were already
contacted, though, and just waiting for a reply instead of not contacted at


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 858

Orc Nomination Posted by Andreth/Anna May 14, 2004 - 14:59:59 Topic ID# 858
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: The Eyes Of An Enemy

*Story Author: shadow975

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Orcs
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13 (?)

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence, character death

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Inspired by
the film version of FOTR, and the confrontation of Boromir and Lurtz
(God bless Sean Bean and Lawrence Makoare for their wonderful
performances). Each time I watch that scene, I wonder what they can
be thinking when their eyes meet.... This is what I've finally


Msg# 859

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Viv May 14, 2004 - 15:25:51 Topic ID# 843
All righty. Shall only bother the E-H parts from now
on. Sorry if I caused any confusion!


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> I don't think it's a bad thing. Someone might just
> think they were already
> contacted, though, and just waiting for a reply
> instead of not contacted at
> all.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.

Msg# 860

Re: Slash notice request from a member Posted by Chathol-linn May 14, 2004 - 16:31:03 Topic ID# 695
Fair enough, and an author's note in the beginning is as much warning as
a reasonable person need give. If it is known that cautions might appear
in the beginning author's notes, and the reader elects to ignore them,
then they've assumed the "risk." Not that I think that reading something
unsettling is all that risky. Best Regards - Chathol-linn

-----Original Message-----
From: Tinni []
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 7:58 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member

--- In, "Chathol-linn" <chathollinn@c...>
> Hello, Ainaechoiriel. I think you are right to be concerned over
> ghettoizing categories with detailed warnings. The point of most
> labels is to exclude, and I have seen it taken to extreme lengths.
> not have the author use an author note at the very beginning of the
> story? It would state the story involves same sex pairings between
> characters, otherwise known as "slash pairings."
> The reader would click on the story, see the author note, and the
> function is accomplished. Regards - Chathol-linn

The potential problem with that is a lot of readers don't read
Author's notes. I know I don't. Specially not author notes in the
beginning. -Tinni

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:53 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Slash notice request from a member
> >
> > Just a suggestion. You could have an extra page in front of
> > slash stories with a detailed warning.
> Ainaechoiriel:
> Secondly, to do that would be perceived as "ghettoizing" or
singling out
> slash. There are plenty of other things that squick people. We'd
have to
> do
> that for each of them.
> No, I'm going to go with Romance Pairings. I'll try to get that
> written up this evening.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 861

RePosting some Noms that were Missed: Drama Category Posted by Larian Elensar May 14, 2004 - 16:39:24 Topic ID# 861
If they've been picked up before, my apologies, I can't find them on the
database or the website.

It should be noted that some of them have been re-categorized as per the
author's instructions, so these are now the correct categories.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Doom of Man

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What really happened
at Mt. Doom.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Into the West

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something): Songfic

*Rating: PG
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situation.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Galadriel/Celeborn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Galadriel sails.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Ring of Loneliness

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Celeborn/Elrond

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Celeborn offers
comfort to his son-in-law.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Sorrow Profound

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Elrond looks back
on all he has lost.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 862

Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 16:39:43 Topic ID# 191
Okay, so I was particularly looking for stories that could help thos
non-viable categories become viable. Insteadf I found theses. Ah well, I
did nominate a Crossover WIP, because I'm not sure what to do with the one
we have if that category doesn't become viable.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Romance That Never Was

*Story Author: bryn bnw

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Humor
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Mary Sue

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Some love stories are warm and fuzzy. Others are just plain twisted.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Naming the Stones

*Story Author: Deborah Judge

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Silm
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Galadriel, Elrond,

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Elrond remembers the First Age, the Silmarils, and the guilt of his people.
Now complete. Sequel to 'When I am Wise.'


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Repairs

*Story Author: Isabeau of Greenlea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LOTR
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Legolas and Gimli friendship

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
After the battle of Helm's Deep, Gimli fixes his axe.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: A Rift in the Continuum

*Story Author: Aralanthiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Crossover
2nd: Mystery
3rd: Horror
Subcategory (suggest something): X-Files/LOTR

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Lord of the Rings/X-files Crossover. What happens when a simple conjuring
spell goes wrong, and Melkor is called up along with Legolas? Can Mulder and
Scully save the plot continuum, or is it already too late?

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title:

*Story Author: Kielle

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: LoTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Mary Sue, parody

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners: Legolas/f (against his will)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Once upon a time a mysterious girl joined the Fellowship...damn her! Sick of
annoying Mary Sues? Actually READ Tolkien? This may cheer you up.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 863

RePost of Nominations: Romance Posted by Larian Elensar May 14, 2004 - 16:44:34 Topic ID# 863
Again, these were some that I put in a week ago or so, I think they just got
lost in the flood, they've been recategorized, so ignore the first ones.

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Elf Friendýs Tale

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Dwarves

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.:

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/Gimli

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gimli and Legolas

become a little more than friends.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Ever Onward

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situation.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Gandalf/Celeborn

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Two old friends

share a evening of comfort.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Perfectly Happy

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual innuendo, violence

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Glorfindel/Haldir

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Haldir thinks

Glorfindel is too happy

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 864

Repost of Nominations: Humor Posted by Larian Elensar May 14, 2004 - 16:47:01 Topic ID# 864
More re-categorized, reposted Nominations.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Mother of the Year

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situations, language.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Erestor/Glorfindel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Someone becomes a
mommyý err daddyýhmmm mommy.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: My Elf

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble

*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/Gimli

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gimli stakes his


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Sunshine and Ivy

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Romance
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-LOTR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexuality

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Celeborn/Haldir,


*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Making love
outdoors LOOKS like fun

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 865

RePost Of Nomination: Category: Men Posted by Larian Elensar May 14, 2004 - 16:48:30 Topic ID# 865
Another re-categorize, reposted one;

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: The Unsung

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Aragorn thinks
back to how many gave so much.

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 866

Reposted Nominations: Category: Hobbits Posted by Larian Elensar May 14, 2004 - 16:49:50 Topic ID# 866
Last set.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: A New Season

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Sam

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sam begins again.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: What Do we Get?

*Story Author: Alexcat

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama

Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-LOTR

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Smeagol wants his

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 867

Re: Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 16:51:13 Topic ID# 191
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 4:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nominations
> Okay, so I was particularly looking for stories that could
> help thos non-viable categories become viable. Insteadf I
> found theses. Ah well, I did nominate a Crossover WIP,
> because I'm not sure what to do with the one we have if that
> category doesn't become viable.

Forgot to put WIP in the subcategory for the Crossover.
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: A Rift in the Continuum
> *Story Author: Aralanthiriel
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Crossover
> 2nd: Mystery
> 3rd: Horror
> Subcategory (suggest something): X-Files/LOTR,


> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence
> *Romance Partners:
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> Lord of the Rings/X-files Crossover. What happens when a
> simple conjuring spell goes wrong, and Melkor is called up
> along with Legolas? Can Mulder and Scully save the plot
> continuum, or is it already too late?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 868

Romance Nomination (not a repost) Posted by Larian Elensar May 14, 2004 - 17:11:06 Topic ID# 868
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Larian Elensar

*Story Title: Love

*Story Author: CC

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Elves
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): Post LOTR/Valinor

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Haldir/Lindir, Frodo/Sam

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Lindir and Haldir
watch the last Ring bearer's arrival to Aman

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 869

Story Nomination Posted by Loralee Evans May 14, 2004 - 18:56:04 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lalaith-Elerrina

*Story Title: To Dream

*Story Author: Iluvien

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Elladan/f

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): Oloriel, an Elf maiden from Lothlorien has by some reason unknown to either of them, been meeting Elladan in her dreams. They have both been developing feelings for each other, and this is where they finally express their feelings.

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 870

Re: My sincere apologies Posted by Jenn May 14, 2004 - 21:20:05 Topic ID# 695
I'll try to keep it short - not my forté, I admit!

"Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> Thank you. But what constitues a "blow out" is a subjective
judgement and it's obvious that we don't all share the same view about
what a "blow out" is.

You'll understand my lack of enthusiasm for parsing another definition
just now? <big grin>

> > Yes. That's what I was getting at - sensitivity is good, but
> > there comes a point where it can paralyze.
> Oh, good. I thought you were tyring to undermine showing any
information at all. I'm glad I misunderstood. Or rather, I'm glad I
understand correctly now.

Me, too. You don't know me, so you wouldn't realize that posting to
undermine folks is not my style, so I won't take offense.

> As to your subject line. I'm no censor. I'm not going to delete your
post or you. I think we just got off on bad footing.

I didn't mean to imply censorship on your part. I was just doing my
best to make amends to you and the group. Unlike some folks <rolling
my eyes toward Arlington - you'll know to which five-sided facility I
refer), I take responsibility for what I say and do. I was willing to
remove my post and myself if I had transgressed against the group. It
was an offer, not an assumption that you would want to do it.

> Were you reading on the site or in your inbox? Yahoo does sometimes

Yes. I follow all my groups online only. I don't need the mailbox
clutter, plus I prefer to sit down and read in batches so it's more
like reading a conversation.

> Apparently, I've had a 1 am gaffe, too, in my decision to put a
Warnings field in the Nominations table, which sparked the fire.

Ah well. Live and learn, eh?

re: allergies and Arlington
> Actually, that's almost where I gained those allergies. I got them
when I lived in Arlington, VA.

I used to live around there, too. Metro DC is an area famous for
triggering allergies in folks who've never had them before.
Apparently, the area is a convergence point for a number of air
currents that bring pollen from all over the continent. (And yes, this
is medical reporting I heard, not a political commentary about hot air
rising and creating a vacuum into which pollen-laden air rushes.
Although that would be funny, now I think of it.) Wishing you quick
riddance of the sinus headaches - yuck.


Msg# 871

Re: Apologies to Ariel for the dumb association I made Posted by arielphf May 14, 2004 - 22:48:16 Topic ID# 695
--- In, "dwimmer_laik" <dwimmer_laik@y...>

> I think we must run in different circles, since I've seen it assumed
> in the most unlikely places. But such is the internet, ne?
> Dwim

Must be... because that is most certainly not my experience.

The best solution would be a situation where no genre was prejudiced
OR reverse-prejudiced against. There are good fics in every genre;
even ones that some people claim are all crap. 'All'. LOL!
There've been genres I wasn't interested in, but I'd never say
something so categorical unless I had reviewed the entire genre, and
who's likely to do that for a type of fic they aren't into?

Ah, no matter. I merely wanted to let you know that that is not an
attitude that everyone shares, and that in some circles, the exact
opposite is true - and it's not the ideal situation either.


Msg# 872

Thanks and yet another (sigh) database request Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 14, 2004 - 23:14:06 Topic ID# 872
Hi, guys. Especially the categorizers. I've noticed I'm just about able to
put together a Drabble subcategory for Elves. I've got 4 by 4 authors. One
more drabble and that will be a viable subcategory.

Could you look through your spreadsheets and see if you have Drabbles? If
so, could you update them on the Nominations database as Poems are now? For


Elves (drabble)

I'm going to do that for my three and see what I come up with.

And thank you so much for putting in the partners information where you know
it. I've got three stories or so I need to check on for mine.

You guys are a big help. I don't know where I'd find the time to do all of
this myself!

(BTW: At ASC, we who keep the Status of Stories each week provide the first
rounds of categorization based on the headers we collect every week for our
group of stories. I, for example, only collect DS9 story headers and post
the "DS9 Stories posted" post once a week. Then I collect them all in one
big list and put what I think are the categories on them and hand them all
over [sorted and alphabetical--good thing I like Excel] to the Awards
Coordinater at the end of the year.)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 873

Was there trouble Posted by whitegull1420 May 14, 2004 - 23:53:46 Topic ID# 873
With the nomination of Wishes of a King? I haven't seen it listed.

Also, I think Courtship of the Evenstar should have the subcategory
of Poetry.

White Gull

Msg# 874

Re: Was there trouble Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 0:10:26 Topic ID# 873
> -----Original Message-----
> From: whitegull1420 []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Was there trouble
> With the nomination of Wishes of a King? I haven't seen it listed.

What category was it? It may be that the categorizer just hasn't gotten it
up there yet.

> Also, I think Courtship of the Evenstar should have the
> subcategory of Poetry.

Do you know for sure?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 875

Re: My sincere apologies Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 0:52:25 Topic ID# 695
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jenn []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 9:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: My sincere apologies
> I'll try to keep it short - not my forté, I admit!

;-) I have been accused to be "wordy" now and then.

> You'll understand my lack of enthusiasm for parsing another
> definition just now? <big grin>

If I could understand what you just said. :-S It's the GigaStress. I can't
always understand what I read (or what I write--I'm not sure my first
sentence above made any sense) anymore. Very annoying.

> I didn't mean to imply censorship on your part. I was just
> doing my best to make amends to you and the group. Unlike
> some folks <rolling my eyes toward Arlington - you'll know to
> which five-sided facility I refer), I take responsibility for
> what I say and do. I was willing to remove my post and myself
> if I had transgressed against the group. It was an offer, not
> an assumption that you would want to do it.

No problem.

> Yes. I follow all my groups online only. I don't need the
> mailbox clutter, plus I prefer to sit down and read in
> batches so it's more like reading a conversation.

I have a gazillion subfolders to sort my mail. Most of it's done by Rules so
I don't get my inbox too clutterd. Now, my Henneth-Annun folder, well, it
has 1263 unread messages right now. My MEFA folder has 665 items, all read,
and two subfolders (Authors and Nominations).

> Ah well. Live and learn, eh?


> I used to live around there, too. Metro DC is an area famous
> for triggering allergies in folks who've never had them before.
> Apparently, the area is a convergence point for a number of
> air currents that bring pollen from all over the continent.

Is that what caused it? It wasn't until Easter one spring that I finally
figured out why I was getting headaches: Sanctuary: flowers: headache.
Fellowship hall: no flowers: no headache.

Aha! Pollen. And then I went to Orlando and got to add mildew to the list.
The boat ride in Ft. Lauderdale nearly killed me. This, of course, is why
I'm now afraid to go to Florida.

> (And yes, this is medical reporting I heard, not a political
> commentary about hot air rising and creating a vacuum into
> which pollen-laden air rushes.
> Although that would be funny, now I think of it.)

;-) Yep.

>Wishing you
> quick riddance of the sinus headaches - yuck.

Ah well, they come and they go pretty much all year long (gotta be another
trigger somewhere for fall and winter). I keep a good stock of Tylenol Sinus
and a gel pack in the freezer at all times.

But thanks anyway!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 876

Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES! Posted by Jillian Baade May 15, 2004 - 2:38:47 Topic ID# 746
I personally am disgusted that once again a small minority of people have
spoiled things for everyone else with 'holier than thou' attitudes about

I defend the rights of people to write slash, and to read it. If you don't
like it, don't nominate it, don't read it, but for goodness sakes, don't
bash people who do. They have committed no crime, and now good people have
been driven away from these awards which sounded like a breath of fresh air,
and have turned out to be the same old same old.

I am seriously considering whether I can remain involved in conscience with
such narrow minded people.

> > My goodness can't you people be civil or at least wait until I'm
>conscious before you go jumping off the deep end.
>I *am* being civil. I just happen to have a different opinion. That's
>not the same. And I won't duck in fear anymore to say what I think.
> > I asked for discussion on this and the only poeople who "discussed"
>said it would be good to add a warnings field.
>You forgot the people who live on the other side of the planet and
>had no chance to take part of the discussion.
> > Soledad, I did NOT once call slash smut. I put it equal with any
>other thing people might want to be warned about, INCLUDING YOU.
>I didn't assume that you said that. I said that "slash" has become
>the equivalent of smut for many people and therefore the label is
>discriminating. Still, I wouldn't have a problem to put it
>on "Innocence", which *is* a same-gender romance. But I didn't want
>it on stories who are of a different sort, just because a same-gender
>relationship is implied. You were not listening.
> > So can we all please calm down until I've had time to read all this
>and then can we have a CIVIL discussion about it?
>See above. But I won't fight you about this anymore. I'm leaving this
>group. Feel free to remove *all* my stories from the nomination list -
> I would do it myself, but since you fired me, it's no longer a
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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Msg# 877

Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by May 15, 2004 - 3:01:35 Topic ID# 123
The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: FanArt contest. When should it run?
During the fanfic Voting Season or just
after, before the winners are announced?

- During Voting Season, 3 votes, 37.50%
- Just after Voting Season, before Winners are announced., 5 votes, 62.50%

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Msg# 878

Introduction Posted by Jessie Holder May 15, 2004 - 6:16:19 Topic ID# 419
Hiya, I'm new around here. I go by the pen name Adi, I'm an English student
in the UK, and I joined up after Marta nominated one of my fic 'Wind and
Fire' for these awards.

I seem to have picked a bad time to start reading this list, but while I'm
delurking, I do have one thing to say on the subject of slash.

To clarify my own position, I'm not offended by slash - I write it in other
You've mentioned not counting as slash any stories which contain only
mentions of homosexuality. Now, for my own writing, I would always mention
if there were any homosexual themes at all present, whether these were
central to the plot or not, for the simple reason that some people who are
going to be offended by homosexuality are quite likely to be offended by ANY
homosexuality, whether central to the plot or incidental. And it's neither
in their best interests nor mine for them to then read my homosexual
content, as it is likely to end up only offending both of us.
When labelling my own stuff I tend to distinguish between 'this is slash'
and 'this contains some slashy elements', although I see that this wouln't
be very easy to implement in this situation.

Just my two cents.

Anyway, on to less controversial, happier things. I like the set up of this
whole competition, I think it's a great idea, and I'm very glad to


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Msg# 879

Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES! Posted by sulriel May 15, 2004 - 7:46:28 Topic ID# 746
--- In, "Jillian Baade" <jilba25@h...>
wrote:> I personally am disgusted

Anyone who responds to this needs to do so in a civil manner.

No one has requested that slash not be written or read, only that it
be identified so that people who chose not to read it can avoid it.
There has been a discussion period and a decision by Ainae as to how
this will be handled.

Please read the later mails to see how this has been resolved before
you post on the subject again.

Sulriel co-moderator

Msg# 880

Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES! Posted by Jillian Baade May 15, 2004 - 7:59:49 Topic ID# 746
Fine, whatever!

If people starting to read a story suddenly realise that it contains same
sex romantic relationships and can't press the back button I feel sorry for
their stupidy, and the arrogance of those who have driven at least one
writer away!

>wrote:> I personally am disgusted
>Anyone who responds to this needs to do so in a civil manner.
>No one has requested that slash not be written or read, only that it
>be identified so that people who chose not to read it can avoid it.
>There has been a discussion period and a decision by Ainae as to how
>this will be handled.
>Please read the later mails to see how this has been resolved before
>you post on the subject again.
>Sulriel co-moderator
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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Msg# 881

Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES! - moderated Posted by sulriel May 15, 2004 - 8:05:13 Topic ID# 746
--- In, "Jillian Baade" <jilba25@h...>
> If people starting to read a story suddenly realise that it
contains same > sex romantic relationships and can't press the back
button I feel sorry for <snipped>

Personal attacks and judgements will not be tolerated on this list.

Sulriel co-moderator

Msg# 882

Just to clear the air Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 15, 2004 - 9:53:41 Topic ID# 882
(*please do not imply any belligerent undertones, because there are none*)

Dear Jillian,

For some of us, our position is not founded in arrogance, nor stupidity, but is an obligation in accord with the tenets of our Faith. We will respect your position, if you will please respect ours.

Thank you.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jillian Baade
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:59 AM
Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES!

Fine, whatever!

If people starting to read a story suddenly realise that it contains same
sex romantic relationships and can't press the back button I feel sorry for
their stupidy, and the arrogance of those who have driven at least one
writer away!

>wrote:> I personally am disgusted
>Anyone who responds to this needs to do so in a civil manner.
>No one has requested that slash not be written or read, only that it
>be identified so that people who chose not to read it can avoid it.
>There has been a discussion period and a decision by Ainae as to how
>this will be handled.
>Please read the later mails to see how this has been resolved before
>you post on the subject again.
>Sulriel co-moderator
>Yahoo! Groups Links

Find love today with ninemsn personals. Click here:

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 883

Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 12:23:18 Topic ID# 746
In fact, we can just not respond at all. This has been handled privately
and, as I told Jenn, this was over two days ago.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sulriel []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 7:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: HOLD YOUR HORSES!
> --- In, "Jillian Baade"
> <jilba25@h...> wrote:> I personally am disgusted
> Anyone who responds to this needs to do so in a civil manner.
> Jillian,
> No one has requested that slash not be written or read, only
> that it be identified so that people who chose not to read it
> can avoid it.
> There has been a discussion period and a decision by Ainae as
> to how this will be handled.
> Please read the later mails to see how this has been resolved
> before you post on the subject again.
> Sulriel co-moderator
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
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Msg# 884

Re: Introduction Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 12:45:35 Topic ID# 419
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jessie Holder []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Introduction
> Hiya, I'm new around here. I go by the pen name Adi, I'm an
> English student in the UK, and I joined up after Marta
> nominated one of my fic 'Wind and Fire' for these awards.

Hi, Adi. I know we have one of your stories nominated. Did we get your
permission to do so yet?

> I seem to have picked a bad time to start reading this list,
> but while I'm delurking, I do have one thing to say on the
> subject of slash.

Yes, it's not been one of our better weeks. But I suppose almost all
fanfiction lists go through this at some time or other.

> To clarify my own position, I'm not offended by slash - I
> write it in other fandoms.


> You've mentioned not counting as slash any stories which
> contain only mentions of homosexuality. Now, for my own
> writing, I would always mention if there were any homosexual
> themes at all present, whether these were central to the plot
> or not, for the simple reason that some people who are going
> to be offended by homosexuality are quite likely to be
> offended by ANY homosexuality, whether central to the plot or
> incidental. And it's neither in their best interests nor mine
> for them to then read my homosexual content, as it is likely
> to end up only offending both of us.
> When labelling my own stuff I tend to distinguish between
> 'this is slash'
> and 'this contains some slashy elements', although I see that
> this wouln't be very easy to implement in this situation.

That's fine. Any author is free to make that statement if they want. The
Executive Decision says that "we" (meaning the Awards and the Staff of same)
will not add any such labels. We will not remove them if the author puts
them there. "Slashy elements" *might* still fit the definition of "That
Which Needs to Be Identified" (you'd have to read the definition and decide
that for your story) and so a simple romance partner code (ex.
Aragorn/Legolas) is all that would be required.

> Just my two cents.
> Anyway, on to less controversial, happier things. I like the
> set up of this whole competition, I think it's a great idea,
> and I'm very glad to participate.

Thanks. I do hope we can all move on to less controversial subjects. Like
nominating stories. We still need quite a few to make The Hobbit and Numenor
into viable categories. Surely there is some Numemor fic out there....


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 885

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 15, 2004 - 13:56:13 Topic ID# 843
Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories have permission?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 886

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Larian Elensar May 15, 2004 - 14:19:02 Topic ID# 843
Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is under the Early Years
arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was included. I
forwarded the permission to Ainae.

--- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread
> contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories have
> permission?
> Nerwen
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 887

Re: change in story category Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 15, 2004 - 15:07:58 Topic ID# 847
Could you forward the details of this story to me to put in the Orc catogary? I know its somewhere in the archive, but I'd reather not have to dig through all the posts to find it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Andreth/Anna
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 5:44 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] change in story category

Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection', which I
originally put in the Lord of the Rings category. After discussing it
with her last night, she decided that it would be better in the Orc
category and I've corrected both my database and the list database to
reflect that change. I wanted to let you know so you could change it
on the website, too, and also to ask if I needed to have Jillian send
you some kind of statement approving this change or if it was okay as



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 888

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 15, 2004 - 15:12:02 Topic ID# 843
What about 'Love'
----- Original Message -----
From: Larian Elensar
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author approvals

Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is under the Early Years
arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was included. I
forwarded the permission to Ainae.

--- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread
> contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories have
> permission?
> Nerwen
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

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c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 889

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Larian Elensar May 15, 2004 - 15:18:53 Topic ID# 843
The database said that the Early Years Arc and Love were both approved.

--- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> What about 'Love'
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Larian Elensar
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author
> approvals
> Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is under the Early
> Years
> arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was included. I
> forwarded the permission to Ainae.
> --- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> > Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread
> > contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories
> have
> > permission?
> >
> > Nerwen
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> =====
> Larian
> Keeper of the OEAM archive
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 890

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Larian Elensar May 15, 2004 - 15:20:29 Topic ID# 843
Ack, hit send too soon..

The database has the arc and love both approved, the only reason elflings was
questioned was because I didn't specify the actual stories in the arc when I
sent the approval to Ainae.

--- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> What about 'Love'
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Larian Elensar
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author
> approvals
> Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is under the Early
> Years
> arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was included. I
> forwarded the permission to Ainae.
> --- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> > Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread
> > contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories
> have
> > permission?
> >
> > Nerwen
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> =====
> Larian
> Keeper of the OEAM archive
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 891

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 15, 2004 - 15:22:55 Topic ID# 843
Sorry - computer deicded to send the message I was trying to write.
'Love' is in the database as approved, but what about 'The Paths of Lorien',
'Spring In Imladris'. Are these part of he arc approved?
Sorry for messiign up on this. :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Larian Elensar
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author

Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is under the Early
arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was included. I
forwarded the permission to Ainae.

--- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread
> contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories
> permission?
> Nerwen
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Msg# 892

Re: change in story category Posted by Andreth/Anna May 15, 2004 - 15:34:32 Topic ID# 847
Sorry, it didn't even occur to me to send you the information so you
could categorize it. Glaring oversight on my part. Here's the

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Resurrection

*Story Author: Jillian

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Orcs
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): character death

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only):

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Legolas and
an Orc have an encounter

--- In, "Nerwen Calaelen"
<nerwen_calaelen@y...> wrote:
> Could you forward the details of this story to me to put in the Orc
catogary? I know its somewhere in the archive, but I'd reather not
have to dig through all the posts to find it.
> Thanks
> Nerwen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andreth/Anna
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 5:44 PM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] change in story category
> Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection', which I
> originally put in the Lord of the Rings category. After
discussing it
> with her last night, she decided that it would be better in the
> category and I've corrected both my database and the list
database to
> reflect that change. I wanted to let you know so you could change
> on the website, too, and also to ask if I needed to have Jillian
> you some kind of statement approving this change or if it was
okay as
> is?
> Thanks!
> Anna
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Msg# 893

Re: change in story category Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 15, 2004 - 15:52:42 Topic ID# 847
Not a problem.Thank.
I think that makes Orcs a viable catogory (subject to author consents). :)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 894

Nomination - Númenor Posted by Nessime May 15, 2004 - 18:08:52 Topic ID# 894
Ainae, I think you mentioned needing stories for Númenor. If it's
okay with you, I'll go ahead and nominate my one and only Númenor

*Nominator's name: ~Nessime
*Story Title: Every Good and Perfect Gift
*Story Author: ~Nessime
*Author's E-mail Address:
*Story URL:
*Category Choices -
*1st: Númenor
*2nd: Men
*3rd: The Silmarillion
Subcategory: ?
*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
*Romance Partners: n/a
*Summary: Tar-Elendil shares a private moment with his daughter
Silmarien on the eve of her wedding.

Msg# 895

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 19:44:40 Topic ID# 843
Yep, we finally got a full list of all the stories in the Arc. They are
Elflings, Paths of Lorien and Spring in Imladris.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 12:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read:
> Author approvals
> Sorry - computer deicded to send the message I was trying to write.
> 'Love' is in the database as approved, but what about 'The
> Paths of Lorien', 'Spring In Imladris'. Are these part of he
> arc approved?
> Sorry for messiign up on this. :)
> Nerwen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Larian Elensar
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please
> read: Author approvals
> Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is
> under the Early Years
> arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was
> included. I
> forwarded the permission to Ainae.
> --- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> > Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that
> someone has alread
> > contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of
> which stories have
> > permission?
> >
> > Nerwen
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> =====
> Larian
> Keeper of the OEAM archive
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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Msg# 896

Re: change in story category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 19:45:46 Topic ID# 847
Not quite, but it did make it one short, I believe. If we get more author
consents, we might have it though. How many Orc stories are there nominated
(whether or not the author has approved yet)?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 1:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: change in story category
> Not a problem.Thank.
> I think that makes Orcs a viable catogory (subject to author
> consents). :) Nerwen
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
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Msg# 897

RE: [MEFAwards] Nomination - Númenor Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 19:46:58 Topic ID# 894
Wonderful! Thank you.

Know of any other good ones.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nessime []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination - Númenor
> Ainae, I think you mentioned needing stories for Númenor. If
> it's okay with you, I'll go ahead and nominate my one and only Númenor
> story:
> *Nominator's name: ~Nessime
> *Story Title: Every Good and Perfect Gift *Story Author:
> ~Nessime *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> STID=1757
> *Category Choices -
> *1st: Númenor
> *2nd: Men
> *3rd: The Silmarillion
> Subcategory: ?
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners: n/a
> *Summary: Tar-Elendil shares a private moment with his
> daughter Silmarien on the eve of her wedding.
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Msg# 898

Nominations for Numenor and The Hobbit Posted by Andreth/Anna May 15, 2004 - 19:51:54 Topic ID# 898
Here's a few more nominations. I'm kicking myself for forgetting to
nominate these in the first place. Better late than never, though.
Hope they'll help bring the categories up to viable.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: The Love Song of Tar-Meneldur Elentirmo

*Story Author: Thevina

Author email:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A short poem
from the "Star-watcher" king of Númenor.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Celestial Quartet

*Story Author: Thevina

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): sexual scenes

*Romance Partners: m/f

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Four
vignettes spanning three ages of Middle-earth, multiple geographies
and races, and several points of view. What binds them together: the
night sky above, whether starry or clouded, and a sparkling gem that
resists disappearing into the mists of time.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Another Mother's Son

*Story Author: Thevina

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): For all the
stepmoms out there...


Msg# 899

Nomination for Orcs Posted by Andreth/Anna May 15, 2004 - 20:04:45 Topic ID# 898
One more:

> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Andreth
> *Story Title: Despised and Hated

> *Story Author: setogirl421
> Author email:
> *Story URL:>

> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Orcs
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violent implications
> *Romance Partners:
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
thoughts of an Orc.>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Msg# 900

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Larian Elensar May 15, 2004 - 20:05:49 Topic ID# 843
*grin* The early years arc contains the stories Elflings, Paths of Lorien and
Spring in Imladris, so essentially, all of CC's stories nominated thus far are

--- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> Sorry - computer deicded to send the message I was trying to write.
> 'Love' is in the database as approved, but what about 'The Paths of Lorien',
> 'Spring In Imladris'. Are these part of he arc approved?
> Sorry for messiign up on this. :)
> Nerwen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Larian Elensar
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author
> approvals
> Actually, if you're talking aboug Elflings, that story is under the Early
> Years
> arc, so when she gave permission for the arc, Elflings was included. I
> forwarded the permission to Ainae.
> --- Nerwen Calaelen <> wrote:
> > Does the not yet against CC in the table mean that someone has alread
> > contacted him/her asking for permission / clarfication of which stories
> have
> > permission?
> >
> > Nerwen
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> =====
> Larian
> Keeper of the OEAM archive
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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Msg# 901

Re: change in story category Posted by Jillian Baade May 15, 2004 - 20:42:54 Topic ID# 847
Ainae and Anna,

I will confirm my agreement to the change of catagory for my story
'Resurrection' as per my discussion with Anna.

>Ainae, I nominated a story of Jillian's, 'Resurrection', which I
>originally put in the Lord of the Rings category. After discussing it
>with her last night, she decided that it would be better in the Orc
>category and I've corrected both my database and the list database to
>reflect that change. I wanted to let you know so you could change it
>on the website, too, and also to ask if I needed to have Jillian send
>you some kind of statement approving this change or if it was okay as
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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Msg# 902

Re: Nomination Posted by Jillian Baade May 15, 2004 - 21:01:48 Topic ID# 199
Unfortunately, due to hubby's deleting Ithilwen's permisson email because he
thought it irrelevant, I have lost the email in which she gives permission
for me to nominate any of her fics I like. Should I get it again? Also,
expect the forwarding to two emails, one from Tinni, one from Cirdan giving
permission for fic nomination.

> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name:Jillian
> >
> > *Story Title:Noldolante
> >
> > *Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission to nominate any of
> > her stories I wish to.
>You know the drill. Forward that permission to me. We've been waiting for
>permission from her, so we'll be glad to have it. :-)
>"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said,
>it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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Msg# 903

Re: Introduction Posted by Jessie Holder May 15, 2004 - 21:09:47 Topic ID# 419
>Hi, Adi. I know we have one of your stories nominated. Did we get your
>permission to do so yet?

I have e-mailed permission to Marta, who nominated the fic. I don't know
whether it's got through to her or you yet, but you definitly have my


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Msg# 904

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 15, 2004 - 23:38:00 Topic ID# 199
I'll shoot Ithilwen an e-mail just asking for confirmation so we can have it
on file.


I've updated Cirdan and Tinni in the Author Approvals database and will
probably be upating the website tonight.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jillian Baade []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> Unfortunately, due to hubby's deleting Ithilwen's permisson
> email because he thought it irrelevant, I have lost the email
> in which she gives permission for me to nominate any of her
> fics I like. Should I get it again? Also, expect the
> forwarding to two emails, one from Tinni, one from Cirdan
> giving permission for fic nomination.
> Jillian
> > >
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name:Jillian
> > >
> > > *Story Title:Noldolante
> > >
> > > *Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission to nominate any of her
> > > stories I wish to.
> >
> >You know the drill. Forward that permission to me. We've
> been waiting
> >for permission from her, so we'll be glad to have it. :-)
> >
> >--Ainaechoiriel
> >
> >"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said,
> >"for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and Memory
> >Blog:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
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Msg# 905

Re: Introduction Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 16, 2004 - 0:13:45 Topic ID# 419
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jessie Holder []
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] RE: Introduction
> >Hi, Adi. I know we have one of your stories nominated. Did
> we get your
> >permission to do so yet?
> >
> I have e-mailed permission to Marta, who nominated the fic. I
> don't know whether it's got through to her or you yet, but
> you definitly have my permission.

Great! Thanks. I've updated the Authors Approval database. I also did get
the website updated.

We're up to 242 official nominations now. No change in the Viabilty though.
I've added a Database for that, so you can see instantly which categories
still need some stories.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 906

Re: Nomination Posted by Jillian Baade May 16, 2004 - 0:29:08 Topic ID# 199
Ok, Ainae, I'll leave contacting Ithilwen again up to you .

>I'll shoot Ithilwen an e-mail just asking for confirmation so we can have
>on file.
>I've updated Cirdan and Tinni in the Author Approvals database and will
>probably be upating the website tonight.
>"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said,
>it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jillian Baade []
> > Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:02 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> >
> > Unfortunately, due to hubby's deleting Ithilwen's permisson
> > email because he thought it irrelevant, I have lost the email
> > in which she gives permission for me to nominate any of her
> > fics I like. Should I get it again? Also, expect the
> > forwarding to two emails, one from Tinni, one from Cirdan
> > giving permission for fic nomination.
> >
> > Jillian
> > > >
> > > > Story Nomination Form
> > > >
> > > > *Nominator's name:Jillian
> > > >
> > > > *Story Title:Noldolante
> > > >
> > > > *Story Author:Ithilwen, I have permission to nominate any of her
> > > > stories I wish to.
> > >
> > >You know the drill. Forward that permission to me. We've
> > been waiting
> > >for permission from her, so we'll be glad to have it. :-)
> > >
> > >--Ainaechoiriel
> > >
> > >"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> > Elrond said,
> > >"for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> > >
> > > Land of Myth and Memory
> > >Blog:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > SEEK: Now with over 50,000 dream jobs! Click here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> > only $14.70
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> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
>Yahoo! Groups Links

SEEK: Now with over 50,000 dream jobs! Click here:

Msg# 907

Re: change in story category Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 16, 2004 - 5:15:06 Topic ID# 847
From: Ainaechoiriel

> Not quite, but it did make it one short, I believe. If we get more author
> consents, we might have it though. How many Orc stories are there
> nominated
> (whether or not the author has approved yet)?

I have 7 recorded, two of which are WIPs. I'm not sure how many of these
have author approval and I've put shadow975's story as not having staff
approval because the form didn't have an email address for her (although the
story has been approved).
I think Numenor is also viable, subject to author approvals.
Sorry, I think some of the comfusion was my fail as I haven't had time to
keep up to date on the database, just been keeping the list in excel. I
think I'm now up to date to these (though way behind with auther
permissions), but I'll probably get behind again due to exams.


Msg# 908

Re: Nomination (Romance) (repost) Posted by Gemma May 16, 2004 - 6:43:38 Topic ID# 698
Just bumping this up, as I think it got lost. It's been recorded in
the Author Approval table, but not in Nominations.

> Author's permission being forwarded as we speak (or type).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Gemma
> *Story Title: Moriquendi
> *Story Author: fan81981
> *Author's E-mail Address: fan_81981@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Romance
> 2nd: Elves
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age, Novel/serial
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): moderate sexuality,
>some battle scenes
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Legolas/F
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): After the
> War of the Ring, Thranduil seeks to safeguard his kingdom by
> an alliance with the Avari. Will Legolas agree to seal the
> by marrying their Lady?

Msg# 909

Re: Silm/LotR/Crossover caught up to this point/author approvals Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 16, 2004 - 7:02:10 Topic ID# 524
Sorry - this is in the bit I'm supposed to be doing, but I seem to have missed it - when I have time I'll try and find it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Andreth/Anna

Wasn't sure what to do with these, but here's a list of author
approvals still needed from my lists:

AfterEver - By Light Beguiled

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 910

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 16, 2004 - 7:11:23 Topic ID# 843
Does the 'not yet' against Cassia in the table meen that someone has already contacted her about the stories?
----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 8:00 PM
Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read: Author approvals

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read:
> Author approvals
> While entering stories into the nomination database, I've
> been spot-checking the author approvals database, too. I've
> added a few authors to the approvals database and marked them
> as "not yet," even if they weren't in my E-H range. I'm sorry
> if this is confusing to the other author contactors! Should I
> not do that?

I don't think it's a bad thing. Someone might just think they were already
contacted, though, and just waiting for a reply instead of not contacted at


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

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Yahoo! Groups Links

a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 911

Re: Cleaning up the tables Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 16, 2004 - 7:19:40 Topic ID# 638
From: Ainaechoiriel

> Gwynnyd and Carole Lynn have both approved a story called A Gift for >
> and A Gift for Pippen respectively. Are these the same person/story?

These are the same person.


Msg# 912

Counting Posted by antoinette\ May 16, 2004 - 8:25:54 Topic ID# 698
I am volunteering. Tell me what you need.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 913

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 16, 2004 - 8:31:39 Topic ID# 843
I doubt it. Go ahead and contact her.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read:
> Author approvals
> Does the 'not yet' against Cassia in the table meen that
> someone has already contacted her about the stories?
> Nerwen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ainaechoiriel
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 8:00 PM
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please
> read: Author approvals
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Viv []
> > Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:49 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Some official business, please read:
> > Author approvals
> >
> > While entering stories into the nomination database, I've
> > been spot-checking the author approvals database, too. I've
> > added a few authors to the approvals database and marked them
> > as "not yet," even if they weren't in my E-H range. I'm sorry
> > if this is confusing to the other author contactors! Should I
> > not do that?
> I don't think it's a bad thing. Someone might just think
> they were already
> contacted, though, and just waiting for a reply instead of
> not contacted at
> all.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
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Msg# 914

Re: Cleaning up the tables Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 16, 2004 - 8:35:41 Topic ID# 638
Okay, great!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nerwen Calaelen []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Cleaning up the tables
> From: Ainaechoiriel
> > Gwynnyd and Carole Lynn have both approved a story called A
> Gift for
> > >
> Pippin
> > and A Gift for Pippen respectively. Are these the same person/story?
> These are the same person.
> Nerwen
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> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
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Msg# 915

Re: change in story category Posted by Stella May 16, 2004 - 8:43:37 Topic ID# 847
--- In, "Nerwen Calaelen" <> I think >
think I'm now up to date to these (though way behind with auther
> permissions), but I'll probably get behind again due to exams.
> Nerwen

If you need some help with author approvals, email me the authors &
the story titles you still need to contact and I'll get with them.
Want you to do well with the exams ;-)

Stella (Lasse-Lanta)

Msg# 916

Story Nomination Form - Orcs Posted by sulriel May 16, 2004 - 11:42:06 Topic ID# 916
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Sulriel

*Story Title: Love me, Urgren.

*Story Author: Werecat

*Author's E-mail Address: permission and email sent privately

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Orcs
2nd: Poetry
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
implied violence, disturbing images

*Romance Partners: OMC/OFC

*Summary: An Orcish love song

Msg# 917

2004 Nomination Posted by ckysr May 16, 2004 - 12:44:55 Topic ID# 917
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Carol Kyser

*Story Title: A Dynasty Broken, Parts I, II and III (WIP)

*Story Author: Adara\BoromirFan (Carol Kyser)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http: Love and Lust Paths of Peril The Power of Love

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Works with Original Female Character

*Rating: Part I, rated R; Parts II and III, rated GP

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): First part includes a
rape; other parts are more tasteful

*Romance Partners: Boromir and OFC (taken from Tolkien's early

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Based on Tolkien's original plan to give Theoden a daughter and have
Boromir marry her. A love story of what could have been. Suggests yet
another reason why Boromir undertook the journey to Imladris.

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Msg# 918

2004 Award nomination Posted by ckysr May 16, 2004 - 13:05:31 Topic ID# 918
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Carol Kyser

*Story Title: Theodred's Last Command

*Story Author: Adara\BoromirFan (Carol Kyser)

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Rohan
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignettes

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): No sex; battle is over so
no violence

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Short vignette about Prince Thýodred's death. Fills in the gap left by
Tolkien about the death of the Prince of Rohan at the First Battle at
the Fords of the Isen.

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Msg# 919

Re: Nomination (Romance) (repost) Posted by Marta May 16, 2004 - 14:15:08 Topic ID# 698 wrote:

> Just bumping this up, as I think it got lost. It's been recorded in
> the Author Approval table, but not in Nominations.

Thanks, Gemma-- it's in the database now.


Msg# 920

Re: Some official business, please read: Author approvals Posted by Viv May 16, 2004 - 14:16:35 Topic ID# 843
I have not contacted her. That may be one of those
that I entered because her story was nominated. I had
no idea it would cause this much confusion. I'm so


--- Nerwen Calaelen <>
> Does the 'not yet' against Cassia in the table meen
> that someone has already contacted her about the
> stories?
> Nerwen

Spacellama Palace:

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Msg# 921

mock my innocence Posted by sos8n May 16, 2004 - 15:27:55 Topic ID# 921
i nominated at story a while ago called mock my innocence and
although the authour aproval has come up on the database, it's not on
the list of nominations on the website, do i need to re-nominate it
because of the new slash warnings stuff?

Msg# 922

nomination Posted by sos8n May 16, 2004 - 15:49:07 Topic ID# 595
*Nominator's name: grubby

*Story Title: In the Absence of Her Ladyship

*Story Author: Virvatuli

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: orcs
2nd: horror
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The last
moments of Ufthak, an Orc of Cirith Ungol, in the Lair of Shelob

Msg# 923

Mixed up link on the site, possible Drabbles in Hobbits Category Posted by Larian Elensar May 16, 2004 - 16:49:18 Topic ID# 923
The link to All These Wore Wings by fileg actually takes you to Aglorand by
ErinRua. The link to Aglarond is correct. (These are both in Drama)

Also, I noticed a few drabbles in Hobbits category, the two by Alexcat, What Do
We Get? and A New Season could also be drabbles, if that helps make a viable

Msg# 924

Nominations by Dwimordene Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 16, 2004 - 18:55:58 Topic ID# 924
Haven't contacted authors. Some I couldn't find addies for--must go
through the form at HASA and hope they respond.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: The Quickening
*Story Author: Tyellas
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Romance
*2nd: Humor
*3rd: horses (?)

*Rating: PG-13

Reasons for rating: off-screen sex

*Romance Partners: Arod/F

*Summary: Someone who is no longer fair, but wise, brave, and true,
wins the affections of a dashing young rake one Middle-Earth
springtime. Okay, they're horses...Written for a "Mary Sue" original
female character challenge. An original female horse character gets
paired with Arod, making this the horse equivalent of a Legomance. I
wouldn't take this too seriously. Tally ho!

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: The Tale of the Laughing Maiden
*Story Author: Deborah Judge
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Drama
*2nd: Silmarillion
*3rd: Elves

*Rating: R

Reasons for rating: mature sexual themes, familial violence

*Romance Partners: Curufin/Lalwen

*Summary: A Curufin romance.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: T'was the Night Before Helm's Deep
*Story Author: Erin's Daughter
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Humor
*2nd: Orcs
*3rd: Lord of the Rings

*Rating: PG (says "Adult" at HASA, but no sex, and the violence is

Reasons for rating: death scene, "some mild swearing"

*Romance Partners:

*Summary: The usual pre-shift meeting at the Barad-Dur
Interrogations division includes a reflection on past successes (and
the odd failure!), an irrational dislike of a certain Ranger and a
visit from an important black-robed personage.... AU. Response to
Quickies Qtr 3 Challenge. Some mild swearing.

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: For the Dark
*Story Author: Forodwaith
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Rohan
*2nd: Men
*3rd: Drama

*Rating: PG

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners:

*Summary: Tolkien says that Gleowine, Theoden's minstrel, "made no
other song" after the King's death. What became of him?

*Nominator's name: Dwimordene
*Story Title: Gilraen's Memorial
*Story Author: Alawa
*Author's E-mail:
* Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: LOTR (movieverse)
*2nd: Drama
*3rd: Men

*Rating: G

Reasons for rating:

*Romance Partners:

*Summary: Before the Fellowship's departure from Rivendell, Aragorn
thinks about Arwen, Elrond and his duty while visiting Gilraen's grave.

Msg# 925

Re: Mixed up link on the site, possible Drabbles in Hobbits Category Posted by viv May 16, 2004 - 19:36:51 Topic ID# 923
Perhaps someone fixed that link; it seems to be correct now. It was
correct in my spreadsheet, so whew. :) Thanks for pointing that out.


--- In, Larian Elensar
<larian_elensar@y...> wrote:
> The link to All These Wore Wings by fileg actually takes you to
Aglorand by
> ErinRua. The link to Aglarond is correct. (These are both in Drama)

Msg# 926

author permission question: Flick Posted by viv May 16, 2004 - 21:01:05 Topic ID# 926
Whoever sent in permission from the author Flick, are you sure that
was for "Darkness Falls"? "Darkness Falls" is not in the nominations
database, whereas "The Corsair Papers" is; however, the author perm
in the author database only approves "Darkness Falls." I suspect this
might be a mix-up. Please let me know if I still need to request
permission for "The Corsair Papers." Thanks!

(Flick, if you are on the list, feel free to clear this up, too. :) )


Msg# 927

Re: Mixed up link on the site, possible Drabbles in Hobbits Category Posted by Larian Elensar May 16, 2004 - 21:19:18 Topic ID# 923
I'm not talking about the database, I'm talking about the web...

--- viv <> wrote:
> Perhaps someone fixed that link; it seems to be correct now. It was
> correct in my spreadsheet, so whew. :) Thanks for pointing that out.
> viv
> --- In, Larian Elensar
> <larian_elensar@y...> wrote:
> > The link to All These Wore Wings by fileg actually takes you to
> Aglorand by
> > ErinRua. The link to Aglarond is correct. (These are both in Drama)

Msg# 928

Re: Was there trouble Posted by whitegull1420 May 16, 2004 - 23:35:00 Topic ID# 873
> > With the nomination of Wishes of a King? I haven't seen it
> What category was it? It may be that the categorizer just hasn't
gotten it up there yet.

It was LOTR poetry
> > Also, I think Courtship of the Evenstar should have the
> > subcategory of Poetry.
> Do you know for sure?

Yes, definitely

White Gull

Msg# 929

Nomination Posted by whitegull1420 May 16, 2004 - 23:47:28 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:White Gull

*Story Title:Of Dwarvish Ale and the Fairer Sex

*Story Author:Ariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Sexual innuendo

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A barrel of
Dwarvish ale loosens the tongues of our hobbit heros.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings


Msg# 930

Re: Was there trouble Posted by Andreth/Anna May 17, 2004 - 0:12:25 Topic ID# 873
--- In, "whitegull1420" <SR_1420@h...>
> >
> > > With the nomination of Wishes of a King? I haven't seen it
> listed.
> >
> > What category was it? It may be that the categorizer just hasn't
> gotten it up there yet.
> It was LOTR poetry
> >

I went back and doubled checked since LotR is one of my categories
and it's definitely not beyond me to overlook nominations. (Just ask

But this is the nomination I found for it. The category given on the
original nomination is Men with the subcategory of poetry. Would you
like it to be in Lord of the Rings or in Men? Thanks much.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:White Gull

*Story Title:Wishes of a King

*Story Author White Gull

*Author's E-mail Address:SR_1420@h...

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Aragorn
remembers from whence his kingship came.

Msg# 931

Categorizing Posted by Kate May 17, 2004 - 6:55:04 Topic ID# 931
This is mainly a message for Marta. Marta - have you been databasing
some of the romance nominations? I noticed that a few of the newer
nominations were in the database. Not that I mind you doing it :P
Just don't want you doing any extra work, lol. Plus there could be
the problem of doubling up. I've just recorded all of the newest
nominations, plus a couple of old ones that must have been missed a
while ago.

Also, Ainae - there were a couple of nominations for "The Hobbit" and
it's possible that it's now a viable category. Not completely sure,
but we must be pretty close (assuming that we can get author approval
for them all). And thanks so much for the excel file. I'm terrible
with that program, but since you've made it up for me, I'll be sure
to use it!

- Pervinca

Msg# 932

Re: Was there trouble Posted by M E May 17, 2004 - 7:14:50 Topic ID# 873
It doesn't matter. It probably fits better in LOTR, poetry. Does the link
work? It seems that every time I click on links I've posted in a
nomination, they don't work for me.

White Gull

>From: "Andreth/Anna" <>
>Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Was there trouble
>Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 05:12:22 -0000
>--- In, "whitegull1420" <SR_1420@h...>
> > >
> > > > With the nomination of Wishes of a King? I haven't seen it
> > listed.
> > >
> > > What category was it? It may be that the categorizer just hasn't
> > gotten it up there yet.
> >
> > It was LOTR poetry
> > >
>I went back and doubled checked since LotR is one of my categories
>and it's definitely not beyond me to overlook nominations. (Just ask
>But this is the nomination I found for it. The category given on the
>original nomination is Men with the subcategory of poetry. Would you
>like it to be in Lord of the Rings or in Men? Thanks much.
> Story Nomination Form
>*Nominator's name:White Gull
>*Story Title:Wishes of a King
>*Story Author White Gull
>*Author's E-mail Address:SR_1420@h...
>*Story URL:
>*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
>3rd:Lord of the Rings
>Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry
>*Rating: G
>Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
>*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)
>*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):Aragorn
>remembers from whence his kingship came.

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Msg# 933

Re: mock my innocence Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:02:47 Topic ID# 921
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sos8n []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 3:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] mock my innocence
> i nominated at story a while ago called mock my innocence and
> although the authour aproval has come up on the database,
> it's not on the list of nominations on the website, do i need
> to re-nominate it because of the new slash warnings stuff?

We just had a switch in four of our categories as to who apdates the
database and such. It could just be a delay as the new person catches up.
Give us a cou;le of days and see if it shows up. But if you didn't supply
romance partners before, you could let us know those.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 934

Re: Mixed up link on the site, possible Drabbles in Hobbits Category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:12:47 Topic ID# 923
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Mixed up link on the site,
> possible Drabbles in Hobbits Category
> I'm not talking about the database, I'm talking about the web...

Got it and fixed it. It will be fixed on the next upload.

Thanks for letting me know.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 935

Re: author permission question: Flick Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:13:20 Topic ID# 926
> -----Original Message-----
> From: viv []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] author permission question: Flick
> Whoever sent in permission from the author Flick, are you
> sure that was for "Darkness Falls"? "Darkness Falls" is not
> in the nominations database, whereas "The Corsair Papers" is;
> however, the author perm in the author database only approves
> "Darkness Falls." I suspect this might be a mix-up. Please
> let me know if I still need to request permission for "The
> Corsair Papers." Thanks!
> (Flick, if you are on the list, feel free to clear this up, too. :) )

Darkness Falls is in the Nominations table, as is Corsair Papers. But I've
only seen Author Approval for Darkness Falls, so it's the only one of
Flick's on the web site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 936

Re: Categorizing Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:16:53 Topic ID# 931
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 6:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Categorizing
> This is mainly a message for Marta. Marta - have you been
> databasing some of the romance nominations? I noticed that a
> few of the newer nominations were in the database. Not that I
> mind you doing it :P Just don't want you doing any extra
> work, lol. Plus there could be the problem of doubling up.
> I've just recorded all of the newest nominations, plus a
> couple of old ones that must have been missed a while ago.

I know I did a few leading up to when you took over, but I copied them intot
he spreadsheet for you. Otherwise, I suppose it's possible your predecessor
did them if it was just before she left us.

> Also, Ainae - there were a couple of nominations for "The
> Hobbit" and it's possible that it's now a viable category.
> Not completely sure, but we must be pretty close (assuming
> that we can get author approval for them all). And thanks so
> much for the excel file. I'm terrible with that program, but
> since you've made it up for me, I'll be sure to use it!

Possible. I'll do another update of the web site today and see where we
stand. I do have a Viability database in the Database section now also that
I try to keep up to date with the web site updates.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 937

Re: Was there trouble Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:22:03 Topic ID# 873
> -----Original Message-----
> From: M E []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 7:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Re: Was there trouble
> It doesn't matter. It probably fits better in LOTR, poetry.
> Does the link work? It seems that every time I click on
> links I've posted in a nomination, they don't work for me.
> Thanks,

Eeek. That means I'm the one that missed it. Well, if it fits better in
LOTR, I'm off the hook. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 938

Re: Mixed up link on the site, possible Drabbles in Hobbits Category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 9:25:57 Topic ID# 923
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:49 PM
> To: MEFAs
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Mixed up link on the site, possible
> Drabbles in Hobbits Category

> Also, I noticed a few drabbles in Hobbits category, the two
> by Alexcat, What Do We Get? and A New Season could also be
> drabbles, if that helps make a viable sub-category.

Great! Thanks. I've got them updated. They'll be fixed when I upload the
nomintions web site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 939

Re: mock my innocence Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 17, 2004 - 9:54:55 Topic ID# 921
Sorry. That was me being inefficient. I haven't been up to date on the nominations in my catogories.
It should now be in the database, and so will be on the website when Ainae next updates it.

P.S. I've got in down as OMC/OMC in the romantic pairing column, having checked after reading the summary. I hope this is correct.
----- Original Message -----
From: sos8n
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:27 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] mock my innocence

i nominated at story a while ago called mock my innocence and
although the authour aproval has come up on the database, it's not on
the list of nominations on the website, do i need to re-nominate it
because of the new slash warnings stuff?

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 940

A Dynasty Broken WIP or not WIP? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 10:12:04 Topic ID# 940
Okay, this one is confusing. In the future, nominators, if you want a
multiple story to count as one story, nominate it together as
Adara/BoromirFan did. Otherwise, nominate each part separately.

This one is presently in the database as separate parts, so I'll keep it
that way unless the author says otherwise. Adara. which way do you prefer

Categorizer: I looked up the various parts. They have separate titles:
Love and Lust, Paths of Peril, and The Power of Love. I've updated the
database to show the titles as: (separate title): A Dynasty Broken (Part X)

Also, Parts 1 and 2 are complete. Part 3 is a WIP.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 941

Re: Counting Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 10:22:25 Topic ID# 698
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 8:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Counting
> I am volunteering. Tell me what you need.
> Antoinette
Woohhoo! Thanks!

When the time comes, you'll be assigned to two categories (maybe more
depending on how many counters we have). You'll then take the comments for
those categories and copy them one by one (omments only, nothing else) into
a program such as MS Word, that can give you a word count. In Word, when
you choose Format | Word Count, it also shows character count, with and
without white space. We'll take the without. Compare that with the point
chart in the FAQ and assign it the appropriate number of points.

Your counts will be verified by two other people and if they all match, the
count is recorded as official. That's that.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 942

Re: Counting Posted by antoinette\ May 17, 2004 - 10:42:04 Topic ID# 698
> > -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 8:25 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [MEFAwards] Counting
>> I am volunteering. Tell me what you need.
>> Antoinette
>Woohhoo! Thanks!
>When the time comes, you'll be assigned to two categories (maybe more
>depending on how many counters we have). You'll then take the comments for
>those categories and copy them one by one (omments only, nothing else) into
>a program such as MS Word, that can give you a word count. In Word, when
>you choose Format | Word Count, it also shows character count, with and
>without white space. We'll take the without. Compare that with the point
>chart in the FAQ and assign it the appropriate number of points.
>Your counts will be verified by two other people and if they all match, the
>count is recorded as official. That's that.
>"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
>it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
I use a Mac. Is the word counter in Appleworks acceptable? I can
handle several categories if you need me to.

I recommend that when you assign categories, you include the point
chart from the FAQ with the category list. That way the counter has
a copy available and does not have to pull it from the FAQ.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 943

Story Nomination Posted by Loralee Evans May 17, 2004 - 11:49:34 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lalaith Elerrina

*Story Title: Lord of the Rings: Kyshri's Story

*Story Author: Lady Shinigami

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Romance
Subcategory (suggest something): Elves

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Partners: Legolas/f

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the
vote): This is the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir
is killed, and the Fellowship is split. Part of a
10th Walker story.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 944

Orcs are Viable! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 12:26:09 Topic ID# 944
As of right now, the web site is up-to-date (344 stories in the Nominations
table, 269 on the web site) and the Orcs category has officially become

And now a little explanation of the Viablity table in the Databases area:
If you look at the web site and see, for example,

The Hobbit Sucking Eggses Marta
The Hobbit Poetry Furry Little Feet Pervinca
The Hobbit WIP Of Fire and Stars Gecco

And then wonder why the Viablity table says that The Hobbit needs 4 to
become viable and that The Hobbit/Poetry and The Hobbit/Incomplete don't
even show up.

Well, beyond the main categories, I don't list a subcategory unless it has
at least two nominations. Thus, when we get another The Hobbit WIP, I'll
put The Hobbit/Incomplete on the table. As for that main category, it still
has only one The Hobbit complete story (non-poem). That is why it needs 4
to be viable.

Speaking of poems, we have several lonely poems out there: Adventure, Humor,
and Drama, for instance. Also several lonely WIPs.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 945

Re: Counting Posted by antoinette\ May 17, 2004 - 15:21:29 Topic ID# 698
I checked the Appleworks application. It can do a character count.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 946

Re: Counting Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 15:37:57 Topic ID# 698
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 10:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Counting

> I use a Mac. Is the word counter in Appleworks acceptable?
> I can handle several categories if you need me to.

Just got your message that says it does character count, so that's fine!

> I recommend that when you assign categories, you include the
> point chart from the FAQ with the category list. That way
> the counter has a copy available and does not have to pull it
> from the FAQ.

Oh, will do. It's still months away though so I havne't dug it up from the
FAQ yet. And if anyone is curious as to how I came up with the
characters-to-points conversion: I stole them straight from this year's
alt.startrek.creative awards.
"God is my Strength!" The Edge of the Frontier This Side of the Nether

Msg# 947

Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Larian Elensar May 17, 2004 - 17:08:24 Topic ID# 947
Being anal, I'm trying to start reading some of the stories...

I came across Wind and Fire by Adi today. It is in the humor category, and I'm
wondering if it should be? I don't know who nominated it, or if the author
placed it there, but it doesn't seem particularly suited to that category...

*butting out now*

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 948

Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by viv May 17, 2004 - 17:55:33 Topic ID# 947
You're correct, Larian. Thank you. "Wind and Fire" should have been
in Adventure, not Humor. I've fixed it in the nominations database.

Ainae, this will have to be changed on the Web site as well. I'm so
sorry for mis-categorizing.


--- In, Larian Elensar
<larian_elensar@y...> wrote:
> Being anal, I'm trying to start reading some of the stories...
> I came across Wind and Fire by Adi today. It is in the humor
category, and I'm
> wondering if it should be? I don't know who nominated it, or if
the author
> placed it there, but it doesn't seem particularly suited to that
> *butting out now*

Msg# 949

Re: Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Larian Elensar May 17, 2004 - 18:49:26 Topic ID# 947
--- viv <> wrote:
> Ainae, this will have to be changed on the Web site as well. I'm so
> sorry for mis-categorizing.
> viv

Dang, I'd say you were all doing a great job just keeping up! :)

Msg# 950

Re: Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 20:11:49 Topic ID# 947
> -----Original Message-----
> From: viv []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 5:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category
> You're correct, Larian. Thank you. "Wind and Fire" should
> have been in Adventure, not Humor. I've fixed it in the
> nominations database.
> Ainae, this will have to be changed on the Web site as well.
> I'm so sorry for mis-categorizing.
> viv

No problem. Easily done. Next upload (probably tonight)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 951

Re: Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 20:12:34 Topic ID# 947
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 6:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category
> --- viv <> wrote:
> > Ainae, this will have to be changed on the Web site as well. I'm so
> > sorry for mis-categorizing.
> >
> > viv
> Dang, I'd say you were all doing a great job just keeping up! :)

I agree!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 952

Re: Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 20:13:56 Topic ID# 947
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 5:08 PM
> To: MEFAs
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category
> Being anal, I'm trying to start reading some of the stories...

Hey, not anal at all! Just practical! That's why I built-in a Reading
Season. We're all going to need all the time we can get! So I do recommend
starting early. And voting early!

Oh, you don't post the votes until voting season, but go ahead and write up
your comments and save them on your hard drive somewhere. Then when it
comes time to vote, you only have to cut and paste those in.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 953

Re: Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Larian Elensar May 17, 2004 - 20:43:48 Topic ID# 947
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

> Hey, not anal at all! Just practical! That's why I built-in a Reading
> Season. We're all going to need all the time we can get! So I do recommend
> starting early. And voting early!
> Oh, you don't post the votes until voting season, but go ahead and write up
> your comments and save them on your hard drive somewhere. Then when it
> comes time to vote, you only have to cut and paste those in.

Oh yeah, have a file all made so I can just c&p...though I have to laugh a
bit...I commented on some drabbles and the comments were nearly as long as the

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 954

Story Nomination Form - Orcs Posted by sulriel May 17, 2004 - 21:12:32 Topic ID# 916
*Nominator's name: Sulriel

*Story Title: Orc Patrol

*Story Author:Igenlode Wordsmith

*Author's E-mail Address: email and permission sent privately

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Orcs
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence, disturbing

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): an Orc
patrol encounter

Msg# 955

Re: Categorizing Posted by Marta May 17, 2004 - 21:53:16 Topic ID# 931
Kate wrote:

> This is mainly a message for Marta. Marta - have you been databasing
> some of the romance nominations? I noticed that a few of the newer
> nominations were in the database. Not that I mind you doing it :P
> Just don't want you doing any extra work, lol. Plus there could be
> the problem of doubling up. I've just recorded all of the newest
> nominations, plus a couple of old ones that must have been missed a
> while ago.

Hi Pervinca-

Many apologies! I was confused as to what topic I was supposed to
database. Ainae has cleared this up for me, and I won't be doing
romance any more. (I'm just doing mystery and horror at the time.


Msg# 956

Re: A Dynasty Broken WIP or not WIP? Posted by Marta May 17, 2004 - 22:22:38 Topic ID# 940 wrote:

> Okay, this one is confusing. In the future, nominators, if you want
> multiple story to count as one story, nominate it together as
> Adara/BoromirFan did. Otherwise, nominate each part separately.
> This one is presently in the database as separate parts, so I'll
keep it
> that way unless the author says otherwise. Adara. which way do you
> it?
> Categorizer: I looked up the various parts. They have separate
> Love and Lust, Paths of Peril, and The Power of Love. I've updated
> database to show the titles as: (separate title): A Dynasty Broken
(Part X)
> Also, Parts 1 and 2 are complete. Part 3 is a WIP.


That was my fault, as I categorised it. Because the pieces were
submitted with separate url's, I assumed they were meant to be
separate pieces; I won't do that in the future.


Msg# 957

Re: A Dynasty Broken WIP or not WIP? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 23:35:50 Topic ID# 940
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 10:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] A Dynasty Broken WIP or not WIP?
> wrote:
> >
> Ainae-
> That was my fault, as I categorised it. Because the pieces
> were submitted with separate url's, I assumed they were meant
> to be separate pieces; I won't do that in the future.
> Marta

On the contrary, Marta, I think the fault was mine. I hadn't thought about
this possibility. This is the first time it came up. I'd agree that the
three URL's would seem to indicate this as three nominations in one. We
really need the author/nominator to let us know how she prefers it.

Now that it has come up, I just wanted to get a policy for how to handle
them in the future out there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 958

Awards Banners, heads up all you budding artists! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 23:52:29 Topic ID# 940
Just a note or two on the banner submissions. They look great so far, so
keep 'em coming!

However, I have noted a tendency for some of them to be...well...huge. I
haven't set a specific dimensional guideline and I don't want to. Just keep
in mind that these are ment to be displayed on a page with the winning
story. I'm not going to edit the ones posted to the Yahoo site, but I am
going to reduce the size on some on the web site. I won't change the
perameters or anything. I'll just cut them down by percentages. Don't
worry. They just have to be smaller.

Second note: Do make a post to the list saying you've submitted something.
We want to get them on the web site so folks can see them, but I won't know
to go find them in the Photos section unless you tell me. ;-)

Oh, and the poll did close meaning the voting on the banners will take place
after Voting Season (for fanfic) closes.

Okay, thanks.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 959

So I was going to update the website when.... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 17, 2004 - 23:59:12 Topic ID# 959
YahooGroups seems to be experiencing problems. I'm not getting a Cannot
Display Page message.

So, looks like I might not get to update the website today (except to change
that one category).


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 960

Re: Awards Banners, heads up all you budding artists! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 18, 2004 - 0:20:59 Topic ID# 940
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 11:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Awards Banners, heads up all you budding artists!
> Just a note or two on the banner submissions. They look
> great so far, so keep 'em coming!
> However, I have noted a tendency for some of them to
> be...well...huge. I haven't set a specific dimensional
> guideline and I don't want to. Just keep in mind that these
> are ment to be displayed on a page with the winning story.
> I'm not going to edit the ones posted to the Yahoo site, but
> I am going to reduce the size on some on the web site. I
> won't change the perameters or anything. I'll just cut them
> down by percentages. Don't worry. They just have to be smaller.

I won't change their "dimensions". That was the word I was looking for.
Okay, I've reduced the size on most of them, even a couple of my own.

There was one, however, that I couldn't really reduce without distorting the
words. Could the creator of the akallabeth #1 banner please reduce that one
a bit? I'm sure you could enlarnge the words so that they'd still be
legible, but the overall banner might be smaller. Maybe about half that

Thank you.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 961

Re: So I was going to update the website when.... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 18, 2004 - 0:47:11 Topic ID# 959
YahooGroups seems to be back up, but it's time to hit the sack.

See ya'll in the mornin'


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] So I was going to update the website when....
> YahooGroups seems to be experiencing problems. I'm not
> getting a Cannot Display Page message.
> So, looks like I might not get to update the website today
> (except to change that one category).
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said, "for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at
> that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 962

Re: Categorizing Posted by Kate May 18, 2004 - 5:09:48 Topic ID# 931
> Hi Pervinca-
> Many apologies! I was confused as to what topic I was supposed to
> database. Ainae has cleared this up for me, and I won't be doing
> romance any more. (I'm just doing mystery and horror at the time.
> Marta

No need to apologise :) Made life a little easier for me. And it's so
easy to get confused sometimes, so don't worry about it.

Good luck with your categories!

- Pervinca

Msg# 963

Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category Posted by Jessie Holder May 18, 2004 - 5:55:06 Topic ID# 947
>Message: 17
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 15:08:21 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Larian Elensar <>
>Subject: Question Re: Wind and Fire by Adi - Category
>Being anal, I'm trying to start reading some of the stories...
>I came across Wind and Fire by Adi today. It is in the humor category, and
>wondering if it should be? I don't know who nominated it, or if the author
>placed it there, but it doesn't seem particularly suited to that
>*butting out now*

Thanks for pointing that out, Larian. I hadn't even noticed myself, but
you're right, it wasn't intended as humour.


Use MSN Messenger to send music and pics to your friends

Msg# 964

Uploaded Elves Award banner Posted by Tinni May 18, 2004 - 8:11:20 Topic ID# 964
Uploaded an Elves Award Banner. Hopefully it's something people will
actually want on their site. -Tinni

Msg# 965

Banners Posted by antoinette\ May 18, 2004 - 8:32:48 Topic ID# 964
The banners Look good. Thank for all the hard work in creating them.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 966

Re: Uploaded Elves Award banner Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 18, 2004 - 9:24:25 Topic ID# 964
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Uploaded Elves Award banner
> Uploaded an Elves Award Banner. Hopefully it's something
> people will actually want on their site. -Tinni
> +Submission+(pls.+subdivide)/Elves&.dnm=Elves%
> 231.jpg&.src=gr&.view=t&.hires=t


It's a good looking banner but unfortunately, it doesn't fit any of the
Elves Award titles.

Peerhaps that is my fault. I'll have to go back and look at the info I have
on the Fan Art contest. Okay, I found this paragraph:

Banners should have the following Words on them: (the award title), "2004",
and "MEFA". *They should be geared to the individual award. For example, a
Witch King banner for The Witch-King of Angmar Award, not a collection of

The Awards for the Elves Categories are:

1) The Ingwe of Valinor Award
2) The Elu Thingol of Doriath Award
3) The Turgon of Gondolin Award

I do hope you'll give it another try, Tinni. The Elf banner you made shnows
you have the talent. And don't forget to put the name of the Award on the
banner itself.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 967

Re: Banners Posted by gwathyg May 18, 2004 - 12:06:59 Topic ID# 964
--- In, antoinette_brenion@e... wrote:
> The banners Look good. Thank for all the hard work in creating
> Antoinette
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


They are fun to make.


Msg# 968

Banner Folders Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 18, 2004 - 12:32:40 Topic ID# 968
To make it easier to know what banners to make, I've made sure every
category has it's own folder and three subfolders inside of it. Those
folders are named for the Award titles in the category. All these are in
the Photos section of the Yahoo site.

I will eventually be subdividing the web page so it won't take so long for
someone with a dial-up connection to pull up the banners they want to see.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 969

Re: mock my innocence Posted by sos8n May 18, 2004 - 17:24:01 Topic ID# 921
thanks Nerwen.. we were just worried that the authour aproval had
been lost or something :)
omc/omc is right.. it's also a WIP all be it a long one.

--- In, "Nerwen Calaelen"
<nerwen_calaelen@y...> wrote:
> Sorry. That was me being inefficient. I haven't been up to date
on the nominations in my catogories.
> It should now be in the database, and so will be on the website
when Ainae next updates it.
> Nerwen
> P.S. I've got in down as OMC/OMC in the romantic pairing column,
having checked after reading the summary. I hope this is correct.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: sos8n
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:27 PM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] mock my innocence
> i nominated at story a while ago called mock my innocence and
> although the authour aproval has come up on the database, it's
not on
> the list of nominations on the website, do i need to re-nominate
> because of the new slash warnings stuff?
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 970

Re: Uploaded Elves Award banner Posted by Tinni May 18, 2004 - 18:32:04 Topic ID# 964
Maglor: ! What did the son's of Feanor ever do to you? Why can't
there be an award from us!

Glorfindel: Or me! Everybody knows I am the most popular elf.

Legolas: Excuse me!

Glorfindel: You heard me pretty boy.

Tinni: Sorry about that Ainaechoiriel but my quendi muse never listen
to me. I just read the page and it didn't
say that you only had those three awards from elves. Unfortunately I
don't much care for either Elu, Turgon or Ingwe. So that's pretty
much me out of the award banner race. Unless of course one of the
said three elves decide to inspire me. ;)

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:05 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Uploaded Elves Award banner
> >
> > Uploaded an Elves Award Banner. Hopefully it's something
> > people will actually want on their site. -Tinni
> >
> >
> > +Submission+(pls.+subdivide)/Elves&.dnm=Elves%
> > 231.jpg&.src=gr&.view=t&.hires=t
> Tinni,
> It's a good looking banner but unfortunately, it doesn't fit any of
> Elves Award titles.
> Peerhaps that is my fault. I'll have to go back and look at the
info I have
> on the Fan Art contest. Okay, I found this paragraph:
> Banners should have the following Words on them: (the award
title), "2004",
> and "MEFA". *They should be geared to the individual award. For
example, a
> Witch King banner for The Witch-King of Angmar Award, not a
collection of
> Orcs.*
> The Awards for the Elves Categories are:
> 1) The Ingwe of Valinor Award
> 2) The Elu Thingol of Doriath Award
> 3) The Turgon of Gondolin Award
> I do hope you'll give it another try, Tinni. The Elf banner you
made shnows
> you have the talent. And don't forget to put the name of the Award
on the
> banner itself.
> Thanks.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 971

Re: Uploaded Elves Award banner Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 18, 2004 - 23:01:49 Topic ID# 964
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Uploaded Elves Award banner
> Maglor: ! What did the son's of Feanor ever do to you? Why
> can't there be an award from us!
> Glorfindel: Or me! Everybody knows I am the most popular elf.
> Legolas: Excuse me!
> Glorfindel: You heard me pretty boy.

;-) Hey I was shocked myself that there is no Award that would include
Legolas, except for the PoC award in Crossovers.

> Tinni: Sorry about that Ainaechoiriel but my quendi muse
> never listen to me. I just read the
> page and it
> didn't say that you only had those three awards from elves.

I didn't spell out all the award titles there as I'd already done so in the
FAQ. I'll make a revision to note that a person can see the titles in the
2004 MEFA Winners database on the Yahoo site. Of course, there are no
winners yet, but I've already put awards names in there with their

> Unfortunately I don't much care for either Elu, Turgon or
> Ingwe. So that's pretty much me out of the award banner race.
> Unless of course one of the said three elves decide to inspire me. ;)

We picked three of the kingdoms of Elves from First Age. Which meant that
there is no Thranduil Award or Legolas Award. :-(

To make up for that, I made a MEFA button of Legolas from the coronation.
Not an Awards button but a button for linking to the site. Would you like
your Elves banner to be used for that purpose? If so, post it in the other
main folder in the Photos section and I'll pick it up for the website from


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 972

Re: Uploaded Elves Award banner Posted by Tinni May 18, 2004 - 23:15:07 Topic ID# 964
> We picked three of the kingdoms of Elves from First Age. Which
meant that
> there is no Thranduil Award or Legolas Award. :-(
> To make up for that, I made a MEFA button of Legolas from the
> Not an Awards button but a button for linking to the site. Would
you like
> your Elves banner to be used for that purpose? If so, post it in
the other
> main folder in the Photos section and I'll pick it up for the
website from
> there.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Maglor would like me to point our that the Sons of Feanor had Five
kingdoms during the first age. Other than that don't worry about it.
It doesn't fit in, it doesn't fit in. Have fun. Bye. -Tinni

Msg# 973

Another round of Database cleanup Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 0:03:55 Topic ID# 973
There are still a few of Marnie's stories not approved.
A Leaf on a Stream
Between Two Worlds
The Mantle of Power

And Those Who Remain has two categories. Marnie, if you're out there, would
you rather it be Lord of the Rings or Elves?

Other authors who have approved some but not others:

Eledwen's Estel and the Hobbit
Nessime's Ever Good and Perfect Gift?
Virvatuli also has In the Absence of Her Ladyship...oh wait. That's me. ;-)
Ariel's Of Dwarvish Ale and the Fairer Sex
M.N. Theis's The Dead Walk Tonight
Altariel's The Fire Sermon
CNell's The Story of Legolas and Enoreth
Arwen Imladviel's The Tale of a King

Casey Toh's Arda Unmarred is in for the whole thing and only the first

I also removed some other duplicates.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 974

Thundera Tiger has joined us Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 0:04:18 Topic ID# 974
Not to single her out overly much, but I know I nominated some of her
stories and we don't have her approvals yet.

So welcome to the group, Thundera! And while we're at it, do you approve of
Knife Work?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 975

New file uploaded to MEFAwards Posted by May 19, 2004 - 0:45:20 Topic ID# 1

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the MEFAwards

File : /Rules and FAQs/conduct.txt
Uploaded by : ainaechoiriel <>
Description : Code of Conduct

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


ainaechoiriel <>

Msg# 976

Re: Thundera Tiger has joined us Posted by Thundera Tiger May 19, 2004 - 1:00:15 Topic ID# 974
*blinks* Um...hey! Thanks for the welcome. I was actually going to post
something later, kind of along the lines of an introduction, but this is
cool, too! Hello all!

Marta pointed me toward this site. Took me a while to get around to joining
up, but I'm here now. Yea! And while I'm at it, yes, I definitely approve of
Knife Work and anything else that needs approving. (Do I need to send
someone a specific email or does that cover it?) Anyway, now I'm off to
peruse the stories that have already been nominated. I've got a few in mind
that, if they're not here already, should definitely be recognized. And the
website says I should get started on my reading anyway.


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
>Not to single her out overly much, but I know I nominated some of her
>stories and we don't have her approvals yet.
>So welcome to the group, Thundera! And while we're at it, do you approve
>Knife Work?
>"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said,
>it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 977

Code of Conduct for the MEFAwards YahooGroup Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 1:04:39 Topic ID# 977
Because some people have voiced concerns about how some things are handled
on this group, I've put together a Code of Conduct. Consider this an
Executive Decision, a constitution of sorts to go along with the Mission and
Charter. It has been posted to the Files section and several disclaimers
have been added to the web site.

And before you go any further: I am still looking for an overseas Moderator.
Why Overseas? To handle the "night" shift which, of course, wouldn't
necessarily be night for someone overseas.

The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards'
Code of Conduct for MEFAwards at YahooGroups

I: Civility reigns

A. At all times, all members should remain civil and refrain
from being uncivil. While discussion and debate are allowed,
all such discussion and debate should be kept rational and

B. Personal attacks against anyone on this list, whether Staff
or simply a Member, are automatically "uncivil", and therefore
not allowed.

C. Trolling, by definition, is uncivil and therefore not allowed.

D. The authority to officially decide something is uncivil rests
with the Moderators.

1. If the moderators decide that a poster is being uncivil,
that poster will be placed on Moderated status and contacted

privately until things can be worked out.

2. If things cannot be worked out, the poster will remain on

Moderated status, may choose to leave, or may be asked to
depending on the context and the specific nature of the

II: Off-Topic

A. "Off-Topic" is anything not pertaining in some way to the awards

group's business

B. In order to provide a friendly atmosphere, off-topic comments by
members (including Staff) are allowed so long as they meets all of
following criteria:

1. They are clearly marked with "OT:" in the subject or the
topic portion of the post,

2. They are kept to a minimum,


3. The primary "business" of these awards remains the
focus of posts.

C. Comment that is personal and which will not be allowed to
dominate this

1. Religious and/or political and/or other personal beliefs
that make
up the heart of a post are off-topic and should be
noted as such in
the subject line by the use of the "OT:" code.

2. Opinions based on religion, politics or other personal
that are not the focus of the post should be clearly noted
context or clues (IMHO, "My belief is....",
"Personally,...") in
such a way as to indicate an awareness and respect for the
of others.

a. Any such statements should refrain from being
or proselytizing. Nor should they be of a
campaigning nature.

b. All members (Staff included) should remain
of different beliefs.

1) This includes respecting the right of any
of whatever background, to speak from a
informed by his or her faith or political
leanings, etc.
SO LONG AS such remarks fall within the
scope of the
present Code of Conduct.

2) It also includes respecting the right of
whether of religious and/or political
background or
not, to refrain in all cases from mentioning
responding to religiously- or politically-
comments, and refraining from making
assumptions about
a member's background.

2. Off the cuff remarks such as "I'm off to church" etc.,
explaining an absence are not considered to be religious
or opinions. It would make no sense to say, "In my opinion,
off to church."

3. In respect to religion, these Awards and the group uphold
abide by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United
As such, we take the wording from said document and revise
it to
pertain to this group and the awards:

[The MEFAs and MEFAwards] shall make no [rule] respecting an
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof[.]

In other words: the awards and the group:

a. have no tie or obligation to any particularly

b. will not establish a religion as the official
religion of
the group or the awards

c. will not restrain members (including Staff when
posting in
a non-official capacity) from having or expressing
religious beliefs when

1) that expression is relevant to the
current discussion


2) that expression abides by the tenets set
forth in the
Code of Conduct in general and those
pertaining to
religious and political comments in

d. The same holds for political parties or
affiliations. There
are none for the group, though there may be for

D. Spam is off-topic. Anyone posting spam will be automatically
banned from

F. Arguments and debates *not* pertaining to the awards,
administration of
the awards, etc. (ie. "business") should be taken off the list at
earliest opportunity.

G. The authority to officially decide if a poster or his or her post
not abided by these tenets for Off-Topic comments rests with the

1. If the moderators decide that a poster is being too
off-topic, or
disrespectful of others, etc., that poster will be placed on

Moderated status until things can be worked out.

2. If things cannot be worked out, the poster will remain on

Moderated status, may choose to leave, or may be asked to
depending on the context and the specific nature of
the infraction.

III. Member Redress
A. If an individual member feels offended by another member's
Staff when not posting "officially") post, that individual member
and may take the following course:

1. Give the poster the benefit of the doubt:

a. Do not assume the poster meant to offend

b. Do not look for offense in something clearly
marked as
opinion or belief as set forth in the above tenets.

c. When in doubt, ask for clarification.

2. If clarification is not forth-coming or not
member should

a. contact the poster privately, taking the
disucssion offlist.

b. bring it to the attention of the moderators for
the purpose
of mediation. (Moderator contacts can be found under
Members section of the YahooGroup site.)

B. If an individual member feels offended by a Staff member's
"officially"), that individual member should and may take the same
with the exception below

b. If offended by a non-Moderator staffmember,
contact a

c. If offended by a Moderator, contact a different

IV. The right to revise this Code of Conduct resides solely with the MEFA

Created: 5/18/04. Revised: N/A

MEFA Administrator

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 978

Correction to website list Posted by May 19, 2004 - 1:39:37 Topic ID# 978
Hi, Ainae, just wanted to let you know that "Theodred's Tale" is a
WIP. Right now it's not listed as such on the website. I expect
that's my fault, because when I first nominated it I forgot and left
that off, and though I sent another message right after correcting it,
whoever catagorized it must have missed it. I fixed it in the
database, but you'll have to fix it on the website. Thanks!


Msg# 979

Re: Another round of Database cleanup Posted by arielphf May 19, 2004 - 5:34:35 Topic ID# 973
I give my approval for 'Of Dwarvish Ale and the Fairer Sex' - though
I disavow all responsibility for beverages spewed while reading it.

Another note to Aina - the other story of mine that was in question -
'Autumn's Requiem' is posted at WOTM, and SoA as an 'R' rated
story. Is that sufficient to prove its R rating?


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> There are still a few of Marnie's stories not approved.
> A Leaf on a Stream
> Between Two Worlds
> The Mantle of Power
> And Those Who Remain has two categories. Marnie, if you're out
there, would
> you rather it be Lord of the Rings or Elves?
> Other authors who have approved some but not others:
> Eledwen's Estel and the Hobbit
> Nessime's Ever Good and Perfect Gift?
> Virvatuli also has In the Absence of Her Ladyship...oh wait. That's
me. ;-)
> Ariel's Of Dwarvish Ale and the Fairer Sex
> M.N. Theis's The Dead Walk Tonight
> Altariel's The Fire Sermon
> CNell's The Story of Legolas and Enoreth
> Arwen Imladviel's The Tale of a King
> Casey Toh's Arda Unmarred is in for the whole thing and only the
> chapter.
> I also removed some other duplicates.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 980

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 19, 2004 - 7:13:50 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:White Wing

*Story Author:Cirdan

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):Gondolin


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Tuor tells
his foster-father what he would call his house, if ever he had one.

Msg# 981

OT: RL smackdown Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 11:47:47 Topic ID# 981
Real Life has smacked me hard today. Not only did my basement flood, but my
housemate has suddenly, secretly moved out and may have absconded with $7500
that was supposed to go to me for a Pampered Chef order. Right now, I don't
know if that order ever existed to begin with, but it's very strange at any

I think I'm in shock.

I may not be paying much attention to this group today.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 982

Re: OT: RL smackdown Posted by Viv May 19, 2004 - 12:02:38 Topic ID# 981
Just take care of what you need to; don't worry about
us. We aren't getting many nominations at the moment,
but I don't mind at all picking up your categories and
author-contacting commitments until further notice.
Let me know if that would help or just be more

Take care o you,

--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Real Life has smacked me hard today. Not only did
> my basement flood, but my
> housemate has suddenly, secretly moved out and may
> have absconded with $7500
> that was supposed to go to me for a Pampered Chef
> order. Right now, I don't
> know if that order ever existed to begin with, but
> it's very strange at any
> rate.
> I think I'm in shock.
> I may not be paying much attention to this group
> today.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the
> Elves," Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that."
> --H.F.
> Land of
> Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.

Msg# 983

Re: OT: RL smackdown Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 19, 2004 - 12:35:09 Topic ID# 981
Take care of yourself first. The list won't shrivel up & die
while you deal with an unholy mess. Sounds like death
is too good for your "friend".


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 984

Re: OT: RL smackdown Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 16:34:44 Topic ID# 981
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] OT: RL smackdown
> Just take care of what you need to; don't worry about us. We
> aren't getting many nominations at the moment, but I don't
> mind at all picking up your categories and author-contacting
> commitments until further notice.
> Let me know if that would help or just be more complicating.
> Take care o you,
> viv

Thanks, all you guys. I've done just about everything I can't think of with
the resources I have. The police say there's nothing I can do there. I
think my boss is right that I should change locks on my doors and look out
for identity theft. The water in my basement has apparently drained down.
I've tried e-mailing the "boss", calling the "boss's wife", e-mailing and
faxing the downstairs neighbor of the address I was given for the "boss's
wife". No response to any of it yet. And of course, I've called my
housemate's cell phone.

I've spent most of the day in a daze. This has got to be the strangest
thing that has ever happened to me. And I'm not talking about the basement.

Viv, so far I only see one nomination and it's an author I should contact.
But thanks for the offer. I'm just sitting here waiting for e-mails to come
(if they ever will) so I can handle what we've got.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 985

Re: OT: RL smackdown Posted by ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 16:39:49 Topic ID# 981
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

> Viv, so far I only see one nomination and it's an author I should
> But thanks for the offer. I'm just sitting here waiting for e-mails
to come
> (if they ever will) so I can handle what we've got.

Oops. That author is Cirdan, so not one of mine. I was lookinga t the
title for some reason. Still in a daze, I guess.


Msg# 986

Finally some nominations Posted by avonaus May 19, 2004 - 19:09:20 Topic ID# 986
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Avon

*Story Title:Home by Morning

*Story Author:Fileg

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://http://www.henneth-

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:A Ranger and his partner

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

A love poem from the heart of war and a Nursery Rhyme to scare the
daylights out of the little ones when you tuck them in.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Avon

*Story Title:Ascension

*Story Author:Fileg

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

a terzanelle that questions the futile nature of waiting for


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Avon

*Story Title:Promises to Keep

*Story Author:Nessime

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

The Third Marshal of the Riddermark and the Ranger who would be King
meet for the first time on the plains of Rohan. Told from a slightly
different viewpoint.



Msg# 987

Another nomination Posted by avonaus May 19, 2004 - 22:20:26 Topic ID# 987
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Avon
*Story Title:

*Story Author:LKK

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):Dwarves


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

During that restless third night of The Great Chase, Gimli ponders
his elven companion.

LKK has given me permission to nominate this.


Msg# 988

Re: Another nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 22:30:46 Topic ID# 987
> -----Original Message-----
> From: avonaus []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Another nomination
> LKK has given me permission to nominate this.
> Avon

Great! Just forward that permission to me for filing to make it official.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 989

Re: Another nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 19, 2004 - 22:31:27 Topic ID# 987
> -----Original Message-----
> From: avonaus []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Another nomination
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Avon
> *Story Title:

Oh, and we're missing a title there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 990

Re: Another nomination - corrected Posted by avonaus May 19, 2004 - 23:38:44 Topic ID# 987
--- In, "avonaus" <avonaus@y...> wrote:
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Avon
> *Story Title:The Stone Tree
> *Story Author:LKK
> *Author's E-mail Address: LKK6144@a...
> *Story URL:
> sid=1284&cid=5184
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st:LOTR
> 2nd:Elves
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):Dwarves
> *Rating:G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners:
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> During that restless third night of The Great Chase, Gimli ponders
> his elven companion.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> LKK has given me permission to nominate this.
> Avon

Msg# 991

Nominations Posted by Thundera Tiger May 20, 2004 - 10:39:13 Topic ID# 191
I checked the database and I didn't see any of these nominated, so I hope
I'm not doubling anything up. Coming in late, I'm rather nervous about that
kind of thing. But here we go!

Oh, and Ainaechoiriel, we forward permission to you, right?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thundera Tiger

*Story Title: The Romance That Never Was

*Story Author: bryn_bnw

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Fellowship

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NA

*Romance Partners: NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Some love stories
are warm and fuzzy. Others are just plain twisted. Short parody on a
familiar theme.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thundera Tiger

*Story Title: Dissection of the Common WoodElf, Telerius Galadh

*Story Author: bryn_bnw

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NA

*Romance Partners: NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Observation and
Dissection of the Common Wood-Elf (Telerius galadh). Why do Elves glow? How
does an Elf walk on snow? Methods of reproduction? It's Legolas as you've
never seen him before.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thundera Tiger

*Story Title: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

*Story Author: bryn_bnw

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Fellowship

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence

*Romance Partners: NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Prior to their
journey, the Fellowship remained in Rivendell for two months. Let them not
be accused of "lounging around." Of misunderstandings, embarrassingly
botched scouting missions, and enemies at home and abroad. Proof that when
in doubt, things always can get worse.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thundera Tiger

*Story Title: Notes From the Field

*Story Author: bryn_bnw

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): NA

*Romance Partners: NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Alas, there are no
fairy tale endings in Nature... Tolkien never wrote of Thranduil's fate.
Unfortunately, the task falls to bumbling researchers of the SRDM. Of hair
braiding, migratory patterns, and a plea to Save the Common Wood-Elf.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thundera Tiger

*Story Title: marinus stiria

*Story Author: bryn_bnw

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence

*Romance Partners: NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Following a violent
confrontation with Aragorn, Legolas sets out with aid of Gimli to rid Gondor
of the Sea Stone. Sensing certain disaster, Aragorn is hard on their heels.
Unfortunately, so too is the head Corsair of Umbar...

Thundera Tiger

Msg# 992

Quick correction to those nominations (Sorry!) Posted by Thundera Tiger May 20, 2004 - 10:40:38 Topic ID# 992
Forgot to say that bryn's "marinus stiria" is a WIP. Sorry about that.


Msg# 993

Two more Awards Banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 11:43:50 Topic ID# 993
Bubbles has submitted two more banners: Master of Buckland and the sith
Helm's Deep.

For Banner catetgories to be viable, we need 2. So here's the report on the

1) The Faithful of Numenor Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Kings of Gondor and Arnor Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Ruling Stewards Award
Viable (2 total)

1) The Ingwe of Valinor Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Elu Thingol of Doriath Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

3) The Turgon of Gondolin Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

1) The Ring-bearer of Bag End Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Master of Buckland Award
Viable (2 total)

3) The Thain of The Great Smials Award
Viable (2 total)

1) The Barad-dur Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Minas Morgul Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Orthanc Award
Viable (2 total)

1) The Theoden Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Eomer Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Eowyn Award
Viable (2 total)

1) The Elros, Son of Earendil Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Tar-Palantir Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

3) The Tar-Miriel Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

1) The Tom Bombadil Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Bilbo Baggins Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Barliman Butterbur Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

1) The Battle of the Black Gate Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Battle of the Pelennor Fields Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Battle of Helm's Deep Award
Viable (6 total)

Drama (includes Angst)
1) The Turin Turambar Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Frodo Baggins Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

3) The Nimrodel and Amroth Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

1) The Luthien and Beren Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Tuor and Idril Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

3) The Aragorn and Arwen Award
Viable (3 total)

1) The Morgoth Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

2) The Eye of Sauron Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Witch King of Angmar Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

1) The Shadows of Cuivienen Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Barrow-Wight Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

3) The Pukel-Men Award
Not Viable (needs 2)

1) The Pirates of the Caribbean Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Hidalgo Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

The Silmarillion
1) The Ainulindale Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

2) The Valaquenta Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Akallabeth Award
*Not Viable (has 2, but one is far too large and needs to be shrunk)

The Hobbit
1) The Shire Award
Viable (2 total)

2) The Mirkwood Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

3) The Lonely Mountain Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

The Lord of the Rings
1) The Fellowship fo the Ring Award
Viable (3 total)

2) The Two Towers Award
Viable (3 total)

3) The Return of the King Award
Not Viable (needs 1)

We've got plenty of time to make more banners/buttons. The voting for this
won't happen until November!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 994

New poll for MEFAwards Posted by May 20, 2004 - 12:45:25 Topic ID# 3
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
MEFAwards group:

In order to make it easier for those
artists making Awards Banners, I'm
considering a change in Awards titles
for the Elves Categories. Presently,
we have Ingwe, Elu Thingol, and Turgon,
all of which require original artwork.
So, should I change it to Imladris,
Eryn Lasgalen, and Lothlorien?

o Yes, change it!
o No, keep them as they are

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.


Msg# 995

Correction for Nomination Posted by Stella May 20, 2004 - 12:49:58 Topic ID# 995
Ainae, I was checking on some things and found that my
story "Iunctum" was in the wrong catagory. It was in Drama, but
should be in Romance. I've made the change in our database, but you
would need to correct it at the website next time you update.
Thanks, Stella

Msg# 996

Calling for Help! Posted by Stella May 20, 2004 - 12:55:13 Topic ID# 996
I am trying to help Nerwen to catch up on her author approvals. I
have tried to contact the author Dargelos, story "Blood and Smoke"
through the Henneth site and was soundly rejected by her email
provider. Does anyone have contact with this author? or does the
nominator know how I might get in contact with Dargelos?

Any help would be appreciated.


Msg# 997

Re: Correction for Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 13:11:27 Topic ID# 995
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stella []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Correction for Nomination
> Ainae, I was checking on some things and found that my story
> "Iunctum" was in the wrong catagory. It was in Drama, but
> should be in Romance. I've made the change in our database,
> but you would need to correct it at the website next time you update.
> Thanks, Stella

Thanks. Will do. We also need to make sure it gets changed in the
spreadsheets. I've forwarded Pervinca the original nomination. Viv, we
just need to make sure it gets deleted off yours.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 998

Re: Two more Awards Banners! Posted by gwathyg May 20, 2004 - 13:37:29 Topic ID# 993
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Bubbles has submitted two more banners: Master of Buckland and the
> Helm's Deep.
> For Banner catetgories to be viable, we need 2. So here's the
report on the
> Banners
> Men
> 1) The Faithful of Numenor Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Kings of Gondor and Arnor Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Ruling Stewards Award
> Viable (2 total)
> Elves
> 1) The Ingwe of Valinor Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Elu Thingol of Doriath Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 3) The Turgon of Gondolin Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> Hobbits
> 1) The Ring-bearer of Bag End Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Master of Buckland Award
> Viable (2 total)
> 3) The Thain of The Great Smials Award
> Viable (2 total)
> Orcs
> 1) The Barad-dur Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Minas Morgul Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Orthanc Award
> Viable (2 total)
> Rohan
> 1) The Theoden Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Eomer Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Eowyn Award
> Viable (2 total)
> Numenor
> 1) The Elros, Son of Earendil Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Tar-Palantir Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 3) The Tar-Miriel Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> Humor
> 1) The Tom Bombadil Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Bilbo Baggins Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Barliman Butterbur Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> Adventure
> 1) The Battle of the Black Gate Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Battle of the Pelennor Fields Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Battle of Helm's Deep Award
> Viable (6 total)
> Drama (includes Angst)
> 1) The Turin Turambar Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Frodo Baggins Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 3) The Nimrodel and Amroth Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> Romance
> 1) The Luthien and Beren Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Tuor and Idril Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 3) The Aragorn and Arwen Award
> Viable (3 total)
> Horror
> 1) The Morgoth Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 2) The Eye of Sauron Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Witch King of Angmar Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> Mystery
> 1) The Shadows of Cuivienen Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Barrow-Wight Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> 3) The Pukel-Men Award
> Not Viable (needs 2)
> Crossovers
> 1) The Pirates of the Caribbean Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Hidalgo Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> The Silmarillion
> 1) The Ainulindale Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 2) The Valaquenta Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Akallabeth Award
> *Not Viable (has 2, but one is far too large and needs to be shrunk)
> The Hobbit
> 1) The Shire Award
> Viable (2 total)
> 2) The Mirkwood Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> 3) The Lonely Mountain Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> The Lord of the Rings
> 1) The Fellowship fo the Ring Award
> Viable (3 total)
> 2) The Two Towers Award
> Viable (3 total)
> 3) The Return of the King Award
> Not Viable (needs 1)
> We've got plenty of time to make more banners/buttons. The voting
for this
> won't happen until November!

*Is sheepish*

That far too large one is mine. It is very hard to limit yourself
when text is involved...:D I shall fix and resubmit it sometime today
or tomorrow. My apologies!

Msg# 999

Re: Calling for Help! Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 20, 2004 - 14:02:03 Topic ID# 996
Hi, Stella!

I found Dargelos' private email through Google. Her website is
"Dargie's Post", and this is how you can reach her directly:



Msg# 1000

Re: Two more Awards Banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 14:10:40 Topic ID# 993
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Two more Awards Banners!

> *Is sheepish*
> That far too large one is mine. It is very hard to limit
> yourself when text is involved...:D I shall fix and resubmit
> it sometime today or tomorrow. My apologies!

That'd be great! I tried to shrink it but that made the text unreadable.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1001

Re: Calling for Help! Posted by Stella May 20, 2004 - 15:10:08 Topic ID# 996
--- In, "beleg1cuthalion"
<beleg1cuthalion@y...> wrote:
> Hi, Stella!
> I found Dargelos' private email through Google. Her website is
> "Dargie's Post", and this is how you can reach her directly:
> dargelos@m...
> Greetings
> Cúthalion

Thanks Cuthalion,
I just love people who know how to use all this new-fangled stuff :-)
Maybe if I live another hundred years I might figure it out.

Msg# 1002

Six more banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 15:28:02 Topic ID# 1002
I was trolling through the Photos section and found six more banners, all by
Anna/Andreth! She just made the Ainulindale a very Viable category. The
Valaquenta is Viable now, too.

They look great! I hadn't even thought o fusing images from space for the
Ainulindale, but it's a very good idea. See, all, you don't have to have an
image from Peter Jackson to put together a good-looking banner.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1003

Re: Correction to website list Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 16:01:39 Topic ID# 978
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Correction to website list
> Hi, Ainae, just wanted to let you know that "Theodred's Tale"
> is a WIP. Right now it's not listed as such on the website.
> I expect that's my fault, because when I first nominated it I
> forgot and left that off, and though I sent another message
> right after correcting it, whoever catagorized it must have
> missed it. I fixed it in the database, but you'll have to
> fix it on the website. Thanks!

Okay, it will be so noted on the web site at the next update (tonight


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1004

Re: Another round of Database cleanup Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 16:06:08 Topic ID# 973
> -----Original Message-----
> From: arielphf []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 5:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Another round of Database cleanup
> I give my approval for 'Of Dwarvish Ale and the Fairer Sex' -
> though I disavow all responsibility for beverages spewed
> while reading it.

I'll try and remember that. ;-)

> Another note to Aina - the other story of mine that was in
> question - 'Autumn's Requiem' is posted at WOTM, and
> SoA as an 'R' rated story. Is that sufficient to prove its R rating?

Sufficient for me. Do we have Aratlithiel's approval as co-author? I'm
going to assume by your discussing this that you approve, Ariel. ;-)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1005

Re: Six more banners! Posted by gwathyg May 20, 2004 - 16:50:10 Topic ID# 1002
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I was trolling through the Photos section and found six more
banners, all by
> Anna/Andreth! She just made the Ainulindale a very Viable
category. The
> Valaquenta is Viable now, too.
> They look great! I hadn't even thought o fusing images from space
for the
> Ainulindale, but it's a very good idea. See, all, you don't have
to have an
> image from Peter Jackson to put together a good-looking banner.

Oooh, they are great. I see I now have some cometition. Good :D. I
don't think I've ever had more fun...:D:D:D

Msg# 1006

Silm banners Posted by gwathyg May 20, 2004 - 17:36:33 Topic ID# 1006
The three that I submitted before (Ainu #1, Vala #1, and Akal #2)
have been re-submitted in smaller sizes and a little bit different
design. I completely re-did all of them to try and make the text
clearer, I hope it helped!


Msg# 1007

Unbound is WIP but not marked Posted by Larian Elensar May 20, 2004 - 18:08:08 Topic ID# 1007
Unbound by two-point was not listed as a WIP on the database, but at the end of
chapter 2 there is a 'tbc'

Also, In the Romance section, Speaking of Love is listed twice. (on the

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1008

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Tinni May 20, 2004 - 22:39:32 Topic ID# 1002
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I was trolling through the Photos section and found six more
>banners, all by
> Anna/Andreth! She just made the Ainulindale a very Viable
>category. The
> Valaquenta is Viable now, too.

Wait, does that mean that if you don't get any award banner for the
Elves catagory you are not going a have it as a catagory? -Tinni

> They look great! I hadn't even thought o fusing images from space
for the
> Ainulindale, but it's a very good idea. See, all, you don't have
to have an
> image from Peter Jackson to put together a good-looking banner.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1009

FW: Ten nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:04:08 Topic ID# 1009
Thanks for nominating, but these need to go to the group. So I've forwarded
them for you.

In the future, please send them to


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

-----Original Message-----
From: lindorien2000 []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:02 PM
Subject: Ten nominations

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: the Rebel

*Story Author: Lindelea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):The day after the
battle Frodo rode to Michel Delving and released the prisoners from the
Lockholes. One of the first that they found was poor Fredegar Bolger, Fatty
no longer. He had been taken when the ruffians smoked out a band of rebels
that he led from their hidings up in the Brockenbores by the hills of
Scary.--"The Grey Havens"


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lindorien

*Story Title: For Gondor

*Story Author: Avon

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Faramir's charge - a
sound picture. Movie-verse. Marta discussed the idea of people writing a
scene using one sense only and this is where that idea took me. Rather
experimental and beta - all feedback welcome.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings


To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: The Ents of Wrath

*Story Author: Bryn

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: LOTR
3rd: Ents??
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Into the depths of
Fanghorn we go! Merry and Pippin meet...Treebeard. In which our favorite
Elf, Ranger, Dwarf, and Wizard have a time sorting THIS one out, and we
discover why Ents are trees. A bit of fun nonsense.
(Cameos by Eomer, Theoden, Haldir, Rumil, Galadriel, and Celeborn.)

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Once in Imladris City

*Story Author: Orophins_Dottir

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Written for the
Stories of Arda group's holiday challenge (2003). Thought I'd get it posted
while it's still seasonal. A bit of total nonsense complete with miruvor
eggnog and gilded spiders!


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Seashell

*Story Author: Nol

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Elros, on the eve of
his departure to Numenor, seeks out his foster father on the eastern shore.
Of the madness of Maglor. Gapfiller, possibly AU

a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Sam's Garden

*Story Author: Shirling

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Love expressed through the creation and nurturing of a garden


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: The Dragon's Egg

*Story Author: Shirling

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Love expressed through the creation and nurturing of a garden


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Dancing Withing Walls

*Story Author: Sphinx

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
An imminent parting looms, and they realize that words are not enough.
Featuring Elrond, Arwen. Vignette.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: A Little Night Music

*Story Author: Ariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
This This fic is not my usual fare. It was written as the response to a
challenge a few friends and I made to write the romances of married couples
in M-e - something most people avoid like the plague. As I was the only
hobbit writer in the group, I naturally (and kicking and screaming a little
bit) took the hobbits Sam and Rosie. I don't usually respond well to
challenges, but I sort of liked the way this came out. It's not got the same
kind of heat as my Frodo stuff, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Magpies and Rhymes

*Story Author: Acacea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Noisy birds in Minas Tirith trigger memories and raise hope for a brief
moment - Faramir, Denethor and a long forgotten rhyme


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Msg# 1010

Re: Silm banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:08:22 Topic ID# 1006
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Silm banners
> The three that I submitted before (Ainu #1, Vala #1, and Akal
> #2) have been re-submitted in smaller sizes and a little bit
> different design. I completely re-did all of them to try and
> make the text clearer, I hope it helped!
> ~Gwathy

Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll get them updated on the web site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1011

Re: Unbound is WIP but not marked Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:11:13 Topic ID# 1007
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:08 PM
> To: MEFAs
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Unbound is WIP but not marked
> Unbound by two-point was not listed as a WIP on the database,
> but at the end of chapter 2 there is a 'tbc'

Thanks for letting us know. Do you know what this means?

Elves/Incomplete is now Viable!

> Also, In the Romance section, Speaking of Love is listed
> twice. (on the
> website)

There have been a few duplicates now and then. Probably from a restaffing of
categorizers. When I go through the database to look for stories to add to
the web site, I delete the ones I'm sure of. Marnie's duplicate "Those Who
Remain" is still there because they have two different categories. We need
to sort that out before one can be deleted.

Msg# 1012

Re: Unbound is WIP but not marked Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:12:31 Topic ID# 1007
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:08 PM
> To: MEFAs
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Unbound is WIP but not marked

> Also, In the Romance section, Speaking of Love is listed
> twice. (on the
> website)

(Sheepish) Ah. Didn't catch the part about "on the website" until just now.
Consider it deleted. I'll be posting an update tonight.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1013

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:13:39 Topic ID# 1002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:

> Wait, does that mean that if you don't get any award banner
> for the Elves catagory you are not going a have it as a
> catagory? -Tinni

Nah! We have until November, plenty of time to come up with something (go
hit up your artist friends everyone!).

Besides, there is a poll right now asking about changing the Award titles
for the Elves section. Go check it out and register your vote. It's not
going to be open for long.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1014

Elves title poll Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:23:39 Topic ID# 1014
Speaking of that poll, right now it's incredibly one-sided. That gave me a
chuckle. :-p
Does that mean you want me to close the poll early?
Really, folks, it's leaning toward changing them, so if you don't want them
changed, ya better hurry up and vote.
"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1015

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Tinni May 21, 2004 - 0:05:34 Topic ID# 1002
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:40 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> >
> > --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Wait, does that mean that if you don't get any award banner
> > for the Elves catagory you are not going a have it as a
> > catagory? -Tinni
> Nah! We have until November, plenty of time to come up with
something (go
> hit up your artist friends everyone!).
> Besides, there is a poll right now asking about changing the Award
> for the Elves section. Go check it out and register your vote. It's
> going to be open for long.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Umm... Ainaechoriel I have a problem with the poll. I want to the
titles changed but not to the suggested one. In my humble opinion it
would make more sense to have awards for each kindred of elves. I.e.
Vanya Award, Noldor Award and Teleri Award. That way you can use
images from the movie or use your own creativity. I mean it includes
elves from all ages and I just think the broad scope will get more
creative jucies flowing. Just a thought. -Tinni

> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 1016

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 21, 2004 - 0:19:17 Topic ID# 1002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> Umm... Ainaechoriel I have a problem with the poll. I want to
> the titles changed but not to the suggested one. In my humble
> opinion it would make more sense to have awards for each
> kindred of elves. I.e.
> Vanya Award, Noldor Award and Teleri Award. That way you can
> use images from the movie or use your own creativity. I mean
> it includes elves from all ages and I just think the broad
> scope will get more creative jucies flowing. Just a thought.

Well, we thought about that when we were coming up with them. They're a
little plain and they don't take into account all the Elves. What about the
Sindarin, the Silvan, the Nandor, the Avari, etc.

By going with Imladris, Eryn Lasgalen, and Lothlorien, you have the three
places where the Elves are at the end of the Third Age--and there are only
three places, at least in Middle-Earth. At just about any other time, you
have a lot more places and the same problem as the various kinds of Elves
mentioned above. By going with just the three places in LOTR, it's kind of
like going with the battles of LOTR for Adventure, or the three places one
might find Orcs in LOTR for the Orcs.

Personally, I did kind of like the 3 kingdoms idea (the present titles), but
I don't think I could come up with anything for a banner for any of the
three even though I like Elu Thingol.

Besides, if I changed the poll now, all the present votes would disappear.

We might go with different titles next year. Hold that suggestion and
refine it to just three logical choices.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1017

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Andreth/Anna May 21, 2004 - 0:38:49 Topic ID# 1002
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I was trolling through the Photos section and found six more
banners, all by
> Anna/Andreth! She just made the Ainulindale a very Viable
category. The
> Valaquenta is Viable now, too.
> They look great! I hadn't even thought o fusing images from space
for the
> Ainulindale, but it's a very good idea. See, all, you don't have
to have an
> image from Peter Jackson to put together a good-looking banner.

Thanks much. I'm glad you like them. I can't take full credit though -
it was hubby's idea to use some of the Hubble photos one of his
astronomy buddies sent to him. I couldn't choose which one I liked
best, so I just used them all.

I've been slowly adding more banners. Been working on some for the
last few weeks, but have been too lazy to finish them and upload
them. With the way I procrastinate, I'm glad we have until
November. :-D


Msg# 1018

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Tinni May 21, 2004 - 0:52:17 Topic ID# 1002
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:05 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> >
> > Umm... Ainaechoriel I have a problem with the poll. I want to
> > the titles changed but not to the suggested one. In my humble
> > opinion it would make more sense to have awards for each
> > kindred of elves. I.e.
> > Vanya Award, Noldor Award and Teleri Award. That way you can
> > use images from the movie or use your own creativity. I mean
> > it includes elves from all ages and I just think the broad
> > scope will get more creative jucies flowing. Just a thought.
> Well, we thought about that when we were coming up with them.
They're a
> little plain and they don't take into account all the Elves. What
about the
> Sindarin, the Silvan, the Nandor, the Avari, etc.

The Sindar, the silvan and the nandor were all Teleri and the Avari
were what remained of the original three tribes of elves. I don't see
why that would be a problem. *shrug* I'll live whatever you decided
but I just think for a broad catagory title like elves the sub-
catagory are far too limiting. I mean if you want three kingdoms why
not go for Beleriand, Lindon and Imladris, one kingdom from each age.
Why stick to one age? -Tinni

> By going with Imladris, Eryn Lasgalen, and Lothlorien, you have the
> places where the Elves are at the end of the Third Age--and there
are only
> three places, at least in Middle-Earth. At just about any other
time, you
> have a lot more places and the same problem as the various kinds of
> mentioned above. By going with just the three places in LOTR, it's
kind of
> like going with the battles of LOTR for Adventure, or the three
places one
> might find Orcs in LOTR for the Orcs.
> Personally, I did kind of like the 3 kingdoms idea (the present
titles), but
> I don't think I could come up with anything for a banner for any of
> three even though I like Elu Thingol.
> Besides, if I changed the poll now, all the present votes would
> We might go with different titles next year. Hold that suggestion
> refine it to just three logical choices.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 1019

If at first you don't succeed bribe you quendi Posted by Tinni May 21, 2004 - 5:27:28 Topic ID# 1019
Yes folks I have made moo-cow eyes at Elurin all day and hand fed
Maglor chocolates. The end result: bad Haiku and four banner for the
The Elu Thingol of Doriath Award. Of course now the catagories are
going to change names and I am going to have to start again. A well,
such is life. -Tinni

Msg# 1020

correction to 'Coming Home ' nomination Posted by avonaus May 21, 2004 - 6:16:58 Topic ID# 986
--- In, "avonaus" <avonaus@y...> wrote:
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name:Avon
> *Story Title:Home by Morning
> *Story Author:Fileg
> *Author's E-mail Address: powzie@g...
> *Story URL: http://http://www.henneth-
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st:Men
> 2nd:Romance
> 3rd:LOTR
> Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry
> *Rating:G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners:A Ranger and his partner M/F
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A love poem from the heart of war and a Nursery Rhyme to scare the
> daylights out of the little ones when you tuck them in.
> ************************

Msg# 1021

Re: correction to 'Coming Home ' nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 21, 2004 - 10:36:04 Topic ID# 986
Avon, which part is the correction?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: avonaus []
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 6:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] correction to 'Coming Home ' nomination
> --- In, "avonaus" <avonaus@y...> wrote:
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name:Avon
> >
> > *Story Title:Home by Morning
> >
> > *Story Author:Fileg
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: powzie@g...
> >
> > *Story URL: http://http://www.henneth-
> >
> >
> > *Category Choices (see below)
> > *1st:Men
> > 2nd:Romance
> > 3rd:LOTR
> > Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry
> >
> > *Rating:G
> >
> > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> >
> > *Romance Partners:A Ranger and his partner M/F
> >
> > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> >
> >
> > A love poem from the heart of war and a Nursery Rhyme to scare the
> > daylights out of the little ones when you tuck them in.
> >
> > ************************
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1022

Nomination Posted by Thundera Tiger May 21, 2004 - 11:35:48 Topic ID# 199
Just one this time! And I'm forwarding author permission as we speak.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thundera Tiger

*Story Title: Mirrors in the Mind (this is a WIP)

*Story Author: Etharei

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Fourth Age

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence

*Romance Partners: NA

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The dungeons of
Barad-dur are vast and deep, and not all evils departed with the destruction
of Sauron. An ancient evil is no longer bound.



Msg# 1023

Re: FW: Ten nominations Posted by lindorien2000 May 21, 2004 - 12:34:31 Topic ID# 1009
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> Thanks for nominating, but these need to go to the group. So I've
> them for you.
> In the future, please send them to

Okay. Lots of cut and paste though. I was out of school that day in
kindergarten. Cut and Paste is DEFINITELY not one of my strong points.

I messed up Shireling's nomination for The Dragon's Egg. Her name is
spelled wrong in both of her nominations. It should be SHIRELING with
an 'E'. The description SHOULD read:

A Fairytale of Gondor, starring Faramir, Boromir, Eowyn, a Wizard and
a prophesy. Written for the 'Happy Faramir' challenge at HASA.


HI EVERYBODY!! big wave. hope all are doing well. Back to my corner.

So the corrected form is below:

> To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
> e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: lindorien
> *Story Title: The Dragon's Egg
> *Story Author: Shireling
> *Author's E-mail Address: shirelinghpc@h...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Men
> 3rd: LOTR
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners:
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A Fairytale of Gondor, starring Faramir, Boromir, Eowyn, a Wizard
and a prophesy. Written for the 'Happy Faramir' challenge at HASA
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Msg# 1024

Re: correction to 'Coming Home ' nomination Posted by avonaus May 21, 2004 - 16:15:59 Topic ID# 986
Sorry. I added M/F to the romance partners.

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Avon, which part is the correction?
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: avonaus [mailto:avonaus@y...]
> > Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 6:17 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] correction to 'Coming Home ' nomination
> >
> > --- In, "avonaus" <avonaus@y...> wrote:
> > >
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name:Avon
> > >
> > > *Story Title:Home by Morning
> > >
> > > *Story Author:Fileg
> > >
> > > *Author's E-mail Address: powzie@g...
> > >
> > > *Story URL: http://http://www.henneth-
> > >
> > >
> > > *Category Choices (see below)
> > > *1st:Men
> > > 2nd:Romance
> > > 3rd:LOTR
> > > Subcategory (suggest something):Poetry
> > >
> > > *Rating:G
> > >
> > > Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> > >
> > > *Romance Partners:A Ranger and his partner M/F
> > >
> > > *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> > >
> > >
> > > A love poem from the heart of war and a Nursery Rhyme to scare
> > > daylights out of the little ones when you tuck them in.
> > >
> > > ************************
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Msg# 1025

Re: If at first you don't succeed bribe you quendi Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 21, 2004 - 23:05:53 Topic ID# 1019
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 5:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] If at first you don't succeed bribe you quendi
> Yes folks I have made moo-cow eyes at Elurin all day and hand
> fed Maglor chocolates. The end result: bad Haiku and four
> banner for the The Elu Thingol of Doriath Award. Of course
> now the catagories are going to change names and I am going
> to have to start again. A well, such is life. -Tinni

I'm jealous. You have such helpful quendi around. Well, maybe not. Mine
haven't been siccing nuzguls on me, so I'm free to write my Star Trek
story..... If I ever get around to it.

As for the banners...I like them! One will need a wording change, if the
titles remain the same, because the awards won't actually be voted on or
handed out in the spring, but in the fall. That's banner #4.

I think, if they do change, you could adapt these to the new ones. Just
because they are named for places in LOTR doesn't mean they have to be
pictures of those places. Besides, Peter Jackson didn't even film Mirkwood.
(And why Eryn Lasgalen and not Mirkwood? Because there already is a Mirkwood
awards in The Hobbit category.) They could be given by Thranduil, Celeborn,
or Elrond.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1026

Uploaded yet another Valaquenta Banner... Posted by gwathyg May 21, 2004 - 23:09:02 Topic ID# 1026
and noticed there's also one that isn't mine that's been added as
well. Thought I'd let you know. :)

Msg# 1027

Re: Uploaded yet another Valaquenta Banner... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 21, 2004 - 23:17:14 Topic ID# 1026
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 11:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Uploaded yet another Valaquenta Banner...
> and noticed there's also one that isn't mine that's been
> added as well. Thought I'd let you know. :)

Great! Thanks for letting me know. That's one by Anna/Andreth (Which name do
you prefer online, Anna? Andreth?)

They both look great!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1028

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 21, 2004 - 23:19:42 Topic ID# 1002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > > Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:05 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> The Sindar, the silvan and the nandor were all Teleri and the
> Avari were what remained of the original three tribes of
> elves. I don't see why that would be a problem. *shrug* I'll
> live whatever you decided but I just think for a broad
> catagory title like elves the sub- catagory are far too
> limiting. I mean if you want three kingdoms why not go for
> Beleriand, Lindon and Imladris, one kingdom from each age.
> Why stick to one age? -Tinni

Remember that the titles don't have anything to do with subcategories. The
Imladris/Ingwe of Valinor Award goes to the top Elves story, regardless of
whether it has to do with Rivendell or Valinor. They aren't subcategories.
Just titles.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1029

Re: Six more banners! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 21, 2004 - 23:22:43 Topic ID# 1002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Six more banners!
> Thanks much. I'm glad you like them. I can't take full credit
> though - it was hubby's idea to use some of the Hubble photos
> one of his astronomy buddies sent to him. I couldn't choose
> which one I liked best, so I just used them all.

That works! We *want* multiple banners because we want to vote on them.
Heck, I made two for The Two Towers that only differ in size/perspective. I
could decide which was better, so I uploaded them both.

> I've been slowly adding more banners. Been working on some
> for the last few weeks, but have been too lazy to finish them
> and upload them. With the way I procrastinate, I'm glad we
> have until November. :-D

I've got a few more in mind myself. I just need to find the time. Dang.
That's what I could have been doing while I was so bored at work today. (It
was so slow, I got to go home 20 minutes early! I was so bored/tired that I
ended up taking a nap from before 6pm to just before 10pm.)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1030

Re: If at first you don't succeed bribe you quendi Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 0:35:21 Topic ID# 1019
> As for the banners...I like them! One will need a wording change,
if the
> titles remain the same, because the awards won't actually be voted
on or
> handed out in the spring, but in the fall. That's banner #4.

Which number 4? Elu#4 or Turgon#4? Glad you like the banners. I just
remembered that while Elu Thingol, Turgon and Ingwe don't reside in
my head Elurin and Elured, Glorfindel and Maglor do. So I got them
to inspire me for the banners :) -Tinni

> I think, if they do change, you could adapt these to the new ones.
> because they are named for places in LOTR doesn't mean they have
to be
> pictures of those places. Besides, Peter Jackson didn't even film
> (And why Eryn Lasgalen and not Mirkwood? Because there already is
a Mirkwood
> awards in The Hobbit category.) They could be given by Thranduil,
> or Elrond.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 1031

Silmarillion Nomination Posted by Andreth/Anna May 22, 2004 - 2:00:58 Topic ID# 199
I have Inglor's permission to nominate this story and will forward it
on to you. Thanks.


> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Andreth
> *Story Title: Oath Renewed

> *Story Author: Inglor
> *Author's E-mail Address: private
> *Story URL: >

> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Silmarillion
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners: None
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): How did
Elendil acquire a 3000 year old sword? This may also explain
Galadriel's regard for Aragorn.>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Msg# 1032

Re: If at first you don't succeed bribe you quendi Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 2:02:16 Topic ID# 1019
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 12:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: If at first you don't succeed bribe
> you quendi

> Which number 4? Elu#4 or Turgon#4? Glad you like the banners.
> I just remembered that while Elu Thingol, Turgon and Ingwe
> don't reside in my head Elurin and Elured, Glorfindel and
> Maglor do. So I got them to inspire me for the banners :) -Tinni

Elu #4. I didn't realize you had done any Turgon banners.

So now I'm torn about changing the titles because you've created 9 banners.
I'm going to pause the poll and open a discussion. I'd hate for all your
work to go to waste.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1033

Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 2:04:29 Topic ID# 1033
I had thought about changing the awards titles for the Elves category
because it would be difficult to make the banners. So I opened the poll.

6 of you voted to change them.

But then Tinni did make some banners for these guys. Nine of them.

I'd hate for her banners to go to waste by changing the names.

That said, I can make 6 or 7 banners if I do change them.

So, let's hold the poll and open some discussion on the matter.

I'm torn.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1034

More Banners Posted by Andreth/Anna May 22, 2004 - 2:10:59 Topic ID# 1034
So you won't have to go tracking them down, I thought I'd let you
know that I added banners to the following categories:

Romance - Luthien and Beren

Drama - Turin Turambar

Mystery - Pukel-men

Hobbit - Mirkwood

Silmarillion - Akallabeth & Valaquenta

Horror - Morgoth

Orcs - Barad-dur

Men - Faithful of Numenor

I think that's all for right now. Still have some more to finish, but
will let you know when I upload those. Thanks.


Msg# 1035

Re: Uploaded yet another Valaquenta Banner... Posted by Andreth/Anna May 22, 2004 - 2:16:22 Topic ID# 1026
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
>> Great! Thanks for letting me know. That's one by Anna/Andreth
(Which name do
> you prefer online, Anna? Andreth?)
> They both look great!
> --Ainaechoiriel
Thank you kindly again. Andreth's my pen name but I habitually sign
my posts and emails as Anna, so I took to listing the names together
to let folks know we were one and the same. I suppose I prefer Anna,
though. As long as you don't take to calling me Anna Banana like some
people do ...cough*mora*cough.... ;-D


Msg# 1036

Re: More Banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 2:34:29 Topic ID# 1034
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] More Banners
> So you won't have to go tracking them down, I thought I'd let
> you know that I added banners to the following categories:

Thank you! Wow, you've been busy! I've got quite a few to add myself, once
I get the wording on them. Oh, and I also posted two more banners by
Bubbles. A Frodo one for Drama, and a Pelennor, I believe.

> Hobbit - Mirkwood

You might want to edit this one just a tad. Since we have a Hobbits category
and a The Hobbit category, you'll need to add the word "The" to this banner
or it will be confused with Hobbits.

> Orcs - Barad-dur

Oh, you beat me to Barad-dur....

> I think that's all for right now. Still have some more to
> finish, but will let you know when I upload those. Thanks.

I've got quite a bit to do myself. And since that four hour nap earlier
today, I think I might stay up tonight until I'm finished with them. Seeing
as I'm not tired....


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1037

Re: Uploaded yet another Valaquenta Banner... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 2:35:12 Topic ID# 1026
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Uploaded yet another Valaquenta Banner...
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >> Great! Thanks for letting me know. That's one by Anna/Andreth
> (Which name do
> > you prefer online, Anna? Andreth?)
> >
> > They both look great!
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> Thank you kindly again. Andreth's my pen name but I
> habitually sign my posts and emails as Anna, so I took to
> listing the names together to let folks know we were one and
> the same. I suppose I prefer Anna, though. As long as you
> don't take to calling me Anna Banana like some
> people do ...cough*mora*cough.... ;-D

;-) Well, since you've do so many, and I've already put Anna/Andreth on
them, I think I'll just leave them that way.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1038

OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by laur\_melyanna May 22, 2004 - 3:26:53 Topic ID# 1038
Hello there, I wanted to say that, I usually don't, actually I
never, read Het stories, I am a Slash person only and seeing it as
you have labeled Slash stories, could you please label Het ones as
well, it is only fair.

Thank you for the attention,

Msg# 1039

Re: If at first you don't succeed bribe you quendi Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 3:33:18 Topic ID# 1019
> Elu #4. I didn't realize you had done any Turgon banners.

Yeah, I don't much like that one myself. I'll see if I can knock up
something better.

> So now I'm torn about changing the titles because you've created 9
> I'm going to pause the poll and open a discussion. I'd hate for
all your
> work to go to waste.

*looks around guiltily* Sorry, folks. -Tinni

> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 1040

My new banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 4:23:00 Topic ID# 1040
Adventure: Pelennor: 3

I've posted quite a few banners!

Hobbits: Thain: 1

Romance: Aragorn & Arwen: 2

Drama: Frodo: 2

Horror: Sauron: 3

Witch-King: 1

Orcs: Minas Morgul: 1

Barad-dur: 1

Humor: Bilbo: 1

The Hobbit: Shire: 2

Men: Ruling Stewards: 1

Rohan: Eowyn: 3

Adventure: Black Gate: 3


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1041

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 4:24:49 Topic ID# 1038
> -----Original Message-----
> From: laur_melyanna []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 3:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling
> Hello there, I wanted to say that, I usually don't,
> actually I never, read Het stories, I am a Slash person only
> and seeing it as you have labeled Slash stories, could you
> please label Het ones as well, it is only fair.
> Thank you for the attention,
> Laur.

You need to read the file "That Which Needs to be Identified" in the Files
section. We don't label anything "Slash" or "Het"--unless the author does
that. We only use the Romance Partners.

Read that document and I think you'll understand better.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1042

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by gwathyg May 22, 2004 - 7:18:00 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I had thought about changing the awards titles for the Elves
> because it would be difficult to make the banners. So I opened the
> 6 of you voted to change them.
> But then Tinni did make some banners for these guys. Nine of them.
> I'd hate for her banners to go to waste by changing the names.
> That said, I can make 6 or 7 banners if I do change them.
> So, let's hold the poll and open some discussion on the matter.
> I'm torn.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I actually agree with Tinni about doing the Noldar, Vanyar, and
Teleri Kindreds. All other kindreds of Elves sprang from these three
groups except for the Avari, whom we never hear of after Tolkien
tells us they stayed behind.

Msg# 1043

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 8:07:28 Topic ID# 1033
*looks around sheepieshly* Actually Ainaechoiriel the final banner
count is as follows,

Ingwe Awards: 2

Elu Thingol Awards: 6

Turgon Awards: 6

I changed some of the Elu Thingol Awards since I wasn't hundred
percent happy with them. I'll stop now and let you guys get on with
deciding what to do.

My two cents on the topic. If you use the names you are proposing
than people can use images from the movie. That is the only benefit
I can see. Will that get more people making banners.... I think that
if you muses decided to co-operate than it doesn't matter the amount
of resources you have to play with.

My initial problem with the award names where that my brain said I
have to include Ingwe, Thingol and Turgon. Which is not easy to do.
Than I just got inspired and I have made 14 banners. I think it's
just a matter of when inspiration hits. Of course the thing with me
was that I knew where to go to get hold of some pretty fantasy


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I had thought about changing the awards titles for the Elves
> because it would be difficult to make the banners. So I opened
the poll.
> 6 of you voted to change them.
> But then Tinni did make some banners for these guys. Nine of them.
> I'd hate for her banners to go to waste by changing the names.
> That said, I can make 6 or 7 banners if I do change them.
> So, let's hold the poll and open some discussion on the matter.
> I'm torn.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1044

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Larian Elensar May 22, 2004 - 9:39:09 Topic ID# 1038
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> > Hello there, I wanted to say that, I usually don't,
> > actually I never, read Het stories, I am a Slash person only
> > and seeing it as you have labeled Slash stories, could you
> > please label Het ones as well, it is only fair.
> >
> > Thank you for the attention,
> > Laur.
> You need to read the file "That Which Needs to be Identified" in the Files
> section. We don't label anything "Slash" or "Het"--unless the author does
> that. We only use the Romance Partners.
> Read that document and I think you'll understand better.

I do have a suggestion about that (the labeling). I don't know about the other
list members, but I'm doing most of my reading from the website, not the
nominations database, because I can just click on the link and go to the story,
instead of having to cut and paste it out of the database. Would it be prudent
to put the romance pairing column up on the website as well?

If it would help, Ainae, I use Dreamweaver to put up the OEAM site, If you sent
me the file I could do that and send it back to you this weekend.

Or maybe I'm being slow and you can just click the link in the database?

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1045

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Larian Elensar May 22, 2004 - 9:43:33 Topic ID# 1033
--- gwathyg <> wrote:
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > I had thought about changing the awards titles for the Elves
> category
> > because it would be difficult to make the banners. So I opened the
> poll.
> >
> > 6 of you voted to change them.

I voted to change them because I thought it would be easier for banner-makers
to get artwork for more well known places/people. Tinni's suggestion was good,
but I also liked Lothlorien, etc. *grin* Maybe instead of poll to just change
them, put up the actual name suggestions to vote on?

Msg# 1046

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by antoinette\ May 22, 2004 - 10:22:53 Topic ID# 1033
>--- gwathyg <> wrote:
>> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I had thought about changing the awards titles for the Elves
>> category
>> > because it would be difficult to make the banners. So I opened the
>> poll.
>> >
>> > 6 of you voted to change them.
>I voted to change them because I thought it would be easier for banner-makers
>to get artwork for more well known places/people. Tinni's
>suggestion was good,
>but I also liked Lothlorien, etc. *grin* Maybe instead of poll to just change
>them, put up the actual name suggestions to vote on?
I voted to change them to give the artists more artwork to use.
However, using the space pictures is a creative touch. It depends on
what the awards are mean to convey: the elves or their kingdoms. If
kingdoms then which Age?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1047

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Larian Elensar May 22, 2004 - 10:26:03 Topic ID# 1033
--- wrote:

> I voted to change them to give the artists more artwork to use.
> However, using the space pictures is a creative touch. It depends on
> what the awards are mean to convey: the elves or their kingdoms. If
> kingdoms then which Age?
> Antoinette

What about First Age for First Place, Second Age for Second? etc...?

Msg# 1048

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 11:27:13 Topic ID# 1038
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling
> I do have a suggestion about that (the labeling). I don't
> know about the other list members, but I'm doing most of my
> reading from the website, not the nominations database,
> because I can just click on the link and go to the story,
> instead of having to cut and paste it out of the database.
> Would it be prudent to put the romance pairing column up on
> the website as well?
> If it would help, Ainae, I use Dreamweaver to put up the OEAM
> site, If you sent me the file I could do that and send it
> back to you this weekend.
> Or maybe I'm being slow and you can just click the link in
> the database?

You can't click the links in the database. I could put them on the site. I
just was procrastinating. It's all done from a word document, actually.
Mail Merge and a Cut-and-paste. I'll try to get them up there this weekend.
How's that?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1049

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 12:00:47 Topic ID# 1033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> Titles. Please discuss.

I'm digesting together all the posts on this thus far.

> I actually agree with Tinni about doing the Noldar, Vanyar,
> and Teleri Kindreds. All other kindreds of Elves sprang from
> these three groups except for the Avari, whom we never hear
> of after Tolkien tells us they stayed behind.

Well, if I do with that, then I'm going to do with the kings and their
kingdoms. I just don't like short names. ;-) The Morgoth Award is bothering
me. Doesn't that guy have some kind of title I can tack on? At least I
could put "son of Earendil" onto poor Elros. "The Elros Award" is just far
too bland.

Tinni said:

> *looks around sheepieshly* Actually Ainaechoiriel the final
> banner count is as follows,
> Ingwe Awards: 2
> Elu Thingol Awards: 6
> Turgon Awards: 6

Whew, okay, I think I got them all this time.

> I changed some of the Elu Thingol Awards since I wasn't
> hundred percent happy with them. I'll stop now and let you
> guys get on with deciding what to do.

And I think I've got all that straight.

> My two cents on the topic. If you use the names you are
> proposing than people can use images from the movie. That is
> the only benefit I can see. Will that get more people making
> banners.... I think that if you muses decided to co-operate
> than it doesn't matter the amount of resources you have to play with.

Yes, that was my reason for changing the names. And I admit that I found
about four good picks I could use for Lothlorien and two for Imladris.

> My initial problem with the award names where that my brain
> said I have to include Ingwe, Thingol and Turgon. Which is
> not easy to do.
> Than I just got inspired and I have made 14 banners. I think
> it's just a matter of when inspiration hits. Of course the
> thing with me was that I knew where to go to get hold of some
> pretty fantasy pictures.

Right. It'd be great if we got some great artists to draw these guys. They'd
have to be original, of course, because no one has filmed them. I suppose
one could always take Unnamed Elf in the Corner from a pic and call him
Turgon or Thingol, etc. But yeah, otherwise, you have to get in spired to
use something else.

Otherwise we're left with people who can manage to throw two pics together
on the computer an call it a banner. That's me. I think I made some pretty
good looking banners, but it is limited to what was filmed. Or, like you
said, knowing where to go to get some pretty fantasy pictures.

Larian Elensar said:

> I voted to change them because I thought it would be easier
> for banner-makers to get artwork for more well known
> places/people. Tinni's suggestion was good, but I also liked
> Lothlorien, etc. *grin* Maybe instead of poll to just change
> them, put up the actual name suggestions to vote on?

Me, too! Found some pretty pics! Eryn Lasgalen would have been harder.

Well, I would still only go with those two groupings of names thus far.

Antoinette said:

> I voted to change them to give the artists more artwork to use.
> However, using the space pictures is a creative touch. It
> depends on what the awards are mean to convey: the elves or
> their kingdoms. If kingdoms then which Age?

They're just meant to convey awards. Don't read too much into them. They
are just titles. I do, however, as I said above, like lofty sounding ones.
I don't like the short, short names.

As to which age?

Well, if we go with kingdoms and we are trying to hit the three main
branches of Elvendom...then we kind of have to go with 1st. For the Vanyar,
we have Ingwe because they're mostly all off in Valinor. For the
Teleri/Sindar, we have Elu Thingol and Doriath. For the Noldor, yeah there
were several, but I think I like Turgon the best. I do carry my anti-Feanor
and lesser anti-Noldor prejudice into the making of awards titles. Like I
said, the only way Feanor gets to be on any award is for an award for bad
guys! I'm really not on good terms with his kids (hold 'em back, Tinni, we
don't want another Kinslaying on our hands). The others (Finrod, Turgon,
etc.) were just not bad guys so much but they were under the Curse. Turgon
had a nice thing going up there in Goldolin. My buddy Voronwe (my favorite
Noldor) was sent out by him. The whole Tuor finds the helmet, etc.,
prophecy thing leads back to Gondolin. He sort of kept himself out of the
fray most of the time. So, to make that long, rambly story short, of all
the Noldor kings, I'd take him.

Who do we have in the 2nd Age? Well, one could figure Ingwe's still there.
Who is the Teleri/Sindar king at this time? Oropher? Late 2nd perhaps.
Gil-Galad for the Noldor?

3rd: Ingwe is a long-lasting fellow. Gil-Galad, alas is not. But we do
have Galadriel in Lothlorien, though if that was an award, she'd have to
share with Celeborn. (And are they really king and queen?) And then
Thranduil for the Teleri/Sindar.

1st is just much more cut & dry. Ingwe may have been around all that time,
but he's really only mentioned, noted, etc. in the 1st. Everybody off in
Valinor gets sort of left behind by the camera, so to speak.

Larian also said:
>What about First Age for First Place, Second Age for Second? etc...?

Well, Ingwe gets the first by default. But who for Teleri/Sindar in the
second? Third, the only King mentioned is Thranduil. Galadriel and Celeborn
are the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien but are they king and queen? Elrond
would take issue with being called King, I think. So there is a difference.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1050

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 12:28:58 Topic ID# 1038
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling
> You can't click the links in the database. I could put them
> on the site. I just was procrastinating. It's all done from
> a word document, actually.
> Mail Merge and a Cut-and-paste. I'll try to get them up
> there this weekend.
> How's that?

Actually, I got ambitious. They're up there now.

But remember that I pull those Romance Partners directly from the database.
If they're not in there, they're not on the site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1051

WIPs that become complete.... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 14:07:04 Topic ID# 1051
What to do with stories that were nominated as WIPs but were completed
before Voting Season? This has finally come up with a Crossover that I
nominated. I thought it was WIP, but it turns out to be complete.

I'm leaning toward having them compete as Complete's because you do get to
read the whole thing.

What say you?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1052

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Larian Elensar May 22, 2004 - 14:08:01 Topic ID# 1038
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Larian Elensar []
> > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:39 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling
> > I do have a suggestion about that (the labeling). I don't
> > know about the other list members, but I'm doing most of my
> > reading from the website, not the nominations database,
> > because I can just click on the link and go to the story,
> > instead of having to cut and paste it out of the database.
> > Would it be prudent to put the romance pairing column up on
> > the website as well?
> >
> > If it would help, Ainae, I use Dreamweaver to put up the OEAM
> > site, If you sent me the file I could do that and send it
> > back to you this weekend.
> >
> > Or maybe I'm being slow and you can just click the link in
> > the database?
> You can't click the links in the database. I could put them on the site. I
> just was procrastinating. It's all done from a word document, actually.
> Mail Merge and a Cut-and-paste. I'll try to get them up there this weekend.
> How's that?
> --Ainaechoiriel

Well, I was just thinking if others were like me, they might be reading off the
website instead of the database, so having the pairings up there might not be a
bad idea. No rush though, and hollar if you want help coding or anything...

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1053

Re: WIPs that become complete.... Posted by Larian Elensar May 22, 2004 - 14:14:30 Topic ID# 1051
I'd say yes, have it compete as a complete fic (though that makes it ineligible
for next year, right?)

--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> What to do with stories that were nominated as WIPs but were completed
> before Voting Season? This has finally come up with a Crossover that I
> nominated. I thought it was WIP, but it turns out to be complete.
> I'm leaning toward having them compete as Complete's because you do get to
> read the whole thing.
> What say you?
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1054

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 17:50:32 Topic ID# 1033
> Well, if we go with kingdoms and we are trying to hit the three
> branches of Elvendom...then we kind of have to go with 1st. For
the Vanyar,
> we have Ingwe because they're mostly all off in Valinor. For the
> Teleri/Sindar, we have Elu Thingol and Doriath. For the Noldor,
yeah there
> were several, but I think I like Turgon the best. I do carry my
> and lesser anti-Noldor prejudice into the making of awards
titles. Like I
> said, the only way Feanor gets to be on any award is for an award
for bad
> guys! I'm really not on good terms with his kids (hold 'em back,
Tinni, we
> don't want another Kinslaying on our hands). The others (Finrod,
> etc.) were just not bad guys so much but they were under the
Curse. Turgon
> had a nice thing going up there in Goldolin. My buddy Voronwe (my
> Noldor) was sent out by him. The whole Tuor finds the helmet,
> prophecy thing leads back to Gondolin. He sort of kept himself
out of the
> fray most of the time. So, to make that long, rambly story short,
of all
> the Noldor kings, I'd take him.

Well here are my suggestions for award names,

1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award
2. Finwe first king of the Noldor award
3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award


1. The Vanyan award for creativity
2. The Teleri award for inspiration
3. The Noldor award for ingeunity

-Tinni who had a very hard time containing Maglor from doing some
serious damage :)

Msg# 1055

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 19:26:51 Topic ID# 1033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> Titles. Please discuss.
> Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first king
> of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award

These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind in Valinor?

> 1. The Vanyan award for creativity
> 2. The Teleri award for inspiration
> 3. The Noldor award for ingeunity

These are not. Because they are each "for" something, and thus would need
to be judged individually with each reader looking for those things as they
read each story. Nope. The only thing these winners have to be are Elf
stories. The best Elf stories as judged by the readers writing why they
liked them. The quantity of what they write making the difference.

> -Tinni who had a very hard time containing Maglor from doing
> some serious damage :)

Well, Legolas and Mablung are both very good with a bow. But they really
don't want to be involved in any Kinslaying.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1056

Re: WIPs that become complete.... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 19:28:23 Topic ID# 1051
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] WIPs that become complete....
> I'd say yes, have it compete as a complete fic (though that
> makes it ineligible for next year, right?)

Yep and that makes the most sense as the only reason WIPs don't compete with
completes is because they are disadvantaged by not having endings. These
have endings and are thus no longer disadvantaged.

So, categorizers, the story in question is A Rift in the Continuum by
Aralanthiriel, of the Crossover category.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1057

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 19:29:07 Topic ID# 1038
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling
> --- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Well, I was just thinking if others were like me, they might
> be reading off the website instead of the database, so having
> the pairings up there might not be a bad idea. No rush
> though, and hollar if you want help coding or anything...

The Romance Partners are up on the website now. Did it this morning.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1058

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by gwathyg May 22, 2004 - 19:38:21 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> > Titles. Please discuss.
> >
> >
> > Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> >
> > 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first king
> > of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award
> These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind in

Finwë went to Valinor, came back, and then brought the Noldorin
people back to Valinor where her ruled for roughly 9,000 years. He is
the first king of the Noldor. But my issue here is with Elwë (who
*is* Elu Thingol). He never even went to Valinor, he fell in love
with Melian in Beleriand. His younger brother Olwë took what remained
of the "Teleri" (who weren't Teleri until they finally came to
Valinor) and brought them across the Sea to Alqualondë in Valinor. If
there is going to be a lord of the Teleri award, it should go to
Olwë, not Elwë/Thingol.

Msg# 1059

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by sulriel May 22, 2004 - 19:43:08 Topic ID# 1033
Oops! Elwe was one of the three, along with Finwe and Ingwe, and he
brought the Teleri back to Beleriand, and that is when he fell in
love with Melian. His people waited, but couldn't find him and that
is when Olwe took some of the Teleri over. He eventually came back
out of the woods to what was left of his people and founded Doriath.

--- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> > > Titles. Please discuss.
> > >
> > >
> > > Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> > >
> > > 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first king
> > > of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award
> >
> > These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind in
> Valinor?
> Finwë went to Valinor, came back, and then brought the Noldorin
> people back to Valinor where her ruled for roughly 9,000 years. He
> the first king of the Noldor. But my issue here is with Elwë (who
> *is* Elu Thingol). He never even went to Valinor, he fell in love
> with Melian in Beleriand. His younger brother Olwë took what
> of the "Teleri" (who weren't Teleri until they finally came to
> Valinor) and brought them across the Sea to Alqualondë in Valinor.
> there is going to be a lord of the Teleri award, it should go to
> Olwë, not Elwë/Thingol.

Msg# 1060

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by gwathyg May 22, 2004 - 19:47:21 Topic ID# 1033
I thought that's what I said. ??? The point was that both of the
others went to Valinor, but Thingol never went there.

> Oops! Elwe was one of the three, along with Finwe and Ingwe, and
> brought the Teleri back to Beleriand, and that is when he fell in
> love with Melian. His people waited, but couldn't find him and
> is when Olwe took some of the Teleri over. He eventually came back
> out of the woods to what was left of his people and founded Doriath.
> --- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> > --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > > > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> > > > Titles. Please discuss.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> > > >
> > > > 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first king
> > > > of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award
> > >
> > > These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind
> > Valinor?
> >
> > Finwë went to Valinor, came back, and then brought the Noldorin
> > people back to Valinor where her ruled for roughly 9,000 years.
> is
> > the first king of the Noldor. But my issue here is with Elwë (who
> > *is* Elu Thingol). He never even went to Valinor, he fell in love
> > with Melian in Beleriand. His younger brother Olwë took what
> remained
> > of the "Teleri" (who weren't Teleri until they finally came to
> > Valinor) and brought them across the Sea to Alqualondë in
> If
> > there is going to be a lord of the Teleri award, it should go to
> > Olwë, not Elwë/Thingol.

Msg# 1061

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by sulriel May 22, 2004 - 19:53:51 Topic ID# 1033
ok - I think I see what you are saying. Elwe/Thingol did go and come
back, but didn't go back. He brought the Sindar/Teleri up from
Cuivienen, but then didn't lead them oversea. He stayed and was lord
of the Sindar, his brother Olwe completed the journey and was lord of
the Teleri in Aman.

--- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> I thought that's what I said. ??? The point was that both of the
> others went to Valinor, but Thingol never went there.
> > Oops! Elwe was one of the three, along with Finwe and Ingwe,
> he
> > brought the Teleri back to Beleriand, and that is when he fell in
> > love with Melian. His people waited, but couldn't find him and
> that
> > is when Olwe took some of the Teleri over. He eventually came
> > out of the woods to what was left of his people and founded
> >
> >
> > --- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...>
> > > --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> <mefaadmin@e...>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > > > > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> > > > > To:
> > > > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category
> > > > > Titles. Please discuss.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> > > > >
> > > > > 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first
> > > > > of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award
> > > >
> > > > These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind
> in
> > > Valinor?
> > >
> > > Finwë went to Valinor, came back, and then brought the Noldorin
> > > people back to Valinor where her ruled for roughly 9,000 years.
> He
> > is
> > > the first king of the Noldor. But my issue here is with Elwë
> > > *is* Elu Thingol). He never even went to Valinor, he fell in
> > > with Melian in Beleriand. His younger brother Olwë took what
> > remained
> > > of the "Teleri" (who weren't Teleri until they finally came to
> > > Valinor) and brought them across the Sea to Alqualondë in
> Valinor.
> > If
> > > there is going to be a lord of the Teleri award, it should go
> > > Olwë, not Elwë/Thingol.

Msg# 1062

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 19:55:10 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> > > Titles. Please discuss.
> > >
> > >
> > > Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> > >
> > > 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first king
> > > of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award
> >
> > These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind in
> Valinor?
> Finwë went to Valinor, came back, and then brought the Noldorin
> people back to Valinor where her ruled for roughly 9,000 years. He

Orome chose Ingwe, Finwe and Elwe to come to valinor and go back and
convince their respective people to come to valinor. They did. Elwe
say the light of the two trees at the same time as Ingwe and Finwe.
Elwe was appointed king of all Teleri by the Valar when the march
started. Of course during the march the Teleri kept breaking off,
thus becoming Nandor under the leadership of Lenwe, going to aman
under the leadership of Olwe and remaining in middle-earth under the
lordship of Elwe and Melian. This having been said, if anyone has a
claim to the title of the king of all teleri it's Elwe Elu Thingol.


> the first king of the Noldor. But my issue here is with Elwë (who
> *is* Elu Thingol). He never even went to Valinor, he fell in love
> with Melian in Beleriand. His younger brother Olwë took what
> of the "Teleri" (who weren't Teleri until they finally came to
> Valinor) and brought them across the Sea to Alqualondë in Valinor.
> there is going to be a lord of the Teleri award, it should go to
> Olwë, not Elwë/Thingol.

Msg# 1063

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by gwathyg May 22, 2004 - 20:07:32 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> --- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> > --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: Tinni [mailto:tinni@f...]
> > > > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:50 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> > > > Titles. Please discuss.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Well here are my suggestions for award names,
> > > >
> > > > 1. Ingwe high king of all the Eldar award 2. Finwe first king
> > > > of the Noldor award 3. Elwe high king of all Teleri award
> > >
> > > These are a possibility. Was Finwe the one who stayed behind
> > Valinor?
> >
> > Finwë went to Valinor, came back, and then brought the Noldorin
> > people back to Valinor where her ruled for roughly 9,000 years.
> is
> Orome chose Ingwe, Finwe and Elwe to come to valinor and go back
> convince their respective people to come to valinor. They did. Elwe
> say the light of the two trees at the same time as Ingwe and Finwe.
> Elwe was appointed king of all Teleri by the Valar when the march
> started. Of course during the march the Teleri kept breaking off,
> thus becoming Nandor under the leadership of Lenwe, going to aman
> under the leadership of Olwe and remaining in middle-earth under
> lordship of Elwe and Melian. This having been said, if anyone has a
> claim to the title of the king of all teleri it's Elwe Elu Thingol.
> -Tinni

However, Thingol never returned to Valinor, so in Valinor the High
King of the Teleri was Olwë. Why should we have two Kings from
Valinor and one from Middle-earth? It doesn't make sense to me.
*creases brow*

Msg# 1064

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 20:13:42 Topic ID# 1033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gwathyg []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> Titles. Please discuss.
> However, Thingol never returned to Valinor, so in Valinor the
> High King of the Teleri was Olwë. Why should we have two
> Kings from Valinor and one from Middle-earth? It doesn't make
> sense to me.
> *creases brow*

Yep. Which is another reason why the names should change to the thre places
Elves still remained in Middle Earth at the time of LOTR.

I like the kings and the kingdoms but there are more than 3. Which makes
things complicated. Why Elwe and not Olwe? Why all Valinorian Elves? Why
all Middle-Earth Elves? Why this one and that one. Why not Legolas?

Down girl. He's all over your office walls. Leave it at that.

Sorry, got a bit carried away there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1065

4 more banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 20:14:53 Topic ID# 1065
I've just uploaded four more banners:

2 Witch-Kings (in Horror)

1 Minas Morgul (my favorite yet) (in Orcs)

1 Pukelmen (in Mystery)


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1066

Re: OT: MEFA Nominations > Labeling Posted by Larian Elensar May 22, 2004 - 20:16:30 Topic ID# 1038
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

> The Romance Partners are up on the website now. Did it this morning.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Saw that, thanks! :)

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1067

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by gwathyg May 22, 2004 - 20:24:54 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: gwathyg [mailto:me_elf6226@c...]
> > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:07 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> > Titles. Please discuss.
> >
> >
> > However, Thingol never returned to Valinor, so in Valinor the
> > High King of the Teleri was Olwë. Why should we have two
> > Kings from Valinor and one from Middle-earth? It doesn't make
> > sense to me.
> > *creases brow*
> Yep. Which is another reason why the names should change to the
three places
> Elves still remained in Middle Earth at the time of LOTR.

Wow. Hey ladies? I think I have determined Ainae is brilliant.
> I like the kings and the kingdoms but there are more than 3. Which
> things complicated. Why Elwe and not Olwe? Why all Valinorian
Elves? Why
> all Middle-Earth Elves? Why this one and that one. Why not
> Down girl. He's all over your office walls. Leave it at that.
> Sorry, got a bit carried away there.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Hee hee. You've pegged me. I don't even know you! *is freaked out*
How about we make things complicated and do Arwen, Legolas and
Galadriel? j/k

Msg# 1068

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 20:43:00 Topic ID# 1033
> However, Thingol never returned to Valinor, so in Valinor the High
> King of the Teleri was Olwë. Why should we have two Kings from
> Valinor and one from Middle-earth? It doesn't make sense to me.
> *creases brow*

Why can't we have two kings from Valinor and one from Middle-earth?
Why look at it that way at all? Why not think of it as using the
names of the original kings of the three races? That's how I was
looking at it.

Look if we are going to nit-pick on every little details we might as
well cancel the awards because nothing is going to get done. I mean
with the current names I can ask why only silmarillion elves? With
the proposed names changes I can ask why only later day kingdoms
when the hayday of the elves was the really before the second age
i.e. long before the founding of Greenwood the great, Imladris and
Lothlorien. I don't think there is an end to this arguement.

I think in the end you have to pick elves that the majority of the
people like and KNOW and represent what elves are all about, the
good, the bad and the ugly. Elves who inspire people to put in the
effort to make something. And I think that's the problem. Ingwe,
Turgon and Elu Thingol are not the most popular elves out there. I
know people will disagree with me, specially on Turgon and Thingol,
but if you compare them to elves like Glorfindel, Legolas, Maedhros,
Fingon, Feanor, Ecthelion, Maglor and the likes you'll agree for one
reason or another Ingwe, Turgon and Thingol just don't inspire
people as much as others.

Places are a different again. Gondolin, Imladris, Mirkwood are the
most popular setting for fanfiction. As is Lothlorien and Doriath.
But how would you differenciate between them? Who would be first,
who would be second or third. These places were all very successful
in their own way and if you really want to pick on something you
can. I mean I wouldn't put Gondolin in front of Mirkwood but other's
would turn their noise up at the rustic dwelling of the simple
woodelves and go for the gleaming white towers of Gondolin.

I mean... basically I think you go for names that inspire people not
what allows for movie images to be used or be too hung-up on all of
them being from the first age or third age or all the elves living
in the same place or whatever. -Tinni

Msg# 1069

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 20:59:06 Topic ID# 1033
> Yep. Which is another reason why the names should change to the
>thre places
> Elves still remained in Middle Earth at the time of LOTR.
> I like the kings and the kingdoms but there are more than 3.
>Which makes
> things complicated. Why Elwe and not Olwe? Why all Valinorian
>Elves? Why
> all Middle-Earth Elves? Why this one and that one. Why not
> Down girl. He's all over your office walls. Leave it at that.
> Sorry, got a bit carried away there.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Glorfindel: I have a suggestion.

Tinni: We are listening.

Glorfindel: Well how about "Glorfindel of the Golden flower/Gondolin
Award" for first prize. See I have golden hair and you mortals give
gold for first place.

Tinni: Interesting go on.

Glorfindel: We can have "Elu Thingol Greycloke of Doriath Award" or
the "Celeborn of Lothlorien Award" for second prize since they have
silver hair and it makes sense to give silver of second place.

Tinni: Okay.

Glorfindel: Lastly, "Maedhros Lord of Himring Award" for third prize
since he has bronzy hair.

Tinni: Well Ainaechoiriel what do you think? I know you don't like
Feanor and his sons but a lot of people do and Maedhros is by far
the most popular Feanorian around, not to mention one of the most
popular elves around. I am willing to bet that more people will make
banner for Maedhros than any other elf (except maybe Legolas).

Msg# 1070

Re: Digest Number 53 Posted by May 22, 2004 - 21:21:52 Topic ID# 1070
Speaking of WIP's, my story, "The Gift", was nominated in the romance
category. It is listed as complete, but is a WIP.


In a message dated 5/22/2004 7:56:59 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
Message: 14
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 14:08:20 -0500
From: "Ainaechoiriel" <>
Subject: WIPs that become complete....

What to do with stories that were nominated as WIPs but were completed
before Voting Season?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1071

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by gwathyg May 22, 2004 - 21:48:32 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> >
> > However, Thingol never returned to Valinor, so in Valinor the
> > King of the Teleri was Olwë. Why should we have two Kings from
> > Valinor and one from Middle-earth? It doesn't make sense to me.
> > *creases brow*
> Why can't we have two kings from Valinor and one from Middle-earth?
> Why look at it that way at all? Why not think of it as using the
> names of the original kings of the three races? That's how I was
> looking at it.
> Look if we are going to nit-pick on every little details we might
> well cancel the awards because nothing is going to get done. I mean
> with the current names I can ask why only silmarillion elves? With
> the proposed names changes I can ask why only later day kingdoms
> when the hayday of the elves was the really before the second age
> i.e. long before the founding of Greenwood the great, Imladris and
> Lothlorien. I don't think there is an end to this arguement.
> I think in the end you have to pick elves that the majority of the
> people like and KNOW and represent what elves are all about, the
> good, the bad and the ugly. Elves who inspire people to put in the
> effort to make something. And I think that's the problem. Ingwe,
> Turgon and Elu Thingol are not the most popular elves out there. I
> know people will disagree with me, specially on Turgon and Thingol,
> but if you compare them to elves like Glorfindel, Legolas,
> Fingon, Feanor, Ecthelion, Maglor and the likes you'll agree for
> reason or another Ingwe, Turgon and Thingol just don't inspire
> people as much as others.
> Places are a different again. Gondolin, Imladris, Mirkwood are the
> most popular setting for fanfiction. As is Lothlorien and Doriath.
> But how would you differenciate between them? Who would be first,
> who would be second or third. These places were all very successful
> in their own way and if you really want to pick on something you
> can. I mean I wouldn't put Gondolin in front of Mirkwood but
> would turn their noise up at the rustic dwelling of the simple
> woodelves and go for the gleaming white towers of Gondolin.
> I mean... basically I think you go for names that inspire people
> what allows for movie images to be used or be too hung-up on all of
> them being from the first age or third age or all the elves living
> in the same place or whatever. -Tinni

If that's the case we should quit the whole argument and do whatever
it is that Ainae wants. I don't find any of those first Elves very
inspiring, but in the end it's her decision. I think if I were her
(and I'm gonna say this as if I were posting under this subject for
the first time) I would do Vanyar, Noldor, and Teleri. It's familiar
to casual readers, it's passable, and with the size these banners
need to be, perhaps shorter titles are a good thing. :)

Msg# 1072

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 22, 2004 - 22:04:58 Topic ID# 1033
> If that's the case we should quit the whole argument and do
> it is that Ainae wants. I don't find any of those first Elves very
> inspiring, but in the end it's her decision. I think if I were her
> (and I'm gonna say this as if I were posting under this subject
> the first time) I would do Vanyar, Noldor, and Teleri. It's
> to casual readers, it's passable, and with the size these banners
> need to be, perhaps shorter titles are a good thing. :)

Well my last contribution to this discussion,

1. Vanyarant - The most beautiful of the elves Award

2. Noldorant - The most skilled of the elves Award

3. Teleriant - The most musical of the elves Award

In case you are wondering Vanyarant roughly means Gift of the Vanya,
Noldorant roughly means Gift of the Noldor and the Teleriant roughy
means Gift of the Teleri. -Tinni

Msg# 1073

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Andreth/Anna May 22, 2004 - 22:46:58 Topic ID# 1033
It looks like this is something you'll probably end up having to make
an executive decision on, Ainae. For what it's worth, my opinion is
that we should go with places. Why? Because firstly, you'll never get
everyone to agree on which Elves to use for the awards. Everyone has
their favorites, including me, and we could all more than likely come
up with different reasons why any of the various Elves would be

Secondly, because once you take the focus down to an individual Elf,
it's going to narrow the scope as far as what banners can be made.
Even if you go with the main Elven groups, it's going to narrow the
scope. 'Cause I'm sitting here thinking how difficult that's going to
be to come up with a variety of appropriate pictures to signify those

If we go with places, it's going to be more likely to give us both a
bigger variety and larger amount of banner entries. In my opinion, it
should basically come down to which choices are going to offer a
bigger creative scope for people to make banners with. And for
places, I like the Lothlorien and Imladris categories but might
suggest the Gray Havens as an option as well since Mirkwood/Eryn
Lasgalen is already represented and because the Gray Havens was
always a fairly important Elvish place and there are a fair amount of
pictures and representations of it.

I'm also having the same problems with making banners for the Numenor
categories. I've had a few ideas for the banners, but those are
difficult people to find visual representations for, which is
probably why there haven't been any entries on them so far. Although
I haven't been able to think of any other viable suggestions for
Numenor so far. It's a tough one.


--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I had thought about changing the awards titles for the Elves
> because it would be difficult to make the banners. So I opened the
> 6 of you voted to change them.
> But then Tinni did make some banners for these guys. Nine of them.
> I'd hate for her banners to go to waste by changing the names.
> That said, I can make 6 or 7 banners if I do change them.
> So, let's hold the poll and open some discussion on the matter.
> I'm torn.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1074

Re: Digest Number 53 Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 23:43:20 Topic ID# 1070
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Digest Number 53
> Speaking of WIP's, my story, "The Gift", was nominated in the
> romance category. It is listed as complete, but is a WIP.
> Mirasaui

Well, if that's the case then....

Romance/Incomplete is now a Viable subcategory!!!!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1075

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 23:55:18 Topic ID# 1033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> Titles. Please discuss.
> It looks like this is something you'll probably end up having
> to make an executive decision on, Ainae. For what it's worth,
> my opinion is that we should go with places. Why? Because
> firstly, you'll never get everyone to agree on which Elves to
> use for the awards. Everyone has their favorites, including
> me, and we could all more than likely come up with different
> reasons why any of the various Elves would be suitable.

Yes, that does seem to be the case. At least, if I do have to make an
Executive Decision, it'll be over a less controversial topic this time.
Just your usual "Which-Elf-Is-Best-Bickering. Which is just a little bit
too fun to stop just yet. Gotta tease Tinni just a bit more.

So I'll skip to her e-mail and then come back to you:

Tinni (and Glorfindel) said:

>Glorfindel: Lastly, "Maedhros Lord of Himring Award" for third prize since
he has bronzy hair.

Um, I thought third place was Bronze. Got any bronze haired guys?

>Tinni: Well Ainaechoiriel what do you think? I know you don't like Feanor


> and his sons

Yep again.

>but a lot of people do and Maedhros is by far the most popular Feanorian
around, not to mention one of the most popular elves around. I am willing to
bet that more people will make banner for Maedhros than any other elf
(except maybe Legolas).

Yep, big except there. But let's get back to Maedhros for a moment. There I
was reading the Silmarillion and I think of all the brothers (Feanor's
bunch) he was the best. He didn't want his dad to burn the ships and
such.... But then, as time goes on.... It's Maedhros who turns all warmonger
and Maglor ends up being the one campaigning for Not-Another-Kinslaying....

What made Maedhros change? I thought he was a pretty good guy until that

Okay, back to Anna for a bit.

> Secondly, because once you take the focus down to an
> individual Elf, it's going to narrow the scope as far as what
> banners can be made.

True. Though Tinni has shown that if one is creative enough, it can still
work. Like an award given by that Elf. That was a cool idea.

> Even if you go with the main Elven groups, it's going to
> narrow the scope. 'Cause I'm sitting here thinking how
> difficult that's going to be to come up with a variety of
> appropriate pictures to signify those groups.

Yes, and they'd be short names.

> If we go with places, it's going to be more likely to give us
> both a bigger variety and larger amount of banner entries. In
> my opinion, it should basically come down to which choices
> are going to offer a bigger creative scope for people to make
> banners with. And for places, I like the Lothlorien and
> Imladris categories but might suggest the Gray Havens as an
> option as well since Mirkwood/Eryn Lasgalen is already
> represented and because the Gray Havens was always a fairly
> important Elvish place and there are a fair amount of
> pictures and representations of it.

Aw gee, leaving out Legolas's homeland.... What about Ithilien? Darn it, I
can't find a way to get him on even one single Award banner. And I have
this utterly squeakable picture of him during Aragorn's coronation....which
is why he's on a button for the whole darn MEFAs. Sigh. You have a point.
But I might put that third location to a poll.

> I'm also having the same problems with making banners for the
> Numenor categories. I've had a few ideas for the banners, but
> those are difficult people to find visual representations
> for, which is probably why there haven't been any entries on
> them so far. Although I haven't been able to think of any
> other viable suggestions for Numenor so far. It's a tough one.

I know. Categorizers? Does it look like we're likely to have enough Numenor
stories to make the category viable? Are there any three places or events
that stand out in the stories of Numenor?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1076

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 22, 2004 - 23:59:48 Topic ID# 1033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tinni []
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award
> Titles. Please discuss.

> Why can't we have two kings from Valinor and one from Middle-earth?
> Why look at it that way at all? Why not think of it as using
> the names of the original kings of the three races? That's
> how I was looking at it.
> Look if we are going to nit-pick on every little details we
> might as well cancel the awards because nothing is going to
> get done. I mean with the current names I can ask why only
> silmarillion elves? With the proposed names changes I can ask
> why only later day kingdoms when the hayday of the elves was
> the really before the second age i.e. long before the
> founding of Greenwood the great, Imladris and Lothlorien. I
> don't think there is an end to this arguement.


> I mean... basically I think you go for names that inspire
> people not what allows for movie images to be used or be too
> hung-up on all of them being from the first age or third age
> or all the elves living in the same place or whatever. -Tinni

You're right about the nit-picking That's one reason I started these awards
myself and didn't go with a committee. Sometimes committees are great.
Other times they just bog things down in endless debate. I don't like being
a dictator, so I open some things up for debate, but yes, there are times
when I just have to say "This is how it is."

So, I think thanks to you and Anna mostly, I've come up with a decision
about this:

We're going with places. Two of them will be Lothlorien and
Imladris/Rivendell (which way?). The third is up for nominations for the
next twenty four hours. At midnight tomorrow night, I'll put up a poll with
those nominations. The poll will be open for two days. The winner becomes
the third spot.

Then I'll put up another poll to determine the order.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1077

Elf awards, the new campaign! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 23, 2004 - 0:07:54 Topic ID# 1033
Okay, I'm going to delete the original poll. The new poll will come into
existance tomorrow. What needs to happen between now and then is

Two of the three Elf awards will be Rivendell/Imladris and Lothlorien.

What will the other one be. (Must be a place)

I'll take the first 6 suggestions and put them into a poll.

And yes, I just have to nominate Greenwood the Great. Not just because it
is Legolas's hometown. But because it is a significant location, playing a
part in both The Hobbit and LOTR. Sauron thought Thranduil had a ring
because he was the only one who managed to stand against him for so long.
Yet Thranduil, we know, had no ring. I think he doesn't get enough respect.
This is the kingdom that lost two thirds of its fighting force to the siege
of Mordo and yet still held Sauron off for many years. Even after Dol Goldur
was torn down and the woods again grew dark, Thranduil's realm held the
darkness at bay. And in the end, we know from the Silm, there was much
fighting under those trees and Thranduil stood victorious in the end.
Greenwood the Great had become Mirkwood but emerged Eryn Lasgalen. I say
that one of those names should be on an Elf award. Mirkwood is out because
it's a The Hobbit, but that leaves two worthy names to go.

Okay, that's my bid. Five more, and state your case! You may sway voters
for the poll. The poll will run for two days. Then we'll decide the order.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1078

Re: Hold the poll! Elves Category Award Titles. Please discuss. Posted by Tinni May 23, 2004 - 0:25:41 Topic ID# 1033
> We're going with places. Two of them will be Lothlorien and
> Imladris/Rivendell (which way?). The third is up for nominations
for the
> next twenty four hours. At midnight tomorrow night, I'll put up a
poll with
> those nominations. The poll will be open for two days. The winner
> the third spot.
> Then I'll put up another poll to determine the order.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I nominate Beleriand. Why?

1. It includes Doriath, Gondolin, Himring and the Falas. So
basically all the major elven kingdoms this side of the sundering

2. Broad range with plenty of scope for creativity.

3. Okay I admit it all my banner except the two for Ingwe can be
stay. Selfish reason I know.

4. Lastly, come on what can be cooler than Beleriand.


Msg# 1079

A The Hobbit Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 23, 2004 - 0:47:18 Topic ID# 1079

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Emblem You Chose

*Story Author: Wild Iris

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Hobbit
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Thranduil, the Elvenking of Mirkwood, pays his respects at the tomb of
Thorin Oakenshield.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1080

Romance nominations Posted by Kate May 23, 2004 - 5:52:51 Topic ID# 1080
I'll have to categorize these, but I figured I should post them
anyway. Being the categorizer for Romance, I've noticed that the
hobbits are very under-represented (even the slash pairings)! I'll
take it upon myself if I have to, lol :P

* * * * * *

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: A Pearl of Unexpected Price

*Story Author: Regina

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): WIP

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): sexual inuendo

*Romance Partners: Frodo/Pearl Took

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote): Frodo is
in love with Pippin's sister Pearl, but they discover that toxic
relatives and dangerous inheritances can make impossible to get your
heart's desire. A non-slash explanation of Frodo never marrying.

* * * * * *

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Two Hands

*Story Author: powerwriter

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Sam/Rosie

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Follows Sam and Rosie from the moment they fell in love...will they
be able to finally tell each other how they feel?

* * * * * *

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Crown of Laurel

*Story Author: Lyta Padfoot

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Humour
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-quest

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Peregrin Took and Diamond of Long Cleeve finally marry - but to enjoy
their life together they must first survive the wedding.

* * * * * *

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Falling Stars

*Story Author: SoundofHorns

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): Forth age

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Faramir Took/Goldilocks Gamgee

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Faramir Took, Goldilocks and Hamfast Gardener. A night sky, a meteor
shower, a love discovered.

* * * * * *

*Nominator's name: Pervinca

*Story Title: Watch the Clouds Go Sailing By

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Forth age

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Faramir Took/Goldilocks Gamgee

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
As a Took, it would be impossible for Faramir, only son of Peregrin I
to do anything normally. And that includes declaring his love to
Goldilocks Gamgee.


That's all from me! Now I have to go and put these all in the
database, lol!

Msg# 1081

Re: Romance nominations - email correction Posted by Kate May 23, 2004 - 6:09:17 Topic ID# 1080
Bugger - I hadn't screwed anything up yet, so I knew it was bound to
happen soon. This is what happens when you copy-paste to much. I
forgot to put Lyta's email address in, and just left powerwriter's
there. The corrected nomination form is below. Let's just hope I
haven't done anything else wrong - I'm rather tired :P

- Pervinca

> *Nominator's name: Pervinca
> *Story Title: Crown of Laurel
> *Story Author: Lyta Padfoot
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Romance
> 2nd: Hobbits
> 3rd: Humour
> Subcategory (suggest something): Post-quest
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners: Pippin/Diamond
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> Peregrin Took and Diamond of Long Cleeve finally marry - but to
> their life together they must first survive the wedding.
> * * * * * *

Msg# 1082

Re: Elf awards, the new campaign! Posted by gwathyg May 23, 2004 - 12:35:39 Topic ID# 1033
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Okay, I'm going to delete the original poll. The new poll will
come into
> existance tomorrow. What needs to happen between now and then is
> nominations:
> Two of the three Elf awards will be Rivendell/Imladris and
> What will the other one be. (Must be a place)
> I'll take the first 6 suggestions and put them into a poll.
> And yes, I just have to nominate Greenwood the Great. Not just
because it
> is Legolas's hometown. But because it is a significant location,
playing a
> part in both The Hobbit and LOTR. Sauron thought Thranduil had a
> because he was the only one who managed to stand against him for so
> Yet Thranduil, we know, had no ring. I think he doesn't get enough
> This is the kingdom that lost two thirds of its fighting force to
the siege
> of Mordo and yet still held Sauron off for many years. Even after
Dol Goldur
> was torn down and the woods again grew dark, Thranduil's realm held
> darkness at bay. And in the end, we know from the Silm, there was
> fighting under those trees and Thranduil stood victorious in the
> Greenwood the Great had become Mirkwood but emerged Eryn Lasgalen.
I say
> that one of those names should be on an Elf award. Mirkwood is out
> it's a The Hobbit, but that leaves two worthy names to go.
> Okay, that's my bid. Five more, and state your case! You may sway
> for the poll. The poll will run for two days. Then we'll decide
the order.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I would have to say Mithlond (the Grey Havens). It wasn't a very
large kingdom, but to depart Middle-earth forever most Elves went
there so it had quite a bit of significance. Plus you already picked
Eryn Lasgalen...:)

Msg# 1083

A nomination Posted by Ariel May 23, 2004 - 20:52:07 Topic ID# 402
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ariel

*Story Title: Free Fall

*Story Author: Lindorien

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Men
Subcategory (suggest something): Gapfiller

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some injury/recovery - much

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

Why was Boromir sent to the Council instead of Faramir if Faramir was
the one who had the dreams? PJ gave you one answer; this fic gives a
better one.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1084

Another round of database cleaning Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 23, 2004 - 23:48:26 Topic ID# 1084
We are still missing a lot of author approvals. Author contactors may want
to sort the Nominations table by Author and see if there's someone they need
to contact (even if they've contacted them before--because some have some
stories approved and others not. Best to ask for blanket approval). We've
got 361 stories in the database (2 are duplicates) and only 287 on the web

Those duplicates? Casey Toh's Arda Unmarred is still in there twice, once
for the whole story and once for the first chapter. Someone needs to check
on that. Those Who Remain by Marnie is still stuck in two categories.

One Dark Night by Enros is a Romance, but I don't see any Romance Partners.
As is Underestimated by Enismirdal. Can someone update them, please? There
might be more. These are just the two I happened to see.

I had mistakenly added Ithilwen's stories to the web site. I think I got her
mixed up with Ithilien. No, wait, I remember getting an e-mail from her.Yes,
I've found it. But I haven't found Ithilien. She's marked as approved in the
Author Approval database. Can someone produce evidence? Forward it to me.

Please note, because it would take far too much editing, stories should be
listed with their articles in place. In other words, it's "The Hamster", not
"Hamster, The". That's the way stories went in at first, so that's they way
they should go in now. Otherwise, we'd have to go and edit every story that
started with A, An, or The. So, if you are a categorizer and about to put
in a story, you should check to see if it's already in the database. With
the article first. I've deleted several duplicates because of this.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1085

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Larian May 23, 2004 - 23:57:35 Topic ID# 1084
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> .
Those Who Remain by Marnie is still stuck in two categories.

I nominated it for the LOTR category. Can I just withdraw it and
save more messing around with it?


Msg# 1086

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 0:03:32 Topic ID# 1084
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian []
> Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 11:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Another round of database cleaning
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> .
> Those Who Remain by Marnie is still stuck in two categories.
> I nominated it for the LOTR category. Can I just withdraw it
> and save more messing around with it?

Well, I think Marnie is the best person to decide. Can someone contact her?
We still need permission for some of her stories, too.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1087

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Larian May 24, 2004 - 0:13:43 Topic ID# 1084
Well, I think Marnie is the best person to decide. Can someone
contact her?
> We still need permission for some of her stories, too.
> --Ainaechoiriel

I'll write her :)

Msg# 1088

Five new the new titles. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 0:24:15 Topic ID# 1088
Well, I did say I already had some images. So for Imladris and Lothlorien,
I've posted 5 new banners.

We have three nominations for the third title so far. Three more and we'll
make it a poll. Or I'll take what we've got by tomorrow night and make the
poll from there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1089

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 24, 2004 - 4:15:23 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Child of Dawn

*Story Author:Cirdan

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
2nd:First Age
Subcategory (suggest something):AU


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Warnings for implied
domestic violence and a character death. This is also why it's R.

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Maedhros
hears that Aredhel is being held against her will by Eol and goes to
rescue her. Maeglin watches as Maedhros and Eol fight it out. My one
and only Maeglin fic.

Msg# 1090

My dumb question.. Posted by jilba25au May 24, 2004 - 4:15:51 Topic ID# 1090
Ok, I figure everyone is allowed one dumb question per list they're
on. Here's mine for this list, as I've obviously missed something.

Where are the banners everyone's talking about making, and what
significance do they have? Can someone please explain to dumb ole me?


Msg# 1091

Re: My dumb question.. Posted by Kate May 24, 2004 - 5:17:07 Topic ID# 1090
Hehehehe, don't worry about it! There have been so many posts, it
would be easy to get lost!

The discussion is about the award banners for Elves, ie, the awards
that the winners of the Elves category will receive. Basically, we're
just having a bit of a debate on what they should be called.

I can't wait to have *my* dumb questions :)

- Pervinca

--- In, "jilba25au" <jilba25@h...> wrote:
> Ok, I figure everyone is allowed one dumb question per list they're
> on. Here's mine for this list, as I've obviously missed something.
> Where are the banners everyone's talking about making, and what
> significance do they have? Can someone please explain to dumb ole
> Jillian

Msg# 1092

Re: Elf awards, the new campaign! Posted by Kate May 24, 2004 - 5:25:20 Topic ID# 1033
Okay, I'm in agreement with gwathyg about the Grey Havens, but I have
a few more arguments to go with it.

My main point I have to say here is that the elves really do give you
a nice little group of three - "Three for the elven kings under the
sky". I know you've already picked places to be the award titles (and
I agree with this), so Vilya, Nenya and Narya are out of the
question, as are their three bearers.

However, Vilya was given to Elrond by Gil-Galad, so there's your
Rivendell. Galadriel has Nenya, so there you have Lothlorien. Even
though Gandalf has Narya, it was given to him by Cirdan the
Shipwright...who resides at the Grey Havens!

So maybe that's a bit of a round-about way of getting to my decision,
but that's what went through my head last night :P Plus, PJ filmed
the Grey Havens, so that would make banners relatively easy to make :D

- Pervinca

--- In, "gwathyg" <me_elf6226@c...> wrote:
> I would have to say Mithlond (the Grey Havens). It wasn't a very
> large kingdom, but to depart Middle-earth forever most Elves went
> there so it had quite a bit of significance. Plus you already
> Eryn Lasgalen...:)

Msg# 1093

Re: My dumb question.. Posted by Jillian Baade May 24, 2004 - 5:58:37 Topic ID# 1090
Ok, ta Pervinca! I sorta figured that was it, but I just had to ask. I
thought it was just a debate on names, but I got confused, not that
confusing me is difficult!

Any one else got a dumb question so I don't feel so dumb?

>Hehehehe, don't worry about it! There have been so many posts, it
>would be easy to get lost!
>The discussion is about the award banners for Elves, ie, the awards
>that the winners of the Elves category will receive. Basically, we're
>just having a bit of a debate on what they should be called.
>I can't wait to have *my* dumb questions :)
>- Pervinca
>--- In, "jilba25au" <jilba25@h...> wrote:
> > Ok, I figure everyone is allowed one dumb question per list they're
> > on. Here's mine for this list, as I've obviously missed something.
> >
> > Where are the banners everyone's talking about making, and what
> > significance do they have? Can someone please explain to dumb ole
> >
> > Jillian
>Yahoo! Groups Links

Find love today with ninemsn personals. Click here:

Msg# 1094

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Stella May 24, 2004 - 6:02:27 Topic ID# 1084
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> We are still missing a lot of author approvals. Author contactors
may want
> to sort the Nominations table by Author and see if there's someone
they need
> to contact (even if they've contacted them before--because some
have some
> stories approved and others not. Best to ask for blanket
approval). We've
> got 361 stories in the database (2 are duplicates) and only 287 on
the web
> site.

Just a quick question concerning author approvals. How many times do
you want us to attempt to contact authors? I don't know if any of
the other contactors have had this problem, but I've got a couple of
authors I've contacted twice and have received no answer. How do you
want to handle this? Also, as to Marnie, I thought I read in a post
some time ago that someone had her blanket approval.


Msg# 1095

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Kate May 24, 2004 - 6:58:04 Topic ID# 1084
> One Dark Night by Enros is a Romance, but I don't see any Romance
> Partners.
> As is Underestimated by Enismirdal. Can someone update them,
> please? There
> might be more. These are just the two I happened to see.

> --Ainaechoiriel

Sorry, yeah, that would probably be my fault. I have partners for
most of the romance stories now, I just haven't updated the ones that
were databased (is that even a word? :P) before the compulsary
listing of pairings. I know there's a couple more, aside from those
two, that have the same case - at least on the website anyway. I will
get around to it ASAP!

Can we edit the records in the database, or do they have to be
deleted and redone? <fingers crossed that it's the former!>

As for the ones that don't have pairing listed, I'll make up a list
of these. If you nominated them (or if you're the author), just let
me get an idea of the pairings.

And just going completely OT - I GOT MY COPY OF ROTK TODAY!!! Okay,
so my younger brother bought it, but still! It's very exciting. I
love how Kmart and Big W always sell DVDs a day or two before the
offficial release date :D

- Pervinca

Msg# 1096

Re: My dumb question.. Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 10:22:11 Topic ID# 1090
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jilba25au []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] My dumb question..
> Ok, I figure everyone is allowed one dumb question per list
> they're on. Here's mine for this list, as I've obviously
> missed something.

Sounds fair. ;-)

> Where are the banners everyone's talking about making, and
> what significance do they have? Can someone please explain to
> dumb ole me?

Pervinca answered most of this,s o I will just answer the "where" question:
In the Photos Section on the Yahoo site and at on the web site.

I'm thinking we may also have to rethink Numenor as a category, let alone
the Awards titles and lack of banners. More on that later.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1097

Re: Elf awards, the new campaign! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 11:12:43 Topic ID# 1033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 5:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Elf awards, the new campaign!
> Okay, I'm in agreement with gwathyg about the Grey Havens,
> but I have a few more arguments to go with it.
> My main point I have to say here is that the elves really do
> give you a nice little group of three - "Three for the elven
> kings under the sky". I know you've already picked places to
> be the award titles (and I agree with this), so Vilya, Nenya
> and Narya are out of the question, as are their three bearers.
> However, Vilya was given to Elrond by Gil-Galad, so there's
> your Rivendell. Galadriel has Nenya, so there you have
> Lothlorien. Even though Gandalf has Narya, it was given to
> him by Cirdan the Shipwright...who resides at the Grey Havens!
> So maybe that's a bit of a round-about way of getting to my
> decision, but that's what went through my head last night :P
> Plus, PJ filmed the Grey Havens, so that would make banners
> relatively easy to make :D

I was wondering why gwathy left out the fact that it was filmed.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1098

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 11:16:45 Topic ID# 1084
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 6:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Another round of database cleaning
> > One Dark Night by Enros is a Romance, but I don't see any Romance
> > Partners.
> > As is Underestimated by Enismirdal. Can someone update
> them, please?
> > There might be more. These are just the two I happened to see.
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> Sorry, yeah, that would probably be my fault. I have partners
> for most of the romance stories now, I just haven't updated
> the ones that were databased (is that even a word? :P) before
> the compulsary listing of pairings. I know there's a couple
> more, aside from those two, that have the same case - at
> least on the website anyway. I will get around to it ASAP!
> Can we edit the records in the database, or do they have to
> be deleted and redone? <fingers crossed that it's the former!>

There should be an Edit link to the far right of the listing. If not, let
me know.

> As for the ones that don't have pairing listed, I'll make up
> a list of these. If you nominated them (or if you're the
> author), just let me get an idea of the pairings.

Yep, those that nominated them probably read them and would know the
pairings. Authors would, too, of course. I've had to go back and ask a
copule of mine.

> And just going completely OT - I GOT MY COPY OF ROTK TODAY!!!
> Okay, so my younger brother bought it, but still! It's very
> exciting. I love how Kmart and Big W always sell DVDs a day
> or two before the offficial release date :D

Dang. I always preorder, ecause it's a better price. But it does mean I
have to wait a few days.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1099

Re: Another round of database cleaning Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 11:21:05 Topic ID# 1084
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stella []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 6:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Another round of database cleaning
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> Just a quick question concerning author approvals. How many
> times do you want us to attempt to contact authors? I don't
> know if any of the other contactors have had this problem,
> but I've got a couple of authors I've contacted twice and
> have received no answer. How do you want to handle this?
> Also, as to Marnie, I thought I read in a post some time ago
> that someone had her blanket approval.

A good question. I think three is a good, roundish number. But I think we
also need a cut-off date. What about the last day of Check Ballot Season?
That's June 30th.

I won't put unofficial nominations on the check ballots, which means stories
will be added on as authors approve right up to the last day and the final
check ballot.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1100

Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category status Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 11:39:15 Topic ID# 1100
Possible reasons for dissolving the Numenor Category:

1. The Numenor category has no banners.

2. As yet, the Numenor category is not viable.

3. Numenor stories could easily fit within the Men category.

Possible Reasons for keeping the Numenor category:

1. If and when all author permissions are in, Numenor may be a Viable

Honestly, I thought there were more Numenor stories out there and hoped to
draw authors of those Numenorean stories to the Awards by having a Numenor
category. Even if we do have th eminimum number for a viable category,
would that still warrant a category of its own and not a subcategory under

Nerwen, can you give us an idea of how many Numenor complete, poems,
drabbles, and WIPs (subdivide, please) we have (assuming that all Numenor
authors will approve)?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1101

Boston anyone? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 12:42:02 Topic ID# 1101
Anybody else planning on going to the exhibit in Boston this fall? I'd love
to go with some fellow fans from online like I did in London. And yes, I'll
be in costume again, though I really do need to get some new ear tips.

So does anyone have any particular weekend in mind?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1102

Re: Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category status Posted by Dawn Martinez-Byrne May 24, 2004 - 13:34:05 Topic ID# 1100
How many nominations are in the category as it stands?

----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:40 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category status

Possible reasons for dissolving the Numenor Category:

1. The Numenor category has no banners.

2. As yet, the Numenor category is not viable.

3. Numenor stories could easily fit within the Men category.

Possible Reasons for keeping the Numenor category:

1. If and when all author permissions are in, Numenor may be a Viable

Honestly, I thought there were more Numenor stories out there and hoped to
draw authors of those Numenorean stories to the Awards by having a Numenor
category. Even if we do have th eminimum number for a viable category,
would that still warrant a category of its own and not a subcategory under

Nerwen, can you give us an idea of how many Numenor complete, poems,
drabbles, and WIPs (subdivide, please) we have (assuming that all Numenor
authors will approve)?


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1103

YASQ Posted by khazar\_khum May 24, 2004 - 13:48:28 Topic ID# 1103
Is there any way to tell how many stories are nominated per category-
-outside of counting by hand, and screwing up???


Msg# 1104

Re: YASQ Posted by Larian Elensar May 24, 2004 - 13:57:56 Topic ID# 1103
If you go into the nominations data base and put the category name in the
search box, it will pull up all the stories in that category. (Ex. Drama has
73 stories in it, in the nominations database)

--- khazar_khum <> wrote:
> Is there any way to tell how many stories are nominated per category-
> -outside of counting by hand, and screwing up???
> khazar

Msg# 1105

Re: Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category status Posted by Larian May 24, 2004 - 14:01:13 Topic ID# 1100
Looks like 7 right now, not sure how many are approved though.

--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> How many nominations are in the category as it stands?
> khazar
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ainaechoiriel
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:40 AM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category

Msg# 1106

Re: YASQ Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 14:24:52 Topic ID# 1103
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] YASQ
> If you go into the nominations data base and put the category
> name in the search box, it will pull up all the stories in
> that category. (Ex. Drama has
> 73 stories in it, in the nominations database)

Likewise, if you go to the Nominations page on the web site, the stories are
sorted by Category and then Subcategory. That would show you how many are
official (as in the author has approved and everything was fine in the

Also remember the database is only as up-to-date as each categorizer for
their categories. And the web site is only as up-to-date as the database.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1107

Another Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 14:26:26 Topic ID# 1107

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: That Which is Fairest

*Story Author: Elana

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LOTR
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Gimli ponders his gift from Galadriel


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1108

Re: Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category status Posted by Nerwen Calaelen May 24, 2004 - 14:38:19 Topic ID# 1100
> From: Larian

> Looks like 7 right now, not sure how many are approved though.
Yes, I think its 7 at the moment - 1 poem, no WIPs.


--- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
<dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> How many nominations are in the category as it stands?
> khazar
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ainaechoiriel
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:40 AM
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category

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Msg# 1109

Re: Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category status Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 15:00:24 Topic ID# 1100
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Numenor: Possible dissolution of
> Category status
> Looks like 7 right now, not sure how many are approved though.

3 are approved. All Complete, by 2 authors.

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> --- In, "Dawn Martinez-Byrne"
> <dlmbyrne@g...> wrote:
> > How many nominations are in the category as it stands?
> >
> > khazar
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Ainaechoiriel
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:40 AM
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Numenor: Possible dissolution of Category
> status
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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Msg# 1110

Re: Another Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 15:22:42 Topic ID# 1107
Oops. Forgot the e-mail address:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 2:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Another Nomination
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: That Which is Fairest
> *Story Author: Elana
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: LOTR
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Elves
> Subcategory (suggest something): Drabble
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners:
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> Gimli ponders his gift from Galadriel
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said, "for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at
> that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
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Msg# 1111

"Gilraen's Memorial" nom: lost in the woodworks? Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 24, 2004 - 16:52:07 Topic ID# 1111
Just a heads up: I was checking Alawa's stories in the database and
noticed that one of the stories I'd rec'd last week (or sometime
thereabouts) hadn't yet appeared. I suspect it got lost in the posting
frenzy. I have forwarded author approval e-mail to Ainae, so that's
all taken care of.


Msg# 1112

And another, or two, or three, or four Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 16:55:40 Topic ID# 1112

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Dulinraug

*Story Author: Galahan

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: The Silmarillion
3rd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Gondolin, vignette

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): character death

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Silmarillion fic about the fall of Glorfindel.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Complicated Allies

*Story Author: Sun Queen

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): Helm's Deep

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): battle violence

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The battle of Helm's Deep from the perspective of an unknown soldier, and
his view of Legolas and Gimli. Proof that racism was alive and well in
Middle Earth. Book-verse.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: More Than an Archer

*Story Author: Katharine the great

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Post-WORTR, Mirkwood

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The young mature, and perceptions change, but sometimes we can't really know
a person until they're gone... (refers to the deaths of Tanglinna and
Brethil in a previous story of Treehugger's). An homage-fic written as a
gift for TreeHugger and JastaElf.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Driven By Fire

*Story Author: Starlight10

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: The Silmarillion
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): post-Kinslaying, short story

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Short piece. Silmarillion Based. In Valinor, at the feet of the Elven lord,
the grief was too strong to be put into words; but, whose fate was indeed
doomed? The one of those who left, or that of those who were left behind?

That'll do for now.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1113

Re: "Gilraen's Memorial" nom: lost in the woodworks? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 20:23:24 Topic ID# 1111
I think it's just a matter of not being categorized yet. I've nominated some
that aren't up yet either.

I'm not panicked yet. :-)

Though I am beginning to worry about the tornado watch....


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] "Gilraen's Memorial" nom: lost in the woodworks?
> Just a heads up: I was checking Alawa's stories in the
> database and noticed that one of the stories I'd rec'd last
> week (or sometime
> thereabouts) hadn't yet appeared. I suspect it got lost in
> the posting frenzy. I have forwarded author approval e-mail
> to Ainae, so that's all taken care of.
> Dwim
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> ---------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1114

Elf Titles Poll coming Posted by ainaechoiriel May 24, 2004 - 23:29:25 Topic ID# 1114
We've got Imladris and Lothlorien.

We've nominated Eryn Lasgalen/Greenwood the Great, Beleriand, and the
Grey Havens.

Any reason I should put Ithilien or Valinor on the list....

Well, I guess I'll campaign for them, too.

Ithilien: Hey, it's where Legolas took some Elves and really healed
the place. Legolas. That's reason enough, isn't it? Maybe I could
use that coronation!Legolas pic for a banner....

Valinor: It's where all the Elves are going. Some of the oldest
Elves around are there. Some of them arrived in the First Age and
enver left. Elrond's wife is there. Elrond is there, as is
Galadriel. Legolas will take Gimli there eventually. It's the
happening place as far as Elves are concerned.

Any others? It's 11:30. I'll be making that poll really soon.

working by laptop since she shut down her other computers (gasp!) due
to the storms....

Msg# 1115

New poll for MEFAwards Posted by May 25, 2004 - 0:02:19 Topic ID# 3
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
MEFAwards group:

Elves Category awards titles are
changing. Two of them will be Imladris
and Lothlorien. What will the other be?

o Eryn Lasgalen/Greenwood the Great
o Beleriand
o The Grey Havens
o Ithilien
o Valinor

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.


Msg# 1116

Funky Link on the website Posted by Larian Elensar May 25, 2004 - 0:38:40 Topic ID# 1116
In the silm category, Andreth's story, A veiled Light has this for a link:

Should be:

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1117

More banners Posted by May 25, 2004 - 2:49:32 Topic ID# 718
I've added banners for The Shire, Mirkwood, and two for The Lonely
Mountain. Plus I corrected the spelling error on the Pirates of the
Caribbean banner (thanks for pointing that out, Ainae).


Msg# 1118

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 25, 2004 - 8:20:55 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Tale of Twin Stars

*Story Author:Cirdan

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
2nd:Second Age
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Adult themes

*Romance Partners:Elrond/Elros/OFC

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote: Elros and
Elrond fall in love and must cope with the Laws and Customs of the

Msg# 1119

Re: Funky Link on the website Posted by ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 9:18:03 Topic ID# 1116
--- In, Larian Elensar
<larian_elensar@y...> wrote:
> In the silm category, Andreth's story, A veiled Light has this for
a link:
> Should be:

I'll fix it as soon as I can get to my computers. Darn memory. I
turned them off for the storm last night and forgot to turn them on
again this morning.

who feels lost without her computers.

Msg# 1120

Re: More banners Posted by ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 9:22:13 Topic ID# 718
--- In, angelabrooks@y... wrote:
> I've added banners for The Shire, Mirkwood, and two for The Lonely
> Mountain. Plus I corrected the spelling error on the Pirates of the
> Caribbean banner (thanks for pointing that out, Ainae).
> Elana

They look good! A bit large, but I'll try and shrink them for the
webpage. The wording looks big enough to survive that.

And of course, all that will happen when I have access to my

posting from her work computer.

Msg# 1121

More banners Posted by antoinette\ May 25, 2004 - 9:39:47 Topic ID# 718
I just looked at the banners. They are marvelous and highly creative.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1122

Completed WIP Posted by coriel\_elfwyn May 25, 2004 - 13:30:22 Topic ID# 1122
To whom it may concern, "The Green Knight" by Le Rouret is now completed.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1123

Re: Completed WIP Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 15:15:26 Topic ID# 1122
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coriel_elfwyn []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:29 PM
> To: MEFA
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Completed WIP
> To whom it may concern, "The Green Knight" by Le Rouret is
> now completed.

Okay, I've updated that. It takes Elves/Incomplete out of the Viable
categories, but that's alright, I suppose.

I'd like to announce that right now, we have 299 official nominations!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1124

Re: More banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 15:25:06 Topic ID# 718
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] More banners
> I just looked at the banners. They are marvelous and highly creative.
That they are! And they are also up on the web site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1125

Re: Boston Anyone? Posted by May 25, 2004 - 15:28:31 Topic ID# 1125
In a message dated 5/24/2004 9:45:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Anybody else planning on going to the exhibit in Boston this fall?

Yes :-)

I'd love
> to go with some fellow fans from online like I did in London.

Same here

> So does anyone have any particular weekend in mind?
Nope, too much still in the air to make definitive plans, although my
personal preference would be late September. But certainly I will be going at some


"I'm going to need a Ritalin smoothie to deal with this." Carson Kressley,
Queer Eye

"She lost her mind years ago and never missed it once." James McMurtry

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1126

A Romance Nomination Posted by chathollinn May 25, 2004 - 21:38:36 Topic ID# 1126
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Chathol-linn

*Story Title: Lady Love an Outlaw

*Story Author: Chathol-linn

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: romance
2nd: Mortal men/women
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): humor /action adv
early life

*Rating: Part 4 of 4 is R-rated. 1-3, PG-13.

Reason for rating: graphic details of consensual affection.
Supportive of main plot.

*Romance Partners: Éomer / Lothíriel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
machinations send Éomer on a dubious journey to Erech-on-Morthond.

There we see him falling in love and awakening to the growing danger
of Gríma. The year is 3014 and Lothíriel is 15, yet this story
complies with the scant canon that says they met afterwards.

Msg# 1127

need link for Estel and the Hobbit Posted by viv May 25, 2004 - 22:07:02 Topic ID# 1127
Estel and the Hobbit by Eledhwen is in our nomination database.
However, the link we have currently is for the members' section of
HASA, which requires a login. Is this story posted at another site
that does not require a login?

(Note: We might want to remove that approved-by-staff "yes" in the
database until we can get a better link.)


Msg# 1128

need link: Corsair Papers Posted by viv May 25, 2004 - 22:19:21 Topic ID# 1128
"The Corsair Papers" by Flick is in our nomination database, but the
story link is incomplete (currently http://www.henneth-

Also, the summary for this story says that it is written by Fileg and
Flick, but the author listed is only Fileg. Does anybody know which
is correct (just Flick, or both)?

(This is in the Crossovers category... Anna, does your database have
a more complete link?)

Sorry to bug you guys!


Msg# 1129

Re: need link for Estel and the Hobbit Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 22:28:59 Topic ID# 1127
> -----Original Message-----
> From: viv []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] need link for Estel and the Hobbit
> Estel and the Hobbit by Eledhwen is in our nomination database.
> However, the link we have currently is for the members'
> section of HASA, which requires a login. Is this story posted
> at another site that does not require a login?
> (Note: We might want to remove that approved-by-staff "yes"
> in the database until we can get a better link.)
> viv

Just taking the "members/" out gets us there. I'll edit the database.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1130

Re: need link: Corsair Papers Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 22:32:00 Topic ID# 1128
> -----Original Message-----
> From: viv []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] need link: Corsair Papers
> "The Corsair Papers" by Flick is in our nomination database,
> but the story link is incomplete (currently
> http://www.henneth-
> Also, the summary for this story says that it is written by
> Fileg and Flick, but the author listed is only Fileg. Does
> anybody know which is correct (just Flick, or both)?

I found it by searching for Flick:
Though when following that link, I see this:

We're sorry. The author either has not created chapters for this story, or
has not set them to "Public" for general reading. Please contact the author
using the link in the left-hand hand column to alert him or her to this

> (This is in the Crossovers category... Anna, does your
> database have a more complete link?)
> Sorry to bug you guys!

Looks like we're going to have to find a different site for this (and it
needs to have been up on that other site by April 30, 2004).


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1131

OT: Guess what I got in the mail! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 22:46:12 Topic ID# 1131
Yep, my ROTK DVD!!! I had preordered from I'm going to go now and
watch some bonus features.

See ya's later!

"God is my Strength!" The Edge of the Frontier This Side of the Nether

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1132

New look to the web site Nominations list Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 25, 2004 - 23:52:07 Topic ID# 1132
You may have noticed the new look to the Nominations list on the web site.
Because I added summaries (from the database), I really needed for the table
borders to show so that you could see where one summary ended and the other

Also, we passed the 300 mark today! We have 306 official nominations!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1133

Re: need link: Corsair Papers Posted by Marta May 25, 2004 - 23:52:14 Topic ID# 1128
viv wrote:

> "The Corsair Papers" by Flick is in our nomination database, but the
> story link is incomplete (currently http://www.henneth-


> Also, the summary for this story says that it is written by Fileg and
> Flick, but the author listed is only Fileg. Does anybody know which
> is correct (just Flick, or both)?

I think it's by both. Unfortunately I don't have an email for Fileg. If
you email Flick, maybe she (he?) can provide the email or ask the
co-author for you?


Msg# 1134

Re: need link: Corsair Papers Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 0:08:24 Topic ID# 1128
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] need link: Corsair Papers
> viv wrote:
> > "The Corsair Papers" by Flick is in our nomination
> database, but the
> > story link is incomplete (currently http://www.henneth-
> >
> Try

That brings up the title, but when you click the title, you get:

We're sorry. The author either has not created chapters for this story, or
has not set them to "Public" for general reading. Please contact the author
using the link in the left-hand hand column to alert him or her to this

> I think it's by both. Unfortunately I don't have an email for
> Fileg. If you email Flick, maybe she (he?) can provide the
> email or ask the co-author for you?

It does say it's by both. I have fileg's e-mail:


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1135

A couple of nominations Posted by anna\_l\_milton May 26, 2004 - 5:08:52 Topic ID# 1135
I'm going into hospital for surgery tomorrow and will only have
computer access again after the nomination season ends. As such,
these will be my only nominations. Thankfully, all the works by
other authors I'd like to nominate have already been nominated, so
hopefully no-one will think I'm an utter ego-maniac. ;)



Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Anna Milton

*Story Title: Queen's Gambit

*Story Author: A L Milton

*Author's E-mail Address: white.tower[at]gmail[dot]com

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Men
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Gap-filler

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating: it can be read by all, but there's mention of
events/themes that are not wholly appropriate for young children

*Romance Partners: N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Faramir and
Arwen play a game of chess in the summer of 3019 TA. Politics, the
Alekhine Defence by any other name and Faramir taking his clothes
off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.

* * *

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Anna Milton

*Story Title: Queen's Gambit

*Story Author: A L Milton

*Author's E-mail Address: white.tower[at]gmail[dot]com

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating: some mature themes

*Romance Partners: N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A short
vignette taking place soon before the pyre of Denethor and
attempting to explain the Steward's choice.

* * *

Msg# 1136

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 26, 2004 - 6:12:32 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:The One Ring Reforged

*Story Author:Cirdan

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
2nd:Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):This is a
very mild humor story about the One Ring. Frodo bumps into Feanor
shortly after fleeing from Boromir. Feanor reforges the shoddily
made One Ring. You'll like Sting's origins.

Msg# 1137

Re: need link for Estel and the Hobbit Posted by bwoodru1 May 26, 2004 - 7:33:48 Topic ID# 1127
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: viv [mailto:spacellamaprincess@y...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:07 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] need link for Estel and the Hobbit
> >
> > Estel and the Hobbit by Eledhwen is in our nomination database.
> > However, the link we have currently is for the members'
> > section of HASA, which requires a login. Is this story posted
> > at another site that does not require a login?
> >
> > (Note: We might want to remove that approved-by-staff "yes"
> > in the database until we can get a better link.)
> >
> > viv
> >
> Just taking the "members/" out gets us there. I'll edit the
> --Ainaechoiriel

I thought I had posted a corrected link for this. Here it is -


Msg# 1138

Re: A couple of nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 8:38:38 Topic ID# 1135
> -----Original Message-----
> From: anna_l_milton []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] A couple of nominations
> I'm going into hospital for surgery tomorrow and will only
> have computer access again after the nomination season ends.
> As such, these will be my only nominations. Thankfully, all
> the works by other authors I'd like to nominate have already
> been nominated, so hopefully no-one will think I'm an utter
> ego-maniac. ;)

;-) No more than the rest of us!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1139

Author contacting.... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 8:56:26 Topic ID# 1139
Just so all the other contacters are awre, I'm going to start e-mailing some
authors who haven't sent us permission in awhile. I'm not doing this to step
on any toes, I just think maybe as founder and Admin a personal request from
me might possibly get a response. No guarantees. I have an author or two
that haven't answered me yet, also!

So, just keep doing what you're doing. I just didn't want you to think I
was going around your backs. I'll update the author database if I get any


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1140

Re: Author contacting.... Posted by Stella May 26, 2004 - 9:35:57 Topic ID# 1139
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Just so all the other contacters are awre, I'm going to start e-
mailing some
> authors who haven't sent us permission in awhile. I'm not doing
this to step
> on any toes, I just think maybe as founder and Admin a personal
request from
> me might possibly get a response.

Good idea, if you would add Cassia & Sio to your list I'd appreciate
it. I've sent my third message to them last night and still no


Msg# 1142

Re: Author contacting.... Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 9:46:23 Topic ID# 1139
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stella []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Author contacting....
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:

> Good idea, if you would add Cassia & Sio to your list I'd
> appreciate it. I've sent my third message to them last night
> and still no answer.
> Stella

Thank you for being so dilligent. I have already e-mailed them. Cassia's
e-mail didn't get through, but I've got no bounce message from Sio's e-mail
addy so if she get it, I'm sure she'll share it with Cassia.

And on the good side of things, I've already got one response! Regina has
given us blanket permission!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1143

Success and Numenor is Viable! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 10:27:33 Topic ID# 1143
(though we still might dissolve it.)

Anyway, I've been having great success with the author contacts already!
Three have already replied and I think I've only contacted 5!

As such The Hobbit is only one story away from viability and Numenor is one
story more than viable!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1144

Author Campaign Update! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 11:54:02 Topic ID# 1144
What a success!

I'm not even through the F's in stories yet and I've got responses. Viv and
Stella also got responses and so the stories of these authors are now
officially nominated:

And Cassia and Siobhan!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1145

Newly Viable Subcategory! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 11:57:07 Topic ID# 1145
With the addition of Fileg's poems, Men/Poetry is now a viable category!

I can't wait to get all the way through the Nominations list and get all
these new stories uploaded to the web site. I'm at 322 and counting!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1146

Re: Author Campaign Update! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 12:05:47 Topic ID# 1144
Sorry, I spelled sphinx wrong. And by the way, I just saw that sphinx
joined us here!

Welcome to the group! There's still time to nominate stories if you'd like
to get into that. Nomination Season isn't over until June 15th!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ainaechoiriel []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Author Campaign Update!
> What a success!
> I'm not even through the F's in stories yet and I've got
> responses. Viv and Stella also got responses and so the
> stories of these authors are now officially nominated:
> Regina
> Thevina
> Orophins_Dottir
> Legorfilinde
> Cirdan
> Forodwaith
> Sphynx
> Fileg
> And Cassia and Siobhan!
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves,"
> Elrond said, "for it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at
> that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> --------------------~--> Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads.
> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1147

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 12:52:05 Topic ID# 199
Sad news. In going through the database to contact authors, I came across
this one. We cannot send and e-mail or private message to ladyperedhel
through Open Scrolls without a membership and password.

Since the rules stipulate that the author must have e-mail, and that
Author's E-mail is a required field, this nominatin can not be approved by

If someone can find us an e-mail address for ladyperedhel, we'll approve it
and move on from there.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sindohte []
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 8:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> *Nominator's name: sindohte
> *Story Title: Of Gold and Wood
> *Story Author: ladyperedhel
> *Author's E-mail Address: Private, but can be contacted by PM
> at Open Scrolls
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: The Silmarillion
> 2nd: Romance
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: PG-13
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners (for Romances Only): Finrod and Amarie
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Part
> 1 of the Finrod & Amarië cycle. Finrod reveals his love to Amarië.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1148

The Hobbit is now Viable! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 13:02:05 Topic ID# 1148
Thanks to Eledhwen for her permission to nominate Estel and The Hobbit, The
Hobbit is now an officially viable category!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1149

Re: need link: Corsair Papers Posted by Marta May 26, 2004 - 15:14:50 Topic ID# 1128
Ainaechoiriel wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marta []
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:51 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] need link: Corsair Papers
> >
> > viv wrote:
> >
> > > "The Corsair Papers" by Flick is in our nomination
> > database, but the
> > > story link is incomplete (currently http://www.henneth-
> > >
> >
> >
> > Try
> >
> <>
> That brings up the title, but when you click the title, you get:
> We're sorry. The author either has not created chapters for this story, or
> has not set them to "Public" for general reading. Please contact the
> author
> using the link in the left-hand hand column to alert him or her to this
> problem
> > I think it's by both. Unfortunately I don't have an email for
> > Fileg. If you email Flick, maybe she (he?) can provide the
> > email or ask the co-author for you?
> It does say it's by both. I have fileg's e-mail:

You're right, it does bring you to the title only. Weird, when I
nominated this piece I was able to get to the chapters... should someone
email the author perhaps, and ask if it's up at a different archive?


Msg# 1150

Author Campaign 5/26 complete! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 26, 2004 - 15:40:34 Topic ID# 1150
Well, I e-mailed every author who hadn't given us permission yet (unless the
story was just recently added to the nominations database) and I've already
got replies from 12 of them! Add to that Viv's 2 and Stella's 1 and we have
37 stories added to the web site! We have, at this very minute 343 official
nominations! More permissionsmay still come in.

There are 376 stories in the database, but I knew there are some more that
were nominated but haven't been put in the database yet. Categorizers, if
you're behind in your categories and need some help, just give a shout. If
you can get them in your spreadsheet, I'm sure someone here can get them
into the database.

Also, if anyone sees a story they know is a drabble, WIP, or Poem and not
marked as such, let us know so we can get them in the right subcategories.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1151

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 17:20:49 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: A Mother's Day

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): no suggestion.

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only) n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1152

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 17:26:28 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: Pippin's Crucible

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Minas Tirith

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): descriptions of carnage

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only) n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1153

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 17:35:11 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: Little Ones of Their Own

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Adult references to

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1154

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 17:44:17 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: Enigmas: The Life and Love of Linwe and Frodo

*Story Author: Mysterious Ways1

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Romance
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Adult situations;
nothing graphic.

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only)Frodo and OC, Linwe Taralom

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1155

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 17:54:22 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: It Was A Dark and Stormy

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Humor
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1156

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 18:02:56 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever

*Story Author: Pearl Took

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
Subcategory (suggest something): Suspense

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): She says it's rather
Stephen King-like. It's perhaps PG.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1157

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 18:07:11 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: Fashion Statements

*Story Author: Grey Wonderer

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Humor
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1158

Nomination Posted by uofjc1983 May 26, 2004 - 18:17:05 Topic ID# 199
To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into
your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pippinfan

*Story Title: Thinking of You

*Story Author: Grey Wonderer

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Don't know; it seems G
to me, though at the most, PG.

*Romance Partners (for Romances Only) n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

Msg# 1159

Broken links Posted by bewareoftheviking May 26, 2004 - 18:36:08 Topic ID# 1159
I've just noticed that the link to my own fic, Wind and Fire, is
broken. I think it's a problem at the HASA end, it's coming up with
an error message saying it isn't public when it should be, and was
earlier in the week. I've contacted the people at HASA re: this
story, but it might be wise to check it's not affecting other
stories, if that's possible.

Msg# 1160

Re: need link: Corsair Papers Posted by avonaus May 26, 2004 - 18:59:39 Topic ID# 1128

Msg# 1161

a romance nomination Posted by Chathol-linn May 26, 2004 - 19:44:13 Topic ID# 1161
I beg pardon. If this is a double post, please ignore. E-mail trouble.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Chathol-linn

*Story Title: Lady Love an Outlaw

*Story Author: Chathol-linn

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: romance
2nd: Mortal men/women
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): Éomer’s early life / humor / action

*Rating: Part 4 of 4 is R-rated. Otherwise, PG-13

Reason for rating: graphic details of consensual affection. Supportive
of main plot.

*Romance Partners: Éomer / Lothíriel

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Gríma’s
machinations send Éomer on a dubious journey to Erech-on-Morthond. His
adventures there awaken him to love and to the growing danger of Gríma
to the House of Théoden.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1162

Re: need link: Corsair Papers Posted by Viv May 26, 2004 - 20:49:02 Topic ID# 1128
Thank you so much!

--- avonaus <> wrote:
> The link is here:
> Avon

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.

Msg# 1163

Just Checking In Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 1:14:43 Topic ID# 1163
I really should be in bed by now, but I was busy this evening. When I
finally got to the computer, it was hung. Grrrr..I hope it saved my files!

Had to reboot. Only just now logged in again.

I do have 7 or 8 more responses from authors that I'll update tomorrow. And
I'll get to that Hobbits nomination tomorrow as well.

It's been a productive day!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1164

Romance pairings Posted by Kate May 27, 2004 - 6:51:08 Topic ID# 1164
I have gone through and updated all of the romantic partners in the
Romance characters, so hopefully, they should all have one now. I
thought there would be more without, but it seems to have been all
worked out :P

For "The Cursed Queen of Angmar" I have posted an assumed Witch-
King/f pairing, but if the nominator or author would like this
changed, I can do that.

Ainae - new nominations page looks great!

I think I'm all up to date now, so if anyone has made a romance
nomination, and it's not in the database, you might need to nominate
it again. It's probably gotten lost somewhere along the way. Same
goes for "The Hobbit" nominations.

Thanks all,


Msg# 1165

From Riches to Rags nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 8:10:49 Topic ID# 1165
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Pearl Took

*Story Title:From Riches to Rags

*Story Author:Pippinfan 1988

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Mysterious happenings befall Merry, Pippin and Paladin on a business
trip to Michel Delving.

Msg# 1166

Riding the Nightmare nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 8:20:02 Topic ID# 1166
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Pearl Took

*Story Title:Riding the Nightmare

*Story Author:Budgielover

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): scary, graphic

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
On the banks of the Anduin, the surviving members of the Fellowship
of the Ring followed their missing Ring-bearer to a terrible, tragic
ages-old secret.

Msg# 1167

The Cooking Conspiracy nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 8:35:09 Topic ID# 1167
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Pearl Took

*Story Title:The Cooking Conspiracy

*Story Author:eretria cowritten with Murron

*Author's E-mail and

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

A comedy of errors in which Frodo tries to cook a birthday meal,
Pippin takes a liking to washing things, Merry gets caught wearing a
dress, Sam saves the day, and Lobelia Sackville-Baggins takes the

Msg# 1168

What Dreams May Come nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 8:46:39 Topic ID# 1168
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Pearl Took

*Story Title:What Dreams May Come

*Story Author:katakanadian

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): attempted rape

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Fills in some gaps of Rose, Sam, and Frodo's lives after the
Scouring of the Shire. No slash, no profanity. Some violence.

Msg# 1169

Re: Romance pairings Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 9:39:48 Topic ID# 1164
I've got a slight correction for you:

Tyellas's The Quickening, should be just "Quickening". No "The" . I've
updated the database.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Romance pairings
> I have gone through and updated all of the romantic partners
> in the Romance characters, so hopefully, they should all have
> one now. I thought there would be more without, but it seems
> to have been all worked out :P
> For "The Cursed Queen of Angmar" I have posted an assumed
> Witch- King/f pairing, but if the nominator or author would
> like this changed, I can do that.
> Ainae - new nominations page looks great!
> I think I'm all up to date now, so if anyone has made a
> romance nomination, and it's not in the database, you might
> need to nominate it again. It's probably gotten lost
> somewhere along the way. Same goes for "The Hobbit" nominations.
> Thanks all,
> Pervinca
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> --------------------~--> Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads.
> Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
> Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1170

The Lay of Peregrin Took nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 10:51:46 Topic ID# 1170
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Pearl Took

*Story Title:The Lay of Peregrin Took

*Story Author:Llinos

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Written for Baylor's story Fate and the King's High Falcon. It is
the song that Legolas makes for Pippin after his recovery in
Ithilien and is based on Baylor's story.

The poem is published alone as well, not only as part of Baylor's
story. The URL above is for the poem alone. I hope there are enough
other poems for this to be a catagory, or that it will be able to
just be part of another catagory, as this poem is magnificient and
deserves an award of some kind.

Msg# 1171

Re: Nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 11:34:39 Topic ID# 199
Pippinfan, I can't approve this nomination without a summary. You'll not
it's a required field.

Also, not to everyone, I've revised the Nomination Form slightly. It now
says that Subcategory is mandatory for WIP, Drabble, or Poetry.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: uofjc1983 []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nomination
> To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it
> into your e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with
> * are required.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Pippinfan
> *Story Title: A Mother's Day
> *Story Author: Pearl Took
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL: http://
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Hobbits
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (suggest something): no suggestion.
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only) n/a
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> --------------------~--> Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for
> only $14.70
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1172

Nominator Form Revised Posted by ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 11:38:45 Topic ID# 1172
Hi, this is the first time I've used the Special Notice feature. I
suppose I should have used it for the Executive Decisions. Ah well,
if you haven't read them, then get thee to the Files Section of the
Yahoo Site and read up.

The point of this Notice is to let you know of a slight revision to
the Nomination Form, just in case you didn't read the comment to this
effect I made in a reply to a nomination.

Basically it just says you need to use WIP, Drabble or Poetry in the
Subcategory field if you are nominating a WIP, Drabble, or Poetry.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled lives.

MEFA Admin and List-Mom

Msg# 1173

Big Enough to be Thain nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 11:49:54 Topic ID# 1173
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Pearl Took

*Story Title:Big Enough to be Thain


*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

According to Tolkien's records, Paladin Took was a farmer when
Pippin was born, and did not become Thain until after Ferumbras III
died, and Pippin was 25. This shows a different possibility.

Msg# 1174

Author Campaign success, part 2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 11:50:45 Topic ID# 1174
Ten more authors responded to my requests, all giving approval. That netted
another 12 stories for the web site (meaning they are official), brining the
total up to 357! I'll have those up on the web site, with new romance
partners here in a bit. First I need to catch up with Hobbit Nominations
and then look for that other new story in the database to see if it's ready
for the web site.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1175

A Partnership in Villainy nomination Posted by pearltook1 May 27, 2004 - 11:55:58 Topic ID# 1175
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Pearl Took

*Story Title:A Partnership in Villainy

*Story Author:Llinos

*Author's E-mail

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something): completed


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

A Yuletide Story of Merry and Pippin. When the hobbits tasted
chocolate in Baradur during Recaptured - it evoked a certain memory -
this is it.

Msg# 1176

Re: The Lay of Peregrin Took nomination Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 12:08:47 Topic ID# 1170
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pearltook1 []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] The Lay of Peregrin Took nomination
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> Written for Baylor's story Fate and the King's High Falcon.
> It is the song that Legolas makes for Pippin after his
> recovery in Ithilien and is based on Baylor's story.
> The poem is published alone as well, not only as part of
> Baylor's story. The URL above is for the poem alone. I hope
> there are enough other poems for this to be a catagory, or
> that it will be able to just be part of another catagory, as
> this poem is magnificient and deserves an award of some kind.

As far as I can see, it's the first Hobbits/Poetry nomination. There needs
to be five to have it be a viable subcategory. However, that's why there are
three category choices on the form. If Hobbits/Poetry isn't viable,
Drama/Poetry or LOTR/Poetry may be.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1177

Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 14:26:58 Topic ID# 1177
Okay, I just spent a large part of my lunch hour opening every link on the
web site. I found some broken ones due to my copy & paste foibles, but also
some other things.

HASA Challenges is having a problem.

The following authors need to see if they can provide us another link (or
we can try to find one). The authors may not be a part of this list, so we
may have to contact them. Fortunately, It's not a lot:

Marta: Hope Rekinkled
Adi: Wind & Fire
Azalais: All Ye Fellowship of Nine

The following had bad links. I've corrected them in the databases and the
web site, but the categorizers will need to correct the links on their

Goes a Courting by Chris, Cat: LOTR
Steadfast by Zimraphel, Cat: The Silm

The following had bad links altogether for some reason or other:

The Farmer's Wife by Nessime, cat: Hobbits
I couldn't get to come up either.

Free Fall by Lindorien, cat: Drama
Shows only chapter 13, which is author's notes

The following should be subcategorized, or those should change. I've
updated the web site and the database with the ones I'm sure about:
So Close, Yet Forever Away by Naresha is really Drama (Poetry)
The Call by Alexcat is really Drama (Drabble)
Why? By RennWench is really Romance (Poetry)

The following *might* need to be subcategorized but I'm not sure:

Sundered by Oakenshield is in Drama. It's actually two drabbles. Should we
still put it in the Drabble subcategory?

Song-Fight at the Swan and Cygnet Saloon by Chathol-linn is Humor. Being
that it's songs, it looks like poetry to me. I don't want to make Filk
categories unless we have a lot of them. For now, I'd just like to keep
songs in with poetry.

Which makes me think that All ye Fellowship of Nine (see above) should
probably be Poetry as well. But of course, right now it's having HASA

And this one is a double-subcategory. What should we do here:
The Vain Songs by Nol is noted as a WIP, but if you look at it, it's also

Any help is appreciated.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1178

Crossover WIP is complete Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 14:29:33 Topic ID# 1178
The author informed me that Rift in the Continuum is complete. I've updated
the database.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1179

Categorizers! Note new field in Nomination database Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 15:11:12 Topic ID# 1179
Just to make it easier for me to keep up with. I can tell someone is adding
them while I'm checking them for updates. So now there is a field to put
the date entered or revised. So when I go to check, I can sort by datea nd
make it easier on myself.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1180

Re: Funky Link on the website Posted by Andreth/Anna May 27, 2004 - 15:28:57 Topic ID# 1116
Thank you for catching that, Larian. Much appreciated!


--- In, Larian Elensar
<larian_elensar@y...> wrote:
> In the silm category, Andreth's story, A veiled Light has this for
a link:
> Should be:
> =====
> Larian
> larian_elensar@y...
> Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1181

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Andreth/Anna May 27, 2004 - 15:36:46 Topic ID# 1177
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
>but the categorizers will need to correct the links on their
> spreadsheets.
> Goes a Courting by Chris, Cat: LOTR
> Steadfast by Zimraphel, Cat: The Silm

I've changed these on my spreadsheet. Thanks for correcting them.

> And this one is a double-subcategory. What should we do here:
> The Vain Songs by Nol is noted as a WIP, but if you look at it,
it's also
> Poetry.
> Any help is appreciated.
> --Ainaechoiriel

Yep, Nol's story is poetry but it might not be a WIP anymore. I think
the last chapter was the final chapter, but I'm not 100%. We'll
probably have to email her to make sure. Do you want to contact her
or do you want me to? I don't mind either way.



Msg# 1182

Re: Categorizers! Note new field in Nomination database Posted by Andreth/Anna May 27, 2004 - 15:44:47 Topic ID# 1179
I've just finished catching up on all my categories so there's new
ones in there now. I finished them before you added the date field
onto the form, though. Would you like for me to send you a list of
the ones I just added to make it easier for you to find them?


PS Before I forget again, I added new banners within the last week -

Eye of Sauron
Pukel men
Barrow wights
Witch King of Angmar
Morgoth - and you'd asked for a longer name for the Morgoth award so
I put Morgoth Bauglir on this one to see if that would work for you.
In the Silm he was also called the Dark Lord, the Enemy, and the
Black Enemy. Don't know if any of those were what you were looking

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Just to make it easier for me to keep up with. I can tell someone
is adding
> them while I'm checking them for updates. So now there is a field
to put
> the date entered or revised. So when I go to check, I can sort by
datea nd
> make it easier on myself.
> Thanks
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1183

Romance partners addition.... Posted by gwathyg May 27, 2004 - 15:53:34 Topic ID# 1183
In the Silmarillion category my story The Lost Tale of Dimarion and
Vanyul. It should have a m/f romance partners tag but it doesn't.
Just a little thing I noticed. :)

Msg# 1184

Question about subcats (was: Nominator Form Revised) Posted by Viv May 27, 2004 - 15:56:40 Topic ID# 1172
Question: If the subcats don't get enough noms, will
those pieces compete as part of the larger categories?
If not, what happens to the stories?

It might be unfair for drabbles or WIPs to compete
with stories with beginnings, middles, and ends.

By the by, my story "Promises (LoTR category) could be
used to fill in a LoTR:Drabble subcat is you need it
to make the subcat viable. Or it could remain with the
larger category (it is a series of drabbles that
comprise a complete story, so it could go either way).


--- ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Basically it just says you need to use WIP, Drabble
> or Poetry in the
> Subcategory field if you are nominating a WIP,
> Drabble, or Poetry.

Spacellama Palace:

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.

Msg# 1185

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 15:58:25 Topic ID# 1177
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff
> Yep, Nol's story is poetry but it might not be a WIP anymore.
> I think the last chapter was the final chapter, but I'm not
> 100%. We'll probably have to email her to make sure. Do you
> want to contact her or do you want me to? I don't mind either way.

If you would, I'd appreciate it. I've done so much in the last two days, my
eyes are starting to cross. ;-)

Just updated the web site: 363 officail nominations out of 400 total


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1186

Re: Categorizers! Note new field in Nomination database Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 16:24:48 Topic ID# 1179
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreth/Anna []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Categorizers! Note new field in
> Nomination database
> I've just finished catching up on all my categories so
> there's new ones in there now. I finished them before you
> added the date field onto the form, though. Would you like
> for me to send you a list of the ones I just added to make it
> easier for you to find them?

I *think* I got them all. I could see when the total number changed and if
it moved the files down one. So I knew after I went by Leaf and Branch and
changed the page only to see it again and a higher number, that somebody'd
added one before that. I found it. But the dates will make it a lot easier
in the future.

> Anna
> PS Before I forget again, I added new banners within the last week -

Ah, cool. Hadn't realized. I'll go look and grab them now.

> Tar-Miriel

Very cretive idea, using that picture of Arwen.

> Tar-Palantir
> Eye of Sauron
> Pukel men

Thisjust reminds me that I think I'm confused. Are the Pukel-Men who Ghan
Buri Ghan was or are they the mysterious stones around Dunharrow? I think
the stones are more mysterious. Help me out here.

> Barrow wights
> Witch King of Angmar
> Morgoth - and you'd asked for a longer name for the Morgoth
> award so I put Morgoth Bauglir on this one to see if that
> would work for you.
> In the Silm he was also called the Dark Lord, the Enemy, and
> the Black Enemy. Don't know if any of those were what you
> were looking for.

Ooh, Morgoth Bauglir would work. Thanks! Can whoever did the one other
Morgoth Award change theirs?

I think this leaves Elros as the only one without a banner. No, there's no
Turo and Idril yet, or Nimrodel and Amroth. So I guess there are still


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1187

Re: Question about subcats (was: Nominator Form Revised) Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 16:28:52 Topic ID# 1172
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Question about subcats (was: Nominator
> Form Revised)
> Question: If the subcats don't get enough noms, will those
> pieces compete as part of the larger categories?
> If not, what happens to the stories?
> It might be unfair for drabbles or WIPs to compete with
> stories with beginnings, middles, and ends.

Absolutely. But that is why I asked for 1st, 2nd & 3rd choices of category.
So if say Rohan/Drabble doesn't become Viable, it might move to it's second
category or third, or we just may move it to Men/Drabble. Either way, I
think there's enough flexibility in categories that we can make a viable
sub-cat somewhere. Rohan and Numenor are Men, for example. And then there
are the more general genres or the Time/Books categories. Most of the Races
and Places cats can fit inside the Genres or Time/Books if need be.

> By the by, my story "Promises (LoTR category) could be used
> to fill in a LoTR:Drabble subcat is you need it to make the
> subcat viable. Or it could remain with the larger category
> (it is a series of drabbles that comprise a complete story,
> so it could go either way).

That was a question I had because of that Double-drabble. Should multiple
drabbles in one story be Drabbles or stay in the larger category. I'm
leaning toward Drabbles.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1188

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Marta May 27, 2004 - 16:36:22 Topic ID# 1177
Ainaechoiriel wrote:

> Okay, I just spent a large part of my lunch hour opening every link on the
> web site. I found some broken ones due to my copy & paste foibles,
> but also
> some other things.
> HASA Challenges is having a problem.

Thanks for bringingthis to my attention, Ainae. Tech Support has been
notified and is working to fix the problem, but it's probably best to
ask for alternative links.

> The following authors need to see if they can provide us another link (or
> we can try to find one). The authors may not be a part of this list,
> so we
> may have to contact them. Fortunately, It's not a lot:
> Marta: Hope Rekinkled

Urk, I realized this probably isn't available elsewhere. It's posted at
HA and (I think) in the files there, but I can't remember whether HA has
its message archives public.

Would it be okay for me to post it at SOA or something? The date would
be after April 30, but it was clearly up at a public archives before
that, because the HASA Challenge was posted in March.


> Adi: Wind & Fire
> Azalais: All Ye Fellowship of Nine
> The following had bad links. I've corrected them in the databases and the
> web site, but the categorizers will need to correct the links on their
> spreadsheets.

Msg# 1189

Elf Award title poll tied!!!! Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 16:36:50 Topic ID# 1189

We're tied! This poll closes today (at some point). Only 11 people have
voted. Quick, if you haven't voted yet, go vote! We don't want a tie!


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1190

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 16:53:02 Topic ID# 1177
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff

> > HASA Challenges is having a problem.
> Thanks for bringingthis to my attention, Ainae. Tech Support
> has been notified and is working to fix the problem, but it's
> probably best to ask for alternative links.

Dwim brought it to my attention. Well, actually Adi did but them Dwim
confirmed it's a problem for all the challenge stories.

> > Marta: Hope Rekinkled
> Urk, I realized this probably isn't available elsewhere. It's
> posted at HA and (I think) in the files there, but I can't
> remember whether HA has its message archives public.
> Would it be okay for me to post it at SOA or something? The
> date would be after April 30, but it was clearly up at a
> public archives before that, because the HASA Challenge was
> posted in March.

Yes, in this case, I think that's fine. Obviously, you didn't know HASA was
going to have a glitch.

Same goes for the rest of them as well.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1191

Did ya notice? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 16:56:41 Topic ID# 1191
Every main category, with the exception of Msytery (which only needs 1) is
now Viable!

There is a Category Viability database in the Database section of the yahoo
site, if you ever want to check that out. I keep it pretty up-to-date.

That said, I will be out of town at a retreat this weekend. Don't know how
much online-time I'll have. You may see updates to the web site, or you may


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1192

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Andreth/Anna May 27, 2004 - 17:39:10 Topic ID# 1177
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Andreth/Anna [mailto:tawmt@c...]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:36 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun
> >
> > Yep, Nol's story is poetry but it might not be a WIP anymore.
> > I think the last chapter was the final chapter, but I'm not
> > 100%. We'll probably have to email her to make sure. Do you
> > want to contact her or do you want me to? I don't mind either
> If you would, I'd appreciate it. I've done so much in the last two
days, my
> eyes are starting to cross. ;-)

Ok, I'll send her an email right now.

Msg# 1193

Re: Categorizers! Note new field in Nomination database Posted by Andreth/Anna May 27, 2004 - 18:23:40 Topic ID# 1179
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > Tar-Miriel
> Very cretive idea, using that picture of Arwen.

Thanks. Not a whole lot of Tar-miriel pictures out there but that one
made me think of her so I used it. Still looking around for something
else to use as a second banner for her, Tar-palantir and a couple for

>> Thisjust reminds me that I think I'm confused. Are the Pukel-Men
who Ghan
> Buri Ghan was or are they the mysterious stones around Dunharrow?
I think
> the stones are more mysterious. Help me out here.

It's kind of confusing to explain, but basically they're both. Pukel
men is equal to to the Druedain, which are the people whom Ghan Buri
Ghan belonged to, and the makers of the statues at Dunharrow. The
Rohirrim also called them Woses. In Rohan the term pukel men referred
only to the statues themselves, but Tolkien uses the term pukel men
as what he calls a 'general equivalent to Druedain'.

There was also a stretch of forest called Old Pukel-land where this
tribe lived in the Second Age after they left Numenor but by the
Third Age there was only a small group of them left in the Druadan
Forest - the people of Ghan Buri Ghan. There's an interesting chapter
in Unfinished Tales about them and even though there's a general idea
of who they were and where they came from, there's still an overall
sense of mystery about the pukel men/Druedain.

They were supposed to be extremely skilled at stone carving and could
make their statues seem lifelike, like the watcher statues they left
outside Dunharrow, and they were also supposed to have 'strange
powers' in that they could become almost like statues themselves and
be completely still and silent for days on end. The pukel men were
also supposed to be fierce and deadly hunters. It talks about all of
this in the Unfinished Tales chapter I mentioned.

Okay, there's my Middle-earth history lesson for the day. ;-D Hope
that helped.

> > > In the Silm he was also called the Dark Lord, the Enemy, and
> > the Black Enemy. Don't know if any of those were what you
> > were looking for.
> Ooh, Morgoth Bauglir would work. Thanks! Can whoever did the one
> Morgoth Award change theirs?

You're welcome. Glad that one worked for you. The other banner was
mine, too, so I'll change it. Still have to change the wording on a
couple of other banners, too, so I'll get them all done at one time
and let you know when I upload them.

> I think this leaves Elros as the only one without a banner. No,
there's no
> Turo and Idril yet, or Nimrodel and Amroth. So I guess there are
> three.
Those are toughies. I'm still trying to figure out what to use for
them but I bet someone among us will come up with something.


Msg# 1194

More Nominations - Humor, Numenor, Elves Posted by Andreth/Anna May 27, 2004 - 18:25:34 Topic ID# 1194
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Renuvammet

*Story Author: Zimraphel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Numenor
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): While
struggling to chronicle the Downfall of Numenor, Elendil receives a
very timely visitor. Vignette

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Mairisuweniel Does Minas Tirith

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Mairisuewifieth is driving Aragorn bonkers, so he seeks the help of
the one creature who can resist her lures. Gimli, of course.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Experiment Gone…Right?

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Obsessed
fangirl beams canon character to her bedroom... with interesting

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Dawn Twilight

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something): WIP

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What if some
elves never went west, but stayed here instead? Well, Moira's
introduction to elfhood comes via her way-too-hot linguistics prof...
um, one Dr. Birdsong

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: In Arda Fast

*Story Author: Viv

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Silmarillion
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Sauron/f

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A love song,
told in alternating voices, from Sauron to his unnamed love.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Elrohir's Tale

*Story Author: Miriel361

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situations

*Romance Partners: Elrohir/f

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): What would
happen if an Elf found himself stranded in our world? Come and find

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Andreth

*Story Title: Return to Middle-earth

*Story Author: Miriel361

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something): WIP

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situations

*Romance Partners: Glorfindel/f

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Sometimes by
doing right, we injure the ones we love and put the world in danger.
A sequel to Elrohir's Tale in which Sinead seeks her father.

Msg# 1195

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Jessie Holder May 27, 2004 - 18:46:06 Topic ID# 1177
>Urk, I realized this probably isn't available elsewhere. It's posted at
>HA and (I think) in the files there, but I can't remember whether HA has
>its message archives public.
>Would it be okay for me to post it at SOA or something? The date would
>be after April 30, but it was clearly up at a public archives before
>that, because the HASA Challenge was posted in March.
> >

I double that. Wind and Fire was written for the same challange and is
clearly dated. It's not currently posted anywhere except HASA with the
technical problems, and HA which may not be available. I could stick it up
in or on my livejournal, but the date would be too late, although the
story was publically available before that.

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Msg# 1196

Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 21:25:52 Topic ID# 1177
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jessie Holder []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Bad links, down sites, and other fun stuff

> I double that. Wind and Fire was written for the same
> challange and is clearly dated. It's not currently posted
> anywhere except HASA with the technical problems, and HA
> which may not be available. I could stick it up in or
> on my livejournal, but the date would be too late, although
> the story was publically available before that.
> -~Adi

That would be fine. It was public in time. No one knew we'd have those


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1197

A few more stories at HASA Challenge Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 22:21:32 Topic ID# 1197
We'll need new homes for these as well:

The Tale of A King by Arwen Imladviel cat: Humor
Unfair by Anglachel cat: Hobbits


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1198

Nomination: Winter Fire Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 27, 2004 - 22:25:20 Topic ID# 1198
Story Nomination Form*Nominator's name: jodancingtree*Story Title: Winter Fire*Story Author: Cuthalion*Author's E-mail Address:"

*Story URL:*Category Choices (see below) *1st: Romance 2nd: Lord of the Rings 3rd: Drama Subcategory WIP*Rating: R Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): attempted rape, mild violence, mild het sex*Romance Partners: OC/Damrod *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): If Middle Earth was real, and Tolkien recorded what he saw there, could another visitor be sent, and for what purpose?---------------------------------------------------------------a. Men b. Elves c. Hobbits d. Orcs e. Rohan r. Numenora. Humor b. Adventure c. Drama (includes Angst) d. Romance e. Horror f. Mystery g. Crossoversa. The Silmarillion b. The Hobbit c. The Lord of the Rings---------------------------------------------------

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Msg# 1199

Re: A few more stories at HASA Challenge Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 27, 2004 - 22:57:31 Topic ID# 1197
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> We'll need new homes for these as well:
> The Tale of A King by Arwen Imladviel cat: Humor

This one actually does display, and even if it didn't, it's in the
Public archive, where it also shows up. So that's all right. No action
needed for this story.

> Unfair by Anglachel cat: Hobbits

This one does not display, and I've contacted the author requesting to
know if there's another site we can link to. When I hear back from
her, I'll send along the proper URL.


Msg# 1200

Re: Nomination: Winter Fire Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 27, 2004 - 23:07:45 Topic ID# 1198
sigh... I haven't tried to send in a nomination since the very beginning - and this is why! Why does this happen when I send one in? Everyone else manages to have it nice and neat... but mine run all together!



Jo Dancingtree <> wrote:

Story Nomination Form*Nominator's name: jodancingtree*Story Title: Winter Fire*Story Author: Cuthalion*Author's E-mail Address:"

*Story URL:*Category Choices (see below) *1st: Romance 2nd: Lord of the Rings 3rd: Drama Subcategory WIP*Rating: R Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): attempted rape, mild violence, mild het sex*Romance Partners: OC/Damrod *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): If Middle Earth was real, and Tolkien recorded what he saw there, could another visitor be sent, and for what purpose?---------------------------------------------------------------a. Men b. Elves c. Hobbits d. Orcs e. Rohan r. Numenora. Humor b. Adventure c. Drama (includes Angst) d. Romance e. Horror f. Mystery g. Crossoversa. The Silmarillion b. The Hobbit c. The Lord of the Rings---------------------------------------------------

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Msg# 1201

Nomination Posted by Stephen Clyde May 27, 2004 - 23:41:28 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Nardolgin

*Story Title: Garden Plot

*Story Author: ShireDweller

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices

*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama (includes Angst)
3rd: The Lord of the Rings

Subcategory (suggest something): Post-quest

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Frodo finds solace while doing some light gardening with Sam at Bag

Msg# 1202

Re: A few more stories at HASA Challenge Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 27, 2004 - 23:52:18 Topic ID# 1197
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: A few more stories at HASA Challenge
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel"
> <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> >
> > We'll need new homes for these as well:
> >
> > The Tale of A King by Arwen Imladviel cat: Humor
> >
> This one actually does display, and even if it didn't, it's
> in the Public archive, where it also shows up. So that's all
> right. No action needed for this story.

Okay, I've replaced the Challenges link with this one:

> > Unfair by Anglachel cat: Hobbits
> >
> This one does not display, and I've contacted the author
> requesting to know if there's another site we can link to.
> When I hear back from her, I'll send along the proper URL.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 1203

Nomination Posted by Stephen Clyde May 27, 2004 - 23:52:32 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Nardolgin

*Story Title: A Crate of Lemons

*Story Author: ShireDweller

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: Drama (includes Angst)
3rd: The Lord of the Rings

Subcategory (suggest something): Post-quest

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): n/a

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
The morning after 'Garden Plot' is full of surprises, when
a special delivery from Gondor arrives at Bag End.

Msg# 1204

Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by May 28, 2004 - 3:01:15 Topic ID# 123
The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Elves Category awards titles are
changing. Two of them will be Imladris
and Lothlorien. What will the other be?

- Eryn Lasgalen/Greenwood the Great, 5 votes, 35.71%
- Beleriand, 2 votes, 14.29%
- The Grey Havens, 6 votes, 42.86%
- Ithilien, 0 votes, 0.00%
- Valinor, 1 votes, 7.14%

For more information about this group, please visit

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Msg# 1205

New poll for MEFAwards Posted by May 28, 2004 - 11:34:55 Topic ID# 3
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
MEFAwards group:

Elf Award Titles. We've picked the
titles. Now we need to pick an order.
Choices below are for 1st, 2nd, then
3rd. Pick an order.

o Imladris, Lothlorien, Grey Havens
o Imladris, Gray Havens, Lothlorien
o Lothlorien, Grey Havens, Imladris
o Lothlorien, Imladris, Grey Havens
o Grey Havens, Imladris, Lothlorien
o Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Imladris

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.


Msg# 1206

Re: Nomination: Winter Fire Posted by beleg1cuthalion May 28, 2004 - 12:00:50 Topic ID# 1198
Thank you, Jo! And you have of course my heartfelt permission to
nominate my story!

Love, Cúthalion

Msg# 1207

New Grey Havens banners Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 28, 2004 - 12:34:23 Topic ID# 1207
I just had to get the jump on everyone else. I put 6 Grey havens banners on
the site and in the Photos section.

Tinni, will you be trying to convert some of your others? I hope so.

"God is my Strength!" The Edge of the Frontier This Side of the Nether

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1208

broken links &c Posted by bewareoftheviking May 28, 2004 - 14:11:04 Topic ID# 1208
I've reposted Wind and Fire on my LJ, the new link is

If there's still a problem with any of the other stories that could
be fixed by me hosting them in my LJ, I'd be very willing to do so.
I think Marta said she could repost hers at SOA, but I think there
was a third story with the same problem. If you can get in touch
with the author and they don't have somewhere better to put it, I'm
more than happy to stick it up in my LJ.


Msg# 1209

nomination Posted by sos8n May 28, 2004 - 15:55:02 Topic ID# 595
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grubby

*Story Title: Orcbrat

*Story Author: The Lauderdale

*Author's E-mail Address: will be sent to admin

*Story URL: http://

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Orcs
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something): WIP

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Violence, rape, bad

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Orcs
destroyed Maevyn's village. She wants revenge

Msg# 1210

nomination Posted by sos8n May 28, 2004 - 16:26:19 Topic ID# 595
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grubby

*Story Title: Bagenders

*Story Author: Lady Alyssa and Random Dent

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: humour
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something): WIP

*Rating: pg-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): mild bad language,
*Romance Partners: m/m (as described in the chapter summaries)

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): The
Fellowship have been made immortal and are living together in the
house-share from Hell.

Msg# 1211

Re: New Grey Havens banners Posted by Tinni May 28, 2004 - 19:09:52 Topic ID# 1207
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> I just had to get the jump on everyone else. I put 6 Grey havens
banners on
> the site and in the Photos section.
> Tinni, will you be trying to convert some of your others? I hope

Well there are two old Elu banners that I will be turning into
Imladris banners. But not the others. They were too specific. -Tinni

> --Gabrielle
> "God is my Strength!"
> The Edge of the Frontier
> This Side of the Nether
> Blog:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1212

Re: New Grey Havens banners Posted by Tinni May 28, 2004 - 21:17:38 Topic ID# 1207
Correction. I can't convert any of the banners since I seem to have
deleted the editable copies from my computer. *sigh* -Tinni

--- In, "Tinni" <tinni@f...> wrote:
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > I just had to get the jump on everyone else. I put 6 Grey
> banners on
> > the site and in the Photos section.
> >
> > Tinni, will you be trying to convert some of your others? I
> so.
> Well there are two old Elu banners that I will be turning into
> Imladris banners. But not the others. They were too specific. -
> >
> > --Gabrielle
> > "God is my Strength!"
> >
> > The Edge of the
> > This Side of the
> > Blog:
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1213

Nominations Posted by GW May 29, 2004 - 1:10:49 Topic ID# 191
Hi, I hope I am doing this correctly and if not I need instructions. I would like to nominate the stories listed below. Thanks!

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grey_wonderer

*Story Title: The Apprentice

*Story Author: pippinsqueak

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Bilbo has his gardener's youngest son in for tea.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grey_wonderer

*Story Title: Irrepressible Pippin

*Story Author: PIppinfan1988

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): It's the first warm days of spring, Pippin turns thirteen, and his tutor is getting on his last nerve...


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grey_wonderer

*Story Title: Because it's my Birthday

*Story Author: Pervinca

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Pippin celebrates his 29th birthday in Minas Tirith, introducing Beregond and Bergil to the hobbit gift-giving tradition. But will Merry - still recovering from his encounter with the Witch-King - remember his favourite cousin's birthday?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grey_wonderer

*Story Title: River Stones

*Story Author: Jeodo Brandybuck

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Frodo, Sam and Merry take Pippin on his first adventure camping in the Shire and come across a few adventures that they didn't expect.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Grey_wonderer

*Story Title: The Conspiracy of Hobbits

*Story Author: Dreamflower

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
2nd: LOTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: n/a

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): How the famous conspiracy formed by Frodo's friends came about.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1214

Welcome to a couple of newbies :P Posted by Kate May 29, 2004 - 6:46:28 Topic ID# 1214
I just want to say hi to Grey Wonderer, Pippinfan and Pearl Took.
When did you guys join up? And, GW, thanks for nominating one of my
stories (it made me feel special :P) and Dreamflower's. I was going
to nominate that one, and now I won't have to :)

Welcome to the madness, ladies!

- Pervinca

Msg# 1215

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 13:51:29 Topic ID# 420
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: Speak, Friend, and Enter

*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest
- Dwarves

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

A tale of Dwarves and Elves, of artisans, the creation of the great
West-Gate at Khazad-dum, and unlikely authors. Both post-WR and Second Age;
Legolas and Gimli, and Narvi and Celebrimbor. Written for the "Authors of
Middle- Earth" challenge at Henneth-Annýn. Humor, but with a serious nod to
Elvish/Dwarvish relations during their heyday as well as musings on Dwarvish
culture in general.

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Msg# 1216

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 13:54:01 Topic ID# 420
*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: A House Divided

*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Romance
3rd: Rohan
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest
pre-War of the Ring

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): adult sexual situations (not

*Romance Partners: Morwen of Lossarnach/Thengel and Morwen/Aragorn

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

A story about the lesser- written, earlier-generation marital uniting of
Gondor and Rohan- a telling of the lives of Morwen of Lossarnach and
Thengel, their family, and those who intersect with it: Ecthelion, Aragorn,
Rangers and Marshals.

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Msg# 1217

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 13:55:21 Topic ID# 420
*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: Of Pipes and Poetry

*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Humor
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest
- Dwarves

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
An evening in Fangorn Forest when things hidden come to light. Legolas tries
smoking and unwittingly discovers that he doesn't know as much about his
Dwarvish friend as he thought. That he writes poetry, for instance.

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Msg# 1218

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 13:56:47 Topic ID# 420
*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: The Hours

*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest
-multiple races

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): reference to torture

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

A set of vignettes which all take place during one particularly challenging
day during the War of the Ring, March 14, 3019. The vignettes are based
around the monastic services of the hours, seven in all, from 3:15 a.m. to
7:30 p.m; additionally, each vignette focuses on one of the senses- taste,
touch, etc. Some are well-known characters in well-known scenarios, others
are more obscure.

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Msg# 1219

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 13:58:30 Topic ID# 420
*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: The Braided Heart

*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Eowyn/Faramir

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

A story about Eowyn. Oftentimes it is the simplest gifts that are the most

Best Restaurant Giveaway Ever! Vote for your favorites for a chance to win
$1 million!

Msg# 1220

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 14:00:29 Topic ID# 420
*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: A Way Opens

*Story Author: Thevina Finduilas

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

"Where will wants not, a way opens," Eowyn says in The Two Towers. A series
of vignettes about Merry and Eowyn, boots, the afterlife, and joy in
unlikely friendships.

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Msg# 1221

Story Nomination Posted by Thevina Finduilas May 29, 2004 - 14:03:40 Topic ID# 420
*Nominator's name: Thevina

*Story Title: Simple Gifts

*Story Author: Thevina

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

-or, if not linked to my site, it's here as well (minus the italics):

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Romance
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: PG-13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): f/f sexual relations- not

*Romance Partners: Finduilas of dol Amroth/unnamed wife of Prince Imrahil

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):

While nursing her baby Faramir, Finduilas reflects on a relationship from
her past.

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Msg# 1222

Re: Story Nomination Posted by Kate May 30, 2004 - 3:25:27 Topic ID# 420

I just wanted to confirm a couple of things about your nominations
before I put them in the database (helps to avoid a lot of work if
they've been placed in the wrong category).

You've not listed a romance pairing for "A Way Opens", even though
you've nominated it for Romance. If it's the story I think it is (I'm
quite certain I've read - and enjoyed - it :P), it wouldn't strike me
as a romance story, but if that's the category you'd like it in, no
problem. I just need a romance pairing for it.

"The Braided Heart" has "Hobbits" as a secondary category, and I just
wanted that one confirmed too.

Thanks heaps, and sorry if I've gotten everything completely wrong.
I'm tired :P

- Pervinca

--- In, "Thevina Finduilas"
<Thevina33@h...> wrote:
> *Nominator's name: Thevina
> *Story Title: The Braided Heart
> *Story Author: Thevina Finduilas
> *Author's E-mail Address: thevina33@h...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Romance
> 2nd: Hobbits
> 3rd:
> Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise,
> something):
> -friendship
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners: Eowyn/Faramir
> *Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
> A story about Eowyn. Oftentimes it is the simplest gifts that are
the most
> profound.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Best Restaurant Giveaway Ever! Vote for your favorites for a chance
to win
> $1 million!

Msg# 1223

Nomination Posted by jilba25au May 30, 2004 - 4:55:21 Topic ID# 199
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name:Jillian

*Story Title:Fated Twins

*Story Author:Cirdan

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
2nd:First Age
Subcategory (suggest something):AU


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):Violence, implied
character death

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Amrod and
Amras go to the Havens of Sirion. Morgoth attacks. They help fight
against Morgoth and save Elros and Elrond. Cast includes Egalmoth,
Galdor, Oropher, Thranduil, Celeborn, Elemmakil, and Hendor.

Msg# 1224

Two Grey Havens banners! Posted by gwathyg May 30, 2004 - 18:55:34 Topic ID# 1224
There are two more in the Photos section. :D

Msg# 1225

More Banners Posted by May 31, 2004 - 1:42:15 Topic ID# 1034
I put up 2 Imladris, 3 Lothlorien, and 3 Grey Havens banners - just to
let you know.


Msg# 1226

Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by May 31, 2004 - 2:59:26 Topic ID# 123
The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Elf Award Titles. We've picked the
titles. Now we need to pick an order.
Choices below are for 1st, 2nd, then
3rd. Pick an order.

- Imladris, Lothlorien, Grey Havens, 2 votes, 16.67%
- Imladris, Gray Havens, Lothlorien, 0 votes, 0.00%
- Lothlorien, Grey Havens, Imladris, 0 votes, 0.00%
- Lothlorien, Imladris, Grey Havens, 8 votes, 66.67%
- Grey Havens, Imladris, Lothlorien, 0 votes, 0.00%
- Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Imladris, 2 votes, 16.67%

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Msg# 1227

Poll results for MEFAwards Posted by May 31, 2004 - 2:59:51 Topic ID# 123
The following MEFAwards poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Voting Season. Too short? (Presently
set from Oct. 1-Nov. 15th)

- Yes, give it 2 months, 5 votes, 29.41%
- Yes, but we need to hash it out more, 0 votes, 0.00%
- No, it's just right., 12 votes, 70.59%
- No, it's too long., 0 votes, 0.00%

For more information about this group, please visit

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